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Nachhaltigkeits-Kodex BVMed | Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.

BVMed: Muster-Kodex Nachhaltigkeit für MedTech-Unternehmen

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) hat für seine Branche einen Muster-Kodex Nachhaltigkeit veröffentlicht, der die wesentlichen Aspekte für nachhaltiges Handeln von Medizintechnik-Unternehmen zusammenfasst.

Mit diesem Muster-Kodex möchte der BVMed zu einem einheitlichen Branchenstandard beitragen. Er bietet MedTech-Unternehmen Orientierung in Nachhaltigkeitsfragen sowie die Möglichkeit, gegenüber Geschäftspartnern das eigene Nachhaltigkeitsverständnis zu verdeutlichen. Dabei geht der Muster-Kodex auf die drei Säulen der Nachhaltigkeit (sozial, ökologisch, ökonomisch) ein, bildet das dort geltende Recht ab und legt es einheitlich aus.

Übersicht der Inhalte des Muster-Kodex:

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) hat für seine Branche einen Muster-Kodex Nachhaltigkeit veröffentlicht, der die wesentlichen Aspekte für nachhaltiges Handeln von Medizintechnik-Unternehmen zusammenfasst.

Mit diesem Muster-Kodex möchte der BVMed zu einem einheitlichen Branchenstandard beitragen. Er bietet MedTech-Unternehmen Orientierung in Nachhaltigkeitsfragen sowie die Möglichkeit, gegenüber Geschäftspartnern das eigene Nachhaltigkeitsverständnis zu verdeutlichen. Dabei geht der Muster-Kodex auf die drei Säulen der Nachhaltigkeit (sozial, ökologisch, ökonomisch) ein, bildet das dort geltende Recht ab und legt es einheitlich aus.

Übersicht der Inhalte des Muster-Kodex:

  • Soziale Nachhaltigkeit: Einhaltung von Arbeitsschutzpflichten, Förderung von Diversität und Inklusion, Diskriminierungsfreiheit, Zahlung eines angemessenen und gleichen Arbeitslohns, Koalitionsfreiheit sowie Verbot der Sklaverei, Zwangs- und Kinderarbeit.
  • Ökologische Nachhaltigkeit: Ressourcenschonung, Reduktion der CO2-Emissionen, Abfallreduktion und Recycling sowie Vermeidung von Umweltverschmutzung.
  • Ökonomische Nachhaltigkeit und Governance: Verantwortungsvolle Unternehmensführung und Strategie sowie nachhaltige und transparente Lieferketten.

Der Muster-Kodex kann freiwillig von allen Unternehmen der Medizintechnologie für sich übernommen und um individuelle Selbsterklärungen erweitert werden.

Zur Umsetzung des Muster-Kodex Nachhaltigkeit gibt der BVMed drei Grundprinzipien vor:

  • Egalitätsprinzip
    Gewährung eines unterschiedslosen Zugangs zu Medizinprodukten und damit verbundenen Gesundheitsleistungen. In Bezug auf Arbeitsbedingungen sollen vergleichbare Sachverhalte nicht ohne triftigen Grund ungleich behandelt werden.
  • Vorrangprinzip
    Vorrang einer schonenden Verwendung von Ressourcen (Reduce – Reuse – Recycle) und der Einrichtung und Befolgung effizienter Prozesse.
  • Vorsorgeprinzip
    Ergreifen von präventiven Maßnahmen, um negative ökologische und soziale Auswirkungen der wirtschaftlichen Tätigkeit zu vermeiden oder möglichst gering zu halten.

„Geschäftspartner:innen, Krankenhäuser und andere Stakeholder verlangen zunehmend von den Medizintechnik-Herstellern weitreichende Verpflichtungserklärungen zur Einhaltung des Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetzes. Mit unserem Muster-Kodex Nachhaltigkeit können die Unternehmen ihr soziales, ökologisches und ökonomisches Nachhaltigkeitsverständnis erklären“, so BVMed-Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll. Der neue Muster-Kodex wurde vom BVMed gemeinsam mit der Anwaltskanzlei Clifford Chance entwickelt und durch das Bundeskartellamt geprüft. Er kann unter heruntergeladen werden.

Bereits 2022 gab das BVMed-Institut eine Nachhaltigkeitsstudie zur Bestimmung des sozialen, ökologischen und ökonomischen Fußabdrucks der MedTech-Branche in Auftrag. Die „SEE-Impact-Study der deutschen MedTech-Branche“ des WiFOR-Instituts setzte die Grundlage für eine umfassende Nachhaltigkeitsmessung der Lieferkette und damit einen neuen wissenschaftlichen Standard. Die Studie kann unter eingesehen werden.


More information:
BVMed Kodex Medizintechnik

BVMed | Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.


Exist research transfer project FoxCore successfully launched

The FoxCore founding team and the ITM at TU Dresden aim to usher in a new era for fastening solutions in lightweight construction with the start of the Exist research transfer project FoxCore. The project started on June 1, 2023, and will run until November 30, 2024, with support from the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) and the European Social Fund (ESF).

The innovative company is to develop and offer new and customer-oriented fastening solutions for lightweight construction applications. Safety and performance of lightweight solutions in various industries are to be increased. FoxCore's objective is to take a leading role in fastening technology.

Daniel Weise, Philipp Schegner, Michael Vorhof and Cornelia Sennewald form the FoxCore team; they will work closely with the Institute of Textile Machinery and Textile High Performance Materials (ITM) at TU Dresden. Together, they will develop optimal manufacturing technologies and establish a widespread network of customers and suppliers.

The FoxCore founding team and the ITM at TU Dresden aim to usher in a new era for fastening solutions in lightweight construction with the start of the Exist research transfer project FoxCore. The project started on June 1, 2023, and will run until November 30, 2024, with support from the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) and the European Social Fund (ESF).

The innovative company is to develop and offer new and customer-oriented fastening solutions for lightweight construction applications. Safety and performance of lightweight solutions in various industries are to be increased. FoxCore's objective is to take a leading role in fastening technology.

Daniel Weise, Philipp Schegner, Michael Vorhof and Cornelia Sennewald form the FoxCore team; they will work closely with the Institute of Textile Machinery and Textile High Performance Materials (ITM) at TU Dresden. Together, they will develop optimal manufacturing technologies and establish a widespread network of customers and suppliers.


Institute of Textile Machinery and High Performance Material Technology (ITM)
TU Dresden

Photo Autoneum

Autoneum’s Re-Liner nominated as finalist for 2023 PACE Award

Using recovered resin from discarded car bumpers, Autoneum’s sustainable Re-Liner technology transforms a previously unusable waste product into lightweight and durable wheelhouse outer liners. In addition to their high recycled content, the eco-friendly components require significantly less energy to produce than conventional alternatives. The innovation presents another important step towards a more sustainable circular economy and has now been nominated for the 2023 PACE Award.

Autoneum has been selected as one of the finalists for the 2023 Automotive News PACE Awards. Entering its 29th year, this prestigious award honors superior innovation, technological advancement and business performance among automotive suppliers.

Using recovered resin from discarded car bumpers, Autoneum’s sustainable Re-Liner technology transforms a previously unusable waste product into lightweight and durable wheelhouse outer liners. In addition to their high recycled content, the eco-friendly components require significantly less energy to produce than conventional alternatives. The innovation presents another important step towards a more sustainable circular economy and has now been nominated for the 2023 PACE Award.

Autoneum has been selected as one of the finalists for the 2023 Automotive News PACE Awards. Entering its 29th year, this prestigious award honors superior innovation, technological advancement and business performance among automotive suppliers.

Re-Liner is based on a core of polyolefins recovered from post-consumer bumpers and has a textile top layer made of fibers from recycled materials. “Autoneum has recognized the untapped potential of recovered resin from automotive bumper covers as a resource and is giving this former waste product a second life,” explained Dan Moler. “The core resin of Re-Liner is 100% automotive post-consumer recycled material, not just a filler or additive to a virgin material. Lightweight, durable, and sustainable wheelhouse outer liners based on this technology are expected to reduce waste generated by bumper covers by nearly one million kilograms in 2023.”

For more than a quarter century of a century, the PACE Award has honored innovations driven by automotive suppliers. The award is known in the global automotive industry for identifying and recognizing the latest game-changing innovation: from the plant floor to the product to the showroom. In 2000, Autoneum (then Rieter Automotive) already received a PACE Award for its Ultra-Light technology. In addition, two of the Company’s technologies have also been nominated as finalists in the past: Ultra-Silent in 2010 and Theta-Fiber in 2012.

More information:
Autoneum Re-Liner PACE award


Im Austausch über die PFAS-Problematik und deren Lösungen. © Cornelsen Umwelttechnologie GmbH

Aufbereitungstechnologie für PFAS in kontaminiertem Wasser und Abwasser marktreif

Aufgrund ihrer besonderen physikalisch-chemischen Eigenschaften – wasser-, fett- und schmutzabweisend sowie chemisch und thermisch stabil – sind Per- und Polyfluoralkylsubstanzen (PFAS) in vielen zukunftsrelevanten Technologien, aber auch Alltagsprodukten essenziell. Die hohe Stabilität der Verbindungen und ihre allgegenwärtige Verbreitung können auch Gefahren für Mensch und Umwelt, insbesondere in wässriger Umgebung und in Böden. PFAS sind teilweise toxisch, z. B. fortpflanzendgefährdend oder krebserregend. Die EU plant ein pauschales Herstellungs- und Einsatzverbot. Im Rahmen eines Informationsaustauschs besuchte NRW-Umweltminister Oliver Krischer die Cornelsen Umwelttechnologie GmbH, um gemeinsam mit Verantwortlichen der IHK, der ZENIT GmbH und der Business Metropole Ruhr GmbH über die künftigen Herausforderungen bei der Beseitigung von PFAS und im Speziellen über die Aufbereitungstechnologie PerfluorAd® zu sprechen. Ebenfalls dabei war das Fraunhofer UMSICHT als (Mit-)Erfinder der Technologie und Forschungspartner von Cornelsen.

Aufgrund ihrer besonderen physikalisch-chemischen Eigenschaften – wasser-, fett- und schmutzabweisend sowie chemisch und thermisch stabil – sind Per- und Polyfluoralkylsubstanzen (PFAS) in vielen zukunftsrelevanten Technologien, aber auch Alltagsprodukten essenziell. Die hohe Stabilität der Verbindungen und ihre allgegenwärtige Verbreitung können auch Gefahren für Mensch und Umwelt, insbesondere in wässriger Umgebung und in Böden. PFAS sind teilweise toxisch, z. B. fortpflanzendgefährdend oder krebserregend. Die EU plant ein pauschales Herstellungs- und Einsatzverbot. Im Rahmen eines Informationsaustauschs besuchte NRW-Umweltminister Oliver Krischer die Cornelsen Umwelttechnologie GmbH, um gemeinsam mit Verantwortlichen der IHK, der ZENIT GmbH und der Business Metropole Ruhr GmbH über die künftigen Herausforderungen bei der Beseitigung von PFAS und im Speziellen über die Aufbereitungstechnologie PerfluorAd® zu sprechen. Ebenfalls dabei war das Fraunhofer UMSICHT als (Mit-)Erfinder der Technologie und Forschungspartner von Cornelsen.

Zukunftsrelevante Technologien wie Brennstoffzellen oder Li-Ionen-Batterien, Alltagsprodukte wie Outdoor-Textilien oder Kosmetika, diverse Funktionsbeschichtungen und Feuerlöschmittel enthalten PFAS. Für zahlreiche der genannten Anwendungen gibt es noch keine fluorfreien Alternativen. Der nationale Wasserstoffrat empfiehlt aus diesem Grund eine vertiefende Forschung und Ausnahmeregelungen, bis umweltfreundliche Lösungen verfügbar sind.

Aufbereitungskosten minimieren und Umwelt schonen
Das Fraunhofer UMSICHT und Cornelsen waren mit Beginn ihrer Forschungsaktivitäten zu PFAS im Jahr 2008 die Ersten in Deutschland, die sich mit deren anspruchsvoller Beseitigung aus kontaminiertem Grundwasser, Sickerwasser und Industrieabwasser beschäftigten. Gemeinsam wurde das patentgeschützte PerfluorAd®-Verfahren entwickelt, mit dem sich PFAS effektiv und kostengünstig aus Löschwasser entfernen lassen. Die am Brandort verbleibenden PFAS-haltigen Reste an Schaum bzw. Wasser werden direkt aufgefangen – z. B. in speziellen Löschwasser-Auffangbecken von Industrieanlagen. Die anschließende Aufbereitung und Dekontaminierung kann, je nach Begebenheit, vor Ort oder extern erfolgen.

Mittlerweile hat Cornelsen viele unterschiedliche Wasseraufbereitungsprojekte und Dekontaminierungen von PFAS-belasteten Systemen durchgeführt. Das PerfluorAd®-Verfahren ist auf weitere Anwendungsfälle übertragbar und lässt sich mit verschiedenen PFAS-Aufbereitungstechnologien wie Ionenaustausch, Membranverfahren oder Aktivkohleadsorption kombinieren.

Während Cornelsen die verfahrenstechnische Umsetzung verantwortet, hat das Fraunhofer UMSICHT in den Bereichen Analytik, Chemie und IP zum Gelingen des PerfluorAd®-Verfahrens beigetragen.


SGS and FibreTrace® develop Fiber Integrity Protocol

SGS and FibreTrace®, a digital and physical traceability provider in traceable fiber technology, have joined forces to develop a new Fiber Integrity Protocol for the textile industry.

The partnership will support brands worldwide to strengthen confidence in product claims made across a range of materials through the integration of traceability technologies, such as FibreTrace® MAPPED and FibreTrace® Verified, with robustly audited pathways.

Work has begun on the development of the protocol which will combine testing, verification, chain of custody checking and product markers. To further enhance the robust implementation of verification and compliance across the full value chain, SGS is also supporting FibreTrace® to:

SGS and FibreTrace®, a digital and physical traceability provider in traceable fiber technology, have joined forces to develop a new Fiber Integrity Protocol for the textile industry.

The partnership will support brands worldwide to strengthen confidence in product claims made across a range of materials through the integration of traceability technologies, such as FibreTrace® MAPPED and FibreTrace® Verified, with robustly audited pathways.

Work has begun on the development of the protocol which will combine testing, verification, chain of custody checking and product markers. To further enhance the robust implementation of verification and compliance across the full value chain, SGS is also supporting FibreTrace® to:

  • Support suppliers to demonstrate compliance and accurate reporting within the FibreTrace® digital platform
  • Review the compliance and traceability of fibers and materials prior to the application of FibreTrace® physical technology (for example at recycled polyester collection points)
  • Help brands and retailers to carry out on-site scanning and to verify fibers with the use of FibreTrace® physical and digital technology
More information:
SGS FibreTrace® fibres



Archroma wins Just Style 2023 Excellence Awards

Archroma has won several major accolades at the Just Style 2023 Excellence Awards:

  • Business Expansion – Digital Platform award: Color Atlas online library
  • Innovation – Dyes award:
    o FiberColors®
    o Diresul® Evolution Black liq
    o NOVACRON® Atlantic EC-NC

Digital Platform Award for The Color Atlas by Archroma®
The Color Atlas by Archroma® empowers fashion designers and stylists with off-the-shelf color inspiration and the ability to quickly and reliably execute their design intent with products that meet their desired sustainability profile and comply with international eco-standards.

Innovation Awards for Dyeing Technologies
Archroma was also recognized for its innovation in dye technology with three Just Style Excellence Awards.

Archroma has won several major accolades at the Just Style 2023 Excellence Awards:

  • Business Expansion – Digital Platform award: Color Atlas online library
  • Innovation – Dyes award:
    o FiberColors®
    o Diresul® Evolution Black liq
    o NOVACRON® Atlantic EC-NC

Digital Platform Award for The Color Atlas by Archroma®
The Color Atlas by Archroma® empowers fashion designers and stylists with off-the-shelf color inspiration and the ability to quickly and reliably execute their design intent with products that meet their desired sustainability profile and comply with international eco-standards.

Innovation Awards for Dyeing Technologies
Archroma was also recognized for its innovation in dye technology with three Just Style Excellence Awards.

Archroma’s FiberColors® technology was awarded for helping move the industry towards a circular economy. Synthesized with a minimum 50% textile waste based raw material, FiberColors® transforms pre- and post-industrial fashion and textile waste into gorgeous upcycled colors – allowing brands to color their new collections with their pre-loved collections.

Diresul® Evolution Black liq, based on the company’s latest synthesis technology, has advantages over traditional sulfur black including large reductions in the amount of water needed in dye synthesis and a unique shade and wash-down effect when compared with existing black denim.

Novacron® Atlantic EC-NC won its Just Style Excellence Award for addressing mill challenges with the industry’s first blue element to deliver chlorine- and nitrogen oxide (NOx)-fastness alongside lightfastness. Based on a patented dye molecule, it offers a trouble-free way to produce more sustainable cotton casual wear and home textiles that look as good as new for longer.



Tatham: ‘Field to Fibre’ service for industrial hemp fibre production Photo: BTMA / Tatham
Tatham director Tim Porritt

Tatham: ‘Field to Fibre’ service for industrial hemp fibre production

BTMA member Tatham has just delivered an advanced industrial hemp processing line to a major customer in Turkey and had many fruitful discussions about its machinery for the processing of natural staple fibres at the recent ITMA 2023 held in Milan from June 8-14.

The Bradford, UK-based company continues to equip mills around the world with staple fibre spinning and nonwoven technologies for manufacturing a wide range of products, while its TS system for drives and controls is suitable for retrofitting to all OEM textile machines, to provide user-friendly control systems with complete synchronisation and significant energy savings.

“We are currently fielding a lot of enquiries for technologies for the decortication, fibre opening and fabric forming of hemp,” said Tatham director Tim Porritt. “This is being driven by the sustainability of the fibre and concerns over climate change as brands seek solutions to meet their sustainability goals. As a result, there has been an explosion in the interest in hemp production, from farmers through to fibre production, and a wide range of new potential end-uses are being explored.”

BTMA member Tatham has just delivered an advanced industrial hemp processing line to a major customer in Turkey and had many fruitful discussions about its machinery for the processing of natural staple fibres at the recent ITMA 2023 held in Milan from June 8-14.

The Bradford, UK-based company continues to equip mills around the world with staple fibre spinning and nonwoven technologies for manufacturing a wide range of products, while its TS system for drives and controls is suitable for retrofitting to all OEM textile machines, to provide user-friendly control systems with complete synchronisation and significant energy savings.

“We are currently fielding a lot of enquiries for technologies for the decortication, fibre opening and fabric forming of hemp,” said Tatham director Tim Porritt. “This is being driven by the sustainability of the fibre and concerns over climate change as brands seek solutions to meet their sustainability goals. As a result, there has been an explosion in the interest in hemp production, from farmers through to fibre production, and a wide range of new potential end-uses are being explored.”

Tatham offers a complete ‘Field to Fibre’ service for industrial hemp fibre production and its decortication and cleaning process has a gentle opening action to maintain the fibre length, to make it suitable for subsequent processing.

Monforts: Solid Success at ITMA 2023 Photo: Monforts / AWOL Media

Monforts: Solid Success at ITMA 2023

Finishing machinery specialist Monforts has secured a number of major orders from textile manufacturers in Central and South America recently, and was pleased to welcome a high number of visitors from the region to its stand at ITMA 2023 in Milan from June 8-14.

Among new orders are those for three Montex stenters delivered to the AustralTex Group in Argentina and a further Montex range to denim manufacturer CIT in Brazil. Guatemala’s Global Textiles placed an order for its second Montex stenter, while Mexico’s Zentrix ordered its third and Avante, also in Mexico, has opted for its sixth.

Elsewhere, orders have also been placed for the delivery of three new Montex stenters to one of Pakistan’s major corporations, as well as a new Thermex dyeing range to nonwovens manaufacturer Orsa in Italy. Further orders – both for new machines and retrofit modules – are now anticipated following ITMA 2023, which attracted over 111,000 visitors to Milan.

Finishing machinery specialist Monforts has secured a number of major orders from textile manufacturers in Central and South America recently, and was pleased to welcome a high number of visitors from the region to its stand at ITMA 2023 in Milan from June 8-14.

Among new orders are those for three Montex stenters delivered to the AustralTex Group in Argentina and a further Montex range to denim manufacturer CIT in Brazil. Guatemala’s Global Textiles placed an order for its second Montex stenter, while Mexico’s Zentrix ordered its third and Avante, also in Mexico, has opted for its sixth.

Elsewhere, orders have also been placed for the delivery of three new Montex stenters to one of Pakistan’s major corporations, as well as a new Thermex dyeing range to nonwovens manaufacturer Orsa in Italy. Further orders – both for new machines and retrofit modules – are now anticipated following ITMA 2023, which attracted over 111,000 visitors to Milan.

“Visitor footfall at ITMA 2023 was well beyond the company’s expectations, and we were especially pleased at the constant number of visitors from South American companies, as well as from Asia and Europe,” said Monforts Marketing Manager Nicole Croonenbroek. “We were able to provide them with detailed information about our portfolio of machines and technologies digitally and fielded an unprecedented number of serious enquiries, many of which promise to turn into new business.”

Monforts Montex stenters for processes such as drying, stretching, heat-setting and coating, she added, are already the industry standard for the fabric finishing industry, providing a number of advantages in terms of production throughput and especially in energy efficiency and resource savings. Other key technologies in the Monforts portfolio include relaxation dryers, Thermex dyeing ranges and Monfortex compressive shrinking ranges.

“We were also very pleased with the interest in the Montex®Coat, the latest addition to our range of technologies, which we displayed in Milan,” Croonenbroek said.

The Montex®Coat can serve a very diverse number of markets and enables full PVC coatings, pigment dyeing or minimal application surface and low penetration treatments, as well as solvent coatings. Knife coating, roller coating or screen printing can also all be accommodated with this system. It provides the ultimate in flexibility and the ability to switch quickly from one fabric run to the next, without compromising on the economical use of energy or raw materials.

Many refinements have been made to the Montex®Coat in the past few years, resulting in higher coating accuracy and the resulting quality of the treated fabrics. A number of advanced new improvements were introduced in Milan, including automatic edge limiters for immediately adapting to new coating widths and a new and simplified hand-held control device. These save considerable time in setting up the machine and ensuring consistent production.

The Montex®Coat unit displayed in Milan was sold to Vietnamese company Thai Tuan during the show.


A. Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG


Alternative to synthetics: MAS Holdings invests in HeiQ AeoniQ™

MAS Holdings, a global apparel & textile manufacturing and tech conglomerate, headquartered in Sri Lanka, secures a stake in HeiQ AeoniQ™ as part of its Plan for Change initiative to support the development of next-generation cellulosic filament fibers to replace polyester and nylon.

HeiQ from Switzerland and MAS Holdings entered a partnership for MAS to secure a stake in HeiQ AeoniQ GmbH, a subsidiary of HeiQ Group that will produce HeiQ AeoniQ™, a climate-positive cellulosic yarn.

With this investment, MAS Holdings becomes the first manufacturer to partner with HeiQ AeoniQ™ in their efforts to provide a sustainable alternative to polyester and nylon. The investment to be made by MAS Holdings is part of the group’s strategy to drive a positive environmental impact. The MAS Plan for Change aims to generate 50% of the company’s revenue through sustainable products by 2025, revolutionizing the textile industry with a focus on innovation, sustainable sourcing, and pioneering circularity at scale.

MAS Holdings, a global apparel & textile manufacturing and tech conglomerate, headquartered in Sri Lanka, secures a stake in HeiQ AeoniQ™ as part of its Plan for Change initiative to support the development of next-generation cellulosic filament fibers to replace polyester and nylon.

HeiQ from Switzerland and MAS Holdings entered a partnership for MAS to secure a stake in HeiQ AeoniQ GmbH, a subsidiary of HeiQ Group that will produce HeiQ AeoniQ™, a climate-positive cellulosic yarn.

With this investment, MAS Holdings becomes the first manufacturer to partner with HeiQ AeoniQ™ in their efforts to provide a sustainable alternative to polyester and nylon. The investment to be made by MAS Holdings is part of the group’s strategy to drive a positive environmental impact. The MAS Plan for Change aims to generate 50% of the company’s revenue through sustainable products by 2025, revolutionizing the textile industry with a focus on innovation, sustainable sourcing, and pioneering circularity at scale.

With the closing of this deal, HeiQ and MAS agreed to a 5-year Offtake Agreement for 3,000 tons of HeiQ AeoniQ™ yarn in 2025 and 5,000 tons per year from 2026 to 2029, valued by HeiQ in the aggregate to US$ 100 million. MAS will finalize this commitment within a stipulated time period after achieving milestone 1, and a mutual plan for commercialization. HeiQ and MAS firmly believe that rapid scaling is key to facilitating the fast adoption of sustainable, circular technologies such as HeiQ AeoniQ™.

The HeiQ AeoniQ™ pilot plant in Austria is manufacturing this revolutionary continuous cellulosic filament yarn since Q3 2022, with up to a 100 tons capacity to be upscaled up to 300 tons by the end of 2023.

The HeiQ AeoniQ™ production scale-up is planned to have its definitive boost by early 2026 with the construction of an entirely new gigafactory capable of a 30,000-ton output per year, in a 250M USD estimated investment.

Polyester and nylon, two oil-based fibers, virtually non-recyclable, account for about 70% of all the global textile production, they take between 350 to 1000 years to degrade in nature, are currently close loop recycled at less than 1%, and are at the origin of 35% of the microplastics that can be found in today's oceans. HeiQ AeoniQ™ was innovated and is being hyper-scaled up to change this course of action.

More information:
MAS Holdings HeiQ AeoniQ


(c) Kornit Digital

Kornit Digital and Amaze Software: On-Demand Production and Fulfillment to Social Media Creators

Kornit Digital LTD. announced Amaze Software, Inc. – parent company of the Amaze, Spring, and Outfts platforms – has selected KornitX Workflow Solutions and Kornit MAX digital on- demand fabric and textile decoration technologies as the platform to deliver their vision. Combined with the Amaze Creator Commerce Platform, the companies will jointly bring the power of on- demand production and fulfillment to new and existing social media creators, enabling them to better monetize branded products.

Kornit’s Global Fulfillment Network helps companies like Amaze Software connect creators with high-quality garment and textile production fulfillers across the globe. The platform is backed by the KornitX workflow engine, seamlessly integrating across industry-proven Kornit MAX technology- based fabric and textile decoration systems for end-to-end production, visibility, and control.

Kornit Digital LTD. announced Amaze Software, Inc. – parent company of the Amaze, Spring, and Outfts platforms – has selected KornitX Workflow Solutions and Kornit MAX digital on- demand fabric and textile decoration technologies as the platform to deliver their vision. Combined with the Amaze Creator Commerce Platform, the companies will jointly bring the power of on- demand production and fulfillment to new and existing social media creators, enabling them to better monetize branded products.

Kornit’s Global Fulfillment Network helps companies like Amaze Software connect creators with high-quality garment and textile production fulfillers across the globe. The platform is backed by the KornitX workflow engine, seamlessly integrating across industry-proven Kornit MAX technology- based fabric and textile decoration systems for end-to-end production, visibility, and control.

The  Spring platform offers an opportunity for fans to make purchases directly from where they consume the creator’s content (social platforms including Instagram, TikTok Shops, Twitch, and more). This allows creators to significantly enhance engagement and cultivate a more profound brand presence.


Kornit Digital

Kornit Digital at ITMA 2023 (c) Kornit Digital

Kornit Digital successfully concluded ITMA

Kornit Digital LTD., a leader in sustainable, on-demand digital fashion and textile production technologies, announced the Company successfully concluded its exhibition at ITMA 2023, experiencing high volumes of engagement with new customers from key regions, such as India, Turkey, China, Central and South America.

With its industry-first vibrant new NeoPigment™ Vivido digital inks, the Kornit Presto MAX had a strong reception at ITMA. Also taking center stage was the anticipated Kornit Apollo platform, which delivers on the industry need for automated, high-throughput digital on-demand garment decoration at scale. Built on tested Kornit MAX technology, the Apollo effectively brings sustainable digital production to the mainstream.

“Our Apollo system was welcomed at ITMA by an industry now realizing that digital is the only solution for making fashion and textile production sustainable, producing closer to the end consumer, eliminating problematic inventory, and delivering the highest quality without sacrificing profitability,” said Omer Kulka, Chief Innovation Officer at Kornit Digital.

Kornit Digital LTD., a leader in sustainable, on-demand digital fashion and textile production technologies, announced the Company successfully concluded its exhibition at ITMA 2023, experiencing high volumes of engagement with new customers from key regions, such as India, Turkey, China, Central and South America.

With its industry-first vibrant new NeoPigment™ Vivido digital inks, the Kornit Presto MAX had a strong reception at ITMA. Also taking center stage was the anticipated Kornit Apollo platform, which delivers on the industry need for automated, high-throughput digital on-demand garment decoration at scale. Built on tested Kornit MAX technology, the Apollo effectively brings sustainable digital production to the mainstream.

“Our Apollo system was welcomed at ITMA by an industry now realizing that digital is the only solution for making fashion and textile production sustainable, producing closer to the end consumer, eliminating problematic inventory, and delivering the highest quality without sacrificing profitability,” said Omer Kulka, Chief Innovation Officer at Kornit Digital.


Kornit Digital

Archroma and Somelos to advance textile industry sustainability with new dyeing and finishing process Photo: Somelos

Archroma and Somelos: New dyeing and finishing process for water savings of up to 97%

Archroma, a leader in specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, and Somelos, a vertically integrated textile group in Portugal, have joined forces to advance sustainable cotton processing with a new water-saving dyeing and finishing process that generates no wastewater.

Conventional cotton dyeing and finishing requires substantial water and chemical inputs and produces a large volume of wastewater. Long-lasting wash-down effects in particular, traditionally require two water-intensive processes: one to get the color intensity and one to achieve the washed-down contrast. Relying on such resource-intensive processes is of particular concern in nations affected by drought and water scarcity, like Portugal, the home of Somelos since its founding in 1958.

Archroma, a leader in specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, and Somelos, a vertically integrated textile group in Portugal, have joined forces to advance sustainable cotton processing with a new water-saving dyeing and finishing process that generates no wastewater.

Conventional cotton dyeing and finishing requires substantial water and chemical inputs and produces a large volume of wastewater. Long-lasting wash-down effects in particular, traditionally require two water-intensive processes: one to get the color intensity and one to achieve the washed-down contrast. Relying on such resource-intensive processes is of particular concern in nations affected by drought and water scarcity, like Portugal, the home of Somelos since its founding in 1958.

To address this challenge, Archroma and Somelos have now developed the New Dry Dyeing/Ox Finishing process for the production of bottoms and shirting in cotton fabrics. Based on Archroma’s Pad-Ox dyeing process, which combines oxidation and fixation into one step, and the latest technologies for washdown effects, including ozone and laser treatments, it delivers water savings of up to 97% compared to conventional cotton dyeing and finishing.

The New Dry Dyeing/Ox Finishing process only uses water to prepare the dye and oxidation baths. Archroma Diresul® RDT liquid pre-reduced sulfur dyes ensure easy washdown and direct fixation—with no need for pre-washing—delivering shorter processing, cleaner production and high wash -fastness.

STOLL's book “Color in Knitting: By Designers, for Designers”. (c) STOLL by KARL MAYER

Launch of STOLL's latest collection COLOR IN KNITTING

Just in time for ITMA 2023 in Milan, the flat knitting machine manufacturer STOLL has launched its new collection COLOR IN KNITTING. It holds a range of knitting techniques that were ideated for novel super fine machine gauges such as the E20.

In addition, STOLL reveals its internal design workflow, showcasing how digital software tools can speed up the design process. The core of this is k.innovation CREATE DESIGN. Through the utilization of STOLL’s jointly developed design software solution, k.innovation CREATE DESIGN, in collaboration with @KM.ON, the shape and structures of a garment, can be digitally created, allowing for its simulation before it is even knitted. The interfaces to various external 3D software tools, allow for a realistic representation of the garment facilitating faster design decisions. Once the virtual knits, made in the CREATE DESIGN software are ready for manufacturing, it will be send to a knitting technician for further processing in k.innovation CREATE PLUS, This significantly speeds up product development while reducing communication issues between designers and technicians.

Just in time for ITMA 2023 in Milan, the flat knitting machine manufacturer STOLL has launched its new collection COLOR IN KNITTING. It holds a range of knitting techniques that were ideated for novel super fine machine gauges such as the E20.

In addition, STOLL reveals its internal design workflow, showcasing how digital software tools can speed up the design process. The core of this is k.innovation CREATE DESIGN. Through the utilization of STOLL’s jointly developed design software solution, k.innovation CREATE DESIGN, in collaboration with @KM.ON, the shape and structures of a garment, can be digitally created, allowing for its simulation before it is even knitted. The interfaces to various external 3D software tools, allow for a realistic representation of the garment facilitating faster design decisions. Once the virtual knits, made in the CREATE DESIGN software are ready for manufacturing, it will be send to a knitting technician for further processing in k.innovation CREATE PLUS, This significantly speeds up product development while reducing communication issues between designers and technicians.

Sustainability and responsible handling of precious natural resources were key factors driving the development of the latest trend collection, COLOR IN KNITTING. STOLL-knit and wear®, a technique that stands for seamless knitted garments, can play a significant role in reducing waste. In addition, fewer process steps are required in the production chain - with advantages for production efficiency.
For another highlight of COLOR IN KNITTING, the STOLL creatives have worked on imitating different yarn effects with knitting technology such as slub yarn optics or the simulation of fabrics like crepe de chine/crepe georgette

On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of STOLL, COLOR IN KNITTING features a selection of vintage pattern replicates. These patterns can be found in STOLL’s extensive sample archives in Reutlingen. It is impressive to learn that all these former fabric constructions can still be replicated today and also reinvented with todays machine features. This approach showcases the steep progression of technical advancements over the past 150 years.

STOLL´s latest trend collection culminates in the creation of an invaluable resource: the book “Color in Knitting: By Designers, for Designers”. This publication aims to cater to a diverse audience by presenting a comprehensive guide to designing with colors using various flat knitting technologies and will be presented in the chapter "Book release".




Fashion for Good welcomes new partners to its Sorting for Circularity USA Project

The Sorting for Circularity USA consortium project welcomes new partners and expands its North American geographical scope. Fashion for Good is pleased to announce the addition of lululemon as an external brand partner, joining the existing seven brand partners. They also welcome their new implementation partners Helpsy, United Southern Waste Material, Goodwill Industries International Inc., and its members Goodwill of Colorado, Goodwill Industries-Suncoast, Inc., Goodwill of the Finger Lakes, and Goodwill of San Francisco Bay. Additionally, Fashion for Good is pleased to recognise adidas as the project's lead sponsor, facilitating the complete realisation of the project scope.

The Sorting for Circularity USA consortium project welcomes new partners and expands its North American geographical scope. Fashion for Good is pleased to announce the addition of lululemon as an external brand partner, joining the existing seven brand partners. They also welcome their new implementation partners Helpsy, United Southern Waste Material, Goodwill Industries International Inc., and its members Goodwill of Colorado, Goodwill Industries-Suncoast, Inc., Goodwill of the Finger Lakes, and Goodwill of San Francisco Bay. Additionally, Fashion for Good is pleased to recognise adidas as the project's lead sponsor, facilitating the complete realisation of the project scope.

Fashion for Good, together with Resource Recycling Systems, launched the Sorting for Circularity USA consortium project in January 2023. The project will conduct an extensive consumer survey to map the journey of a garment from closet to end of use, and present a comprehensive snapshot of textile waste composition generated in the United States. The insights gained from this 18-month project will help to scale collection, sorting, and recycling innovations and inform decisions on necessary investments and actions.

Within the first 6 months, the project has expanded to cover 6 key states: California, Texas, Florida, New York, New Jersey and Colorado. Additional implementation partners have also signed on to support the fibre composition data analysis: Secondary Materials and Recycled Textiles (SMART) Association, Helpsy, United Southern Waste Material, and Goodwill Industries International Inc., with its members Goodwill of Colorado, Goodwill Industries-Suncoast, Inc., Goodwill of the Finger Lakes, and Goodwill of San Francisco Bay. Resource Recycling Systems will drive the dissemination and analysis of the consumer survey together with New York State Center for Sustainable Materials Management and Syracuse University Center for Sustainable Community Solutions, and execute the textile composition analysis using Matoha’s near infrared devices with advisory support from Circle Economy.

Demonstrating the importance of pre-competitive collaboration in tackling the industry’s biggest challenges, lululemon joins Eastman, H&M and Nordstrom as key project partners, together with Fashion for Good corporate partners adidas, Inditex, Levi Strauss & Co., and Target. Adidas' lead sponsorship ensures a deeper analysis of USA textile waste infrastructure and the identification of valuable opportunities for advancement.

In the USA, textile waste is the fastest-growing segment of the country's waste stream, with 85% of discarded textiles ending up in landfills*. Understanding the composition of material, volume and location of used textiles is crucial for capturing them and sorting them for the best and highest quality end use. Moreover, the range of national and regional geographies within the Sorting for Circularity project series enables for nuanced cross-country comparisons - revealing differences in the textile waste generated and infrastructure required.

Sorting for Circularity, a framework co-developed by Fashion for Good and Circle Economy, aims to (re)capture textile waste by unlocking the feedstock potential for recycling, expedite the implementation of game changing automated sorting technologies such as near-infrared spectroscopy and advanced textile-to-textile recycling, and drive circularity within the fashion value chain. The project builds on the success of Sorting for Circularity Europe and India, which revealed insights on material composition, volume, and location of used textiles and provided a solid foundation to accelerate textile recycling in those respective geographical locations.

*United States Environmental Protection Agency (2019). National Overview: Facts and Figures on Materials, Wastes and Recycling.


Fashion for Good 

(c) Kornit Digital

Kornit Digital presents Enhanced Presto MAX at ITMA

Kornit Digital LTD., a leader in sustainable, on-demand digital fashionx and textile production technologies, announced the Company is taking the power of digital fashion to new heights with enhancements to the Kornit Presto MAX system for digital fabric decoration on demand.

Designed with the fashion and home décor industry in mind, the enhanced solution presents innovative capabilities for transforming virtual concepts into custom fabrics, supplementing digital efficiency and quality with white printing on colored fabrics. The new NeoPigmentTM Vivido ink achieves darker, deeper blacks and colors and establish new fashion standards with a pigment-based process. Kornit’s patented solution offers a streamlined and completely dry process for the a sustainable fabric decoration.

Kornit Digital LTD., a leader in sustainable, on-demand digital fashionx and textile production technologies, announced the Company is taking the power of digital fashion to new heights with enhancements to the Kornit Presto MAX system for digital fabric decoration on demand.

Designed with the fashion and home décor industry in mind, the enhanced solution presents innovative capabilities for transforming virtual concepts into custom fabrics, supplementing digital efficiency and quality with white printing on colored fabrics. The new NeoPigmentTM Vivido ink achieves darker, deeper blacks and colors and establish new fashion standards with a pigment-based process. Kornit’s patented solution offers a streamlined and completely dry process for the a sustainable fabric decoration.

At ITMA 2023, Kornit will also be displaying an end-to-end partner ecosystem – underscoring how integrated solutions ensure a smooth transition towards a digital infrastructure and enable long-term business growth. Highlighting the power of partnership alongside Kornit is, a supplier of textiles and apparel leveraging digitally enabled, eco-friendly waterless printing. The company will be showing Presto MAX with fabrics highlighting the depth of black inks. Working alongside Kornit, Zünd will demonstrate how its modular cutting systems is the foundation for an end-to-end “eco factory,” completing fashion decorated by Presto MAX with their digital cutting solutions. Pentek Textile Machinery joins to display the possibilities for inline, sustainable softening of fabrics for unique and demanding applications.


Archroma and COLOURizd™ collaborate to make fashion more sustainable

Archroma, a leader in specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, is teaming up with COLOURizd™, an innovator specializing in sustainable textile dyeing technologies, to set a new standard for the eco-friendlier production of sustainable textiles.

The new collaboration will enable fabric mills and brands to combine Archroma pigment coloration solutions with the COLOURizd™ QuantumCOLOUR™ yarn-coloring technology to produce high-quality, high-performance textiles with maximum consumer appeal and minimal environmental impact.

Conventional fiber-reactive methods of dyeing cellulosic and synthetic yarns are multi-step resource-intensive processes that use up to 95 liters of water per kilograms of colored yarn and discharge approximately 94 liters of effluent.

Archroma, a leader in specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, is teaming up with COLOURizd™, an innovator specializing in sustainable textile dyeing technologies, to set a new standard for the eco-friendlier production of sustainable textiles.

The new collaboration will enable fabric mills and brands to combine Archroma pigment coloration solutions with the COLOURizd™ QuantumCOLOUR™ yarn-coloring technology to produce high-quality, high-performance textiles with maximum consumer appeal and minimal environmental impact.

Conventional fiber-reactive methods of dyeing cellulosic and synthetic yarns are multi-step resource-intensive processes that use up to 95 liters of water per kilograms of colored yarn and discharge approximately 94 liters of effluent.

In contrast, the innovative QuantumCOLOUR™ process injects pigment and a binder directly into the yarn, using only 0.95 liters of water per kilograms of colored yarn while producing zero effluent. This represents an unprecedented reduction of 98% in water consumption alongside zero wastewater discharge, zero discharge of harmful chemicals, 73% decrease in carbon footprint and 50% reduction in energy use.*

With Archroma, textile manufacturers and apparel brands can add further value to the QuantumCOLOUR™ process with tailor-made system solutions, including JUST COLOR. This formaldehyde-free** pigment coloration system is based on Archroma’s revolutionary Printofix® pigment dispersions and Helizarin® binders to deliver exceptionally soft fabrics with high fastness and durability, while also enabling energy and chemical savings and higher productivity.

* As tested by Peterson Control Union
** Below limits of detection according to industry standard test methods



(c) Mimaki

Mimaki launches Tiger600-1800TS Dye Sublimation Printer

Mimaki Europe, a provider of industrial inkjet printers, cutting plotters, and 3D printers, is debuting the new Tiger600-1800TS, Mimaki’s most productive sublimation transfer printer, on its stand at ITMA 2023. This latest high-speed, compact and robust roll-to-roll inkjet printer has been designed to accelerate the analogue to digital transformation within the textile printing industry.

The Tiger600-1800TS boasts a maximum printing speed of 550 m2/h (143% faster than the previous model) owing to the renovated high-speed printhead and Mimaki’s proprietary image quality enhancement technologies. The printer’s size has also been halved compared to the previous system, with the paper mounting and winding system both located at the back of the machine. This smaller footprint enables customers to easily install multiple units to meet fluctuating demand, whilst also increasing overall production capacity.

Mimaki Europe, a provider of industrial inkjet printers, cutting plotters, and 3D printers, is debuting the new Tiger600-1800TS, Mimaki’s most productive sublimation transfer printer, on its stand at ITMA 2023. This latest high-speed, compact and robust roll-to-roll inkjet printer has been designed to accelerate the analogue to digital transformation within the textile printing industry.

The Tiger600-1800TS boasts a maximum printing speed of 550 m2/h (143% faster than the previous model) owing to the renovated high-speed printhead and Mimaki’s proprietary image quality enhancement technologies. The printer’s size has also been halved compared to the previous system, with the paper mounting and winding system both located at the back of the machine. This smaller footprint enables customers to easily install multiple units to meet fluctuating demand, whilst also increasing overall production capacity.

A further environmental benefit of the Tiger600-1800TS will be the bluesign® certification of its MLSb510 series sublimation transfer inks. This certificate, expected to be awarded in June 2023, will provide assurance that these inks are of highest quality combined with due consideration for the safety of consumers and print operators, and environmental conservation, and therefore, contributing to the sustainability of the textile industry.

Mimaki’s expertise in developing reliable, easy-to-use and efficient solutions has also not faltered in the development of the Tiger600-1800TS. The printer’s ink tanks can be replaced without interrupting the printing process, minimising down time. Maintenance of the printer is also reduced with its roller paper feeding method eliminating the need for the application of adhesives onto a belt.


Mimaki Europe

Manfred Hackl, CEO EREMA Group and Markus Huber-Lindinger, Managing Director EREMA, open the EREMA Discovery Day 2023

EREMA Discovery Day as meeting place for plastics and recycling industry

On June 1, EREMA hosted the EREMA Discovery Day focusing on the post consumer segment from a European perspective. Live demonstrations showcased the latest machine innovations for PET and polyolefin recycling.

The invitation was accepted by around 400 customers and partners, mainly from Europe, to find out about the wide range of recycling technologies for PO and PET plastic waste. The technology that was presented and explained by EREMA experts and guest speakers during lectures in the morning, could then be seen live in-action in the afternoon when the recycling machines were demonstrated in operation. A total of six innovative recycling technologies were on display: INTAREMA® TVEplus® DuaFil® Compact, INTAREMA® TVEplus® RegrindPro® + ReFresher, the COREMA® cascade extrusion system, a VACUREMA® Inline Sheet line equipped with new EcoGentle technology, the new INTAREMA® FibrePro:IV machine, and the PCU-
TwinScrew. These allowed visitors to witness their performance and the high quality of recycled pellets that they produce.

On June 1, EREMA hosted the EREMA Discovery Day focusing on the post consumer segment from a European perspective. Live demonstrations showcased the latest machine innovations for PET and polyolefin recycling.

The invitation was accepted by around 400 customers and partners, mainly from Europe, to find out about the wide range of recycling technologies for PO and PET plastic waste. The technology that was presented and explained by EREMA experts and guest speakers during lectures in the morning, could then be seen live in-action in the afternoon when the recycling machines were demonstrated in operation. A total of six innovative recycling technologies were on display: INTAREMA® TVEplus® DuaFil® Compact, INTAREMA® TVEplus® RegrindPro® + ReFresher, the COREMA® cascade extrusion system, a VACUREMA® Inline Sheet line equipped with new EcoGentle technology, the new INTAREMA® FibrePro:IV machine, and the PCU-
TwinScrew. These allowed visitors to witness their performance and the high quality of recycled pellets that they produce.

"This wide range of technologies is necessary because the recycling process each of our customers choose depends on the type of plastic, the level of contamination of the input material, and which product will be made using the recycled pellets. Following the expansion of our Ansfelden site and with the new site nearby in St. Marien, we can now demonstrate all these processes, carry out test runs with customers' material and focus on development work independently of our Customer Centre," says EREMA's Managing Director Markus Huber-Lindinger.

EREMA is driving forward research and development work in the company's new R&D Centre. Two halls with a total area of 1,550 square metres and a new office building offering space for 50 workplaces has been built. Here, the company bundles cross-departmental test machines and laboratory facilities for post consumer and inhouse recycling applications. R&D is decentralised at EREMA. Employees from different departments handle process engineering challenges, innovations in mechanical engineering and automation technology - all with the aim of meeting customer requirements and achieving the highest possible quality of recycled pellets.  

On the evening before Discovery Day, EREMA celebrated its 40th anniversary together with customers and partners. A review covered the company's history - from the first workshop in a garage in 1983, to its position today as a innovation pioneer and one of the market leaders.

More information:
EREMA plastics Recycling



Mimaki at ITMA 2023

Mimaki Europe, a provider of industrial inkjet printers, cutting plotters, and 3D printers, has announced the introduction of two technologies at ITMA 2023: a Textile Pigment Transfer Printing System and the Neo-Chromato Process. These innovations are showcased for the first time, and ahead of commercial availability, at the exhibition in Milan, Italy, solidifying Mimaki's commitment to sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions in the textile printing industry.

Mimaki’s New Textile Pigment Transfer Printing System
The transfer printing method is more sustainable than both analogue and digital textile dye printing methods with zero water consumption and substantially lower CO2 emissions. The system comprises three essential elements: the Textile Pigment Ink, the Transfer System and the Textile Pigment Transfer paper, Texcol®.

Mimaki Europe, a provider of industrial inkjet printers, cutting plotters, and 3D printers, has announced the introduction of two technologies at ITMA 2023: a Textile Pigment Transfer Printing System and the Neo-Chromato Process. These innovations are showcased for the first time, and ahead of commercial availability, at the exhibition in Milan, Italy, solidifying Mimaki's commitment to sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions in the textile printing industry.

Mimaki’s New Textile Pigment Transfer Printing System
The transfer printing method is more sustainable than both analogue and digital textile dye printing methods with zero water consumption and substantially lower CO2 emissions. The system comprises three essential elements: the Textile Pigment Ink, the Transfer System and the Textile Pigment Transfer paper, Texcol®.

Texcol® is a transfer paper pioneered by Dutch paper manufacturer, Coldenhove that allows for transferring a digital print using an environmentally friendly 3-step transfer process to create a vibrant application on a wide range of materials, including natural fibres. The design is initially printed onto the paper using a customised TS330-1600 - Mimaki’s high-volume, high-quality dye sublimation printer - and Mimaki’s new pigment inks developed for the process. The module that adapts the TS330-1600 will be available as an option for existing and new Mimaki customers in Q3 2023 but is being previewed on the Mimaki stand at ITMA.

Mimaki’s new Textile Pigment Ink is undergoing bluesign certification before commercial availability. bluesign is a renowned certification programme that ensures the highest levels of safety, environmental friendliness, and sustainability within the textile and apparel industry.

As the final stage, the Texcol® paper undergoes a one-step waterless process, through an entry-level calendar machine onto the textile of choice.

Cyclical textile technology
Mimaki is also debuting its new, unique Neo-Chromato Process, which revolutionises the reuse of coloured polyester textiles.

By decolourising polyester textiles that have been dyed using dye sublimation technologies, this innovative process allows materials to be re-printed or dyed immediately, contributing to a smaller circular economy. There is no limit to how many times reused polyester can be treated with the Neo-Chromato Process and the process itself minimises water usage and pollution by enabling the disposal of the absorbent paper and decolouring solvents used in the process as burnable waste.


Mimaki Europe B.V.


Carbios receives funding for PET biorecycling plant and R&D activities

Carbios will receive grants totaling €54 million from French State via France 2030 and Grand-Est Region to finance construction of world’s first PET biorecycling plant and accelerate R&D activities

Carbios announces that its project has been selected by the French State for funding of €30 million from the French State as part of the investment plan France 2030, and €12.5 million from the Grand-Est Region.  The implementation of this funding is conditional to the European Commission’s approval of the corresponding state aid scheme, followed by the conclusion of national aid agreements. As part of the national call for projects on “Plastics Recycling” operated by ADEME[1], Carbios’ project to finalize the industrialization of its unique PET biorecycling process has been selected. The reference plant in Longlaville in the Grand-Est region will be the world’s first PET biorecycling plant and is due for commissioning in 2025. This plant will make it possible to relocate to France the production of the two basic components of PET, PTA and MEG[2], both derived from the Carbios process.

Carbios will receive grants totaling €54 million from French State via France 2030 and Grand-Est Region to finance construction of world’s first PET biorecycling plant and accelerate R&D activities

Carbios announces that its project has been selected by the French State for funding of €30 million from the French State as part of the investment plan France 2030, and €12.5 million from the Grand-Est Region.  The implementation of this funding is conditional to the European Commission’s approval of the corresponding state aid scheme, followed by the conclusion of national aid agreements. As part of the national call for projects on “Plastics Recycling” operated by ADEME[1], Carbios’ project to finalize the industrialization of its unique PET biorecycling process has been selected. The reference plant in Longlaville in the Grand-Est region will be the world’s first PET biorecycling plant and is due for commissioning in 2025. This plant will make it possible to relocate to France the production of the two basic components of PET, PTA and MEG[2], both derived from the Carbios process.

Carbios also announces that it has been granted total funding of €11.4 million from the French State as part of France 2030, of which €8.2 million directly for Carbios (€5 million in repayable advances) and €3.2 million for its academic partners INRAE[3], INSA[4] and CNRS[5] via the TWB[6] and TBI[7] joint service and research units. This funding will enable to continue its research into the optimization and continuous improvement of Carbios’ enzymatic technologies.

The plant will secure the sales of the first volumes of recycled PET produced with Carbios’ technology, and to offer its partners recycled PET of the same quality as virgin PET. Once the necessary permits have been obtained, which should be granted by the end of 2023, in line with the announced start of construction before the end of the year, the plant is scheduled to be commissioned in 2025. This will be followed by a period of ramp-up to full capacity. The plant will have a nominal processing capacity of 50,000 tonnes of PET waste per year, equivalent to 2 billion bottles or 2.5 billion food trays.

Selection for funding by the French State through France 2030 and the Grand-Est Region complements the recent announcement of an exclusive, long-term partnership with Novozymes[8], a leader in enzyme production, one of the main aims is to ensure the supply of enzymes to Carbios’ Longlaville plant and future licensed plants. In addition, Carbios recently secured a first supply source for its future plant by winning part of the CITEO tender for the biorecycling of multilayer trays[9].

[1] The French Agency for Ecological Transition
[2] PTA = purified terephthalic acid; MEG = monoethylene glycol
[3] French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment
[4] French National Institute of Applied Sciences
[5] French National Center for Scientific Research
[6] Toulouse White Biotechnology – UMS INRAE 1337 / UAR CNRS 3582
[7] Toulouse Biotechnology Institute – UMR INSA/CNRS 5504 / UMR INSA/INRAE 792
[8] Cf. press release dated 12 January 2023
[9] Cf. press release published by Citeo dated 26 April 2023

More information:
Carbios biorecycling plastics France
