From the Sector

5968 results

Lenzing implements performance program in response to lack of market recovery

  • Revenue of EUR 1.87 bn and EBITDA of EUR 219.1 mn in the first three quarters of 2023
  • Positive free cash flow of EUR 27.3 mn in the third quarter
  • Implementation of performance program focusing on positive free cash flow, strengthened sales and margin growth and sustainable cost excellence
  • Modernization and conversion of Indonesian site successfully completed – EU Ecolabel received

The anticipated recovery in markets relevant for the Lenzing Group has to date failed to materialize. The continued sharp increase in raw material and energy costs on the one hand and very subdued demand on the other had a negative impact on Lenzing’s business trends as well as on industry as a whole during the reporting period.

  • Revenue of EUR 1.87 bn and EBITDA of EUR 219.1 mn in the first three quarters of 2023
  • Positive free cash flow of EUR 27.3 mn in the third quarter
  • Implementation of performance program focusing on positive free cash flow, strengthened sales and margin growth and sustainable cost excellence
  • Modernization and conversion of Indonesian site successfully completed – EU Ecolabel received

The anticipated recovery in markets relevant for the Lenzing Group has to date failed to materialize. The continued sharp increase in raw material and energy costs on the one hand and very subdued demand on the other had a negative impact on Lenzing’s business trends as well as on industry as a whole during the reporting period.

Revenue in the first three quarters of 2023 decreased by 5.3 percent year-on-year to EUR 1.87 bn. This reduction was primarily due to lower fiber revenues, while pulp revenues were up. The earnings trend was mainly influenced by the market environment. As a consequence, earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) in the reporting period decreased by 16.7 percent year-on-year to EUR 219.1 mn. The net result after tax amounted to minus EUR 96.7 mn (compared with EUR 74.9 mn in the first three quarters of 2022), while earnings per share amounted to minus EUR 4.90 (compared with EUR 2.16 in the first three quarters of 2022).

According to the IMF, a full return of the global economy to pre-pandemic growth rates appears increasingly out of reach in the coming quarters. In addition to the consequences of the pandemic and the ongoing war in Ukraine, growth is also being influenced by restrictive monetary policy and extreme weather events. The consequences of the renewed military confrontation in the Middle East are not yet foreseeable. Overall, the IMF warns of greater risks to global financial stability, and expects the growth rate to decrease to 3 percent this year and to 2.9 percent next year.

The currency environment is expected to remain volatile in the regions of relevance to Lenzing.

The general market environment is continuing to weigh on the consumer climate and on sentiment in the industries relevant to Lenzing.

In the trend-setting market for cotton, the current 2023/24 crop season is emerging as a further 1.7 mn tonnes of inventory build-up, following 1.8 mn tonnes of inventory build-up in the previous season.

Earnings visibility remains severely limited overall.

Lenzing is fully on track with the implementation of the reorganization and cost reduction program and on this basis is implementing a comprehensive performance program focused on positive free cash flow, strengthened sales and margin growth as well as sustainable cost excellence. The overarching goal is to position Lenzing even more strongly and to further increase its crisis resilience.

In structural terms, Lenzing continues to anticipate growth in demand for environmentally responsible fibers for the textile and clothing industry as well as the hygiene and medical sectors. As a consequence, Lenzing is very well positioned with its “Better Growth” strategy and plans to continue driving growth with specialty fibers as well as its sustainability goals, including the trans-formation from a linear to a circular economy model.

The successful implementation of the key projects in Thailand and Brazil as well as the investment projects in China and Indonesia will further strengthen Lenzing’s positioning in this respect.

Taking the aforementioned factors into consideration, the Lenzing Group continues to expect that EBITDA for the 2023 financial year will lie in a range between EUR 270 mn and EUR 330 mn.


Lenzing AG

A+A 2023 Photo: Messe Düsseldorf, Constanze Tillmann

A+A 2023: Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit im Fokus

Die A+A 2023 setzte unter dem Leitmotiv „Impulse für eine bessere Arbeitswelt" nach vier Messetagen Maßstäbe und knüpfte an den Erfolg ihrer Vorveranstaltungen an. Insgesamt 2.200 ausstellende Unternehmen aus 58 Nationen präsentierten in 12 Hallen auf mehr als 80.000 Quadratmetern ihre Produkte und Innovationen. Rund 62.000 Fachbesucherinnen und -besucher aus 140 Ländern kamen nach Düsseldorf, um auf der Leitmesse Informationen zu den relevanten Themen rund um die Arbeitswelt zu erhalten. 96,4% der Besucherinnen und Besucher bestätigten, dass ihre Erwartungen an den Messebesuch mehr als erfüllt wurden.

Die A+A 2023 setzte unter dem Leitmotiv „Impulse für eine bessere Arbeitswelt" nach vier Messetagen Maßstäbe und knüpfte an den Erfolg ihrer Vorveranstaltungen an. Insgesamt 2.200 ausstellende Unternehmen aus 58 Nationen präsentierten in 12 Hallen auf mehr als 80.000 Quadratmetern ihre Produkte und Innovationen. Rund 62.000 Fachbesucherinnen und -besucher aus 140 Ländern kamen nach Düsseldorf, um auf der Leitmesse Informationen zu den relevanten Themen rund um die Arbeitswelt zu erhalten. 96,4% der Besucherinnen und Besucher bestätigten, dass ihre Erwartungen an den Messebesuch mehr als erfüllt wurden.

Erfolgsfaktor: Hohe Themenrelevanz, Vollständigkeit des Angebots und Innovationsgehalt
Besonders hervorzuheben sind die Innovationen im Bereich der Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelt, die auf der Messe erstmalig vorgestellt wurden. Smart Wearables und PSA, Bestell-Apps für Gefahrenstoffmanagement, KI-basierte Gesundheitscoaches sowie Virtual Reality Anwendungen und Exoskelette sind Beispiele für Technologien, die die Arbeitswelt in eine digitale und nachhaltige Richtung führen. Diese Entwicklungen unterstützen nicht nur die Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz, sondern tragen auch zur Effizienzsteigerung und zur Schaffung gesünderer Arbeitsumgebungen bei.

Hochkarätige, internationale Kongresse auf der A+A 2023
Der 38. Internationale Kongress für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin der Basi mit rund 3.000 Kongressbesucherinnen und -besuchern griff Zukunftsthemen wie Künstliche Intelligenz und die Folgen des Klimawandels auf. Als international führende Fachveranstaltung präsentierte er nationale und globale politische Vorstöße und Präventionsstrategien wie die "Vision Zero" sowie arbeitswissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse anwendungsorientierter Forschung. Dr. Christian Felten, Geschäftsführer der Basi, zeigt sich zufrieden mit dem Ergebnis des 38. A+A Kongresses: „Wir freuen uns darüber, dass die qualitativ hochwertigen Beiträge unserer mehr als 320 Referierenden in den 46 Sessions so viele interessierte Zuhörerinnen und Zuhörer fanden.“

Auf der WearRAcon Europe Konferenz, der europäischen Ausgabe der WearRAcon Konferenz in den USA, die erstmalig auf der A+A 2023 stattfand, präsentierten und diskutierten Experten aus Forschung und Entwicklung sowie Unternehmen über Innovationen und Trends im Bereich der Exoskelett-Technologie.

Vielfältiges Rahmenprogramm
Foren und Events wie die Corporate Fashion Show, die viermal täglich in Halle 15 stattfand, ergänzten das Messeprogramm. Auf dem A+A Catwalk präsentierten sich namhafte Hersteller der PSA Branche mit den aktuellsten, modischen Trends, die für eine jüngere Generation von Mitarbeitenden kreiert worden sind und die neben Funktionalität und Nachhaltigkeit auch dem Wunsch nach einem persönlichen und ästhetischen Stil Rechnung tragen.

Die Start-up Zone bot jungen und innovativen Unternehmen nicht nur eine Ausstellungsfläche, sondern auch eine außergewöhnliche Networking-Plattform, um mit den Top-Entscheidern für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitssicherheit in Kontakt zu treten.

Die nächste A+A findet vom 04. bis 07. November 2025 statt.


Messe Düsseldorf


bvse und DIHK kritisieren falsche Anreize des WPG

Die einhundertprozentige Gleichsetzung von thermischer Abwärme aus Abfallverbrennungsanlagen mit Erneuerbarer Energie steht nicht nur im Widerspruch zu EEG und BEHG, sie gefährdet zudem die Einhaltung der Abfallhierarchie und dient nicht dem angestrebten Ziel der Klimaneutralität.

In einer gemeinsamen Stellungnahme haben sich bvse und die Deutsche Industrie- und Handelskammer (DIHK) an die federführenden Bundestags-Ausschüsse gewandt, in denen das Gesetz für die Wärmeplanung und zur Dekarbonisierung der Wärmenetze (WPG) im nächsten Schritt beraten wird.

Die einhundertprozentige Gleichsetzung von thermischer Abwärme aus Abfallverbrennungsanlagen mit Erneuerbarer Energie steht nicht nur im Widerspruch zu EEG und BEHG, sie gefährdet zudem die Einhaltung der Abfallhierarchie und dient nicht dem angestrebten Ziel der Klimaneutralität.

In einer gemeinsamen Stellungnahme haben sich bvse und die Deutsche Industrie- und Handelskammer (DIHK) an die federführenden Bundestags-Ausschüsse gewandt, in denen das Gesetz für die Wärmeplanung und zur Dekarbonisierung der Wärmenetze (WPG) im nächsten Schritt beraten wird.

Nach dem Gebäudeenergiegesetz (GEG) setzt nun auch der Entwurf des WPG (Gesetz für die Wärmeplanung und zur Dekarbonisierung der Wärmenetze) im Ergebnis die Energieerzeugung aus der Abwärme thermischer Abfallbehandlungsanlagen zu 100 Prozent der der sogenannten Erneuerbaren Energien gleich. Ein Umstand, den bvse-Hauptgeschäftsführer Eric Rehbock vehement kritisiert:
"Im deutschen Restmüll befinden sich laut Umweltbundesamt lediglich rund 32 Prozent Anteile, die nicht mehr stofflich wiederverwertet werden können und nur noch für die energetische Verwertung geeignet sind. Durchschnittlich 68 Prozent des Restmülls dagegen besteht aus Wertstoffen, die durch entsprechende Getrenntsammlung und Aufbereitung als neue Ressourcen dem Wirtschaftskreislauf wieder zur Verfügung gestellt werden können. Mit der Anerkennung thermischer Abwärme als Erneuerbarer Energie, wie jetzt auch im WPG vorgesehen, würden falsche Anreize „Pro“ Müllverbrennung gesetzt. Die eigentlich politisch gewollte Lenkungswirkung für mehr Kreislaufwirtschaft geht so verloren, im Ergebnis wird mehr CO2 freigesetzt und der Sicherung unserer Rohstoffversorgung wird eine wichtige Quelle entzogen. Dass der Entwurf des WPG  an dieser Stelle der falschen Logik des GEG folgt, macht den Umstand keinesfalls besser, dass zugunsten kommunaler Interessen sowohl der Kreislaufwirtschaft als auch allen Bemühungen zur EU-Klimaneutralität Steine in den Weg gelegt werden“, erklärt bvse-Hauptgeschäftsführer Eric Rehbock.

Die 100 %-Regelung des WPG steht darüber hinaus im Widerspruch zum Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz (EEG). Dort gilt der bislang nicht förderfähige Strom aus Müllverbrennungsanlagen nur zu etwa 50 Prozent als erneuerbar. „Es ist nicht nachvollziehbar, warum die Energie aus der Müllverbrennungsanlage in verschiedenen Gesetzen derart unterschiedlich bewertet werden sollte“, machen der bvse-Hauptgeschäftsführer sowie der stellvertretende Hauptgeschäftsführer der DIHK, Dr. Achim Dercks, in ihrer gemeinsamen Stellungnahme deutlich.

Da nur rund 32 Prozent des Restmülls, der tatsächlich nicht mehr verwertet werden kann, nach der Abfallhierarchie für eine thermische Behandlung in Frage kommt, müsste entsprechend auch die Anrechnung als Erneuerbare Energie in Höhe dieser realen bzw. realistischen Größenordnungen erfolgen: „Wir plädieren für eine entsprechende Änderung der Bewertungen von Wärme aus thermischer Abfallverwertung zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt“, und das über alle relevanten gesetzlichen Regelwerke, also auch EEG und GEG, hinweg, lautet die Forderung von bvse und DIHK.

„Es ist an der Zeit, Kreislaufwirtschaft und Energiewirtschaft zusammenzuführen und das Abfallrecht mit dem Energierecht ordnungspolitisch konsistent und sachgerecht zu verzahnen“, betont bvse-Hauptgeschäftsführer Eric Rehbock. Er zeigt sich zuversichtlich, dass im Parlamentarischen Verfahren doch noch ein Umdenken und entsprechende Regelungen „Pro“ Kreislaufwirtschaft erfolgen.

.Dolkrey 'Cosmic Summer' collection - photo by Elzo Bonam .Dolkrey 'Cosmic Summer' collection - photo by Elzo Bonam

Fashion for Good Museum: New pop-up exhibition

The Fashion for Good Museum has opened its doors for the new pop-up exhibition News From The Future. As part of a new Educational Programme and Toolkit - developed by the Fashion for Good Museum team - a selection of up-and-coming talents composed of Dutch fashion students and emerging designers have been asked to respond to the question: “what could the future of fashion look like?” Their answers are revealed in the exhibition in the form of garments, videos, installations and more. This is a future-forward exhibition where you can explore different fashion perspectives beyond the climate crisis, giving hope and, perhaps, a reality check.

Post-consumer waste, overconsumption and the pollution of our waterways are just some of the industry issues we are currently facing. Mirrored against rising temperatures and increasingly unstable weather conditions, the global shift as a result of climate change is inevitable. What does this mean for our future generations? How do we move forward from here? This raises one central question: What does the future of fashion look like?

The Fashion for Good Museum has opened its doors for the new pop-up exhibition News From The Future. As part of a new Educational Programme and Toolkit - developed by the Fashion for Good Museum team - a selection of up-and-coming talents composed of Dutch fashion students and emerging designers have been asked to respond to the question: “what could the future of fashion look like?” Their answers are revealed in the exhibition in the form of garments, videos, installations and more. This is a future-forward exhibition where you can explore different fashion perspectives beyond the climate crisis, giving hope and, perhaps, a reality check.

Post-consumer waste, overconsumption and the pollution of our waterways are just some of the industry issues we are currently facing. Mirrored against rising temperatures and increasingly unstable weather conditions, the global shift as a result of climate change is inevitable. What does this mean for our future generations? How do we move forward from here? This raises one central question: What does the future of fashion look like?

News From The Future, the new exhibition at the Fashion for Good Museum, invited Dutch students and new creative voices to reflect on these questions. The emphasis on emerging talent is a common thread throughout the exhibition’s and the look and feel is designed by upcoming graphic designer Sara Biatchinyi.

Participating artists and designers include students from art and fashion schools across the Netherlands from the University of the Arts Utrecht, Zadkine MBO, MBO Rijnland and Saxion College. The students’ work was chosen after they participated in the educational programme “Classroom of the Future: the Stories Behind Cotton”. This programme was developed by the Fashion for Good Museum’s Curator and Education Coordinator Alyxandra Westwood and Education and Fashion consultant in sustainability Yophi Ignacia founder of The Future Mode, in collaboration with the aforementioned schools.

To further enhance these narratives, and to facilitate and promote a space for connection between emerging talent, the Museum invited Current Obsession Magazine - an interdisciplinary jewellery platform and magazine - to co-curate an installation and reflect on the future of jewellery. Over the course of the exhibition the Fashion for Good Museum will come to life hosting an art auction, panel discussion and a weekly updated installation, showcasing emerging talent. All of these elements together will collectively address the sustainable and regenerative design practices in both the Fashion and Jewellery industries.

Designer Kevin Paraiso (Paris/Benin) showcases a creative workshop in the museum, featuring looks from his Cosmic Summer .Dolkrey collection, which was presented during Spring/Summer ‘23 of Paris Fashion Week. “Cosmic Summer reflects on our desire to bring vibrant colours and a sense of uplift to the fashion of today and tomorrow. A cosmic news from the future.” A hopeful collection, with future-forward elements seamlessly integrated from the use of deadstock, circular materials and an on-demand tailoring business model with inhouse printing - presents a positive outlook.

Launching “Classroom of the Future: The Stories Behind Cotton”
The educational programme “Classroom of the Future: the Stories Behind Cotton'' has been developed into an open source toolkit for MBO and HBO education. The toolkit is live and available to download from the Fashion for Good Museum website as of the 30th of November 2023.

It consists of a set of six lessons all exploring the various aspects of cotton with specific emphasis on people and planet. The toolkit brings together different forms of interactive tools for the classroom: videos, podcasts,  lesson plans and workshops. The content shows the perspective of local and international makers and innovators working to create a better and fairer fashion system.
The programme was part of and based on the previous museum exhibition Knowing Cotton Otherwise (2022-’23) and invited students to reflect on the  exhibition themes - water, transparency, agriculture, climate, processing, origin, labour/forced labour and end-of-use - through their own perspective. The educational methodology and goals within the programme were developed to level the field between MBO and HBO students, reflecting a more realistic image of what it's like working in the professional field. During the programme students worked together equally, challenging the segregated Dutch education system and aiming for new results.

News From The Future is open to the public at the Fashion for Good Museum at Rokin 102 in Amsterdam.


Fashion for Good

Blick in ein Lagerhaus für biologische Rohbaumwolle im Cotonea-Partnerprojekt in Uganda ©Cotonea Klaus Mellenthin
Blick in ein Lagerhaus für biologische Rohbaumwolle im Cotonea-Partnerprojekt in Uganda

Bio-Baumwollmarke Cotonea feiert 20-jähriges Jubiläum

Elmer & Zweifel, das Familienunternehmen für Baumwolltextilien aus dem schwäbischen Bempflingen, hat 2003 Cotonea als Marke für ökologische und faire Baumwoll-Produkte ins Leben gerufen. Seitdem steht Cotonea für 100 Prozent Bio, konsequente Nachhaltigkeit und hochwertige Stoffe und Textilien.

Die kompromisslose Ausrichtung auf Bio sowie die vollständige Transparenz gegenüber Kunden und Partnern sind für Cotonea wesentliche Erfolgsfaktoren. Cotonea produziert nach dem derzeit höchsten Standard „IVN Best“ und ist zusätzlich „fair for life“ zertifiziert. Dieses Gütesiegel wird für Produkte vergeben, bei denen sowohl der Rohstoffanbau als auch jede Fertigungsstufe nach sozial-fairen Gesichtspunkten erfolgen. Cotonea ist das weltweit einzige Unternehmen in der Textilbranche, das seine gesamte Herstellungskette so umfassend zertifiziert hat.

Elmer & Zweifel, das Familienunternehmen für Baumwolltextilien aus dem schwäbischen Bempflingen, hat 2003 Cotonea als Marke für ökologische und faire Baumwoll-Produkte ins Leben gerufen. Seitdem steht Cotonea für 100 Prozent Bio, konsequente Nachhaltigkeit und hochwertige Stoffe und Textilien.

Die kompromisslose Ausrichtung auf Bio sowie die vollständige Transparenz gegenüber Kunden und Partnern sind für Cotonea wesentliche Erfolgsfaktoren. Cotonea produziert nach dem derzeit höchsten Standard „IVN Best“ und ist zusätzlich „fair for life“ zertifiziert. Dieses Gütesiegel wird für Produkte vergeben, bei denen sowohl der Rohstoffanbau als auch jede Fertigungsstufe nach sozial-fairen Gesichtspunkten erfolgen. Cotonea ist das weltweit einzige Unternehmen in der Textilbranche, das seine gesamte Herstellungskette so umfassend zertifiziert hat.

Gleichzeitig macht Cotonea alle seine Lieferketten transparent und damit die Stoffe bis zum Ursprung mit einem eigenen Produktpass rückverfolgbar. Für Geschäfts- wie Privatkunden bedeutet dies umfängliche Transparenz. „Langlebige Bio-Baumwollstoffe, faire Arbeitsbedingungen und -bezahlungen sowie Rückverfolgbarkeit sind das genaue Gegenteil zum üblichen Fast-Fashion-Prinzip“, so Roland Stelzer, Geschäftsführer des 1855 gegründeten Unternehmens,. Nicht dem Mainstream und der Gewinnmaximierung, sondern der eigenen Überzeugung und Verantwortung folgen, ist seit über 20 Jahren die Haltung des Unternehmens.

1995 hat der Baumwollspezialist mit der Verarbeitung von Bio-Baumwolle begonnen und hierauf aufbauend seine Nachhaltigkeitskompetenz kontinuierlich ausgebaut. Mit der Gründung der Marke Cotonea ging die erste Vertragspartnerschaft zum Anbau von Bio-Baumwolle einher, zunächst 2004 in Kirgistan und dann 2009 in Uganda. Beide Regionen verbinden günstige klimatische Bedingungen mit ausreichend Regen. Durch die enge und langjährige Zusammenarbeit mit lokalen Partnern in Kirgistan, Uganda, Tschechien, Deutschland und der Schweiz kennt Cotonea die Stationen entlang seiner Produktionskette auf persönlicher Ebene, vom Baumwollanbau über die Spinnerei, das Weben und Stricken der Stoffe bis hin zur Veredelung und Konfektionierung. Die Eröffnung der eigenen Näherei (2013) und die Vorstellung einer eigenen Kinderbekleidungskollektion (2016) folgten. Im 2022 und 2023 veröffentlichten globalen Nachhaltigkeitsranking Material Change Index (MCI) nahm Cotonea mehrfach den ersten Platz unter den deutschen Textilmarken in den Kategorien biologisch und fair erzeugter Baumwolle ein. Der MCI stuft in seiner Gesamtbewertung Cotonea als „Führendes Unternehmen, das den Wandel in der Branche vorantreibt“ ein.

Diese Rolle als nachhaltiges und innovatives Unternehmen will Cotonea auch künftig einnehmen und engagiert sich für Projekte und Themen, die direkt oder indirekt zum Kerngeschäft gehören. Dazu zählen zum Beispiel Biodiversität und Bodengesundheit sowie innovative Projekte wie das Forschungsprojekt Textile Tracker, mit dem sich die Herkunft von Baumwolle im Labor nachweisen lässt. Auch das Pilotprojekt Textile Trust zur transparenten Nachvollziehbarkeit der Lieferkette auf Basis einer Blockchain-Technologie, bei dem IBM von Cotonea unterstützt wird, gehört dazu.



Archroma celebrated 100 years of sulfur dye innovation Photo: Archroma

Archroma celebrates Century of Sulfur Dye Innovation

Archroma celebrated 100 years of sulfur dye innovation at its manufacturing and research hub in Castellbisbal, near Barcelona in Spain.

The milestone was marked at an on-site ceremony attended by more than 250 guests, including authorities from the Catalan government, senior Archroma leaders from Spain and overseas, current and former staff, key customers and suppliers and other important stakeholders.

The Castellbisbal site traces its roots back to 1921, when Joan Cardoner Vidal founded a dye manufacturing company that was eventually bought by Sandoz, which was subsequently acquired by Clariant, and later, SK Capital to create Archroma. Its breakthroughs have helped sulfur dyeing technology become a staple in the production of denim, casual wear and workwear fabrics over the past 100 years, with excellent color fastness and cost-efficiency.

Home to a leading research center that has contributed numerous innovations, Castellbisbal is particularly known for the creation of Archroma’s DIRESUL® RDT range in the 1980’s, which entered the market as the first low sulfide pre-reduced sulfur dyes.

Archroma celebrated 100 years of sulfur dye innovation at its manufacturing and research hub in Castellbisbal, near Barcelona in Spain.

The milestone was marked at an on-site ceremony attended by more than 250 guests, including authorities from the Catalan government, senior Archroma leaders from Spain and overseas, current and former staff, key customers and suppliers and other important stakeholders.

The Castellbisbal site traces its roots back to 1921, when Joan Cardoner Vidal founded a dye manufacturing company that was eventually bought by Sandoz, which was subsequently acquired by Clariant, and later, SK Capital to create Archroma. Its breakthroughs have helped sulfur dyeing technology become a staple in the production of denim, casual wear and workwear fabrics over the past 100 years, with excellent color fastness and cost-efficiency.

Home to a leading research center that has contributed numerous innovations, Castellbisbal is particularly known for the creation of Archroma’s DIRESUL® RDT range in the 1980’s, which entered the market as the first low sulfide pre-reduced sulfur dyes.

Recently, Archroma developed the cutting-edge DIRESUL® EVOLUTION BLACK which enables a significant impact reduction in the dye synthesis, allowing for the creation of new black denim styles.
Among patented technologies from the Castellbisbal-based research team are the DIRESUL® EarthColors and FiberColors dyes, which use waste from the food and textile industries respectively as raw materials. These revolutionary innovations manufactured at Castellbisbal for customers, brands and retailers, help to advance circularity in the textile industry.

More information:
Archroma Castellbisbal sulfur dye


Albstadt ID Foto: Robin Friedrich

Erstes Branchen-Event „Albstadt ID“ voller Erfolg

Zum ersten Mal haben die textilen Studiengänge der Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen das Branchenevent „Albstadt ID“ veranstaltet. „Mit rund 800 Teilnehmenden, darunter mehrere Hundert Schülerinnen und Schüler aus ganz Deutschland sowie etliche Unternehmen, war das Ganze ein herausragender Erfolg“, so die Einschätzung von Prof. Dr. Christian Kaiser, der die „Albstadt ID“ konzipiert hat.
In Vorträgen und Laborführungen konnten sich Interessierte einen Eindruck über Innovationsthemen in der Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie verschaffen. Zahlreiche Unternehmen der Branche stellten sich dem Fachpublikum vor.

Viele Gäste und Beteiligte zeigten sich von der Veranstaltung begeistert und bezeichneten die „Albstadt ID“ als einen Tag voller Innovation und Inspiration. Hörsäle und Labore waren häufig bis auf den letzten Platz gefüllt. Bereits jetzt liegen für 2024 Anmeldungen von Schulen, Unternehmen und Sponsoren vor, obwohl der konkrete Termin noch nicht feststeht.

Zum ersten Mal haben die textilen Studiengänge der Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen das Branchenevent „Albstadt ID“ veranstaltet. „Mit rund 800 Teilnehmenden, darunter mehrere Hundert Schülerinnen und Schüler aus ganz Deutschland sowie etliche Unternehmen, war das Ganze ein herausragender Erfolg“, so die Einschätzung von Prof. Dr. Christian Kaiser, der die „Albstadt ID“ konzipiert hat.
In Vorträgen und Laborführungen konnten sich Interessierte einen Eindruck über Innovationsthemen in der Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie verschaffen. Zahlreiche Unternehmen der Branche stellten sich dem Fachpublikum vor.

Viele Gäste und Beteiligte zeigten sich von der Veranstaltung begeistert und bezeichneten die „Albstadt ID“ als einen Tag voller Innovation und Inspiration. Hörsäle und Labore waren häufig bis auf den letzten Platz gefüllt. Bereits jetzt liegen für 2024 Anmeldungen von Schulen, Unternehmen und Sponsoren vor, obwohl der konkrete Termin noch nicht feststeht.


Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen


Edina Brenner Beiratsvorsitzende der TEXOVERSUM Experts & Training Hub gGmbH

Als Plattform für Aus- und Weiterbildung in der Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie, wird die TEXOVERSUM Experts & Training Hub gGmbH auch in Zukunft eng mit der Branche in der Entwicklung ihrer Angebote zusammenarbeiten. Um diese Verbindung engmaschig zu gestalten, hat der fünfköpfige Beirat des Hubs im Oktober erstmalig getagt. Dabei wurde Südwesttextil-Hauptgeschäftsführerin Edina Brenner zur Vorsitzenden gewählt, Stewllvertreter ist Holger Bache.

Mitglieder des Beirats sind:

Als Plattform für Aus- und Weiterbildung in der Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie, wird die TEXOVERSUM Experts & Training Hub gGmbH auch in Zukunft eng mit der Branche in der Entwicklung ihrer Angebote zusammenarbeiten. Um diese Verbindung engmaschig zu gestalten, hat der fünfköpfige Beirat des Hubs im Oktober erstmalig getagt. Dabei wurde Südwesttextil-Hauptgeschäftsführerin Edina Brenner zur Vorsitzenden gewählt, Stewllvertreter ist Holger Bache.

Mitglieder des Beirats sind:

  • Holger Bache, Vice President Technical Product Development Tailoring Men & Women, Hugo Boss AG
  • Edina Brenner, Hauptgeschäftsführerin, Südwesttextil e.V.
  • Maximilian d'Huc, Senior Vice President Human Resources, CHRO HARTMANN Group, Paul Hartmann AG
  • Jochen Digel, Vorstand, Digel AG
  • Beatrice Lederer, Geschäftsführerin, Jörg Lederer GmbH

Der Beirat wird die langfristige Vision der TEXOVERSUM Experts & Training Hub gGmbH aktiv mitgestalten. Insbesondere die Schwerpunkte der Aus- und Weiterbildungsinhalte und dadurch die Akquisition und Festigung von Fachkräften für Unternehmen begleiten. Die TEXOVERSUM Experts & Training Hub gGmbH strebt eine umfassende ganzheitliche Fachkräftesicherung an, indem sie überregionale Kooperationen fördert und Maßnahmen zur Steigerung der Attraktivität von Unternehmen der Textilverarbeitung entwickelt. Gleichzeitig engagiert sie sich für die Integration von Personen, die auf dem regulären Arbeitsmarkt benachteiligt sind oder Schwierigkeiten beim Zugang zu Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten haben.


TEXOVERSUM Experts & Training Hub gGmbH


VDMA @ ITMA ASIA: Smart technologies for green textile production

At ITMA ASIA + CITME end of November in Shanghai, 40 VDMA members will present their technologies and solutions for the Chinese and Asian markets under the heading "smart technologies for green textile production". This year’s ITMA ASIA is the first major post-Corona textile machinery fair in China.

The exhibiting VDMA members cover nearly all different machinery chapters with a focus on spinning and manmade fibers, nonwovens, weaving, braiding, knitting & hosiery, finishing & dyeing and textile processing.  

The VDMA Textile Machinery Association and VDMA China will be present in the industry hub in Hall 8 zone B to support the members before and during the fair. The industry hub is also contact point for visitors who want to inform themselves about the exhibiting VDMA members. 

At ITMA ASIA + CITME end of November in Shanghai, 40 VDMA members will present their technologies and solutions for the Chinese and Asian markets under the heading "smart technologies for green textile production". This year’s ITMA ASIA is the first major post-Corona textile machinery fair in China.

The exhibiting VDMA members cover nearly all different machinery chapters with a focus on spinning and manmade fibers, nonwovens, weaving, braiding, knitting & hosiery, finishing & dyeing and textile processing.  

The VDMA Textile Machinery Association and VDMA China will be present in the industry hub in Hall 8 zone B to support the members before and during the fair. The industry hub is also contact point for visitors who want to inform themselves about the exhibiting VDMA members. 


VDMA e. V.
Textile Machinery

ITMA Asia + CITME Photo: Swissmem

15 member companies of Swiss Textile Machinery Association at upcoming ITMA Asia + CITME

In China, the textile industry is forward-looking and resilient – with a healthy appetite for new technologies and a determination to keep its leading position. Sustainability is increasingly coming into focus, so there is a growing demand for recycling technologies, as well as automated solutions and digitalization. Cornelia Buchwalder, Secretary General of the Swiss Textile Machinery Association, is clear: “China is the main market for a large number of our association members.” On top of growing consumer demand and technological capabilities, the latest ambitious five-year plan will drive further development of the Chinese textile industry in world markets, and Swiss companies will work with all stakeholders to enable its success.

In China, the textile industry is forward-looking and resilient – with a healthy appetite for new technologies and a determination to keep its leading position. Sustainability is increasingly coming into focus, so there is a growing demand for recycling technologies, as well as automated solutions and digitalization. Cornelia Buchwalder, Secretary General of the Swiss Textile Machinery Association, is clear: “China is the main market for a large number of our association members.” On top of growing consumer demand and technological capabilities, the latest ambitious five-year plan will drive further development of the Chinese textile industry in world markets, and Swiss companies will work with all stakeholders to enable its success.

Market proximity
Swiss companies realized many years ago that geographical proximity is the key to success. Stäubli has started to set up offices in Chinese cities since 1998 and counts 12 locations today, to serve the whole country. In 2002, Itema established a centralized local branch which today has 160 employees in various functions. Loepfe has expanded its presence by creating an independent local business unit to overcome the 9,000 km distance by air, while Uster Technologies has had a Chinese subsidiary since 1982, with offices and service stations in different provinces. Luwa set up its offices and workshop in Shanghai in 1997. Rieter established a presence in mainland China in 2005, driven by a strong commitment to expanding the country’s know-how and expertise – and ten years later opened an advanced research center. All Swiss companies with serious business goals in China have made similar commitments to connect with customers and maintain strong relationships.

Understanding Chinese customers
Swiss companies also understand that Chinese customers require dedicated attention, and that speed is more essential than ever in delivering both machines and services.
Manufacturers in China are seeking cost-effective solutions to remain competitive, while consumers are looking for value in their purchases. Companies need to develop solutions that provide tangible economic benefits to their clients. Furthermore, energy savings have become paramount in China, due to the government's commitment to environmental sustainability and reduced carbon emissions. “Businesses are adopting more energy-efficient processes and technologies to meet stringent energy conservation and emission reduction targets,” says Peter Schnickmann, Managing Director at Luwa Air Engineering (Shanghai). He notes an investment trend for solutions helping Chinese companies cut operational costs and minimize their carbon footprint.

To enhance the reputation of both companies and products – and boost the image of the entire industry – the environmental impact needs to decrease. Priorities are saving water and waste, as well as reducing, replacing or completely eliminating the use of harmful substances. China has a strong demand for environmental-friendly solutions and sustainable technologies.

Customer-oriented in weaving
The huge number of Chinese fabric producers calls for an immense volume of weaving machinery to be supplied by international and local providers. Swiss machinery manufacturers hold an impressive share of this business.
Chinese weavers require advanced technology, with increasingly higher standards of efficiency. In weaving preparation, latest solutions match the speed, quality and reliability now wanted. Weaving machines too offer the eco-efficiency, performance, and ease of use needed, with innovations that extend the scope of sustainable weaving, and open-platform systems configurable to weavers’ specific operations. A huge increase in demand for technical textiles in recent years has been driven by applications such as carbon fiber, aramid and glass fiber.

Profitable in spinning
China’s competitive advantages come from its large-scale and integrated manufacturing capabilities, along with the use of advanced automation and digitization technologies. Spinners aim to capitalize on extended market opportunities, with more economical production. The latest air-jet spinning machines serve these goals, allowing exceptionally low production costs per kilogram of yarn, coupled with high flexibility and reliability. Sustainable yarns are in great demand.

The automation trend in spinning mills focuses on connecting production processes. Data is used to ensure the highest quality standards, most efficient raw material usage, reduction of waste, and energy savings. To make spinning mills more competitive, latest solutions combine cutting-edge hardware, data-enabled software and renowned textile expertise.

More information:
ITMA Asia + CITME Swissmem



ACIMIT: Italian machinery manufacturers at ITMA ASIA+CITME

A total of 59 Italian machinery manufacturers will be exhibiting at the upcoming ITMA ASIA+CITME, to be held from November 19 to 23 in Shanghai, as the event had been postponed for a year in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. Of these 59 manufacturers, 26 will be presenting technological innovations as part of the National Sector Groups, organized by ACIMIT and ITA – Italian Trade Agency. Occupying a surface area of around 2,000 square meters, Italy is among the major foreign exhibiting Countries at the event.

Asia is a major destination for Italy’s textile machinery manufacturers, with fully 38% of all Italian textile machinery exports during the first half of 2023 (amounting to roughly 338 million euros) directed towards Asian markets. China, in particular, is an absolutely important market for Italian companies: the first in Asia and the second worldwide behind Turkey in 2022. In the first six months of this year, Italian machinery sold in China reached a value of 81 million Euro.

A total of 59 Italian machinery manufacturers will be exhibiting at the upcoming ITMA ASIA+CITME, to be held from November 19 to 23 in Shanghai, as the event had been postponed for a year in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. Of these 59 manufacturers, 26 will be presenting technological innovations as part of the National Sector Groups, organized by ACIMIT and ITA – Italian Trade Agency. Occupying a surface area of around 2,000 square meters, Italy is among the major foreign exhibiting Countries at the event.

Asia is a major destination for Italy’s textile machinery manufacturers, with fully 38% of all Italian textile machinery exports during the first half of 2023 (amounting to roughly 338 million euros) directed towards Asian markets. China, in particular, is an absolutely important market for Italian companies: the first in Asia and the second worldwide behind Turkey in 2022. In the first six months of this year, Italian machinery sold in China reached a value of 81 million Euro.

“The general outlook for the Chinese market remains positive, although the demand for foreign machinery from local textile manufacturers has slowed somewhat for this first half of the year,” comments ACIMIT president Marco Salvadè. “Investments in the textile industry have never stopped, so there is no shortage of opportunities in China. I believe ITMA ASIA + CITME will confirm our expectations for a recovery in demand.”



DITF: Lignin coating for Geotextiles Photo: DITF
Coating process of a cellulose-based nonwoven with the lignin compound using thermoplastic processing methods on a continuous coating line.

DITF: Lignin coating for Geotextiles

Textiles are a given in civil engineering: they stabilize water protection dams, prevent runoff containing pollutants from landfills, facilitate the revegetation of slopes at risk of erosion, and even make asphalt layers of roads thinner. Until now, textiles made of highly resistant synthetic fibers have been used for this purpose, which have a very long lifetime. For some applications, however, it would not only be sufficient but even desirable for the auxiliary textile to degrade in the soil when it has done its job. Environmentally friendly natural fibers, on the other hand, often decompose too quickly. The German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf (DITF) are developing a bio-based protective coating that extends their service life.

Textiles are a given in civil engineering: they stabilize water protection dams, prevent runoff containing pollutants from landfills, facilitate the revegetation of slopes at risk of erosion, and even make asphalt layers of roads thinner. Until now, textiles made of highly resistant synthetic fibers have been used for this purpose, which have a very long lifetime. For some applications, however, it would not only be sufficient but even desirable for the auxiliary textile to degrade in the soil when it has done its job. Environmentally friendly natural fibers, on the other hand, often decompose too quickly. The German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf (DITF) are developing a bio-based protective coating that extends their service life.

Depending on humidity and temperature, natural fiber materials can degrade in the soil in a matter of months or even a few days. In order to significantly extend the degradation time and make them suitable for geotextiles, the Denkendorf team researches a protective coating. This coating, based on lignin, is itself biodegradable and does not generate microplastics in the soil. Lignin is indeed biodegradable, but this degradation takes a very long time in nature.

Together with cellulose, Lignin forms the building materials for wood and is the "glue" in wood that holds this composite material together. In paper production, usually only the cellulose is used, so lignin is produced in large quantities as a waste material. So-called kraft lignin remains as a fusible material. Textile production can deal well with thermoplastic materials. All in all, this is a good prerequisite for taking a closer look at lignin as a protective coating for geotextiles.

Lignin is brittle by nature. Therefore, it is necessary to blend the kraft lignin with softer biomaterials. These new biopolymer compounds of brittle kraft lignin and softer biopolymers were applied to yarns and textile surfaces in the research project via adapted coating systems. For this purpose, for example, cotton yarns were coated with lignin at different application rates and evaluated. Biodegradation testing was carried out using soil burial tests both in a climatic chamber with temperature and humidity defined precisely according to the standard and outdoors under real environmental conditions. With positive results: the service life of textiles made of natural fibers can be extended by many factors with a lignin coating: The thicker the protective coating, the longer the protection lasts. In the outdoor tests, the lignin coating was still completely intact even after about 160 days of burial.

Textile materials coated with lignin enable sustainable applications. For example, they have an adjustable and sufficiently long service life for certain geotextile applications. In addition, they are still biodegradable and can replace previously used synthetic materials in some applications, such as revegetation of trench and stream banks.

Thus, lignin-coated textiles have the potential to significantly reduce the carbon footprint: They reduce dependence on petroleum-based products and avoid the formation of microplastics in the soil.

Further research is needed to establish lignin, which was previously a waste material, as a new valuable material in industrial manufacturing processes in the textile industry.

The research work was supported by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Food, Rural Areas and Consumer Protection as part of the Baden-Württemberg State Strategy for a Sustainable Bioeconomy.


Deutsche Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf (DITF)

Photo Carbios

Carbios: Building and operating permits for world’s first PET biorecycling plant

Carbios  has been granted the building permit and operating authorization for the world’s first PET[1] biorecycling plant, allowing construction to start. The plant will be built in Longlaville in the Grand-Est Region on a 13.7-hectare site adjacent to the existing PET production plant of Indorama Ventures, its strategic partner.

Carbios  has been granted the building permit and operating authorization for the world’s first PET[1] biorecycling plant, allowing construction to start. The plant will be built in Longlaville in the Grand-Est Region on a 13.7-hectare site adjacent to the existing PET production plant of Indorama Ventures, its strategic partner.

This state-of-the-art facility, scheduled for commissioning in 2025, will play a crucial role in the fight against plastic pollution by providing an industrial-scale enzymatic recycling solution for PET waste. Carbios’ technology enables PET circularity and offers an alternative raw material to virgin fossil-based monomers, allowing PET producers, chemical companies, waste management firms, public entities, and brands to have an effective solution to meet regulatory requirements and fulfill their sustainability commitments. The plant will have a processing capacity of 50,000 tons of post-consumer PET waste per year (mostly waste that is non-recyclable mechanically, equivalent to 2 billion colored PET bottles or 2.5 billion PET food trays) and will generate 150 direct and indirect jobs in the region.
The plant will be built on a 13.7-hectare site acquired by Carbios on Indorama Ventures’ existing PET plant site without suspensive conditions. The land area gives the possibility to double the facility’s capacity.
A plant designed to minimize its carbon footprint
The plant is designed to maximize circularity, with high-quality output products, and minimize its environmental footprint, especially with regards to energy consumption. Optimizations are underway to further increase the recycling of water required for the process.

Located near the borders with Belgium, Germany, and Luxembourg, the plant’s location is strategic for nearby waste supply. Moreover, Carbios’ biorecycling technology can process complex waste that conventional technologies cannot recycle and produce food-grade products, enhancing the plant’s flexibility for waste supply. Carbios and Indorama Ventures will collaborate to ensure the feedstock supply of the Longlaville plant, located in a geographical area where the supply potential could reach 400,000 tons in 2023, and up to 500,000 tons in 2030 with improved selective collection.

Carbios has already secured an initial supply source by winning part of the CITEO tender for the biorecycling of multilayer food trays. The consortium composed of Carbios, Wellman (a subsidiary of Indorama Ventures), and Valorplast has been selected to handle 30% of the tonnage proposed by CITEO. Carbios will handle the portion of the flow consisting of multilayer food trays at its Longlaville plant starting in 2025.
Plant funding secured
In July 2023, Carbios successfully completed its capital increase for approximately €141 million, the largest capital increase on Euronext Growth since 2015. This amount is mainly intended to finance the construction of this plant, for which the total investment is estimated at around €230 million. The portion of the investment not funded by the proceeds from the July 2023 capital increase is expected to be covered by Indorama Ventures, which plans to mobilize approximately €110 million for this project, French state subsidies of €30 million, and €12.5 million from the Grand-Est Region, as well as a portion of Carbios Group’s available cash, which amounted to €78 million as of 30 June 2023.



Freudenberg´s comfortemp® FIBERBALL WB Series © Freudenberg Performance Materials
Freudenberg´s comfortemp® FIBERBALL WB Series

Freudenberg launches sustainable, low-level BPA thermal insulation products

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel (Freudenberg) launches two advanced thermal insulation products made from low-level Bisphenol A (BPA) recycled PET fibers (rPET) into the global range of comfortemp®, Freudenberg’s thermal insulation brand.

The additions of DOWN FEEL WA 150LB and FIBERBALL WB 400LB to the comfortemp® global range serve as high-quality and ecologically-minded alternatives to down, enhancing the comfort and sustainability of your garments. DOWN FEEL WA 150LB is an extremely-lightweight, loose fiber thermal insulation with a super-light loft, while FIBERBALL WB 400LB uses clusters of extra-fine fibers to offer optimal breathability, maximum comfort, and minimal clumping after washing and drying.

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel (Freudenberg) launches two advanced thermal insulation products made from low-level Bisphenol A (BPA) recycled PET fibers (rPET) into the global range of comfortemp®, Freudenberg’s thermal insulation brand.

The additions of DOWN FEEL WA 150LB and FIBERBALL WB 400LB to the comfortemp® global range serve as high-quality and ecologically-minded alternatives to down, enhancing the comfort and sustainability of your garments. DOWN FEEL WA 150LB is an extremely-lightweight, loose fiber thermal insulation with a super-light loft, while FIBERBALL WB 400LB uses clusters of extra-fine fibers to offer optimal breathability, maximum comfort, and minimal clumping after washing and drying.

GRS-certified and OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 Class I certifications
Both products utilize 100% GRS-certified rPET fibers, customizable to any desired fill levels. Additionally, these new products not only comply with but significantly surpass the stringent OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 Class I certifications. While OEKO-TEX® categorizes low-level BPA as less than 100 parts per million (ppm), these new products contain less than 1 ppm BPA, a testament to Freudenberg’s unyielding standards.

DOWN FEEL WA 150LB and FIBERBALL WB 400LB are available globally and more low-level BPA thermal insulation options are available in Asia.


Freudenberg Performance Materials


Perstorp receives a gold medal for sustainability from EcoVadis

Perstorp has advanced to a gold medal by EcoVadis for the year 2023. This means that, when it comes to sustainability performance, Perstorp now ranks in the top 5 percent of the industry.

Since its founding in 2007, EcoVadis has grown to become the world's largest and most trusted provider of business sustainability ratings, creating a global network of more than 100,000 rated companies.

"EcoVadis today is the standard for ESG ratings within the chemical industry and is the selected partner for sustainability assessments for Together for Sustainability. The fact that we've received more than 100 inquiries from customers seeking our EcoVadis reporting in recent years shows the value it brings to the value chain," says Anna Berggren, Vice President Sustainability.

Perstorp showed progress in three of the four evaluation areas during 2023 –– Environment, Labor & Human Rights, and Sustainable Procurement.

Perstorp has advanced to a gold medal by EcoVadis for the year 2023. This means that, when it comes to sustainability performance, Perstorp now ranks in the top 5 percent of the industry.

Since its founding in 2007, EcoVadis has grown to become the world's largest and most trusted provider of business sustainability ratings, creating a global network of more than 100,000 rated companies.

"EcoVadis today is the standard for ESG ratings within the chemical industry and is the selected partner for sustainability assessments for Together for Sustainability. The fact that we've received more than 100 inquiries from customers seeking our EcoVadis reporting in recent years shows the value it brings to the value chain," says Anna Berggren, Vice President Sustainability.

Perstorp showed progress in three of the four evaluation areas during 2023 –– Environment, Labor & Human Rights, and Sustainable Procurement.

"We have seen advancements in the most heavily weighted areas Environment and Labor & Human Rights,” notes Berggren. “Moreover, our progress in Sustainable Procurement places us among the top 4 percent of chemical companies globally. It has been an amazing effort from many parts of the company that contributed to us obtaining this gold medal.

More information:
Perstorp EcoVadis

Perrstorp, EMG


Source Fashion doubles again for February 2024

The appetite for responsible sourcing shows no sign of slowing with Europe's fastest-growing platform, Source Fashion expanding again for its next edition with a 50% increase in exhibitors to over 320 from around the world.

The gateway to the UK fashion industry, Source Fashion takes place on 18th - 20th February at Kensington Olympia London putting international manufacturers and suppliers at the fingertips of UK brands.

Source Fashion offers a unique experience for decision-makers in buying, sourcing and procurement, with the reassurance of knowing that every exhibitor has been audited to ensure sustainability and transparency remains at the heart of their business model. The next show unites manufacturers from the UK, India, Portugal, Turkey Madagascar, China, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Peru, Philippines, Ethiopia and many more. The show will also see the debut of manufacturers from Mongolia, Lithuania, and Tunisia.

The appetite for responsible sourcing shows no sign of slowing with Europe's fastest-growing platform, Source Fashion expanding again for its next edition with a 50% increase in exhibitors to over 320 from around the world.

The gateway to the UK fashion industry, Source Fashion takes place on 18th - 20th February at Kensington Olympia London putting international manufacturers and suppliers at the fingertips of UK brands.

Source Fashion offers a unique experience for decision-makers in buying, sourcing and procurement, with the reassurance of knowing that every exhibitor has been audited to ensure sustainability and transparency remains at the heart of their business model. The next show unites manufacturers from the UK, India, Portugal, Turkey Madagascar, China, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Peru, Philippines, Ethiopia and many more. The show will also see the debut of manufacturers from Mongolia, Lithuania, and Tunisia.

Suzanne Ellingham, Director of Sourcing of Source Fashion says; "Visitors will love the quality, diversity and variety of producers, makers and manufacturers from around the world with the best of the best in terms of high-quality knitted apparel, luxury wool knits, leather, denim, and more across our sectors including Fabrics, Accessories, Sportswear, Garment Manufacturers, Packaging, Yarns, Trims and Fixtures, plus Design & Technology."

Connecting global manufacturers and suppliers to buyers who want the security in knowing every conversation is one that could lead to a new range creation, Source Fashion is the gateway to retail for manufacturers and suppliers from across the world. From raw materials, fabrics, trims, and packaging, all the way through to contract manufacturers offering in house design services, the show brings the inspiration and tools together in one exciting destination to bring new ranges to life.

The July 2023 show welcomed some of retail's biggest names. Buyers, sourcing managers, product developers, technologists, and designers from brands and retailers including John Lewis, Mountain Warehouse, Fila, Selfridges, H&M, Lipsy, Lyle & Scott, Joules, FILA, Perry Ellis, JoJo Mamman Bebe, Monsoon, Fatface, Lulu Guinness, Next, Sainsburys, Vivienne Westwood, Stitch Fix, ASOS, Bella Freud, Burberry, Fat Face, Hackett, Harrods, NBrown, Monsoon and many more came to explore and source from Source Fashion's diverse mix of audited exhibitors.

With a content stage dedicated to presenting and discussing the latest trends, innovations, and topics in responsible and sustainable manufacturing from internationally renowned industry professionals, as well the inspirational Source Catwalk shows, Source Fashion is the must-attend event for the fashion community.

More information:
Source Fashion

Good Results PR


Laying of the foundation stone for two production halls at Brembo SGL Carbon Ceramic Brakes (BSCCB)

The expansion of production capacities is a milestone for the Brembo SGL Carbon Ceramic Brakes (BSCCB) joint venture and is evidence of the company's successful development in recent years.

After completion, the two new production halls will have a total area of around 8,500 m². The construction is scheduled to be completed as early as October 2024. Immediately after completion, the installation of new production machinery will begin. The start of production in the new manufacturing facilities for high-quality carbon ceramic brakes is scheduled for January 2025. The expansion of production capacities will create around 80 new jobs in various production professions at the Meitingen site.

Production capacities at the Meitingen and Stezzano (Italy) sites will be expanded by more than 70%. The demand for carbon ceramic brake discs from BSCCB has increased worldwide. The high product quality and performance of carbon ceramic brake discs meet the specific requirements of automotive manufacturers, especially in the premium and luxury segments where high braking performance is required.

The expansion of production capacities is a milestone for the Brembo SGL Carbon Ceramic Brakes (BSCCB) joint venture and is evidence of the company's successful development in recent years.

After completion, the two new production halls will have a total area of around 8,500 m². The construction is scheduled to be completed as early as October 2024. Immediately after completion, the installation of new production machinery will begin. The start of production in the new manufacturing facilities for high-quality carbon ceramic brakes is scheduled for January 2025. The expansion of production capacities will create around 80 new jobs in various production professions at the Meitingen site.

Production capacities at the Meitingen and Stezzano (Italy) sites will be expanded by more than 70%. The demand for carbon ceramic brake discs from BSCCB has increased worldwide. The high product quality and performance of carbon ceramic brake discs meet the specific requirements of automotive manufacturers, especially in the premium and luxury segments where high braking performance is required.

Das Octogarn-Gründertrio Melanie Jakubik (vorne, von links), Alexandra Plewnia und Sarah Neumann erhält vom Bundes-Förderprogramm „EXIST“ 1,8 Millionen Euro. Foto Hochschule Niederrhein
Das Octogarn-Gründertrio Melanie Jakubik (vorne, von links), Alexandra Plewnia und Sarah Neumann erhält vom Bundes-Förderprogramm „EXIST“ 1,8 Millionen Euro.

1,8 Millionen Euro an Ex-Studentinnen für Garninnovation

Badehose an, rein ins Wasser, mit trockener Badehose wieder raus – klingt utopisch, könnte aber womöglich bald schon Realität werden. Das Gründertrio von „Octogarn“ entwickelt gerade eine Innovation: ein neuartiges Garn, das die Textilindustrie umkrempeln könnte, für das die ehemaligen Studentinnen der Hochschule Niederrhein (HSNR) und der FH Aachen eine Förderung von 1,84 Millionen Euro erhalten. Das Geld stammt aus dem Förderprogramm „EXIST – Existenzgründungen aus der Wissenschaft“ des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz.

Badehose an, rein ins Wasser, mit trockener Badehose wieder raus – klingt utopisch, könnte aber womöglich bald schon Realität werden. Das Gründertrio von „Octogarn“ entwickelt gerade eine Innovation: ein neuartiges Garn, das die Textilindustrie umkrempeln könnte, für das die ehemaligen Studentinnen der Hochschule Niederrhein (HSNR) und der FH Aachen eine Förderung von 1,84 Millionen Euro erhalten. Das Geld stammt aus dem Förderprogramm „EXIST – Existenzgründungen aus der Wissenschaft“ des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz.

„Octogarn“ ist schadstofffrei, nachhaltig, kälteisolierend, atmungsaktiv und reibungsreduzierend. Es wirkt ähnlich dem Lotuseffekt, ist also wasserabweisend. Doch es hat einen entscheidenden Mehrwert: Es ist unbenetzbar. Bedeutet: Taucht man ein Textil aus diesem Garn unter Wasser, bleibt es trocken. „Ein Effekt, der in der Textilbranche kaum bekannt ist“, sagt die Mönchengladbacherin Alexandra Plewnia. Momentan werden viele wasserabweisende Textilien, vor allem im technischen Bereich, durch die Ausrüstung mit Chemie wie Fluorpolymeren hergestellt. Grüne Alternativen sind zwar umweltfreundlicher, aber oft nicht leistungsstark genug. „Octogarn“ will beide Probleme lösen.

Ideengeberin ist Alexandra Plewnia (29), die zuletzt Textile Produkte im Master an der HSNR studiert hat. Betriebswirtschaftliches Know-how bringt Sarah Neumann (28) aus Köln mit, die ihren Master berufsbegleitend in Management und Entrepreneurship an der FH Aachen absolviert hat. Komplettiert wird das Team ab November von Melanie Jakubik (29) aus Duisburg, Studienkollegin von Plewnia und wie sie für den Bereich Technologie verantwortlich.

Geforscht hat Plewnia an „Octogarn“ rund zwei Jahre im Rahmen ihres Master-Studiums am Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik, wo sie das Wahlpflichtfach Nanotechnologie belegte und sich mit dem Thema Funktionalität befasste..

Mit ihrer Idee gewann sie bereits 2022 den Hochschulwettbewerb „Battle of Ideas“. Die 20.000 Euro Preisgeld flossen direkt in die Anmeldung des Patents. Seither wurde die Idee auf vielen weiteren Wettbewerben in Deutschland vorgestellt.

Das Team von HNX, das gründungsinteressierte HSNR-Studierende und Mitarbeitende berät und u.a. im Rahmen des dort angesiedelten Förderprogramms „HNexist“ unterstützt, begleitete Plewnia und ihr Team. Es unterstützte bei der umfangreichen Antragstellung für EXIST.

Das noch zu gründende Start-up möchte das Garn produzieren und es als Zulieferer an Unternehmen vertreiben. Ob Outdoor-Kleidung, Schutzausrüstung oder Einsatz in der Schifffahrtsindustrie – dank der vielfältigen Eigenschaften des Materials gibt es für „Octogarn“ verschiedenste Einsazmöglichkeiten.

Das fertige Garn gibt es noch nicht. Die 1,84 Millionen Euro helfen, um bis zum Ende der Förderperiode im Februar 2026 einen Prototyp zu entwickeln. Das Fördergeld wird vor allem für Personalausgaben genutzt, aber auch eine neue Maschine wird angeschafft. Für die Entwicklung von Octogarn darf das Gründerteam Büroraume und Maschinen des Fachbereichs Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik mitbenutzen.


Hochschule Niederrhein


Carbios: Appointment of Bénédicte Garbil as Senior Vice President of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability

Carbios announced the strengthening of its leadership team with the appointment of Bénédicte Garbil as Senior Vice President of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability. Bénédicte Garbil oversees three strategic areas: Public Affairs, Corporate Affairs, and Sustainability. In her Corporate Affairs role, she supervises Communication, Regulatory, Project Management, and Innovation Funding functions. In her Sustainability role, she oversees CSR, QHSE, and LCA functions. Bénédicte Garbil also joins the Group’s Executive Committee.

Carbios announced the strengthening of its leadership team with the appointment of Bénédicte Garbil as Senior Vice President of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability. Bénédicte Garbil oversees three strategic areas: Public Affairs, Corporate Affairs, and Sustainability. In her Corporate Affairs role, she supervises Communication, Regulatory, Project Management, and Innovation Funding functions. In her Sustainability role, she oversees CSR, QHSE, and LCA functions. Bénédicte Garbil also joins the Group’s Executive Committee.

Bénédicte Garbil started as a public affairs advisor at the French Federation of Healthcare Industries before becoming Director of Public Affairs at a pharmaceutical laboratory. In 2013, she joined the public sector, first working at the General Directorate of Enterprises (DGE) as Head of the Health, Biotechnology, and Agri-food Industries Bureau, and then at the General Investment Commissioner’s Office (CGI) from 2014 to 2017 as Deputy Director of Health and Biotechnology. Her experience allowed her to gain expertise in public policies and funding innovative projects, contributing to the creation of public funding mechanisms supported by the French Program of Investments for the Future (PIA). After her public service, she led Edwards Lifesciences in France for 4 years, then founded a consulting company accompanying biotechnology and healthcare companies in their development, from valuation to market access, including industrial development in France. A graduate of Sciences Po Lille, she holds a master’s degree in health law and a university degree in pharmacoeconomics.

More information:
Carbios management


Winners of AVK Innovation Award 2023 (c) AVK
Winners of AVK Innovation Award 2023

Winners of AVK Innovation Award 2023

The winners of the prestigious Innovation Award for Fibre-Reinforced Plastics of the AVK, the German Federation of Reinforced Plastics, were presented in Salzburg this year. This award always goes to businesses, institutions and their partners for outstanding innovations in composites the three categories Products & Applications, Processes & Methods and Research & Science. Projects are submitted in all three categories and are evaluated by a jury of experts in engineering and science as well as trade journalists, who look at each project in terms of their levels of innovation, implementation and sustainability.

Products & Applications category
First place: “Insulating Coupling Shaft for Rail Vehicles” – Leichtbauzentrum Sachsen GmbH, partner: KWD Kupplungswerk Dresden GmbH

Second place: “Electric Car Battery Housing Components Based on Innovative Continuous Fibre-Reinforced Phenolic Resin Composites” – SGL Carbon

The winners of the prestigious Innovation Award for Fibre-Reinforced Plastics of the AVK, the German Federation of Reinforced Plastics, were presented in Salzburg this year. This award always goes to businesses, institutions and their partners for outstanding innovations in composites the three categories Products & Applications, Processes & Methods and Research & Science. Projects are submitted in all three categories and are evaluated by a jury of experts in engineering and science as well as trade journalists, who look at each project in terms of their levels of innovation, implementation and sustainability.

Products & Applications category
First place: “Insulating Coupling Shaft for Rail Vehicles” – Leichtbauzentrum Sachsen GmbH, partner: KWD Kupplungswerk Dresden GmbH

Second place: “Electric Car Battery Housing Components Based on Innovative Continuous Fibre-Reinforced Phenolic Resin Composites” – SGL Carbon

Third place: “High Performance Recycled Carbon Fibre Materials (HiPeR)” – Composites Technology Center GmbH (CTC GmbH), partners: Faserinstitut Bremen e. V, Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V., C.A.R. FiberTec GmbH; partners Japan: Faserinstitut Bremen e.V., Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V., C.A.R. FiberTec GmbH; Partner Japan: CFRI Carbon Fiber Recycle Industry Co., Ltd., IHI Logistics and Machinery Corporation, ICC Kanazawa Institute of Technology

Innovative Processes & Methods category
First place: “Chopped Fibre Direct Processing (CFP)” – KraussMaffei Technologies GmbH, partner: Wirthwein SE

Second place: “CIRC - Complete Inhouse Recycling of Thermoplastic Compounds” – Fraunhofer Institute for Production Engineering and Automation (IPA), partners: Schindler Handhabetechnik GmbH, Vision & Control GmbH

Third place: “CarboScreen – Sensor-Based Monitoring of Carbon-Fibre Production” – CarboScreen GmbH, partner: Institute of Textile Technology at RWTH Aachen University

Research & Science category
First place: “Development of a Stereocomplex PLA Blend on a Pilot Plant Scale” – Faserinstitut Bremen e. V.

Second place: “Fibre-Reinforced Salt as a Robust Lost Core Material” – Technical University of Munich, Chair of Carbon Composites, partners: Apppex GmbH, Haas Metallguss GmbH

Third place: “VliesSMC – Recycled Carbon Fibres with a Second Life in the SMC Process” – Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI), partner: Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology (ICT)


Entries for the next Innovation Award 2024 can be submitted from January 2024 onwards.


AVK – Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e.V.