From the Sector

165 results

GOTS certifications in 2020 reach five figures for the first time

In 2020, the number of GOTS certified facilities grew by 34% globally, to a new high of 10,388 from 7,765 in 2019. 16 GOTS Approved Certification Bodies report that over 3 million people in over 72 countries were working in GOTS certified facilities.

Significant increases are seen in all regions. Top 10 countries for certified facilities are India (2,994), Bangladesh (1,584), Turkey (1,107), China (961), Germany (684), Italy (585), Portugal (449), Pakistan (391), USA (167) and Sri Lanka (126).
GOTS approved chemical inputs now number 25,913, an increase of 13% in 2020. This confirms that these inputs are increasingly used as a risk management tool by wet processors to satisfy legal and commercial residue requirements.

“The exceptional increase in this unprecedented year shows that decision makers value GOTS as an important tool to drive sustainable transformation in a comprehensive way - from field to fashion. Using organic fibres and processing them under strict GOTS criteria definitely provides a credible and strong base for market players to be successful in the future” says GOTS Managing Director Claudia Kersten.

In 2020, the number of GOTS certified facilities grew by 34% globally, to a new high of 10,388 from 7,765 in 2019. 16 GOTS Approved Certification Bodies report that over 3 million people in over 72 countries were working in GOTS certified facilities.

Significant increases are seen in all regions. Top 10 countries for certified facilities are India (2,994), Bangladesh (1,584), Turkey (1,107), China (961), Germany (684), Italy (585), Portugal (449), Pakistan (391), USA (167) and Sri Lanka (126).
GOTS approved chemical inputs now number 25,913, an increase of 13% in 2020. This confirms that these inputs are increasingly used as a risk management tool by wet processors to satisfy legal and commercial residue requirements.

“The exceptional increase in this unprecedented year shows that decision makers value GOTS as an important tool to drive sustainable transformation in a comprehensive way - from field to fashion. Using organic fibres and processing them under strict GOTS criteria definitely provides a credible and strong base for market players to be successful in the future” says GOTS Managing Director Claudia Kersten.

GOTS version 6.0, to be implemented from 1 March 2021, includes stricter social and environmental criteria. Certified Entities will now have to calculate the gap between wages paid to 'Living Wages'  and will be encouraged to work towards closing this gap. Specific references to OECD Due Diligence Guidance and Good Practice Guidance for Social Criteria and Risk Assessment as well as Ethical Business Practises have been explicitly included.


Global Standard


Kornit expands digital textile production in Turkey with Matset partnership

Kornit Digital has announced its partnership with Matset (Turkey) as it continues to broaden its market presence.

Delivering digital textile production-on-demand solutions to the Turkish market
With over 45 years of experience, Matset has a long-standing reputation as being a pioneer of innovation in the printing industry. After the first meeting, Kornit and Matset were quick to recognize how their partnership would effectively accelerate the development of the Kornit brand and solutions in the Turkish market. The deal will see Matset sell and deliver after-sales support for all Kornit textile solutions, including both direct-to-garment and direct-to-fabric product lines, particularly for t-shirts, activewear, denim, fashion, beachwear, home textiles, and fabrics.

Kornit Digital has announced its partnership with Matset (Turkey) as it continues to broaden its market presence.

Delivering digital textile production-on-demand solutions to the Turkish market
With over 45 years of experience, Matset has a long-standing reputation as being a pioneer of innovation in the printing industry. After the first meeting, Kornit and Matset were quick to recognize how their partnership would effectively accelerate the development of the Kornit brand and solutions in the Turkish market. The deal will see Matset sell and deliver after-sales support for all Kornit textile solutions, including both direct-to-garment and direct-to-fabric product lines, particularly for t-shirts, activewear, denim, fashion, beachwear, home textiles, and fabrics.

Doğu Pabuççuoğlu, General Manager at Matset, explains the collaboration combines the digital leading vision of Matset with the market awareness and quality of Kornit’s products: "With Kornit’s production systems, we have made an important addition to our product portfolio. We were able to quickly build a roadmap and are sure the market share will increase very rapidly in the near future. With Kornit’s reliable and creative solutions and our well-known and engaged distribution network, we will provide customers with a strong sales and support service.”


Lockdown-Verlängerung: Nächster Supergau für den stationären Fashionhandel

Die nochmalige Verlängerung des Lockdowns bis zum 7. März beurteilen die Fachverbände als weiteren herben Schlag für den stationären Fashionhandel. Das Desaster der Fashionbranche werde sich trotz der von Verbänden und einzelnen Unternehmen immer wieder vorgetragenen Argumente für sichere Öffnungsszenarien weiter fortsetzen. Nach Berechnungen des BTE entgehen dem stationären Fashionhandel selbst im umsatzschwachen Februar jede Woche mehrere hundert Millionen Euro Umsatz. „Per Ende Februar dürften sich die Verluste des Winter-Lockdowns in den Textil-, Schuh- und Lederwarengeschäfte damit auf rund 15 Mrd. Euro aufsummiert haben“, rechnet Rolf Pangels, Hauptgeschäftsführer des BTE Handelsverband Textil. „Es ist der blanke Horror“, ergänzt Pangels.
Viele Händler und Unternehmen haben zwischenzeitlich auch ihre Rücklagen und Reserven aufgebraucht. Die Gefahr vermehrter Insolvenzen steigt von Tag zu Tag. Und vor allem auch die Mitarbeiter der Branche haben immer mehr Angst um die Zukunft ihrer Arbeitsplätze.

Die nochmalige Verlängerung des Lockdowns bis zum 7. März beurteilen die Fachverbände als weiteren herben Schlag für den stationären Fashionhandel. Das Desaster der Fashionbranche werde sich trotz der von Verbänden und einzelnen Unternehmen immer wieder vorgetragenen Argumente für sichere Öffnungsszenarien weiter fortsetzen. Nach Berechnungen des BTE entgehen dem stationären Fashionhandel selbst im umsatzschwachen Februar jede Woche mehrere hundert Millionen Euro Umsatz. „Per Ende Februar dürften sich die Verluste des Winter-Lockdowns in den Textil-, Schuh- und Lederwarengeschäfte damit auf rund 15 Mrd. Euro aufsummiert haben“, rechnet Rolf Pangels, Hauptgeschäftsführer des BTE Handelsverband Textil. „Es ist der blanke Horror“, ergänzt Pangels.
Viele Händler und Unternehmen haben zwischenzeitlich auch ihre Rücklagen und Reserven aufgebraucht. Die Gefahr vermehrter Insolvenzen steigt von Tag zu Tag. Und vor allem auch die Mitarbeiter der Branche haben immer mehr Angst um die Zukunft ihrer Arbeitsplätze.
Im März werde sich diese Situation noch einmal dramatisch verschärfen. Der Start in die Frühjahrsaison und speziell die Wochen vor Ostern sind für die Fashionbranche eine der wichtigsten Verkaufszeiträume. „Wenn die Geschäfte dann noch geschlossen sind, wird das vielen Fashionhändlern endgültig das Genick brechen und zusätzliche Leerstände in den Innenstädten hinterlassen!“, prognostiziert Pangels.
Unverständlich sei die weitere Schließung der Geschäfte auch deshalb, weil zahlreiche und unabhängig voneinander erstellte Studien und Gutachten belegten, dass der stationäre Einzelhandel kein Hotspot für Corona-Infektionen ist. Pangels: „Der Fashionhandel leistet also ein sinnloses Sonderopfer zur Pandemiebekämpfung, während so manch dubiose Online-Verkaufsplattform von der Politik mit zusätzlichem Umsatz und Gewinn beglückt wird. Die Politik opfert derzeit die Fashionbranche auf dem Altar einer scheinbar einzig möglichen Strategie zur Covid-Bekämpfung: der Schließung von Geschäften“.
Die Verbesserungen bei der Überbrückungshilfe III seien für den Fashionhandel zwar durchaus erfreulich, könnten aber bei weitem nicht die horrenden Umsatzausfälle und Verluste, die sich durch die Geschäftsschließungen ergeben, ausgleichen.




BTE unterstützt Innenstadt-Kampagne „StadtHerzLeben“

Neben der eigenen Verbands-Kampagne „Rettet meinen Arbeitsplatz“, die primär die Ängste der Einzelkaufleute und Arbeitnehmer*innen vor Verlust der Existenz bzw. der Beschäftigung thematisiert, unterstützt der BTE auch aktiv die Innenstadt-Kampagne #StadtHerzLeben. Initiatoren sind namhafte große Modehäuser aus dem gesamten Bundesgebiet, darunter Braun (Moers), Engelhorn (Mannheim), Garhammer (Waldkirchen), Klingenthal (Paderborn), Leffers (Oldenburg), L&T (Osnabrück), Reischmann (Ravensburg) und CJ Schmidt (Husum). Auch BTE-Präsident und Modehändler Steffen Jost setzt sich aktiv für diese Kampagne ein.

Ziel der Kampagne ist die Rettung des inhabergeführten Fashionhandels in den Innenstädten, der durch den Lockdown unter weit überdurchschnittlichen Umsatz- und Ertragseinbrüchen leidet. Denn der innerstädtische Fachhandel erhielt und erhält bis heute entweder gar keine oder nur sehr geringe staatlichen Hilfen. Dies gilt insbesondere für größere Modehäuser. Diese stellen aber ganz wichtige Besucher- und Einkaufsmagneten in zahlreichen Städten dar und sorgen vielerorts für wertvolle Frequenz und eine vitale Innenstadt.

Neben der eigenen Verbands-Kampagne „Rettet meinen Arbeitsplatz“, die primär die Ängste der Einzelkaufleute und Arbeitnehmer*innen vor Verlust der Existenz bzw. der Beschäftigung thematisiert, unterstützt der BTE auch aktiv die Innenstadt-Kampagne #StadtHerzLeben. Initiatoren sind namhafte große Modehäuser aus dem gesamten Bundesgebiet, darunter Braun (Moers), Engelhorn (Mannheim), Garhammer (Waldkirchen), Klingenthal (Paderborn), Leffers (Oldenburg), L&T (Osnabrück), Reischmann (Ravensburg) und CJ Schmidt (Husum). Auch BTE-Präsident und Modehändler Steffen Jost setzt sich aktiv für diese Kampagne ein.

Ziel der Kampagne ist die Rettung des inhabergeführten Fashionhandels in den Innenstädten, der durch den Lockdown unter weit überdurchschnittlichen Umsatz- und Ertragseinbrüchen leidet. Denn der innerstädtische Fachhandel erhielt und erhält bis heute entweder gar keine oder nur sehr geringe staatlichen Hilfen. Dies gilt insbesondere für größere Modehäuser. Diese stellen aber ganz wichtige Besucher- und Einkaufsmagneten in zahlreichen Städten dar und sorgen vielerorts für wertvolle Frequenz und eine vitale Innenstadt.

Die Bedeutung unserer Branche für die Attraktivität unserer Innenstädte, aber auch für eine Vielzahl von Arbeitsplätzen wird noch immer von der Politik unterschätzt. Schließlich zählt der Textil-, Schuh- und Lederwarenhandel in Deutschland über 30.000 Unternehmen mit etwa 80.000 Verkaufshäusern und 420.000 Beschäftigten. Sie stehen für 60 Milliarden Euro Jahresbruttoumsatz mit unzähligen Kundenkontakten und persönlichen Begegnungen.

Als Folge der Pandemie besteht nun die Gefahr, dass viele familiengeführte Einzelhändler dauerhaft schließen müssen. Viele mittelständische Unternehmen, die vor Corona noch kerngesund waren, sind aktuell gefährdet.

Die Kampagne #StadtHerzLeben verlangt daher von der Politik eine angemessene und existenzsichernde Wiedergutmachung für die entstandenen Schäden der staatlich verordneten Geschäftsschließungen - als Unterstützung für die Bewältigung der Corona-Krise. Die einzelnen Forderungen decken sich mit jenen des HDE und des BTE sowie der regionalen Handelsverbände.

Herzstück von #StadtHerzLeben ist eine Online-Petition, die möglichst alle Geschäfte in den Innenstädten, deren Mitarbeiter und vor allem auch deren Kunden unterzeichnen sollten. Ziel ist es, bis zum 23. Februar mindestens 50.000 Unterschriften zu erhalten. Im Anschluss soll die Petition durch die Initiatoren sowie BTE-Präsident Steffen Jost in Berlin an die Bundesminister Altmaier und Scholz überreicht werden.

Ein weiteres Tool von #StadtHerzLeben ist ein Content-Baukasten, der von Mode- und Schuhhäusern beim BTE über kostenfrei angefordert werden kann. Dieser Baukasten enthält hilfreiche Unterlagen für eigene PR-Maßnahmen von Fachhändlern zur Verdeutlichung der dramatischen Situation, in der sich der Innenstadthandel befindet. Konkret sind dies ein Gesprächsleitfaden für Presseanfragen, Textempfehlungen für Newsletter und Social-Media Beiträge, Bildmaterial und Logos etc. sowie ein Erklär-PDF. Die aufgeführten Textbausteine sind lediglich als Vorschlag und Hilfestellung zu sehen. Die Unternehmen können gerne die Texte anpassen oder Umformulierungen vornehmen.

BTE-Empfehlung: Der BTE appelliert in diesem Zusammenhang an alle innerstädtische Fashionhändler, sich an beiden Petitionen zu beteiligen und auch die Mitarbeiter*innen und Kunden*innen entsprechend zu motivieren, ihre Unterschrift zu leisten. Bei #StadtHerzLeben kann man an der Petition teilnehmen über den Link; bei der Kampagne „Rettet meinen Arbeitsplatz“ über

Hinweis: Modehäuser können den Link zur Petition für ihre Kunden auch auf ihre Website stellen, so wie bspw. bei L&T in Osnabrück:



Month's drapilux recommendation: Nature-inspired lightness © drapilux
Inspiring Interiors: drapilux 835

Month's drapilux recommendation: Nature-inspired lightness

  • Inspiring Interiors

Textiles are an inseparable part of the interior as they give a room atmosphere and good acoustics. But which fabric is best suited for which purpose? This month's drapilux  recommendation is drapilux835 and is aimed at classic and modern hotels as well as offices, healthcare facilities and hospitals.

  • Nature-inspired lightness: drapilux 835

The translucency of drapilux 835 conveys openness, lightness and a sense of character. This  was  how  Holger  Schön,  Commercial  Property  Manager  at drapilux, described the series. That is the reason why this fabric, with its versatile floral patterns, adorns the four walls of the commercial property manager’s own home: “We live in the suburbs in a rural setting. Consequently, we chose a design with poppies, as this pattern harmonises well in the natural surroundings in which we live.” The fabric also plays a part in the hygiene chain thanks to the intelligent added function of drapilux bioaktiv. Silver ions on the surface of the fibres kill over 99 percent of any bacteria located on textiles.

  • Inspiring Interiors

Textiles are an inseparable part of the interior as they give a room atmosphere and good acoustics. But which fabric is best suited for which purpose? This month's drapilux  recommendation is drapilux835 and is aimed at classic and modern hotels as well as offices, healthcare facilities and hospitals.

  • Nature-inspired lightness: drapilux 835

The translucency of drapilux 835 conveys openness, lightness and a sense of character. This  was  how  Holger  Schön,  Commercial  Property  Manager  at drapilux, described the series. That is the reason why this fabric, with its versatile floral patterns, adorns the four walls of the commercial property manager’s own home: “We live in the suburbs in a rural setting. Consequently, we chose a design with poppies, as this pattern harmonises well in the natural surroundings in which we live.” The fabric also plays a part in the hygiene chain thanks to the intelligent added function of drapilux bioaktiv. Silver ions on the surface of the fibres kill over 99 percent of any bacteria located on textiles.


schönknecht : kommunikation


Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles to return in August 2021

From 25 – 27 August, 2021, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition will join forces with Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – Autumn Edition, Yarn Expo Autumn, PH Value and CHIC to showcase the latest products and services within the entire textile sector. Collectively, the fairs are set to offer valuable synergistic effects for the home décor, apparel, yarn and fibre industries.

Despite the disruption caused by the pandemic, the Autumn Edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles 2020 was able to go ahead as scheduled to support the industry’s recovery. The three-day show welcomed a total of 26,673 trade buyers from 43 countries & regions, as well as 643 exhibitors from 11 countries & regions. What’s more, the show’s virtual events drew 558,179 attendees from across the world.

From 25 – 27 August, 2021, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition will join forces with Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – Autumn Edition, Yarn Expo Autumn, PH Value and CHIC to showcase the latest products and services within the entire textile sector. Collectively, the fairs are set to offer valuable synergistic effects for the home décor, apparel, yarn and fibre industries.

Despite the disruption caused by the pandemic, the Autumn Edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles 2020 was able to go ahead as scheduled to support the industry’s recovery. The three-day show welcomed a total of 26,673 trade buyers from 43 countries & regions, as well as 643 exhibitors from 11 countries & regions. What’s more, the show’s virtual events drew 558,179 attendees from across the world.

“We are delighted that Intertextile 2020 was able to run as planned and received positive feedback from participants. It is a confirmation of our leading position in the Asian industry, and our unwavering commitment to providing the best trade platform for our exhibitors and visitors that reflects market demands,” said Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd. “As we continue to navigate through these challenging times, we look forward to developing more creative and flexible solutions to adapt to the ever-changing business environment. The 2021 edition will continue with the hybrid format that combines both physical and virtual events, in order to facilitate contacts between suppliers and buyers worldwide, and open up new opportunities in the post-pandemic era.”
“Additionally, we decided to hold Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles concurrently with Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics and Yarn Expo next year. Holding these three events at the same time and place will generate exciting synergistic effects, as well as provide a comprehensive sourcing platform for participants. And, of course, the show will present a series of high-quality fringe events for fairgoers to gain the latest market trends and insights,” Ms Wen added.

Discover a new season of inspiration at Intertextile
At the upcoming fair, exhibitors will fill four halls at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai), occupying an area of 100,000 sqm. To offer a more efficient and convenient sourcing experience for buyers, the fair will once again feature an array of product zones and country & region pavilions including:

  • Country & region pavilions: presented by Belgium, India, Pakistan, Taiwan and Turkey.
  • Carpet zone: featuring renowned domestic and international providers of carpets and floor coverings.
  • Editor zone: offering high-quality upholstery fabrics from prominent European manufacturers.
  • Finished product zone: international suppliers will showcase their latest finished goods for a variety of applications.
  • Textile design zone: leading design studios will exhibit their creative ideas and products for all areas of the interior markets.
  • Textile technology zone: presenting cutting-edge textile technologies which can achieve flexibility, efficiency and sustainability.
  • Contract business: leading suppliers will offer a vast portfolio of functional fabrics catering to different interior settings such as hotels, restaurants and public spaces.



Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd


BTE, BDSE und BLE starten Kampagne „Rettet meinen Arbeitsplatz“

Die Handelsverbände Textil (BTE), Schuhe (BDSE) und Lederwaren (BLE) starten zusammen mit dem BTE-KompetenzPartner Hutter+Unger die Kampagne „Rettet meinen Arbeitsplatz“. Ziel sei es, die politischen Entscheidungsträger in der Bundesregierung davon zu überzeugen, schnellstens wirksame Hilfen für den stationären Textil-, Schuh- und Lederwarenfachhandel zu verabschieden und damit Hunderttausende Arbeitsplätze zu retten. Schließlich stünden in den drei Branchen aktuell 33.000 Unternehmen mit fast 80.000 Läden und fast einer halben Million Beschäftigten mit dem Rücken zur Wand, so die Verbände.

Im Fokus der am 20. Januar gestarteten Kampagne ist der drohende Verlust von Arbeitsplätzen. Zehntausende Geschäftsinhaber*innen und vor allem Hunderttausende Mitarbeiter*innen hätten aktuell Angst, ihre unternehmerische Existenz oder ihren Arbeitsplatz ohne eigenes Verschulden zu verlieren. BTE, BDSE und BLE rufen alle betroffenen Geschäftsinhaber*innen und Mitarbeiter*innen auf, ihre berechtigten Forderungen auf folgenden Wegen zu kommunizieren:

Die Handelsverbände Textil (BTE), Schuhe (BDSE) und Lederwaren (BLE) starten zusammen mit dem BTE-KompetenzPartner Hutter+Unger die Kampagne „Rettet meinen Arbeitsplatz“. Ziel sei es, die politischen Entscheidungsträger in der Bundesregierung davon zu überzeugen, schnellstens wirksame Hilfen für den stationären Textil-, Schuh- und Lederwarenfachhandel zu verabschieden und damit Hunderttausende Arbeitsplätze zu retten. Schließlich stünden in den drei Branchen aktuell 33.000 Unternehmen mit fast 80.000 Läden und fast einer halben Million Beschäftigten mit dem Rücken zur Wand, so die Verbände.

Im Fokus der am 20. Januar gestarteten Kampagne ist der drohende Verlust von Arbeitsplätzen. Zehntausende Geschäftsinhaber*innen und vor allem Hunderttausende Mitarbeiter*innen hätten aktuell Angst, ihre unternehmerische Existenz oder ihren Arbeitsplatz ohne eigenes Verschulden zu verlieren. BTE, BDSE und BLE rufen alle betroffenen Geschäftsinhaber*innen und Mitarbeiter*innen auf, ihre berechtigten Forderungen auf folgenden Wegen zu kommunizieren:

  • in Form von persönlichen Briefen der Inhaber und vor allem der Mitarbeiter an die Bundesregierung, speziell an das Bundesfinanz-, Bundesarbeits- und Bundeswirtschaftsministerium,
  • über eine Online-Petition, an der sich alle Chefs und Mitarbeiter*innen im Textil-, Schuh- und Lederwarenhandel beteiligen sollen und
  • mit Hilfe von zwei emotionalen Plakatmotiven, die im Schaufenster oder auch für Posts in den Social-Media-Kanälen genutzt werden können.

BTE, BDSE und BLE haben dazu die Kampagnen-Website mit Plakatvorlagen, Musterbriefe und der Online-Petition erstellt. Die Website enthält zudem eine Auflistung von 44 persönlichen, ökonomischen und wettbewerbsrechtlichen Gründen, warum die Politik jetzt schnellstens wirksame Hilfen für den stationären Textil-, Schuh- und Lederwarenhandel freigeben muss.

BTE, BDSE und BLE appellieren an alle Unternehmer aus dem Textil-, Schuh- und Lederwarenhandel, sich an der Kampagne zu beteiligen und ihre Mitarbeiter*innen zum Mitmachen zu ermutigen und entsprechend zu unterstützen. Die drei Handelsverbände werden vor allem die Petition dazu nutzen, speziell die Verantwortlichen in der Bundesregierung zur Rettung der Unternehmen und Arbeitsplätze aufzufordern. Motto: Zusammen sind wir viele!




Hologenix and Kelheim Fibres launch Celliant Viscose

Hologenix, creators of Celliant®, infrared responsive technology, and Kelheim Fibres, a world-leading manufacturer of viscose specialty fibers, have partnered to launch Celliant Viscose at ISPO Munich 2021. Celliant Viscose is a finalist in Best Products by ISPO and will be showcased in the Fibers & Insulations Category for ISPO Textrends, where realistic views and 3-D simulations will be available for each material.

The introduction of nature-based Celliant Viscose will be the first in-fiber infrared sustainable solution on the market and meets a consumer demand for more environmentally friendly textiles. An alternative to synthetic fibers and extremely versatile, Celliant Viscose blends beautifully with cotton, micromodal, lyocell, wool varieties including cashmere. It also has many applications across industries as it is ideal for performance wear, luxury loungewear, casual wear and bedding.

Hologenix, creators of Celliant®, infrared responsive technology, and Kelheim Fibres, a world-leading manufacturer of viscose specialty fibers, have partnered to launch Celliant Viscose at ISPO Munich 2021. Celliant Viscose is a finalist in Best Products by ISPO and will be showcased in the Fibers & Insulations Category for ISPO Textrends, where realistic views and 3-D simulations will be available for each material.

The introduction of nature-based Celliant Viscose will be the first in-fiber infrared sustainable solution on the market and meets a consumer demand for more environmentally friendly textiles. An alternative to synthetic fibers and extremely versatile, Celliant Viscose blends beautifully with cotton, micromodal, lyocell, wool varieties including cashmere. It also has many applications across industries as it is ideal for performance wear, luxury loungewear, casual wear and bedding.

Celliant Viscose features natural, ethically sourced minerals embedded into plant-based fibers to create infrared products that capture and convert body heat into infrared, increasing local circulation and improved cellular oxygenation. This results in stronger performance, faster recovery and better sleep.

Celliant Viscose provides all the benefits of being a viscose fiber — lightweight, soft, highly breathable, excellent moisture management — as well as fiber enhancements from Celliant infrared technology. Celliant’s proprietary blend of natural minerals allows textiles to capture and convert body heat into full-spectrum infrared energy, resulting in stronger performance, faster recovery and better sleep. In addition, Celliant is durable and will not wash out, lasting the useful life of the product it powers.

An Affordable, Long-lasting Solution with Diverse Applications
As opposed to other IR viscose products which are coatings based, Celliant Viscose’s in-fiber solution increases wearability and longevity with a soft feel, durability from washing and longer life. The combination of Kelheim’s distinctive technology and the Celliant additives creates this unique fiber that provides full functionality without the need for any additional processing step — a new standard in the field of sustainable IR viscose fibers. This single processing also makes Celliant Viscose more cost-effective and time-efficient than coatings.

In addition, Kelheim’s flexible technology allows targeted interventions in the viscose fiber process. By modifying the fiber’s dimensions or cross sections or by incorporating additives into the fiber matrix, Kelheim can precisely define the fiber’s properties according to the specific needs of the end product.

Highly Sustainable
Celliant Viscose is a plant and mineral-based solution for brands seeking an alternative to synthetic fibers. It contains natural raw materials that are from the earth and can return safely to the earth.

Nature-based Celliant Viscose is certified by FSC® or PEFC™, which guarantees the origin in sustainably managed plantations, and is part of the CanopyStyle initiative to protect ancient and endangered forests. The production of Celliant Viscose takes place exclusively at the Kelheim facilities in Germany, complying with the country’s strict environmental laws and guaranteeing an overall eco-friendly product.

Backed by Science
Celliant is rigorously tested by a Science Advisory Board composed of experts in the fields of physics, biology, chemistry and medicine. The Science Advisory Board has overseen 10 clinical, technical and physical trials, and seven published studies that demonstrate Celliant’s effectiveness and the benefits of infrared energy.

For more information, visit


Kelheim Fibres GmbH

(c) Dibella GmbH. Dibella's CEO Ralf Hellmann.

Dibella selected as a role model for corporate social responsibility

Dibella has been selected by the German Federal Ministry for Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) as a model case study for due diligence in the context of human rights. The showpiece for responsible supply chain management is presented on the Ministry’s homepage.

For many years now, Dibella has been engaged in developing a fair and ecologically responsible textile supply chain and was therefore one of 25 enterprises nominated for the prestigious CSR award of the German government in the year 2020. The responsible Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS) has now selected the human rights due diligence activities implemented by Dibella as a positive case study. A presentation of the company's extensive activities for sustainable action is now available on the BMAS website.

Dibella has been selected by the German Federal Ministry for Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) as a model case study for due diligence in the context of human rights. The showpiece for responsible supply chain management is presented on the Ministry’s homepage.

For many years now, Dibella has been engaged in developing a fair and ecologically responsible textile supply chain and was therefore one of 25 enterprises nominated for the prestigious CSR award of the German government in the year 2020. The responsible Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS) has now selected the human rights due diligence activities implemented by Dibella as a positive case study. A presentation of the company's extensive activities for sustainable action is now available on the BMAS website.

An encouraging, positive example
"Corporate social responsibility means illuminating the impacts of one's own entrepreneurial actions at all levels and integrating responsible action into all business activities. We have been consistently implementing this philosophy for many years. We attach great importance to the sustainable production of our textiles and to good working conditions throughout our value chain. It therefore makes us proud that our approach is presented by the BMAS as a good example of a positive contribution to society, which can serve as motivation for sustainable commitment in all industries," says Ralf Hellmann, Managing Director of Dibella.

More information:
Dibella CSR

Dibella GmbH

Lamme Textielbeheer supports "Dibella up" with tons of laundry. (c) Lamme Textile Management
Six tons of bed linen, towels and napkins on the way to a new "life". Owner Jan Lamme (left) and Assistant Operations Manager Frank David are collecting for more sustainability in the textile service.

Lamme Textielbeheer supports "Dibella up" with tons of laundry.

  • "Dibella up" records its first big success

Aalten, "Dibella up" is bearing its first fruits. Since the launch of the recycling concept initiated in August 2020, six tons of sorted laundry items have already been returned to Dibella and converted into new ones by the company in farsighted reuse projects. The customer who has been involved in the project from the very beginning is Lamme Textielbeheer from Nederhorst den Berg. The Dutch textile service provider sees the initiative as an important measure for more appreciation of resources.

  • "Dibella up" records its first big success

Aalten, "Dibella up" is bearing its first fruits. Since the launch of the recycling concept initiated in August 2020, six tons of sorted laundry items have already been returned to Dibella and converted into new ones by the company in farsighted reuse projects. The customer who has been involved in the project from the very beginning is Lamme Textielbeheer from Nederhorst den Berg. The Dutch textile service provider sees the initiative as an important measure for more appreciation of resources.

Dibella has taken the closed-loop approach of the textile service as a model and has taken a step towards a completely closed cycle with the "Dibella up" project. The system includes unlimited reuse and recycling of the fibre raw materials bound in the textiles. To this end, the company's own textile qualities, which are selected from laundries, are taken back and passed on to selected upcycling projects. Polyester-cotton blended fabrics are processed there into high-quality bags. Pure natural fibre textiles as well as blended fabrics with at least 50 percent cotton are chemically converted into an important raw material for cellulose fibre production, while the remaining polyester is still being thermally recycled for technical reasons.

Six tons of laundry from the Netherlands

Lamme Textielbeheer was immediately enthusiastic about the "Dibella up" initiative. The committed company has been involved in various Dibella sustainability projects for many years and recognises the future-oriented character of the new project. "Our will to cooperate was immediately clear after Dibella's managing director Ralf Hellmann presented the upcycling project, because we see it as an important measure for the prudent use of resources," reports Jan Lamme, managing director of the company of the same name. "Within a very short period of time, we therefore jointly started to take back our discarded, no longer usable old textiles. In this way, we have already been able to return six tonnes of laundry for a new product cycle. This corresponds exactly to our idea of upcycling!". "Dibella provides stable, reusable cartons for shipping," says a delighted Frank David, Lamme's Assistant Operations Manager. "This makes collection much easier for us and we don't have to take any means of transport out of our laundry".

Prepared for the mega-trend of recycling management

Dibella would like to build on the initial joint success and further expand the initiative for a closed textile cycle in the industry. "The awareness of sustainability is high in the textile rental service. But the next mega-trend is already emerging. The future lies in closed-loop recycling. With "Dibella up", we are offering our customers the opportunity to get involved now and make resources usable in the long term. We are happy about every new cooperation partner who appreciates the value of textiles as much as we do".


Dibella b.v.


Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles March 2021

The Spring Edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles will return to the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) from 10 – 12 March 2021, together with four other textile events including Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – Spring Edition, Yarn Expo Spring, CHIC and PH Value. The fairs will offer an all-round business platform and a host of exciting synergy effects for the sector.

High-quality finished products to be offered
In March 2021, the Spring Edition will showcase a selection of home textile products including bedding & towelling, rugs, table & kitchen linen, home textile technologies, textile design and many more. Additionally, the fair will be held concurrently with Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – Spring Edition, Yarn Expo Spring, CHIC and PH Value, offering a comprehensive sourcing platform for the sector.

The Spring Edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles will return to the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) from 10 – 12 March 2021, together with four other textile events including Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – Spring Edition, Yarn Expo Spring, CHIC and PH Value. The fairs will offer an all-round business platform and a host of exciting synergy effects for the sector.

High-quality finished products to be offered
In March 2021, the Spring Edition will showcase a selection of home textile products including bedding & towelling, rugs, table & kitchen linen, home textile technologies, textile design and many more. Additionally, the fair will be held concurrently with Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – Spring Edition, Yarn Expo Spring, CHIC and PH Value, offering a comprehensive sourcing platform for the sector.

Lenzing views Intertextile as an ideal platform to present their sustainable home products
The Lenzing Group, a leading producer of man-made cellulose fibres, is amongst the major industry players who have already confirmed their participation in the upcoming fair. Ms Lesley Wu, Home Textile Business Development at Lenzing Fibers (Shanghai), talked about new market trends in the post-pandemic era and the reasons they decided to join the Spring Edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles:

“Even though the home textile industry has, to some extent, been negatively impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak, there are both opportunities and challenges for the sector. Without a doubt, environmental protection and sustainable development are the hottest topics in today’s society. Consumers are paying more attention to healthy lifestyles and looking to make a shift to green consumption as a result of the pandemic. More and more consumers are opting for functional and sustainable raw materials. Environmentally sustainable fibres are therefore gaining popularity.”

“Right now, we expect the home textile industry will continue its steady recovery. Home textile companies may look for opportunities in product and marketing innovations, such as developing functional and sustainable home textile products and exploring various O2O business model options,” Ms Wu added.

Lastly, Ms Wu shared why they chose to participate in Intertextile: “We decided to exhibit at Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles because it is an influential trade fair for the industry. As the Lenzing Group has been expanding in the home textile market, we want to use this platform to showcase the applications for TENCEL™ branded fibres in home textiles, and to further promote sustainability through our TENCEL™ Home cellulosic fibres.”

To find out more about this fair, please visit:


Messe Frankfurt / Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles


BTE Eilmeldung: Novemberhilfen wohl ab 40 Prozent Umsatzrückgang

Aktuell mehren sich die Anzeichen, dass es für Handelsunternehmen - und damit auch für den besonders betroffenen Textil-, Schuh- und Lederwarenhandel - Überbrückungshilfen geben soll, wenn deren Umsatzminus im November mindestens 40 Prozent beträgt.

Jeder Textil-, Schuh- und Lederwarenhändler, der aktuell in der Nähe dieses Umsatzwertes liegt und die Beantragung der sog. „Novemberhilfe“ erwägt, sollte sich daher kurzfristige Rabattaktionen in diesem Monat zur Umsatzsteigerung gut überlegen. Gegenfalls sollten bereits angekündigte Preisaktionen modifiziert werden, so der Verband.

Aktuell mehren sich die Anzeichen, dass es für Handelsunternehmen - und damit auch für den besonders betroffenen Textil-, Schuh- und Lederwarenhandel - Überbrückungshilfen geben soll, wenn deren Umsatzminus im November mindestens 40 Prozent beträgt.

Jeder Textil-, Schuh- und Lederwarenhändler, der aktuell in der Nähe dieses Umsatzwertes liegt und die Beantragung der sog. „Novemberhilfe“ erwägt, sollte sich daher kurzfristige Rabattaktionen in diesem Monat zur Umsatzsteigerung gut überlegen. Gegenfalls sollten bereits angekündigte Preisaktionen modifiziert werden, so der Verband.

More information:


ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei presents its new fabric collection © 2020 classecohub
ECOSENSOR™ 100% recycled polyamide fabrics

ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei presents its new fabric collection

  • ECOSENSOR™ 100% recycled polyamide fabric
  • New fabric collection imbued with the brand’s sustainable story-making, at the Digital Edition of Performance Days

ECOSENSOR™’s new references combine high-performance and innovation to empower people with the possibility to live life naturally both for mind and body. The new range is woven from certified ingredients, a completely traceable production process and highly certified suppliers

“A New Eco high-tech force of Nature”, a bold claim, a daring attitude and true facts. ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei has concentrated all its key values into a Nature-driven and high-tech fabric collection that respects the environment and human being. Sustainability, active climate control, exquisite touch and extreme performance co-habit the textiles: the collection is made of wovens and knits where the main technology is represented by GRS - Global Recycled Standard certified polyamide and polyesters, sometime combined with ROICA™ recycled stretch yarns and dyed and finished with Oekotex Standard 100 certified processes and/or by BlueSign® partners’ companies.

  • ECOSENSOR™ 100% recycled polyamide fabric
  • New fabric collection imbued with the brand’s sustainable story-making, at the Digital Edition of Performance Days

ECOSENSOR™’s new references combine high-performance and innovation to empower people with the possibility to live life naturally both for mind and body. The new range is woven from certified ingredients, a completely traceable production process and highly certified suppliers

“A New Eco high-tech force of Nature”, a bold claim, a daring attitude and true facts. ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei has concentrated all its key values into a Nature-driven and high-tech fabric collection that respects the environment and human being. Sustainability, active climate control, exquisite touch and extreme performance co-habit the textiles: the collection is made of wovens and knits where the main technology is represented by GRS - Global Recycled Standard certified polyamide and polyesters, sometime combined with ROICA™ recycled stretch yarns and dyed and finished with Oekotex Standard 100 certified processes and/or by BlueSign® partners’ companies.

But there is much more than it meets the eye. Behind the new collection is a great story of sustainability.

“Our international team strives to innovate with a human-based approach to research and develop solutions that meet high-performance standards as well as the transparency and traceability of both the ingredients and the supply chain”, says Mr. Hashimoto, Senior Managing Director of Asahi Kasei Advance, the global materials innovator and manufacturer. Indeed, the company has set the high bar all its suppliers and partners must match. Such criteria include: thoroughly transparency and traceability of both materials and production, corporate responsibility at all levels and a strategic commitment granted by influential certifications such as GRS - Global Recycle Standard for recycled ingredients and processes, as well as Bluesign® and OekoTex Standard 100 certifications, which focus on environmental-friendly impact of the dyeing and finishing processes.

The human, environmentally-friendly and cutting-edge imprint of ECOSENSOR™ ultimate collection reflects a vision for a more responsible way of fabric manufacturing. A new force of nature, because story-telling truly must match the story-making.


GB Network

Moti Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd. Moves to Digital Production with Mimaki Tiger (c) Mimaki
The Tiger-1800B MkII, Mimaki’s flagship industrial volume textile printer

Moti Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd. Moves to Digital Production with Mimaki Tiger

  •   Mimaki Tiger-1800B MkII Printers for Faster, High-Quality Textile Printing

Amsterdam - Mimaki Europe, a leading manufacturer of inkjet printers and cutting systems, announces today that Pakistani textile company, Moti Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd., is leveraging multiple Mimaki Tiger industrial textile printing units to take its business to the next level. As a result of on the outstanding performance and process optimisation delivered by the Mimaki digital printing equipment, the company has been able to adapt to changes in the textile industry and is now projected to reinforce its market position and expand its capabilities in high-quality textile production.

  •   Mimaki Tiger-1800B MkII Printers for Faster, High-Quality Textile Printing

Amsterdam - Mimaki Europe, a leading manufacturer of inkjet printers and cutting systems, announces today that Pakistani textile company, Moti Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd., is leveraging multiple Mimaki Tiger industrial textile printing units to take its business to the next level. As a result of on the outstanding performance and process optimisation delivered by the Mimaki digital printing equipment, the company has been able to adapt to changes in the textile industry and is now projected to reinforce its market position and expand its capabilities in high-quality textile production.

Headquartered in Faisalabad, Punjab province – the second largest textile hub in Pakistan –, Moti Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd. mainly serves the high fashion industry and uses its cutting-edge technology to print about 100,000 metres daily. Faced with recent challenges in the global textile market, management at Moti Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd. embarked on innovating the company’s business model, shifting from conventional to digital printing. In doing so, the company invested in Mimaki’s advanced industrial textile technology and installed three Mimaki Tiger-1800B MkII units. “We were – and still are – experiencing a massive transformation in the printing segment, with brands demanding high quality products delivered within short deadlines. This change in our customers’ requirements urged us to move to digital printing,” says Muhammad Asif, CEO at Moti Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd. “Our choice has already proved sound as our brand-new Tiger-1800B MkII printing systems have enabled us to cope with the high standards of the fashion industry in terms of both quality and delivery times. In addition, we have been able to gradually enhance our production processes in a cost-effective way.”

The Tiger-1800B MkII is Mimaki’s flagship industrial volume textile printer, available either in dye sublimation configuration for transfer printing or with reactive ink for direct-to-textile printing. Of the three Mimaki Tiger-1800B MkII solutions operating at Moti Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd., two are equipped with reactive inks, enabling the company to directly print onto natural fibres such as cotton and linen, as well as onto manufactured cellulose fibres, including rayon and nylon. The third Mimaki Tiger-1800B MkII features sublimation inks serves the ever-growing printed polyester market, allowing the company to strategically diversify its product portfolio.

“There are several features of the Tiger-1800B MkII that benefit our production and our business at large. The MAPS (Mimaki Advanced Pass System), just to name one, prevents banding and colour-shifting to deliver a higher standard of quality, while the NRS (Nozzle Recovery System) provides uninterrupted production, minimising downtime and ensuring superior results. The sticky belt system together with the large-size ink tanks (with a capacity of 10kg) and the high-performance software RIP TxLink3 are some of the other features that make these printers efficient, user-friendly and reliable,” says Asif.

Asif concludes, “Looking at the future, our aim is to set up a print department featuring only Mimaki’s technologies. We are already considering the next steps to make this possible, knowing that we can count on the support of Signtrade, Mimaki’s dealer in the region and our trustworthy partner.”

Moti Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd. was founded in 1992 by Muhammad Asif’s father Haji Muhammad Yousaf and his partner Haji Rasheed Ahmad. Established as a dyeing company, Moti Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd. was able to gradually diversify the business over the years to become an advanced textile printing specialist. Today, the company is an established provider to the high fashion industry in Pakistan and on an international level.

“The story of Moti Fabrics is incredibly inspiring. Belonging to a region with such rooted textile printing heritage, the company has been able to embrace a new, challenging business model in order to stay at pace with the changing demand from the textile industry and has succeeded,” comments Ronald van den Broek, General Sales Manager at Mimaki Europe. “Customers like Moti Fabrics make us proud as they demonstrate how our advanced Mimaki Tiger industrial textile series can be the enabling technology for those textile companies planning the shift from conventional to digital printing.”

Andreas Beirholm, Business Development Manager Beirholm (c) Beirholms Væverier/Reused Remade/Dibella: Andreas Beirholm, Business Development Manager Beirholm
Andreas Beirholm, Business Development Manager Beirholm

Beirholms Væverier/Dibella/Reused Remade: Partnership to enable circular textile flows

Leading suppliers of hotel textiles in Europe, the Danish company Beirholms Væverier and the German/Dutch company Dibella, begin circular collaboration with Swedish Reused Remade, known for its climate-smart textile bags made of reused hotel bedlinen. Together, they will extend the life cycle of hotel textiles and contribute to the circular economy by upcycling discarded textiles from laundries turning them into new textile bags for the retail market.

In Europe, millions of tons of hotel bed linen are discarded each year and can no longer be used in the hotel’s operations due to wear and tear. Thanks to Reused Remade's patent-pending method of up-cycling hotel bed linen into climate-smart textile bags, enormous amounts of natural resources are saved. Because the textiles are reused, as opposed to being downcycled, as is usually the case today, this partnership offers a climate-friendly alternative to today’s disposal of discarded textiles.

Leading suppliers of hotel textiles in Europe, the Danish company Beirholms Væverier and the German/Dutch company Dibella, begin circular collaboration with Swedish Reused Remade, known for its climate-smart textile bags made of reused hotel bedlinen. Together, they will extend the life cycle of hotel textiles and contribute to the circular economy by upcycling discarded textiles from laundries turning them into new textile bags for the retail market.

In Europe, millions of tons of hotel bed linen are discarded each year and can no longer be used in the hotel’s operations due to wear and tear. Thanks to Reused Remade's patent-pending method of up-cycling hotel bed linen into climate-smart textile bags, enormous amounts of natural resources are saved. Because the textiles are reused, as opposed to being downcycled, as is usually the case today, this partnership offers a climate-friendly alternative to today’s disposal of discarded textiles.

By 2025, all EU member states will have introduced an extended producer responsibility for textiles (EPR for textiles). This will place demands on the industries concerned to jointly find smart solutions and contribute to the transition to a circular economy. Beirholm and Dibella both have a strong focus on sustainability and are constantly looking for new and smart solutions for their customers' discarded textiles. The purpose of this partnership is to enable more laundries in Europe to join Reused Remade's circular solution with climate - smart textile bags made of reused hotel bed linen.

With an impressive growth journey since its inception in 2016, Reused Remade’s climate-smart textile bags for everyday use can now be found at prominent Nordic and European retailers such as Edeka, Clas Ohlson, Ica, and Systembolaget.

"The goal for 2021 is to collect 300 tones of hotel bed linen in order to meet our customers demand. It feels fantastic to be able to collaborate with Beirholm and Dibella, whose values about sustainability we share. We see that together we can make a big difference to our environment, our climate and our common future", say Pia Walter and Josephine Alhanko, founders of Reused Remade.

Please read the attached document for more information

World Cotton Day on 7 October Highlights the Importance of Cotton for Development Policy (c) pixabay

October, 7th: World Cotton Day

  • World Cotton Day on 7 October Highlights the Importance of Cotton for Development Policy

Bremen - Stemming from a 2019 initiative of the African Cotton-4 countries Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad and Mali, World Cotton Day will take place this year on 7 October. The event is organised by the Geneva-based World Trade Organisation (WTO) and is supported by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the International Trade Centre (ITC) and the International Cotton Secretariat (ICAC). The Bremen Cotton Exchange is also involved.

“Cotton is often underestimated because it is so natural. Behind it are millions of people, for example many farmers, field workers, employees in ginning factories, logistics providers and traders. We want to honour their achievements,” said the President of the Bremen Cotton Exchange, Stephanie Silber.

  • World Cotton Day on 7 October Highlights the Importance of Cotton for Development Policy

Bremen - Stemming from a 2019 initiative of the African Cotton-4 countries Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad and Mali, World Cotton Day will take place this year on 7 October. The event is organised by the Geneva-based World Trade Organisation (WTO) and is supported by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the International Trade Centre (ITC) and the International Cotton Secretariat (ICAC). The Bremen Cotton Exchange is also involved.

“Cotton is often underestimated because it is so natural. Behind it are millions of people, for example many farmers, field workers, employees in ginning factories, logistics providers and traders. We want to honour their achievements,” said the President of the Bremen Cotton Exchange, Stephanie Silber.

According to the WTO, the aim of World Cotton Day is to highlight the global economic importance of cotton and to raise awareness of the raw material by recognising the work of everyone involved in its cultivation, processing and trade. At the same time, within the framework of international cooperation, it is hoped that supporters and investors can be found to aid with technological and economic progress within the cotton value chain.

This time, the entire world cotton community will be involved in World Cotton Day on Wednesday, 7 October 2020. A wide variety of campaigns and events are taking place everywhere to draw attention to the importance of cotton and its possible uses.

Cotton is one of the most relevant agricultural raw materials in the world. Around 26 million tonnes of it are harvested annually. Approximately 150 million people in almost 80 countries around the world live from the cultivation of the natural fibre. A large number of these live in developing countries, where cotton cultivation is of particular importance as a cash crop.

Cotton is known as an agricultural product that is turned into a textile. The raw material is indispensable in fashion and clothing – and has been for thousands of years. But the use of cotton now goes far beyond textiles. For example, cosmetic products such as hand creams and hair shampoo are made from the oil of cotton seeds. The raw material is also used in the manufacture of banknotes, furniture and technical textiles, as well as in medical technology.

Against the background of the current discussion on sustainability and sustainable consumption, the role of natural fibres is becoming even more important. Cotton is biodegradable and a renewable resource. It can be grown again and again in agriculture through cultivation in crop rotation. This secures incomes and enables efficient value creation within the global production and processing chain.

The Bremen Cotton Exchange will actively support World Cotton Day with cross-media coverage. In addition, in time for World Cotton Day, three thematically different, emotionally appealing short films about cotton will be launched. They are aimed at consumers as customers of the textile and clothing trade and provide information about the benefits and properties of cotton and answer questions about its sustainability. In keeping with the times, they will be published via virtual media.


No Trevira CS joint booth at Heimtextil 2021

  • Successful concept to be continued in 2022

For three years now, the Trevira CS joint fair booth, where Trevira, its customers and partners present their new ideas within the framework of an innovative creative concept, has been an established and popular feature of Heimtextil. In 2021, the international trade fair for home and contract textiles is planned to take place from 12-15 January in Frankfurt/Main. However, as a result of the numerous uncertainties brought about by the coronavirus crisis, Trevira has decided that it will not take part next year.

  • Successful concept to be continued in 2022

For three years now, the Trevira CS joint fair booth, where Trevira, its customers and partners present their new ideas within the framework of an innovative creative concept, has been an established and popular feature of Heimtextil. In 2021, the international trade fair for home and contract textiles is planned to take place from 12-15 January in Frankfurt/Main. However, as a result of the numerous uncertainties brought about by the coronavirus crisis, Trevira has decided that it will not take part next year.

“Messe Frankfurt has shown us its comprehensive hygiene concept and plans and there is no question that their plans fully meet health and safety requirements,” explained Trevira CEO Klaus Holz. “But at Trevira, we are also very much aware of our responsibilities. Our joint booth concept is not only on an extensive scale, but it is also built around the idea of communication. This makes it even more important that we consider the potential risks involved and how they could impact our customers, co-exhibitors, visitors and staff.” Given the uncertainty as to how the situation might develop in the future, Trevira has decided it has no option but to withdraw from next year’s fair and postpone its participation in Heimtextil until 2022. This decision has been made in agreement with parent company Indorama Ventures PCL (Thailand), which has put stringent measures in place to keep its staff and customers safe. As a result, the concern and its subsidiaries are not currently participating in any trade fairs.

At the 2020 Heimtextil, Trevira exhibited together with around 30 of its major Trevira CS customers with a joint booth whose total floor area measured over 2,000 msq. The number of partners exhibiting alongside Trevira has increased steadily over the past three years, and the Trevira display, along with many of the newest flame retardant Trevira CS collections from its customers, has always been hugely popular at the fair, especially in Hall 4.2, where it has continually attracted a very high number of visitors. As a joint booth, it has benefited especially from the vibrant and positive discussions among visitors and exhibitors, together with the various events that accompany the display. Usually, these included a press conference and a party held at the new stand. Trevira’s Heimtextil presence in the past three years has strengthened and expanded the position of Trevira CS as the leading brand for flame retardant home textiles.

CEO Klaus Holz said, “As a regular exhibitor at Heimtextil for many years, we found this decision extremely difficult. We greatly regret that we will not be able to bring our joint booth to Heimtextil next year. However, we plan to return in 2022 with a fair booth offering visitors and partners the high quality they have come to expect of us, with brand new ideas and measures in place to ensure its success”.


Trevira GmbH

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles 2020 opens next Monday: new digital tools complement in-person meetings   (c) Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles
Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles 2020

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles 2020 opens next Monday: new digital tools complement in-person meetings

Asia’s leading trade platform for the home and contract textile industry, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles, is ready to welcome over 600 exhibitors to China’s commercial hub from 24 – 26 August. As China’s economy continues its recovery, the upcoming fair will serve as a key platform for the industry to reconnect and prepare for the seasons ahead. Taking consideration of current international travel restrictions, Intertextile has launched a brand new online business matching platform, enabling participation for those who cannot travel to Shanghai.

Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd commented: “2020 has been a difficult and unpredictable year for every business and industry across the world, so we are pleased to be providing a platform for the home textile industry to connect and recover from the coronavirus pandemic. Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles is the first physical trade event for the sector held by Messe Frankfurt since January, so we hope that the fair assists the sector to join forces and overcome this challenging year together.”

Asia’s leading trade platform for the home and contract textile industry, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles, is ready to welcome over 600 exhibitors to China’s commercial hub from 24 – 26 August. As China’s economy continues its recovery, the upcoming fair will serve as a key platform for the industry to reconnect and prepare for the seasons ahead. Taking consideration of current international travel restrictions, Intertextile has launched a brand new online business matching platform, enabling participation for those who cannot travel to Shanghai.

Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd commented: “2020 has been a difficult and unpredictable year for every business and industry across the world, so we are pleased to be providing a platform for the home textile industry to connect and recover from the coronavirus pandemic. Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles is the first physical trade event for the sector held by Messe Frankfurt since January, so we hope that the fair assists the sector to join forces and overcome this challenging year together.”

Ms Wen continued: “Our first priority is to create a clean and hygienic space for all participants to source and network. To achieve this goal, the fair will implement extra health care and hygiene precautions onsite. On the other hand, we are aware that a number of travel restrictions are still in place across the world. With this in mind, Intertextile will offer a series of online services for those who are unable to travel to Shanghai, allowing the fair to reach as wide an audience as possible.”

2020 fair highlights

To provide buyers with greater efficiency, the fair, which covers four halls, will be divided clearly by product categories: Household Hall (hall 3), International Brands / Upholstery Hall (hall 4.1), Brand Fabrics Hall (hall 5.1) and Sofa Fabrics Hall (hall 6.1).

In addition, the Contract Business 360° concept will return this year, with over 40 premier upholstery exhibitors presenting their latest textile products and furnishing solutions for contract use. Exhibitors include Guangzhou Yuanzhicheng Home Textile, Haining Julai Textile, JAB, Morgan Shanghai, Symphony Mills, Suzhou Roufang, Ter Molst International, Zhejiang Hexin and Zhejiang Maya Fabric. Furthermore, top brands such as Agmamito from Poland and Wollsdorf Leather from Austria will be exhibiting for the first time at Intertextile.

Online business matching platform offers new sourcing landscape

Although face-to-face interaction is irreplaceable, a virtual complement has become more important as a result of the worldwide pandemic. To support the industry during these unprecedented times, Intertextile has launched a brand new online business matching platform. With this free service, participants are able to source and network at their fingertips. The virtual platform will offer many new features including:

  • Easy sourcing: exhibitors are categorised by product groups including Sofa / Decorative Fabrics, Curtains and Accessories, Bedding and Finished products, Shading and Accessories, and Editors
  • Live-streamed product presentations of exhibitors
  • Smart recommendations: pre-selected exhibitor lists will be provided to buyers based on their personal preferences and interests
  • Convenience: participants are able to use the service through computers or portable devices without the need to download any software

High quality fringe programme covers comprehensive topics
The fair’s event programme will once again provide the industry with the latest trends and insights in four topics: Design Inspiration, Business O2O, Textile & Technology and Industry Empowerment. One of the highlights will be the 2021 Intertextile Trend Forum, led by Shen Lei, the Chinese representative of the Intertextile International Lifestyle Trend Committee. The forum will bring together five prominent Chinese designers including Ben Chen, Ben Wu, Meng Ye, Paul Pang and Xie Ke, who will delve into the theme of 2021 Intertextile Trends–“BOUND”, as well as the Chinese market conditions. The event will be held on day 1 of the fair, from 14:00 – 17:00 in hall 5.1 booth C18, and streamed live online.

Another not-to-be-missed event is the Ride the Storm – Home Textile Digital Printing Forum, which will include an array of educating seminars that cover the latest digital textile printing trends and technologies. The forum will be held on day 2 of the fair, from 13:20 – 17:20 in hall 3, booth M12.

Furthermore, joining forces with Tmall Global, the largest cross border B2C online retail platform in China, the fair will host a series of seminars delivering the solutions and strategies for industry digitalisation during the afternoon of day 1. In addition, the well-received Furniture & Home Textile Direct Negotiation Event will return to provide an excellent opportunity for furniture companies and fabric brands to collaborate.

Additional health care and hygiene precautions will be in place

As trade fair co-organisers, Messe Frankfurt’s number one priority always remains the health and safety of fairgoers. To maintain a clean and hygienic environment for visitors and exhibitors to meet in, extra measures will be in practice at the fair. These include: real-name registration, onsite temperature checks, frequent sterilisation of public areas and distancing measures for forum / seminar audiences, amongst others.

ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei launches its new fabric collection imbued with the brand’s sustainable story-making © GB Network
ECOSENSOR™ 100% recycled polyamide fabrics

ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei launches its new fabric collection imbued with the brand’s sustainable story-making

  • ECOSENSOR™’s new references combine high-performance and innovation to empower people with the possibility to live life naturally both for mind and body.
  • The new range is woven from certified ingredients, a completely traceable production process and highly certified suppliers               

"A New Eco high-tech force of Nature", a bold claim, a daring attitude and true facts. ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei has concentrated all its key values into a Nature-driven and high-tech fabric collection that respects the environment and human being.

Sustainability, active climate control, exquisite touch and extreme performance co-habit the textiles: the collection is made of wovens and knits where the main technology is represented by GRS - Global Recycle Standard certified polyamide and polyesters, sometime combined with ROICA™ recycled stretch yarns and dyed and finished with Oekotex Standard 100 certified processes and/or by BlueSign® partners’ companies.

But there is much more than it meets the eye.

Behind the new collection is a great story of sustainability.

  • ECOSENSOR™’s new references combine high-performance and innovation to empower people with the possibility to live life naturally both for mind and body.
  • The new range is woven from certified ingredients, a completely traceable production process and highly certified suppliers               

"A New Eco high-tech force of Nature", a bold claim, a daring attitude and true facts. ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei has concentrated all its key values into a Nature-driven and high-tech fabric collection that respects the environment and human being.

Sustainability, active climate control, exquisite touch and extreme performance co-habit the textiles: the collection is made of wovens and knits where the main technology is represented by GRS - Global Recycle Standard certified polyamide and polyesters, sometime combined with ROICA™ recycled stretch yarns and dyed and finished with Oekotex Standard 100 certified processes and/or by BlueSign® partners’ companies.

But there is much more than it meets the eye.

Behind the new collection is a great story of sustainability.

"Our international team strives to innovate with a human-based approach to research and develop solutions that meet high-performance standards as well as the transparency and traceability of both the ingredients and the supply chain", says Mr. Hashimoto, Senior Managing Director of Asahi Kasei Advance, the global materials innovator and manufacturer.

Indeed, the company has set the high bar all its suppliers and partners must match. Such criteria include: thoroughly transparency and traceability of both materials and production, corporate responsibility at all levels and a strategic commitment granted by influential certifications such as GRS - Global Recycle Standard for recycled ingredients and processes, as well as Bluesign® and OekoTex Standard 100 certifications, which focus on environmentally-friendly impact of the dyeing and finishing processes.

The human, environmentally-friendly and cutting-edge imprint of ECOSENSOR™ ultimate collection reflects a vision for a more responsible way of fabric manufacturing.

A new force of nature, because story telling truly must match the story making.


Drohende Pleitewelle im Fashionhandel - BTE / BDSE / BLE fordern Politik zum Handeln auf

  • Historischer Umsatzeinbruch im Textil-, Schuh und Lederwarenhandel

Der stationäre Textil-, Schuh- und Lederwarenhandel kämpft als Folge der Coronakrise ums Überleben. Im April sind deren Umsätze als Folge des Lockdowns nach aktuell veröffentlichten Zahlen des Statistischen Bundesamtes um 71 Prozent eingebrochen. Bereits im März fielen die Umsätze in den drei Branchen um mehr als 50 Prozent. „Dieser Rückgang ist historisch in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland einmalig“, berichtet BTE-Hauptgeschäftsführer Rolf Pangels.

Mode-, Schuh- und Lederwarengeschäfte sind damit im gesamten Einzelhandel mit Abstand am stärksten von der Coronakrise betroffen. Kurzarbeit, Homeoffice, ausgefallene Feiern und abgesagte Urlaube haben dazu geführt, dass die Nachfrage nach neuen Outfits, Schuhen oder Reisegepäck zusammengebrochen ist. Und selbst nach Wiedereröffnung der Geschäfte lagen die Umsätze branchenweit deutlich unter dem Vorjahresniveau. Pangels: „Statt erhoffter Aufholeffekte nehmen die Umsatzverluste also weiter zu!“

  • Historischer Umsatzeinbruch im Textil-, Schuh und Lederwarenhandel

Der stationäre Textil-, Schuh- und Lederwarenhandel kämpft als Folge der Coronakrise ums Überleben. Im April sind deren Umsätze als Folge des Lockdowns nach aktuell veröffentlichten Zahlen des Statistischen Bundesamtes um 71 Prozent eingebrochen. Bereits im März fielen die Umsätze in den drei Branchen um mehr als 50 Prozent. „Dieser Rückgang ist historisch in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland einmalig“, berichtet BTE-Hauptgeschäftsführer Rolf Pangels.

Mode-, Schuh- und Lederwarengeschäfte sind damit im gesamten Einzelhandel mit Abstand am stärksten von der Coronakrise betroffen. Kurzarbeit, Homeoffice, ausgefallene Feiern und abgesagte Urlaube haben dazu geführt, dass die Nachfrage nach neuen Outfits, Schuhen oder Reisegepäck zusammengebrochen ist. Und selbst nach Wiedereröffnung der Geschäfte lagen die Umsätze branchenweit deutlich unter dem Vorjahresniveau. Pangels: „Statt erhoffter Aufholeffekte nehmen die Umsatzverluste also weiter zu!“

Diese Situation ist für die rund 80.000 Bekleidungs-, Schuh- und Lederwarengeschäfte existenzbedrohend und hat auch schon zu ersten Insolvenzen und Schließungen geführt. Denn die gesamte Fashionbranche kämpft mit einer besonderen Problematik: Zum einen wurde während der Schließungsphase weiterhin Ware angeliefert, die aufgrund der langen internationalen Produktionskette nicht storniert werden kann. Zum anderen verliert diese Ware im Laufe der Saison ständig an Wert. „Diese Konstellation gibt es so in keiner anderen Branche!“, betont Pangels.

Die Handelsverbände Textil (BTE), Schuhe (BDSE) und Lederwaren (BLE) fordern daher staatliche Finanzhilfen. „Die bisherigen Maßnahmen wie das Kurzarbeitergeld und KfW-Kredite reichen zur Rettung des stationären Textil-, Schuh- und Lederwarenhandels bei weitem nicht aus“, analysiert Pangels. „Der unverschuldete Ruin tausender Unternehmen - von der kleinen Boutique bis zum großen Schuh- oder Modehaus - kann nur durch nicht rückzahlbare Zuschüsse verhindert werden!“

Ohne eine entsprechende Unterstützung rechnen BTE, BDSE und BLE ab der zweiten Jahreshälfte mit einer gigantischen Insolvenz- und Schließungswelle im Fashionhandel mit der Folge von zehntausenden Leerständen in den Shoppingzonen. „Da die Textil-, Schuh- und Lederwarenbranche zusammen mit den Warenhäusern die städtischen Einkaufslagen prägen, könnten dadurch viel Standorte zu Geisterstädten werden!“, fürchtet der BTE-Hauptgeschäftsführer. „Dies hätte epochale Folgen für die Einkaufs- und Lebensqualität der Städte!“

More information:
Umsatzeinbruch Fashionhandel