From the Sector

39 results

EURATEX: BREXIT has been a “lose-lose” deal for the textile industry

Latest trade data (January-September 2021) show a dramatic drop of imports and exports of textile goods between the EU and UK, with significant losses for companies on both sides. The situation is likely to get worse, as the full customs regime between UK and EU has entered into force on 1 January 2022. EURATEX calls on the European Union and the United Kingdom to effectively cooperate to remove the issues in the EU-UK Trade agreement that prevent smooth trade flows.  

Latest trade data (January-September 2021) show a dramatic drop of imports and exports of textile goods between the EU and UK, with significant losses for companies on both sides. The situation is likely to get worse, as the full customs regime between UK and EU has entered into force on 1 January 2022. EURATEX calls on the European Union and the United Kingdom to effectively cooperate to remove the issues in the EU-UK Trade agreement that prevent smooth trade flows.  

All the sectors have been already suffering a significant loss in the past year and textiles has been no exception. Compared to the same period in 2020, between January and September the EU recorded a dramatic fall in imports (-44%, corresponding to almost € 2 billion) and in exports (-22%, corresponding to € 1.6 billion). The data show that the most impacted EU countries on the export side are Italy, Netherlands, Belgium and Germany while on the import side the most impacted countries are Germany, Ireland and France. Among the T&C sectors, clothing articles are facing the most severe drop in both imports and exports, corresponding to a total trade loss of more than € 3.4 billion over the 9 months period. Despite these alarming figures, the UK continues to be the most important export market for EU textiles and clothing.

Concerning the impact on the UK textiles sector, in May 2021 the UK Fashion and Textile Association’s (UKFT) surveyed 138 businesses, including leading UK fashion brands, UK textile manufacturers, wholesalers, fashion agencies, garment manufacturers and retailers.

The results of the survey showed that:

  • 71% currently rely on imports from the EU
  • 92% are experiencing increased freight costs  
  • 83% are experiencing increased costs and bureaucracy for customs clearance
  • 53% are experiencing cancelled orders as a result of how the EU-UK agreement is being implemented
  • 41% had been hit by double duties  
  • The vast majority of the surveyed companies declared they are looking to pass the increased costs on to consumer in the next  6-12 months

The above situation is expected to get worse. Since 1 January, full customs controls are being implemented. It means that export and import rules have become stricter: products should already have a valid declaration in place and have received customs clearance. Export from Britain to the EU must now have supplier declarations and the commodities codes changed.  

EURATEX calls on the European Union and the United Kingdom to effectively cooperate to address, solve and remove the issues in the EU-UK Trade agreement that currently prevent smooth trade flows between the two sides of the Channel. It is causing considerable losses for textile companies both in the EU as well as in the UK. 


More information:
Euratex textile industry Brexit


DNFI: Microplastic pollution is a global challenge Photo: pixabay

DNFI: Microplastic pollution is a global challenge

Microplastic pollution is a global challenge across many industries and sectors – one of critical importance being textiles.

A 2021 study by the California Ocean Science Trust and a group of interdisciplinary scientists acknowledges that microfibres from textiles are among the most common microplastic materials found in the marine environment. Every time synthetic clothes are manufactured, worn, washed, or disposed of, they release microplastics into terrestrial and marine environments, including human food chains. Synthetic fibres represent over two-thirds (69%) of all materials used in textiles, a proportion that is expected to rise to 73% by 2030. The production of synthetic fibres has fuelled a 40-year trend of increased per capita clothing consumption.

Global textile consumption has become:

Microplastic pollution is a global challenge across many industries and sectors – one of critical importance being textiles.

A 2021 study by the California Ocean Science Trust and a group of interdisciplinary scientists acknowledges that microfibres from textiles are among the most common microplastic materials found in the marine environment. Every time synthetic clothes are manufactured, worn, washed, or disposed of, they release microplastics into terrestrial and marine environments, including human food chains. Synthetic fibres represent over two-thirds (69%) of all materials used in textiles, a proportion that is expected to rise to 73% by 2030. The production of synthetic fibres has fuelled a 40-year trend of increased per capita clothing consumption.

Global textile consumption has become:

  • more reliant on non-renewable resources,
  • less biodegradable, and
  • increasingly prone to releasing microplastics.

The increased consumption is also discretionary, driven by consumer desire and remains unchecked. Thus, the long-term trend in the textile industry parallels the intentional addition of microplastics to products such as cosmetics. The contrast is that the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has recommended such intentional additions be restricted, whereas the over-consumption of synthetic fibres continues unchecked. One way for the EU to account for and mitigate microplastic pollution is through an EU-backed methodology measuring and reporting microplastic emissions, so that consumers and procurement officers have the information needed to minimise microplastic pollution resulting from their purchasing decisions.

There is a critical opportunity to address microplastic pollution in the fashion textile industry through the EU Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) methodology. To meet the environmental objectives of the Circular Economy Action Plan, the EU is proposing that companies substantiate their products’ environmental credentials using this harmonised methodology. However, microplastic pollution is not accounted for in the PEF methodology. This omission has the effect of assigning a zero score to microplastic pollution and would undermine the efforts of the European Green Deal, which aim “to address the unintentional release of microplastics in the environment.”

The incorporation of microplastic pollution as an indicator would increase the legitimacy of the PEF method as well as better inform consumer purchasing decisions, especially as the European Green Deal seeks to “further develop and harmonise methods for measuring unintentionally released microplastics, especially from tyres and textiles, and delivering harmonised data on microplastics concentrations in seawater.”

Whilst we continue to learn about the damage of microplastics and there is new knowledge emerging on the toxic impacts along the food chain, there is sufficient information on the rate of microplastic leakage into the environment to implement a basic, inventory level indicator in the PEF now. This is consistent with the recommendations of a review of microplastic pollution originating from the life cycle of apparel and home textiles. There are precedents in PEF for basic level (e.g., ‘resource use, fossils’) and largely untested (e.g. land occupation and toxicity indicators) indicators, and therefore an opportunity for the EU to promote research and development in the measurement and modelling of microplastic pollution by including such emissions in the PEF methodology. For such an indicator, the long and complex supply chains of the apparel and footwear industry would be a test case with high-impact and a global reach.


DNFI / IWTO – 2021


GOTS appoints Protection Officer North America

Travis Wells, JD, MBA, has been appointed as GOTS Protection Officer North America. In this newly created position, he will be identifying and advising companies that are making unsubstantiated claims regarding GOTS signage.

An increasing number of companies are eager to use GOTS certified materials and want to make claims regarding GOTS content on their finished products. However, the correct use of the trademarked logo is strictly regulated in CUGS 3.1. – The conditions for the use of GOTS signs. A GOTS claim on finished products guarantees the consumer that every single step in the textile processing supply chain was certified. As soon as one stage in the supply chain is not certified, a company may not label or mention GOTS on their final product.

Travis Wells, JD, MBA, has been appointed as GOTS Protection Officer North America. In this newly created position, he will be identifying and advising companies that are making unsubstantiated claims regarding GOTS signage.

An increasing number of companies are eager to use GOTS certified materials and want to make claims regarding GOTS content on their finished products. However, the correct use of the trademarked logo is strictly regulated in CUGS 3.1. – The conditions for the use of GOTS signs. A GOTS claim on finished products guarantees the consumer that every single step in the textile processing supply chain was certified. As soon as one stage in the supply chain is not certified, a company may not label or mention GOTS on their final product.

As a Sustainable Supply Chain Director, Travis has more than 20 years of experience advising fashion and apparel-related businesses on sustainable sourcing, product development and manufacturing in domestic and global markets. He earned his Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in International Studies from Vassar College, his Juris Doctorate (J.D.) in Corporate Law from George Washington University Law School and his Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Global Sustainability and Finance from the Gabelli School of Business at Fordham University.  


REACH4Textiles: Better market surveillance for textile products

The REACH4texiles project just kicked off. Funded by the European Commission, it aims at exploring solutions for fair and effective market surveillance on textile products.

Every year, about 28 billion of garments circulate across Europe, 80% of which are imported from outside the EU and its jurisdiction.
Inevitably, such huge volumes pose enormous challenges for market surveillance authorities which are called to ensure that uncompliant dangerous products are kept away from the EU citizens.

The European Union has the world most comprehensive chemical legislation which is set to protect consumers, the environment and, theoretically, even the competitiveness  of the business.

Such EU chemical legislation evolves constantly, increasing scope and ambition. New restrictions impact authorities and sectors like the European textile value chain and generate new costs for all actors.

Evidence suggests that such advanced regulatory framework is not completed with an equally advanced or effective EU-wide control system capable of ensuring compliance, especially in the case of imported products.

The REACH4texiles project just kicked off. Funded by the European Commission, it aims at exploring solutions for fair and effective market surveillance on textile products.

Every year, about 28 billion of garments circulate across Europe, 80% of which are imported from outside the EU and its jurisdiction.
Inevitably, such huge volumes pose enormous challenges for market surveillance authorities which are called to ensure that uncompliant dangerous products are kept away from the EU citizens.

The European Union has the world most comprehensive chemical legislation which is set to protect consumers, the environment and, theoretically, even the competitiveness  of the business.

Such EU chemical legislation evolves constantly, increasing scope and ambition. New restrictions impact authorities and sectors like the European textile value chain and generate new costs for all actors.

Evidence suggests that such advanced regulatory framework is not completed with an equally advanced or effective EU-wide control system capable of ensuring compliance, especially in the case of imported products.

The REACH4texiles project aims at exploring solutions for fair and effective market surveillance on textile products; it pools together the key actors to address three objectives:

  • Keep non-compliant products away from the single market.
  • Increase skills and knowledge.
  • Support a Network addressing chemicals in textiles and applying the EU regulation 2019/1020

The 2 years project will share best practices, identify efficient approaches against non-compliant products, offer training and support for a more effective surveillance and for level playing field.

The project welcomes collaboration with concerned authorities across the EU Member States.


A well-functioning EU market surveillance system is an essential prerequisite to protect citizen, the environment and competitiveness of responsible business. When it comes to textiles, the broad range of products, the large set of REACH subjected chemicals used in textiles as well as industrial strategies like fast fashion make this a challenging task.

Challenges may include lack of resources, difficulties in identifying higher risk products, cost and management of chemical tests, lack of test methods and knowledge of best practices. These challenges are yet likely to increase with the upcoming REACH restrictions and the growth of e-commerce.

Because of this, products that do not comply with REACH regulations encounter today little or no barriers to enter the market. This creates not only a health risk for Europeans but also undermines the competitivity of responsible businesses that take all necessary measures to comply with these regulations.

Addressing the challenges requires more knowledge at market surveillance and stronger collaboration between these authorities, the textile and clothing industry and testing laboratories. More knowledge about the identification of risk baring textile products and REACH chemicals likely to be used in these products, suitable test methods and strategies such as fast screening on REACH chemicals, trustworthiness of labels, etc can increase the effectiveness of market surveillance considerably.

The REACH4Textiles first objective (keep non-compliant products away from the EU Market) will be pursued by increasing knowledge on market surveillance functioning by and working on a risk-based approach to identify products at higher risk.

The second objective supports a network to address the specificities of chemicals in textiles with market surveillance authorities and involving other relevant stakeholders. The third objective focuses on sharing knowledge with market surveillance actors on textile products and suitable test methodologies.

Supported by the European Commission DG Growth, the project team is coordinated by the Belgian test and research center Centexbel and include the European Textiles and Apparel industry confederation, EURATEX, the German national textile and fashion association Textile und Mode, t+m, the Italian association Tessile e Salute. Several other European industry associations and national authorities are welcomed to become involved through the project activities.   

More information:
Euratex market surveillance Import



BDSE Handelsverband Schuhe: Lockdown bringt den Schuhhandel an den Rand der Existenz

Abgesehen von kurzen und regional unterschiedlichen Öffnungsphasen, meist nur mit vorheriger Terminvereinbarung, durfte der stationäre Fachhandel seine Ladentüren in diesem Jahr noch nicht öffnen. Jeden Monat, in dem der stationäre Schuhhandel geschlossen bleiben muss, gehen rund 700 Millionen Euro Umsatz verloren.  Nach den Verkaufssaisons Frühjahr/Sommer 2020 und Herbst/ Winter 2020/21 ist dies nun die dritte Saison in Folge, in der die Unternehmen auf einem großen Teil ihrer eingekauften Ware sitzen bleiben und hohe Verluste einfahren werden. Allein in den ersten drei Monaten dieses Jahres hat der stationäre Schuhfachhandel pandemiebedingt und im Vergleich zur Vorcorona-Zeit schätzungsweise 1,5 Milliarden Umsatz eingebüßt.

Abgesehen von kurzen und regional unterschiedlichen Öffnungsphasen, meist nur mit vorheriger Terminvereinbarung, durfte der stationäre Fachhandel seine Ladentüren in diesem Jahr noch nicht öffnen. Jeden Monat, in dem der stationäre Schuhhandel geschlossen bleiben muss, gehen rund 700 Millionen Euro Umsatz verloren.  Nach den Verkaufssaisons Frühjahr/Sommer 2020 und Herbst/ Winter 2020/21 ist dies nun die dritte Saison in Folge, in der die Unternehmen auf einem großen Teil ihrer eingekauften Ware sitzen bleiben und hohe Verluste einfahren werden. Allein in den ersten drei Monaten dieses Jahres hat der stationäre Schuhfachhandel pandemiebedingt und im Vergleich zur Vorcorona-Zeit schätzungsweise 1,5 Milliarden Umsatz eingebüßt.

Da die staatlichen Hilfen bei weitem nicht reichen, zahlreiche Schuhhäuser sogar gänzlich leer ausgehen, werden viele Schuhhäuser den langanhaltenden Lockdown kaum überleben können. Nach einer aktuellen Handelsbefragung des HDE gehen 58 Prozent der Schuhfach-händler davon aus, dass sie ohne weitere staatliche Hilfen ihr Geschäft noch in diesem Jahr aufgeben müssen! Bei gut 3.000 Unternehmen mit rund 10.000 Stores sind empfindliche Lücken in unseren Innenstädten zu befürchten, zumal die wirtschaftliche Situation im Beklei-dungshandel ähnlich dramatisch ist.

Deutliche Verschiebung der Absatzkanäle
Die Pandemie führte im Schuhmarkt zu einer deutlichen Verschiebung der Marktanteile der Absatzkanäle. Eindeutiger Krisengewinner ist der Onlinehandel, der im vergangenen Jahr seinen Marktanteil nach BDSE-Berechnungen von 26 Prozent auf 34 Prozent ausbauen konnte. Gewachsen sind nicht nur die Online Pure Player wie bspw. Zalando, sondern auch die Online-Umsätze der Multichannel-Schuhhändler mit stationären Wurzeln, die ihren digitalen Vertriebsweg in den vergangenen 12 Monaten mangels Alternativen zum Teil kräftig ausbauten. Wie überhaupt viele kleine und mittelgroße Schuhgeschäfte in der Zeit des Shutdowns neue digitale Kommunikationskanäle zu ihren Kunden sich erschlossen oder ihre digitalen Tools aus Servicegründen weiter optimiert haben. Deren Online-Verkäufe, oftmals über Online-Marktplätze und -Plattformen getätigt, vermochten aber bei weitem nicht die Umsatz- und Renditeverluste des stationären Geschäfts auszugleichen. Aber sie konnten darüber zumindest den Kundenkontakt halten und versuchen, überschaubare Teile ihrer Warenüberhänge trotz Öffnungsverbot abzusetzen.

Rückläufiges Marktvolumen
Die Kanalverschiebungen finden in einem insgesamt rückläufigen Markt statt. Denn die Verbraucher halten sich mit ihren Konsumausgaben Corona-bedingt auch bei Schuhen aktuell zurück. Nach vorläufigen BDSE-Berechnungen schrumpfte das Marktvolumen bei Schuhen in 2020 um 13,5 Prozent auf 10,2 Mrd. Euro. Zwar konnte der Online- und Katalogversandhandel bei Schuhen um 15 Prozent zulegen, doch gingen in dieser Zeit dem stationären Schuhhandel rund 23 Prozent seiner Umsätze verloren. Neben den Schuhfachgeschäften mussten auch andere Vertriebsformen des Einzelhandels, die dem Lockdown unterlagen, bei ihren Schuhumsätzen zweistellige Einbußen verkraften, so beispielsweise die Schuhsortimente der Kauf- und Warenhäuser und jene der Bekleidungsgeschäfte.

"Schuhhandel muss wieder öffnen dürfen"
Die Schuhbranche hofft auf eine Nachbesserung der Corona-Hilfen. Dies insbesondere auch im Zuge der anstehenden Änderung des Infektionsschutzgesetzes, das mit einer Verlängerung der Lockdownphase und verschärften regionalen Öffnungsszenarien verbunden sein wird. Wenn schon der Nonfood-Handel diesen Kraftakt zur Eindämmung der Pandemie leisten soll, dann müsse der Staat auch für einen fairen Schadensausgleich sorgen. Wobei aus Sicht des BDSE und durch wissenschaftliche Studien des RKI, der TU Berlin und der Berufsgenossenschaft belegt sei, dass die Ansteckungsgefahr im Einzelhandel – insbesondere bei Beachtung der gängigen Abstands- und Hygienevorschriften – ausgesprochen gering sei.

Vor diesem Hintergrund fordern die Handelsverbände, dass bei der Novellierung des Infektionsschutzgesetzes und den weiteren Corona-Maßnahmen das Problem bei der Wurzel gepackt wird. Gesetzgeber und Behörden sollten sich auf die wirklich wirksamen Lösungen zur Eindämmung der Pandemie konzentrieren und nicht auf Wirtschaftsbereiche, die nach wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen kaum Effekte auf das Infektionsgeschehen haben. Hinzu komme beim Verkauf von Schuhen der Gesundheitsaspekt einer fachkundigen Beratung. Denn nicht nur bei Babys und Kindern, deren Füße in bestimmten Altersklassen rasch und innerhalb nur eines Jahres über mehrere Schuhgrößen hinweg wachsen, ist mit Blick auf die Passform eine qualifizierte und zeitnahe Beratung beim Schuhkauf sehr wichtig. Sondern auch bei Erwachsenen sei gut passendes Schuhwerk gesundheitlich geboten, nicht zuletzt um Fußdeformationen, Nervenschmerzen und Fehlhaltungen mit entsprechenden orthopädischen Folgeschäden vorzubeugen. Auch aus diesem Grund, und sich auf ein Urteil des Bayerischen Verwaltungsgerichtshofes vom 31. März dieses Jahres stützend, hat der BDSE unlängst nicht nur die Öffnung der Kinderschuhgeschäfte, sondern die Öffnung aller Schuhfachgeschäfte gegenüber Bund und Ländern gefordert.

Unabhängig davon kämpft der BDSE seit Monaten gemeinsam mit den Landesverbänden und dem HDE für eine Verbesserung der staatlichen Überbrückungshilfen. Noch immer erhalten viele kleine inhabergeführte Geschäfte, aber auch die großen Schuhfilialisten, überhaupt keine Überbrückungshilfen, um die aktuelle Krise zu überstehen. Und für die allermeisten jener Schuhgeschäfte, für die Hilfsgelder in den Fördermaßnahmen vorgesehen sind, reichen diese nicht aus, um die schließungsbedingten Verluste auch nur annähernd zu decken und die Unternehmen finanziell ausreichend zu entlasten.

More information:
BDSE Schuhmode

BDSE Handelsverband Schuhe anlässlich der Gallery SHOES & FASHION April 2021

Fashion Net: Düsseldorf Fashion Days 2021 können stattfinden (c) Fashion Net Düsseldorf e.V.

Fashion Net: Düsseldorf Fashion Days 2021 können stattfinden

Mit dem Inkrafttreten der aktuellen Coronaschutzverordnung des Landes NRW steht jetzt fest: Düsseldorf Fashion Days (DFD) können wie bisher geplant im Zeitraum vom 27. Januar bis zum 3. Februar stattfinden. Das Fachpublikum kann in der Orderwoche zum Monatswechsel nach Terminvergabe-System und unter strenger Einhaltung sämtlicher Hygiene- und Schutzmaßnahmen die Order in den über 600 Showrooms durchführen. Die Gallery FASHION & Shoes findet ausschließlich als digitales Format statt – mit verlängerter Laufzeit vom 28. Januar bis zum 15. Februar. The Supreme Group geht mit temporären Showrooms in der gewohnten Location B1 für Hersteller und Agenturen sowie für den Handel an den Start.

Zum Hintergrund: Laut der aktuellen Verordnung bleibt der Betrieb von Einrichtungen des Großhandels für Großhandelskunden zulässig. Das Ordergeschäft, insbesondere im Rahmen der DFD, kann in den Showrooms stattfinden. Wie bereits im vergangenen Jahr ist die Beachtung strenger Hygiene- und Schutzmaßnahmen die Voraussetzung für eine ordnungsgemäße Durchführung der Order. Showrooms sind verpflichtet, die Verordnung in Eigenverantwortung umzusetzen.

Mit dem Inkrafttreten der aktuellen Coronaschutzverordnung des Landes NRW steht jetzt fest: Düsseldorf Fashion Days (DFD) können wie bisher geplant im Zeitraum vom 27. Januar bis zum 3. Februar stattfinden. Das Fachpublikum kann in der Orderwoche zum Monatswechsel nach Terminvergabe-System und unter strenger Einhaltung sämtlicher Hygiene- und Schutzmaßnahmen die Order in den über 600 Showrooms durchführen. Die Gallery FASHION & Shoes findet ausschließlich als digitales Format statt – mit verlängerter Laufzeit vom 28. Januar bis zum 15. Februar. The Supreme Group geht mit temporären Showrooms in der gewohnten Location B1 für Hersteller und Agenturen sowie für den Handel an den Start.

Zum Hintergrund: Laut der aktuellen Verordnung bleibt der Betrieb von Einrichtungen des Großhandels für Großhandelskunden zulässig. Das Ordergeschäft, insbesondere im Rahmen der DFD, kann in den Showrooms stattfinden. Wie bereits im vergangenen Jahr ist die Beachtung strenger Hygiene- und Schutzmaßnahmen die Voraussetzung für eine ordnungsgemäße Durchführung der Order. Showrooms sind verpflichtet, die Verordnung in Eigenverantwortung umzusetzen.

Aufgrund des harten Lockdowns bis Ende Januar entfallen die Fashion Net Shuttles in Rotation, welche Einkäufer sonst im Rahmen der DFD zur innerstädtischen Fortbewe-gung zu den Orderzentren und Messen nutzen konnten. Stattdessen findet das Fachpublikum auf der Fashion Net Website sowie in der kürzlich neu gelaunchten Fashion Net App alle Informationen zur DFD inklusive dem aktuellen Leitfaden für Hygiene- und Schutzmaßnahmen, Showrooms, Marken sowie eine Reihe von digitalen Informations- und Service-Angeboten.


PR + Presseagentur textschwester

World Cotton Day on 7 October Highlights the Importance of Cotton for Development Policy (c) pixabay

October, 7th: World Cotton Day

  • World Cotton Day on 7 October Highlights the Importance of Cotton for Development Policy

Bremen - Stemming from a 2019 initiative of the African Cotton-4 countries Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad and Mali, World Cotton Day will take place this year on 7 October. The event is organised by the Geneva-based World Trade Organisation (WTO) and is supported by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the International Trade Centre (ITC) and the International Cotton Secretariat (ICAC). The Bremen Cotton Exchange is also involved.

“Cotton is often underestimated because it is so natural. Behind it are millions of people, for example many farmers, field workers, employees in ginning factories, logistics providers and traders. We want to honour their achievements,” said the President of the Bremen Cotton Exchange, Stephanie Silber.

  • World Cotton Day on 7 October Highlights the Importance of Cotton for Development Policy

Bremen - Stemming from a 2019 initiative of the African Cotton-4 countries Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad and Mali, World Cotton Day will take place this year on 7 October. The event is organised by the Geneva-based World Trade Organisation (WTO) and is supported by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the International Trade Centre (ITC) and the International Cotton Secretariat (ICAC). The Bremen Cotton Exchange is also involved.

“Cotton is often underestimated because it is so natural. Behind it are millions of people, for example many farmers, field workers, employees in ginning factories, logistics providers and traders. We want to honour their achievements,” said the President of the Bremen Cotton Exchange, Stephanie Silber.

According to the WTO, the aim of World Cotton Day is to highlight the global economic importance of cotton and to raise awareness of the raw material by recognising the work of everyone involved in its cultivation, processing and trade. At the same time, within the framework of international cooperation, it is hoped that supporters and investors can be found to aid with technological and economic progress within the cotton value chain.

This time, the entire world cotton community will be involved in World Cotton Day on Wednesday, 7 October 2020. A wide variety of campaigns and events are taking place everywhere to draw attention to the importance of cotton and its possible uses.

Cotton is one of the most relevant agricultural raw materials in the world. Around 26 million tonnes of it are harvested annually. Approximately 150 million people in almost 80 countries around the world live from the cultivation of the natural fibre. A large number of these live in developing countries, where cotton cultivation is of particular importance as a cash crop.

Cotton is known as an agricultural product that is turned into a textile. The raw material is indispensable in fashion and clothing – and has been for thousands of years. But the use of cotton now goes far beyond textiles. For example, cosmetic products such as hand creams and hair shampoo are made from the oil of cotton seeds. The raw material is also used in the manufacture of banknotes, furniture and technical textiles, as well as in medical technology.

Against the background of the current discussion on sustainability and sustainable consumption, the role of natural fibres is becoming even more important. Cotton is biodegradable and a renewable resource. It can be grown again and again in agriculture through cultivation in crop rotation. This secures incomes and enables efficient value creation within the global production and processing chain.

The Bremen Cotton Exchange will actively support World Cotton Day with cross-media coverage. In addition, in time for World Cotton Day, three thematically different, emotionally appealing short films about cotton will be launched. They are aimed at consumers as customers of the textile and clothing trade and provide information about the benefits and properties of cotton and answer questions about its sustainability. In keeping with the times, they will be published via virtual media.

VDMA: Mask production: Nothing runs without textile machinery (c) VDMA Textilmaschinen

VDMA: Mask production: Nothing runs without textile machinery

  • Protective masks, everyday masks, disinfecting wipes and surgical gowns are goods in demand in times of corona.
  • In their manufacture, textile machines are at the beginning of the production chain.

The production of the textile raw material is the first step of the usually multi-stage production processes. Members of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association are at the beginning of this technological chain.

The production of protective masks starts with the manufacture of the filter material, which for surgical masks as well as FFP2 and FFP3 respirator masks consists of fine-pored nonwoven fabric to intercept coronaviruses. In addition to the systems, machines and components used for this purpose, measurement and control technology ensures the highest quality of important parameters such as basis weight and air permeability. Nonwovens used for respiratory masks have to meet the same high-quality requirements as the masks – to ensure the protection of the mask wearer.

  • Protective masks, everyday masks, disinfecting wipes and surgical gowns are goods in demand in times of corona.
  • In their manufacture, textile machines are at the beginning of the production chain.

The production of the textile raw material is the first step of the usually multi-stage production processes. Members of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association are at the beginning of this technological chain.

The production of protective masks starts with the manufacture of the filter material, which for surgical masks as well as FFP2 and FFP3 respirator masks consists of fine-pored nonwoven fabric to intercept coronaviruses. In addition to the systems, machines and components used for this purpose, measurement and control technology ensures the highest quality of important parameters such as basis weight and air permeability. Nonwovens used for respiratory masks have to meet the same high-quality requirements as the masks – to ensure the protection of the mask wearer.

Members of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association have reacted to the new market requirements in a very short time and developed new technologies for knitted, warp knitted as well as woven mouth and nose masks that can be produced without the need for sewing. For surgical masks, FFP2 respirators and social distancing masks, a wide variety of other materials and combinations of materials are used (nonwovens, woven fabrics, knitted or warp knitted fabrics and laminates thereof). Elastic bands are required to wear the masks and several association members provide technologies for their production.

Materials for masks can be treated with textile chemicals to make them antiviral and antibacterial. For this purpose, the VDMA member companies offer application systems which apply the corresponding chemicals to fabric webs. As already mentioned, quality assurance is extremely important for medical products. For this purpose, member companies of the VDMA offer software systems with which each mask can be traced through the entire production process.

VDMA members also offer solutions for the assembly of respirator masks, some of which were developed at short notice. These solutions enable respirators to be produced that meet the relevant standards and the highest quality requirements of customers and market surveillance. This applies to systems for the production of surgical masks and FFP respirators. At the end of the production chain, machines are used to pack masks in single or multiple packs.

In pandemic times, the demand for protective gowns (so-called surgical gowns) also increases. The same applies to disinfecting wipes. For these textile products, too, VDMA members manufacture tailor-made machines for production through to packaging. The quality of the products is ensured by means of measurement and control technology.

In the wake of the corona crisis, VDMA Textile Machinery has launched a new series of web events called "Textile Machinery Webtalk". Here, experts from up to four VDMA member companies present their innovative technologies on a specific topic in a maximum of 90 minutes and are available to answer questions from participants. The presentations are held in English. Participation in the web events is free of charge.
Topics of the first two webtalks were:
"Technologies for the production of melt-blown nonwovens for respiratory protection masks (FFP masks and surgical masks)."
"Technologies for the production of respiratory protection masks (FFP masks and surgical masks)."

The format is well received. Around 180 people from more than 30 countries took part in the first two webtalks. With this format, the VDMA reaches both textile and nonwovens manufacturers who already manufacture these products and companies that want to invest in new business areas.

The next webtalk will take place on 23 July 2020 from 14.00 to 16.00 (CEST) on the current topic "Technology solutions to produce fully-fashioned community face masks." Experts from KARL MAYER, STOLL by KARL MAYER and Jakob Müller will be presenting their technologies for producing everyday textile masks to an international expert audience. Interested parties can register here.


VDMA Textilmaschinen


Coronakrise:Verbände sehen Fashion-Branche vor dem Kollaps

In einer gemeinsamen Pressemitteilung äußern sich die Verbände BTE und GermanFashion zur aktuellen Situation der Modebranche:

Alle Textil- und Schuhgeschäfte sind geschlossen, der Umsatz ist auf Null gesunken. Das Coronavirus hat die Fashion-Branche genauso heftig getroffen wie Gastronomie und Kultureinrichtungen. Tausende Boutiquen, Schuhgeschäfte und Modehäuser und damit ihre Lieferanten stehen vor dem Aus.

Die Fashion-Branche leidet aufgrund ihrer saisonalen Produkte extrem stark unter den Auswirkungen der Coronakrise. Nahrungsmittel sind lebensnotwendig, andere Anschaffungen können aufgeschoben werden. „Hosen oder Schuhe aus der Frühjahrskollektion kann der Modehandel aber im Sommer kaum noch verkaufen“, schildert BTE-Präsident Steffen Jost. „Insofern kann man Mode gut als ‚verderbliche Ware‘ bezeichnen.“

In einer gemeinsamen Pressemitteilung äußern sich die Verbände BTE und GermanFashion zur aktuellen Situation der Modebranche:

Alle Textil- und Schuhgeschäfte sind geschlossen, der Umsatz ist auf Null gesunken. Das Coronavirus hat die Fashion-Branche genauso heftig getroffen wie Gastronomie und Kultureinrichtungen. Tausende Boutiquen, Schuhgeschäfte und Modehäuser und damit ihre Lieferanten stehen vor dem Aus.

Die Fashion-Branche leidet aufgrund ihrer saisonalen Produkte extrem stark unter den Auswirkungen der Coronakrise. Nahrungsmittel sind lebensnotwendig, andere Anschaffungen können aufgeschoben werden. „Hosen oder Schuhe aus der Frühjahrskollektion kann der Modehandel aber im Sommer kaum noch verkaufen“, schildert BTE-Präsident Steffen Jost. „Insofern kann man Mode gut als ‚verderbliche Ware‘ bezeichnen.“

Ein großes Problem der Fashionbranche ist zudem die lange, internationale Lieferkette. Selbst während der erzwungenen Ladenschließung wird neue Ware angeliefert, die bereits vor Monaten bei den Lieferanten bestellt wurde und trotz fehlender Einnahmen angenommen und bezahlt werden muss. Eine Aussetzung der Belieferung ist schwierig, da die Industrie bei ihren Vorlieferanten in der gleichen Situation ist.

Partnerschaftliche Lösungen werden zwar diskutiert, sie verschieben das Problem aber lediglich. „Die Produzenten stehen vor großen Herausforderungen, weil bereits die Beschaffung für die Herbstmode läuft und kostenintensive Verpflichtungen bestehen“, erklärt Gerd Oliver Seidensticker, Präsident des deutschen Modeverbandes GermanFashion.

Aufgrund dieser speziellen Situation steht eine ganze Branche mit Hunderttausenden von Arbeitsplätzen in Handel und Industrie vor dem Aus. Bereits die beschlossenen Öffnungsverbote bis Ende April werden zu zahlreichen Insolvenzen führen. „Wenn nicht spätestens im Mai die Geschäfte wieder öffnen, droht eine noch nie dagewesene Insolvenzwelle speziell von mittelständischen Händlern und Lieferanten“, warnen Jost und Seidensticker.

Dramatisch werden die Folgen für die Innenstädte und Shoppinglagen. Wenn neben der Gastronomie Boutiquen, Schuhgeschäfte und Modehäuser für immer ihre Türen schließen, werden die Lebensqualität und das Gewerbesteueraufkommen in den Städten und Gemeinden massiv sinken. „Der Internethandel kann diese Lücke nicht einmal in Ansätzen schließen“, mahnt Jost.

Die Verbände BTE und GermanFashion fordern daher rasche Hilfen von der Politik. Ein finanzieller Schutzschirm wäre die beste Lösung. Nach Ende der erzwungenen Ladenschließung wären ebenso neue unbürokratische Möglichkeiten für Sonntagsöffnungen eine echte Hilfe. „Der stationäre Handel braucht jede sich bietende Gelegenheit zum Verkauf seiner Produkte, damit er auch künftig noch am Standort bestehen und Arbeitsplätze in Handel und Industrie sichern kann!“, fordert der BTE-Präsident. Die Verbände werden mit einem konkreten Maßnahmenkatalog auf die Politik zugehen.


BTE e.V. und GermanFashion Modeverband Deutschland e.V.

Robusto Softener (c) Kornit Presto
Robusto Softener

Introducing NeoPigment™ Robusto Softener Solution for Kornit Presto​

Join this webinar session with Kornit CEO Ronen Samuel and CMO Omer Kulka that will take place on Monday, 23rd March 2020 at 2:00 PM CET. To learn more about what the Softener is, how it works, and why it presents a great many opportunities for making the fashion industry more eco-friendly, more reactive to emerging demands, and more conducive to efficient and versatile business models.

We'll be presenting you with:

Join this webinar session with Kornit CEO Ronen Samuel and CMO Omer Kulka that will take place on Monday, 23rd March 2020 at 2:00 PM CET. To learn more about what the Softener is, how it works, and why it presents a great many opportunities for making the fashion industry more eco-friendly, more reactive to emerging demands, and more conducive to efficient and versatile business models.

We'll be presenting you with:

  • our new NeoPigment™ Robusto Softener solution for Presto, the company’s system for digital, pigment-based roll-to-roll direct-to-fabric decoration. Kornit’s pigment-based print process can help companies achieve their sustainability goals. Traditional rotary reactive ink six-color printers use 60-80 liters of water per linear meter, and digital reactive ink for fashion designs use 14-40 liters; Kornit’s award-winning* NeoPigment™ Robusto ink set, which is both GOTS and ECO PASSPORT by OEKO-TEX® certified, is waterless.
  • the Presto - Kornit’s Presto solution eliminates the need for pre- and post-treatment of fabric and allows for high-quality printing on an extraordinarily broad variety of fabric types and applications.

Please register for our webinar Here 


More information:
Kornit Presto


SUSTAIN 2020 in the Run-Up to the International Cotton Conference Photo: Weser-Kurier
SUSTAIN 2020 in the Run-Up to the International Cotton Conference

SUSTAIN 2020 in the Run-Up to the International Cotton Conference

The conference on sustainability in production, trade and consumption will take a second round: On March 24, 2020, the Weser-Kurier’s conference SUSTAIN will take place in the run-up to the International Cotton Conference once more. The Bremen Cotton Exchange is again cooperating partner of this event. The theme “City and Change – the Future of the Textile Retail Trade” is on focus this year.

Shirt and trpousers or blouse and skirt – clothing is an instrument of expression, a social must and a major factor of consumption. Internet and debates on climate change have changed the indicators. On the one hand, textile online trade is booming, while local stores have come under pressure to an increasing degree and cities are on the search for new ideas. On the other hand, consumers increasingly ask for products considering aspects of fairness and ecology during production. Manufacturers and stores have to react. These subjects are on focus during the Sustain that takes place on Tuesday, March 24, 2020 in Bremen in the Glocke.

The conference on sustainability in production, trade and consumption will take a second round: On March 24, 2020, the Weser-Kurier’s conference SUSTAIN will take place in the run-up to the International Cotton Conference once more. The Bremen Cotton Exchange is again cooperating partner of this event. The theme “City and Change – the Future of the Textile Retail Trade” is on focus this year.

Shirt and trpousers or blouse and skirt – clothing is an instrument of expression, a social must and a major factor of consumption. Internet and debates on climate change have changed the indicators. On the one hand, textile online trade is booming, while local stores have come under pressure to an increasing degree and cities are on the search for new ideas. On the other hand, consumers increasingly ask for products considering aspects of fairness and ecology during production. Manufacturers and stores have to react. These subjects are on focus during the Sustain that takes place on Tuesday, March 24, 2020 in Bremen in the Glocke.

Exciting keynote speakers and panel guest from fashion, science and the textile industry
Sustain will feature outstanding speakers from the economy, politics and society discussing for instance the possibilities of new techniques in stationary retail trade, the compatibility of fair production with business interests of manufacturers as well as the question whether consumers are willing to pay the additional costs of sustainability. These are themes that influence the vitality of the cities just as the purchase decisions of the consumers.

Prof. Dr Niko Paech, Professor of Economics, Wolfgang Krogmann, Advisory Director Primark, Urs-Stefan Kinting, Managing Partner of the Zero Group, Model & TV Presenter Alena Gerber, Rolf Heimann, CEO Hessnatur Stiftung, Kai Falk, Managing Director Communication of the German retail association Handelsverband Deutschland and many others confirmed their participation.


Bremer Baumwollbörse

Asia Pacific Rayon  logo Asia Pacific Rayon
Asia Pacific Rayon Logo

Asia Pacific Rayon Joins World Economic Forum’s Public Blockchain Platform

To Accelerate Public-Private Cooperation in Supply Chain Transparency

Asia Pacific Rayon (APR) has joined the first neutral and public traceability platform capable of visualising blockchain-based supply chain data from multiple companies and sources. It aims to help businesses across industries respond to consumer demands for ethical and environmentally friendly products.
The neutral and safe space for collaboration is provided by the World Economic Forum and created in collaboration with Everledger, Lenzing Group, TextileGenesis™, and the International Trade Centre. APR will contribute to Phase 2 of the initiative which seeks to incorporate more data sources.

“APR has started harnessing the potential of enterprise blockchain technology to enable customers to trace finished products back to the plantation forest origins on a smartphone app. To be able now to connect our data to other similar industry initiatives is a natural next step for APR, as is extending the benefits of our upstream traceability to the rest of the textile value chain.

Enhancing Follow Our Fibre with New Mill Sustainability Dashboard

To Accelerate Public-Private Cooperation in Supply Chain Transparency

Asia Pacific Rayon (APR) has joined the first neutral and public traceability platform capable of visualising blockchain-based supply chain data from multiple companies and sources. It aims to help businesses across industries respond to consumer demands for ethical and environmentally friendly products.
The neutral and safe space for collaboration is provided by the World Economic Forum and created in collaboration with Everledger, Lenzing Group, TextileGenesis™, and the International Trade Centre. APR will contribute to Phase 2 of the initiative which seeks to incorporate more data sources.

“APR has started harnessing the potential of enterprise blockchain technology to enable customers to trace finished products back to the plantation forest origins on a smartphone app. To be able now to connect our data to other similar industry initiatives is a natural next step for APR, as is extending the benefits of our upstream traceability to the rest of the textile value chain.

Enhancing Follow Our Fibre with New Mill Sustainability Dashboard

Launched in mid-2019, APR’s blockchain-based Follow Our Fibre allows customers and stakeholders to scan its viscose product with a user-friendly app to access data that traces the product’s journey from plant nursery to viscose manufacturing and on to seaports. In October 2019, APR announced a collaboration with TrusTrace to integrate Follow Our Fibre with the latter’s T-Trace module. This helps connect APR’s upstream data to downstream textile value chain actors such as yarn and fabric customers and fashion brands.

More recently, a sustainability dashboard tracking key mill environmental performance indicators has been added to Follow Our Fibre. The dashboard presents APR’s performance in its first year of operations where a baseline has been established for quarterly tracking, reporting and continuous improvement.
The performance indicators follow key industry standards being set by ZDHC for Man-Made Cellulosic Fibres (MMCF), as well as the European Union Best Available Technologies (EU BAT).




(c) Omnicom Public Relations Group


LDT Nagold: Neues Hybrid-Studienmodell zum 5. März 2018

Das neue Studienmodell stellt eine Mischung aus dem zweijährigen Vollzeitmodell und dem 30-monatigen Firmenmodell der LDT Nagold dar und richtet sich an modeaffine junge Menschen, die bislang noch keine praktischen Erfahrungen in der Fashionbranche sammeln konnten.

Ablauf des Hybridmodells
Im Gegensatz zum Vollzeit- sowie zum Firmenmodell der LDT handelt es sich beim Hybridmodell um einen zweistufigen Studiengang, bei dem die praktischen Erfahrungen, die generell alle Studienabgänger der Fachakademie für Textil und Schuhe LDT Nagold GmbH als besonderes Merkmal bzw. Pluspunkt im Gegensatz zu Studiengängen vielen anderer Schulen in die späteren Berufseinstiegsphasen mitbringen, nicht vor Studienbeginn (Vollzeitmodell) oder sukzessive während des Studiums (Firmenmodell), sondern mittendrin in Blockform erworben werden.
Nach Besuch des Unterrichtes des ersten und des zweiten Semester sowie Absolvierung aller schriftlichen Prüfungen legen die Studierenden dieses Modells ein bis zwei Praxissemester ein, in denen sie in einschlägigen Unternehmungen jeweils ein Praktikum absolvieren.

Das neue Studienmodell stellt eine Mischung aus dem zweijährigen Vollzeitmodell und dem 30-monatigen Firmenmodell der LDT Nagold dar und richtet sich an modeaffine junge Menschen, die bislang noch keine praktischen Erfahrungen in der Fashionbranche sammeln konnten.

Ablauf des Hybridmodells
Im Gegensatz zum Vollzeit- sowie zum Firmenmodell der LDT handelt es sich beim Hybridmodell um einen zweistufigen Studiengang, bei dem die praktischen Erfahrungen, die generell alle Studienabgänger der Fachakademie für Textil und Schuhe LDT Nagold GmbH als besonderes Merkmal bzw. Pluspunkt im Gegensatz zu Studiengängen vielen anderer Schulen in die späteren Berufseinstiegsphasen mitbringen, nicht vor Studienbeginn (Vollzeitmodell) oder sukzessive während des Studiums (Firmenmodell), sondern mittendrin in Blockform erworben werden.
Nach Besuch des Unterrichtes des ersten und des zweiten Semester sowie Absolvierung aller schriftlichen Prüfungen legen die Studierenden dieses Modells ein bis zwei Praxissemester ein, in denen sie in einschlägigen Unternehmungen jeweils ein Praktikum absolvieren.

Während der Praxiszeit fertigen die Studierenden eine schriftliche Projektarbeit an, die zum einen Grundlage für die abschließende mündliche Prüfung nach der Pra-xisphase ist und nach deren Bestehen ein erster Titel – „Fashion Manager (LDT)“ - vergeben wird. Diese erfolgreich bestandene Prüfung stellt auch die Einstiegsvoraussetzung in die zweite Stufe des Studienganges dar, die nach erfolgreichem Durchlaufen und Ablegung aller notwendigen Prüfungsleistungen ebenfalls zum Abschlusstitel „Textilbetriebswirt (BTE)“ der LDT Nagold führt. Dementsprechend kann diese ‚zweite Stufe‘ entweder gemeinsam mit den Studierenden des Vollzeitmodells im dritten und vierten Semester oder aber auch mit den Studierenden des Firmenmodells der dritten, vierten und fünften Unterrichtsphase erfolgen (Hybridmodell).

Einstiegsvoraussetzung für die Teilnahme an diesem Studiengang ist die zuvor an allgemein oder berufsbildenden Schulen erworbene Hochschul- oder Fachhochschulreife – der Studiengang startet regelmäßig Anfang März eines Jahres.

Weitere Informationen hierzu sind im Internet sowie bei der LDT Nagold unter oder telefonisch unter 07452-8409-0 erhältlich!

More information:
LDT Nagold GmbH

LDT Nagold GmbH
Akademie für Mode-Management
Academy for Fashion-Management

Ginetex (c) Ginetex

GINETEX, the International Association for Textile Care Labelling, launches its new website!

The GINETEX website has been revamped to become the international reference platform on textile care labelling for textile and apparel professionals:

In a continuous effort to better inform, educate and convince companies and stakeholders about the importance of standardizing and streamlining textile care symbols worldwide, GINETEX has reviewed its websites' structure, design and content.

Dedicated to textile, decoration and fashion professionals, the website is now more user-friendly, intuitive, educational and closer to the expectations and needs of its international counterparts. It now stands as the reference website for active or potential GINETEX members and users such as textile-related organizations, industrial players, textile product manufacturers and distributors, as well as all stakeholders involved in the textile care market including industrial textile care companies (laundry, washing machine and iron manufacturers, dry cleaners, etc.), international associations, institutions and major European organizations.

The GINETEX website has been revamped to become the international reference platform on textile care labelling for textile and apparel professionals:

In a continuous effort to better inform, educate and convince companies and stakeholders about the importance of standardizing and streamlining textile care symbols worldwide, GINETEX has reviewed its websites' structure, design and content.

Dedicated to textile, decoration and fashion professionals, the website is now more user-friendly, intuitive, educational and closer to the expectations and needs of its international counterparts. It now stands as the reference website for active or potential GINETEX members and users such as textile-related organizations, industrial players, textile product manufacturers and distributors, as well as all stakeholders involved in the textile care market including industrial textile care companies (laundry, washing machine and iron manufacturers, dry cleaners, etc.), international associations, institutions and major European organizations.

Among others, the new website includes information on GINETEX and access to its license information for the use of its trademark (5 internationally registered symbols). It also lists all the national entities responsible for relaying this license and information support in over 22 countries, as well as GINETEX's technical and institutional partners, etc. Visitors can also subscribe to GINETEX's bi-annual newsletter for free and catch up on the latest news on textile care from all ends of the world.

GINETEX's website also introduces its Technical, Legal and Regulatory Competence Center that supports its member companies in the design of their textile care labels.

The mission of the new - more user friendly, more modern and more intuitive - is to provide its stakeholders with an international information platform on textile care, including the use of its 5 universal symbols and its philosophy.

"Our new website contributes to our strategy of standardizing and streamlining labelling worldwide. This platform allows us to join forces and educate companies on textile products and the importance of using symbols for end consumers. It now offers clearer messages for our future members, for a better understanding of textile care symbols", says GINETEX President, Adam Mansell.

More information:


Fashion Net Düsseldorf: Studie zum Modestandort Düsseldorf ©Fashion Net Düsseldorf
Fashion Net Düsseldorf

Fashion Net Düsseldorf: Studie zum Modestandort Düsseldorf

  • Fachbesucher äußern Lob an CPD
  • Düsseldorf weiterhin wichtigster Orderstandort Deutschlands
  • Fashion Net plant App für 360 Grad Orderstandort

Düsseldorf - Die Bilanz der Showroom- und Messebetreiber zur Sommerausgabe der Collection Première Düsseldorf fiel auch in diesem Jahr positiv aus. Um diese Einschätzung zu stützen und von Seiten der Messebesucher zu evaluieren, wurden im Laufe des Orderwochenendes mit einem Fragebogen, der rund zwanzig Fragen umfasste, allgemeine und spezifische Daten gesammelt. Durchgeführt wurde die Umfrage im Auftrag von Fashion Net Düsseldorf von Coach und Mediatorin Martina Töpfer. Ziel der Erhebung war es, zu ermitteln, was Besucher der Modemessen und Showrooms von der CPD erwarten und diesbezüglich die Rolle von Fashion Net Düsseldorf zu reflektieren.

  • Fachbesucher äußern Lob an CPD
  • Düsseldorf weiterhin wichtigster Orderstandort Deutschlands
  • Fashion Net plant App für 360 Grad Orderstandort

Düsseldorf - Die Bilanz der Showroom- und Messebetreiber zur Sommerausgabe der Collection Première Düsseldorf fiel auch in diesem Jahr positiv aus. Um diese Einschätzung zu stützen und von Seiten der Messebesucher zu evaluieren, wurden im Laufe des Orderwochenendes mit einem Fragebogen, der rund zwanzig Fragen umfasste, allgemeine und spezifische Daten gesammelt. Durchgeführt wurde die Umfrage im Auftrag von Fashion Net Düsseldorf von Coach und Mediatorin Martina Töpfer. Ziel der Erhebung war es, zu ermitteln, was Besucher der Modemessen und Showrooms von der CPD erwarten und diesbezüglich die Rolle von Fashion Net Düsseldorf zu reflektieren.

Die Ergebnisse der Umfrage werden im Folgenden zusammenfassend dargestellt. Die Mehrheit der Befragten besucht während der CPD insgesamt 1-20 Showrooms (48%) bzw. 21-40 Showrooms (31%). Eine zentrale Rolle nimmt dabei die Kaiserswerther Straße ein, die mit 71% als wichtigster Standort der CPD hervorgeht, gefolgt vom Karl-Arnold-Platz mit Fashion Plaza, Supreme, B1 (54%) und der Unternehmerstadt mit LO2, Halle 29, Halle 30 und Double U (45%). Zudem gaben sieben von zehn Teilnehmern an, vor einem Besuch im Showroom einen Termin zu vereinbaren.

Auch abseits der CPD schreiben 43% der befragten Besucher Order in Düsseldorf: Zwischen einem und 20 Tagen verbringen sie über die CPD hinaus in der Rheinmetropole, wobei 2-5 Tage die höchsten Angaben erzielten. Der Anteil des in Düsseldorf getätigten Ordervolumens ist beträchtlich: 51% der Teilnehmer schreiben 30% bis 60% der Order in Düsseldorf.

Die Teilnehmer der Studie stehen der CPD überwiegend positiv gegenüber. So bewerten 54% die aktuelle CPD mit der Schulnote gut, 25% mit befriedigend und 15% mit sehr gut. Auch die dort entstehenden Geschäftskontakte halten 85% für wichtig. „Die Umfrage hat uns noch einmal bestätigt, wie wichtig Düsseldorf als Orderstandort ist“, so Angelika Firnrohr, Geschäftsführerin von Fashion Net Düsseldorf e.V. „Experten aus der Modebranche besuchen die CPD, da sie hier eine große und komplexe Auswahl an Labels und Marken treffen. Der Kontakt zu deren kompetenten Ansprechpartnern ist sehr eng und bereitet eine entspannte, offene und freundliche Atmosphäre. Darüber hinaus schätzen die Besucher an der CPD sehr, dass sie sich über die Trends der kommenden Saisons informieren und zugleich ordern können.“

Dennoch hatten die Befragten zusätzliche Wünsche an die Order in Düsseldorf, wie kürzere Wege und weniger Standorte, sodass ein besseres Zeitmanagement möglich ist. Der Fashion Net Shuttle In Rotation ist für knapp die Hälfte der Befragten das wichtigste Fortbewegungsmittel während der CPD. Aufgrund der hohen Auslastung wünschen sich die Besucher daher häufigere Fahrten des Shuttles.

Hauptsächlich werden die Messen am Samstag oder Sonntag besucht (77%/89% respektive). Der beliebteste CPD-Tag ist mit 62% der Stimmen der Sonntag, wobei Mehrfachnennungen möglich waren. Entscheidende Gründe dafür sind laut Umfrage Termine bei den Showrooms, wichtige Veranstaltungen und Modenschauen sowie der freie Tag und die Anwesenheit aller wichtigen Personen.

Im Anschluss an die grundlegende Einschätzung der CPD durch die Messebesucher ging es um die neue Digitalstrategie von Fashion Net Düsseldorf. Für 360 Grad Orderstandort Düsseldorf entwickelt das Fashion Net zurzeit eine eigene App, mit der Aussteller und Besucher untereinander vernetzt werden und die sie mit allen Orderinformationen zum Standort versorgt. Zunächst sollte ermittelt werden, wie wichtig den Messebesuchern eine zentrale Zusammenfassung aller Marken und Showroom-Standorte in Düsseldorf in Form einer App ist. „Das Ergebnis war eindeutig: Eine App als Informationsplattform wird nahezu einstimmig positiv bewertet. Der Fokus der App wird natürlich auf den Showrooms, Labels und Marken wie auf Agenturen liegen, denn diese Informationen sind für Besucher der Messen notwendig“, erklärt Angelika Firnrohr. „Hinzu kommen allgemeine Informationen zum Orderstandort Düsseldorf, wie etwa Veranstaltungen, Hotels und Gastronomie.“

Des Weiteren konnten die Befragten ihre Wünsche an die in der App angebotenen Informationen äußern. „Den Wünschen nach einem integrierten Terminplaner und einem Lageplan der Aussteller werden wir so gut es geht nachkommen“, fährt sie fort. „Anregungen wie einem Shuttle-Bus-Plan werden allerdings schon verwirklicht.“

Insgesamt nahmen 202 Personen an der Umfrage teil. Die meisten von ihnen kommen aus Deutschland und besuchten die CPD aus den Ballungsräumen Düsseldorf, Köln, München, Berlin und Hamburg. Während 13% angaben, die CPD das erste Mal zu besuchen, kommt die Mehrheit schon seit vielen Jahren und gaben immerhin noch 7% an, bereits zum 30. Mal da zu sein.

Zusammenfassend ergibt sich aus der Studie, dass der Modestandort Düsseldorf nach wie vor die wichtigste Orderplattform für die Modebranche ist: Markenvielfalt und Innovationen sind bei den Besuchern hochgeschätzt und machen Düsseldorf für alle Mitwirkenden zu einem attraktiven Orderstandort in Deutschland. In Düsseldorf schreibt die Modebranche. Da die dezentralen Standorte der Messen und Showrooms bemängelt wurden, zeigt sich, dass ein zentrales Informationstool wie Fashion Net Düsseldorf es mit der eigenen App angeht den Komfort für CPD-Besucher deutlich erhöht und Düsseldorf als Orderstandort in der Attraktivität noch steigern kann.


PR + Presseagentur textschwester

Lectra Lectra

Lectra, ESTIA, the Today Tomorrow Textiles Foundation and JPS Conseil launch the ‘Biarritz Active Lifestyle Integral’ Chair

Over three years, this new Chair aims to help the fashion industry’s eco-system—from textile design to clothing sales—transform challenges coming from new ways of living and consuming into economic opportunities.
“How to find and develop sustainable materials which will open up new markets for companies in the sector? Which technologies to invent to make the most of these new materials? How to organize the factory of the future to meet new consumer expectations, such as customization? It’s an entire economy that we aim to develop around emerging industries,” explains Jean-Pierre Mocho, the founder of JPS Conseil and former President of the French federation for women’s ready-to-wear. “There are many opportunities to seize, on condition that all the players, both old and new, work together.”

Over three years, this new Chair aims to help the fashion industry’s eco-system—from textile design to clothing sales—transform challenges coming from new ways of living and consuming into economic opportunities.
“How to find and develop sustainable materials which will open up new markets for companies in the sector? Which technologies to invent to make the most of these new materials? How to organize the factory of the future to meet new consumer expectations, such as customization? It’s an entire economy that we aim to develop around emerging industries,” explains Jean-Pierre Mocho, the founder of JPS Conseil and former President of the French federation for women’s ready-to-wear. “There are many opportunities to seize, on condition that all the players, both old and new, work together.”
To help textile and apparel companies to innovate, the Chair will combine knowledge sharing with open innovation. In particular, a technical training facility will adapt and pass on material-related savoir-faire. “This Chair will help us to better understand the changes that are necessary in the sector, to anticipate innovations and to circulate knowledge worldwide,” underlines Patxi Elissalde, director, ESTIA. “Based in Biarritz and founded with a long-term vision, this Chair will dive into user behaviors, materials and components, manufacturing technologies and services, the digitalization of processes, and the distribution of products, from clothes to accessories.”

This approach will also foster interactions between different professions in order to stimulate creativity. Inspired by overarching principles in the collaborative and circular economy, the Chair also aims to capitalize on advances in research, from frugal or disruptive innovation.




ILUNA Group: Shaping Smart Intimate Wear Futures @ Interfiliere with ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei and STeP certification by Oekotex.

ILUNA Group and ROICA™ continue their close partnership to present the most “advanced” and responsible innovations to the market today. ILUNA GREEN LABEL lace collections made with premium stretch thanks to the use of the unique ROICA ™ Eco Smart GRS certified family- now offer the next evolution: a new stretch Galloon lace to be combined with mesh and lace fabrics collections, now fully made with GRS certified materials. This new evolution offers the right choice to contemporary consumers in products that are beautiful, high quality and sustainable.
This is in addition to a decision last year when the ILUNA GROUP converted all their stretch yarn exclusively to the unique ROICA™ Eco Smart family for all of its top of the range jacquardtronic and Textronic articles.
To reinforce this commitment, ILUNA can also celebrate its new STeP (Sustainable Textile Production) certification by Oeko-Tex, a certification that clarifies and communicates the company’s sustainable production commitment regarding manufacturing and processing to all its partners and customers in a transparent, clear manner.

ILUNA Group and ROICA™ continue their close partnership to present the most “advanced” and responsible innovations to the market today. ILUNA GREEN LABEL lace collections made with premium stretch thanks to the use of the unique ROICA ™ Eco Smart GRS certified family- now offer the next evolution: a new stretch Galloon lace to be combined with mesh and lace fabrics collections, now fully made with GRS certified materials. This new evolution offers the right choice to contemporary consumers in products that are beautiful, high quality and sustainable.
This is in addition to a decision last year when the ILUNA GROUP converted all their stretch yarn exclusively to the unique ROICA™ Eco Smart family for all of its top of the range jacquardtronic and Textronic articles.
To reinforce this commitment, ILUNA can also celebrate its new STeP (Sustainable Textile Production) certification by Oeko-Tex, a certification that clarifies and communicates the company’s sustainable production commitment regarding manufacturing and processing to all its partners and customers in a transparent, clear manner.
Fashion & ILUNA feature on the catwalk in Paris with the ‘Momenti Di Passione’ fashion show at the Interfiliere salon on 8th to 10th July. Here you will be able to enjoy a dazzling and exciting new range of bold ECO flocking beachwear & cover up.
And at the show, breakthrough fabric designs from ILUNA show a revolutionary quality in the new Burano collection: a range of decorative, macramé precious pattern effects that are diaphanous and semi-sheer styles that use at their heart the ROICA™ Eco Smart premium stretch family exclusively.


GB Network

Modint Modint

MODINT and SMI join hands during Royal State Visit in Italy

On the occasion of the State Visit to Italy by Their Majesties The King and Queen of The Netherlands and a Dutch trade delegation led by the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, Mrs Lilianne Ploumen, the Italian and Dutch fashion and textile industry will join hands.
MODINT, the Dutch association for the Fashion and Textile industries and lead of the fashion mission and Sistema Moda Italia (SMI), the Italian association for the Fashion and Textile supply chain in Italy, have concluded a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which emphasizes the growing interaction between the Dutch and Italian fashion and textile industries.
During the Best of Both Event on Friday June 23rd in Milan, the Minister and a delegation of Dutch and Italian VIP’s and innovators active in the Fashion and Textile industry will witness the signing of a promising Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The MoU defines actions by MODINT and SMI to help the Dutch and Italian fashion and textile industries work together on recycling, labour standards, sustainable raw materials and domestic production.

On the occasion of the State Visit to Italy by Their Majesties The King and Queen of The Netherlands and a Dutch trade delegation led by the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, Mrs Lilianne Ploumen, the Italian and Dutch fashion and textile industry will join hands.
MODINT, the Dutch association for the Fashion and Textile industries and lead of the fashion mission and Sistema Moda Italia (SMI), the Italian association for the Fashion and Textile supply chain in Italy, have concluded a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which emphasizes the growing interaction between the Dutch and Italian fashion and textile industries.
During the Best of Both Event on Friday June 23rd in Milan, the Minister and a delegation of Dutch and Italian VIP’s and innovators active in the Fashion and Textile industry will witness the signing of a promising Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The MoU defines actions by MODINT and SMI to help the Dutch and Italian fashion and textile industries work together on recycling, labour standards, sustainable raw materials and domestic production.
Modint and SMI are both members of the International Apparel Federation (IAF), an international organisation that supports industry development by helping to build intelligent connections among its members. In the MoU, Italian and Dutch businesses will explain how they cooperate, how they can support sustainable value chains, how they envision their business growing together in the coming years, and what their respective governments can do to support that growth.

More information:
Modint, SMI, Italy


Filpucci Filpucci

Re.Verso ™ by Filpucci

On June 28th, at Sala Riunioni Area Monumentale (1st floor), Filpucci is celebrating its 50th anniversary with the press conference: “Fifty years of Filpucci - History tells the future”.
An enduring vocation for pioneering values and reliable manufacturing processes, both traceable and transparent, as shown by Re.VersoTM supply chain, a circular economy model, of which it is a member and exclusive reference point in the framework of high-end/low impact yarns for knitwear with the Collection Ninetyfive, now available in stock service, for an innovation available on request, thus marking a further breakthrough. From Stella McCartney to Eileen Fisher, from Filippa K to Patagonia, the fashion system’s big labels have opted for the regenerated yarns Re.VersoTM by Filpucci, thus sharing a new business philosophy: an environment-conscious and responsible approach, with does not relinquish style, but elevates it far forward style & trends. Filpucci, true Italian excellence for 50 years, has widened its range of smart Re.Verso™ products thus encompassing:

On June 28th, at Sala Riunioni Area Monumentale (1st floor), Filpucci is celebrating its 50th anniversary with the press conference: “Fifty years of Filpucci - History tells the future”.
An enduring vocation for pioneering values and reliable manufacturing processes, both traceable and transparent, as shown by Re.VersoTM supply chain, a circular economy model, of which it is a member and exclusive reference point in the framework of high-end/low impact yarns for knitwear with the Collection Ninetyfive, now available in stock service, for an innovation available on request, thus marking a further breakthrough. From Stella McCartney to Eileen Fisher, from Filippa K to Patagonia, the fashion system’s big labels have opted for the regenerated yarns Re.VersoTM by Filpucci, thus sharing a new business philosophy: an environment-conscious and responsible approach, with does not relinquish style, but elevates it far forward style & trends. Filpucci, true Italian excellence for 50 years, has widened its range of smart Re.Verso™ products thus encompassing:
• The yarn Baby Camel Re.VersoTM produced with Re.Verso™ baby camel and mixed with 50% extra-fine Merino Wool comes in two yarn counts (1:13000nm and 2:13000 nm twisted). A delicate, rich and super soft yarn, with indescribable touch, which preserves its natural proprieties and comes in a selection of refined shades.
• The new Divette item, coming in two yarn counts (1:15000nm, 2:26000 nm twisted), yet again sheds light on the pioneering attitude of a manufacturer aiming to offer soft and creative combed and twisted yarns, that are unmistakably innovative and come in different degrees of thinness. Sophisticated, exceptionally soft and warm yarns, made with cashmere Re.Verso™ fibres mixed with extra fine wools.

More information:
CLASS, Filpucci. RE.Verso

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