From the Sector

1258 results
German Design Award 2024: Newcomer Finalist*innen (c) Rat für Formgebung Service GmbH

German Design Award 2024: Newcomer Finalist*innen

Die Jury des German Design Award 2024 hat die fünf Finalist*innen für die Auszeichnung „Newcomer“ ausgewählt: Leonie Burkhardt, Justus Hilfenhaus, Nicolas König, das studio formagora (Finn Blankenberg, Esra Heuermann, Nick Potter) und Sebastian Winter haben die Jury mit ihren Portfolios aus den Disziplinen Textildesign, Produktdesign, Architektur, Partizipatives Design und Digital Design überzeugt. Mit innovativen Lösungen für aktuelle soziale wie ökologische Fragestellungen und zukunftsweisenden Ideen, Projekten und Produkten auf hohem Niveau beweisen sie, welch entscheidende Rolle jungen Designtalenten für die erfolgreichen Transformationsprozesse unserer Zeit zukommt.

Die Jury des German Design Award 2024 hat die fünf Finalist*innen für die Auszeichnung „Newcomer“ ausgewählt: Leonie Burkhardt, Justus Hilfenhaus, Nicolas König, das studio formagora (Finn Blankenberg, Esra Heuermann, Nick Potter) und Sebastian Winter haben die Jury mit ihren Portfolios aus den Disziplinen Textildesign, Produktdesign, Architektur, Partizipatives Design und Digital Design überzeugt. Mit innovativen Lösungen für aktuelle soziale wie ökologische Fragestellungen und zukunftsweisenden Ideen, Projekten und Produkten auf hohem Niveau beweisen sie, welch entscheidende Rolle jungen Designtalenten für die erfolgreichen Transformationsprozesse unserer Zeit zukommt.

Der Award belegt damit die Bedeutung von jungem Design für die Wettbewerbs- und Zukunftsfähigkeit mittelständischer Unternehmen und der (deutschen) Wirtschaft – als Motoren der Weiterentwicklung sind Jungdesigner*innen mit ihren Future Skills für deren Innovationskompetenz maßgeblich. Kollaboratives Arbeiten, interdisziplinärer Austausch, Offenheit, Experimentierfreude und Forschergeist ziehen sich durch die Portfolios der Finalist*innen. Sie alle setzen sich mit Chancen von Veränderungen auseinander, reagieren auf eine sich immer schneller wandelnde Welt, arbeiten sowohl konzeptionell als auch experimentell und wagen sich an spielerische Lösungen für komplexe Herausforderungen. Die große inhaltliche Bandbreite, Diversität an Perspektiven und deren jeweilige Umsetzung in die Praxis hat die Jury des German Design Award 2024 überzeugt. Sie erhalten die Chance auf die mit 15.000 Euro dotierte Auszeichnung des German Design Award, die am 26. Januar 2024 in Frankfurt am Main vergeben wird.

Mit der Auszeichnung stärkt die Stiftung Rat für Formgebung die Sichtbarkeit junger Designer*innen durch die Möglichkeit, sich und ihre Arbeiten der internationalen Design-Community, Industrie und Wirtschaft sowie der Öffentlichkeit zu präsentieren. In einer Reihe von exklusiven Anlässen des Rat für Formgebung haben die Finalist*innen zudem Gelegenheit, Mitglieder der Stiftung Rat für Formgebung kennenzulernen und wichtige Wirtschaftskontakte zu knüpfen. Zu den ehemaligen Preisträger*innen gehören zahlreiche heute namhafte Designer*innen wie Eva Marguerre, Marcel Besau, Sebastian Herkner und Christian Zanzotti.

More information:
German Design Award Design

Rat für Formgebung Service GmbH / German Design Council

Below the pattern Foto: Rebecca Milautzcki
Below the pattern

Heimtextil University Contest: Junge Talente global sichtbar machen

Von Werken mit doppelter Deutung über modulare Tuftingteppiche bis hin zur Erforschung von Textilien als potenzielles Gedächtnis: Jedes Jahr haben Studierende von Designhochschulen aus aller Welt die Chance, ihre neuesten und ungewöhnlichsten Designentwürfe einzureichen und ihre Konzepte von einer ausgewählten Fachjury bewerten zu lassen.

Von den 28 eingereichten Arbeiten erhalten drei Künstlerinnen die Möglichkeit auf einem Messestand in der Halle 3.0 im New & Next-Areal, ihre Werke auf der Heimtextil 2024 vorzustellen und gleichzeitig ihre Hochschule zu repräsentieren.

Von Werken mit doppelter Deutung über modulare Tuftingteppiche bis hin zur Erforschung von Textilien als potenzielles Gedächtnis: Jedes Jahr haben Studierende von Designhochschulen aus aller Welt die Chance, ihre neuesten und ungewöhnlichsten Designentwürfe einzureichen und ihre Konzepte von einer ausgewählten Fachjury bewerten zu lassen.

Von den 28 eingereichten Arbeiten erhalten drei Künstlerinnen die Möglichkeit auf einem Messestand in der Halle 3.0 im New & Next-Areal, ihre Werke auf der Heimtextil 2024 vorzustellen und gleichzeitig ihre Hochschule zu repräsentieren.

Kreative Visionen: Die Erfolgsprojekte des University Contest 2023
Drei Projekte mit grundlegend unterschiedlichen Ansätzen überzeugten die Jury:
Gewinnerin Rebecca Milautzcki beschreibt ihre Arbeit mit dem Titel Below the pattern wie folgt: „Die Doppeldeutigkeit des Werks liegt im geregelten Entwicklungsschema und den vier definierten Musterdimensionen, die eine ästhetische, konstruierte Formulation der Uneindeutigkeit bilden. Die Uneindeutigkeit wird inszeniert durch die Kombination von Transluzenz, Materialität und Dreidimensionalität der Bindungsstrukturen.“ In ihrem Master-Studium Textilkunst / Textildesign entwickelte Rebecca Milautzcki dieses Projekt in Zusammenarbeit mit der Westsächsischen Hochschule Zwickau.

Neben der Schwarz-Weiß-Darstellung gibt es auch einen sehr bunten und funktionalen Entwurf, umgesetzt von Tasja Videmšek: „In meinem Projekt Heimtextilien inspiriert vom Bauhaus habe ich mich auf die Modularität von Produkten konzentriert und einen modularen Tuftingteppich entwickelt, der je nach den Bedürfnissen des Raums frei zu verschiedenen Kompositionen zusammengestellt werden kann. Inspiriert von der Bauhaus-Bewegung wurden verschiedene Designbereiche erforscht, wobei die Vision der Bewegung beibehalten und in ein zeitgenössisches Wohnumfeld übertragen wurde“, erklärt Videmšek ihr Projekt. Sie studiert Textile and Fashion Design an der University of Ljubljana und konnte das Ergebnis ebenfalls im Rahmen ihres Masterabschlusses entwickeln.

Svenja Bremen, Master-Absolventin im Bereich Modedesign / Kostümdesign / Textildesign an der HAW Hamburg, ist die dritte Gewinnerin des Contest. Sie äußerte sich zu ihrem Projekt wie folgt: “Soft memories ist ein Design-Forschungsprojekt, in dem ich Textilien als potenzielles Gedächtnis erforscht habe. Besonders wichtig war es mir, einen Weg zu finden, persönliche Erinnerungen in die Stoffe einzubetten, um ihren Wert zu steigern und einen respektvollen Umgang zu fördern. Die Textilien sollen weit mehr als reine Stoffe sein; sie dienen als kraftvolle Kommunikationsmittel, Bedeutungsträger und Gedächtnismedium.”


Messe Frankfurt

North American Nonwovens Industry Outlook 2022-2027 (c) INDA

North American Nonwovens Industry Outlook 2022-2027 released

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, has released a new report, North American Nonwovens Industry Outlook, 2022-2027. This report is the twelfth edition detailing demand data for 2017 through 2022, with forecasts to 2027 and provides analysis across end-use markets through 2027.

It includes:

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, has released a new report, North American Nonwovens Industry Outlook, 2022-2027. This report is the twelfth edition detailing demand data for 2017 through 2022, with forecasts to 2027 and provides analysis across end-use markets through 2027.

It includes:

  • Economic and population drivers contributing to market growth over the next 5 years for markets in the U.S., Mexico, and Canada.
  • Disposable, Filtration, Wipes, Medical and Other applications.
  • Long-Life durable sectors for Transportation, Building and Construction, Furnishings, Geo and Agro Textiles, and Apparel.
  • Key drivers for the demand models and reasons for market upsets like the COVID pandemic.
  • A summary of historical and future trends that will affect the nonwovens market.

The report provides analysis across all nonwoven end-use markets, providing a comprehensive and accurate view of the total North American nonwovens industry. INDA redesigned this report to support strategic business planning and decision-making. The projections in the report were made by analyzing current market trends and drivers to highlight the market potential in terms of dollar value, units, and volume in both square meters and tonnage.

The new North American Nonwovens Industry Outlook report is available at 6,000.00 $, the discounted member price is 4,500.00

More information:
Market report INDA

Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry


Recap of GenovaJeans

Responsible innovation plays a leading role at GenovaJeans, the initiative dedicated to new-generation jeans GenovaJeans, the initiative held in Genoa from 5 to 8 October and dedicated to the new generation of jeans, set the premises for the creation of a community dedicated to this iconic, revolutionary and innovative garment.

30 prominent industry leaders, divided into three categories (heritage, new creatives and production chain) created a inspiring experience in historic venues in the heart of the city. Presented in-group exhibitions, they forged a circular journey from the design to the creation of jeans, from the ingredient to the final outfit, and vice versa.

Heritage brands, exploring the history, evolution and best practices of this iconic garment, were hosted inside the Biblioteca Universitaria and included Blue Blanket Division, Blue Of A Kind, Diesel, IMIJT35020 By Canova, Incotex Blue Division, Mud Jeans, Pepe Jeans, Roy Roger's, Stefano Chiassai and Tela Genova.

Responsible innovation plays a leading role at GenovaJeans, the initiative dedicated to new-generation jeans GenovaJeans, the initiative held in Genoa from 5 to 8 October and dedicated to the new generation of jeans, set the premises for the creation of a community dedicated to this iconic, revolutionary and innovative garment.

30 prominent industry leaders, divided into three categories (heritage, new creatives and production chain) created a inspiring experience in historic venues in the heart of the city. Presented in-group exhibitions, they forged a circular journey from the design to the creation of jeans, from the ingredient to the final outfit, and vice versa.

Heritage brands, exploring the history, evolution and best practices of this iconic garment, were hosted inside the Biblioteca Universitaria and included Blue Blanket Division, Blue Of A Kind, Diesel, IMIJT35020 By Canova, Incotex Blue Division, Mud Jeans, Pepe Jeans, Roy Roger's, Stefano Chiassai and Tela Genova.

The new creatives, a new generation of designers who have adopted innovative eco-design strategies to create smart jeans, were present inside Edificio Metelino in the Darsena area and included Andrea Grossi, Gilberto Calzolari, Gimmijeans, Jeanne Friot, Marcello Pipitone with Albiate 1830, Ksenia Schnaider, Patine, Regenesi, The Blue Suit with ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei and Zerobarracento.

The production chain, composed of companies in the supply and value chain, representing the major stages in the production process, were made up of Albiate 1830 - Albini Group, Cadica, Candiani Denim, Circulose®, Officina39, Pure Denim with Bemberg™ By Asahi Kasei, Soko, Tencel™, Tonello, YKK Italia and were housed inside the Ex Oratorio di San Tommaso.

The responsible innovation, ethics and transparency adopted by each company taking part in the circular journey of GenovaJeans were explained through a QR code powered by C.L.A.S.S. (Creativity Lifestyle And Sustainable Synergy) that provided information on the garments, their composition, production phases and company values.

More information:
GenovaJeans Denim jeans production

GenovaJeans / GB Network Marketing & Communication Srl.

Three Swiss Brands introduce the "Extraordinary Jacket" Photo: Mammut
The Extraordinary Jacket, a joint development by Nespresso, Mammut, and HeiQ

Three Swiss Brands introduce the "Extraordinary Jacket"

In a celebration of Innovation and Swiss identity the three brands Nespresso, Mammut, and HeiQ have joined forces to create the "Extraordinary Jacket".

The Extraordinary Jacket is a testament to Swiss design and innovation. Mammut's super-light Ajungilak® insulation now incorporates HeiQ XReflex technology powered by Xefco, which contains part of the aluminum from recycled Nespresso capsules.

Being up in the mountains comes with significant temperature drops. Mammut, HeiQ and Nespresso have cocreated this high-performance insulation jacket that delivers great heat retention while being breathable, so one can enjoy more time above the tree line.

What makes the Extraordinary Jacket genuinely extraordinary is its ability to retain 20% more heat than a conventional insulation jacket of similar thickness. The innovative HeiQ XReflex 3D aluminized scrim layer reflects the body's heat radiation within the insulation layers, so the wearer doesn’t have to produce more energy to stay warm, resulting in effortless comfort even in harsh and demanding conditions.

In a celebration of Innovation and Swiss identity the three brands Nespresso, Mammut, and HeiQ have joined forces to create the "Extraordinary Jacket".

The Extraordinary Jacket is a testament to Swiss design and innovation. Mammut's super-light Ajungilak® insulation now incorporates HeiQ XReflex technology powered by Xefco, which contains part of the aluminum from recycled Nespresso capsules.

Being up in the mountains comes with significant temperature drops. Mammut, HeiQ and Nespresso have cocreated this high-performance insulation jacket that delivers great heat retention while being breathable, so one can enjoy more time above the tree line.

What makes the Extraordinary Jacket genuinely extraordinary is its ability to retain 20% more heat than a conventional insulation jacket of similar thickness. The innovative HeiQ XReflex 3D aluminized scrim layer reflects the body's heat radiation within the insulation layers, so the wearer doesn’t have to produce more energy to stay warm, resulting in effortless comfort even in harsh and demanding conditions.

.Dolkrey 'Cosmic Summer' collection - photo by Elzo Bonam .Dolkrey 'Cosmic Summer' collection - photo by Elzo Bonam

Fashion for Good Museum: New pop-up exhibition

The Fashion for Good Museum has opened its doors for the new pop-up exhibition News From The Future. As part of a new Educational Programme and Toolkit - developed by the Fashion for Good Museum team - a selection of up-and-coming talents composed of Dutch fashion students and emerging designers have been asked to respond to the question: “what could the future of fashion look like?” Their answers are revealed in the exhibition in the form of garments, videos, installations and more. This is a future-forward exhibition where you can explore different fashion perspectives beyond the climate crisis, giving hope and, perhaps, a reality check.

Post-consumer waste, overconsumption and the pollution of our waterways are just some of the industry issues we are currently facing. Mirrored against rising temperatures and increasingly unstable weather conditions, the global shift as a result of climate change is inevitable. What does this mean for our future generations? How do we move forward from here? This raises one central question: What does the future of fashion look like?

The Fashion for Good Museum has opened its doors for the new pop-up exhibition News From The Future. As part of a new Educational Programme and Toolkit - developed by the Fashion for Good Museum team - a selection of up-and-coming talents composed of Dutch fashion students and emerging designers have been asked to respond to the question: “what could the future of fashion look like?” Their answers are revealed in the exhibition in the form of garments, videos, installations and more. This is a future-forward exhibition where you can explore different fashion perspectives beyond the climate crisis, giving hope and, perhaps, a reality check.

Post-consumer waste, overconsumption and the pollution of our waterways are just some of the industry issues we are currently facing. Mirrored against rising temperatures and increasingly unstable weather conditions, the global shift as a result of climate change is inevitable. What does this mean for our future generations? How do we move forward from here? This raises one central question: What does the future of fashion look like?

News From The Future, the new exhibition at the Fashion for Good Museum, invited Dutch students and new creative voices to reflect on these questions. The emphasis on emerging talent is a common thread throughout the exhibition’s and the look and feel is designed by upcoming graphic designer Sara Biatchinyi.

Participating artists and designers include students from art and fashion schools across the Netherlands from the University of the Arts Utrecht, Zadkine MBO, MBO Rijnland and Saxion College. The students’ work was chosen after they participated in the educational programme “Classroom of the Future: the Stories Behind Cotton”. This programme was developed by the Fashion for Good Museum’s Curator and Education Coordinator Alyxandra Westwood and Education and Fashion consultant in sustainability Yophi Ignacia founder of The Future Mode, in collaboration with the aforementioned schools.

To further enhance these narratives, and to facilitate and promote a space for connection between emerging talent, the Museum invited Current Obsession Magazine - an interdisciplinary jewellery platform and magazine - to co-curate an installation and reflect on the future of jewellery. Over the course of the exhibition the Fashion for Good Museum will come to life hosting an art auction, panel discussion and a weekly updated installation, showcasing emerging talent. All of these elements together will collectively address the sustainable and regenerative design practices in both the Fashion and Jewellery industries.

Designer Kevin Paraiso (Paris/Benin) showcases a creative workshop in the museum, featuring looks from his Cosmic Summer .Dolkrey collection, which was presented during Spring/Summer ‘23 of Paris Fashion Week. “Cosmic Summer reflects on our desire to bring vibrant colours and a sense of uplift to the fashion of today and tomorrow. A cosmic news from the future.” A hopeful collection, with future-forward elements seamlessly integrated from the use of deadstock, circular materials and an on-demand tailoring business model with inhouse printing - presents a positive outlook.

Launching “Classroom of the Future: The Stories Behind Cotton”
The educational programme “Classroom of the Future: the Stories Behind Cotton'' has been developed into an open source toolkit for MBO and HBO education. The toolkit is live and available to download from the Fashion for Good Museum website as of the 30th of November 2023.

It consists of a set of six lessons all exploring the various aspects of cotton with specific emphasis on people and planet. The toolkit brings together different forms of interactive tools for the classroom: videos, podcasts,  lesson plans and workshops. The content shows the perspective of local and international makers and innovators working to create a better and fairer fashion system.
The programme was part of and based on the previous museum exhibition Knowing Cotton Otherwise (2022-’23) and invited students to reflect on the  exhibition themes - water, transparency, agriculture, climate, processing, origin, labour/forced labour and end-of-use - through their own perspective. The educational methodology and goals within the programme were developed to level the field between MBO and HBO students, reflecting a more realistic image of what it's like working in the professional field. During the programme students worked together equally, challenging the segregated Dutch education system and aiming for new results.

News From The Future is open to the public at the Fashion for Good Museum at Rokin 102 in Amsterdam.


Fashion for Good

Photo Carbios

Carbios: Building and operating permits for world’s first PET biorecycling plant

Carbios  has been granted the building permit and operating authorization for the world’s first PET[1] biorecycling plant, allowing construction to start. The plant will be built in Longlaville in the Grand-Est Region on a 13.7-hectare site adjacent to the existing PET production plant of Indorama Ventures, its strategic partner.

Carbios  has been granted the building permit and operating authorization for the world’s first PET[1] biorecycling plant, allowing construction to start. The plant will be built in Longlaville in the Grand-Est Region on a 13.7-hectare site adjacent to the existing PET production plant of Indorama Ventures, its strategic partner.

This state-of-the-art facility, scheduled for commissioning in 2025, will play a crucial role in the fight against plastic pollution by providing an industrial-scale enzymatic recycling solution for PET waste. Carbios’ technology enables PET circularity and offers an alternative raw material to virgin fossil-based monomers, allowing PET producers, chemical companies, waste management firms, public entities, and brands to have an effective solution to meet regulatory requirements and fulfill their sustainability commitments. The plant will have a processing capacity of 50,000 tons of post-consumer PET waste per year (mostly waste that is non-recyclable mechanically, equivalent to 2 billion colored PET bottles or 2.5 billion PET food trays) and will generate 150 direct and indirect jobs in the region.
The plant will be built on a 13.7-hectare site acquired by Carbios on Indorama Ventures’ existing PET plant site without suspensive conditions. The land area gives the possibility to double the facility’s capacity.
A plant designed to minimize its carbon footprint
The plant is designed to maximize circularity, with high-quality output products, and minimize its environmental footprint, especially with regards to energy consumption. Optimizations are underway to further increase the recycling of water required for the process.

Located near the borders with Belgium, Germany, and Luxembourg, the plant’s location is strategic for nearby waste supply. Moreover, Carbios’ biorecycling technology can process complex waste that conventional technologies cannot recycle and produce food-grade products, enhancing the plant’s flexibility for waste supply. Carbios and Indorama Ventures will collaborate to ensure the feedstock supply of the Longlaville plant, located in a geographical area where the supply potential could reach 400,000 tons in 2023, and up to 500,000 tons in 2030 with improved selective collection.

Carbios has already secured an initial supply source by winning part of the CITEO tender for the biorecycling of multilayer food trays. The consortium composed of Carbios, Wellman (a subsidiary of Indorama Ventures), and Valorplast has been selected to handle 30% of the tonnage proposed by CITEO. Carbios will handle the portion of the flow consisting of multilayer food trays at its Longlaville plant starting in 2025.
Plant funding secured
In July 2023, Carbios successfully completed its capital increase for approximately €141 million, the largest capital increase on Euronext Growth since 2015. This amount is mainly intended to finance the construction of this plant, for which the total investment is estimated at around €230 million. The portion of the investment not funded by the proceeds from the July 2023 capital increase is expected to be covered by Indorama Ventures, which plans to mobilize approximately €110 million for this project, French state subsidies of €30 million, and €12.5 million from the Grand-Est Region, as well as a portion of Carbios Group’s available cash, which amounted to €78 million as of 30 June 2023.




Source Fashion doubles again for February 2024

The appetite for responsible sourcing shows no sign of slowing with Europe's fastest-growing platform, Source Fashion expanding again for its next edition with a 50% increase in exhibitors to over 320 from around the world.

The gateway to the UK fashion industry, Source Fashion takes place on 18th - 20th February at Kensington Olympia London putting international manufacturers and suppliers at the fingertips of UK brands.

Source Fashion offers a unique experience for decision-makers in buying, sourcing and procurement, with the reassurance of knowing that every exhibitor has been audited to ensure sustainability and transparency remains at the heart of their business model. The next show unites manufacturers from the UK, India, Portugal, Turkey Madagascar, China, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Peru, Philippines, Ethiopia and many more. The show will also see the debut of manufacturers from Mongolia, Lithuania, and Tunisia.

The appetite for responsible sourcing shows no sign of slowing with Europe's fastest-growing platform, Source Fashion expanding again for its next edition with a 50% increase in exhibitors to over 320 from around the world.

The gateway to the UK fashion industry, Source Fashion takes place on 18th - 20th February at Kensington Olympia London putting international manufacturers and suppliers at the fingertips of UK brands.

Source Fashion offers a unique experience for decision-makers in buying, sourcing and procurement, with the reassurance of knowing that every exhibitor has been audited to ensure sustainability and transparency remains at the heart of their business model. The next show unites manufacturers from the UK, India, Portugal, Turkey Madagascar, China, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Peru, Philippines, Ethiopia and many more. The show will also see the debut of manufacturers from Mongolia, Lithuania, and Tunisia.

Suzanne Ellingham, Director of Sourcing of Source Fashion says; "Visitors will love the quality, diversity and variety of producers, makers and manufacturers from around the world with the best of the best in terms of high-quality knitted apparel, luxury wool knits, leather, denim, and more across our sectors including Fabrics, Accessories, Sportswear, Garment Manufacturers, Packaging, Yarns, Trims and Fixtures, plus Design & Technology."

Connecting global manufacturers and suppliers to buyers who want the security in knowing every conversation is one that could lead to a new range creation, Source Fashion is the gateway to retail for manufacturers and suppliers from across the world. From raw materials, fabrics, trims, and packaging, all the way through to contract manufacturers offering in house design services, the show brings the inspiration and tools together in one exciting destination to bring new ranges to life.

The July 2023 show welcomed some of retail's biggest names. Buyers, sourcing managers, product developers, technologists, and designers from brands and retailers including John Lewis, Mountain Warehouse, Fila, Selfridges, H&M, Lipsy, Lyle & Scott, Joules, FILA, Perry Ellis, JoJo Mamman Bebe, Monsoon, Fatface, Lulu Guinness, Next, Sainsburys, Vivienne Westwood, Stitch Fix, ASOS, Bella Freud, Burberry, Fat Face, Hackett, Harrods, NBrown, Monsoon and many more came to explore and source from Source Fashion's diverse mix of audited exhibitors.

With a content stage dedicated to presenting and discussing the latest trends, innovations, and topics in responsible and sustainable manufacturing from internationally renowned industry professionals, as well the inspirational Source Catwalk shows, Source Fashion is the must-attend event for the fashion community.

More information:
Source Fashion

Good Results PR



SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD. of Wakayama, Japan will participate in the A+A 2023—Safety, Security and Health at Work International Trade Fair in Düsseldorf, Germany (24th-27th October 2023). On display will be the company's latest safety-related technology through its new SPG®-R pile glove knitting machine and the prototype SFG®-R next-generation glove knitting machine. Each of these machines drew attention at SHIMA SEIKI's booth at the International Textile Machinery (ITMA 2023) Exhibition in Milan.

SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD. of Wakayama, Japan will participate in the A+A 2023—Safety, Security and Health at Work International Trade Fair in Düsseldorf, Germany (24th-27th October 2023). On display will be the company's latest safety-related technology through its new SPG®-R pile glove knitting machine and the prototype SFG®-R next-generation glove knitting machine. Each of these machines drew attention at SHIMA SEIKI's booth at the International Textile Machinery (ITMA 2023) Exhibition in Milan.

SHIMA SEIKI's original SPG®, developed in 1979 as the world’s first automatic glove knitting machine to produce seamless pile-knitted gloves, is now reborn as a next-generation model. Pile gloves feature special traits that include cushioning, shock-reduction and thermal insulation and cold protection, making them popular especially in the field of industrial safety. Now, SPG® is redesigned from the ground up and re-introduced as the SPG®-R. The new SPG®-R features a new moveable sinker system with selectable loop presser function. Combined with a new belt-driven carriage it allows SPG® to provide efficient and reliable production of fashionable, high-quality pile gloves. Shown in 7 gauge at A+A, SPG®-R surpasses the previous generation with pioneering technology, improved capability and reliable productivity.

SHIMA SEIKI's original product on which the company was founded was the fully automated seamless glove knitting machine. While the original model evolved to become the current SFG® series, SFG®-R exhibited at A+A is its spiritual successor. With a new sinker system, a belt-driven 2-cam carriage and auto yarn carriers SFG®-R is a completely new machine for knitting gloves that conform better to the shape of the hand for improved fit. Furthermore its greater design potential offers users the opportunity to break out of the work glove market and into the fashion market. SFG®-R is shown as a prototype next-generation model in 12 gauge at A+A.

Also demonstrated will be SHIMA SEIKI's APEXFiz® design software. The importance of design software is made even more significant by the new patterning capabilities of SPG®-R and SFG®-R. Both machines now feature increased design potential that allow each of their products—pile gloves and work gloves, respectively—to expand their market into fashion. APEXFiz® is available for developing these designs. Furthermore virtual sampling on APEXFiz® is especially effective in streamlining the production process. Ultra-realistic simulation capability allows the use of virtual samples for evaluating design variations without producing actual samples for each variation, thereby minimizing the time, cost and resources normally required with sample-making, supporting smart, speedy and sustainable production.




Tonello at Kingpins with new technologies

Once again Tonello will be present their technologies and partnerships at Kingpins from October 18-19.

DyeMate, the ozone, THE Laser
DyeMate is Tonello's new "patent-pending" technology that reinterprets the traditional indigo garment dyeing process, by making it automatic and repeatable, efficient and sustainable: carried out in a nitrogen atmosphere, without oxygen, with controlled reduction and oxidation, to achieve results that are perfectly comparable, in terms of authenticity and "aesthetic flavor," to those of denim that fades and becomes vintage with the passage of time.

Tonello will present a collection of garments with super bleach effects. With OBleach, EGO and O-Zone triad redefined the garment bleaching process, including no harmful chemicals such as chlorine and permanganate, in favor of sustainable and healthy production.

The entire collection will be embellished and finished with aesthetic solutions and details: the natural overdyeing of Wake, the ultra-thin graphics made with THE Laser Lab, the reproducible breakages of THE Laser T and TM.

Once again Tonello will be present their technologies and partnerships at Kingpins from October 18-19.

DyeMate, the ozone, THE Laser
DyeMate is Tonello's new "patent-pending" technology that reinterprets the traditional indigo garment dyeing process, by making it automatic and repeatable, efficient and sustainable: carried out in a nitrogen atmosphere, without oxygen, with controlled reduction and oxidation, to achieve results that are perfectly comparable, in terms of authenticity and "aesthetic flavor," to those of denim that fades and becomes vintage with the passage of time.

Tonello will present a collection of garments with super bleach effects. With OBleach, EGO and O-Zone triad redefined the garment bleaching process, including no harmful chemicals such as chlorine and permanganate, in favor of sustainable and healthy production.

The entire collection will be embellished and finished with aesthetic solutions and details: the natural overdyeing of Wake, the ultra-thin graphics made with THE Laser Lab, the reproducible breakages of THE Laser T and TM.

Collections, design, collaborations
The MSP - Most Sustainable Product - collection, developed together with Kingpins and Denim House, designed by Piero Turk and Serena Conti, and processed in Tonello's Research and Development Center with the latest responsible finishing technologies, returns this year.

Tonello will also present another project: ONE Denim. A collection that aims to combat resource waste in the denim industry by demonstrating concretely how many new denim garments could be made from a single fabric by optimizing processes and choosing appropriate technologies and production methods. The fabrics chosen are from Sharabati Denim, the design is by Piero Turk, and the collection is processed by Tonello.

This project was born out of a dialogue between Tonello's technology and the creativity of British designers Sadia Rafique and Kelly Harrington, who produced as many as 70 artworks that are partly physically present at Kingpins and partly published in a book-zine that tells the philosophy and logic of this unique and original work. A work that combines technology, expressive research and all new forms of image generation, across the boundary between natural and artificial, but still totally human.



adidas Originals and Edison Chen announce Partnership (c) adidas AG

adidas Originals and Edison Chen announce Partnership

adidas Originals and Edison Chen announce their global partnership, adidas Originals by Edison Chen, as Chen makes his return to the brand to begin a new era of collaboration that will redefine creative innovation and build a cultural legacy for the future.

Chen is the Founder and Creative Director of global lifestyle brand CLOT, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. After moving from Vancouver to Hong Kong in his youth, the clash of East meets West began for him as he adapted to the exposure to different cultures. His experiences and new perspectives opened his eyes to globalism and started to lay the foundation for what would eventually become CLOT.

For his partnership with adidas Originals, Chen will bring an innovative vision and creative prowess to introduce exclusive collaboration styles, leveraging adidas’ extensive archive and history in the process. With a focus on fostering cultural exchange between the East and West, adidas is partnering with Chen to introduce collections that push boundaries and defy the norms with his thought-provoking designs.

adidas Originals and Edison Chen announce their global partnership, adidas Originals by Edison Chen, as Chen makes his return to the brand to begin a new era of collaboration that will redefine creative innovation and build a cultural legacy for the future.

Chen is the Founder and Creative Director of global lifestyle brand CLOT, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. After moving from Vancouver to Hong Kong in his youth, the clash of East meets West began for him as he adapted to the exposure to different cultures. His experiences and new perspectives opened his eyes to globalism and started to lay the foundation for what would eventually become CLOT.

For his partnership with adidas Originals, Chen will bring an innovative vision and creative prowess to introduce exclusive collaboration styles, leveraging adidas’ extensive archive and history in the process. With a focus on fostering cultural exchange between the East and West, adidas is partnering with Chen to introduce collections that push boundaries and defy the norms with his thought-provoking designs.

Celebrating the shared commitment to creative innovation between adidas Original and Edison Chen, the “Change The Generation” collection explores three distinctly different styles ranging from ultra-lifestyle to formal dress and active/streetwear bringing to life a collection that can be explored individually as well as a collision of the three lifestyles together.  

Pieces from the collection will start becoming available in January 2024.

More information:
adidas adidas Originals partnership

adidas AG


Library of Colors fully Integrated Into Shima Seiki Design System With Color Atlas By Archroma®

Archroma and Shima Seiki have expanded their partnership to bring the industry’s largest library of colors for cotton and polyester to the SDS®-ONE APEX design, planning and virtual sampling system and APEXFiz® (hereafter SDS®-ONE APEX series) subscription software.

Now offering a total of 5,760 color references, SDS-ONE APEX series has added all 1,440 colors for polyester from The Color Atlas by Archroma® to its color library of 4,320 Color Atlas colors for cotton poplin. The new polyester collection ranges from neutral earth tones to vibrant jewel tones and on-trend fluorescent colors, with shades suitable for sportswear, fashion, home furnishings, automotive textiles and more.

The extended color library in SDS®-ONE APEX series will help designers and manufacturers to visualize and evaluate their design choices on realistic fabric simulations and then put them into production with dyes and finishes that meet their desired sustainability profile. The Shima Seiki system also offers a smooth transition to machine programming for quick and accurate production, reduced waste and accelerated time to market.

Archroma and Shima Seiki have expanded their partnership to bring the industry’s largest library of colors for cotton and polyester to the SDS®-ONE APEX design, planning and virtual sampling system and APEXFiz® (hereafter SDS®-ONE APEX series) subscription software.

Now offering a total of 5,760 color references, SDS-ONE APEX series has added all 1,440 colors for polyester from The Color Atlas by Archroma® to its color library of 4,320 Color Atlas colors for cotton poplin. The new polyester collection ranges from neutral earth tones to vibrant jewel tones and on-trend fluorescent colors, with shades suitable for sportswear, fashion, home furnishings, automotive textiles and more.

The extended color library in SDS®-ONE APEX series will help designers and manufacturers to visualize and evaluate their design choices on realistic fabric simulations and then put them into production with dyes and finishes that meet their desired sustainability profile. The Shima Seiki system also offers a smooth transition to machine programming for quick and accurate production, reduced waste and accelerated time to market.

Each of the 5,760 Color Atlas color references in the SDS®-ONE APEX series design software is available as a physical color standard that includes precise dyeing recipes and compliance data, as well as access to expert technical support from Archroma around the world.

“Polyester remains the most popular choice across many textile segments where high performance is a must. Users of Shima Seiki’s advanced SDS®-ONE APEX series platform will now be able to select from the industry’s largest library of colors for both cotton and polyester and, more importantly, trust that their choice can be reliably executed,” Chris Hipps, Head of Strategic Business Development, Archroma Color Management, said.

“Our colors are formulated with dyes that comply with international eco-standards and work with Archroma’s groundbreaking coloration systems, like FAST SPORT,” he continued.

More information:
Color Atlas Archroma Shima Seiki


Adient presented seating innovations at IAA (c) Adient

Adient presented seating innovations at IAA

Adient, a leader in automotive seating, has presented its latest innovations at the IAA 2023.
The current automotive business landscape is marked by shifting industry dynamics, showcasing a strong desire for mobility, with an emphasis on digitalization, cost, and sustainable products. In line with this, Adient’s overall approach is characterized by responding to the need for more sustainable material use, while taking advantage of the potential that sustainable practices hold for streamlining processes.

Adient, a leader in automotive seating, has presented its latest innovations at the IAA 2023.
The current automotive business landscape is marked by shifting industry dynamics, showcasing a strong desire for mobility, with an emphasis on digitalization, cost, and sustainable products. In line with this, Adient’s overall approach is characterized by responding to the need for more sustainable material use, while taking advantage of the potential that sustainable practices hold for streamlining processes.

Responding to the need for overall cost and complexity reduction in manufacturing, the Pure Essential seat is especially lightweight. Environmentally-conscious practices such as material separation and recycling, and design for disassembly are embedded into the manufacturing process from the development stage. The visionary seat consists of two materials only – green steel and recyclable polyester (PET).
New customer needs in terms of premium comfort are met with the Autonomous Elegance seat, specifically developed to fit Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). State-of-the-art findings on ergonomics and human body kinematics have been incorporated following extensive occupant research. They are complemented by advanced comfort assets such as noise cancellation and advanced climate functions. “Our seat demonstrators provide solutions to our customers’ main concerns, and we are looking forward to continuing the strategic product dialogue with them, based on our new demonstrators” highlights David Herberg, Vice President Engineering Adient EMEA. Most features of the seat can already be offered for sourcing, such as the metal structure and seat kinematics (adjustment functions and mechanisms).

Considering optimized use of space as well as sustainability aspects, the automotive supplier has also given its Smart Efficiency seat an update: the seat features a slimmer appearance than its predecessor without compromising on comfort. This design does not only help save space, but also paves the way for new mobility concepts based on battery packaging in electric vehicles.
The showcased products will be available for demonstration in customer roadshows as of December 2023.



Dyneema® SB301 to Enable Weight Savings of up to 20% in Protective Body Armor Image Avient

Dyneema®: Weight Savings of up to 20% in Protective Body Armor

Dyneema® announced the launch of a next-generation unidirectional (UD) material innovation based on its third-generation fiber at the polymer level: a development poised to enhance the safety and mobility of law enforcement officers and military forces through molecular engineering.

This evolution enables a higher-tenacity fiber – resulting in increased ballistic stopping power when used in the new UD material, Dyneema® SB301, for protective armor applications. The seismic shift in performance enables body armor manufacturers to design soft armor vests 10–20% lighter than previous protective solutions.

Beyond strength, Dyneema® SB301 has the advantage of being made from bio-based Dyneema® fiber, which enables a carbon footprint up to 90% lower than generic high modulus polyethylene (HMPE) fiber.

Now available for use in law enforcement vests for the US market, Dyneema® SB301 material is manufactured in Greenville, North Carolina, in compliance with the Berry Amendment, with additional markets to follow.

Dyneema® announced the launch of a next-generation unidirectional (UD) material innovation based on its third-generation fiber at the polymer level: a development poised to enhance the safety and mobility of law enforcement officers and military forces through molecular engineering.

This evolution enables a higher-tenacity fiber – resulting in increased ballistic stopping power when used in the new UD material, Dyneema® SB301, for protective armor applications. The seismic shift in performance enables body armor manufacturers to design soft armor vests 10–20% lighter than previous protective solutions.

Beyond strength, Dyneema® SB301 has the advantage of being made from bio-based Dyneema® fiber, which enables a carbon footprint up to 90% lower than generic high modulus polyethylene (HMPE) fiber.

Now available for use in law enforcement vests for the US market, Dyneema® SB301 material is manufactured in Greenville, North Carolina, in compliance with the Berry Amendment, with additional markets to follow.

“In every situation, weight is now considered to be the top priority after ballistic stopping power,” said Marcelo van de Kamp, global business director for personal protection at Avient. “That’s because survivability is directly tied to weight savings when speed and agility determine outcomes. We’ve long been known as the ‘world’s strongest fiber™,’ but that won’t stop us from finding new opportunities to get stronger. This new product is the latest demonstration of our commitment to both innovation and protection.”


Avient Corporation

adidas and Arsenal unveil first away kit with Stella McCartney (c) adidas AG

adidas and Arsenal unveil first away kit with Stella McCartney

  • The new high-performance away kit design blends bold geometric prints with shades of halo pink and soft, pastel glow blue, pushing the boundaries of on-pitch sport style.
  • The limited-edition range includes a gender-neutral game-day match shirt as well as comfort-first off-pitch pieces for pre- and post-match travel.

adidas and Arsenal have launched the next chapter of their collaboration with Stella McCartney, by revealing the first away kit and travel range for Arsenal Women.

The limited-edition range is designed to support Arsenal Women both on and off the pitch and includes a range of structured silhouettes including a jersey, shorts and stylish travel wear pieces such as a full zip jacket with neon accents, track-style pants, and an oversized tee. As the hero piece of the collection, the striking away shirt takes centre stage thanks to the fusion of geometric patterns with color-blocking accents of halo pink and glow blue. The shirt also features AEROREADY technology, which uses sweat-wicking and absorbent materials to keep players feeling dry.

  • The new high-performance away kit design blends bold geometric prints with shades of halo pink and soft, pastel glow blue, pushing the boundaries of on-pitch sport style.
  • The limited-edition range includes a gender-neutral game-day match shirt as well as comfort-first off-pitch pieces for pre- and post-match travel.

adidas and Arsenal have launched the next chapter of their collaboration with Stella McCartney, by revealing the first away kit and travel range for Arsenal Women.

The limited-edition range is designed to support Arsenal Women both on and off the pitch and includes a range of structured silhouettes including a jersey, shorts and stylish travel wear pieces such as a full zip jacket with neon accents, track-style pants, and an oversized tee. As the hero piece of the collection, the striking away shirt takes centre stage thanks to the fusion of geometric patterns with color-blocking accents of halo pink and glow blue. The shirt also features AEROREADY technology, which uses sweat-wicking and absorbent materials to keep players feeling dry.

Key pieces are crafted with at least 47% recycled polyester and 100% organic cotton as part of adidas' ambition to help end plastic waste.


More information:
adidas Stella McCartney Sportswear

adidas AG

FET: Benefits of new polymer development (c) FET
FET’s Fibre Development Centre

FET: Benefits of new polymer development

Fibre Extrusion Technology Ltd (FET) of Leeds, UK is celebrating a year of achievements since its new Fibre Development Centre was first opened. This period has shown a marked acceleration in the number of client technical trials conducted, involving the ever-increasing development of new polymers.

FET designs, develops and manufactures extrusion equipment for a range of high value textile material applications worldwide, offering melt spinning, wet spinning and spunbond/meltblown options. Since its inception in 1997, a major part of FET’s service portfolio has always been to collaborate with industrial and research establishments in testing, evaluating and developing high value materials with diverse, functional properties. FET’s previous Process Development Laboratory presided over the development of about 60 new polymer types in multifilament, monofilament and nonwoven formats.

Fibre Extrusion Technology Ltd (FET) of Leeds, UK is celebrating a year of achievements since its new Fibre Development Centre was first opened. This period has shown a marked acceleration in the number of client technical trials conducted, involving the ever-increasing development of new polymers.

FET designs, develops and manufactures extrusion equipment for a range of high value textile material applications worldwide, offering melt spinning, wet spinning and spunbond/meltblown options. Since its inception in 1997, a major part of FET’s service portfolio has always been to collaborate with industrial and research establishments in testing, evaluating and developing high value materials with diverse, functional properties. FET’s previous Process Development Laboratory presided over the development of about 60 new polymer types in multifilament, monofilament and nonwoven formats.

Since the new Fibre Development Centre came on stream, this process has accelerated and the number of new polymers has now increased to over 70, with considerably enhanced facilities more than doubling capacity and increasing efficiency. Clients frequently spend several days on site participating in development trials and technical sales meetings, so the new Centre is designed to make their stay even more efficient and comfortable.

With more new trials booked for the rest of the year and well into 2024, it is expected that many more new polymers will be developed, with sustainable fibres leading the way.


Fibre Extrusion Technology Ltd (FET)

Manjushree Group enters Indian nonwovens market with Reifenhäuser Reicofil line (c) Reifenhäuser GmbH & Co. KG Maschinenfabrik

Manjushree Group enters Indian nonwovens market with Reifenhäuser Reicofil line

After four decades in the packaging industry, the Manjushree Group is entering the Indian nonwovens market. The entrepreneurs rely on a flexible RF Smart Composite line from Reifenhäuser Reicofil to meet very different customer requirements.

The Manjushree Group operated a blown film line for packaging materials for the tea industry in the eastern part of India as early as 1983. In the years that followed, Manjushree Technopack Ltd. developed into one of the largest suppliers of solutions for rigid plastic products in South Asia - and the family business grew into a group with several business segments. In 2018, the entrepreneurial family repositioned itself: it sold its previous core business to a financial investor and established Manjushree Ventures with footholds in start-up financing, real estate business, and manufacturing - the largest of which is Manjushree Spntek as a producer of high-quality spunmelted fabrics.

After four decades in the packaging industry, the Manjushree Group is entering the Indian nonwovens market. The entrepreneurs rely on a flexible RF Smart Composite line from Reifenhäuser Reicofil to meet very different customer requirements.

The Manjushree Group operated a blown film line for packaging materials for the tea industry in the eastern part of India as early as 1983. In the years that followed, Manjushree Technopack Ltd. developed into one of the largest suppliers of solutions for rigid plastic products in South Asia - and the family business grew into a group with several business segments. In 2018, the entrepreneurial family repositioned itself: it sold its previous core business to a financial investor and established Manjushree Ventures with footholds in start-up financing, real estate business, and manufacturing - the largest of which is Manjushree Spntek as a producer of high-quality spunmelted fabrics.

Since February 2023, Manjushree Spntek has been producing high-performance spunmelts on an RF Smart Composite line from Reifenhäuser Reicofil - benefiting both from many years of experience in the packaging industry and from experience with Reifenhäuser's blown film lines. "We know a lot about plastic extrusion, for example when it comes to line operating parameters such as temperature and pressure. Processing is similar in both industries," explains Rajat Kedia. "The main difference is the distribution of the products: In plastic packaging, we had an established customer base and sold a lot of material to the big consumer goods manufacturers. The nonwovens market in India, on the other hand, is still forming, with thousands of small companies currently getting involved." These serve customers in their regions, such as hospitals.

The RF Smart Composite line is a standardized spunmelt line for smaller and emerging markets. The line produces nonwovens of the highest Reicofil quality with appropriately adapted throughput. This makes it ideally suited for applications in hygiene and medical technology and, with typically 8,200 annual production hours, it is extremely reliable. In addition, operators can start production quickly because in many cases the line can be integrated into existing buildings.

Before production could start, Manjushree built a new production building in Bidadi, a town an hour's drive from Bangalore International Airport. The building is designed to be sustainable: It uses natural light and fresh air, has comprehensive contamination control, and obtains almost all of its energy from renewable sources. Reifenhäuser Reicofil then installed, commissioned and tested the RF Smart Composite line.

Since February 2023, Manjushree Spntek has been producing high-quality spunmelted nonwovens, including ultra-soft fabrics and fabrics with special coatings for customers in the hygiene and medical industries. The material can be used, for example, for baby diapers and feminine hygiene products, but also for medical articles ranging from surgical gowns to surgical drapes.


Reifenhäuser GmbH & Co. KG Maschinenfabrik

(c) Schoeller Textil AG

Schoeller Textil presents FLEX SHIELD collection at A+A

Modern lifestyles require more than just functionality. Consumers are seeking products that offer a perfect balance between protection and comfort. The FLEX SHIELD collection offers a range of textiles that provide these functions without compromising on freedom of movement to maximize the wearer’s experience.

The Flex Shield Collection reflects Schoeller’s commitment to creating textiles that empower individuals to embrace their activities with confidence, knowing their gear will not fail and is designed for challenging conditions.

Every article in the collection is equipped with at least one of Schoeller’s pioneering textile technologies. These innovations ensure breathability, thermal regulation, as well as wind and water resistance.

Modern lifestyles require more than just functionality. Consumers are seeking products that offer a perfect balance between protection and comfort. The FLEX SHIELD collection offers a range of textiles that provide these functions without compromising on freedom of movement to maximize the wearer’s experience.

The Flex Shield Collection reflects Schoeller’s commitment to creating textiles that empower individuals to embrace their activities with confidence, knowing their gear will not fail and is designed for challenging conditions.

Every article in the collection is equipped with at least one of Schoeller’s pioneering textile technologies. These innovations ensure breathability, thermal regulation, as well as wind and water resistance.

One highlight is the schoeller®-ceraspaceTM technology, which owes its outstanding protective properties to a unique composition of special ceramic particles anchored in a polymer matrix. The ceramic particles are nearly as hard as diamonds and are firmly attached as a 3-dimensional coating to the textile. A textile with schoeller®-ceraspaceTM abrasion resistance performs significantly better than high-quality leather in terms of abrasion resistance. A fabric equipped with schoeller®-ceraspaceTM can also be more engineered to fulfill the required stretch properties, and its production process results in significantly less waste material compared to leather.


Schoeller Textil AG

Hygienix Graphics INDA

Glatfelter, Mundeo, and Sequel to Vie for Hygienix Innovation Award™

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, revealed the three finalists that will compete for the Hygienix Innovation Award™. Glatfelter, Mundeo, and Sequel will present their new absorbent hygiene products to senior-level leaders at Hygienix, Nov. 13-16, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Here is a summary of the finalists’ products:

Glatfelter: GlatPure™
GlatPure™ is a range of bio-based absorbent hygiene components derived from renewable materials. This product range consists of a variety of plant-based and natural topsheets, an acquisition distribution layer, an absorbent core, a newly improved backsheet, and a landing zone. Crafted from 100% renewable fibers and biodegradable materials, and enriched with bio-based binders, GlatPure™ stands as the industry’s first fully functional, fossil-fuel free range of solutions.  

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, revealed the three finalists that will compete for the Hygienix Innovation Award™. Glatfelter, Mundeo, and Sequel will present their new absorbent hygiene products to senior-level leaders at Hygienix, Nov. 13-16, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Here is a summary of the finalists’ products:

Glatfelter: GlatPure™
GlatPure™ is a range of bio-based absorbent hygiene components derived from renewable materials. This product range consists of a variety of plant-based and natural topsheets, an acquisition distribution layer, an absorbent core, a newly improved backsheet, and a landing zone. Crafted from 100% renewable fibers and biodegradable materials, and enriched with bio-based binders, GlatPure™ stands as the industry’s first fully functional, fossil-fuel free range of solutions.  

Mundao: Diap’Earth®
From nature to nature: Mundao brings to market DIAP’EARTH®, an industrially compostable baby diaper. This diaper provides a circular solution to the AHP waste issue. Ecoconception (DIAP’EARTH is a bio-based & plastic free diaper) makes it possible to compost the diaper in an industrial composting facility to turn it into carbon where it can become fertilizer for soil. DIAP’EARTH has been successfully composted in major French cities.

Sequel: The Sequel Spiral™ Tampon
The Sequel Spiral™ Tampon features a proprietary spiral design that is engineered to be more fluid mechanically efficient, meaning it is designed to absorb more evenly and not leak before it’s full. In August 2023 the Sequel Spiral™ Tampon received clearance from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a medical device and the company will now begin a series of consumer trials, with broad availability expected in Q1 of 2024.

The winner of the Award will be announced at the end of the event, Thurs., Nov. 16th, at 11:30 am. Last year’s award recipient was Pads on a Roll™ by Egal Pads. Pads on a Roll is a wrapped super-thin absorbent period pad that dispenses like toilet paper in public bathroom stalls, preventing the personal embarrassment of not having a menstrual product when needed.

Conference Highlights
In addition to the award presentation, the Hygienix™ conference will focus on consumer-centric innovations, the circular economy, raw material advancements in sustainability, opportunities for advanced recycling in absorbent hygiene, optimizing the packaging footprint, new approaches for odor control, and market trends and drivers. Plus, INDA’s Government Affairs office will be in attendance to provide insights into recent regulatory and legislative issues. Participants can learn about how the current political landscape could affect the nonwovens industry.

More information:



EURATEX and CIE warn EU Presidency about de-industrialised Europe

Ahead of the extra-ordinary Council on 6 October in Granada, EURATEX President, Alberto Paccanelli, and CIE President, Jose Vte Serna, call on the EU Presidency to develop a new competitiveness strategy, which can relaunch the European industry and ensure it will remain competitive in the decades to come. This means bringing together trade, energy, state aid and sustainability policies into a single, integrated, comprehensive approach, which can support a robust and modern European manufacturing industry.  
To consolidate a strong industrial structure in Europe, the Union should

Ahead of the extra-ordinary Council on 6 October in Granada, EURATEX President, Alberto Paccanelli, and CIE President, Jose Vte Serna, call on the EU Presidency to develop a new competitiveness strategy, which can relaunch the European industry and ensure it will remain competitive in the decades to come. This means bringing together trade, energy, state aid and sustainability policies into a single, integrated, comprehensive approach, which can support a robust and modern European manufacturing industry.  
To consolidate a strong industrial structure in Europe, the Union should

  1. secure the supply of clean energy at a competitive cost;
  2. support innovation and foster the necessary talent pool and
  3. be more assertive in achieving an international level-playing field on sustainability, based on the European model.  

During the past few years the implementation of incoherent and conflicting objectives under the trade, energy, industrial and sustainability policy has been observed. As a matter of fact, while the circular economy promised to be a recipe for a competitive industry of the future, the likelihood of pushing the EU industry out of the market and driving investment elsewhere than in Europe is very high. If this approach were to continue in the next years, it will result in a de-industrialised Europe, depending on imports from abroad. Such a Europe would be more exposed to geopolitical turmoil, with no agency to deliver its vision of peace, well-being and a healthy environment to its citizens.

It is fundamental for Europe to pursue a more coherent set of policies that put the competitiveness of its domestic industry at the core. In this context, all the industrial manufacturing sectors should be in the scope, including the textile industry, given its importance in providing essential products and applications to our society. A first impactful action that can be taken in this direction, would be to expand the scope of the Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA) to include the textiles and clothing industry.
The history of European industry is fully woven in the birth and expansion of the European textiles industry since the XVIII century. Still today, the European textiles and clothing industry holds a pivotal position in the market, encompassing a diverse range of sectors and applications. In terms of employment, our industry creates 1,3 million direct jobs in Europe, encompassing a wide range of roles, from design and production to distribution and retail. European textiles have a wide range of applications, the most common one is of course clothing and fashion. The industry has a long history of producing high-quality apparel, with various regions specializing in specific niches.
Beyond clothing, there is a wide range of industrial sectors were textiles play an essential role, including  Automotive (used for upholstery, interior components, and even lightweight composite materials), Aircraft and Shipbuilding (where textiles are employed for their lightweight and high-strength properties, to enhance fuel efficiency, reduce emissions, and improve overall performance), Building and Construction (insulation, roofing, geotextiles, and architectural textiles), or Personal Protective Equipment, for medical personnel, firefighters, police and army officers. This includes masks, gowns, uniforms, helmets, and fire-resistant clothing, ensuring safety in hazardous environments.
Textiles are essential components of our society and our well-being. It is key for Europe to maintain its capacity to manufacture high-quality, sustainable and high-technology textiles.  With this in mind, the competitiveness policy of the future and the related funds to support it, should include the textile ecosystem in its scope.  


More information:
Euratex EU council Policy Hub
