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Foto: Checkpoint Systems

Neue modulare RFID-als-EAS-Lösung für Bekleidungshändler

  • Checkpoint Systems bringt SFERO auf den Markt

Checkpoint Systems – führender Anbieter von Lösungen für den Einzelhandel – hat sein RFID-Portfolio zur Verlustprävention mit der Einführung von SFERO erweitert. SFERO ist eine vollständig anpassbare, modulare RFID-als-EAS-Lösung für Bekleidung mit hoher Erkennungsleistung, um Verluste zu minimieren und Geschäfte auf neue Weise zu schützen.

  • Checkpoint Systems bringt SFERO auf den Markt

Checkpoint Systems – führender Anbieter von Lösungen für den Einzelhandel – hat sein RFID-Portfolio zur Verlustprävention mit der Einführung von SFERO erweitert. SFERO ist eine vollständig anpassbare, modulare RFID-als-EAS-Lösung für Bekleidung mit hoher Erkennungsleistung, um Verluste zu minimieren und Geschäfte auf neue Weise zu schützen.

Durch die neue modulare Sicherheitslösung können Ladenbetreiber intelligente Sockel und Überkopfantennen miteinander kombinieren, um einen Schutzbereich zu schaffen, dessen Schutzniveau je nach Warenschwund und Anforderungen des jeweiligen Ladens vergrößert oder verringert werden kann. So schafft die Technologie die Voraussetzung, um die Artikelsicherung den Veränderungen im Portfolio und den Rahmenbedingungen anzupassen. Mit dieser Anpassungsfähigkeit und einer außerordentlichen Erkennungsleistung, die in vielen Fällen mehr als 95 Prozent beträgt, zeigt SFERO die Fähigkeit von RFID, als leistungsfähiges EAS (Electronic Article Surveillance) zu fungieren. Das System ermöglicht es Einzelhändlern, ihre Produkte zu schützen, den Warenschwund erheblich zu reduzieren und ihre Einnahmen zu maximieren.

Die flexible moderne RFID-Lösung wurde so entwickelt, dass sie sich nahtlos in das Visual Merchandising der Kunden integrieren lässt. SFERO stellt sicher, dass Einzelhändler ein hohes Sicherheitsniveau aufrechterhalten können, während sie gleichzeitig einen offenen, sauberen Zugangspunkt mit einer Breite von bis zu 6,3 m und einer Höhe von bis zu 3,5 m bereitstellen, der dank der gut versteckten Antennen optisch kaum auffällt. Das Ergebnis ist ein ausgewogenes Verhältnis zwischen den Anforderungen an den immersiven Einzelhandel, der es den Kunden ermöglicht, Produkte vor dem Kauf zu sehen, zu berühren und auszuprobieren, und der Minimierung von Lagerbestandsverlusten für die Einzelhändler.


Carta GmbH für Checkpoint Systems

(c) CHT Germany GmbH

CHT Group launches new brand for jeans and garment treatment

The ecological and social conditions in the production of textiles are coming to the fore and into the consciousness of industry and end customers. With the new LAB102 brand, the "Jeans & Garment" team of the CHT Group to offer its global denim customers sustainable chemical solutions and technologies in the future.

Where does the name "LAB102 - Blue veins of CHT" come from?
LAB was chosen not only because the English word for laboratory fits perfectly with a chemical company, but also because it stands for innovation, development, and discovery. The digits 102 in the name refer to the house number of CHT's corporate headquarters in Tübingen.
The slogan "Blue veins of CHT" maintains the connection to the name CHT which is well-known in the industry. Moreover, the denim or jeans industry is traditionally and historically indigo - thus blue.

The ecological and social conditions in the production of textiles are coming to the fore and into the consciousness of industry and end customers. With the new LAB102 brand, the "Jeans & Garment" team of the CHT Group to offer its global denim customers sustainable chemical solutions and technologies in the future.

Where does the name "LAB102 - Blue veins of CHT" come from?
LAB was chosen not only because the English word for laboratory fits perfectly with a chemical company, but also because it stands for innovation, development, and discovery. The digits 102 in the name refer to the house number of CHT's corporate headquarters in Tübingen.
The slogan "Blue veins of CHT" maintains the connection to the name CHT which is well-known in the industry. Moreover, the denim or jeans industry is traditionally and historically indigo - thus blue.

Focus on sustainability
LAB102 focuses not only on chemistry, but also on technology. Fogging, laser, and ozone technologies are innovations that currently enable new approaches in jeans and garment treatment and are at a high ecological level. Their use can lead to savings in water and energy. The use of chemicals can also be reduced if processes are optimized and adapted to the new requirements. To this end, the CHT Group's "Jeans & Garment" team works with the leading machine manufacturers on new developments.


CHT Germany GmbH


U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol begrüßt Ralph Lauren als neues Mitglied

Das U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol freut sich, die Ralph Lauren Corporation als neues Mitglied begrüßen zu dürfen und sie in ihren Bemühungen sowie Nachhaltigkeitspraktiken zu unterstützen.

Basierend auf dem Konzept zeitloser Mode hat Ralph Lauren in seiner Global Citizenship and Sustainability strategy, Timeless by Design, das Engagement des Unternehmens für dauerhafte positive Auswirkungen auf den Planeten und seine verschiedenen Interessensgruppen in drei Säulen dargelegt: einen bewussten Kreationsprozess, Umweltschutz sowie die Förderung besserer Lebensbedingungen. In Orientierung an Timeless by Design arbeitet Ralph Lauren daran, die Bodengesundheit zu erhöhen – durch Programme, die regenerative Praktiken sowie eine genaue Messung der jeweiligen Auswirkungen fördern.

Das U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol freut sich, die Ralph Lauren Corporation als neues Mitglied begrüßen zu dürfen und sie in ihren Bemühungen sowie Nachhaltigkeitspraktiken zu unterstützen.

Basierend auf dem Konzept zeitloser Mode hat Ralph Lauren in seiner Global Citizenship and Sustainability strategy, Timeless by Design, das Engagement des Unternehmens für dauerhafte positive Auswirkungen auf den Planeten und seine verschiedenen Interessensgruppen in drei Säulen dargelegt: einen bewussten Kreationsprozess, Umweltschutz sowie die Förderung besserer Lebensbedingungen. In Orientierung an Timeless by Design arbeitet Ralph Lauren daran, die Bodengesundheit zu erhöhen – durch Programme, die regenerative Praktiken sowie eine genaue Messung der jeweiligen Auswirkungen fördern.

„Baumwolle macht mehr als drei Viertel unseres gesamten Materialverbrauchs aus, und wir haben uns verpflichtet, bis 2025 sicherzustellen, dass diese zentrale Faser in unserem Portfolio vollständig aus nachhaltigen Quellen stammt. Dieses ehrgeizige Ziel erfordert die Zusammenarbeit und Partnerschaft mit Organisationen wie dem Trust Protocol, mit dem wir daran arbeiten, nachhaltige Baumwolle weiter voranzutreiben – in unserem Unternehmen sowie in der gesamten Branche“, sagt Katie Ioanilli, Chief Global Impact & Communications Officer bei Ralph Lauren.

Das Trust Protocol setzt sich als Nachhaltigkeitsinitiative für eine kontinuierliche Verbesserung in sechs Nachhaltigkeitsbereichen ein: Landnutzung, Bodenkohlenstoff, Wassermanagement, Bodenverlust, Treibhausgasemissionen und Energieeffizienz. Das Trust Protocol integriert diese Nachhaltigkeitskriterien aus der Fieldprint®-Plattform von Field to Market und ermöglicht registrierten Landwirten, die Umweltauswirkungen ihres Betriebs zu messen und Möglichkeiten für kontinuierliche Verbesserungen zu erkennen. Gleichzeitig bekommen Marken und Einzelhändler die Möglichkeit, über aggregierte, von Control Union Certifications geprüfte Daten zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit zu berichten.


U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol / Hill+Knowlton Strategies GmbH 


Kornit Digital issues Second-Annual Impact Report

Kornit Digital Ltd. unveiled its Impact Report for 2021 highlighting progress made against goals and further expanding its commitment to a long-term strategy designed to transform the world of fashion and textiles into one that is more sustainable. The comprehensive analysis details Kornit’s performance related to climate action, waste management, green chemistry, and diversity in the workplace, as well as other areas of the Company’s Environmental, Social, and corporate Governance (ESG) framework.

Key Accomplishments Against Baseline (2021)  
Kornit’s ongoing dedication to improving ESG practices within its own operations has resulted in Company-wide achievements in the areas of:

Climate Action and Waste Management*

  • ~16% reduction in GHG emissions intensity from x 9.11-e to 7.68 MTCO2-e
  • 39% reduction in hazardous waste intensity from 1.7 tons to 1.04 tons
  • 57% reduction in non-hazardous waste intensity from 33 tons to 14 tons

Green Chemistry

Kornit Digital Ltd. unveiled its Impact Report for 2021 highlighting progress made against goals and further expanding its commitment to a long-term strategy designed to transform the world of fashion and textiles into one that is more sustainable. The comprehensive analysis details Kornit’s performance related to climate action, waste management, green chemistry, and diversity in the workplace, as well as other areas of the Company’s Environmental, Social, and corporate Governance (ESG) framework.

Key Accomplishments Against Baseline (2021)  
Kornit’s ongoing dedication to improving ESG practices within its own operations has resulted in Company-wide achievements in the areas of:

Climate Action and Waste Management*

  • ~16% reduction in GHG emissions intensity from x 9.11-e to 7.68 MTCO2-e
  • 39% reduction in hazardous waste intensity from 1.7 tons to 1.04 tons
  • 57% reduction in non-hazardous waste intensity from 33 tons to 14 tons

Green Chemistry

  • Complete elimination of Acute Toxic Amines (CLP category 1, 2, 3) CMR
  • 20% reduction of VOC level in Robusto Inkset and 30% of VOC in Eco Ink/Green

DEI and Community Engagement

  • An increase in women in management, from 30% to 35%
  • Reporting 88% of employees feeling respected and free to be authentic at work - *Intensity measures are per $1 million of revenue.

Kornit Digital’s Impact Strategy
Propelled by an ambition to make a positive impact across all areas of its business and throughout the fashion and textile industries, Kornit further adjusted its Impact Strategy this year towards more expansive, longer-term goals and objectives. Kornit’s refined strategy reflects the Company's dual role as a change agent in the industry—both as a leader empowering the fashion industry to be more sustainable, and as an accountable participant responsible for embracing social and environmental change to make the world a better place.  
The holistic strategy accounts for both roles, across two fundamental pillars—"Enable the Change” and “Be the Change”—and incorporates both social and environmental KPIs designed to meet the Company’s goals and respond to stakeholders’ input, as well as industry and ecosystem needs

Kornit is officially unveiling the report during a press event at PRINTING United Expo 2022.

*Intensity measures are per $1 million of revenue.


Kornit Digital


Kelheim Fibres partners with TextileGenesisTM for more transparency

Viscose speciality fibres manufacturer Kelheim Fibres partners with TextileGenesisTM, a traceability platform that creates radical transparency from fibre-to-retail and ensures authenticity d provenance of sustainable textiles against generics.

“Our wood-based fibres are an environmentally friendly basis for sustainable textiles - it's just that consumers often don't know what's behind their garments. But they need to know it’s in their hands to minimise the ecological footprint of the textile industry. Transparency and traceability are the foundation that enables consumers to make informed decisions.”, says Dr. Marina Crnoja-Cosic, Director New Business Development at Kelheim Fibres.

TextileGenesisTM uses blockchain technology to track and verify the use of sustainable fibres all the way from fibre to garment. A digital fibercoin ensures transparency and reliability throughout the entire production line and beyond.

Viscose speciality fibres manufacturer Kelheim Fibres partners with TextileGenesisTM, a traceability platform that creates radical transparency from fibre-to-retail and ensures authenticity d provenance of sustainable textiles against generics.

“Our wood-based fibres are an environmentally friendly basis for sustainable textiles - it's just that consumers often don't know what's behind their garments. But they need to know it’s in their hands to minimise the ecological footprint of the textile industry. Transparency and traceability are the foundation that enables consumers to make informed decisions.”, says Dr. Marina Crnoja-Cosic, Director New Business Development at Kelheim Fibres.

TextileGenesisTM uses blockchain technology to track and verify the use of sustainable fibres all the way from fibre to garment. A digital fibercoin ensures transparency and reliability throughout the entire production line and beyond.

Amit Gautam, Founder & CEO at TexileGenesisTM:"Fashion and textile value chain is undergoing major transformation driven by sustainable materials, shifting consumer demand for sustainable products, and increasingly stringent regulations on transparency. Great to see Kelheim moving the industry forward by actively participating in the traceability journey."


Kelheim Fibres GmbH

(c) Tonello

Tonello presents Laundry (R)Evolution at Kingpins

Tonello will be unveiling the release of their new, more efficient and more responsible Laundry (R)Evolution, including three tools, at Kingpins Show in Amsterdam, from October 19-20.

The new Configurator allows clients to choose the technologies, software, and accessories for their next laundry, combining diverse solutions and thus obtaining a real projection of energy and resource consumption, as well as savings and sustainability benefits.

B.O.P. (Be On Point)
The seamless integration with THE Laser, B.O.P. is based on the most recent developments in Computer Vision It makes positioning laser designs on garments automatic and rapid It allows a choice of different production modes and detects up to 8 garments at the same time.

Metro is a software that automatically and transparently measures the actual consumption of a laundry, summarizing these figures in each garment’s “environmental passport”.

Tonello will be unveiling the release of their new, more efficient and more responsible Laundry (R)Evolution, including three tools, at Kingpins Show in Amsterdam, from October 19-20.

The new Configurator allows clients to choose the technologies, software, and accessories for their next laundry, combining diverse solutions and thus obtaining a real projection of energy and resource consumption, as well as savings and sustainability benefits.

B.O.P. (Be On Point)
The seamless integration with THE Laser, B.O.P. is based on the most recent developments in Computer Vision It makes positioning laser designs on garments automatic and rapid It allows a choice of different production modes and detects up to 8 garments at the same time.

Metro is a software that automatically and transparently measures the actual consumption of a laundry, summarizing these figures in each garment’s “environmental passport”.

At the show, Tonello will also demonstrate their technologies by washing the MSP Collection, in collaboration with PVH Europe, Kingpins, and designed by Piero Turk.



Infinited Fiber Company

Infinited Fiber Company accelerates scaling plans amid turbulence

and textile technology company Infinited Fiber Company’s work to build the world’s first commercial-scale Infinna™ textile fiber factory in Kemi, Finland, has progressed largely according to plan since the announcement of the factory site in June 2022. The company is increasing its focus on scaling Infinna™ production volume further as quickly as possible. This is in response to the continued and growing customer demand for the company’s high-quality regenerated textile fiber Infinna™. The market impacts of the ongoing war in Ukraine – including the increased uncertainty on the global utility, commodity and financial markets – have highlighted the need to proceed rapidly with technology scaling on multiple fronts.

and textile technology company Infinited Fiber Company’s work to build the world’s first commercial-scale Infinna™ textile fiber factory in Kemi, Finland, has progressed largely according to plan since the announcement of the factory site in June 2022. The company is increasing its focus on scaling Infinna™ production volume further as quickly as possible. This is in response to the continued and growing customer demand for the company’s high-quality regenerated textile fiber Infinna™. The market impacts of the ongoing war in Ukraine – including the increased uncertainty on the global utility, commodity and financial markets – have highlighted the need to proceed rapidly with technology scaling on multiple fronts.
“We are not immune to the global market context in which we operate. The supply chain issues stemming from the Covid-19 pandemic are still wreaking havoc, and the ongoing war in Ukraine has dealt a heavy blow to the global utility, commodity, and financial markets – and to us. We are satisfied with the progress at the site of our planned commercial-scale factory and the opening of the factory remains our key priority. The current, unstable market environment has highlighted the need for us to also accelerate efforts to simultaneously pursue other avenues for scaling production, with the ultimate aim of serving our customers in the best possible way in the long run,” said Infinited Fiber Company CEO and cofounder Petri Alava.
Infinited Fiber Company said in June that it planned to build a factory to produce Infinna™, a textile fiber that can be created 100% from cotton-rich textile waste, at the site of a discontinued paper mill in Kemi, Finland. The factory is expected to create around 270 jobs in the area and to have an annual production capacity of 30,000 metric tons, equivalent to the fiber needed for about 100 million T-shirts. The future factory’s customer-base includes several of the world’s leading apparel companies, with most of the future production capacity already sold out for several years.
Since June, Infinited Fiber Company has advanced the site-specific basic engineering, recruitment planning, vendor selection, and permit processes according to plan. The limited component availability caused by the continuing impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine have, however, prolonged significantly the delivery times for some of the key equipment and machinery needed for the factory. As a result of these developments, Infinited Fiber Company has re-evaluated its overall factory project timeline. The first commercial fiber deliveries from Kemi are now expected to begin in January 2026. The scope of the project remains unchanged and construction work at the site is expected begin during 2023 as previously communicated.
In addition, the European energy crisis sparked by the war in Ukraine has caused the electricity prices in Finland to roughly triple, and the prices of some of the key chemicals needed in the fiber regeneration process have risen by some 200-300% since the start of the war.
“We of course don’t have a crystal ball. But according to our advisors and other experts, utility and commodity prices are forecast to normalize before 2026, when we now expect the first commercial fiber deliveries from Kemi to be shipped. In addition to the likely normalization of the market, the extended timeline enables us to undertake the necessary measures to develop the profitability of the future factory. The growing demand for Infinna™, despite the general turbulence, is an encouraging and clear indication of the fashion industry’s commitment to circularity,” said Petri Alava.


Infinited Fiber Company

Photo: Andritz

ANDRITZ to install Metris predictive maintenance system for spunlace line

International technology group ANDRITZ has received an order from Welspun Advanced Materials, India, to supply a Metris predictive maintenance system for its spunlace production line at the Telangana plant. This will be the first Metris solutions system to be installed in a spunlace line in India.

The integrated Metris platform developed by ANDRITZ uses smart sensors as an energy self-sufficient and seamless support solution to monitor machine conditions continuously, even in areas that are difficult to access. As a result, analysis of the data collected allows clients to pinpoint every possible issue upfront and helps to enhance line performance.

The Metris predictive maintenance system will enable Welspun Advanced Materials to increase its operating efficiency by:

  • avoiding unexpected line shutdowns, thus increasing performance
  • enabling easy operation along the entire line
  • optimizing maintenance organization and planning

This order follows the start-up of the newly installed, complete high-speed ANDRITZ spunlace line at the Telangana plant.

International technology group ANDRITZ has received an order from Welspun Advanced Materials, India, to supply a Metris predictive maintenance system for its spunlace production line at the Telangana plant. This will be the first Metris solutions system to be installed in a spunlace line in India.

The integrated Metris platform developed by ANDRITZ uses smart sensors as an energy self-sufficient and seamless support solution to monitor machine conditions continuously, even in areas that are difficult to access. As a result, analysis of the data collected allows clients to pinpoint every possible issue upfront and helps to enhance line performance.

The Metris predictive maintenance system will enable Welspun Advanced Materials to increase its operating efficiency by:

  • avoiding unexpected line shutdowns, thus increasing performance
  • enabling easy operation along the entire line
  • optimizing maintenance organization and planning

This order follows the start-up of the newly installed, complete high-speed ANDRITZ spunlace line at the Telangana plant.

Foto McLaren

TUMI und McLaren: Reisekollektion mit Kohlefasermaterial

TUMI, internationale Reise- und Lifestyle-Marke, stellt die jüngsten Ergänzungen ihrer Kollektion vor, die in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Sportwagenhersteller und Motorsportteam McLaren entwickelt wurde.
Die Designteams von TUMI und McLaren haben eine Capsule-Kollektion entworfen, die die Grenzen des Leichtgewichts und der Leistung weiter hinaustreibt.
Für die neue Farbgebung wurden Teile der aktuellen Kollektion aus CX6TM, einem flexiblen Kohlefasermaterial, neu konstruiert. Als Hochleistungsgewebe verfügt CX6TM über besondere Eigenschaften, die zu einem abriebfesten Material führen, um die Reinheit und Langlebigkeit der Kohlefaser zu bewahren.
Die Kollektion umfasst den Aero International, einen erweiterbaren Handgepäckkoffer in Carbon und geformter Carbonfaser mit Tegris-Seitenteilen sowie den Velocity Rucksack, den Torque Sling und den Quantum Duffel, die mit Lederdetails ausgestattet sind.

TUMI, internationale Reise- und Lifestyle-Marke, stellt die jüngsten Ergänzungen ihrer Kollektion vor, die in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Sportwagenhersteller und Motorsportteam McLaren entwickelt wurde.
Die Designteams von TUMI und McLaren haben eine Capsule-Kollektion entworfen, die die Grenzen des Leichtgewichts und der Leistung weiter hinaustreibt.
Für die neue Farbgebung wurden Teile der aktuellen Kollektion aus CX6TM, einem flexiblen Kohlefasermaterial, neu konstruiert. Als Hochleistungsgewebe verfügt CX6TM über besondere Eigenschaften, die zu einem abriebfesten Material führen, um die Reinheit und Langlebigkeit der Kohlefaser zu bewahren.
Die Kollektion umfasst den Aero International, einen erweiterbaren Handgepäckkoffer in Carbon und geformter Carbonfaser mit Tegris-Seitenteilen sowie den Velocity Rucksack, den Torque Sling und den Quantum Duffel, die mit Lederdetails ausgestattet sind.

More information:
Kohlefasermaterial McLaren TUMI


(c) DiloGroup
Needle Module Holder

DiloGroup at India ITME 2022

DiloGroup will be attenting India ITME 2022 (December 8 – 13, 2022), an exhibition for the textile industry, which offers a central forum for dialogue within the textile production sector, including textile machine building, fibre production, ancillaries and accessories. For DiloGroup this event is a good oppportunity to inform customers and interested parties about new developments aimed at improving production technologies with a focus on needlefelts.

Focal points of the development work are:

DiloGroup will be attenting India ITME 2022 (December 8 – 13, 2022), an exhibition for the textile industry, which offers a central forum for dialogue within the textile production sector, including textile machine building, fibre production, ancillaries and accessories. For DiloGroup this event is a good oppportunity to inform customers and interested parties about new developments aimed at improving production technologies with a focus on needlefelts.

Focal points of the development work are:

  1. Intense Needling:
    The development efforts of DiloGroup aim at producing nonwovens by “intense needling” instead of water entangling, even for light nonwovens made of fine fibres for the medical and hygiene sector with an area weight of 30 – 100 g/m². This would result in a reduction of the environmentally relevant production costs; per annum to about 1/3 to 1/5 of current.
  2. “Fibre Pulp Recycling”
    Fibrous material in nonwovens and particularly used clothes can be successfully recycled, if staple length can be conserved in the tearing process. In the classical tearing process, staple lengths are dramatically reduced and therefore these fibres can only be used as base material for inferior uses in thermal or acoustic insulation or in protective textiles, transportation or protective covers etc.
    When recycling textile waste in the context of the collection of used clothes, the so called “filament-saving” tearing using special tearing machines and methods must be used to produce fibres with longer staple lengths which can be fed to a nonwoven installation. Hence product characteristics can be better specified and controlled.
  3. Additive nonwoven production
    The additive production method of the “3D-Lofter” is especially suited for automotive parts with differently distributed masses. It is also suited for uses in the sector of apparel and shoe production.
  4. “IsoFeed”-card feeding
    In the field of card feeding, the “IsoFeed” method offers great potential for a more homogeneous card feeding at the same time reducing the variation in cross-machine fibre mass distribution and thus the fibre consumption while conserving the end product quality.


Photo: Indorama Ventures Limited

Indorama Ventures: New plant for nylon yarn

  • Collaboration between Indorama Ventures and Toyobo to meet growing global demand for airbags
  • Newly completed plant in Thailand will supply high-performance nylon yarn to customers in the automotive safety sector

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) celebrated the completion of a plant to manufacture high-performance nylon yarn for automobile airbags. The new plant in Rayong, Thailand, was constructed by Toyobo Indorama Advanced Fibers Co., Ltd. (TIAF), a joint venture that Indorama Ventures established with Toyobo Co., Ltd in November 2020.

The plant, which has been built on the site of Indorama Polyester Industries PCL (IPI) in Rayong Province, will deliver 11,000 tons of high-performance yarn per year to meet global demand for airbags that is expected to grow by 3 percent to 4 percent annually as automakers equip vehicles with more airbags and emerging economies require cars to adopt more safety features. Test production is scheduled to start in October 2022 with the goal of starting commercial production in the middle of 2023.

  • Collaboration between Indorama Ventures and Toyobo to meet growing global demand for airbags
  • Newly completed plant in Thailand will supply high-performance nylon yarn to customers in the automotive safety sector

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) celebrated the completion of a plant to manufacture high-performance nylon yarn for automobile airbags. The new plant in Rayong, Thailand, was constructed by Toyobo Indorama Advanced Fibers Co., Ltd. (TIAF), a joint venture that Indorama Ventures established with Toyobo Co., Ltd in November 2020.

The plant, which has been built on the site of Indorama Polyester Industries PCL (IPI) in Rayong Province, will deliver 11,000 tons of high-performance yarn per year to meet global demand for airbags that is expected to grow by 3 percent to 4 percent annually as automakers equip vehicles with more airbags and emerging economies require cars to adopt more safety features. Test production is scheduled to start in October 2022 with the goal of starting commercial production in the middle of 2023.

In 2014, Indorama Ventures and Toyobo jointly acquired Germany’s PHP Fibers GmbH, a leading airbag yarn maker. Since then, both companies have strengthened their relationship with a focus to expand in the automotive safety sector. Mr Christopher Kenneally, based in Bangkok, leads IVL’s Fibers segment, which produces fibers and yarns across its Hygiene, Mobility and Lifestyle verticals. Mr Ashok Arora, with over 30 years of experience in fibers and polymer operations, will helm TIAF as CEO while maintaining his role as CTO with IVL Fibers.


Indorama Ventures Limited


PCG completes acquisition of Perstorp

Perstorp has been acquired by PETRONAS Chemicals Group Berhad (PCG), Malaysia´s leading integrated chemicals provider and part of PETRONAS Group, on 11 October 2022.

In May this year, PCG signed a Securities Purchase Agreement with Financière Forêt S.à.r.l, a company under PAI Partners, a European private equity firm, to acquire the entire equity interest in Perstorp, a leading sustainability-driven global specialty chemicals company based in Sweden. With the completion of the acquisition, Perstorp is now PCG’s wholly-owned subsidiary.

Perstorp has been acquired by PETRONAS Chemicals Group Berhad (PCG), Malaysia´s leading integrated chemicals provider and part of PETRONAS Group, on 11 October 2022.

In May this year, PCG signed a Securities Purchase Agreement with Financière Forêt S.à.r.l, a company under PAI Partners, a European private equity firm, to acquire the entire equity interest in Perstorp, a leading sustainability-driven global specialty chemicals company based in Sweden. With the completion of the acquisition, Perstorp is now PCG’s wholly-owned subsidiary.

PCG will strive to ensure the timely completion of Perstorp’s growth projects in a safe and cost-effective manner. Perstorp has several projects lined up in the near future, including the launch of Project Air which aims to reduce carbon emissions through the production of sustainable methanol. Recently, The European Union Innovation Fund selected Project Air, as one of the 17 large-scale green tech projects, which together will be granted more than EUR 1.8 billion. Project Air is a gamechanger for the chemical industry, moving from fossil raw materials to recycled and bio-based feedstock, thereby enabling sustainable chemical products to a large variety of industries and end products. At full capacity, it will reduce global CO2 emissions with close to 500,000 metric tons per year from today’s levels, corresponding to one percent of current emissions in Sweden.

More information:
Perstorp PCG

EMG for Perstorp

(c) adidas AG

adidas and SOUL CAP announce partnership to make swimming more accessible

  • The adidas x SOUL CAP partnership aims to promote greater diversity and inclusivity in the world of swimming, by helping to break down social barriers in the sport.
  • The debut swim cap has been designed for people with long or voluminous hair in a range of sizes, for adults and children, in an exclusive linen green colorway.

adidas announces its first swim cap made in partnership with London-based start-up SOUL CAP , which will be available from 26th September. This collaboration – which follows the launch of adidas’ full-cover and inclusive sizing swimwear ranges last summer – is part of the brand’s ongoing commitment to make water sports more accessible.

  • The adidas x SOUL CAP partnership aims to promote greater diversity and inclusivity in the world of swimming, by helping to break down social barriers in the sport.
  • The debut swim cap has been designed for people with long or voluminous hair in a range of sizes, for adults and children, in an exclusive linen green colorway.

adidas announces its first swim cap made in partnership with London-based start-up SOUL CAP , which will be available from 26th September. This collaboration – which follows the launch of adidas’ full-cover and inclusive sizing swimwear ranges last summer – is part of the brand’s ongoing commitment to make water sports more accessible.

The idea for SOUL CAP was born in 2017 when founders Michael Chapman and Toks Ahmed took up adult swimming lessons, after not having learned how to swim as children. They noticed a problem during their classes – every swimmer wore the same size swim cap, no matter what hairstyle they had, which often resulted in people struggling with ill-fitting caps. This observation led to them creating SOUL CAP, a company that makes swim caps designed for people with long or voluminous hair.

The adidas x SOUL CAP swim cap is made from 100 per cent silicone, which creates less snag on the hair ensuring a more comfortable fit. Built with extra space, it provides a snug fit and tight seal to keep long and voluminous hair dry and healthy through every type of swim. The collection consists of an adult cap in sizes Regular-XXL and a children’s cap in sizes Regular-L, in an exclusive linen green colorway.

More information:
adidas SOUL CAP Sportswear

adidas AG

(c) BTMA
The James Heal AirPro air permeability tester

BTMA: Testing equipment manufacturer James Heal celebrates 150th anniversary

Long-standing BTMA member James Heal is celebrating its 150th anniversary this year, the company’s formation dating back to 1872, when it was listed as an oil and tallow merchant and mill furnisher in Yorkshire, UK.

Today, as a testing equipment manufacturer for textiles and nonwovens, James Heal continues to expand its range, with a focus on making testing simple – most notably with the introduction of its Performance Testing collection of instruments, most recently the AirPro and HydroView systems.

The new James Heal AirPro air permeability tester is used to test the resistance of the flow of air through woven, knitted and nonwoven textiles. Its software offers flexibility with standards and  comprehensive reporting options and different test head sizes are available, making it suitable for a range of applications and standards

Long-standing BTMA member James Heal is celebrating its 150th anniversary this year, the company’s formation dating back to 1872, when it was listed as an oil and tallow merchant and mill furnisher in Yorkshire, UK.

Today, as a testing equipment manufacturer for textiles and nonwovens, James Heal continues to expand its range, with a focus on making testing simple – most notably with the introduction of its Performance Testing collection of instruments, most recently the AirPro and HydroView systems.

The new James Heal AirPro air permeability tester is used to test the resistance of the flow of air through woven, knitted and nonwoven textiles. Its software offers flexibility with standards and  comprehensive reporting options and different test head sizes are available, making it suitable for a range of applications and standards

The HydroView hydrostatic head tester is meanwhile designed to measure the penetration of water in materials which have an end use that requires water resistance, such as those in the medical, geotextiles and nonwovens sectors. It is also proving essential in the testing of end-use applications for technical textiles, such as in protective gloves, diving dry suits and winter sports apparel, to fishing waders, roofing, tenting, ground sheets and more.

Photo: FET
FET-103 Monofilament meltspinning system

RHEON LABS: Fibre with unique strain-rate sensitive characteristics

RHEON LABS, a fast-growing materials technology company based in Battersea, London, has completed an extensive 6 month trial with FET, a world leader in laboratory and pilot meltspinning equipment. Backed by a £173,000 grant from Innovate UK for feasibility studies, RHEON LABS has further developed its RHEON™ technology, a reactive polymer that dynamically stiffens when subjected to force. The technology can control energy of any amplitude or frequency, from small vibrations to forces at ballistic-speeds and therefore has a wide range of applications.
This Innovate UK Smart Grant-backed project aims to develop a hyper viscoelastic fibre from RHEON™ which displays high strain-rate sensitive properties. Creating a fibre with unique strain-rate sensitive properties will be a world first. It will enable the creation of a 'breakthrough-generation' of stretch textiles that can actively absorb, dampen and control energy during movement, rather than simply acting as a spring.

RHEON LABS, a fast-growing materials technology company based in Battersea, London, has completed an extensive 6 month trial with FET, a world leader in laboratory and pilot meltspinning equipment. Backed by a £173,000 grant from Innovate UK for feasibility studies, RHEON LABS has further developed its RHEON™ technology, a reactive polymer that dynamically stiffens when subjected to force. The technology can control energy of any amplitude or frequency, from small vibrations to forces at ballistic-speeds and therefore has a wide range of applications.
This Innovate UK Smart Grant-backed project aims to develop a hyper viscoelastic fibre from RHEON™ which displays high strain-rate sensitive properties. Creating a fibre with unique strain-rate sensitive properties will be a world first. It will enable the creation of a 'breakthrough-generation' of stretch textiles that can actively absorb, dampen and control energy during movement, rather than simply acting as a spring.

For close-fitting activewear and sports bras, the ability to actively control muscle mass or soft tissue movement during exercise will be a game-changing advancement. It will allow brands to engineer garments that relax during everyday use but actively stiffen during exercise for improved support and performance.
The Innovate UK grant was awarded under the category of Hyper-Viscoelastic Fibre Extrusion for Textile Manufacture. Fibre Extrusion Technology Limited (FET) enabled the customer trials at its bespoke Fibre Development Centre in Leeds, England using its in-house FET-103 Monofilament meltspinning facilities, in harness with RHEON and FET technical operatives. The next phase will be to upscale the trials of preferred materials on RHEON’s own new FET-103 meltspinning line, with FET’s continued support and expertise on hand.
Creating a fibre with unique strain-rate sensitive characteristics could be as radical a change in the market as the initial introduction of stretch fibre with the launch of Lycra™. The textiles would have a multitude of beneficial properties and would provide significantly less compression in the garment than conventional materials, substantially improving user comfort, support and performance.



Photo: Sellers Textile Engineers
Hybrid Shearing Cylinder

The Hybrid Shear by Sellers Textile Engineers

BTMA member Sellers Textile Engineers is marking its 110th anniversary this year with the introduction of a new concept in carpet shearing, as the essential final step in ensuring tuft uniformity and ‘just new’ freshness in finished carpet rolls.

The company has for many years offered two options in the construction of its shearing cylinders – the first, namely the ‘strap-on’, incorporates spiral blades bolted to the cylinder body and the second, known as the ‘caulked-in’, includes spirals which are fixed very securely in a machined groove within the machine.

The new Sellers’ Hybrid Shearing Cylinder combines the benefits of both, resulting in an improved cut and finer finish, in addition to longer repeatable finishing and increased rigidity.

BTMA member Sellers Textile Engineers is marking its 110th anniversary this year with the introduction of a new concept in carpet shearing, as the essential final step in ensuring tuft uniformity and ‘just new’ freshness in finished carpet rolls.

The company has for many years offered two options in the construction of its shearing cylinders – the first, namely the ‘strap-on’, incorporates spiral blades bolted to the cylinder body and the second, known as the ‘caulked-in’, includes spirals which are fixed very securely in a machined groove within the machine.

The new Sellers’ Hybrid Shearing Cylinder combines the benefits of both, resulting in an improved cut and finer finish, in addition to longer repeatable finishing and increased rigidity.

“The Hybrid Shearing Cylinder has all the advantages of the ‘strap-on’ spiral blade to provide a sharper and cleaner cut, along with enhanced rigidity which significantly lengthens the intervals between the necessary regrinding of the blade,” explains Sellers Director Neil Miller. “We currently have six Hybrid Shearing Cylinders operating in the field and the earliest, which has been installed in both No1 Head position, where the majority of the shearing operation and heaviest cut is performed, and also in No3 Head, where the sharper cutting angle has resulted in a much improved surface quality.”

Sellers shearing machines have led the field in carpet finishing for many decades, enabling the leading manufacturers to stay competitive by enabling the highest quality of finish to be achieved economically and efficiently.

The latest advanced features of these machines include a load cell tension control drive system, an automated touchscreen for easy operator control and fault diagnosis, an enhanced cleaning system including cylinder and blade separation and fully controllable pivoting beds. Further options include thickness monitoring, seam detection and metal detection systems.

“The Hybrid Shearing Cylinder will become standard on our latest machines and also be made available for retrofitting, to provide significant benefits to our existing users,” says Miller. “All of our equipment is designed, manufactured, assembled and tested at our plant in the UK, and as one of the few remaining European engineering companies to make all of our components in-house – with now over a century of accumulated know-how – flexibility in design allows our finishing solutions to be targeted to specific customers and their product requirements. Aligned to this is a lead in process control systems which ensure the accurate control, reliability and repeatability of the processing parameters on all of our machines.”

Sellers remains committed to providing complete finishing solutions for all carpet, tile and artificial grass products. Its range includes machines for tufted secondary backing, both conventional, powder and extrusion lamination, Wilton and Axminster products, artificial grass and foam lines, coating lines for bitumen, PVC, PU and other polymers, as well as shearing for all carpet products.

Ongoing developments on the company’s coating and drying lines have resulted in improved guiding and product tension control as well as dryer efficiency, reducing heat loss and optimising energy use. These include a re-design of the fan pressure boxes and impingement nozzles to increase airflow efficiency, modulating gas burners and introducing easy clean, accessible filters.

In addition, the proven dual zone system has been enhanced, giving a temperature differential of up to 80°C between top and bottom zones. Dryers can be heated by either gas or steam and operation and access have been simplified with controls via touchscreen and PLC.

An extensive range of ancillary equipment is available to provide maximum flexibility to cover product requirements, for both new processing lines and as upgrades to existing equipment.

“Carpet manufacturing is now based on well-established, tried and trusted processes and it’s rare for new innovations to be introduced into this sector,” says Jason Kent, CEO of the British Textile Machinery Association. “The new Sellers Hybrid Shearing Cylinder can provide a competitive edge for manufacturers which is currently being proven in the field. It’s one of a number of new innovations the company is planning to showcase at next year’s ITMA exhibition in Milan.”

(c) CSR Europe

Epson at EUROPEAN SDG ROUNDTABLE about Sustainable Fashion

The fashion industry currently produces 20% of global wastewater and 10% of global carbon emissions. Improvements can be made for example localizing fashion, using more on-demand digital printing (it can save up to 4kg of CO2 per item) and digital textile printers (they reduce water use by up to 90% and energy use by up to 30%). Increasing the use of sustainable materials is vital and extending the lifecycle of use would make a serious difference.

Together with designers, producers, retailers, and customers, Paolo Crespi, Sales & Marketing Director Printing Technologies at Epson, will discuss how each stage of the fashion production can be made more sustainable, and how circularity and longevity can be build into the lifecycle of fashion.

The panel will take place on Tuesday, 11 October 2022 at 09:30-11:00 am CET.

Click here for more information.

The fashion industry currently produces 20% of global wastewater and 10% of global carbon emissions. Improvements can be made for example localizing fashion, using more on-demand digital printing (it can save up to 4kg of CO2 per item) and digital textile printers (they reduce water use by up to 90% and energy use by up to 30%). Increasing the use of sustainable materials is vital and extending the lifecycle of use would make a serious difference.

Together with designers, producers, retailers, and customers, Paolo Crespi, Sales & Marketing Director Printing Technologies at Epson, will discuss how each stage of the fashion production can be made more sustainable, and how circularity and longevity can be build into the lifecycle of fashion.

The panel will take place on Tuesday, 11 October 2022 at 09:30-11:00 am CET.

Click here for more information.


Epson and CSR Europe

(c) kozystudioberlin und 26homes

Designer Fabian Freytag konzipiert Farb- und Interior Konzept mit CAPAROL ICONS

Der Architekt und Designer Fabian Freytag zeigt mit seinem ganzheitlich konzipierten Farb- und Interior Konzept im Büro des Immobilien-Start-ups 26 HOMES in Berlin-Mitte, was moderne Farbgestaltung mit CAPAROL ICONS leisten kann.

Auf 43 Quadratmetern ist ein Büro entstanden, das das Prinzip Wandfarbe aus einem progressiven Blickwinkel betrachtet: Der Farbmix aus soften Candy Colors schafft einen Arbeitsplatz, der gute Laune macht und zum kreativen Denken einlädt. Dabei stand nicht nur die Wahl der passenden Farbe im Mittelpunkt der Überlegungen, sondern auch die Art und Weise, wie man diese einsetzt.

Die ganzheitliche Gestaltung der Räume stand stets im Fokus der Office-Konzeption. So zieht sich der stilsichere Mix der sanften Candy Colors von CAPAROL ICONS durch sämtliche Räume des Berliner Start-ups und gibt neben Decken und Wänden auch Türen, Türrahmen, Heizungsrohren und Küchenfronten ein farbenfrohes Updat.

Der Architekt und Designer Fabian Freytag zeigt mit seinem ganzheitlich konzipierten Farb- und Interior Konzept im Büro des Immobilien-Start-ups 26 HOMES in Berlin-Mitte, was moderne Farbgestaltung mit CAPAROL ICONS leisten kann.

Auf 43 Quadratmetern ist ein Büro entstanden, das das Prinzip Wandfarbe aus einem progressiven Blickwinkel betrachtet: Der Farbmix aus soften Candy Colors schafft einen Arbeitsplatz, der gute Laune macht und zum kreativen Denken einlädt. Dabei stand nicht nur die Wahl der passenden Farbe im Mittelpunkt der Überlegungen, sondern auch die Art und Weise, wie man diese einsetzt.

Die ganzheitliche Gestaltung der Räume stand stets im Fokus der Office-Konzeption. So zieht sich der stilsichere Mix der sanften Candy Colors von CAPAROL ICONS durch sämtliche Räume des Berliner Start-ups und gibt neben Decken und Wänden auch Türen, Türrahmen, Heizungsrohren und Küchenfronten ein farbenfrohes Updat.


CAPAROL ICONS / Claudia Neumann Communication GmbH


AkzoNobel: Q3 update following high macro-economic uncertainty

AkzoNobel provides a Q3 update as high macro-economic uncertainty - especially in Europe and China - led to near historical low consumer confidence. In anticipation, customers and channel partners in the paints and coatings industry are proactively destocking in these regions.
The Q3 adjusted operating income is now expected to be in the range of €195 million to €215 million (2021: €241 million), excluding a retroactive impact from hyperinflation accounting regarding Türkiye.
Current demand trends are expected to continue in Q4, whilst benefits will come from the company’s own initiatives to reduce costs, improve working capital and ongoing pricing initiatives. While Q3 will see the highest raw material cost impact since the inflation cycle started early 2021, pricing will continue to offset raw material and freight inflation. Overall raw material supply is normalizing and raw material prices are starting to soften broadly.
Financial results for Q3 of 2022 will be announced on October 20.

AkzoNobel provides a Q3 update as high macro-economic uncertainty - especially in Europe and China - led to near historical low consumer confidence. In anticipation, customers and channel partners in the paints and coatings industry are proactively destocking in these regions.
The Q3 adjusted operating income is now expected to be in the range of €195 million to €215 million (2021: €241 million), excluding a retroactive impact from hyperinflation accounting regarding Türkiye.
Current demand trends are expected to continue in Q4, whilst benefits will come from the company’s own initiatives to reduce costs, improve working capital and ongoing pricing initiatives. While Q3 will see the highest raw material cost impact since the inflation cycle started early 2021, pricing will continue to offset raw material and freight inflation. Overall raw material supply is normalizing and raw material prices are starting to soften broadly.
Financial results for Q3 of 2022 will be announced on October 20.



(c) Mimaki Europe B.V.

Mimaki announces Third Virtual Global Innovation Days Event

Mimaki announce their third Global Innovation Days (19th – 21st October 2022). This collaborative virtual experience unites Mimaki’s regional offices to discuss trends across the different markets and the American, Asian, and European regions operated in by Mimaki, through a series of live and pre-recorded demonstrations, webinars, and round-table discussions. The programme of events will be led by experts from Mimaki Europe, Japan, USA and Australia.

With a focus on addressing the queries and requirements across the many facets of the print industry, the event will see collaborations with the likes of FESPA, from whom spokespeople will be attending to discuss the latest trends and innovations identified at FESPA this year, as well as a look ahead to next year’s event and what people can expect to see.

Mimaki announce their third Global Innovation Days (19th – 21st October 2022). This collaborative virtual experience unites Mimaki’s regional offices to discuss trends across the different markets and the American, Asian, and European regions operated in by Mimaki, through a series of live and pre-recorded demonstrations, webinars, and round-table discussions. The programme of events will be led by experts from Mimaki Europe, Japan, USA and Australia.

With a focus on addressing the queries and requirements across the many facets of the print industry, the event will see collaborations with the likes of FESPA, from whom spokespeople will be attending to discuss the latest trends and innovations identified at FESPA this year, as well as a look ahead to next year’s event and what people can expect to see.

Attendees will also have the opportunity to further explore the latest additions to Mimaki’s product portfolio, with demonstrations of the technologies and the applications that they are able to create coming live from the Mimaki showroom in Amsterdam. The 330 series, including the JV330-160, CJV330-160 and TS330-1600, will be showcased, as well as the full-colour capabilities of the 3DUJ-2207 3D printer, and Mimaki’s latest flatbed printer, the JFX600-2513, which boasts speeds thrice superior to that of its predecessor. Another highlight of the event will be a discussion held with leading print media and software vendors, to examine the current market trends from outside of the manufacturing perspective.


Mimaki Europe B.V.