From the Sector

615 results
DITF: Tag der offenen Tür mit rund 2000 Gäste Foto: DITF
Hochleistungsfasern für die Zukunft: das High-Performance Fiber Center

DITF: Tag der offenen Tür mit rund 2000 Gäste

Dass angewandte Forschung an textilen Produkten und deren Ausgangsmaterialien ganz entschieden zur Verbesserung unserer Lebensverhältnisse beiträgt, davon konnten die Deutschen Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf (DITF) die Öffentlichkeit beim Tag der offenen Tür am 14. Juli 2024 überzeugen. An 29 Forschungsstationen und mit einem Vortragsprogramm gewährten die DITF dem Publikum Einblick in ihre Labore und Technika und informierten zu aktuellen Forschungsthemen. Rund 2000 Besucherinnen und Besucher nutzten die Gelegenheit für einen Blick hinter die Kulissen.

Dass angewandte Forschung an textilen Produkten und deren Ausgangsmaterialien ganz entschieden zur Verbesserung unserer Lebensverhältnisse beiträgt, davon konnten die Deutschen Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf (DITF) die Öffentlichkeit beim Tag der offenen Tür am 14. Juli 2024 überzeugen. An 29 Forschungsstationen und mit einem Vortragsprogramm gewährten die DITF dem Publikum Einblick in ihre Labore und Technika und informierten zu aktuellen Forschungsthemen. Rund 2000 Besucherinnen und Besucher nutzten die Gelegenheit für einen Blick hinter die Kulissen.

Fasern und Textilien stecken in vielen Produkten des täglichen Bedarfs und leisten auch als technische Textilien wertvolle Dienste in fast allen industriellen Bereichen. Produkte, neue Verfahren, Prüftechniken und Laborversuche - an 29 Stationen wurde eindrucksvoll vermittelt, an welchen Themen die Forscherinnen und Forscher in Denkendorf aktuell arbeiten. Die Textilforschung bildet unseren gesamten Lebensalltag ab - das zeigte die große Themenvielfalt der Veranstaltung nachdrücklich. Zu allen relevanten Zukunftsthemen wie Medizin, Mobilität, Architektur, Umwelt und Energie wird in Denkendorf geforscht, werden textile Erzeugnisse und Fertigungsverfahren verbessert oder neu geschaffen.

Die Exponate, experimentellen Vorführungen und Themen waren so aufbereitet, dass jeder auch ohne Vorkenntnisse einfach erfassen konnte, welche Hintergründe aktuelle Forschungsthemen haben und wie moderne Textilforschung Problemstellungen löst.

Die Nachhaltigkeit textiler Produkte ist dabei ein dringliches Thema, das mit mehreren Themen aufgegriffen wurde. So konnte man sich darüber informieren, wie natürliche Materialien zu Hochleistungsfasern versponnen werden, wie Kleidung regional und mit geringer Umweltbelastung hergestellt wird oder unter welchen Bedingungen Fasern biologisch abbaubar sind.

Die Bildung textiler Flächen durch Stricken, Flechten und Weben gehören zu den klassischen Fertigkeiten der Textilindustrie. In den Technika führte das DITF-Team vor, wie ein moderner Maschinenpark diese Aufgaben schnell und präzise ausführt. Die Besucherinnen und Besucher erlangten Kenntnis darüber, wofür man diese Techniken in der Forschung benötigt – etwa für die Konstruktion neuer 3D-Gewirke, um neue Fasermaterialien für die textile Fertigung vorzubereiten oder um die zugrundeliegende Verfahrenstechnik zu optimieren.

Hochleistungsfasern, Medizinprodukte und Smart Textiles bildeten weitere Schwerpunkte an den Forschungsstationen. Wie man hochfeste Fasern für Luft- und Raumfahrt produziert, unter welchen Bedingungen textile Medizinprodukte ihren Weg in den Operationssaal finden und wie es möglich ist, immer mehr digitale Funktionen in Textilien zu integrieren, all das sind Beispiele für Forschung, die praktische Anwendung im Alltag findet.

Moderne Analytik und Messtechnik sind notwendig, um die Entwicklung neuer Materialien zu begleiten. Die Prüflabore der DITF stellten hier beispielhaft dar, wie vielfältig diese sein muss, um neue Materialien zu entwickeln. So wurde zum Beispiel die textile Durchstoßprüfung für den Fechtschutz demonstriert oder im Schallmessraum die akustische Absorption textiler Vorhänge gemessen.

Neben den Forschungsstationen, die sich in Rundgängen zur eigenen Erkundung anboten, stellten die Forscherinnen und Forscher in 13 Vorträgen zu ausgewählten Forschungsthemen ihre Arbeitsergebnisse dem Publikum vor. Im Mittelpunkt aller Vortragsthemen: Der praktische Bezug zum Alltag. Denn Forschung an den DITF ist angewandt und soll immer Resultate liefern, die in der Praxis umgesetzt werden. Dass das gelingt, davon konnten die Referentinnen und Referenten zu Themen wie z.B. Bionik, Faserverbundwerkstoffen und nachhaltiger Faserherstellung überzeugen.

Als weiteres Highlight boten Mitmachstationen die Gelegenheit, selbst Experimente durchzuführen und dabei wissenschaftliche Zusammenhänge zu verstehen. Familien versuchten sich an Experimenten aus der Chemie, nutzten Pflanzenvliese für Aussaatversuche und erkundeten selbständig mit dem Stereomikroskop textile Materialien.


Deutsche Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf

Photo INDA

INDA and NWI collaborate to foster education of the nonwovens industry

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, and The Nonwovens Institute (NWI), announced a collaboration agreement to provide continuing education to the nonwovens industry. This agreement expands upon the ongoing partnership between INDA and NWI, whereby the two organizations have successfully presented training programs, covering the full spectrum of the nonwovens value chain from raw materials to processes to products.

Under terms of the agreement, INDA and NWI will develop and present a full roster of training courses, featuring a combination of classroom learning supported by hands-on activities in NWI’s world-class nonwoven production and testing labs on the Centennial Campus of North Carolina State University. The two organizations will also work together to explore additional educational programming to serve the needs of the nonwovens industry as they evolve over time.

The current roster of INDA/NWI training courses include:

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, and The Nonwovens Institute (NWI), announced a collaboration agreement to provide continuing education to the nonwovens industry. This agreement expands upon the ongoing partnership between INDA and NWI, whereby the two organizations have successfully presented training programs, covering the full spectrum of the nonwovens value chain from raw materials to processes to products.

Under terms of the agreement, INDA and NWI will develop and present a full roster of training courses, featuring a combination of classroom learning supported by hands-on activities in NWI’s world-class nonwoven production and testing labs on the Centennial Campus of North Carolina State University. The two organizations will also work together to explore additional educational programming to serve the needs of the nonwovens industry as they evolve over time.

The current roster of INDA/NWI training courses include:

  • Elementary Nonwovens
  • Intermediate Nonwovens
  • Fiber and Filament Extrusion Fundamentals
  • Meltblown Technology
  • Nonwoven Bonding Fundamentals
  • Nonwoven Fabric Property Development and Characterization
  • Nonwoven Product Development and Innovation
  • Spunbond Technology

Course registration is open to INDA/NWI members and non-members. The INDA/NWI Short Course Value Pack program enables companies to purchase a block of registrations, which can be used by any combination of employees to register for any combination of training courses, at a discounted rate. Value Packs are available in bundles of 5, 10, 15, and 20 registrations, with discounts ranging from 10 percent to 25 percent, depending on the size of the Value Pack.




Charlotte Witts Photo FET
Charlotte Witts

New R&D appointment for FET wet spinning team

Fibre Extrusion Technology Ltd (FET) of Leeds, UK has continued the ongoing process of strengthening its Research & Development team. The latest addition is Charlotte Witts, who is currently studying for a degree in Chemistry at Nottingham University and will work at FET for a 12-month period. She will continue her studies in chemistry as distant learning modules whilst also working at FET. FET designs, develops and manufactures extrusion equipment for a wide range of high value textile material applications worldwide.

“I’m really excited to be joining the team at FET and getting stuck in to the role. Sustainability is a big passion of mine, so I’m looking forward to learning how FET develops new technologies that support the textile industry in this endeavour. I hope that my previous studies within this area will help to foster new ideas.”

Fibre Extrusion Technology Ltd (FET) of Leeds, UK has continued the ongoing process of strengthening its Research & Development team. The latest addition is Charlotte Witts, who is currently studying for a degree in Chemistry at Nottingham University and will work at FET for a 12-month period. She will continue her studies in chemistry as distant learning modules whilst also working at FET. FET designs, develops and manufactures extrusion equipment for a wide range of high value textile material applications worldwide.

“I’m really excited to be joining the team at FET and getting stuck in to the role. Sustainability is a big passion of mine, so I’m looking forward to learning how FET develops new technologies that support the textile industry in this endeavour. I hope that my previous studies within this area will help to foster new ideas.”

Furthermore, FET has a development policy of bringing young people into the industry and has invested heavily in recent years to this end, helping to address the skills gap in the UK textile industry. The company’s R&D department comprises ten scientists and engineers who work closely with customers on process development and new product trials.

Charlotte Witts will be focusing on the wet spinning process which is fortuitous as FET has just finished commissioning their own in-house low viscosity wet spinning system. Over the coming year she will focus on spinning a number of bio-sourced polymers (e.g. alginate, chitosan, gelatin, recombinant proteins). These materials require a strong scientific understanding of the underlying chemistry to successfully produce a high-quality yarn. Furthermore, FET regularly gets customer requests to conduct trial work on these materials to de-risk the equipment purchase process.


Fibre Extrusion Technology Limited

RISE INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry

RISE® 2024: Registration Is Open

Registration is open for RISE® 2024 (Research, Innovation & Science for Engineered Fabrics). Industry leaders will convene to discover cutting-edge nonwoven research and advancements, October 1-2, James B. Hunt, Jr. Library, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. The theme for this year’s event is “Sustainability Solutions: Manufacturing More with Less.”

The RISE program will focus on these key topics:

  • Disruptive Innovation & Enabling Technology
  • Advancements in Natural & Bio-Based Fibers
  • Sustainability in Chemistry
  • Energy Efficiencies in Machinery
  • Advanced Recycling Techniques & Methods
  • In the News: Legislation & Regulation

Prior to RISE, continuing the program begun last year, there will be complimentary webinars featuring technology advancements and innovations. More details and topics will be announced at a later date.

The program highlights for RISE include:

Registration is open for RISE® 2024 (Research, Innovation & Science for Engineered Fabrics). Industry leaders will convene to discover cutting-edge nonwoven research and advancements, October 1-2, James B. Hunt, Jr. Library, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. The theme for this year’s event is “Sustainability Solutions: Manufacturing More with Less.”

The RISE program will focus on these key topics:

  • Disruptive Innovation & Enabling Technology
  • Advancements in Natural & Bio-Based Fibers
  • Sustainability in Chemistry
  • Energy Efficiencies in Machinery
  • Advanced Recycling Techniques & Methods
  • In the News: Legislation & Regulation

Prior to RISE, continuing the program begun last year, there will be complimentary webinars featuring technology advancements and innovations. More details and topics will be announced at a later date.

The program highlights for RISE include:

  • RISE® Innovation Award – three finalists will compete for the Award with the winner being announced Wednesday afternoon, October 2nd. Nominations may be submitted through July 29th via the INDA website:
  • The Nonwovens Institute will host a tour of their $65 million-plus, 60,000 square-foot facilities featuring state-of-the-art equipment, pilot lines, and analytical laboratories on Tuesday, October 1st. An RSVP is required and space is limited.
  • A Welcome Reception on Tuesday evening, October 1st, at the Lonnie Poole Golf Course.
  • Graduate Student Poster session with their latest research during the Welcome Reception.
  • New to RISE: Nonwoven Bonding Fundamentals course which will provide a detailed overview of the major fabric bonding processes used to make nonwovens. More details are available here:
  • 18-hole Golf Tournament, Monday, September 30th, Lonnie Poole Golf Course, with a start time of 12 pm. Space is limited and registration is required.


More information:
RISE® Award

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry


Coloreel Group AB files for bankruptcy

Coloreel Group AB, a pioneering Swedish technology company known for its instant thread dyeing technology, today announced that it has filed for bankruptcy. The decision comes after the company's inability to develop its business volume quickly enough and, related to this, secure the necessary financing.

Despite many in-depth discussions with financial investors and potential industrial partners to secure additional funding, Coloreel has been unable to overcome its financial hurdles.

Coloreel has aimed to transform the textile industry with unique coloring and design possibilities through a sustainable and efficient thread dyeing process. The company has over 90 customers in the global market, many of them well-known brands. Over 120 granted patents across 45 markets ensure robust protection of the innovative technology.

Coloreel Group AB, a pioneering Swedish technology company known for its instant thread dyeing technology, today announced that it has filed for bankruptcy. The decision comes after the company's inability to develop its business volume quickly enough and, related to this, secure the necessary financing.

Despite many in-depth discussions with financial investors and potential industrial partners to secure additional funding, Coloreel has been unable to overcome its financial hurdles.

Coloreel has aimed to transform the textile industry with unique coloring and design possibilities through a sustainable and efficient thread dyeing process. The company has over 90 customers in the global market, many of them well-known brands. Over 120 granted patents across 45 markets ensure robust protection of the innovative technology.

"It is with a heavy heart that we announce the filing for bankruptcy today. We have been working very hard to introduce a new technology and new ways of working on the global textile market. Despite relentless efforts to grow the business, minimize operational costs, and secure additional funding, the challenges are too great. The board and the management are incredibly proud of what our team has achieved, and we are grateful for the support we have received from our partners, customers, and investors”, states Anders Persson, Chairman of the Board, Coloreel Group AB.

The filing also applies for the daughter company Coloreel AB.



STFI: Wirkstoff der Graviolapflanze in Textilien (c) STFI, Fraunhofer IAP
Mit Graviola-Mikrokapseln und textilen Beschichtungssystemen funktionalisierte Sheet Mask als Anwendungsbeispiel

STFI: Wirkstoff der Graviolapflanze in Textilien

Forschern des Sächsischen Textilforschungsinstituts e.V. (STFI) ist es gemeinsam mit internationalen Partnern gelungen, den Wirkstoff der Graviolapflanze so aufzubereiten, dass dieser für den Einsatz in Textilien verwendet werden kann. Die Stachelannone, wie die Pflanze auch genannt wird, ist in ihrer tropischen Heimat als Heilpflanze bekannt.

Abgeleitet aus den Megatrends Gesundheit, Wellness und Nachhaltigkeit besteht allgemein ein sehr großes Interesse an Textilien mit integrierten natürlichen, pflanzlichen Wirkstoffen. In der Naturmedizin werden die Blätter des tropischen Graviolabaumes (Annona muricata) zur Verbesserung des Wohlbefindens und zur Behandlung zahlreicher Krankheiten eingesetzt. Die Wirkung der Graviolapflanze ist hauptsächlich auf die enthaltenen aktiven Wirkstoffe Acetogenine zurückzuführen. Gewinnung, Aufbereitung und Einsatz dieser Wirkstoffe für textile Anwendungen waren bisher noch kein Forschungsgegenstand.

Forschern des Sächsischen Textilforschungsinstituts e.V. (STFI) ist es gemeinsam mit internationalen Partnern gelungen, den Wirkstoff der Graviolapflanze so aufzubereiten, dass dieser für den Einsatz in Textilien verwendet werden kann. Die Stachelannone, wie die Pflanze auch genannt wird, ist in ihrer tropischen Heimat als Heilpflanze bekannt.

Abgeleitet aus den Megatrends Gesundheit, Wellness und Nachhaltigkeit besteht allgemein ein sehr großes Interesse an Textilien mit integrierten natürlichen, pflanzlichen Wirkstoffen. In der Naturmedizin werden die Blätter des tropischen Graviolabaumes (Annona muricata) zur Verbesserung des Wohlbefindens und zur Behandlung zahlreicher Krankheiten eingesetzt. Die Wirkung der Graviolapflanze ist hauptsächlich auf die enthaltenen aktiven Wirkstoffe Acetogenine zurückzuführen. Gewinnung, Aufbereitung und Einsatz dieser Wirkstoffe für textile Anwendungen waren bisher noch kein Forschungsgegenstand.

Ziel des Projektes GRAVIOLA war die Entwicklung neuartiger Textilien, die mit Wirkstoffen der Graviolapflanze ausgerüstet sind. Das Aufbringen der aktiven Wirkstoffe wurde auf zwei verschiedenen Wegen untersucht: eine direkte Ausrüstung der Textilien mit Beschichtungssystemen, in die Graviolawirkstoffe integriert wurden, und die Applikation von Mikrokapseln, welche mit Acetogeninen beladen wurden. Bei der direkten Beschichtung wurden Dispersionssysteme mit verschiedenen Bindemitteln verwendet. Diese Systeme wurden anschließend durch Imprägnierung per Foulard auf die Textiloberflächen aufgebracht. Bei der Mikrokapselmethode wurden die extrahierten Wirkstoffe aus Graviola in Mikrokapseln, kleiner als 100 Mikrometer, eingeschlossen. Textile Flächen wurden mit diesen Mikrokapseln und geeigneten Bindemittelsystemen ausgerüstet.

Durch die Einbindung von wässrigen Mikrokapsel-Suspensionen in geeignete Bindemittelsysteme wurden die Mikrokapseln so fixiert, dass eine problemlose Verarbeitbarkeit des Textilmaterials gewährleistet und die Freisetzung des Wirkstoffs über einen definierten Zeitraum aufrechterhalten werden kann. Die entwickelte stabile Ausrüstung für Maschenware und Vliesstoffe berücksichtigt wesentliche Textileigenschaften wie Farbechtheit, Wasserbeständigkeit und Reibung sowie humanökologische Anforderungen.

Mit Inhaltsstoffen der Graviola ausgerüstete Textilien bieten aufgrund ihrer entzündungshemmenden und gesundheitsfördernden Wirkung einen dermatologisch breit gefächerten Einsatz im Wellness- und Gesundheitsbereich sowie eine nachhaltige Verwendung im Textillebenszyklus.

Hergestellt wurden Funktionsmuster auf Basis a) von Mikrokapseln und b) von Graviola-Extrakten: „Sheet Masks“ aus Viskosevliesstoffen für den Beauty und Wellnesssektor sowie Single-Jersey-Gestricke mit Graviola-Extrakt und verkapselten Wirkstoffen, kombiniert mit Aloe Vera-Öl, für therapeutische Bekleidung zur Hautbehandlung.

In diesem CORNET-Forschungsvorhaben kooperierten die deutschen Forschungsstellen Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI), Chemnitz (Deutschland), und Fraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte Polymerforschung (IAP), Potsdam (Deutschland) mit der tschechischen Forschungsstelle INOTEX, Dvůr Kralove n.L. (Tschechien). Das Projekt wurde von den Forschungsvereinigungen Forschungskuratorium Textil e.V. (FKT), Berlin (Deutschland) und Clutex - klastr technické textilie, Liberec (Tschechien) unterstützt.


Sächsische Textilforschungsinstitut e.V.

Lenzing appoints new Executive Vice President of Commercial Textiles (c) Kit Ping Au Yeung
Kit-Ping Au Yeung, Executive Vice President of Commercial Textiles, Lenzing AG

Lenzing appoints new Executive Vice President of Commercial Textiles

Lenzing Group announces the appointment of Kit Ping Au-Yeung as the Executive Vice President of Commercial Textiles with immediate effect. This strategic leadership appointment highlights Lenzing’s commitment to strengthen its integral leadership roles and fuel the growth of its core textile businesses. Kit Ping succeeds Florian Heubrandner, who will take on a new role as Executive Vice President of Filament to reinforce the expansion of Lenzing’s global filament business.

Lenzing Group announces the appointment of Kit Ping Au-Yeung as the Executive Vice President of Commercial Textiles with immediate effect. This strategic leadership appointment highlights Lenzing’s commitment to strengthen its integral leadership roles and fuel the growth of its core textile businesses. Kit Ping succeeds Florian Heubrandner, who will take on a new role as Executive Vice President of Filament to reinforce the expansion of Lenzing’s global filament business.

In her new role, Kit Ping will be leading the expansion strategy and development of Lenzing’s textiles business, which comprises of fiber offerings under the flagship TENCEL™ and LENZING™ ECOVERO™ brands. With decades of experience working with partners across the textile value chain, Kit Ping will continue to foster the development of Lenzing’s textile business through driving innovative fiber and application solutions for customers, and ultimately bring benefits to consumers. Prior to joining Lenzing, Kit Ping held several regional and global commercial and operational leadership roles at Coats Group, as well as more recently at Amann Group. Her experience will add value to Lenzing’s core business, affirming Lenzing’s dedication to driving a positive impact across the industry ecosystem.

From 1 July 2024 onward, Florian Heubrandner will focus on driving the strategy and expansion of Lenzing’s filament business with his established expertise in the value chain. He will work alongside Lenzing’s Research and Development and Engineering teams to establish filament as a separate business with a strong focus on innovation and growth.


Lenzing AG

Viola Schmidts ausgezeichnetes Design „Closer Distance“ für „Feel the Yarn“. Foto: Dominic Rauh
Viola Schmidts ausgezeichnetes Design „Closer Distance“ für „Feel the Yarn“.

Studentin gewinnt internationalen Designpreis auf der Pitti Filati

Viola Schmidt, Studentin an der TEXOVERSUM Fakultät Textil der Hochschule Reutlingen wurde in Florenz mit dem Award „Feel the Yarn“ ausgezeichnet. Sie studiert im Masterstudiengang Design mit dem Schwerpunkt Künstlerische Konzeption an der TEXOVERSUM Fakultät Textil der Hochschule Reutlingen. Der Preis ist mit 5.000 Euro Preisgeld dotiert.

Ausgelobt wird der Preis für Fashiondesign-Studierende vom Zusammenschluss 41 italienischer Spinnereien, dem „Consorzio Promozione Filati“. In der diesjährigen 15. Auflage des Wettbewerbs überzeugte Viola Schmidt vor starken Mitbewerbenden und den Zweit- bzw. Drittplatzierten von der „London School of Fashion“ und des „Politecnico di Milano“ sowohl die internationale Fachjury als auch das ebenfalls stimmberechtigte Fachpublikum der Messe vor Ort.

Viola Schmidt, Studentin an der TEXOVERSUM Fakultät Textil der Hochschule Reutlingen wurde in Florenz mit dem Award „Feel the Yarn“ ausgezeichnet. Sie studiert im Masterstudiengang Design mit dem Schwerpunkt Künstlerische Konzeption an der TEXOVERSUM Fakultät Textil der Hochschule Reutlingen. Der Preis ist mit 5.000 Euro Preisgeld dotiert.

Ausgelobt wird der Preis für Fashiondesign-Studierende vom Zusammenschluss 41 italienischer Spinnereien, dem „Consorzio Promozione Filati“. In der diesjährigen 15. Auflage des Wettbewerbs überzeugte Viola Schmidt vor starken Mitbewerbenden und den Zweit- bzw. Drittplatzierten von der „London School of Fashion“ und des „Politecnico di Milano“ sowohl die internationale Fachjury als auch das ebenfalls stimmberechtigte Fachpublikum der Messe vor Ort.

Für die Umsetzung ihrer eingereichten Entwürfe bekamen insgesamt 36 Teilnehmende des Wettbewerbs hochwertigste Garne italienischer Spinnereien zugeteilt und konnten damit ihre Entwürfe Realität werden lassen. Das Thema des diesjährigen Wettbewerbs lautete „CONTRADICTIONS“ und forderte dazu auf, kreative Lösungen zu finden, um die Harmonie zwischen Technologie und Tradition zu erforschen und eine zeitgemäße Vision zu präsentieren.

Violas Schmidt setzte ihr Design „Closer Distance“ im modernen Labor für Maschentechnologie der Fakultät Textil des TEXOVERSUMS um. Sowohl die internationale Jury als auch das Publikum der Messe zeigten sich beeindruckt und überzeugt von Schmidts Design. Das in Rottönen gehaltene, gleichzeitig elegant und progressiv anmutende, aufwendig gelayerte Design spiegelt das Thema des Wettbewerbs perfekt wider und zeigt eine bemerkenswerte Symbiose aus maschineller Präzision und gestalterischer Einzigartigkeit. Besonders beachtenswert und anspruchsvoll ist zusätzlich, dass Schmidts Design „fully fashioned“ gestrickt ist. Ein nachhaltiges Vorgehen, bei dem weder Schnittkanten, noch Abfälle entstehen.

Bereits 2022 hatte Schmidt, damals noch Studentin des Bachelorstudiengangs Fashion & Textile Design, ebenfalls an der TEXOVERSUM Fakultät Textil an der Hochschule Reutlingen, den European Fashion Award – FASH gewonnen. Mit ihrem jüngsten Erfolg bei „Feel the Yarn“ setzt sie ihre Karriere fort und präsentiert gemeinsam mit anderen Fashiondesign-Graduierenden der Fakultät ihre Bachelorkollektion „Inner Garden“ im Rahmen der Neo.Fashion auf der Berlin Fashion Week.


Hochschule Reutlingen

Epson und Yuima Nakazato: Textildruck auf Spiber Brewed Protein™-Fasern (c) Francesc Ten

Epson und Yuima Nakazato: Textildruck auf Spiber Brewed Protein™-Fasern

Im Rahmen der Haute Couture Week in Paris stellte der japanische Modedesigner Yuima Nakazato am 26. Juni seine neue Kollektion, die mithilfe von Epson produziert wurde, vor. Die Partnerschaft zwischen Epson und Yuima Nakazato zeigt neue Möglichkeiten für eine nachhaltigere Modebranche auf – in der aktuellen Kollektion durch den erstmaligen Einsatz Epsons digitaler Textildrucktechnologie auf den Brewed Protein™-Fasern von Spiber. Brewed Protein™­Fasern werden durch ein speziell von Spiber entwickeltes Fermentationsverfahren hergestellt und bestehen aus pflanzlicher Biomasse. Diese innovative Kombination aus modernen Technologien und nachhaltigeren Praktiken eröffnet mögliche Wege für eine verantwortungsvolle Textilproduktion.

Die neueste Kollektion von Yuima Nakazato nutzt ein Mischgewebe, welches aus 70% Baumwolle und 30% Spiber Brewed Protein™-Fasern besteht. Mithilfe von Epsons Pigmenttinten bedruckte Yuima Nakazato dieses innovative Material mit seinen Designs.

Im Rahmen der Haute Couture Week in Paris stellte der japanische Modedesigner Yuima Nakazato am 26. Juni seine neue Kollektion, die mithilfe von Epson produziert wurde, vor. Die Partnerschaft zwischen Epson und Yuima Nakazato zeigt neue Möglichkeiten für eine nachhaltigere Modebranche auf – in der aktuellen Kollektion durch den erstmaligen Einsatz Epsons digitaler Textildrucktechnologie auf den Brewed Protein™-Fasern von Spiber. Brewed Protein™­Fasern werden durch ein speziell von Spiber entwickeltes Fermentationsverfahren hergestellt und bestehen aus pflanzlicher Biomasse. Diese innovative Kombination aus modernen Technologien und nachhaltigeren Praktiken eröffnet mögliche Wege für eine verantwortungsvolle Textilproduktion.

Die neueste Kollektion von Yuima Nakazato nutzt ein Mischgewebe, welches aus 70% Baumwolle und 30% Spiber Brewed Protein™-Fasern besteht. Mithilfe von Epsons Pigmenttinten bedruckte Yuima Nakazato dieses innovative Material mit seinen Designs.

Das Bedrucken von Mischgeweben erfordert normalerweise verschiedene Arten von Farbstofftinten, was die Möglichkeiten, die gewünschten Muster und Designs zu erzielen, einschränkt. Die digitale Textildrucktechnologie des Epson Monna Lisa-Druckers hingegen überwindet in Kombination mit Pigmenttinten diese Einschränkungen und ermöglicht hochauflösende Drucke auf verschiedenen Gewebearten. Dies erweitert die Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten und erlaubt es Designer:innen wie Yuima Nakazato, ihre kreativen Visionen präzise und detailliert wahr werden zu lassen.

Pigmenttinten sind besonders gut für das Drucken auf Brewed Protein™-Fasern geeignet. Denn im Gegensatz zu Farbstofftinten sind Pigmenttinten äußerst vielfältig einsetzbar und können sowohl für Mono- als auch Mischgewebe angewendet werden. Diese Flexibilität bietet Stoffherstellern, Marken und Designer:innen eine einfachere und nachhaltigere Möglichkeit, neue textile Ausdrucksformen zu erforschen. Der Druck mit Pigmenttinten unterstützt den Umweltgedanken der Spiber Brewed Protein™-Fasern, die auf eine wachsende Nachfrage nach nachhaltigeren Materialien stoßen.

Vorteile für die Umwelt
Pigmenttinten bieten im Vergleich zu analogen Farbstofftinten Vorteile für die Umwelt. Anders als bei Farbstofftinten sind bei Pigmenttinten nach dem Drucken keine aufwändigen Dampf- und Waschvorgänge nötig. In Kombination mit der digitalen Textildrucktechnologie des Epson Monna Lisa-Druckers ML-13000 wird der Wasserverbrauch im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Verfahren um bis zu 96 Prozent[1] gesenkt.

Fortschritte in der Produktion von recyceltem Vliesstoff
Zusätzlich zu dem Druck auf den Brewed Protein™-Fasern von Spiber präsentierte Yuima Nakazato in seiner neuesten Kollektion ebenfalls Kleidungsstücke, die mithilfe von Epsons Dry-Fiber Technologie (DFT) entstanden sind und mit dem ML-13000 bedruckt wurden. Epson konnte Verbesserungen im Dry Fiber-Prozess erzielen, sodass eine höhere Effizienz in der Produktion des recycelten Vliesstoffs erreicht und die Herstellung breiterer Textilbahnen ermöglicht wurde. Dies wiederum erlaubt die Gestaltung von komplexeren und längeren Designs. Der mithilfe der Dry-Fiber Technologie produzierte Vliesstoff, der in der aktuellen Kollektion von Yuima Nakatato verwendet wird, wurde aus ausrangierten Stoffresten aus Nähfabriken hergestellt und unterstreicht den Nachhaltigkeitsgedanken der Kollektion.

[1] Fuluhashi Environmental Institute, 2021 "Bericht über den direkten Wassereinsatz im digitalen Textildruck".


Epson Deutschland GmbH


Circ Launches Circ-Ready Community

Circ®, a US-based textile-to-textile recycling innovator, announced the launch of Circ®-Ready, an exclusive community of global supply-chain partners who have demonstrated their ability to make high-quality, better-for-the-planet solutions for fashion brands using Circ materials. The inaugural Circ-Ready partners include AGI Denim, Foshan Chicley Textile Co., Ltd., Giotex, Marubeni Corporation, MAS Holdings, PYRATEX®, Selenis, SHINJINTEX, Soorty Denimkind, Tainan Spinning Co., Ltd., and Taiwan Textile Research Institute (TTRI).

The Circ-Ready community is a selected group of partners who have a proven positive track record and commitment to working with Circ recycled products and have been individually evaluated for industry success. Circ-Ready partners work alongside the Circ team of experts to adequately test and utilize Circ fibers, exceeding quality standards from end to end. To promote transparency and ensure the integrity of Circ products, each Circ-Ready partner provides a commitment to relevant best-in-class certifications for recycled products.

Circ®, a US-based textile-to-textile recycling innovator, announced the launch of Circ®-Ready, an exclusive community of global supply-chain partners who have demonstrated their ability to make high-quality, better-for-the-planet solutions for fashion brands using Circ materials. The inaugural Circ-Ready partners include AGI Denim, Foshan Chicley Textile Co., Ltd., Giotex, Marubeni Corporation, MAS Holdings, PYRATEX®, Selenis, SHINJINTEX, Soorty Denimkind, Tainan Spinning Co., Ltd., and Taiwan Textile Research Institute (TTRI).

The Circ-Ready community is a selected group of partners who have a proven positive track record and commitment to working with Circ recycled products and have been individually evaluated for industry success. Circ-Ready partners work alongside the Circ team of experts to adequately test and utilize Circ fibers, exceeding quality standards from end to end. To promote transparency and ensure the integrity of Circ products, each Circ-Ready partner provides a commitment to relevant best-in-class certifications for recycled products.

Consisting of processors, manufacturers, and other vital industry players across tiers 1-4, each Circ-Ready partner has undergone a testing process to replace virgin inputs with Circ’s products, proving the ability to utilize Circ products in their existing operations and produce premium materials as a result. Being a member of the Circ-Ready community provides partners the opportunity to work with pilot-stage Circ products, receive ongoing support from Circ’s technical experts, and be among the first recommended by Circ when brands and partners seek to utilize Circ material.

Circ is a leader in blended textile-to-textile recycling, a known challenge for the industry. Each year, tens of millions of tons of polycotton textile waste is landfilled or burned because existing recycling solutions cannot separate the plastic from the natural fiber and recover both materials. Circ’s innovative recycling technology is the only platform to successfully separate polycotton blended textile waste and recover both cellulosic and synthetic fibers. Circ’s primary fiber outputs are regenerated Circ Lyocell and Circ Polyester from textile waste.




BioTurf Bild TFI - Institut für Bodensysteme an der RWTH Aachen e.V.

Aachen researchers develop sustainable artificial turf

The current European Football Championships 2024 in Germany will be played on natural turf, which is very costly to maintain, does not tolerate high frequency of use and has a limited service life of only 6 months in some cases. Artificial turf is easier to maintain and correspondingly popular. In Germany, there are estimated to be more than 5,000 artificial turf pitches and as many as 25,500 across the EU. The drawback: the enormous annual emission of microplastics in the form of infill material, the high CO2 impact and the not environmentally friendly disposal. Researchers in Aachen presented a sustainable alternative: BioTurf is a new artificial turf system made from bio-based polymers that no longer requires polymer infill material!

The current European Football Championships 2024 in Germany will be played on natural turf, which is very costly to maintain, does not tolerate high frequency of use and has a limited service life of only 6 months in some cases. Artificial turf is easier to maintain and correspondingly popular. In Germany, there are estimated to be more than 5,000 artificial turf pitches and as many as 25,500 across the EU. The drawback: the enormous annual emission of microplastics in the form of infill material, the high CO2 impact and the not environmentally friendly disposal. Researchers in Aachen presented a sustainable alternative: BioTurf is a new artificial turf system made from bio-based polymers that no longer requires polymer infill material!

"Every year, around 500 kilograms of plastic granules are produced per artificial turf pitch, which have to be refilled as infill. This also corresponds to the amount that potentially enters the environment as microplastics per sports pitch," explains Dr Claudia Post from TFI. With an estimated 25,000 artificial turf pitches in the EU, artificial turf in Europe alone produces 12,750 tonnes of microplastics that end up in the environment every year! The TFI - Institut für Bodensysteme an der RWTH Aachen e.V., Institute for Research, Testing and Certification in Europe for Indoor Building Products, has developed the innovative artificial turf system together with the ITA (Institute for Textile Technology at RWTH Aachen University) and in collaboration with the company Morton Extrusionstechnik (MET), a specialist in artificial turf fibres.

"New artificial turf pitches will be phased out by 2031 at the latest due to the ban on plastic granules. Even now, artificial turf pitches with infill material are no longer being subsidised," says Dr Claudia Post. For grassroots sports, clubs, cities and local authorities, converting their existing artificial turf pitches will be a mammoth task in the coming years, as artificial turf pitches have to be replaced every 10-15 years. With BioTurf, an environmentally friendly alternative is now available! The surface can be played on like any other, whether running, passing or kicking. Short, heavily crimped blades support longer blades and this simple approach increases playing comfort. BioTurf fulfils all quality requirements and standards for the highest footballing demands.

"BioTurf is an innovative, holistic solution," emphasises Dirk Hanuschik from TFI. "We use rapeseed oil and agricultural waste that does not compete with food production. BioTurf is also almost completely recyclable".
This is in stark contrast to conventional artificial turf, which can currently only be thermally utilised, i.e. burned to generate heat.

As BioTurf does not require the traditional latex process at all, the energy-intensive drying process can be dispensed with, which has a positive effect on the price. Latex is also difficult to recycle. In contrast, BioTurf uses the new thermobonding technology. Here, the thermoplastic pile yarns are thermally fused to the backing. Further development steps still need to be taken in the endeavour to develop a 100% mono-material artificial turf, as a few percent polypropylene still needs to be processed in the backing in addition to the polyethylene fibre material in order to protect it during thermobonding. However, this does not hinder its recyclability.


TFI - Institut für Bodensysteme an der RWTH Aachen e.V.

PET Bottles Bales Stock Photo by Indorama Ventures Limited
PET Bottles Bales Stock

Indorama Ventures: $200 million loan to drive sustainability program

Indorama Ventures secured a new 7-year loan totaling $200 million from the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to help fund the continued growth of the company’s strategic sustainability programs in India, Thailand and Indonesia, and promote a circular economy as the world’s leading PET recycler.

The loan from the IFC, which is a member of the World Bank Group focused on private sector development in emerging markets, provides a long tenor and flexibility to convert into a sustainability-linked facility based on mutually agreed sustainability targets in the future. The funds will be used to finance sustainability initiatives that bolster Indorama Ventures’ leading strategic footprint in PET recycling. These also include enhancing efficiency at the company’s existing recycling facilities at Nakhon Pathom and Rayong in Thailand, launching a state-of-the-art plant in Karawang in Indonesia, and establishing new recycling plants in India. Additionally, the financing will reimburse costs incurred in 2023 and 2024 for sustainability projects.

Indorama Ventures secured a new 7-year loan totaling $200 million from the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to help fund the continued growth of the company’s strategic sustainability programs in India, Thailand and Indonesia, and promote a circular economy as the world’s leading PET recycler.

The loan from the IFC, which is a member of the World Bank Group focused on private sector development in emerging markets, provides a long tenor and flexibility to convert into a sustainability-linked facility based on mutually agreed sustainability targets in the future. The funds will be used to finance sustainability initiatives that bolster Indorama Ventures’ leading strategic footprint in PET recycling. These also include enhancing efficiency at the company’s existing recycling facilities at Nakhon Pathom and Rayong in Thailand, launching a state-of-the-art plant in Karawang in Indonesia, and establishing new recycling plants in India. Additionally, the financing will reimburse costs incurred in 2023 and 2024 for sustainability projects.


Indorama Ventures Limited

The partners at the BioFibreLoop kick-off event. Photo: DITF
The partners at the BioFibreLoop kick-off event.

BioFibreLoop has been started

The German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf (DITF) are coordinating the research project, which is funded as part of the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation program. The aim of BioFibreLoop is to develop recyclable outdoor and work clothing made from renewable bio-based materials. The kick-off event took place in Denkendorf on June 26 and 27, 2024.

The textile industry is facing two challenges: on the one hand, production must become more sustainable and environmentally friendly and, on the other, consumers are expecting more and more smart functions from clothing.

In addition, the production of functional textiles often involves the use of chemicals that are harmful to the environment and health and make subsequent recycling more difficult.

Intelligent innovations must therefore ensure that harmful chemicals are replaced, water is saved and more durable, recyclable bio-based materials are used, thereby reducing the usually considerable carbon footprint of textile products. Digitalized processes are intended to ensure greater efficiency and a closed cycle.

The German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf (DITF) are coordinating the research project, which is funded as part of the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation program. The aim of BioFibreLoop is to develop recyclable outdoor and work clothing made from renewable bio-based materials. The kick-off event took place in Denkendorf on June 26 and 27, 2024.

The textile industry is facing two challenges: on the one hand, production must become more sustainable and environmentally friendly and, on the other, consumers are expecting more and more smart functions from clothing.

In addition, the production of functional textiles often involves the use of chemicals that are harmful to the environment and health and make subsequent recycling more difficult.

Intelligent innovations must therefore ensure that harmful chemicals are replaced, water is saved and more durable, recyclable bio-based materials are used, thereby reducing the usually considerable carbon footprint of textile products. Digitalized processes are intended to ensure greater efficiency and a closed cycle.

For example, the BioFibreLoop project uses laser technology to imitate natural structures in order to produce garments with water and oil-repellent, self-cleaning and antibacterial properties. At the end result of the research work will be affordable, resource and environmentally friendly, yet high-performance and durable fibers and textiles made from renewable sources such as lignin, cellulose and polylactic acid will be available. All processes are aimed at a circular economy with comprehensive recycling and virtually waste-free functionalization based on nature's example. In this way, greenhouse gas emissions could be reduced by 20 percent by 2035.

The technology for the functionalization and recycling of bio-based materials is being developed in three industrial demonstration projects in Austria, the Czech Republic and Germany. At the end of the project, a patented circular, sustainable and reliable process for the production of recyclable functional textiles will be established.

The BioFibreLoop project has a duration of 42 months and a total budget of almost 7 million euros, with 1.5 million going to the coordinator DITF.

The consortium consists of 13 partners from nine countries who contribute expertise and resources from science and industry:

  • German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf (DITF), Coordinator, Germany
  • Next Technology Tecnotessile Società nazionale di ricerca R. L., Italy
  • Centre Technologique ALPhANOV, France
  • G. Knopf’s Sohn GmbH & Co. KG, Germany
  • FreyZein Urban Outdoor GmbH, Austria
  • BEES - BE Engineers for Society, Italy
  • BAT Graphics Vernitech, France
  • Interuniversitair Micro-Electronica Centrum, Belgium
  • Idener Research & Development Agrupacion de Interes Economico, Spain
  • Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT Oy, Finland
  • Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Arbejdsmiljø, Denmark
  • Steinbeis Innovation gGmbH, Germany
  • NIL Textile SRO, Czech Republic

Deutsche Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung

INDA: Winner of World of Wipes Innovation Award® (c) INDA

INDA: Winner of World of Wipes Innovation Award®

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, announced that wipes leaders across the supply chain convened for new connections, intelligence, sustainability strategies, and business at the World of Wipes® (WOW) International Conference, June 17-20 in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

The winner of the World of Wipes Innovation Award® was Rockline Industries for their Facial Care Wipe with Glycine Amino Acid Complex. This new Skin Care Wipe contains a unique multifunctional complex of two medium chain glycine, a phospholipid and a blend of special glycol ingredients that provides for a multitude of skin care benefits as well as providing a unique preservation system for nonwovens. The Skin Care Wipe provides substantiated improved skin smoothness, elasticity, and hydration alongside an anti-ageing claim. This innovation is amongst the first to use these glycine ingredients in a Skin Care Wipe formulation.

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, announced that wipes leaders across the supply chain convened for new connections, intelligence, sustainability strategies, and business at the World of Wipes® (WOW) International Conference, June 17-20 in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

The winner of the World of Wipes Innovation Award® was Rockline Industries for their Facial Care Wipe with Glycine Amino Acid Complex. This new Skin Care Wipe contains a unique multifunctional complex of two medium chain glycine, a phospholipid and a blend of special glycol ingredients that provides for a multitude of skin care benefits as well as providing a unique preservation system for nonwovens. The Skin Care Wipe provides substantiated improved skin smoothness, elasticity, and hydration alongside an anti-ageing claim. This innovation is amongst the first to use these glycine ingredients in a Skin Care Wipe formulation.

In a special recognition, INDA presented the 2024 Lifetime Service Award to David Powling, Technical Leader, Kimberly-Clark Corporation (retired), and the 2024 Lifetime Technical Achievement Award to Paul Latten, Director of Research & Development & New Business, Southeast Nonwovens, Inc. INDA honors both Powling and Latten for their decades of contributions to the nonwovens industry as well as being strong advocates for INDA.

The 1.5-day WIPES Academy, led by Heidi Beatty, Chief Executive Officer, Crown Abbey, LLC, and Paul Davies, Ph.D., Consultant, Crown Abbey, LLC, preceded the WOW Conference June 17-18. This course focused on the essentials of wet wipes construction and ingredients. Participants learned how to bring nonwovens, lotions, and packaging together to launch a successful product. The next WIPES Academy will be held July 21-22, 2025 at the Hilton Columbus Downtown, Columbus, Ohio in conjunction with WOW 2025.

The WOW conference program featured experts discussing these key topics:

  • Sparkle & Shine: How Wipes Became WOW
  • Wiping Smart: The Rise of Sustainable Practices in the Institutional and Industrial Wipe Markets
  • Transformative Trends in Wet Wipe Formulations: A Dual Focus on Skin Health and Sustainability
  • Leading Alternatives to Traditional Plastics Used in Wipes
  • Panel Discussion: Leading Alternatives to Traditional Plastics Used in Wipes
  • Eclectic Perspectives: Unraveling the Threads of I&I Wipes and Scaling Strategies
  • Putting $$ in Your Pocket
  • Recycling & Regulations

In addition to the premium content in the conference program, WOW featured four pre-conference webinars (with recordings available for full conference attendees), tabletop exhibits, Lightning Talks, a Skin Care Formulation Workshop 101, and a mentorship program for participants who are new to the wipes industry.

WOW 2025 will be held July 21-25, at the Hilton Columbus Downtown in Columbus, Ohio.


INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry

Hochschule Reutlingen: Erste Bekleidungskollektion aus Buchenholz-Fasern Foto: Jens Zander/Neo.Fashion.

Hochschule Reutlingen: Erste Bekleidungskollektion aus Buchenholz-Fasern

Fashiondesignstudierende der TEXOVERSUM Fakultät Textil sind die ersten weltweit, die die innovative und komplett nachhaltige Faser WDBSD TX® Faser im Bekleidungsbereich angewendet haben. Hergestellt aus regionalem Buchenholz, bietet die Faser des Technikums Laubholz eine umweltfreundliche Alternative zu herkömmlichen Fasern.

Fashiondesignstudierende der TEXOVERSUM Fakultät Textil sind die ersten weltweit, die die innovative und komplett nachhaltige Faser WDBSD TX® Faser im Bekleidungsbereich angewendet haben. Hergestellt aus regionalem Buchenholz, bietet die Faser des Technikums Laubholz eine umweltfreundliche Alternative zu herkömmlichen Fasern.

In den vergangenen Monaten erstellten die Studierenden in den Laboren der Fakultät die erste Kollektion aus WDBSD TX® Fasern. Unter Leitung von Prof. Natalie Seng, Studiendekanin des Studiengangs Fashion & Textile Design, war das Ziel, eine möglichst große Materialvielfalt aus der Faser zu generieren. So entstanden neben Gestricken beispielsweise ebenfalls Vliese. Zusätzlich wurden Materialmanipulationen wie Plissierungen eingesetzt, um eine möglichst große kreative Bandbreite darstellen zu können. Dies ermöglichte den Studierenden, verschiedene Anwendungsfälle des Materials zu erforschen und zu gestalten, wodurch die Kollektion eine breite Palette innovativer Visualisierungen enthält. Die Entwürfe der Studierenden des 6. Semesters sind vielfältig und reichen von tragbar bis auffällig und avantgardistisch. Die monochrome Kollektion umfasst vier Kapselkollektionen - „Desert Silhouettes“, „Blooming Fiber“, „Sustainable Circles“ und „Dead Coral Society“.

Vergangene Woche wurde die Kollektion erstmals in Auszügen auf den Laubholztagen in Göppingen der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt. Die Premiere und Fashion-Show der vollständigen Kollektion folgt im Rahmen der Neo.Fashion. am 2. und 3. Juli während der Berlin Fashion Week. Bereits seit 2020 präsentieren Reutlinger Absolvierende ihre Abschlusskollektionen auf dem Graduate Fashion Event, das während der Berlin Fashion Week deutschen Modedesignabsolvierenden eine Plattform bietet, um sich einer breiten Öffentlichkeit zu präsentieren.


Hochschule Reutlingen


Lenzing AG: Stephan Sielaff leaves, Rohit Aggarwal joins

The Supervisory Board of Lenzing Group has appointed Rohit Aggarwal as a new member of the Management Board of Lenzing Group. He will assume responsibility for the fiber division during the third quarter. After the departure of Stephan Sielaff, Aggarwal will take over the position of CEO of Lenzing Group.

Rohit Aggarwal has a sound understanding of the strategic development of international markets and the establishment of efficient management teams through global management positions in Europe, the USA and Asia. Thanks to his experience in the global textile and fiber market, he is well versed with Lenzing's core business in all its facets, both in terms of content and geography.

Stephan Sielaff, CEO of Lenzing Group, will leave the company at the latest when his contract expires at the end of March 2025 and devote himself to new tasks.

The Supervisory Board of Lenzing Group has appointed Rohit Aggarwal as a new member of the Management Board of Lenzing Group. He will assume responsibility for the fiber division during the third quarter. After the departure of Stephan Sielaff, Aggarwal will take over the position of CEO of Lenzing Group.

Rohit Aggarwal has a sound understanding of the strategic development of international markets and the establishment of efficient management teams through global management positions in Europe, the USA and Asia. Thanks to his experience in the global textile and fiber market, he is well versed with Lenzing's core business in all its facets, both in terms of content and geography.

Stephan Sielaff, CEO of Lenzing Group, will leave the company at the latest when his contract expires at the end of March 2025 and devote himself to new tasks.

More information:
Lenzing AG CEO

Lenzing AG


ANDRITZ: Needlepunch line for heavy fabrics

International technology group ANDRITZ has received an order from Sioen Technical Felts to supply a complete needlepunch line for its production plant in Liège, Belgium. The new line will enable Sioen to produce heavy fabrics in a single step.

Sioen’s Liège plant specializes in the production of technical fabrics used mainly in industrial applications such as pipe lining (CIPP), acoustics, and filtration. The ANDRITZ equipment will allow the customer to produce fabrics of more than 3,500 gsm in a single step, using different types of fibers (recycled PET, OxPan, bicomponent,…) and finenesses. Normally two or three layers have to be needled off-line in a second step to achieve such a fabric weight.

The single-step process results in a higher quality end product by minimizing the risk of delamination, i.e. the separation of layers during use. It also increases productivity by reducing the need for fabric handling.

International technology group ANDRITZ has received an order from Sioen Technical Felts to supply a complete needlepunch line for its production plant in Liège, Belgium. The new line will enable Sioen to produce heavy fabrics in a single step.

Sioen’s Liège plant specializes in the production of technical fabrics used mainly in industrial applications such as pipe lining (CIPP), acoustics, and filtration. The ANDRITZ equipment will allow the customer to produce fabrics of more than 3,500 gsm in a single step, using different types of fibers (recycled PET, OxPan, bicomponent,…) and finenesses. Normally two or three layers have to be needled off-line in a second step to achieve such a fabric weight.

The single-step process results in a higher quality end product by minimizing the risk of delamination, i.e. the separation of layers during use. It also increases productivity by reducing the need for fabric handling.

The ANDRITZ DF-4 needleloom, which can operate in double and single stroke modus, gives Sioen high flexibility to process fabrics with different mechanical charasteristics. Operators can easily switch modes via the remote-control touch screen. The line will be equipped with ANDRITZ’s latest fabric weight profiling technology, ProWin™, to ensure maximum weight evenness.

Start-up of the new needlepunch line is scheduled for Q1 2025.



The winning team Eleonora Boccherini, Ilaria Ioja, Giorgio Gacci and Marianna Butera of the Hackathon at PIN. Photo: PIN
The winning team Eleonora Boccherini, Ilaria Ioja, Giorgio Gacci and Marianna Butera of the Hackathon at PIN

Schmitz Textiles: Hackathon with Italian students

As part of the European Erasmus+ project AddTex, the partner organisations organised several hackathons at the universities of Boras (Sweden), UPC (Spain), PIN (Italy) and TUS (Ireland) in May. The aim is to connect students with real challenges in the industry and promote innovation in the areas of ecology, sustainability, digitalisation and design. The participants had received basic information in advance through the 45 training videos and training sessions of the free and public Smart, Digital and Green Skills Academy at

As part of the European Erasmus+ project AddTex, the partner organisations organised several hackathons at the universities of Boras (Sweden), UPC (Spain), PIN (Italy) and TUS (Ireland) in May. The aim is to connect students with real challenges in the industry and promote innovation in the areas of ecology, sustainability, digitalisation and design. The participants had received basic information in advance through the 45 training videos and training sessions of the free and public Smart, Digital and Green Skills Academy at

The hackathon at the Italian university PIN (Polo Universitario Città di Prato) was organised and held together with the technical textiles department of the Industrieverband Veredlung - Garne - Gewebe - Technische Textilien e.V. (IVGT). Eight teams competed to develop innovative, sustainable ideas in just a few hours for the German family business Schmitz Textiles GmbH & Co. KG, Emsdetten. Schmitz Textiles, an expert in complete textile solutions for indoor and outdoor use for over 100 years, plans to offer exclusively sustainable products in the medium term and is looking for solutions to continuously increase the existing recycled share of yarns to 100 per cent.

Stefan Schmidt from IVGT presented the challenge via Teams Conference: "We are looking for a new business model for textile recycling at awning manufacturer Schmitz-Textiles in order to increase the existing proportion of recycled yarns and go beyond the exclusive use of recycled PET bottles. Schmitz Textiles has had an awning fabric made from 100% recycled polyester in its range since the end of 2023. The medium-term goal is to switch the entire range of awning fabrics to 100% recycled yarns. The company is looking for suitable solutions to achieve this.

In small teams, the 30 students specialising in eco-design, textiles/sales and textiles/technology developed proposals and presented them in five-minute online pitches. Ralf Bosse for Schmitz Textiles and Iris Schlomski for the IVGT acted as the jury and assessed the individual presentations in the categories of degree of innovation, presentation, industrial application potential and potential for commercial success. Each idea presented and each presentation scored more or less points in the individual categories. In the end, the points scored were added up to determine the winning team, which can further develop its idea together with the company. For Schmitz Textiles, these are Eleonora Boccherini, Ilaria Ioja, Giorgio Gacci and Marianna Butera.



INDA applauds Passing of WIPPES Act (c) INDA

INDA applauds Passing of WIPPES Act

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, applauds the U.S. House of Representatives for passing the Wastewater Infrastructure Pollution Prevention and Environments Safety (WIPPES) Act (H.R. 2964). The WIPPES Act, which creates national standards for “Do Not Flush” labeling for non-flushable wipes, passed out of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce in December of 2023, and on June 12, it cleared the House floor in a bipartisan vote. The bill now awaits consideration in the Senate Science, Commerce, and Energy Committee.

This bipartisan legislation is intended to address the growing problem of sewer system clogs caused by improper disposal of consumer wipes that are not intended to be disposed of in toilets. This federal solution is the result of a years-long industry collaboration with wastewater operators which has resulted in the passage of similar legislation in seven states. The WIPPES Act will create a national standard based on existing state laws to ensure non-flushable wipes will carry prominent “Do Not Flush” labeling on packaging.

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, applauds the U.S. House of Representatives for passing the Wastewater Infrastructure Pollution Prevention and Environments Safety (WIPPES) Act (H.R. 2964). The WIPPES Act, which creates national standards for “Do Not Flush” labeling for non-flushable wipes, passed out of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce in December of 2023, and on June 12, it cleared the House floor in a bipartisan vote. The bill now awaits consideration in the Senate Science, Commerce, and Energy Committee.

This bipartisan legislation is intended to address the growing problem of sewer system clogs caused by improper disposal of consumer wipes that are not intended to be disposed of in toilets. This federal solution is the result of a years-long industry collaboration with wastewater operators which has resulted in the passage of similar legislation in seven states. The WIPPES Act will create a national standard based on existing state laws to ensure non-flushable wipes will carry prominent “Do Not Flush” labeling on packaging.

“INDA has championed this legislation for the past two years and we are encouraged to see it pass out of the House. We extend our thanks to the bill sponsors, our industry and wastewater partners, and INDA members as we take another step forward to make “Do Not Flush” labeling nationwide,” said Wes Fisher, Director of Government Affairs.

The WIPPES Act lead sponsors in the House are Representative Lisa McClain (R-MI) and Representative Mary Peltola (D-AK) and the bill was introduced in the Senate by Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Senator Susan Collins (R-ME).

More information:
INDA U.S. textile industry USA wipes

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry


Lectra: TextileGenesis joins forces with Forest Stewardship Council ® (FSC®)

The Lectra Group company announced a new collaboration between TextileGenesis, the textile traceability platform and the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®). It will enable the implementation, via the TextileGenesis platform, of new solutions to ensure the traceability of cellulose fibers from responsibly managed forests.

In fashion, many textiles such as viscose, lyocell and modal use man-made cellulose fibers. These fibers are themselves made from wood pulp, the production of which can contribute to deforestation.

Founded in 1994, the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®) is an international NGO whose mission is to promote responsible forest management worldwide. In particular, the organization offers certification for products and raw materials which have been obtained from wood grown in responsibly managed forests, and comes from supply chains where social rights of workers, communities and indigenous peoples have been safeguarded.

The Lectra Group company announced a new collaboration between TextileGenesis, the textile traceability platform and the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®). It will enable the implementation, via the TextileGenesis platform, of new solutions to ensure the traceability of cellulose fibers from responsibly managed forests.

In fashion, many textiles such as viscose, lyocell and modal use man-made cellulose fibers. These fibers are themselves made from wood pulp, the production of which can contribute to deforestation.

Founded in 1994, the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®) is an international NGO whose mission is to promote responsible forest management worldwide. In particular, the organization offers certification for products and raw materials which have been obtained from wood grown in responsibly managed forests, and comes from supply chains where social rights of workers, communities and indigenous peoples have been safeguarded.

Amit Gautam, founder and CEO of TextileGenesis, explains: "We've already been working with Man Made Cellulosic Fiber Producers for several years to facilitate, thanks to our blockchain-inspired technology, the traceability of fibers manufactured by the most virtuous producers, and we've integrated their analysis criteria into our platform. By also becoming an FSC® partner today, we're taking things a step further. This new collaboration will support companies in the traceability of FSC certified fibers and support the administration and data management of FSC Chain of Custody certification. All players in the value chain will benefit from increased transparency and much more reliable upstream data. Fashion brands will be able to demonstrate much more easily that their garments use textiles made from responsibly sourced man-made cellulose fibers."

Fabian Farkas, FSC International Chief Commercial Director, adds: “We are seeing a rapid increase in interest in FSC certification from the textile industry, marking a very positive trend. Through this collaboration with TextileGenesis, we aim to simplify the administrative part of FSC certification for companies within the textile supply chain by automating many required data processes. Our goal is to empower brands to identify opportunities for seamless progress in meeting their FSC procurement policies.”

Following the signature in October 2023 of a memorandum of understanding with the International Cotton Association (ICA) and the launch last January of two consortiums with footwear and leather players, and more recently the announcement of its partnership with the Aid by Trade Foundation (AbTF), the initiator of The Good Cashmere Standard® (GCS), TextileGenesis confirms, with this new collaboration with the FSC®, its central place in the ecosystem of players mobilizing for more sustainable and responsible fashion.