From the Sector

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KM.ON: AI-based QMS for warp knitting machines (c) KARL MAYER GROUP

KM.ON: AI-based QMS for warp knitting machines

KM.ON launches its new Quality Monitoring System (QMS) for the retrofit market at ITM from June 4 to 8 in Istanbul, presenting a solution for quality management on warp knitting machines.
For its performance in defect detection, the QMS uses the advances of our time: a camera system that captures images of the production process, and a specialized artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze the images. Particularly in terms of handling, reliability and precision of defect detection, the QMS from KM.ON offers advantages over conventional systems that do not rely on AI analysis.

The QMS is designed for easy setup and can be operated without prior expertise. If a defect causes the machine to come to a standstill, the operator is informed immediately via a user-friendly interface. The immediate warning enables rapid intervention and therefore less downtime and more productivity.

KM.ON launches its new Quality Monitoring System (QMS) for the retrofit market at ITM from June 4 to 8 in Istanbul, presenting a solution for quality management on warp knitting machines.
For its performance in defect detection, the QMS uses the advances of our time: a camera system that captures images of the production process, and a specialized artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze the images. Particularly in terms of handling, reliability and precision of defect detection, the QMS from KM.ON offers advantages over conventional systems that do not rely on AI analysis.

The QMS is designed for easy setup and can be operated without prior expertise. If a defect causes the machine to come to a standstill, the operator is informed immediately via a user-friendly interface. The immediate warning enables rapid intervention and therefore less downtime and more productivity.

Thanks to its conceptual design, the QMS only stops production when actual defects are detected. Unnecessary interruptions caused by external disruptive factors, such as changing light conditions, are avoided. This precision prevents productivity losses and helps to ensure continuous operation. Costs due to unnecessary machine downtime are avoided.

Unlike conventional camera systems, the QMS detects even the most complex defects and triggers an immediate machine stop. This minimizes material waste. During operation, the AI-controlled system learns from the data to enhance its detection accuracy, thereby reducing the reject rate and costs. The QMS also adapts to evolving production environments to ensure consistently high efficiency.


KARL MAYER Verwaltungsgesellschaft AG


KARL MAYER GROUP: KM.ON unter TOP 50 Corporate Ventures

Das Softwareunternehmen KM.ON der KARL MAYER GROUP wurde in die Reihe der TOP 50 Corporate Ventures der Pioneers Innovation GmbH für dieses Jahr aufgenommen.

Die strategische Innovationsberatung aus Wien begleitet seit 2009 Unternehmen bei der Entwicklung kundenzentrierter Innovationen mit Mehrwert für den Menschen und Planeten. Vor zwei Jahren entwickelte Pioneers ein Scoring Model für Corporate Ventures und kürte zum ersten Mal die 50 besten unter ihnen. Voraussetzung fürs Mitmachen ist ein Firmensitz in der DACH-Region. Kriterien für die Bewertung sind unter anderem Größe, Stadium und Umsatz. Alle Top-DACH-Corporate Ventures wurden in den letzten zehn Jahren gegründet, haben mindestens 10 Vollzeitmitarbeiter und sind durch Nachrichten und Social-Media-Posts online präsent.

Das Softwareunternehmen KM.ON der KARL MAYER GROUP wurde in die Reihe der TOP 50 Corporate Ventures der Pioneers Innovation GmbH für dieses Jahr aufgenommen.

Die strategische Innovationsberatung aus Wien begleitet seit 2009 Unternehmen bei der Entwicklung kundenzentrierter Innovationen mit Mehrwert für den Menschen und Planeten. Vor zwei Jahren entwickelte Pioneers ein Scoring Model für Corporate Ventures und kürte zum ersten Mal die 50 besten unter ihnen. Voraussetzung fürs Mitmachen ist ein Firmensitz in der DACH-Region. Kriterien für die Bewertung sind unter anderem Größe, Stadium und Umsatz. Alle Top-DACH-Corporate Ventures wurden in den letzten zehn Jahren gegründet, haben mindestens 10 Vollzeitmitarbeiter und sind durch Nachrichten und Social-Media-Posts online präsent.


KARL MAYER Verwaltungsgesellschaft AG

STOLL launcht Flachstrickmaschine für Volumenmarkt (c) Stoll by KARL MAYER

STOLL launcht Flachstrickmaschine für Volumenmarkt

STOLL launcht die neue Flachstrickmaschine CMS 503 ki L, 50″, für den Volumenmarkt. Erst Mitte März 2024 hat STOLL die CMS 503 ki L gelauncht und damit die bewährte CMS 503 ki um eine Maschine mit größerer Arbeitsbreite ergänzt. Das L im Namen steht für XXL-Musterungspotenziale: Mit einer 50″-Arbeitsbreite können Designs mit ausgedehnten Motiv-Formaten, aber auch Artikel mit einer erweiterten Größenrange umgesetzt werden.

STOLL launcht die neue Flachstrickmaschine CMS 503 ki L, 50″, für den Volumenmarkt. Erst Mitte März 2024 hat STOLL die CMS 503 ki L gelauncht und damit die bewährte CMS 503 ki um eine Maschine mit größerer Arbeitsbreite ergänzt. Das L im Namen steht für XXL-Musterungspotenziale: Mit einer 50″-Arbeitsbreite können Designs mit ausgedehnten Motiv-Formaten, aber auch Artikel mit einer erweiterten Größenrange umgesetzt werden.

Die CMS 503 ki L ist mit einem Feinheitsspektrum von E5 - E18 / E2,5.2 - 8.2 und einer Arbeitsbreite von 50″ / 127 cm im Angebot. Zur technischen Ausstattung zählen u. a. der Multiflex®-Abzug von STOLL und die standardmäßig in allen STOLL-Maschinen verwendeten Federzungennadeln. Der patente Abzug sorgt für eine optimale Breitenfixierung der Strickware und dadurch für weniger Ausschuss und Kosten. Die Federzungennadeln tragen ebenfalls zu einer Senkung der Kosten und Fehlerquote bei, führen aber auch zu einem gleichmäßigen Maschenbild und Warenflächen mit klaren Texturen. Die Grundlage hierfür ist eine durchdachte Konstruktion: Eine Zungenfeder unter der Nadelzunge gewährleistet höchste Sicherheit bei den Umhängeprozessen und beim Schließen der Zungen, auch bei der Verarbeitung vieler Fäden oder bauschiger Garne. Zudem werden die Nadeln durch den Einsatz von Nadelbürsten sicher geöffnet – ein Vorteil speziell bei leeren Nadeln – und ein kleinerer Zungenvorsprung macht ein festeres Stricken möglich.

Als Vertreterin der Knitelligence®-Maschinengeneration ist die CMS 503 ki L auf die Anforderungen der modernen digitalen Ära vorbereitet. Sie bietet vielfältige Vorteile, darunter die Möglichkeit zur Prozessautomatisierung, Transparenz, kurze Reaktionszeiten und Produktionszyklen, Vernetzung und die Erschließung neuer Geschäftsmodelle.


KARL MAYER Verwaltungsgesellschaft AG

KARL MAYER: Wearables partner of DiMo project (c) KARL MAYER

KARL MAYER: Wearables partner of DiMo project

Trends such as fitness lifestyle and vitality, the quantified self movement, active ageing and the outdoor boom will significantly change the sports, health and wellness sector in the coming years. In addition, technical innovations will redefine the way people stay fit and healthy. The DiMo - Digital Motion joint project aims to help shape the transformation process. It ran in its first round in 2023 and will be continued for another four years with DiMo-NEXT.

The project aims to conduct transdisciplinary research into how people's experience of exercise can be improved, performance increased and a sustainable lifestyle made possible. The potential offered by digital technologies, particularly in the field of sensors, plays a key role here. The topic of clothing is also important as an interface between technological solutions and people. This is why KARL MAYER and Grabher are among the 26 project partners from industry and research, representing the textile industry.

Trends such as fitness lifestyle and vitality, the quantified self movement, active ageing and the outdoor boom will significantly change the sports, health and wellness sector in the coming years. In addition, technical innovations will redefine the way people stay fit and healthy. The DiMo - Digital Motion joint project aims to help shape the transformation process. It ran in its first round in 2023 and will be continued for another four years with DiMo-NEXT.

The project aims to conduct transdisciplinary research into how people's experience of exercise can be improved, performance increased and a sustainable lifestyle made possible. The potential offered by digital technologies, particularly in the field of sensors, plays a key role here. The topic of clothing is also important as an interface between technological solutions and people. This is why KARL MAYER and Grabher are among the 26 project partners from industry and research, representing the textile industry.

The textile machinery manufacturer KARL MAYER is contributing its expertise in the field of wearables to the project work. The TEXTILE CIRCUIT team of its TEXTILE MAKERSPACE has already successfully implemented various projects in this area. In addition, an MJ 52/1 S from KARL MAYER is used at V-Trion, Grabher's research company in Lustenau, for the production of electrically conductive textiles.

DiMo-NEXT will be launched on April 1, 2024, shortly before Techtextil 2024 in Frankfurt am Main. KARL MAYER will present its contribution to the project work at the trade fair for the sector.


KARL MAYER Verwaltungsgesellschaft AG

Michael Steidle leitet die Mayer GmbH TechConcepts, ehemals Textildruckerei Heinrich Mayer. Foto Mayer GmbH TechConcepts
Michael Steidle leitet die Mayer GmbH TechConcepts, ehemals Textildruckerei Heinrich Mayer.

Aus Textildruckerei Mayer wird Mayer GmbH TechConcepts

Die Textildruckerei Mayer heißt von nun an “Mayer GmbH TechConcepts”. Das Unternehmen hat im Jahr seines 50-jährigen Bestehens die Umfirmierung vollzogen, die dem Wandel des Portfolios Rechnung trägt. Im Jahr 1974 war Unternehmensgründer Heinrich Mayer mit klassischem Textildruck in den Markt eingetreten. Heute bietet Mayer TechConcepts unter der Leitung von Michael Steidle, Schwiegersohn des Gründers, Lösungen im Bereich der Sensorik, Aktorik sowie 3D-Hartbeschichtungen an.

Zusammen mit seiner Frau Claudia führt er die Mayer GmbH TechConcepts, wie das Unternehmen offiziell seit Ende Februar 2024 heißt, in zweiter Generation. Textilien sind zwar weiterhin Teil des Portfolios, die Bandbreite wurde jedoch deutlich vergrößert. Beschichtet werden auch andere Materialien von Plastik und Metallen bis Kunstleder.

Das Unternehmen lebt von seinen technischen Lösungen. Neben Keramikbeschichtung sind das vor allem Flächenlösungen mit Sensorik, beispielsweise ein leicht formbares Material ausgestattet mit einem flächigen Drucksensor, welches bei medizinischen Geräten zum Einsatz kommt. Ein anderes Beispiel ist eine Flächenheizung, die durch Druck aktiviert wird.

Die Textildruckerei Mayer heißt von nun an “Mayer GmbH TechConcepts”. Das Unternehmen hat im Jahr seines 50-jährigen Bestehens die Umfirmierung vollzogen, die dem Wandel des Portfolios Rechnung trägt. Im Jahr 1974 war Unternehmensgründer Heinrich Mayer mit klassischem Textildruck in den Markt eingetreten. Heute bietet Mayer TechConcepts unter der Leitung von Michael Steidle, Schwiegersohn des Gründers, Lösungen im Bereich der Sensorik, Aktorik sowie 3D-Hartbeschichtungen an.

Zusammen mit seiner Frau Claudia führt er die Mayer GmbH TechConcepts, wie das Unternehmen offiziell seit Ende Februar 2024 heißt, in zweiter Generation. Textilien sind zwar weiterhin Teil des Portfolios, die Bandbreite wurde jedoch deutlich vergrößert. Beschichtet werden auch andere Materialien von Plastik und Metallen bis Kunstleder.

Das Unternehmen lebt von seinen technischen Lösungen. Neben Keramikbeschichtung sind das vor allem Flächenlösungen mit Sensorik, beispielsweise ein leicht formbares Material ausgestattet mit einem flächigen Drucksensor, welches bei medizinischen Geräten zum Einsatz kommt. Ein anderes Beispiel ist eine Flächenheizung, die durch Druck aktiviert wird.

Ende April zeigt Mayer TechConcepts auf der Techtextil in Frankfurt seine neusten Entwicklungen. Dazu gehören ultradünne, flexible Sensorflächen, die das Unternehmen im Endlosdruck herstellt. Sie eignen sich beispielsweise für eine automatische Abschaltlösung bei medizinischen Geräten. Mit Sensorik und Aktorik ausgestattete Flächenlösungen bis 1,6 m² finden außerdem als hochwertige und smarte Auto-Interieurs ihre Anwendung. Des Weiteren präsentiert das Unternehmen seine neuen Bio-Polyurethane, die Mayer TechConcepts für seine patentierte CERAPUR Keramikbeschichtung einsetzt.


Mayer GmbH TechConcepts

STOLL: Flat knitted balaclava in Design Museum in New York (c) KARL MAYER Group

STOLL: Flat knitted balaclava in Design Museum in New York

The exhibition “Acquired! Shaping the National Design Collection” at Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum, which opened on 16 March, features a STOLL work that has been part of the museum’s permanent collection since 2017.

Visitors can expect more than 150 works that have been compiled from the museum’s collection and new acquisitions since 2017. The selection, which includes works by design pioneers of the recent past, also includes a highly functional balaclava from STOLL.

Blend of design and functionality.
The flat knitted balaclava from STOLL is part of an exhibition area that visualises the defining themes of our time. Alongside a hijab, it stands for considering inclusivity in design. The balaclava offers protection from extreme cold, is stylish and is the result of a combination of creativity and technology.

The exhibition “Acquired! Shaping the National Design Collection” at Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum, which opened on 16 March, features a STOLL work that has been part of the museum’s permanent collection since 2017.

Visitors can expect more than 150 works that have been compiled from the museum’s collection and new acquisitions since 2017. The selection, which includes works by design pioneers of the recent past, also includes a highly functional balaclava from STOLL.

Blend of design and functionality.
The flat knitted balaclava from STOLL is part of an exhibition area that visualises the defining themes of our time. Alongside a hijab, it stands for considering inclusivity in design. The balaclava offers protection from extreme cold, is stylish and is the result of a combination of creativity and technology.

The balaclava integrates an NFC chip for near-field communication, a heater to warm breathable air, a positive and negative power connector and reflective strips for passive visibility, all knitted directly into the fabric. STOLL’s state-of-the-art flat knitting technology is the basis for straightforward integration. Circuits and conductive yarns can also be incorporated in a fully automated process exactly where they are needed.

Other performance features do not require additional components. A knitted-to-shape 3D design – made possible by the goring technique – offers a perfect fit by following anatomy and eliminating the need for complex tailoring.

More information:
Stoll Karl Mayer Group



KARL MAYER GROUP at SaigonTex 2024

At the upcoming SaigonTex, taking place from April 10th to 13th in Ho Chi Minh City, the KARL MAYER GROUP will present its innovations.

DThe KARL MAYER exhibition for warp preparation is entirely dedicated to sustainability. With BLUEDYE, an innovative machine is introduced, which ensures more sustainability and lower costs in the process of indigo dyeing. Thanks to innovative technological solutions, the amounts of water and chemicals used are significantly reduced. Additionally, less yarn waste is generated. Another innovation for more sustainability is CASCADE, a steam and condensation system that requires significantly less steam in the drying process of sizing and indigo dyeing plants by using a solution for energy recycling that is protected against imitation.

For the warp knitting sector, the group of companies presents its latest technological developments. Highlights include a digital solution from KM.ON for optimizing production management (DPM), innovations for enhancing performance in the HKS segment, and a double raschel machine that enables unique creative multi-color designs in spacer textiles with more colour and new Jacquard techniques.

At the upcoming SaigonTex, taking place from April 10th to 13th in Ho Chi Minh City, the KARL MAYER GROUP will present its innovations.

DThe KARL MAYER exhibition for warp preparation is entirely dedicated to sustainability. With BLUEDYE, an innovative machine is introduced, which ensures more sustainability and lower costs in the process of indigo dyeing. Thanks to innovative technological solutions, the amounts of water and chemicals used are significantly reduced. Additionally, less yarn waste is generated. Another innovation for more sustainability is CASCADE, a steam and condensation system that requires significantly less steam in the drying process of sizing and indigo dyeing plants by using a solution for energy recycling that is protected against imitation.

For the warp knitting sector, the group of companies presents its latest technological developments. Highlights include a digital solution from KM.ON for optimizing production management (DPM), innovations for enhancing performance in the HKS segment, and a double raschel machine that enables unique creative multi-color designs in spacer textiles with more colour and new Jacquard techniques.

"Vietnam is a growing market for textile production, which is gaining importance especially for major international sports brands," says Eddy Ho, Senior Sales Manager at KARL MAYER.
The sales professional expects a large number of visitors, especially from Vietnam, China, Taiwan, and South Korea. SaigonTex is one of the most important textile machinery exhibitions in East Asia, located in close proximity to production centres. Vietnam is, in turn, the second most important market for the KARL MAYER GROUP after China. It benefits from increasing foreign direct investments in textile production from China, Taiwan, and South Korea.



KARL MAYER and Grabher: Competence platform for wearables (c) KARL MAYER GROUP

KARL MAYER and Grabher: Competence platform for wearables

KARL MAYER has already produced a wide range of electrically conductive warp-knitted items for a wide variety of applications in the TEXTILE-CIRCUIT division of its TEXTILE MAKERSPACE, including a sensor shirt, a gesture control system and a conductive charging station. In order to drive the topic of wearables forward, the textile machine manufacturer has signed a cooperation agreement with the Grabher Group and delivered an MJ 52/1-S to the specialist for high-tech textiles in Lustenau. Managing Director Günter Grabher officially inaugurated the key machine for project work in the smart textiles sector in May 2023.

The machine is involved in various research projects, but is also available for new projects and tasks. The smart textiles competence team at KARL MAYER and Grabher is looking forward to supporting the ideas and work of interested parties also outside the research network with its know-how and the possibilities of the MJ 52/1-S.

KARL MAYER has already produced a wide range of electrically conductive warp-knitted items for a wide variety of applications in the TEXTILE-CIRCUIT division of its TEXTILE MAKERSPACE, including a sensor shirt, a gesture control system and a conductive charging station. In order to drive the topic of wearables forward, the textile machine manufacturer has signed a cooperation agreement with the Grabher Group and delivered an MJ 52/1-S to the specialist for high-tech textiles in Lustenau. Managing Director Günter Grabher officially inaugurated the key machine for project work in the smart textiles sector in May 2023.

The machine is involved in various research projects, but is also available for new projects and tasks. The smart textiles competence team at KARL MAYER and Grabher is looking forward to supporting the ideas and work of interested parties also outside the research network with its know-how and the possibilities of the MJ 52/1-S.

The MJ 52/1 S is also an extremely flexible project machine. The 138″ model in gauge E 28 produces a wide range of warp-knitted fabrics and incorporates conductive material directly into the textile surface - exactly where it is needed and with the structure that is required. The basis for the tailor-made fiber placement is KARL MAYER's string bar technology. The system for controlling the pattern guide bars ensures a fast, established textile production process and a high degree of pattern freedom.



Mayer & Cie. CN: New headquarters in Jiangsu (c) Mayer & Cie. GmbH & Co. KG

Mayer & Cie. CN: New headquarters in Jiangsu

Mayer & Cie. CN Changzhou LLC, the Chinese subsidiary of the German circular knitting and braiding machine manufacturer Mayer & Cie., settled in Jiangsu Province at the beginning of the year. Until now, the Sales & Service subsidiary Mayer & Cie. China, founded in 2003 and later to become Mayer & Cie. China, had been based in Shanghai.

The new location within a Sino-German Innovation Park comprises a production hall of around 5,000 square meters. In the future, the circular knitting machines assembled for the domestic market will increasingly consist of locally sourced parts and components from various suppliers.

Since 2011, Mayer & Cie. has been assembling selected machine types for the domestic market at its Chinese plant in Shanghai. It started with a single jersey machine for the most common requirements. Today, China's domestic portfolio includes four types of machines. Until now, the knitting heads for these circular knitting machines had been pre-produced at the Mayer & Cie. plant in the Czech Republic and then transported to China.

Mayer & Cie. CN Changzhou LLC, the Chinese subsidiary of the German circular knitting and braiding machine manufacturer Mayer & Cie., settled in Jiangsu Province at the beginning of the year. Until now, the Sales & Service subsidiary Mayer & Cie. China, founded in 2003 and later to become Mayer & Cie. China, had been based in Shanghai.

The new location within a Sino-German Innovation Park comprises a production hall of around 5,000 square meters. In the future, the circular knitting machines assembled for the domestic market will increasingly consist of locally sourced parts and components from various suppliers.

Since 2011, Mayer & Cie. has been assembling selected machine types for the domestic market at its Chinese plant in Shanghai. It started with a single jersey machine for the most common requirements. Today, China's domestic portfolio includes four types of machines. Until now, the knitting heads for these circular knitting machines had been pre-produced at the Mayer & Cie. plant in the Czech Republic and then transported to China.

The manufacturer is now saying goodbye to this "knitting head principle". It made perfect sense for the start of the assembly line, says Benjamin Mayer, managing partner of Mayer & Cie. However, it leaves little room for flexibility. He explains: "In the future, we will source all parts and components of the machines assembled in China from various local suppliers. This allows us to offer our local customers more attractive prices and faster delivery times with the same quality standards. We expect this change to improve the positioning of our products in the domestic market." In addition, the new plant will be connected to the parent company in Albstadt via an SAP connection. This was imperative to increase efficiency, transparency and quality.

The new headquarters of Mayer & Cie. CN is the German Chinese Innovation Park in Jintan in Jiangsu Province. The companies based there enjoy various advantages, including attractive location costs as well as proximity and exchange with other German companies on site. In addition, the administration of the SGIP supports companies in their search for employees, suppliers and service providers.


Mayer & Cie. GmbH & Co. KG

KARL MAYER GROUP: Natural fibre composites and knit to shape products at JEC World 2024 (c) FUSE GmbH

KARL MAYER GROUP: Natural fibre composites and knit to shape products at JEC World 2024

At this year's JEC World 2024 from 5 to 7 March, KARL MAYER GROUP will be exhibiting with KARL MAYER Technical Textiles and its STOLL Business

One focus of the exhibition will be non-crimp fabrics and tapes made from bio-based yarn materials for the reinforcement of composites.

"While our business with multiaxial and spreading technology for processing conventional technical fibres such as carbon or glass continues to do well, we are seeing increasing interest in the processing of natural fibres into composites. That's why we have a new product in our trade fair luggage for the upcoming JEC World: an alpine ski in which, among other things, hemp fibre fabrics have been used," reveals Hagen Lotzmann, Vice President Sales KARL MAYER Technische Textilien.

The winter sports equipment is the result of a subsidised project. The hemp tapes for this were supplied by FUSE GmbH and processed into non-crimp fabrics on the COP MAX 5 multiaxial warp knitting machine in the KARL MAYER Technical Textiles technical centre.

At this year's JEC World 2024 from 5 to 7 March, KARL MAYER GROUP will be exhibiting with KARL MAYER Technical Textiles and its STOLL Business

One focus of the exhibition will be non-crimp fabrics and tapes made from bio-based yarn materials for the reinforcement of composites.

"While our business with multiaxial and spreading technology for processing conventional technical fibres such as carbon or glass continues to do well, we are seeing increasing interest in the processing of natural fibres into composites. That's why we have a new product in our trade fair luggage for the upcoming JEC World: an alpine ski in which, among other things, hemp fibre fabrics have been used," reveals Hagen Lotzmann, Vice President Sales KARL MAYER Technische Textilien.

The winter sports equipment is the result of a subsidised project. The hemp tapes for this were supplied by FUSE GmbH and processed into non-crimp fabrics on the COP MAX 5 multiaxial warp knitting machine in the KARL MAYER Technical Textiles technical centre.

The STOLL Business Unit will be focussing on thermoplastic materials. Several knit to shape parts with a textile outer surface and a hardened inner surface will be on display. The double-face products can be made from different types of yarn and do not need to be back-moulded for use as side door panels or housing shells, for example. In addition, the ready-to-use design saves on waste and yarn material.

Generating its own energy with solar panels Photo Karl Mayer Group
Generating its own energy with solar panels

Karl Mayer Group: Generating its own energy with solar panels

The Karl Mayer Group is reducing its ecological footprint when it comes to energy utilisation: The Group's largest photovoltaic system to date has just been installed at its headquarters in Obertshausen.

Following the construction of a stable substructure, the first photovoltaic elements were installed on the roof of the assembly hall in Obertshausen on 16 February 2024. This will be followed by the step-by-step conversion of other roofs. If everything goes according to plan, around 6,000 modules will have been installed on an area of approx. 12,000 m² and over 60,000 metres of cable laid by the middle of the year.

"With a total output of 2.4 MWp, we will be able to generate over 35% of the total electricity consumption at the site ourselves," explains Michael Sustelo, Head of Facility Management at the Karl Mayer Group.

The Karl Mayer Group is reducing its ecological footprint when it comes to energy utilisation: The Group's largest photovoltaic system to date has just been installed at its headquarters in Obertshausen.

Following the construction of a stable substructure, the first photovoltaic elements were installed on the roof of the assembly hall in Obertshausen on 16 February 2024. This will be followed by the step-by-step conversion of other roofs. If everything goes according to plan, around 6,000 modules will have been installed on an area of approx. 12,000 m² and over 60,000 metres of cable laid by the middle of the year.

"With a total output of 2.4 MWp, we will be able to generate over 35% of the total electricity consumption at the site ourselves," explains Michael Sustelo, Head of Facility Management at the Karl Mayer Group.


Karl Mayer Group

KARL MAYER TURKEY appoints General Manager (c) KARL MAYER GROUP
Toros Greenhalgh, General Manager of KARL MAYER TURKEY

KARL MAYER TURKEY appoints General Manager

Toros Greenhalgh becomes General Manager of the new KARL MAYER subsidiary in Türkiye

In October 2023, the KARL MAYER GROUP established its own site in Bursa, Türkiye, thus increasing its presence in one of its most important markets. KARL MAYER TURKEY will meet increasing customer demands for after-sales service, spare parts (Care Solutions), and academy, in the sectors of warp knitting and warp preparation, while KARL MAYER’s long-standing regional representative ERKO focuses on machine sales.

Toros Greenhalgh was appointed General Manager of KARL MAYER TURKEY on February 1st of this year. Holding a degree in mechanical engineering and materials science from the University of Birmingham, he comes with experience in the fields of industrial plant construction management, renewable energy technologies, and the distribution of medical devices. For the past seven years he has been active in the sector of textile machinery through ERKO with particular focus on KARL MAYER machine sales, service, and spare parts.

Toros Greenhalgh becomes General Manager of the new KARL MAYER subsidiary in Türkiye

In October 2023, the KARL MAYER GROUP established its own site in Bursa, Türkiye, thus increasing its presence in one of its most important markets. KARL MAYER TURKEY will meet increasing customer demands for after-sales service, spare parts (Care Solutions), and academy, in the sectors of warp knitting and warp preparation, while KARL MAYER’s long-standing regional representative ERKO focuses on machine sales.

Toros Greenhalgh was appointed General Manager of KARL MAYER TURKEY on February 1st of this year. Holding a degree in mechanical engineering and materials science from the University of Birmingham, he comes with experience in the fields of industrial plant construction management, renewable energy technologies, and the distribution of medical devices. For the past seven years he has been active in the sector of textile machinery through ERKO with particular focus on KARL MAYER machine sales, service, and spare parts.

More information:
Karl Mayer Manager Turkey


KARL MAYER: Launch of new tricot machine TM 4 EL (c) KARL MAYER GROUP

KARL MAYER: Launch of new tricot machine TM 4 EL

At the end of last year, KARL MAYER launched the TM 4 EL – a new, highly flexible machine for the mid-range segment in the four-bar tricot machine sector. The machine produces fabrics for upholstery, automotive interiors and outerwear, as well as sportswear items and home textiles.

Featuring KARL MAYER’s proven CFRP technology, the TM 4 EL is up to 30% faster than the previous four-bar tricot machine designed for the commodity sector.

The new TM 4 EL is offered in gauges E 28 and E 32. The available working widths are 210” and 280”, with a working width extension also available. Further width varieties are also planned. Equipment highlights include an integrated Laser Stop to detect yarn breakages early, and functional LED lighting, which illuminates the warp knitting area for easy handling and signals unplanned machine stops using the corresponding colour. The machine can be networked with KM.ON’s secure cloud via the k.ey device to utilise the KARL MAYER GROUP’s digital solutions. This includes, for example, the web-based lapping editor CORE LITE.

At the end of last year, KARL MAYER launched the TM 4 EL – a new, highly flexible machine for the mid-range segment in the four-bar tricot machine sector. The machine produces fabrics for upholstery, automotive interiors and outerwear, as well as sportswear items and home textiles.

Featuring KARL MAYER’s proven CFRP technology, the TM 4 EL is up to 30% faster than the previous four-bar tricot machine designed for the commodity sector.

The new TM 4 EL is offered in gauges E 28 and E 32. The available working widths are 210” and 280”, with a working width extension also available. Further width varieties are also planned. Equipment highlights include an integrated Laser Stop to detect yarn breakages early, and functional LED lighting, which illuminates the warp knitting area for easy handling and signals unplanned machine stops using the corresponding colour. The machine can be networked with KM.ON’s secure cloud via the k.ey device to utilise the KARL MAYER GROUP’s digital solutions. This includes, for example, the web-based lapping editor CORE LITE.



flat knitting machine © Knitwear Lab

Knitwear Lab relies on CREATE PLUS patterning software by STOLL

The Dutch company Knitwear Lab helps visions become reality. The creative think tank offers capacities in the areas of R&D, design, knitwear development and production of prototypes and small quantities and has thus implemented a wide range of projects in recent years. The objects range from medical products and high-tech sportswear to smart textiles with integrated sensors. Sustainability activities are also part of the repertoire, such as the production of yarns from recycled waste.

The Dutch company Knitwear Lab helps visions become reality. The creative think tank offers capacities in the areas of R&D, design, knitwear development and production of prototypes and small quantities and has thus implemented a wide range of projects in recent years. The objects range from medical products and high-tech sportswear to smart textiles with integrated sensors. Sustainability activities are also part of the repertoire, such as the production of yarns from recycled waste.

Knitwear Lab operates at two locations for its diverse tasks: Almere in the Netherlandsis available for development work. In Istanbul, there is a branch for production. Both Knitwear Lab sites each have five STOLL flat knitting machines, including models from the modern ADF range. Prototypes are produced in Almere and there is small-scale production. The production plant in Istanbul specializes in the manufacture of high-quality knitwear in small quantities. STOLL is also involved in the creative processes. For the industrial development of knitwear, Knitwear Lab offers Virtual Knitting, a revolutionary method that combines virtual and physical elements of pattern development and knitwear production to reduce waste and pre-production steps. Customers can use Virtual Knitting to create realistic, producible collections, simplify their design iteration processes and take advantage of the wide range of real-life colorways. The basis for this is comprehensive knitwear expertise, the latest 3D software and the CREATE PLUS patterning software, which was developed by STOLL together with KM.ON.

"The 3D visualization of CREATE simplifies communication with the customer considerably. We use this function every day," says Annika Klaas, Senior Knitwear Programmer. She personally appreciates the uncomplicated grading and exchange of stitch dimensions and the much faster and more efficient work with Dimensioned Shapes that this makes possible. This helps her in her day-to-day work. "We often have requests to realize the same product in different yarns, which now works much faster," says the programmer. Further simplifications would include minor optimizations in terms of the efficiency and user-friendliness of programming and additional import and export options for shapes. Discussions on implementation are already underway.



KARL MAYER STOLL: CREATE PLUS for production of Knitted traditional clothing (c) Astrifa

KARL MAYER STOLL: CREATE PLUS for production of Knitted traditional clothing

  • Astrifa GmbH relies on CREATE PLUS for the production of its knitted traditional clothing

Astrifa GmbH was founded in 1948 in Lower Bavaria, moved to its current location in 1953 and began specializing in traditional costume clothing in 1978. The company has around 70 employees and produces around 700 items for men, women and children every week. The finest merino wool from England is processed and the machinery consists exclusively of STOLL machines, in total 17 flat knitting machines, including the latest representatives of the ADF and CMS series. Astrifa also relies on pioneering solutions when it comes to programming the machines: CREATE PLUS is used alongside other patterning systems.

  • Astrifa GmbH relies on CREATE PLUS for the production of its knitted traditional clothing

Astrifa GmbH was founded in 1948 in Lower Bavaria, moved to its current location in 1953 and began specializing in traditional costume clothing in 1978. The company has around 70 employees and produces around 700 items for men, women and children every week. The finest merino wool from England is processed and the machinery consists exclusively of STOLL machines, in total 17 flat knitting machines, including the latest representatives of the ADF and CMS series. Astrifa also relies on pioneering solutions when it comes to programming the machines: CREATE PLUS is used alongside other patterning systems.

The CREATE PLUS software combines a full-featured, advanced programming system with an easy-to-learn user interface, revolutionizing the programming of STOLL flat knitting machines. This has also aroused great interest at ITMA 2023. New versions are released every four months; in addition to many detailed improvements, the current release contains a greatly expanded system for multi-part knitting compared to the previous software and an extensive option for creating reports and statistics.


KARL MAYER Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH

Groz-Beckert and Mayer & Cie. develop sinker and energy-saving needle (c) Groz-Beckert KG
Relanit sinker SNK F

Groz-Beckert and Mayer & Cie. develop sinker and energy-saving needle

Together with the German circular knitting machine builder Mayer & Cie., Groz-Beckert has developed the optimized Relanit sinker SNK F over the past years. Independently of this, the development of the new LCmax™ energy-saving needles took place. The focus of both developments is on efficiency, energy savings and increased process reliability.

Groz-Beckert offers interested machine builders different cooperation options to jointly develop new products or optimize existing ones. The Groz-Beckert Technology and Development Center (TEZ) provides the appropriate framework for so-called co-development projects. At the ITMA in Milan in June 2023, Groz-Beckert presented some of the successful cooperations under the motto "Innovation through cooperation". Among them were two new developments realized with Mayer & Cie. Groz-Beckert presented the two new products for the first time in Asia at ITMA Asia in November 2023.

Together with the German circular knitting machine builder Mayer & Cie., Groz-Beckert has developed the optimized Relanit sinker SNK F over the past years. Independently of this, the development of the new LCmax™ energy-saving needles took place. The focus of both developments is on efficiency, energy savings and increased process reliability.

Groz-Beckert offers interested machine builders different cooperation options to jointly develop new products or optimize existing ones. The Groz-Beckert Technology and Development Center (TEZ) provides the appropriate framework for so-called co-development projects. At the ITMA in Milan in June 2023, Groz-Beckert presented some of the successful cooperations under the motto "Innovation through cooperation". Among them were two new developments realized with Mayer & Cie. Groz-Beckert presented the two new products for the first time in Asia at ITMA Asia in November 2023.

Optimized Relanit sinker SNK F
At the end of 2018, circular knitting machine manufacturer Mayer & Cie. approached Groz-Beckert with a request to jointly develop an improved and more efficient sinker for selected machines of their Relanit family that would run more smoothly and reliably in the needle tricks. The innovative sinker has an integral spring with a spring force that is adapted to the sinker thickness. Field tests were consistently successful and confirmed the functionality and advantages of the new sinker.

Thanks to their adapted spring, the newly developed SNK F Relanit sinkers are securely guided while they are running through the cam track, resulting in a quieter operation. This increases process reliability and ensures an improved loop structure. In addition, wear on the swivel butts of the sinkers is reduced. This increases service life and makes the process more sustainable and cost-efficient.

Higher energy efficiency thanks to LCmax™
The objective second recent cooperation with Mayer & Cie. was to develop a cost-effective energy-saving needle. After considering various variants, the common choice of Mayer & Cie. and Groz-Beckert was the LCmax™ knitting machine needle with innovative, wave-shaped shank geometry. The first prototypes were extensively tested on laboratory machines at Groz-Beckert's TEZ.

The wave-shaped shank of the LCmax™ needle ensures a smaller contact area of the needle in the needle trick. This results in less friction, which reduces machine temperature and enables energy savings of up to 20 percent compared to a standard needle. This saves costs and at the same time allows operation of the machine at the maximum possible speed.

In both projects, the cooperation between Mayer & Cie. and Groz-Beckert went far beyond mere product development. In addition to Applications Engineering and Construction, the companies' Sales and Purchasing departments were also involved in a close exchange.


Groz-Beckert KG

(c) KARL MAYER Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH

KARL MAYER GROUP startet Projekt mit Institut für Produktentwicklung am KIT

KARL MAYER GROUP startet mit seinem Geschäftsbereich Wirkmaschinen das Projekt „Integrierte Produktentwicklung“ zusammen mit dem IPEK – Institut für Produktentwicklung am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT).

Das gemeinsame Projekt kombiniert Praxis und Forschung und startete am 12. Oktober 2023 mit einem Kick-off-Meeting am Hauptsitz der KARL MAYER GROUP in Obertshausen. Hauptakteure sind 42 IPEK-Studierende, die in sieben Teams getrennt voneinander in einer kompakten Schaffensphase exklusiv Lösungen für eine einheitlich vom Unternehmen gestellte Innovationsaufgabe entwickeln. Die Ergebnisse – je ein Prototyp pro Arbeitsgruppe – sind bereits im Februar 2024 zu präsentieren. Zudem werden vielfältige positive Impulse für die Entwicklungstätigkeit im eigenen Hause erwartet, denn Innovationen brauchen neben guten Ideen auch zielführende Methoden.

KARL MAYER GROUP startet mit seinem Geschäftsbereich Wirkmaschinen das Projekt „Integrierte Produktentwicklung“ zusammen mit dem IPEK – Institut für Produktentwicklung am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT).

Das gemeinsame Projekt kombiniert Praxis und Forschung und startete am 12. Oktober 2023 mit einem Kick-off-Meeting am Hauptsitz der KARL MAYER GROUP in Obertshausen. Hauptakteure sind 42 IPEK-Studierende, die in sieben Teams getrennt voneinander in einer kompakten Schaffensphase exklusiv Lösungen für eine einheitlich vom Unternehmen gestellte Innovationsaufgabe entwickeln. Die Ergebnisse – je ein Prototyp pro Arbeitsgruppe – sind bereits im Februar 2024 zu präsentieren. Zudem werden vielfältige positive Impulse für die Entwicklungstätigkeit im eigenen Hause erwartet, denn Innovationen brauchen neben guten Ideen auch zielführende Methoden.

Prototypen, methodisches Know-how und mehr
Gegenstand der Aufgabe bei KARL MAYER ist die Wirkmaschine. Sie ist gezielt zu optimieren, damit sie die Nutzungsansprüche der Kunden von morgen erfüllt. Der Blick in die Zukunft soll dabei bis ins Jahr 2030 reichen.
Knut Wantzen, der interne Auftraggeber des Vorhabens, erhofft sich Inspirationen durch den Blick von außen und Lerneffekte. „Wir erfahren mehr über das Vorgehen hinter einem perfekten Innovationsprozess und über neueste Produktentwicklungsmethoden und bekommen Ideen, was damit möglich ist“, sagt der Leiter der Abteilung Advanced Features bei KARL MAYER.
Bei der Lösung der gestellten Aufgabe nutzen die Youngsters neuestes Organisations-Know-how und moderne Entwicklungsmethoden des IPEK – Forschungsschwerpunkte des Instituts – sowie bewährte Tools aus ähnlichen Vorhaben. Das Projekt gibt es bereits seit 25 Jahren. Es läuft jedes Jahr einmal mit einem anderen ausgewählten Partner, darunter große Unternehmen wie BMW, Bosch, TRUMPF und Hilti. KARL MAYER freut sich, 2023 dabei zu sein.
Darüber hinaus versprechen sich Knut Wantzen und Projektleiterin Alexandra Bahnmann positive Effekte beim Brand-Building und bei der Akquisition von Fachkräften. „An dem begehrten Praxis-Projekt des IPEK nehmen nur ausgewählte, leistungsstarke, top-ausgebildete Studierende teil – eine gute Gelegenheit für uns, sich ihnen als innovativer Arbeitgeber zu präsentieren“, sagt die Innovationsmanagerin bei KARL MAYER.

Bewährtes Vorgehen bei anspruchsvoller Aufgabe
Alle Arbeiten für das anspruchsvolle Ziel liegen in den Händen der Studierenden. Von der Marktanalyse bis zum Bau des Prototyps erfolgt alles in Eigenregie der angehenden Maschinenbauer, Wirtschaftsingenieure, Mechatroniker und Elektroniker – und nach einem straffen Fahrplan.
Beim Kick-off im Oktober bei der KARL MAYER GROUP erfuhren die Fachkräfte in spe erstmals, wer ihr Auftraggeber ist. Sie lernten das Unternehmen bei einer maschinennahen Werksführung kennen und konnten bei einer Abendveranstaltung wichtige Kontakte knüpfen. Gleich darauf ging’s zurück zum IPEK, zum Start der eigentlichen Arbeit. In mehreren Phasen werden Recherchen durchgeführt, Potenziale abgeschätzt, Szenarien entwickelt und Trends analysiert. Es entstehen Ideen und Konzepte, die etappenweise nach regelmäßigen Meilenstein-Meetings mit der KARL MAYER GROUP priorisiert und konkretisiert werden. Die Entscheidungen für den jeweils nächsten Schritt trifft ein Komitee des Auftraggebers.

Die Resultate, sieben Prototypen, werden im Februar 2024 bei einer Abschlussveranstaltung mit In-house-Messe am IPEK in Karlsruhe vorgestellt.


KARL MAYER Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH


Brückner, Groz-Beckert, Karl Mayer and Thies invite to warp knitting symposium in India

The German companies Brückner, Groz-Beckert, the Karl Mayer Group and Thies invite representatives of the Indian textile industry to a symposium with presentations and discussion panels in Surat, India, on October 11 and 12, 2023. The event will be held at the Marriott Hotel Surat and will focus on the current demand trend for warp knitted elastic fabrics.

The demand for warp knitted elastic fabrics has increased rapidly in the past two to three years. On the one hand, this offers the Indian textile industry new growth opportunities and the chance to establish itself in a leading position in the growing market. On the other hand, the turnaround also holds challenges as the production steps involved in manufacture of warp knitted elastic fabrics are strikingly different from the conventional methods.

The German companies Brückner, Groz-Beckert, the Karl Mayer Group and Thies invite representatives of the Indian textile industry to a symposium with presentations and discussion panels in Surat, India, on October 11 and 12, 2023. The event will be held at the Marriott Hotel Surat and will focus on the current demand trend for warp knitted elastic fabrics.

The demand for warp knitted elastic fabrics has increased rapidly in the past two to three years. On the one hand, this offers the Indian textile industry new growth opportunities and the chance to establish itself in a leading position in the growing market. On the other hand, the turnaround also holds challenges as the production steps involved in manufacture of warp knitted elastic fabrics are strikingly different from the conventional methods.

In order to provide the Indian warp knitting industry with optimum support in this change, Brückner, Groz-Beckert, Karl Mayer and Thies are inviting participants to a specialist symposium on the subject of "Production of Warp Knitted Elastic Fabric". Industry experts, stakeholders and textile visionaries are invited to share their insights and experiences with the guests.

The aim of the symposium is to provide a platform where knowledge can be exchanged and cooperation intensified. The symposium offers a wide variety of technical presentations as well as best practice examples and showcases technologies and innovations in warp knitting technology.

Those interested in attending the symposium may contact Vinod Kumar (Brückner & Thies), Dipak Panhalkar (Groz-Beckert) or Apurva Jariwala (Karl Mayer) to register.


Groz-Beckert KG

Karl Mayer Office in Bursa Photo Karl Mayer Group
Office in Bursa

KARL MAYER GROUP sets up Turkish subsidiary

The KARL MAYER GROUP is intensifying its business activities in Turkey and is setting up a subsidiary in Bursa. The opening of the new site is planned for October 2023.

The company's success on the market to date has been made possible to a large extent by its close and long-standing cooperation with Erko, the KARL MAYER GROUP's regional representative. The two companies have been cooperating for more than 50 years and see further positive market development in Turkey in the medium to long term.

In order to exploit and shape the potential, they will sharpen the focus of their competences in the Warp Knitting and Warp Preparation Business Units: Erko A.S. will focus on sales, taking advantage of its long-standing regional network. The KARL MAYER GROUP will take over the after-sales service and offer customers a link to the Care Solutions world of the group. Customers benefit from next-level support with many innovative solutions, especially digital ones, for meeting the challenges of our time. At the same time, they can continue to build on the tried and trusted.

The KARL MAYER GROUP is intensifying its business activities in Turkey and is setting up a subsidiary in Bursa. The opening of the new site is planned for October 2023.

The company's success on the market to date has been made possible to a large extent by its close and long-standing cooperation with Erko, the KARL MAYER GROUP's regional representative. The two companies have been cooperating for more than 50 years and see further positive market development in Turkey in the medium to long term.

In order to exploit and shape the potential, they will sharpen the focus of their competences in the Warp Knitting and Warp Preparation Business Units: Erko A.S. will focus on sales, taking advantage of its long-standing regional network. The KARL MAYER GROUP will take over the after-sales service and offer customers a link to the Care Solutions world of the group. Customers benefit from next-level support with many innovative solutions, especially digital ones, for meeting the challenges of our time. At the same time, they can continue to build on the tried and trusted.

The headquarters in Bursa covers just under 1,000 m² on three levels. It offers space for service, an academy with textile samples and a training machine, a workshop for minor repairs and a warehouse for the spare parts business. Located in the top-selling region in Turkey, it is also designed as a contact point for customers.

Thanks to its strong position on the Turkish market, the KARL MAYER GROUP intends to support the companies here, most of which are family-run, in the forthcoming generational changes, and to provide the next generation with specialist support and qualifications.

More information:
Karl Mayer Gruppe Turkey

Karl Mayer Group

Gabriela Schelnner, Karl Mayer Group (c) Karl Mayer Group
Gabriela Schelnner, Karl Mayer Group

Südwolle Group and KARL MAYER GROUP cooperate to unlock the potential of merino wool

The KARL MAYER GROUP and the Südwolle Group have joined forces in a project to explore the possibilities of merino wool for warp knitting technology. The project was triggered by the increasing demand for textiles made from sustainable and environmentally friendly materials. The cooperation was to develop innovative fabrics from renewable raw materials for use in underwear and functional sportswear. The focus of the work was on the use of wool as a material with excellent comfort properties and the look and feel of lightweight single jersey goods. The natural fiber fabric qualities are not typical for warp knitting processing, so the challenges during the project work were diverse.

The KARL MAYER GROUP and the Südwolle Group have joined forces in a project to explore the possibilities of merino wool for warp knitting technology. The project was triggered by the increasing demand for textiles made from sustainable and environmentally friendly materials. The cooperation was to develop innovative fabrics from renewable raw materials for use in underwear and functional sportswear. The focus of the work was on the use of wool as a material with excellent comfort properties and the look and feel of lightweight single jersey goods. The natural fiber fabric qualities are not typical for warp knitting processing, so the challenges during the project work were diverse.

Merino wool yarns with good running properties
Regarding the choice of material, the product development team of Südwolle Group recommended the Hidalgo yarn from their product portfolio. The yarn was created using the in-house developed Betaspun technology, in which a filament was twisted around a merino core. When natural fibres such as wool, cotton or silk are combined with sustainable fibres such as biodegradable polyamide as the filament, the spinning process can create durable, lightweight yarns that disintegrate completely without residue after use. The yarns made from the two components also have good running properties for use in warp knitting. "The polyamide content of the yarn increases its tenacity, reduces hairiness and makes it an excellent choice for warp knitting technology," confirmed Gabriela Schellner from KARL MAYER's Textile Product Development Department.

Shape stability paired with single jersey "look and feel"
The Hidalgo yarn, which is made from merino wool, was processed on a warp knitting machine using a carefully thought-out lapping selection to produce a light, soft fabric which, above all, retains its shape. The textile specialists at KARL MAYER had experimented with two different single bar fabric qualities beforehand and had thus adopted a new approach for jersey machines.

The first results are promising. Now more trials are needed to perfect the technique. Development partners are needed, including fabric producers, brands, and garment manufacturers, with whom the fabric qualities, machine equipment and orientation to the end applications can be refined. The KARL MAYER GROUP and the Südwolle Group are also unanimous in their desire to push the boundaries of what is possible with merino wool and knitting technology and to develop new solutions for the textile industry through further project work.


Karl Mayer Group