From the Sector

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Lenzing: Clear positioning of the EU Commission against plastic waste Photo: pixabay

Lenzing: Clear positioning of the EU Commission against plastic waste

  • Guidelines of the EU Commission to implement the Single-Use Plastics Directive have been published
  • Uniform labelling obligation for wipes and feminine hygiene products containing plastics as of July 03, 2021
  • Lenzing’s wood-based, biodegradable VEOCEL™ branded fibers as a sustainable alternative to plastic

The Lenzing Group welcomes the issuance of the guidelines for the implementation of the Single-Use Plastics Directive (EU) 2019/904, which took effect on June 05, 20191. In these guidelines, the EU Commission specifies which products fall within the scope of the directive, thus providing clarity in the joint fight of the EU member states against environmental pollution from plastic waste. Lenzing’s wood-based, biodegradable cellulosic fibers such as those of the VEOCEL™ brand comprise a sustainable and innovative solution to this man-made problem.

  • Guidelines of the EU Commission to implement the Single-Use Plastics Directive have been published
  • Uniform labelling obligation for wipes and feminine hygiene products containing plastics as of July 03, 2021
  • Lenzing’s wood-based, biodegradable VEOCEL™ branded fibers as a sustainable alternative to plastic

The Lenzing Group welcomes the issuance of the guidelines for the implementation of the Single-Use Plastics Directive (EU) 2019/904, which took effect on June 05, 20191. In these guidelines, the EU Commission specifies which products fall within the scope of the directive, thus providing clarity in the joint fight of the EU member states against environmental pollution from plastic waste. Lenzing’s wood-based, biodegradable cellulosic fibers such as those of the VEOCEL™ brand comprise a sustainable and innovative solution to this man-made problem.

Uniform labelling rules for some single-use plastic products
The Commission implementing regulation (EU) 2020/2151 applying to the Single-Use Plastics Directive stipulate uniform labelling requirements for some of the single-use plastic products on the packaging or the product itself starting on July 03, 2021. They encompass feminine hygiene products and wet wipes for personal and household care containing plastic.

Consumers want sustainable hygiene products
Even before the implementation of the Single-Use Plastics Directive, Lenzing already gives consumers clear guidance in their purchasing decisions. Products bearing the VEOCEL™ brand logo on their packaging are produced in line with stringent certification criteria. As a consequence, consumers can be assured that the products contain biodegradable, cellulosic materials.

A Marketagent survey carried out in German-speaking Europe in October 20192 concluded that nine out of ten consumers would immediately change their purchasing behavior for wipes if they found out that their current product contains plastic. This would seem to imply that new market dynamics will emerge once the labelling rules for single-use plastic products takes effect. According to a Smithers Report3, about 500,000 tons of petroleum-based fibers are used each year for the production of wipes.


1 Directive (EU) 2019/904 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 June 2019 on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment
2 Representative Marketagent Online survey, n = 1,005 (14 - 69 years old, from Austria and Germany).
3 Smithers Report “The Future of Global Nonwoven Wipes to 2023”, published in 2018, page 23, reference year 2018


Lenzing AG


Lenzing und Södra join forces in post-consumer textile recycling

  • Closing the loop from fiber to fiber in fashion

Lenzing, a leading global supplier of wood-based specialty fibers, and Södra, a producer of pulp, signed a cooperation agreement today, June 02, 2021. The cooperation involves the transfer of knowledge between the two companies, which have been proactively driving the circular economy issue for many years, and a joint process development followed by a capacity expansion for pulp from post-consumer waste. The jointly developed pulp OnceMore® will subsequently also be used as a raw material for the production of Lenzing’s TENCEL™ x REFIBRA™ branded specialty fibers.
The goal is to process 25,000 tons of textile waste per year by 2025.

  • Closing the loop from fiber to fiber in fashion

Lenzing, a leading global supplier of wood-based specialty fibers, and Södra, a producer of pulp, signed a cooperation agreement today, June 02, 2021. The cooperation involves the transfer of knowledge between the two companies, which have been proactively driving the circular economy issue for many years, and a joint process development followed by a capacity expansion for pulp from post-consumer waste. The jointly developed pulp OnceMore® will subsequently also be used as a raw material for the production of Lenzing’s TENCEL™ x REFIBRA™ branded specialty fibers.
The goal is to process 25,000 tons of textile waste per year by 2025.

OnceMore® by Södra is the world’s first process for industrial-scale recycling of textile waste of blended fibers, and it’s the forest who makes that possible. The process combines wood cellulose with textile waste to create a pure, high-quality dissolving pulp which can be used to produce new clothing and other textile products. During 2022, a new investment will ten-fold the production capacity of OnceMore® pulp and reach a higher level of recycled textile content. The goal for 2025 is to process 25,000 tons of textile and offer a OnceMore® pulp based on our wood material and 50 percent recycled textile material.



Lenzing AG

Das Label Feuerwear setzt auf Nachhaltigkeit (c) Profil Marketing / Feuerwear

Das Label Feuerwear setzt auf Nachhaltigkeit

Bereits seit über 15 Jahren legen Firmengründer und -inhaber Martin und Robert Klüsener und ihr Team größten Wert auf die Wiederverwendung gebrauchter Rohmaterialien. So ist die Basis eines jeden Feuerwear-Produktes – ob Hip Bag, Portemonnaie, Rucksack oder Tasche – seit jeher gebrauchter Feuerwehrschlauch. Doch auch bei den Fertigungsprozessen und den weiteren eingesetzten Materialien stehen Nachhaltigkeit und das Upcycling an erster Stelle. So wird seit 2021 neben gebrauchtem Feuerwehrschlauch auch Gewebe aus gebrauchten PET-Flaschen für die Feuerwear-Unikate eingesetzt.

„Unser Ziel ist es, möglichst viele Bestandteile unserer Produkte aus nachhaltig gefertigten – im Bestfall recycelten – Rohmaterialien herzustellen“, berichtet Robert Klüsener, Martins Bruder und ebenfalls Geschäftsführer bei Feuerwear.
Um auch die Transportwege klein zu halten, legt Feuerwear wert auf möglichst regionale, bzw. nationale Partner und Lieferanten. „Unsere Schläuche stammen beispielsweise alle aus deutschen Feuerwehrwachen “, informiert Robert Klüsener. Auch bei der Wahl des Lieferanten des recycelten PET-Gewebes wurde Wert auf einen in Deutschland ansässigen Partner gelegt.

Bereits seit über 15 Jahren legen Firmengründer und -inhaber Martin und Robert Klüsener und ihr Team größten Wert auf die Wiederverwendung gebrauchter Rohmaterialien. So ist die Basis eines jeden Feuerwear-Produktes – ob Hip Bag, Portemonnaie, Rucksack oder Tasche – seit jeher gebrauchter Feuerwehrschlauch. Doch auch bei den Fertigungsprozessen und den weiteren eingesetzten Materialien stehen Nachhaltigkeit und das Upcycling an erster Stelle. So wird seit 2021 neben gebrauchtem Feuerwehrschlauch auch Gewebe aus gebrauchten PET-Flaschen für die Feuerwear-Unikate eingesetzt.

„Unser Ziel ist es, möglichst viele Bestandteile unserer Produkte aus nachhaltig gefertigten – im Bestfall recycelten – Rohmaterialien herzustellen“, berichtet Robert Klüsener, Martins Bruder und ebenfalls Geschäftsführer bei Feuerwear.
Um auch die Transportwege klein zu halten, legt Feuerwear wert auf möglichst regionale, bzw. nationale Partner und Lieferanten. „Unsere Schläuche stammen beispielsweise alle aus deutschen Feuerwehrwachen “, informiert Robert Klüsener. Auch bei der Wahl des Lieferanten des recycelten PET-Gewebes wurde Wert auf einen in Deutschland ansässigen Partner gelegt.

„Wir sind immer auf der Suche nach neuen Partnern und Lieferanten, die uns gebrauchte Rohware, oder aus recyceltem Rohstoff gefertigte Teile, für unsere Produkte zuliefern können“, berichten die beiden Geschäftsführer. Denn das Ziel von Feuerwear ist es, möglichst viele Bestandteile der Produkte aus wiederverwendeten Materialien herzustellen und somit langlebige Produkte mit bleibendem Wert zu schaffen.


Profil Marketing



How to recognize truly sustainable fashion? How can responsible recycling of garments and fabrics - as well as new formulas for circular economy - make a difference in fighting the climate emergency? These are just some of the topics addressed during THE TEXTILE LIBRARY CIRCULAR SYMPOSIUM, the open-ended program of virtual meetings with some of the most influential fashion and sustainability experts organized by the Museo del Tessuto di Prato in collaboration with C.L.A.S.S. ecohub.

The museum and the international platform that creates awareness and supports professionals who believe in fashion and sustainable textiles have joined forces to talk not only to fashion enthusiasts but to everyone, and explore a hot and often underestimated topic that involves everyday life. The series of meetings deepens and complements the new section entirely dedicated to circular textiles in the museum's Textile Library.

How to recognize truly sustainable fashion? How can responsible recycling of garments and fabrics - as well as new formulas for circular economy - make a difference in fighting the climate emergency? These are just some of the topics addressed during THE TEXTILE LIBRARY CIRCULAR SYMPOSIUM, the open-ended program of virtual meetings with some of the most influential fashion and sustainability experts organized by the Museo del Tessuto di Prato in collaboration with C.L.A.S.S. ecohub.

The museum and the international platform that creates awareness and supports professionals who believe in fashion and sustainable textiles have joined forces to talk not only to fashion enthusiasts but to everyone, and explore a hot and often underestimated topic that involves everyday life. The series of meetings deepens and complements the new section entirely dedicated to circular textiles in the museum's Textile Library.

Like a real symposium, THE TEXTILE LIBRARY CIRCULAR SYMPOSIUM is a conversation arena involving 10 game changers who have been able to innovate not only with high-tech and responsible products and materials but also with new formulas, business models and production systems that respect the planet and people. Among the speakers of the cycle, visionary innovators who generate change at all levels: from the entire production system and beyond to retailers, leading international brands, research companies and communication experts, all the way to the final consumer.

The first appointment is Wednesday, May 13 at 5 pm CEST with the talk THE SUSTAINABLE PERSPECTIVE. True sustainable fashion is a choral and capillary system in which every actor plays a fundamental role. During the meeting, professionals from different fields, from cultural institutions to industrial production, from marketing to retail, will share their perspective on sustainability.

Recycling is the key word in THE SECOND CHANCE, the second meeting scheduled for June 10 h. 5 p.m CEST.

On September 29, also at 5 p.m. CEST, appointment for the talk A TICKET TO FASHION... AND BACK entirely dedicated to the new models of circular economy.

You can register here.


C.L.A.S.S. / GB Network Marketing & Communication

(c) Hochschule Niederrhein
(von links): Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Muschkiet (Leiter Center Textillogistik, Hochschule Niederrhein), Jan-Philipp Jarmer (Fraunhofer-Institut für Materialfluss und Logistik IML), Ida Marie Brieger (Center Textillogistik, Hochschule Niederrhein)

Hochschule Niederrhein: Über Sortierung Alttextilien besser recyceln

Das Recyceln von Textilien wird im Sinne einer nachhaltigen Kreislaufwirtschaft immer wichtiger. Das Center Textillogistik der Hochschule Niederrhein und das Fraunhofer-Institut für Materialfluss und Logistik IML führen derzeit im Auftrag der Stadtreinigung Hamburg eine Begutachtung und Bewertung von Alttextilien in den Räumen des Monforts Quartier in Mönchengladbach durch. Nachhaltige Ansätze für die Textilwirtschaft der Zukunft stehen im Vordergrund, aber auch die Vorbereitung auf sich ändernde rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen im Markt für Alttextilien.

Ab 2025 sollen in Europa im Rahmen des EU-Aktionsplans für Kreislaufwirtschaft gebrauchte Textilien flächendeckend getrennt gesammelt werden, um die Wiederverwendung sowie ein hochwertiges Recycling zu fördern. Im Projekt sollen Möglichkeiten eruiert werden, ob und wie gewisse textile Stoffströme separiert gesammelt werden können.

Das Recyceln von Textilien wird im Sinne einer nachhaltigen Kreislaufwirtschaft immer wichtiger. Das Center Textillogistik der Hochschule Niederrhein und das Fraunhofer-Institut für Materialfluss und Logistik IML führen derzeit im Auftrag der Stadtreinigung Hamburg eine Begutachtung und Bewertung von Alttextilien in den Räumen des Monforts Quartier in Mönchengladbach durch. Nachhaltige Ansätze für die Textilwirtschaft der Zukunft stehen im Vordergrund, aber auch die Vorbereitung auf sich ändernde rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen im Markt für Alttextilien.

Ab 2025 sollen in Europa im Rahmen des EU-Aktionsplans für Kreislaufwirtschaft gebrauchte Textilien flächendeckend getrennt gesammelt werden, um die Wiederverwendung sowie ein hochwertiges Recycling zu fördern. Im Projekt sollen Möglichkeiten eruiert werden, ob und wie gewisse textile Stoffströme separiert gesammelt werden können.

Die Ergebnisse des Projekts sollen auf breiter Basis den verantwortungsbewussten Umgang mit textilen Ressourcen verbessern. Derzeit werden Alltextilien in Deutschland überwiegend durch Depotcontainer im öffentlichen Raum oder auf Recyclinghöfen gesammelt. Zudem wird die Rückgabe von Alttextilien im Einzelhandel verschiedener Marken und Kaufhäusern beworben. Laut einer Studie kamen im Jahr 2018 rund 1,3 Millionen Tonnen Alttextilien zusammen. Davon werden 88 Prozent durch Containersammlungen, 9 Prozent durch Straßensammlungen und rund 3 Prozent durch sonstige Sammlungen (z. B. durch Modehäuser) erfasst. Die weitere Vermarktung wird nach einem Zwischenschritt beim Sortierer in Wiederverwendung (62 Prozent), Weiterverwendung als Putzlappen oder Dämmstoff (14 Prozent), stoffliches Recycling (12 Prozent) und Verbrennung (12 Prozent) unterteilt.

Bei der Alttextilsortieranalyse werden die Alttextilien in bis zu drei Differenzierungsebenen sortiert. Die erste Differenzierungsebene setzt sich aus den folgenden drei Obergruppen zusammen: Fehlwürfe, Textilien zur Verwertung, Textilien zur Wiederverwendung. Darüber hinaus werden die Alttextilien nach ihrer ursprünglichen Nutzung (z. B Damenoberbekleidung, Kinderbekleidung, Haushaltswäsche etc.) und der Materialzusammensetzung sortiert.


Hochschule Niederrhein


Lenzing Group: Sustainability Report 2020

  • Successful measures to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic with a focus on the safety and health of employees, customers and partners and securing sustainable business development
  • Implementation of strategic investment projects and climate targets progressing on schedule – launch of first TENCEL™ branded carbon-zero fibers
  • New level of transparency in the textile industry: introduction of blockchain technology
  • Target setting: Lenzing raises the bar even higher and sets new sustainability goals

The Lenzing Group presented its Sustainability Report 2020 on April 22, 2021, World Earth Day. Featuring the title “Stand up for future generations”, Lenzing once again emphasized its commitment to taking responsibility beyond the products it makes.

  • Successful measures to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic with a focus on the safety and health of employees, customers and partners and securing sustainable business development
  • Implementation of strategic investment projects and climate targets progressing on schedule – launch of first TENCEL™ branded carbon-zero fibers
  • New level of transparency in the textile industry: introduction of blockchain technology
  • Target setting: Lenzing raises the bar even higher and sets new sustainability goals

The Lenzing Group presented its Sustainability Report 2020 on April 22, 2021, World Earth Day. Featuring the title “Stand up for future generations”, Lenzing once again emphasized its commitment to taking responsibility beyond the products it makes. The non-financial report, prepared in accordance with the reporting standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the Austrian Sustainability and Diversity Improvement Act (NaDiVeG) and reviewed by KPMG Austria GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungs- und Steuerberatungsgesellschaft, illustrates how the company is responding to the global challenges of our time.

The 2020 financial year of the Lenzing Group was largely dominated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Lenzing took short-term measures to safeguard its business operations and mitigate the effects of fiber prices and fiber demand which came under increasing pressure. The priority was to protect employees and strengthen long-term partnerships with suppliers and customers. Following the current fight against the coronavirus and its consequences, the company continues to move ahead determinedly to achieve its sustainability targets, also against the backdrop of such a difficult market environment.

With the implementation of its science-based targets, the Lenzing Group actively contributes to mastering the problems caused by climate change. In 2019, Lenzing made a strategic commitment to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 50 percent per ton of product by 2030. The overriding target is to be climate-neutral by 2050.*

The launch of the first carbon-zero TENCEL™ fibers certified as CarbonNeutral® products in accordance with The CarbonNeutral Protocol – the leading global framework for carbon neutrality – represents another important milestone from the reporting year. As of June 2021, Lenzing will also market the first VEOCEL™ branded lyocell fibers as certified CarbonNeutral® products.

Promoting the circular economy
Lenzing also sets standards for the entire fiber, textile and clothing industry with respect to the circular economy which is of such crucial importance in climate and resource protection. In order to enhance resource efficiency and offer a solution for the global problem of textile waste, the company developed the REFIBRA™ recycling technology. REFIBRA™ is the only technology in the world enabling the production of new lyocell fibers on a commercial scale from cotton scraps derived from manufacturing cotton clothing as well as from used garments. In this way, an important contribution is made to promoting circularity in the textile industry.*

New level of transparency in the textile industry
In addition to environmental protection, the issue of transparency along the supply chain poses a major challenge to the textile industry. Working in cooperation with TextileGenesis™, Lenzing offers an innovative solution to ensure greater transparency on the basis of blockchain technology. Following several successful pilot projects with renowned fashion brands, this digital platform was ultimately launched in 2020 to enable the traceability of textiles, from the fiber to all stages of production and distribution. Thanks to the innovative Fibercoin™ technology of the TextileGenesis™ platform, Lenzing and its partners are able to issue so-called “blockchain assets” in direct proportion to the physical fiber deliveries of the brands TENCEL™ and LENZING™ ECOVERO™. These digital assets function like a “fingerprint” and thus prevent adulteration.*

Target setting: Lenzing raises the bar even higher
The Lenzing Group operates in line with three strategic principles within the context of its “Naturally positive” sustainability strategy: partnering for change, advancing circularity and greening the value chain.*


*See attached document for more information..

Uncoated, ultra-bright virgin fibre liner with exceptional feel and colour reproduction (c) Sappi
Fusion Nature Blog

Uncoated, ultra-bright virgin fibre liner with exceptional feel and colour reproduction

Sappi is expanding its product range for corrugated board applications with Fusion Nature Plus.

With Fusion Nature Plus, Sappi is launching an uncoated, fully bleached and completely recyclable virgin fibre liner. The company provides a unique variety of packaging and speciality papers. The specialist in paper-based solutions also offers a wide range of products in relation to labels. Fusion Nature Plus offers excellent printing results in flexographic, digital and offset printing processes.

  • Ultra-bright, uncoated virgin fibre paper with excellent printing results
  • Ideal for attractive corrugated board as well as premium shopping bags
  • Can be used as topliner, liner or fluting
  • Available in grammages of 80 to 130 g/m²

The virgin fibre liner is based on the concept of the successful Fusion Topliner. In contrast to the double-coated Fusion Topliner, Fusion Nature Plus has a natural, uncoated surface with a more tactile feel, in response to the growing market appetite for this type of product. The liner is also provided in very low grammages.

Sappi is expanding its product range for corrugated board applications with Fusion Nature Plus.

With Fusion Nature Plus, Sappi is launching an uncoated, fully bleached and completely recyclable virgin fibre liner. The company provides a unique variety of packaging and speciality papers. The specialist in paper-based solutions also offers a wide range of products in relation to labels. Fusion Nature Plus offers excellent printing results in flexographic, digital and offset printing processes.

  • Ultra-bright, uncoated virgin fibre paper with excellent printing results
  • Ideal for attractive corrugated board as well as premium shopping bags
  • Can be used as topliner, liner or fluting
  • Available in grammages of 80 to 130 g/m²

The virgin fibre liner is based on the concept of the successful Fusion Topliner. In contrast to the double-coated Fusion Topliner, Fusion Nature Plus has a natural, uncoated surface with a more tactile feel, in response to the growing market appetite for this type of product. The liner is also provided in very low grammages.

Fusion Nature Plus enhances brand appearance

Brand owners, corrugated board processors, manufacturers of display cartons and folding cartons as well as designers all benefit from the versatility of the new Fusion Nature Plus. In contrast to conventional uncoated liner papers, the material offers high brightness, brilliant colour reproduction and consistently high quality. These features make the product the perfect choice for corrugated board or solid board packaging, where a very bright appearance is needed for topliners, inner liners and corrugating applications. Whether used as an inlay in cosmetics or confectionery packaging, or as a liner in shipping packaging to ensure an exceptional unboxing experience, Fusion Nature Plus is called upon wherever an enhanced appearance is desired.

Another area of application is paper carrier bags, where uncoated paper qualities are often preferred.

Fusion Nature Plus is ideally suited to a range of printing processes: the product achieves outstanding results in flexographic and offset printing. The pre-treated surface and high brightness offer clear advantages with regard to primer requirements and print behaviour, especially for inkjet-based digital printing. Bernd Gelder, Head of Sales Containerboard at Sappi Europe: ‘With its exceptional print quality and impressive colour reproduction, Fusion Nature Plus particularly appeals to packaging customers who value a natural look and feel in paper. The response from the market, in which packaging based on corrugated board still needs to take on a bigger role, is enormous, of course, with the result that we have succeeded in completing a number of interesting end applications and customer projects with Fusion Nature Plus shortly after market launch.’

Virgin fibre vital for recycling

In continuous recycling use, fiber that has already been recycled is subject to a progressive weakening of quality, resulting in a weakness in the products that incorporate them, but also, crucially, over time they will ultimately degrade to a point where they become unrecoverable. As a result, a certain amount of virgin fibre needs to be introduced into the cycle on a regular basis. Without continuous virgin fibre contribution to the pulp cycle, recycled producers will in the end run out of raw material. The premium virgin fibre liner Fusion Nature Plus from Sappi plays an important role here in maintaining the quality of the recycling substrate.

Thanks to the central location of Sappi’s production site in Ehingen, Fusion Nature Plus can be supplied quickly throughout Europe. The shorter transportation distances reduce transport related fossil emissions and protect the environment. The shorter production cycles in turn ensure high availability and rapid supply.

Fusion Nature Plus is currently available in six grammages from 80 to 130 g/m² in both sheet and roll form. Sappi can also provide Fusion Nature Plus with FSC or PEFC certificates on request.


Origin Materials and PrimaLoft develop Carbon-Negative Insulating Fiber

  • PrimaLoft and Origin Materials have launched a program to develop high-performance, carbon-negative insulating fibers for diverse apparel applications, including for leading outdoor, fashion, and lifestyle brands, as well as home goods applications such as hypoallergenic insulated bedding.
  • PrimaLoft, an advanced material technology company and a world leader in the development of high-performance insulations and fabrics, will develop the fibers with Origin Materials to address demand for sustainable, high-performance materials from its over 900 global brand partners. PrimaLoft iconic brand partners include Patagonia, Stone Island, L.L. Bean, Lululemon, adidas and Nike.
  • The program will focus on carbon-negative PET and next-generation polymers produced by the Origin Materials patented technology platform, which turns sustainable wood residue into cost-advantaged, carbon-negative materials that reduce the need for fossil resources.

Origin Materials, Inc.

  • PrimaLoft and Origin Materials have launched a program to develop high-performance, carbon-negative insulating fibers for diverse apparel applications, including for leading outdoor, fashion, and lifestyle brands, as well as home goods applications such as hypoallergenic insulated bedding.
  • PrimaLoft, an advanced material technology company and a world leader in the development of high-performance insulations and fabrics, will develop the fibers with Origin Materials to address demand for sustainable, high-performance materials from its over 900 global brand partners. PrimaLoft iconic brand partners include Patagonia, Stone Island, L.L. Bean, Lululemon, adidas and Nike.
  • The program will focus on carbon-negative PET and next-generation polymers produced by the Origin Materials patented technology platform, which turns sustainable wood residue into cost-advantaged, carbon-negative materials that reduce the need for fossil resources.

Origin Materials, Inc. (“Origin Materials”), a leading carbon negative materials company, and PrimaLoft, an advanced material technology company and a leader in the development of high-performance insulations and fabrics, announced a new program to develop carbon-negative, insulating, high-performance fibers. The fibers will be used across a diverse array of end products, including insulating fiber for leading outdoor, fashion, and lifestyle brands, as well as home goods applications such as hypoallergenic insulated bedding.

The companies will work to rapidly develop and commercialize new products derived from Origin Materials’ platform. The collaboration will leverage the leadership position of PrimaLoft as a specialty producer of insulating fibers and filaments with over 900 global brand partners, as well as a large global network of manufacturers that employ a wide array of textile processes to make its products, including extrusion, carding, spinning, finishing, weaving, knitting, dyeing, airlaid, meltblown, and other technologies.

The collaboration builds on PrimaLoft’s “Relentlessly Responsible™” mission to elevate both performance and sustainability, through innovation. The platform includes PrimaLoft® Bio™, which was developed and launched into the market in late 2018 as an effort to battle microplastics in the ocean; PrimaLoft® P.U.R.E.™, which provides materials manufactured with greater than 50% CO2 savings; and PrimaLoft’s post-consumer recycling initiative. The next frontier for the company is non-petroleum based raw materials, including products that biodegrade and other circular economy solutions.


crystal communications

(c) Dibella GmbH

Dibella launches 2nd upcycling project: napkins become jeans

After starting the first "Dibella up" circular-flow concept in August 2020, thousands of high-quality bags have already been made from used hotel textiles. Now the company is presenting another upcycling project: As part of a feasibility study, organic Fairtrade napkins that could no longer be rented out by the company were turned into jeans.

The second "Dibella up" project promises successful recycling of used object textiles. Within the framework of a feasibility study, almost 5,000 discarded napkins were used for jeans production in Pakistan. The special feature of the process is the traceability of the raw materials through all processing stages.

The napkins made of pure organic Fairtrade cotton originated in India. There, the fibres were grown and harvested by micro-farmers of the Chetna cooperative and then processed into durable textiles by a certified company. From Dibella, the napkins went to Lamme Textile Management, where they went through the use process in laundry and catering for many years. All stages were traceable by means of a "Respect Code" with which each piece was marked.

After starting the first "Dibella up" circular-flow concept in August 2020, thousands of high-quality bags have already been made from used hotel textiles. Now the company is presenting another upcycling project: As part of a feasibility study, organic Fairtrade napkins that could no longer be rented out by the company were turned into jeans.

The second "Dibella up" project promises successful recycling of used object textiles. Within the framework of a feasibility study, almost 5,000 discarded napkins were used for jeans production in Pakistan. The special feature of the process is the traceability of the raw materials through all processing stages.

The napkins made of pure organic Fairtrade cotton originated in India. There, the fibres were grown and harvested by micro-farmers of the Chetna cooperative and then processed into durable textiles by a certified company. From Dibella, the napkins went to Lamme Textile Management, where they went through the use process in laundry and catering for many years. All stages were traceable by means of a "Respect Code" with which each piece was marked.

In the recycling project, the original supply chain was reversed: Dibella transported the organic Fairtrade napkins discarded by Lamme Textile Management to Pakistan. There, the goods were shredded and the organic Fairtrade cotton fibres recovered in a full-scale textile plant specialising in sustainability. In the next step, they were mixed with "fresh fibres", spun into yarns for denim production, woven, finished with sustainable processes, subjected to quality tests and then made up into jeans.

More information:

Dibella GmbH

ANDRITZ receives order for a needlepunch line from Pureko (c) ANDRITZ
SFD (self-feeding device) system on a pre-needleloom to feed a wide range of fiber batts

ANDRITZ receives order for a needlepunch line from Pureko

International technology Group ANDRITZ has received an order from Pureko Sp. z o.o. to supply a needlepunch line for their plant in Myszków, Poland. The line will process recycling fibers from garment waste for the production of technical felts dedicated to furniture and geotextile applications. The final products will have fabric weights ranging from 300 to 500 gsm, and the production capacity will be up to 750 kg/h. Installation and start-up are scheduled for the third quarter of 2021.

The ANDRITZ scope of supply includes a complete neXline needlepunch eXcelle line – from web forming to needling – as well as engineering and ANDRITZ’s recently launched scanning gauge.

This is the second ANDRITZ line to be supplied to Pureko, thus demonstrating the strong partnership between both companies. Three years ago, Pureko invested in a new, modern plant supplied by ANDRITZ Asselin-Thibeau to produce fluffy nonwovens used in the furniture, textile, and clothing industries. The new line will enable Pureko to continue its ongoing growth.

International technology Group ANDRITZ has received an order from Pureko Sp. z o.o. to supply a needlepunch line for their plant in Myszków, Poland. The line will process recycling fibers from garment waste for the production of technical felts dedicated to furniture and geotextile applications. The final products will have fabric weights ranging from 300 to 500 gsm, and the production capacity will be up to 750 kg/h. Installation and start-up are scheduled for the third quarter of 2021.

The ANDRITZ scope of supply includes a complete neXline needlepunch eXcelle line – from web forming to needling – as well as engineering and ANDRITZ’s recently launched scanning gauge.

This is the second ANDRITZ line to be supplied to Pureko, thus demonstrating the strong partnership between both companies. Three years ago, Pureko invested in a new, modern plant supplied by ANDRITZ Asselin-Thibeau to produce fluffy nonwovens used in the furniture, textile, and clothing industries. The new line will enable Pureko to continue its ongoing growth.

Founded in 2009, Pureko is one of the most important producers of nonwovens in Poland. The company’s nonwoven products are mainly used for wadding; they are free of chemicals, do not involve any health hazards, and are hypoallergenic. Pureko’s products carry top certificates such as INTERTEK, FIRA, OEKO-TEX, and the National Institute of Hygiene.

SGL Carbon receives €42.9 million funding under IPCEI for graphite anode materials (GAM) in lithium-ion batteries (c) SGL Carbon
SGL Carbon's graphite anode material for lithium-ion batteries

Funding for SGL Carbon

  • SGL Carbon receives €42.9 million funding under IPCEI for graphite anode materials (GAM) in lithium-ion batteries
  • Funding in the amount of €42.9 million to 2028 for SGL Carbon GmbH from the German Federal Government and the Free State of Bavaria
  • SGL Carbon project aims at European production of innovative anode materials as a key value-added step in electromobility

SGL Carbon, a leading supplier of graphite and carbon products, today received a funding notification for the development and industrialization of innovative anode materials made of synthetic graphite for use in lithium-ion batteries. The funding program is part of the second European IPCEI (Important Project of Common European Interest) / EUBatIn (European Battery Innovation) program, which aims at a competitive European value chain for lithium-ion batteries based on innovative and sustainable technologies.

  • SGL Carbon receives €42.9 million funding under IPCEI for graphite anode materials (GAM) in lithium-ion batteries
  • Funding in the amount of €42.9 million to 2028 for SGL Carbon GmbH from the German Federal Government and the Free State of Bavaria
  • SGL Carbon project aims at European production of innovative anode materials as a key value-added step in electromobility

SGL Carbon, a leading supplier of graphite and carbon products, today received a funding notification for the development and industrialization of innovative anode materials made of synthetic graphite for use in lithium-ion batteries. The funding program is part of the second European IPCEI (Important Project of Common European Interest) / EUBatIn (European Battery Innovation) program, which aims at a competitive European value chain for lithium-ion batteries based on innovative and sustainable technologies.

SGL Carbon is one of a few manufacturers of synthetic graphite for anode materials in Europe. The company’s contribution to the IPCEI project ranges from the development of anode materials with increased performance, energy-efficient and sustainable manufacturing processes to novel recycling concepts. It also includes scaling them up to pilot scale and finally mass production. Over the project lifetime until 2028, the goal is to also establish a closed cycle for this cell component. SGL Carbon has already created a solid foundation for the project through previous investments such as the battery application laboratory at its Meitingen site. The German federal government and the Free State of Bavaria provide funding for the SGL Carbon project totaling €42.9 million, which can be drawn down over the duration of the project.

"With our development and industrialization project for new innovative anode materials and processes, we make an essential contribution to establishing a sustainable and competitive European value chain and circular economy for lithium-ion batteries. In turn, this enables us to support our customers with tailored materials and services in their innovation and industrialization process. We are very pleased about the support from the federal and state governments in this important task and would like to express our sincere thanks," explains Burkhard Straube, President Business Unit Graphite Solutions at SGL Carbon.

"In order to produce competitive, high-performance and particularly environmentally friendly batteries in the future, we need innovations. The companies participating in the IPCEIs base their battery materials, cells and systems pursued in the projects on their own research - in cooperation with their partners. This way, we ensure that the battery ecosystem being created in Germany and Europe will also place us among the world leaders in terms of technology," says Elisabeth Winkelmeier-Becker, Parliamentary State Secretary at the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology.

"The funding ensures value creation in a central high-tech segment with great future potential, which is ideally suited to Bavaria as a business location. In the course of the project, 25 jobs will be secured or newly created in Meitingen. SGL Carbon is an important company for the entire region and a major employer," says Hubert Aiwanger, Bavarian Minister of Economic Affairs and Bavarian Deputy Minister-President.
Synthetic graphite is utilized as anode material for lithium-ion batteries in many fast-growing applications such as electric vehicles, stationary energy storage systems and mobile consumer devices. Compared to natural graphite, synthetic graphite has a better performance, higher quality consistency and easier production scalability, as well as a better profile in terms of environmental footprint and safety in manufacturing. In the project described, SGL Carbon builds on its core competencies in the development and mass production of synthetic graphite.

How to do more with less explored at Kingpins24 Flash (c) Monfords
Monforts has a leading position in the field of denim finishing with its well proven Thermex continuous dyeing systems, Montex stenter dryers and other lines for resource-efficient and economical processing.

How to do more with less explored at Kingpins24 Flash

  • Major Monforts denim customers continue to pioneer new initiatives that are pushing the boundaries of sustainable production.

Recycling their cotton waste has become one way these companies can do more with less, and at the recent Kingpins24 Flash online event, Sedef Uncu Aki, director of Orta, headquartered in Istanbul, Turkey, announced a new partnership with leading recycling operation Gama Recycle.

“Through this local partnership we will supply the waste from our spinning mills and return around 3,000 tons of premium quality cotton back to them,” she said. “We have established a truly controlled and traceable system and partnering with a domestic recycling centre is important because a lot the carbon emissions associated with recycling usually come from transportation.”

  • Major Monforts denim customers continue to pioneer new initiatives that are pushing the boundaries of sustainable production.

Recycling their cotton waste has become one way these companies can do more with less, and at the recent Kingpins24 Flash online event, Sedef Uncu Aki, director of Orta, headquartered in Istanbul, Turkey, announced a new partnership with leading recycling operation Gama Recycle.

“Through this local partnership we will supply the waste from our spinning mills and return around 3,000 tons of premium quality cotton back to them,” she said. “We have established a truly controlled and traceable system and partnering with a domestic recycling centre is important because a lot the carbon emissions associated with recycling usually come from transportation.”

Orta’s ZeroMax range meanwhile uses no cotton at all, being based on Lenzing’s Tencel cellulosic fibre, while the company’s involvement in denim production for a recent launch by Levi Strauss, of jeans made with organic cotton and Circulose – a breakthrough material developed by re:newcell of Sweden and partners – was hailed as a further step forward.

To make Circulose, re:newcell repurposes discarded cotton textiles, such as worn-out denim jeans, through a process akin to recycling paper. The incoming waste fabrics are broken down using water. The colour is then stripped from these materials using an eco-friendly bleach and after any synthetic fibres are removed from the mix, the slurry-like mixture is dried and the excess water is extracted, leaving behind a sheet of Circulose. This sheet is then made into viscose fibre which is combined with cotton and woven into new fabrics.

Circular Park
Omer Ahmed, CEO of Artistic Milliners also announced plans for his company’s new 70,000 square-foot Circular Park in Karachi, Pakistan, at Kingpins24 Flash.

Once complete, this will add three million square metres of additional denim capacity a month to the company’s production and take its total recycled output to a monthly five million metres.
Ahmed observed that there is currently a lack of sustainable fibres that are readily available to use for denim production at scale.

“Organic cotton is too expensive, and in my opinion always will be,” he said. “Cottonised hemp is also not cheap and it’s hard to mix with cotton, while the new regenerated cellulose fibres that are now emerging are promising, but currently in short supply. Recycled polyester is meanwhile still based on petroleum resources which we want to move away from. As a consequence, there are only a few other options for us as a manufacturer and this new project will help us minimise our own waste while significantly lowering our carbon footprint.”

Other Monforts denim customers to introduce cotton fibre recycling operations at their plants recently include AGI Denim, Bossa and Soorty.

Vertical savings
Refresh is the name of the latest collection from AGI Denim – reflecting the company’s significant reduction in water consumption.

The company has just opened new fibre spinning and denim mills at its complex in Karachi, Pakistan.

“Over the years we’ve gone through a series of backward integration steps to become fully vertical,” said AGI Denim executive director Ahmed Javed, at Kingpins24 Flash. “In our latest expansion, we revisited every step of the production processes in order to make resource savings.”

Innovations have included the installation of proprietary robotics for garment finishing, but the most attention has been paid to water savings.

“Pakistan is one of the largest cotton-producing companies in the world and we’re fortunate that the type of cotton that is grown here is well suited to denim production and also helps us lower our carbon footprint, with everything done in close proximity,” Javed said. “In the lifecycle of a pair of denim jeans, however, cotton fibre production contributes 68% of water consumption. While we cannot control how much water cotton needs for it to grow, we can rethink the way we use it in our factory.”

Refresh-branded denims are washed from 100% recycled water as a result of the company’s new wastewater treatment plant, which puts production wastewater through a series of steps beginning with equalisation, followed by aeration and concluding with sedimentation. The water travels through filtration and ultrafiltration systems before being subjected to an activated carbon system and finally a reverse osmosis system to reduce any dissolved salts.

AGI now recycles 4.4 million gallons of water each month – enough to wash a million pairs of jeans.

Monforts has a leading position in the field of denim finishing with its well proven Thermex continuous dyeing systems, Montex stenter dryers and other lines for resource-efficient and economical processing.

“Our denim partners are constantly setting themselves new goals in respect of sustainable production – and more importantly, achieving them,” says Hans Wroblowski, Monforts Head of Denim. “We work closely with them with the aim of constantly optimising processing parameters and achieving further savings in energy, water and raw materials throughout the dyeing and finishing stages of production.”

The latest Monforts innovation for denim is the CYD yarn dyeing system. This technology is based on the effective and established dyeing process for denim fabrics that is now being applied for yarn dyeing. The CYD system integrates new functions and processes into the weaving preparation processes to increase quality, flexibility, economic viability and productivity. A full CYD line is now available for trials at the company’s Advanced Technology Centre in Mönchengladbach, Germany.”


Tessitura Colombo: Intimissimi's new Sustainable Collection

Intimissimi, a famous lingerie brand, gives an edge of responsible innovation with Tessitura Colombo recycled and plant-based colored ingredients.

Intimissimi, a renowned lingerie brand, constantly engaged in research and development of innovative collections expressed through its performances: for this collection, the lingerie brand has selected made in Italy ingredients of Tessitura Colombo, a lace manufacturer that has always prioritized the protection of the environment and natural resources.

"Nature's dream", coming to stores this spring, is the name of the new line that wants to be inspired by nature and where sustainability is fully integrated throughout premium recycled ingredients and natural plant dyed process. "Nature's dream" is part of the sustainable families of the #intimissimicares collection, that is created to comply with short and long-term sustainability objectives: attention to the usage of natural resources, protection of the environment, control of the supply chain and choice of sustainable fibres.

Intimissimi, a famous lingerie brand, gives an edge of responsible innovation with Tessitura Colombo recycled and plant-based colored ingredients.

Intimissimi, a renowned lingerie brand, constantly engaged in research and development of innovative collections expressed through its performances: for this collection, the lingerie brand has selected made in Italy ingredients of Tessitura Colombo, a lace manufacturer that has always prioritized the protection of the environment and natural resources.

"Nature's dream", coming to stores this spring, is the name of the new line that wants to be inspired by nature and where sustainability is fully integrated throughout premium recycled ingredients and natural plant dyed process. "Nature's dream" is part of the sustainable families of the #intimissimicares collection, that is created to comply with short and long-term sustainability objectives: attention to the usage of natural resources, protection of the environment, control of the supply chain and choice of sustainable fibres.


Partners: AFRY engineering and Renewcell

  • AFRY engineering partner when Renewcell expands operations to lead the fashion industry into a sustainable and circular future

Renewcell has awarded AFRY an engineering assignment for their recycled textile materials production expansion at SCA's Ortviken paper mill in Sundsvall, Sweden. The assignment includes project and construction management services, process, mechanical and piping engineering, electrical, automation and instrumentation engineering, fire and HVAC design, as well as civil design. The project is a continuation of AFRY's previous feasibility studies.

The trend in textiles and design requires sustainable fashion. Customers require fashion companies to reduce their environmental impact through new technologies and innovations for the circular economy. One important element is recycling of textile fibers that is a path towards a more sustainable fashion.

  • AFRY engineering partner when Renewcell expands operations to lead the fashion industry into a sustainable and circular future

Renewcell has awarded AFRY an engineering assignment for their recycled textile materials production expansion at SCA's Ortviken paper mill in Sundsvall, Sweden. The assignment includes project and construction management services, process, mechanical and piping engineering, electrical, automation and instrumentation engineering, fire and HVAC design, as well as civil design. The project is a continuation of AFRY's previous feasibility studies.

The trend in textiles and design requires sustainable fashion. Customers require fashion companies to reduce their environmental impact through new technologies and innovations for the circular economy. One important element is recycling of textile fibers that is a path towards a more sustainable fashion.

Renewcell is a multi-award-winning textile recycling company based in Sweden. The company’s vision is to inspire an Industrial Evolution towards a sustainable world by producing high quality materials from recycled textiles. “There is a way to put fashion first without putting the environment in second place” – Renewcell describes their business concept. With their technology, the company has succeeded in recycling and regenerating textile fiber from old clothes to turn into new clothes. For example, H&M, a partner of Renewcell, has launched a garment that is half made with Renewcell’s fabric.

Today, Renewcell has a demo plant in Kristinehamn, Sweden, with the possibility to recycle over 4,500 tons of textiles each year. The company has now signed a major agreement with one of the world's largest producers of viscose fiber. With that as a basis, together with a well-proven process and technology, they are now building a full-scale production plant in Sundsvall, Sweden. When the new plant is ready for production, it will have the capacity to recycle 60,000 tons of textile waste annually, which is just over half of Sweden's annual textile consumption. The new plant is expected to be commissioned in 2022.

“We are pleased to continue the partnership with AFRY, which began with the feasibility study they delivered in 2020. With AFRY, we feel secure in having a partner with both world-leading expertise and the ability to deliver projects on time and within budget. Together, we lead the fashion industry into a sustainable and circular future,” says Christer Johansson, Project Director at Renewcell.

“We are extremely proud to be part of Renewcell’s investment. We are excited to contribute in this transition towards more sustainable solutions for the future and look forward to continue this journey together with Renewcell,” says Ulf Strenger, Business Unit Manager at AFRY.



Huesker: Geogitter aus PET-Recycling-Garn (c) Huesker Gruppe

Huesker: Geogitter aus PET-Recycling-Garn

  • 100 % Recyclinggarn in Originalfaserqualität
  • Ressourcen- und CO2-Einsparungen
  • Wirtschaftlich und nachhaltig

Das langjährig bewährte Geogitter Fortrac T ist ab sofort auch in der ecoLine verfügbar. Der HUESKER Gruppe ist es gelungen, das Geogitter für die Bewehrung von Erdkonstruktionen aus 100 Prozent recycelten PET-Garnen herzustellen. Zuvor hatte das Unternehmen bereits erfolgreich einen weiteren Produktklassiker, die Asphaltbewehrung HaTelit C eco, ebenfalls aus PET-Recycling-Garnen, in der ecoLine eingeführt.

„Unsere Geogitter der ecoLine erfüllen dieselben hohen Qualitätsstandards wie das Ursprungsprodukt aus Originalfasern. Fortrac T eco wird aus hochmodulen Polyestergarnen hergestellt und hält Zugkräften bis 1.600 kN/m stand“, erklärt Sven Schröer, Geschäftsführer für die weltweiten Vertriebs- und Anwendungstechnikaktivitäten der HUESKER Gruppe im Bereich Geokunststoffe.

  • 100 % Recyclinggarn in Originalfaserqualität
  • Ressourcen- und CO2-Einsparungen
  • Wirtschaftlich und nachhaltig

Das langjährig bewährte Geogitter Fortrac T ist ab sofort auch in der ecoLine verfügbar. Der HUESKER Gruppe ist es gelungen, das Geogitter für die Bewehrung von Erdkonstruktionen aus 100 Prozent recycelten PET-Garnen herzustellen. Zuvor hatte das Unternehmen bereits erfolgreich einen weiteren Produktklassiker, die Asphaltbewehrung HaTelit C eco, ebenfalls aus PET-Recycling-Garnen, in der ecoLine eingeführt.

„Unsere Geogitter der ecoLine erfüllen dieselben hohen Qualitätsstandards wie das Ursprungsprodukt aus Originalfasern. Fortrac T eco wird aus hochmodulen Polyestergarnen hergestellt und hält Zugkräften bis 1.600 kN/m stand“, erklärt Sven Schröer, Geschäftsführer für die weltweiten Vertriebs- und Anwendungstechnikaktivitäten der HUESKER Gruppe im Bereich Geokunststoffe.


HUESKER Synthetic GmbH

Jean&Len | Nachhaltige Rucksäcke aus recycelten Materialen und veganem Leder (c) Jean&Len
Jean&Len Nachhaltige Rucksäcke

Jean&Len | Nachhaltige Rucksäcke aus recycelten Materialen und veganem Leder

  • Rucksack aus der Flasche: Recycelte und vegane Alltagsbegleiter für unterwegs

Der recycelte Rucksack "Hamburg"
Der ideale Begleiter: Ob ins Büro, zur Uni, zum Kurz-Wander-Trip oder zum alltäglichen Shoppen, der neue Jean&Len Rucksack “Hamburg“ ist ein nachhaltiges 2-in-1-Multifunktionstalent mit jeder Menge organisiertem Stauraum. Ob als Rucksack oder Shopper getragen, überzeugt das aus recycelten PET-Flaschen produzierte Stauwunder mit seinem schlicht-modernem Design. Der lässige Rucksack lässt sich im Handumdrehen als Shopper verwenden: Einfach den Druckknopf der Träger lösen und schon verwandelt sich der Rucksack in eine lässige Shopper-Bag, die Du über der Schulter tragen kannst. Dank des wasserabweisenden Reißverschlussmechanismus und einer Imprägnierung, die schmutz- und nässeabweisend wirkt, hält der Rucksack Wind und Wetter stand. Der Rucksack “Hamburg“ ist in den Farben Graumeliert, Khaki, Navy-Blau oder Schwarz erhältlich.

  • Rucksack aus der Flasche: Recycelte und vegane Alltagsbegleiter für unterwegs

Der recycelte Rucksack "Hamburg"
Der ideale Begleiter: Ob ins Büro, zur Uni, zum Kurz-Wander-Trip oder zum alltäglichen Shoppen, der neue Jean&Len Rucksack “Hamburg“ ist ein nachhaltiges 2-in-1-Multifunktionstalent mit jeder Menge organisiertem Stauraum. Ob als Rucksack oder Shopper getragen, überzeugt das aus recycelten PET-Flaschen produzierte Stauwunder mit seinem schlicht-modernem Design. Der lässige Rucksack lässt sich im Handumdrehen als Shopper verwenden: Einfach den Druckknopf der Träger lösen und schon verwandelt sich der Rucksack in eine lässige Shopper-Bag, die Du über der Schulter tragen kannst. Dank des wasserabweisenden Reißverschlussmechanismus und einer Imprägnierung, die schmutz- und nässeabweisend wirkt, hält der Rucksack Wind und Wetter stand. Der Rucksack “Hamburg“ ist in den Farben Graumeliert, Khaki, Navy-Blau oder Schwarz erhältlich.

Das großzügige Hauptfach inklusive einem extra Laptopfach (bis 13,3 Zoll) bietet viel Stauraum für alle Essentials des Alltags. Ein kleineres Außenfach am Rücken eignet sich besonders für wertvolle Gegenstände, damit diese gleichzeitig griffbereit und sicher aufgehoben sind. Für den optimalen Tragekomfort sorgen eine Rückenpolsterung und verstellbare Träger.

Der vegane Rucksack "Kopenhagen"
Style-Upgrade: Der Rucksack „Kopenhagen“ ist ein stylischer und funktionaler Rucksack im begehrten Skandi-Style. Das creme-beige Außenmaterial aus veganem Leder ist schmutzabweisend und leicht zu reinigen. Laptops mit einer Größe von bis zu 13, 3 Zoll können im großzügigen Hauptfach mit extra gepolstertem Laptopfach verstaut werden, wertvolle Gegenstände wie Handys finden im Geheimfach am Rücken Platz.

Die Jean&Len Rücksäcke „Hamburg“ und „Kopenhagen“ sind ab sofort im Onlineshop unter erhältlich.


ISKO unveils its 2022 Collection Vol.1

ISKO™, a leading denim ingredient brand, has applied its Responsible Innovation™ approach to create a collection with environmental and social responsibility at its heart. Incorporating clever technologies, a myriad of finishes and colors and state-of-the-art production techniques – ISKO works beyond compliance to ensure the highest standards have been met for its latest collection. Style, comfort and new advancements will inspire everyone from passionate denimheads to those on a quest for a comfortable look and feel – from the most laidback setting to the most extravagant occasions.

The collection uses ISKO R-TWO™ fabrics, made of a blend of reused and/or recycled resources. Certified to Textile Exchange environmental credentials, R-TWO ensures full traceability of reused and recycled content, maximizing impact at scale.

Collection 2022 Vol.1 includes four lifestyles, featuring comfort, style, color options and surprising new editions. These are meant to provide inspiration, highlighting and enhancing the properties and benefits of ISKO’s innovations according to specific moods and vibes.

ISKO™, a leading denim ingredient brand, has applied its Responsible Innovation™ approach to create a collection with environmental and social responsibility at its heart. Incorporating clever technologies, a myriad of finishes and colors and state-of-the-art production techniques – ISKO works beyond compliance to ensure the highest standards have been met for its latest collection. Style, comfort and new advancements will inspire everyone from passionate denimheads to those on a quest for a comfortable look and feel – from the most laidback setting to the most extravagant occasions.

The collection uses ISKO R-TWO™ fabrics, made of a blend of reused and/or recycled resources. Certified to Textile Exchange environmental credentials, R-TWO ensures full traceability of reused and recycled content, maximizing impact at scale.

Collection 2022 Vol.1 includes four lifestyles, featuring comfort, style, color options and surprising new editions. These are meant to provide inspiration, highlighting and enhancing the properties and benefits of ISKO’s innovations according to specific moods and vibes.



Borealis und TOMRA eröffnen Pilotanalage für Kunststoff-Rezyklat (c) Borealis/TOMRA

Borealis and TOMRA open plant for post-consumer plastic waste sorting and mechanical recycling

  • Demo plant sorts post-consumer plastic waste and will produce ready-for-market fully formulated polymer pellets
  • Brand owners and converters will be able to access material for qualification and market validation in early 2021
  • EverMinds™ in action: Pioneering collaboration brings together expertise vital to advancing the circular economy

Borealis and TOMRA have today announced the operational start of their advanced mechanical recycling demo plant in Lahnstein, Germany, the result of a partnership that marries chemistry with technology for unsurpassed results.

The state-of-the-art plant processes both rigid and flexible plastic waste from households. And unlike many current recycling plants, it will produce the advanced solutions necessary for use in high-demanding plastic applications in various industries, including automotive and consumer products. With high purity, low odour, high product consistency and light colour fractions, these Borcycle™ M grade recycled polymers will meet customer quality requirements across the value chain.

  • Demo plant sorts post-consumer plastic waste and will produce ready-for-market fully formulated polymer pellets
  • Brand owners and converters will be able to access material for qualification and market validation in early 2021
  • EverMinds™ in action: Pioneering collaboration brings together expertise vital to advancing the circular economy

Borealis and TOMRA have today announced the operational start of their advanced mechanical recycling demo plant in Lahnstein, Germany, the result of a partnership that marries chemistry with technology for unsurpassed results.

The state-of-the-art plant processes both rigid and flexible plastic waste from households. And unlike many current recycling plants, it will produce the advanced solutions necessary for use in high-demanding plastic applications in various industries, including automotive and consumer products. With high purity, low odour, high product consistency and light colour fractions, these Borcycle™ M grade recycled polymers will meet customer quality requirements across the value chain.

The purpose of this demo plant is to generate material for brand owners and converters to qualify, validate and prove fit for use in their highly demanding applications. Technical success will set the groundwork for a commercial-scale advanced recycling plant.

“This plant is just the beginning of what’s possible when key players in the value chain come together to make a truly significant impact in the market,” says Volker Rehrmann, Executive Vice President and Head of Circular Economy at TOMRA. “Having just launched the new Circular Economy Division, it is clear what a large role waste management and pivotal projects like this have on moving towards a sustainable future. We are proud to have initiated one of the most advanced mechanical recycling plants when it comes to post-consumer polymer waste. This will become an important enabler as we accelerate the transformation to a circular economy in the years to come, and we are excited to be a part of this pioneering project.”

Operation of the plant is a joint enterprise between Borealis, TOMRA and Zimmerman. Borealis is responsible for the plant’s commercial success and contributes its expertise and knowledge in innovation, recycling and compounding. Likewise, TOMRA contributes as a provider of technology-led solutions and brings its proven expertise, established process and market knowledge, which, in turn, enable the circular economy through advanced collection and sorting systems. Zimmerman is a waste management company with experience in sorting multiple types of waste, including plastics, and is responsible for successful plant operations and product quality.

“At P&G we are making packaging with the ‘next life’ in mind to help drive a more robust circular economy.  We must increase the supply of high quality recycled plastic to enable the industry to deliver on this vision,” says Gian De Belder, Procter & Gamble (P&G) Technical Director, R&D Packaging Sustainability. “The innovative new approach that Borealis is taking shows potential to step-change both the quantity and quality of PCR available for our brands, and help us to achieve our 2030 goal to reduce our use of virgin plastic in packaging by 50%, or 300 kilotonnes annually. Early tests of the material looks very promising!”



Sappi: A milestone in sustainable packaging (c)Sappi Europe
Based on the motto ‘Pro Planet: Paper Packaging – welcome to the new pack-age’, Sappi presents numerous opportunities for its customers to package their food or non-food products in sustainable, premium packaging.

Sappi: A milestone in sustainable packaging

  • Sappi implements innovative barrier paper technology to increase production

Sappi will introduce new barrier coating technology for functional paper packaging at its speciality mill in Alfeld, Germany, strengthening its position as the leading global provider of sustainable paper packaging solutions. Explaining the decision, Berry Wiersum, CEO Sappi Europe stated: “Expanding the use of our proprietary barrier coating technology underpins Sappi’s drive to maintain our leading position in barrier coated paper as well the commitment we have with our customers in developing innovative future focused packaging solutions which contribute towards a sustainable future”

•    Investment in sustainable barrier coating technology
•    Comprehensive expertise in future focused functional paper packaging
•    Where performance meets environmental accountability

  • Sappi implements innovative barrier paper technology to increase production

Sappi will introduce new barrier coating technology for functional paper packaging at its speciality mill in Alfeld, Germany, strengthening its position as the leading global provider of sustainable paper packaging solutions. Explaining the decision, Berry Wiersum, CEO Sappi Europe stated: “Expanding the use of our proprietary barrier coating technology underpins Sappi’s drive to maintain our leading position in barrier coated paper as well the commitment we have with our customers in developing innovative future focused packaging solutions which contribute towards a sustainable future”

•    Investment in sustainable barrier coating technology
•    Comprehensive expertise in future focused functional paper packaging
•    Where performance meets environmental accountability

The demand for paper and paperboard packaging continues to rise dramatically as consumers become increasingly mindful of the impact their buying choices have on the environment.  The call for innovative, truly sustainable solutions has never been louder. Sappi is striving to support its customers to go beyond traditional film and foil-based material solutions, growing its products ranges to meet the demands of our ever-changing world. Working directly with brand owners Sappi seeks to create future-oriented circular solutions in line with growing collective global responsibilities.

The desire to continuously evolve to meet and exceed the business needs requires ongoing investment in innovation in order to create the solutions of tomorrow. Sappi’s acquisition of Rockwell Solutions has deepened the company’s barrier paper manufacturing knowledge. Adding barrier coater capacity at Alfeld Mill further upscales our capabilities, brings this unique combination of paper, dispersion and coating technology to more customers and enables Sappi to offer customers even more competitive and attractive paper packaging solutions.

Sappi has made great strides to provide future-focused products and services – matching and exceeding the needs of consumers now and in the future – delivering recyclable packaging solutions in line with the requirements of a circular economy. Environmental accountability is at the heart of both Sappi and its customers’ needs. Through this initiative Sappi will continue to challenge the conventional packaging industry with new ideas and solutions in order to make it easier for the world and the planet to follow a circular-economy strategy.


DSM/Clariter: Chemischen Recyclinglösung für Dyneema®-basierte Endprodukte

Royal DSM, ein globales wissenschaftlich fundiertes Unternehmen für Ernährung, Gesundheit und nachhaltiges Leben, und Clariter, ein internationales Clean-Tech-Unternehmen, geben heute ihre strategische Partnerschaft bekannt. Gemeinsam wollen sie eine chemische Recyclinglösung der nächsten Generation für Produkte auf Basis von Dyneema® von DSM entwickeln, einer ultrahohen Molekülmasse (Ultra-High-Molecular-Weight Polyethylene, UHMWPE). Als erster Schritt dieser Partnerschaft wurde eine Reihe von Musterprodukten - darunter Seile, Netze und ballistische Materialien, die mit Dyneema® hergestellt wurden - in der Clariter-Pilotanlage in Polen erfolgreich umgewandelt. Dies demonstriert das Recycling-Potenzial von Dyneema® und unterstreicht das aktive Engagement von DSM Protective Materials zur Gestaltung einer nachhaltigeren Welt.

Royal DSM, ein globales wissenschaftlich fundiertes Unternehmen für Ernährung, Gesundheit und nachhaltiges Leben, und Clariter, ein internationales Clean-Tech-Unternehmen, geben heute ihre strategische Partnerschaft bekannt. Gemeinsam wollen sie eine chemische Recyclinglösung der nächsten Generation für Produkte auf Basis von Dyneema® von DSM entwickeln, einer ultrahohen Molekülmasse (Ultra-High-Molecular-Weight Polyethylene, UHMWPE). Als erster Schritt dieser Partnerschaft wurde eine Reihe von Musterprodukten - darunter Seile, Netze und ballistische Materialien, die mit Dyneema® hergestellt wurden - in der Clariter-Pilotanlage in Polen erfolgreich umgewandelt. Dies demonstriert das Recycling-Potenzial von Dyneema® und unterstreicht das aktive Engagement von DSM Protective Materials zur Gestaltung einer nachhaltigeren Welt.

Im Einklang mit seinen ehrgeizigen Nachhaltigkeitszielen und nach der erfolgreichen Einführung von biobasiertem Dyneema® (Massenausgleich) arbeitet DSM Protective Materials aktiv an Wiederverwendungs- und Recyclinglösungen für Dyneema®-basierte Produkte am Ende ihrer Lebensdauer. Um technische Recyclinglösungen voranzutreiben, sind DSM Protective Materials und Clariter eine Partnerschaft eingegangen. Gemeinsam soll die Machbarkeit der Verwendung von Dyneema® als Ausgangsmaterial im chemischen Recyclingprozess von Clariter getestet werden. Mit Dyneema® hergestellte Musterprodukte wurden in der Pilotanlage von Clariter in Polen unter Probe gestellt. Die positiven Ergebnisse bestätigen die technische Realisierbarkeit der Umwandlung von Dyneema®-basierten Endprodukten in hochwertige Produktfamilien in Industriequalität: Öle, Wachse und Lösungsmittel durch Clariters patentierten dreistufigen chemischen Recycling-Prozess. Diese können als Inhaltsstoffe zur Herstellung neuer End- und Verbraucherprodukte weiterverwendet werden.

In Zukunft werden DSM Protective Materials und Clariter diese Initiative weiter vorantreiben, um eine nachhaltigere Welt zu gestalten. Aufbauend auf dem Erfolg des Versuchs im Labormassstab hat Clariter für 2021 Versuche im kommerziellen Massstab in seiner Anlage in Südafrika geplant. Dies mit dem Ziel, aus Dyneema® gewonnenes Rohmaterial in den europäischen Grossanlagen zu verwenden, die in den kommenden Jahren gebaut werden sollen. Darüber hinaus wird DSM weiterhin aktiv die Möglichkeiten zur Reduzierung der Umweltauswirkungen von Dyneema® über alle Produktlebensphasen hinweg untersuchen.


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