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ILUNA Group: Shaping Smart Intimate Wear Futures @ Interfiliere with ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei and STeP certification by Oekotex.

ILUNA Group and ROICA™ continue their close partnership to present the most “advanced” and responsible innovations to the market today. ILUNA GREEN LABEL lace collections made with premium stretch thanks to the use of the unique ROICA ™ Eco Smart GRS certified family- now offer the next evolution: a new stretch Galloon lace to be combined with mesh and lace fabrics collections, now fully made with GRS certified materials. This new evolution offers the right choice to contemporary consumers in products that are beautiful, high quality and sustainable.
This is in addition to a decision last year when the ILUNA GROUP converted all their stretch yarn exclusively to the unique ROICA™ Eco Smart family for all of its top of the range jacquardtronic and Textronic articles.
To reinforce this commitment, ILUNA can also celebrate its new STeP (Sustainable Textile Production) certification by Oeko-Tex, a certification that clarifies and communicates the company’s sustainable production commitment regarding manufacturing and processing to all its partners and customers in a transparent, clear manner.

ILUNA Group and ROICA™ continue their close partnership to present the most “advanced” and responsible innovations to the market today. ILUNA GREEN LABEL lace collections made with premium stretch thanks to the use of the unique ROICA ™ Eco Smart GRS certified family- now offer the next evolution: a new stretch Galloon lace to be combined with mesh and lace fabrics collections, now fully made with GRS certified materials. This new evolution offers the right choice to contemporary consumers in products that are beautiful, high quality and sustainable.
This is in addition to a decision last year when the ILUNA GROUP converted all their stretch yarn exclusively to the unique ROICA™ Eco Smart family for all of its top of the range jacquardtronic and Textronic articles.
To reinforce this commitment, ILUNA can also celebrate its new STeP (Sustainable Textile Production) certification by Oeko-Tex, a certification that clarifies and communicates the company’s sustainable production commitment regarding manufacturing and processing to all its partners and customers in a transparent, clear manner.
Fashion & ILUNA feature on the catwalk in Paris with the ‘Momenti Di Passione’ fashion show at the Interfiliere salon on 8th to 10th July. Here you will be able to enjoy a dazzling and exciting new range of bold ECO flocking beachwear & cover up.
And at the show, breakthrough fabric designs from ILUNA show a revolutionary quality in the new Burano collection: a range of decorative, macramé precious pattern effects that are diaphanous and semi-sheer styles that use at their heart the ROICA™ Eco Smart premium stretch family exclusively.


GB Network

Modint Modint

MODINT and SMI join hands during Royal State Visit in Italy

On the occasion of the State Visit to Italy by Their Majesties The King and Queen of The Netherlands and a Dutch trade delegation led by the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, Mrs Lilianne Ploumen, the Italian and Dutch fashion and textile industry will join hands.
MODINT, the Dutch association for the Fashion and Textile industries and lead of the fashion mission and Sistema Moda Italia (SMI), the Italian association for the Fashion and Textile supply chain in Italy, have concluded a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which emphasizes the growing interaction between the Dutch and Italian fashion and textile industries.
During the Best of Both Event on Friday June 23rd in Milan, the Minister and a delegation of Dutch and Italian VIP’s and innovators active in the Fashion and Textile industry will witness the signing of a promising Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The MoU defines actions by MODINT and SMI to help the Dutch and Italian fashion and textile industries work together on recycling, labour standards, sustainable raw materials and domestic production.

On the occasion of the State Visit to Italy by Their Majesties The King and Queen of The Netherlands and a Dutch trade delegation led by the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, Mrs Lilianne Ploumen, the Italian and Dutch fashion and textile industry will join hands.
MODINT, the Dutch association for the Fashion and Textile industries and lead of the fashion mission and Sistema Moda Italia (SMI), the Italian association for the Fashion and Textile supply chain in Italy, have concluded a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which emphasizes the growing interaction between the Dutch and Italian fashion and textile industries.
During the Best of Both Event on Friday June 23rd in Milan, the Minister and a delegation of Dutch and Italian VIP’s and innovators active in the Fashion and Textile industry will witness the signing of a promising Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The MoU defines actions by MODINT and SMI to help the Dutch and Italian fashion and textile industries work together on recycling, labour standards, sustainable raw materials and domestic production.
Modint and SMI are both members of the International Apparel Federation (IAF), an international organisation that supports industry development by helping to build intelligent connections among its members. In the MoU, Italian and Dutch businesses will explain how they cooperate, how they can support sustainable value chains, how they envision their business growing together in the coming years, and what their respective governments can do to support that growth.

More information:
Modint, SMI, Italy


Fashion Start ups and Entrepreneurs Fashion Start ups and Entrepreneurs
Fashion Start ups and Entrepreneurs

Fashion Start-ups and Entrepreneurs at PREMIUM GROUP

Kreativität ist nicht alles. Von der innovativen Idee eines talentierten Designers bis zum eigenen erfolgreichen Label kann es ein langer, steiniger Weg sein. Dabei sind nicht nur stilprägende Designs, Hypes und It-Pieces entscheidend, sondern auch Finanzen, Strategie und Vertrieb. Gerade bei den letzten Punkten brauchen Entrepreneure oftmals Unterstützung.
Deshalb investiert die PREMIUM GROUP mit viel Engagement in die Erfolgsunternehmen von morgen. Bereits seit 2005 unterstützt die PREMIUM nachhaltig junge Talente. Aber auch bei der SEEK, BRIGHT und SHOW&ORDER AT KRAFTWERK BERLIN werden aufstrebende Brands gezeigt. Warum? Um den Marken die Möglichkeit zu geben, sich auf den internationalen Messeplattformen dem Handel zu präsentieren, um den Einkäufern die Vielfalt an inspirierenden Marken zu bieten und um den Jungunternehmern dem Austausch mit Branchen-Insidern zu ermöglichen.

Kreativität ist nicht alles. Von der innovativen Idee eines talentierten Designers bis zum eigenen erfolgreichen Label kann es ein langer, steiniger Weg sein. Dabei sind nicht nur stilprägende Designs, Hypes und It-Pieces entscheidend, sondern auch Finanzen, Strategie und Vertrieb. Gerade bei den letzten Punkten brauchen Entrepreneure oftmals Unterstützung.
Deshalb investiert die PREMIUM GROUP mit viel Engagement in die Erfolgsunternehmen von morgen. Bereits seit 2005 unterstützt die PREMIUM nachhaltig junge Talente. Aber auch bei der SEEK, BRIGHT und SHOW&ORDER AT KRAFTWERK BERLIN werden aufstrebende Brands gezeigt. Warum? Um den Marken die Möglichkeit zu geben, sich auf den internationalen Messeplattformen dem Handel zu präsentieren, um den Einkäufern die Vielfalt an inspirierenden Marken zu bieten und um den Jungunternehmern dem Austausch mit Branchen-Insidern zu ermöglichen.
Die Spanne der geförderten Kollektionen reicht von Womenswear, Menswear, Schuhen und Accessoires bis hin zu Activewear, Sustainability und Gadgets. Besonders im Bereich Activewear kommen vielversprechende Jungdesigner mit innovativen Ideen und neuartigen technischen Lösungen auf den Markt – wie etwa die Gymwear von Ina Kess, P.E Nation und Dresp sowie die Fahrradhelme von Closca.


PREMIUM Exhibitions GmbH

Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0 Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0
Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0

Neue Version der Lectra Fashion PLM rüstet Modeunternehmen für die vierte industrielle Revolution

Lectras Fashion PLM 4.0 wurde von Grund auf neu entwickelt, um die Geschwindigkeit und Agilität zu ermöglichen, die Mode- und Bekleidungsunternehmen für den Umstieg zur Industrie 4.0 benötigen. Die neue Version vernetzt CAD, industrielle Standardsoftware wie Adobe Illustrator sowie IT-Systeme (wie ERP) und externe Lieferanten. Das System dient damit als intelligente Schaltzentrale für eine digitale Lieferkette – von der Planung über das Design bis zur Produktion. Dadurch wird ein kontinuierlicher Fluss von fehlerfreien Daten zwischen Prozessen, Technologien und Personen gewährleistet, sodass alle Beteiligten der Lieferkette über die Plattform Informationen bearbeiten, speichern und teilen – mit gesicherter Datenintegrität.

Lectras Fashion PLM 4.0 wurde von Grund auf neu entwickelt, um die Geschwindigkeit und Agilität zu ermöglichen, die Mode- und Bekleidungsunternehmen für den Umstieg zur Industrie 4.0 benötigen. Die neue Version vernetzt CAD, industrielle Standardsoftware wie Adobe Illustrator sowie IT-Systeme (wie ERP) und externe Lieferanten. Das System dient damit als intelligente Schaltzentrale für eine digitale Lieferkette – von der Planung über das Design bis zur Produktion. Dadurch wird ein kontinuierlicher Fluss von fehlerfreien Daten zwischen Prozessen, Technologien und Personen gewährleistet, sodass alle Beteiligten der Lieferkette über die Plattform Informationen bearbeiten, speichern und teilen – mit gesicherter Datenintegrität.
Fashion PLM 4.0 ist als permanente Lizenz oder als monatliches Abo erhältlich und sofort einsatzbereit. Die Plattform lässt sich dabei auf die unterschiedlichen Bedürfnisse von kleinen bis großen Geschäften, Marken, Einzelhändlern und Herstellern anpassen. Unternehmen beginnen zunächst mit dem Standardangebot und fügen, je nach Wunsch, bis zu zehn weitere Module hinzu, wie Design-Integration, Produktdetails, Beschaffung, Mustererstellung und Kostenkalkulation.
Best Practices und Know-how aus der Modeindustrie sowie praktische Szenarien dienen als Grundlage für Vorlagen, Standardverzeichnisse und Shortcuts, um sich wiederholende Aufgaben und Verwaltungstätigkeiten zu automatisieren und somit mehr Zeit für die Wertschöpfung zu gewinnen. Das Ergebnis ist eine schnelle und digital vernetzte Lieferkette, mit der Modeunternehmen agil auf Trends reagieren und Produkte passend zu den Erwartungen der Verbraucher liefern.

More information:
Lectra, PLM


Imprima Imprima

IMPRIMA & THE AMSTERDAM INNOVATION FORUM: “How apparel brands can transform supply chains” 14th June, 2017

The session will explore what the digital revolution means for business, and how innovations in manufacturing are the new reality that help create sustainable products that last and can be scaled to suit each actor through smart customization.
IMPRIMA S.p.a. is the global holding company dedicated to research, development and innovation in the textile printing and finishing arena. It is the first Fully Digital Industrial Platform, that today can offer a fully digitalized process in every step of its manufacture. Thanks to the acquisition of 100% of the German finishing and textile printing company KBC and 100% the Italian company GUARISCO by WISE SGR, Imprima is enriched by an international outlook that makes it extremely competitive in the market, which will be reinforced in the coming months with additional acquisitions in Italy and abroad, taking care to maintain best practices in terms of quality and service and the business identity of each company. In this way, Imprima represents a preferred partner for the fashion retailers.

The session will explore what the digital revolution means for business, and how innovations in manufacturing are the new reality that help create sustainable products that last and can be scaled to suit each actor through smart customization.
IMPRIMA S.p.a. is the global holding company dedicated to research, development and innovation in the textile printing and finishing arena. It is the first Fully Digital Industrial Platform, that today can offer a fully digitalized process in every step of its manufacture. Thanks to the acquisition of 100% of the German finishing and textile printing company KBC and 100% the Italian company GUARISCO by WISE SGR, Imprima is enriched by an international outlook that makes it extremely competitive in the market, which will be reinforced in the coming months with additional acquisitions in Italy and abroad, taking care to maintain best practices in terms of quality and service and the business identity of each company. In this way, Imprima represents a preferred partner for the fashion retailers.
IMPRIMA boasts a Total Water Management guarantee through its own chemical/physical process of water depuration technologies able to reduce the consumption of water up to 90%, avoiding effluents, by circulating it in a virtuous recycling process, for example now needing only 1 liter of water compared to traditionally 12 liters needed in the past.

More information:
Imprima, digital

GB Network Marketing & Communication

DyStar DyStar

DyStar supports circular economy initiative in apparel sector

C&A, one of Europe’s leading Fashion retailers has recently launched in its stores in 18 European markets the world’s first Cradle to Cradle CertifiedTM Gold products. These recyclable t-shirts are made of 100% organic cotton, with safe materials and chemicals and produced in a socially and environmentally responsible way. They have been certified at gold level by the Cradle-to Cradle Product Innovation Institute (C2CPII). The dyes used in the coloration of the shirts, which are available in two styles and 17 colors, were selected from the range of DyStar Levafix® and Remazol® reactive dyes which received C2C Gold Level certification for Material Health from C2CPII in 2016.

C&A, one of Europe’s leading Fashion retailers has recently launched in its stores in 18 European markets the world’s first Cradle to Cradle CertifiedTM Gold products. These recyclable t-shirts are made of 100% organic cotton, with safe materials and chemicals and produced in a socially and environmentally responsible way. They have been certified at gold level by the Cradle-to Cradle Product Innovation Institute (C2CPII). The dyes used in the coloration of the shirts, which are available in two styles and 17 colors, were selected from the range of DyStar Levafix® and Remazol® reactive dyes which received C2C Gold Level certification for Material Health from C2CPII in 2016.
With a selection of apparel dyes for the fashion industry awarded a Gold-level Material Health Certificate, the DyStar Group strives to be part of a more sustainable future and growing a circular economy as well as reaffirms its commitment to environmental and human health. The styles were developed in close partnership with Fashion for Good. Created with funds granted by founding partner C&A Foundation, Fashion for Good is a global partnership that unites apparel producers, retailers, non-profit organizations, innovators and funders in the shared ambition to transform the apparel industry into a circular one.

More information:
DyStar, C&A, Fashion

DyStar Singapore Pte Ltd

Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0 Source:
Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0

The new Lectra Fashion PLM gears fashion companies up for the fourth industrial revolution

With digitalization transforming the way consumers shop, today’s fashion companies are playing a neverending game of catch-up, as they compete for the attention of a generation of connected, fickle-minded millennials who want it all: personalization, sustainability, quality and speed, accessible at all times, across multiple channels, and at the lowest price. Industry 4.0 is not only revolutionizing how manufacturers operate, but also how brands and retailers need to function, if they want to be fast and agile enough to meet the needs of this demanding new consumer. The stakes are high and how effectively companies harness technology to put the consumer at the heart of their process will be the deciding factor in who comes out ahead and who gets left behind.

With digitalization transforming the way consumers shop, today’s fashion companies are playing a neverending game of catch-up, as they compete for the attention of a generation of connected, fickle-minded millennials who want it all: personalization, sustainability, quality and speed, accessible at all times, across multiple channels, and at the lowest price. Industry 4.0 is not only revolutionizing how manufacturers operate, but also how brands and retailers need to function, if they want to be fast and agile enough to meet the needs of this demanding new consumer. The stakes are high and how effectively companies harness technology to put the consumer at the heart of their process will be the deciding factor in who comes out ahead and who gets left behind.

Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0 has undergone a drastic reboot to give fashion and apparel companies the speed and agility they need to tackle the challenges of Industry 4.0 head on. Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0, with the widest functional scope on the market, acts as an intelligent nerve center to the digital supply chain, from planning through design to production. This ensures a consistent flow of error-free data between processes, technologies and people. The system connects CAD, industry-standard software such as Adobe Illustrator, company IT systems (such as ERP) and external suppliers, so that actors across the supply chain can work on, save and share information on the platform, ensuring data integrity.
The solution also draws on best practices, fashion-business intelligence and real-world scenarios to automate administrative and repetitive tasks, with templates, standard libraries and shortcuts that allows more time for value-added activities. The final result is a fast, connected digital supply chain that helps fashion companies jump on trends quickly and deliver products that fulfill their customer’s expectations.



C.L.A.S.S. GB Network Marketing & Communication

A decade of commitment to responsible innovation C.L.A.S.S.

C.L.A.S.S., the leading eco-material hub based in Milan and specialized in the integration of a new generation of smart values within fashion and home décor, presents the new SS 2018 collection through its partners, highlighting the new generation of values as innovation, research, creativity, traceability, transparency and sustainability. A very new business model and a real supporting tool for companies (not only the “fashion” ones) for lower environmental impact productions. A new concept that contributes to improve the quality of life, properly answering to cultural changes and to consumer’s new mind-set that links excellence to smarter products.

So, an evolved collection technologically advanced… available for the interested companies:
• At C.L.A.S.S. Material Hub in Milan Headquarter in Viale Vittorio Veneto, 8 (only by appointment) or
• in occasion of World C.L.A.S.S. tour in several cities around the world: London, New York, Barcelona, Madrid, Copenhagen and Amsterdam! Taking a C.L.A.S.S Private Sourcing Sessions, brands can discover (under request) C.L.A.S.S S/S 2018 collection.

C.L.A.S.S., the leading eco-material hub based in Milan and specialized in the integration of a new generation of smart values within fashion and home décor, presents the new SS 2018 collection through its partners, highlighting the new generation of values as innovation, research, creativity, traceability, transparency and sustainability. A very new business model and a real supporting tool for companies (not only the “fashion” ones) for lower environmental impact productions. A new concept that contributes to improve the quality of life, properly answering to cultural changes and to consumer’s new mind-set that links excellence to smarter products.

So, an evolved collection technologically advanced… available for the interested companies:
• At C.L.A.S.S. Material Hub in Milan Headquarter in Viale Vittorio Veneto, 8 (only by appointment) or
• in occasion of World C.L.A.S.S. tour in several cities around the world: London, New York, Barcelona, Madrid, Copenhagen and Amsterdam! Taking a C.L.A.S.S Private Sourcing Sessions, brands can discover (under request) C.L.A.S.S S/S 2018 collection.


GB Network Marketing & Communication

Lectra´s Annual Report Lectra Headquarters / Press Department
Lectra´s Annual Report

Lectra’s 2016 Annual Report

Lectra achieved record financial results in 2016: €260.2 million in revenues, rising 10%, and € 26.7 million in net income, an increase of 14%. The Group consolidated its positions in automotive, and fashion and apparel, as well as acquired strong positions in furniture. Lectra has entirely transformed itself and today benefits from its bolstered technological advance, the enhanced expertise of its teams, an extended global footprint, and a refurbished campus.

Lectra achieved record financial results in 2016: €260.2 million in revenues, rising 10%, and € 26.7 million in net income, an increase of 14%. The Group consolidated its positions in automotive, and fashion and apparel, as well as acquired strong positions in furniture. Lectra has entirely transformed itself and today benefits from its bolstered technological advance, the enhanced expertise of its teams, an extended global footprint, and a refurbished campus.

Looking ahead, Lectra is in a strong position to carry out its new strategy, carefully conceived to empower its customers to step into the Industry 4.0 era. In close collaboration with global customers, Lectra has identified four mega trends that will change the business: the Millennials generation, the digitalization of companies, the emergence of Industry 4.0, and profound changes in China’s economy. Their impact, set to intensify, represents considerable challenges. Lectra’s annual report analyses the implications of these mega trends, and outlines the company’s response.
Helping customers to tackle such challenges, Lectra is gearing up to commercialize Software as a Service (SaaS), leveraged by cloud technology. Its expert knowledge of business combined with ten years’ experience in the industrial Internet of Things and rising investments in R&D, means Lectra is in a formidable position to help its customers seize opportunities in the new industrial age.            

More information:
Lectra Annual Report

Lectra Headquarters / Press Department