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Lectra announces the acquisition of Kubix Lab

By combining the Lectra and Kubix Lab offers, Lectra will equip fashion customers with a revolutionary platform for managing product information.

Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, announces the signing of a share purchase agreement to acquire the entire capital and voting rights of the Italian company Kubix Lab.

Founded at the end of 2015, Kubix Lab has developed a cutting-edge technological offer called Link. This offer enables fashion brands to manage, from end-to-end, all product information deriving notably from multiple IT systems (ERP, PDM, PLM…), within one single application. Users can modify, enrich or add new data, while maintaining data synchronization with all IT systems. In just a few months, Link has convinced over ten high-end Italian brands of its value.

By combining the Lectra and Kubix Lab offers, Lectra will equip fashion customers with a revolutionary platform for managing product information.

Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, announces the signing of a share purchase agreement to acquire the entire capital and voting rights of the Italian company Kubix Lab.

Founded at the end of 2015, Kubix Lab has developed a cutting-edge technological offer called Link. This offer enables fashion brands to manage, from end-to-end, all product information deriving notably from multiple IT systems (ERP, PDM, PLM…), within one single application. Users can modify, enrich or add new data, while maintaining data synchronization with all IT systems. In just a few months, Link has convinced over ten high-end Italian brands of its value.

“We were particularly impressed by the relevance of the solution created by Kubix Lab,” underlines Daniel Harari, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Lectra. “By capitalizing on their knowledge of best practice, the founders of Kubix Lab knew how to develop an offer perfectly adapted to the expectations of fashion companies. Link enables all players involved in product development, manufacturing and sales to collaborate in real time, in a simple and efficient way, around exactly the same data.”

“We are delighted to join Lectra. We are convinced its leadership, global presence, strong expertise in the fashion industry and the richness of its product portfolio will enable us to develop an integrated offer with high value for all Lectra customers,” states Giampaolo Urbani, Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of Kubix Lab.

The founders of Kubix Lab will be in charge of developing an integrated Lectra – Link offer, which will complement - and reinforce - Lectra’s entire offer.

“Product data is at the heart of Link. We took an approach diametrically opposed to existing solutions on the market and designed an offer which is highly innovative, flexible, evolutionary and easy to use,” explains Pierluigi Beato, R&D director and co-founder of Kubix Lab. “With Lectra, we will take Link to the next level.”

The transaction involves the entire acquisition of Kubix Lab for the maximum amount of €7 million: €3 million paid when the acquisition agreement is signed; €1.3 million and €2.7 million paid respectively in 18 and 36 months’ time, providing objectives are met.

Final completion of the acquisition should take place by January 31, 2018.

These amounts will come from Lectra’s available cash, with no financing from the bank. Kubix Lab will be consolidated into Lectra’s accounts, effective from the signature of the final agreement.

More information:
Lectra Kubix Lab

Lectra Headquarters

Holger Max-Lang, neuer Geschäftsführer Lectra Deutschland. © Lectra Deutschland GmbH
Holger Max-Lang, neuer Geschäftsführer Lectra Deutschland.

Lectra Germany appoints Holger Max-Lang as Managing Director

Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, is pleased to announce the appointment of Holger Max-Lang as Managing Director of Lectra Central & Eastern Europe region, Russia. Holger Max-Lang is based in Ismaning, near Munich, Germany.

Central & Eastern Europe and Russia is a strategic region for Lectra, offering strong potential in the Group’s main market sectors thanks to: a robust automotive industry; a dynamic furniture industry, especially in Germany and Poland; and a close connection between fashion brands in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and suppliers in Eastern Europe.

Holger Max-Lang will focus on delivering Lectra’s customer-focused strategy to empower fashion & apparel, automotive and furniture businesses to succeed as they embrace Industry 4.0. Anchored in the digitalization of industrial processes, from design to production, Industry 4.0 is redefining how factories are organized; smart and connected, they are driving the value chain, propelling a new digitalized lifecycle for products. 

Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, is pleased to announce the appointment of Holger Max-Lang as Managing Director of Lectra Central & Eastern Europe region, Russia. Holger Max-Lang is based in Ismaning, near Munich, Germany.

Central & Eastern Europe and Russia is a strategic region for Lectra, offering strong potential in the Group’s main market sectors thanks to: a robust automotive industry; a dynamic furniture industry, especially in Germany and Poland; and a close connection between fashion brands in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and suppliers in Eastern Europe.

Holger Max-Lang will focus on delivering Lectra’s customer-focused strategy to empower fashion & apparel, automotive and furniture businesses to succeed as they embrace Industry 4.0. Anchored in the digitalization of industrial processes, from design to production, Industry 4.0 is redefining how factories are organized; smart and connected, they are driving the value chain, propelling a new digitalized lifecycle for products. 

“The transformation to Industry 4.0 is in full swing: the Industrial Internet of Things, Software as a Service (SaaS), cloud technology, data analyses and data exploitation have become key,” underlines Daniel Harari, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Lectra. “Working for Lectra for over 15 years, Holger has a deep experience and knowledge of Lectra’s DNA, and is in a very strong position to support our customers in the digitalization of their processes.”

“Industry 4.0. started in Germany. Therefore, many companies are keen to adopt its principles in our region. Lectra is very well-positioned to support our customers in their transformation,“ says Holger Max-Lang.In my role, I am looking forward to a growing dialogue with our customers and prospects, to bring them a full understanding of the expertise we have built - and are building. We will leverage this expertise to boost our customers’ competitiveness and generate higher added-value for their businesses.”

Following marketing and sales positions in the IT and automotive industry sectors, Holger joined Lectra Germany in September 2002 as a salesperson for automotive accounts. He then held diverse sales’ roles in the region, including the position of Sales Manager for all Lectra markets in Central & Eastern Europe region, Russia. Since September 2017 Holger has held the role of Business Development Director, Automotive, with the responsibility to develop the leather cutting activity worldwide.


Lectra Deutschland GmbH

Ginetex (c) Ginetex

GINETEX, the International Association for Textile Care Labelling, launches its new website!

The GINETEX website has been revamped to become the international reference platform on textile care labelling for textile and apparel professionals:

In a continuous effort to better inform, educate and convince companies and stakeholders about the importance of standardizing and streamlining textile care symbols worldwide, GINETEX has reviewed its websites' structure, design and content.

Dedicated to textile, decoration and fashion professionals, the website is now more user-friendly, intuitive, educational and closer to the expectations and needs of its international counterparts. It now stands as the reference website for active or potential GINETEX members and users such as textile-related organizations, industrial players, textile product manufacturers and distributors, as well as all stakeholders involved in the textile care market including industrial textile care companies (laundry, washing machine and iron manufacturers, dry cleaners, etc.), international associations, institutions and major European organizations.

The GINETEX website has been revamped to become the international reference platform on textile care labelling for textile and apparel professionals:

In a continuous effort to better inform, educate and convince companies and stakeholders about the importance of standardizing and streamlining textile care symbols worldwide, GINETEX has reviewed its websites' structure, design and content.

Dedicated to textile, decoration and fashion professionals, the website is now more user-friendly, intuitive, educational and closer to the expectations and needs of its international counterparts. It now stands as the reference website for active or potential GINETEX members and users such as textile-related organizations, industrial players, textile product manufacturers and distributors, as well as all stakeholders involved in the textile care market including industrial textile care companies (laundry, washing machine and iron manufacturers, dry cleaners, etc.), international associations, institutions and major European organizations.

Among others, the new website includes information on GINETEX and access to its license information for the use of its trademark (5 internationally registered symbols). It also lists all the national entities responsible for relaying this license and information support in over 22 countries, as well as GINETEX's technical and institutional partners, etc. Visitors can also subscribe to GINETEX's bi-annual newsletter for free and catch up on the latest news on textile care from all ends of the world.

GINETEX's website also introduces its Technical, Legal and Regulatory Competence Center that supports its member companies in the design of their textile care labels.

The mission of the new - more user friendly, more modern and more intuitive - is to provide its stakeholders with an international information platform on textile care, including the use of its 5 universal symbols and its philosophy.

"Our new website contributes to our strategy of standardizing and streamlining labelling worldwide. This platform allows us to join forces and educate companies on textile products and the importance of using symbols for end consumers. It now offers clearer messages for our future members, for a better understanding of textile care symbols", says GINETEX President, Adam Mansell.

More information:


Fashion Net Düsseldorf ©Fashion Net Düsseldorf
vlnr Ducke, Firnrohr, Kerkmann, Brinkmann, Klingenstein, Puller, Grun_(c) Andreas Endermann-Fashion Net Düsseldorf e.V.

CPD - Ordertage Januar 2018

  • Fashion Net Düsseldorf goes digital: Orderstandort 2.0
  • Fashion Net Düsseldorf App als zentrales Order-Tool
  • Übersicht: Termine, Fashion-Shows und Top-Events

Düsseldorf und die Mode sind vielseitig, innovativ und unzertrennlich. Insbesondere die Markenvielfalt und Innovationen bestärken den Modestandort Düsseldorf als wichtigste Orderplattform für die deutsche Modebranche. Vom 27. bis 29. Januar dreht sich in der Rheinmetropole wieder alles um das internationale Fashion Business: Mit drei großen Messeveranstaltungen, zahlreichen kleineren Orderplattformen und vor allem mit etwa 670 Showrooms bietet der Modestandort einen umfassenden Überblick über die neuen Kollektionen.

  • Fashion Net Düsseldorf goes digital: Orderstandort 2.0
  • Fashion Net Düsseldorf App als zentrales Order-Tool
  • Übersicht: Termine, Fashion-Shows und Top-Events

Düsseldorf und die Mode sind vielseitig, innovativ und unzertrennlich. Insbesondere die Markenvielfalt und Innovationen bestärken den Modestandort Düsseldorf als wichtigste Orderplattform für die deutsche Modebranche. Vom 27. bis 29. Januar dreht sich in der Rheinmetropole wieder alles um das internationale Fashion Business: Mit drei großen Messeveranstaltungen, zahlreichen kleineren Orderplattformen und vor allem mit etwa 670 Showrooms bietet der Modestandort einen umfassenden Überblick über die neuen Kollektionen.

Allerdings ist in Düsseldorf eigentlich immer Orderzeit: Eine während der Sommerausgabe der CPD erhobene Umfrage hat ergeben, dass 43% der befragten Messebesucher auch abseits der Ordertage in der Rheinmetropole Order schreiben. Die große Vielfalt am Orderstandort wird von Einkäufern zuweilen als unübersichtlich und komplex wahrgenommen. Fashion Net hat daher beschlossen, initiativ und service-orientiert auf Fachpublikum sowie Branchenvertreter zuzugehen und mit der Entwicklung einer eigenen App Orientierung am Modestandort Düsseldorf zu schaffen.

„Fashion Net Düsseldorf goes digital: Orderstandort 2.0“

Pünktlich zu den CPD-Ordertagen steht die Fashion Net Düsseldorf App zum Download zur Verfügung. Das digitale Tool versteht sich als umfassende Informationsplattform rund um die Modebranche und den Business-Orderstandort der Rheinmetropole. Angelika Firnrohr, Geschäftsführerin von Fashion Net Düsseldorf e.V., ist sehr zufrieden mit dem Resultat: „Wir haben uns bei der Entwicklung stark an den Wünschen der Einkäufer orientiert und erhalten viel positive Rückmeldung auf unsere App. Eine zentrale digitale Informationsplattform mit kontinuierlichen Neuigkeiten zur Düsseldorfer Modebranche fehlte in gebündelter Form bisher.“

Dabei ist die Fashion Net Düsseldorf App sowohl Unternehmen wie auch Einkäufern von Nutzen. Über das neue digitale Medium kommunizieren Showrooms, Brands und Messeveranstalter nun mit Fachpublikum und Einkäufern – und das 365 Tage im Jahr.

Messen, Showrooms und Agenturen sind in Düsseldorf entlang der Kaiserswerther Straße/Cecilienallee, in der Unternehmerstadt mit Halle 29/30, auf dem Areal Böhler, im Medienhafen und an weiteren Standorten verteilt. Jetzt gibt die Fashion Net Düsseldorf App den Überblick wer was wo und wann anbietet.

Für die Besucher der Messen und der Agenturen und Showrooms ist die App daher ein unverzichtbares Informationstool und ein praktischer Begleiter. Mithilfe der App können sie ihren Aufenthalt in der Orderstadt Düsseldorf zeit- und zielorientiert planen: Sie suchen nach Marken oder Kategorien und bekommen eine umfassende Übersicht über das Orderangebot. Über einen persönlichen Guide können Termine koordiniert, Routen über Google Maps festgelegt, Fahrzeiten des Shuttles abgerufen oder ein Taxi gebucht werden. „Gleichzeitig werden die Einkäufer über einen vom Fashion Net Düsseldorf generierten Newsfeed über Lifestyle-Themen aus der Stadt, Mode und neue Brands sowie innovative Retail-Themen informiert“, so Angelika Firnrohr. „Da die App einen vollständigen Überblick des Orderstandorts bietet, erreichen Unternehmen mit ihrer Listung im Index die unabdingbare Aufmerksamkeit interessierter Geschäftskontakte. Die Vorteile sind bereits beim Launch offensichtlich, daher freuen wir uns auf weitere Teilnehmer in der App.“

Düsseldorf im Fokus der Modebranche

Insbesondere zur CPD steht Düsseldorf im Zentrum der internationalen Branchenaufmerksamkeit. Im Zusammenspiel der einzelnen Messen GALLERY, SUPREME WOMEN&MEN Düsseldorf und DATE, der innovativen Orderzentren Halle 29/30 und Düsseldorf Fashion House, des Fashion Square sowie der vielen Showrooms internationaler Topbrands entsteht hier im Herzen Europas eine einzigartige, fokussierte Orderplattform.

Die GALLERY sowie PLATFORM FASHION finden in den Hallen des Areal Böhlers statt, deren zentrale Rolle durch das vielseitige Angebot deutlich wird. Auch in dieser Saison öffnet sich PLATFORM FASHION für modeinteressierte Besucher, wobei sich der Großteil der Modenschauen etablierter wie junger Labels an Fachpublikum und Presse richten.

In Partnerschaft mit der Supreme Women&Men Düsseldorf am Bennigsen-Platz zeigt eine Delegation aus etwa 40 exklusiven britischen Designern und Labels in unmittelbarer Nachbarschaft zur Messe ihre Kollektionen. Mit dieser Premiere weht frischer, junger Wind aus Großbritannien auf den Düsseldorfer Ordertagen.

Zahlreiche Partys und Events unterschiedlicher Veranstalter runden das Programm zur CPD ab. Parallel dazu zeichnet die Stadt Düsseldorf einen Düsseldorfer Designer mit dem Mode-Award der Stadt aus. Mit diesem Engagement möchte die Stadt wie auch Fashion Net das Talent und die Arbeit lokaler Modeschöpfer fördern.

Die CPD-Termine für 2019 stehen ebenfalls bereits fest: Die Winterausgabe findet vom 26. Bis 28. Januar 2019 statt, die Sommerausgabe vom 20. bis 22. Juli 2019.

Fashion Net & Friends Come Together am Blumengroßmarkt

Einen festen Bestandteil der Ordertage bildet das Fashion Net & Friends Come Together am CPD-Sonntag. Rund 800 Gäste aus der Modeindustrie folgen der Einladung des Fashion Business Netzwerk Düsseldorfs und treffen sich auch dieses Mal zum Party-Highlight der Ordertage. Der entspannte Branchentreff im Blumengroßmarkt findet bereits zum neunten Mal statt und begeistert die Gäste auch in diesem Jahr mit mitreißenden Beats, kulinarischen Genüssen und Networking. Zahlreiche Sponsoren tragen erneut zum besonderen Ambiente der einzigartigen Location bei.

Neben Fashion Net ermöglichen weitere hochkarätige Gastgeber die exklusive Veranstaltung: BRAX, BUGATTI, ETERNA, KÖ-BOGEN, SEIDENSTICKER, DIGEL, OLYMP, THE SUPREME GROUP, GERRY WEBER, TEXTILWIRTSCHAFT, ZERRES.

Fashion Net Shuttle in Rotation

Ebenfalls ein fester Bestandteil der CPD ist der vom Fashion Net angebotene Shuttle: Der Shuttleservice rotiert von Freitag bis Montag zwischen den Messen und Showroom-Standorten in der ganzen Stadt und bringt die Besucher schnell und bequem ans Ziel. Dabei fährt der Shuttle in Rotation zum ersten Mal auch die Plange Mühle sowie Speditionsstraße an und bindet somit die Showrooms im Medienhafen ein. Wie gehabt eingebunden sind das Düsseldorf Fashion House 2 mit der DATE, die Unternehmerstadt mit Halle 29/30 mit der Verlängerung zum Park-and-Ride am Mörsenbroicher Ei, die GALLERY sowie PLATFORM FASHION auf dem Areal Böhler sowie die Supreme Women&Men Düsseldorf und die Kaiserswerther Straße, die in unmittelbarer Nähe zum Fashion Square liegen.

Fashion Net Düsseldorf e. V.

Fashion Net Düsseldorf e. V. ist ein einzigartiger Zusammenschluss von Marken, Unternehmen und Akteuren der Modebranche in Düsseldorf. Mode und Modebusiness haben mit dem Netzwerk einen zentralen Kommunikationskanal, der die vielfältigen Aktivitäten am Standort integriert und fördert. Neue Ideen, effektive Strukturen, innovative Kommunikations- und Marketingmaßnahmen finden im Fashion Net eine Plattform. Ziele des Vereins: Düsseldorf als erste Adresse für Aussteller, Einkäufer, Kunden, Multiplikatoren, den kreativen Nachwuchs, Investoren und Start-ups zu positionieren und zu stärken. National wie international. Fashion Net ist Synergie, made in Düsseldorf!


PR + Presseagentur textschwester
Strategische Lifestyle-Kommunikation


Union Knopf Menswear kicks off the new season with optimism

After a successful start to the trade show season for Spring/Summer 2019 at View in Munich this December, the company, which is set to exit insolvency proceedings in spring 2018, is presenting its new collection to the industry. The management team is banking on continuity.

As in previous years, Union Knopf Menswear will be present at all relevant trade shows in Europe: at the Textile Fashion Show in London from 10 to 11 January 2018 at The Business Design Centre, London; at Preview Fabrics & Accessories from 24 to 25 January at Showroom, Nacka strand, Stockholm; at Munich Fabric Start from 30 January to 01 February 2018 at MOC, Lilienthalallee 40 in Munich (Stand H1 A02) as well as at the end-of-season Première Vision from 13 to 15 February 2018 (Stand 4F03/4G04) at the Parc des Expositions in Paris.

Union Knopf Menswear expects to exit insolvency proceedings strengthened and clearly positioned and sincerely appreciates its customers and their continued loyalty through uncertain times.


After a successful start to the trade show season for Spring/Summer 2019 at View in Munich this December, the company, which is set to exit insolvency proceedings in spring 2018, is presenting its new collection to the industry. The management team is banking on continuity.

As in previous years, Union Knopf Menswear will be present at all relevant trade shows in Europe: at the Textile Fashion Show in London from 10 to 11 January 2018 at The Business Design Centre, London; at Preview Fabrics & Accessories from 24 to 25 January at Showroom, Nacka strand, Stockholm; at Munich Fabric Start from 30 January to 01 February 2018 at MOC, Lilienthalallee 40 in Munich (Stand H1 A02) as well as at the end-of-season Première Vision from 13 to 15 February 2018 (Stand 4F03/4G04) at the Parc des Expositions in Paris.

Union Knopf Menswear expects to exit insolvency proceedings strengthened and clearly positioned and sincerely appreciates its customers and their continued loyalty through uncertain times.




TINTEX is pleased to present its latest fabric innovations at the above salons with a new range of more than 80 qualities and styles designed for the Sportswear, Athleisure, Fashion and Underwear market sectors. The collection focusses on three jersey fabric concepts: TIMELESS, FASHIONABLE & INNOVATIVE.

TINTEX is a modern industrial company based in the Porto region since 1998, producing market savvy fabrics for global designers and brands. TINTEX makes a truly sustainable range of precision, modern hybrid jersey fabrics that offer a better, Naturally Advanced choices to all its customers.

TINTEX is pleased to present its latest fabric innovations at the above salons with a new range of more than 80 qualities and styles designed for the Sportswear, Athleisure, Fashion and Underwear market sectors. The collection focusses on three jersey fabric concepts: TIMELESS, FASHIONABLE & INNOVATIVE.

TINTEX is a modern industrial company based in the Porto region since 1998, producing market savvy fabrics for global designers and brands. TINTEX makes a truly sustainable range of precision, modern hybrid jersey fabrics that offer a better, Naturally Advanced choices to all its customers.

The new ‘Naturally Advanced’ position means “advancing beautiful, organic and natural materials to the next level combined with unique, hybrid ‘nature-tech’ smarts, with advanced, added value and creativity, thanks to dedicated investments that serve and secure our customer demands both now and in the seasons to come” says CEO Mario Jorge. New innovations, which include the ISPO Best Product Award i (SOFT EQUIPMENT category) in TexTrends for fall winter 19/20, maintain and upgrade the honest but hi-tech sustainable organics that is at the heart of the TINTEX DNA to create better, smarter eco-materials, always with new levels of performance and hi-tech smarts, thanks to its expertise in specialist dyeing and finishing techniques, coatings and applications. These are all researched, designed and made using the latest equipment and processes. This season the new TINTEX collection plays with new colour balance techniques that deploy the benefits of chromotherapy for welbeing alongside skin safe materials and finishings.

The collection uses up to 90% of new smart and sustainable materials and include: Tencel, Modal & Micromodal, Organic Cottons, Supima cottons, Seacell fibres, Natural organic linens and the new, full colour ECOTEC® yarns by Marchi & Fildi, a smarter cotton made from pre-consumer clippings that in manufacture save up to 79% water. This season TINTEX is also introducing the new ECOTEC® yarn Phoenix (50% ECOTEC®, 50% recycled polyester, NM1/50 GRS-certified) for open, light and dry textures. Wellbeing credentials are guaranteed with Tessile e Salute certifications, TINTEX also presents new developments using the ROICA™ Eco Smart family of ecosustainable stretch yarns with certificated credentials. This family of yarns claim the world-first GRS certified ROICA™ premium stretch yarn that comes at least 50% from recycled pre-consumer waste.

The newest introduction for second skin qualities and for products to the athleisure market within TINTEX collection is ROICA™ Feel Good family that promises a new level of performance with ‘feelgood comfort’ and freshness.

For colouration effects, we can use the ROICA™ Colour Perfect family of yarns to create a flawless and responsible finish to dyed performance stretch assortments. Colours to Tranquilize, to Activate the Senses, to Recharge, to Energize.

Key highlights include: changeant effects (yarn and dyeing solutions), thermosensitive (reds/ blues) coatings, UV sensitive coatings and colourful coated patterns, extra fine and semi-transparent jerseys, but also, compact and fluid qualities.




Unique ROICA™ Premium Stretch Innovations @ ISPO Brandnew Village © ROICA™

Unique ROICA™ Premium Stretch Innovations @ ISPO Brandnew Village

  • Unique ROICA™ Premium Stretch Innovations for the Active Wardrobe Debuts @ ISPO Brandnew Village
  • Hall B4, Booth No. B4.430 BN 02 Munich 28th-31th January 2018

Come and enjoy a real dedication to Responsible Innovation and Wellbeing in our new ROICA™  booth experience for Fabric Innovation inspiring the ROICA™ Active Wardrobe and the international ROICA™ Closet. Together, they will guide you to new hi-tech performance solutions in our partners unique stretch ideas, designed to meet both contemporary business and astute consumer desires. These latest ROICA™ innovations will be presented within the special ISPO BrandNew arena, a new high visibility concept of creativity revealed inside ISPO that truly matches the core DNA and values of the ROICA™ premium stretch brand.

ROICA™ will present The Modern Wardrobe concept in 3 distinct dimensions.

Together they bring to life our new stretch solutions that fit the supply chain for our target consumer confirming a clear brand identity that redefines performance creativity.

  • Unique ROICA™ Premium Stretch Innovations for the Active Wardrobe Debuts @ ISPO Brandnew Village
  • Hall B4, Booth No. B4.430 BN 02 Munich 28th-31th January 2018

Come and enjoy a real dedication to Responsible Innovation and Wellbeing in our new ROICA™  booth experience for Fabric Innovation inspiring the ROICA™ Active Wardrobe and the international ROICA™ Closet. Together, they will guide you to new hi-tech performance solutions in our partners unique stretch ideas, designed to meet both contemporary business and astute consumer desires. These latest ROICA™ innovations will be presented within the special ISPO BrandNew arena, a new high visibility concept of creativity revealed inside ISPO that truly matches the core DNA and values of the ROICA™ premium stretch brand.

ROICA™ will present The Modern Wardrobe concept in 3 distinct dimensions.

Together they bring to life our new stretch solutions that fit the supply chain for our target consumer confirming a clear brand identity that redefines performance creativity.

1 ROICA™ ACTIVE WARDROBE: Come and see leading commercial fashion ranges ready for the Summer 2018, that include the ROICA™ Eco Smart family and the ROICA™ Feel Good family of unique premium stretch yarn solutions.

2 ROICA™ INNOVATION: Here you can find the latest textile performance innovations from our partner mills to inspire even more brand creativity.

The ROICA™ Fabric Gallery is a rich and varied fabric offer that focuses on:
•    The revolutionary ROICA™ Eco Smart family of sustainably designed stretch yarns. These yarns are either GRS certified, or have the Cradle-to-Cradle Innovation Institute GOLD LEVEL certificate for material health, plus the Hohenstein Environment Certificate, where at its end-of-life, it smartly breaks down releasing less harmful materials. These unique commercialized solutions suites for intimates, athleisure, sportswear, and more.
•    The unique ROICA™ Feel Good family promises a new level of performance with ‘feel-good comfort’ and freshness. The ROICA™ CF yarn delivers an odor-neutralizing durable function in wash and wear because its active ingredient is locked inside the yarn and only requires a modest % to perform in most fabric structures.
•    A new ROICA™ Stretch Energy™ is a truly verified heat-generating system that combines a customised ROICA™ polymer with special fabric structures where a stretch and recovery action produces real warmth, maintaining support during exercise.

3 ROICA™ CLOSET: In this zone you can explore new ROICA™ garment designs from our experimental laboratory, using innovative Japanese fabric creativity.

Also at our ROICA™ booth, you will be able to explore sister brand Cupro innovations, designed responsibly for a new, luxe view of athleisure sportswear.

Today, the ROICA™ premium stretch brand sets the highest quality standards that are uniquely specialized and certificated perfectly focused on responsible performance for the active sportswear, swimwear and athliesure wear categories, making it the ‘smart-fit’ for the ISPO BrandNew Village presentation.

More information:
ROICA ISPO Brandnew Village

GB Network Marketing & Communication


Tencent, and Vipshop Announce Equity Investment and Business Cooperation

Beijing - Tencent Holdings Limited (“Tencent”) (00700.HK),, Inc. (“”) (NASDAQ:JD), and Vipshop Holdings Limited (“Vipshop”) (NYSE:VIPS), today jointly announced that Tencent, a leading provider of internet value-added services in China, and, China’s largest retailer, have entered into definitive agreements with Vipshop, a leading online discount retailer for brands in China, such that Tencent and will invest an aggregate amount of approximately US$863 million in cash in Vipshop at the closing of the transaction.


Beijing - Tencent Holdings Limited (“Tencent”) (00700.HK),, Inc. (“”) (NASDAQ:JD), and Vipshop Holdings Limited (“Vipshop”) (NYSE:VIPS), today jointly announced that Tencent, a leading provider of internet value-added services in China, and, China’s largest retailer, have entered into definitive agreements with Vipshop, a leading online discount retailer for brands in China, such that Tencent and will invest an aggregate amount of approximately US$863 million in cash in Vipshop at the closing of the transaction.


Pursuant to the share subscription agreement, Tencent and will subscribe for newly issued Class A ordinary shares of Vipshop in the amount of approximately US$604 million and approximately US$259 million, respectively. The purchase price will be US$65.40 per Class A ordinary share, which is equivalent to US$13.08 per American Depositary Share (“ADS”) of Vipshop, five of which represent one Class A ordinary share. The purchase price represents a 55% premium over the closing price of the ADSs as of the last trading day on December 15, 2017.

The transaction is expected to close in the near future, subject to customary closing conditions.  Upon the closing, Tencent and will beneficially own, taking into account any existing holding, approximately 7% and 5.5%, respectively, of Vipshop’s total issued shares. The Class A ordinary shares issued to Tencent and will be subject to a two-year lock up restriction. Tencent and will have the right to appoint a director and an observer, respectively, to Vipshop’s board of directors during the two-year lockup period. After the end of the lock-up period, for so long as Tencent and hold approximately 12% and 8%, respectively, of Vipshop’s total issued shares, or otherwise by mutual agreement with Vipshop, they will maintain director and board observer rights.

Concurrently with the entry of the share subscription agreement, Tencent and have entered into business cooperation agreements with Vipshop, effective upon closing, establishing a cooperative relationship among Tencent, and Vipshop. Under these agreements, Tencent will grant Vipshop an entry on the interface of Weixin Wallet enabling Vipshop to utilize traffic from Tencent’s Weixin platform, and will grant Vipshop entries on both the main page of’s mobile application and the main page of its Weixin Discovery shopping entry, and will assist Vipshop in achieving certain GMV targets through’s platform.   

“I am truly delighted about Vipshop's new strategic cooperation relationships with Tencent and,” said Mr. Eric Ya Shen, Vipshop’s Co-founder, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer. “This undoubtedly is an important event for Vipshop as well as China's e-commerce and internet industries. We, together with Tencent and, will leverage our respective strengths to form a strategic cooperative alliance aiming to achieve a deep, win-win cooperation and to benefit internet users and consumers. We will develop a holistic cooperation with Tencent on the Weixin platform and expand our strategic alliance with Tencent into more and broader areas.  We will explore win-win opportunities in multiple areas with, including establishing a strategic alliance in collaboration with brand suppliers, and an on-line traffic alliance. We will continue to operate as an independent e-commerce platform and further deepen and enhance our leading e-commerce capabilities in fashion (including apparel, shoes, bags and accessories) and cosmetics categories as well as our strong female user base, thereby offering higher value and better user experience to our customers.”

“The strength of Vipshop’s flash sale and apparel businesses, as well as its outstanding management team, create clear and strong synergies with us,” said Richard Liu, Chairman and CEO of “This partnership will further extend the strong inroads that we have made with female shoppers, and will expand the breadth and reach of our fashion business. We continue to add the top-notch partners to complement’s core strengths, ensuring that JD and our partners provide the best customer experience for every shopping need.”

Martin Lau, President of Tencent Holdings, said, “We are pleased to become strategic investor in and partner with Vipshop. We look forward to providing Vipshop with our audiences, marketing solutions, and payment support to help the company provide branded apparel and other product categories to China’s rising middle class. We already see substantial demand from our users to discover, discuss and purchase branded apparel in our applications, and we believe that connecting our users more deeply to products on Vipshop’s platform will enrich their online experiences while benefiting Vipshop. We are proud of the role our resources such as marketing technology, payments handling, and machine learning play in facilitating a healthy and diverse retail ecosystem, online and offline.” 

About, Inc. is both the largest e-commerce company in China, and the largest Chinese retailer, by revenue. The company strives to offer consumers the best online shopping experience. Through its user-friendly website, native mobile apps, and WeChat and Mobile QQ entry points, JD offers consumers a superior shopping experience. The company has the largest fulfillment infrastructure of any e-commerce company in China. As of September 30, 2017, operated 7 fulfillment centers and 405 warehouses covering 2,830 counties and districts across China, staffed by its own employees. is a member of the NASDAQ100 and a Fortune Global 500 company.

About Vipshop Holdings Limited

Vipshop Holdings Limited is a leading online discount retailer for brands in China. Vipshop offers high quality and popular branded products to consumers throughout China at a significant discount to retail prices. Since it was founded in August 2008, the Company has rapidly built a sizeable and growing base of customers and brand partners. For more information, please visit

About Tencent Holdings Limited

Tencent uses technology to enrich the lives of Internet users. Our social products Weixin and QQ link our users to a rich digital content catalogue including games, video, music and books. Our proprietary targeting technology helps advertisers reach out to hundreds of millions of consumers in China. Our infrastructure services including payment, security, cloud and artificial intelligence create differentiated offerings and support our partners’ business growth. Tencent invests heavily in people and innovation, enabling us to evolve with the Internet. Tencent was founded in Shenzhen, China, in 1998. Shares of Tencent ( are traded on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong.


Safe Harbor Statement

This announcement contains forward-looking statements. These statements are made under the “safe harbor” provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements can be identified by terminology such as “will,” “expects,” “anticipates,” “future,” “intends,” “plans,” “believes,” “estimates,” “confident” and similar statements. Among other things, statements regarding the expected closing of the transactions and the quotations from management in this announcement are or contain forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties. A number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement, including but not limited to, those included in’s and Vipshop’s filings with the SEC and in Tencent’s filings with the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. All information provided in this press release is as of the date of this press release, and none of Tencent, or Vipshop undertake any duty to update such information, except as required under applicable law.



Evolution of fashion professions at heart of Lectra’s 8th education congress © Lectra
Industry experts and fashion schools discussing at Lectra's 8th education congress

Lectra: Evolution of fashion professions at heart of Lectra’s 8th education congress

Lectra brings together partnership schools and industry experts to discuss how changing professions
in fashion are impacting training programs

Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather,
technical textiles and composite materials, recently welcomed partners from the world of
education to the company’s Bordeaux-Cestas campus for its eighth education congress. The
event was dedicated to the mega trends shaping the fashion industry and impacting
professions from design to production.

Over fifty representatives from among the most important fashion schools in Germany, Canada, China,
USA, France, Hong Kong, Italy, The Netherlands, Poland, United Kingdom, Switzerland and Sweden, participated
in this biannual meeting between industry experts and teaching professionals.

Lectra brings together partnership schools and industry experts to discuss how changing professions
in fashion are impacting training programs

Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather,
technical textiles and composite materials, recently welcomed partners from the world of
education to the company’s Bordeaux-Cestas campus for its eighth education congress. The
event was dedicated to the mega trends shaping the fashion industry and impacting
professions from design to production.

Over fifty representatives from among the most important fashion schools in Germany, Canada, China,
USA, France, Hong Kong, Italy, The Netherlands, Poland, United Kingdom, Switzerland and Sweden, participated
in this biannual meeting between industry experts and teaching professionals.

Fashion professions are evolving as companies make their first steps towards Industry 4.0, adopting 3D
and rationalizing the lifecycle management for their collections thanks to PLM. Lectra’s congress enabled
schools to discuss the developing role of designers and patternmakers, and the new elements to be
integrated into training programs.

Lectra illustrated future changes through presentations on design, patternmaking, 3D prototyping, and PLM.
“It is fundamental to bring innovation experts in the industry together with fashion schools, because
students will drive the evolution of this industry,” stated Pascal Denizart, Managing Director of the Centre
européen des textiles innovants (CETI).

Working with schools to design courses which meet the needs of fashion companies has always been at
the heart of Lectra’s education program. During the event, the company presented collaborative
experiences between partner schools and fashion brands, such as the competitions organised by Lectra
with Missoni, Balenciaga, and Armani in Italy, as well as Peacebird in China and JC Penney in the United

In the United Kingdom, Lectra collaborated with COS (H&M group) and the Arts University Bournemouth
(AUB) for a competition centred on the design of a collection with zero waste.
“The process was totally digital, from design to the creation of a virtual prototype in 3D. Our students learnt
to optimize each stage of the process. By leveraging the use of Kaledo®, Modaris® and Diamino®, the
collaborative work between AUB, COS and Lectra is exactly the type of project that enormously motivates
our students. Live briefs developed with leading fashion brands and Lectra offer excellent opportunities
which directly inform industry currency and student employability,” explained Penny Norman, a lecturer at

The event also shone the spotlight on China and its major role in the evolution of the fashion industry.
Li Min, Vice-Dean of the fashion and design faculty at Donghua university in Shanghai spoke of the event,
organized by Lectra, which brought together major Chinese companies, experts, and representatives from
the biggest schools in China.

“Exchanges on the impact of the Made in China 2025 plan on the fashion industry can better prepare
students for tomorrow’s professions, where digital and automation will occupy a far more central position
than today,” testified Li Min.

"The fashion industry is evolving so fast that sharing insights and best practices with experts and other
fashion schools has become vital to ensure we offer the best learning experience and technology tools to
our students", said Dr. Trevor J. Little, Professor of Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management in
the College of Textiles at NC State University.

“Lectra’s eighth education congress confirms the company’s commitment to our partner schools. We
shared our analysis of the market, the digitalization of the eco-system, and how Industry 4.0 principles can
be applied to the fashion industry. We also discussed mass customization and the role of PLM. While these
are key subjects for our customers, many schools are only now approaching them. We are preparing
tomorrow, today: Lectra is supporting our customers, and schools to play an essential role,” concludes
Céline Choussy Bedouet, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer, Lectra.


© Lectra

Lectra appoints Nathalie Brunel as Vice-President Sales, Fashion & Apparel ©Lectra
Nathalie Brunel

Lectra appoints Nathalie Brunel as Vice-President Sales, Fashion & Apparel

  • Nathalie Brunel’s role is to support Lectra’s global teams in the roll-out of its new strategy to customers

Paris – Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather, technical textiles and composite materials, is pleased to announce the appointment of Nathalie Brunel to the role of Vice-President Sales, Fashion & Apparel. Based at Lectra’s headquarter’s in Paris, Nathalie reports to Edouard Macquin, Chief Sales Officer, Lectra and a member of the executive committee.

Nathalie Brunel’s role is to support Lectra’s subsidiaries as they conduct the Group’s strategic roadmap through the deployment of an offer—integrating the PLM and the cutting room of the future—which is rooted in customer experience. Nathalie will notably work with six countries: United States, China, Germany, United Kingdom, France and Italy.

  • Nathalie Brunel’s role is to support Lectra’s global teams in the roll-out of its new strategy to customers

Paris – Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather, technical textiles and composite materials, is pleased to announce the appointment of Nathalie Brunel to the role of Vice-President Sales, Fashion & Apparel. Based at Lectra’s headquarter’s in Paris, Nathalie reports to Edouard Macquin, Chief Sales Officer, Lectra and a member of the executive committee.

Nathalie Brunel’s role is to support Lectra’s subsidiaries as they conduct the Group’s strategic roadmap through the deployment of an offer—integrating the PLM and the cutting room of the future—which is rooted in customer experience. Nathalie will notably work with six countries: United States, China, Germany, United Kingdom, France and Italy.

“The fashion and apparel industry, a historic market for Lectra, is the pillar of our international presence. Our customers expect a high level of expertise and advice to meet the challenges they face due to the digitalization of their professions. Nathalie Brunel’s experience in transforming organizations and developing business for complex solutions within large groups is a valuable asset for both Lectra and our customers,” states Edouard Macquin.

“The fashion and apparel ecosystem is clearly entering the digital era. I aim to bring Lectra’s value proposition to our customers, facilitating their adoption of Industry 4.0 principles. I am proud to contribute to the integration of new technologies in their processes, from design to the finished product. It is crucial to meet the needs of companies facing a complex and fragmented market that is generating both local, and global, pressures,” underlines Nathalie Brunel.

Nathalie Brunel has over 20 years of experience in managing large accounts and management responsibility. In 1996, she joined the Altran group where she successively held the roles of Development Director, Director of a business unit, Associate Director, and Executive Director of large accounts. In 2011, Orange Business Services recruited Nathalie Brunel as Vice-President, Business Operations and Support, then Vice-President Large Accounts, Manufacturing and IT. Prior to joining Lectra, Nathalie Brunel held the position of CEO and shareholder of Okavango Energy, a consulting and industrial energy performance company.

Nathalie has a diploma from the Institut supérieur de commerce de Paris.



Customer data heralds new opportunities for fashion industry © Lectra
Lectra ESCP Europe Round Table

Customer data heralds new opportunities for fashion industry

  • Amazon, EasySize, Evo Pricing and Lectra explored diverse uses for customer data during a round table event organized by the ESCP Europe - Lectra ‘Fashion & Technology’ Chair Paris

Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather, technical textiles and composite materials, the French business school ESCP Europe and their joint ‘Fashion & Technology’ Chair examined the multiple ways the fashion industry’s ecosystem can use customer data, during a recent round table event at the start of the fifth Fashion Tech Week in Paris.

Elise Beuriot, senior category leader, EU Luggage, Amazon, Olivier Dancot, VP of data, Lectra, Fabrizio Fantini, founder and CEO, Evo Pricing, and Gulnaz Khusainova, founder and CEO, Easysize, agreed straight away on one key point: the analysis of customer data lends itself to limitless applications along the entire fashion value chain. Its impact is immense, whether in terms of customer satisfaction, competitiveness, revenues or waste limitation.

  • Amazon, EasySize, Evo Pricing and Lectra explored diverse uses for customer data during a round table event organized by the ESCP Europe - Lectra ‘Fashion & Technology’ Chair Paris

Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather, technical textiles and composite materials, the French business school ESCP Europe and their joint ‘Fashion & Technology’ Chair examined the multiple ways the fashion industry’s ecosystem can use customer data, during a recent round table event at the start of the fifth Fashion Tech Week in Paris.

Elise Beuriot, senior category leader, EU Luggage, Amazon, Olivier Dancot, VP of data, Lectra, Fabrizio Fantini, founder and CEO, Evo Pricing, and Gulnaz Khusainova, founder and CEO, Easysize, agreed straight away on one key point: the analysis of customer data lends itself to limitless applications along the entire fashion value chain. Its impact is immense, whether in terms of customer satisfaction, competitiveness, revenues or waste limitation.

As early as the design phase, a wealth of data offers many sources of inspiration for stylists. For teams in charge of collections, “complex models allow the analysis of data like online traffic and purchase history in order to design and offer the products that consumers expect, which is a priority for a company obsessed by the customer, like Amazon,” stated Elise Beuriot. For sales, “decisions based on data trigger millions of orders. The impact on the inventory is enormous,” she added.

“Fashion is an industry where unsold items generate a lot of waste. Algorithms and big data analysis can reduce left-overs by anticipating demand several weeks ahead in order to optimize the price and replenishment,” observed Fabrizio Fantini. “Fashion companies who exploit data to inform their decisions become more efficient. They are better armed to protect their margins, but can also sell for less, and potentially reach a larger number of consumers.”

Other IT models aggregate customer data in real time ‘to determine, among hundreds of factors, those which have the biggest influence on buying decisions. Value doesn’t necessarily lie in the volume of data but in the depth of the analyses,’ claimed Gulnaz Khusainova. Easysize is careful that collected data is anonymous, she underlined, because ‘consumers need to keep control of their data, and know how it is used’.
For editors of software dedicated to fashion businesses, and suppliers of cutting machines designed for the clothing industry, “analyzing usage data from our solutions enables the offer to evolve, making each step in the value chain more efficient and perfectly adapted to the needs of the brands, retailers and manufacturers. What is at stake is better quality products, placed on the market as quickly as possible and at a reduced cost,” explained Olivier Dancot.

“It is easy to collect data, but difficult to extract actionable information. Everything hinges on data analysis,” concluded Céline Abecassis-Moedas, professor and co-scientific director of the ‘Fashion & Technology’ Chair and moderator of the round table. “Due to its emotional dimension—from the stylist’s inspiration to the consumer’s desire to buy—fashion is not an industry like others. However, all the components that make up its ecosystem can truly benefit from the judicious exploitation of customer data. Examples discussed this evening illustrate the diversity of what is possible.

More information:


Schoeller’s heated e-soft–shell wins Design Preis Schweiz © Schoeller Textil AG
Design Preis Schweiz for Schoeller

Schoeller’s heated e-soft–shell wins Design Preis Schweiz

A shining example of how technology and design work interact: On 3 November, 2017, Schoeller Textil AG wins the Design Preis Schweiz 2017/18 in the textile category. E-soft-shell is a heated fabric which can be cut to size without affecting the embedded technology and is primarily suited to clothing for outdoor activities and motorcycling.

The innovative company Schoeller Textil AG from the Rhine valley is the proud winner of the Design Preis Schweiz 2017/18, picking up the award for Excellent Swiss Design in the textile category on 3 November, 2017 in Langenthal.

Together with the whole Schoeller team, the Schoeller delegation – consisting of Roland Lottenbach (Head of Research and Development, left), Dagmar Signer (Marketing, centre) and Ruedi Kühne (CFO, right) - takes enormous delight in this recognition for the many years of intensive work. The company received the award for the heated fabric, E-soft-shell. Among others, the evaluation criteria were: technologies, material combinations, zeitgeist and innovation.

E-soft-shell by the meter

A shining example of how technology and design work interact: On 3 November, 2017, Schoeller Textil AG wins the Design Preis Schweiz 2017/18 in the textile category. E-soft-shell is a heated fabric which can be cut to size without affecting the embedded technology and is primarily suited to clothing for outdoor activities and motorcycling.

The innovative company Schoeller Textil AG from the Rhine valley is the proud winner of the Design Preis Schweiz 2017/18, picking up the award for Excellent Swiss Design in the textile category on 3 November, 2017 in Langenthal.

Together with the whole Schoeller team, the Schoeller delegation – consisting of Roland Lottenbach (Head of Research and Development, left), Dagmar Signer (Marketing, centre) and Ruedi Kühne (CFO, right) - takes enormous delight in this recognition for the many years of intensive work. The company received the award for the heated fabric, E-soft-shell. Among others, the evaluation criteria were: technologies, material combinations, zeitgeist and innovation.

E-soft-shell by the meter

The Design Preis jury commented as follows on the Schoeller development: Electrically heated clothing which makes it possible for us to stay pleasantly warm in winter has long been a dream of the textiles industry. Projects in this field have hardly made it beyond the development and trial phase hitherto. But now Schoeller Textil has created E-soft-shell, a material that makes this utopia a reality. E-soft-shell is a laminate consisting of bi-elastic tissue, machined lining and a functional corkshell coating. The heating technology is integrated with the fabric in a diamond-shaped geometrical pattern. It is based on metallic yarns, making it possible for the material to be evenly heated at standard voltages. The fabric is designed to be sold off the roll, and can be cut up without affecting the embedded technology. It is suitable above all as clothing for outdoor activities or motor cycling – but applications in the fashion or wellness worlds could also come into consideration.

Jinfa Labi chooses Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0 © Lectra
Jinfa Labi chooses Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0

Jinfa Labi chooses Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0

  • Lectra’s latest PLM solution selected by Jinfa Labi to improve its product development process through supply chain digitization

Paris – Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather, technical textiles and composite materials, is pleased to announce that Jinfa Labi, one of the first publicly listed maternity and infant clothing companies in China, has chosen Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0 to help digitally transform their supply chain, making it more efficient, integrated and connected.

  • Lectra’s latest PLM solution selected by Jinfa Labi to improve its product development process through supply chain digitization

Paris – Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather, technical textiles and composite materials, is pleased to announce that Jinfa Labi, one of the first publicly listed maternity and infant clothing companies in China, has chosen Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0 to help digitally transform their supply chain, making it more efficient, integrated and connected.

Spurred by the continued growth of the Chinese economy, young Chinese parents are now demanding maternity and baby products that are more personalized and sophisticated in terms of material and design. To meet these new market needs, Jinfa Labi has chosen to implement Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0 after researching on all PLM vendors in the market. With the help of this solution, the company aims to further improve their product development process by digitizing their entire supply chain, from design to production, enhancing business agility and collaboration. By embracing digitalization, the company hopes to make progress in adopting the government initiative “Made in China 2025”.

Lectra’s ultimate collaborative platform—Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0—gives fashion and apparel companies the extra speed and agility they need to tackle the challenges of Industry 4.0 head on. With the widest functional scope on the market, this technology serves as the intelligent backbone for the digital supply chain, facilitating the entire design-to-production process. This ensures a consistent flow of error-free data between process, technology and people, thus enabling organizations to quickly adapt to different business models and keep pace with the latest trends.

“As one of the first domestic companies to engage in R&D, design, production and distribution of baby clothing, Jinfa Labi is now growing exponentially. We are looking for a partner with a worldwide perspective and in-depth knowledge on the industry’s best practices,” said Lin Ruowen, General Manager, Jinfa Labi. “And Lectra fits the bill. Their latest PLM solution connects CAD, industry-standard software, company IT systems and external suppliers together, allowing us to fully digitize our supply chain by covering all production stages. We can then focus on improving our core competencies.”

“We are confident that Lectra will help Jinfa Labi make their mark for “Made in China 2025”. This Industry 4.0-based initiative will not only revolutionize the way in which manufacturers operate but also change the way in which the brands and retailers run their businesses. Lectra is committed to providing the technology and support that our customers need to thrive in this new digital era,” said Andreas A. Kim, Managing Director, Lectra, Greater China. “Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0 is the only PLM solution purpose-designed for the fashion industry that covers the entire value chain. We hope to leverage our 44 years of experience in the fashion industry to help Jinfa Labi succeed through operational excellence.”

Intertextile Shanghai Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH

Intertextile Shanghai Autumn 2017 - Final Report

Intertextile Shanghai concluded its 2017 Autumn Edition on 13 October as the strong business results and praise from the worldwide participants once again affirmed its reputation as the world’s most effective apparel fabrics and accessories trade event in terms of boosting sales and product sourcing. Knowing the fair covered an all-encompassing range of products that cater to all sourcing needs, 77,883 buyers travelled from 102 countries and regions (2016: 73,927, 90 countries and regions) to Shanghai to source. This year, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Russia, Taiwan, the UK and the US were the top 10 visitor countries and regions after Mainland China.

Intertextile Shanghai concluded its 2017 Autumn Edition on 13 October as the strong business results and praise from the worldwide participants once again affirmed its reputation as the world’s most effective apparel fabrics and accessories trade event in terms of boosting sales and product sourcing. Knowing the fair covered an all-encompassing range of products that cater to all sourcing needs, 77,883 buyers travelled from 102 countries and regions (2016: 73,927, 90 countries and regions) to Shanghai to source. This year, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Russia, Taiwan, the UK and the US were the top 10 visitor countries and regions after Mainland China.

Meanwhile, a total of 4,538 exhibitors from 32 countries and regions (2016: 4,553, 29 countries and regions) also enjoyed the surge of business potential brought by this large number of high-quality trade buyers. The strong line-up of exhibitors, including 10 country and region pavilions – France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea, Milano Unica (Italy), Pakistan, Taiwan and Thailand – as well as 10 Group Pavilions organised by foremost industry leaders like DuPont, Hyosung, INVISTA and Lenzing, presented a full-spectrum of innovative and fashion offerings in 11 halls across 276,000 sqm (gross) exhibition area, an increase of nearly 6% compared to 2016.

While the nature of textile trade fairs has evolved over recent years, exhibitors’ successful results at this year’s Intertextile Shanghai shows that it is still the industry’s most effective order-writing and business development trade show because it remains the event where the global industry gathers to make purchasing decisions. As a result, many exhibitors see the fair as their business growth engine, and reported positive outlooks for sales after the fair.


Exhibitor opinions
 Ms Erika Jimenez, Development and Purchasing Department, Luca Cuccolini, Spain (SalonEurope)
“A few years ago we decided to explore the Chinese market. Knowing that Intertextile Shanghai is the most comprehensive fair of its kind in Asia, there was no doubt that this would be the fair to expose our brand. Throughout the years we have been satisfied with the visitor flow and business opportunities, especially this year. There has been a good flow of a diverse range of buyers visiting our booth, and we’ve already met with abundant potential buyers on the first day. Our objective is still to get our brand known to local buyers, and by looking at the progress in the first two days, we are even expecting to get orders later on.”

Mr Jean Denerolle, General Manager, Dormeuil, France (Premium Wool Zone)
“There has been lots of visitors coming to our booth on the first two days. Joining Intertextile Shanghai is an effective ways for us to develop the Chinese market. We are happy that the organiser referred a VIP buyer to us. Overall, we succeeded in receiving orders and promoting our brands, so I am pleased with the result this year.”
Mr Max Deery, Global Director, Print Stories Ltd, (for Amanda Kelly Ltd), UK (Verve for Design)
“We are satisfied with the results this year. The Verve for Design zone is well organised, and it’s a busier year compared to last. After day one, we’ve already found more than 10 potential buyers, both old and new customers. We’ve participated in other fairs in Europe as well, and I would say Intertextile Shanghai is in line with these shows, and busier than we expected.”

Mr Luca Maderna, New Age srl, Italy (Verve for Design)
“It’s our 10th year exhibiting in Intertextile. Given the large scale, we can always find new contacts here, and it’s also a great opportunity for us to present our new collection to our regular customers.”
Mr Ederhard Ganns, Managing Director, Union Knopf (HK) Ltd, Germany
“Our target clients are mainly brand owners and resellers. I have successfully met with them and have some promising contacts. We have also developed some new connections with both domestic and overseas customers. Intertextile Shanghai is no doubt the world’s number one show.”

Ms Kang Nan Hee, Assistant Manager, R&D Textile Co Ltd, Korea (Korea Pavilion)
“This is our 10th year at Intertextile Shanghai. Every year, we participate in both the spring and autumn fairs and they have never let us down. Not only can we meet numerous new buyers in each edition, we can also keep pace with the ever-changing market trends in the fabric industry. Besides that, in terms of visitor flow, this fair has always been the strongest. Take this year’s fair as an example. In our estimation, we have already received enquiries from almost 300 buyers and agents on the first two days, which has exceeded our expectations. Therefore, we are expecting some 400 orders in total by end of the fair.”

Mr Taku Ito, Manager, Sojitz Vancet (Shanghai) Trading Co Ltd, Japan (Japan Pavilion)
“We exhibit at this show to find new customers and sales channels in China. We’ve been joining the show for a while now, and we continued this edition as we can always meet new customers – I mean, really ‘new’. This year, there were about 400 companies that visited our booth. It’s also interesting that we are getting more online apparel shops visiting us lately.”

Ms Susan Hon, B2B Marketing Communication Director, North Asia, INVISTA Co Ltd, Hong Kong (Functional Lab & Group Pavilion organiser)
“With the help of Intertextile Shanghai – the most well-known platform in the industry – we can promote our newly launched products more efficiently and enhance the influence of our brand. Our booths were packed with visitors over the three days, with many of them high-quality buyers. Intertextile has always been one of the most important trade fairs for us because of its strength in attracting a wide range of buyers, including an unrivalled number of market-leading brands that no other fairs can offer.”

Mr Martin Yang, Marketing Manager, Nilit Nylon Technologies (Suzhou) Co Ltd, Israel (Functional Lab)
“Our management is satisfied with the results as this is where we can boost our business and sales. On the first day, we’ve already met with nearly 20 potential buyers that are very likely to develop into new orders after the fair. The most attractive trait of Intertextile Shanghai is its ability in gathering large numbers of trade buyers. More importantly, the majority of them are quality buyers who aren’t only our target customers but also keen to place orders. This fair is seen by the industry as the major platform to source as it includes more industry leading suppliers, raw material providers, fabric mills and garment manufacturers compared to other similar fairs, and this is why we are here.”

Mr Syed Kamran Shah, Marketing Manager, Soorty Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd, Pakistan (Beyond Denim)
“Our objectives are to establish connections with Chinese brands and manufacturers, as well as to learn buyers’ expectations in this market. We are happy with the visitor numbers, and Intertextile Shanghai is where buyers really come to make purchasing decisions. Buyers came to talk to us and run tests on our fabrics afterwards, and usually within 2-3 months’ time, we will receive orders. We also like the idea of the Beyond Denim hall as it ensures the effectiveness of gathering and getting in touch with our target buyers.”

Mr Štěpán Kučera, Managing Director, Preciosa Components, China (Accessories Vision)
“This has been Preciosa’s third consecutive appearance at the autumn edition of Intertextile Shanghai, where we continue to see an increase in attendance by our target customers, namely high-end fashion brands from both the Chinese and international markets. Among the 200-plus buyers we met on the first two days of the fair were domestic fashion brands, sourcing managers of overseas brands, garment producers, as well as OEMs & ODMs, and we are more than satisfied with the results. Compared to similar fairs in which we have participated, Intertextile has a stronger focus on sourcing and manufacturing. International brands tend to send their sourcing teams, while local manufacturers and vendors also source here.”

Ms Shanshan Lu, Client Manger, Beijing Ecocert Certification Centre Co Ltd, China (All About Sustainability)
“As Intertextile Shanghai is the largest fair of its kind, we can always find our target customers here which are manufacturers from the Greater China area and the Asia Pacific region. The All About Sustainability zone has enhanced the exhibiting effectiveness as it creates a strong theme that attracts the right visitors to our booth. I think the visitor flow is stronger than last year. On day 1 alone, we received enquiries from over 10 potential customers which included old and new accounts. Moreover, by sharing our certifications in the seminar, our brand got further promoted in the fair. All in all, we are very pleased with this year’s outcome and very likely will return again next year.”
Worldwide buyers impressed with the unparalleled range of sourcing options on offer
While the exhibitors highly valued the fair’s ability in attracting quality, genuine buyers from around the world, these buyers were pleased to find all categories of apparel fabrics and accessories products from the entire industry under one roof.


Buyer opinions
Mr Johnny Lau, Head of Material Management, Quiksilver Asia Sourcing Ltd, Hong Kong
“The strongest trait of Intertextile Shanghai is its scale and aptitude in gathering the entire industry in one place. I believe no matter which sector of the industry or market you belong to – suiting, casual wear or ladieswear; high-end or fast fashion – you are ensured to find the right suppliers here. The fair houses a full-spectrum of suppliers which ease the sourcing process for purchasing departments like us. To maintain brand competitiveness, it is getting more important for us nowadays to know about suppliers and manufacturers from around the world, so we were also impressed with the fair’s internationalism and had unexpected returns from this trip.”

Mr Luis Alfonso Yepes Londono, Manager, Yetex SAS, Columbia
“Among all trade shows, Intertextile Shanghai is the most influential one for my business, even compared to the European shows. Not only can I find local suppliers, but the fair literally puts brands from around the globe under one roof. This morning I discussed with three local companies that match my interest. Their fabrics were of good quality and competitive pricing, so I will soon make a decision and place orders.”

Ms Zhou Jie, General Manager, Shenzhen New Look Fashion Co Ltd, China
“Intertextile Shanghai is a comprehensive trade fair, and what’s unique about this fair is its unparalleled ability in gathering both domestic and premium international apparel fabrics and accessories suppliers. Therefore, the sourcing options in this fair cater to all market demands. I can say Intertextile is a fair that all fashion brands can’t miss as one can definitely find all kids of materials here. We sent over 10 colleagues from the sourcing and design departments to this year’s fair and sourced around 80% of the fabrics we need for the next season’s collection from about eight exhibitors.”


The next Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics is the Spring Edition, held from 14 – 16 March 2018.
Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics is co-organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Textile Information Centre. For more details on this fair, please visit: To find out more about all Messe Frankfurt textile fairs worldwide, please visit:


Fashion Net Düsseldorf: Studie zum Modestandort Düsseldorf ©Fashion Net Düsseldorf
Fashion Net Düsseldorf

Fashion Net Düsseldorf: Studie zum Modestandort Düsseldorf

  • Fachbesucher äußern Lob an CPD
  • Düsseldorf weiterhin wichtigster Orderstandort Deutschlands
  • Fashion Net plant App für 360 Grad Orderstandort

Düsseldorf - Die Bilanz der Showroom- und Messebetreiber zur Sommerausgabe der Collection Première Düsseldorf fiel auch in diesem Jahr positiv aus. Um diese Einschätzung zu stützen und von Seiten der Messebesucher zu evaluieren, wurden im Laufe des Orderwochenendes mit einem Fragebogen, der rund zwanzig Fragen umfasste, allgemeine und spezifische Daten gesammelt. Durchgeführt wurde die Umfrage im Auftrag von Fashion Net Düsseldorf von Coach und Mediatorin Martina Töpfer. Ziel der Erhebung war es, zu ermitteln, was Besucher der Modemessen und Showrooms von der CPD erwarten und diesbezüglich die Rolle von Fashion Net Düsseldorf zu reflektieren.

  • Fachbesucher äußern Lob an CPD
  • Düsseldorf weiterhin wichtigster Orderstandort Deutschlands
  • Fashion Net plant App für 360 Grad Orderstandort

Düsseldorf - Die Bilanz der Showroom- und Messebetreiber zur Sommerausgabe der Collection Première Düsseldorf fiel auch in diesem Jahr positiv aus. Um diese Einschätzung zu stützen und von Seiten der Messebesucher zu evaluieren, wurden im Laufe des Orderwochenendes mit einem Fragebogen, der rund zwanzig Fragen umfasste, allgemeine und spezifische Daten gesammelt. Durchgeführt wurde die Umfrage im Auftrag von Fashion Net Düsseldorf von Coach und Mediatorin Martina Töpfer. Ziel der Erhebung war es, zu ermitteln, was Besucher der Modemessen und Showrooms von der CPD erwarten und diesbezüglich die Rolle von Fashion Net Düsseldorf zu reflektieren.

Die Ergebnisse der Umfrage werden im Folgenden zusammenfassend dargestellt. Die Mehrheit der Befragten besucht während der CPD insgesamt 1-20 Showrooms (48%) bzw. 21-40 Showrooms (31%). Eine zentrale Rolle nimmt dabei die Kaiserswerther Straße ein, die mit 71% als wichtigster Standort der CPD hervorgeht, gefolgt vom Karl-Arnold-Platz mit Fashion Plaza, Supreme, B1 (54%) und der Unternehmerstadt mit LO2, Halle 29, Halle 30 und Double U (45%). Zudem gaben sieben von zehn Teilnehmern an, vor einem Besuch im Showroom einen Termin zu vereinbaren.

Auch abseits der CPD schreiben 43% der befragten Besucher Order in Düsseldorf: Zwischen einem und 20 Tagen verbringen sie über die CPD hinaus in der Rheinmetropole, wobei 2-5 Tage die höchsten Angaben erzielten. Der Anteil des in Düsseldorf getätigten Ordervolumens ist beträchtlich: 51% der Teilnehmer schreiben 30% bis 60% der Order in Düsseldorf.

Die Teilnehmer der Studie stehen der CPD überwiegend positiv gegenüber. So bewerten 54% die aktuelle CPD mit der Schulnote gut, 25% mit befriedigend und 15% mit sehr gut. Auch die dort entstehenden Geschäftskontakte halten 85% für wichtig. „Die Umfrage hat uns noch einmal bestätigt, wie wichtig Düsseldorf als Orderstandort ist“, so Angelika Firnrohr, Geschäftsführerin von Fashion Net Düsseldorf e.V. „Experten aus der Modebranche besuchen die CPD, da sie hier eine große und komplexe Auswahl an Labels und Marken treffen. Der Kontakt zu deren kompetenten Ansprechpartnern ist sehr eng und bereitet eine entspannte, offene und freundliche Atmosphäre. Darüber hinaus schätzen die Besucher an der CPD sehr, dass sie sich über die Trends der kommenden Saisons informieren und zugleich ordern können.“

Dennoch hatten die Befragten zusätzliche Wünsche an die Order in Düsseldorf, wie kürzere Wege und weniger Standorte, sodass ein besseres Zeitmanagement möglich ist. Der Fashion Net Shuttle In Rotation ist für knapp die Hälfte der Befragten das wichtigste Fortbewegungsmittel während der CPD. Aufgrund der hohen Auslastung wünschen sich die Besucher daher häufigere Fahrten des Shuttles.

Hauptsächlich werden die Messen am Samstag oder Sonntag besucht (77%/89% respektive). Der beliebteste CPD-Tag ist mit 62% der Stimmen der Sonntag, wobei Mehrfachnennungen möglich waren. Entscheidende Gründe dafür sind laut Umfrage Termine bei den Showrooms, wichtige Veranstaltungen und Modenschauen sowie der freie Tag und die Anwesenheit aller wichtigen Personen.

Im Anschluss an die grundlegende Einschätzung der CPD durch die Messebesucher ging es um die neue Digitalstrategie von Fashion Net Düsseldorf. Für 360 Grad Orderstandort Düsseldorf entwickelt das Fashion Net zurzeit eine eigene App, mit der Aussteller und Besucher untereinander vernetzt werden und die sie mit allen Orderinformationen zum Standort versorgt. Zunächst sollte ermittelt werden, wie wichtig den Messebesuchern eine zentrale Zusammenfassung aller Marken und Showroom-Standorte in Düsseldorf in Form einer App ist. „Das Ergebnis war eindeutig: Eine App als Informationsplattform wird nahezu einstimmig positiv bewertet. Der Fokus der App wird natürlich auf den Showrooms, Labels und Marken wie auf Agenturen liegen, denn diese Informationen sind für Besucher der Messen notwendig“, erklärt Angelika Firnrohr. „Hinzu kommen allgemeine Informationen zum Orderstandort Düsseldorf, wie etwa Veranstaltungen, Hotels und Gastronomie.“

Des Weiteren konnten die Befragten ihre Wünsche an die in der App angebotenen Informationen äußern. „Den Wünschen nach einem integrierten Terminplaner und einem Lageplan der Aussteller werden wir so gut es geht nachkommen“, fährt sie fort. „Anregungen wie einem Shuttle-Bus-Plan werden allerdings schon verwirklicht.“

Insgesamt nahmen 202 Personen an der Umfrage teil. Die meisten von ihnen kommen aus Deutschland und besuchten die CPD aus den Ballungsräumen Düsseldorf, Köln, München, Berlin und Hamburg. Während 13% angaben, die CPD das erste Mal zu besuchen, kommt die Mehrheit schon seit vielen Jahren und gaben immerhin noch 7% an, bereits zum 30. Mal da zu sein.

Zusammenfassend ergibt sich aus der Studie, dass der Modestandort Düsseldorf nach wie vor die wichtigste Orderplattform für die Modebranche ist: Markenvielfalt und Innovationen sind bei den Besuchern hochgeschätzt und machen Düsseldorf für alle Mitwirkenden zu einem attraktiven Orderstandort in Deutschland. In Düsseldorf schreibt die Modebranche. Da die dezentralen Standorte der Messen und Showrooms bemängelt wurden, zeigt sich, dass ein zentrales Informationstool wie Fashion Net Düsseldorf es mit der eigenen App angeht den Komfort für CPD-Besucher deutlich erhöht und Düsseldorf als Orderstandort in der Attraktivität noch steigern kann.


PR + Presseagentur textschwester

INVISTA at Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics ©Messe Frankfurt
INVISTA to showcase ‘Innovative Attitude’ at Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics

INVISTA at Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics

  • INVISTA to showcase ‘Innovative Attitude’ at Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics
  • Innovative INVISTA products, findings from a new textile industry IP protection survey, in-depth consumer insights and fashion trends will be revealed

INVISTA, one of the world’s largest integrated producers of polymers and fibres, will showcase the innovative attitudes enabling it to maintain a leading position in the textile industry at the upcoming Rendez-Vous 2017 at October’s Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – the world’s most influential apparel event. INVISTA Rendez-Vous will showcase innovative INVISTA products, offer consumer insights and reveal the results of a textile industry IP protection survey.

INVISTA Rendez-Vous 2017 will be held at Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics 11 – 13 October at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai, with INVISTA occupying two booths in hall 5.2 E49 and hall 7.2 E55. 

  • INVISTA to showcase ‘Innovative Attitude’ at Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics
  • Innovative INVISTA products, findings from a new textile industry IP protection survey, in-depth consumer insights and fashion trends will be revealed

INVISTA, one of the world’s largest integrated producers of polymers and fibres, will showcase the innovative attitudes enabling it to maintain a leading position in the textile industry at the upcoming Rendez-Vous 2017 at October’s Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – the world’s most influential apparel event. INVISTA Rendez-Vous will showcase innovative INVISTA products, offer consumer insights and reveal the results of a textile industry IP protection survey.

INVISTA Rendez-Vous 2017 will be held at Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics 11 – 13 October at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai, with INVISTA occupying two booths in hall 5.2 E49 and hall 7.2 E55. 

As a global authoritative trade show in textile industry, Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics has been a platform for INVISTA to communicate with players across the value chain for 23 years. This year’s event will be no exception. The rich and vivid content delivered at the show will focus on INVISTA’s Innovative Attitude to consumers, partners as well as the whole industry.

To build a healthy and sustainable marketing environment, INVISTA cooperated with a number of media organisations to conduct a survey on IP protection in the textile industry. The results will be revealed during a seminar entitled ‘Innovation and IP: An Avenue for Sustainable Textile Industry Development’, which will be held on 11 October, 2:45 – 3:45pm in the Textile Dialogue area in hall 5.2. Representatives from textile industry associations, legal firms and INVISTA will share the findings and offer insights during what will undoubtedly be one of the highlights of INVISTA Rendez-Vous 2017.

The main pavilion of the show will be located in the International Hall (hall 5.2), where three of INVISTA’s most innovative products will be on show. Visitors will experience the latest possibilities offered by LYCRA® MOVESTM BRA, LYCRA® MOVESTM LEGGINGS and LYCRA® MOVESTM HOSIERY.


According to consumer research conducted in 2016, bra products in China’s domestic market don’t match consumer demands in a host of critical areas, including support, comfort and aesthetic design. To address these concerns, streamline the industry and consolidate its leadership, INVISTA is launching LYCRA® lastingFIT technology for bra wings. In addition, INVISTA’s cutting-edge technology can contribute to meeting specific quality standards in bra wing fabrics, enabling Chinese consumers to experience higher levels of comfort and the appropriate support they expect from a bra in different occasions.


INVISTA’s longstanding commitment to legging fabrics will also be on display at Rendez-Vous. INVISTA’s LYCRA® MOVESTM LEGGINGS has already spawned LYCRA® SPORT Power-Comfort-Energy (PCE™) index-certified fabrics, which are now commercially available.

The revolutionary fabrics present excellent recovery performance for LYCRA® SPORT legging products. They also offer the industry an opportunity to develop a number of targeted segment markets – from compression and medium compress to light compression leggings.


LYCRA® MOVESTM HOSIERY is all about fabric technology innovation. Due to excellent properties, such as anti-laddering, fit and durability as well as comfortable waistbands, INVISTA’s LYCRA® FUSIONTM technology has already been widely adopted in China’s hosiery sector.

A Packed Pavilion

At the LYCRA® MOVESTM Denim pavilion in the Beyond Denim hall (7.2), visitors won’t just see the innovative denim products offered by INVISTA; they will also learn about three themes highlighted through consumer insights – fit, shape and embracing heat & cold. There will also be a special session outlining the latest woven bottom trends, hosted by INVISTA experts.

Introduced commercially in 2010, LYCRA® dualFX® dual core yarn technology provides denim with super stretch and super recovery that fits all day and every day. It effectively prevents seam slippage and uneven fabric surfaces, keeping denim looking good, feeling comfortable and fitting, which in turn creates new denim fabric applications and fashion trends in the China market.

Last But Not Least

An interactive program, that includes visitors uploading pictures they take at the INVISTA booth to the official INVISTA WeChat account, will give every visitor a chance to win a special INVISTA gift. Visit INVISTA at hall 5.2 E49 and hall 7.2 E55 from 11 – 13 October at Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics 2017.

Archroma powers ‘Design Seeds’ with accurate, achievable color ©Archroma
Archroma Logo

Archroma powers ‘Design Seeds’ with accurate, achievable color

Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals, has partnered with the popular color inspiration site Design Seeds, on a series of seasonal stories featuring colors found in the Color Atlas by Archroma®. Design Seeds founder Jessica Colaluca and the site have more than 1,250,000 followers combined across social media platforms, and Design Seeds itself gets around 300,000 viewers every month.

“Archroma Color Management and Design Seeds is a match made in heaven,” said Colaluca. “I had declined partnering with brands or incorporating sponsored content on the site for over seven years until I met the incredible folks at Archroma. Beyond our obvious shared passion for color, we share a dedication to empowering designers. And as a designer, I fell in love with the Color Atlas. It is a brilliant system overflowing with modern color.”

Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals, has partnered with the popular color inspiration site Design Seeds, on a series of seasonal stories featuring colors found in the Color Atlas by Archroma®. Design Seeds founder Jessica Colaluca and the site have more than 1,250,000 followers combined across social media platforms, and Design Seeds itself gets around 300,000 viewers every month.

“Archroma Color Management and Design Seeds is a match made in heaven,” said Colaluca. “I had declined partnering with brands or incorporating sponsored content on the site for over seven years until I met the incredible folks at Archroma. Beyond our obvious shared passion for color, we share a dedication to empowering designers. And as a designer, I fell in love with the Color Atlas. It is a brilliant system overflowing with modern color.”

Through the site, Colaluca provides daily color stories, utilizing dynamic, thought-provoking images. In a new Design Seeds feature sponsored by Archroma she creates ‘seasonal atlas’ which offers storied vignettes of creative color and inspiration. Color Atlas by Archroma® codes are provided for all colors in the inspiration resource. The ‘seasonal atlas’ is catalogued on the Design Seeds site, distributed at trade shows and is available for download.

“It’s critical to designers working in today’s global fashion industry to select color that is achievable from the very start of a project,” says Chris Hipps, Global Director, Archroma Color Management. “Here at Archroma, our suite of color tools, from the Color Atlas to our online Color Search tool to our industry-renowned Engineered Color Standards, are all designed to help designers capture their inspiration, and ensure that their color choices remain consistent across global production processes.”

“We brainstormed on how to enhance what we can offer creatives through our partnership and that is when the concept of the ‘seasonal atlas’ was born. Through Archroma’s sponsorship, I am able to create the expanded inspiration resource on the site. And by featuring Color Atlas codes, folks are getting a gorgeous color match from concept to execution which I believe no other system can provide,” adds Colaluca.

When creating Design Seeds, Colaluca mixes each color swatch individually. She uses digital software much as she had gouache paint back in the early days of her career. For the seasonal atlas she then works with the Archroma team to translate her collection into selections from the 4,320 swatches in the six-volume Color Atlas. Fans of any color story can then refer to the Archroma color number which references swatches in the Color Atlas. Each color is readily available as an Engineered Color Standard and the digital reflectance data. All colors are also supported in Color Atlas Online ( with dye formulas on multiple substrates, Hex, CMYK, sRGB values and a selection of surrounding similar Colors.

More information:
Color Atlas Archroma Fashion


Business Beyond Borders, Texworld Paris 18th – 21st September 2017
Business Beyond Borders

Business Beyond Borders, Texworld Paris 18th – 21st September 2017

  • Asia comes to Paris and is ready to buy

The next Business Beyond Borders matchmaking event will take place in Paris at Texworld, the leading textile, clothing and apparel trade fair, September 2017.

After two successful matchmaking sessions at Genera (Madrid) and African Utility Week (Cape Town), the next Business Beyond Borders (BBB) matchmaking event turns its attention to one of the most renowned European trade fairs – Texworld - the leading textile, clothing and apparel trade fair. Twice a year Texworld Paris welcomes exhibitors and professional buyers from all over the world a rich variety of products from basic textiles to creative high-end fabrics of excellent quality. Hosting thousands of visitors, Texworld Paris is famous as the must-attend market for textile companies, especially from the EU and Asian side.

  • Asia comes to Paris and is ready to buy

The next Business Beyond Borders matchmaking event will take place in Paris at Texworld, the leading textile, clothing and apparel trade fair, September 2017.

After two successful matchmaking sessions at Genera (Madrid) and African Utility Week (Cape Town), the next Business Beyond Borders (BBB) matchmaking event turns its attention to one of the most renowned European trade fairs – Texworld - the leading textile, clothing and apparel trade fair. Twice a year Texworld Paris welcomes exhibitors and professional buyers from all over the world a rich variety of products from basic textiles to creative high-end fabrics of excellent quality. Hosting thousands of visitors, Texworld Paris is famous as the must-attend market for textile companies, especially from the EU and Asian side.

Business Beyond Borders supports businesses, especially Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Clusters, to operate internationally. During the fair, BBB facilitates the participation and meetings between relevant potential trading partners from Europe and abroad with the aim of assisting them in the conclusion of business deals.

Welcoming Arnaldo Abruzzini, CEO of EUROCHAMBRES, says “with over 80% international exhibitors, Texworld is the perfect marketplace for EU textile SMEs keen to do business internationally”. Takin into account the Free Trade Agreements which have been concluded by the EU in the last five years and those that are currently under negotiation, the EU is making several progresses in facilitating international trade as well as on the simplification of the Rules of Origin. “The BBB matchmaking at Texworld present itself an opportunity to increase the export rate of textile and clothing products to non-EU markets, which currently stands at 20%.”

The event will also be supprted by Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), the world’s largest support network for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with international ambitions. “With over 15 EEN partners co-organising the event – says Federica Leonetti, Chair of the Textile & Fashion EEN Sector Group – the companies taking part in the BBB matching event at Texworld will receive personalised support to be successful in their goals.”  

Companies attending the BBB Matchmaking will be able to benefit from a unique package:

• Free access to Texworld and to the connected shows: Apparel Sourcing, Avantex, Shawls and Scarves;
• Business meetings perfectly matching each BBB delegate needs and preferences taking place in a convenient matchmaking area at the heart of the trade fair;
• Access to technical sessions in the strategic conference on IPR, Market Access and the Circular Economy in the textile and clothing sector;
• Access to an international and well placed worldwide network, including several EU-funded support schemes;
• Participation in the BBB Social Media Competition for a chance to further promote your business online;
• Professional assistance on the spot and after the event to make the participation tailored to the needs of each BBB delegate;
The registration is now open at More than 200 companies are expected to attend the B2B Meetings in the dedicated BBB area.

Business Beyond Borders (BBB)

Green products to be centre stage at October’s Yarn Expo Autumn ©Messe Frankfurt
Logo Yarn Expo

Green products to be centre stage at October’s Yarn Expo Autumn

  • Debut BCI Pavilion joined by Sateri and Birla Planet Pavilions to showcase eco-friendly products
  • Six special display zones cater to latest industry trends

Green products continue to be sought after more and more by consumers nowadays, and textiles are no exception. In order to promote sustainable development throughout the industry, a number of yarn and fibre manufacturers have endeavoured to introduce green products into the early stages of textile production, and Yarn Expo, as the leading yarn and fibre business platform in Asia, serves as an ideal stage for these suppliers to gain exposure to buyers looking for such products.

Debut BCI Pavilion joined by Sateri and Birla Planet Pavilions to showcase eco-friendly products

  • Debut BCI Pavilion joined by Sateri and Birla Planet Pavilions to showcase eco-friendly products
  • Six special display zones cater to latest industry trends

Green products continue to be sought after more and more by consumers nowadays, and textiles are no exception. In order to promote sustainable development throughout the industry, a number of yarn and fibre manufacturers have endeavoured to introduce green products into the early stages of textile production, and Yarn Expo, as the leading yarn and fibre business platform in Asia, serves as an ideal stage for these suppliers to gain exposure to buyers looking for such products.

Debut BCI Pavilion joined by Sateri and Birla Planet Pavilions to showcase eco-friendly products

Amongst a record number of exhibitors at this October’s Yarn Expo Autumn, the debut BCI Pavilion as well as the Sateri Pavilion and Birla Planet Pavilion that include eco-friendly products are certainly amongst the highlights this year. Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) is a global organisation with more than 1,000 members including spinners, weavers and garment manufacturers throughout the entire cotton sector. It aims to promote sustainable cotton production, benefiting workers, customers and the environment as a whole. They will form the BCI Pavilion in Yarn Expo for the first time, with five spinners showcasing their cotton yarn manufactured with eco-friendly cotton.

Sateri is a well-known brand in China which specialises in viscose rayon. This natural and high-quality fibre is made from trees grown on renewable plantations. They are the largest producer of viscose fibre in China with three mills and an annual capacity of 550,000 tons, and also have Oeko-Tex certification. This October, nine other domestic exhibitors will form the Sateri Pavilion to demonstrate their comfortable textiles and skin-friendly hygiene products made from viscose fibre.

With over 50 years of experience in manufacturing cellulosic fibres, Birla Group strives to provide greener, purer and safer products to its customers. The Group has operated in China for three years now, and values Yarn Expo’s effectiveness in helping them to promote their brand and attract a wide range of buyers. “We managed to get connected with a number of downstream buyers at the fair. We have introduced our company and products to them that there is great chance for future cooperation.” said Mr Peter Dong, Senior Manager of Aditya Birla Group.   Coming back this year, the Birla Planet Pavilion will feature three of their highlighted fibres – Birla Viscose, Birla Modal and Birla Spunshades at the fair.

Six special display zones cater to latest industry trends

The textile industry in China is undergoing a structural change with keen competition, so domestic suppliers have to develop innovative and quality products to satisfy the ever-changing markets. To match the specific needs of various buyers, Yarn Expo has established six distinct display zones gathering the leading domestic companies, namely Colourful Chemical Zone, Natural Cotton Yarn Zone, Fancy Yarn Zone, Quality Wool Zone, Green Linen Zone and e-Commerce Zone.

Not only are a number of chemical fibre products with innovative, eco-friendly and health & comfort properties on offer from exhibitors, but visitors can also gain insights into product trends in these areas from the 2017/18 China Fibre Trend Area and Innovative Textile Material Forum, both of which feature in the Colourful Chemical Zone. The Natural Cotton Yarn Zone is another highlight of the three-day show, where exhibitors will showcase their natural cotton yarn and a range of functional products. Around 50 suppliers will also showcase their latest collections in the expanded Fancy Yarn Zone.
In response to the strong demand for fibre and yarn products in China and the Asian region, the coming autumn edition of Yarn Expo will double its exhibition space, and will accommodate around 500 global yarn suppliers from 13 countries and regions. Together with Yarn Expo Autumn 2017, three other textile trade fairs are held concurrently from 11 – 13 October in the same venue: Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – Autumn Edition, PH Value and the China International Fashion Fair (CHIC).

Yarn Expo Autumn is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; The Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; China Cotton Textile Association; China Wool Textile Association; China Chemical Fiber Association; China Bast & Leaf Fibres Textiles Association; and China Textile Information Centre.

Rodrigo Siza Lectra
Rodrigo Siza

Lectra appoints Rodrigo Siza, Regional Director of Spain and Portugal

Based in Porto, Portugal, Rodrigo Siza will focus on nurturing new regional collaborations to benefit the needs of Lectra’s customers, and faciliate their success in the Industry 4.0 era. Rodrigo will rely on Lectra’s highly experienced teams located in the region.
“Rodrigo has very effectively established long-term partnerships with our fashion and apparel, automotive and furniture customers in Portugal. He has helped our customers to emerge stronger from the world crisis which heavily impacted them. After 10 successful years as head of Lectra Portgual, Rodrigo is now also in charge of meeting the expectations of our Spanish customers,” stated Daniel Harari, Lectra Chairman and CEO.

Based in Porto, Portugal, Rodrigo Siza will focus on nurturing new regional collaborations to benefit the needs of Lectra’s customers, and faciliate their success in the Industry 4.0 era. Rodrigo will rely on Lectra’s highly experienced teams located in the region.
“Rodrigo has very effectively established long-term partnerships with our fashion and apparel, automotive and furniture customers in Portugal. He has helped our customers to emerge stronger from the world crisis which heavily impacted them. After 10 successful years as head of Lectra Portgual, Rodrigo is now also in charge of meeting the expectations of our Spanish customers,” stated Daniel Harari, Lectra Chairman and CEO.

Players in the region are witnessing a strong dynamic, notably fashion brands in Spain and fashion and automotive industrialists with heightened added-value in Portugal. With the recent announcement of a new strategy to focus on Industry 4.0, Lectra is in a strong position to support these businesses in the digitalization of their processes.
For industries faced with more demanding consumers and ever-shorter product development and manufacturing cycles, integrating all steps along the extended supply chain, from design to cutting, is now a top priority. This is particularly apparent in Spain and Portugal, two countries positioned, in their own way, at the heart of Europe’s fashion and automotive industries.
Rodrigo started his career at Tradetex, a trading company of textiles for clothing, as a textile designer. From 1991 to 1999, he was an associate of V-Sistemas Informatica, specialized in the development and distribution of technical solutions for the textile industry. In 2000, he joined Lectra Portugal as a design and merchandising manager, and then evolved into the position of international consultant in 2004. He left Lectra in 2005 to take the position of Sales Director of RPB Têxteis e Vestuario, a company that makes clothes, before returning to Lectra in 2007 to take over the management of the Portuguese subsidiary. Rodrigo has a masters in marketing from Minho University and a degree in design and communication from Porto University, both located in Portugal.

More information:
Lectra, Rodrigo Siza, Portugal
