From the Sector

371 results
imm Cologne 2018 Foto: Koelnmesse

imm cologne: Schwungvoller Start ins Möbeljahr 2018

  • 125.000 Besucher aus 138 Ländern
  • Internationalität der Fachbesucher steigt
  • imm cologne fördert das Exportgeschäft
  • Trendthemen Licht, Bad und Smart Home

Mit einer positiven Bilanz ging am Sonntag, 21. Januar 2018, die imm cologne zu Ende. Insgesamt informierten sich rd. 125.000 Besucher (inkl. Schätzung für den letzten Messetag), über die Trends und Neuheiten der Branche. Damit erreichte die imm cologne - trotz des Orkans „Friederike“ am Donnerstag mit schwierigen Verkehrsverhältnissen - ein leichtes Besucherplus gegenüber der vergleichbaren Veranstaltung aus 2016. Mehr Fachbesucher kamen aus Europa und Asien, den Exportmärkten Nr.1 der deutschen und europäischen Möbelindustrie.

  • 125.000 Besucher aus 138 Ländern
  • Internationalität der Fachbesucher steigt
  • imm cologne fördert das Exportgeschäft
  • Trendthemen Licht, Bad und Smart Home

Mit einer positiven Bilanz ging am Sonntag, 21. Januar 2018, die imm cologne zu Ende. Insgesamt informierten sich rd. 125.000 Besucher (inkl. Schätzung für den letzten Messetag), über die Trends und Neuheiten der Branche. Damit erreichte die imm cologne - trotz des Orkans „Friederike“ am Donnerstag mit schwierigen Verkehrsverhältnissen - ein leichtes Besucherplus gegenüber der vergleichbaren Veranstaltung aus 2016. Mehr Fachbesucher kamen aus Europa und Asien, den Exportmärkten Nr.1 der deutschen und europäischen Möbelindustrie.

„Die imm cologne ist eine exzellente und effiziente Plattform für das internationale Business“, so Gerald Böse, Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung der Koelnmesse. „Jedes Jahr aufs Neue setzt die Messe wichtige Absatzimpulse für die Industrie in den entscheidenden Exportmärkten dieser Welt“, so Böse weiter. Auch der Präsident des Verbandes der Deutschen Möbelindustrie, Axel Schramm, zog ein positives Fazit: „Die deutsche Möbelindustrie freut sich über eine äußerst gut gelaufene imm cologne und damit über einen sehr guten Start ins Jahr 2018. Wir hoffen, dass der Schwung, den wir aus Köln mitnehmen, uns durch das Möbeljahr 2018 trägt. Der Messeerfolg wird uns Möbelherstellern dabei helfen, unsere Exporterfolge zu steigern und auf dem schwierigen Inlandsmarkt zu punkten“, so Schramm. 

Auf Wachstumskurs: Internationalität der Besucher steigt

Nicht nur bei den Ausstellern sondern auch bei den Besuchern ist die imm cologne in Punkto Internationalität auf Wachstumskurs. Der Auslandsanteil stieg auf rund 50 Prozent (2016: 46 Prozent) bezogen auf die Fachbesuchertage. In Europa konnten Steigerungen vor allem aus Spanien (+31 Prozent), Belgien (+16 Prozent), Frankreich (+11 Prozent), Niederlande (+1 Prozent) und Osteuropa (+54 Prozent), hier besonders Russland (+69 Prozent), verzeichnet werden. Deutlich mehr Besucher kamen auch aus Asien (+50 Prozent), hier besonders aus China (+82 Prozent) und Japan (+63 Prozent), aus Nahost (+15 Prozent), Australien/Ozeanien (+51 Prozent), Nordamerika (+12 Prozent) und Mittelamerika (+21 Prozent).

imm cologne als starke Businessplattform für Top-Entscheider aus dem Handel

Neben der hohen Internationalität, die das Bild der Messe an allen Tagen prägte, wurde insbesondere die Qualität der Besucher von den Ausstellern als überragend bewertet. So wurden Fachhändler und internationale Top-Besucher des Einrichtungsfachhandels und des Interior Designs registriert, viele davon aus den Top-30-Handelsketten weltweit. Darüber hinaus kamen auch die Entscheider der großen Online-Plattformen und der internationalen Kaufhausketten zur imm cologne, darunter u.a. Alinea aus Frankreich, John Lewis aus Großbritannien, Lars Larsen aus Dänemark sowie El Corte Inglés aus Spanien, Nitori aus Japan und Ashley aus den USA. Auch die Branchengrößen im Online-Handel − hier u.a. Amazon, die Otto Group und Wayfair − nutzten sehr intensiv die Veranstaltung für ihre Geschäfte. Für den Pure-Bereich besuchte eine Delegation 80 designorientierter Einrichtungshäuser aus den USA und Kanada die imm cologne, darunter Luminaire aus Miami und DDC aus New York. „Es gibt keinen besseren Beweis dafür, dass unser umfassendes VIP-Programm erfolgreich und die imm cologne auch in den ‚Nicht-Küchenjahren‘ eine exzellente Businessplattform ist“, so Katharina C. Hamma, Geschäftsführerin der  Koelnmesse.

Neue Themen punkten bei den Besuchern

Neben den gezeigten Produkten zählte einmal mehr „Das Haus“, die begehbare Wohnhaus-Simulation, die in diesem Jahr von Lucie Koldova gestaltet wurde, im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes zu den Highlights der Messe. Hier spielte das Thema Licht die Hauptrolle. Licht und Bad waren in diesem Jahr neben „Smart Home“ die Focus-Themen, die schwerpunktmäßig in der Konzepthalle Pure Architects gezeigt wurden. Als 360-Grad-Messe widmete sich die imm cologne damit drei wichtigen Zukunftsthemen, die im Zusammenspiel mit dem Thema Einrichten immer mehr an Bedeutung gewinnen.

Trevira CS Stoffwettbewerb 2018 © Trevira GmbH
Trevira CS Stoffwettbewerb 2018

Trevira's CS Joint Booth at the 2018 Heimtextil trade fair a tremendous succes

At this year's Heimtextil, which took place from 9-12 January in Frankfurt, Trevira impressed visitors with a brand new fair concept. The company worked together with sixteen of its biggest customers to create a joint booth covering 1,305 square metres of Hall 4.2, drawing a large crowd.

Head of Marketing, Anke Vollenbröker, explained, "Thanks to our new approach and booth concept, we were able to present our brand Trevira CS in an open and welcoming manner plus highlight the good relationship we have with our customers."

Trevira CEO Klaus Holz added, "We are really pleased with the very positive feedback we have had from all sides in response to our grand Trevira CS joint booth. We would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the booth's success. The extremely positive market reaction has reassured us that this is a concept we can build on in the future."

At this year's Heimtextil, which took place from 9-12 January in Frankfurt, Trevira impressed visitors with a brand new fair concept. The company worked together with sixteen of its biggest customers to create a joint booth covering 1,305 square metres of Hall 4.2, drawing a large crowd.

Head of Marketing, Anke Vollenbröker, explained, "Thanks to our new approach and booth concept, we were able to present our brand Trevira CS in an open and welcoming manner plus highlight the good relationship we have with our customers."

Trevira CEO Klaus Holz added, "We are really pleased with the very positive feedback we have had from all sides in response to our grand Trevira CS joint booth. We would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the booth's success. The extremely positive market reaction has reassured us that this is a concept we can build on in the future."

A Trevira exhibition formed the centrepiece of the joint booth, showcasing the winning fabrics from the 2018 Trevira CS Creativity Competition, which this year featured "Colour" as its major theme. At the heart of the display, visitors could find out more about Trevira with the help of twelve tablets providing information in a variety of formats, including a staff presentation and a flyer about the new Trevira Sinfineco® brand.

Encircling this core and thereby completing the joint booth concept, sixteen major customers grouped their individual stands around this centrepiece to display their own new Trevira CS collections for residential and contract usage. The customers joining Trevira to create the booth were Baumann Dekor Ges.m.b.H., Engelbert E. Stieger AG, FIDIVI Tessitura Vergnano S.p.A., Georg + Otto Friedrich, Jenny Fabrics AG, Johan van den Acker Textielfabriek B.V., Mattes & Ammann GmbH & Co. KG, Pugi R.G. S.R.L., Spandauer Velours GmbH & Co. KG, SR Webatex GmbH / Getzner Textil AG, Swisstulle AG, Tessitura Mario Ghioldi & C. srl, Torcitura Fibre Sintetiche S.p.A., Torcitura Lei Tsu S.r.l. / Ilcat S.p.A., Vlnap a.s. / Wagenfelder Spinning Group and Wintex S.r.l..

Another major section of the Trevira booth was dedicated to the world of acoustics. Increasingly, customers are (re)discovering textiles as a way to significantly improve the quality of room acoustics, and this part of the booth also attracted numerous visitors.

A special highlight at the joint booth were the Trevira CS sports shoes, worn by Trevira staff as a key element of the brand's trade fair outfit. The shoes are an Adidas Originals Special Edition of the iconic Stan Smith Silhouette, which Adidas manufactured in cooperation with Kvadrat.

In keeping with annual tradition, the new Trevira CS Gold and Silver Club members were announced during the Heimtextil fair. The new members were presented with their awards at a formal ceremony on Tuesday evening (9 January).

Lectra Logo
Lectra Logo

Lectra positioniert sich mit neuer Markenidentität für die Zukunft

Markenauftritt spiegelt Lectras Strategie zu Digitalisierung und Industrie 4.0 wider
Lectra, der Technologie-Partner für Textil und Leder verarbeitende Unternehmen, stellt seine neue Markenidentität vor. Der Markenauftritt greift die digitale Ausrichtung in der Unternehmens-Strategie auf und beschreibt, wie Lectra die Herausforderungen von Mode- und Bekleidungs-, Automobil- und Möbelunternehmen auf dem Weg in Industrie 4.0 angeht.
Das neue Markenuniversum hat Lectra zusammen mit der Agentur ComCorp geschaffen. Es spiegelt die kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung des Unternehmens wider und betont seine Vorreiterrolle in der vierten industriellen Revolution. Im Mittelpunkt stehen Innovationskraft als Teil der Lectra-DNA sowie vier Grundwerte des Unternehmens: Hingabe, Engagement, Verständnis und Vision.
Das neue Logo ist modern und elegant. Es verkörpert die Premium-Positionierung von Lectra sowie den Stolz über die Zusammenarbeit mit international führenden Unternehmen. Das Design drückt zudem die Weiterentwicklung des Lectra-Angebots mithilfe von Datenanalyse aus.
Markenauftritt spiegelt Lectras Strategie zu Digitalisierung und Industrie 4.0 wider
Lectra, der Technologie-Partner für Textil und Leder verarbeitende Unternehmen, stellt seine neue Markenidentität vor. Der Markenauftritt greift die digitale Ausrichtung in der Unternehmens-Strategie auf und beschreibt, wie Lectra die Herausforderungen von Mode- und Bekleidungs-, Automobil- und Möbelunternehmen auf dem Weg in Industrie 4.0 angeht.
Das neue Markenuniversum hat Lectra zusammen mit der Agentur ComCorp geschaffen. Es spiegelt die kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung des Unternehmens wider und betont seine Vorreiterrolle in der vierten industriellen Revolution. Im Mittelpunkt stehen Innovationskraft als Teil der Lectra-DNA sowie vier Grundwerte des Unternehmens: Hingabe, Engagement, Verständnis und Vision.
Das neue Logo ist modern und elegant. Es verkörpert die Premium-Positionierung von Lectra sowie den Stolz über die Zusammenarbeit mit international führenden Unternehmen. Das Design drückt zudem die Weiterentwicklung des Lectra-Angebots mithilfe von Datenanalyse aus. Der quadratische Aufbau des Logos steht für die digitale Ausrichtung des Unternehmens. Die für Lectra so charakteristischen Farben sind geblieben. Sie erinnern an Lectras Loyalität und an das Bestreben, für die Kunden weiterhin der bevorzugte Technologie-Partner zu sein.
Die Tagline „Empowering customers through industrial intelligence“ unterstreicht Lectras Versprechen, den Kunden alle notwendigen Mittel zur Verfügung stellen, um ihre Ziele zu verwirklichen. Lectra ist stets wachsam gegenüber Trends in den Kundenbranchen und entwickelt beständig Lösungen, um die Kunden auf dem Weg in die digitale Industrie der Zukunft zu unterstützen.
Lectra ist seit 2007 Pionier des industriellen Internet der Dinge und heute aktiver Treiber der Industrie 4.0. Im Zentrum des Angebots steht das Erfassen und Analysieren von Daten. Die Idee der IT-basierten Entscheidungsunterstützung ist zentral, um eine digitale Wertschöpfungskette beim Kunden zu etablieren. So sind die Design- und Produktentwicklungsteams, die Smart Factory, die Lieferanten und die Kunden in Echtzeit miteinander verbunden.
„Die neue Markenidentität ist ein Spiegelbild der sich stetig weiterentwickelnden Strategie, des Knowhows und der reichen Geschichte von Lectra“, sagt Alexis Noal, Vizepräsident von ComCorp. „Das
neue Branding ist das Ergebnis enger Zusammenarbeit mit den Lectra-Teams auf jeder Ebene und zudem im Austausch mit den Kunden und Partnern von Lectra entstanden.“
„2017 war eines der aufregendsten Jahre der Lectra-Firmengeschichte. Es begann mit der Ankündigung einer neuen Strategie, mit der unsere Kunden erfolgreich in die Ära der Industrie 4.0 eintreten. Die Strategie hat uns stark inspiriert, als wir das neue Branding erarbeitet haben. Wir freuen uns, heute die neue Markenidentität von Lectra vorzustellen. Sie verkörpert die Dynamik des Unternehmens, seine kühne Vision und seinen Ehrgeiz, immer an der Seite des Kunden zu sein”, betont Céline Choussy Bedouet, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer bei Lectra.

Lectra Deutschland GmbH

Oerlikon Neumag at Domotex 2018 ©Oerlikon Neumag
The Sytec One from Oerlikon Neumag guarantees cost-efficient BCF yarn production in demanding processes.

Oerlikon Neumag at Domotex 2018

Cost-efficient BCF yarn production for demanding processes with Sytec One from Oerlikon Neumag

Cost-efficient production of carpet yarns beyond commodity products can constitute a challenge. Highly standardized production systems must strike compromises with regard to throughput, quality or cost-efficiency. At the Domotex 2018, the world's largest trade fair for floor coverings, Oerlikon Neumag will present the Sytec One solution for demanding BCF processes.

The Sytec One is a BCF plant with only one end per position. Due to this single-end characteristic, it is particularly well suited for demanding production processes, such as recycled polyester or fine filaments. The reason: In the event of a yarn break, only one end breaks. All the other positions are not affected and continue to run. As a result, this plant has a higher efficiency compared with a multi-end technology plant. For example, with ten breaks a day, the efficiency of the Sytec One is still over 98%, while a threeend technology achieves only 92% efficiency.

Higher productivity due to the straight yarn path

Cost-efficient BCF yarn production for demanding processes with Sytec One from Oerlikon Neumag

Cost-efficient production of carpet yarns beyond commodity products can constitute a challenge. Highly standardized production systems must strike compromises with regard to throughput, quality or cost-efficiency. At the Domotex 2018, the world's largest trade fair for floor coverings, Oerlikon Neumag will present the Sytec One solution for demanding BCF processes.

The Sytec One is a BCF plant with only one end per position. Due to this single-end characteristic, it is particularly well suited for demanding production processes, such as recycled polyester or fine filaments. The reason: In the event of a yarn break, only one end breaks. All the other positions are not affected and continue to run. As a result, this plant has a higher efficiency compared with a multi-end technology plant. For example, with ten breaks a day, the efficiency of the Sytec One is still over 98%, while a threeend technology achieves only 92% efficiency.

Higher productivity due to the straight yarn path

The machine concept of the Sytec One with its absolutely straight yarn path in spinning and texturing also enables significantly higher process speeds compared to multi-end technologies. This results in a speed increase of up to 15%. In addition to standard processes, more demanding processes with higher break rates play an increasingly important role. "The product mix is critical to the choice of technology," said Martin Rademacher, vice president of sales Oerlikon Neumag. "We are in the comfortable position of being able to offer our customers both a single-end and a three-end technology."

More information:
Oerlikon Neumag Heimtextilien

©Oerlikon Marketing, Corporate Communications & Public Affairs

Farrow & Ball Reimagined Wallpaper Collection ©Farrow & Ball
Lotus BP 2064 – Vardo und Breakfast Room Green

Farrow & Ball interpretiert Tapetenklassiker neu

  • erhältlich ab Februar 2018

Die britische Manufaktur Farrow & Ball stellt drei ihrer beliebtesten Tapetenmotive in neuen Farbvarianten vor und bietet Designfans die Möglichkeit, ihr Zuhause mit dramatischen Farben und opulenten Mustern neu zu inszenieren. Zum ersten Mal legen internationale Farrow & Ball Farbberater neue Farbschemen für bestehende Tapetenmuster fest und präsentieren diese Neuinterpretationen ab Februar 2018 in der Reimagined Collection.

Die Kollektion umfasst Damast-, Blumen- und Streifendesigns, die allesamt mit den Nuancen der Farrow & Ball Farbpalette zu neuem Leben erweckt wurden, sorgfältig zusammengestellt von Farrow & Ball Farbberatern aus England, Nordamerika, Frankreich und Deutschland.

  • erhältlich ab Februar 2018

Die britische Manufaktur Farrow & Ball stellt drei ihrer beliebtesten Tapetenmotive in neuen Farbvarianten vor und bietet Designfans die Möglichkeit, ihr Zuhause mit dramatischen Farben und opulenten Mustern neu zu inszenieren. Zum ersten Mal legen internationale Farrow & Ball Farbberater neue Farbschemen für bestehende Tapetenmuster fest und präsentieren diese Neuinterpretationen ab Februar 2018 in der Reimagined Collection.

Die Kollektion umfasst Damast-, Blumen- und Streifendesigns, die allesamt mit den Nuancen der Farrow & Ball Farbpalette zu neuem Leben erweckt wurden, sorgfältig zusammengestellt von Farrow & Ball Farbberatern aus England, Nordamerika, Frankreich und Deutschland.

Die Tapete Lotus ist in jedem Raum ein extravaganter Blickfang. Ihren Ursprung findet die von Hand gestaltete Lotus-Blüte in der britischen Arts & Crafts Bewegung, die Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts stattfand. Im neuen Design mit Off-Black und Brinjal wirkt Lotus beinahe noch theatralischer als zuvor. „Das Lotus-Design in der Farbkombination aus Off-Black und Brinjal passt mühelos in ein eher schlicht eingerichtetes Esszimmer mit einladender, weicher Beleuchtung. Ich wollte eine Tapete, die üppig und dramatisch wirkt und der Wand gleichzeitig durch den subtilen Kontrast zwischen Hintergrund- und Motivfarbe eine Anmutung von weichem Jacquard-Stoff verleiht.“ so Patrick O’Donnell, internationaler Farbberater bei Farrow & Ball.

Das klassische florale Muster Wisteria, inspiriert von englischen Seidenstoffen aus dem 19. Jahrhundert, verkörpert die einnehmende Wirkung der britischen Romantik. Die unterschiedlichen Farbvarianten betonen das üppige Design des blühenden Blauregens. Auch der allgegenwärtige Metallic-Trend dient als Inspirationsquelle für die drei neuen Farbkombinationen von Wisteria und vereint apartes Kupfer mit Stiffkey Blue und Black Blue. Dieses Design setzt glänzende Highlights im Schlafzimmer, und einfallendes Tageslicht lässt die Metallic-Elemente zart schimmern.

Die Neuinterpretation der Streifentapete Block Print Stripe besticht mit einer luxuriösen und ausdrucksstarken Kombination von Hague Blue, Vardo und Arsenic. Sie kann horizontal, vertikal oder auch seitenverkehrt gehängt werden, um so einen gewagten Streifen mit doppelter Breite zu kreieren, der sich variabel an die Raumgröße anpassen lässt.

Wie alle Farrow & Ball Tapeten werden auch die neuen Designs in einem traditionellen Herstellungsverfahren von Hand gefertigt und mit den original Farrow & Ball Farben bedruckt. So entsteht die unvergleichliche Wirkung und Haptik der Tapeten.

Die neuen Tapeten sind ab dem 8. Februar 2018 in allen Farrow & Ball Showrooms, bei Fachhändlern und unter erhältlich.

Das Hautmodell simuliert das Schwitzen der menschlichen Haut und den Transport durch textile Flächen und Polsterschäume. © Hohenstein Group

Hohenstein: Welchen Einfluss haben innovative Bettdecken auf den Schlaf?

Es heißt: Wer schläft, sündigt nicht. Aber wer fragt: Wie muss eine Bettdecke gestaltet sein, damit der Schlaf sündhaft gut ist? In einem neuen Forschungsprojekt geht die Hohenstein Group diesem Ansatz wissenschaftlich nach. Mit ersten Ergebnissen des Projektes ist im Frühjahr 2019 zu rechnen.

Rund ein Drittel seines Lebens verbringt der Mensch im Bett. Der Schlaf dient der Regeneration und dem Erhalt unserer Leistungsfähigkeit. Während des Schlafes kommt der Körper mit verschiedenen textile Materialien wie Matratze, Bettdecke, Bett- und Schlafwäsche in Kontakt. Physiologisch betrachtet nimmt die Bettdecke den größten Einfluss auf den Wärme- und Feuchtigkeitsausgleich während des Schlafens. Schließlich soll sie die notwendige Wärmeisolation bieten, damit während des Schlafens keine Auskühlung des Körpers erfolgt. Andererseits soll die Bettdecke, die vom Mensch produzierte Feuchtigkeit ableiten, um ein trockenes Bettklima zu gewährleisten.

Es heißt: Wer schläft, sündigt nicht. Aber wer fragt: Wie muss eine Bettdecke gestaltet sein, damit der Schlaf sündhaft gut ist? In einem neuen Forschungsprojekt geht die Hohenstein Group diesem Ansatz wissenschaftlich nach. Mit ersten Ergebnissen des Projektes ist im Frühjahr 2019 zu rechnen.

Rund ein Drittel seines Lebens verbringt der Mensch im Bett. Der Schlaf dient der Regeneration und dem Erhalt unserer Leistungsfähigkeit. Während des Schlafes kommt der Körper mit verschiedenen textile Materialien wie Matratze, Bettdecke, Bett- und Schlafwäsche in Kontakt. Physiologisch betrachtet nimmt die Bettdecke den größten Einfluss auf den Wärme- und Feuchtigkeitsausgleich während des Schlafens. Schließlich soll sie die notwendige Wärmeisolation bieten, damit während des Schlafens keine Auskühlung des Körpers erfolgt. Andererseits soll die Bettdecke, die vom Mensch produzierte Feuchtigkeit ableiten, um ein trockenes Bettklima zu gewährleisten.

Um den thermophysiologischen Komfort von Bettdecken zu bestimmen, greift man bislang auf ein Messsystem zurück, das auf den Ergebnissen von Schlafversuchen basiert. Das Wärme- und Feuchtemanagement wird mit Hilfe des Hautmodells sowie der thermischen Gliederpuppe „Charlie“ gemessen. Dabei werden Wärme– und Feuchtetransporteigenschaften der Bettdecken getrennt untersucht. Mit dem thermischen und schwitzenden Manikin „Sherlock“ erhofft man sich zukünftig beide Messungen in einer Methode zu vereinen.

Sherlock ist der optimalen Bettdecke auf der Spur

Mit „Sherlock“ sollen vor allem innovative Füllmaterialien für Bettdecken untersucht werden. Dabei handelt es sich um neue Materialien, und Konstruktionen u. a. Bettdecken aus 3D-Maschenwaren oder mit Füllungen aus mikrofeine Faserstrukturen, etc. Diese neu entwickelten Bettdecken lassen sich mit den bisherigen Bewertungssystemen nicht ausreichend charakterisieren. Gerade die Betthöhle dieser Bettdecken kann sehr unterschiedlich gestaltet sein.

Mit Hilfe der 3D-Scanner Technologie soll jetzt der Einfluss der Drapierbarkeit der Bettdecke auf die Betthöhle und die Wärmeisolation sowie das Wärme- und Feuchtemanagement von Bettdecken systematisch untersucht werden. Im Fokus stehen dabei die Abhängigkeit der Drapierbarkeit der Decke von den Parametern Füllmaterialien, Füllmenge, Konfektionierung und Inlett.

Ziel des Projektes ist es, eine Datenbasis zu erstellen, die es Herstellern von Bettdecken ermöglichen soll, bekleidungsphysiologisch hochwertige Bettdecken unter Berücksichtigung verschiedenster Füllmaterialien produzieren zu können. Hersteller von Füllungen (Hersteller von Vliesen, Gewirken, Faserkügelchen etc.) können aufgrund der erhofften Daten optimale Füllmaterialien (bzgl. Material und Füllmenge) zur Verfügung stellen. Erwarteter Vorteil der Forschungsergebnisse wird sein, dass Materialprüfungen schneller, günstiger und auch für individuelle Anfragen – abgestimmt auf die Kundenbedürfnisse – umsetzbar sein werden. Darüber hinaus können die Ergebnisse auf die Outdoor-Industrie (Schlafsäcke) sowie auf Winterbekleidung und Bekleidung mit Isolationsschichten übertragen werden, da hier die feuchte Wärmeisolation auch eine zentrale Rolle spielen kann.



TINTEX is pleased to present its latest fabric innovations at the above salons with a new range of more than 80 qualities and styles designed for the Sportswear, Athleisure, Fashion and Underwear market sectors. The collection focusses on three jersey fabric concepts: TIMELESS, FASHIONABLE & INNOVATIVE.

TINTEX is a modern industrial company based in the Porto region since 1998, producing market savvy fabrics for global designers and brands. TINTEX makes a truly sustainable range of precision, modern hybrid jersey fabrics that offer a better, Naturally Advanced choices to all its customers.

TINTEX is pleased to present its latest fabric innovations at the above salons with a new range of more than 80 qualities and styles designed for the Sportswear, Athleisure, Fashion and Underwear market sectors. The collection focusses on three jersey fabric concepts: TIMELESS, FASHIONABLE & INNOVATIVE.

TINTEX is a modern industrial company based in the Porto region since 1998, producing market savvy fabrics for global designers and brands. TINTEX makes a truly sustainable range of precision, modern hybrid jersey fabrics that offer a better, Naturally Advanced choices to all its customers.

The new ‘Naturally Advanced’ position means “advancing beautiful, organic and natural materials to the next level combined with unique, hybrid ‘nature-tech’ smarts, with advanced, added value and creativity, thanks to dedicated investments that serve and secure our customer demands both now and in the seasons to come” says CEO Mario Jorge. New innovations, which include the ISPO Best Product Award i (SOFT EQUIPMENT category) in TexTrends for fall winter 19/20, maintain and upgrade the honest but hi-tech sustainable organics that is at the heart of the TINTEX DNA to create better, smarter eco-materials, always with new levels of performance and hi-tech smarts, thanks to its expertise in specialist dyeing and finishing techniques, coatings and applications. These are all researched, designed and made using the latest equipment and processes. This season the new TINTEX collection plays with new colour balance techniques that deploy the benefits of chromotherapy for welbeing alongside skin safe materials and finishings.

The collection uses up to 90% of new smart and sustainable materials and include: Tencel, Modal & Micromodal, Organic Cottons, Supima cottons, Seacell fibres, Natural organic linens and the new, full colour ECOTEC® yarns by Marchi & Fildi, a smarter cotton made from pre-consumer clippings that in manufacture save up to 79% water. This season TINTEX is also introducing the new ECOTEC® yarn Phoenix (50% ECOTEC®, 50% recycled polyester, NM1/50 GRS-certified) for open, light and dry textures. Wellbeing credentials are guaranteed with Tessile e Salute certifications, TINTEX also presents new developments using the ROICA™ Eco Smart family of ecosustainable stretch yarns with certificated credentials. This family of yarns claim the world-first GRS certified ROICA™ premium stretch yarn that comes at least 50% from recycled pre-consumer waste.

The newest introduction for second skin qualities and for products to the athleisure market within TINTEX collection is ROICA™ Feel Good family that promises a new level of performance with ‘feelgood comfort’ and freshness.

For colouration effects, we can use the ROICA™ Colour Perfect family of yarns to create a flawless and responsible finish to dyed performance stretch assortments. Colours to Tranquilize, to Activate the Senses, to Recharge, to Energize.

Key highlights include: changeant effects (yarn and dyeing solutions), thermosensitive (reds/ blues) coatings, UV sensitive coatings and colourful coated patterns, extra fine and semi-transparent jerseys, but also, compact and fluid qualities.




Devan launches new antimicrobial brand line ©Devan Chemicals NV

Devan launches new antimicrobial brand line

RONSE - Devan Chemicals, a Belgian-headquartered provider of finishing technologies, recently launched a new multifunctional antimicrobial brand line. The brand line consists of their well-known, but recently rebranded quat-silane antimicrobial solution, combined with extra features. This enables textile manufacturers to apply multiple functionalities via one single treatment.

BI-OME®, Devan’s recently rebranded antimicrobial solution, has been launched with interesting extra features. The speciality chemical provider has combined its antimicrobial technology with other functional finishes in its product range and now offers a variety of combinations:

RONSE - Devan Chemicals, a Belgian-headquartered provider of finishing technologies, recently launched a new multifunctional antimicrobial brand line. The brand line consists of their well-known, but recently rebranded quat-silane antimicrobial solution, combined with extra features. This enables textile manufacturers to apply multiple functionalities via one single treatment.

BI-OME®, Devan’s recently rebranded antimicrobial solution, has been launched with interesting extra features. The speciality chemical provider has combined its antimicrobial technology with other functional finishes in its product range and now offers a variety of combinations:

  • BI-OME® Quick dry combines the antimicrobial properties (for odour control) with advanced moisture management properties to promote efficient and faster evaporation to aid cooling and comfort.
  • BI-OME® Stretch combines the antimicrobial solution with stretch recovery properties for better fit.
  • A more revolutionary variation is BI-OME® AV, which has an antiviral activity in addition to its antimicrobial properties.
  • Of course, BI-OME®, the antimicrobial solution without any extra features, remains available.

Devan’s experience with antimicrobial technology goes back a long time. More than 25 years of research led to the creation of the BI-OME® product range. Thanks to the combination of a cross-border support package (mill training, quality control, etc.) and unique product excellence (non-migrating, no use of silver), Devan’s antimicrobial technology is widely chosen across the globe.

BI-OME® is fully BPR and EPA compliant, Oekotex and Bluesign registered, can be delivered worldwide and is applicable for apparel, home textiles, bedding, transport & mobility, etc.

drapilux article 235 03 gives the room a relaxed, feel-good ambience thanks to its natural, cherry blossom pattern. The design is available in two colour schemes ©drapilux
drapilux - Article 235 03

German Design Award 2018 goes to drapilux

Emsdetten, Germany -  Award for the drapilux 235 03 article from the Boutique collection: the international expert judging panel for the German Design Award 2018 named the material the winner of the Home Textiles and Home Accessories category due to its outstanding design quality.

drapilux is one of the major textile manufacturers in Europe and a pioneer of intelligent functions. The German Design Award is recognition of the success achieved by drapilux in setting new benchmarks in design.

New fabric quality and stylish design

With the flame-retardant, opaque article, 235 03, drapilux – the commercial property furnishers which specialise in hospitality, healthcare and maritime – have brought a product to the market this year that can be used in hotels and care facilities, on ships or at home. New hotels, furnished in a themed and aspirational manner, are particularly fond of the modern pattern as it gives their properties a unique character.

Emsdetten, Germany -  Award for the drapilux 235 03 article from the Boutique collection: the international expert judging panel for the German Design Award 2018 named the material the winner of the Home Textiles and Home Accessories category due to its outstanding design quality.

drapilux is one of the major textile manufacturers in Europe and a pioneer of intelligent functions. The German Design Award is recognition of the success achieved by drapilux in setting new benchmarks in design.

New fabric quality and stylish design

With the flame-retardant, opaque article, 235 03, drapilux – the commercial property furnishers which specialise in hospitality, healthcare and maritime – have brought a product to the market this year that can be used in hotels and care facilities, on ships or at home. New hotels, furnished in a themed and aspirational manner, are particularly fond of the modern pattern as it gives their properties a unique character.

The special feature of the drapilux 235 product series from the Boutique collection is the new quality of the materials used: “The coarse yarn provides the textiles with firm grip and is therefore well suited for bedspreads and upholstery”, explained Kirstin Herrmann, Head of drapilux Design Studio. ”The design of Article 235 from series no. 3 is reminiscent of cherry blossoms and has a natural and delicate appearance. The bright colours, however, are used sparingly to give the product a modern and trendy touch” she continued.

The fabric features drapilux akustik, a function which has a positive effect on the acoustics of a room. When ordering above a certain amount, all textiles can be delivered with intelligent finishes: drapilux air and drapilux bioaktiv actively improve the indoor climate and fight against germs and bacteria on the textile.

More information:
German Design Award drapilux

schönknecht : kommunikation
gesellschaft für public relations und marketing mbh


Heimtextil: Zahlreiche Vorteile für Raumausstatter und Bettenfachhändler

  • „Frankfurter Stöffche“ und „Afterwork@Heimtextil“: Abendveranstaltungen für Branchenteilnehmer
  •  Kostenfreie Registrierung ab sofort möglich

Zur kommenden Heimtextil (9. bis 12. Januar 2018) hält die Messe Frankfurt erneut Vorteilsprogramme für deutschsprachige Fachbesucher bereit: Raumausstatter und Bettenfachhändler aus Deutschland, Österreich, der Schweiz und Norditalien erfahren über die kostenfreien Besucherprogramme „Heimtextil Insider“ und „Bed’n Excellence“ einen VIP-Status und erleben die Heimtextil auf besonders komfortable und effektive Weise. Ab sofort können sich interessierte Branchenteilnehmer für die beiden Angebote kostenfrei online anmelden.

  • „Frankfurter Stöffche“ und „Afterwork@Heimtextil“: Abendveranstaltungen für Branchenteilnehmer
  •  Kostenfreie Registrierung ab sofort möglich

Zur kommenden Heimtextil (9. bis 12. Januar 2018) hält die Messe Frankfurt erneut Vorteilsprogramme für deutschsprachige Fachbesucher bereit: Raumausstatter und Bettenfachhändler aus Deutschland, Österreich, der Schweiz und Norditalien erfahren über die kostenfreien Besucherprogramme „Heimtextil Insider“ und „Bed’n Excellence“ einen VIP-Status und erleben die Heimtextil auf besonders komfortable und effektive Weise. Ab sofort können sich interessierte Branchenteilnehmer für die beiden Angebote kostenfrei online anmelden.

„Wir möchten die deutschsprachigen Raumausstatter und Fachhändler einladen, die Heimtextil als ihr Branchentreffen Nummer 1 zu erleben. Nur hier erhält man den ganzheitlichen Überblick und trifft auf die wichtigsten Branchenteilnehmer – auf langjährige und neue Geschäftspartner, auf Mitbewerber und Trendsetter“, sagt Olaf Schmidt, Bereichsleiter Textilmessen bei der Messe Frankfurt. „Mit einem umfassenden Service-Paket möchten wir den Aufenthalt in Frankfurt und die Begegnungen auf der Messe so angenehm und effizient wie möglich gestalten. Bei aller Größe und Internationalität unserer Messe ist es uns ein besonderes Anliegen, dass die Heimtextil auch den Heimatmarkt fest im Blick hat.“ Auch Meisterschüler des Raumausstatterhandwerks sind zur Teilnahme am Heimtextil Insider eingeladen. Ebenso heißt die Heimtextil Raumausstatterlehrlinge mit ihren Berufsschulklassen willkommen. Über können Lehrer ihre Klassen für einen kostenfreien Messebesuch anmelden.

Zahlreiche Vorteile
Die beiden Besucherprogramme „Heimtextil Insider“ (für Raumausstatter und Inneneinrichter) und „Bed’n Excellence“ (für Bettenfachhändler) bieten jeweils diverse Vorteile für die jeweilige Zielgruppe an. Dazu zählen unter anderem ein Begrüßungsgeschenk, eine Gratis-Dauerkarte für die Messe sowie Zutritt zu einem bewirteten Lounge-Areal mit WLAN und Garderobenservice. Außerdem kommen den genannten Besuchergruppen spezielle Fachvorträge, geführte Themenrundgänge und eine Vor-Ort-Betreuung zuteil. Darüber hinaus haben Teilnehmer der beiden Besucherprogramme die Möglichkeit, für die Zeit der Messe Hotelzimmer zu reduzierten Preisen zu buchen.

Starke Partner aus der Branche
Für den „Heimtextil Insider“ engagieren sich renommierte Unternehmen und Verbände: Neben Bella Gardinenkonfektion, DecoTeam, Erfal, Höpke, MHZ, Schmitz-Werke und der RZ Raumausstatter-Zeitschrift stehen auch das Deutsche Tapeteninstitut, der Fachhandelsring (FHR) und der Zentralverband Raum und Ausstattung (ZVR) hinter der Aktion.

Branchentreffen am ersten und dritten Messeabend
Zum zweiten Mal lädt die Heimtextil am ersten Messeabend (Dienstag, 9. Januar 2018, ab 18 Uhr) Branchenteilnehmer zum „Frankfurter Stöffche“ in die Halle 5.1 ein. Der Frankfurter Abend steht im Zeichen des geselligen Beisammenseins bei hessischer Gastfreundschaft. Es ist der ideale Treffpunkt für Raumausstatter, Inneneinrichter, Objektplaner und Fachhändler, um sich mit Ausstellern, Verbänden und Einkaufs-kooperationen auszutauschen.
Bettenfachhändler sind traditionell am Messedonnerstag, den 11. Januar 2018, ab 18 Uhr zum Branchentreffen „Afterwork@Heimtextil“ in der Halle 8.0 eingeladen. Bei Musik und Drinks lassen Industrievertreter und Händler der Bettenfachbranche den Messetag in entspannter Atmosphäre ausklingen.

„Trendspot Retail“: Inspirationen für den Handel
Einen Anlaufpunkt für Händler und Shop-Betreiber stellt während der Messe der „Trendspot Retail“ dar. Das Areal in der Halle 11.1 umfasst einen „Chromatic Store“ sowie eine „Biophilia Lounge“ und bietet interessierten Besuchern Anregungen für ihren eigenen Shop – in puncto Ladengestaltung, Produktauswahl, Marketing und vielen weiteren progressiven Handelsthemen.

Nachwuchsraumausstatter im Blickpunkt
Mit dem Berufswettbewerb für Raumausstatter „EuroInterior“ wechselt ein attraktives Branchen-Event auf die Heimtextil. Der Nachwuchs-wettbewerb des Europäischen Raumausstatterverbands findet in der Halle 5.1 eine neue internationale Bühne und begeistert mit spannenden Live-Demos: Über zwei Tage werden die landesbesten Nachwuchsraumausstatter und -innendekorateure aus Deutschland, Österreich, der Schweiz und Südtirol vor den Augen der Besucher polstern, tapezieren und Boden verlegen, ehe am Messedonnerstag der Preis verliehen wird.

Weitere Informationen sowie Anmeldung (mit dem Code HPM88)
zu „Heimtextil Insider“ (für Raumausstatter):

Weitere Informationen sowie Anmeldung (mit dem Code BEPI88)
zu „Bed’n Excellence (für Bettenfachhändler):



Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH

Sustainable in many different ways: recycling at Trevira © Trevira GmbH

Sustainable in many different ways: recycling at Trevira

Bobingen - On the 4th October 2017 a new brand was introduced at Trevira: Trevira SINFINECO®. This label may be carried by all textiles that contain sustainable Trevira products. Sustainable, innovative, high-value and responsible – these are the values the new brand stands for.

As an industrial enterprise, Trevira is conscious of its special responsibility for an intact environment and has long advocated the recycling of valuable raw materials and waste products. Trevira CEO Klaus Holz: “We at Trevira wish to preserve the environment and at the same time work to create value. These are the criteria of our sustainability concept.“

Creation of the new brand is therefore only a logical step, one that enables customers to label their sustainable Trevira products as such. Trevira is known for the high quality of its products. In every way recycled products are as good as the original materials in terms of quality and performance.

Two vital elements in Pre-Consumer Recycling and an important concept in Post-Consumer Recycling form part of the sustainability strategy of Trevira to conserve resources and maintain value. :

Bobingen - On the 4th October 2017 a new brand was introduced at Trevira: Trevira SINFINECO®. This label may be carried by all textiles that contain sustainable Trevira products. Sustainable, innovative, high-value and responsible – these are the values the new brand stands for.

As an industrial enterprise, Trevira is conscious of its special responsibility for an intact environment and has long advocated the recycling of valuable raw materials and waste products. Trevira CEO Klaus Holz: “We at Trevira wish to preserve the environment and at the same time work to create value. These are the criteria of our sustainability concept.“

Creation of the new brand is therefore only a logical step, one that enables customers to label their sustainable Trevira products as such. Trevira is known for the high quality of its products. In every way recycled products are as good as the original materials in terms of quality and performance.

Two vital elements in Pre-Consumer Recycling and an important concept in Post-Consumer Recycling form part of the sustainability strategy of Trevira to conserve resources and maintain value. :

In the area of Pre-Consumer Recycling, on the one hand, residual materials resulting from the manufacture of polyester fibres and filaments in Bobingen and Guben, dependent on the manufacturing step, are processed in the agglomeration plant and restored to become serviceable primary material. The recyclates are then fed back to our fibre and filament spinning mills, to be made into new top-quality products.

On the other hand, in fibre production there occurs in the manufacture of tow a small proportion of tow that cannot be used for converting and has to be cut out. Instead of selling this material as waste, it is cut up, pressed into balls and then carded / combed by a partner, resulting in a 1A quality product. The GRS certification (Global Recycled Standard) is requested for this. As with converter tow from new material, the recycled tow is mostly incorporated into polyester wool blends (55 % PET / 45 % wool), which are used primarily in corporate wear and uniforms.

In the area of Post-Consumer Recycling, Trevira offers filament yarns consisting of 100 % recycled PET bottles. Our parent company Indorama manufactures very high quality recycled chips from PET bottles. Since only transparent PET bottles are used in Thailand, the flakes and chips are of a particularly good and very uniform quality. The recycled chips, fibres and filaments from Indorama bear the GRS certificates (Global Recycled Standard) and RCS-NL (Recycled Claim Standard). Trevira processes the regranulate made by Indorama from bottle flakes into filament yarns consisting 100 % of recycled material. The filament yarns are available in titres 167 and 76 dtex normal polyester. Alongside technical applications, they are used in the automotive and apparel sectors. In addition, many promising developments with the recycled material are on their way.

drapilux liefert immer mehr individuelle Dekostoffe ©drapilux
Klinik am Kurpark in Bad Wildungen

drapilux liefert immer mehr individuelle Dekostoffe

  • Druckdesigns nach Kundenwunsch
  • Objekttextilien: Immer mehr individuelle Dekostoffe gewünscht

Emsdetten - „Wir hätten auf den Vorhängen, Kissen und Skirtings gern unser eigenes Wunschmotiv, passend zum Farbkonzept unseres Hauses.“ Ein Wunsch, den Textilhersteller drapilux von seinen Objektkunden des Öfteren hört – und problemlos erfüllen kann. Mittlerweile stehen vom Inbetween in Leinenoptik bis zum Black-Out insgesamt 13 bedruckbare Grundwaren zur Verfügung.

Individualität ist in: drapilux verfügt über die technische Kompetenz, Flexibilität und Qualitätssicherheit, um auf individuelle Druckwünsche zu reagieren. „Angefangen hatte es mit unserer 200°-Kollektion, mit der wir erstmals Dekostoffe nach dem Baukastenprinzip auf den Markt gebracht haben“, sagt Vertriebsleiter Hubert Reinermann. Ein Prinzip, das nach wie vor beliebt ist, denn verschiedene Themenwelten, Dessins, Farbvarianten und Grundwaren können ganz nach den Wünschen des Kunden miteinander kombiniert werden.

  • Druckdesigns nach Kundenwunsch
  • Objekttextilien: Immer mehr individuelle Dekostoffe gewünscht

Emsdetten - „Wir hätten auf den Vorhängen, Kissen und Skirtings gern unser eigenes Wunschmotiv, passend zum Farbkonzept unseres Hauses.“ Ein Wunsch, den Textilhersteller drapilux von seinen Objektkunden des Öfteren hört – und problemlos erfüllen kann. Mittlerweile stehen vom Inbetween in Leinenoptik bis zum Black-Out insgesamt 13 bedruckbare Grundwaren zur Verfügung.

Individualität ist in: drapilux verfügt über die technische Kompetenz, Flexibilität und Qualitätssicherheit, um auf individuelle Druckwünsche zu reagieren. „Angefangen hatte es mit unserer 200°-Kollektion, mit der wir erstmals Dekostoffe nach dem Baukastenprinzip auf den Markt gebracht haben“, sagt Vertriebsleiter Hubert Reinermann. Ein Prinzip, das nach wie vor beliebt ist, denn verschiedene Themenwelten, Dessins, Farbvarianten und Grundwaren können ganz nach den Wünschen des Kunden miteinander kombiniert werden.

Die 200°-Kollektion ist nicht die einzige Möglichkeit, die die Marke drapilux – welche durch moderne Druckmaschinen und das eigene Designstudio als Vorreiter in Sachen Digitaldruck gilt – seinen Kunden bietet. 13 bedruckbare Grundwaren stehen zur Verfügung. Dazu zählen strukturierte Deko- und Möbelstoffe, Unis, Inbetweens in Leinenoptik, Stores, Satin, Black-Out- und Dim-Out-Textilien. Dieses Druck-Grundwaren-Portfolio hat drapilux in einer speziellen Bemusterungsform neu und pointiert zusammengestellt. Alle Druckgrundwaren sind nun auf einer Objektkarte zusammengefasst:

„Ab 25 Metern Ware ist alles machbar“, sagt Vertriebsleiter Reinermann. Jüngstes Referenzobjekt ist ein Pflegeheim des Ev. Stifts Freiburg, das für die Vorhänge in der Cafeteria um ein orientalisches Motiv bat. „Gemeinsam mit dem Kunden erarbeitete ich das Motiv, und das Designstudio passte dies dann farblich an den Bodenbelag an“, so Elmar Ritter, Objektberater und Digitaldruck-Spezialist bei drapilux.

Bei fast allen der flammhemmenden Textilien können nach dem Druck zudem die intelligenten Funktionen – z. B. drapilux all in one mit luftreinigender und antimikrobieller Wirksamkeit – aufgebracht werden.

More information:
drapilux Heimtextilien Dekostoffe

schönknecht : kommunikation
gesellschaft für public relations und marketing mbh

INVISTA at Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics ©Messe Frankfurt
INVISTA to showcase ‘Innovative Attitude’ at Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics

INVISTA at Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics

  • INVISTA to showcase ‘Innovative Attitude’ at Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics
  • Innovative INVISTA products, findings from a new textile industry IP protection survey, in-depth consumer insights and fashion trends will be revealed

INVISTA, one of the world’s largest integrated producers of polymers and fibres, will showcase the innovative attitudes enabling it to maintain a leading position in the textile industry at the upcoming Rendez-Vous 2017 at October’s Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – the world’s most influential apparel event. INVISTA Rendez-Vous will showcase innovative INVISTA products, offer consumer insights and reveal the results of a textile industry IP protection survey.

INVISTA Rendez-Vous 2017 will be held at Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics 11 – 13 October at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai, with INVISTA occupying two booths in hall 5.2 E49 and hall 7.2 E55. 

  • INVISTA to showcase ‘Innovative Attitude’ at Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics
  • Innovative INVISTA products, findings from a new textile industry IP protection survey, in-depth consumer insights and fashion trends will be revealed

INVISTA, one of the world’s largest integrated producers of polymers and fibres, will showcase the innovative attitudes enabling it to maintain a leading position in the textile industry at the upcoming Rendez-Vous 2017 at October’s Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – the world’s most influential apparel event. INVISTA Rendez-Vous will showcase innovative INVISTA products, offer consumer insights and reveal the results of a textile industry IP protection survey.

INVISTA Rendez-Vous 2017 will be held at Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics 11 – 13 October at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai, with INVISTA occupying two booths in hall 5.2 E49 and hall 7.2 E55. 

As a global authoritative trade show in textile industry, Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics has been a platform for INVISTA to communicate with players across the value chain for 23 years. This year’s event will be no exception. The rich and vivid content delivered at the show will focus on INVISTA’s Innovative Attitude to consumers, partners as well as the whole industry.

To build a healthy and sustainable marketing environment, INVISTA cooperated with a number of media organisations to conduct a survey on IP protection in the textile industry. The results will be revealed during a seminar entitled ‘Innovation and IP: An Avenue for Sustainable Textile Industry Development’, which will be held on 11 October, 2:45 – 3:45pm in the Textile Dialogue area in hall 5.2. Representatives from textile industry associations, legal firms and INVISTA will share the findings and offer insights during what will undoubtedly be one of the highlights of INVISTA Rendez-Vous 2017.

The main pavilion of the show will be located in the International Hall (hall 5.2), where three of INVISTA’s most innovative products will be on show. Visitors will experience the latest possibilities offered by LYCRA® MOVESTM BRA, LYCRA® MOVESTM LEGGINGS and LYCRA® MOVESTM HOSIERY.


According to consumer research conducted in 2016, bra products in China’s domestic market don’t match consumer demands in a host of critical areas, including support, comfort and aesthetic design. To address these concerns, streamline the industry and consolidate its leadership, INVISTA is launching LYCRA® lastingFIT technology for bra wings. In addition, INVISTA’s cutting-edge technology can contribute to meeting specific quality standards in bra wing fabrics, enabling Chinese consumers to experience higher levels of comfort and the appropriate support they expect from a bra in different occasions.


INVISTA’s longstanding commitment to legging fabrics will also be on display at Rendez-Vous. INVISTA’s LYCRA® MOVESTM LEGGINGS has already spawned LYCRA® SPORT Power-Comfort-Energy (PCE™) index-certified fabrics, which are now commercially available.

The revolutionary fabrics present excellent recovery performance for LYCRA® SPORT legging products. They also offer the industry an opportunity to develop a number of targeted segment markets – from compression and medium compress to light compression leggings.


LYCRA® MOVESTM HOSIERY is all about fabric technology innovation. Due to excellent properties, such as anti-laddering, fit and durability as well as comfortable waistbands, INVISTA’s LYCRA® FUSIONTM technology has already been widely adopted in China’s hosiery sector.

A Packed Pavilion

At the LYCRA® MOVESTM Denim pavilion in the Beyond Denim hall (7.2), visitors won’t just see the innovative denim products offered by INVISTA; they will also learn about three themes highlighted through consumer insights – fit, shape and embracing heat & cold. There will also be a special session outlining the latest woven bottom trends, hosted by INVISTA experts.

Introduced commercially in 2010, LYCRA® dualFX® dual core yarn technology provides denim with super stretch and super recovery that fits all day and every day. It effectively prevents seam slippage and uneven fabric surfaces, keeping denim looking good, feeling comfortable and fitting, which in turn creates new denim fabric applications and fashion trends in the China market.

Last But Not Least

An interactive program, that includes visitors uploading pictures they take at the INVISTA booth to the official INVISTA WeChat account, will give every visitor a chance to win a special INVISTA gift. Visit INVISTA at hall 5.2 E49 and hall 7.2 E55 from 11 – 13 October at Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics 2017.

Lectra and Faurecia renew their partnership agreement ©lectra
Faurecia Cadillac

Lectra and Faurecia renew their partnership agreement

  • Lectra contributes to Faurecia Seating Business Group Industry 4.0 readiness and “digital enterprise” transformation initiative

Paris, September 26, 2017 – Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather, technical textiles and composite materials, is pleased to announce the renewal of its partnership with Faurecia through the signing of a global agreement for its Seating Business Group.

The cutting process for the production of seat covers, headrests and interiors is an increasingly strategic part of Faurecia’s Seating activity. Faurecia Seating supplies vehicle complete seats, frames, mechanisms and trim covers to major carmakers worldwide, whose manufacturing processes are gradually evolving toward Industry 4.0.

Faurecia Seating aims to double the production of its existing manufacturing facilities by reinforcing operations with advanced manufacturing technologies. The company’s extended partnership with Lectra entails focusing on operational excellence initiatives across its automotive seating division.

  • Lectra contributes to Faurecia Seating Business Group Industry 4.0 readiness and “digital enterprise” transformation initiative

Paris, September 26, 2017 – Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather, technical textiles and composite materials, is pleased to announce the renewal of its partnership with Faurecia through the signing of a global agreement for its Seating Business Group.

The cutting process for the production of seat covers, headrests and interiors is an increasingly strategic part of Faurecia’s Seating activity. Faurecia Seating supplies vehicle complete seats, frames, mechanisms and trim covers to major carmakers worldwide, whose manufacturing processes are gradually evolving toward Industry 4.0.

Faurecia Seating aims to double the production of its existing manufacturing facilities by reinforcing operations with advanced manufacturing technologies. The company’s extended partnership with Lectra entails focusing on operational excellence initiatives across its automotive seating division.

Standardization of the Vector® fabric-cutting solution—endowed with preventive and predictive maintenance capabilities and the highest-performance cutting system available on the market to date—will be instrumental to the implementation of these initiatives throughout the division’s fabric cutting facilities. Faurecia currently has more than 60 Vector fabric cutting solutions in production worldwide.

“More than ever, we face major challenges in terms of flexibility, agility and productivity—producing more while reducing costs,” observes Hagen Wiesner, Executive Vice President, Faurecia Seating. “Our cutting processes have become strategic in reaching these goals. Faurecia’s ‘digital enterprise’ project aims to achieve operational excellence in virtually every aspect of our organization. Together with Lectra, we will make this a reality in the cutting room, with smart automation and predictive maintenance”.

“Given the profound transformations gripping manufacturing, helping our customers ready their operations for the Fourth Industrial Revolution has become without question our core mission,” remarks Daniel Harari, Lectra Chairman and CEO. “Faurecia is among the automotive suppliers at the forefront of this movement. Digital technologies and industry expertise are the business enablers that will allow manufacturers to connect inside and outside the value chain in the near future.”


Lectra Headquarters / Press Department

drapilux-Herbstneuheit Artikel 764 © drapilux

drapilux: Streifen sorgen für Durchblick

Zarte Pastelltöne, unterbrochen von weniger dichten weißen Streifen, verleihen der drapilux-Herbstneuheit Artikel 764 eine besondere Verspieltheit und Leichtigkeit. Als Vorhang, Inbetween oder Flächenvorhang verwendet, lässt er den Blick durchs Fenster nach außen zu, verhindert jedoch die Sicht nach innen.

Wie alle drapilux-Stoffe ist er mit der flammhemmenden Zusatzfunktion drapilux flammstopp ausgestattet. In Kombination mit drapilux air (luftreinigend) und bioaktiv (keimreduzierend) entspricht er somit den hohen Ansprüchen des HealthCareBereichs – funktionell wie visuell. Der Artikel wurde sapeziell für den Einsatz in Krankenhäuser, Pflegeeinrichtungen und Arztpraxen entwickelt. 


Zarte Pastelltöne, unterbrochen von weniger dichten weißen Streifen, verleihen der drapilux-Herbstneuheit Artikel 764 eine besondere Verspieltheit und Leichtigkeit. Als Vorhang, Inbetween oder Flächenvorhang verwendet, lässt er den Blick durchs Fenster nach außen zu, verhindert jedoch die Sicht nach innen.

Wie alle drapilux-Stoffe ist er mit der flammhemmenden Zusatzfunktion drapilux flammstopp ausgestattet. In Kombination mit drapilux air (luftreinigend) und bioaktiv (keimreduzierend) entspricht er somit den hohen Ansprüchen des HealthCareBereichs – funktionell wie visuell. Der Artikel wurde sapeziell für den Einsatz in Krankenhäuser, Pflegeeinrichtungen und Arztpraxen entwickelt. 



schönknecht : kommunikation

DyStar and CSI launch their Sustainable Color and Trend magazine ©DyStar
DyStar and CSI launch their Sustainable Color and Trend magazine

DyStar and CSI launch their Sustainable Color and Trend magazine

As a combined effort of the CSI color team and DyStar’s technical experts, DyStar and CSI are launching the first 2 issues of the Sustainable Color and Trend magazine with Cadira® color palettes.

This new magazine inspires Designers and Color Managers by offering palettes and color combinations that are Eco-friendly and Inspired by Nature. Not only does the magazine include a wide range of color palettes, but also color validation in CSI’s Relative Color Popularity (RCP) information as well as sustainable dye recipes that have been formulated based on the Cadira resource optimization process.

The Cadira Concept is a module in DyStar’s Resource Efficiency program. It helps to considerably shorten lead times and reduce water, waste and energy consumption. Cadira Concepts have been developed for different substrates and dyeing procedures. This launch focuses on both reactive dyeing of cotton as well as polyester & recycled polyester dyeing.

As a combined effort of the CSI color team and DyStar’s technical experts, DyStar and CSI are launching the first 2 issues of the Sustainable Color and Trend magazine with Cadira® color palettes.

This new magazine inspires Designers and Color Managers by offering palettes and color combinations that are Eco-friendly and Inspired by Nature. Not only does the magazine include a wide range of color palettes, but also color validation in CSI’s Relative Color Popularity (RCP) information as well as sustainable dye recipes that have been formulated based on the Cadira resource optimization process.

The Cadira Concept is a module in DyStar’s Resource Efficiency program. It helps to considerably shorten lead times and reduce water, waste and energy consumption. Cadira Concepts have been developed for different substrates and dyeing procedures. This launch focuses on both reactive dyeing of cotton as well as polyester & recycled polyester dyeing.

The reactive-issue – Inspired by Nature – offers color palettes with softer, muted tones, levels of neutrals and earthy shades of green. The recipes are based on DyStar Levafix® and Remazol® combined with Sera® chemicals for an optimized dyeing and wash-off process.

The Polyester issue offers more vibrant color options with saturated colors and brights for active wear and outdoor clothing and accessories. The recipes are based on Dianix® dyes and the dyeing process can be optimized by use of the Optidye® PES program.

“We are conscious about our environment so we wanted to create a magazine with an ecological color and optimized processes so that our customers can pick the right color that will help them reduce their environmental impact in the design process.” Says Ron Pedemonte, VP of Sales and Marketing Americas.

CSI will fcus more on color palettes with ecological dyes and low impact processes when offering color and trend information to customers in the future. More eco-friendly color palettes will be available very soon.

More information about CSI color trends and the Cadira process is available in the DyStar Website and CSI Website. /


DyStar Press Info

Rasch Textil Bambino Rasch Textil
Rasch Textil Bambino

Der Stoff, aus dem Kinderträume sind!

Kein Raum verändert sich so oft wie das Kinderzimmer. Mit dem Alter wachsen und verändern sich auch die Bedürfnisse der kleinen oder auch schon größeren Bewohner. Spielzeug wird gegen Schulsachen getauscht und genug Platz für die Freunde soll schließlich auch sein. Keine leichte Einrichtungsaufgabe, so vielen Anforderungen gerecht zu werden und dabei auch noch cool auszusehen. Stoffe sind dabei vielseitige Helfer, die Struktur geben und das Kinderzimmer zum individuellen Allround-Talent machen. Die Experten von #GibDirStoff zeigen Textilien für Sicherheit, Persönlichkeit und Geborgenheit.

Die Informationen sowie das zugehörige Bildmaterial der ITR-Mitglieder finden Sie unter diesem Link zum Download.

Kein Raum verändert sich so oft wie das Kinderzimmer. Mit dem Alter wachsen und verändern sich auch die Bedürfnisse der kleinen oder auch schon größeren Bewohner. Spielzeug wird gegen Schulsachen getauscht und genug Platz für die Freunde soll schließlich auch sein. Keine leichte Einrichtungsaufgabe, so vielen Anforderungen gerecht zu werden und dabei auch noch cool auszusehen. Stoffe sind dabei vielseitige Helfer, die Struktur geben und das Kinderzimmer zum individuellen Allround-Talent machen. Die Experten von #GibDirStoff zeigen Textilien für Sicherheit, Persönlichkeit und Geborgenheit.

Die Informationen sowie das zugehörige Bildmaterial der ITR-Mitglieder finden Sie unter diesem Link zum Download.

Business interaction Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH
Business interaction

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles attracted more trade buyers this year resulting in strong business outcomes

Overseas exhibitors found the fair an effective platform to open up the Asian market
Buyers benefited from wide range of quality exhibitors

Overseas exhibitors found the fair an effective platform to open up the Asian market
Buyers benefited from wide range of quality exhibitors

The 23rd edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles is over, with both exhibitors and buyers satisfied with the business outcomes resulting from the fair’s four days. The largest home textiles trading event in Asia was held from 23 – 26 August, attracting 1,106 exhibitors from 30 countries and regions. Given the strengthening market conditions in China the fair maintained its popularity, with the number of trade buyers increasing to 38,964 from 99 countries and regions (2016: 37,779 from 98 countries and regions). The show also attracted more international buyers this edition, with a 16% increase in those coming from abroad. “Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles has once again proven its leading position in Asia as a business and order platform for the industry. There was a noticeable positivity from both exhibitors and buyers this edition regarding the current and future situation of the domestic market, so we are optimistic about the industry for the next year,” Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd said.

Overseas exhibitors found the fair an effective platform to open up the Asian market

As the leading event of its kind in the region, the fair successfully attracts a number of Chinese and Asian buyers every year, ensuring suppliers can develop their business further in the region. This year, seven country and region pavilions including Belgium, India, Korea, Morocco, Pakistan, Taiwan and Turkey were formed, with exhibitors from all of satisfied they could meet their target buyers.

While being in the minority at the fair, European brands still managed to catch the attention of visitors due to strong interest in their products from Asia. The Italian upholstery supplier Enzo Degli Angiuoni Spa was satisfied with the number of Asian buyers, particularly Chinese, that they met at the fair. Mr Stefano Laurenzano, Export Area Manager expressed: “A lot of visitors that saw us here last year have come back again and are serious about cooperating with us. Here you can get a lot of new contacts and discover the Asian market. We’ve had mainly Chinese buyers, but have had more Asian buyers from South Korea, India, Malaysia and elsewhere to visit us this year. We are seeing more business here in recent years.”

Being a newcomer to the fair, Iceland Duvet ehf felt the potential in China. “We’ve had enough buyers including retailers and manufacturers visiting our booth to make our participation worthwhile. The interest from the buyers has been genuine. Being a European brand helps more than at fairs in Europe as we can stand out more here,” Mr Ragnar Ludvik Runarsson, representative said.

Indian exhibitor, Paramount Textile Mills Ltd has been joining the fair for three years. “Apart from meeting our existing customers, we’ve had enquiries from potential new customers from China as well as overseas including the US and South America,” Mr Ram. M., Director of Marketing & Finance said.

Also with three years’ participation, Mr Samir Tazi, General Manager of PIF Textile Emotions from Morocco affirmed the show’s effectiveness in meeting important buyers and decision makers. “It’s easier for us to meet them here compared with some smaller European fairs. Thanks to Intertextile Shanghai, we have also met the major players in China.” Talking about this year’s result, he continued: “We were very busy. We met with more people than any other fairs. There are a lot of new buyers and also returning buyers checking out our new products.”

Participating in the Korea Pavilion, Sangwon Textile Co Ltd found the fair helpful in attracting distributors and wholesalers from Southeast Asia. Mr Jeon Hyeon Tae, Sales Manager said: “We have found about five potential and quality distributors from Taiwan, India, Philippines and Singapore on the first day. We also got to meet a number of wholesalers who prefer to buy from us directly at the fair.” He added that Intertextile Shanghai is also an ideal platform to launch new products for their existing clients.

As the largest pavilion this year, the Turkey Pavilion was in the limelight of the show, with both new and veteran exhibitors finding it useful to exhibit in Intertextile Shanghai. Bezmez Ev Tekstil did not intend to receive any orders in their first show, but was surprised to obtain three in just one day. These concrete results reassured their likelihood of coming back next year. “We definitely see the potential for Turkish products here in China as Chinese companies prefer quality products nowadays,” Mr Ayhan Bezmez, representative, further commented. Mr Fahri Goksin, Vice President of Gokhan Tekstil agreed with Mr Bezmez that Chinese buyers are in favour of new things like imported goods and Western brands. His company has been in the Shanghai fair for six years and continued to get satisfactory results. “We’re looking for retailers, wholesalers and online buyers. We’ve had all of these visiting our booth already.”

Domestic exhibitors satisfied with the number of potential customers and orders received

Recently, there is strong signs suggesting that the home textiles market in China is recovering with both imports and exports rising gradually. The positive outcome that Chinese exhibitors achieved at the August’s fair have resonated with the market condition. It is no surprise to see a number of domestic booths packed with visitors throughout the days. SohoCUT is a case in point. To them, Intertextile Shanghai is the place for actual business. “Compared with other fairs we’ve been to, this is the exhibition where a huge number of international buyers gather. We met buyers from China, Mexico, Russia, the US, India and Southeast Asia. We even got large orders for the first two days.” Mr Wheatley Weng, Managing Director said.

The fabrics of Wujiang Linwang Weaving Mill is also sought after at the fair. Being a company that do both exports and domestic trade, they are happy to connect with local and overseas customers during the show. “We’ve collected around 100 leads on the first day, of which 70% are domestic and the remaining being international. The overseas visitors are from Italy, Poland, Germany, Denmark, Chile and Korea that our products precisely meet their requirement. We see high chances of cooperation after the fair.” Mr Kenny, Sales Manager said.

Given the prevailing smart home concept in China, Somfy China Co Ltd which specialised in advanced sun-protection system has become one of the highlights at the fair. Ms Nancy Nan, Chief Executive Officer mentioned: “The visitor flow has been really high that our booth is swarmed by buyers. Amongst those visitors, there is no lack of medium to high-end customers who placed orders immediately.”

Editors assembled to promote high-end products

To cater to the ascending standards of Chinese customers, Intertextile Shanghai once again brought editors together in hall 5.1 to maximise their exposure to their target buyers. As foreign brands with subsidiaries in China, JAB and Prestigious see the growing interest in their premium products in China. “We pay attention to the changing buying habits of Chinese consumers and, as such, have started promoting a series of products under a unified lifestyle trend. It’s obvious that we are gaining more awareness from buyers at the fair,” Mr William Lin, Vice President of JAB ANSTOETZ Interior (Shanghai) Co Ltd said. He also appreciated the specific display area for imported fabrics and the organisers’ attempt to attract more designers, which helped them meet more potential customers. Apart from getting onsite orders, Prestigious Textiles (Shanghai) Ltd also considers the show a promotion platform. “There is great demand for our products in China. Though we achieved similar sales compared with last year, through this fair our brand has been well introduced to the market,” Mr Lewis Liu, Sales Director expressed.

Originating from China, Euroart Co Ltd was another editor that successfully showcased their latest collection at the fair. “It is a good time to join the most influential home textiles exhibition in Asia as we have just launched new products in May. We are satisfied as some of our existing clients plus new visitors came to our booth,” Ms Guo Jianhua, Director Assistant said.

Industry players benefit from the expanded Digital Printing Zone

The demand for digital printing solutions has been growing in recent years, especially as the industry has put more emphasis on green production. As such, the Digital Printing Zone expanded in size this edition, incorporating a Seminar Area and more exhibitors.

As an Italian company, MS Printing Solutions Srl experienced the potential of the sector in China. “The fair has been busy, and we’ve had steady flow of buyers coming through. The potential in digital printing here is just beginning. The Chinese government is pushing companies to reduce their pollution, so it has a big advantage in this regard over traditional textile printing,” Mr Walter Oggioni, Regional Sales Manager stated, adding that the company has been growing very fast globally, especially in China, Turkey, India and Pakistan.

This potential holds for domestic machine manufacturers as well. Specialising in the production of digital printing machines, Guangzhou Xu Cheng Electronic Technology Co Ltd was at the fair to meet fabrics suppliers. Mr Jesse Luo, Overseas Manager explained: “Compared with exhibitions for textile machinery, Intertextile Shanghai attracts more fabrics suppliers, which are our target clients. It helps even more as we are located in this special zone. We’ve been talking to a lot customers, including overseas buyers who are also interested in our machines.”

A series of seminars also provided opportunities for the industry to share their insights on this emerging sector. As a speaker, Foshan Sanshui Yingjie Precision Machinery believed the session was mutually beneficial for them and the audience. “Attendees are from the whole sector including manufacturers and end users, so we can discuss different perspectives. It will facilitate our improvement,” Mr Peng Jichang, General Manager said. Mr Scott Bai, representative of Huntsman Textile Effects (China) Co Ltd also benefited from visiting the zone and the seminar. “Together with seminar, the Digital Printing Zone can professionally present the current situation for the industry. When suppliers and users come together, we can discover the way to enhance this technology.”

Buyers benefited from wide range of quality exhibitors

Intertextile Shanghai is the largest trading platform in Asia with the whole spectrum of home textiles and accessories on offer. Hence, visitors, be they Chinese or overseas, can access a wide range of quality suppliers that meet their sourcing needs. Australian buyer, Mr Glenn Whitchurch from Trabeth Textiles, was impressed with his sourcing journey. “The polyester quality of domestic exhibitors has been unbelievable. What’s more, we’ve found the Chinese suppliers to be very flexible in meeting our needs, they’re clearly keen to accommodate overseas buyers.” Mr Whitchurch also commented favourably on the product range at Intertextile Shanghai compared to European fairs.

One ongoing trend at the fair over recent years is the increasing quality of domestic suppliers, which attracts buyers to come back and source. Mezanin V SRL from Moldova is a long-term supporter of the show, and place orders every year. Its Vice Director, Mr Mihail Tornea remarked: “It is an important event for us to meet new suppliers from China. We are selective with the suppliers we work with, but the Chinese companies here meet our requirements. As a sourcing event, Intertextile Shanghai is the best place to be.”

The fair’s VIP buyer programme also assists buyers in meeting worldwide exhibitors at ease. Mr Bibo Lan is the co-founder of Loft Curtains in the US and he is excited to meet lots of potential suppliers here. “The arrangement for VIPs is satisfying and it helps a lot to have my target exhibitor information in advance. The largest benefit of our visit is that we met Libeco from Belgium, while we also confirmed to work with a blackout supplier at the fair,” he said.

Chinese buyers agreed that Intertextile Shanghai is the most effective sourcing platform in Asia. “Overseas suppliers like Turkey exhibitors are our main interest. So far, we have connected with four to five exhibitors in hall 4 and will place orders with them soon. In terms of exhibitor number and the product range, I feel that the fair has improved a lot. It is my favourite show with a lot of overseas products to discover,” Mr Huang Shenghua, General Manager of Ziranfeng Home Textile Co Ltd said.

Concurrent events inspired the industry

Apart from facilitating business between exhibitors and visitors, the fair also incorporated various design elements via a series of concurrent events. These included display area like Trend Area, International Fiber Art Exhibition and Home Furnishing Crossover Exhibition where participants could find innovative designs and ideas.

This was also the first time the Andrew Martin International Interior Design Summit and the fair took place concurrently. Experts from the interior design, architecture and art sectors were invited to share and discuss their views on the transformation of design in the new information era. Mr Kot Ge, founder of a domestic interior design studio, LSDCASA was delighted to join, and shared: “This show always attracts many top interior designers and it’s my pleasure to meet them here. Interior design and home textiles are closely related and new concepts can bring along improvement.”

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition was organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Home Textile Association (CHTA). The next Autumn Edition will take place in August 2018, while the Spring Edition runs from 14 – 16 March 2018.
To find out more about this fair, please visit:
For more information about Messe Frankfurt textile fairs worldwide, please visit:


Archroma powers ‘Design Seeds’ with accurate, achievable color ©Archroma
Archroma Logo

Archroma powers ‘Design Seeds’ with accurate, achievable color

Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals, has partnered with the popular color inspiration site Design Seeds, on a series of seasonal stories featuring colors found in the Color Atlas by Archroma®. Design Seeds founder Jessica Colaluca and the site have more than 1,250,000 followers combined across social media platforms, and Design Seeds itself gets around 300,000 viewers every month.

“Archroma Color Management and Design Seeds is a match made in heaven,” said Colaluca. “I had declined partnering with brands or incorporating sponsored content on the site for over seven years until I met the incredible folks at Archroma. Beyond our obvious shared passion for color, we share a dedication to empowering designers. And as a designer, I fell in love with the Color Atlas. It is a brilliant system overflowing with modern color.”

Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals, has partnered with the popular color inspiration site Design Seeds, on a series of seasonal stories featuring colors found in the Color Atlas by Archroma®. Design Seeds founder Jessica Colaluca and the site have more than 1,250,000 followers combined across social media platforms, and Design Seeds itself gets around 300,000 viewers every month.

“Archroma Color Management and Design Seeds is a match made in heaven,” said Colaluca. “I had declined partnering with brands or incorporating sponsored content on the site for over seven years until I met the incredible folks at Archroma. Beyond our obvious shared passion for color, we share a dedication to empowering designers. And as a designer, I fell in love with the Color Atlas. It is a brilliant system overflowing with modern color.”

Through the site, Colaluca provides daily color stories, utilizing dynamic, thought-provoking images. In a new Design Seeds feature sponsored by Archroma she creates ‘seasonal atlas’ which offers storied vignettes of creative color and inspiration. Color Atlas by Archroma® codes are provided for all colors in the inspiration resource. The ‘seasonal atlas’ is catalogued on the Design Seeds site, distributed at trade shows and is available for download.

“It’s critical to designers working in today’s global fashion industry to select color that is achievable from the very start of a project,” says Chris Hipps, Global Director, Archroma Color Management. “Here at Archroma, our suite of color tools, from the Color Atlas to our online Color Search tool to our industry-renowned Engineered Color Standards, are all designed to help designers capture their inspiration, and ensure that their color choices remain consistent across global production processes.”

“We brainstormed on how to enhance what we can offer creatives through our partnership and that is when the concept of the ‘seasonal atlas’ was born. Through Archroma’s sponsorship, I am able to create the expanded inspiration resource on the site. And by featuring Color Atlas codes, folks are getting a gorgeous color match from concept to execution which I believe no other system can provide,” adds Colaluca.

When creating Design Seeds, Colaluca mixes each color swatch individually. She uses digital software much as she had gouache paint back in the early days of her career. For the seasonal atlas she then works with the Archroma team to translate her collection into selections from the 4,320 swatches in the six-volume Color Atlas. Fans of any color story can then refer to the Archroma color number which references swatches in the Color Atlas. Each color is readily available as an Engineered Color Standard and the digital reflectance data. All colors are also supported in Color Atlas Online ( with dye formulas on multiple substrates, Hex, CMYK, sRGB values and a selection of surrounding similar Colors.

More information:
Color Atlas Archroma Fashion


Business Beyond Borders, Texworld Paris 18th – 21st September 2017
Business Beyond Borders

Business Beyond Borders, Texworld Paris 18th – 21st September 2017

  • Asia comes to Paris and is ready to buy

The next Business Beyond Borders matchmaking event will take place in Paris at Texworld, the leading textile, clothing and apparel trade fair, September 2017.

After two successful matchmaking sessions at Genera (Madrid) and African Utility Week (Cape Town), the next Business Beyond Borders (BBB) matchmaking event turns its attention to one of the most renowned European trade fairs – Texworld - the leading textile, clothing and apparel trade fair. Twice a year Texworld Paris welcomes exhibitors and professional buyers from all over the world a rich variety of products from basic textiles to creative high-end fabrics of excellent quality. Hosting thousands of visitors, Texworld Paris is famous as the must-attend market for textile companies, especially from the EU and Asian side.

  • Asia comes to Paris and is ready to buy

The next Business Beyond Borders matchmaking event will take place in Paris at Texworld, the leading textile, clothing and apparel trade fair, September 2017.

After two successful matchmaking sessions at Genera (Madrid) and African Utility Week (Cape Town), the next Business Beyond Borders (BBB) matchmaking event turns its attention to one of the most renowned European trade fairs – Texworld - the leading textile, clothing and apparel trade fair. Twice a year Texworld Paris welcomes exhibitors and professional buyers from all over the world a rich variety of products from basic textiles to creative high-end fabrics of excellent quality. Hosting thousands of visitors, Texworld Paris is famous as the must-attend market for textile companies, especially from the EU and Asian side.

Business Beyond Borders supports businesses, especially Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Clusters, to operate internationally. During the fair, BBB facilitates the participation and meetings between relevant potential trading partners from Europe and abroad with the aim of assisting them in the conclusion of business deals.

Welcoming Arnaldo Abruzzini, CEO of EUROCHAMBRES, says “with over 80% international exhibitors, Texworld is the perfect marketplace for EU textile SMEs keen to do business internationally”. Takin into account the Free Trade Agreements which have been concluded by the EU in the last five years and those that are currently under negotiation, the EU is making several progresses in facilitating international trade as well as on the simplification of the Rules of Origin. “The BBB matchmaking at Texworld present itself an opportunity to increase the export rate of textile and clothing products to non-EU markets, which currently stands at 20%.”

The event will also be supprted by Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), the world’s largest support network for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with international ambitions. “With over 15 EEN partners co-organising the event – says Federica Leonetti, Chair of the Textile & Fashion EEN Sector Group – the companies taking part in the BBB matching event at Texworld will receive personalised support to be successful in their goals.”  

Companies attending the BBB Matchmaking will be able to benefit from a unique package:

• Free access to Texworld and to the connected shows: Apparel Sourcing, Avantex, Shawls and Scarves;
• Business meetings perfectly matching each BBB delegate needs and preferences taking place in a convenient matchmaking area at the heart of the trade fair;
• Access to technical sessions in the strategic conference on IPR, Market Access and the Circular Economy in the textile and clothing sector;
• Access to an international and well placed worldwide network, including several EU-funded support schemes;
• Participation in the BBB Social Media Competition for a chance to further promote your business online;
• Professional assistance on the spot and after the event to make the participation tailored to the needs of each BBB delegate;
The registration is now open at More than 200 companies are expected to attend the B2B Meetings in the dedicated BBB area.

Business Beyond Borders (BBB)