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Photo: Messe Frankfurt

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Spring Edition returns in March 2025

March marks the peak textiles sourcing period in China. The period is set to be augmented by the next Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Spring Edition, scheduled for 11 – 13 March 2025 at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai. The upcoming fair wants to continue the positive momentum achieved by the 2024 show, which featured 339 exhibitors from seven countries and regions, attracting over 23,700 buyers from 56 countries and regions. Eco-friendly materials and innovative technology will once again be at the forefront at next year’s show, building on the high-quality, functional, and sustainable home textiles that have emerged as dominant patterns in today’s market.

Despite a recent slowdown across industries, the global home textile market was valued at USD 133 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 189 billion by 2029. Key trends expected to drive market growth include the rise of eco-friendly home textiles, technological innovations, and a growing interest in multifunctional and smart home textiles, among others, with many such options to be showcased at the upcoming show.

March marks the peak textiles sourcing period in China. The period is set to be augmented by the next Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Spring Edition, scheduled for 11 – 13 March 2025 at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai. The upcoming fair wants to continue the positive momentum achieved by the 2024 show, which featured 339 exhibitors from seven countries and regions, attracting over 23,700 buyers from 56 countries and regions. Eco-friendly materials and innovative technology will once again be at the forefront at next year’s show, building on the high-quality, functional, and sustainable home textiles that have emerged as dominant patterns in today’s market.

Despite a recent slowdown across industries, the global home textile market was valued at USD 133 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 189 billion by 2029. Key trends expected to drive market growth include the rise of eco-friendly home textiles, technological innovations, and a growing interest in multifunctional and smart home textiles, among others, with many such options to be showcased at the upcoming show.

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Spring Edition 2025 is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Home Textile Association (CHTA).


Pushing sustainability and digitalisation in Vietnam’s textile industry

In recent years, Vietnam has rapidly transformed into one of the world’s key textile producers, solidifying its position as the world’s third-ranked exporter behind China and Bangladesh. With a history rooted in silk textile craftsmanship and currently embracing wide ranging modern textile production, the country’s thriving sector offers tremendous growth prospects for both domestic and international businesses. In a bid to harness the potential in Vietnam and Southeast Asia, the Vietnam International Trade Fair for Apparel, Textiles and Textile Technologies (VIATT) will return from 26 – 28 February 2025, with a renewed focus on promoting sustainability and digital transformation.

In recent years, Vietnam has rapidly transformed into one of the world’s key textile producers, solidifying its position as the world’s third-ranked exporter behind China and Bangladesh. With a history rooted in silk textile craftsmanship and currently embracing wide ranging modern textile production, the country’s thriving sector offers tremendous growth prospects for both domestic and international businesses. In a bid to harness the potential in Vietnam and Southeast Asia, the Vietnam International Trade Fair for Apparel, Textiles and Textile Technologies (VIATT) will return from 26 – 28 February 2025, with a renewed focus on promoting sustainability and digital transformation.

Vietnam's textile and apparel sector comprises approximately 7,000 companies and employs over three million workers, with 80% of production capacity used for export and 20% for domestic consumption. Progress is aided by well-developed logistics networks, skilled labour and a stable political environment. As its textile industry evolves, several key trends are influencing its future direction, reflecting a growing emphasis on sustainability and technological advancement, and leading to new opportunities for exhibitors and buyers across the value chain at Vietnam’s comprehensive textile showcase.

Major trends shaping Vietnam's textile market reflected at VIATT
More Vietnamese enterprises are adopting eco-friendly materials, including organic cotton, recycled polyester, and Tencel, while numerous global brands manufacture in Vietnam, and have committed to the "Fashion Industry Charter on Climate Action", aiming to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

To further advance sustainable initiatives in the domestic and international textile industry, VIATT 2025 will introduce Econogy Hub, a dedicated platform for innovative, eco-friendly suppliers and service providers to connect with like-minded visitors. The show’s other new Texpertise Econogy features will include the Econogy Finder, an independent verification tool to help sustainable exhibitors effectively communicate their green credentials, and Econogy Talks, the overarching category for eco-focused seminars, forums, and product presentations.

Apart from sustainability, the Vietnamese textile industry is also embracing advanced technologies in design and manufacturing. The launch of the fair’s Innovation & Digital Solutions Zone will provide a centralised platform for exhibitors to showcase innovations such as 3D printing, AI-driven design, and digital printing, which enable manufacturers to boost efficiency and customise products to meet specific market demands.

As well as the introduction of two new product zones, the India Pavilion, organised by The Cotton Textiles Export Promotion Council (TEXPROCIL), will also make its debut at VIATT 2025. Additionally, the Japan and Taiwan Pavilions have confirmed their return, with the Japan Pavilion recognised by VIATT’s visitors as a standout showcase within Southeast Asia's textile fair landscape. Overall, the fair will feature a diverse range of exhibitors across apparel, home textiles, and technical textiles, with many showcasing innovative and sustainable products.

The Vietnam International Trade Fair for Apparel, Textiles and Textile Technologies (VIATT) is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd and the Vietnam Trade Promotion Agency (VIETRADE), covering the entire textile industry value chain.

More information:
Vietnam VIATT

Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd

Future Continuous  Foto: Alcova für Heimtextil

Heimtextil Trends 25/26

Die Heimtextil präsentiert in Zusammenarbeit mit den Gründer*innen von Alcova die Heimtextil Trends 25/26 unter dem Titel „Future Continuous“ – und will damit eine visionäre Perspektive auf die tiefgreifende Bedeutung von Textilien in technologischen, kulturellen und ökologischen Entwicklungen bieten. „Future Continuous“ eröffnet spannende neue Perspektiven auf die Zukunft der Textilindustrie.

Alcova hat dafür sechs Interviews mit internationalen Designer*innen, Textilforschenden sowie Vertreter*innen von Verbänden und Institutionen aus ihrem Netzwerk geführt, um verschiedene Aspekte der Textilbranche zu beleuchten. So werden Tradition und Innovation, Kunsthandwerk und moderne Technologie verwoben – und laden ein, neue Wege für die textile Zukunft zu erkunden.

Die Heimtextil präsentiert in Zusammenarbeit mit den Gründer*innen von Alcova die Heimtextil Trends 25/26 unter dem Titel „Future Continuous“ – und will damit eine visionäre Perspektive auf die tiefgreifende Bedeutung von Textilien in technologischen, kulturellen und ökologischen Entwicklungen bieten. „Future Continuous“ eröffnet spannende neue Perspektiven auf die Zukunft der Textilindustrie.

Alcova hat dafür sechs Interviews mit internationalen Designer*innen, Textilforschenden sowie Vertreter*innen von Verbänden und Institutionen aus ihrem Netzwerk geführt, um verschiedene Aspekte der Textilbranche zu beleuchten. So werden Tradition und Innovation, Kunsthandwerk und moderne Technologie verwoben – und laden ein, neue Wege für die textile Zukunft zu erkunden.

Textilien als verbindendes Element von Vergangenheit und Zukunft
Textilien sind viel mehr als nur Stoffe – sie sind tief in Geschichte und Kultur verankert. Schon das Wort „Text“ stammt vom lateinischen „texere“, was „weben“ bedeutet und zeigt, dass Textilien lange vor der Schrift als Ausdrucks- und Kommunikationsmittel dienten. Sie verknüpfen Erzählungen, verweben Handlungsstränge und sind seit Jahrtausenden ein zentraler Bestandteil unserer Technologie. Janis Jefferies, eine Pionierin der Textilforschung, macht deutlich: Das Spinnen und Verweben von Fasern war die erste Technologie des Menschen und damit die Grundlage für Baukunst und Mathematik. Heute stehen Textilien im Fokus einer neuen, nachhaltigen Denkweise: weg vom „Recyceln, Reduzieren und Wiederverwenden“ hin zu einer regenerativen Landwirtschaft und einem Vokabular, das von „Wiederherstellen, Erneuern und Auffüllen“ spricht. Diese Entwicklung markiert einen tiefgreifenden Wandel im Nachhaltigkeitsdiskurs – hin zu einem ganzheitlichen Ansatz, der Textilien als Schlüssel für eine nachhaltige Zukunft sieht.

Renaissance der Naturfasern und handwerklicher Traditionen
Inmitten der schnelllebigen, digitalen Welt wächst eine Bewegung, die zurück zu den greifbaren, materiellen Aspekten des Lebens führt. Textilien spielen dabei eine zentrale Rolle: Sie verbinden Menschen mit ihrem kulturellen Erbe und schaffen durch ihre Haptik einen Kontrast zur virtuellen Existenz. In der derzeitigen Wegwerfkultur, die auf kurzlebige, oft unreparierbare Produkte setzt, stehen Textilien und Handwerkskunst für Authentizität, Nachhaltigkeit und echte Werte. Sie schaffen einen Moment der Achtsamkeit in einer von Bildschirmen geprägten Welt – und geben das Gefühl, wieder etwas wirklich berühren zu können. Auch Ilse Crawford, Interior Designerin und Gründerin von StudioIlse, betont: In einer zunehmend digitalen und körperlosen Welt entsteht ein tiefes Bedürfnis nach physischer Verbundenheit. Naturfasern wie Hanf, Jute, Flachs und Nessel erleben ein bemerkenswertes Comeback. Wegen ihrer Langlebigkeit und Behaglichkeit werden sie seit Jahrhunderten geschätzt. Christine Ladstätter, Managerin für Innovation bei Salewa, weist auf einen weiteren wichtigen Aspekt hin: In den letzten Jahrzehnten hat sich ein Trend zu einer stärkeren Wertschätzung lokaler Materialien und Techniken entwickelt. Ihre Projekte betonen die wachsende Bedeutung des Handwerks. Der Fokus liegt auf der Förderung der lokalen Landwirtschaft und dem Erhalt traditioneller Weidelandschaften.

Zirkularität und Transparenz als Grundlage der Zukunft
Schneller Konsum und Wegwerfkultur dominieren die heutige Welt. Doch die Bedeutung von Sorgfalt und Weitsicht wird immer offensichtlicher – auch in der Textilindustrie. Der Sektor steht vor einem Wandel: hin zu einer nachhaltigen, vernetzten und transparenten Zukunft. Dirk Vantyghem, Generaldirektor von Euratex, hebt hervor, dass der Textilsektor in der EU derzeit mehr denn je im Mittelpunkt stehe – nicht zuletzt dank des Europäischen Green Deals. In einer Zeit globaler Unsicherheit wächst das Bedürfnis nach langlebigen, funktionalen und nachhaltigen Produkten. Viele Hersteller verwenden Begriffe wie ‚nachhaltig‘ oder ‚zirkulär‘ oft willkürlich. Daher setzt sich das Europäische Parlament für mehr Rückverfolgbarkeit in der Lieferkette – und bekämpft dadurch Greenwashing und ermöglicht Verbraucher*innen fundiertere Kaufentscheidungen. Simone van der Burg und Lucas Evers, beide Gruppenleiter im WAAG Future-Lab, betonen die Bedeutung einer offenen und mitgestaltenden Produktion. Ihr Ansatz zielt darauf ab, lokale Ressourcen wie Farben und Fasern aus natürlichen Quellen zu nutzen. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die Demokratisierung von Herstellungsprozessen: Designer und Kreative erhalten Zugang zu Open-Source-Werkzeugen und Ressourcen, um frei zu experimentieren – ohne hohe Kosten. Die italienische Designerin und Dozentin Eugenia Morpurgo fordert dazu auf, die landwirtschaftlichen Praktiken der Textilproduktion grundlegend zu überdenken und von erdölbasierten Materialien abzurücken. Sie warnt vor ökonomischen Modellen, die Wegwerfprodukte gegenüber langlebigen Alternativen bevorzugen. Ihr Projekt „Syntropic Materials“ untersucht regenerative Landwirtschaft als nachhaltige Lösung für Textilien und Lebensmittel. Das Ziel ist es, die Bodengesundheit und die Biodiversität zu verbessern. Morpurgo betont, dass bei der Bewertung von Nachhaltigkeit die wahren Kosten – von Ressourcenverbrauch bis hin zu langfristiger Bodenfruchtbarkeit – berücksichtigt werden müssen.

Farben, die Geschichten erzählen
Von Naturally Uneven Green bis End of Petrol und Imperfect Pink – die Heimtextil Trends 25/26 präsentieren eine visionäre Farbpalette, die Alcova sowohl visuell als auch sprachlich interpretiert hat. Inspiriert von den sechs Interviews, verweben die Farben die Ideen und Begriffe, die in den Gesprächen aufkamen. So erzählen sie eine lebendige Geschichte. Natürliche, ungebleichte Töne treffen auf dynamische, leuchtende Farben und spiegeln das Spannungsfeld zwischen Tradition und Innovation wider. Dieser Kontrast steht für ein aktives Gleichgewicht, das sich ständig weiterentwickelt – geprägt von Erneuerung, Wachstum und einer zukunftsweisenden Vision, die über bloße Nachhaltigkeit hinausgeht.

More information:
Heimtextil Trend Messe Frankfurt

Messe Frankfurt Exhibition

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles concludes 30-year edition (c) Messe Frankfurt (HK) Co Ltd

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles concludes 30-year edition

From 14 to 16 August, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles hosted 946 exhibitors from 15 countries and regions, who engaged with more than 35,000 visitors from 108 countries and regions across the four-hall, 100,000 sqm exhibition space. Visitor numbers increased by 10% overall compared to the previous edition, with 13% of the total made up of overseas buyers, further highlighting the show’s internationality. Global industry players across the event, from suppliers and buyers to fringe speakers, noted their satisfaction relating to positive business exchange, the prevalence of sustainable products and design inspiration, and more.

With the support of Messe Frankfurt’s network across the global industry, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles has become a business platform that connects industry players from the East and West. Comprising the Türkiye Pavilion, Uzbekistan Pavilion, Belgium Zone and various individual overseas exhibitors, the stage was set for suppliers seeking business connections in the leading textile production hub.

From 14 to 16 August, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles hosted 946 exhibitors from 15 countries and regions, who engaged with more than 35,000 visitors from 108 countries and regions across the four-hall, 100,000 sqm exhibition space. Visitor numbers increased by 10% overall compared to the previous edition, with 13% of the total made up of overseas buyers, further highlighting the show’s internationality. Global industry players across the event, from suppliers and buyers to fringe speakers, noted their satisfaction relating to positive business exchange, the prevalence of sustainable products and design inspiration, and more.

With the support of Messe Frankfurt’s network across the global industry, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles has become a business platform that connects industry players from the East and West. Comprising the Türkiye Pavilion, Uzbekistan Pavilion, Belgium Zone and various individual overseas exhibitors, the stage was set for suppliers seeking business connections in the leading textile production hub.

International and domestic exhibitors covering sub-sectors such as bedding, editors, curtains, and carpets, presented their latest designs and innovations in Halls 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, and 6.2. Highlighted exhibitors included 3M China Limited, HAINING QIANBAIHUI WEAVING CO LTD, Weavers Tekstil San Ve Tic A S, Zhejiang Maya Fabric Co Ltd, Zhejiang Xiaoxuanchuang Household Co Ltd and more.

17 buyer delegations from 16 countries and regions pre-registered and visited the sourcing platform, including manufacturers, designers, buying houses, distributors, chain stores and retailers from Algeria, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Moldova, Morocco, Myanmar, Philippines, Russia, Thailand, Vietnam and more. Not to mention, VIP buyers from all over the world utilised the platform to meet annual sourcing targets.

Every year, the platform aims to reflect market trends, and has identified green progress as one of its major focuses going forward. As such, this edition’s comprehensive fringe programme highlighted a series of sustainablity events: Bridging Borders: A Designer x Producer Talk on Sustainability; About Healing; Sustainable Fibre Forum in Home Textiles; product presentations from fibre producers such as 3M , Advansa, and Indorama; as well as a special session to explain the Econogy concept that represents sustainability activities in the company’s Texpertise Network. The show welcomed designers and guest speakers from Europe and the Middle East to add overseas perspectives to the discussions.


Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd


30th anniversary of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles opens doors

Doors will open next week for trade fair Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles, with over 900 exhibitors from 15 countries and regions set to welcome global buyers at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) 14 – 16 August. Leveraging its 30 years of expertise in the home and contract textiles industry, the Autumn Edition will serve as a sourcing platform for industry players to forge impactful business partnerships and exchange market insights.

With the fair spanning 100,000 sqm of exhibition space in Halls 5.1, 5.2, 6.1 and 6.2, visitors are preparing to explore the entire home and contract textile spectrum at the gateway to Asia’s home living. To help buyers streamline their sourcing and maximise relevant business opportunities, 14 product zones will be set up, each spotlighting in-demand segments within the industry. These zones and their exhibitors include:

Doors will open next week for trade fair Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles, with over 900 exhibitors from 15 countries and regions set to welcome global buyers at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) 14 – 16 August. Leveraging its 30 years of expertise in the home and contract textiles industry, the Autumn Edition will serve as a sourcing platform for industry players to forge impactful business partnerships and exchange market insights.

With the fair spanning 100,000 sqm of exhibition space in Halls 5.1, 5.2, 6.1 and 6.2, visitors are preparing to explore the entire home and contract textile spectrum at the gateway to Asia’s home living. To help buyers streamline their sourcing and maximise relevant business opportunities, 14 product zones will be set up, each spotlighting in-demand segments within the industry. These zones and their exhibitors include:

  • Bedding: Ideaz Lifestyle Limited, Kageyama & Co Ltd, Shaoxing Chuanshi Home Textile Company Limited, Zhangjiagang Coolist Life Technology Co Ltd, Zhejiang Huaxing Feather & Down Products Co Ltd
  • Carpets & rugs: Beijing Home Value Co Ltd, Beijing U-living Home Decoration Co Ltd
  • Curtains & curtain fabrics: Dongjae Co Ltd, JWL FABRICS CO LTD, Textile Depo Co Ltd, Xi'an Zhong Yang Window Blinds Article Co Ltd, Zhejiang XIDAMEN New Material Co Ltd
  • Designer studios: Fine Art Inc, IKT Surfaces and Textures SL, Tela's Design Lda
  • Editors: Beijing Ya Da Home Decoration Articles Co Ltd, Prestigious Textiles (Shanghai) Limited, Raffinato Shanghai Ltd Corp
  • Leather: Anhui Anli Material Technology Co Ltd, Dongguan ARA Manufacture Co Ltd, Scope Leather Company, Zhejiang Changfeng New Material Co Ltd
  • Upholstery & sofa fabrics: Hangzhou Eastern Fabric Co Ltd, Mobus Fabrics Ltd, Suzhou Larbene Textile Co Ltd, Zhe Jiang Maya Fabric Co Ltd

In addition, specialised product zones for accessories, textile design, intelligent equipment, loungewear & bath, sun protection, table and kitchen linen, trade publications, and whole home products will further enrich buyers‘ sourcing experiences.

In the 30th year’s edition, buyers will have the opportunity to procure products from suppliers covering 15 countries and regions across Asia, Europe and North America. International exhibitors such as Advansa Marketing GmbH (Germany), Elastron Group (Portugal), Mobus (UK) and Morgan (USA) are set to participate.

Additionally, the newly introduced Uzbekistan Pavilion will showcase locally distinctive products, while the returning Türkiye Pavilion and Belgium Zone will also be present. Key exhibitors in these areas include:

  • Türkiye Pavilion: organised by Uludag Textile Exporters’ Association (UTIB), including Aleran Tekstil (Bona Home), Kucukcalik Tekstil and Weavers Tekstil.
  • Belgium Zone: exhibitors include CTF2000 and Love Home Fabrics.
  • Uzbekistan Pavilion: organised by Trade Development Company JSC, comprised of suppliers such as Great Kokand and Sam Rafoat Tekstil.

Buyers from 75 countries and regions have already pre-registered. Furthermore, 11 buyer delegations from 15 countries, including India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Morocco, Myanmar, Philippines, Poland, Russia, Spain, Thailand, Vietnam and more will augment the premier platform's diversity, and provide invaluable connections for building global business partnerships.

Four themes shaping the future of the industry
This year, the fair will stage a slate of concurrent events, organised around four central themes pivotal to the industry's growth. Key events on the agenda include:

Design Inspiration
The display area illustrating the central aspects of the upcoming Trends 2025 ‘Healing Home’ concept will be located in Hall 6.1 – the main focus of an exclusive tour guided by the trend designer. About Healing, the featured six-designer panel discussion on Day 1 afternoon, will further delve into the healing theme from an international perspective.

Other highlighted seminars, awards ceremonies and display areas include: 30th China Home Textiles Design Festival & Designer Recommended Brand Awards; China Intangible Cultural Heritage of Textile Exhibition; Design for Fun, Using Playful Methods to Support Sustainable Development by Mr You Zhou; Psychology at Play in Design by Ms Pallavi Dean, and Weaving Paths to Sustainability: the Impact of Textile in Interior Spaces by Mr Saverio Quaia.

Business O2O
Conducted by Ms Esra Lemmens, the theme’s highlighted seminar is titled Unlocking Opportunities: Successful Business Strategies for the Middle Eastern Design Market. Along with the 10th Home Textiles and Furniture Industry Ecological Integration Forum, the events under this theme will explore effective business strategies across sectors on Day 1 afternoon.

Industry Empowerment
Bridging Borders: A Designer x Producer Talk on Sustainability will bring together designers and manufacturers from the East and West to address sustainability challenges and strike a balance among all stakeholders – this round table discussion is scheduled for Day 2 afternoon.

Textiles & Technologies
Within the Econogy Talks umbrella, the Sustainable Fibre Forum in Home Textiles will provide a platform for green producers such as 3M, Advansa, and Indorama to share their latest eco-friendly innovations with home textile applications. Moreover, attendees interested in integrating sustainability into their Messe Frankfurt trade fair involvement, can gain insights on the Texpertise Econogy programme during an extensive session held on Day 2 morning.  

Beyond the stage, the 7th China International Fibre Art Exhibition will present artisic creations in its display area in Hall 5.1, with previous iterations well-received by fairgoers.


Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd


Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles unveils programme

In sync with the fair’s 30th anniversary, the sourcing platform will host around 12 fringe events for fairgoers to stay ahead of the curve, under the following segments: Design Inspiration, Business O2O, Textiles & Technologies, and Industry Empowerment. Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles has joined forces with Danish trend agency SPOTT trends & business to present the design theme for 2025 – ‘Healing Home’ – together with eight trend directions set to captivate the home textiles market. Set to be a hotspot for in vogue sourcing and industry exchange, the show will take place at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) from 14 – 16 August 2024.

In sync with the fair’s 30th anniversary, the sourcing platform will host around 12 fringe events for fairgoers to stay ahead of the curve, under the following segments: Design Inspiration, Business O2O, Textiles & Technologies, and Industry Empowerment. Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles has joined forces with Danish trend agency SPOTT trends & business to present the design theme for 2025 – ‘Healing Home’ – together with eight trend directions set to captivate the home textiles market. Set to be a hotspot for in vogue sourcing and industry exchange, the show will take place at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) from 14 – 16 August 2024.

To help home textile industry players set the tone and direction for the upcoming business season, the fair will present Trends 2025 along with leading trend agency SPOTT trends & business, to illustrate the ‘Healing Home– Spaces for Thriving Living’ theme that marks the path ahead for the evolving sector. This concept conveys the idea of a home that promotes a remedial, prosperous lifestyle, improving peoples’ general health and well-being, with several key factors contributing to the overarching theme:

  • Eight key directions: Age-Old Crafts, Nature-Tech Synergies, Regenerative Possibilities, Wellbeing Spaces, Colourful Gatherings, Bio-Engineered Innovations, Transitional Practices, and Circular Systems.
  • Five key colours: deep burgundy, warm terracotta, light creamy shade, saturated nostalgic green, and vaporous blue.

The founder of SPOTT trends & business, Ms Anja Bisgaard Gaede, will be onsite to share insights related to these new design trends. Fairgoers are invited to join her interactive trend tour, and physically experience the concepts steering the industry's future.

With the intention of sparking further design inspiration for industry players, an expert panel discussion of Chinese interior architects and designers, InterDesign Forum, will be held on the afternoon of Day 1. Focusing on design trend topics related to sustainability, Mr Shen Lei, Founder and Design Director of Interior Architects Design and the Chinese representative of the Intertextile International Lifestyle Trend Committee, will lead the discussion. Adding an international perspective, Ms Anja Bisgaard Gaede will join them for the accompanying round table talk.

In addition to serving as a gateway for efficient sourcing, the show will inspire fairgoers through its fringe programme, with various formats and topics unpacking current talking points.

Highlighted sessions include:    

  • Round table discussion: Bridging Borders: A Designer x Producer Talk on Sustainability – a dialogue between designers and manufacturers, exploring how to collaboratively overcome sustainability challenges and reconcile the demands of both sides, from both Eastern and Western perspectives.
  • Econogy Talks: selected exhibitors, including 3M, Advansa and many more, as well as a representative from Indorama will showcase their innovative green products, giving attendees in-person insights into some of the market’s latest sustainable developments in the Sustainable Fibre Forum. Additionally, a Messe Frankfurt representative will explain the Texpertise Econogy concept, the combination of economy and ecology that represents the sustainability activities in the company’s Texpertise Network. The discussion will show how crucial sustainability is for the economic success of a business today, and indicate how fairgoers can benefit from such an approach.

Beyond the subject of a greener textile industry, other topics will be explored at various events. With more to be announced in the coming weeks, the following seminars hosted by international experts will provide the latest trends and market updates:

  • Bridging Worlds: Design Strategies for Success in Middle Eastern Markets: Ms Esra Lemmens (Day 1)
  • How Psychology Impacts the Way We Design Spaces: Ms Pallavi Dean (Day 1)

Moreover, the 10th Home Textiles and Furniture Industry Ecological Integration Forum will bring together home textile and furniture brands to explore cross-industry collaboration and provide one-stop home solutions. The 30th China Home Textiles Design Festival & Designer Recommended Brand Awards will showcase the latest trends and achievements in home design, allowing participating brands to gain recognition from designers. Meanwhile, the 7th China International Fibre Art Exhibition will invite influential artists from home and abroad to present diverse contemporary fibre artworks; and the China Intangible Cultural Heritage of Textile Exhibition will showcase some remarkable displays.  


Messe Frankfurt HK, Ltd


VIATT 2025: Multifaceted fair poised to aid rejuvenation of Vietnam's textile industry

After navigating the challenges of 2023, Vietnam's textile and garment exports have been gradually recovering. Additionally, foreign direct investment (FDI) into Vietnam during the first five months of this year reached USD 11 billion, a 2% year-on-year increase, according to the Foreign Investment Agency under the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI). To cater to Vietnam’s renewed business opportunities, the Vietnam International Trade Fair for Apparel, Textiles and Textile Technologies (VIATT) will return from 26 – 28 February 2025 at the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center (SECC).

After navigating the challenges of 2023, Vietnam's textile and garment exports have been gradually recovering. Additionally, foreign direct investment (FDI) into Vietnam during the first five months of this year reached USD 11 billion, a 2% year-on-year increase, according to the Foreign Investment Agency under the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI). To cater to Vietnam’s renewed business opportunities, the Vietnam International Trade Fair for Apparel, Textiles and Textile Technologies (VIATT) will return from 26 – 28 February 2025 at the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center (SECC).

The fair’s inaugural edition attracted 409 exhibitors and 17,262 visits from 17 and 55 countries and regions respectively. Building on this solid foundation, VIATT 2025 will continue to showcase the latest industry trends, and expand its focus on various pertinent areas. This will include the fair’s new Econogy Hub, a dedicated zone to advance the topic of sustainability in the textile industry, and to relate it closely to the demands of economic and social change. Together with the evolving environmental landscape, the fair will also help industry players adapt to the rapid adoption of new technology in the business world with the debut of the Innovation & Digital Solutions Zone. This zone will allow exhibitors to unveil the latest technology and solutions such as AI design, digital manufacturing, big data analytics, and more.

Concurrently, VIATT 2025 will continue to present a diverse range of exhibitors across the apparel, home textile and technical textile sectors, with positive feedback received from many quarters at the fair’s inaugural edition.

Apparel Fabrics & Fashion
In the first four months of 2024, textile and garment exports grew 6.3% year-on-year to over USD 10 billion. The US remains Vietnam’s top export market, followed by the EU, South Korea, China, and Japan. To meet this demand, Vietnam's textile industry continues to import a significant amount of raw materials. At VIATT 2024, yarns, fibres and fabrics for casualwear, sportswear and uniforms, as well as garment accessories, were in high demand.

Home & Contract Textiles
Vietnam’s home textile market is projected to undergo a steady CAGR of 2.4% from 2024 – 2032, driven by the rising need for modern and stylish home textiles, e-commerce expansion, and favourable government initiatives. At the fair’s previous edition, product groups included bedding, loungewear and bathroom textiles, curtains and curtain fabrics, upholstery and sofa fabrics, and home textile accessories.

At VIATT 2025, exhibitors can additionally present their latest offerings in the Home Textiles Display Zone or at dedicated product presentations, to maximise their visibility to potential buyers.

Technical Textiles & Technologies
Across the textile industry, investors are now focusing on optimising production capacity, streamlining supply chains, and enhancing product quality to maintain competitiveness in both domestic and international markets. With the new Innovation & Digital Solutions Zone to supplement the textile technology category, VIATT 2025 is set to play host to providers of textile and nonwoven machinery, CAD/CAM, CMT, and technology for embroidery, knitting, sewing, printing, and more. Exhibitors can draw more attention to their latest solutions by participating in the fair's new innovation showcase area.

The Vietnam International Trade Fair for Apparel, Textiles and Textile Technologies (VIATT) is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd and the Vietnam Trade Promotion Agency (VIETRADE), covering the entire textile industry value chain. The second edition will be held from 26 – 28 February 2025.

More information:
VIATT Vietnam

Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd


Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles marks 30th anniversary

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles will mark its 30-year milestone at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) this autumn, from 14 – 16 August 2024. With industry players from around the world gearing up to join this year’s anniversary edition, the showcase will feature returning pavilions, a new product zone, and exhibitors with a wide range of fabrics and more.

30th anniversary celebration
With the ‘Intertextile’ brand present in the Chinese textile market since 1995, increasing market demand, both domestically and internationally, has contributed to the consistent upward trajectory of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition.

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles will mark its 30-year milestone at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) this autumn, from 14 – 16 August 2024. With industry players from around the world gearing up to join this year’s anniversary edition, the showcase will feature returning pavilions, a new product zone, and exhibitors with a wide range of fabrics and more.

30th anniversary celebration
With the ‘Intertextile’ brand present in the Chinese textile market since 1995, increasing market demand, both domestically and internationally, has contributed to the consistent upward trajectory of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition.

By utilising advanced technologies and abundant resources, China has earned its global reputation as one of the major manufacturing hubs for home textile products. Chinese home textile exports reached over USD 4.8 billion in the first two months of 2024, a year-on-year increase of 13.7%[1], demonstrating a welcome recovery. On the other hand, the country’s huge population, coupled with its increasing per capita textile consumption and home renovation projects, is providing a plethora of business opportunities for international suppliers to discover.

Featured zones and country pavilions
At this special edition, a new product zone will be unrolled for the first time–the Carpets & Rugs Zone. Set to feature various related products, the rising demand for these floor coverings has prompted the birth of this new featured zone. Meanwhile, the sought-after Designer Studio will return to help buyers achieve product-specific sourcing goals. Furthermore, with carpets, curtains, sun protection, leather, and many more home textiles all zoned accordingly under one roof, buyers will be able to source from a full range of products.

The Belgium and Türkiye Pavilions will once again showcase various product series from premium brands, alongside a comprehensive list of domestic exhibitors and multiple standalone international suppliers set to present their latest innovations and designs.

Beyond exhibitors’ booths, the fair’s anticipated fringe programme will showcase innovations and discuss market trends, such as broadly discussed AI and sustainability topics, to help fairgoers stay ahead of the curve. Simultaneously, the Danish trend agency SPOTT, founded by Ms Anja Bisgaard Gaede, also the leading trend agency for Heimtextil 2024, will be collaborating with the fair for the first time this year. The organisation will present an innovative trend area, set to illustrate design inspiration and industry direction for the upcoming season, through a series of creative displays. In addition, Mr Shen Lei, Founder and Design Director of Interior Architects Design, and the Chinese representative of the Intertextile International Lifestyle Trend Committee, will be returning this year to delve into design topics via his seminar.

[1] of China’s home textile exports from January to February 2024.


Over 330 exhibitors at Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles

From 6 – 8 March 2024, over 330 exhibitors from seven countries and regions will convene at of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Spring Edition to highlight a variety of home textile products. Buyers will be able to source the latest bedding, duvets, pillows, towels, carpets, rugs and many more.

Highlighted exhibitors

From 6 – 8 March 2024, over 330 exhibitors from seven countries and regions will convene at of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Spring Edition to highlight a variety of home textile products. Buyers will be able to source the latest bedding, duvets, pillows, towels, carpets, rugs and many more.

Highlighted exhibitors

  • Bedding – GSI Creos Corporation, Jjiangyin Hongliu Bedsheet Co Ltd, Zhejiang Eider Warmth New Material Co Ltd
  • Down – Anhui Million Feather Co Ltd, Hangzhou Gaga Home Textiles Co Ltd, Shanghai Donglong Home Textile Products Co Ltd
  • Functional pillow & mattress – Changshu Dafa Warp Knitting Co Ltd, Chuzhou Bray Smart Home Appliances Co Ltd, Zhangjiagang Coolest Life Technology
  • Floor – Amore Textile (Suzhou) Co Ltd, Jingyi Fur Products Co Ltd, Shaoxing Jiaohui Home Textile Co Ltd
  • Quilt fillings – Pujiang Boyue Home Textile Co Ltd, Pujiang Huayu Hometextile Co Ltd
  • Textile design – Tela’s Design Lda
  • Towelling – Nantong Dadong Co Ltd, Sunvim Group Co Ltd
  • Loungewear & bath – Suzhou Huazhong Knitting Co Ltd, Zhejiang Demu Textile Technology Co Ltd
  • Upholstery fabrics – Changshu Xinghan Hometextiles Co Ltd, Jiangsu First Home Textile Co Ltd, Shaoxing Chengchong Imp & Exp Co Ltd
  • Home textile technologies – Nantong Mingxing Science & Technology Development Co Ltd, Sichuan Chnki Sewing Machine Co Ltd

Fringe programme
Complementing the exhibitor lineup, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles will feature events to keep attendees up-to-date with emerging developments, trends, and important intuition.
For example, one of the most essential yet often overlooked foundations for sustaining wellness is quality sleep. Throughout day one and two at the Bedding Seminar Area, sleep technology will again be a key topic of discussion, guaranteeing comprehensive insights on sleep quality while tapping into associated business prospects.
Traditional Chinese medicine will also take the spotlight, with talks linking various health issues to remedies. Crossover subjects include topical therapy’s role in a better night’s sleep as well as innovations blending medicinal properties with textile design.
An increasing number of people are choosing to use natural materials and green textiles for their bedrooms and throughout their homes. For this reason, the seminars falling under the "Textiles & Technology" theme will shed light on sustainability and what’s next in the industry.


Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd

Messe Frankfurt launches brand events in Central Asia (c) Messe Frankfurt Group

Messe Frankfurt launches brand events in Central Asia

Messe Frankfurt will extend its footprint in the Central Asian market by establishing seven brand events in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The country’s strategic location as a crossroads of Europe and Asia positions it as a promising trade gateway and transportation hub, facilitating the economic development of neighbouring countries and access to the wider region. The company’s stronger presence in the market will promote business opportunities and foster the sustainable development of pillar industries, including cosmetics, textiles and clothing, automotive, logistics and transportation.

Messe Frankfurt will extend its footprint in the Central Asian market by establishing seven brand events in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The country’s strategic location as a crossroads of Europe and Asia positions it as a promising trade gateway and transportation hub, facilitating the economic development of neighbouring countries and access to the wider region. The company’s stronger presence in the market will promote business opportunities and foster the sustainable development of pillar industries, including cosmetics, textiles and clothing, automotive, logistics and transportation.

Uzbekistan has a promising consumer market with significant potential. It is the largest in Central Asia and is expected to increase due to population growth, rising incomes and the modernisation of economic and industry sectors.
The nation has actively sought to diversify its economy in recent years, undertaking reforms for greater entrepreneurial freedom and opening up to more international and regional cooperation. The country already exports precious metals, textiles and agricultural produce. It imports machinery, equipment, means of transportation, and vehicle components from foreign trading partners. Attracting overseas investment is also apparent through incentives such as tax benefits, reduced import duties and simplified procedures for overseas investors.
In addition, shifting global supply chains and trading patterns could also drive opportunities in the region. The nation benefits from its geographical location owing to its position between Asia and Europe, to which the Uzbek Government recognises the prospects of investing in infrastructure, such as transportation and logistics, to create an efficient transit hub. Against this backdrop, China acknowledges the importance of developing routes along the Belt and Road while Europe has expressed a readiness to support Uzbekistan’s efforts to diversify transport corridors.

Line-up of shows include:

  • Automechanika Tashkent; Futuroad Expo Tashkent; and, Scalex Tashkent: 23 – 25 October 2024
  • Heimtextil Uzbekistan; Texworld Tashkent; and, Apparel Sourcing Tashkent: 6 – 8 November 2024
  • Beautyworld Central Asia: 21 – 23 November 2024

Messe Frankfurt (HK) Limited

Heimtextil 2024 Foto: Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH / Pietro Sutera

Heimtextil 2024 endet mit Ausstellerzuwachs und Besucherplus

Mit 46.000 Besucher*innen aus rund 130 Nationen an insgesamt vier Messetagen und dem Preview Day sowie 2.838 Ausstellern aus 60 Nationen endete die Heimtextil 2024 mit einem deutlichen Zuwachs im Vergleich zur Vorveranstaltung.

Mit dem Besucherplus überwand sie erschwerte Reisebedingungen aufgrund bundesweiter Bahnstreiks und regionaler Demonstrationen. Die Resonanz internationaler Einkäufer*innen auf das neue Produktsegment Carpets & Rugs war überzeugend in Qualität und Vielfalt. Mit zahlreichen Talks, Tours und Workshops rückte die Heimtextil zwei der wichtigsten Zukunftsthemen in den Fokus: nachhaltiges Produzieren und Handeln sowie Künstliche Intelligenz.

Die Top-Ten-Ausstellerländer bildeten China, Indien, die Türkei, Pakistan, Italien, Deutschland, Spanien, Portugal, Großbritannien und die Niederlande. Ausstellerseitigen Zuwachs gab es aus Belgien, Bulgarien, China, Indien, Japan, Polen, Schweden, Tschechien, USA und Ägypten. Mehr Besucher*innen hingegen kamen aus China, Deutschland, Indien, Japan, Kroatien, Mazedonien, Pakistan, Slowakei und Zypern. Die Anzahl deutscher Fachbesucher*innen verzeichnete einen Anstieg um rund zehn Prozent.

Mit 46.000 Besucher*innen aus rund 130 Nationen an insgesamt vier Messetagen und dem Preview Day sowie 2.838 Ausstellern aus 60 Nationen endete die Heimtextil 2024 mit einem deutlichen Zuwachs im Vergleich zur Vorveranstaltung.

Mit dem Besucherplus überwand sie erschwerte Reisebedingungen aufgrund bundesweiter Bahnstreiks und regionaler Demonstrationen. Die Resonanz internationaler Einkäufer*innen auf das neue Produktsegment Carpets & Rugs war überzeugend in Qualität und Vielfalt. Mit zahlreichen Talks, Tours und Workshops rückte die Heimtextil zwei der wichtigsten Zukunftsthemen in den Fokus: nachhaltiges Produzieren und Handeln sowie Künstliche Intelligenz.

Die Top-Ten-Ausstellerländer bildeten China, Indien, die Türkei, Pakistan, Italien, Deutschland, Spanien, Portugal, Großbritannien und die Niederlande. Ausstellerseitigen Zuwachs gab es aus Belgien, Bulgarien, China, Indien, Japan, Polen, Schweden, Tschechien, USA und Ägypten. Mehr Besucher*innen hingegen kamen aus China, Deutschland, Indien, Japan, Kroatien, Mazedonien, Pakistan, Slowakei und Zypern. Die Anzahl deutscher Fachbesucher*innen verzeichnete einen Anstieg um rund zehn Prozent.


Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH

Foto: Messe Frankfurt / Pietro Sutera

Heimtextil und Studio Urquiola vereinbaren Zusammenarbeit

Zur Heimtextil 2025 ist eine Design-Installation geplant, die ein "immersives und einzigartiges Designerlebnis" ermöglichen soll, so die Messeverantwortlichen. Mit der Zusammenarbeit unterstreichen das Designstudio und die Leitmesse für Wohn- und Objekttextilien ihr Engagement für Innovation, Nachhaltigkeit und Design in der gesamten Textilbranche.

Zur Heimtextil 2025 ist eine Design-Installation geplant, die ein "immersives und einzigartiges Designerlebnis" ermöglichen soll, so die Messeverantwortlichen. Mit der Zusammenarbeit unterstreichen das Designstudio und die Leitmesse für Wohn- und Objekttextilien ihr Engagement für Innovation, Nachhaltigkeit und Design in der gesamten Textilbranche.

Das Studio Urquiola mit Sitz in Mailand wurde 2001 von der spanischen Architektin und Designerin Patricia Urquiola und ihrem Partner Alberto Zontone gegründet und ist in den Bereichen industrielles Produktdesign, Architektur (Hotels, Einzelhandelsflächen, Residenzen, Ausstellungen und Installationen), Art Direction und Strategieberatung tätig. Patricia Urquiola ist insbesondere bekannt für die von ihr designten Möbel, aber auch Leuchten und Teppiche finden sich unter ihren Entwürfen. Ihre Arbeit ist sehr erzählerisch und zeichnet sich durch Kreativität, Handwerkskunst und Experimentierfreudigkeit als grundlegende Merkmale aus. Geleitet von Nachhaltigkeit, Innovation und Technologie unterstützt das Studio Urquiola-Team Unternehmen dabei, sich durch Design neu zu erfinden, zu verändern und weiterzuentwickeln. Zu den jüngsten globalen Projekten gehören das Hotel Sitxth Sense Rome, das aus einem historischen Palazzo umgebaut wurde, sowie die Ausstellung Echoes, 50 Jahre iMaestri, die während des Salone del Mobile 2023 stattfand, um 50 Jahre Cassinas iMaestri Kollektion zu würdigen.

"Unser Fokus liegt darauf, Textilien weiterzuentwickeln, um sie in Produktdesign, Innenraumgestaltung und Architektur einzusetzen. Anschließend werden wir eine Sonderpräsentation für 2025 erarbeiten, die eine Synthese unserer Arbeit, unserer Vision und einer breiteren Diskussion innerhalb und außerhalb der Branche darstellt,“ so Patricia Urquiola.

Eröffnungspressekonferenz Heimtextil 2024 Foto Messe Frankfurt / Pietro Sutera

Heimtextil 2024 mit mehr als 2.800 Ausstellern aus 60 Ländern gestartet

Mit einem ausstellerseitigen Anstieg um 25 Prozent im Vergleich zur vorherigen Ausgabe ist die Messe wieder auf Wachstumskurs. "Unsere Messemarken sind resilienter denn je zurück und bieten insbesondere mittelständischen Unternehmen Stabilität über Ländergrenzen hinweg. Trotz Konjunkturtrübung setzt die Heimtextil ihr Wachstum fort und ermöglicht eine Marktübersicht zu globalen Trends der Wohn- und Objekttextilbranche“, so Detlef Braun, Geschäftsführer der Messe Frankfurt, in seiner Eröffnungsrede.

Die Heimtextil wächst in 2024 mit zwei neuen Hallenebenen. Dazu gehört die 5.1 für das neue Produktsegment Carpets & Rugs.100 globale Anbieter rollen hier ihre Neuheiten und Designhighlights in diesem ersten gemeinsamen Auftritt in Frankfurt aus. Das breite Spektrum reicht von handgewebten über maschinell gefertigte Webteppiche bis hin zu schmutzabsorbierenden Läufern.

Mit einem ausstellerseitigen Anstieg um 25 Prozent im Vergleich zur vorherigen Ausgabe ist die Messe wieder auf Wachstumskurs. "Unsere Messemarken sind resilienter denn je zurück und bieten insbesondere mittelständischen Unternehmen Stabilität über Ländergrenzen hinweg. Trotz Konjunkturtrübung setzt die Heimtextil ihr Wachstum fort und ermöglicht eine Marktübersicht zu globalen Trends der Wohn- und Objekttextilbranche“, so Detlef Braun, Geschäftsführer der Messe Frankfurt, in seiner Eröffnungsrede.

Die Heimtextil wächst in 2024 mit zwei neuen Hallenebenen. Dazu gehört die 5.1 für das neue Produktsegment Carpets & Rugs.100 globale Anbieter rollen hier ihre Neuheiten und Designhighlights in diesem ersten gemeinsamen Auftritt in Frankfurt aus. Das breite Spektrum reicht von handgewebten über maschinell gefertigte Webteppiche bis hin zu schmutzabsorbierenden Läufern.

Eine zusätzliche Hallenebene wurde für das globale Sourcing geschaffen. In diesem Produktsegment trifft Private Label-Exzellenz auf Volumen – mit einem starken Angebot an hochwertigen industriellen und handwerklichen Haustextilien (Hallen: 10.0 bis 10.4) und Heimtextilien (Hallen 6.0, 5.0 und 6.1).

Künstliche Intelligenz im textilen Produktdesign
Zur Eröffnungspressekonferenz stellten die Veranstalter die Bedeutung von Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) in den Fokus. Wie beschleunigt KI textile Designprozesse? Welche praxiserprobten Umsetzungen gibt es bereits in der Heimtextilbranche? Welche Maßnahmen sind notwendig, um Urheberrechtsverletzungen zu vermeiden? Expert*innen beleuchteten Ansätze und Lösungen – von der Tool-Kombination bis zur Integration in Unternehmensrichtlinien.

ChatGPT, Midjourney, Dallee: Seit 2023 sind Tools für Text-, Bild- und Design-Generierung für Unternehmen und Privatpersonen leicht zugänglich und fest im Alltag integriert, was zu nachhaltigen Veränderungen in Arbeitsprozessen führt. KI bietet Empfehlungen für die Materialauswahl – basierend auf spezifischen Kriterien und gewünschten Eigenschaften des Endprodukts, sei es für Nachhaltigkeit oder im Objektgeschäft.

Anja Bisgaard Gaede, Gründerin der Trendagentur Spott trends & business, beleuchtete, wie Unternehmen den Einstieg in KI finden und welche Aspekte bei der Implementierung zu beachten sind. Dabei diskutierte sie nicht nur technische Fragen, sondern auch die Gestaltung von Unternehmensrichtlinien sowie den Schutz vor Urheberrechtsverletzungen. Auch der aktuelle Stand bei der Anwendung von KI für Textildesign sowie Grenzen standen im Fokus. Gaede erörterte die Bedeutung von geeigneten Anweisungen (Prompts) und unterschied zwischen effektiven und weniger wirksamen Vorgaben. Ein weiterer Fokus lag auf der Kombination verfügbarer KI-Tools. „Es ist an der Zeit, mit KI voranzuschreiten. Jedoch mit Vorsicht und der Überlegung, was es braucht, dies gut umzusetzen. Hybride Maschine-Mensch-Interaktion und kollektive Intelligenz sind fester Teil zukünftiger Arbeitsabläufe“, so Bisgaard Gaede.

Zudem gab sie einen Ausblick auf die KI-Anwendungen und Workshops im Trend Space der Heimtextil. Dort können Besucher Künstliche Intelligenz und Augmented Reality hautnah erleben und testen. Der AI-Image-Creator ermöglicht es, mit verschiedenen Prompts einzigartige textile Kunstwerke zu generieren, während im Bereich des textbasierten Lernens ein Tool wertvolles Faktenwissen vermittelt.


Messe Frankfurt


VIATT 2024 as the response to Vietnam's developing textile sector

Vietnam is the subject of increasing investment across an array of industries, with its textile sector going from strength to strength in a short space of time. To give key players from across the textile spectrum an opportunity to make their presence felt in this market, the Vietnam International Trade Fair for Apparel, Textiles and Textile Technologies (VIATT) will make its debut from 28 February – 1 March 2024. Taking place at the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center (SECC), the new fair will cover three main product sectors, namely apparel fabrics, yarns and fibres, and garments; home textiles; as well as technical textiles and nonwovens, textile processing, and printing technology.

Vietnam is the subject of increasing investment across an array of industries, with its textile sector going from strength to strength in a short space of time. To give key players from across the textile spectrum an opportunity to make their presence felt in this market, the Vietnam International Trade Fair for Apparel, Textiles and Textile Technologies (VIATT) will make its debut from 28 February – 1 March 2024. Taking place at the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center (SECC), the new fair will cover three main product sectors, namely apparel fabrics, yarns and fibres, and garments; home textiles; as well as technical textiles and nonwovens, textile processing, and printing technology.

In line with the industry’s anticipation, the country was identified as the ideal location for ASEAN’s new comprehensive textile platform for several key reasons. Vietnam’s pro-business policies, strategic geographical location, abundant labour force, and favourable trade agreements have contributed to its rise as a global textile manufacturing hub. Agreements such as the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP); the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF); and 15 free trade agreements (FTAs) covering over 60 countries and regions, will further enable participants from across the value chain to conduct cross-border business after connecting at next year’s show. In addition, several key travel initiatives that serve international players have been implemented, including the country’s APEC Business Travel Card programme[1], availability of e-visas to all nationalities, and visa-free travel for select countries[2].  

Exhibitors from multiple textile sub-sectors converge in February
In Vietnam’s home textile segment, rising urbanisation, emerging young consumers, and higher disposable incomes are interrelated factors driving growth[3]. Globally, three of the top trends include recycling; utilising green fibres; and the increasing use of technical fabrics for enhanced comfort and health. At the fair, confirmed home textiles exhibitors include Hanyang Eco Tex, Hohmann GmbH, Phuong Nam Feather, and SIGMA, set to showcase their most up-to-date products, covering bedding, upholstery fabrics, curtain, and sun protection.
Utilised for automobiles, civil aviation, construction, health care, and more, Vietnam's exports of technical textiles reached USD 676.6 million for the first nine months of 2022, up 17.1% compared to the same period in 2021[4]. This in turn bodes well for the country’s import prospects of quality machinery and equipment. Hoping to cater to domestic demand at VIATT 2024, international suppliers in this category include Julai, SIGMA, and Skwentex.

Meanwhile, apparel-related products make up the lion’s share of the country’s textile exports – according to Vietnam Textile & Apparel Association (VITAS), in 2022 these numbered USD 29.1 billion. From Ho Chi Minh to Hanoi, numerous international fashion brands have a manufacturing presence, including Adidas, H&M, Lacoste, Lululemon, Nike, The North Face, Uniqlo, and many more. At next year’s fair, exhibitors such as Avery Dennison, Lenzing, Stylem Takisada-Osaka, and Texwinca, will aim to draw the attention of apparel brands and a wide range of other domestic and international buyers.

The Vietnam International Trade Fair for Apparel, Textiles and Textile Technologies (VIATT) is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd and the Vietnam Trade Promotion Agency (VIETRADE), covering the entire textile industry value chain.

[1] ‘Everything You Need to Know About Traveling to Vietnam with an APEC Business Travel Card’, April 2023, Vietnam Briefing, (Retrieved: November 2023)
[2] ‘Vietnam Introduces E-Visa for All Nationalities from August 15, 2023’, August 2023, Vietnam Briefing, (Retrieved: November 2023)
[3] ‘Vietnam Home Textile Market Size & Share Analysis’, 2023, Mordor Intelligence, (Retrieved: November 2023)
[4] ‘Vietnam's technical fabric exports continue to be positive’, October 2022, Web Portal of Supporting Industry of Vietnam, (Retrieved: November 2023)


Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd


Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles in August 2024

from both inside and outside of Asia. Looking ahead, the stage will be set once again at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) next year, allowing exhibitors and buyers from the industry to match their trading needs onsite. Thanks to the resumption of global travel and the ongoing industry recovery, the next Autumn edition is slated to attract even more multinational fairgoers and diverse home and contract textile collections. The fair will return in 14 – 16 August 2024.

from both inside and outside of Asia. Looking ahead, the stage will be set once again at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) next year, allowing exhibitors and buyers from the industry to match their trading needs onsite. Thanks to the resumption of global travel and the ongoing industry recovery, the next Autumn edition is slated to attract even more multinational fairgoers and diverse home and contract textile collections. The fair will return in 14 – 16 August 2024.

A recent study showed a significant rise in corporate travel in 2023, driven largely by the resurgence of live business events and the easing of restrictions following several turbulent years. Adding to this, the Chinese government has announced several measures in a bid to attract more international visitors, including a simplified visa application process as the latest initiative.
As one of the largest economies in the world, China is renowned for producing high-value products across the home textile spectrum, making Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles an essential stop for global suppliers and buyers aiming to kick off the next business season.  
Emerging markets have become a significant focus for the industry in recent years. China's exports of home textiles to the ASEAN market amounted to around USD 2.09 billion in the first quarter of 2023, with an increase of 18% year-on-year; of which around USD 1.38 billion was exported in finished goods, seeing a rise of over 42% year-on-year[3]. With this growth in trade, buyers from fast growing emerging markets are expected to increasingly benefit from the Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles platform to fulfil their sourcing needs.
The upcoming Autumn edition will continue to comprise a wide range of home textile products, including bedding & towelling, rugs, table & kitchen linen, upholstery & curtain fabrics, editors, home textile technologies and textile design.
Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Home Textile Association (CHTA).


Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles: Spring Edition in March 2024

From 6 – 8 March 2024, the Spring Edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles will make its  return to the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai. Showcasing home textile products, encompassing everything from floor to ceiling, exhibitors will be prepared to capture buyers’ attention during China’s traditional peak sourcing season. Suppliers can further benefit from a wider visitor scope, with many buyers crossing over from the co-located fairs Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – Spring Edition, Yarn Expo Spring, CHIC, and PH Value. The comprehensive textile platform provides key opportunities for industry players to connect and explore new possibilities.

From 6 – 8 March 2024, the Spring Edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles will make its  return to the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai. Showcasing home textile products, encompassing everything from floor to ceiling, exhibitors will be prepared to capture buyers’ attention during China’s traditional peak sourcing season. Suppliers can further benefit from a wider visitor scope, with many buyers crossing over from the co-located fairs Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – Spring Edition, Yarn Expo Spring, CHIC, and PH Value. The comprehensive textile platform provides key opportunities for industry players to connect and explore new possibilities.
While the growth rate of the global economy remains slow, the domestic market in China has shown promising figures after the Chinese government implemented measures to encourage household consumption. These include providing support to both the home industry and consumers, to develop sustainable, intelligent and healthy living environments. Loan procedures for home refurnishing and funding for related industry sectors have also been optimised. Against this backdrop, for the first eight months of 2023, China Customs recorded a 7% year-on-year increase in consumables retail sales, reaching a total of RMB 3 billion (around USD 410 million). Homing in on the textile sector, profitability is regaining momentum, driven by both the local market and the success of international trade agreements such as Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP).

Across three days, the 2023 spring edition attracted 26,538 trade visitors and 283 exhibitors from five countries and regions. The upcoming fair in March will showcase a full range of home textiles to meet buyers’ needs, including bedding & towelling, rugs, table & kitchen linen, home textile technologies, textile design, and many more. Exhibitors, meanwhile, are set to benefit from the concurrent textile fairs, with the apparel fabrics, yarns and fibres on offer to attract additional segments of the textile value chain, and facilitate sourcing on a wider scale.

Below the pattern Foto: Rebecca Milautzcki
Below the pattern

Heimtextil University Contest: Junge Talente global sichtbar machen

Von Werken mit doppelter Deutung über modulare Tuftingteppiche bis hin zur Erforschung von Textilien als potenzielles Gedächtnis: Jedes Jahr haben Studierende von Designhochschulen aus aller Welt die Chance, ihre neuesten und ungewöhnlichsten Designentwürfe einzureichen und ihre Konzepte von einer ausgewählten Fachjury bewerten zu lassen.

Von den 28 eingereichten Arbeiten erhalten drei Künstlerinnen die Möglichkeit auf einem Messestand in der Halle 3.0 im New & Next-Areal, ihre Werke auf der Heimtextil 2024 vorzustellen und gleichzeitig ihre Hochschule zu repräsentieren.

Von Werken mit doppelter Deutung über modulare Tuftingteppiche bis hin zur Erforschung von Textilien als potenzielles Gedächtnis: Jedes Jahr haben Studierende von Designhochschulen aus aller Welt die Chance, ihre neuesten und ungewöhnlichsten Designentwürfe einzureichen und ihre Konzepte von einer ausgewählten Fachjury bewerten zu lassen.

Von den 28 eingereichten Arbeiten erhalten drei Künstlerinnen die Möglichkeit auf einem Messestand in der Halle 3.0 im New & Next-Areal, ihre Werke auf der Heimtextil 2024 vorzustellen und gleichzeitig ihre Hochschule zu repräsentieren.

Kreative Visionen: Die Erfolgsprojekte des University Contest 2023
Drei Projekte mit grundlegend unterschiedlichen Ansätzen überzeugten die Jury:
Gewinnerin Rebecca Milautzcki beschreibt ihre Arbeit mit dem Titel Below the pattern wie folgt: „Die Doppeldeutigkeit des Werks liegt im geregelten Entwicklungsschema und den vier definierten Musterdimensionen, die eine ästhetische, konstruierte Formulation der Uneindeutigkeit bilden. Die Uneindeutigkeit wird inszeniert durch die Kombination von Transluzenz, Materialität und Dreidimensionalität der Bindungsstrukturen.“ In ihrem Master-Studium Textilkunst / Textildesign entwickelte Rebecca Milautzcki dieses Projekt in Zusammenarbeit mit der Westsächsischen Hochschule Zwickau.

Neben der Schwarz-Weiß-Darstellung gibt es auch einen sehr bunten und funktionalen Entwurf, umgesetzt von Tasja Videmšek: „In meinem Projekt Heimtextilien inspiriert vom Bauhaus habe ich mich auf die Modularität von Produkten konzentriert und einen modularen Tuftingteppich entwickelt, der je nach den Bedürfnissen des Raums frei zu verschiedenen Kompositionen zusammengestellt werden kann. Inspiriert von der Bauhaus-Bewegung wurden verschiedene Designbereiche erforscht, wobei die Vision der Bewegung beibehalten und in ein zeitgenössisches Wohnumfeld übertragen wurde“, erklärt Videmšek ihr Projekt. Sie studiert Textile and Fashion Design an der University of Ljubljana und konnte das Ergebnis ebenfalls im Rahmen ihres Masterabschlusses entwickeln.

Svenja Bremen, Master-Absolventin im Bereich Modedesign / Kostümdesign / Textildesign an der HAW Hamburg, ist die dritte Gewinnerin des Contest. Sie äußerte sich zu ihrem Projekt wie folgt: “Soft memories ist ein Design-Forschungsprojekt, in dem ich Textilien als potenzielles Gedächtnis erforscht habe. Besonders wichtig war es mir, einen Weg zu finden, persönliche Erinnerungen in die Stoffe einzubetten, um ihren Wert zu steigern und einen respektvollen Umgang zu fördern. Die Textilien sollen weit mehr als reine Stoffe sein; sie dienen als kraftvolle Kommunikationsmittel, Bedeutungsträger und Gedächtnismedium.”


Messe Frankfurt


VIATT 2024’s prospects highlighted at Intertextile Apparel press conference

Harnessing the synergy of the Texpertise Network of Messe Frankfurt and its global apparel flagship, the co-organisers of the Vietnam International Trade Fair for Apparel, Textiles and Textile Technologies (VIATT) recently held a joint press conference on 28 August 2023, the first day of Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – Autumn Edition. Discussing the inaugural fair’s comprehensive, business-friendly nature, representatives of both Messe Frankfurt  and VIETRADE spoke in glowing terms about the potential of ASEAN’s new platform for the entire textile industry. Set to launch the spring sourcing season, the fair will take place from 28 February – 1 March 2024 at the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center (SECC), Ho Chi Minh City.

Harnessing the synergy of the Texpertise Network of Messe Frankfurt and its global apparel flagship, the co-organisers of the Vietnam International Trade Fair for Apparel, Textiles and Textile Technologies (VIATT) recently held a joint press conference on 28 August 2023, the first day of Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – Autumn Edition. Discussing the inaugural fair’s comprehensive, business-friendly nature, representatives of both Messe Frankfurt  and VIETRADE spoke in glowing terms about the potential of ASEAN’s new platform for the entire textile industry. Set to launch the spring sourcing season, the fair will take place from 28 February – 1 March 2024 at the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center (SECC), Ho Chi Minh City.

For its first edition, the fair is expected to attract over 500 exhibitors and around 35,000 visitors to an 18,000 sqm exhibition space. Ms Wendy Wen, Managing Director of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, considered the show’s importance on a worldwide scale: “Serving as a supplementary trade fair to our existing events in China, VIATT will effectively extend our market reach into South East Asia. We’ve designed it to reinforce our global Texpertise Network, spanning the entire textile value chain. The network, which links over half a million textile professionals globally and organises more than 50 international textile trade fairs across 11 different countries, will lend its full support to the fair.”
She continued: “In line with this commitment, we will harness our more than 30 years of experience organising Intertextile in China, and extend to the fast-growing textile sector in Vietnam. Intertexile has grown to be by far the most influential series within our Texpertise Network, covering a broad range of resources in apparel fabrics, home and contract textiles."
With Vietnam’s largest international airport and seaport, and its proximity to other textile producing countries and regions, Ho Chi Minh City is strategically located to hold an event of this nature. The city attracts 35%[1] of Vietnam’s foreign direct investment projects, and is the venue of choice for a significant portion of the country’s trade fairs.
Discussing the event’s potential, Mr Vu Ba Phu, Director General of Vietnam Trade Promotion Agency (VIETRADE), said: “Vietnam has emerged as one of the leading textiles exporting countries worldwide, with particularly high growth in the past 10 years, ranging from 15% to 20% yearly. As companies seek to diversify supply chains, and Vietnam introduces lucrative trade agreements, the market is predicted to attract even more investments. A big importer of textile machinery, fabrics, and yarns and fibres, green production and durable goods have become increasingly important. VIATT 2024 will be an important hub helping suppliers and buyers in all categories to meet, source and unleash the full potential of this market.”
A comprehensive Vietnam-based textile fair is an attractive proposition for manufacturers and sourcing professionals alike. Exhibitors from around the world will showcase a full spectrum of apparel fabrics, yarns and fibres, and garments; the latest innovations in technical textiles and nonwovens, textile processing, and printing technology; as well as a wide range of home and contract textiles.
Apparel fabrics, yarns and fibres, and garments

This sector will contain quality exhibitors from Vietnam, ASEAN, and beyond, providing buyers with numerous, diverse sourcing options in apparel textile sub-categories such as accessories, casualwear, denim, lace and embroidery, ladieswear, pattern designs, shirting, sportswear, suiting, and many more.
Technical textiles and nonwovens, textile processing, and printing technology
With application areas that include everything from automotive, aerospace and shipping, to construction, healthcare and safety, products on display will include innovative machinery, as well as some of the latest developments in smart textiles, such as wearable technology, sensors, and advanced materials.
Home textiles
Exhibitors will feature high-quality bed linens, towels, curtains, and much more, suitable for visitors sourcing for both residential and commercial applications. The diverse collections of home textiles will be enhanced by globally on-trend interior designs and in-demand, organic materials.
The Vietnam International Trade Fair for Apparel, Textiles and Textile Technologies (VIATT) is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd and the Vietnam Trade Promotion Agency (VIETRADE). Covering the entire textile industry value chain, the inaugural edition will be held from 28 February – 1 March 2024 at the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center (SECC), Ho Chi Minh City.

[1] ‘Investing in Ho Chi Minh City’, October 2022, Vietnam Briefing, retrieved August 2023,


Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd

Intertextile Home Textiles concludes with increased international participation

As global business activities pick up towards the back end of the year, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition 2023 closed its doors last week, ending a successful three days of trade at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai). From 16 – 18 August 2023, 1,034 exhibitors (up 38.1%) from 13 countries and regions crossed paths with over 32,000 visitors (up 59.2%) from 96 countries and regions, more than 10% of which were overseas buyers. In a further testament to this edition’s internationality, new exhibitor countries and regions represented were Indonesia, Portugal, Taiwan (China), Turkey, and the US. With buyers able to source products covering the whole home textile value chain, and a fringe programme that transcended the norm, the international platform has once again marked its importance at bridging trade and communication within the industry and across sectors, circulating trade benefits to every edge of the globe.

As global business activities pick up towards the back end of the year, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition 2023 closed its doors last week, ending a successful three days of trade at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai). From 16 – 18 August 2023, 1,034 exhibitors (up 38.1%) from 13 countries and regions crossed paths with over 32,000 visitors (up 59.2%) from 96 countries and regions, more than 10% of which were overseas buyers. In a further testament to this edition’s internationality, new exhibitor countries and regions represented were Indonesia, Portugal, Taiwan (China), Turkey, and the US. With buyers able to source products covering the whole home textile value chain, and a fringe programme that transcended the norm, the international platform has once again marked its importance at bridging trade and communication within the industry and across sectors, circulating trade benefits to every edge of the globe.

As the country perhaps most well-known for its immense market and prolific manufacturing hubs, for the past several decades China has been a desirable business destination for international traders. In a positive step in March, the government relaxed pandemic control measures, enabling a return to cross-border, in-person business activities. This led to a strong increase of international exhibitors and buyers at the recently concluded fair, with visitors flying in from as far away as Africa, Europe, and South America. In addition, three country and region pavilions, from Belgium, Taiwan (China), and Türkiye, added some location-specific internationality to proceedings in Shanghai, and were well-received by fairgoers.

Speaking at the show’s curtain call, Ms Wilmet Shea, General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, said: “With China’s doors widely opened to the world again, we were pleased to welcome so many new and returning international participants to the fairground over the past three days. Across the four halls, not only was the visitor flow strong, but the booths were busy and business interactions were high. The increase in overseas exhibitors, and the return of several country and region pavilions, has meant even more diversified sourcing options for our devoted buyers from home and abroad. After overcoming some global turbulence, we have strengthened this bridge to help industry players reconnect, and redirect themselves towards the new, post-pandemic era.”

Cross-sector collaboration a key highlight of the fringe programme
Enhancing the constant buzz on the show floor, the fair’s concurrently held fringe events saw upstream and downstream suppliers, industry insiders, and even inter-industry guests share some pertinent insights and innovations. This year, a series of mixed events delved into topics related to interior design trends, sustainability, new technologies, globalised and localised designs, health and wellness, and many more. One highlight was the International Intertextile Trend Forum 2023 – 2024, which illustrated the most in-vogue home designs for the upcoming season. More specific inspiration was provided by leading Japanese furniture brand IKASAS, whose exclusive seminar and display area showcased fresh home textile applications for furniture. Finally, a cross-sector conference hosted by the CRECC Full Decoration Council invited experts from both the real estate and furnishing sectors to help attendees broaden their business possibilities.

The 2024 Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Spring Edition will take place from 6 – 8 March, while the Autumn Edition is scheduled for 14 – 16 August 2024. The fair is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Home Textile Association (CHTA).


Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles 2023 taking place 16 – 18 August 2023

From 16 – 18 August 2023, 1,022 exhibitors from 13 countries and regions will occupy four halls and 100,000 sqm gross at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai). This Autumn Edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles will return to its regular format, as a comprehensive platform held separately from Messe Frankfurt’s other autumn textile fairs. Complementing the strong lineup of exhibitors over all three days, a varied selection of fringe events will communicate key insights, offer industry specific inspiration, and facilitate cross-sector exchanges for fairgoers.

Buyers from 66 countries and regions have already pre-registered for the show, while a range of international brands are preparing to showcase their latest innovations. Multiple exhibitors will gather according to origin, with three country and region pavilions a must-see for fairgoers seeking exotic home textiles:

From 16 – 18 August 2023, 1,022 exhibitors from 13 countries and regions will occupy four halls and 100,000 sqm gross at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai). This Autumn Edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles will return to its regular format, as a comprehensive platform held separately from Messe Frankfurt’s other autumn textile fairs. Complementing the strong lineup of exhibitors over all three days, a varied selection of fringe events will communicate key insights, offer industry specific inspiration, and facilitate cross-sector exchanges for fairgoers.

Buyers from 66 countries and regions have already pre-registered for the show, while a range of international brands are preparing to showcase their latest innovations. Multiple exhibitors will gather according to origin, with three country and region pavilions a must-see for fairgoers seeking exotic home textiles:

  • Belgium Pavilion: products on show include bedding fabrics and sets, curtains and curtain fabrics, sofa covers, upholstery, and much more. With the pavilion set to feature a number of Belgian brands, its highlighted exhibitors are Libeco and Love Home Fabrics.
  • Taiwan (China) Pavilion: multiple Taiwanese exhibitors, including JWL Fabrics Co Ltd, Maxland Home Textile Industrial Co Ltd, and Vanttex International Co Ltd, will demonstrate specific examples of the varied applications of their home textiles.
  • Türkiye Pavilion: organised by Uludag Textile Exporters’ Association (UTIB), the pavilion will showcase a range of curtains, upholstery fabrics, and other home textiles, from suppliers such as Aleran Tekstil Inşaat Gida Sanayi Ve Ticaret Ltd Şti, Küçükçalik Tekstil San Ve Tic A Ş and Weavers Tekstil San Ve Tic A Ş.

Beyond the pavilions, buyers can easily locate their desired home and contract textiles via conveniently placed product zones, covering categories such as curtain and curtain fabrics; sun protection and window shades; upholstery and sofa fabrics; furniture leather; bedding and editors; loungewear and bath; and rugs. Wide-ranging suppliers from China and beyond will showcase their various products, featuring international exhibitors such as Elastron – Leather & Fabrics, Morgan and PT Sinar Continental; and well-known domestic manufacturers including Hangzhou Aico Home Textile Co Ltd, Huatex International (Hangzhou) Co Ltd and Zhe Jiang Maya Fabric Co Ltd.

Fringe programme: keeping fairgoers up-to-date with range of industry developments
Business exchange at Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles will once again be supplemented by multiple concurrent events, for home textile players to learn more about the latest industry innovations, as well as upcoming design trends. These include:

  • International Intertextile Trend Forum 2023–2024: held in the afternoon of day one, the event will be hosted by a prominent member of the ‘2023 – 2024 Intertextile International Lifestyle Trend’ trend committee, Mr Shen Lei, joined on the panel by multiple designers. They will discuss various impacts on designs, such as sustainability’s effect, the influence of emerging technologies, and international integration and localised expression.
  • IKASAS Japanese Home Design Gallery and themed seminar: the leading Japanese furniture brand IKASAS will utilise a display area to illustrate its unique design philosophy, by showcasing innovative furniture products that predominantly align with contemporary trends. The company’s founder, Mr Akiyuki Sasaki, will delve deeper into his design views in a seminar held on the morning of day one.
  • The New Power of Healthy Home Decoration Environment: a first-time collaboration with CRECC Full Decoration Council, the cross-sector conference in Hall 5.1 on day two will welcome keynote speakers from the real estate industry, to discuss topical insights at the intersection of realty and home textiles. The audience will come away with a widened scope of the different applications and demands of home textiles, and an ability to more accurately identify business opportunities within the property market.

Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd