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ISKO unveils its 2022 Collection Vol.1

ISKO™, a leading denim ingredient brand, has applied its Responsible Innovation™ approach to create a collection with environmental and social responsibility at its heart. Incorporating clever technologies, a myriad of finishes and colors and state-of-the-art production techniques – ISKO works beyond compliance to ensure the highest standards have been met for its latest collection. Style, comfort and new advancements will inspire everyone from passionate denimheads to those on a quest for a comfortable look and feel – from the most laidback setting to the most extravagant occasions.

The collection uses ISKO R-TWO™ fabrics, made of a blend of reused and/or recycled resources. Certified to Textile Exchange environmental credentials, R-TWO ensures full traceability of reused and recycled content, maximizing impact at scale.

Collection 2022 Vol.1 includes four lifestyles, featuring comfort, style, color options and surprising new editions. These are meant to provide inspiration, highlighting and enhancing the properties and benefits of ISKO’s innovations according to specific moods and vibes.

ISKO™, a leading denim ingredient brand, has applied its Responsible Innovation™ approach to create a collection with environmental and social responsibility at its heart. Incorporating clever technologies, a myriad of finishes and colors and state-of-the-art production techniques – ISKO works beyond compliance to ensure the highest standards have been met for its latest collection. Style, comfort and new advancements will inspire everyone from passionate denimheads to those on a quest for a comfortable look and feel – from the most laidback setting to the most extravagant occasions.

The collection uses ISKO R-TWO™ fabrics, made of a blend of reused and/or recycled resources. Certified to Textile Exchange environmental credentials, R-TWO ensures full traceability of reused and recycled content, maximizing impact at scale.

Collection 2022 Vol.1 includes four lifestyles, featuring comfort, style, color options and surprising new editions. These are meant to provide inspiration, highlighting and enhancing the properties and benefits of ISKO’s innovations according to specific moods and vibes.



CALL TO ACTION of C.L.A.S.S. ICON 2021 (c) C.L.A.S.S.
C.L.A.S.S. Manifesto


  • C.L.A.S.S. launches the Manifesto for Responsible Fashion and kicks off the CALL TO ACTION of C.L.A.S.S. ICON 2021
  • What does it mean to be a “game changer” in green fashion?
  • What are the false myths of eco-fashion and what are the guidelines for innovating while safeguarding the planet? And how do you tell the story behind a sustainable fashion collection?

An annual competition to reward a visionary creative who combines design, responsible innovation and communication, capable of raising contemporary consumer awareness of the new values of sustainable fashion. This is the Call to Action launched to find the C.L.A.S.S. ICON 2021 by Giusy Bettoni of C.L.A.S.S. in the Smart Voices panel "C.L.A.S.S. ICON: Award and Manifesto for Responsible Fashion", moderated by the green journalist Diana de Marsanich, and starring, on the 10th February, the fashion designer Gilberto Calzolari, recipient of the international award for creative visionaries in the world of fashion C.L.A.S.S. ICON Award 2020, and Federico Poletti, Marketing and Communication Director of WHITE SHOW.

  • C.L.A.S.S. launches the Manifesto for Responsible Fashion and kicks off the CALL TO ACTION of C.L.A.S.S. ICON 2021
  • What does it mean to be a “game changer” in green fashion?
  • What are the false myths of eco-fashion and what are the guidelines for innovating while safeguarding the planet? And how do you tell the story behind a sustainable fashion collection?

An annual competition to reward a visionary creative who combines design, responsible innovation and communication, capable of raising contemporary consumer awareness of the new values of sustainable fashion. This is the Call to Action launched to find the C.L.A.S.S. ICON 2021 by Giusy Bettoni of C.L.A.S.S. in the Smart Voices panel "C.L.A.S.S. ICON: Award and Manifesto for Responsible Fashion", moderated by the green journalist Diana de Marsanich, and starring, on the 10th February, the fashion designer Gilberto Calzolari, recipient of the international award for creative visionaries in the world of fashion C.L.A.S.S. ICON Award 2020, and Federico Poletti, Marketing and Communication Director of WHITE SHOW.

C.L.A.S.S. Manifesto  

During the Smart Voice, the C.L.A.S.S. Manifesto for Responsible Fashion, the 2021 edition of the C.L.A.S.S. ICON competition and the Sustainability Formula were presented.

C.L.A.S.S. ICON Award is an international award for visionary creatives in the fashion world who are able to convey the values of sustainability not only to fashion professionals, but also to the wider public: consumers. "We created C.L.A.S.S. ICON to reward visionary designers who create their collections by combining design, innovation and responsibility and who are able to communicate the values behind their garments authentically and effectively to consumers. It's time for storymaking and storytelling to align, otherwise it's just greenwashing" says Giusy Bettoni.

From 15th of February to 15th of April it will be possible to apply by sending an email to, with a description and objectives of the brand, the sustainability values adopted and the strategy, the designer's profile, a photo-video story of the latest collection, and any previous awards won (all info on

During the panel, designer Gilberto Calzolari, the first winner of the first C.L.A.S.S. ICON Award, shared his vision for responsible fashion and his current projects. "My brand is a laboratory of experimentation. I create fashion to open conversations and change the way people behave and think. My creativity, from the choice of fabrics and processes to the image I decide to communicate, are the weapons at my disposal. Since the beginning, I have been really excited to team up with C.L.A.S.S. in order to share a common and challenging journey, with the perspective to be part of a constantly growing network activating mutual support. I have always thought at my collections as a call to action for a better future and now more than ever my mission as C.L.A.S.S. ICON is to make people understand that commitment and sustainability can and must go hand in hand with beauty and elegance. The adage 'kalòs kai agathòs' is one of the classical teachings that should never be forgotten: aesthetics, in my opinion, is inseparable from ethics. That's why I don't just target professionals, but also the end consumer, fashionistas and beyond" says Gilberto.

"For the first edition of C.L.A.S.S. ICON in 2020 Gilberto was decreed as our chosen one, and the path together was sanctioned at that moment: the sharing of values and visions is an indissoluble bond that keeps us united over time. Like Gilberto, each ICON will be part of a community where together with C.L.A.S.S. will try to make a real smart fashion and above all create an important voice," says Giusy Bettoni.

In support of the C.L.A.S.S. ICON award, C.L.A.S.S. presented its Manifesto for Responsible Fashion, which summarises the values that C.L.A.S.S. has been researching, communicating and developing since 2007: the role of the ethical company and its transparent production, the importance of traceable and healthy products, with total respect for people and the environment. A commitment to a circular economy with a positive impact that also means safeguarding the seas, the ocean, the use of water, energy and resources.

"A Manifesto for fashion with the lowest possible impact on the planet and on people and animals’ health thanks to responsible innovation, perfectly up to the challenges of contemporary lifestyle. This is why I created the Sustainability Formula, which only exists when there is design, responsible innovation and we are able to track and measure the impact of products and processes and communicate the new values in an appropriate way. In a word, when there is knowledge" concludes Giusy Bettoni.
F = D x I x S x C
F= Fashion


Kornit expands digital textile production in Turkey with Matset partnership

Kornit Digital has announced its partnership with Matset (Turkey) as it continues to broaden its market presence.

Delivering digital textile production-on-demand solutions to the Turkish market
With over 45 years of experience, Matset has a long-standing reputation as being a pioneer of innovation in the printing industry. After the first meeting, Kornit and Matset were quick to recognize how their partnership would effectively accelerate the development of the Kornit brand and solutions in the Turkish market. The deal will see Matset sell and deliver after-sales support for all Kornit textile solutions, including both direct-to-garment and direct-to-fabric product lines, particularly for t-shirts, activewear, denim, fashion, beachwear, home textiles, and fabrics.

Kornit Digital has announced its partnership with Matset (Turkey) as it continues to broaden its market presence.

Delivering digital textile production-on-demand solutions to the Turkish market
With over 45 years of experience, Matset has a long-standing reputation as being a pioneer of innovation in the printing industry. After the first meeting, Kornit and Matset were quick to recognize how their partnership would effectively accelerate the development of the Kornit brand and solutions in the Turkish market. The deal will see Matset sell and deliver after-sales support for all Kornit textile solutions, including both direct-to-garment and direct-to-fabric product lines, particularly for t-shirts, activewear, denim, fashion, beachwear, home textiles, and fabrics.

Doğu Pabuççuoğlu, General Manager at Matset, explains the collaboration combines the digital leading vision of Matset with the market awareness and quality of Kornit’s products: "With Kornit’s production systems, we have made an important addition to our product portfolio. We were able to quickly build a roadmap and are sure the market share will increase very rapidly in the near future. With Kornit’s reliable and creative solutions and our well-known and engaged distribution network, we will provide customers with a strong sales and support service.”


Lockdown-Verlängerung: Nächster Supergau für den stationären Fashionhandel

Die nochmalige Verlängerung des Lockdowns bis zum 7. März beurteilen die Fachverbände als weiteren herben Schlag für den stationären Fashionhandel. Das Desaster der Fashionbranche werde sich trotz der von Verbänden und einzelnen Unternehmen immer wieder vorgetragenen Argumente für sichere Öffnungsszenarien weiter fortsetzen. Nach Berechnungen des BTE entgehen dem stationären Fashionhandel selbst im umsatzschwachen Februar jede Woche mehrere hundert Millionen Euro Umsatz. „Per Ende Februar dürften sich die Verluste des Winter-Lockdowns in den Textil-, Schuh- und Lederwarengeschäfte damit auf rund 15 Mrd. Euro aufsummiert haben“, rechnet Rolf Pangels, Hauptgeschäftsführer des BTE Handelsverband Textil. „Es ist der blanke Horror“, ergänzt Pangels.
Viele Händler und Unternehmen haben zwischenzeitlich auch ihre Rücklagen und Reserven aufgebraucht. Die Gefahr vermehrter Insolvenzen steigt von Tag zu Tag. Und vor allem auch die Mitarbeiter der Branche haben immer mehr Angst um die Zukunft ihrer Arbeitsplätze.

Die nochmalige Verlängerung des Lockdowns bis zum 7. März beurteilen die Fachverbände als weiteren herben Schlag für den stationären Fashionhandel. Das Desaster der Fashionbranche werde sich trotz der von Verbänden und einzelnen Unternehmen immer wieder vorgetragenen Argumente für sichere Öffnungsszenarien weiter fortsetzen. Nach Berechnungen des BTE entgehen dem stationären Fashionhandel selbst im umsatzschwachen Februar jede Woche mehrere hundert Millionen Euro Umsatz. „Per Ende Februar dürften sich die Verluste des Winter-Lockdowns in den Textil-, Schuh- und Lederwarengeschäfte damit auf rund 15 Mrd. Euro aufsummiert haben“, rechnet Rolf Pangels, Hauptgeschäftsführer des BTE Handelsverband Textil. „Es ist der blanke Horror“, ergänzt Pangels.
Viele Händler und Unternehmen haben zwischenzeitlich auch ihre Rücklagen und Reserven aufgebraucht. Die Gefahr vermehrter Insolvenzen steigt von Tag zu Tag. Und vor allem auch die Mitarbeiter der Branche haben immer mehr Angst um die Zukunft ihrer Arbeitsplätze.
Im März werde sich diese Situation noch einmal dramatisch verschärfen. Der Start in die Frühjahrsaison und speziell die Wochen vor Ostern sind für die Fashionbranche eine der wichtigsten Verkaufszeiträume. „Wenn die Geschäfte dann noch geschlossen sind, wird das vielen Fashionhändlern endgültig das Genick brechen und zusätzliche Leerstände in den Innenstädten hinterlassen!“, prognostiziert Pangels.
Unverständlich sei die weitere Schließung der Geschäfte auch deshalb, weil zahlreiche und unabhängig voneinander erstellte Studien und Gutachten belegten, dass der stationäre Einzelhandel kein Hotspot für Corona-Infektionen ist. Pangels: „Der Fashionhandel leistet also ein sinnloses Sonderopfer zur Pandemiebekämpfung, während so manch dubiose Online-Verkaufsplattform von der Politik mit zusätzlichem Umsatz und Gewinn beglückt wird. Die Politik opfert derzeit die Fashionbranche auf dem Altar einer scheinbar einzig möglichen Strategie zur Covid-Bekämpfung: der Schließung von Geschäften“.
Die Verbesserungen bei der Überbrückungshilfe III seien für den Fashionhandel zwar durchaus erfreulich, könnten aber bei weitem nicht die horrenden Umsatzausfälle und Verluste, die sich durch die Geschäftsschließungen ergeben, ausgleichen.




BTE unterstützt Innenstadt-Kampagne „StadtHerzLeben“

Neben der eigenen Verbands-Kampagne „Rettet meinen Arbeitsplatz“, die primär die Ängste der Einzelkaufleute und Arbeitnehmer*innen vor Verlust der Existenz bzw. der Beschäftigung thematisiert, unterstützt der BTE auch aktiv die Innenstadt-Kampagne #StadtHerzLeben. Initiatoren sind namhafte große Modehäuser aus dem gesamten Bundesgebiet, darunter Braun (Moers), Engelhorn (Mannheim), Garhammer (Waldkirchen), Klingenthal (Paderborn), Leffers (Oldenburg), L&T (Osnabrück), Reischmann (Ravensburg) und CJ Schmidt (Husum). Auch BTE-Präsident und Modehändler Steffen Jost setzt sich aktiv für diese Kampagne ein.

Ziel der Kampagne ist die Rettung des inhabergeführten Fashionhandels in den Innenstädten, der durch den Lockdown unter weit überdurchschnittlichen Umsatz- und Ertragseinbrüchen leidet. Denn der innerstädtische Fachhandel erhielt und erhält bis heute entweder gar keine oder nur sehr geringe staatlichen Hilfen. Dies gilt insbesondere für größere Modehäuser. Diese stellen aber ganz wichtige Besucher- und Einkaufsmagneten in zahlreichen Städten dar und sorgen vielerorts für wertvolle Frequenz und eine vitale Innenstadt.

Neben der eigenen Verbands-Kampagne „Rettet meinen Arbeitsplatz“, die primär die Ängste der Einzelkaufleute und Arbeitnehmer*innen vor Verlust der Existenz bzw. der Beschäftigung thematisiert, unterstützt der BTE auch aktiv die Innenstadt-Kampagne #StadtHerzLeben. Initiatoren sind namhafte große Modehäuser aus dem gesamten Bundesgebiet, darunter Braun (Moers), Engelhorn (Mannheim), Garhammer (Waldkirchen), Klingenthal (Paderborn), Leffers (Oldenburg), L&T (Osnabrück), Reischmann (Ravensburg) und CJ Schmidt (Husum). Auch BTE-Präsident und Modehändler Steffen Jost setzt sich aktiv für diese Kampagne ein.

Ziel der Kampagne ist die Rettung des inhabergeführten Fashionhandels in den Innenstädten, der durch den Lockdown unter weit überdurchschnittlichen Umsatz- und Ertragseinbrüchen leidet. Denn der innerstädtische Fachhandel erhielt und erhält bis heute entweder gar keine oder nur sehr geringe staatlichen Hilfen. Dies gilt insbesondere für größere Modehäuser. Diese stellen aber ganz wichtige Besucher- und Einkaufsmagneten in zahlreichen Städten dar und sorgen vielerorts für wertvolle Frequenz und eine vitale Innenstadt.

Die Bedeutung unserer Branche für die Attraktivität unserer Innenstädte, aber auch für eine Vielzahl von Arbeitsplätzen wird noch immer von der Politik unterschätzt. Schließlich zählt der Textil-, Schuh- und Lederwarenhandel in Deutschland über 30.000 Unternehmen mit etwa 80.000 Verkaufshäusern und 420.000 Beschäftigten. Sie stehen für 60 Milliarden Euro Jahresbruttoumsatz mit unzähligen Kundenkontakten und persönlichen Begegnungen.

Als Folge der Pandemie besteht nun die Gefahr, dass viele familiengeführte Einzelhändler dauerhaft schließen müssen. Viele mittelständische Unternehmen, die vor Corona noch kerngesund waren, sind aktuell gefährdet.

Die Kampagne #StadtHerzLeben verlangt daher von der Politik eine angemessene und existenzsichernde Wiedergutmachung für die entstandenen Schäden der staatlich verordneten Geschäftsschließungen - als Unterstützung für die Bewältigung der Corona-Krise. Die einzelnen Forderungen decken sich mit jenen des HDE und des BTE sowie der regionalen Handelsverbände.

Herzstück von #StadtHerzLeben ist eine Online-Petition, die möglichst alle Geschäfte in den Innenstädten, deren Mitarbeiter und vor allem auch deren Kunden unterzeichnen sollten. Ziel ist es, bis zum 23. Februar mindestens 50.000 Unterschriften zu erhalten. Im Anschluss soll die Petition durch die Initiatoren sowie BTE-Präsident Steffen Jost in Berlin an die Bundesminister Altmaier und Scholz überreicht werden.

Ein weiteres Tool von #StadtHerzLeben ist ein Content-Baukasten, der von Mode- und Schuhhäusern beim BTE über kostenfrei angefordert werden kann. Dieser Baukasten enthält hilfreiche Unterlagen für eigene PR-Maßnahmen von Fachhändlern zur Verdeutlichung der dramatischen Situation, in der sich der Innenstadthandel befindet. Konkret sind dies ein Gesprächsleitfaden für Presseanfragen, Textempfehlungen für Newsletter und Social-Media Beiträge, Bildmaterial und Logos etc. sowie ein Erklär-PDF. Die aufgeführten Textbausteine sind lediglich als Vorschlag und Hilfestellung zu sehen. Die Unternehmen können gerne die Texte anpassen oder Umformulierungen vornehmen.

BTE-Empfehlung: Der BTE appelliert in diesem Zusammenhang an alle innerstädtische Fashionhändler, sich an beiden Petitionen zu beteiligen und auch die Mitarbeiter*innen und Kunden*innen entsprechend zu motivieren, ihre Unterschrift zu leisten. Bei #StadtHerzLeben kann man an der Petition teilnehmen über den Link; bei der Kampagne „Rettet meinen Arbeitsplatz“ über

Hinweis: Modehäuser können den Link zur Petition für ihre Kunden auch auf ihre Website stellen, so wie bspw. bei L&T in Osnabrück:




ISKO and HIGH collaborate to create Jacket and Pants

Intelligently designed clothes made with the latest manufacturing technology are the results of the partnership between on of the leading denim innovators ISKO and the Italian brand HIGH. A project, part of the SS2021 HIGH collection, is the start of collaboration in the pursuit of sustainable fashion.

Aimed at bringing a positive change both for the planet and its people, the project presents two pieces – jacket and pants – which embody HIGH’s approach to creativity and production: a wellbalanced mix of specialists’ expertise and a tireless investigation on the latest and most responsible fabric technologies. HIGH identified the R-TWO™ program as the right fabric ingredient, ideal to level up sustainability in its looks.

Intelligently designed clothes made with the latest manufacturing technology are the results of the partnership between on of the leading denim innovators ISKO and the Italian brand HIGH. A project, part of the SS2021 HIGH collection, is the start of collaboration in the pursuit of sustainable fashion.

Aimed at bringing a positive change both for the planet and its people, the project presents two pieces – jacket and pants – which embody HIGH’s approach to creativity and production: a wellbalanced mix of specialists’ expertise and a tireless investigation on the latest and most responsible fabric technologies. HIGH identified the R-TWO™ program as the right fabric ingredient, ideal to level up sustainability in its looks.

Relying on a blend of reused and recycled materials, this revolutionary platform works by embedding material circularity into the production process, designing waste out of the system and minimizing impact at scale. With fully traced reused cotton coming from ISKO’s production loss, which is prevented from becoming waste by adding it back into the spinning process, and an efficient use of polyester materials which are spun into newly recycled fibers, the program can provide certified to Textile Exchange environmental credentials. According to the percentage of material contained, these can be either the Content Claim Standard, Global Recycled Standard, Organic Content Standard or Recycled Claim Standard, ensuring better use of raw materials and resource efficiency while providing advanced concepts that don’t compromise on their look and performance.

Additionally, to meet HIGH’s performance needs, ISKO has brought to the table one of its most popular technologies, of course in its R-TWO™ version: Jeggings™, super-stretch denim technology. Soft and lightweight as leggings, it provides comfort with the look of authentic denim and provides the perfect, responsible solution to usher the partnership.

More information:
Isko Denim Sustainability

Menabò Group

DSM/Sympatex Technologies: Launch of Bio-based Arnitel® specialty materials (c) Sympatex® Technologies

DSM/Sympatex Technologies: Launch of Bio-based Arnitel® specialty materials

Royal DSM announces that its DSM Engineering Materials business will launch mass-balanced bio-based Arnitel®, a thermoplastic elastomer, together with Sympatex Technologies. In this way, DSM Engineering Materials is taking the next step on its sustainability journey and enabling its customers to transition to a more circular and bio-based economy.

To address growing consumer and legislative demand for lower carbon footprint and more sustainable feedstock, the sports and apparel value chain is increasingly integrating bio-based materials into its designs. By offering a new range of mass-balanced bio-based Arnitel®, DSM Engineering Materials is enabling membrane manufacturer, Sympatex Technologies to meet these demands and make more sustainable choices.

DSM’s bio-based Arnitel® is manufactured with bio-based feedstock using a mass-balance approach1. The end product contains more than 25% bio-based content by weight.

Royal DSM announces that its DSM Engineering Materials business will launch mass-balanced bio-based Arnitel®, a thermoplastic elastomer, together with Sympatex Technologies. In this way, DSM Engineering Materials is taking the next step on its sustainability journey and enabling its customers to transition to a more circular and bio-based economy.

To address growing consumer and legislative demand for lower carbon footprint and more sustainable feedstock, the sports and apparel value chain is increasingly integrating bio-based materials into its designs. By offering a new range of mass-balanced bio-based Arnitel®, DSM Engineering Materials is enabling membrane manufacturer, Sympatex Technologies to meet these demands and make more sustainable choices.

DSM’s bio-based Arnitel® is manufactured with bio-based feedstock using a mass-balance approach1. The end product contains more than 25% bio-based content by weight.

Sympatex uses Arnitel® to manufacture its waterproof, windproof, and breathable membranes for sports applications. The transition to bio-based feedstock will maintain the unique functional properties of Arnitel® and will enable Sympatex to easily shift to a more sustainable solution with a lower carbon footprint without having to requalify materials.


1 Mass balance accounting is a well-known approach that has been designed to trace the flow of materials through a complex value chain. The mass balance approach provides a set of rules for how to allocate the bio-based and/or recycled content to different products to be able to claim and market the content as ‘bio’-based or ‘recycled’-based. Source: Ellen MacArthur Foundation (Mass Balance White Paper).

Digital technologies the key to success for eye-catching fashion label DushaGreya by Natalia Dushagreya (c) DushaGreya
DushaGreya’s eye-catching pieces are a regular at both Russian and international fashion shows.

DushaGreya: Digital technologies the key to success

  • DushaGreya is a well-known brand from talented Moscow-based designer, Natalia Dushagreya, who puts her all into her unique creations.

Combining her outstanding creativity with cutting-edge digital printing technology, Natalia has been delighting women with eye-catching, comfortable clothes, which boast unparalleled individuality and vivacity for several years. “The quality of digital prints surpasses that of traditional fabrics, both in the variety of colour compositions and in the contrast and clarity when printing small details or complex geometric elements. Digital technology makes it possible to achieve exceptionally smooth colour transitions, which is almost unattainable when using analogue printing methods. As a designer, I make sure to fully leverage the advantages of digital printing when designing and producing my collection”, says Natalia.

  • DushaGreya is a well-known brand from talented Moscow-based designer, Natalia Dushagreya, who puts her all into her unique creations.

Combining her outstanding creativity with cutting-edge digital printing technology, Natalia has been delighting women with eye-catching, comfortable clothes, which boast unparalleled individuality and vivacity for several years. “The quality of digital prints surpasses that of traditional fabrics, both in the variety of colour compositions and in the contrast and clarity when printing small details or complex geometric elements. Digital technology makes it possible to achieve exceptionally smooth colour transitions, which is almost unattainable when using analogue printing methods. As a designer, I make sure to fully leverage the advantages of digital printing when designing and producing my collection”, says Natalia.

By the time the DushaGreya brand begun, Natalia and her like-minded associate and father, Alexander Kordovatov, already had experience in the field of sublimation printing and knew that printing on fabric for subsequent tailoring would be carried out using this technology. However, no third-party performers could be found that would meet the quality and deadline requirements of the brand, so they decided to purchase new equipment and start printing at their own site. 

Alexander says. “We also found out that Smart-T (Mimaki's distributor in Russia), the supplier of this equipment in Moscow, is highly rated by the industry community and customers due to its professional expertise, first-line service support, and highly qualified engineers.” At the end of 2019, Smart-T installed the highly anticipated Mimaki Tx300P-1800 direct textile printer at the DushaGreya facility. Today it prints fabrics for dresses, skirts, T-shirts, fleeces, jumpers, hoodies, trench coats, and other midwear.

"Mimaki Tx300P-1800 is the only printer in the Mimaki line that allows us to print on natural fabrics without pre-processing,” Alexander comments. “This gives us the ability to produce short, original print runs at no extra cost, which is vital in achieving our goals. The TP400 pigment inks used in this printer have an expanded colour gamut, so the prints are always bright and saturated.”


BTE, BDSE und BLE starten Kampagne „Rettet meinen Arbeitsplatz“

Die Handelsverbände Textil (BTE), Schuhe (BDSE) und Lederwaren (BLE) starten zusammen mit dem BTE-KompetenzPartner Hutter+Unger die Kampagne „Rettet meinen Arbeitsplatz“. Ziel sei es, die politischen Entscheidungsträger in der Bundesregierung davon zu überzeugen, schnellstens wirksame Hilfen für den stationären Textil-, Schuh- und Lederwarenfachhandel zu verabschieden und damit Hunderttausende Arbeitsplätze zu retten. Schließlich stünden in den drei Branchen aktuell 33.000 Unternehmen mit fast 80.000 Läden und fast einer halben Million Beschäftigten mit dem Rücken zur Wand, so die Verbände.

Im Fokus der am 20. Januar gestarteten Kampagne ist der drohende Verlust von Arbeitsplätzen. Zehntausende Geschäftsinhaber*innen und vor allem Hunderttausende Mitarbeiter*innen hätten aktuell Angst, ihre unternehmerische Existenz oder ihren Arbeitsplatz ohne eigenes Verschulden zu verlieren. BTE, BDSE und BLE rufen alle betroffenen Geschäftsinhaber*innen und Mitarbeiter*innen auf, ihre berechtigten Forderungen auf folgenden Wegen zu kommunizieren:

Die Handelsverbände Textil (BTE), Schuhe (BDSE) und Lederwaren (BLE) starten zusammen mit dem BTE-KompetenzPartner Hutter+Unger die Kampagne „Rettet meinen Arbeitsplatz“. Ziel sei es, die politischen Entscheidungsträger in der Bundesregierung davon zu überzeugen, schnellstens wirksame Hilfen für den stationären Textil-, Schuh- und Lederwarenfachhandel zu verabschieden und damit Hunderttausende Arbeitsplätze zu retten. Schließlich stünden in den drei Branchen aktuell 33.000 Unternehmen mit fast 80.000 Läden und fast einer halben Million Beschäftigten mit dem Rücken zur Wand, so die Verbände.

Im Fokus der am 20. Januar gestarteten Kampagne ist der drohende Verlust von Arbeitsplätzen. Zehntausende Geschäftsinhaber*innen und vor allem Hunderttausende Mitarbeiter*innen hätten aktuell Angst, ihre unternehmerische Existenz oder ihren Arbeitsplatz ohne eigenes Verschulden zu verlieren. BTE, BDSE und BLE rufen alle betroffenen Geschäftsinhaber*innen und Mitarbeiter*innen auf, ihre berechtigten Forderungen auf folgenden Wegen zu kommunizieren:

  • in Form von persönlichen Briefen der Inhaber und vor allem der Mitarbeiter an die Bundesregierung, speziell an das Bundesfinanz-, Bundesarbeits- und Bundeswirtschaftsministerium,
  • über eine Online-Petition, an der sich alle Chefs und Mitarbeiter*innen im Textil-, Schuh- und Lederwarenhandel beteiligen sollen und
  • mit Hilfe von zwei emotionalen Plakatmotiven, die im Schaufenster oder auch für Posts in den Social-Media-Kanälen genutzt werden können.

BTE, BDSE und BLE haben dazu die Kampagnen-Website mit Plakatvorlagen, Musterbriefe und der Online-Petition erstellt. Die Website enthält zudem eine Auflistung von 44 persönlichen, ökonomischen und wettbewerbsrechtlichen Gründen, warum die Politik jetzt schnellstens wirksame Hilfen für den stationären Textil-, Schuh- und Lederwarenhandel freigeben muss.

BTE, BDSE und BLE appellieren an alle Unternehmer aus dem Textil-, Schuh- und Lederwarenhandel, sich an der Kampagne zu beteiligen und ihre Mitarbeiter*innen zum Mitmachen zu ermutigen und entsprechend zu unterstützen. Die drei Handelsverbände werden vor allem die Petition dazu nutzen, speziell die Verantwortlichen in der Bundesregierung zur Rettung der Unternehmen und Arbeitsplätze aufzufordern. Motto: Zusammen sind wir viele!



Sorpol Ltd. brings American antiviral technology to Israel (c) Ascend Performance Materials, APMPR055

Ascend Performance Materials: Sorpol Ltd. brings American antiviral technology to Israel

Sorpol Ltd., a leading importer and distributor of industrial raw materials in Israel, has launched a website to sell Acteev Protect™ masks, made in the USA by polyamide manufacturer Ascend Performance Materials. The two companies also plan to partner in the distribution of Acteev surgical masks, N95 respirators, nonwoven media and textile fabrics as they become available.

Laboratory tests have demonstrated Acteev fabric effective at deactivating 99.9% of the viruses SARS-CoV-2, the cause of COVID-19, and H1N1, a flu virus. Acteev technology also eliminates bacteria and fungi.

Ofer Soreq, Sorpol’s marketing director, said the Acteev Protect line fits in neatly with the mission of the company.

Sorpol Ltd., a leading importer and distributor of industrial raw materials in Israel, has launched a website to sell Acteev Protect™ masks, made in the USA by polyamide manufacturer Ascend Performance Materials. The two companies also plan to partner in the distribution of Acteev surgical masks, N95 respirators, nonwoven media and textile fabrics as they become available.

Laboratory tests have demonstrated Acteev fabric effective at deactivating 99.9% of the viruses SARS-CoV-2, the cause of COVID-19, and H1N1, a flu virus. Acteev technology also eliminates bacteria and fungi.

Ofer Soreq, Sorpol’s marketing director, said the Acteev Protect line fits in neatly with the mission of the company.

Recent testing on Acteev fabric completed at the University of Cambridge has demonstrated that Acteev technology deactivates the virus that causes COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, with 99.9% efficacy on contact. Ascend has submitted several masks designs to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to obtain the appropriate regulatory clearances to make specific claims regarding the technology’s antiviral properties in the United States.

In addition to antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial protection, the washable, reusable masks are lightweight, breathable and odor-fighting, making them comfortable to wear during a long shift at work or for outdoor workouts.

Acteev Protect shows promise for use beyond masks, according to Ascend. The technology was originally developed for workout wear, and now the company is working on textile applications ranging from gloves to scrubs to high-end athleisure


EMG / Ascend Performance Materials


PREMIUM+SEEK+JOOR Passport is back

Summer 2020 saw the first ever staging of PREMIUM+SEEK Passport by JOOR. In the midst of the pandemic, it offered the industry an opportunity to continue doing business, stay in contact with key partners, and expand business networks. Over 150,000 retailers took part in the event in 2020 and 40,000 products were sold.

The second edition of the PREMIUM+SEEK+JOOR Passport event will be an optimised and focussed version and offers participants maximum opportunity for success. From 27 January around 100 brands curated by the team at the PREMIUM GROUP will once again have access to JOOR’s network of over 200,000 selected international retailers. Virtual showrooms will act as the location for showcasing the latest collections, telling brand stories and closing deals. Every showroom can be individually designed by participating brands so as to stage and communicate their brand identity in a purely digital setting. Accessible at any time, without time-consuming logistics.

Summer 2020 saw the first ever staging of PREMIUM+SEEK Passport by JOOR. In the midst of the pandemic, it offered the industry an opportunity to continue doing business, stay in contact with key partners, and expand business networks. Over 150,000 retailers took part in the event in 2020 and 40,000 products were sold.

The second edition of the PREMIUM+SEEK+JOOR Passport event will be an optimised and focussed version and offers participants maximum opportunity for success. From 27 January around 100 brands curated by the team at the PREMIUM GROUP will once again have access to JOOR’s network of over 200,000 selected international retailers. Virtual showrooms will act as the location for showcasing the latest collections, telling brand stories and closing deals. Every showroom can be individually designed by participating brands so as to stage and communicate their brand identity in a purely digital setting. Accessible at any time, without time-consuming logistics.

The partnership between the PREMIUM GROUP and JOOR is due to continue in July 2021. In future, there will be a hybrid event where the physical and virtual worlds will go hand in hand. Face-to-face is still essential and now more important than ever. Networking becomes easier and more effective; stories are told and emotions triggered. Processes that follow are digitally optimised with JOOR and handled more easily than before.

In summer 2021 there will be a return to a physical coming together with SEEK, PREMIUM and FASHIONTECH. From 6-8 July – as part of Frankfurt Fashion Week.




Hologenix and Kelheim Fibres launch Celliant Viscose

Hologenix, creators of Celliant®, infrared responsive technology, and Kelheim Fibres, a world-leading manufacturer of viscose specialty fibers, have partnered to launch Celliant Viscose at ISPO Munich 2021. Celliant Viscose is a finalist in Best Products by ISPO and will be showcased in the Fibers & Insulations Category for ISPO Textrends, where realistic views and 3-D simulations will be available for each material.

The introduction of nature-based Celliant Viscose will be the first in-fiber infrared sustainable solution on the market and meets a consumer demand for more environmentally friendly textiles. An alternative to synthetic fibers and extremely versatile, Celliant Viscose blends beautifully with cotton, micromodal, lyocell, wool varieties including cashmere. It also has many applications across industries as it is ideal for performance wear, luxury loungewear, casual wear and bedding.

Hologenix, creators of Celliant®, infrared responsive technology, and Kelheim Fibres, a world-leading manufacturer of viscose specialty fibers, have partnered to launch Celliant Viscose at ISPO Munich 2021. Celliant Viscose is a finalist in Best Products by ISPO and will be showcased in the Fibers & Insulations Category for ISPO Textrends, where realistic views and 3-D simulations will be available for each material.

The introduction of nature-based Celliant Viscose will be the first in-fiber infrared sustainable solution on the market and meets a consumer demand for more environmentally friendly textiles. An alternative to synthetic fibers and extremely versatile, Celliant Viscose blends beautifully with cotton, micromodal, lyocell, wool varieties including cashmere. It also has many applications across industries as it is ideal for performance wear, luxury loungewear, casual wear and bedding.

Celliant Viscose features natural, ethically sourced minerals embedded into plant-based fibers to create infrared products that capture and convert body heat into infrared, increasing local circulation and improved cellular oxygenation. This results in stronger performance, faster recovery and better sleep.

Celliant Viscose provides all the benefits of being a viscose fiber — lightweight, soft, highly breathable, excellent moisture management — as well as fiber enhancements from Celliant infrared technology. Celliant’s proprietary blend of natural minerals allows textiles to capture and convert body heat into full-spectrum infrared energy, resulting in stronger performance, faster recovery and better sleep. In addition, Celliant is durable and will not wash out, lasting the useful life of the product it powers.

An Affordable, Long-lasting Solution with Diverse Applications
As opposed to other IR viscose products which are coatings based, Celliant Viscose’s in-fiber solution increases wearability and longevity with a soft feel, durability from washing and longer life. The combination of Kelheim’s distinctive technology and the Celliant additives creates this unique fiber that provides full functionality without the need for any additional processing step — a new standard in the field of sustainable IR viscose fibers. This single processing also makes Celliant Viscose more cost-effective and time-efficient than coatings.

In addition, Kelheim’s flexible technology allows targeted interventions in the viscose fiber process. By modifying the fiber’s dimensions or cross sections or by incorporating additives into the fiber matrix, Kelheim can precisely define the fiber’s properties according to the specific needs of the end product.

Highly Sustainable
Celliant Viscose is a plant and mineral-based solution for brands seeking an alternative to synthetic fibers. It contains natural raw materials that are from the earth and can return safely to the earth.

Nature-based Celliant Viscose is certified by FSC® or PEFC™, which guarantees the origin in sustainably managed plantations, and is part of the CanopyStyle initiative to protect ancient and endangered forests. The production of Celliant Viscose takes place exclusively at the Kelheim facilities in Germany, complying with the country’s strict environmental laws and guaranteeing an overall eco-friendly product.

Backed by Science
Celliant is rigorously tested by a Science Advisory Board composed of experts in the fields of physics, biology, chemistry and medicine. The Science Advisory Board has overseen 10 clinical, technical and physical trials, and seven published studies that demonstrate Celliant’s effectiveness and the benefits of infrared energy.

For more information, visit


Kelheim Fibres GmbH

RUDOLF GROUP: Bio-Based DWR Performance from Natural Sources (c)RUDOLF GROUP
It makes sense and it’s logic. It’s BIO-LOGIC

RUDOLF GROUP: Bio-Based DWR Performance from Natural Sources

The RUDOLF GROUP is an uncontested agent of positive change especially when it comes to pioneering technologies that help transforming the textile and fashion industries. A shining example of conscious leadership played by the RUDOLF GROUP over the past decades is the invention and introduction of fluorine-free Durable Water Repellency (DWR) for textile and apparel. Since 2003, the RUCO-DRY product line has gradually convinced the industry that water-resistance can be achieved through the study and replica of natural models. “Biomimicry and the study of lotus leaves and bird’s feathers were instrumental in developing the very first fluorine-free DWR’s” says Dr. Gunther Duschek, Managing Director at RUDOLF GROUP.

Fifteen years later, RUDOLF GROUP does it again and takes a significant leapfrog. It pushes the boundaries of R&D well beyond fluorine-free, embraces nature and introduces water repellent performance entirely based on natural components. “We are launching two brand new, distinctive product propositions entirely manufactured from natural sources that do not compete with human and/or animal nutrition” continues Dr. Duschek.

The RUDOLF GROUP is an uncontested agent of positive change especially when it comes to pioneering technologies that help transforming the textile and fashion industries. A shining example of conscious leadership played by the RUDOLF GROUP over the past decades is the invention and introduction of fluorine-free Durable Water Repellency (DWR) for textile and apparel. Since 2003, the RUCO-DRY product line has gradually convinced the industry that water-resistance can be achieved through the study and replica of natural models. “Biomimicry and the study of lotus leaves and bird’s feathers were instrumental in developing the very first fluorine-free DWR’s” says Dr. Gunther Duschek, Managing Director at RUDOLF GROUP.

Fifteen years later, RUDOLF GROUP does it again and takes a significant leapfrog. It pushes the boundaries of R&D well beyond fluorine-free, embraces nature and introduces water repellent performance entirely based on natural components. “We are launching two brand new, distinctive product propositions entirely manufactured from natural sources that do not compete with human and/or animal nutrition” continues Dr. Duschek.

RUCO®-DRY BIO CGR is an absolute breakthrough and the first Durable Water Repellent (DWR) agent based on plant-derived processing wastes. In fact, RUCO®-DRY BIO CGR is made of natural waste that accumulates as by-product during the processing of cereal grains in the food industry. The leftover material that would otherwise be disposed of is refined to create a powerful water and stain repellent textile finish.

“By turning natural waste into DWR we have optimized the biologic character of RUCO®-DRY BIO CGR where the active component is made of more than 90% bio carbon” states Dr. Dirk Sielemann, R&D Director at RUDOLF GROUP. He continues: “Although most of the product is composed by recycled biomass, RUCO®-DRY BIO CGR meets the performance and durability of conventional water repellent textile finishes”.

RUCO®-DRY BIO NPE is an equally outstanding product innovation where DWR is entirely based on a carefully selected mix of natural plant extracts. The well-balanced mix of plant-based ingredients combines excellent water and stain repellent effects with breathability and a natural handfeel. 

Unlike other 100% renewable raw materials, those used in the making of RUCO®-DRY BIO NPE are chemically and genetically non-modified and are not used as food, feed or fuel. Furthermore, all of the plant extracts that compose RUCO®-DRY BIO NPE are subject to a strict conservation and sustainability framework. “That’s why the supply of RUCO®-DRY BIO NPE is likely to remain limited to the creation and marketing of performance outdoor and sports apparel programs embedding state-of-the-art sustainable technology” concludes Dr. Duschek.

Both RUCO®-DRY BIO CGR and RUCO®-DRY BIO NPE are marketed through the BIO-LOGIC trademark, registered by RUDOLF GROUP.

DIGEL AG: Neuer Head of Sportswear (c) DIGEL AG
Thomas Beller

DIGEL AG: New Head of Sportswear

Since 1 January 2021, Thomas Beller has been responsible for the sportswear division of the Digel brand in the newly created position of HEAD OF SPORTSWEAR.

Thomas Beller was responsible for the sportswear of the Strellson brand for many years.
Most recently, he was responsible for the product and design of the Navy Boot brand.

"We are pleased that we have been able to win Thomas Beller, an experienced leader in the field of product and design, for the Digel brand. With his expertise, Mr Beller will help us to successfully implement the growth strategy for the Digel brand," says Marc Svojanovsky, Board Member for Product, Marketing and Sales.

Ralf Kammerer will continue to be responsible for formal wear at Digel as HEAD OF FORMALWEAR. Both report directly to the board member Marc Svojanovsky.

Since 1 January 2021, Thomas Beller has been responsible for the sportswear division of the Digel brand in the newly created position of HEAD OF SPORTSWEAR.

Thomas Beller was responsible for the sportswear of the Strellson brand for many years.
Most recently, he was responsible for the product and design of the Navy Boot brand.

"We are pleased that we have been able to win Thomas Beller, an experienced leader in the field of product and design, for the Digel brand. With his expertise, Mr Beller will help us to successfully implement the growth strategy for the Digel brand," says Marc Svojanovsky, Board Member for Product, Marketing and Sales.

Ralf Kammerer will continue to be responsible for formal wear at Digel as HEAD OF FORMALWEAR. Both report directly to the board member Marc Svojanovsky.

More information:
Digel AG Sportswear



BTE: Politik lässt stationären Fashionhandel und Innenstädte langsam sterben

  • Riesige Verluste und gigantische Lawine unverkaufter Ware durch verlängerten Lockdown

Der beschlossene Lockdown bis mindestens Ende Januar wird zahlreiche Modegeschäfte, Schuhläden und Kaufhäuser in den Ruin treiben. Bereits die aktuelle Schließung hat zu dramatischen Einbußen geführt. So hat der stationäre Fashionhandel nach ersten Hochrechnungen allein im Dezember mehr als die Hälfte seines Umsatzes verloren. „Für das Gesamtjahr 2020 gehen wir von einem historischen Umsatzeinbruch von rund 30 Prozent aus“, berichtet Rolf Pangels, Hauptgeschäftsführer des BTE Handelsverband Textil. „Da die Kosten und vor allem der Wareneinkauf durch die langen Vorlaufzeiten in der internationalen Lieferkette kaum angepasst werden konnten, stehen viele Geschäfte nunmehr vor dem endgültigen Aus.“

  • Riesige Verluste und gigantische Lawine unverkaufter Ware durch verlängerten Lockdown

Der beschlossene Lockdown bis mindestens Ende Januar wird zahlreiche Modegeschäfte, Schuhläden und Kaufhäuser in den Ruin treiben. Bereits die aktuelle Schließung hat zu dramatischen Einbußen geführt. So hat der stationäre Fashionhandel nach ersten Hochrechnungen allein im Dezember mehr als die Hälfte seines Umsatzes verloren. „Für das Gesamtjahr 2020 gehen wir von einem historischen Umsatzeinbruch von rund 30 Prozent aus“, berichtet Rolf Pangels, Hauptgeschäftsführer des BTE Handelsverband Textil. „Da die Kosten und vor allem der Wareneinkauf durch die langen Vorlaufzeiten in der internationalen Lieferkette kaum angepasst werden konnten, stehen viele Geschäfte nunmehr vor dem endgültigen Aus.“
Zu den ausbleibenden Einnahmen, mit denen in den nächsten Wochen eigentlich die neue Frühjahrsware bezahlt werden müsste, gesellt sich ein gewaltiges Warenproblem. Durch den verlängerten Lockdown wird sich nach Schätzungen der Handelsverbände Textil (BTE), Schuhe (BDSE) und Lederwaren (BLE) im stationären Handel bis Ende Januar eine riesige Lawine von einer halben Milliarde unverkaufter Modeartikel auftürmen. „Allein die Umsatzverluste des gesamten Winter-Lockdowns dürften sich bis Ende Januar auf rund 10 Mrd. aufsummieren“, prognostiziert Pangels. „Durch den Wert- und Preisverfall der Ware am Saisonende sind diese Einbußen später nicht mehr aufzuholen.“   
Die drei Verbände registrieren als Folge eine massiv wachsende Welle der Wut und Empörung im Fashionhandel wegen unzureichender Hilfen der Politik. Viele Händler fühlen sich mittlerweile als Bauernopfer für ausbleibende Erfolge der Politik bei der Pandemie-Bekämpfung. „Die Unternehmen haben registriert, dass es in ihrer eigenen Belegschaft und auch bei Kollegen keine nennenswerten Infizierungen gab und ziehen daher die Sinnhaftigkeit des Lockdowns in Zweifel“ berichtet Pangels.
BTE, BDSE und BLE fordern daher von der Politik schnelle und ausreichende Kompensation und Unterstützung, die unbedingt auch die besondere Warenproblematik in der Modebranche berücksichtigt. Die bisher angekündigten Hilfen sind dafür absolut unzureichend und bieten dem stationären Textil-, Schuh- und Lederwarenhandel keine Perspektive. „Die angekündigte Bazooka des Bundesfinanzministers legt derzeit den stationären Fashionhandel und damit auch viele lebenswerte Innenstädte in Schutt und Asche“, schimpft Pangels. „Wenn die Politik nicht schnellstens umsteuert, gehen tausende Geschäfte und damit zehntausende Arbeitsplätze allein im stationären Fashionhandel verloren!“
Pangels zusätzlich: „Strategien zur Bekämpfung/Eindämmung der Pandemie mit einer Halbwertszeit von zwei oder drei Wochen sind für den Fashionhandel tödlich. Es ist dringend Zeit für eine mittel- und längerfristige Perspektive und vielleicht auch für ein Umdenken bezüglich der anzuwendenden Maßnahmen. Wir brauchen auch in der volatilen Pandemiephase ein gewisses Maß an Verlässlichkeit.“

More information:
BTE BDSE BLE VDB Fashionhandel Coronavirus


Better sleep with MEY nightwear and energear™-technology from schoeller® (c) Mey Handels GmbH
„Zzzleepwear" series with energearTM technology: the fabric reflects the body's own released energy.

Better sleep with MEY nightwear and energear™-technology from schoeller®

Underwear and loungewear specialist MEY announces the launch of its product series "Zzzleepwear,” developed to improve the quality of sleep for men and women. Setting new standards in the sleepwear category, functionality and technical innovation are the focus of the product styles that also offer stylish looks and wearer comfort.

People who sleep well recharge their batteries and can start the next day full of energy. However, many people suffer from sleep problems that can have a long-term negative impact on health and well-being. MEY’s Zzzleepwear was built to address that.

Underwear and loungewear specialist MEY announces the launch of its product series "Zzzleepwear,” developed to improve the quality of sleep for men and women. Setting new standards in the sleepwear category, functionality and technical innovation are the focus of the product styles that also offer stylish looks and wearer comfort.

People who sleep well recharge their batteries and can start the next day full of energy. However, many people suffer from sleep problems that can have a long-term negative impact on health and well-being. MEY’s Zzzleepwear was built to address that.

„Zzzleepwear“ reflects far-infrared rays
Fabrics of the "Zzzleepwear" series are equipped with energear™ technology from schoeller®. They reflect the body's own energy, which is emitted in the form of far-infrared rays. The textile finish is based on a titanium-mineral matrix, which reflects far-infrared rays back to the body. This effect can have a positive impact on the body and its energy balance. The understanding of far infrared rays and their positive properties has its origin in Asian healing medicine. Far Eastern medicine has incorporated life energy, "Qi" in Chinese, for centuries. More and more people are discovering that their performance increases when energy balance and energy flow are in harmony. schoeller® is transferring this function to textiles, and MEY is using the finish for the first time in nightwear.

Further fabric properties and design features
For the new "Zzzleepwear" series, the energear™ coating is applied to the inside of the fabric in a honeycomb-like form. It thus represents the core of the series. In addition, the fabric with melange structure is made of natural cotton and thermoregulating fibers that provide high breathability. The large proportion of natural cotton fibers increases the wearing comfort of this special nightwear. The "Zzzleepwear" series offers different color variations, as well as outstanding design features like flat seams and an interior print in the neck area.

Podcast with soporific effect
MEY wants to lull its customers to sleep in a particularly original way: A Spotify code is printed on every item in the series. By scanning this code, customers can listen to a sleep podcast created especially for the selected pair of pyjamas. In the eleven-part good night story, the products tell their own manufacturing story, from the cotton field to the fabric production in Albstadt to the store – so boring, it will have customers nodding off in no time.


„Weihnachtsaktion“ der Modehändler: Geschenke für Abgeordnete

Viele Textil-, Schuh- und Lederwarenhändler richten aktuell einen eindringlichen Appell direkt an ihre/n Landtags- und Bundestagsabgeordneten vor Ort. Mit einem Modeartikel (z.B. Schal) aus der aktuellen Winterkollektion als Geschenk an die/den Abgeordnete/n, der nun wegen des Lockdowns nicht verkauft werden kann, appellieren sie an die Verantwortung der Politik für den gesamten Mode- und Innenstadthandel. In einem Begleitbrief machen sie dabei mit Fakten und Argumenten auf die brisante Lage des Unternehmens und einer gesamten Branche aufmerksam.

Diese persönliche Aktion wird von den Branchenverbände Textil (BTE), Schuhe (BDSE) und Lederwaren (BLE) begleitet und durch die regionalen Handelsverbände unterstützt.  

Viele Textil-, Schuh- und Lederwarenhändler richten aktuell einen eindringlichen Appell direkt an ihre/n Landtags- und Bundestagsabgeordneten vor Ort. Mit einem Modeartikel (z.B. Schal) aus der aktuellen Winterkollektion als Geschenk an die/den Abgeordnete/n, der nun wegen des Lockdowns nicht verkauft werden kann, appellieren sie an die Verantwortung der Politik für den gesamten Mode- und Innenstadthandel. In einem Begleitbrief machen sie dabei mit Fakten und Argumenten auf die brisante Lage des Unternehmens und einer gesamten Branche aufmerksam.

Diese persönliche Aktion wird von den Branchenverbände Textil (BTE), Schuhe (BDSE) und Lederwaren (BLE) begleitet und durch die regionalen Handelsverbände unterstützt.  

Für interessierte Händler haben BTE, BDSE und BLE ein Musterschreiben für einen beizulegenden Brief formuliert, das individuell angepasst werden kann. Das Musterschreiben steht auf den Websites von BTE, BDSE und BLE, und (Startseite) für alle interessierte Einzelhändler bereit.

Hinweis: Die Adressen der lokalen Abgeordneten sind einsehbar unter

More information:
Coronakrise Politik


Lamme Textielbeheer supports "Dibella up" with tons of laundry. (c) Lamme Textile Management
Six tons of bed linen, towels and napkins on the way to a new "life". Owner Jan Lamme (left) and Assistant Operations Manager Frank David are collecting for more sustainability in the textile service.

Lamme Textielbeheer supports "Dibella up" with tons of laundry.

  • "Dibella up" records its first big success

Aalten, "Dibella up" is bearing its first fruits. Since the launch of the recycling concept initiated in August 2020, six tons of sorted laundry items have already been returned to Dibella and converted into new ones by the company in farsighted reuse projects. The customer who has been involved in the project from the very beginning is Lamme Textielbeheer from Nederhorst den Berg. The Dutch textile service provider sees the initiative as an important measure for more appreciation of resources.

  • "Dibella up" records its first big success

Aalten, "Dibella up" is bearing its first fruits. Since the launch of the recycling concept initiated in August 2020, six tons of sorted laundry items have already been returned to Dibella and converted into new ones by the company in farsighted reuse projects. The customer who has been involved in the project from the very beginning is Lamme Textielbeheer from Nederhorst den Berg. The Dutch textile service provider sees the initiative as an important measure for more appreciation of resources.

Dibella has taken the closed-loop approach of the textile service as a model and has taken a step towards a completely closed cycle with the "Dibella up" project. The system includes unlimited reuse and recycling of the fibre raw materials bound in the textiles. To this end, the company's own textile qualities, which are selected from laundries, are taken back and passed on to selected upcycling projects. Polyester-cotton blended fabrics are processed there into high-quality bags. Pure natural fibre textiles as well as blended fabrics with at least 50 percent cotton are chemically converted into an important raw material for cellulose fibre production, while the remaining polyester is still being thermally recycled for technical reasons.

Six tons of laundry from the Netherlands

Lamme Textielbeheer was immediately enthusiastic about the "Dibella up" initiative. The committed company has been involved in various Dibella sustainability projects for many years and recognises the future-oriented character of the new project. "Our will to cooperate was immediately clear after Dibella's managing director Ralf Hellmann presented the upcycling project, because we see it as an important measure for the prudent use of resources," reports Jan Lamme, managing director of the company of the same name. "Within a very short period of time, we therefore jointly started to take back our discarded, no longer usable old textiles. In this way, we have already been able to return six tonnes of laundry for a new product cycle. This corresponds exactly to our idea of upcycling!". "Dibella provides stable, reusable cartons for shipping," says a delighted Frank David, Lamme's Assistant Operations Manager. "This makes collection much easier for us and we don't have to take any means of transport out of our laundry".

Prepared for the mega-trend of recycling management

Dibella would like to build on the initial joint success and further expand the initiative for a closed textile cycle in the industry. "The awareness of sustainability is high in the textile rental service. But the next mega-trend is already emerging. The future lies in closed-loop recycling. With "Dibella up", we are offering our customers the opportunity to get involved now and make resources usable in the long term. We are happy about every new cooperation partner who appreciates the value of textiles as much as we do".


Dibella b.v.

Ascend announces alliance with The S Group to commercialize Acteev Protect™ yarns and fabrics (c) Ascend
Acteev Protect™ yarns and fabrics

Ascend announces alliance with The S Group to commercialize Acteev Protect™ yarns and fabrics

  • Partnership offers customers access to full-scale garment design, manufacturing and packaging

Ascend Performance Materials has announced a commercial agreement with The S Group, a globally recognized provider of apparel design, development and manufacturing. The alliance will focus on commercialization of Acteev Protect™ antimicrobial yarns, fibers and fabrics, offering customers full-scale supply chain service from garment design to delivery.

The agreement pairs Ascend's world-class manufacturing operations with The S Group’s track record of success in the wholesale and direct-to-consumer apparel industry. “Our customers will now benefit from a revolutionary antimicrobial material combined with end-to-end support to guide a product from ideation to actualization,” said Lu Zhang, vice president of Acteev.

  • Partnership offers customers access to full-scale garment design, manufacturing and packaging

Ascend Performance Materials has announced a commercial agreement with The S Group, a globally recognized provider of apparel design, development and manufacturing. The alliance will focus on commercialization of Acteev Protect™ antimicrobial yarns, fibers and fabrics, offering customers full-scale supply chain service from garment design to delivery.

The agreement pairs Ascend's world-class manufacturing operations with The S Group’s track record of success in the wholesale and direct-to-consumer apparel industry. “Our customers will now benefit from a revolutionary antimicrobial material combined with end-to-end support to guide a product from ideation to actualization,” said Lu Zhang, vice president of Acteev.

The S Group offers complete supply chain management for apparel brands, including product development, manufacturing, logistics, quality assurance, packaging and order fulfillment. The company lists some of the world’s most recognized brands among its partners, including Lululemon, New Balance and Mack Weldon. Athleisure, performance, scrubs, and seamless products such as intimates, leggings, active wear, socks and gaiters will be available.

Gary Peck, CEO of The S Group, says his team is excited about the commercial potential of Acteev, especially given the new reality of global health concerns. “Garment design has primarily focused on functionality, sustainability and comfort,” said Peck. “The past year has made us all aware that safety can be a valuable feature of fabrics as well, and Acteev checks all those boxes.”

Acteev is Ascend’s patent-pending technology that embeds zinc ions in a polymer to create fibers with long-lasting antimicrobial properties. The result is a fabric that destroys odor-causing bacteria and fungi. Acteev technology is available in a wide range of textiles featuring the flexibility, softness and durability of nylon 6,6.

Recent testing on knit fabric completed at the University of Cambridge has demonstrated that Acteev technology deactivates the virus that causes COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, with 99.9% efficacy on contact1. Ascend is working with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and other governmental agencies to obtain the appropriate regulatory clearances to make specific claims regarding the technology’s antiviral properties.

ROICA™: a real smart stretch sustainable wardrobe (c) ROICA
Luxury brand Viktor&Rolf collection of loungewear and underwearin collaboration with CALIDA, made with ROICA™ V550

ROICA™: a real smart stretch sustainable wardrobe

  • ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei is stretching innovation boundaries
  • The cutting-edge stretch fibre shows the way for a responsible wardrobe starting with the choice of a  smart  ingredient

The acceleration towards an increasingly smart and sustainable world is happening and it is real. Consumers are increasingly looking for something that corresponds to their responsible values and they are driven by a conscious choice. ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei is the premium stretch ingredient that identifies itself as the answer to the needs of the current consumers: innovative, responsible and at the same time contemporary.

The premium stretch fiber has always been characterized by a strong innovation DNA and it started delivering new and sustainable values and performances since July 2017.

ROICA Eco-Smart™ is a family of innovative stretch yarns that lately has been confirmed to be the most glamorous and responsible one. It includes:

  • ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei is stretching innovation boundaries
  • The cutting-edge stretch fibre shows the way for a responsible wardrobe starting with the choice of a  smart  ingredient

The acceleration towards an increasingly smart and sustainable world is happening and it is real. Consumers are increasingly looking for something that corresponds to their responsible values and they are driven by a conscious choice. ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei is the premium stretch ingredient that identifies itself as the answer to the needs of the current consumers: innovative, responsible and at the same time contemporary.

The premium stretch fiber has always been characterized by a strong innovation DNA and it started delivering new and sustainable values and performances since July 2017.

ROICA Eco-Smart™ is a family of innovative stretch yarns that lately has been confirmed to be the most glamorous and responsible one. It includes:

•    The world first Global Recycled Standard –GRS- recycled stretch yarn ROICA™ EF that uses 58% pre-consumer recycled content.
•    A premium sustainable stretch yarn, ROICA™ V550,  that at the end of its life smartly breaks down without releasing harmful substances in the environment according to Hohenstein Environment Compatibility Certification and also boasting the Gold Level Material Health Certificate by Cradle-to-Cradle Product Innovation Institute** as it has been evaluated for impact on human and environmental health.



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