From the Sector

1592 results
Frau am Meer Photo Pixabay

Kelheim Fibres, Sandler and pelzGROUP develop plastic-free panty liner

Viscose speciality fibre manufacturer Kelheim Fibres, nonwoven producer Sandler, and hygiene product manufacturer pelzGROUP have jointly developed a new panty liner that is plastic-free according to the European Single-Use Plastics Directive (SUPD). This innovative solution is a step towards reducing the amount of plastic in hygiene products – and thus also a contribution to tackling the problem of plastic pollution.

According to a UNEP study on marine litter and microplastics, eight million tons of plastic end up in the oceans every year. A significant portion of this pollution comes from single-use plastic products, including conventional period products such as pads or panty liners.

Viscose speciality fibre manufacturer Kelheim Fibres, nonwoven producer Sandler, and hygiene product manufacturer pelzGROUP have jointly developed a new panty liner that is plastic-free according to the European Single-Use Plastics Directive (SUPD). This innovative solution is a step towards reducing the amount of plastic in hygiene products – and thus also a contribution to tackling the problem of plastic pollution.

According to a UNEP study on marine litter and microplastics, eight million tons of plastic end up in the oceans every year. A significant portion of this pollution comes from single-use plastic products, including conventional period products such as pads or panty liners.

The partnership between the three companies was formed under the Open Innovation principle, which allowed for creative idea exchange and facilitated the development of an innovative product. According to Jessica Zeitler, R&D Specialist at Sandler, “Our collaboration with Kelheim Fibres and pelzGROUP is a great example of how companies can work together to create solutions that benefit both the environment and consumers. We are proud to be part of this project and the opportunities it offers.”

For hygiene product manufacturer pelzGROUP, it is important to combine sustainability and performance to achieve broad acceptance in the market. “Our panty liner meets the strict requirements of the European Single-Use Plastics Directive (SUPD) while also matching the performance of conventional synthetic products. At the same time, our new panty liner has a completely European supply chain. This means short distances and therefore low CO2 emissions, and – especially in times of global disruption – reliability for our customers,” emphasizes Dr. Henning Röttger, Head of Business Development at pelzGROUP.

"Our viscose speciality fibres are an environmentally friendly and high-performance alternative to synthetic materials," says Dominik Mayer, Project Manager Fibre & Application Development at Kelheim Fibres. "They are at the very beginning of the product value chain and yet have an enormous impact on the functionality of the end product. Open innovation allows us to bring all partners in the value chain to the table, to find the best solution together in a very short time and bring it to commercialisation - the collaboration with Sandler and pelzGROUP is an important milestone in our AHP journey."


Kelheim Fibres GmbH

(c) Hochschule Niederrhein
Das FTB der Hochschule Niederrhein bewertet die Qualität der Alt-Textilien. Das Foto zeigt beispielhaft, wie die Höchstzugkraft eines Streifens von einem Bettbezug gemessen wird, um dessen Reißfestigkeit zu bewerten.

Hochschule Niederrhein: Automatisches Sortiersystem für abgenutzte Textilien

Können gebrauchte Textilien recycelt werden? In den meisten Fällen enden sie eher als Putztücher oder Dämmmaterial (Downcycling) statt als neue Kleidung oder Bettwäsche (Recycling). Für Faser-zu-Faser-Recycling muss noch viel erforscht werden. Genau dieser Aufgabe stellen sich nun die Hochschule Niederrhein (HSNR) und weitere Kooperationspartner im Förder-Projekt „KICKup“ (KI-gestützte, chemische Cellulose-Kreisläufe). Das hochschuleigene Forschungsinstitut für Textil und Bekleidung (FTB) setzt sich dabei gezielt mit der Qualität der Alttextilien auseinander.

Im Fokus des Projekts steht die Erfindung einer Anlage, die gebrauchte Textilien je nach Materialzusammensetzung mittels Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) automatisch sortiert. Die Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU) fördert diese Forschung mit fast 400.000 Euro. Rund 100.000 Euro davon gehen davon an die Hochschule Niederrhein.

Können gebrauchte Textilien recycelt werden? In den meisten Fällen enden sie eher als Putztücher oder Dämmmaterial (Downcycling) statt als neue Kleidung oder Bettwäsche (Recycling). Für Faser-zu-Faser-Recycling muss noch viel erforscht werden. Genau dieser Aufgabe stellen sich nun die Hochschule Niederrhein (HSNR) und weitere Kooperationspartner im Förder-Projekt „KICKup“ (KI-gestützte, chemische Cellulose-Kreisläufe). Das hochschuleigene Forschungsinstitut für Textil und Bekleidung (FTB) setzt sich dabei gezielt mit der Qualität der Alttextilien auseinander.

Im Fokus des Projekts steht die Erfindung einer Anlage, die gebrauchte Textilien je nach Materialzusammensetzung mittels Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) automatisch sortiert. Die Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU) fördert diese Forschung mit fast 400.000 Euro. Rund 100.000 Euro davon gehen davon an die Hochschule Niederrhein.

Den Anstoß dafür gab das Textil-Service-Unternehmen Dibella. Hier wird modellhaft untersucht, wie Tisch- und Bettwäsche aus Restaurants, Hotels oder Krankenhäusern am Ende ihres Produktlebens je nach Baumwoll- oder Polyesteranteil einem passenden Faser-Recycling-Prozess zugeordnet werden kann. Hier gilt wie bei der Mülltrennung auch: Je genauer die Gewebe differenziert werden, desto besser lassen sie sich in den Textil-Kreislauf zurückführen und für Neues weiterverwerten.

Bisher wird in den Großwäschereien alles von Hand sortiert. Das kostet viel Zeit und ist wegen der Menge und der mit bloßem Auge nicht erkennbaren Stoffvielfalt eine schwierige Aufgabe. Wie wäre es also, wenn Künstliche Intelligenz und moderne Technik die Alttextilien genau analysieren und ein automatisches Trennsystem die Arbeit übernimmt?

Aufgabe des FTB ist dabei die chemische Qualitätsbewertung: Es analysiert, ob gebrauchte und aus dem Mietservice ausrangierte Textilien aus Baumwolle bzw. deren Regeneratfasern oder aus Baumwoll-Polyester-Mischgewebe noch so gut erhalten sind, dass sie recycelbar sind. Konkret werden für das Projekt zunächst nur weiße Stoffe aus Industriewäschereien untersucht.

Die zu konzipierende Anlage soll im nächsten Schritt mithilfe von Nahinfrarot-Technologie und KI die Struktur und Zusammensetzung der Textilien erfassen, erkennen und sie trennscharf sortieren.
Werden anschließend Baumwoll- und Polyesterfasern voneinander getrennt, kann bei ausreichender Faserqualität der aus dem Baumwollanteil gewonnene Cellulose-Pulp (Zellstoff) für neue Celluloseregeneratfasern verwertet und in neuen Textilien eingesetzt werden.

„Unser Ziel ist es auch, die wiederholte Recyclingfähigkeit von genutzten Textilen mit Anteilen von Baumwollregeneratfasern im Hinblick auf ein vollständig geschlossenes Kreislaufsystem zu untersuchen und zu bewerten“, so Professorin Dr.-Ing. habil. Maike Rabe. Sie ist die Projektleiterin an der HSNR. „Gegebenenfalls werden wir dafür neue verbesserte Design-for-Recycling-Ansätze in Materialzusammensetzung und Gewebekonstruktion für die recycelfähigen Textilartikel entwickeln“.

Im weiteren Verlauf des Projekts soll auch ein logistisches Lagersystem für die sortierten Wäschemengen als Prototyp geschaffen werden.


Hochschule Niederrhein

(c) BVMed | Michelle Klee

BVMed: Neue Infoblätter zum Umweltrecht

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) hat weitere Infoblätter zu umweltrechtlichen Vorgaben veröffentlicht. Mit den Blättern zu beispielsweise dem Batteriegesetz oder dem Elektrogeräte-Recht unterstützt der Verband Medizintechnik-Unternehmen bei der Umsetzung des Umweltrechts. Der kostenfreie BVMed-Service gibt einen Überblick zu den Anwendungsbereichen und entstehenden Pflichten aus aktuell 14 unterschiedlichen Gesetzen und Verordnungen.

Europa soll der erste klimaneutrale Kontinent werden. Hierfür sind von der EU-Kommission rund 80 Initiativen geplant. Viele davon betreffen direkt oder indirekt die Medizintechnik-Branche. Als Unterstützung für die Einordnung des umfassenden Umweltrechts bietet der BVMed in Zusammenarbeit mit der Produktkanzlei eine Reihe an Infoblättern an. Neu hinzugekommen sind folgende Themen:

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) hat weitere Infoblätter zu umweltrechtlichen Vorgaben veröffentlicht. Mit den Blättern zu beispielsweise dem Batteriegesetz oder dem Elektrogeräte-Recht unterstützt der Verband Medizintechnik-Unternehmen bei der Umsetzung des Umweltrechts. Der kostenfreie BVMed-Service gibt einen Überblick zu den Anwendungsbereichen und entstehenden Pflichten aus aktuell 14 unterschiedlichen Gesetzen und Verordnungen.

Europa soll der erste klimaneutrale Kontinent werden. Hierfür sind von der EU-Kommission rund 80 Initiativen geplant. Viele davon betreffen direkt oder indirekt die Medizintechnik-Branche. Als Unterstützung für die Einordnung des umfassenden Umweltrechts bietet der BVMed in Zusammenarbeit mit der Produktkanzlei eine Reihe an Infoblättern an. Neu hinzugekommen sind folgende Themen:

  • Batteriegesetz (BattG)
  • Einwegkunststoff-Kennzeichnungs-Verordnung & -Verbotsverordnung (EWKKennzV & EWKVerbotsV)
  • Elektro- und Elektronikgerätegesetz (ElektroG)
  • Elektro- und Elektronikgeräte-Stoff-Verordnung (ElektroStoffV)
  • Energieverbrauchskennzeichnungs-Verordnung
  • F-Gas-Verordnung
  • Verordnung über persistente organische Schadstoffe (POP-VO)
  • Verordnung zur Registrierung, Bewertung, Zulassung und Beschränkung chemischer Stoffe (REACH-VO)

Die Infoblätter decken folgende Inhalte ab:

  • Name und Verkündungsstand des Rechtsaktes
  • Hintergrundinformationen (beispielsweise die Umsetzung des europäischen Rechts durch nationale Rechtsakte)
  • Beschreibung von Anwendungsbereich und Ausnahmen
  • Beschreibung von Betroffenheit/Rollen
  • Stichpunkte zu den Pflichten
  • Aktuelle Entwicklungen (beispielsweise laufende Gesetzgebungsverfahren oder Ankündigungen in Arbeitsprogrammen)

BVMed | Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.


Lotus Teknik Tekstil A.Ş.: Production line for biodegradable wet wipes by ANDRITZ

Lotus Teknik Tekstil A.Ş., Türkiye, has successfully started up a complete line to produce nonwoven roll goods for biodegradable, plastic-free wet wipes. This line has been delivered, installed, and commissioned by international technology group ANDRITZ.

The neXline wetlace CP line combines the benefits of two technologies: wetlaid and spunlace. Natural fibers are processed gently to create a high-performance and sustainable wipe. This next-generation wipe, called Newipe®, combines the benefits of spunlace fabric, in particular remarkable strength in all directions, with the biodegradability and softness of a WetlaceTM fabric. It is produced with a lower carbon footprint, has a low lint rate, and does not generate dust during production.

Lotus Teknik Tekstil A.Ş., Türkiye, has successfully started up a complete line to produce nonwoven roll goods for biodegradable, plastic-free wet wipes. This line has been delivered, installed, and commissioned by international technology group ANDRITZ.

The neXline wetlace CP line combines the benefits of two technologies: wetlaid and spunlace. Natural fibers are processed gently to create a high-performance and sustainable wipe. This next-generation wipe, called Newipe®, combines the benefits of spunlace fabric, in particular remarkable strength in all directions, with the biodegradability and softness of a WetlaceTM fabric. It is produced with a lower carbon footprint, has a low lint rate, and does not generate dust during production.

Lotus Teknik Tekstil A.Ş. is a leading nonwoven roll good producer and a member of a group company. The group company consists of 4 companies that operate end-to-end manufacturing including nonwovens, cardboard packings, plastics, and finished wet wipe products. Headquartered in Istanbul, Sapro is the leader in Türkiye and one of the four leaders in the manufacturing of wet wipes in Europe. The company produces, converts, and supplies 161 million sheets of wipes per day for personal, household, and industrial use, exporting 70% of its production to 65 countries all over the world. Sustainability plays a prominent role in Sapro’s business strategy.



(c) ®Cotonea Carol Stelzer

Cotonea erneut führende deutsche Marke für biologische und faire Baumwolle

Cotonea nimmt erneuit im globalen Nachhaltigkeitsranking Material Change Index (MCI) den ersten Platz unter den deutschen Textilmarken in den Kategorien biologisch und fair erzeugter Baumwolle ein. Der MCI wird jährlich von der Brancheninitiative Textile Exchange ermittelt. Im internationalen Vergleich der Unternehmen, die beide Kriterien erfüllen, belegt Cotonea wie auch in den Vorjahren den dritten Platz.

Der MCI betrachtet vor allem die Bereiche Strategie und Material, hier erhält das schwäbische Traditionsunternehmen die höchstmögliche Bewertung. Hinzu kommen Pluspunkte im Bereich der SDGs (Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung der Vereinten Nationen). Der MCI stuft in seiner Gesamtbewertung Cotonea als „Führendes Unternehmen, das den Wandel in der Branche vorantreibt“ ein.

Cotonea nimmt erneuit im globalen Nachhaltigkeitsranking Material Change Index (MCI) den ersten Platz unter den deutschen Textilmarken in den Kategorien biologisch und fair erzeugter Baumwolle ein. Der MCI wird jährlich von der Brancheninitiative Textile Exchange ermittelt. Im internationalen Vergleich der Unternehmen, die beide Kriterien erfüllen, belegt Cotonea wie auch in den Vorjahren den dritten Platz.

Der MCI betrachtet vor allem die Bereiche Strategie und Material, hier erhält das schwäbische Traditionsunternehmen die höchstmögliche Bewertung. Hinzu kommen Pluspunkte im Bereich der SDGs (Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung der Vereinten Nationen). Der MCI stuft in seiner Gesamtbewertung Cotonea als „Führendes Unternehmen, das den Wandel in der Branche vorantreibt“ ein.

Als wertebasiertes Unternehmen setzt Cotonea ausschließlich auf Biobaumwolle sowie auf faire Bezahlung (Fair-for-Life Zertifizierung). Bereits seit 2004 pflegt Cotonea Vertragspartnerschaften zum Anbau von Biobaumwolle in Kirgistan und seit 2009 in Uganda. Beide Regionen verbinden günstige klimatische Bedingungen mit ausreichend Regen zu Beginn der Vegetationsperiode. Später ist Baumwolle trockenheitsresistent, anspruchslos und bescheiden.

In der Zusammenarbeit mit Partnern legt Cotonea besonderen Wert auf Transparenz. Hierfür dokumentiert das Unternehmen alle Schritte vom Anbau über die Produktion bis hin zur Veredelung und Konfektion der Baumwolle und legt die wichtigsten Informationen in einem Produktpass offen. Dieser Ansatz gibt allen Beteiligten Sicherheit, auch vor dem Hintergrund des neuen Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetzes.

Die weltweit aktive Non-Profit Organisation Textile Exchange aktualisiert ihren Material Change Index jährlich aufgrund freiwilliger Angaben von namhaften Marken.



(c) U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol

U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol: Über 3 Millionen Kilogramm Baumwolle getrackt

Das U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol ("Trust Protocol") gab bekannt, dass es nun einen entscheidenden Meilenstein erreicht hat, indem es mehr als 3 Millionen Kilogramm Baumwolle mithilfe der Protocol Consumption Management Solution (PCMS) getrackt hat.

Dieser Meilenstein wurde während des wichtigsten Modemonats erreicht, der alle zwei Jahre stattfindet und am 9. Februar mit der New Yorker Modewoche begonnen hat und am 7. März mit der Pariser Modewoche beendet wurde. In diesem Monat sind alle Augen auf die Branche und ihre Nachhaltigkeitsbestrebungen gerichtet.

Insgesamt sind mehr als 11 Millionenen fertige Produkte registriert.

„Diese Zahlen, die mitten im weltweiten Modemonat veröffentlicht werden, kommen nicht nur zur rechten Zeit, sondern sind auch ein hervorragender Beleg für die Fortschritte, die das U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol in den drei kurzen Jahren seit seiner Einführung erzielt hat", sagt Dr. Gary Adams, Präsident des U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol. „Mithilfe des PCMS können Marken- und Einzelhandelsmitglieder eine Vielzahl von Angaben machen, auch auf dem Produkt, die auf datengestützten, verifizierten Protokollverbrauchseinheiten basieren."

Das U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol ("Trust Protocol") gab bekannt, dass es nun einen entscheidenden Meilenstein erreicht hat, indem es mehr als 3 Millionen Kilogramm Baumwolle mithilfe der Protocol Consumption Management Solution (PCMS) getrackt hat.

Dieser Meilenstein wurde während des wichtigsten Modemonats erreicht, der alle zwei Jahre stattfindet und am 9. Februar mit der New Yorker Modewoche begonnen hat und am 7. März mit der Pariser Modewoche beendet wurde. In diesem Monat sind alle Augen auf die Branche und ihre Nachhaltigkeitsbestrebungen gerichtet.

Insgesamt sind mehr als 11 Millionenen fertige Produkte registriert.

„Diese Zahlen, die mitten im weltweiten Modemonat veröffentlicht werden, kommen nicht nur zur rechten Zeit, sondern sind auch ein hervorragender Beleg für die Fortschritte, die das U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol in den drei kurzen Jahren seit seiner Einführung erzielt hat", sagt Dr. Gary Adams, Präsident des U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol. „Mithilfe des PCMS können Marken- und Einzelhandelsmitglieder eine Vielzahl von Angaben machen, auch auf dem Produkt, die auf datengestützten, verifizierten Protokollverbrauchseinheiten basieren."

Dies ist möglich, weil das PCMS die Blockchain und andere digitale Technologien nutzt, um die Bewegungen von Protocol Cotton und U.S. Cotton in jeder Phase der Lieferkette nahezu in Echtzeit aufzuzeichnen und zu überprüfen. Dies setzt voraus, dass alle Mitglieder der Lieferkette - einschließlich der Baumwollspinnereien und Hersteller - Mitglied des Trust Protocol sind.

Das Trust Protocol ist auch das einzige System, das quantifizierbare, überprüfbare Ziele und Messungen bietet und die kontinuierliche Verbesserung von sechs wichtigen Nachhaltigkeitsmetriken vorantreibt: Landnutzung, Bodenkohlenstoff, Wassermanagement, Bodenverlust, Treibhausgasemissionen und Energieeffizienz.

Das Programm erfasst wichtige Umwelt- und Sozialdaten im Rahmen eines wissenschaftlich fundierten Systems auf Betriebsebene und legt diese jährlich vor.


U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol


EURATEX at 1 year EU Textile Strategy – Yes, but …

On 30 March 2022, the European Commission presented its vision for the future of the textile industry. The strategy mainly focuses on reducing the environmental footprint and promote sustainability and transparency in the value chain.

EURATEX has welcomed the publication of the strategy, as it recognises the strategic importance of the European textile industry, and its core competitive values of quality and creativity. At the same time, the association has warned that translating that vision into reality is a delicate process, as the industry needs to reconcile sustainability with competitiveness. Making the green (and digital) transition should make companies stronger; the benefits should outweigh the costs.

On 30 March 2022, the European Commission presented its vision for the future of the textile industry. The strategy mainly focuses on reducing the environmental footprint and promote sustainability and transparency in the value chain.

EURATEX has welcomed the publication of the strategy, as it recognises the strategic importance of the European textile industry, and its core competitive values of quality and creativity. At the same time, the association has warned that translating that vision into reality is a delicate process, as the industry needs to reconcile sustainability with competitiveness. Making the green (and digital) transition should make companies stronger; the benefits should outweigh the costs.

This premise had a serious blow by the Russian war in Ukraine, which erupted at almost the same time when the strategy was launched, and has dramatically changed the economic context. Energy prices increased by a factor of 10 (!), putting the European industry at a significant disadvantage with its global competitors, leading to company shutdowns or relocations. Extended lock downs in China and defensive trade policies in the US and elsewhere have further generated uncertainty on the market and disrupted supply chains.

Today, one year after its publication, EURATEX remains carefully optimistic about the implementation of the strategy, but needs to warn against some important pitfalls on the road ahead.

  1. Despite these turbulent times, the Commission is moving ahead “swiftly” in translating their EU Textile Strategy into (draft) legislation. At present, at least 16 pieces of legislation are on the table, which will turn the textile industry into a strictly regulated sector. The quality of this new regulatory framework is critical to the success of the strategy: upcoming rules need to be coherent, technically feasible and enforceable, and have a minimal cost for SMEs. EURATEX calls for a realistic timetable and “competitiveness test” for each piece of legislation before it is adopted.
  2. Textile companies need to be informed and supported to comply with this new framework. This requires substantial funding which should be earmarked exclusively to the sector, covering areas of innovation and digitalisation, skills development, support to start ups and internationalisation, as well as access to affordable energy. In this regard, EURATEX calls on the Commission to translate the current “good intentions” into concrete decisions.
  3. The EU strategy will not work if there is no demand for sustainable textiles, both from individual consumers and public authorities (procurement). Concrete measures need to be taken to offer a competitive advantage to sustainable and high quality textile products, e.g. through a different VAT rate, strict procurement rules, closer cooperation between the brands/retailers, producers and consumers.
  4. The EU strategy could also fail, if the global dimension of the textile industry is ignored. Up to 80% of clothing products are produced outside the EU; these products need to comply with the new framework, but it remains unclear how to ensure that level playing field. Market surveillance needs to be stepped up massively – also targeting on line sales – but this would require significant efforts from member states, which are not available as of today.

Despite these important challenges, EURATEX remains committed to the successful implementation of the EU Textile Strategy. Director General Dirk Vantyghem commented: “We want to be a global leader in sustainable textiles, building on the entrepreneurship, quality and creativity of nearly 150,000 European textile companies. Creating this new framework is an incredible challenge, requiring a close dialogue between the industry and the regulator. But if well designed and carefully implemented, it can set a new era for the European textile industry”.



Winding unit for the continuous production of fibre-reinforced thermoplastic pipe profiles (c) ITA. Winding unit for the continuous production of fibre-reinforced thermoplastic pipe profiles

Composites made by ITA at JEC World 2023

  • Less C02 emissions + sustainable + recyclable

Sustainability first - this is the principle of the Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University at JEC World 2023. ITA combines various lightweight construction technologies to reduce C02 and to use renewable and/or recyclable raw materials.

ITA presents innovations in the production of reinforcing fibres and in the textile processing of high-modulus fibres. It also shows the impregnation of high-modulus fibres with thermosetting and thermoplastic matrix systems.  

ITA will be exhibiting in hall 6 together with Textechno, Mönchengladbach, Germany, textile testing equipment and Maruhachi Fukui, Japan, Thermoplastic Composite Material Systems. The Interreg AACOMA project will also be presented at the stand. 

  • Less C02 emissions + sustainable + recyclable

Sustainability first - this is the principle of the Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University at JEC World 2023. ITA combines various lightweight construction technologies to reduce C02 and to use renewable and/or recyclable raw materials.

ITA presents innovations in the production of reinforcing fibres and in the textile processing of high-modulus fibres. It also shows the impregnation of high-modulus fibres with thermosetting and thermoplastic matrix systems.  

ITA will be exhibiting in hall 6 together with Textechno, Mönchengladbach, Germany, textile testing equipment and Maruhachi Fukui, Japan, Thermoplastic Composite Material Systems. The Interreg AACOMA project will also be presented at the stand. 


ITA Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen


Avantium and Kvadrat: Offtake agreement for the development of PEF for interior textiles

Avantium N.V., a leading technology provider in renewable chemistry, announces that it has signed an offtake agreement with Kvadrat A/S, a leader in design innovation, producing quality contemporary textiles and textile related products for architects, designers, and private consumers across the world.

Kvadrat will purchase the 100% plant-based and fully recyclable polymer PEF (polyethylene furanoate) from Avantium’s FDCA (furandicarboxylic acid) Flagship Plant, currently under construction in Delfzijl (the Netherlands) and with commercial production set to start in 2024.

The offtake agreement shall offer Kvadrat the advantage of being first mover in creating PEF-based textiles for both commercial and residential interiors.

Avantium N.V., a leading technology provider in renewable chemistry, announces that it has signed an offtake agreement with Kvadrat A/S, a leader in design innovation, producing quality contemporary textiles and textile related products for architects, designers, and private consumers across the world.

Kvadrat will purchase the 100% plant-based and fully recyclable polymer PEF (polyethylene furanoate) from Avantium’s FDCA (furandicarboxylic acid) Flagship Plant, currently under construction in Delfzijl (the Netherlands) and with commercial production set to start in 2024.

The offtake agreement shall offer Kvadrat the advantage of being first mover in creating PEF-based textiles for both commercial and residential interiors.

More information:
Kvadrat Avantium polymer PEF

Avantium N.V.


Sanyou and Renewcell: Viscose fibers made from 100% recycled textiles

On the sidelines of the Intertextile Shanghai fair, the Swedish textile-to-textile recycling innovator Renewcell and the leading Chinese viscose manufacturer Tangshan Sanyou announced the next step in their partnership to make fashion circular that stretches back to 2018.

The two companies’ new shared ambition is to offer manufacturers and brands Circulose® viscose fibers made from 100% recycled textiles in commercial quantities starting in 2024. The collaboration has been facilitated by Ekman Group, Renewcell’s exclusive global trading partner.

“I am very happy to announce this acceleration of our long-standing partnership with Tangshan Sanyou. They were the first commercial producer of Circulose®-based fibers in the world, and the first to commit to sourcing significant volumes from us. Now, they aim to also be the first to commercialize 100% Circulose® content fibers” said Patrik Lundström, CEO of Renewcell, adding "I applaud Tangshan Sanyou’s vision and support to scaling next gen raw materials like Circulose®.”

On the sidelines of the Intertextile Shanghai fair, the Swedish textile-to-textile recycling innovator Renewcell and the leading Chinese viscose manufacturer Tangshan Sanyou announced the next step in their partnership to make fashion circular that stretches back to 2018.

The two companies’ new shared ambition is to offer manufacturers and brands Circulose® viscose fibers made from 100% recycled textiles in commercial quantities starting in 2024. The collaboration has been facilitated by Ekman Group, Renewcell’s exclusive global trading partner.

“I am very happy to announce this acceleration of our long-standing partnership with Tangshan Sanyou. They were the first commercial producer of Circulose®-based fibers in the world, and the first to commit to sourcing significant volumes from us. Now, they aim to also be the first to commercialize 100% Circulose® content fibers” said Patrik Lundström, CEO of Renewcell, adding "I applaud Tangshan Sanyou’s vision and support to scaling next gen raw materials like Circulose®.”

The announcement, which follows the recent start of deliveries of 100% recycled textile Circulose® pulp from Renewcell’s newly opened Renewcell 1 recycling plant, is the result of successful validation of Circulose®’s quality in production at Tangshan Sanyou’s commercial-scale manufacturing lines. Tangshan Sanyou would strive to finish the mission of producing commercial volumes of 50% Circulose® content fibers during 2023 and work towards achieving the delivery of 100% Circulose® content branded viscose fibers to selected fashion brands and manufacturers starting in 2024. The two companies will cooperate to market the fibers globally using Renewcell’s Circulose® ingredient brand name.

Mr. Zhang Dongbin, Executive Vice General Manager of Tangshan Sanyou Chemical Fiber, says, "Through the collaboration with Renewcell, we have achieved to use Circulose® made from recycled cotton in the production of our viscose fibers, which is great beneficial to improving resource utilization efficiency and lowering carbon footprint of the industry. It has brought a huge impact in the sustainable fashion industry. We will continue putting efforts in forming good interaction between consumers, brands and enterprises, convey the concept of circular sustainable fashion, promote the greening of textile industry, and ensure a more sustainable way to ensure the sustainable development of the textile industry. Protecting the global ecological environment by applying sustainable solutions is our common goal."



Freudenberg´s 100% rTPE Base Content Interlining Medium Weight Foto: Freudenberg

Freudenberg: First 100% rTPE base content interlining series for apparel

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel is expanding its Super Elastic Interlinings Range with the introduction of the apparel industry’s first 100% recycled thermoplastic elastomers (rTPE) base content interlining series. In recognition of the growing use of elastic interlinings in apparel and building on the principles of Freudenberg Performance Materials´ Apparel’s House of Sustainability, these new products speak for high-quality and sustainable solutions.

The new, 100% rTPE base content interlinings are offered in 40-90 g/m2 weights, with wide applicability – from lightweight knit fabrics with applications in leggings and sports bras to elastic woven fabrics that require medium-to-heavy weights, such as denim, maternity clothes, or casual wear. Sustainable without compromising on quality, the new interlinings offer exceptional elasticity and retain excellent recovery capabilities.

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel is expanding its Super Elastic Interlinings Range with the introduction of the apparel industry’s first 100% recycled thermoplastic elastomers (rTPE) base content interlining series. In recognition of the growing use of elastic interlinings in apparel and building on the principles of Freudenberg Performance Materials´ Apparel’s House of Sustainability, these new products speak for high-quality and sustainable solutions.

The new, 100% rTPE base content interlinings are offered in 40-90 g/m2 weights, with wide applicability – from lightweight knit fabrics with applications in leggings and sports bras to elastic woven fabrics that require medium-to-heavy weights, such as denim, maternity clothes, or casual wear. Sustainable without compromising on quality, the new interlinings offer exceptional elasticity and retain excellent recovery capabilities.

The 100% rTPE base content interlinings reduce the need for virgin materials in apparel while also reducing the demand for the extractive practices necessary to produce such materials. Furthermore, the use of recycled components reduces materials in landfills and oceans, in consideration of full-garment lifecycle management.


Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding SE & Co. KG

(c) Hohenstein

Hohenstein zertifiziert Fanartikel des 1. FC Köln

Hohenstein zertifiziert im März 2023 mehrere Fanartikel des 1. FC Köln mit dem OEKO-TEX® MADE IN GREEN-Label. Das rückverfolgbare Produktlabel für schadstoffgeprüfte Textilien bestätigt dem Verbraucher, dass das Kleidungsstück unter nachhaltigen und sozialverträglichen Bedingungen hergestellt wurde.

Der 1. FC Köln ist der neueste Zugang aus der Fußball-Bundesliga für Hohenstein, der Artikel aus seinem Fanshop in Zusammenarbeit mit der MBA-Solutions GmbH, Spezialist für nachhaltige textile Merchandise-Artikel und Arbeitskleidung, zertifizieren lässt. Dazu gehören T-Shirts mit Frontbedruckung oder -bestickung sowie Hoodies. Im Frühjahr 2023 sollen weitere FC-Fantextilien folgen.

Der Verein setzt sich unter anderem für aktiven Umweltschutz innerhalb und außerhalb des Vereins ein. Alle Merchandising-Artikel des FC entsprechen mindestens den geltenden Rechtsnormen. Das vereinseigene neue Label „Grüner Hennes“ zeigt an, welche Artikel Nachhaltigkeitskriterien erfüllen, die über gesetzliche Anforderungen hinausgehen. So auch die vom neutralen Dienstleister Hohenstein geprüften Artikel mit OEKO-TEX® MADE IN GREEN-Siegel.


Hohenstein zertifiziert im März 2023 mehrere Fanartikel des 1. FC Köln mit dem OEKO-TEX® MADE IN GREEN-Label. Das rückverfolgbare Produktlabel für schadstoffgeprüfte Textilien bestätigt dem Verbraucher, dass das Kleidungsstück unter nachhaltigen und sozialverträglichen Bedingungen hergestellt wurde.

Der 1. FC Köln ist der neueste Zugang aus der Fußball-Bundesliga für Hohenstein, der Artikel aus seinem Fanshop in Zusammenarbeit mit der MBA-Solutions GmbH, Spezialist für nachhaltige textile Merchandise-Artikel und Arbeitskleidung, zertifizieren lässt. Dazu gehören T-Shirts mit Frontbedruckung oder -bestickung sowie Hoodies. Im Frühjahr 2023 sollen weitere FC-Fantextilien folgen.

Der Verein setzt sich unter anderem für aktiven Umweltschutz innerhalb und außerhalb des Vereins ein. Alle Merchandising-Artikel des FC entsprechen mindestens den geltenden Rechtsnormen. Das vereinseigene neue Label „Grüner Hennes“ zeigt an, welche Artikel Nachhaltigkeitskriterien erfüllen, die über gesetzliche Anforderungen hinausgehen. So auch die vom neutralen Dienstleister Hohenstein geprüften Artikel mit OEKO-TEX® MADE IN GREEN-Siegel.




Am STFI entwickelte Vliesstoffkonstruktion ebnet den Weg zur Mehrwegnutzung für biobasierte Hygieneprodukte Foto: STFI

STFI zeigt nachhaltige Vliesstoffentwicklungen auf der INDEX 23

Das Sächsische Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI) wird in Genf Neues aus der Vliesstoffforschung präsentieren. Gezeigt werden unter anderem ein biobasierter Hygienevliesstoff, das Recycling von Hochleistungsfasern am Beispiel des Projekts VliesSMC, ein innovatives Schlauchlinersystem und Wasserstrahlvliesstoffe aus recycelten Fasern.

Das Sächsische Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI) wird in Genf Neues aus der Vliesstoffforschung präsentieren. Gezeigt werden unter anderem ein biobasierter Hygienevliesstoff, das Recycling von Hochleistungsfasern am Beispiel des Projekts VliesSMC, ein innovatives Schlauchlinersystem und Wasserstrahlvliesstoffe aus recycelten Fasern.

Biobasierter Hygienevliesstoff: BioHyg
Ausgangspunkt für die Innovation war die Suche nach einer waschbaren und somit wiederverwendbaren Saugeinlage aus vollständig biobasierten Materialien für Anwendungen in der Baby-, Damen- und Inkontinenzhygiene. Zwei Hauptanforderungen standen im Fokus: Eine schnelle und effiziente Flüssigkeitsverteilung sowie eine hohe Saugfähigkeit sollen Rücknässung und Auslaufen minimieren. Beides gewährleisten Spezial-Viskosefasern von Kelheim Fibres, die seit vielen Jahren diesen essenziellen Beitrag in absorbierenden Hygieneprodukten wie Tampons leisten.
Dabei sind die Vorteile von Vliesstoffen in Kombination mit Spezial-Viskosefasern hinsichtlich Absorptionsfähigkeit (durch z. B. offenporigere Strukturen) aus dem Bereich der petrochemisch- in die Welt der biobasierten Fasermaterialien transferiert worden.

Wiederverwendbare Produkte müssen beim Waschen und über mehrere Nutzungszyklen hinweg stabil bleiben. Um das zu gewährleisten, wurde am Sächsischen Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. eine innovative Vliesstoffkonstruktion entwickelt. Sie schließt die technologische Lücke aus ausreichender Dimensionsstabilität und möglichst geringer Faserschädigung durch die Verfestigungsmechanismen. Die entwickelten Vliesstofflagen können als eigenständige Lösung als Single-Use Produkt mit biobasierten Materialien verwendet oder in eine waschbare Verbundstruktur, wie der Windel vom Start-up Sumo, integriert werden. Die neue Lösung vereint die Welten von Hygiene und Nachhaltigkeit und zeigt, dass leistungsstarke wiederverwendbare absorbierende Produkte ohne fossile Materialien entwickelt werden können.

Recycling von Hochleistungsfasern: VliesSMC
Das STFI informiert auf der INDEX über 23 Neuerungen im Recycling von Hochleistungsfasern. Ausgestellt wird ein Batteriegehäuse, das gemeinsam mit dem Forschungspartner Fraunhofer ICT, Pfinztal, erarbeitet wurde. Am STFI, Chemnitz, erfolgten detaillierte Untersuchungen zum Einsatz rezyklierter Carbonfasern in der SMC-Prozesskette. Hierzu wurden Vliesstoffe entwickelt, die es ermöglichen, die rezyklierten Carbonfasern der SMC-Anlage zuzuführen. Die hergestellten SMC-Halbzeuge konnten anschließend sowohl im Form- als auch Fließpressverfahren verarbeitet werden. Der Vergleich mit konventionellen SMC-Produkten zeigt, dass bei niedrigerem Faservolumengehalt vergleichbare Kennwerte erzielt werden konnten. Zukunftsweisende Materialien bieten zudem die Entwicklungen aus dem Bereich nachwachsender Rohstoffe in Kombination mit biobasierten Harzsystemen.   
Von der Recyclingfaser zum Wasserstrahlvliesstoff
Das STFI stellt Vliesstoffstrukturen aus, die nach dem mechanischen Recycling mittels Reißmaschine durch das Wasserstrahlverfahren bzw. Nähwirktechnologien verfestigt wurden. Die Vliesstoffe zeichnen sich insbesondere durch ihre weiche Haptik und Optik aus. Ob nassfeste Wipes, klassische Polfaserwirkvliesstoffe mit Polster- und Isolationseigenschaften oder nachhaltige Nadelvliesstoffe; durch den Einsatz von Reißfasern in Kombination mit etablierten Vliesbildungsprozessen werden am STFI neue Anwendungen für Alttextilien gefunden und Stoffkreisläufe geschlossen.  



Carbios: Scientific publication on enzymatic degradation of plastics

Carbios announces the publication of an article entitled “Enzymes’ power for plastics degradation” in Chemical Reviews. The article is a comprehensive and critical review of research published to date on the enzymatic degradation of all types of plastics (PET, PLA, polyolefins, polyurethanes, polyamides) and includes almost 700 references. Co-authored by biotechnology researchers from Carbios and its academic partner Toulouse Biotechnology Institute (TBI), as well as two eminent professors in polymer science from the University of Bordeaux, the work brings together expertise in the fields of enzymology, polymer science and industry in order to accelerate the transition to a circular economy for plastic.

Beyond the comprehensive bibliographical study, the authors analyzed the data to discuss the scope, limitations, challenges and opportunities of enzymatic plastic recycling with a view to developing innovations and industrial processes. The article’s standpoint and added value with regard to issues surrounding plastic pollution is its critical view on technology transfer and industrial scalability.

Carbios announces the publication of an article entitled “Enzymes’ power for plastics degradation” in Chemical Reviews. The article is a comprehensive and critical review of research published to date on the enzymatic degradation of all types of plastics (PET, PLA, polyolefins, polyurethanes, polyamides) and includes almost 700 references. Co-authored by biotechnology researchers from Carbios and its academic partner Toulouse Biotechnology Institute (TBI), as well as two eminent professors in polymer science from the University of Bordeaux, the work brings together expertise in the fields of enzymology, polymer science and industry in order to accelerate the transition to a circular economy for plastic.

Beyond the comprehensive bibliographical study, the authors analyzed the data to discuss the scope, limitations, challenges and opportunities of enzymatic plastic recycling with a view to developing innovations and industrial processes. The article’s standpoint and added value with regard to issues surrounding plastic pollution is its critical view on technology transfer and industrial scalability.

To read the article in Chemical Reviews, click here.




RadiciGroup: Zeta Polimeri becomes Radici EcoMaterials Srl

A little over three years have passed since RadiciGroup announced the acquisition of Zeta Polimeri, an Italian company headquartered in Buronzo (VC) with over 30 years' experience in the recovery of pre- and post-consumer synthetic fibres and thermoplastic materials. Today, the company has become a full member of the Group with its new name Radici EcoMaterials Srl.

The new company’s long-standing know-how, combined with RadiciGroup’s as a whole, will create a virtuous production system that recovers worn-out materials (fabric, yarn and granules), or otherwise unusable materials, and processes them into raw materials available for other production cycles by taking advantage of industrial synergy.

A little over three years have passed since RadiciGroup announced the acquisition of Zeta Polimeri, an Italian company headquartered in Buronzo (VC) with over 30 years' experience in the recovery of pre- and post-consumer synthetic fibres and thermoplastic materials. Today, the company has become a full member of the Group with its new name Radici EcoMaterials Srl.

The new company’s long-standing know-how, combined with RadiciGroup’s as a whole, will create a virtuous production system that recovers worn-out materials (fabric, yarn and granules), or otherwise unusable materials, and processes them into raw materials available for other production cycles by taking advantage of industrial synergy.

Radici EcoMaterials is a strategic production site because it handles all the preliminary recovery stages: the sorting, processing and pre-treatment of materials, including those used for the production of post-consumer yarns and engineering polymers. In this sense, Radici EcoMaterials is in line with the most recent European policies on sustainable textiles, which address minimizing the share of materials destined for disposal sites, favouring instead more structured recycling solutions.

Radici EcoMaterials is also GRS certified. GRS certification ensures the complete traceability of its materials, which are made in a safe plant that meets the highest environmental and social certification standards.

The company is also equipped with a photovoltaic system and, for the portion of its energy needs not covered by the photovoltaic source, it partially relies on renewable energy. The goal is to use 100% green energy in the next few years, in accord with RadiciGroup's goals.




Haelixa added to the Denim Deal

The steering committee for the Denim Deal has announced that Haelixa, the Swiss standard in physical traceability, is approved as a new signature. The Denim Deal is an international collaboration of more than 50 private and public sector companies united in the commitment to produce denim more circularly.

The Denim Deal aims to close the loop and achieve change in the value chain. Based in Amsterdam, the group is working towards a circular economy where textile waste no longer exists. The brand and manufacturing members pledge to work towards using 5% recycled post-consumer cotton in all future denim collections and produce 3 million denim jeans made with 20% recycled post-consumer cotton.

The steering committee for the Denim Deal has announced that Haelixa, the Swiss standard in physical traceability, is approved as a new signature. The Denim Deal is an international collaboration of more than 50 private and public sector companies united in the commitment to produce denim more circularly.

The Denim Deal aims to close the loop and achieve change in the value chain. Based in Amsterdam, the group is working towards a circular economy where textile waste no longer exists. The brand and manufacturing members pledge to work towards using 5% recycled post-consumer cotton in all future denim collections and produce 3 million denim jeans made with 20% recycled post-consumer cotton.

Coordination of the Denim Deal is led by Roosmarie Ruigrok, where the objective is to unite potential allies who have made the journey to circularity a priority. She has been working to improve sustainability in textiles for more than two decades and is an expert on enrolling the correct stakeholders to instigate change. Ruigrok states, "a circular supply chain in the textile industry is like a well-prepared machine - it ensures that every part of the production process runs smoothly, from sourcing post-consumer materials to delivering well-made finished products to customers. It not only drives efficiency and profitability but also builds trust among stakeholders and fosters sustainable practices - we welcome Haelixa who offers a trustful traceability solution."

Over the last few years, the demand for the technology in recycled denim has grown as brands are asked to validate their recycling claims. Haelixa’s unique DNA solution marks and traces fibers from the source to retail. Using DNA to mark the recycled post-consumer cotton, Haelixa substantiates claims by testing the final garment to validate that the marked waste is present.

The Denim Deal is pushing to lead the change in how denim is made. Changing the standards of operation is always challenging, and traceability is a key to authenticating recycled claims. “We are committed to promoting the use of recycled fibers through traceability and thrilled to align with this group,” said Holly Berger, Haelixa’s Marketing Director. “The goals of the Denim Deal support our vision for a circular economy.”


Haelixa AG

(c) Fashion for Good

Fashion for Good welcomes start-ups to its Global Platform

Fashion for Good welcomes twelve new start-ups to its Global Platform. The selected Innovators will participate in a nine-month innovation programme with bespoke support to validate their technologies in preparation for implementation across the fashion value chain.

The selected innovators represent technologies across Raw Materials, Processing, Traceability & Transparency, Circular Business Models and End of Use.

The selected innovators joining the Fashion for Good 2023 Innovation Programme are: Virent, Inc., ZimoChem Inc, Polybion, Saltico Ltd, Lamoral Coatings B.V., CleanKore LLC, RESPONSIBLE, Qingdao Amino Material Technology Co., Ltd.,Protein Evolution, Inc., DePoly, Ioncell Oy, and SATMA CE.


Fashion for Good welcomes twelve new start-ups to its Global Platform. The selected Innovators will participate in a nine-month innovation programme with bespoke support to validate their technologies in preparation for implementation across the fashion value chain.

The selected innovators represent technologies across Raw Materials, Processing, Traceability & Transparency, Circular Business Models and End of Use.

The selected innovators joining the Fashion for Good 2023 Innovation Programme are: Virent, Inc., ZimoChem Inc, Polybion, Saltico Ltd, Lamoral Coatings B.V., CleanKore LLC, RESPONSIBLE, Qingdao Amino Material Technology Co., Ltd.,Protein Evolution, Inc., DePoly, Ioncell Oy, and SATMA CE.



Fashion for Good


ChemSec’s PFAs Movement: Brands want the EU to ban PFAS chemicals

  • Harmful PFAS chemicals, used in thousands of consumer products, are shaping up to be the big environmental and health threat of our time. The EU is now the first in the world to propose a broad ban on these chemicals.
  • Consumer brands worth more than €130 billion support the ban on PFAS.  
  • Investors with assets in PFAS-producing companies are calling for an end to production.

Many companies are taking a stand against PFAS chemicals as the EU invites the public to give its opinions on the proposed ban on these harmful chemicals.

  • Harmful PFAS chemicals, used in thousands of consumer products, are shaping up to be the big environmental and health threat of our time. The EU is now the first in the world to propose a broad ban on these chemicals.
  • Consumer brands worth more than €130 billion support the ban on PFAS.  
  • Investors with assets in PFAS-producing companies are calling for an end to production.

Many companies are taking a stand against PFAS chemicals as the EU invites the public to give its opinions on the proposed ban on these harmful chemicals.

108 companies dedicated to phasing out PFAS chemicals from products and processes have joined the PFAS Movement, an advocacy campaign initiated by environmental NGO ChemSec that calls for comprehensive regulation of PFAS in the EU. The members comprise many well-known brands, such as Inditex, Urbanears and the Cookware Company, representing various industries— fashion, home goods, food, and personal care. The members are worth more than €130 billion in total revenue.

“A European ban on PFAS chemicals will have huge repercussions for all manufacturing industries and require much work for companies in the global supply chain. However, some parts of the industry oppose this ban, claiming that the change is too big to be justified. That’s why the support for a ban from such influential consumer brands as those in the PFAS Movement is so important. It’s a strong sign that businesses want to eliminate PFAS chemicals in products and processes”, says Anne-Sofie Bäckar, Executive Director at ChemSec.

A Hollywood Helping Hand
ChemSec’s PFAS Movement is not only supported by the brands but also by Hollywood actor Mark Ruffalo who became a PFAS activist after his involvement in the film Dark Waters. The film depicts the real-life events following the massive uncovering of PFAS contamination in the USA. As a result, several PFAS producers in the USA are now involved in multimillion-dollar lawsuits.

The health and environmental threats of PFAS, along with all the lawsuits, have also created attention among another influential group: institutional investors. Last year, 47 institutional investors with US$8 trillion in assets sent a letter to 54 chemical companies named by ChemSec, calling for them to halt the production of persistent “forever chemicals”.

The EU ban on PFAS
The proposed EU ban on PFAS is extensive and the first of its kind worldwide. The idea was initially initiated by Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, Germany and Norway, who have spent almost three years mapping the implications of a ban on PFAS chemicals in a dossier that expands over nearly 2000 pages. The proposal shows, among other things, that the emissions of PFAS were 75 000 tonnes in 2020. If this continues, the emissions are expected to sit at 4.4 million tonnes in 30 years. The emissions originate from the production and use of the many products that contain PFAS; furniture, cosmetics, electronics and many more.

More information:
ChemSec PFAS chemicals



ECHA seeks input on proposed PFAS restriction

The European Chemicals Agency invites interested parties to send in scientific and technical information on the manufacture, placing on the market and use of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) by 25 September 2023.

The six-month consultation on the restriction proposal, prepared by the Danish, German, Dutch, Norwegian and Swedish authorities, opens on 22 March 2023 and closes on 25 September 2023 (23:59 Helsinki time).

The consultation is to give anyone with information on PFAS the opportunity to have their say. Of particular interest is information relevant to the risks, socio-economic aspects and alternative substances.

ECHA’s scientific committees for Risk Assessment (RAC) and for Socio-Economic Analysis (SEAC) will use the consultation input to evaluate the proposed restriction and form an opinion on it.

The European Chemicals Agency invites interested parties to send in scientific and technical information on the manufacture, placing on the market and use of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) by 25 September 2023.

The six-month consultation on the restriction proposal, prepared by the Danish, German, Dutch, Norwegian and Swedish authorities, opens on 22 March 2023 and closes on 25 September 2023 (23:59 Helsinki time).

The consultation is to give anyone with information on PFAS the opportunity to have their say. Of particular interest is information relevant to the risks, socio-economic aspects and alternative substances.

ECHA’s scientific committees for Risk Assessment (RAC) and for Socio-Economic Analysis (SEAC) will use the consultation input to evaluate the proposed restriction and form an opinion on it.

An online information session will be held on 5 April. During the session, experts from ECHA and the five national authorities will explain the restriction process, the content of the proposal and how to participate in the consultation. They will also respond to questions from the participants.

The five national authorities submitted the universal proposal to restrict PFAS to ECHA on 13 January. The European Commission, together with the EU Member States, will eventually decide on the potential restriction based on the proposal and the committees’ opinion.

More information:


(c) RadiciGroup

RadiciGroup: 100% naturally sourced yarn made from castor oil

RadiciGroup presented Biofeel® Eleven, a yarn of natural origin, at the Performance Days trade fair (from March 15-16 in Munich). Biofeel® Eleven is sourced from castor oil and is suitable for obtaining bio-polymer. It can be used for fabrics and fine garments in many sectors, from fashion to sports, from automotive to home textiles.

Today, 80% of the world's castor-oil plantations are in India, particularly in the Gujarat region, due to its favourable climatic conditions. In this area, local people can earn an additional income by cultivating semi-arid land that does not compete with food production, and by applying the skills they have acquired over time to this work. Over the years, thanks to research, development and innovation in the value chain, the seeds from which the oil is produced have been selected and certified to ensure the finest quality, also in terms of end uses.

Castor beans contain around 45% oil, rich in ricinolein, from which the bio-polymer polyamide 11 is derived. This is the polymer RadiciGroup uses for its Biofeel® Eleven yarn. What remains after the first pressing is a highly effective bio-fertiliser that is returned to the soil.

RadiciGroup presented Biofeel® Eleven, a yarn of natural origin, at the Performance Days trade fair (from March 15-16 in Munich). Biofeel® Eleven is sourced from castor oil and is suitable for obtaining bio-polymer. It can be used for fabrics and fine garments in many sectors, from fashion to sports, from automotive to home textiles.

Today, 80% of the world's castor-oil plantations are in India, particularly in the Gujarat region, due to its favourable climatic conditions. In this area, local people can earn an additional income by cultivating semi-arid land that does not compete with food production, and by applying the skills they have acquired over time to this work. Over the years, thanks to research, development and innovation in the value chain, the seeds from which the oil is produced have been selected and certified to ensure the finest quality, also in terms of end uses.

Castor beans contain around 45% oil, rich in ricinolein, from which the bio-polymer polyamide 11 is derived. This is the polymer RadiciGroup uses for its Biofeel® Eleven yarn. What remains after the first pressing is a highly effective bio-fertiliser that is returned to the soil.

Biofeel® Eleven can also be solution dyed, i.e. dyed at the yarn production stage, saving a great deal of water and energy and also providing greater colour stability.

