From the Sector

341 results

Solvay: Educational alliance with MIT and Fermi High School

Solvay awarded a scholarship to facilitate an educational alliance between the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Fermi High School in Cecina. The initiative unfolded during an event held at Solvay's Rosignano site in Italy, providing a platform for students and faculty. Through this partnership, 200 Fermi High School students participated in STEM* and digital lessons from MIT's Global Teaching Labs project, emphasizing the teaching of scientific disciplines by the American university.

Beyond the scholarship award ceremony, students received a tour of Solvay's factory in Rosignano. The tour highlighted the company's dedication to safety, sustainability, and bridging the gap between academia and industry challenges. The experience illustrated the practical application of academic studies in an industrial context, showcasing Solvay's advanced control procedures, safety protocols, technological innovations, digital transformation efforts, and sustainability measures.

Solvay awarded a scholarship to facilitate an educational alliance between the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Fermi High School in Cecina. The initiative unfolded during an event held at Solvay's Rosignano site in Italy, providing a platform for students and faculty. Through this partnership, 200 Fermi High School students participated in STEM* and digital lessons from MIT's Global Teaching Labs project, emphasizing the teaching of scientific disciplines by the American university.

Beyond the scholarship award ceremony, students received a tour of Solvay's factory in Rosignano. The tour highlighted the company's dedication to safety, sustainability, and bridging the gap between academia and industry challenges. The experience illustrated the practical application of academic studies in an industrial context, showcasing Solvay's advanced control procedures, safety protocols, technological innovations, digital transformation efforts, and sustainability measures.

Discussions during the event included key sustainability topics such as water conservation, energy efficiency, waste management, and Solvay's commitment to promoting a balanced work-life culture and diversity within the workplace.

This collaboration aligns with Solvay's global Corporate Citizenship program. Through this program, Solvay supports individuals and communities, channeling efforts to tackle worldwide societal challenges through strategic investments in education, sustainability, and local community initiatives.

*STEM stands for science, technology, engineering and mathematics


Zweite Förderphase des Innovationsnetzwerkes für elektrische Leichtfahrzeuge

Das Innovationsnetzwerk FAKOSI - Komfort- und Sicherheitstechnologien für elektrische Leichtfahrzeuge (LEVs) wird für weitere zwei Jahre aus Mitteln des Zentralen Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM) gefördert. Einen entsprechenden Antrag hat das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK) bewilligt. Damit werden bis September 2025 weiterhin Fördermittel für die Entwicklung von innovativen Konzepten, Systemen und Komponenten im Bereich LEVs gestellt und die technologische Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und Innovationskraft von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen (KMU) gestärkt. Hierbei werden Schwerpunkte in den Themen Insassen- und Fußgängerschutz, Unfallvermeidung, Crashsicherheit, persönliche Schutzausrüstung sowie in der Digitalisierung und Vernetzung von Systemen verfolgt.

Das Innovationsnetzwerk FAKOSI - Komfort- und Sicherheitstechnologien für elektrische Leichtfahrzeuge (LEVs) wird für weitere zwei Jahre aus Mitteln des Zentralen Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM) gefördert. Einen entsprechenden Antrag hat das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK) bewilligt. Damit werden bis September 2025 weiterhin Fördermittel für die Entwicklung von innovativen Konzepten, Systemen und Komponenten im Bereich LEVs gestellt und die technologische Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und Innovationskraft von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen (KMU) gestärkt. Hierbei werden Schwerpunkte in den Themen Insassen- und Fußgängerschutz, Unfallvermeidung, Crashsicherheit, persönliche Schutzausrüstung sowie in der Digitalisierung und Vernetzung von Systemen verfolgt.

Um die konkreten Entwicklungsbedarfe zu adressieren vereint FAKOSI Kompetenzen in Materialwissenschaften, Leichtbau, Fertigungsverfahren, Sensorik, Informatik und weiteren naturwissenschaftlich-technischen Fachrichtungen mit mittelständischen Herstellern und Dienstleistern aus den Bereichen Machine Vision, Embedded Systems und KI.  Der dadurch im Netzwerkverbund entstehende Technologie- und Wissenstransfer sichert insbesondere KMU eine hohe Wettbewerbsfähigkeit.

Aktuell sind acht Unternehmen und vier Forschungseinrichtungen an FAKOSI beteiligt. Interessierte Unternehmen und Forschungseinrichtungen sowie potenzielle Anwender:innen können weiterhin an dem Innovationsnetzwerk oder an den daraus entstehenden F&E-Projekten partizipieren. Im Zuge der Mitgliedschaft werden die Partner:innen aktiv bei der Identifizierung und Initiierung von Innovationsprojekten sowie der Sicherstellung von Finanzierungen durch Fördermittelakquise unterstützt.

Zwei Anträge auf ZIM-Projektförderung wurden im Rahmen von FAKOSI bereits bewilligt. Im Innovationsprojekt "AutoFL" strebt die Katulu GmbH den Aufbau eines automatisierten Federated Learning Ansatzes an. Unter Einbezug höchstmöglicher Data Privacy soll dieser Ansatz es kleineren und mittleren Unternehmen ermöglichen, fortschrittliche Techniken des Machine Learning zu nutzen, selbst wenn keine Data-Science-Expertise im Unternehmen vorhanden ist. Die Katulu GmbH mit Sitz in Hamburg ist auf die Entwicklung von industriellen FL-Lösungen spezialisiert. Das Unternehmen berät Industrieunternehmen aus Branchen wie Maschinenbau, Halbleiter und Chemie bei der Entwicklung souveräner und nachhaltiger Industrie 4.0-Lösungen. Im ZIM-Innovationsprojekt "WindMate" haben sich die Ventus Technologies GmbH und das Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet Fahrzeugsicherheit der Ostfalia Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften zusammengeschlossen, um ein wegweisendes präventives Warnsystem vor starken Windböen im Straßenverkehr zu entwickeln. Durch den neuen digitalen Assistenten soll die Verkehrssicherheit für LKW und andere Nutzfahrzeuge windanfällige Fahrzeugklassen maßgeblich erhöht werden.

Ebenfalls wurde ein Antrag auf Forschungszulage für den Zeitraum von zwei Kalenderjahren erfolgreich bewilligt. Mit dem Forschungszulagengesetz (FZulG) haben Unternehmen und Start-ups einen Rechtsanspruch auf die steuerliche Förderung ihrer Aufwendungen für Forschung und Entwicklung (F&E). Die Forschungszulage kann für bis zu vier Jahren rückwirkend beantragt werden.

Die IWS GmbH hat das Netzwerkmanagement für FAKOSI übernommen und unterstützt die Partner:innen von der ersten Idee über die Suche nach passenden Projektpartner:innen bis zur Ausarbeitung und Koordination von Förderanträgen. Die Grundlage der Finanzierung der F&E-Vorhaben soll das Zentrale Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM) des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz bilden, das durch weitere Bundes- und EU-Programme ergänzt wird.

FAKOSI-Netzwerkpartner:innen: CESYS GmbH, GeBioM mbH, Katulu GmbH, Momes Gmb, SkySpirit GmbH,tagItron GmbH, Treo - Labor für Umweltsimulation GmbH, Ventus Technologies GmbH, BIBA - Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik GmbH, Faserinstitut Bremen e. V. (FIBRE), Fraunhofer-Institut für Fertigungstechnik und Angewandte Materialforschung IFAM, Ostfalia Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften


TrusTrace completes $24 Million Growth Investment

TrusTrace, a SaaS company with for product traceability and compliance, has announced the completion of a (U.S.) $24 million growth investment led by Circularity Capital, a specialist investor in businesses that enable the circular economy, with participation from existing investors Industrifonden and Fairpoint Capital.

According to Shameek Ghosh, CEO and Co-Founder of TrusTrace, the new investment will enable the company to further accelerate its global expansion ambitions by strengthening its presence in key markets, deepening product innovation and expanding collaborations – helping to create a global network where all value chains are traceable, circular, and fair.

Traceability has accelerated in importance and momentum as a key enabler of sustainable transformation, as evidenced by TrusTrace’s five-fold growth in subscription revenue in the 27 months since the previous growth round by Fairpoint Capital and Industrifonden in 2021, preceded by seed funding from Backing Minds in 2019.

TrusTrace, a SaaS company with for product traceability and compliance, has announced the completion of a (U.S.) $24 million growth investment led by Circularity Capital, a specialist investor in businesses that enable the circular economy, with participation from existing investors Industrifonden and Fairpoint Capital.

According to Shameek Ghosh, CEO and Co-Founder of TrusTrace, the new investment will enable the company to further accelerate its global expansion ambitions by strengthening its presence in key markets, deepening product innovation and expanding collaborations – helping to create a global network where all value chains are traceable, circular, and fair.

Traceability has accelerated in importance and momentum as a key enabler of sustainable transformation, as evidenced by TrusTrace’s five-fold growth in subscription revenue in the 27 months since the previous growth round by Fairpoint Capital and Industrifonden in 2021, preceded by seed funding from Backing Minds in 2019.

With more than a billion products now tracked through the platform, TrusTrace has established itself as a business-critical solution for supply chain traceability. TrusTrace customers include adidas, Brooks Running, Tapestry, Asics and many more. TrusTrace also plans to offer its services to regional and mid-size brands in 2024.

Sunrise Image by Mohamed Hassan, Pixabay

Happy Birthday 2024

Happy New Year 2024! Here's to a year full of innovation and success in the textile and apparel industry.

The Textination team sincerely wishes you a great start: may 2024 be full of health, joy and energy for you.

There are undoubtedly 365 days of exciting encounters, developments, innovations and new trends ahead in our shared world of the textile and apparel industry. We would like to join you on this journey and document the many facets of our industry.

We are convinced that the new year will be just as fascinating and inspiring for our users as the best textile products and designs that our industry has to offer. We look forward to accompanying you through the coming 12 months with the latest news, in-depth analyses and exclusive insights.

Thank you for your continued support and interest in Textination.

Together we will tell textile tomorrow!

Ines Chucholowius
- Managing Director -

Happy New Year 2024! Here's to a year full of innovation and success in the textile and apparel industry.

The Textination team sincerely wishes you a great start: may 2024 be full of health, joy and energy for you.

There are undoubtedly 365 days of exciting encounters, developments, innovations and new trends ahead in our shared world of the textile and apparel industry. We would like to join you on this journey and document the many facets of our industry.

We are convinced that the new year will be just as fascinating and inspiring for our users as the best textile products and designs that our industry has to offer. We look forward to accompanying you through the coming 12 months with the latest news, in-depth analyses and exclusive insights.

Thank you for your continued support and interest in Textination.

Together we will tell textile tomorrow!

Ines Chucholowius
- Managing Director -

More information:
Textination FUTURE



Euratex Manifesto: 15 requests for competitiveness and resilience

2024 is a turning point for the European textiles and clothing industry: From 6 to 9 June 2024, European citizens will vote for a new European Parliament and, based on the results, a new European Commission will be formed. In view of this important election, EURATEX publishes a Manifesto, presenting 15 requests which will help to ensure a competitive European textiles and clothing industry.

The textile and apparel industry is making a substantial contribution to European wealth, jobs and growth. Europe counts 192,000 companies employing 1.3 million workers with a turnover of €167 billion and over €67 billion of exports. Entrepreneurship should be recognised as the foundation for a competitive textile industry, offering high quality and sustainable products, based on innovation, creativity and design. European policy makers should recognise such role to textiles and apparel companies and have an open dialogue to create better framework conditions to operate in the internal and global markets.

2024 is a turning point for the European textiles and clothing industry: From 6 to 9 June 2024, European citizens will vote for a new European Parliament and, based on the results, a new European Commission will be formed. In view of this important election, EURATEX publishes a Manifesto, presenting 15 requests which will help to ensure a competitive European textiles and clothing industry.

The textile and apparel industry is making a substantial contribution to European wealth, jobs and growth. Europe counts 192,000 companies employing 1.3 million workers with a turnover of €167 billion and over €67 billion of exports. Entrepreneurship should be recognised as the foundation for a competitive textile industry, offering high quality and sustainable products, based on innovation, creativity and design. European policy makers should recognise such role to textiles and apparel companies and have an open dialogue to create better framework conditions to operate in the internal and global markets.

To realise that vision, the industry and policy makers need to work together on a mix of policy measures and initiatives, which are coherent and offer a transparent and predictable framework for our companies, and make them more resilient and competitive.

These policies should focus around four points:

Develop and implement a “smart” EU industrial policy
Europe should create policies which enhance competitiveness, instead of creating administrative burdens. To EURATEX, each new piece of legislation should undergo a “competitiveness test” to critically look at the impact of the new rules. Europe should also create a favourable environment to promote education and jobs in the industry. The EU textile industry currently employees 1,3 million people, 30% of which is above 50 years old. A critical bottleneck for the textile industry is to attract (young) people and make sure these people have the right set of skills, to operate in a changing textile ecosystem. EURATEX also asks the EU to invest in innovation and digitalisation as they are key to the European competitive advantage. Not only, as the last years have proved, Europe should provide companies with access to sustainable energy at lower prices.

No sustainability without competitiveness
The EU Strategy for Sustainable Textiles is pushing our sector towards new business models with a lower environmental footprint. To realise that ambition, no less than 16 regulatory proposals are on the table, each of them with a different timetable, managed by different departments of the European Commission. EURATEX is committed to sustainability, but asks for economic realism. This set of new regulations needs to be coherent, enforceable, feasible and applicable for SMEs, and not push textile companies out of the market. Moreover, some member states are moving forward faster and some legislations will be decided at national level, creating fragmentation of the market. Such scenarios will hamper Europe and its possibilities to grow.

Ensure free and fair trade
With $224 billion in sold merchandise, Europe is the second major world exporters of textiles and clothes after China ($321 billion). It is therefore important that the global market should be open, free and fair for our industry to continue to thrive. Besides the support to FTAs in general, EURATEX wants to emphasise that all trade agreements should offer effective market access for EU companies and a level playing field in these markets. A free and open market should go hand in hand also with protection against free riders. The EU must always consider enforcement and enforceability when making new laws; it should also take action together with the member states for a better coordination with harmonised criteria for action among Customs Authorities.

Incentivise the Demand for sustainable textiles
Sustainable textile products typically come at a premium price, making it difficult for many consumers and buyers to purchase such products. Many surveys across Europe confirm that around 50% of interviewees do not purchase sustainable fashion products and the main reason is price. EURATEX believes that, to create a demand and help consumers to buy a (genuine) sustainable textile product, there should be standard requirements and fiscal incentives. Public authorities should also implement green public procurements, by increasing the importance of sustainability criteria in their evaluation grids.

Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) and Fashion for Good promote Textile Circularity in Bangladesh Photo: Bangladesh Apparel Exchange

Bangladesh Apparel Exchange and Fashion for Good promote Textile Circularity in Bangladesh

On December 7th and 8th, Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) in partnership with Fashion for Good, facilitated the “Chemical Recycling Technologies: Manufacturing Markets Gateway”, in Bangladesh. Fashion for Good, the Amsterdam based global platform for innovation, along with two disruptive technology start-ups focused on textile-to-textile chemical recycling, Circ and Infinited Fiber Company, were the key stakeholders in this initiative.

The two-day visit leveraged Bangladesh's status as a major garment production hub, exploring the potential of chemical recycling technologies to enhance environmental sustainability. Emphasizing the importance of circularity, the event aimed to spread awareness about current disruptive innovations that could transform the industry's approach to waste and resource management, setting an example for future sustainable practices. It focuses on integrating these technologies within the local manufacturing landscape, securing feedstock partnerships, and developing a value chain for recycled apparel materials.

On December 7th and 8th, Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) in partnership with Fashion for Good, facilitated the “Chemical Recycling Technologies: Manufacturing Markets Gateway”, in Bangladesh. Fashion for Good, the Amsterdam based global platform for innovation, along with two disruptive technology start-ups focused on textile-to-textile chemical recycling, Circ and Infinited Fiber Company, were the key stakeholders in this initiative.

The two-day visit leveraged Bangladesh's status as a major garment production hub, exploring the potential of chemical recycling technologies to enhance environmental sustainability. Emphasizing the importance of circularity, the event aimed to spread awareness about current disruptive innovations that could transform the industry's approach to waste and resource management, setting an example for future sustainable practices. It focuses on integrating these technologies within the local manufacturing landscape, securing feedstock partnerships, and developing a value chain for recycled apparel materials.

Denim Asia Limited, Knit Asia Limited, Progress Apparels Limited, Ananta BD, Reverse Resources, and the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) played pivotal roles in this initiative. Knit Asia Ltd, notably acclaimed for their commitment to sustainable practices, along with Denim Asia, associated with the sustainable brand Noize Jeans, showcased their commitment to sustainable manufacturing processes.
Progress Apparels Limited, a ready-made garment producer and part of PDS Limited demonstrated its advanced sustainable production facilities. Reverse Resources and the BGMEA hosted an intimate “Meet and Greet Networking Session”, to boost awareness about the technologies in the industry.

Mr. Mostafiz Uddin, Founder and CEO of Bangladesh Apparel Exchange, emphasized the significance of this event for the wider Bangladeshi textile industry, " Bangladesh has the biggest manufacturing sector in South Asia and this tour marks a critical step towards a circular fashion ecosystem, also how can the fashion industry become more sustainable in Bangladesh. It's not just an event; it's part of a larger movement to incorporate innovative recycling, Sustainable Fashion technologies and establish global partnerships for a sustainable fashion industry."

Featuring interactive sessions, factory visits, and knowledge sharing, this initiative offered a platform for fostering collaborations between manufacturers and technology innovators.

Bangladesh Apparel Exchange and Fashion for Good are optimistic about a future where Bangladesh leads in sustainable and circular apparel manufacturing.


Bangladesh Apparel Exchange


Syensqo officially demerged from Solvay and launched on Euronext

Syensqo announces the successful listing of its shares on Euronext Brussels and Euronext Paris under ticker SYENS. After the completion of the spin-off from Solvay, the listing marks a historical milestone as the company embarks on a journey focused on delivering superior growth and value creation.

Syensqo’s portfolio of market leading solutions addresses environmental and social challenges, through electrification, lightweighting, connectivity and resource efficiency. In addition, Syensqo is at the heart of the transition towards a net-zero economy, which is expected to drive new sources of value and support the company’s long-term growth.

With more than 13,000 employees and activities spread across the world (with 41% of FY2022 net sales in the Americas, 36% in Asia-Pacific and 23% Europe), Syensqo’s long-term ambition is to be the prime innovation partner for its customers, growing on average at around two times the rate of its main end markets, while further improving its best-in-class margin and returns.

Syensqo announces the successful listing of its shares on Euronext Brussels and Euronext Paris under ticker SYENS. After the completion of the spin-off from Solvay, the listing marks a historical milestone as the company embarks on a journey focused on delivering superior growth and value creation.

Syensqo’s portfolio of market leading solutions addresses environmental and social challenges, through electrification, lightweighting, connectivity and resource efficiency. In addition, Syensqo is at the heart of the transition towards a net-zero economy, which is expected to drive new sources of value and support the company’s long-term growth.

With more than 13,000 employees and activities spread across the world (with 41% of FY2022 net sales in the Americas, 36% in Asia-Pacific and 23% Europe), Syensqo’s long-term ambition is to be the prime innovation partner for its customers, growing on average at around two times the rate of its main end markets, while further improving its best-in-class margin and returns.

Upon listing, Syensqo has 105,876,417 ordinary shares in issue, each carrying one voting right. The Syensqo share price started its journey at a value of € 90 at market open (9.00 am CET), which corresponds to a market capitalization of € 9.53 billion.

More information:
Syensqo Solvay chemicals


Santoni finalizes Acquisition of Terrot (c) Santoni / Terrot

Santoni finalizes Acquisition of Terrot

Santoni Shanghai Knitting Machinery Co., Ltd. announces that it has received regulatory approval from Chinese authorities for its proposed acquisition of Terrot GmbH, a manufacturer of circular knitting machines in Germany.

The acquisition represents a pivotal step in Santoni's strategy to advance the circular knitting machine industry. The integration of Terrot into the Santoni ecosystem is projected to increase Santoni's production capacity and boost its market share, and in conjunction with other strategic objectives, firmly solidify Santoni's position as the leading manufacturer in the industry, with unrivaled scale, depth of innovation and expertise.

Santoni Shanghai Knitting Machinery Co., Ltd. announces that it has received regulatory approval from Chinese authorities for its proposed acquisition of Terrot GmbH, a manufacturer of circular knitting machines in Germany.

The acquisition represents a pivotal step in Santoni's strategy to advance the circular knitting machine industry. The integration of Terrot into the Santoni ecosystem is projected to increase Santoni's production capacity and boost its market share, and in conjunction with other strategic objectives, firmly solidify Santoni's position as the leading manufacturer in the industry, with unrivaled scale, depth of innovation and expertise.

Seeking to meet rising demand for high-end circular knitting products, Santoni has pursued an Ecosystem Strategy in recent years, aiming to unify a highly fragmented industry and enhance innovation, sustainability and digitalization to more effectively meet market needs. The deployment of both parties' latest innovation practices, textile automation offerings, integrated enterprise services, C2M solutions, and a platform for designers "Materialliance", will allow Santoni Shanghai and Terrot to connect and bridge demand and offer of circular knitted products.

By incorporating Terrot's offerings, particularly in the double jersey and jacquard sector, Santoni stands to gain a competitive edge in offering machines known for their performance, low maintenance, and cost-effectiveness. Highlighting this shift is Terrot's UCC 572-T, a transfer jacquard machine for sports and leisurewear.

Following the acquisition, Terrot will continue to operate under the leadership of managing directors Robert W. Czajkowski and Dirk Lange. Santoni plans to maintain Terrot’s headquarters in Chemnitz, Germany, along with its facilities, brands, and practices.


Terrot GmbH


ECHA: Research needs for regulating hazardous chemicals

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has published a new report on ‘Key areas of regulatory challenge 2023’ that identifies areas where research is needed to protect people and the environment from hazardous chemicals. It also highlights where new methods, that support the shift away from animal testing, are needed.

To further improve chemical safety in the EU, scientific research needs to deliver data that is relevant to regulating chemicals. In order to enhance the regulatory relevance of scientific data, ECHA has identified the following areas as priorities for research:

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has published a new report on ‘Key areas of regulatory challenge 2023’ that identifies areas where research is needed to protect people and the environment from hazardous chemicals. It also highlights where new methods, that support the shift away from animal testing, are needed.

To further improve chemical safety in the EU, scientific research needs to deliver data that is relevant to regulating chemicals. In order to enhance the regulatory relevance of scientific data, ECHA has identified the following areas as priorities for research:

  • Hazard identification for critical biological effects that currently lack specific and sensitive test methods: i.e. developmental and adult neurotoxicity, immunotoxicity and endocrine disruption
  • Chemical pollution in the natural environment (bioaccumulation, impact on biodiversity, exposure assessment)
  • Shift away from animal testing (read across under REACH, move away from fish testing, mechanistic support to toxicology studies e.g. carcinogenicity)
  • New information on chemicals (polymers, nanomaterials, analytical methods in support of enforcement)

The European Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals (PARC), is a seven-year EU-wide research and innovation programme under Horizon Europe which aims to advance research, share knowledge and improve skills in chemical risk assessment.

ECHA’s role in PARC is to make sure that the funded scientific research addresses current challenges related to chemical risk assessment and adds value to the EU’s regulatory processes.

The key areas of regulatory challenge report can be seen as an evolving research and development agenda aiming to support and inspire the Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals (PARC) and the wider research community. The list of research needs is not exhaustive. The next update to the report is expected in spring 2024.

More information:
ECHA chemicals polymers

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)

digihub/WFMG: Octo gewinnt Pitch Battle der „TexTech Start-up Night“ (c) Digital Innovation Hub Düsseldorf/Rheinland GmbH
TexTech Start-up Night Pitch-Teilnehmende

digihub/WFMG: Octo gewinnt Pitch Battle der „TexTech Start-up Night“

Gemeinsam mit der Stadt Mönchengladbach veranstalteten der Digital Innovation Hub Düsseldorf/Rheinland (digihub) und die WFMG – Wirtschaftsförderung Mönchengladbach GmbH am Dienstag, 14. November 2023, die zweite „TexTech Start-up Night“ in der Textilakademie NRW. Bei der Abendveranstaltung versammelten sich rund 100 Personen aus der Branche Textiltechnik (TexTech), um sich über neue Ideen und Geschäftsmodelle auszutauschen.

Einblicke in Textilindustrie und den Standort Mönchengladbach
Insgesamt sechs Start-ups und Ausstellende präsentierten ihre Innovationen in einer Expo. Zu Beginn der Veranstaltung übernahm Mönchengladbachs Oberbürgermeister Felix Heinrichs die Guided Tour durch die Ausstellung: „Es ist großartig zu sehen, wie viele textile Innovationen aus Mönchengladbach kommen. Dies zeigt, dass das Ökosystem hier greift und Mönchengladbach der Standort für die Textilbranche ist.“

Gemeinsam mit der Stadt Mönchengladbach veranstalteten der Digital Innovation Hub Düsseldorf/Rheinland (digihub) und die WFMG – Wirtschaftsförderung Mönchengladbach GmbH am Dienstag, 14. November 2023, die zweite „TexTech Start-up Night“ in der Textilakademie NRW. Bei der Abendveranstaltung versammelten sich rund 100 Personen aus der Branche Textiltechnik (TexTech), um sich über neue Ideen und Geschäftsmodelle auszutauschen.

Einblicke in Textilindustrie und den Standort Mönchengladbach
Insgesamt sechs Start-ups und Ausstellende präsentierten ihre Innovationen in einer Expo. Zu Beginn der Veranstaltung übernahm Mönchengladbachs Oberbürgermeister Felix Heinrichs die Guided Tour durch die Ausstellung: „Es ist großartig zu sehen, wie viele textile Innovationen aus Mönchengladbach kommen. Dies zeigt, dass das Ökosystem hier greift und Mönchengladbach der Standort für die Textilbranche ist.“

Einblicke in die Branche bot zudem die Keynote von Prof. Dr. Maike Rabe, Leiterin des Forschungsinstituts für Textil und Bekleidung an der Hochschule Niederrhein. Sie zeigte auf, welche Bedeutung Start-ups für die Nachhaltigkeits-Transformation der Textil- und Bekleidungswirtschaft haben. Hans-Uwe Gansfort, General Manager FIT Factory C&A, bot im Fireside-Chat mit Peter Hornik, Geschäftsführer des digihub Düsseldorf/Rheinland Einblick in C&A's FIT Factory, die in Mönchengladbach ansässig ist.

Nachhaltige Innovationen für die Zukunft
Bei einem Start-up Pitch Battle konnten sieben Gründerinnen und Gründer ihre Ideen präsentieren:

  • Lars Linnemann, Geschäftsführer Fibraworks, produziert mit der fibraforce Technologie, einem innovaten Wickelverfahren, mehrlagige, multidirektionale Faserhalbzeuge für kosteneffiziente und nachhaltige Leichtbaulösungen.
  • Sarah Neumann und Alexandra Plewnia präsentierten ihr Start-up Octo. Octo hat einen neuen Standard in wasserabweisenden Textilien mithilfe des umweltschonenden Octogarns entwickelt, um der Textilbranche eine nachhaltige Alternative für Fluorpolymere zu bieten.
  • Dr. Hans Peter Schlegelmilch hat sich mit seinem Start-up „Brain of Materials“ der Herausforderung gestellt, aus Textilabfällen ein Recyclinggarn zu entwickeln, das den höchsten industriellen Standards entspricht.
  • Dr. Monika Hauk hat mit Repair Rebels eine Online-Plattform gegründet, die die Lücke zwischen digitalen ModekonsumentInnen und analogen Reparaturdiensten für Kleidung und Schuhe schließt.
  • Yuji Hara stellte das japanischen Start-up AI Silk vor. Dieses arbeitet an innovativen, leitfähigen Fasern, die mit einer Färbetechnik hergestellt werden. Durch die Verwendung von natürlicher Seide und die Leitfähigkeit der Faser selbst ist es gelungen, Elektroden herzustellen, die einige der Risiken und Herausforderungen herkömmlicher medizinischer Elektroden reduzieren, die zu Unbehagen, Haut- und In-vivo-Entzündungen sowie Messausfällen führen können.
  • Dr. Robert Brüll präsentierte die FibreCoat GmbH. Das Start-up mit Sitz in Aachen entwickelt eine revolutionäre Beschichtungstechnologie für beschichtete Fasern in Verbundwerkstoffen.

Das Publikum stimmte im Anschluss über die Vorträge ab und wählte seine zwei Favoriten: FibreCoat und Octo hatten in der zweiten Runde die Möglichkeit, ihre Pitches zu vertiefen und mit dem Publikum zu diskutieren. Das beste Team der TexTech Start-up Night wurde nach der finalen Abstimmung das Start-up Octo. Sarah Neumann und Alexandra Plewnia nahmen den Preis, ein Aussteller-Ticket für das Future Tech Fest am 22. August 2024, entgegen.


Digital Innovation Hub Düsseldorf/Rheinland GmbH


Solvay announces Board of Directors for standalone SYENSQO

Solvay announced the future Board of Directors of SYENSQO, effective upon completion of the planned separation of Solvay into two companies – SOLVAY and SYENSQO – which is on track to be completed in December 2023.

SYENSQO’s Board will be composed of 10 members, including 6 independent members, 3 members representing the reference shareholder, Solvac, and the company CEO. They have deep expertise in specialty industries, international business operations, risk management, corporate governance, finance and clean technology.

Solvay announced the future Board of Directors of SYENSQO, effective upon completion of the planned separation of Solvay into two companies – SOLVAY and SYENSQO – which is on track to be completed in December 2023.

SYENSQO’s Board will be composed of 10 members, including 6 independent members, 3 members representing the reference shareholder, Solvac, and the company CEO. They have deep expertise in specialty industries, international business operations, risk management, corporate governance, finance and clean technology.

The following individuals will serve on the SYENSQO Board of Directors:
Rosemary Thorne will serve as independent Director and Chair of the SYENSQO Board, as well as Chair of the Board’s Finance Committee. She is currently an Independent Director on the Solvay Board of Directors, appointed in 2014, and Chair of the Board’s Audit Committee. She is also an Independent Director on the Board of Merrill Lynch International (UK), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bank of America, serving as Chair of the Audit Committee. Ms. Thorne has decades of financial leadership experience across a wide range of industries. She previously served as Chief Financial Officer at J. Sainsbury, the UK’s largest supermarket chain at the time; Bradford & Bingley; and Ladbrokes. Ms. Thorne previously sat as an Independent Director on the Boards of Royal Mail Group, Cadbury Schweppes, Santander UK, First Global Trust Bank and Smurfit Kappa Group.

Dr. Ilham Kadri will serve as Chief Executive Officer and member of the Board of Directors of SYENSQO. She is currently CEO and President of the Executive Committee at Solvay. Ms. Kadri has successfully led the turnaround of Solvay, delivering double-digit EBITDA growth and 18 consecutive quarters of positive free cash flow, deleveraging the balance sheet and promoting superior people engagement. She is an independent Board member at A.O. Smith and L’Oréal. She is active in non-profit organizations, as Chair of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), member of the steering committee of the European Round Table of Industrialists (ERT) as well as a permanent member of the World Economic Forum’s International Business Council (WEF). Ms. Kadri has extensive leadership experience across a variety of industries in four continents and with leading industrial multinationals, including Shell, UCB, Huntsman, Dow, Sealed Air. Prior to Solvay, she was CEO and President of Diversey in the USA, led the company’s return to profitability and resulting spin off and divestiture to Bain Capital. She founded two non-Profit foundations: the Solvay Solidarity Fund in Belgium in 2020 which supported more than 7000 families affected by Covid-19 and natural disasters; and founded the ISSA Hygieia Network in 2015 in the USA, to help women in the cleaning industry. She received two Doctor Honoris Clausa from EWHA University in Korea and Université de Namur in Belgium.

Julian Waldron will serve as independent Director and Chair of the Audit Committee. He currently serves as Deputy Executive Chairman of privately-held Albea Group, a global beauty and personal care packaging company which operates 35 facilities in Europe, Asia and the Americas. Mr. Waldron has held senior leadership roles at several leading listed companies in the industrial, technology and services sectors and brings a wealth of expertise in finance and business operations. Prior to joining Albea in 2022, he was Chief Financial Officer of Suez for three years after serving as Chief Financial Officer and subsequently Chief Operating Officer of Technip. He started his career at UBS Warburg where he spent 14 years. Mr. Waldron also served as an independent Board member and Chairman of finance, risk and investments at Carbon Clean, a privately-owned carbon capture company dedicated to achieving net zero.

Heike Van de Kerkhof will serve as independent Director and Chair of the Nomination Committee. She currently sits on the Board of OCI N.V.. Ms. Van de Kerkhof brings more than 30 years of experience in the chemicals, oil & gas and materials industries, having served in numerous leadership roles around the globe. From 2020 to 2023, she was Chief Executive Officer of Archroma Management, a global specialty chemicals company. During her tenure, she successfully completed the transformational acquisition of Huntsman’s Textile Effects business. Prior to her role at Archroma, Ms. Van de Kerkhof served as Vice President of Lubricants, Western Hemisphere at BP, and held positions at Castrol, The Chemours Company, and Neste Corporation. She also held many leading roles within DuPont over 18 years.

Matti Lievonen will serve as independent Director and Chair of the Compensation Committee. He is currently an independent director on the Solvay Board, appointed in 2017. Mr. Lievonen is a proven executive in the energy, forestry, power and automation industries with an extensive track record of leading businesses through climate transition. For over ten years until 2018, he served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Neste Corporation, a global leader in next-generation renewable fuels and chemicals. During his time at Neste, Mr. Lievonen successfully promoted the development of clean fuels as well as Finland’s bioeconomy strategy in advancing renewable transportation fuels. He has also been involved with organizations such as Fortum Board, SSAB, Nynäs AB, Ilmarinen, and the HE Finnish Fair Foundation. Until 2021, Mr. Lievonen was also Chairman of the Board of Directors at Fortum. He has been recognized for his admirable leadership and expertise, and in 2016 was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Technology by the Aalto University Schools of Technology.

Dr. Françoise de Viron will serve as non-independent Director, Chair of the ESG Committee and Vice-Chair of the Board. She is currently a director of the Solvay Board, appointed in 2013. Ms. de Viron is a regarded academic leader and has extensive experience in innovation, R&D and qualitative research. She is a Professor Emeritus at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences and Louvain School of Management at UCLouvain in Belgium where she has been an Academic Member of various groups at UCLouvain. Ms. de Viron previously served as the president of AISBL EUCEN – the European Universities Continuing Education Network. Prior to her university position, from 1985 to 2000, she was in charge of developing Artificial Intelligence applications at Tractebel S.A. (now Tractebel-Engie).

Roeland Baan will serve as independent Director. He currently serves as President and Chief Executive Officer of Topsoe, a privately-held leading provider of clean energy and petrochemical technologies. He is also Chairman of the Supervisory Board of SBM Offshore NV. Roeland Baan has extensive experience in supply chain management, M&A, business development and operations management. Prior to joining Topsoe in 2020, he was President and CEO of Outokumpu and has held several executive roles at global organizations such as Aleris International, ArcelorMittal and SHV NV. He spent over 16 years in various roles across the globe at Shell, living in South America, in Africa and in the United Kingdom.

Edouard Janssen will serve as non-independent Director. He is currently a Director on the Solvay Board, appointed in 2021. Earlier this year, he was appointed Chief Financial Officer of D’Ieteren Group, a European leader in automotive distribution services. Mr. Janssen is also a Board member of privately-held Financière de Tubize and Union Financière Boël, as well as Co-Founder and Chair of Trusted Family. Mr. Janssen is active in academics, as Vice-Chair of the International Advisory Board of the Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management and on the advisory board of the INSEAD HGIBS. He brings expertise in finance, strategy, entrepreneurship, business management, planning and marketing. He has served as Solvay’s Vice President in strategy and M&A between 2019 and 2021, and prior to that, he was the US-based General Manager for North- and Latin America at Solvay’s Aroma Performance Global Business Unit.
Dr. Mary Meaney will serve as non-independent Director. She is currently a member of the Board of Directors and of the Audit Committee of Groupe Bruxelles Lambert SA. She also sits on the Board of Directors and the Remuneration Committee of Beamery, the privately-held talent management company. She is a member of the Board of Directors and of the Finance Committee of Imperial College, London.Dr. Meaney will bring expertise in Strategy, M&A, and change management, which she acquired over a 24-year career at McKinsey. She was a Senior Partner, served on the McKinsey Shareholders Council and led McKinsey’s global Organization practice.

Nadine Leslie will serve as independent Director and is based in the United States of America. She is currently a member of the Board of Directors of Provident Financial Services , as well as a Non-Executive Director of Seven Seas Water Corporation, a water and wastewater treatment multinational company. She also sits on the Board of Trustees of Hackensack Meridian Health Network and is active as strategic consultant for civil engineering firm T&M Associates. Over a 22-year career at Suez, Ms. Leslie held several leadership positions, the last one being Chief Executive Officer of Suez North America, until 2022. Previously she served as Executive Vice President Health & Safety.

More information:
Solvay Board of Directors


adidas Originals and Edison Chen announce Partnership (c) adidas AG

adidas Originals and Edison Chen announce Partnership

adidas Originals and Edison Chen announce their global partnership, adidas Originals by Edison Chen, as Chen makes his return to the brand to begin a new era of collaboration that will redefine creative innovation and build a cultural legacy for the future.

Chen is the Founder and Creative Director of global lifestyle brand CLOT, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. After moving from Vancouver to Hong Kong in his youth, the clash of East meets West began for him as he adapted to the exposure to different cultures. His experiences and new perspectives opened his eyes to globalism and started to lay the foundation for what would eventually become CLOT.

For his partnership with adidas Originals, Chen will bring an innovative vision and creative prowess to introduce exclusive collaboration styles, leveraging adidas’ extensive archive and history in the process. With a focus on fostering cultural exchange between the East and West, adidas is partnering with Chen to introduce collections that push boundaries and defy the norms with his thought-provoking designs.

adidas Originals and Edison Chen announce their global partnership, adidas Originals by Edison Chen, as Chen makes his return to the brand to begin a new era of collaboration that will redefine creative innovation and build a cultural legacy for the future.

Chen is the Founder and Creative Director of global lifestyle brand CLOT, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. After moving from Vancouver to Hong Kong in his youth, the clash of East meets West began for him as he adapted to the exposure to different cultures. His experiences and new perspectives opened his eyes to globalism and started to lay the foundation for what would eventually become CLOT.

For his partnership with adidas Originals, Chen will bring an innovative vision and creative prowess to introduce exclusive collaboration styles, leveraging adidas’ extensive archive and history in the process. With a focus on fostering cultural exchange between the East and West, adidas is partnering with Chen to introduce collections that push boundaries and defy the norms with his thought-provoking designs.

Celebrating the shared commitment to creative innovation between adidas Original and Edison Chen, the “Change The Generation” collection explores three distinctly different styles ranging from ultra-lifestyle to formal dress and active/streetwear bringing to life a collection that can be explored individually as well as a collision of the three lifestyles together.  

Pieces from the collection will start becoming available in January 2024.

More information:
adidas adidas Originals partnership

adidas AG

Adient presented seating innovations at IAA (c) Adient

Adient presented seating innovations at IAA

Adient, a leader in automotive seating, has presented its latest innovations at the IAA 2023.
The current automotive business landscape is marked by shifting industry dynamics, showcasing a strong desire for mobility, with an emphasis on digitalization, cost, and sustainable products. In line with this, Adient’s overall approach is characterized by responding to the need for more sustainable material use, while taking advantage of the potential that sustainable practices hold for streamlining processes.

Adient, a leader in automotive seating, has presented its latest innovations at the IAA 2023.
The current automotive business landscape is marked by shifting industry dynamics, showcasing a strong desire for mobility, with an emphasis on digitalization, cost, and sustainable products. In line with this, Adient’s overall approach is characterized by responding to the need for more sustainable material use, while taking advantage of the potential that sustainable practices hold for streamlining processes.

Responding to the need for overall cost and complexity reduction in manufacturing, the Pure Essential seat is especially lightweight. Environmentally-conscious practices such as material separation and recycling, and design for disassembly are embedded into the manufacturing process from the development stage. The visionary seat consists of two materials only – green steel and recyclable polyester (PET).
New customer needs in terms of premium comfort are met with the Autonomous Elegance seat, specifically developed to fit Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). State-of-the-art findings on ergonomics and human body kinematics have been incorporated following extensive occupant research. They are complemented by advanced comfort assets such as noise cancellation and advanced climate functions. “Our seat demonstrators provide solutions to our customers’ main concerns, and we are looking forward to continuing the strategic product dialogue with them, based on our new demonstrators” highlights David Herberg, Vice President Engineering Adient EMEA. Most features of the seat can already be offered for sourcing, such as the metal structure and seat kinematics (adjustment functions and mechanisms).

Considering optimized use of space as well as sustainability aspects, the automotive supplier has also given its Smart Efficiency seat an update: the seat features a slimmer appearance than its predecessor without compromising on comfort. This design does not only help save space, but also paves the way for new mobility concepts based on battery packaging in electric vehicles.
The showcased products will be available for demonstration in customer roadshows as of December 2023.




Fashion experts at Global Fashion Summit in Boston

Hosted in Boston, Massachusetts on 27 September, Global Fashion Summit convened hundreds of esteemed representatives from brands, retailers, NGOs, policy, manufacturers, and innovators to transform ambition into action. The Summit was presented by Global Fashion Agenda (GFA), the non-profit organisation that is accelerating the transition to a net positive fashion industry, and marked the first edition of Global Fashion Summit in North America since the forum’s launch in 2009 as a side-event to COP15 in Copenhagen.
The Boston edition further explored Global Fashion Agenda’s 2023 editorial theme, ‘Ambition to Action’, while reflecting on and responding to what happened at Global Fashion Summit: Copenhagen Edition in June. By bringing Global Fashion Summit to Boston – a renowned hub for technology, innovation, and education - the Summit presented a deeper exploration of the global challenges, differences, and opportunities towards a more sustainable value chain. The Innovation Forum is a key pillar of GFA’s work, making Boston an apt location to showcase pioneering industry solution providers.

Hosted in Boston, Massachusetts on 27 September, Global Fashion Summit convened hundreds of esteemed representatives from brands, retailers, NGOs, policy, manufacturers, and innovators to transform ambition into action. The Summit was presented by Global Fashion Agenda (GFA), the non-profit organisation that is accelerating the transition to a net positive fashion industry, and marked the first edition of Global Fashion Summit in North America since the forum’s launch in 2009 as a side-event to COP15 in Copenhagen.
The Boston edition further explored Global Fashion Agenda’s 2023 editorial theme, ‘Ambition to Action’, while reflecting on and responding to what happened at Global Fashion Summit: Copenhagen Edition in June. By bringing Global Fashion Summit to Boston – a renowned hub for technology, innovation, and education - the Summit presented a deeper exploration of the global challenges, differences, and opportunities towards a more sustainable value chain. The Innovation Forum is a key pillar of GFA’s work, making Boston an apt location to showcase pioneering industry solution providers.
Attendees heard from over 40 speakers from a range of companies and organisations such as Levi Strauss & Co., Tapestry, Neiman Marcus Group, Thunder Voice Hat, H&M Group, Alice and Olivia, BBC StoryWorks, New Standard Institute, Conservation International, Worldly, Trove, Ceres, Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail Ltd, and many more. This Summit also featured esteemed Indigenous speakers on the programme. View all speakers.
The Summit’s second international edition facilitated inspiring thought leadership and exchanges around key themes including: Policy, Finance, and Retail, while also complementing the core priorities of the Fashion CEO Agenda: Respectful and Secure Work Environments, Better Wage Systems, Resource Stewardship, Smart Material Choices, and Circular Systems. The programme featured bold panels, case studies, and leadership roundtables reflecting on topics including: ‘Indigenous Leadership Perspectives’, ‘Exploring Fashion’s ESG Concept’, ‘On The Ground: Adaptation or Mitigation?’, ‘The Global Approach to Circularity’, and ‘Innovation for Value Chain Challenges’.

Global Fashion Summit: Boston Edition also presented an Innovation Forum, enabling small and large companies to meet with 14 sustainable solution providers from across the value chain– equipping them with the concrete tools to expedite meaningful actions. GFS Connect facilitated over 90 connections between fashion companies and exhibitors during the Summit.


Global Fashion Agenda

Stefan Brück new Chairman of A+A Advisory Board (c) Messe Düsseldorf GmbH
Stefan Brück, Chairman of A+A Advisory Board

Stefan Brück new Chairman of A+A Advisory Board

The advisory board of A+A in Düsseldorf, an international trade fair for safety, security and health at work, will soon be under new leadership. Stefan Brück, CEO and Chairman of the Board at UVEX SAFETY GROUP GmbH & Co. KG, Fürth, who has been a member of the A+A advisory board for 7 years, will be the new Chairman. In this position he succeeds Klaus Bornack, Managing Director at Bornack GmbH & Co. KG, who successfully headed the advisory board for 12 years. The handover of office will take place during A+A 2023.

Stefan Brück has developed the Uvex Safety Group into one of the innovation leaders in the international PPE industry. He will assume his future task with over 30 years of industry experience under his belt and is already looking forward to the new challenge.

The advisory board of A+A in Düsseldorf, an international trade fair for safety, security and health at work, will soon be under new leadership. Stefan Brück, CEO and Chairman of the Board at UVEX SAFETY GROUP GmbH & Co. KG, Fürth, who has been a member of the A+A advisory board for 7 years, will be the new Chairman. In this position he succeeds Klaus Bornack, Managing Director at Bornack GmbH & Co. KG, who successfully headed the advisory board for 12 years. The handover of office will take place during A+A 2023.

Stefan Brück has developed the Uvex Safety Group into one of the innovation leaders in the international PPE industry. He will assume his future task with over 30 years of industry experience under his belt and is already looking forward to the new challenge.

“My short and medium-term aim is to move such themes as sustainability but also new technologies and innovations even more into focus in occupational safety. This also includes digital products and solutions such as AI, Virtual Reality or Augmented Reality applications,” explains Stefan Brück and goes on to say: “I look forward to contributing to develop A+A further as the world-leading trade fair and to increasing the social, economic and ecological relevance of PPE on a global scale all year round.”


Messe Düsseldorf GmbH


EURATEX and CIE warn EU Presidency about de-industrialised Europe

Ahead of the extra-ordinary Council on 6 October in Granada, EURATEX President, Alberto Paccanelli, and CIE President, Jose Vte Serna, call on the EU Presidency to develop a new competitiveness strategy, which can relaunch the European industry and ensure it will remain competitive in the decades to come. This means bringing together trade, energy, state aid and sustainability policies into a single, integrated, comprehensive approach, which can support a robust and modern European manufacturing industry.  
To consolidate a strong industrial structure in Europe, the Union should

Ahead of the extra-ordinary Council on 6 October in Granada, EURATEX President, Alberto Paccanelli, and CIE President, Jose Vte Serna, call on the EU Presidency to develop a new competitiveness strategy, which can relaunch the European industry and ensure it will remain competitive in the decades to come. This means bringing together trade, energy, state aid and sustainability policies into a single, integrated, comprehensive approach, which can support a robust and modern European manufacturing industry.  
To consolidate a strong industrial structure in Europe, the Union should

  1. secure the supply of clean energy at a competitive cost;
  2. support innovation and foster the necessary talent pool and
  3. be more assertive in achieving an international level-playing field on sustainability, based on the European model.  

During the past few years the implementation of incoherent and conflicting objectives under the trade, energy, industrial and sustainability policy has been observed. As a matter of fact, while the circular economy promised to be a recipe for a competitive industry of the future, the likelihood of pushing the EU industry out of the market and driving investment elsewhere than in Europe is very high. If this approach were to continue in the next years, it will result in a de-industrialised Europe, depending on imports from abroad. Such a Europe would be more exposed to geopolitical turmoil, with no agency to deliver its vision of peace, well-being and a healthy environment to its citizens.

It is fundamental for Europe to pursue a more coherent set of policies that put the competitiveness of its domestic industry at the core. In this context, all the industrial manufacturing sectors should be in the scope, including the textile industry, given its importance in providing essential products and applications to our society. A first impactful action that can be taken in this direction, would be to expand the scope of the Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA) to include the textiles and clothing industry.
The history of European industry is fully woven in the birth and expansion of the European textiles industry since the XVIII century. Still today, the European textiles and clothing industry holds a pivotal position in the market, encompassing a diverse range of sectors and applications. In terms of employment, our industry creates 1,3 million direct jobs in Europe, encompassing a wide range of roles, from design and production to distribution and retail. European textiles have a wide range of applications, the most common one is of course clothing and fashion. The industry has a long history of producing high-quality apparel, with various regions specializing in specific niches.
Beyond clothing, there is a wide range of industrial sectors were textiles play an essential role, including  Automotive (used for upholstery, interior components, and even lightweight composite materials), Aircraft and Shipbuilding (where textiles are employed for their lightweight and high-strength properties, to enhance fuel efficiency, reduce emissions, and improve overall performance), Building and Construction (insulation, roofing, geotextiles, and architectural textiles), or Personal Protective Equipment, for medical personnel, firefighters, police and army officers. This includes masks, gowns, uniforms, helmets, and fire-resistant clothing, ensuring safety in hazardous environments.
Textiles are essential components of our society and our well-being. It is key for Europe to maintain its capacity to manufacture high-quality, sustainable and high-technology textiles.  With this in mind, the competitiveness policy of the future and the related funds to support it, should include the textile ecosystem in its scope.  


More information:
Euratex EU council Policy Hub


One-third increase in exhibitors at Cinte Techtextil China 2023 (c) Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd

One-third increase in exhibitors at Cinte Techtextil China 2023

Since the rapid growth brought about by the pandemic, the technical textiles and nonwovens markets are stabilising towards a new normal – one in which technological innovation, sustainable development, and intelligent manufacturing are the most sought-after qualities. Held from 19 – 21 September 2023 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre, the fair amplified this new industry direction, both through its fringe programme and across the booths of the 40,000 sqm show floor. With a nearly one-third increase from 2021, 467 exhibitors representing 13 countries and regions engaged a significantly international visitor flow, numbering 15,542 total visits from 52 countries and regions. Suppliers showcased up-to-date products for multiple application areas, with various equipment, technical textiles and nonwovens for agriculture, automotive, protective apparel, and medical and hygiene especially prevalent.

Since the rapid growth brought about by the pandemic, the technical textiles and nonwovens markets are stabilising towards a new normal – one in which technological innovation, sustainable development, and intelligent manufacturing are the most sought-after qualities. Held from 19 – 21 September 2023 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre, the fair amplified this new industry direction, both through its fringe programme and across the booths of the 40,000 sqm show floor. With a nearly one-third increase from 2021, 467 exhibitors representing 13 countries and regions engaged a significantly international visitor flow, numbering 15,542 total visits from 52 countries and regions. Suppliers showcased up-to-date products for multiple application areas, with various equipment, technical textiles and nonwovens for agriculture, automotive, protective apparel, and medical and hygiene especially prevalent.

Speaking at the fair’s close, Ms Wilmet Shea, General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, had an optimistic outlook for the future of the sector: “Sustainability and innovation often go hand-in-hand, and walking through the various halls, zones, and pavilions these past few days the evidence for this was widespread. With environmental protection more important than ever, and buyers across application areas increasingly sourcing eco-friendly solutions, our exhibitors were well-placed to meet that demand. This fair is consistently at the leading edge of technological progress, and with the global and domestic markets showing signs of improving further, we are already looking forward to what we can offer at next year’s edition.”  

With many overseas exhibitors making a comeback, this year’s fair was marked by the return of the Taiwan Pavilion and the 40-exhibitor strong European Zone. Beyond the international areas, domestic pavilions were organised by Beijing Guanghua, China Hang Tang Group, Funing, Jiujing, Shenda, Tiantai, Xianto, and Xiqiao, showcasing nonwovens for various sub-sectors, including filtration and medical. Valuable insights were exchanged at multiple fringe events, including the 11th China International Nonwovens Conference, the Advanced Technical Textiles Industry Chain Synergistic Innovation Development Forum, various events covering marine textiles and rope netting, and the “Kingsafe Dangs” National University Students' Nonwovens Development and Applications Showcase. Visitors, meanwhile, were pleased with the innovation on show across the entire platform.

The fair’s product categories cover 12 application areas, which comprehensively span a full range of potential uses in modern technical textiles and nonwovens. These categories also cover the entire industry, from upstream technology and raw materials providers to finished fabrics, chemicals and other solutions. This scope of product groups and application areas ensures that the fair is an effective business platform for the entire industry.

ISKO supports designers at London Fashion Week (c) ISKO
Designs from left to right by: Priya Ahluwalia, Chet Lo, Aaron Esh and Masha Popova

ISKO supports designers at London Fashion Week

ISKO provided their latest innovation in material science to British designers, Priya Ahluwalia, Masha Popova, Chet Lo and Aaron Esh, for the London Fashion Week SS24 season.

Alongside supplying their latest denim fabrics, ISKO opened its doors to its London-based product development centre, Creative Room London, for finishing and washing of their final designs as well providing expertise and knowledge in denim design and construction.

Priya Ahluwalia
For Ahluwalia’s Spring Summer 24 collection, entitled Acknowledgements, Creative Director and founder Priya Ahluwalia’s research led her on a journey of creative rediscovery.
ISKO’s Ctrl+Z fabric, which is made entirely from recycled and regenerated fibres, was used to create the flower motif denim showcase within 3 looks across jeans and jackets. This development contains no virgin cotton and uses a minimum of 60% recycled materials and the remainder is regenerated cellulose fibres while still giving a look and feel identical to traditional denim and speaks to Ahluwalia’s ongoing commitment to sustainable design and business practices.

ISKO provided their latest innovation in material science to British designers, Priya Ahluwalia, Masha Popova, Chet Lo and Aaron Esh, for the London Fashion Week SS24 season.

Alongside supplying their latest denim fabrics, ISKO opened its doors to its London-based product development centre, Creative Room London, for finishing and washing of their final designs as well providing expertise and knowledge in denim design and construction.

Priya Ahluwalia
For Ahluwalia’s Spring Summer 24 collection, entitled Acknowledgements, Creative Director and founder Priya Ahluwalia’s research led her on a journey of creative rediscovery.
ISKO’s Ctrl+Z fabric, which is made entirely from recycled and regenerated fibres, was used to create the flower motif denim showcase within 3 looks across jeans and jackets. This development contains no virgin cotton and uses a minimum of 60% recycled materials and the remainder is regenerated cellulose fibres while still giving a look and feel identical to traditional denim and speaks to Ahluwalia’s ongoing commitment to sustainable design and business practices.

Chet Lo
This season, Chet Lo took an active stand in reclaiming the power lost during his youth, healing the childhood wounds inflicted by a society that sidelined differences instead of celebrating them.
ISKO’s Ctrl+Z fabric and specialist lasering techniques from ISKO’s Creative Room was used across three looks featuring signature Chet Lo erotic laser prints across denim bottoms.

Aaron Esh
The SS24 season marked the brand’s debut at London Fashion Week, a homecoming of sorts for Esh, who was born and raised in the heart of the British capital, studied at Central Saint Martins and became a finalist at the LVMH Prize earlier this year. The early impulses of Aaron Esh remain steadfast: clothes that combine establishment rigour with the rebellious spirit of youth culture, devotedly crafted for a generation who feels somewhere in-between.
Aaron created bootleg denim ripped jeans made entirely from ISKO Denim using R-TWO50 fabric, which comprises a minimum of 50% pre and post-consumer recycled content. The designer noted the addition of denim accompanied by leathers add a new level of depth to their latest collection.

Masha Popova
Masha Popova’s sophomore catwalk outing, MONSTER was a “seasonless” offering that combines Autumn Winter 2023 and Spring Summer 2024.
Masha continued her obsession with denim manipulation, using various finishings including over-dyeing, flocking, patchwork, scratching and fraying in a variety of colours from vibrant green to silver across jeans, tops and jackets, all developed with the help of ISKO’s Creative Room, London.



Global Fashion Agenda presents new digital film series (c) Fashion Redressed

Global Fashion Agenda presents new digital film series

Global Fashion Agenda (GFA) presented a new online film series: Fashion Redressed. Produced by BBC StoryWorks Commercial Productions, the captivating series intends to inspire the industry to take action to transform the way we produce and consume fashion.

Global Fashion Agenda (GFA) presented a new online film series: Fashion Redressed. Produced by BBC StoryWorks Commercial Productions, the captivating series intends to inspire the industry to take action to transform the way we produce and consume fashion.

Every day we express ourselves through our clothes. Encompassing cultures, personalities, traditions and beliefs, fashion is core to how we present ourselves to the outside world. But our consumption of fashion and clothing is pushing our planet and societies to its limits. Fashion trendsetters and pioneers are working to meet this challenge head-on with game-changing ideas. At the heart of this is the question: how can we keep expressing all we do through fashion, but without hurting the planet?
Focused on finding the answers, Fashion Redressed, comprises multiple films that showcase organisations from across the fashion and textile industries. Launched on a microsite, the series spotlights the innovations across the world that are influencing the new seasons of fashion, featuring a collection of stories that depict tailor-made solutions to fit us and our planet.
The 11 self-contained branded films showcase a range of participants including: eBay, Elk, The Ellen MacArthur Foundation, Vestiaire Collective, Spinnova, Lenzing, Faherty, FarFetch, Waste2Wear, Colorifix and Forest Stewardship Council. Each film focuses on a bespoke solution that can benefit us and the planet. From the scientist taking inspiration from silk-spinning spiders in Helsinki and the duo taking a deep dive into the genetic makeup of colour in Cambridge, to the pre-loved clothes being brought to life on a global platform from Paris and the importance of cultural appreciation in Arizona, fashion gathers the most creative and innovative minds. This series expresses the dynamism and creativity of the fashion world, spotlighting the people weaving change into the fibres of fashion and those who are working to find the stylish side of a more sustainable sector.
The series was unveiled ahead of GFA’s landmark event – Global Fashion Summit: Boston Edition – on 27 September. The forum will bring together fashion stakeholders for agenda-setting discussions and productive meetings on critical environmental and social issues.

Santoni Shanghai acquires German circular knitting machinery maker Terrot (c) Santoni / Terrot

Santoni Shanghai acquires German circular knitting machinery maker Terrot

Santoni Shanghai Knitting Machinery Co., Ltd. announced the strategic acquisition of Terrot GmbH, a manufacturer of circular knitting machines based in Chemnitz, Germany. The move comes as the latest development in Santoni Shanghai’s long-term vision to build an ecosystem that aims to reshape and consolidate the circular knitting industry. The transaction will be finalized pending approval from Chinese regulatory authorities.

The global circular knitting machine market is expected to see significant growth in the coming years, with a July 2023 report from Consegic Business Intelligence forecasting a 5.7% CAGR from 2023 to 2030, propelled by an increasing consumer preference for breathable and comfortable knitted fabrics as well as increasingly diversification of demand for knitted apparel. To seize this market opportunity, Santoni Shanghai has developed an ambitious strategic plan centered around innovation, sustainability and digitalization. The new partnership with Terrot aims to further this strategy by enhancing Santoni’s integrated and scaled-up ecosystem, while also driving the sustainable development of the global knitting machinery industry.

Santoni Shanghai Knitting Machinery Co., Ltd. announced the strategic acquisition of Terrot GmbH, a manufacturer of circular knitting machines based in Chemnitz, Germany. The move comes as the latest development in Santoni Shanghai’s long-term vision to build an ecosystem that aims to reshape and consolidate the circular knitting industry. The transaction will be finalized pending approval from Chinese regulatory authorities.

The global circular knitting machine market is expected to see significant growth in the coming years, with a July 2023 report from Consegic Business Intelligence forecasting a 5.7% CAGR from 2023 to 2030, propelled by an increasing consumer preference for breathable and comfortable knitted fabrics as well as increasingly diversification of demand for knitted apparel. To seize this market opportunity, Santoni Shanghai has developed an ambitious strategic plan centered around innovation, sustainability and digitalization. The new partnership with Terrot aims to further this strategy by enhancing Santoni’s integrated and scaled-up ecosystem, while also driving the sustainable development of the global knitting machinery industry.

“With the strategic investment of Santoni, we aim to strengthen our position as the preferred solution provider to many of the world’s leading textile manufacturers and top brands as well as continue working with industry talents as we provide valuable and essential know-how to drive premium ‘Made in Germany’ textile machinery.” said Robert Czajkowski, Managing Director of Terrot GmbH. "We have found a strong, globally active partner with clear dedication to quality, performance and excellent expertise in all circular knitting segments, who understands the unique value proposition and potentials of our portfolio and with whom we can realize our growth objectives” he added.


Terrot GmbH