From the Sector

4024 results

Kelheim with sustainable European innovations at the Global Fiber Congress

Kelheim Fibres, a manufacturer of specialty viscose fibres, showcases its latest developments at this year's Global Fiber Congress in Dornbirn. The focus is on innovative solutions that not only promote environmental sustainability but also strengthen the European supply chain.

In his presentation "Towards high performing plant-based AHP products - a joined approach of Pelz and Kelheim Fibres," Dr. Ingo Bernt, Project Leader of Fiber & Application Development at Kelheim Fibres, together with Dr. Henning Röttger, Head of Business Development at PelzGROUP, introduces the development of a plastic-free yet high-performance panty liner. The water-repellent Kelheim specialty fibre Olea plays a crucial role in both the top and backsheet of the panty liner. This product emerged from the ambition to offer eco-friendly alternatives to conventional disposable hygiene solutions without compromising on product performance.

Kelheim Fibres, a manufacturer of specialty viscose fibres, showcases its latest developments at this year's Global Fiber Congress in Dornbirn. The focus is on innovative solutions that not only promote environmental sustainability but also strengthen the European supply chain.

In his presentation "Towards high performing plant-based AHP products - a joined approach of Pelz and Kelheim Fibres," Dr. Ingo Bernt, Project Leader of Fiber & Application Development at Kelheim Fibres, together with Dr. Henning Röttger, Head of Business Development at PelzGROUP, introduces the development of a plastic-free yet high-performance panty liner. The water-repellent Kelheim specialty fibre Olea plays a crucial role in both the top and backsheet of the panty liner. This product emerged from the ambition to offer eco-friendly alternatives to conventional disposable hygiene solutions without compromising on product performance.

A similar approach is pursued in the second presented project. Under the title "Performance Fibres meet Sustainable Design - example of a reusable Baby Diaper," Natalie Wunder, Project Leader from Kelheim Fibres' New Business Development team, together with Caspar Böhme, Co-Founder of Sumo, introduce the washable and reusable SUMO diaper. Made from biobased materials and featuring a unique construction with Kelheim specialty fibres, this combination offers double environmental benefits compared to conventional disposable baby diapers.

Both the panty liner and the SUMO diaper are manufactured entirely in Europe, resulting in shorter transportation routes and a reduced CO2 footprint. Moreover, these innovations contribute to strengthening the European textile and nonwovens industries by fostering innovation within Europe.


Kelheim Fibres GmbH


Project and technology study: Trends and Design Factors for Hydrogen Pressure Vessels

Die AZL Aachen GmbH, bekannter Innovationspartner für Industriekooperationen auf dem Gebiet der Leichtbautechnologieforschung, startet eines neuen Projekts mit dem Titel "Trends und Designfaktoren für Wasserstoffdruckbehälter". Das Projekt wird Fragestellungen der Industrie in Bezug auf die Wasserstoffspeicherung adressieren.

AZL Aachen GmbH, a recognized innovator in lightweight technologies research and industry collaboration, announces the initiation of a new project titled "Trends and Design Factors for Hydrogen Pressure Vessels". The project aims to address industry needs surrounding hydrogen storage.

Hydrogen has gained significant attention as a key technological solution for decarbonization, with high pressure storage and transportation emerging as vital components. Its applications extend from stationary storage solutions to mobile pressure vessels employed in sectors such as transportation and energy systems.

Die AZL Aachen GmbH, bekannter Innovationspartner für Industriekooperationen auf dem Gebiet der Leichtbautechnologieforschung, startet eines neuen Projekts mit dem Titel "Trends und Designfaktoren für Wasserstoffdruckbehälter". Das Projekt wird Fragestellungen der Industrie in Bezug auf die Wasserstoffspeicherung adressieren.

AZL Aachen GmbH, a recognized innovator in lightweight technologies research and industry collaboration, announces the initiation of a new project titled "Trends and Design Factors for Hydrogen Pressure Vessels". The project aims to address industry needs surrounding hydrogen storage.

Hydrogen has gained significant attention as a key technological solution for decarbonization, with high pressure storage and transportation emerging as vital components. Its applications extend from stationary storage solutions to mobile pressure vessels employed in sectors such as transportation and energy systems.

The AZL team, renowned for its high reputation in providing market and technology insights as well as developing component and production concepts in the format of Joint Partner Projects seeks for companies along the whole composite value chain interested in further developing their application know how in this economically highly relevant field.

The project will provide an in depth exploration of market insights, regulatory standards, and intellectual property landscapes. Beyond this, there is a dedicated focus on staying updated with state of the art and advancements in design, materials, and man ufacturing techniques.

An integral component of the project involves the creation of reference designs by AZL´s engineering team. The reference designs will encompass a variety of pressure vessel configurations and will consider a diverse range of materials and production concep ts.

With the scheduled project start in October 2023, and a project timeline of approximately nine months, AZL encourages companies active across the composite value chain to participate. Companies interested in participating or seeking further information should reach out directly to the AZL expert team.


Aachener Zentrum für integrativen Leichtbau

Caparol Icons: Farbgebung und Gestaltung von Schlafzimmern (c)

Caparol Icons: Farbgebung und Gestaltung von Schlafzimmern

Farben haben eine große Wirkung auf unser Wohlbefinden und geben wichtige Signale an unsere Umgebung. Trotzdem kommt die  Beschäftigung mit der Farbgebung und Gestaltung von Schlafzimmern oft viel zu kurz! Jedoch gerade Schlafzimmer sollten auf den individuellen Stil und die persönlichen Anforderungen der Bewohner:innen abgestimmt werden. Denn in kaum einer anderen Umgebung ist der richtige Farbton so wichtig wie in unserem persönlichen Rückzugsort.

Für einen zarten, verführerischen Flair im Schlafzimmer empfiehlt sich NO 33 GLOBAL GYPSET, ein Grau-Rosé mit einem subtilen Hauch von Umbra. Diese Nuance fügt sich in jedes Farbkonzept problemlos ein und die matte Reflektion der Pigmente sorgt für einen frischen Teint und lässt die Haut am Morgen strahlen.

Wer auf Ruhe bedacht ist, wählt dunkle, tiefe, intensive Farben. Sie umarmen und umhüllen uns und schaffen eine Rückzugszone. Die hochpigmentierte Farbikone NO 65 SKATER ist hierfür prädestiniert, denn sie verleiht Räumen Tiefe und Ausdruck. Die Petrol-Nuance ist der ideale Begleiter für diejenigen, die sich zwischen Grün und Blau nicht entscheiden können.

Farben haben eine große Wirkung auf unser Wohlbefinden und geben wichtige Signale an unsere Umgebung. Trotzdem kommt die  Beschäftigung mit der Farbgebung und Gestaltung von Schlafzimmern oft viel zu kurz! Jedoch gerade Schlafzimmer sollten auf den individuellen Stil und die persönlichen Anforderungen der Bewohner:innen abgestimmt werden. Denn in kaum einer anderen Umgebung ist der richtige Farbton so wichtig wie in unserem persönlichen Rückzugsort.

Für einen zarten, verführerischen Flair im Schlafzimmer empfiehlt sich NO 33 GLOBAL GYPSET, ein Grau-Rosé mit einem subtilen Hauch von Umbra. Diese Nuance fügt sich in jedes Farbkonzept problemlos ein und die matte Reflektion der Pigmente sorgt für einen frischen Teint und lässt die Haut am Morgen strahlen.

Wer auf Ruhe bedacht ist, wählt dunkle, tiefe, intensive Farben. Sie umarmen und umhüllen uns und schaffen eine Rückzugszone. Die hochpigmentierte Farbikone NO 65 SKATER ist hierfür prädestiniert, denn sie verleiht Räumen Tiefe und Ausdruck. Die Petrol-Nuance ist der ideale Begleiter für diejenigen, die sich zwischen Grün und Blau nicht entscheiden können.

Aktive Menschen, die den Tag mit Tatendrang und einem „Raus-aus-dem-Bett-Gefühl!“ begrüßen, bevorzugen helle, frische Töne. Grün vermittelt als Wandfarbe ein Gefühl von Vitalität und Naturverbundenheit und ist laut Forschungsergebnissen für unsere Retina am einfachsten darzustellen – somit hat Grün nachgewiesen eine entspannende Wirkung auf unser Gehirn. Für Schlafzimmer besonders geeignet ist der dezente, helle Wassergrünton NO 72 BENJAMIN. Er wirkt belebend und zeitgleich schick.



CAPAROL ICONS / neumann Communication

Lie Sang Bong Catwalk (c) 2023, C. Jakob Kotzmuth | FlareTalents

Epson Textildruck: Fashionshow Lie Sang Bong in Wien

Lie Sang Bong gilt als einer der einflussreichsten Modeschöpfer Koreas. Internationale Superstars wie Beyoncé, Rihanna und Lady Gaga haben seine Entwürfe bereits getragen. Inspiriert von berühmten Werken Gustav Klimts wie ‚Der Kuss‘ hat der Designer seine Herbst-/Winter-Kollektion 2023 entwickelt und im Rahmen des 300-Jahre Jubiläums des Belvedere in Wien präsentiert.

Die Kollektion von Lie Sang Bong wurde mit Epson Textildrucker produziert. Der Designer arbeitet dabei mit zwei Verfahren: Er bedruckt die Stoffe direkt unter Verwendung des Textildruckers Monna Lisa oder bringt die Designs mithilfe eines bedruckten Trägermaterials auf die Stoffe. Zum Einsatz kamen hier Geräte der SureColor SC-F-Serie (SureColor-SC-F10000). Diese digitalen Produktionsverfahren haben das Potenzial, traditionelle, meist analoge Prozesse in der Modeindustrie von Grund auf zu ändern und den Ansprüchen hin zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit gerecht zu werden. Neben einem vergleichsweise geringen Ressourcenverbrauch von z.B. Wasser bei der Produktion, ist die Erstellung individueller Designs nach Bedarf und lokal vor Ort einfach möglich.

Lie Sang Bong gilt als einer der einflussreichsten Modeschöpfer Koreas. Internationale Superstars wie Beyoncé, Rihanna und Lady Gaga haben seine Entwürfe bereits getragen. Inspiriert von berühmten Werken Gustav Klimts wie ‚Der Kuss‘ hat der Designer seine Herbst-/Winter-Kollektion 2023 entwickelt und im Rahmen des 300-Jahre Jubiläums des Belvedere in Wien präsentiert.

Die Kollektion von Lie Sang Bong wurde mit Epson Textildrucker produziert. Der Designer arbeitet dabei mit zwei Verfahren: Er bedruckt die Stoffe direkt unter Verwendung des Textildruckers Monna Lisa oder bringt die Designs mithilfe eines bedruckten Trägermaterials auf die Stoffe. Zum Einsatz kamen hier Geräte der SureColor SC-F-Serie (SureColor-SC-F10000). Diese digitalen Produktionsverfahren haben das Potenzial, traditionelle, meist analoge Prozesse in der Modeindustrie von Grund auf zu ändern und den Ansprüchen hin zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit gerecht zu werden. Neben einem vergleichsweise geringen Ressourcenverbrauch von z.B. Wasser bei der Produktion, ist die Erstellung individueller Designs nach Bedarf und lokal vor Ort einfach möglich.

Der historische Kammergarten beim Unteren Belvedere bot die spektakuläre Kulisse für die glamouröse Fashionshow von Lie Sang Bong. Auf einem Laufsteg unter freiem Himmel präsentierten Models vor rund 700 Gästen aus Kunst, Kultur und Wirtschaft die Kollektion The Kiss. Die Kollektion The Kiss wurde am 19. März 2023 erstmals bei der Seoul Fashion Week im DDP Seoul der koreanischen Öffentlichkeit präsentiert.

More information:
Lie Sang Bong fashion show Epson

Epson Deutschland GmbH

Das neue Pirmasenser Schuhstadt-Signet Grafik Stadtverwaltung Pirmasens

Schuhstadt Pirmasens mit neuer Onlinepräsenz

Doppelte Premiere unter dem neu geschaffenen „Schuhstadt“-Label: Die Stadt Pirmasens hat ihre Webseite gestartet. Das Informationsportal bündelt die in der westpfälzischen Stadt nach wie vor vorhandene hohe Fachkompetenz und Ressourcenvielfalt rund um Schuhe und Leder. Dazu gehören renommierte Lehreinrichtungen für die einschlägigen Studiengänge, Berufsausbildungen, Weiterbildungen und Qualifizierungen, aber auch mehrere fachlich führende Institutionen mit Beratungs-Know-how und Forschungs- und Entwicklungskompetenz. Das über Jahrzehnte gewachsene Ecosystem umfasst Unternehmen entlang der kompletten Wertschöpfungskette – von Modelleuren und Leistenherstellern über Lieferanten von Leder, Klebstoffen und Zubehör bis hin zu auf Schuhmaschinen spezialisierte Maschinenbauer.

Lokal ansässige Schuh-Outlet-Betreiber launchen gleichzeitig ihr Onlineportal mit Adressen und Wissenswertem über alle örtlichen Fabrikverkäufe, um die Alleinstellung „Markenschuhe ab Werk und auf engstem Raum“ gemeinsam zu vermarkten.

Doppelte Premiere unter dem neu geschaffenen „Schuhstadt“-Label: Die Stadt Pirmasens hat ihre Webseite gestartet. Das Informationsportal bündelt die in der westpfälzischen Stadt nach wie vor vorhandene hohe Fachkompetenz und Ressourcenvielfalt rund um Schuhe und Leder. Dazu gehören renommierte Lehreinrichtungen für die einschlägigen Studiengänge, Berufsausbildungen, Weiterbildungen und Qualifizierungen, aber auch mehrere fachlich führende Institutionen mit Beratungs-Know-how und Forschungs- und Entwicklungskompetenz. Das über Jahrzehnte gewachsene Ecosystem umfasst Unternehmen entlang der kompletten Wertschöpfungskette – von Modelleuren und Leistenherstellern über Lieferanten von Leder, Klebstoffen und Zubehör bis hin zu auf Schuhmaschinen spezialisierte Maschinenbauer.

Lokal ansässige Schuh-Outlet-Betreiber launchen gleichzeitig ihr Onlineportal mit Adressen und Wissenswertem über alle örtlichen Fabrikverkäufe, um die Alleinstellung „Markenschuhe ab Werk und auf engstem Raum“ gemeinsam zu vermarkten.

„Schuhe und Leder gehören fest verwurzelt zu Pirmasens – gestern, heute und morgen“, betont Markus Zwick. „Das hier vorhandene, europaweit einzig-artige Schuh-Cluster mit seinen langjährig gewachsenen Netzwerken und fachlichen Koryphäen ist nach wie vor treibende Wirtschaftskraft und wirkt identitätsstiftend für die Stadt und ihre gesamte Region.“ Dieser Tatsache trage das neu geschaffene Informationsportal Rechnung, so der Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Pirmasens weiter. Hierfür wurde ein eigenes Signet entworfen, das künftig überall dort zum Einsatz kommen soll, wo die Stadt Pirmasens bereits auf den ersten Blick ihre vorhandene gebündelte Schuhkompetenz kommuniziert.

More information:
Schuhe Pirmasens Onlinehandel

ars publicandi

Foto: Globetrotter, M. Ersch-Arnolds

Globetrotter stellt Studie zum Re-Use-Konzept vor

Rund 97 Prozent weniger CO2e-Emissionen, 94 Prozent Re-Use Quote – dies sind nur einige der Ergebnisse der am 5. September in Bonn vorgestellten EPEA-Studie zum Re-Use Konzept des ersten Re:Think-Stores des Hamburger Outdoor-Ausrüsters Globetrotter.

Erst vor wenigen Monaten hat Globetrotter seinen ersten Re:Think Store in Bonn eröffnet – einen Laden mit ganz besonderem Konzept: Denn der Retailer hat nahezu die gesamte Einrichtung des Vormieters Conrad Electronic übernommen und im neuen Store kreativ weitergenutzt. Und auch sonst wurden fast ausschließlich gebrauchte Materialien verwendet: So wurden Staubsauger-Halterungen zu Rucksack-Trägern umfunktioniert und alte OSB-Platten und ausrangierte Bleche verwandelten sich in eine Teststrecke für Wanderschuhe. Ein Highlight des Stores stellt eine von einem Künstler geschaf¬fene Bärenskulptur aus Metallschrott dar. Ergänzt wird das Re:Think-Konzept durch nachhaltige Angebote wie eine eigene Reparaturwerkstatt sowie die bis dato größte 2nd Hand Verkaufsfläche in einem Globetrotter-Store.

Rund 97 Prozent weniger CO2e-Emissionen, 94 Prozent Re-Use Quote – dies sind nur einige der Ergebnisse der am 5. September in Bonn vorgestellten EPEA-Studie zum Re-Use Konzept des ersten Re:Think-Stores des Hamburger Outdoor-Ausrüsters Globetrotter.

Erst vor wenigen Monaten hat Globetrotter seinen ersten Re:Think Store in Bonn eröffnet – einen Laden mit ganz besonderem Konzept: Denn der Retailer hat nahezu die gesamte Einrichtung des Vormieters Conrad Electronic übernommen und im neuen Store kreativ weitergenutzt. Und auch sonst wurden fast ausschließlich gebrauchte Materialien verwendet: So wurden Staubsauger-Halterungen zu Rucksack-Trägern umfunktioniert und alte OSB-Platten und ausrangierte Bleche verwandelten sich in eine Teststrecke für Wanderschuhe. Ein Highlight des Stores stellt eine von einem Künstler geschaf¬fene Bärenskulptur aus Metallschrott dar. Ergänzt wird das Re:Think-Konzept durch nachhaltige Angebote wie eine eigene Reparaturwerkstatt sowie die bis dato größte 2nd Hand Verkaufsfläche in einem Globetrotter-Store.

„Schon bei der ersten Besichtigung des Objektes trieb mich der Gedanke, der Retail und der Ladenbau muss sich ändern. Wir müssen uns ändern. Alles raus und neu, das kann künftig nicht mehr der richtige Ansatz sein,“ erinnert sich Globetrotter Geschäftsführer Andreas Bartmann. CEO Andreas Vogler ergänzt: „Einer der nachhaltigsten Ansätze ist es, Dinge zu nutzen, die bereits da sind. Es erfordert Mut und Pioniergeist, diesen Weg zu gehen. Doch die Ergebnisse der wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung unseres Partners EPEA zeigen, dass es sich lohnt.“

Diese wurden am 5. September im Bonner Store vorgestellt. Keynote-Speaker waren Prof. Michael Braungart, Chemiker und Verfahrenstechniker sowie Miterfinder des Cradle to Cradle-Prinzips und international tätiger Retail-Experte Wolf-Jochen Schulte-Hillen.

Ein konventionelles Ladenbau-Projekt vergleichbarer Größe hätte, so Berechnungen von EPEA, rund 105 Tsd. kg CO2e erzeugt. Durch das Re-Use Konzept des Re:Think Stores wurden nur 3,12 Tsd. kg CO2e emittiert. Die Weiterverwendung bereits vorhandener Materialien trug zu einer CO2e-Vermeidung von 102,23 Tsd. kg, also rund 97 Prozent, bei. Dies entspricht in etwa der Menge an CO2, die entstehen würde, wenn man die Erde rund ein Dutzend Mal mit dem Auto umrunden würde.

Insgesamt kommt der Store auf eine Re-Use Quote von 94 Prozent – d. h. die meisten der verwendeten Materialien und Möbelstücke waren bereits zuvor in Gebrauch, etwa beim Vormieter Conrad Electronic oder in einem Globetrotter Store. Rund 88 % der in der Filiale verbauten Materialien können auch in Zukunft wiederverwendet werden, da sie ohne Beschädigung oder erheblichen Aufwand demontierbar bzw. reparierbar sind: Kreislaufwirtschaft im Ladenbau ist möglich.

Neuer Circularity Passport Interiors
Im Rahmen der Zusammenarbeit mit EPEA entstand die Idee, einen „Circularity Passport Interiors“, kurz CPI, ähnlich dem bereits bestehenden „Circularity Passport Buildings“, zu entwickeln. Dieser dient dazu, die Umsetzung des Cradle-to-Cradle-Designprinzips in Bezug auf die Innenraumgestaltung zu bewerten. Ziel des Designprinzips ist es, Rohstoffe für Produkte, Prozesse und Gebäude so einzusetzen, dass diese entweder in einem technischen Kreislauf in gleicher Qualität erhalten bleiben oder in einen biologischen Kreislauf zurückgeführt und komplett abgebaut werden können.




Autoneum joins the United Nations Global Compact initiative

Autoneum has joined the worldwide United Nations (UN) Global Compact initiative for corporate sustainability. The Group is thus committed to acting responsibly in accordance with the principles of the UN Global Compact in the areas of human rights, labor, environmental protection and anti-corruption. By joining the world's largest initiative for sustainable business – the UN Global Compact sponsored by the United Nations –, Autoneum is strengthening its commitment to sustainable corporate development at its sites worldwide. Launched in 2000, the UN Global Compact brings together more than 13 000 members in 162 countries.

Autoneum has joined the worldwide United Nations (UN) Global Compact initiative for corporate sustainability. The Group is thus committed to acting responsibly in accordance with the principles of the UN Global Compact in the areas of human rights, labor, environmental protection and anti-corruption. By joining the world's largest initiative for sustainable business – the UN Global Compact sponsored by the United Nations –, Autoneum is strengthening its commitment to sustainable corporate development at its sites worldwide. Launched in 2000, the UN Global Compact brings together more than 13 000 members in 162 countries.

More information:
Autoneum UN Gobal Compact

Autoneum Management AG

Manel Echevarria Photo Ananas Anam
Manel Echevarria

Ananas Anam: Manel Echevarria new CEO

Ananas Anam, the provider of innovative low-impact textile solutions made from pineapple leaf waste, announced the appointment of Manel Echevarria as the new CEO. The Spanish executive who had previously worked as CEO for Grupo Excens Sports and Lacoste Iberia, as well as in senior executive roles for Swarovski and MontBlanc, will lead the global business from its European research and production site near Barcelona in Spain.

At the beginning of the year, the company reported the successful closing of a funding round led by HALTRA Group, a family-backed sustainable investment firm in Luxembourg and a group of strategic investors, including the French Compagnie Fruitière, one of the leading producers in Europe and major fruit producer in the Africa-Caribbean-Pacific region, as well the global automotive technology supplier Forvia, and Asahi Kasei Corp, a leading Japanese multinational group working in innovative materials and technologies.

Ananas Anam, the provider of innovative low-impact textile solutions made from pineapple leaf waste, announced the appointment of Manel Echevarria as the new CEO. The Spanish executive who had previously worked as CEO for Grupo Excens Sports and Lacoste Iberia, as well as in senior executive roles for Swarovski and MontBlanc, will lead the global business from its European research and production site near Barcelona in Spain.

At the beginning of the year, the company reported the successful closing of a funding round led by HALTRA Group, a family-backed sustainable investment firm in Luxembourg and a group of strategic investors, including the French Compagnie Fruitière, one of the leading producers in Europe and major fruit producer in the Africa-Caribbean-Pacific region, as well the global automotive technology supplier Forvia, and Asahi Kasei Corp, a leading Japanese multinational group working in innovative materials and technologies.

“The appointment of Manel Echevarria as a seasoned CEO with an impressive track-record in the fashion and luxury industry marks another important milestone in setting Ananas Anam up for the next phase of growth” says Dr. Christian Kurtzke, Chairman of Ananas Anam. “Following our investment in the development of an impressive portfolio of next-generation innovative biodegradable, traceable and sustainable materials, and into the setup of its network of strategic partners on the supply and shareholder side, Manel will provide the leadership for driving growth and industrial scale of this pioneering sustainability brand amidst a continued challenging global market environment in fashion, interiors and automotive.”

With Ananas Anam’s core portfolio of innovative materials, the company has successfully collaborated with well-known brands including Nike, Hugo Boss, H&M, Paul Smith and Cat Footwear and sustainable-fashion pioneers like Ecoalf to drive innovation in footwear, as well as with fashion brands like Carolina Herrera in the area of bags and accessories, substituting animal leather in the product design with its vegan, cruelty-free, low-impact and sustainable pineapple leaf fibre based textiles. In July 2023, at the Premiere Vision exhibition in Paris, the company presented the next generation of Piñatex as well as its breakthrough innovation Piñayarn as a biodegradable, traceable and sustainable yarn, and introducing Anam PALF, as a commercially available premium textile grade pineapple leaf fibre, opening up a world of new applications and markets.

“Driving the sustainability transformation in fashion, as well as in interiors and automotive has become a key priority on the agenda of brands and OEMs around the world,” says Manel Echevarria, CEO Ananas Anam. “I am proud to have the opportunity to lead the company in this decisive time, and I am looking forward to collaborating with our exceptional Spanish founder, Dr Carmen Hijosa, and Josep Taylor in Spain, with Bruno de Penanster and his team in the UK, as well as with Chuck Lazaro and his team in the Philippines to turn this amazing sustainability ambition and purpose into a reality.”


Ananas Anam

ZwissTex integrates Kornit Technology in Production Photo: Kornit / ZwissTex

ZwissTex integrates Kornit Technology in Production

Germany-based ZwissTex is a leading manufacturer of textiles with over 150 years of experience, creating innovative and sustainable textile solutions for the automotive and apparel industries. The company also operates in Mexico, to specifically serve the automotive sector across North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) markets. Via OEMs, ZwissTex supplies German automakers including Volkswagen Auto Group, BMW, and Mercedes, as well as American manufacturers in select cases.

Unlike other Kornit customers, ZwissTex had no previous experience printing their own materials, and saw Kornit’s sustainable, single-step, Presto MAX S production system as an effective means of increasing their product capabilities.

Germany-based ZwissTex is a leading manufacturer of textiles with over 150 years of experience, creating innovative and sustainable textile solutions for the automotive and apparel industries. The company also operates in Mexico, to specifically serve the automotive sector across North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) markets. Via OEMs, ZwissTex supplies German automakers including Volkswagen Auto Group, BMW, and Mercedes, as well as American manufacturers in select cases.

Unlike other Kornit customers, ZwissTex had no previous experience printing their own materials, and saw Kornit’s sustainable, single-step, Presto MAX S production system as an effective means of increasing their product capabilities.

“Our textiles were not classically printed in the past, and we did not produce any classical textiles in fashion, which is why we didn’t have any printing experience internally,” said Ralph Moldan, Technical Specialist at ZwissTex, as the system was being installed in their facility. “The only option was to find a system that would enable us to implement the areas in which we are active on the market easily and quickly, without requiring a lot of printing experience.”

One benefit of integrating Kornit technology into the ZwissTex production ecosystem: applying ink only where it is needed and seen, rather than to the full surface of each material. This translates to both reducing the company’s carbon footprint, and minimizing materials waste for a more cost-effective operation.

Prior to making the decision to invest in Kornit, ZwissTex conducted a series of tests and consultations, evaluating possible applications for different materials and engaging with their own key clients to ensure these finished products would meet their rigorous quality and durability standards. This included presenting Kornit-decorated samples at the Techtextil 2022 exhibition in Frankfurt.

Moldan found Kornit’s production capabilities opened new doors to customization of interior areas, a market that continues to grow. He anticipates this technology will create new opportunities with customers they could not reach previously, including new opportunities in sectors such as motor homes, airlines, and aircraft outfitters.


Kornit Digital

BAE: ‘Best of Bangladesh Europe’ in Amsterdam Photo: Bangladesh Apparel Exchange

BAE: ‘Best of Bangladesh Europe’ in Amsterdam

On 5th September 2023, the Amsterdam: Best of Bangladesh Europe’ started in the venue of Wastergas in Amsterdam. The 2-day nation branding event was organized by Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE), with support from the Embassy of Bangladesh, Ministry of Commerce, Export Promotion Bureau (EPB) of Bangladesh and in association with PDS.

Tipu Munshi, MP, Commerce Minister, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh; Michiel Sweers, Vice Minister of Foreign Economic Relations, Kingdom of the Netherlands; Shahriar Alam, MP, State Minister for Foreign Affairs, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh; Md Siddiqur Rahman,  Former president of BGMEA; M Riaz Hamidullah, Ambassador of Bangladesh to the Netherlands; Leslie Johnston, Chief Executive Officer, Laudes Foundation; Pallak Seth, Founder & Vice Chairman, PDS Limited; and Mostafiz Uddin, Founder & CEO, Bangladesh Apparel Exchange; attended the inaugural ceremony of the ‘Best of Bangladesh’.

On 5th September 2023, the Amsterdam: Best of Bangladesh Europe’ started in the venue of Wastergas in Amsterdam. The 2-day nation branding event was organized by Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE), with support from the Embassy of Bangladesh, Ministry of Commerce, Export Promotion Bureau (EPB) of Bangladesh and in association with PDS.

Tipu Munshi, MP, Commerce Minister, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh; Michiel Sweers, Vice Minister of Foreign Economic Relations, Kingdom of the Netherlands; Shahriar Alam, MP, State Minister for Foreign Affairs, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh; Md Siddiqur Rahman,  Former president of BGMEA; M Riaz Hamidullah, Ambassador of Bangladesh to the Netherlands; Leslie Johnston, Chief Executive Officer, Laudes Foundation; Pallak Seth, Founder & Vice Chairman, PDS Limited; and Mostafiz Uddin, Founder & CEO, Bangladesh Apparel Exchange; attended the inaugural ceremony of the ‘Best of Bangladesh’.

Three MoU were signed in the inaugural for the development of the industries of Bangladesh.
The 1st MoU was signed between Bangladesh Apparel Exchange and Eindhoven International Project Office (EIPO). The 2nd MoU was signed between Bangladesh Apparel Exchange and Apparel Impact Institution. The 3rd MoU was signed between Bangladesh Apparel Exchange and Oxfam.
More than 35 companies from various fields, including apparel, textiles, agriculture, handicrafts, and other sectors, participated in the initiative.

The event held six interactive panel sessions on the topics "Bangladesh – Perspectives from an Emerging Economy", "Sustainable Sourcing Realities: Challenges, Achievements & Next Steps”, “Empowering the Future: Advancing Safety & Well-being for Garments Workforce in Bangladesh", "Bangladesh Agro-Food: A Next Opportunity for Collaboration", "Impact Investing - The Next Frontier", and “Sustainable Synergy: Circular Economy, Climate Action & Bangladesh’s Future".

A Bangladesh Innovation Runway was presented by Pacific Jeans at the event. The Bangladesh Innovation Runway showcased the ability of the country in producing high end, sustainable and innovative apparel products.


Bangladesh Apparel Exchange

Photo: MeineRaumluft

OETI and MeineRaumluft join forces

OETI - Institute for Ecology, Technology and Innovation’ (or OETI for short), is now working with the independent platform ‘MeineRaumluft’.

OETI and MeineRaumluft will work closely together to make a sustainable contribution to optimising the indoor climate. Starting this autumn, they will implement a groundbreaking initiative in Austria. The primary objective of this initiative is to raise awareness of the significance of indoor air as a factor for health and productivity in work and office environments. This message will be conveyed by means of precise measurements, knowledge sharing as well as practical recommendations

OETI has a great deal of expertise in the field of indoor air measurements and certifications. The accredited institution is certified for emission testing according to ISO 16000 parts 2, 3, 6, 9 and 11 as well as EN 16516. OETI also sets standards for indoor air quality with its CLEANAIR certification.

OETI - Institute for Ecology, Technology and Innovation’ (or OETI for short), is now working with the independent platform ‘MeineRaumluft’.

OETI and MeineRaumluft will work closely together to make a sustainable contribution to optimising the indoor climate. Starting this autumn, they will implement a groundbreaking initiative in Austria. The primary objective of this initiative is to raise awareness of the significance of indoor air as a factor for health and productivity in work and office environments. This message will be conveyed by means of precise measurements, knowledge sharing as well as practical recommendations

OETI has a great deal of expertise in the field of indoor air measurements and certifications. The accredited institution is certified for emission testing according to ISO 16000 parts 2, 3, 6, 9 and 11 as well as EN 16516. OETI also sets standards for indoor air quality with its CLEANAIR certification.

More information:
OETI indoor climate

OETI - Institut fuer Oekologie, Technik und Innovation GmbH

Breuninger Düsseldorf feierte Zehnjähriges (c) PR_Franziska Krug_Getty Images for Breuninger

Breuninger Düsseldorf feierte Zehnjähriges

Das Fashion- und Lifestyle-Unternehmen Breuninger und der Kö-Bogen feierten am 01. und 02. September gemeinsam ein Jubiläumswochenende: zehn Jahre Fashion und Lifestyle in Düsseldorf erwies. Unter den insgesamt knapp 20.000 Besucher:innen waren neben der Moderatorin Jana Azizi zahlreiche prominente Gäste wie die Influencer:innen Alexandra Lapp, Lisa Hahnbück und Dennis Boeer sowie Moderatorin Rabea Schif, Model Anna Hiltrop und Kerstin Weng, Head of Editorial Content der deutschen VOGUE.

Die auf dem Wasser inszenierten Fashion Shows bildeten das Herzstück der ereignisreichen Veranstaltung. Dabei wurden die neuesten Herbst-/Winterkollektionen namhafter Premium- und Luxuslabels präsentiert. Ergänzt wurden die Fashion Shows durch exklusive Shopping-Aktionen mit verlängerten Öffnungszeiten bis 22 Uhr. Umrahmt wurde das Event von künstlerischen und musikalischen Live Acts, die den Gästen eine einzigartige Atmosphäre boten.

Das Fashion- und Lifestyle-Unternehmen Breuninger und der Kö-Bogen feierten am 01. und 02. September gemeinsam ein Jubiläumswochenende: zehn Jahre Fashion und Lifestyle in Düsseldorf erwies. Unter den insgesamt knapp 20.000 Besucher:innen waren neben der Moderatorin Jana Azizi zahlreiche prominente Gäste wie die Influencer:innen Alexandra Lapp, Lisa Hahnbück und Dennis Boeer sowie Moderatorin Rabea Schif, Model Anna Hiltrop und Kerstin Weng, Head of Editorial Content der deutschen VOGUE.

Die auf dem Wasser inszenierten Fashion Shows bildeten das Herzstück der ereignisreichen Veranstaltung. Dabei wurden die neuesten Herbst-/Winterkollektionen namhafter Premium- und Luxuslabels präsentiert. Ergänzt wurden die Fashion Shows durch exklusive Shopping-Aktionen mit verlängerten Öffnungszeiten bis 22 Uhr. Umrahmt wurde das Event von künstlerischen und musikalischen Live Acts, die den Gästen eine einzigartige Atmosphäre boten.

Seit 2013 hat sich Breuninger mit einem Mix aus Fashion & Lifestyle, Entertainment, Gastronomie und Services in Düsseldorf positioniert und etabliert. Persönliche Beratung, ein kuratiertes Angebot an Premium- und Luxusmarken sowie die Verzahnung von online-offline Services begeistern seit einem Jahrzehnt.

Umgeben von den geschwungenen Fassaden des vom New Yorker Stararchitekten Daniel Libeskind entworfenen Kö Bogens präsentierten 32 Models des Fashion- und Lifestyle-Unternehmens die neuesten Designer-Kreationen für Herbst-Winter 2023 auf einem 228 Meter langen Open Air Catwalk. In diesem Jahr wurde der Laufsteg hinter der Brücke um 35 Meter verlängert und schaffte somit eine Laufsteglänge auf dem Wasser von 112 Metern.


PR + Presseagentur textschwester GmbH & Co.KG


Beaulieu International Group at International Conference on Geosynthetics

Beaulieu International Group will turn the spotlight on geotextile products with sustainability benefits to support progress in resilient civil engineering projects at the 12th ICG Rome from 18th -21st September 2023, presenting options to target fossil carbon reduction by choosing PP-based staple fibres or woven geotextiles that are among the lowest in carbon footprint for geosynthetics.

For manufacturers of nonwoven geotextiles, Beaulieu Fibres International (BFI) offers PP fibres with > 25% carbon footprint reduction compared to the European standard PP fibres, generating 1.48 kg CO2/kg PP fibres. A step further is to accelerate the replacement of fossil carbon in engineered fibre applications by choosing its ISCC Plus certified bio-attributed MONO-PP with a negative carbon footprint.

For construction projects, nonwoven geotextiles made with high-tenacity HT8 fibres are proven to secure a longer service lifetime and reduce the environmental impact, as they offer high mechanical performance at a reduced weight.

Beaulieu International Group will turn the spotlight on geotextile products with sustainability benefits to support progress in resilient civil engineering projects at the 12th ICG Rome from 18th -21st September 2023, presenting options to target fossil carbon reduction by choosing PP-based staple fibres or woven geotextiles that are among the lowest in carbon footprint for geosynthetics.

For manufacturers of nonwoven geotextiles, Beaulieu Fibres International (BFI) offers PP fibres with > 25% carbon footprint reduction compared to the European standard PP fibres, generating 1.48 kg CO2/kg PP fibres. A step further is to accelerate the replacement of fossil carbon in engineered fibre applications by choosing its ISCC Plus certified bio-attributed MONO-PP with a negative carbon footprint.

For construction projects, nonwoven geotextiles made with high-tenacity HT8 fibres are proven to secure a longer service lifetime and reduce the environmental impact, as they offer high mechanical performance at a reduced weight.

Beaulieu Technical Textiles' (BTT) woven geotextiles provide a wide range of functions, including separation, filtration, reinforcement and erosion control, and are among the most sustainable in the industry. Depending on weight, the carbon footprint of its woven geotextiles (m²) ranges between 0.37 and 1.40 kg CO2 eq./m². They also minimize the use of natural resources for more sustainable infrastructure development. Case studies such as at the Ostend-Bruges airport highlight significant CO2 reduction on the jobsite by replacing the transport of 960 trucks of gravel with 3 trucks of woven geotextiles, and by extending the runway’s life span.

The ICG launch of its new line Terralys MF woven filtration geotextiles with monofilament boosts the performance of a common solution in building layers that require high water flow rates. High-tenacity extruded polypropylene tapes and monofilaments are interwoven to form dimensionally stable and highly permeable geotextiles. These new filtration geotextiles provide greater resistance to dirt and biological clogging. They allow water to travel freely while reducing soil erosion when employed as a separation and stabilizing layer.

As of September 2023, all PP staple fibres and woven geotextiles will have Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) based on LCAs. Each EPD is an essential tool for communicating and reporting on the sustainability performance and helps carbon-conscious customers in their purchasing and decision making. Registered EPDs are globally recognized, publicly available and free to download through EPD Libraries.


Beaulieu International Group

Foto MeineRaumluft

OETI und MeineRaumluft kooperieren

Das OETI, Institut fuer Oekologie, Technik und Innovation, kooperiert mit der unabhängigen Plattform "MeineRaumluft".

OETI, führend auf dem Gebiet der Innenraumluft-Zertifizierung in Österreich, will gemeinsam mit MeineRaumluft einen nachhaltigen Beitrag zur Optimierung des Raumklimas leisten. Ab kommenden Herbst setzen sie eine Initiative in Österreich um. Das Hauptziel ist, das Bewusstsein für die Bedeutung der Raumluft als Faktor für Gesundheit und Produktivität in Arbeits- und Büroumgebungen zu stärken. Dies durch Messungen der Innenraumluft, den Austausch von Erkenntnissen sowie praktische Empfehlungen umgesetzt.

OETI verfügt über eine profunde Expertise im Bereich der Innenraumluft-Messungen und -Zertifizierungen. Es ist gemäß ISO 16000 Teil 2, 3, 6, 9 und 11 sowie EN 16516 für Emissionsmessungen akkreditiert. Darüber hinaus setzt OETI mit seiner CLEANAIR Zertifizierung Standards für die Luftqualität in Innenräumen.

Das OETI, Institut fuer Oekologie, Technik und Innovation, kooperiert mit der unabhängigen Plattform "MeineRaumluft".

OETI, führend auf dem Gebiet der Innenraumluft-Zertifizierung in Österreich, will gemeinsam mit MeineRaumluft einen nachhaltigen Beitrag zur Optimierung des Raumklimas leisten. Ab kommenden Herbst setzen sie eine Initiative in Österreich um. Das Hauptziel ist, das Bewusstsein für die Bedeutung der Raumluft als Faktor für Gesundheit und Produktivität in Arbeits- und Büroumgebungen zu stärken. Dies durch Messungen der Innenraumluft, den Austausch von Erkenntnissen sowie praktische Empfehlungen umgesetzt.

OETI verfügt über eine profunde Expertise im Bereich der Innenraumluft-Messungen und -Zertifizierungen. Es ist gemäß ISO 16000 Teil 2, 3, 6, 9 und 11 sowie EN 16516 für Emissionsmessungen akkreditiert. Darüber hinaus setzt OETI mit seiner CLEANAIR Zertifizierung Standards für die Luftqualität in Innenräumen.

More information:
OETI Raumklima

OETI - Institut fuer Oekologie, Technik und Innovation GmbH

Haelixa: New capital from Zürich Silk Association Photo Haelixa

Haelixa: New capital from Zürich Silk Association

Haelixa, using DNA markers to create full supply chain transparency for consumer goods, has received a capital injection from the Zürich Silk Association (ZSIG). The impact of the technology will provide a traceable fingerprint for textile industry stakeholders.

The ZSIG is an association of active and former companies from Zürich's silk industry. It was founded in 1854 and is one of Switzerland's oldest trade groups. They focus on promoting high-quality projects relevant to the textile industry.

Haelixa's mission is to be the standard in physical traceability globally. With engineered unique DNA markers designed to withstand all processing and treatment of materials throughout the supply chain, the technology empowers textile and fashion companies to make more responsible choices. By testing products for the DNA as they journey through the value chain, Haelixa validates whether the original marked materials are present. Traceability helps brands verify their claims and provides the data to calculate their environmental and social impact.

The capital contributed will support the scale of Haelixa's global operations.

Haelixa, using DNA markers to create full supply chain transparency for consumer goods, has received a capital injection from the Zürich Silk Association (ZSIG). The impact of the technology will provide a traceable fingerprint for textile industry stakeholders.

The ZSIG is an association of active and former companies from Zürich's silk industry. It was founded in 1854 and is one of Switzerland's oldest trade groups. They focus on promoting high-quality projects relevant to the textile industry.

Haelixa's mission is to be the standard in physical traceability globally. With engineered unique DNA markers designed to withstand all processing and treatment of materials throughout the supply chain, the technology empowers textile and fashion companies to make more responsible choices. By testing products for the DNA as they journey through the value chain, Haelixa validates whether the original marked materials are present. Traceability helps brands verify their claims and provides the data to calculate their environmental and social impact.

The capital contributed will support the scale of Haelixa's global operations.

Toray Composite Materials America: Boeing Supplier of the Year Photo Toray

Toray Composite Materials America: Boeing Supplier of the Year

Toray Composite Materials America, Inc. headquartered in Tacoma, Washington, has been awarded the "Boeing Supplier of the Year" award, a leadership-nominated award given to supplier companies that support and propel Boeing's strategic objectives through risk-sharing and enduring partnerships. This year, 12 companies were selected from among 11,000 Boeing suppliers worldwide, and CMA was selected as one of them for the Alliance Award. This is Toray's second award from Boeing, receiving the Supplier of the Year Excellence Award in 2019.

Toray began supplying Boeing in 1975 when it first qualified TORAYCA™ T300 carbon fiber for commercial application on the Boeing 737. Since then, Toray has provided high-performance carbon fiber and highly toughened, primary structure carbon fiber composite prepreg on various programs.

The trophy was presented by William A. Ampofo II, Vice President of Parts & Distribution Services and Supply Chain for Boeing Global Services and Chair of the Supply Chain Operations Council to CMA.

Toray Composite Materials America, Inc. headquartered in Tacoma, Washington, has been awarded the "Boeing Supplier of the Year" award, a leadership-nominated award given to supplier companies that support and propel Boeing's strategic objectives through risk-sharing and enduring partnerships. This year, 12 companies were selected from among 11,000 Boeing suppliers worldwide, and CMA was selected as one of them for the Alliance Award. This is Toray's second award from Boeing, receiving the Supplier of the Year Excellence Award in 2019.

Toray began supplying Boeing in 1975 when it first qualified TORAYCA™ T300 carbon fiber for commercial application on the Boeing 737. Since then, Toray has provided high-performance carbon fiber and highly toughened, primary structure carbon fiber composite prepreg on various programs.

The trophy was presented by William A. Ampofo II, Vice President of Parts & Distribution Services and Supply Chain for Boeing Global Services and Chair of the Supply Chain Operations Council to CMA.




Spinnova reviews strategy: New licensing models

Spinnova has decided to evaluate its existing strategy to prioritise areas that in the short- to medium-term deliver the fastest time to positive cashflow generation and that create the most value for the company’s stakeholders.

The company expects to conclude the assessment of its strategy in the coming months, after which the results will be presented in more detail including key actions and any changes to medium- and long-term business targets. Financial guidance for full year 2023 is unchanged.

Spinnova has decided to evaluate its existing strategy to prioritise areas that in the short- to medium-term deliver the fastest time to positive cashflow generation and that create the most value for the company’s stakeholders.

The company expects to conclude the assessment of its strategy in the coming months, after which the results will be presented in more detail including key actions and any changes to medium- and long-term business targets. Financial guidance for full year 2023 is unchanged.

Spinnova’s unique sustainable technology is a key differentiator. To recognize the value of its technology offering, the company has decided to review opportunities to expand the licensing of its technology to new customers. In the future, Spinnova sees great potential in developing circular raw materials such as textile waste and agricultural waste, as well as recycled SPINNOVA® fibre. Initial tests show that refining these raw materials into micro fibrillated cellulose (MFC) may be more efficient than refining other raw materials Spinnova has worked with. The company has received significant interest from customers wanting to build plants that convert multiple circular raw materials into SPINNOVA® fibre.

Together with Suzano, Spinnova is gathering the learnings from the first Woodspin plant to support the decision making for the next Woodspin factory investment. At the same time Spinnova continues to further develop the technology concept to reduce capital expenditure per tonne of fibre produced compared to the first Woodspin plant. While Suzano develops its MFC process it is expected that the first Woodspin facility will mainly be used for R&D to test new MFC batches and that commercial production volumes will be limited in the short term. The market opportunity and ambition level with Suzano to scale Woodspin’s production capacity remains unchanged

Spinnova will continue to have the option to invest into all future Woodspin and Respin plants, as per the respective joint venture agreements. The company will evaluate whether it participates in these investments based on the value it creates for Spinnova’s shareholders compared to other opportunities to invest Spinnova’s capital. Regardless of whether Spinnova invests its own capital into future plants, Spinnova will continue to be the exclusive technology provider to Woodspin and Respin, and they will continue to be important technology customers of Spinnova.

More information:
Spinnova strategy paper licensing



Albany International: Acquisition of Heimbach Group completed

Albany International Corp. has completed its acquisition of Heimbach Group (Heimbach). Headquartered in Düren, Germany, Heimbach is a global supplier of paper machine clothing for the production of all grades of paper and cardboard on all machine types as well as high-tech textile products used in a variety of sectors, such as the food processing, chemicals, construction materials and automotive industries.

Daniel Halftermeyer, President of Machine Clothing, said, “We are excited about the opportunities to create additional value for our shareholders and customers through the increased scale, complementary technologies and broader geographic footprint this transaction provides. Together we will effectively combine the strengths of each company to set a new standard in customer value delivery as the industry’s partner-of-choice.”

Albany acquired Heimbach for €132 million in cash, and assumed net debt of approximately €22 million. The transaction was funded with cash held in Europe.

Albany International Corp. has completed its acquisition of Heimbach Group (Heimbach). Headquartered in Düren, Germany, Heimbach is a global supplier of paper machine clothing for the production of all grades of paper and cardboard on all machine types as well as high-tech textile products used in a variety of sectors, such as the food processing, chemicals, construction materials and automotive industries.

Daniel Halftermeyer, President of Machine Clothing, said, “We are excited about the opportunities to create additional value for our shareholders and customers through the increased scale, complementary technologies and broader geographic footprint this transaction provides. Together we will effectively combine the strengths of each company to set a new standard in customer value delivery as the industry’s partner-of-choice.”

Albany acquired Heimbach for €132 million in cash, and assumed net debt of approximately €22 million. The transaction was funded with cash held in Europe.


Albany International


Kelheim Fibres and MagnoLab join forces

The viscose specialty fibre manufacturer Kelheim Fibres has entered into a collaboration with MagnoLab, an international network of companies in the textile industry based in the Biella region, Italy.

This partnership highlights the importance of collaboration between different companies to drive innovation and sustainability in the textile industry. Kelheim Fibres sees itself not only as a fibre supplier but also as an innovation partner for the entire industry. Through its Open Innovation approach, Kelheim Fibres fosters the exchange of ideas and knowledge to jointly develop sustainable solutions for the future.

Kelheim Fibres operates several pilot and technical facilities itself. The close collaboration with MagnoLab, which boasts an impressive array of state-of-the-art textile machinery, allows for even more efficient research and development.

The viscose specialty fibre manufacturer Kelheim Fibres has entered into a collaboration with MagnoLab, an international network of companies in the textile industry based in the Biella region, Italy.

This partnership highlights the importance of collaboration between different companies to drive innovation and sustainability in the textile industry. Kelheim Fibres sees itself not only as a fibre supplier but also as an innovation partner for the entire industry. Through its Open Innovation approach, Kelheim Fibres fosters the exchange of ideas and knowledge to jointly develop sustainable solutions for the future.

Kelheim Fibres operates several pilot and technical facilities itself. The close collaboration with MagnoLab, which boasts an impressive array of state-of-the-art textile machinery, allows for even more efficient research and development.

The cooperation allows for practical testing, accelerating the implementation of innovations. It also contributes to a closer networking of the European (and thus regional) value chain. Thanks to shorter transport routes within Europe, not only is the environmental impact reduced, but also the realization of innovations in Europe is facilitated.

Dr. Marina Crnoja-Cosic, Director New Business Development, Marketing & Communications at Kelheim Fibres, emphasizes the advantages of the collaboration: " Through close networking with the companies organized under MagnoLab, we can produce small quantities of samples and prototypes using various technologies. This enables us to develop solutions based on our specialty fibres that can be directly transferred to our partners' production facilities within the textile value chain."


Kelheim Fibres GmbH

SETEX (c) SETEX Schermuly textile computer GmbH

Elvaston takes over majority stake in SETEX

SETEX Schermuly textile computer GmbH, a global leader in manufacturing process management software and textile machinery controls, is pleased to announce the transfer of a majority stake to Elvaston Capital Management GmbH.

Private equity partner Elvaston has established the overarching Textile Solutions Holding GmbH. This company will manage a portfolio of technology companies that ensure seamless integration along the textile process chain and introduce unique market functionalities.

The current company owners of SETEX, Christoph and Oliver Schermuly, will continue their roles as managing directors.

SETEX is convinced that this step will further expand SETEX's competitiveness and growth potential.

SETEX Schermuly textile computer GmbH, a global leader in manufacturing process management software and textile machinery controls, is pleased to announce the transfer of a majority stake to Elvaston Capital Management GmbH.

Private equity partner Elvaston has established the overarching Textile Solutions Holding GmbH. This company will manage a portfolio of technology companies that ensure seamless integration along the textile process chain and introduce unique market functionalities.

The current company owners of SETEX, Christoph and Oliver Schermuly, will continue their roles as managing directors.

SETEX is convinced that this step will further expand SETEX's competitiveness and growth potential.


SETEX Schermuly textile computer GmbH