From the Sector

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INDA: Sustainability as Top Priority for 2024 (c) INDA

INDA: Sustainability as Top Priority for 2024

INDA announces Sustainability as a primary focus for 2024. This strategic initiative, backed by resounding support from INDA’s leadership, is a direct response to feedback from association members affirming that sustainability remains one of the nonwovens industry’s highest priorities.

INDA’s sustainability endeavor will center around three core pillars crucial to the industry’s future: Responsible Sourcing, End-of-Life Solutions, and Innovations in Sustainability. This multifaceted initiative will introduce a spectrum of new and enhanced offerings, including:

  • Webinars addressing sustainability issues impacting members and the industry.
  • Specialized technical and government affairs committees enabling members to collaborate on sustainability opportunities and challenges.
  • The inaugural release of a comprehensive sustainability report from INDA’s Market Intelligence department.
  • A dedicated sustainability special edition of the International Fiber Journal, produced by INDA Media.
  • Sustainability programming at INDA events, including a dedicated focus at the IDEA® 2025 conference.

INDA announces Sustainability as a primary focus for 2024. This strategic initiative, backed by resounding support from INDA’s leadership, is a direct response to feedback from association members affirming that sustainability remains one of the nonwovens industry’s highest priorities.

INDA’s sustainability endeavor will center around three core pillars crucial to the industry’s future: Responsible Sourcing, End-of-Life Solutions, and Innovations in Sustainability. This multifaceted initiative will introduce a spectrum of new and enhanced offerings, including:

  • Webinars addressing sustainability issues impacting members and the industry.
  • Specialized technical and government affairs committees enabling members to collaborate on sustainability opportunities and challenges.
  • The inaugural release of a comprehensive sustainability report from INDA’s Market Intelligence department.
  • A dedicated sustainability special edition of the International Fiber Journal, produced by INDA Media.
  • Sustainability programming at INDA events, including a dedicated focus at the IDEA® 2025 conference.

INDA - Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry


The World of Wipes® International Conference 2024 Opens Registration

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, announced that registration and tabletop exhibit reservations are open for the World of Wipes® (WOW) International Conference. WOW 2024 will take place June 17-20 at the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis, Minneapolis, MN. The theme for this year’s event is “Wipes Innovation & Sustainability – From Inception to Perfection.”

WOW will feature content in responsible sourcing, end-of-life solutions, and innovations in sustainability. Industry leaders, such as The Clorox Company, Kimberly-Clark Professional, and Nice-Pak, amongst others, will present their sustainability insights in formulations, industrial and institutional wipes, alternatives to plastics, production technologies, recycling options, and regulatory issues.

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, announced that registration and tabletop exhibit reservations are open for the World of Wipes® (WOW) International Conference. WOW 2024 will take place June 17-20 at the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis, Minneapolis, MN. The theme for this year’s event is “Wipes Innovation & Sustainability – From Inception to Perfection.”

WOW will feature content in responsible sourcing, end-of-life solutions, and innovations in sustainability. Industry leaders, such as The Clorox Company, Kimberly-Clark Professional, and Nice-Pak, amongst others, will present their sustainability insights in formulations, industrial and institutional wipes, alternatives to plastics, production technologies, recycling options, and regulatory issues.

More information:
WOW INDA international conference

INDA, Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry


Zweite Förderphase des Innovationsnetzwerkes für elektrische Leichtfahrzeuge

Das Innovationsnetzwerk FAKOSI - Komfort- und Sicherheitstechnologien für elektrische Leichtfahrzeuge (LEVs) wird für weitere zwei Jahre aus Mitteln des Zentralen Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM) gefördert. Einen entsprechenden Antrag hat das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK) bewilligt. Damit werden bis September 2025 weiterhin Fördermittel für die Entwicklung von innovativen Konzepten, Systemen und Komponenten im Bereich LEVs gestellt und die technologische Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und Innovationskraft von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen (KMU) gestärkt. Hierbei werden Schwerpunkte in den Themen Insassen- und Fußgängerschutz, Unfallvermeidung, Crashsicherheit, persönliche Schutzausrüstung sowie in der Digitalisierung und Vernetzung von Systemen verfolgt.

Das Innovationsnetzwerk FAKOSI - Komfort- und Sicherheitstechnologien für elektrische Leichtfahrzeuge (LEVs) wird für weitere zwei Jahre aus Mitteln des Zentralen Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM) gefördert. Einen entsprechenden Antrag hat das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK) bewilligt. Damit werden bis September 2025 weiterhin Fördermittel für die Entwicklung von innovativen Konzepten, Systemen und Komponenten im Bereich LEVs gestellt und die technologische Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und Innovationskraft von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen (KMU) gestärkt. Hierbei werden Schwerpunkte in den Themen Insassen- und Fußgängerschutz, Unfallvermeidung, Crashsicherheit, persönliche Schutzausrüstung sowie in der Digitalisierung und Vernetzung von Systemen verfolgt.

Um die konkreten Entwicklungsbedarfe zu adressieren vereint FAKOSI Kompetenzen in Materialwissenschaften, Leichtbau, Fertigungsverfahren, Sensorik, Informatik und weiteren naturwissenschaftlich-technischen Fachrichtungen mit mittelständischen Herstellern und Dienstleistern aus den Bereichen Machine Vision, Embedded Systems und KI.  Der dadurch im Netzwerkverbund entstehende Technologie- und Wissenstransfer sichert insbesondere KMU eine hohe Wettbewerbsfähigkeit.

Aktuell sind acht Unternehmen und vier Forschungseinrichtungen an FAKOSI beteiligt. Interessierte Unternehmen und Forschungseinrichtungen sowie potenzielle Anwender:innen können weiterhin an dem Innovationsnetzwerk oder an den daraus entstehenden F&E-Projekten partizipieren. Im Zuge der Mitgliedschaft werden die Partner:innen aktiv bei der Identifizierung und Initiierung von Innovationsprojekten sowie der Sicherstellung von Finanzierungen durch Fördermittelakquise unterstützt.

Zwei Anträge auf ZIM-Projektförderung wurden im Rahmen von FAKOSI bereits bewilligt. Im Innovationsprojekt "AutoFL" strebt die Katulu GmbH den Aufbau eines automatisierten Federated Learning Ansatzes an. Unter Einbezug höchstmöglicher Data Privacy soll dieser Ansatz es kleineren und mittleren Unternehmen ermöglichen, fortschrittliche Techniken des Machine Learning zu nutzen, selbst wenn keine Data-Science-Expertise im Unternehmen vorhanden ist. Die Katulu GmbH mit Sitz in Hamburg ist auf die Entwicklung von industriellen FL-Lösungen spezialisiert. Das Unternehmen berät Industrieunternehmen aus Branchen wie Maschinenbau, Halbleiter und Chemie bei der Entwicklung souveräner und nachhaltiger Industrie 4.0-Lösungen. Im ZIM-Innovationsprojekt "WindMate" haben sich die Ventus Technologies GmbH und das Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet Fahrzeugsicherheit der Ostfalia Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften zusammengeschlossen, um ein wegweisendes präventives Warnsystem vor starken Windböen im Straßenverkehr zu entwickeln. Durch den neuen digitalen Assistenten soll die Verkehrssicherheit für LKW und andere Nutzfahrzeuge windanfällige Fahrzeugklassen maßgeblich erhöht werden.

Ebenfalls wurde ein Antrag auf Forschungszulage für den Zeitraum von zwei Kalenderjahren erfolgreich bewilligt. Mit dem Forschungszulagengesetz (FZulG) haben Unternehmen und Start-ups einen Rechtsanspruch auf die steuerliche Förderung ihrer Aufwendungen für Forschung und Entwicklung (F&E). Die Forschungszulage kann für bis zu vier Jahren rückwirkend beantragt werden.

Die IWS GmbH hat das Netzwerkmanagement für FAKOSI übernommen und unterstützt die Partner:innen von der ersten Idee über die Suche nach passenden Projektpartner:innen bis zur Ausarbeitung und Koordination von Förderanträgen. Die Grundlage der Finanzierung der F&E-Vorhaben soll das Zentrale Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM) des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz bilden, das durch weitere Bundes- und EU-Programme ergänzt wird.

FAKOSI-Netzwerkpartner:innen: CESYS GmbH, GeBioM mbH, Katulu GmbH, Momes Gmb, SkySpirit GmbH,tagItron GmbH, Treo - Labor für Umweltsimulation GmbH, Ventus Technologies GmbH, BIBA - Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik GmbH, Faserinstitut Bremen e. V. (FIBRE), Fraunhofer-Institut für Fertigungstechnik und Angewandte Materialforschung IFAM, Ostfalia Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften

Operning ceremony Perlon Goa Foto Perlon

Perlon: New plant in Goa

Perlon® – The Filament Company, a manufacturer of synthetic filaments headquartered in Munderkingen, Germany, celebrated the opening of its new plant in Goa, India. The event marked a significant milestone in Perlon®‘s global expansion strategy and underlines the company’s commitment to growth and innovation.

The plant in Goa was made possible by the recent acquisition of Shaun Filaments, a renowned Indian manufacturer of filaments. The integration of the Shaun Filaments production facility into the Perlon® Group not only offers the opportunity to strengthen market presence, but also to expand capacities and improve production processes.

The Perlon® plant in Goa will play a key role in the production of synthetic filaments for various industries, including paper, technical textiles, brushes, cosmetics and dental care. The acquisition of Shaun Filaments brings not only experienced professionals but also established production lines and technologies to the company.

Perlon® – The Filament Company, a manufacturer of synthetic filaments headquartered in Munderkingen, Germany, celebrated the opening of its new plant in Goa, India. The event marked a significant milestone in Perlon®‘s global expansion strategy and underlines the company’s commitment to growth and innovation.

The plant in Goa was made possible by the recent acquisition of Shaun Filaments, a renowned Indian manufacturer of filaments. The integration of the Shaun Filaments production facility into the Perlon® Group not only offers the opportunity to strengthen market presence, but also to expand capacities and improve production processes.

The Perlon® plant in Goa will play a key role in the production of synthetic filaments for various industries, including paper, technical textiles, brushes, cosmetics and dental care. The acquisition of Shaun Filaments brings not only experienced professionals but also established production lines and technologies to the company.

Florian Kisling, CEO of Perlon®, expressed his enthusiasm about the successful purchase: “The opening of this plant in Goa is a crucial step in our global growth strategy. We are proud to strengthen our presence in Asia while delivering the quality and innovation that Perlon® is known for worldwide.”



Advance Denim launches collection with Lenzing's matte TENCEL™ Lyocell fibers (c) Advance Denim

Advance Denim launches collection with Lenzing's matte TENCEL™ Lyocell fibers

Lenzing Group announced the collaboration with China’s internationally recognized denim mill, Advance Denim, to use matte TENCEL™ Lyocell fibers for their latest Denim Collection.

The TENCEL™ brand offers innovative and planet-friendly fiber solutions1 that strive to enhance the adoption of responsible production2 within the textile industry. Leveraging resource-saving, closed-loop production process3, TENCEL™ fibers are naturally soft and smooth to the touch and support a natural dry feeling through moisture control. The rollout of matte TENCEL™ Lyocell fibers in 2021 provided denim manufacturers with a solution that enabled them to enjoy the ample tactile and environmental benefits of TENCEL™ fibers, while also maintaining a matte finish on the end product.

Lenzing Group announced the collaboration with China’s internationally recognized denim mill, Advance Denim, to use matte TENCEL™ Lyocell fibers for their latest Denim Collection.

The TENCEL™ brand offers innovative and planet-friendly fiber solutions1 that strive to enhance the adoption of responsible production2 within the textile industry. Leveraging resource-saving, closed-loop production process3, TENCEL™ fibers are naturally soft and smooth to the touch and support a natural dry feeling through moisture control. The rollout of matte TENCEL™ Lyocell fibers in 2021 provided denim manufacturers with a solution that enabled them to enjoy the ample tactile and environmental benefits of TENCEL™ fibers, while also maintaining a matte finish on the end product.

“Matte TENCEL™ fibers are an extremely important innovation for the denim sector as they address the need for responsible denim made with less shine for a more vintage look. Many brands are currently looking for styles that meet this criterion while also providing softness and drapability for wide-leg jeans. Matte TENCEL™ fibers create the perfect mixture of performance and sustainability without sacrificing that true vintage indigo look,” said Amy Wang, General Manager of Advance Denim. “The matte denim in the ‘Denim Collection’, achieved by using matte TENCEL™ fibers, not only has exceptional softness to the touch, but its fiber properties also make the denim more like traditional cotton jeans after washing. This will enable the final garments to retain the intended retro style of the fabric.”


1 TENCEL™ Lyocell and Modal fibers are certified with the EU Ecolabel for textile products (license no. AT/016/001) for environmental excellence.
2 The responsible production of TENCEL™ Lyocell and Modal fibers uses at least 50% less water and emits at least 50% less CO2 compared to generic lyocell and modal fibers, according to Higg MSI, thereby saving precious resources for future generations. Results based on LCA standards (ISO 14040/44) and available via Higg MSI (Version 3.7).
3 Savings consider solvent recovery.


Lenzing Group

nominees Graphic: nova Institut

Nominated Innovations for Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year 2024 Award

From Resource-efficient and Recycled Fibres for Textiles and Building Panels to Geotextiles for Glacier Protection: Six award nominees present innovative and sustainable solutions for various industries in the cellulose fibre value chain. The full economic potential of the cellulose fibre industry will be introduced to a wide audience that will vote for the winners in Cologne (Germany), and online.

Again nova-Institute grants the “Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year” award in the context of the “Cellulose Fibres Conference”, that will take place in Cologne on 13 and 14 March 2024. In advance, the conferences advisory board nominated six remarkable products, including cellulose fibres from textile waste and straw, a novel technology for dying cellulose-based textiles and a construction panel as well as geotextiles. The innovations will be presented by the companies on the first day of the event. All conference participants can vote for one of the six nominees and the top three winners will be honoured with the “Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year” award. The Innovation award is sponsored by GIG Karasek (AT).

From Resource-efficient and Recycled Fibres for Textiles and Building Panels to Geotextiles for Glacier Protection: Six award nominees present innovative and sustainable solutions for various industries in the cellulose fibre value chain. The full economic potential of the cellulose fibre industry will be introduced to a wide audience that will vote for the winners in Cologne (Germany), and online.

Again nova-Institute grants the “Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year” award in the context of the “Cellulose Fibres Conference”, that will take place in Cologne on 13 and 14 March 2024. In advance, the conferences advisory board nominated six remarkable products, including cellulose fibres from textile waste and straw, a novel technology for dying cellulose-based textiles and a construction panel as well as geotextiles. The innovations will be presented by the companies on the first day of the event. All conference participants can vote for one of the six nominees and the top three winners will be honoured with the “Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year” award. The Innovation award is sponsored by GIG Karasek (AT).

In addition, the ever-growing sectors of cellulose-based nonwovens, packaging and hygiene products offer conference participants insights beyond the horizon of traditional textile applications. Sustainability and other topics such as fibre-to-fibre recycling and alternative fibre sources are the key topics of the Cellulose Fibres Conference, held in Cologne, Germany, on 13 and 14 March 2024 and online. The conference will showcase the most successful cellulose-based solutions currently on the market or those planned for the near future.

The nominees:

The Straw Flexi-Dress: Design Meets Sustainability – DITF & VRETENA (DE)
The Flexi-Dress design was inspired by the natural golden colour and silky touch of HighPerCell® (HPC) filaments based on unbleached straw pulp. These cellulose filaments are produced using environmentally friendly spinning technology in a closed-loop production process. The design decisions focused on the emotional connection and attachment to the HPC material to create a local and circular fashion product. The Flexi-Dress is designed as a versatile knitted garment – from work to street – that can be worn as a dress, but can also be split into two pieces – used separately as a top and a straight skirt. The top can also be worn with the V-neck front or back. The HPC textile knit structure was considered important for comfort and emotional properties.

HONEXT® Board FR-B (B-s1, d0) – Flame-retardant Board made From Upcycled Fibre Waste From the Paper Industry – Honext Material (ES)
HONEXT® FR-B board (B-s1, d0) is a flame-retardant board made from 100 % upcycled industrial waste fibres from the paper industry. Thanks to innovations in biotechnology, paper sludge is upcycled – the previously “worthless” residue from paper making – to create a fully recyclable material, all without the use of resins. This lightweight and easy-to-handle board boasts high mechanical performance and stability, along with low thermal conductivity, making it perfect for various applications in all interior environments where fire safety is a priority. The material is non-toxic, with no added VOCs, ensuring safety for both people and the planet. A sustainable and healthy material for the built environment, it achieves Cradle-to-Cradle Certified GOLD, and Material Health CertificateTM Gold Level version 4.0 with a carbon-negative footprint. Additionally, it is verified in the Product Environmental Footprint.

LENZING™ Cellulosic Fibres for Glacier Protection – Lenzing (AT)
Glaciers are now facing an unprecedented threat from global warming. Synthetic fibre-based geotextiles, while effective in slowing down glacier melt, create a new environmental challenge: microplastics contaminating glacial environments. The use of such materials contradicts the very purpose of glacier protection, as it exacerbates an already critical environmental problem. Recognizing this problem, the innovative use of cellulosic LENZING™ fibres presents a pioneering solution. The Institute of Ecology, at the University of Innsbruck, together with Lenzing and other partners made first trials in 2022 by covering small test fields with LENZING™ fibre-based geotextiles. The results were promising, confirming the effectiveness of this approach in slowing glacier melt without leaving behind microplastic.

The RENU Jacket – Advanced Recycling for Cellulosic Textiles – Pangaia (UK) & Evrnu (US)
PANGAIA LAB was born out of a dream to reduce barriers between people and the breakthrough innovations in material science. In 2023, PANGAIA LAB launched the RENU Jacket, a limited edition product made from 100% Nucycl® – a technology that recycles cellulosic textiles by breaking them down to their molecular building blocks, and reforming them into new fibres. This process produces a result that is 100% recycled and 100% recyclable when returned to the correct waste stream – maintaining the strength of the fibre so it doesn’t need to be blended with virgin material.
Through collaboration with Evrnu, the PANGAIA team created the world’s first 100% chemically recycled denim jacket, replacing a material traditionally made from 100% virgin cotton. By incorporating Nucycl® into this iconic fabric construction, dyed with natural indigo, the teams have demonstrated that it’s possible to replace ubiquitous materials with this innovation.

Textiles Made from Easy-to-dye Biocelsol – VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland (FI)
One third of the textile industry’s wastewater is generated in dyeing and one fifth in finishing. But the use of chemically modified Biocelsol fibres reduces waste water. The knitted fabric is made from viscose and Biocelsol fibres and is only dyed after knitting. This gives the Biocelsol fibres a darker shade, using the same amount of dye and no salt in dyeing process. In addition, an interesting visual effect can be achieved. Moreover, less dye is needed for the darker colour tone in the finished textile and the possibility to use the salt-free dyeing is more environmentally friendly.
These special properties of man-made cellulosic fibres will reassert the fibres as a replacement for the existing fossil-based fibres, thus filling the demand for more environmentally friendly dyeing-solutions in the textile industry. The functionalised Biocelsol fibres were made in Finnish Academy FinnCERES project and are produced by wet spinning technique from the cellulose dope containing low amounts of 3-allyloxy-2-hydroxypropyl substituents. The functionality formed is permanent and has been shown to significantly improve the dyeability of the fibres. In addition, the functionalisation of Biocelsol fibres reduces the cost of textile finishing and dyeing as well as the effluent load.

A New Generation of Bio-based and Resource-efficient Fibre – TreeToTextile (SE)
TreeToTextile has developed a unique, sustainable and resource efficient fibre that doesn't exist on the market today. It has a natural dry feel similar to cotton and a semi-dull sheen and high drape like viscose. It is based on cellulose and has the potential to complement or replace cotton, viscose and polyester as a single fibre or in blends, depending on the application.
TreeToTextile Technology™ has a low demand for chemicals, energy and water. According to a third party verified LCA, the TreeToTextile fibre has a climate impact of 0.6 kg CO2 eq/kilo fibre. The fibre is made from bio-based and traceable resources and is biodegradable.

More information:
Nova Institut nova Institute

nova Institut

World of Wipes Innovation Award® INDA

World of Wipes Innovation Award®: Nominations Are Open

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, announced that nominations are open for the 2024 World of Wipes Innovation Award®. This Award recognizes a product or technology in the wipes sector that creatively uses nonwovens. The Award will be presented at the World of Wipes® (WOW) International Conference, June 17-20 at the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis, Minneapolis, MN.

Nominations will be accepted online through Monday, April 15th via Nominees will be selected from a range of products and technologies that have been commercially available two years prior to WOW 2024. Products and technologies may include end product components, fabrication techniques, or end-products that use a nonwoven technology. Award categories include dry or wet wipes, institutional or industrial wipes, raw materials, and equipment. Three finalists will present their innovations to industry leaders attending WOW on Tuesday, June 18th. The winner will be announced Thursday, June 20th.

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, announced that nominations are open for the 2024 World of Wipes Innovation Award®. This Award recognizes a product or technology in the wipes sector that creatively uses nonwovens. The Award will be presented at the World of Wipes® (WOW) International Conference, June 17-20 at the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis, Minneapolis, MN.

Nominations will be accepted online through Monday, April 15th via Nominees will be selected from a range of products and technologies that have been commercially available two years prior to WOW 2024. Products and technologies may include end product components, fabrication techniques, or end-products that use a nonwoven technology. Award categories include dry or wet wipes, institutional or industrial wipes, raw materials, and equipment. Three finalists will present their innovations to industry leaders attending WOW on Tuesday, June 18th. The winner will be announced Thursday, June 20th.

Sunrise Image by Mohamed Hassan, Pixabay

Happy Birthday 2024

Happy New Year 2024! Here's to a year full of innovation and success in the textile and apparel industry.

The Textination team sincerely wishes you a great start: may 2024 be full of health, joy and energy for you.

There are undoubtedly 365 days of exciting encounters, developments, innovations and new trends ahead in our shared world of the textile and apparel industry. We would like to join you on this journey and document the many facets of our industry.

We are convinced that the new year will be just as fascinating and inspiring for our users as the best textile products and designs that our industry has to offer. We look forward to accompanying you through the coming 12 months with the latest news, in-depth analyses and exclusive insights.

Thank you for your continued support and interest in Textination.

Together we will tell textile tomorrow!

Ines Chucholowius
- Managing Director -

Happy New Year 2024! Here's to a year full of innovation and success in the textile and apparel industry.

The Textination team sincerely wishes you a great start: may 2024 be full of health, joy and energy for you.

There are undoubtedly 365 days of exciting encounters, developments, innovations and new trends ahead in our shared world of the textile and apparel industry. We would like to join you on this journey and document the many facets of our industry.

We are convinced that the new year will be just as fascinating and inspiring for our users as the best textile products and designs that our industry has to offer. We look forward to accompanying you through the coming 12 months with the latest news, in-depth analyses and exclusive insights.

Thank you for your continued support and interest in Textination.

Together we will tell textile tomorrow!

Ines Chucholowius
- Managing Director -

More information:
Textination FUTURE


Test kit for textile microfibre shedding Hohenstein
Test kit for textile microfibre shedding

New test kit for textile microfibre shedding

In cooperation with testing provider Hohenstein, Under Armour is launching a new fiber-shed test kit. It will help textile companies along the supply chain to develop lower shed materials during product development. The companies carry out the test themselves in-house using the test kit or can commission Hohenstein as a testing service provider.

The kit is a one-off purchase, after which users can buy additional materials from project partner James Heal. By using the new kit, Under Armour can reliably assess the quality and shed rate of the materials from suppliers.

For Hohenstein customers, the test kit is a useful addition to their microplastics tests. It is a quick and relatively inexpensive preliminary test that ensures better early-stage results for the end product.

During the production, wear and laundering of synthetic and natural fabrics, fibre shedding occurs in varying degrees. Hohenstein and Under Armour expect that their test method will help the industry better understand and reduce its contribution to the microfibre problem.

In cooperation with testing provider Hohenstein, Under Armour is launching a new fiber-shed test kit. It will help textile companies along the supply chain to develop lower shed materials during product development. The companies carry out the test themselves in-house using the test kit or can commission Hohenstein as a testing service provider.

The kit is a one-off purchase, after which users can buy additional materials from project partner James Heal. By using the new kit, Under Armour can reliably assess the quality and shed rate of the materials from suppliers.

For Hohenstein customers, the test kit is a useful addition to their microplastics tests. It is a quick and relatively inexpensive preliminary test that ensures better early-stage results for the end product.

During the production, wear and laundering of synthetic and natural fabrics, fibre shedding occurs in varying degrees. Hohenstein and Under Armour expect that their test method will help the industry better understand and reduce its contribution to the microfibre problem.

“Until now, integrating fiber-shed testing into industry research and development activities has required a significant time and cost investment,” said Kyle Blakely, Senior Vice President of Innovation for Under Armour. “At Under Armour, we believe intervening early to mitigate shedding is critical, which is why our test method is designed to specifically address these time and cost barriers.”

workshop schedule 2024 Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry

INDA, NWI announce 2024 Nonwovens Training Courses Schedule

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, and The Nonwovens Institute (NWI), have announced their 2024 workforce development program. The INDA/NWI portfolio of training content covers the full spectrum of the nonwovens value chain, ranging from raw materials to processes to products.

Jointly organized courses include a combination of classroom learning supported by hands-on activities in NWI’s world-class nonwoven production and testing labs on the Centennial Campus of North Carolina State University. Each course is designed to be accessible and valuable to those who are new to the nonwovens industry and/or come from a non-technical background, as well as seasoned nonwovens professionals.

2024 INDA/NWI Workshops Schedule:

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, and The Nonwovens Institute (NWI), have announced their 2024 workforce development program. The INDA/NWI portfolio of training content covers the full spectrum of the nonwovens value chain, ranging from raw materials to processes to products.

Jointly organized courses include a combination of classroom learning supported by hands-on activities in NWI’s world-class nonwoven production and testing labs on the Centennial Campus of North Carolina State University. Each course is designed to be accessible and valuable to those who are new to the nonwovens industry and/or come from a non-technical background, as well as seasoned nonwovens professionals.

2024 INDA/NWI Workshops Schedule:

  • Elementary Nonwovens
    January 23-24, 2024
  • Intermediate Nonwovens
    February 6-9, 2024
  • Meltblown Technology
    February 27-29, 2024
  • Spunbond Technology
    March 19-21, 2024
  • Intermediate Nonwovens
    April 30-May 3, 2024
  • Elementary Nonwovens
    May 7-8, 2024
  • Nonwoven Fabric Property Development and Characterization
    June 4-7, 2024
  • WIPES Academy
    June 17-18, 2024
  • Fiber and Filament Extrusion Fundamentals
    July 24-27, 2024
  • Nonwoven Product Development and Innovation
    August 13-16, 2024
  • Absorbent Hygiene Course
    August 27-29, 2024
  • Elementary Nonwovens
    September 10-11, 2024
  • Carded Nonwovens Technology
    October 3, 2024
  • Intermediate Nonwovens
    October 15-19, 2024

Short Course Value Packs

New this year, INDA and NWI are offering a Short Course Value Pack program, enabling companies to purchase a block of registrations, which can be used by any combination of employees to register for any combination of training courses, at a discounted rate. Value Packs are available in bundles of 5, 10, 15, and 20 registrations, with discounts ranging from 10 percent to 25 percent, depending on the size of the Value Pack.

More information:
INDA nonwovens workshop schedule

Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry

ACTIVEYARN book (c) Suedwolle Group

Suedwolle Group: New ACTIVEYARN® collection

Suedwolle Group introduces ACTIVEYARN®, the company’s first seasonless corporate collection: ACTIVEYARN® is composed of a selection of weaving, flat and circular knitting, hosiery and technical yarns, with advanced spinning technologies, wool blends and other natural and traceable fibres. It is a seasonless collection of yarns suitable for different occasions, to support everyone’s attitude and style.

This idea is expressed by the concept of “Get active”, which is not just about using Suedwolle Group’s products in sports applications, but about a new mindset, a changing perspective. By taking a fresh look at the company’s wide offer, ACTIVEYARN® provides new opportunities and inspiration to explore Suedwolle Group’s full potential in terms of technology, sustainability and innovations. It considers with a new point of view on the collections for knitting, weaving and technical uses, creating new connections among them and offering a mosaic of new possibilities and versatile combinations.

This theme of the collection and the new mindset may be represented in the concept of a “kaleidoscope”, symbol of the active change inspiring Suedwolle Group’s creativity.

Suedwolle Group introduces ACTIVEYARN®, the company’s first seasonless corporate collection: ACTIVEYARN® is composed of a selection of weaving, flat and circular knitting, hosiery and technical yarns, with advanced spinning technologies, wool blends and other natural and traceable fibres. It is a seasonless collection of yarns suitable for different occasions, to support everyone’s attitude and style.

This idea is expressed by the concept of “Get active”, which is not just about using Suedwolle Group’s products in sports applications, but about a new mindset, a changing perspective. By taking a fresh look at the company’s wide offer, ACTIVEYARN® provides new opportunities and inspiration to explore Suedwolle Group’s full potential in terms of technology, sustainability and innovations. It considers with a new point of view on the collections for knitting, weaving and technical uses, creating new connections among them and offering a mosaic of new possibilities and versatile combinations.

This theme of the collection and the new mindset may be represented in the concept of a “kaleidoscope”, symbol of the active change inspiring Suedwolle Group’s creativity.

The yarns in the ACTIVEYARN® collection embody the company’s six strategic pillars of innovation – sustainability, circularity, traceability, design, performance and technology – drivers of the entire process of design and production.

Jasmin GOTS Nm 2/48 (100% wool 19,5 μ X-CARE) is a natural, renewable and biodegradable yarn with GOTS certification that meets the company’s demand for sustainability. X-CARE, the innovative treatment by Suedwolle Group, uses eco-friendly and chlorine-free substances that make wool environmentally friendly and suitable for easy-care quality.

Tirano Betaspun® RWS FSC (41,5% wool 17,2 μ TEC RWS certified, 41,5% LENZING™Lyocell 1,4 dtex 17% polyamide filament 22 dtex GRS certified) is a fully traceable high performance yarn, suitable for sportswear and activewear.

OTW® Midway GRS Nm 2/60 (60% wool 23,5 μ X-CARE, 40% polyamide 3,3 dtex GRS certified) comes from the recycling of pre-consumer polyamide and thus is a perfect example of circular production. Suitable for weaving, it combines the added performance that comes from our OTW® patented technology applied to a high durability blend, ideal for active garments.

Wallaby Betaspun® Nm 1/60 (87,5% wool 18,4 μ TEC, 12,5% polyamide filament 22 dtex) is the result of application of latest-generation Betaspun® technology to a natural fibre like wool, allowing production of fine yarns with extra strength and abrasion resistance, ideal for seamless and wrap knitting.

Banda TEC X-Compact Nm 2/47 (100% wool 17,2 μ TEC) is a 100% natural, renewable and biodegradable yarn benefitting from the innovative X-Compact, permitting production of particularly linear yarns ideal for clean design and fabrics appropriate for today’s fashions.

Caprera GRS Nm 1/60 (45% wool 19,3 μ Non mulesed X-CARE 55% COOLMAX® EcoMade polyester 2,2 dtex GRS certified) increases the performance of the wool-based non mulesed fibre through combination with COOLMAX® EcoMade polyester. This is a material coming from recycling of post-consumer PET bottles, dyeable at low temperatures, that aids evaporation of moisture from the skin to maintain stable body temperature, enhancing the comfort of activewear and urban garments.


Suedwolle Group


CALL for PAPERS - Dornbirn GFC 2024

The programme committee is now accepting paper proposals for the Dornbirn GFC Global Fiber Congress 2024. They will be accepted through 15 February 2024

Fiber innovations

Is the core focus, including all applications like apparel, home, automotive, technical textiles etc. Nonwoven applications itself show very high innovative potential and will be part of this group. Natural fibers like cotton, wool and others will enrich the wholistic approach in the fibres space. Raw materials for the manmade fibre production like Pulp and upstream materials for synthetic fibers will extend this core pillar.
Circular Solutions & Recycling & Sustainability
Due to rising awareness of the climate change and the implementation of the “Green Deal”, “Sustainable Development Goals”, “ESG” and other, this pillar became enormously relevant over the years including:
sustainability in general for textiles and nonwovens, new and upcoming sorting- and separation technologies, mechanical recycling and chemical recycling and other ways forward.

The programme committee is now accepting paper proposals for the Dornbirn GFC Global Fiber Congress 2024. They will be accepted through 15 February 2024

Fiber innovations

Is the core focus, including all applications like apparel, home, automotive, technical textiles etc. Nonwoven applications itself show very high innovative potential and will be part of this group. Natural fibers like cotton, wool and others will enrich the wholistic approach in the fibres space. Raw materials for the manmade fibre production like Pulp and upstream materials for synthetic fibers will extend this core pillar.
Circular Solutions & Recycling & Sustainability
Due to rising awareness of the climate change and the implementation of the “Green Deal”, “Sustainable Development Goals”, “ESG” and other, this pillar became enormously relevant over the years including:
sustainability in general for textiles and nonwovens, new and upcoming sorting- and separation technologies, mechanical recycling and chemical recycling and other ways forward.

Energy Solutions
As energy is becoming significantly important for the whole value chain in terms of costs and sustainability, there will be a strong focus on energy innovations at the next congress.  
Emerging Tech
Topics around Digitalization, AI, Transparency and Traceability will get high influence in the value chain and thus open up new approaches in innovation.


Dornbirn GFC

Gerhard Lettl (AVK Board Member, C.F. Maier Europlast GmbH & Co. KG), Felix Pohlmeyer (ITA), Prof. Dr Jens Ridzewski (AVK Board Member, IMA Materialforschung und Anwendungstechnik GmbH), Tim Röding (ITA), from left to right © AVK
Gerhard Lettl (AVK Board Member, C.F. Maier Europlast GmbH & Co. KG), Felix Pohlmeyer (ITA), Prof. Dr Jens Ridzewski (AVK Board Member, IMA Materialforschung und Anwendungstechnik GmbH), Tim Röding (ITA), from left to right

CarboScreen: Sensor monitoring for complex carbon fibre production

Felix Pohlkemper and Tim Röding from Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University are developing a technology with their start-up CarboScreen GmbH that makes complex carbon fibre production controllable through sensor monitoring. With the help of CarboScreen technology, it should be possible to double the production speed from the current 15 m/min to 30 m/min in the medium term. The doubling of production speed alone could result in an increase in turnover of up to €37.5 million per year and production plant. Felix Pohlkemper and Tim Röding were awarded third place in the AVK Innovation Award 2023 in the Processes and Procedures category for this ground-breaking development. The award ceremony took place during the JEC Roof Forum in Salzburg, Austria.

Felix Pohlkemper and Tim Röding from Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University are developing a technology with their start-up CarboScreen GmbH that makes complex carbon fibre production controllable through sensor monitoring. With the help of CarboScreen technology, it should be possible to double the production speed from the current 15 m/min to 30 m/min in the medium term. The doubling of production speed alone could result in an increase in turnover of up to €37.5 million per year and production plant. Felix Pohlkemper and Tim Röding were awarded third place in the AVK Innovation Award 2023 in the Processes and Procedures category for this ground-breaking development. The award ceremony took place during the JEC Roof Forum in Salzburg, Austria.

The production of carbon fibres is highly complex. In the current state of the art, however, the manufacturing process is only monitored manually by semi-skilled workers. However, even minimal fibre damage during production leads to a reduction in the quality of the carbon fibre. In extreme cases, it can also lead to plant fires. To ensure production quality, the production speed is currently limited to a maximum of 15 m/min. In fact, the production speed of the systems could be higher. The sensor-based online monitoring of Carbo-Screen makes it possible to increase the production speed to 30 m/min in the medium term. As a result of the increased production volume per system, the specific production costs of the carbon fibre are reduced, which can result in lower prices.

A reduced sales price would make it possible to use carbon fibres and their composite materials even more widely in traditional markets such as aerospace technology and wind energy, as well as for mass production in the automotive industry.

The CarboScreen online monitoring system is currently being developed for industrial use. It is to be validated at an industrial plant in 2024. CarboScreen GmbH was founded as part of EXIST funding and offers AI-supported sensor systems for carbon fibre production. The sensor technology continuously monitors the fibre throughout the entire production process. Deviations are detected automatically.

The winners of the AVK Innovation Award are honoured annually by the AVK Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe. Companies, institutes and their partners are honoured in three categories: products and applications, processes and procedures, and research and science.

Hologenix honored twice in ISPO Textrends Awards Photo: Hologenix, LLC

Hologenix honored twice in ISPO Textrends Awards

Twice a year ISPO recognizes innovative fibers, fabrics and components that are used to manufacture sports apparel. Two innovations from Hologenix have scored wins in the ISPO Textrends Fall/Winter 2025/2026 Awards: CELLIANT® with REPREVE® Nylon, introduced with textile solutions provider UNIFI®, makers of REPREVE®, and CELLIANT® Print. They were both Selections in the Fibers & Insulations Category.

Twice a year ISPO recognizes innovative fibers, fabrics and components that are used to manufacture sports apparel. Two innovations from Hologenix have scored wins in the ISPO Textrends Fall/Winter 2025/2026 Awards: CELLIANT® with REPREVE® Nylon, introduced with textile solutions provider UNIFI®, makers of REPREVE®, and CELLIANT® Print. They were both Selections in the Fibers & Insulations Category.

CELLIANT with REPREVE Nylon consists of CELLIANT infrared (IR) technology embedded into REPREVE. REPREVE creates high-quality fibers made from 100% recycled materials, including post-consumer plastic bottles and preconsumer waste. CELLIANT with REPREVE Nylon is strong and durable with great stretch and a silky hand. It is ideal for underwear, stockings, tights/leggings, socks, seamless knits, baselayers and many other categories. With CELLIANT’s ability to convert body heat into infrared energy, improving local circulation and cellular oxygenation, it also provides performance for outdoor/sportswear, outerwear, swimwear among other categories. This is the second carrier type for CELLIANT with REPREVE, as it was introduced in polyester last fall and won three awards.

CELLIANT Print makes the natural blend of IR-generating bioceramic minerals more widely available from Hologenix as a printed coating, expanding the uses of the technology. Traditionally, CELLIANT has been embedded directly into fibers, yarns and fabrics. However, for its print applications, CELLIANT fine mineral powder can be adhered to many different fabric types as a topical coating, making CELLIANT Print a versatile and cost-effective solution. Key CELLIANT partners, such as Under Armour with their UA RUSH™ line, and KT Tape with its PRO Oxygen™ kinesiology tape utilize CELLIANT Print. Safe and CELLIANT® Print CELLIANT® with REPREVE® Nylon durable, CELLIANT Print has undergone mechanical testing for wash tests and can be confirmed to last the useful life of the product, for 50+ washes.


Hologenix, LLC

INDA: Tampon by Sequel won 2023 Hygienix Innovation Award™ (c) INDA

INDA: Tampon by Sequel won 2023 Hygienix Innovation Award™

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, connected absorbent hygiene and personal care professionals throughout the supply chain at the ninth edition of Hygienix™, the event for absorbent hygiene & personal care markets, held in New Orleans, Louisiana, Nov. 13-16.

Senior-level leaders enjoyed presentations in these key topics affecting the future of absorbent hygiene:

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, connected absorbent hygiene and personal care professionals throughout the supply chain at the ninth edition of Hygienix™, the event for absorbent hygiene & personal care markets, held in New Orleans, Louisiana, Nov. 13-16.

Senior-level leaders enjoyed presentations in these key topics affecting the future of absorbent hygiene:

  • AHP Trends, Innovation & Market Statistics
  • Redefining Absorbent Hygiene: Navigating Consumer Voice, Sustainable Innovations and the Circular Economy
  • The Proof Is in the Pudding – Demonstrating What’s Possible in AHP
  • Sustainability Inside & Out – Inputs & Packaging
  • Words Matter! Shaping Consumer and Industry Thoughts
  • Neither Fish nor Fowl: Designing Hybrid AHP Products
  • There Be Dragons: Tales of Innovation

The winner of the Hygienix Innovation Award™ was the Sequel Spiral™ Tampon by Sequel. The Sequel Spiral™ Tampon features a proprietary spiral design that is engineered to be more fluid mechanically efficient, meaning it is designed to absorb more evenly and not leak before it’s full. In August 2023, the Sequel Spiral™ Tampon received clearance from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a medical device and the company will now begin a series of consumer trials, with broad availability expected in Q1 of 2024.

New this year to Hygienix was Lightning Talks and pre-conference webinars. Lightning Talks are short presentations covering new trends, products and ideas in absorbent hygiene. The pre-conference webinar topics featured the new Quality Audit Program from INDA and EDANA, an in-depth look at the period care product category, and North American trends and insights in baby diapers.

Back was a hands-on workshop providing attendees with information on the various absorption systems used in disposable hygiene products. This workshop focused on the components and interaction of the absorption system in common commercial hygiene products. The workshop was led by Jim Robinson, Principal, Absorbent Hygiene Insights, LLC.

Jim Robinson received the honor of being named the 2023 INDA Lifetime Technical Achievement Award winner for his decades of technical advancements that have grown the nonwovens industry. Robinson has 33 years in the absorbent hygiene industry, including 28 years as a Technical Service Manager at BASF. Robinson has extensive knowledge of SAP applications, absorbent core formation, and hygiene article design, performance and testing.

Hygienix 2024 will be held Nov. 18-21, in Nashville, Tennessee.

More information:
INDA nonwovens Hygienix Sequel

Alliance for European Flax-Linen and Hemp: Flax fibres for Sailing boats

The adoption of composite parts based on flax fibres by the Marine Industry continues to grow, with major OEMs as well as smaller shipyards now aiming to take advantage of the reduced carbon impact and impressive mechanical properties they can provide.

“Over the last ten or fifteen years, several innovative flax fibre boats have been built and the fibre has started to gain significant traction,” says Julie Pariset, Innovation & CSR Director at the Alliance for European Flax-Linen and Hemp. “In addition to the environmental benefits, manufacturers are realising significant technical and processing gains with flax fibre composites.”

“Flax is a very low-density fibre, with a high specific stiffness,” she explains. “It can be used to manufacture composite laminates with mechanical properties not dissimilar to typical E-glass composites and the coefficient of thermal expansion of a flax fibre epoxy part is also quite close to that of a carbon fibre part.” This allows the materials to work well in combined assemblies with carbon fibre composites and the flax parts are also highly impact resistant.

The adoption of composite parts based on flax fibres by the Marine Industry continues to grow, with major OEMs as well as smaller shipyards now aiming to take advantage of the reduced carbon impact and impressive mechanical properties they can provide.

“Over the last ten or fifteen years, several innovative flax fibre boats have been built and the fibre has started to gain significant traction,” says Julie Pariset, Innovation & CSR Director at the Alliance for European Flax-Linen and Hemp. “In addition to the environmental benefits, manufacturers are realising significant technical and processing gains with flax fibre composites.”

“Flax is a very low-density fibre, with a high specific stiffness,” she explains. “It can be used to manufacture composite laminates with mechanical properties not dissimilar to typical E-glass composites and the coefficient of thermal expansion of a flax fibre epoxy part is also quite close to that of a carbon fibre part.” This allows the materials to work well in combined assemblies with carbon fibre composites and the flax parts are also highly impact resistant.

Flax fibres also provide acoustic and vibration damping in composite applications, as well as providing a warm and aesthetically pleasing appearance below decks.

As a member of the Alliance for European Flax-Linen and Hemp, Bcomp, headquartered in Fribourg, Switzerland, has this year been working with Northern Light Composites (nlcomp), based in Monfalcone, northern Italy, on the creation of what is billed as the first fully recyclable nine-metre-long sailing boat – the ecoRacer30.

The boat is based on nlcomp’s proprietary rComposite technology – a combination of thermoplastic resins and BComp’s ampliTex high-performance natural fibre reinforcement fabrics and patented powerRibs technology.

It was built in a collaborative effort with the help of Barcelona-based Magnani Yachts, which took care of the composite manufacturing, and Sangiorgio Marine, which provided technical assistance as the boat was being assembled at its shipyard in Genova, Italy.

Magnani Yachts has subsequently become the first shipyard to hold an rComposite license and others are now being encouraged to adopt the technology.

The second ecoracer30 is currently under construction and has already been sold and nlcomp is planning to build a fleet of eight of these boats in time to enter a series of regattas in the summer of 2025.

Flax 27 Daysailer
Greenboats, based in Bremen, Germany, is another specialist in building boats from natural fibre composites and has this year launched the Flax 27 daysailer.

The lower hull of this vessel is also made from Bcomp’s ampliTex technical fabrics in combination with a sandwich core of recycled PET bottles. Using a vacuum infusion process, the fibres were integrated with a plant-based epoxy resin in order to further reduce the CO2 footprint of the vessel.

The light structure and modern shapes of the lower hull of the boat result in very fast, sharp and agile handling on the water.

Greenboats has also recently announced significant new backing from alliance member Groupe Depestele, which manages 13,000 hectares of flax land in Normandy, France.

Blue Nomad
A project in Switzerland has meanwhile proposed the use of flax fibre composites in solar-powered habitats designed for comfortable living on the oceans – as the world grapples with the frightening implications of climate change and rising sea levels.

As envisaged by students from Institut auf dem Rosenberg in St Gallen, Switzerland working with Denmark-based SAGA Space Architects, Blue Nomad structures would form modular blocks to establish large communities and oceanic farms.


Alliance for European Flax-Linen and Hemp


Cinte Techtextil China 2024 taking place in September 2024

Cinte Techtextil China 2024, one of Asia’s leading technical textiles and nonwovens trade fair, will take place from 19 – 21 September 2024 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre. In its capacity as a well-established platform for the latest textiles, nonwovens, and equipment, the 18th edition of the fair will offer business opportunities across the industry supply chain. With the previous edition attracting 467 exhibitors from 13 countries and regions across 40,000 sqm, the organisers are looking to build on that success at next year’s show.

With next year’s fair expected to again see strong domestic and international participation, the previous edition featured the return of the Taiwan Pavilion, the 40-exhibitor strong European Zone, and seven Chinese regional pavilions. At every edition, multiple fringe events enhance business connections and provide insights to fairgoers. In 2023, key highlights included the 11th China International Nonwovens Conference, the Advanced Technical Textiles Industry Chain Synergistic Innovation Development Forum, various marine textile and rope netting events, and the “Kingsafe Dangs” University Students’ Showcase.

Cinte Techtextil China 2024, one of Asia’s leading technical textiles and nonwovens trade fair, will take place from 19 – 21 September 2024 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre. In its capacity as a well-established platform for the latest textiles, nonwovens, and equipment, the 18th edition of the fair will offer business opportunities across the industry supply chain. With the previous edition attracting 467 exhibitors from 13 countries and regions across 40,000 sqm, the organisers are looking to build on that success at next year’s show.

With next year’s fair expected to again see strong domestic and international participation, the previous edition featured the return of the Taiwan Pavilion, the 40-exhibitor strong European Zone, and seven Chinese regional pavilions. At every edition, multiple fringe events enhance business connections and provide insights to fairgoers. In 2023, key highlights included the 11th China International Nonwovens Conference, the Advanced Technical Textiles Industry Chain Synergistic Innovation Development Forum, various marine textile and rope netting events, and the “Kingsafe Dangs” University Students’ Showcase.

The fair’s product categories cover 12 application areas, which comprehensively span a full range of potential uses in modern technical textiles and nonwovens. These categories also cover the entire industry, from upstream technology and raw materials providers to finished fabrics, chemicals and other solutions. This scope of product groups and application areas ensures that the fair is an effective business platform for the entire industry.

The fair is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Nonwovens & Industrial Textiles Association (CNITA).


Messe Frankfurt (HK) Limited

Winners of AVK Innovation Award 2023 (c) AVK
Winners of AVK Innovation Award 2023

Winners of AVK Innovation Award 2023

The winners of the prestigious Innovation Award for Fibre-Reinforced Plastics of the AVK, the German Federation of Reinforced Plastics, were presented in Salzburg this year. This award always goes to businesses, institutions and their partners for outstanding innovations in composites the three categories Products & Applications, Processes & Methods and Research & Science. Projects are submitted in all three categories and are evaluated by a jury of experts in engineering and science as well as trade journalists, who look at each project in terms of their levels of innovation, implementation and sustainability.

Products & Applications category
First place: “Insulating Coupling Shaft for Rail Vehicles” – Leichtbauzentrum Sachsen GmbH, partner: KWD Kupplungswerk Dresden GmbH

Second place: “Electric Car Battery Housing Components Based on Innovative Continuous Fibre-Reinforced Phenolic Resin Composites” – SGL Carbon

The winners of the prestigious Innovation Award for Fibre-Reinforced Plastics of the AVK, the German Federation of Reinforced Plastics, were presented in Salzburg this year. This award always goes to businesses, institutions and their partners for outstanding innovations in composites the three categories Products & Applications, Processes & Methods and Research & Science. Projects are submitted in all three categories and are evaluated by a jury of experts in engineering and science as well as trade journalists, who look at each project in terms of their levels of innovation, implementation and sustainability.

Products & Applications category
First place: “Insulating Coupling Shaft for Rail Vehicles” – Leichtbauzentrum Sachsen GmbH, partner: KWD Kupplungswerk Dresden GmbH

Second place: “Electric Car Battery Housing Components Based on Innovative Continuous Fibre-Reinforced Phenolic Resin Composites” – SGL Carbon

Third place: “High Performance Recycled Carbon Fibre Materials (HiPeR)” – Composites Technology Center GmbH (CTC GmbH), partners: Faserinstitut Bremen e. V, Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V., C.A.R. FiberTec GmbH; partners Japan: Faserinstitut Bremen e.V., Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V., C.A.R. FiberTec GmbH; Partner Japan: CFRI Carbon Fiber Recycle Industry Co., Ltd., IHI Logistics and Machinery Corporation, ICC Kanazawa Institute of Technology

Innovative Processes & Methods category
First place: “Chopped Fibre Direct Processing (CFP)” – KraussMaffei Technologies GmbH, partner: Wirthwein SE

Second place: “CIRC - Complete Inhouse Recycling of Thermoplastic Compounds” – Fraunhofer Institute for Production Engineering and Automation (IPA), partners: Schindler Handhabetechnik GmbH, Vision & Control GmbH

Third place: “CarboScreen – Sensor-Based Monitoring of Carbon-Fibre Production” – CarboScreen GmbH, partner: Institute of Textile Technology at RWTH Aachen University

Research & Science category
First place: “Development of a Stereocomplex PLA Blend on a Pilot Plant Scale” – Faserinstitut Bremen e. V.

Second place: “Fibre-Reinforced Salt as a Robust Lost Core Material” – Technical University of Munich, Chair of Carbon Composites, partners: Apppex GmbH, Haas Metallguss GmbH

Third place: “VliesSMC – Recycled Carbon Fibres with a Second Life in the SMC Process” – Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI), partner: Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology (ICT)


Entries for the next Innovation Award 2024 can be submitted from January 2024 onwards.


AVK – Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e.V.

Dyneema® SB301 to Enable Weight Savings of up to 20% in Protective Body Armor Image Avient

Dyneema®: Weight Savings of up to 20% in Protective Body Armor

Dyneema® announced the launch of a next-generation unidirectional (UD) material innovation based on its third-generation fiber at the polymer level: a development poised to enhance the safety and mobility of law enforcement officers and military forces through molecular engineering.

This evolution enables a higher-tenacity fiber – resulting in increased ballistic stopping power when used in the new UD material, Dyneema® SB301, for protective armor applications. The seismic shift in performance enables body armor manufacturers to design soft armor vests 10–20% lighter than previous protective solutions.

Beyond strength, Dyneema® SB301 has the advantage of being made from bio-based Dyneema® fiber, which enables a carbon footprint up to 90% lower than generic high modulus polyethylene (HMPE) fiber.

Now available for use in law enforcement vests for the US market, Dyneema® SB301 material is manufactured in Greenville, North Carolina, in compliance with the Berry Amendment, with additional markets to follow.

Dyneema® announced the launch of a next-generation unidirectional (UD) material innovation based on its third-generation fiber at the polymer level: a development poised to enhance the safety and mobility of law enforcement officers and military forces through molecular engineering.

This evolution enables a higher-tenacity fiber – resulting in increased ballistic stopping power when used in the new UD material, Dyneema® SB301, for protective armor applications. The seismic shift in performance enables body armor manufacturers to design soft armor vests 10–20% lighter than previous protective solutions.

Beyond strength, Dyneema® SB301 has the advantage of being made from bio-based Dyneema® fiber, which enables a carbon footprint up to 90% lower than generic high modulus polyethylene (HMPE) fiber.

Now available for use in law enforcement vests for the US market, Dyneema® SB301 material is manufactured in Greenville, North Carolina, in compliance with the Berry Amendment, with additional markets to follow.

“In every situation, weight is now considered to be the top priority after ballistic stopping power,” said Marcelo van de Kamp, global business director for personal protection at Avient. “That’s because survivability is directly tied to weight savings when speed and agility determine outcomes. We’ve long been known as the ‘world’s strongest fiber™,’ but that won’t stop us from finding new opportunities to get stronger. This new product is the latest demonstration of our commitment to both innovation and protection.”


Avient Corporation

Hygienix Graphics INDA

Glatfelter, Mundeo, and Sequel to Vie for Hygienix Innovation Award™

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, revealed the three finalists that will compete for the Hygienix Innovation Award™. Glatfelter, Mundeo, and Sequel will present their new absorbent hygiene products to senior-level leaders at Hygienix, Nov. 13-16, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Here is a summary of the finalists’ products:

Glatfelter: GlatPure™
GlatPure™ is a range of bio-based absorbent hygiene components derived from renewable materials. This product range consists of a variety of plant-based and natural topsheets, an acquisition distribution layer, an absorbent core, a newly improved backsheet, and a landing zone. Crafted from 100% renewable fibers and biodegradable materials, and enriched with bio-based binders, GlatPure™ stands as the industry’s first fully functional, fossil-fuel free range of solutions.  

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, revealed the three finalists that will compete for the Hygienix Innovation Award™. Glatfelter, Mundeo, and Sequel will present their new absorbent hygiene products to senior-level leaders at Hygienix, Nov. 13-16, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Here is a summary of the finalists’ products:

Glatfelter: GlatPure™
GlatPure™ is a range of bio-based absorbent hygiene components derived from renewable materials. This product range consists of a variety of plant-based and natural topsheets, an acquisition distribution layer, an absorbent core, a newly improved backsheet, and a landing zone. Crafted from 100% renewable fibers and biodegradable materials, and enriched with bio-based binders, GlatPure™ stands as the industry’s first fully functional, fossil-fuel free range of solutions.  

Mundao: Diap’Earth®
From nature to nature: Mundao brings to market DIAP’EARTH®, an industrially compostable baby diaper. This diaper provides a circular solution to the AHP waste issue. Ecoconception (DIAP’EARTH is a bio-based & plastic free diaper) makes it possible to compost the diaper in an industrial composting facility to turn it into carbon where it can become fertilizer for soil. DIAP’EARTH has been successfully composted in major French cities.

Sequel: The Sequel Spiral™ Tampon
The Sequel Spiral™ Tampon features a proprietary spiral design that is engineered to be more fluid mechanically efficient, meaning it is designed to absorb more evenly and not leak before it’s full. In August 2023 the Sequel Spiral™ Tampon received clearance from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a medical device and the company will now begin a series of consumer trials, with broad availability expected in Q1 of 2024.

The winner of the Award will be announced at the end of the event, Thurs., Nov. 16th, at 11:30 am. Last year’s award recipient was Pads on a Roll™ by Egal Pads. Pads on a Roll is a wrapped super-thin absorbent period pad that dispenses like toilet paper in public bathroom stalls, preventing the personal embarrassment of not having a menstrual product when needed.

Conference Highlights
In addition to the award presentation, the Hygienix™ conference will focus on consumer-centric innovations, the circular economy, raw material advancements in sustainability, opportunities for advanced recycling in absorbent hygiene, optimizing the packaging footprint, new approaches for odor control, and market trends and drivers. Plus, INDA’s Government Affairs office will be in attendance to provide insights into recent regulatory and legislative issues. Participants can learn about how the current political landscape could affect the nonwovens industry.

More information: