From the Sector

364 results

RadiciGroup at INDEX with sustainable spunbond

RadiciGroup presents their vision on sustainability at INDEX on the 20th of October at 4pm.

RadiciGroup has been manufacturing polypropylene spunbond for almost 30 years with its well-known brand dylar®. Today the Group adds to its offer Respunsible®, a new sustainable spunbond obtained from recycled polypropylene and RadimeltTM, the brand for meltblown nonwovens and composite nonwovens.

RadiciGroup presents their vision on sustainability at INDEX on the 20th of October at 4pm.

RadiciGroup has been manufacturing polypropylene spunbond for almost 30 years with its well-known brand dylar®. Today the Group adds to its offer Respunsible®, a new sustainable spunbond obtained from recycled polypropylene and RadimeltTM, the brand for meltblown nonwovens and composite nonwovens.




ISKO™ introduces R-TWO™50+

Denim ingredient brand ISKO™ announces R-TWO™50+. Part of Responsible Innovation™, R-TWO™50+ creates high-quality denim that is less harmful to the natural world.

R-TWO™50+ reduces carbon emissions by as much as 45% and water usage by as much as 65%. An exclusive yarn spinning technology, patented by ISKO, uses a minimum of 50% recycled materials to reduce reliance on natural resources.

The fabrics are stronger and more durable, and have a good shape recovery, a soft cotton hand feel and dry up to 20% more quickly.
R-TWO50+ fabrics also have the Global Recycled Standard (GRS) certification, which provides standardised verification for recycled materials.

ISKO is also one of the first in the fashion market to achieve an ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) scoring, which measures companies’ sustainability and societal impact.

Denim ingredient brand ISKO™ announces R-TWO™50+. Part of Responsible Innovation™, R-TWO™50+ creates high-quality denim that is less harmful to the natural world.

R-TWO™50+ reduces carbon emissions by as much as 45% and water usage by as much as 65%. An exclusive yarn spinning technology, patented by ISKO, uses a minimum of 50% recycled materials to reduce reliance on natural resources.

The fabrics are stronger and more durable, and have a good shape recovery, a soft cotton hand feel and dry up to 20% more quickly.
R-TWO50+ fabrics also have the Global Recycled Standard (GRS) certification, which provides standardised verification for recycled materials.

ISKO is also one of the first in the fashion market to achieve an ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) scoring, which measures companies’ sustainability and societal impact.

More information:
Isko Denim Recycling Sustainability

ISKO / Menabò Group srl

Recycling secures raw materials for a climate-neutral Europe © ALBA Group
Newly published: the studie “resources SAVED by recycling”.

Recycling secures raw materials for a climate-neutral Europe

Recycling is the key factor in achieving the EU climate targets. This is shown by the results of the "resources SAVED by recycling" study published today, which Fraunhofer UMSICHT prepared on behalf of the ALBA Group, one of the ten leading recycling companies worldwide. According to the study, 3.5 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions and 28.8 million tons of primary resources could be saved in 2020 alone. Further potential could be raised, for example, through minimum quotas for the use of recycled raw materials.

Recycling is the key factor in achieving the EU climate targets. This is shown by the results of the "resources SAVED by recycling" study published today, which Fraunhofer UMSICHT prepared on behalf of the ALBA Group, one of the ten leading recycling companies worldwide. According to the study, 3.5 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions and 28.8 million tons of primary resources could be saved in 2020 alone. Further potential could be raised, for example, through minimum quotas for the use of recycled raw materials.

“Fit for 55” thanks to the circular economy: the recycling of raw materials leads to a systematic reduction in the greenhouse gas emissions of our civilisation – and can therefore make a key contribution to achieving the EU climate goals. This is the outcome of the “resources SAVED by recycling” study presented today, which the Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy Technology UMSICHT prepared on behalf of the ALBA Group. Thanks to the closed-loop circulation of 4.8 million tonnes of recyclable materials, the ALBA Group succeeded in preventing some 3.5 million tonnes of climate-damaging greenhouse gas emissions in the year 2020 alone. This amount is equivalent to the emissions from some five million return flights between Frankfurt am Main and Mallorca. At the same time, recycling also secures valuable raw materials for the industry: in 2020, in comparison with primary production, recycling saved 28.8 million tonnes of resources, such as crude oil and iron ore.

“The circular economy is one of the strongest pace-setters on the journey to achieving climate neutrality,” highlights Dr. Axel Schweitzer, CEO of the ALBA Group. “We will only achieve the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55 per cent throughout Europe by 2030 if we make consistent use of recycled raw materials.” This includes the area of plastics, for example: compared with primary plastics made from crude oil, the use of high-quality recycled plastics achieves a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions of more than 50 per cent. “It is now necessary to lever this potential,” explains Schweitzer. “We are expecting the new Federal Government in Germany to act decisively and push ahead directly with the transition to a circular economy. The environmental benefits of recycling due to its clearly superior CO2 balance should also find reflection in prices. As immediate climate protection measures, clear industry standards for recyclates combined with minimum quotas on the use of recycled raw materials in products and packaging are also urgently necessary. Last but not least, the state sector is also called upon to prioritise resource protection in the area of procurement. Sustainable procurement can ultimately provide a significant boost to the circular economy”.

Plastics, metals, waste electrical (and electronic) equipment, wood, paper, cardboard, cartons or glass: the Fraunhofer UMSICHT has now been researching the specific benefits of recycling for 14 years. Detailed comparisons have also been made of the primary processes and recycling processes for the various material flows. “This means we can precisely quantify the extent to which the recycling activities of the ALBA Group can contribute to reducing the burden on the environment,” explains Dr.-Ing. Markus Hiebel, Director of the Department for Sustainability and Participation at Fraunhofer UMSICHT. Hiebel believes that the greatest savings can be achieved if the entire value chain is aligned consistently with the circular principle: “The transformation towards a genuine circular economy requires completely new thinking. Products should be designed and managed to ensure that they contain recycled raw materials right from the start – which enables them to be recycled appropriately.”


Fraunhofer-Institut für Umwelt-, Sicherheits- und Energietechnik UMSICHT



The Renewable Materials Conference 2022

  • 10–12 May 2022, Cologne, Germany (hybrid)
  • The unique concept of presenting all renewable material solutions at one event hits the mark: bio-based, CO2-based and recycled are the only alternatives to fossil-based chemicals and materials

Ready-to-use fossil-free sustainable material solutions with a low carbon footprint are in fast-growing demand. Innovative brand owners are keeping an eye out for such solutions, in particular those that will soon reach the mainstream.

  • 10–12 May 2022, Cologne, Germany (hybrid)
  • The unique concept of presenting all renewable material solutions at one event hits the mark: bio-based, CO2-based and recycled are the only alternatives to fossil-based chemicals and materials

Ready-to-use fossil-free sustainable material solutions with a low carbon footprint are in fast-growing demand. Innovative brand owners are keeping an eye out for such solutions, in particular those that will soon reach the mainstream.

For the second time, nova-Institute presents numerous market highlights from bio- and CO2-based chemicals and materials as well as from chemical recycling: All material solutions based on renewable carbon. Together, there is sufficient potential to completely replace petrochemicals by 2050. To tackle climate change at its roots, all additional fossil carbon from the ground must be substituted with renewable alternatives. Over the course of three days, participants will get a comprehensive overview of the latest developments in the renewable material sector, with a focus on industry-ready solutions from a wide spectrum of sustainable raw materials and technologies.

In 2021, the new concept of the Renewable Materials Conference generated an outstanding response, which exceeded all expectations: 420 online participants witnessed a firework of innovations of non-fossil material. 60 speakers, 11 panel discussions, 500 public posts and 1,500 networking activities were proof of the lively exchange during the three conference days.

In 2022, nova-Institute plans to host the conference physically in the heart of Germany's fourth largest city, Cologne, just a few hours away from France, Belgium and the Netherlands. Expected are 400 participants on-site and many more online. On-site, the conference will be accompanied by a large exhibition where companies and institutes can showcase their recent developments. The supporting program, networking activities and many secluded spots at the location offers excellent opportunities to make new business contacts and refresh old ones.

The focus of the conference: All material solutions based on renewable carbon – avoiding the use of additional fossil carbon. The entire spectrum of renewable materials is covered: bio-based, CO2- based and recycled.

The program includes a diverse range of bio-based materials such as bio-based polymers, plastics and biocomposites (first and second generation, biowaste), CO2-based materials (from fossil and biogenic point sources, atmosphere) as well as mechanically and chemically recycled materials.


nova-Institut GmbH

Fraunhofer CCPE veröffentlicht Positionspapier und Forschungsprogramm zum Recycling von Kunststoffen (c)CCPE
Positionspapier Recyclingtechnologien für Kunststoffe

Chemisches Recycling von Kunststoffen

  • Fraunhofer CCPE veröffentlicht Positionspapier und Forschungsprogramm zum Recycling von Kunststoffen

Der Fraunhofer Cluster of Excellence Circular Plastics Economy CCPE hat ein Positionspapier zum Stand von Wissenschaft und Technik von Recyclingtechnologien für Kunststoffe vorgelegt. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf chemischen Recyclingverfahren. Eine Marktanalyse zeigt aktuelle Industrieaktivitäten, außerdem werden die Fraunhofer-Kompetenzen im Kunststoff-Recycling im Überblick dargestellt.

Positionspapier und Forschungsprogramm zum Recycling von Kunststoffen

Rund 30 Fraunhofer Institute und Einrichtungen befassen sich mit dem Recycling und der Aufbereitung von Kunststoffen. Übersicht aktueller Initiativen zur Demonstration und Kommerzialisierung von chemischen Recyclingverfahren.

  • Fraunhofer CCPE veröffentlicht Positionspapier und Forschungsprogramm zum Recycling von Kunststoffen

Der Fraunhofer Cluster of Excellence Circular Plastics Economy CCPE hat ein Positionspapier zum Stand von Wissenschaft und Technik von Recyclingtechnologien für Kunststoffe vorgelegt. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf chemischen Recyclingverfahren. Eine Marktanalyse zeigt aktuelle Industrieaktivitäten, außerdem werden die Fraunhofer-Kompetenzen im Kunststoff-Recycling im Überblick dargestellt.

Positionspapier und Forschungsprogramm zum Recycling von Kunststoffen

Rund 30 Fraunhofer Institute und Einrichtungen befassen sich mit dem Recycling und der Aufbereitung von Kunststoffen. Übersicht aktueller Initiativen zur Demonstration und Kommerzialisierung von chemischen Recyclingverfahren.

Das Positionspapier gibt einen Überblick über werk- und rohstoffliche (chemische) Aufbereitungstechnologien für Kunststoffe, die sich derzeit in der Entwicklung befinden und noch nicht zum Stand der Technik zählen. Insbesondere werden sogenannte chemische Recyclingverfahren eingeordnet. Beleuchtet werden dabei der technische Entwicklungsstand der Verfahren, deren Vor- und Nachteile, die regulatorischen und gesetzlichen Rahmenbedingungen, die ökonomische Machbarkeit sowie Potenziale für den Umwelt- und Klimaschutz. Eine Marktübersicht zeigt darüber hinaus, welche Projekte seitens der Industrie im Bereich chemischer Recyclingverfahren derzeit laufen, welche Abfallstoffe behandelt werden und welche Anlagenkapazität vorhanden bzw. geplant ist.

Prof. Matthias Franke, Leiter des Institutsteils Sulzbach-Rosenberg von Fraunhofer UMSICHT, entwickelt vor allem pyrolysebasierte Recycling­technologien. Er fasst die Ergebnisse zusammen: »Die Nachfrage nach hochwertigen Kunststoffrezyklaten nimmt derzeit zu. Hintergrund sind einerseits die Selbstverpflichtungen der Hersteller, andererseits die Vorgaben der Europäischen Union zum Rezyklateinsatz. Mit Rezyklateinsatzquoten und steigenden CO2-Preisen wird die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von Rezyklaten gegenüber Primärware gestärkt, und die Abhängigkeit vom Rohölpreis aufgehoben. Dies schafft Investitionssicherheit für das Recycling. Neuartige Recyclingtechnologien sind nach unserer Einschätzung technisch in der Lage, die zusätzliche Nachfrage nach hochqualitativen Rezyklaten zu bedienen. Entwicklungs­bedarf gibt es vor allem noch bei komplexen Abfällen wie zum Beispiel Verbundmaterialien. Auch eine ökologische Gesamtbewertung der Verfahren steht noch aus.«

Ausgehend vom derzeitigen Entwicklungsstand schätzen die Fraunhofer Forschenden die Potenziale von alternativen Recyclingtechnologien insgesamt positiv ein, wenn Sie als Ergänzung zu etablierten werkstofflichen Verfahren eingesetzt werden. Sie seien technisch mach- und beherrschbar, sie könnten dazu beitragen, die Kreislaufführung von Kunststoffen zu verbessern und hochqualitative Sekundärrohstoffe für die Industrie bereit zu stellen. Vor allem die rohstofflichen / chemischen Verfahren könnten ein ergänzender Baustein für höherwertiges Kunststoff-Recycling sein besonders bei bisher schwer behandelbaren Abfallströmen.

Die Positionen des Fraunhofer CCPE im Einzelnen:

  • Werkstoffliche Verfahren sind für sortenreine Kunststofffraktionen (Thermoplaste) die beste Wahl.
  • Mit zunehmender Heterogenität, Verschmutzung oder Kontamination von Kunststoffabfällen kommt das werkstoffliche Recycling an seine Grenzen. Füll-, Stör- und Schadstoffe können in Sortier-, Wasch- und Extrusionsanlagen oft nicht vollständig ausgeschleust werden. Bestimmte Kunststoffsorten sind werkstofflich kaum verwertbar.
  • Um eine Steigerung der Kreislaufführung von Kunststoffen zu erreichen, ist eine Ergänzung der werkstofflichen Verfahren durch alternative Prozesse und Prozess-Kombinationen erforderlich.
  • Da chemische Recyclingverfahren ebenfalls in der Lage sind, Sekundärrohstoffe für die Kunststoffproduktion bereitzustellen, sollte die werkstoffliche Verwertungs­quote im Bereich der Verpackungskunststoffe durch eine technologieoffene Recyclingquote ersetzt werden. Dies würde technische Innovationen im mengenmäßig dominanten Recycling von Verpackungen fördern.
  • Eine gesamtökologische Betrachtung von Recyclingverfahren oder Verfahrens­kombinationen für spezifische Altkunststoffe muss noch erbracht werden.
  • Eine teilweise Substitution von erdölbasierten Basischemikalien durch chemische Rezyklate bspw. auf Basis von Kunststoffabfällen erscheint technologisch möglich.

Im Positionspapier stellt Fraunhofer CCPE eine Forschungsagenda vor:

1. Analyse von kunststoffhaltigen Abfällen verbessern
2. Transparenz über ökonomische und ökologische Auswirkungen durch Langzeitbetrieb herstellen
3. Dynamische Bewertungsmodelle für die Abfallbehandlung entwickeln
4. Recyclingtechnologien koppeln
5. Automatisierte, KI-basierte gestufte Recyclingverfahren erforschen
6. Rezyklate und Zwischenprodukte aus den Recyclingprozessen optimieren



Fraunhofer UMSICHT Institutsteil Sulzbach-Rosenberg

Duarte will release its SS22 collection at WHITE Milano (c) C.L.A.S.S.

Duarte will release its SS22 collection at WHITE Milano

After being rewarded with the 2021 C.L.A.S.S. Icon Award, Portuguese brand Duarte is ready to present its Spring/Summer 2022 collection developed in collaboration with C.L.A.S.S. ecohub. The streetwear designer Ana Duarte has worked in close contact with the Milanese hub in order to create a 40 pieces collection where the approach to materials, suppliers, new business models and communication could include and support a holistic view of the sustainable values aligned with style, performances, look and touch and Duarte identity.

The inspiration behind this collection is the superhero Tadao – Ana Duarte’s dog – which is the World Keeper fighting against the environmental issues mankind has generated.

After being rewarded with the 2021 C.L.A.S.S. Icon Award, Portuguese brand Duarte is ready to present its Spring/Summer 2022 collection developed in collaboration with C.L.A.S.S. ecohub. The streetwear designer Ana Duarte has worked in close contact with the Milanese hub in order to create a 40 pieces collection where the approach to materials, suppliers, new business models and communication could include and support a holistic view of the sustainable values aligned with style, performances, look and touch and Duarte identity.

The inspiration behind this collection is the superhero Tadao – Ana Duarte’s dog – which is the World Keeper fighting against the environmental issues mankind has generated.

With the support of WHITE and its WSM (WHITE Sustainable Milano), Duarte’s creations will be featured online on the digital space of WSM-WHITE website, as well as being shown in a dedicated physical booth on September during Milan Fashion Week. The collection will also be presented on its new brand page on Renoon, an online platform devoted to Responsible Shopping. In addition, Duarte will be supported by IDEE Brand Platform in the development of commercial activities for the SS22 collection.

Starlinger recoSTAR universal 165 H-VAC iV+ (c) Starlinger & Co Gesellschaft m.b.H.

Recycled polyester filament yarn made in Turkey

Korteks, one of the world’s biggest yarn producers based in Bursa, Turkey, has started the production of recycled polyester filament yarn in its production facility using a Starlinger recycling line.

With the new recycling facility, which comprises a total closed area of 17,000 m² and has a monthly production capacity of 600 tons, Korteks was able to reduce the production waste at its virgin PES yarn site to zero.

The Starlinger recoSTAR universal 165 H-VAC iV+, which is part of Korteks’ 10 million dollars investment in a new polymer recycling facility, took up operation in May 2021. It has a production capacity of 7,200 tons per year and currently processes clean in-house polyester fibers from production scrap together with washed post-consumer PET flakes at a ratio of 50/50. Korteks uses the polyester regranulate at a share of 100 % for its new polyester filament yarn line it is going to market under the name “TAÇ Reborn”. With this investment, the company has made an important step towards establishing a circular economy in the Turkish textile industry.

Korteks, one of the world’s biggest yarn producers based in Bursa, Turkey, has started the production of recycled polyester filament yarn in its production facility using a Starlinger recycling line.

With the new recycling facility, which comprises a total closed area of 17,000 m² and has a monthly production capacity of 600 tons, Korteks was able to reduce the production waste at its virgin PES yarn site to zero.

The Starlinger recoSTAR universal 165 H-VAC iV+, which is part of Korteks’ 10 million dollars investment in a new polymer recycling facility, took up operation in May 2021. It has a production capacity of 7,200 tons per year and currently processes clean in-house polyester fibers from production scrap together with washed post-consumer PET flakes at a ratio of 50/50. Korteks uses the polyester regranulate at a share of 100 % for its new polyester filament yarn line it is going to market under the name “TAÇ Reborn”. With this investment, the company has made an important step towards establishing a circular economy in the Turkish textile industry.

The Starlinger recycling line is the first of its kind in Turkey and is equipped with special components for filament yarn recycling. A RSC (Rapid Sleeve Changer) candle filter developed by Starlinger ensures finest melt filtration down to 15 μm. It has been specially designed for polyester recycling and reaches an output of 1000 kg/h. For continuous operation the filter elements are changed “on the fly” without interrupting production, which significantly limits melt loss.

The viscoSTAR SSP unit at the end of the recycling process guarantees consistent IV increase according to the first-in-first-out principle. This makes sure that the produced regranulate has the ideal properties required for filament yarn production. The technical configuration of the line does not only allow the processing of a polyester fiber/PET flake mix as input materials, but also 100 % polyester filament scrap or 100 % PET bottle flakes.

Korteks expects the recycling market in general to grow as there is increased acceptance for recycled products in the society, and predicts the need for recycling solutions also for other synthetic and natural fibers.


Starlinger & Co Gesellschaft m.b.H.

(c) Trevira GmbH

Trevira CS – starting afresh

  • New brand Trevira CS eco

After a challenging 2020 for Trevira CS®, a year in which the coronavirus crisis put pressure on the contract market, in particular on the hotel and event sector, and also on the cruise shipping industry, the market is starting to show some signs of improvement. Numerous new developments are seizing upon the trends that have emerged since the crisis began.

  • New brand Trevira CS eco

After a challenging 2020 for Trevira CS®, a year in which the coronavirus crisis put pressure on the contract market, in particular on the hotel and event sector, and also on the cruise shipping industry, the market is starting to show some signs of improvement. Numerous new developments are seizing upon the trends that have emerged since the crisis began.

Although the coronavirus pandemic had a negative effect on individual business sectors, it also has the potential to open up new market opportunities for flame retardant Trevira CS fabrics in the long run. The increase in people working from home and the longer and more frequent stay within one’s own home have led to a change in perspective in terms of the relevance of interior design. The design of the living space has undergone a revaluation. Sustainability, durability, high quality, and the desire for safe products that contain little to no harmful substances are defining criteria for selecting a new textile interior. The colour range of the new Trevira CS developments is directed specifically towards this trend and often comes across as discreet and close to nature. After Trevira CS products have found their way more and more into private homes, the new Trevira CS collections include numerous attractive textiles not only for the contract sector but also for the residential sector.

In the contract sector, notably in the hotel industry, the trends towards sustainability and quality are likely to continue to grow. Moreover, there is an increase in awareness as far as hygiene requirements are concerned. Textiles that are easy to clean without losing their appearance or their functionality can excel here. Accordingly, products ordinarily used in the healthcare sector might start to be of interest to the hotel and catering industry, public spaces, the transport industry, and to offices. This will apply in particular to areas where there is a regular flow of visitors and where people come into direct contact with fabrics. Antimicrobial textiles provide additional protection in these situations. Besides their flame retardancy, many new Trevira CS products integrate additional functions such as noise or sun protection.

Trevira has launched the Trevira CS eco brand for flame retardant textiles that consist of recycled Trevira products.
The new Trevira CS eco brand unites sustainability and flame retardancy. Trevira offers products for this which have been manufactured through different recycling processes. The flame retardant filament yarns are based on the use of recycled PET bottles (post-consumer recycling). Textiles bearing the Trevira CS eco trademark consist of at least 50% recycled materials.

Trevira uses an agglomeration facility to recycle reusable waste materials from production to manufacture recycled fibres that, after further processing, retain the same quality and performance characteristics as the original products (pre-consumer recycling).


Trevira GmbH

(c) Isko

ISKO and MoRe Research: New possibilities for cellulose-based materials

As one of the driving forces helping to create a fully circular fashion industry, ISKO has partnered with Swedish research and development company MoRe Research, a part of RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, to investigate and develop new, sustainable technologies made from cellulosic-based materials, derived from waste textiles, for the company’s 25,000+ range of products. It is hoped that this research will also help make the production of cellulose-based materials more sustainable.

The work with MoRe Research feeds into ISKO’s Responsible Innovation™ strategy and will link with various sustainability projects the company is working on. For example, ISKO recently signed an agreement with HKRITA to license its Green Machine – a unique technology that fully separates and recycles cotton and polyester blends at scale.

As one of the driving forces helping to create a fully circular fashion industry, ISKO has partnered with Swedish research and development company MoRe Research, a part of RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, to investigate and develop new, sustainable technologies made from cellulosic-based materials, derived from waste textiles, for the company’s 25,000+ range of products. It is hoped that this research will also help make the production of cellulose-based materials more sustainable.

The work with MoRe Research feeds into ISKO’s Responsible Innovation™ strategy and will link with various sustainability projects the company is working on. For example, ISKO recently signed an agreement with HKRITA to license its Green Machine – a unique technology that fully separates and recycles cotton and polyester blends at scale.

ISKO will leverage MoRe Research!s expertise and resources to find ways of repurposing the clean and toxic-free cellulose powders that are created from the decomposed cotton, as well as the recycled polyester and reintegrate this back into fabric production. By using all of the outputs from the recycling of textiles back into textiles, the prospect of a closed-loop system becomes more feasible.

The investment in this new technology is the latest in ISKO’s ongoing drive for advancements in sustainability. As part of the company’s R-TWO™ program ISKO is also working to develop fabrics with a guaranteed minimum +50% GRS (Global Recycle Standard) recycled content blend. This will significantly reduce the carbon and water footprint of a fabric, as well as make it easy to trace a garment’s sustainable journey step-by-step from the beginning of the supply chain through to the end product.


menabo for Osko

Andritz AG. ANDRITZ Laroche Recycling Line


International technology Group ANDRITZ will be presenting its innovative nonwovens production and textile solutions at INDEX20 in Geneva, Switzerland, from October 19 to 22. The broad ANDRITZ product portfolio covers state-of-the-art nonwovens and textile production technologies such as air-through bonding, needlepunch, spunlace, spunbond, wetlaid/WetlaceTM, converting, textile finishing, airlay, recycling, and natural fiber processing.

One highlight at INDEX will be the new member of the ANDRITZ Nonwoven division: ANDRITZ Laroche – a company that has been an important partner for ANDRITZ in the field of fiber preparation for drylaid nonwovens for over 10 years. ANDRITZ Laroche is a leading supplier of fiber processing technologies such as opening, blending and dosing, airlay web forming, textile waste recycling, and decortication of bast fibers.

International technology Group ANDRITZ will be presenting its innovative nonwovens production and textile solutions at INDEX20 in Geneva, Switzerland, from October 19 to 22. The broad ANDRITZ product portfolio covers state-of-the-art nonwovens and textile production technologies such as air-through bonding, needlepunch, spunlace, spunbond, wetlaid/WetlaceTM, converting, textile finishing, airlay, recycling, and natural fiber processing.

One highlight at INDEX will be the new member of the ANDRITZ Nonwoven division: ANDRITZ Laroche – a company that has been an important partner for ANDRITZ in the field of fiber preparation for drylaid nonwovens for over 10 years. ANDRITZ Laroche is a leading supplier of fiber processing technologies such as opening, blending and dosing, airlay web forming, textile waste recycling, and decortication of bast fibers.

One focus of this product range is complete recycling lines for post-consumer and industrial textile waste to produce fibers for re-spinning and/or nonwoven end-uses. Customer awareness and regulations are pushing clothing brands to recycle their textile waste in their own products. Recycled fibers can also be used in the nonwovens industry for various applications, such as automotive, insulation, mattresses, and furniture felts.


Andritz AG

(c) Officina+39

Officina+39 presents Better Seasons collection at Munich Fabric Start

The Italian company Officina+39 will be at Bluezone’s KEYHOUSE area to present its latest sustainable achievements in the field of research and chemical application for the textile sector as well as The Circle Book 2, a special project with circularity as main focus.  
For the first time since Covid-19 pandemic hit the world, Munich Fabric Start returns to host some of the most renowned international players in the textile and fashion industry, showcasing their latest innovations. From August 31 to September 1, Officina+39 will step into the Bluezone’s KEYHOUSE area, the interactive hub featuring futuristic solutions with a high level of innovation for the textile supply chain, to present its Better Seasons collection as well as its most recent developments.

The Italian company Officina+39 will be at Bluezone’s KEYHOUSE area to present its latest sustainable achievements in the field of research and chemical application for the textile sector as well as The Circle Book 2, a special project with circularity as main focus.  
For the first time since Covid-19 pandemic hit the world, Munich Fabric Start returns to host some of the most renowned international players in the textile and fashion industry, showcasing their latest innovations. From August 31 to September 1, Officina+39 will step into the Bluezone’s KEYHOUSE area, the interactive hub featuring futuristic solutions with a high level of innovation for the textile supply chain, to present its Better Seasons collection as well as its most recent developments.
The new collection embodies the company’s pillars of Trustainable approach – innovation, sustainable practices, clean information, transparency and social responsibility –, delivering a selection of bold, colorful and conscious solutions for the textile industry. These explore better ways to produce and use less through cuttingedge technologies, specifically developed to reduce the use of energy and hazardous chemicals while increasing waste recycling and water conservation.

More information:
Officina+39 munich fabric start

Menabò Group srl for Officina+39

Graphical material: Borealis

Drinking cups using chemically recycled polypropylene

Swiss dairy company Emmi is partnering with Borealis and Greiner Packaging to produce iced coffed drinking cups using chemically recycled polypropylene.

The cups are produced by Greiner Packaging and the chemically recycled material comes from Borealis, one of the world’s leading providers of advanced and circular polyolefin solutions based in Vienna, Austria.

Emmi, Switzerland’s largest milk processor is committed to climate protection and the circular economy. The dairy company has the stated goal to make all of its packaging 100% recyclable and is committed to various measures to promote circularity such as packaging that contains at least 30% recyclate by 2027.

Swiss dairy company Emmi is partnering with Borealis and Greiner Packaging to produce iced coffed drinking cups using chemically recycled polypropylene.

The cups are produced by Greiner Packaging and the chemically recycled material comes from Borealis, one of the world’s leading providers of advanced and circular polyolefin solutions based in Vienna, Austria.

Emmi, Switzerland’s largest milk processor is committed to climate protection and the circular economy. The dairy company has the stated goal to make all of its packaging 100% recyclable and is committed to various measures to promote circularity such as packaging that contains at least 30% recyclate by 2027.

From September 2021 Emmi will use at least 100 tonnes of plastic based on the recycled material each year. Chemical recycling renews plastic back to plastic creating recycled materials with a level of purity equivalent to fossil-fuel based PP and hence, fit for protective, food-safe and other demanding applications. In this way, Emmi is utilizing difficult to recycle feedstock preventing plastic waste that would be likely landfilled or incinerated. In the future, depending on the availability of suitable material, the amount of recycled plastic in packaging is to be further increased.

The new technology to recover the polypropylene is currently still in its infancy, where Greiner Packaging and Borealis are leading the way. Only limited quantities of chemically recycled polypropylene are currently available, and Emmi is one of only a few food manufacturers to have secured a share of the chemically recycled polypropylene plastic through its early commitment and long-standing collaboration with the development companies.

The chemically recycled material used for the cups consists entirely and solely of ISCC (International Sustainability & Carbon Certification) material, on a mass balance basis. Mass balance is a methodology that makes it possible to track the amount and sustainability characteristics of circular and/or bio-based content in the value chain and through each step of the process. This provides transparency ultimately also to the consumers, enabling them to know that the product they are buying is based on this renewable material.

More information:
Polypropylen Borealis



Conference on CO2-based Fuels and Chemicals 2022

  • Call for Papers and Posters

More than 200 leading international experts in Carbon Capture and Carbon Utilisation (Power-to-X) together with 20 exhibitors are expected to attend the hybrid event on 23–24 March 2022, in Cologne, Germany

Main topics of the conference are strategy & policy in CCU, renewable energy and green hydrogen production, carbon capture technologies, CO2-based fuels for transport and aviation, CO2-based building blocks, bulk and fine chemicals as well as advanced CCU technologies.

Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) is one essential pillar for the supply of renewable carbon besides biomass utilisation and recycling. The transition to the direct use of CO2 as one alternative carbon source is needed as a key element to substitute fossil sources, to fight climate change and to shift towards sustainable and climate-friendly production and consumption. For providing the full benefits of CCU technologies the use of renewable energy is indispensable.

  • Call for Papers and Posters

More than 200 leading international experts in Carbon Capture and Carbon Utilisation (Power-to-X) together with 20 exhibitors are expected to attend the hybrid event on 23–24 March 2022, in Cologne, Germany

Main topics of the conference are strategy & policy in CCU, renewable energy and green hydrogen production, carbon capture technologies, CO2-based fuels for transport and aviation, CO2-based building blocks, bulk and fine chemicals as well as advanced CCU technologies.

Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) is one essential pillar for the supply of renewable carbon besides biomass utilisation and recycling. The transition to the direct use of CO2 as one alternative carbon source is needed as a key element to substitute fossil sources, to fight climate change and to shift towards sustainable and climate-friendly production and consumption. For providing the full benefits of CCU technologies the use of renewable energy is indispensable.

Especially the supply of green hydrogen is crucial for the production of CO2-based fuels for transportation and aviation as well as for bulk and fine chemicals.

The “Conference on CO2-based Fuels and Chemicals 2022”, 23–24 March 2022, Cologne, Germany. As a hybrid conference it combines a “live” in-person event with a “virtual” online component,

More information:

nova-Institut GmbH

Officina+39 becomes a BLUESIGN partner (c) Officina+39

Officina+39 becomes a BLUESIGN partner

Officina+39, an Italian company specialized in research and chemical application in the textile and fashion sector, has joined the BLUESIGN's network of chemical excellences.

This landmark confirms a longstanding pledge to minimize environmental impacts by envisioning and developing forefront solutions and technologies that reduce the use of energy and hazardous chemicals, while increasing waste recycling and water conservation. Together with the high-profile players involved who share BLUESIGN’s purposes, the company will work to ensure a responsible use of resources and to guarantee the highest possible degree of consumer protection.

Eager to constantly grow and improve, Officina+39 has recently extended its commitment to innovation to its own Headquarters too, by moving to a brand new facility in Biella (Italy).

Officina+39, an Italian company specialized in research and chemical application in the textile and fashion sector, has joined the BLUESIGN's network of chemical excellences.

This landmark confirms a longstanding pledge to minimize environmental impacts by envisioning and developing forefront solutions and technologies that reduce the use of energy and hazardous chemicals, while increasing waste recycling and water conservation. Together with the high-profile players involved who share BLUESIGN’s purposes, the company will work to ensure a responsible use of resources and to guarantee the highest possible degree of consumer protection.

Eager to constantly grow and improve, Officina+39 has recently extended its commitment to innovation to its own Headquarters too, by moving to a brand new facility in Biella (Italy).


Officina+39 / Menabò Group srl


Lenzing: Earnings more than doubled in the first half of 2021

  • Strong operating result: EBITDA at EUR 217.8 mn, cash flow from operating activities at EUR 199.8 mn
  • Major strategic projects continue fully on track – production start of the lyocell plant in Thailand in the fourth quarter of 2021
  • Start of strategic cooperation agreement for textile recycling with Södra
  • New milestones in the implementation of group-wide carbon neutrality: EUR 200 mn investment in existing locations in Asia
  • Guidance 2021: Lenzing expects EBITDA of at least EUR 360 mn

The Lenzing Group reported a significant improvement in revenue and earnings in the first half of the year. Growing optimism in the textile and apparel industry and the ongoing recovery in retail caused a substantial increase in demand and prices on the global fiber market, in particular at the beginning of the current financial year.

  • Strong operating result: EBITDA at EUR 217.8 mn, cash flow from operating activities at EUR 199.8 mn
  • Major strategic projects continue fully on track – production start of the lyocell plant in Thailand in the fourth quarter of 2021
  • Start of strategic cooperation agreement for textile recycling with Södra
  • New milestones in the implementation of group-wide carbon neutrality: EUR 200 mn investment in existing locations in Asia
  • Guidance 2021: Lenzing expects EBITDA of at least EUR 360 mn

The Lenzing Group reported a significant improvement in revenue and earnings in the first half of the year. Growing optimism in the textile and apparel industry and the ongoing recovery in retail caused a substantial increase in demand and prices on the global fiber market, in particular at the beginning of the current financial year.

Revenue rose by 27.5 percent to EUR 1.03 bn in the first half of 2021. This increase is primarily attributable to higher viscose prices, which stood at more than RMB 15,000 in May thanks to significantly higher demand for fibers, especially in Asia. The focus on wood-based specialty fibers such as TENCEL™, LENZING™ ECOVERO™ and VEOCEL™ branded fibers also had a positive impact on the revenue development; the share of specialty fibers in fiber revenue rose to 72.8 percent in the reporting period. The negative impact of more unfavorable currency effects was consequently more than offset.

The earnings development essentially reflects the positive market development and was additionally reinforced by measures to improve efficiency. Energy and logistics costs increased significantly throughout the entire reporting period. EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization) more than doubled and amounted to EUR 217.8 mn in the first half of 2021 (compared to EUR 95.6 mn in the first half of 2020). The EBITDA margin rose from 11.8 percent to 21.1 percent. Net profit for the period amounted to EUR 96.1 mn (compared to a net loss of EUR minus 14.4 mn in the first half of 2020) and earnings per share to EUR 3.06 (compared to EUR 0.06 in the first half of 2020).

“Lenzing had a very strong first half-year. The demand for our sustainably produced specialty fibers once again developed excellently,” says Stefan Doboczky, CEO of the Lenzing Group.


Lenzing AG

(c) Andritz AG

ANDRITZ to supply textile recycling line to Renaissance Textile (F)

International technology Group ANDRITZ has received an order from Renaissance Textile to deliver a recycling line for their first recycling platform, located in Laval, France. Start-up of the recycling line from ANDRITZ Laroche is scheduled for the end of Q2 2022.

First of all, postconsumer waste fibers will be opened, then mixed with virgin fibers and spun once again in order to ultimately produce new textiles. The specific design of this line is the outcome of close collaboration between experts from ANDRITZ Laroche and the customer, with customized trials being conducted at the ANDRITZ technical center in Cours, France.

Renaissance Textile’s target is to become the first French recycling platform dedicated to end-of-life
textiles, and the company will soon open the new 12,000 sqm plant.

International technology Group ANDRITZ has received an order from Renaissance Textile to deliver a recycling line for their first recycling platform, located in Laval, France. Start-up of the recycling line from ANDRITZ Laroche is scheduled for the end of Q2 2022.

First of all, postconsumer waste fibers will be opened, then mixed with virgin fibers and spun once again in order to ultimately produce new textiles. The specific design of this line is the outcome of close collaboration between experts from ANDRITZ Laroche and the customer, with customized trials being conducted at the ANDRITZ technical center in Cours, France.

Renaissance Textile’s target is to become the first French recycling platform dedicated to end-of-life
textiles, and the company will soon open the new 12,000 sqm plant.

More information:
Andritz Andritz AG circular economy

Andritz AG

Azgard 9’s innovative fabric absorbs carbon dioxide while simultaneously producing oxygen. (c) Azgard 9

Monforts customers at Première Vision Digital Denim Week

Denim manufacturers employing Monforts technologies showcased their latest activities, including sustainable fabric manufacturing, new advances in fibres, dyes and chemicals, as well as process and supply improvements and recycling options, at Première Vision’s Digital Denim Week, held from July 5-9.

The users of Monforts equipment included AGI Denim (Pakistan), Azgard 9 (Pakistan), Berto (Italy), Bossa (Turkey), DNM (Turkey), Kilim (Turkey) and Orta (Turkey).

The new Naveena Denim Mills (Pakistan) Holistic collection, for example, employs a suite of sustainable materials such as organic cotton and post-consumer and post-industrial waste cotton that has been shredded and recycled at its in-house unit in Pakistan.

Supply chain transparency is also becoming increasingly important, and Turkey’s Bossa is now sharing information on its dyes, energy sources and recycled content use with its customers. For organic cotton in particular, Bossa provides QR codes with which brands can identify the names of individual farms and their locations, as well as details such as the origins of specific seeds and the use of irrigation by growers.

Denim manufacturers employing Monforts technologies showcased their latest activities, including sustainable fabric manufacturing, new advances in fibres, dyes and chemicals, as well as process and supply improvements and recycling options, at Première Vision’s Digital Denim Week, held from July 5-9.

The users of Monforts equipment included AGI Denim (Pakistan), Azgard 9 (Pakistan), Berto (Italy), Bossa (Turkey), DNM (Turkey), Kilim (Turkey) and Orta (Turkey).

The new Naveena Denim Mills (Pakistan) Holistic collection, for example, employs a suite of sustainable materials such as organic cotton and post-consumer and post-industrial waste cotton that has been shredded and recycled at its in-house unit in Pakistan.

Supply chain transparency is also becoming increasingly important, and Turkey’s Bossa is now sharing information on its dyes, energy sources and recycled content use with its customers. For organic cotton in particular, Bossa provides QR codes with which brands can identify the names of individual farms and their locations, as well as details such as the origins of specific seeds and the use of irrigation by growers.

Turkey’s Orta’s new Denim Route – inspired by the historical Silk Road for trade between the East and West – is an interactive supplier map detailing the regions from which it sources cotton, dyestuff, chemicals and various fibres to complement its other transparency initiatives.

Meanwhile, a living and breathing piece of clothing that absorbs carbon dioxide while simultaneously producing oxygen was introduced at Digital Denim Week 2021 by Azgard 9 (Pakistan) .

(c) Autoneum

Autoneum: Carpets even more eco-friendly

Autoneum carpet systems already meet high standards of sustainable mobility due to their high content of recycled fibers. Thanks to an alternative backcoating (ABC) process, Autoneum carpets are now becoming even more environmentally friendly: By replacing the latex commonly used in standard backcoatings with thermoplastic material, the recyclability of carpets at the end of product life is further  improved. In addition, the innovative manufacturing process greatly reduces water and energy consumption and thus CO2 emissions in production.

Autoneum carpet systems already meet high standards of sustainable mobility due to their high content of recycled fibers. Thanks to an alternative backcoating (ABC) process, Autoneum carpets are now becoming even more environmentally friendly: By replacing the latex commonly used in standard backcoatings with thermoplastic material, the recyclability of carpets at the end of product life is further  improved. In addition, the innovative manufacturing process greatly reduces water and energy consumption and thus CO2 emissions in production.

Lightweight, textile-based carpet technologies such as Di-Light or Relive-1 significantly improve the environmental performance of carpets. For example, Di-Light-based carpets consist of up to 97% recycled PET; aside from that, they are around 20% lighter than conventional needlepunch carpets, thus contributing to lower fuel consumption and CO2 emissions from vehicles. In addition, Autoneum needlepunch carpets are now even more sustainable thanks to the innovative ABC process, which uses a thermoplastic adhesive instead of latex in the backcoating: Unlike latex, thermoplastic adhesives can be heated and melted down together with the carpet components made of pure PET at the end of the product life cycle, which facilitates recycling considerably. Furthermore, since the fibers of the thermoplastic mono-material are easier to open, carpet cut-outs can be reclaimed more easily, thereby reducing the consumption of natural resources as well as waste volumes and thus CO2 emissions. The environmental  performance of Autoneum’s needlepunch carpets, which already contain a high proportion of recycled PET, is thus further improved.

Moreover, backcoatings without latex improve the sustainability of carpets not only thanks to better recyclability at the end of the product life cycle. Since the application of the thermoplastic adhesive using the innovative ABC process consumes significantly less energy than the production of latexbased backcoatings and does not require any water at all, the environmental impact can already be minimized in the manufacturing process. Additionally, thermoplastic adhesives developed in-house by Autoneum will open up new possibilities in the future for adapting backcoatings to the individual needs of vehicle manufacturers in terms of their acoustic performance, stiffness and abrasion resistance.

Models from various customers in Europe and North America are already equipped with latex-free needlepunch carpets from Autoneum. In the near future, backcoatings with thermoplastic adhesives will also be used for Autoneum’s tufted carpets. Production of the new, even more sustainable generation of tufted carpets is scheduled to start in early 2022.

AFBW: Zukunftsprojekt „CycleTex BW“ für die Wertschöpfung in der faserbasierten Lieferkette (c) AFBW e.V.
CycleTex BW - AFBW initiiert neues Projekt für den grünen Innovationsvorsprung in der textilen Lieferkette

AFBW: Zukunftsprojekt „CycleTex BW“ für die Wertschöpfung in der faserbasierten Lieferkette

Die Allianz Faserbasierte Werkstoffe e.V. (AFBW) hat mit Unterstützung des Wirtschaftsministeriums von Baden-Württemberg das Projekt „CycleTex BW“ auf den Weg gebracht. Mit diesem Projekt sollen die Recycling-Prozesse entlang der gesamten textilen Wertschöpfungskette optimiert werden. Zahlreiche Unternehmen aus der Textilindustrie machen mit. Ziel des Projektes ist, textile Produktionsabfälle bspw. durch neue Technologien der (eigenen) Produktion zurückzuführen. Neue hochwertige Sekundärrohstoffe und ggf. andere Materialien sollen durch neue Verfahren entwickelt und schlecht recyclebare Wertstoffe sollen ersetzt werden.

Die Allianz Faserbasierte Werkstoffe e.V. (AFBW) hat mit Unterstützung des Wirtschaftsministeriums von Baden-Württemberg das Projekt „CycleTex BW“ auf den Weg gebracht. Mit diesem Projekt sollen die Recycling-Prozesse entlang der gesamten textilen Wertschöpfungskette optimiert werden. Zahlreiche Unternehmen aus der Textilindustrie machen mit. Ziel des Projektes ist, textile Produktionsabfälle bspw. durch neue Technologien der (eigenen) Produktion zurückzuführen. Neue hochwertige Sekundärrohstoffe und ggf. andere Materialien sollen durch neue Verfahren entwickelt und schlecht recyclebare Wertstoffe sollen ersetzt werden.

Für die faserbasierte Industrie, als einer der global größten Ressourcenverbraucher der Welt, ist das Thema Nachhaltigkeit von zentraler Bedeutung. Geschäftsmodelle weltweit stehen vor großen Transformationsprozessen. Die heimische Textilindustrie sieht in dem regulatorischen, medialen und marktlichen Druck auch Chancen. Das landesweite Netzwerk AFBW will im Rahmen des dreijährigen Projekts „CycleTex BW“ Innovator, Moderator, Türöffner und Kümmerer sein. Ulrike Möller, Netzwerkmanagerin AFBW: „CycleTex BW soll dazu beitragen textile Post-Industry Produktionsabfälle so lange wie möglich in der textilen Kette zu halten und damit langfristig eine Kreislaufwirtschaft entstehen zu lassen. Wir wollen Chancen entwickeln, bestehende Modelle fortschreiben oder diversifizieren. Dadurch soll eine weitere Form der Zukunftssicherung für die faserbasierte Industrie geschaffen werden.“

„CycleTex BW“ wird vom Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Tourismus des Landes Baden-Württemberg mitfinanziert. Wirtschaftsministerin Dr. Hoffmeister-Kraut betont: „In jeder Branche und an jeder Stelle der Wertschöpfungskette müssen wir in Zukunft eine umweltfreundliche und perspektivisch klimaneutrale Form des Wirtschaftens erreichen. Mit dem Projekt CycleTex BW stellen wir jetzt die Weichen richtig, um auch in der Textilbranche in Baden-Württemberg Geschäftsmodelle weiterzuentwickeln und nachhaltige Produktportfolios aufbauen. Das ist nicht nur gut für das Klima, sondern festigt auch die international führende Stellung Baden-Württembergs vor allem bei besonders leistungsfähigen technischen Textilien.“

Bereits heute haben 67 Unternehmen aus Baden-Württemberg und darüber hinaus durch einen Letter of Intent (LOI) ihr Interesse an dem Projekt bekundet. Da Produktkreisläufe immer auch mit Materialtransport zu tun haben, macht es Sinn im regionalen Kontext zu denken. Der Großraum Süddeutschland-Österreich-Schweiz-Frankreich stellt eine spannende Region für „CycleTex BW“ dar. Für die Unternehmen bedeutet dieser regionale Ansatz eine Sicherstellung der Infrastruktur und Zugang zu Rohstoffen.

Durch neue Technologien und nachhaltige Produkte kann die Industrie außerdem einen Wettbewerbsvorteil erlangen. Eine stärkere Verwendung von Sekundärrohstoffen kann die Kosten senken. Durch die zunehmende Verwendung von Sekundärmaterialien sind Unternehmen weniger abhängig von Primärrohstoffen und damit verbundenen Problemen in der Lieferkette. Mehr noch: Die Entwicklung von Recyclingmaterial- und Prozessinnovationen kann zu internationaler Nachfrage führen.

Auch Nachwuchskräfte setzen bei der Wahl des zukünftigen Arbeitgebers auf umweltbewusste Firmen.

Die Textilindustrie ist in der Viel- und Kleinteiligkeit der Wertschöpfungsketten besonders herausgefordert. So sind Rohstoffhersteller, Endprodukthersteller, Händler und andere Inverkehrbringer sowie ggf. auch Entsorger und Verwerter zwar Teil einer Kette, aber nicht Akteure im selben „eco system“. Aus dem Wunsch nach wirklichem Re- oder sogar Up-Cycling erwächst eine zwingende, vorgeschaltete Analyse, welche Dimensionen der textile Kreislauf hat, welche Akteure mit welchen Kompetenzen bereits am Markt sind, was der Markt in Zukunft braucht bzw. was wissenschaftlich und technisch denkbar wäre (z.B. mechanisches Recycling vs. chemisches Recycling). Diese Analyse soll im Rahmen von CycleTex BW erfolgen.

Bislang reduziert sich Textilrecycling oftmals auf Downcycling, indem z.B. Textilfasern im „second life“ als Dämmmaterial verwendet werden. Zudem werden Textilien auch thermisch verwertet oder landen auf der Deponie. Recycling von technischen Textilien ist nicht zuletzt durch die Vielzahl an unterschiedlichen Materialien, Mischungen und Beschichtungen herausfordernd. Umso notwendiger ist eine Zusammenarbeit auf allen Stufen der Kette, um den Kreislauf von Materialien zu optimieren und damit den Lebenszyklus der Rohstoffe zu verlängern. Das Zusammenführen der Akteure soll durch CycleTex BW gelingen.

Des Weiteren wird beim Textilrecycling bisher eher an Hemd und Hose gedacht und die Abfälle in der Produktion werden wenig berücksichtig. Gerade hier kann aber echte Wertschöpfung und vor allem Nachhaltigkeit in der Lieferkette entstehen.

Die faserbasierte Industrie hat erkannt, dass neue Geschäftsmodelle und Business Cluster wichtig sind, um Recycling zu stärken. Diese sollten aber sinnvollerweise über bestehende Geschäftsmodelle und Warenstromstrukturen, wie simples Sammeln und Reißen hinausgehen. Handlungsleitend ist also, unternehmerische Chancen zu entwickeln, bestehende Modelle fortzuschreiben oder zu diversifizieren und damit eine weitere Form der Zukunftssicherung für die Textilindustrie zu schaffen. Mit dem erweiterten „grünen Portfolio“ sollen die Unternehmen langfristig eine Resilienz in der Lieferkette, eine Unabhängigkeit von China erreichen und ihre Wettbewerbsfähigkeit effektiv ausbauen.

Die Landesregierung von Baden-Württemberg will laut Koalitionsvertrag in den Bereichen Klima- und Naturschutz „Baden-Württemberg als Klimaschutzland zum internationalen Maßstab“ machen. Dieses Ziel soll u.a. durch ein besseres Recycling der eingesetzten Materialien erreicht werden. Innovative Kreislaufwirtschaftslösungen werden daher als Wachstumsfelder der Zukunft gesehen. Die neue Landesregierung betont, dass man auch in diesem Bereich international zum Marktführer werden will. Um die Kreislaufführung weiter voranzubringen, soll die Entwicklung und Inbetriebnahme effizienter Verwertungsverfahren unterstützt werden.


Allianz Faserbasierte Werkstoffe Baden-Württemberg e.V. (AFBW)


ISKO invests in Green Technology for Recycling Solution

ISKO and textile research and development company HKRITA are proud to announce a licensing agreement for HKRITA’s award-winning, revolutionary Green Machine – a one-of-a-kind technology that fully separates and recycles cotton and polyester blends at scale.

The technology is still in the pilot stage, but is an additional step in ISKO’s drive to improve and commercialize recycling technologies which will eventually enable the company to offer a 100% post-consumer recycling solution to all of its customers. In addition, ISKO and HKRITA will work together to develop related technology, further strengthening the company’s position in sustainability.

The Green Machine uses an innovative and ultra-efficient hydrothermal treatment method that decomposes cotton into cellulose powders and enables the separation of polyester fibres from blended fabrics. The process is a closed loop and uses only water, heat and less than 5% biodegradable green chemicals. Crucially, this method does not damage the polyester fibres and therefore maintains their quality; the cellulose powders, which are clean and toxic-free, can be used in a variety of ways.

ISKO and textile research and development company HKRITA are proud to announce a licensing agreement for HKRITA’s award-winning, revolutionary Green Machine – a one-of-a-kind technology that fully separates and recycles cotton and polyester blends at scale.

The technology is still in the pilot stage, but is an additional step in ISKO’s drive to improve and commercialize recycling technologies which will eventually enable the company to offer a 100% post-consumer recycling solution to all of its customers. In addition, ISKO and HKRITA will work together to develop related technology, further strengthening the company’s position in sustainability.

The Green Machine uses an innovative and ultra-efficient hydrothermal treatment method that decomposes cotton into cellulose powders and enables the separation of polyester fibres from blended fabrics. The process is a closed loop and uses only water, heat and less than 5% biodegradable green chemicals. Crucially, this method does not damage the polyester fibres and therefore maintains their quality; the cellulose powders, which are clean and toxic-free, can be used in a variety of ways.

The investment in this new technology is the latest in ISKO’s ongoing drive for advancements in sustainability. As part of the company’s R-TWO™ programme, it is also working to develop fabrics with a guaranteed minimum 50%+ GRS (Global Recycle Standard) recycled content blend. This will significantly reduce the carbon and water footprint of a fabric, as well as make it easy for consumers to trace a garment’s sustainable journey step-by-step from the beginning of the supply chain through to the end product they purchase.


ISKO / Menabò Group