From the Sector

154 results

ISKO invests in Green Technology for Recycling Solution

ISKO and textile research and development company HKRITA are proud to announce a licensing agreement for HKRITA’s award-winning, revolutionary Green Machine – a one-of-a-kind technology that fully separates and recycles cotton and polyester blends at scale.

The technology is still in the pilot stage, but is an additional step in ISKO’s drive to improve and commercialize recycling technologies which will eventually enable the company to offer a 100% post-consumer recycling solution to all of its customers. In addition, ISKO and HKRITA will work together to develop related technology, further strengthening the company’s position in sustainability.

The Green Machine uses an innovative and ultra-efficient hydrothermal treatment method that decomposes cotton into cellulose powders and enables the separation of polyester fibres from blended fabrics. The process is a closed loop and uses only water, heat and less than 5% biodegradable green chemicals. Crucially, this method does not damage the polyester fibres and therefore maintains their quality; the cellulose powders, which are clean and toxic-free, can be used in a variety of ways.

ISKO and textile research and development company HKRITA are proud to announce a licensing agreement for HKRITA’s award-winning, revolutionary Green Machine – a one-of-a-kind technology that fully separates and recycles cotton and polyester blends at scale.

The technology is still in the pilot stage, but is an additional step in ISKO’s drive to improve and commercialize recycling technologies which will eventually enable the company to offer a 100% post-consumer recycling solution to all of its customers. In addition, ISKO and HKRITA will work together to develop related technology, further strengthening the company’s position in sustainability.

The Green Machine uses an innovative and ultra-efficient hydrothermal treatment method that decomposes cotton into cellulose powders and enables the separation of polyester fibres from blended fabrics. The process is a closed loop and uses only water, heat and less than 5% biodegradable green chemicals. Crucially, this method does not damage the polyester fibres and therefore maintains their quality; the cellulose powders, which are clean and toxic-free, can be used in a variety of ways.

The investment in this new technology is the latest in ISKO’s ongoing drive for advancements in sustainability. As part of the company’s R-TWO™ programme, it is also working to develop fabrics with a guaranteed minimum 50%+ GRS (Global Recycle Standard) recycled content blend. This will significantly reduce the carbon and water footprint of a fabric, as well as make it easy for consumers to trace a garment’s sustainable journey step-by-step from the beginning of the supply chain through to the end product they purchase.


ISKO / Menabò Group

Borealis: Innovative Recycling Solutions with Renasci N.V. (c) Renasci

Borealis: Innovative Recycling Solutions with Renasci N.V.

  • Borealis deepens partnership with innovative recycling solutions provider Renasci N.V., acquiring a 10% minority stake in the Belgium-based creator of the Smart Chain Processing (SCP) concept
  • Deal supports Borealis integrated approach to achieve a true circular economy of plastics in the most eco-efficient way, as defined by its circular cascade model
  • EverMinds™ in action: Game-changing collaboration to accelerate plastics circularity

Borealis announces that it has entered into a multi-dimensional partnership with Renasci N.V., a provider of innovative recycling solutions and creator of the novel Smart Chain Processing (SCP) concept. The partnership is another key enabler for Borealis to realise its ambitions to bring circular base chemicals and polyolefins to market, and to deliver on its promise to bring 350 kilotons of recycled polyolefins into circulation by 2025.

  • Borealis deepens partnership with innovative recycling solutions provider Renasci N.V., acquiring a 10% minority stake in the Belgium-based creator of the Smart Chain Processing (SCP) concept
  • Deal supports Borealis integrated approach to achieve a true circular economy of plastics in the most eco-efficient way, as defined by its circular cascade model
  • EverMinds™ in action: Game-changing collaboration to accelerate plastics circularity

Borealis announces that it has entered into a multi-dimensional partnership with Renasci N.V., a provider of innovative recycling solutions and creator of the novel Smart Chain Processing (SCP) concept. The partnership is another key enabler for Borealis to realise its ambitions to bring circular base chemicals and polyolefins to market, and to deliver on its promise to bring 350 kilotons of recycled polyolefins into circulation by 2025.

SCP concept leaves no waste behind
The SCP concept developed by Renasci is a proprietary method of maximising material recovery in order to achieve zero waste. It is unique because it enables the processing of multiple waste streams using different recycling technologies – all under one roof. At the newly-built Renasci SCP facility in Oostende, Belgium, mixed waste – plastics, metals, and biomass – is automatically selected and sorted multiple times.

After sorting, plastic waste is first mechanically recycled, and then in a second step any remaining material is chemically recycled into circular pyrolysis oil and lighter product fractions, which are used to fuel the process.

Other types of sorted waste such as metals and organic refuse are further processed using other technologies. In the end, only 5% of the original waste remains, and even this residual material is not landfilled, but used as filler in construction materials. Because of this extremely efficient way of processing, the overall CO2 footprint of these waste streams is greatly reduced – yet another advantage of the circular SCP concept.

The cascade model is Borealis’ integrated circular approach
Borealis circular cascade model sits at the heart of its ambition to achieve a truly circular economy, by combining carefully chosen technologies in a complementary and cascading way to achieve full circularity. In this way, Borealis aims to give plastic products multiple lifetimes in the most sustainable way possible. Starting with optimising product design, first for eco-efficiency, then for re-use and finally for recycling. Once a product has reached its end of life, we must close the plastics loop: first with mechanical recycling to make products with the highest possible value, quality and lowest carbon footprint; then utilising chemical recycling, as a complement to mechanical recycling, to further valorise residual streams which would otherwise go to incineration, or even worse to landfills. The valorised material from mechanical and chemical recycling is then processed with Borealis Borcycle™ recycling technology consisting of Borcycle M for mechanical recycling and Borcycle C for chemical recycling, providing high quality solutions for more sophisticated applications, such as food packaging and healthcare.

The SCP concept is aligned to Borealis’ ambition to close the loop on plastic waste as encapsulated in its circular cascade model.



(c) Tom Schulze. “IQ Innovationspreis Mitteldeutschland“, overall winner (from left to right) FibreCoat GmbH from Aachen, ITA graduate Dr Robert Brüll, Deutsche Basalt Fiber GmbH from Sangerhausen, Georgi Gogoladze.

Overall prize of the “IQ Innovationspreis Mitteldeutschland“ for FibreCoat GmbH and DBF Deutsche Basalt Faser GmbH

FibreCoat GmbH from Aachen, Germany, together with DBF Deutsche Basalt GmbH, developed a completely new type of fibre material to shield electromagnetic radiation from digital end devices, medical technology or e-car batteries cheaply and effectively. The joint project was awarded the overall prize of the“ IQ Innovationspreises Mitteldeutschland“ on 24 June in an online event broadcast live from Leipzig.

The prize is endowed with €15,000 and was sponsored by the Halle-Dessau, Leipzig and East Thuringia Chambers of Industry and Commerce.

FibreCoat GmbH from Aachen, Germany, together with DBF Deutsche Basalt GmbH, developed a completely new type of fibre material to shield electromagnetic radiation from digital end devices, medical technology or e-car batteries cheaply and effectively. The joint project was awarded the overall prize of the“ IQ Innovationspreises Mitteldeutschland“ on 24 June in an online event broadcast live from Leipzig.

The prize is endowed with €15,000 and was sponsored by the Halle-Dessau, Leipzig and East Thuringia Chambers of Industry and Commerce.

Electromagnetic radiation from smartphones, hospital diagnostics and electric car batteries must be shielded so that they do not inter-fere with each other. To prevent mutual interference, they have so far been covered with metal fibre fabrics, a very time- and energy-consuming and thus expensive procedure. The new material from Basalt Faser GmbH and FibreCoat GmbH prevents this with a fibre core made of melted, thinly drawn basalt, which is coated with aluminium and bundled into the so-called AluCoat yarn. This yarn remains just as conductive and shielding, but is lighter, stronger, cheaper and more sustainable than previous alternatives. In addition, there are further advantages:

  • The number of process steps required is reduced from ten to one.
  • 1,500 metres of yarn are produced per minute instead of the previous five metres.
  • The energy required is only 10 per cent of the previous amount.

The result is a price that is twenty times lower.

The textile made of AluCoat fibres is versatile and flexible: as wallpaper it can shield 5G radiation in offices or medical rooms or encase batteries and thus ensure the smooth functioning of electric cars. AluCoat is already being used in some companies. A European fibre centre in Sangerhausen is being planned for mass production.

The two innovative companies DBF Deutsche Basalt GmbH and FibreCoat GmbH from East and West combine the two materials basalt and aluminium to protect against electromagnetic radiation. In doing so, they coat basalt with aluminium and, through this novel combination, create an inexpensive, sustainable and quickly produced alter-native for a market worth billions.

FibreCoat GmbH from Aachen is a spin-off of the Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University; the managing directors Dr Robert Brüll and Alexander Lüking and Richard Haas have completed their doctorates at the ITA or are in the process of preparing their doctorates. Georgi Gogoladze, Managing Director of Deutsche Basaltfaser GmbH, also studied at RWTH Aachen University. The two managing directors Brüll and Gogoladze know each other from their student days.


ITA – Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University

Bremer Baumwollbörse: Kontinuität in Vorstand und Präsidium (c) Bremer Baumwollbörse

Bremer Baumwollbörse: Kontinuität in Vorstand und Präsidium

Satzungsgemäß fand am 24. Juni 2021 die 147. ordentliche Generalversammlung der Bremer Baumwollbörse statt. Das alte Präsidium ist auch das neue und wurde in bisheriger Zusammensetzung vom Vorstand wiedergewählt.

Stephanie Silber, Geschäftsführerin der Otto Stadtlander GmbH, bleibt als Präsidentin weiter im Amt, ebenso die Vizepräsidenten Jens D. Lukaczik, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter des Serviceunternehmens Cargo Control Germany GmbH & Co. KG in Bremen, Ernst Grimmelt, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Spinnerei und Weberei Velener Textil GmbH in Velen, Nordrhein-Westfalen und Fritz A. Grobien, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Albrecht, Müller-Pearse & Co. Trade (GmbH & Co.) KG, Bremen.

Neuwahlen des Vorstands
Während der Generalversammlung fanden die Neuwahlen des Vorstandes statt.
Vizepräsident Fritz A. Grobien, Albrecht, Müller-Pearse & Co. Trade (GmbH & Co.) KG, Bremen, schied turnusgemäß aus dem Vorstand aus und wurde neu in das Gremium gewählt. Auch Jean-Paul Haessig, Asian Cotton Traders PTE Ltd, Singapur, wurde erneut in den Vorstand berufen.

Satzungsgemäß fand am 24. Juni 2021 die 147. ordentliche Generalversammlung der Bremer Baumwollbörse statt. Das alte Präsidium ist auch das neue und wurde in bisheriger Zusammensetzung vom Vorstand wiedergewählt.

Stephanie Silber, Geschäftsführerin der Otto Stadtlander GmbH, bleibt als Präsidentin weiter im Amt, ebenso die Vizepräsidenten Jens D. Lukaczik, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter des Serviceunternehmens Cargo Control Germany GmbH & Co. KG in Bremen, Ernst Grimmelt, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Spinnerei und Weberei Velener Textil GmbH in Velen, Nordrhein-Westfalen und Fritz A. Grobien, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Albrecht, Müller-Pearse & Co. Trade (GmbH & Co.) KG, Bremen.

Neuwahlen des Vorstands
Während der Generalversammlung fanden die Neuwahlen des Vorstandes statt.
Vizepräsident Fritz A. Grobien, Albrecht, Müller-Pearse & Co. Trade (GmbH & Co.) KG, Bremen, schied turnusgemäß aus dem Vorstand aus und wurde neu in das Gremium gewählt. Auch Jean-Paul Haessig, Asian Cotton Traders PTE Ltd, Singapur, wurde erneut in den Vorstand berufen.

Weitere Mitglieder im Vorstand sind Hannes Drolle, Getzner Textil AG, Bludenz/Österreich, Henning Hammer, Otto Stadtlander GmbH, Bremen, in Shanghai verantwortlich für das Asiengeschäft, Jan Kettelhack, Hch. Kettelhack GmbH + Co. KG, Rheine, Konrad Schröer, Setex-Textil GmbH, Hamminkeln-Dingden, Peter Spoerry, Spoerry 1886 AG, Flums, auch in der Funktion als Vertreter der Schweizer Textilindustrie, Roland Stelzer, Gebr. Elmer & Zweifel GmbH & Co. KG, Bempflingen sowie Axel Trede, Cotton Service International GmbH, Bremen. Als beratendes Mitglied ist Manfred Kern als Repräsentant der Vereinigung Textilindustrie Österreich im Vorstand vertreten.

Präsidentin Stephanie Silber sagte anlässlich der Generalversammlung: „Nach mehr als einem Jahr in der Pandemie zeigt sich: Baumwolle hat sich als resilient erwiesen. Natürlich sind die Auswirkungen der Covid-19 Pandemie nicht spurlos an der Branche vorbei gegangen. Aufträge wurden storniert, Unternehmen kämpfen mit der Insolvenz. Aber durch die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette hindurch haben Menschen an Lösungen gearbeitet und die Innovationskraft der Baumwollindustrie demonstriert. Die Nachfrage hat sich relativ schnell wieder erholt. Dies ist eine gute Basis für die kommende Saison, die hoffentlich unter normaleren Bedingungen stattfinden kann. Aktuell hat die Branche mit der logistischen Situation eine große Herausforderung. Knappe Containerverfügbarkeit und ausgebuchte Schiffsrouten verzögern die globalen Lieferketten weltweit.“



Riri announces the acquisition of Amom

Riri has completed an important acquisition, leading to the consolidation of the Group’s position in the luxury accessory sector, which represents a significant add-on to develop new skills and production with an extended offer now including bijoux.

The journey towards the creation of a single centre of excellence involved in designing, developing and manufacturing high fashion accessories has taken another step forward. With Amom joining the Group, Riri’s growth strategy has achieved another major goal: a comprehensive range of products now embracing zippers, buttons, metal components and bijoux.

Riri has completed an important acquisition, leading to the consolidation of the Group’s position in the luxury accessory sector, which represents a significant add-on to develop new skills and production with an extended offer now including bijoux.

The journey towards the creation of a single centre of excellence involved in designing, developing and manufacturing high fashion accessories has taken another step forward. With Amom joining the Group, Riri’s growth strategy has achieved another major goal: a comprehensive range of products now embracing zippers, buttons, metal components and bijoux.

Amom, based in Badia al Pino in the province of Arezzo, at the heart of the Tuscan high-fashion district, has manufactured for over 60 years metal trimmings, fashion jewellery and accessories for the shoes, leather and clothes sector. The company can perform most of the machining work inhouse, including die-casting, moulding, cutting, welding, laser cutting, enamelling, painting and electroplating. Another strong point is the wide showroom displaying a collection of over 100,000 items.
The addition of Amom to Riri Group has allowed for a broader offer of new materials: besides zamak, brass, steel and aluminium, our range now includes also silver, bronze, wood, precious and plastic materials.


RIRI / Menabò Group

OERLIKON: Largest staple fiber plant order in the company's history (c) Oerlikon Textile GmbH & Co. KG
Shen Jianyu, Chief Executive Officer of Xinfengming Group Co. together with Oerlikon Manmade Fibers Solutions Sales Director Felix Chau and Sales Manager Wang Xiaoxin at the signing of the contract for eight new staple fiber lines from Oerlikon Neumag.

OERLIKON: Largest staple fiber plant order in the company's history

  • Xinfengming Group invests in innovative staple fiber technology from Oerlikon Neumag

Neumuenster/Shanghai – In the context of the ITMA ASIA + CITME currently taking place in Shanghai, Oerlikon has now announced that it has concluded the largest staple fiber plant order in the history of Oerlikon Neumag with the major Chinese group Xinfengming in the run-up to the trade fair. This involves eight complete staple fiber lines with a total of 320 spinning positions for the production of synthetic staple fibers. Oerlikon will not only supply the technology, but will also take over the engineering of the lines. Delivery is scheduled for 2022.

With a total capacity of 1,800 t/d, the project is Oerlikon Neumag's largest staple fiber plant order to date. The eight two-step lines will produce cotton-type staple fibers in a titer range of 1.0 - 1.4 denier. With this investment, the Xinfengming Group is expanding its product portfolio. As one of the world's leading FDY and POY polyester filament yarn producers, the Chinese company has relied on Oerlikon Barmag technologies for decades and now also on those of Oerlikon Neumag.

  • Xinfengming Group invests in innovative staple fiber technology from Oerlikon Neumag

Neumuenster/Shanghai – In the context of the ITMA ASIA + CITME currently taking place in Shanghai, Oerlikon has now announced that it has concluded the largest staple fiber plant order in the history of Oerlikon Neumag with the major Chinese group Xinfengming in the run-up to the trade fair. This involves eight complete staple fiber lines with a total of 320 spinning positions for the production of synthetic staple fibers. Oerlikon will not only supply the technology, but will also take over the engineering of the lines. Delivery is scheduled for 2022.

With a total capacity of 1,800 t/d, the project is Oerlikon Neumag's largest staple fiber plant order to date. The eight two-step lines will produce cotton-type staple fibers in a titer range of 1.0 - 1.4 denier. With this investment, the Xinfengming Group is expanding its product portfolio. As one of the world's leading FDY and POY polyester filament yarn producers, the Chinese company has relied on Oerlikon Barmag technologies for decades and now also on those of Oerlikon Neumag.


EURATEX calls for an effective EU Industrial strategy

On the occasion of releasing its 2021 Spring Report, EURATEX calls the European Institutions to implement a new Industrial Strategy which will effectively support the European textiles industry. EURATEX welcomes the fact that Textile and Clothing industry is recognised as one of the 14 essential ecosystems of the European economy, but we need to take effective measures to support these sectors, and take into consideration the global dimension.

On the occasion of releasing its 2021 Spring Report, EURATEX calls the European Institutions to implement a new Industrial Strategy which will effectively support the European textiles industry. EURATEX welcomes the fact that Textile and Clothing industry is recognised as one of the 14 essential ecosystems of the European economy, but we need to take effective measures to support these sectors, and take into consideration the global dimension.

Economic data for 2020 in EURATEX Spring Report show preoccupying trends. Figures reflect a dramatic contraction in demand and production: EU turnover contracted by -9.3% in textiles (which is in line with the general manufacturing average) and by -17.7% in clothing, compared with 2019. Furthermore, supply chain disruptions and substantial price increases of some raw materials are putting significant pressure on the T&C industries across Europe. The trade deficit for European textiles and clothing jumped from € -47 bln in 2019 to € -62 bln in 2020, an increase of more than 30%, which is almost entirely due to the import of Chinese face masks and related products. Fortunately, more recent figures from the 1st quarter of 2021 indicate some signs of recovery.

That figure illustrates very well today’s political discussions on the future of the European industry. Many European companies have made considerable efforts to adapt their production to the pandemic, but clearly this was not enough. Whether the production cost in Europe is too high or the EU should adapt its procurement rules, the industry needs have a coherent long-term plan to become more competitive and conquer new markets.

EURATEX General Assembly highlighted the critical role of the new EU Industrial Strategy. The inclusion of textiles and clothing in the fourteen ecosystems is a step in the right direction to consolidate the industrial base but we should look also at the global challenges. European companies should continue investing in innovation, design and quality, in combination with a structural move towards more sustainable textiles. At the same time, the EU should create an environment - both inside the Single Market and globally - where everybody plays by the same rules.




EFI Reggiani celebrates 75 years in the textile world

This year, EFI™ Reggiani celebrates 75 years of heritage, innovation and glamour in the textile world. As part of its anniversary celebration, the textile technology innovator is revealing the imminent launch of three new digital textile printers.

Reggiani Tessile – which was one of the largest fabric manufacturing companies in Italy – created the company to meet its needs in machinery development. Then known as Reggiani Macchine, the company grew tremendously over five decades thanks to continuous product innovation and close customer relationships.

From the creation of its first traditional printer to its latest technological innovations, EFI Reggiani’s tradition and dedication to its products have contributed to the global transformation of the textile market. EFI Reggiani solutions are used in high-quality, highly productive operations in all of the world’s major textile manufacturing centres. New EFI Reggiani innovations also help facilitate the spread and localisation of industrial textile manufacturing closer to end users in new geographic markets.

This year, EFI™ Reggiani celebrates 75 years of heritage, innovation and glamour in the textile world. As part of its anniversary celebration, the textile technology innovator is revealing the imminent launch of three new digital textile printers.

Reggiani Tessile – which was one of the largest fabric manufacturing companies in Italy – created the company to meet its needs in machinery development. Then known as Reggiani Macchine, the company grew tremendously over five decades thanks to continuous product innovation and close customer relationships.

From the creation of its first traditional printer to its latest technological innovations, EFI Reggiani’s tradition and dedication to its products have contributed to the global transformation of the textile market. EFI Reggiani solutions are used in high-quality, highly productive operations in all of the world’s major textile manufacturing centres. New EFI Reggiani innovations also help facilitate the spread and localisation of industrial textile manufacturing closer to end users in new geographic markets.

In the growing industrial, entry-level segment of the market, EFI Reggiani is strengthening its multi-pass offering by introducing two new scanning machines, which will help facilitate customers’ needs to manufacture closer to the end consumer. The pair of scanning printers EFI Reggiani is bringing to market in 2021 will enable new customers to take their first steps in industrial textile digital printing.



Kornit Digital: Vic Bay Apparel implemented Kornit Storm HD6 (c) Kornit Digital

Kornit Digital: Vic Bay Apparel implemented Kornit Storm HD6

Kornit Digital, specialised in digital textile printing technology, announces Johannesburg, South Africa-based apparel decorator Vic Bay Apparel has implemented two Kornit Storm HD6 systems for sustainable, single-step production on demand. This installation answers increased demand for small orders and high-colour graphic designs, resulting from a dramatic growth in their e-commerce operation.

Vic Bay Apparel has been a manufacturer, supplier, and wholesaler of basic t-shirts and golf shirts for 25 years, supplying blank apparel to decorators and resellers of promotional clothing. They predominantly service resellers in the tourism, workwear, printing, embroidery, and advertising markets.

Kornit Digital, specialised in digital textile printing technology, announces Johannesburg, South Africa-based apparel decorator Vic Bay Apparel has implemented two Kornit Storm HD6 systems for sustainable, single-step production on demand. This installation answers increased demand for small orders and high-colour graphic designs, resulting from a dramatic growth in their e-commerce operation.

Vic Bay Apparel has been a manufacturer, supplier, and wholesaler of basic t-shirts and golf shirts for 25 years, supplying blank apparel to decorators and resellers of promotional clothing. They predominantly service resellers in the tourism, workwear, printing, embroidery, and advertising markets.

SHIMA SEIKI to exhibit at ITMA Asia and CITME 2020 (c) SHIMA SEIKI

SHIMA SEIKI to exhibit at ITMA Asia and CITME 2020

Flat knitting solutions provider SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD. of Wakayama, Japan, together with its Hong Kong subsidiary SHIMA SEIKI (HonG KonG) LTD., will participate in the ITMA Asia + CITME 2020 exhibition to be held at the national Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai, China in June.

Through its exhibit theme—Step Beyond—SHIMA SEIKI will present its vision of the future, while addressing a variety of solutions for the new normal, including proposals in Factory Automation, Digital Transformation (DX), and various online solutions.

Flat knitting solutions provider SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD. of Wakayama, Japan, together with its Hong Kong subsidiary SHIMA SEIKI (HonG KonG) LTD., will participate in the ITMA Asia + CITME 2020 exhibition to be held at the national Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai, China in June.

Through its exhibit theme—Step Beyond—SHIMA SEIKI will present its vision of the future, while addressing a variety of solutions for the new normal, including proposals in Factory Automation, Digital Transformation (DX), and various online solutions.

At ITMA Asia SHIMA SEIKI will be making proposals for factory automation centered around the special manufacturing capabilities of our WHOLEGARMENT® knitting machines. WHOLEGARMENT® knitwear can be knit in one entire piece without the need for linking or sewing, and allows for on-demand knitting. SHIMA SEIKI will present its WHOLEGARMENT® knitting technology in the form of two of the latest machines. The flagship MACH2XS is the one of most advanced flat knitting machines, featuring proprietary four-needle bed and Slideneedle™ technology combined with spring-type moveable sinkers and i-DSCS+DTC® Digital Stitch Control System with Intelligence and Dynamic Tension Control, and capable of all-needle knitting of WHOLEGARMENT® items. MACH2XS is presented in ultrafine 18L gauge, shown for the first time in China. Also shown for the first time in China, MACH2VS, a flexible V-bed machine capable of knitting WHOLEGARMENT® knitwear using every other needle, or conventional shaped knitting using all needles. It also features spring-type moveable sinkers and i-DSCS+DTC® Digital Stitch Control System with Intelligence and Dynamic Tension Control. MACH2VS is presented in ultrafine 18G with auto yarn carriers as a prototype option.

ITMA Asia will also be the occasion for a sneak preview of next-Generation 4-bed WHOLEGARMENT® knitting technology. The new machine is named SWG-XR, adopting the SWG moniker from the first-generation WHOLEGARMENT® knitting machine introduced back in 1995. The "X" represents 4 needle beds arranged in an Xshaped formation as per the original SWG-X machine, while "R" stands for Reborn and Revolution, referring to a renewal of SHIMA SEIKI's WHOLEGARMENT® knitting that raises the technology to unprecedented levels. By increasing the number of systems from 3 to 4 and featuring auto yarn carriers, SWG-XR allows even higher productivity and vastly improved range of knitting.

In order to further support efforts in DX in the fashion industry, SHIMA SEIKI has released three new online services over the past year which will also be showcased at ITMA Asia: 'APEXFiz™' subscription-based design software; 'yarnbank ™' digital yarn sourcing web service; and 'SHIMAnAVI™' e-learning service.

Lenzing is on the path to climate-neutral production (c) Lenzing AG

Lenzing is on the path to climate-neutral production

  • New air purification and sulfur recovery plant up and running at the Lenzing facility
  • Another step closer to meeting sustainability and climate targets
  • Self-sufficiency in raw materials further enhanced

Lenzing Group is continuing to make great strides toward achieving carbon neutrality across the Group. The successful completion and commissioning of an air purification and sulfur recovery plant at the Lenzing facility marks another milestone in the Group’s ambitious strategy. Lenzing has invested some EUR 40 mn in this project since construction began in 2019.

Using state-of-the-art technology, the plant will enable carbon emissions to be reduced by 15,000 metric tons at the Lenzing facility. This will also make the group more self-sufficient in securing vital raw materials for processing, which will bolster the site’s competitive standing in terms of sustainability.

  • New air purification and sulfur recovery plant up and running at the Lenzing facility
  • Another step closer to meeting sustainability and climate targets
  • Self-sufficiency in raw materials further enhanced

Lenzing Group is continuing to make great strides toward achieving carbon neutrality across the Group. The successful completion and commissioning of an air purification and sulfur recovery plant at the Lenzing facility marks another milestone in the Group’s ambitious strategy. Lenzing has invested some EUR 40 mn in this project since construction began in 2019.

Using state-of-the-art technology, the plant will enable carbon emissions to be reduced by 15,000 metric tons at the Lenzing facility. This will also make the group more self-sufficient in securing vital raw materials for processing, which will bolster the site’s competitive standing in terms of sustainability.

“As a result of this investment, Lenzing has made further progress towards implementing its climate targets, while achieving much greater autonomy with regard to one of its core raw materials”, says Christian Skilich, Member of the Managing Board at Lenzing Group.

In 2019, Lenzing set the strategic target of halving its group-wide greenhouse gas emissions per ton of product by 2030. Its goal for 2050 is to achieve climate neutrality.


Lenzing AG


NCTO: Industry and Union Coalition releases Statement about PPE

A broad coalition of industry organizations and labor unions, representing a broad spectrum of manufacturers and workers who stepped up to make essential personal protective equipment (PPE) throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) expressing strong support for the inclusion of robust domestic procurement policies for PPE in the U.S. Innovation and Competition Act (USICA) currently being considered by the Senate.

See the coalition’s full letter here.

A broad coalition of industry organizations and labor unions, representing a broad spectrum of manufacturers and workers who stepped up to make essential personal protective equipment (PPE) throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) expressing strong support for the inclusion of robust domestic procurement policies for PPE in the U.S. Innovation and Competition Act (USICA) currently being considered by the Senate.

See the coalition’s full letter here.

Spinnova and KT Trading create new circular textile made from leather waste (c) Spinnova

Spinnova and KT Trading create new circular textile made from leather waste

The textile industry is constantly searching for new, sustainable, and circular materials. Following thorough research and testing, Spinnova and KT Trading have developed a natural leather fabric made from leather waste without harmful chemicals.

"Leather is an amazing high-quality material with unique properties. With this new textile, we have taken yet another step towards completing the circular economy for leather," says Kristian Geert Jensen, CEO of KT Trading, who now has a joint venture with Spinnova.

Spinnova CEO: Sustainable innovation
Together with KT Trading, ECCO’s key leather provider, Spinnova has established the Respin company - a new joint venture. The partners are already constructing a leather fibre production pilot plant in Finland.

ECCO’s Applied Research division and Spinnova have been in a R&D collaboration since 2018 and have made successful trials with spinning the protein biomass into fibre. Processing leather raw material does not require further technology development from Spinnova. The company already has proof of concept from using the method on wood-based raw material.

The textile industry is constantly searching for new, sustainable, and circular materials. Following thorough research and testing, Spinnova and KT Trading have developed a natural leather fabric made from leather waste without harmful chemicals.

"Leather is an amazing high-quality material with unique properties. With this new textile, we have taken yet another step towards completing the circular economy for leather," says Kristian Geert Jensen, CEO of KT Trading, who now has a joint venture with Spinnova.

Spinnova CEO: Sustainable innovation
Together with KT Trading, ECCO’s key leather provider, Spinnova has established the Respin company - a new joint venture. The partners are already constructing a leather fibre production pilot plant in Finland.

ECCO’s Applied Research division and Spinnova have been in a R&D collaboration since 2018 and have made successful trials with spinning the protein biomass into fibre. Processing leather raw material does not require further technology development from Spinnova. The company already has proof of concept from using the method on wood-based raw material.

More information:
Spinnova Leather textile waste fibres

Spinnova / Cision

(c) Kornit Digital

Sustainable On-Demand Textile Production: new Partners for Kornit Digital

  • Global online fashion retailer and UK supplier - Asos and Fashion-Enter Ltd. - teaming with Kornit for adoption of efficient, low-impact direct-to-fabric digital textile printing with zero water waste and accelerated production speeds

Kornit Digital (Nasdaq: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in digital textile printing technology, announced that global online fashion retailer ASOS and its supplier Fashion-Enter Ltd. are implementing Kornit Presto to explore the future opportunities presented by on-demand manufacturing.

Kornit Presto is the most advanced single-step solution for direct-to-fabric printing, enabling Fashion-Enter Ltd. to rapidly deliver test-and-repeat small product runs on behalf of ASOS. These production capabilities will enable ASOS and Fashion-Enter Ltd. to imprint designs on multiple fabrics at the push of a button, through a lower-impact production process that has zero water waste and accelerates production speeds by cutting out typical dyeing processes.

  • Global online fashion retailer and UK supplier - Asos and Fashion-Enter Ltd. - teaming with Kornit for adoption of efficient, low-impact direct-to-fabric digital textile printing with zero water waste and accelerated production speeds

Kornit Digital (Nasdaq: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in digital textile printing technology, announced that global online fashion retailer ASOS and its supplier Fashion-Enter Ltd. are implementing Kornit Presto to explore the future opportunities presented by on-demand manufacturing.

Kornit Presto is the most advanced single-step solution for direct-to-fabric printing, enabling Fashion-Enter Ltd. to rapidly deliver test-and-repeat small product runs on behalf of ASOS. These production capabilities will enable ASOS and Fashion-Enter Ltd. to imprint designs on multiple fabrics at the push of a button, through a lower-impact production process that has zero water waste and accelerates production speeds by cutting out typical dyeing processes.

In Kornit’s pigment-based digital textile production capabilities and efficient workflow solutions, Fashion-Enter Ltd. sees an answer for brands serving the needs of today’s consumers, while reducing inventory waste and improving supply chain management and garment quality.