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32 results

AVK and SMC BMC Alliance launch SMCCreate 2022 Design Conference

The European Alliance for SMC BMC and the AVK expert task force SMC/BMC are announcing they will organize together SMCCreate 2022, a conference about design in SMC and BMC composite materials. This conference will provide valuable insights in the entire product design process from idea to part manufacturing, targeted both at experienced designers and at designers that are new in applying these versatile materials.

SMC and BMC are composite materials ideal for making light and intricate parts that combine structural performance with a smooth surface finish. For that reason, SMC and BMC are increasingly used in a broad range of end-use applications and markets.

Companies that have been using SMC and BMC solutions have a lot of expertise available, which can help designers to be more successful in bringing products to market. Therefore, the European Alliance for SMC BMC and the AVK expert task force SMC/BMC would like to organize together this design conference, allowing designers to learn from the experts, apply gained insights into their own designs, and broaden their horizon for new part developments.

The European Alliance for SMC BMC and the AVK expert task force SMC/BMC are announcing they will organize together SMCCreate 2022, a conference about design in SMC and BMC composite materials. This conference will provide valuable insights in the entire product design process from idea to part manufacturing, targeted both at experienced designers and at designers that are new in applying these versatile materials.

SMC and BMC are composite materials ideal for making light and intricate parts that combine structural performance with a smooth surface finish. For that reason, SMC and BMC are increasingly used in a broad range of end-use applications and markets.

Companies that have been using SMC and BMC solutions have a lot of expertise available, which can help designers to be more successful in bringing products to market. Therefore, the European Alliance for SMC BMC and the AVK expert task force SMC/BMC would like to organize together this design conference, allowing designers to learn from the experts, apply gained insights into their own designs, and broaden their horizon for new part developments.

Using SMC BMC in your part design
Within the time of only 1.5 day, the SMCCreate 2022 conference will cover a wide range of subjects, all relevant for designers in their selection of materials solutions that provide performance, cost efficiency, manufacturing ability and sustainability. In particular:

  • How can SMC BMC help you to design great parts, bringing a combination of unique shapes and functional performance?
  • How can SMC BMC help you to improve sustainability?
  • What are the key steps in the design process, starting from initial idea to full production series manufacturing?
  • What are the typical design challenges and solutions?
  • How to best design for optimal manufacturing?
  • Which are the tools available for designing in SMC BMC: design software, material data, tooling considerations?
  • Practical examples of designs and components made in SMC BMC
  • What’s new in the world of SMC BMC?

Date and Location
The SMCCreate 2022 Conference will be organized on April 6-7, 2022 in Antwerp (Belgium).

CU Bau: Klimaschonendes Sanieren und Bauen (c) IMA Dresden
Faserverbundwerkstoffe im Hochbau

CU Bau: Klimaschonendes Sanieren und Bauen

Stark steigende Baustoffpreise, immer knapper werdende Rohstoffe sowie steigende Preise für CO2-Zertifkate und Strom erhöhen den Druck, klimafreundliche und doch wettbewerbsfähige Produkte zu verwenden und innovative Produkte, Verfahren und Prozesse dafür zu entwickeln.

Für diese Herausforderungen im Bauwesen bietet der Leichtbau mit Faserverbundwerkstoffen neue Lösungen und ein enormes Anwendungspotential. Bisher sind diese Werkstoffe im Bauwesen noch nicht in ausreichendem Umfang etabliert und bei vielen Entscheidern noch nicht Teil der Lösung. Deshalb treibt das Fachnetzwerk CU Bau des Composites United e.V. (CU) als nationale und internationale Plattform dieses Thema für seine Mitglieder aus Industrie und Wissenschaft voran.

Stark steigende Baustoffpreise, immer knapper werdende Rohstoffe sowie steigende Preise für CO2-Zertifkate und Strom erhöhen den Druck, klimafreundliche und doch wettbewerbsfähige Produkte zu verwenden und innovative Produkte, Verfahren und Prozesse dafür zu entwickeln.

Für diese Herausforderungen im Bauwesen bietet der Leichtbau mit Faserverbundwerkstoffen neue Lösungen und ein enormes Anwendungspotential. Bisher sind diese Werkstoffe im Bauwesen noch nicht in ausreichendem Umfang etabliert und bei vielen Entscheidern noch nicht Teil der Lösung. Deshalb treibt das Fachnetzwerk CU Bau des Composites United e.V. (CU) als nationale und internationale Plattform dieses Thema für seine Mitglieder aus Industrie und Wissenschaft voran.

Hybride Bauweisen
Roy Thyroff, im Netzwerk Composites United e.V. Geschäftsführer CU Bau: „Unser Ziel ist, dass die gesamte Bauwirtschaft – Architekten, Planer, Bauingenieure, Zulassungsstellen sowie Bauunternehmen – Bauprodukte mit faserverstärkter Beton- und Polymermatrix mit entsprechenden Zulassungen einsetzen kann.“ Dabei geht es nicht nur um Bauweisen mit faserverstärkten Kunststoffen und textilbewehrtem Beton, sondern darüber hinaus auch um hybride Bauweisen, wie z.B. Hybridbauwerke aus Holz und Carbonbeton. Denn faserbasierter, hybrider Leichtbau führt die besten Eigenschaften verschiedener Materialien klimafreundlich zusammen, bietet somit gegenüber herkömmlichen Baustoffen große Vorteile für den Klimaschutz und ermöglicht völlig neue Bauweisen.

Vorteile von Faserverbundwerkstoffen
Faserverbundwerkstoffe sind sowohl im Neubau als auch in der Sanierung dank ihrer umwelt- und ressourcenschonenden Eigenschaften im Vorteil. Neben der CO2-Reduktion liegen die wesentlichen Vorteil:

  • in der Geschwindigkeit der Ausführung,
  • dem geringeren Materialeinsatz,
  • der Kostenreduktion,
  • der Leistungsfähigkeit wie hoher Druck- und Biegezugfestigkeit,
  • dem einfacheren Handling
  • den geringeren Transportlasten,
  • der Beständigkeit gegen Korrosion,
  • der Flexibilität bei unterschiedlichen Schädigungsgraden eines Sanierungsfalls und
  • der deutlich verlängerten Nutzungsdauer.

Composites United e.V. (CU) / bm CONSULTING


DNFI Award Jury 2021 started its work

The Discover Natural Fibres Initiative (DNFI) will announce the winner of the Innovation in Natural Fibre Research Award soon. The aim of the award is to raise awareness of the achievements of the natural fibers sector by recognizing innovative and progressive work by people and institutions at the level of production and use of natural fibers. The closing date for applications was September 10.

Interest in the award was high again in 2021, indicating that research in fields involving natural fibres is robust. The applications that were received reveal a fascinating array of projects, new topics, and both private and public sector funding for natural fibre research.

There are seven finalists, and final judging is underway. The winner of the 2021 Award will be announced in early October.

The Discover Natural Fibres Initiative (DNFI) will announce the winner of the Innovation in Natural Fibre Research Award soon. The aim of the award is to raise awareness of the achievements of the natural fibers sector by recognizing innovative and progressive work by people and institutions at the level of production and use of natural fibers. The closing date for applications was September 10.

Interest in the award was high again in 2021, indicating that research in fields involving natural fibres is robust. The applications that were received reveal a fascinating array of projects, new topics, and both private and public sector funding for natural fibre research.

There are seven finalists, and final judging is underway. The winner of the 2021 Award will be announced in early October.

The seven finalists for the 2021 Award fall into several broad categories, including traceability and the measurement of environmental impacts of natural fibres, the use of natural fibres in manufacturing biodegradable composites, and new or expanded uses for natural fibre materials. Researchers and institutions located in Australia, India, Republic of Korea, and Switzerland are among the finalists for the 2021 award.

More information:



JEC Forum DACH - Conference schedule

  • JEC Forum DACH: a primising agenda highlighting composites innovatioon in the region

September 7, 2021 - JEC Forum DACH's primary goal is to promote the region DACH area's dynamic composites ecosystem through a promising program that includes conferences, startup competition, and awards. The first edition of the JEC DACH Forum, unique in its format and content, will occur in the Forum of Messe Frankfurt from November 23 to 24, 2021.

For two days, the JEC Forum DACH program will offer the opportunity to exchange and learn about the current and future developments of Composites in the DACH region through a rich program of conferences, the JEC Composites Startup Booster, and the JEC-AVK Awards. JEC Forum DACH will include pre-arranged Business Meetings between sponsors and attendees as well as sponsors' workshops. Advance registration is required to attend this forum that expects to gather 500 participants.

Conferences, keynotes and market overview

  • JEC Forum DACH: a primising agenda highlighting composites innovatioon in the region

September 7, 2021 - JEC Forum DACH's primary goal is to promote the region DACH area's dynamic composites ecosystem through a promising program that includes conferences, startup competition, and awards. The first edition of the JEC DACH Forum, unique in its format and content, will occur in the Forum of Messe Frankfurt from November 23 to 24, 2021.

For two days, the JEC Forum DACH program will offer the opportunity to exchange and learn about the current and future developments of Composites in the DACH region through a rich program of conferences, the JEC Composites Startup Booster, and the JEC-AVK Awards. JEC Forum DACH will include pre-arranged Business Meetings between sponsors and attendees as well as sponsors' workshops. Advance registration is required to attend this forum that expects to gather 500 participants.

Conferences, keynotes and market overview

JEC Forum DACH will feature cutting-edge live conferences with exclusive keynotes organized by the AVK.
The composites industry provides a significant impetus, e.g. in its process technologies for hybrid structures or integrated manufacturing and modern mobility or new materials in the booming construction sector. There's been an increasing number of marketable ideas for recycling and sustainability solutions. Furthermore, an exclusive report on current market developments in the European composites market will be delivered.

JEC Forum DACH will also feature a fulfilling conference program with experts from the industry giving insights on the latest developments in high-performance composite technologies and applications.

Each day of the forum will be broken down as-is:
•    Two keynote speeches led by one or two high profile experts
•    Conferences/technical presentations
•    Workshops and Business Meetings

Please find the program of the conference attached.


AVK - Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e. V.


AVK-Arbeitskreise für aktuelle Schwerpunktthemen

Nachhaltigkeit, Recycling sowie E-Mobilität spielen auch bei der Herstellung und Verwendung von Composites eine immer größere Rolle und sind deshalb wichtige Themen in neuen oder bewährten Experten-Arbeitskreisen der AVK – Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe.

Die Themen Energiewende, Ressourcenschonung und Nachhaltigkeit sind Kernthemen des derzeitigen gesellschaftlichen und kulturellen Wandels. Die Nutzung und Schonung natürlicher Ressourcen und der Umgang mit dem Planeten Erde als Ökosystem generell sind zentrale Elemente des politischen Diskurses und halten Einzug in fast alle gesellschaftlichen und industriellen Themenbereiche. Das ökologische Bewusstsein hat in der Bevölkerung in den letzten Jahren massiv zugenommen und dieser Trend verstärkt sich auch weiterhin.

Nachhaltigkeit, Recycling sowie E-Mobilität spielen auch bei der Herstellung und Verwendung von Composites eine immer größere Rolle und sind deshalb wichtige Themen in neuen oder bewährten Experten-Arbeitskreisen der AVK – Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe.

Die Themen Energiewende, Ressourcenschonung und Nachhaltigkeit sind Kernthemen des derzeitigen gesellschaftlichen und kulturellen Wandels. Die Nutzung und Schonung natürlicher Ressourcen und der Umgang mit dem Planeten Erde als Ökosystem generell sind zentrale Elemente des politischen Diskurses und halten Einzug in fast alle gesellschaftlichen und industriellen Themenbereiche. Das ökologische Bewusstsein hat in der Bevölkerung in den letzten Jahren massiv zugenommen und dieser Trend verstärkt sich auch weiterhin.

Auch Composites als Konstruktionsmaterialien und werkstoffliche Alternative zu etablierten Materialsystemen müssen sich diesen Themenbereichen stellen. Kunststoffe in all ihrer Vielfalt können, aufgrund ihrer Langlebigkeit, auch zu einem Problem werden. Hier gilt es Konzepte zu entwickeln und im industriellen Maßstab Lösungen umzusetzen. Nicht zuletzt wegen ihrer hohen Relevanz und der Aktualität nehmen entsprechende Themen in neuen, aber auch bewährten Experten-Arbeitskreisen der AVK einen breiten Raum ein.

Composites können durch ihre große Material- und Eigenschaftsvielfalt perfekt an die aktuellen Herausforderungen bei den Themen im Energie-, Automobil- und Bausektor angepasst werden. Ihre besonderen Eigenschaften haben sie vor allem in den Anwendungen bekannt gemacht, bei denen Leichtbau, Langlebigkeit, Korrosionsbeständigkeit und Wartungsarmut gefordert sind. Windkraftanlagen beispielsweise wären ohne Composites nicht denkbar.

Hervorragende Eigenschaften in der Nutzungsphase reichen heute nicht mehr aus: Konstruktionsmaterialien müssen ihre Eignung über den gesamten Lebenszyklus nachweisen. Das Thema Nachhaltigkeit wird in allen Anwendungsbereichen immer wichtiger. Neue AVK-Arbeitskreise zu Themen wie Werkstoffeigenschaften und -anforderungen für die E-Mobilität, Recycling von Composites oder auch zu Thermoplastischen Composites-Rohren zeigen, welch große Dynamik im Composites-Sektor herrscht und was für die Zukunft möglich ist.

Auch die Themen in bewährten Arbeitskreisen werden aktuell ergänzt, wie z. B. SMC-Anwendungen in der Elektro-Mobilität oder die Vorteile von pultrudierten Composites im Infrastrukturbereich. Dabei bietet auch der Leichtbau von Komponenten in den weiter auf Einsparung von Ressourcen bedachten Industriesektoren eine große Vielfalt an Einsatzmöglichkeiten für Composites. Bereits heute zeigen sich Composites auch im Hinblick auf die Nachhaltigkeit vielfach gut aufgestellt.

Die Teilnahme an den AVK-Expertenarbeitskreisen ist für Mitarbeiter von Mitgliedsunternehmen kostenlos. Mehr zu den Themen rund um die Arbeitskreise auf


Election of a new EPTA Board

During its members meeting of June 2nd, 2021, the European Pultrusion Technology Association (EPTA) elected a new board. All EPTA board members who stood for re-election have been confirmed again. Dr. Elmar Witten, Secretary of the EPTA, is happy about the continuity in the line-up of the EPTA board. "We will continue the current marketing activities to promote the pultrusion process," said Witten.

Thus, the board members for the next 4 years are:
Dr. Luigi Giamundo, ATP srl., Italy (Chairman)
Alfonso Branca, TOP GLASS, Italy
Dietmar Kühne, Ernst Kühne Kunststoffwerk, Germany
Sebastian Mehrtens, Fibrolux, Germany
Eric Moussiaux, Exel Composites, Belgium
Martin Zelinka, Owens Corning, France

Pultrusion is an important and continuously growing segment in the composites industry. It is a continuous manufacturing process of linear composite profiles made of polymeric resins such as polyesters and fiber reinforcement such as glass fibers. Automated Pultrusion Production Technology facilitates today's High Quality and Low-Cost demands by the market.

During its members meeting of June 2nd, 2021, the European Pultrusion Technology Association (EPTA) elected a new board. All EPTA board members who stood for re-election have been confirmed again. Dr. Elmar Witten, Secretary of the EPTA, is happy about the continuity in the line-up of the EPTA board. "We will continue the current marketing activities to promote the pultrusion process," said Witten.

Thus, the board members for the next 4 years are:
Dr. Luigi Giamundo, ATP srl., Italy (Chairman)
Alfonso Branca, TOP GLASS, Italy
Dietmar Kühne, Ernst Kühne Kunststoffwerk, Germany
Sebastian Mehrtens, Fibrolux, Germany
Eric Moussiaux, Exel Composites, Belgium
Martin Zelinka, Owens Corning, France

Pultrusion is an important and continuously growing segment in the composites industry. It is a continuous manufacturing process of linear composite profiles made of polymeric resins such as polyesters and fiber reinforcement such as glass fibers. Automated Pultrusion Production Technology facilitates today's High Quality and Low-Cost demands by the market.

AMAC kooperiert mit ITA (Institut für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen und deren ITA GmbH) für die weitere Geschäftsentwicklung im Bereich Composites  © AMAC
fltr: Markus Beckmann, Prof. Thomas Gries, Dr. Michael Effing, Dr. Christoph Greb

AMAC cooperates with ITA

AMAC cooperates with ITA (Institute for Textile Technology of RWTH Aachen University and their ITA GmbH) for the business development in composites 

As of April 19th, 2021, AMAC is pleased to announce its cooperation with the Institute for Textile Technology, ITA, of RWTH Aachen University and their ITA GmbH. The aim of the cooperation is to strengthen and develop their business activities in composites.

AMAC cooperates with ITA (Institute for Textile Technology of RWTH Aachen University and their ITA GmbH) for the business development in composites 

As of April 19th, 2021, AMAC is pleased to announce its cooperation with the Institute for Textile Technology, ITA, of RWTH Aachen University and their ITA GmbH. The aim of the cooperation is to strengthen and develop their business activities in composites.

ITA, as one of the largest institutes on the campus of the excellence University RWTH Aachen, Germany, develops complete solutions from the manufacturing of the fiber itself over the processing of textile intermediates with thermoplastic and thermoset resins, textile-based part manufacturing, capabilities such as braiding, pultrusion and in-situ impregnation of textile preforms. Top 3 focused industries are transportation and particularly the e-mobility sector, building and construction as well as the wind energy sector. Additionally, ITA GmbH is the partner of the industry in R&D, focusing on 8 business segments, providing technology and knowledge transfer, as well as offering comprehensive solutions along the entire textile value chain.

Prof. Dr. Thomas Gries, Director of ITA, explains the background of the strategic cooperation with focus on composites: „Our long-term experience and unmatched know-how with all aspects of continuous fibers, non-wovens and web-based reinforcements allows us to deliver to the composite manufacturers a complete technology and service offer around the development of technical textiles, from the development of glass and carbon fibers to the textile-based processing of composite parts. In all process steps of our research and developments, we focus on sustainable and recyclable solutions, an efficient cost-performance ratio, the possible use of bio-based materials and the reduction of the CO2 footprint. We are glad to cooperate with Dr. Michael Effing and AMAC in order to benefit from his door-opening network in the composites industry. “

Dr. Michael Effing, Managing Director of AMAC GmbH: „I am very happy to support the ITA to generate innovation thanks to further industrial networking and pre-competitive joint projects. ITA is indeed a one-stop source for composite solutions from the fiber to the cost-efficient manufacturing of final parts. In the context of the Covid-19 impact to the entire industry, it makes sense to bundle forces. Furthermore, ITA, with its long tradition and satisfied customers offers further valuable networking opportunities to the composites industry as well as access to relevant complementary fiber-based excellence and 250 different technologies in their machine-park with an outstanding infrastructure in Aachen.”


JEC Summit Sports & Health - Connect 8-10th December

Starting on December 8, professionals from the whole composites value chain across the globe will be able to meet online, network, and build long-lasting relationships thanks to the JEC Summit Sport & Health. The goal of this event is to allow decision-makers to learn about the current challenges and opportunities of the sports and medical fields, this thanks to the three-day program integrating keynote speeches, industry sessions, workshops, startups, and business meetings.


Please read attached document for more information about the program.

Starting on December 8, professionals from the whole composites value chain across the globe will be able to meet online, network, and build long-lasting relationships thanks to the JEC Summit Sport & Health. The goal of this event is to allow decision-makers to learn about the current challenges and opportunities of the sports and medical fields, this thanks to the three-day program integrating keynote speeches, industry sessions, workshops, startups, and business meetings.


Please read attached document for more information about the program.

(c) TMAS

Innovate or die: TMAS at ITMA 2019

A focus on customer service, aligned with the drive to constantly innovate, has long ensured that the member companies of TMAS – the Swedish texile machinery manufacturers’ association – stay well ahead of the curve.

“All of the Swedish textile machinery companies are doing really well in major markets such as Europe, China, India and the USA,” says TMAS Secretary General Therese Premler-Andersson. “They are now gathering forces to prepare for the most important show – ITMA 2019 in Barcelona in June. I expect to see new players and partnerships as we enter the industry 4.0 era for real. We are ready to display an even higher degree of the real time monitoring of processes, automation, flexible customisation, and the incorporation of robots into production lines.  Our customers expect a lot of in terms of knowledge and our ability to customise and offer turnkey solutions.”

A focus on customer service, aligned with the drive to constantly innovate, has long ensured that the member companies of TMAS – the Swedish texile machinery manufacturers’ association – stay well ahead of the curve.

“All of the Swedish textile machinery companies are doing really well in major markets such as Europe, China, India and the USA,” says TMAS Secretary General Therese Premler-Andersson. “They are now gathering forces to prepare for the most important show – ITMA 2019 in Barcelona in June. I expect to see new players and partnerships as we enter the industry 4.0 era for real. We are ready to display an even higher degree of the real time monitoring of processes, automation, flexible customisation, and the incorporation of robots into production lines.  Our customers expect a lot of in terms of knowledge and our ability to customise and offer turnkey solutions.”

The forward-looking attitude of the Swedish companies is perhaps best summed up by Reimar Westerlind, the owner, since 1961, of ACG Gruppen.
At the age of 90, Reimar still travels to his office every day to oversee the operations of the diverse companies operating under the ACG umbrella.
“Everything now is about automation and digitisation,” he says. “We have to be on that track or we will be lost – innovate or die.”

One ACG Gruppen company moving rapidly forward with new innovations in this area is ACG Kinna, which at ITMA 2019 will be providing dramatic live demonstrations of its new robotic pillow filling system.
This has the ability to fill and finish some 3,840 pillows per eight-hour shift, which is a considerable improvement on what is currently possible with existing systems, resulting in significant savings in both labour and energy for busy home textile businesses.

At ITMA 2019, Eton will be demonstrating a complete material handling solution with advanced software providing real-time information covering every aspect of the process.
“Our systems are a natural fit with the major Industry 4.0 networked manufacturing plants that are now being constructed worldwide for sectors such as the garment and home textiles manufacturing and automotive industries,” says Eton’s Sales and Commercial Director Roger Ryrlén.

Advanced senor developments are playing a large part in moving many areas of the textile industry forward too.
Eltex of Sweden, for example, is achieving considerable success with its yarn fault detection and tension monitoring systems across a range of sectors, including the tufting of carpets, the creeling of woven materials and even the production of woven reinforcements for the composites industry.

At successive ITMA shows, IRO AB has also consistently introduced new milestones in the field of yarn feeding technology for weaving machines, and ITMA 2019 will be no exception.
“Following significant investment in our R&D capabilities, we have been making great progress in further boosting the efficiency and performance of our expanding X3 range,” says IRO AB Managing Director and Chairman of TMAS Mikael Äremann. “I can’t remember a time since the 1980s when we had so many new innovations to unveil at an ITMA, and I’m greatly looking forward to the positive response to them we are anticipating in Barcelona this June.”

Resource savings
ITMA 2019 will meanwhile see the launch of TexCoat G4 – the next generation of Baldwin Technology’s non-contact precision application system for fabric finishing. The TexCoat G4 enables a continuously high-quality and productive textile finishing process with zero chemistry waste and minimised water and energy consumption.
The non-contact spray technology brings a range of advantages including single or double-sided application,  the elimination of Foulard bath contamination, low wet pick-up levels leading to the elimination of drying steps, zero chemistry waste in changeovers of chemistry, colour or fabric, and the possibility of batch reporting, visibility of pad loading, chemical usage etc.

Other TMAS companies exhibiting in Barcelona include Texo AB, whose wide-width weaving looms make the belts for machines on which half of the world’s paper is made, ES-Automatex, which specialises in bespoke automation concepts and Svegea, a company leading the field in a number colarette machines and cutting and slitting equipment.

“At the last ITMA in 2015 in Milan, there was much talk about Industry 4.0 technologies but certainly from the perspective of TMAS, ITMA 2019 will be the place for concrete solutions as to how data and the new tools we have available can be exploited to the full,” says Therese Premler-Andersson. “There is already much more networking between the companies, with software very much the enabler and common interfaces bringing ideas closer together. We are greatly looking forward to further exchanges of ideas when meeting with customers old and new in Barcelona.”

More information:

Issued on behalf of TMAS by AWOL Media.

Textil erobert die Luft – ZiTex NRW und Lufthansa Technik (c) ZiTex-Textil & Mode NRW
Textil erobert die Luft – ZiTex NRW und Lufthansa Technik

Textil erobert die Luft – ZiTex NRW und Lufthansa Technik

Die „ZiTex-Textil & Mode NRW“ hatte am 12. Juni zu einem Pressetermin Düsseldorfer Flughafen eingeladen. Unter dem Motto ‚Textil erobert die Luft‘ eröffnete Detlef Braun, Leiter der ZiTex mit einem Brancheneinblick die Veranstaltung. Nach zwei informativen Vorträgen der Unternehmen ANKER und SAERTEX gab es die Gelegenheit in der Lufthansawerft die Anwendung der technischen Textilien in zwei Maschinen vom Typ A330 (Langstrecke) und A320 aus der Nähe zu begutachten.

Die „ZiTex-Textil & Mode NRW“ hatte am 12. Juni zu einem Pressetermin Düsseldorfer Flughafen eingeladen. Unter dem Motto ‚Textil erobert die Luft‘ eröffnete Detlef Braun, Leiter der ZiTex mit einem Brancheneinblick die Veranstaltung. Nach zwei informativen Vorträgen der Unternehmen ANKER und SAERTEX gab es die Gelegenheit in der Lufthansawerft die Anwendung der technischen Textilien in zwei Maschinen vom Typ A330 (Langstrecke) und A320 aus der Nähe zu begutachten.

Hightech-Textilien zum Anfassen
Bereits der erste Blick in die Wartungshalle des Hangar 7 sorgte für großes Staunen: Die imposante Lufthansa Maschine des Typus A330, die fast täglich von Düsseldorf nach New York fliegt, steht dienstags zu Wartungsarbeiten im Hangar und bot die perfekte Kulisse, sich die Hightech-Textilien einmal aus der Nähe anzuschauen. Das war sowohl für die Veranstalter als auch die Pressevertreter eine ganz neue Erfahrung. „Ich freue mich sehr, dass wir mit dieser Veranstaltung die innovative Textilindustrie so informativ, praxisnah und erlebnisreich präsentieren konnten“, sagt Detlef Braun begeistert: „Veranstaltungen wie diese tragen dazu bei, den Hightech-Charakter der Branche nachhaltig zu verdeutlichen. Textil ist Zukunft! Dies wurde am Beispiel des Flugzeugs heute mehr als deutlich.“

Ruhig & Robust – Airline Teppichböden
Für das Unternehmen ANKER, traditionsreicher Webteppichboden-Spezialist mit Sitz im rheinischen Düren, referierte Alexander von Fuchs-Nordhoff, Sales Director, über den Einsatz der Teppichböden in Flugzeugen. Zum 50. Jubiläum in diesem Jahr der ANKER Teppiche in der Luftfahrt passte das Event ganz besonders, wurde der erste ANKER Airline Teppich 1968 in einer Lufthansa Maschine verlegt. Dabei gibt es die unterschiedlichsten Varianten der Material-Beschaffung und -Verarbeitung sowie Anbringung der Teppiche. Besonders innovativ: der leichteste Teppich in einem Flugzeug überhaupt, der mit 800 Gramm pro Quadratmeter um die Hälfte leichter ist als die herkömmlichen Varianten und damit deutliche Kerosin-Einsparungen ermöglicht. Durch die Zusammenarbeit mit international renommierten Architekten und Innenarchitekten liegen ANKER Teppichböden weltweit sowohl in Flugzeugen als auch in unzähligen Bürogebäuden, Hotels und öffentlichen Gebäuden. Neben der Kreativität setzt ANKER branchenweit Maßstäbe für Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation.

Stabil & Energiesparend – Tragflächen & Strukturbauteile
Steven Bakker, Global Director Business Unit New Products & New Markets von SAERTEX, einem Familienunternehmen, das Weltmarktführer in der Herstellung von Carbongelegen ist, präsentierte deren unterschiedliche Einsatzbereiche im Flugzeug: in den Tragflächen, der Druckkalotte sowie Stringerelemente und Verkleidungsteile und erläuterte, welchen besonderen Gegebenheiten die Materialien standhalten müssen. Insbesondere die Luftfahrt setzt auf solche Composites, die durch Verstärkungsmaterialien aus Glas-, Carbon- und Aramid-Fasern an Leichtigkeit, Stabilität und Korrosionsbeständigkeit gewinnen. Als Weltneuheit konnte Saertex im März dieses Jahres auf der JEC WORLD 2018 in Paris, der Fachmesse für Verbundwerkstoffe, ein Verfahren vorstellen, das Carbon Gelege automatisch, kontinuierlich und ohne Zerstörung auf Schäden, Lücken und Krümmungen prüft. Airbus setzt dieses Verfahren zur Materialprüfung bereits in Serie ein.

Einblicke in die Praxis vermittelte die Lufthansa Technik
Im Hangar Nr. 7 der Lufthansa Technik erfuhren die Presseteilnehmer viele Details von Wartungsleiter, Sascha Bongartz. Die Lufthansa Technik Gruppe ist ein Geschäftsfeld der Deutschen Lufthansa AG rund um die Themen Wartung und Überholung von Flugzeugen, Geräteversorgung, Triebwerke, Fahrwerke und VIP-Services. Mit 50 Standorten auf der ganzen Welt und 26.700 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern – davon rund 11.000 in Deutschland – ist die Lufthansa Weltmarktführer im Bereich luftfahrttechnischer Dienstleistungen.


ZiTex-Textil & Mode NRW

Airbus Helicopter Airbus Helicopter
Airbus Helicopter

Airbus Helicopters selects HEXCEL as supplier of advanced composite materials for the H160 helicopter

The H160 was designed by Airbus Helicopters to create added value for customers in terms of performance, economic competitiveness, safety and comfort. The use of Hexcel’s composite materials throughout the structure (fuselage, tail boom, tail rotor and main rotor blades) contributes to the lightweight fuel-saving design and performance optimization.
“Hexcel’s composite materials have been used in Airbus Helicopters’ programs for many years and we are honored to be continuing our long term relationship, based on innovation and continuous improvement” commented Thierry Merlot, Hexcel President Aerospace EMEA-AP. “We thank Airbus Helicopters for their selection and look forward to our ongoing supply of high performance, weight saving composites materials for this innovative rotorcraft”.
H160 configurations in development include offshore transportation, business and private aviation, emergency medical services, public services, and commercial passenger transport. The helicopter is planned to enter into service in 2019.

The H160 was designed by Airbus Helicopters to create added value for customers in terms of performance, economic competitiveness, safety and comfort. The use of Hexcel’s composite materials throughout the structure (fuselage, tail boom, tail rotor and main rotor blades) contributes to the lightweight fuel-saving design and performance optimization.
“Hexcel’s composite materials have been used in Airbus Helicopters’ programs for many years and we are honored to be continuing our long term relationship, based on innovation and continuous improvement” commented Thierry Merlot, Hexcel President Aerospace EMEA-AP. “We thank Airbus Helicopters for their selection and look forward to our ongoing supply of high performance, weight saving composites materials for this innovative rotorcraft”.
H160 configurations in development include offshore transportation, business and private aviation, emergency medical services, public services, and commercial passenger transport. The helicopter is planned to enter into service in 2019.

More information:
Hexcel, Airbus


Carboncast Carboncast


At the “Future of Composites in Construction” trade show, CHOMARAT and ALTUS GROUP are presenting CarbonCast®, their flagship line of reinforced-concrete prefabricated wall panels, reinforced with CHOMARAT’s C-GRID® carbon-fiber grids. A recent army-hospital project in Greenville, South Carolina is another success story of this innovative product: 18,600 m² (200,000 sq.ft) of precast insulated panels were installed in record time. Come and learn more about it at the McCormick Place Lakeside Center, Chicago, Stand C 10, on 20-22 June 2017.
“Reducing installation time, improving the fire and safety performance, increasing the service life of structures, and cutting energy consumption are crucial criteria in the choice of a CarbonCast solution,” explains ALTUS GROUP Executive Director John CARSON. CarbonCast® panels are classified ASHRAE 90.1. Thanks to the low thermal conductivity of carbon fiber, C-GRID® reinforced panels offer excellent thermal performance, providing uniform insulation and, therefore, a comfortable, energy-efficient building.

At the “Future of Composites in Construction” trade show, CHOMARAT and ALTUS GROUP are presenting CarbonCast®, their flagship line of reinforced-concrete prefabricated wall panels, reinforced with CHOMARAT’s C-GRID® carbon-fiber grids. A recent army-hospital project in Greenville, South Carolina is another success story of this innovative product: 18,600 m² (200,000 sq.ft) of precast insulated panels were installed in record time. Come and learn more about it at the McCormick Place Lakeside Center, Chicago, Stand C 10, on 20-22 June 2017.
“Reducing installation time, improving the fire and safety performance, increasing the service life of structures, and cutting energy consumption are crucial criteria in the choice of a CarbonCast solution,” explains ALTUS GROUP Executive Director John CARSON. CarbonCast® panels are classified ASHRAE 90.1. Thanks to the low thermal conductivity of carbon fiber, C-GRID® reinforced panels offer excellent thermal performance, providing uniform insulation and, therefore, a comfortable, energy-efficient building.
