From the Sector

611 results

MoU: Lectra to acquire Gerber Technology

Lectra announces its plan to acquire the entire capital and voting rights of US-based Gerber Technology. A key Industry 4.0 player in the fashion, automotive and furniture industries, Lectra designs smart industrial solutions – software, equipment, data and services – that help brands, manufacturers and retailers develop, produce and market their products.

The acquisition, if and when consummated, would allow Lectra to complement its market position and continue to enhance its offerings based on Industry 4.0 technology that will enable its customers to boost the productivity and profitability of their operations. After the French work council of Lectra is consulted and the binding documentation is signed, completion of the acquisition shall remain subject to merger control clearance and other customary conditions and shall be submitted to Lectra shareholders for approval.

Lectra announces its plan to acquire the entire capital and voting rights of US-based Gerber Technology. A key Industry 4.0 player in the fashion, automotive and furniture industries, Lectra designs smart industrial solutions – software, equipment, data and services – that help brands, manufacturers and retailers develop, produce and market their products.

The acquisition, if and when consummated, would allow Lectra to complement its market position and continue to enhance its offerings based on Industry 4.0 technology that will enable its customers to boost the productivity and profitability of their operations. After the French work council of Lectra is consulted and the binding documentation is signed, completion of the acquisition shall remain subject to merger control clearance and other customary conditions and shall be submitted to Lectra shareholders for approval.

The proposed combination would occur at an opportune time for both companies and their customers. The current uncertain economic climate and unprecedented challenges that fashion, automotive and furniture companies are facing due to the COVID-19 pandemic make it more important than ever for them to transform, digitalize and optimize their operations.

For over 50 years, Gerber Technology has used its proprietary technologies and deep domain expertise to provide integrated software and automated hardware solutions to companies around the world, including over 100 Fortune 500 companies in 134 countries.

The strategic combination of Gerber Technology and Lectra will create a premier advanced technology partner, able to quickly meet changing customer needs and deliver even more value through seamlessly integrated solutions. Together, the two companies will have a large installed base of product development software and automated cutting solutions in operation, with a worldwide presence and a long list of prestigious customers.

Consolidating the two companies’ research and development capabilities will enable the combined company to accelerate development of Industry 4.0 technologies and help its expanded customer base seize the full potential of these innovations.
Integrating the technology of the two companies will endow them with the resources to anticipate and address rapidly changing market conditions.

Key transaction terms

Under the proposed acquisition, Lectra would acquire all outstanding shares of Gerber Technology on a cash-free debt-free basis for an upfront payment of 175 million euros – through a combination of cash and debt – plus 5 million newly issued Lectra shares to AIPCF VI LG Funding, LP (“AIPCF VI LG”), an affiliate of American Industrial Partners that is Gerber Technology’s sole shareholder. This would represent a total amount of about 300 million euros based on Lectra’s closing share price on February 5, 2021. No contingent consideration is contemplated.

Gerber Technology’s revenues was 165 million euros in 2020.

Thanks to the strong value creation deriving from significant synergies, Lectra expects the transaction to be accretive for shareholders from 2022.

Upon closing, Daniel Harari would own c. 14.6% of the Lectra shares and AIPCF VI LG would own c. 13.3%.

Lectra’s Board of Directors would welcome a director representing AIPCF VI LG.

Daniel Harari would continue to be the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Lectra. Gerber Technology Chief Executive Officer, Mohit Uberoi, would assume special advisor to Daniel Harari role until end-2021.

Lectra’s shareholders would be invited to vote on the issuance of the 5 million new Lectra shares reserved to AIPCF VI LG at a dedicated Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting which is currently expected to be held on April 30, 2021. A report containing additional information will be made available to the shareholders prior to the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting.

Lazard is acting as exclusive financial advisor to Lectra, and Latham & Watkins as legal counsel to Lectra.

Goldman Sachs is acting as exclusive financial advisor to AIPCF VI LG, and Ropes & Gray LLP, Baker Botts LLP and Gide Loyrette Nouel A.A.R.P.I. as legal counsel to AIPCF VI LG.

2020 results, update on the 2020-2022 strategic roadmap and guidance for the coming years will be disclosed on February 10, 2021.

Lectra management will discuss the transaction, provide forward-looking guidance for the combined company upon closing of the transaction and answer questions from the financial community during the February 11, 2021 webcast Analyst Conference meeting in French starting at 8:30 am (CET - Paris).



Lectra - Headquarters

HYGH: Digitale Außenwerber verfünffacht sein Netzwerk (c) HYGH
Werbeflächen von HYGH in Berlin / Kuhdamm

HYGH: Digitale Außenwerber verfünffacht sein Netzwerk

Vor einem Jahr ist der digitale Außenwerber HYGH mit 250 Bildschirmen in Berlin gestartet, um den digitalen Werbemarkt aufzubrechen. Nun wird die zweite Ausbaustufe gezündet. Ab dem 26. Januar 2021 kommen 200 weitere Displays in Berlin hinzu, und dann von Februar bis Juli jeweils 200 Displays in Köln, Frankfurt, Hamburg und München. Ende Mai wird HYGH somit 1.050 neue und insgesamt 1.300 Displays des Kooperationspartners Samsung seinen werbetreibenden Kunden anbieten.

HYGH bietet Werbekunden extrem flexible und kleinteilige Werbemöglichkeiten: auf einer Armada von Displays in den Schaufenstern von Geschäften, Szenekneipen, Friseurläden und Zeitungskiosken. Damit ist HYGH hyperlokal und kann mitten im stark frequentierten Kiez zielgenau und individuell die Kampagnen seiner Kunden ausspielen.

Vor einem Jahr ist der digitale Außenwerber HYGH mit 250 Bildschirmen in Berlin gestartet, um den digitalen Werbemarkt aufzubrechen. Nun wird die zweite Ausbaustufe gezündet. Ab dem 26. Januar 2021 kommen 200 weitere Displays in Berlin hinzu, und dann von Februar bis Juli jeweils 200 Displays in Köln, Frankfurt, Hamburg und München. Ende Mai wird HYGH somit 1.050 neue und insgesamt 1.300 Displays des Kooperationspartners Samsung seinen werbetreibenden Kunden anbieten.

HYGH bietet Werbekunden extrem flexible und kleinteilige Werbemöglichkeiten: auf einer Armada von Displays in den Schaufenstern von Geschäften, Szenekneipen, Friseurläden und Zeitungskiosken. Damit ist HYGH hyperlokal und kann mitten im stark frequentierten Kiez zielgenau und individuell die Kampagnen seiner Kunden ausspielen.

Fritz Frey, HYGH-Mitgründer, erklärt zu der Investitionsoffensive: „Selbst die massiven Corona-Einschränkungen haben unser Geschäftsmodell nicht gestört. Schließlich konnten wir gerade dort punkten, wo die Leute wohnen. Bereits im ersten Geschäftsjahr haben wir große Erfolge verzeichnet. 2021 wird nun das Jahr der Expansion. Wir verfünffachen unsere Reichweite und rollen unser Netzwerk deutschlandweit aus.“



Kornit Wins 2020 EDP Award for its NeoPigment™ Robusto Softener (c) Kornit Digital

Kornit Wins 2020 EDP Award for its NeoPigment™ Robusto Softener

Kornit Digital is named among 29 winners of the 2020 EDP Awards, presented by the European Digital Press Association (EDP). The company’s NeoPigment™ Robusto Softener solution, which ensures superior hand feel for substrates imprinted using the Kornit Presto system for roll-to-roll, direct-to-fabric digital production, was selected “Best Coating and Varnish” in the Consumables category.

Kornit Digital is named among 29 winners of the 2020 EDP Awards, presented by the European Digital Press Association (EDP). The company’s NeoPigment™ Robusto Softener solution, which ensures superior hand feel for substrates imprinted using the Kornit Presto system for roll-to-roll, direct-to-fabric digital production, was selected “Best Coating and Varnish” in the Consumables category.

Kornit’s Softener solution is applied seamlessly during the printing process. No additional time, labor, or equipment is needed, and most importantly, it is a sustainable solution carrying Eco Passport certification and GOTS verification.
“Kornit Presto with Softener is changing the game for on-demand production, making pigment-based digital print a serious contender for even the most demanding fashion houses,” says Chris Govier, KDEU Managing Director. “Kornit is proud to be recognized for its innovations, and we strive to continue exceeding the market’s demands for efficient, eco-friendly, profitable solutions regardless of the new trends and challenges facing the textile industry.”


DFD Januar/Februar 2021: Verlässliche Anlaufstelle für Einkäufer

Trotz des harten Lockdowns fanden in Düsseldorf in der vergangenen Woche die Kollektionssichtung und Order der Fall/Winter-Kollektion 2021 im Rahmen der Düsseldorf Fashion Days statt. Dank strenger Hygiene-Auflagen und starker Entzerrung des Orderaufkommens durch die Vergabe von Einzelterminen. In über 600 Showrooms platzierten Einkäufer aus ganz Deutschland ihre Order. Die Supreme Women&Men stellte temporäre Showroom-Flächen für ihre Partner zur Verfügung, während die Gallery FASHION & Shoes als rein digitales Format stattfand. Die Bilanz: Die Frequenz war erwartungsgemäß niedriger als vor der Pandemie, dennoch schätzt die Branche die Verlässlichkeit des Orderstandortes Düsseldorf sowie den persönlichen Austausch vor Ort.

Trotz des harten Lockdowns fanden in Düsseldorf in der vergangenen Woche die Kollektionssichtung und Order der Fall/Winter-Kollektion 2021 im Rahmen der Düsseldorf Fashion Days statt. Dank strenger Hygiene-Auflagen und starker Entzerrung des Orderaufkommens durch die Vergabe von Einzelterminen. In über 600 Showrooms platzierten Einkäufer aus ganz Deutschland ihre Order. Die Supreme Women&Men stellte temporäre Showroom-Flächen für ihre Partner zur Verfügung, während die Gallery FASHION & Shoes als rein digitales Format stattfand. Die Bilanz: Die Frequenz war erwartungsgemäß niedriger als vor der Pandemie, dennoch schätzt die Branche die Verlässlichkeit des Orderstandortes Düsseldorf sowie den persönlichen Austausch vor Ort.

„Dass die Düsseldorf Fashion Days stattfinden konnten, ist ein wichtiges Signal für die gesamte Branche und unterstreicht die Relevanz des Modestandortes. Der neue Name DFD kommt zudem beim Fachpublikum sehr gut an. Unter dem Dachbegriff DFD lassen sich das Fashion-Business sowie branchenübergreifende neue Konzepte perfekt vereinen. Diese Entwicklung fokussieren wir von städtischer Seite: Mit einem geplanten Festival-Konzept zur Sommerausgabe wird nicht nur das Orderbusiness gestärkt, sondern die gesamte Stadt inklusive Einzelhandel, Gastronomie, Kultur- und Eventbranche profitiert von der neuen Ausrichtung der Ordertage", erklärt Theresa Winkels, Leiterin der Wirtschaftsförderung Düsseldorf.

„Aufgrund der gegenwärtigen Situation sind wir in dieser Orderrunde ganz anders präsent: Digital und mit erweiterter Laufzeit vom 28. Januar bis 15. Februar 2021. Eine völlig neue Erfahrung, die wir jedoch sehr wertschätzen, weil wir uns damit neue Vertriebskanäle und eine erweiterte Präsenz für die Gallery-Formate geschaffen haben. Somit sind in Zukunft auch Hybridformate denkbar. Unser Wirkungskreis ist dadurch flexibler geworden. Mit ‚Gallery FASHION & Shoes digital‘ haben wir uns vollständig als Teil der DFD gefühlt, freuen uns aber dennoch auf die kommende Präsenzveranstaltung Gallery SHOES & Fashion vom 18. bis 20. April 2021 mit begleitendem Showroom Concept“, sagt Ulrike Kähler, Managing Director Igedo Company.

ITM of TU Dresden – your research partner in the field of virtual product development at ISPO Munich © ITM/TU Dresden
Draping properties - variety of materials

ITM presents itself for the first time at ISPO Munich Online 2021

  • ITM of TU Dresden – your research partner in the field of virtual product development at ISPO Munich
  • ISPO Munich Online 2021 – the world´s leading sports business platform from February 1st to 5th 2021

The Chair of Assembly Technology for Textile Products of ITM presents itself for the first time at ISPO Munich Online 2021 – showcasing its expertise in the field of virtual product development. Its know-how in the determination of material parameters, digital data processing, and data transfer will be presented as well as its competencies in 3D/4D body shape recording via scanning, data animation for the 3D product development for functional clothing, and simulation for wear comfort/usage visualization. The Chair of Assembly Technology for Textile Products of ITM has manifested its leading global position in the virtual product development sector by successfully completing a variety of national and international interdisciplinary research projects.

  • ITM of TU Dresden – your research partner in the field of virtual product development at ISPO Munich
  • ISPO Munich Online 2021 – the world´s leading sports business platform from February 1st to 5th 2021

The Chair of Assembly Technology for Textile Products of ITM presents itself for the first time at ISPO Munich Online 2021 – showcasing its expertise in the field of virtual product development. Its know-how in the determination of material parameters, digital data processing, and data transfer will be presented as well as its competencies in 3D/4D body shape recording via scanning, data animation for the 3D product development for functional clothing, and simulation for wear comfort/usage visualization. The Chair of Assembly Technology for Textile Products of ITM has manifested its leading global position in the virtual product development sector by successfully completing a variety of national and international interdisciplinary research projects.

Researchers of the Chair of Assembly Technology for Textile Products have been actively involved in the preparation and digital representation of material samples for the ISPO Textrends Forum. Thus, the material parameters of the ISPO Textrends Award textiles were determined for 3D fit simulations in Vidya (Assyst/Vizoo), automatically analyzed, and digitally processed by the specially developed "Material Analyzer" software. This software in addition to other state-of-the-art CAE infrastructure, such as the recently installed 4D Scanner Move4D, are essential for the further establishment and promotion of its leading position in the field of digitalization and virtual product development for garments for high-tech applications.

The researchers involved eagerly await future collaborations in this promising field of research. This pilot project presented at ISPO 2021 was coordinated by the company FOURSOURCE Group GmbH, thus enabling the characterization and 3D visualization of the award-winning materials that are presented to all visitors at ISPO 2021.

Digital technologies the key to success for eye-catching fashion label DushaGreya by Natalia Dushagreya (c) DushaGreya
DushaGreya’s eye-catching pieces are a regular at both Russian and international fashion shows.

DushaGreya: Digital technologies the key to success

  • DushaGreya is a well-known brand from talented Moscow-based designer, Natalia Dushagreya, who puts her all into her unique creations.

Combining her outstanding creativity with cutting-edge digital printing technology, Natalia has been delighting women with eye-catching, comfortable clothes, which boast unparalleled individuality and vivacity for several years. “The quality of digital prints surpasses that of traditional fabrics, both in the variety of colour compositions and in the contrast and clarity when printing small details or complex geometric elements. Digital technology makes it possible to achieve exceptionally smooth colour transitions, which is almost unattainable when using analogue printing methods. As a designer, I make sure to fully leverage the advantages of digital printing when designing and producing my collection”, says Natalia.

  • DushaGreya is a well-known brand from talented Moscow-based designer, Natalia Dushagreya, who puts her all into her unique creations.

Combining her outstanding creativity with cutting-edge digital printing technology, Natalia has been delighting women with eye-catching, comfortable clothes, which boast unparalleled individuality and vivacity for several years. “The quality of digital prints surpasses that of traditional fabrics, both in the variety of colour compositions and in the contrast and clarity when printing small details or complex geometric elements. Digital technology makes it possible to achieve exceptionally smooth colour transitions, which is almost unattainable when using analogue printing methods. As a designer, I make sure to fully leverage the advantages of digital printing when designing and producing my collection”, says Natalia.

By the time the DushaGreya brand begun, Natalia and her like-minded associate and father, Alexander Kordovatov, already had experience in the field of sublimation printing and knew that printing on fabric for subsequent tailoring would be carried out using this technology. However, no third-party performers could be found that would meet the quality and deadline requirements of the brand, so they decided to purchase new equipment and start printing at their own site. 

Alexander says. “We also found out that Smart-T (Mimaki's distributor in Russia), the supplier of this equipment in Moscow, is highly rated by the industry community and customers due to its professional expertise, first-line service support, and highly qualified engineers.” At the end of 2019, Smart-T installed the highly anticipated Mimaki Tx300P-1800 direct textile printer at the DushaGreya facility. Today it prints fabrics for dresses, skirts, T-shirts, fleeces, jumpers, hoodies, trench coats, and other midwear.

"Mimaki Tx300P-1800 is the only printer in the Mimaki line that allows us to print on natural fabrics without pre-processing,” Alexander comments. “This gives us the ability to produce short, original print runs at no extra cost, which is vital in achieving our goals. The TP400 pigment inks used in this printer have an expanded colour gamut, so the prints are always bright and saturated.”

Kornit Digital: Reclameland succeeds with Kornit Production Capabilities (c) Kornit
Kornit Atlas

Kornit Digital: Reclameland succeeds with Kornit Production Capabilities

Kornit Digital, a worldwide market leader in digital textile printing technology, announced Westerbroek, Groningen-based Reclameland has invested nearly €20 million in a second production hall and state-of-the-art machines, including the Kornit Atlas system for industrial direct-to-garment (DTG) production on demand, in the past year to further accelerate growth. The fastest-growing online printer in the Netherlands, Reclameland achieved a turnover of almost €23 million in 2019 and a profit of more than €1 million.

Now the second-largest business of its type in the Netherlands, Reclameland’s workforce grew by 20% in the past year, enabling them to handle most production operations internally. They attributed increased demand for printed pieces to a strong growth in online buying, for both consumers and businesses.

Kornit Digital, a worldwide market leader in digital textile printing technology, announced Westerbroek, Groningen-based Reclameland has invested nearly €20 million in a second production hall and state-of-the-art machines, including the Kornit Atlas system for industrial direct-to-garment (DTG) production on demand, in the past year to further accelerate growth. The fastest-growing online printer in the Netherlands, Reclameland achieved a turnover of almost €23 million in 2019 and a profit of more than €1 million.

Now the second-largest business of its type in the Netherlands, Reclameland’s workforce grew by 20% in the past year, enabling them to handle most production operations internally. They attributed increased demand for printed pieces to a strong growth in online buying, for both consumers and businesses.

“2019 marked the definitive breakthrough of online printing, and we have established ourselves as a total print solutions provider for signage, banners, posters, flags, and other digitally printed textiles,” says Wouter Haan, CEO of Reclameland.  "By continuously innovating, we can serve every type of customer. Our investment in Kornit technology has empowered us to imprint more than a thousand garments per day with a single operator, meeting the retail quality, wash and light fastness, and sustainability standards of the world’s largest apparel brands.”

“Reclameland demonstrates the vast opportunities on-demand producers have when they diversify their product offerings and align their operations for a marketplace that increasingly relies on e-commerce,” says Chris Govier, KDEU Managing Director. “Kornit technology offers the perfect foundation for making that business model a success, eliminating slow and costly steps between buyers seeing a brilliantly-designed piece virtually and having it in their hands. We are proud to support Reclameland as they grow to fulfill the promise of digital commerce.”


PREMIUM+SEEK+JOOR Passport is back

Summer 2020 saw the first ever staging of PREMIUM+SEEK Passport by JOOR. In the midst of the pandemic, it offered the industry an opportunity to continue doing business, stay in contact with key partners, and expand business networks. Over 150,000 retailers took part in the event in 2020 and 40,000 products were sold.

The second edition of the PREMIUM+SEEK+JOOR Passport event will be an optimised and focussed version and offers participants maximum opportunity for success. From 27 January around 100 brands curated by the team at the PREMIUM GROUP will once again have access to JOOR’s network of over 200,000 selected international retailers. Virtual showrooms will act as the location for showcasing the latest collections, telling brand stories and closing deals. Every showroom can be individually designed by participating brands so as to stage and communicate their brand identity in a purely digital setting. Accessible at any time, without time-consuming logistics.

Summer 2020 saw the first ever staging of PREMIUM+SEEK Passport by JOOR. In the midst of the pandemic, it offered the industry an opportunity to continue doing business, stay in contact with key partners, and expand business networks. Over 150,000 retailers took part in the event in 2020 and 40,000 products were sold.

The second edition of the PREMIUM+SEEK+JOOR Passport event will be an optimised and focussed version and offers participants maximum opportunity for success. From 27 January around 100 brands curated by the team at the PREMIUM GROUP will once again have access to JOOR’s network of over 200,000 selected international retailers. Virtual showrooms will act as the location for showcasing the latest collections, telling brand stories and closing deals. Every showroom can be individually designed by participating brands so as to stage and communicate their brand identity in a purely digital setting. Accessible at any time, without time-consuming logistics.

The partnership between the PREMIUM GROUP and JOOR is due to continue in July 2021. In future, there will be a hybrid event where the physical and virtual worlds will go hand in hand. Face-to-face is still essential and now more important than ever. Networking becomes easier and more effective; stories are told and emotions triggered. Processes that follow are digitally optimised with JOOR and handled more easily than before.

In summer 2021 there will be a return to a physical coming together with SEEK, PREMIUM and FASHIONTECH. From 6-8 July – as part of Frankfurt Fashion Week.



Video Material Stories are presented by the PERFORMANCE DAYS Exhibitors (c) PERFORMANCE DAYS
Midlayers of the Season

Video Material Stories are presented by the PERFORMANCE DAYS Exhibitors

Video Material Stories focus on the highlight products of the PERFORMANCE FORUM which were rewarded with a 100% Jury Like and include detailed explanations by the exhibitors. You can watch the videos here, check out the details, ask any question to the exhibitors and request samples!

  • Lightweight, Downproof & Insulation Trends of the Season

The selected insulations are all produced ecologically responsibly, at the same time they are lightweight, breathable and insulate well. The lightweight and downproof fabrics of winter 22/23 are ultra-light, breathable and heat-insulating. It is astonishing that lightweights can now be processed from Econyl and other recycled fibres without losing any of their lightness. Almost all fibres – from nylon, Econyl, polyamide to polyester – are over 90 per cent recycled, and often dyed with vegetable variants or dyed in a dope dyed process.

Video Material Stories focus on the highlight products of the PERFORMANCE FORUM which were rewarded with a 100% Jury Like and include detailed explanations by the exhibitors. You can watch the videos here, check out the details, ask any question to the exhibitors and request samples!

  • Lightweight, Downproof & Insulation Trends of the Season

The selected insulations are all produced ecologically responsibly, at the same time they are lightweight, breathable and insulate well. The lightweight and downproof fabrics of winter 22/23 are ultra-light, breathable and heat-insulating. It is astonishing that lightweights can now be processed from Econyl and other recycled fibres without losing any of their lightness. Almost all fibres – from nylon, Econyl, polyamide to polyester – are over 90 per cent recycled, and often dyed with vegetable variants or dyed in a dope dyed process.

  • Softshells & Outer Midlayers of the Season

Warming, windproof and water-repellent jackets worn outdoors as an outer layer during sports or leisure activities typify the Softshell/Outer Midlayer category. Polyamide and polyester fibres remain dominant in winter 22/23. But anyone on the lookout for natural fibres will find various blends of organic cotton, Tencel or wool.

  • Midlayers of the Season

Midlayers are primarily intended to provide warmth when layering garments. The focus is on newer constructions to generate heat, yet at the same time, manufacturers are attempting to reduce or completely avoid the use of micro-plastics in the development process.


TATA Communications recognised for leadership in Sustainability by CDP

Tata Communications, a global digital ecosystem enabler, has been recognised by global environmental non-profit organisation, Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) with the distinguished ‘A-’ leadership score for implementing current best practices in sustainability for climate change. Tata Communications score is higher than the global average of ‘C’ and higher than the Asia region average of ‘D’. The Company scores the highest global score for playing a leading role in Climate Change governance, value chain management, energy efficiency, risk and opportunity disclosures in CDP 2020 reporting.

Tata Communications is among the top 34% companies globally to have received the leadership score for best practices out of 9,600+ companies that reported environmental disclosures this year. The scores are attributed basis a comprehensive peer benchmarking and sustainability performance.

Tata Communications, a global digital ecosystem enabler, has been recognised by global environmental non-profit organisation, Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) with the distinguished ‘A-’ leadership score for implementing current best practices in sustainability for climate change. Tata Communications score is higher than the global average of ‘C’ and higher than the Asia region average of ‘D’. The Company scores the highest global score for playing a leading role in Climate Change governance, value chain management, energy efficiency, risk and opportunity disclosures in CDP 2020 reporting.

Tata Communications is among the top 34% companies globally to have received the leadership score for best practices out of 9,600+ companies that reported environmental disclosures this year. The scores are attributed basis a comprehensive peer benchmarking and sustainability performance.

The company made some strategic shifts in implementing several energy efficiency measures and this recognition reaffirms its focus on sustainability. In fiscal 2020, Tata Communications sourced approximately 15 million units of renewable energy and implemented emission reduction initiatives resulting in energy savings to the tune of 0.8 million units.

Tata Communications Sustainability strategy is based on the three facets of environment, social and governance (ESG) principles. The Company’s objective is to drive value creation for its stakeholders and drive sustainable business growth by managing risks and embracing opportunities, implementing robust governance practices and optimising the economic, environmental and social performance.


Harvard Engage! Communications

„Neonyt on Air“ 2021: Mode und Nachhaltigkeit im Zeichen der Pandemie (c) Messe Frankfurt/Neonyt

„Neonyt on Air“ 2021: Mode und Nachhaltigkeit im Zeichen der Pandemie

Vom 18. bis 22. Januar 2021 geht das digitale Community-Format „Neonyt on Air“ in die zweite Runde. Neben den „Presenting Partners“ Grüner Knopf, Hessnatur und Oeko-Tex diskutieren Fashion-, Digital- und Lifestyle-Expertinnen und Experten über mehr Transparenz in der Textil- und Modebranche. Auch Persönlichkeiten aus Politik, IT und Finanzwesen geben wichtigen Input zu nachhaltigen Innovationen.

Geballte Community-Power – keinem geringeren Anspruch folgt die zweite digitale Ausgabe diesen Januar: ein Dutzend Keynotes, Interviews und Panel Discussions, mehr als zwanzig nationale und internationale Speakerinnen und Speaker, branchenübergreifende Insights und Austausch mit Mehrwert. Ganz oben auf der Agenda steht dabei das Thema Transparenz. Angefangen bei der Rohstoff- und Materialauswahl über die Produktion und den Vertrieb bis hin zum Endprodukt – der Weg, den ein Kleidungsstück zurücklegt und die ökologischen, ökonomischen und gesellschaftlichen Voraussetzungen, unter denen es hergestellt wird, sind Thema Nummer eins während Neonyt on Air.

Vom 18. bis 22. Januar 2021 geht das digitale Community-Format „Neonyt on Air“ in die zweite Runde. Neben den „Presenting Partners“ Grüner Knopf, Hessnatur und Oeko-Tex diskutieren Fashion-, Digital- und Lifestyle-Expertinnen und Experten über mehr Transparenz in der Textil- und Modebranche. Auch Persönlichkeiten aus Politik, IT und Finanzwesen geben wichtigen Input zu nachhaltigen Innovationen.

Geballte Community-Power – keinem geringeren Anspruch folgt die zweite digitale Ausgabe diesen Januar: ein Dutzend Keynotes, Interviews und Panel Discussions, mehr als zwanzig nationale und internationale Speakerinnen und Speaker, branchenübergreifende Insights und Austausch mit Mehrwert. Ganz oben auf der Agenda steht dabei das Thema Transparenz. Angefangen bei der Rohstoff- und Materialauswahl über die Produktion und den Vertrieb bis hin zum Endprodukt – der Weg, den ein Kleidungsstück zurücklegt und die ökologischen, ökonomischen und gesellschaftlichen Voraussetzungen, unter denen es hergestellt wird, sind Thema Nummer eins während Neonyt on Air.

Die Corona-Krise hat noch deutlicher aufgezeigt, an welchen Stellschrauben nachjustiert werden muss, um die Textil- und Modebranche zukunftsfähig und vor allem nachhaltig zu gestalten. „Gerade in Krisenzeiten kommt es auf Solidarität und Verantwortung an – auch gegenüber den Menschen, die unsere Kleidung herstellen“, sagt Bundesentwicklungsminister Dr. Gerd Müller. „Ich freue mich, dass die Neonyt on Air Expertinnen und Experten die Möglichkeit gibt, sich zu Lösungsansätzen für nachhaltige Textil-Lieferketten auszutauschen. Denn die Krise zeigt: Nachhaltige Lieferketten sind wichtiger denn je.“

„Egal ob aus der IT, Politik, Finanzwirtschaft oder aus der Textil- und Modebranche – die Neonyt-Community hat ein gemeinsames Ziel für die gesamte Industrie: mehr Nachhaltigkeit und Transparenz“, sagt Thimo Schwenzfeier, Show Director Neonyt. „Das kann nur durch ein Miteinander erreicht werden – die Verbesserung bestehender Lösungen und neue Ansätze diskutiert unsere Community während der Neonyt on Air.“

Mehr Informationen über das Programm finden Sie im Anhang.


Messe Frankfurt/Neonyt

75 Years Hohenstein - Successful Roots worldwide © Hohenstein
Today, at its headquarters in Bönnigheim, Germany, Hohenstein has expanded as a versatile service provider beyond the castle with modern lab buildings.

75 Years Hohenstein - Successful Roots worldwide

BÖNNIGHEIM - Textile testing and research partner Hohenstein has reason to celebrate: this year marks the company’s 75th anniversary. Now in its third generation of family ownership, the company will spend this landmark year expanding its foundation for the future. Owner Prof. Dr. Stefan Mecheels is proud: "Our motto, We live textiles, expresses exactly what has made us special for many decades - our collective enthusiasm for textiles and the opportunity to provide solutions that make a difference in the world.”

Successful Roots

BÖNNIGHEIM - Textile testing and research partner Hohenstein has reason to celebrate: this year marks the company’s 75th anniversary. Now in its third generation of family ownership, the company will spend this landmark year expanding its foundation for the future. Owner Prof. Dr. Stefan Mecheels is proud: "Our motto, We live textiles, expresses exactly what has made us special for many decades - our collective enthusiasm for textiles and the opportunity to provide solutions that make a difference in the world.”

Successful Roots

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Otto Mecheels laid the foundation for an internationally-renowned company in 1946 when he founded the Hohenstein Institutes, a textile school in Hohenstein Castle. His son, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Jürgen Mecheels modernized the Hohenstein Group’s business structures and expanded into new research and service areas such as textile finishing or professional laundries/dry cleaning. He helped to forever change textile safety with the STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® certification system that protects consumers from harmful substances. Under Prof. Dr. Stefan Mecheels’ leadership since 1995, Hohenstein has been at the forefront of microfiber analysis, consistently perfected its created standards for comfort and compression testing and worked to reduce the industry’s ecological impact. Last but not least, the testing laboratory in Hong Kong, which has been in operation since 2011, and the Hohenstein textile testing laboratories in Bangladesh and India, which were opened in 2018, ensure even greater market proximity.

Solutions for the Global Textile Industry

Today, Hohenstein specializes in the testing, certification and research of all kinds of textile-related products. With a total of more than 1,000 employees at its headquarters in Bönnigheim and in more than 40 branches, contact offices and laboratories worldwide, the company faces the current challenges of the global industry.

"Textile sustainability remains a major focus for us and is woven through every decision we make," explains Stefan Mecheels. “Even services that are seemingly focused on innovation contribute somehow to longer lasting products, less waste and more safety. Our Digital Fitting Lab helps brands leap forward with digitized apparel development. Using modern 3D and 4D technologies and our traditional fit and pattern expertise, we help our clients design better fitting clothes with fewer prototypes and less waste.”

When SARS-CoV-2 struck, the company developed a quality label to easily identify non-medical, community masks that meet legal and functional requirements. The Hohenstein Quality Labels are independent proof with a high level of credibility among buyers and consumers.


Among the celebrations, Hohenstein plans to hold a mid-year press conference with regional and industry journalists. "We are celebrating this anniversary because we have succeeded in constantly adapting to the market and use our applied research to anticipate developments. For this I would first like to thank our employees, who, in keeping with the motto We live textiles, put their hearts and souls into their work. A very special thanks also goes to our customers, some of whom have been placing their trust in us for decades," says Stefan Mecheels, adding "I am convinced that we are positioned to continue our contribution in the future.

circl Live Shopping Show am Smartphone (c) GmbH

circl: Mit Live Video Shopping durch die Krise

Das Mainzer Start-up circl startet deutschlandweit das erste “Live Video-Shopping Erlebnis mit Preisvergleich und Bonusprogramm”. Auf werden Kund:innen von Freund:innen und Influencer:innen mit Produktempfehlungen inspiriert. Fachberater:innen können, z.B. aus dem stationären Handel oder von zu Hause aus, im Videochat beraten.

circl bietet eine Social Shopping Plattform mit über 350 Shops (60 Mio. Produkten) und Preisvergleich an. Der Kauf und die Empfehlung wird über circl mit auszahlbaren Punkten belohnt (1 Punkt pro 2€). Unter den Affiliate-Partnerprogrammen befinden sich bekannte Größen wie MediaMarkt, Bonprix und Quelle, aber auch Nischenanbieter und Start-ups.

Das Mainzer Start-up circl startet deutschlandweit das erste “Live Video-Shopping Erlebnis mit Preisvergleich und Bonusprogramm”. Auf werden Kund:innen von Freund:innen und Influencer:innen mit Produktempfehlungen inspiriert. Fachberater:innen können, z.B. aus dem stationären Handel oder von zu Hause aus, im Videochat beraten.

circl bietet eine Social Shopping Plattform mit über 350 Shops (60 Mio. Produkten) und Preisvergleich an. Der Kauf und die Empfehlung wird über circl mit auszahlbaren Punkten belohnt (1 Punkt pro 2€). Unter den Affiliate-Partnerprogrammen befinden sich bekannte Größen wie MediaMarkt, Bonprix und Quelle, aber auch Nischenanbieter und Start-ups.

In Zeiten von Corona und dem Lockdown benötigt insbesondere der stationäre Handel eine schnelle aber auch nachhaltige Lösung, um in Kundenkontakt zu bleiben und neue Einnahmequellen zu erschließen. circl bietet stationären Händler:innen die Möglichkeit, ihre Läden als Showroom einzusetzen und Produkte über die unabhängigen Partnershops zu bewerben. So profitieren Händler:innen vom Online-Shopping ihrer Kund:innen. Als Live-Host können sich alle gewerblichen Personen mit Fachwissen hier bewerben.

Die Live Shopping Funktion ist zum Marktstart am 16.12.2020 in der iOS & Android App verfügbar. Im Livestream haben Berater:innen die Möglichkeit, auf Fragen der Community einzugehen. Kund:innen kaufen direkt über den Preisvergleich im Shop ihrer Wahl und sammeln Punkte.

Source: GmbH

JEC Summit Sports & Health - Connect exceeds goals and sets new standards for JEC digital events
JEC Summit Sports & Health - Connect

JEC Summit Sports & Health - Connect exceeds goals and sets new standards for JEC digital events

First edition of JEC Summit Sports & Health – Connect, an online event platform devoted to medical and sports equipment manufacturers using composites, ended last week going above and beyond its set goals. JEC Summit Sports & Health – Connect brought together professionals from the whole composites value chain and allows decision-makers to evolve and inspire through a subsequent event program. This summit was the first in a long line of events devoted to composites in the Sports and Health industry that are to come within the next two years.

The three-day event was conceived as a forum to gather composites professionals, affiliates, and high-profile speakers to share their expertise in composites materials involved in creating state-of-the-art medical devices and sports equipment.

First edition of JEC Summit Sports & Health – Connect, an online event platform devoted to medical and sports equipment manufacturers using composites, ended last week going above and beyond its set goals. JEC Summit Sports & Health – Connect brought together professionals from the whole composites value chain and allows decision-makers to evolve and inspire through a subsequent event program. This summit was the first in a long line of events devoted to composites in the Sports and Health industry that are to come within the next two years.

The three-day event was conceived as a forum to gather composites professionals, affiliates, and high-profile speakers to share their expertise in composites materials involved in creating state-of-the-art medical devices and sports equipment.

“Following the enforced postponement of many trade shows, we took the step of becoming the first organizer to stage an online event dedicated to composites in the sports and health industry. We put together a high-level conference agenda and speaker roster, and devised some great ideas for virtual networking, said Christian Strassburger, Event Director at JEC Group. “I could not be prouder of what we achieved with many delegates from Europe and Americas tuning in, including representatives from more than 36 countries. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all our sponsors and partners. Their trust, support, and input were a crucial part of both the quality and success of the summit.”

The event attracted an audience of more than 1,100 professionals from the composites industry, from 36 countries, and helped organize 216 pre-arranged one to one meetings between buyers and sellers via our dedicated online meeting rooms, this without mentioning informal networking between participants. It reached these numbers, as participants logged on in considerable numbers to learn from the insights and ideas of the unparalleled line-up of high-level speakers who took part in the summit’s twenty-track conference.

The agenda for the JEC Summit Sports & Health – Connect featured tracks on current trends and Innovations in sports & health composite applications, with keynotes delivered by Dominic LeBlanc Senior Concept Engineer, at Callaway Golf, Christophe Lecomte, Director of Biomechanical Solutions R&D, at Össur, Fleur Jong, Professional Sprinter, and Co-founder of the Para Athletics Foundation and Damiano Salvatori, Materials Research Engineer, at the Straumann Group.

The panel of high-profile experts from Europe and America offered perspectives and inspiration for the next generation of medical and sports devices made of composites materials. The line-up included Bjorn Ivar Austrem, Technical Director, at Madshus, Laurine Calistri, Research Engineer, at Proteor, Anatole Gilliot, CEO of Suprem, Julien Duplay, Composites Methods Engineer, at Decathlon, Eric Jackson, President of Apex Watercraft, Stéphan Vérin, General Secretary, at EuraMaterials, Maximilian Segl, Principal Expert Composites, and Johannes Wölper, Development Engineer, both from Ottobock, and Matthew Dickinson, Senior Lecturer in Engineering, at University of Central Lancashire. Christos Karatzias, at Mitsui Chemicals Europe and Anthony Bert, at Helicoid Industries.

And one cannot omit the international startups that pitched all through the three-day event: ProsFit (Bulgaria), Alchemy (Greece), moi composites (Italy), Mercuris (Germany), Arevo/Superstrata (USA), Checkerspot/WNDR Alpine (USA), Ambrocio (Finland) Nairoby (Argentina). All gave inspiring and promising perspectives in the sector and what to look for in the near future.


JEC Press Relations

High-Speed 4D Scanner now available at the ITM of TU Dresden © ITM/TU Dresden
Grand opening of the 4D scanner Move4D: System developers Daniel Gomez (right) and Carmen Gimeno (second f.t.r.) from IBV hand over the calibration scepter to Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Yordan Kyosev (middle), Head of the Chair of Assembly Technology for Textile Products, together with Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Chokri Cherif (second f.t.l.), Head of the ITM, and Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Sybille Krzywinski (left), Scientific Director of the chair

High-Speed 4D Scanner now available at the ITM of TU Dresden

A Move4D scanner is the latest addition to the state-of-the-art CAE infrastructure at the Chair of Assembly Technology for Textile Products at the ITM – this comes as an early Christmas surprise that has been eagerly awaited by the researchers. The high-speed 4D scanner was developed at the IBV - Instituto de Biomecánica, Spain, and will be a valuable tool for future research projects involving interactions of humans and their clothing. Professor Yordan Kyosev, Head of the Chair of Assembly Technology for Textile Products, is just as excited as his team of researchers about the arrival of the new Move4D scanner. “By means of this scanner, we will be able to strengthen and extend our leading global position in digitalization and virtual product development for tight clothing in high-tech applications,” says Professor Kyosev who is looking forward to new co-operations in this promising field of research.

A Move4D scanner is the latest addition to the state-of-the-art CAE infrastructure at the Chair of Assembly Technology for Textile Products at the ITM – this comes as an early Christmas surprise that has been eagerly awaited by the researchers. The high-speed 4D scanner was developed at the IBV - Instituto de Biomecánica, Spain, and will be a valuable tool for future research projects involving interactions of humans and their clothing. Professor Yordan Kyosev, Head of the Chair of Assembly Technology for Textile Products, is just as excited as his team of researchers about the arrival of the new Move4D scanner. “By means of this scanner, we will be able to strengthen and extend our leading global position in digitalization and virtual product development for tight clothing in high-tech applications,” says Professor Kyosev who is looking forward to new co-operations in this promising field of research.

This high-speed scanner is able to capture an entire body with 180 Hz and a precision of < 1mm, thus guaranteeing the precise analysis of interactions between body and textile as well as deformation during motion. The Move4D can record and analyze dynamic processes at a very high speed. Hence, this device will enable researchers to make significant contributions towards enhanced functional (e.g. for the sports and medical sector) and protective clothing.

Together with three already available 3D scanners, this high-speed 4D scanner represents Dresden´s new „3D&4D Scan Lab“ at the Chair of Assembly Technology for Textile Products for the static and dynamic recording of small and medium-sized objects. Professor Kyosev and his team of 17 researchers are among the world´s leading R&D experts for clothing and technical products who will continue to expand their expertise in the field of material modelling for textile materials.


More information:
ITM TU Dresden 4D Scanner

© ITM/TU Dresden


JEC Summit Sports & Health - Connect 8-10th December

Starting on December 8, professionals from the whole composites value chain across the globe will be able to meet online, network, and build long-lasting relationships thanks to the JEC Summit Sport & Health. The goal of this event is to allow decision-makers to learn about the current challenges and opportunities of the sports and medical fields, this thanks to the three-day program integrating keynote speeches, industry sessions, workshops, startups, and business meetings.


Please read attached document for more information about the program.

Starting on December 8, professionals from the whole composites value chain across the globe will be able to meet online, network, and build long-lasting relationships thanks to the JEC Summit Sport & Health. The goal of this event is to allow decision-makers to learn about the current challenges and opportunities of the sports and medical fields, this thanks to the three-day program integrating keynote speeches, industry sessions, workshops, startups, and business meetings.


Please read attached document for more information about the program.

Frankfurt Fashion Week: hosting the future of fashion © Lottermann and Fuentes
Anita Tillmann and Detlef Braun

Frankfurt Fashion Week: hosting the future of fashion

  • Looking to the future – Frankfurt Fashion Week is positioning itself with a consistently sustainable agenda and propelling the transformation of a modern, resource-efficient fashion industry.

The Conscious Fashion Campaign (CFC), working in collaboration with the United Nations Office for Partnerships (UNOP), will be the presenting partner and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will be a prerequisite for all exhibitors by 2023. And the Frankfurt Fashion SDG Summit by CFC is set to become the leading international conference for sustainability in the fashion world. The future of fashion has begun – and its key players will be coming together in Frankfurt am Main from 5-9 July 2021.

  • Looking to the future – Frankfurt Fashion Week is positioning itself with a consistently sustainable agenda and propelling the transformation of a modern, resource-efficient fashion industry.

The Conscious Fashion Campaign (CFC), working in collaboration with the United Nations Office for Partnerships (UNOP), will be the presenting partner and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will be a prerequisite for all exhibitors by 2023. And the Frankfurt Fashion SDG Summit by CFC is set to become the leading international conference for sustainability in the fashion world. The future of fashion has begun – and its key players will be coming together in Frankfurt am Main from 5-9 July 2021.
Frankfurt am Main, 2 December 2020. Joining forces to improve the fashion industry: Frankfurt Fashion Week is positioning itself as the host of the future of fashion and actively driving forward the transformation towards a future-oriented, more sustainable fashion and textile industry. All decision-makers looking to instigate this change will be coming together in Frankfurt am Main from 5-9 July 2021. The initiators of Frankfurt Fashion Week – Messe Frankfurt and the Premium Group – have achieved a real coup: Conscious Fashion Campaign, working in collaboration with the United Nations Office for Partnerships, will be the presenting partner. Messe Frankfurt will build on its collaboration with the United Nations Office for Partnerships and establish Frankfurt Fashion week as the platform on which to advance the Sustainable Development Goals and help guide the fashion industry into the 'Decade of Action'.
“Frankfurt will play host to the whole world. We are seeing a very positive response indeed,” confirmed Peter Feldmann, Senior Mayor of the City of Frankfurt am Main, at today’s digital press conference, before going on to say: “The fact that the initiators are able to rethink the concept of a Fashion Week in such a way is extremely impressive and proves that the fashion industry is correctly interpreting the signs of the present and future. The time has come for value creation and values to be reconciled. Consistent alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals is an important step in this direction.”
“Frankfurt Fashion Week aims to play a crucial role in finding solutions for macrosocial challenges and supporting the goals of international politics such as the European Green Deal. The fashion and textile industries are also expected to be climate-neutral by 2050. If we want to achieve this, we all need to pull together. Frankfurt Fashion Week is inviting all initiators and supporters of sustainable concepts and congresses or shows dedicated to sustainability to meet in Frankfurt, partake in discussions and make tangible decisions for the greater good. We will connect the most relevant players and pave the way for a future-proof fashion and textile industry,” says Detlef Braun, CEO of Messe Frankfurt.
“Given its global reach, the fashion industry is uniquely positioned to collaborate and engage on the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular on climate action and responsible production and consumption,” said Annemarie Hou, Acting Executive Director of the United Nations Office for Partnerships. “Frankfurt Fashion Week and the Summit will serve as an important platform for education and engagement of the fashion and textile industry in the Decade of Action,” emphasised Ms Hou.
The aim of Frankfurt Fashion Week is for all exhibitors, participants and partners to align with the Sustainable Development Goals by 2023. The SDGs will also be incorporated into all formats of Frankfurt Fashion Week. This will help to make the UN’s sustainability goals visible and tangible for the Fashion Week audience, therefore bringing its claim, goals and specific proposals for implementation to an international opinion-forming fashion and lifestyle community. During a one-day Frankfurt Fashion SDG Summit presented by Conscious Fashion Campaign, topics like gender equality, clean water, climate protection, social justice and their significance for a forward-looking fashion industry will be examined in greater depth. Another point on the sustainability agenda: Frankfurt Fashion Week is launching a Sustainability Award for outstanding, innovative, sustainable design, alongside other categories with a global appeal for the fashion and textile industry.
"We are committed to setting the wheels of transformation in motion. Not only does the overall mindset have to fundamentally change; the entire industry also needs to have the courage to be transparent and honest. It’s important to see values and value creation as opportunities rather than contentious. We are doing what we do best: connecting the relevant players at all levels. With its ecosystem, Frankfurt Fashion Week will become the enabler. We are creating a platform that will orchestrate industry-wide change. With this as our inspiration, we are also developing our tradeshow formats from a ‘marketplace of products’ to a ‘marketplace of purpose and ideas’,” explains Anita Tillmann, Managing Partner of the Premium Group.
A new start in Frankfurt: In summer 2021 the entire fashion industry will be coming to the metropolis on the Main river to inform themselves, be inspired, discuss, negotiate and celebrate. “There’s a huge need to finally meet in person again, to exchange ideas and be inspired. At the same time, digital tools and formats have become an integral part of the fashion industry,” says Markus Frank, Head of the City of Frankfurt’s Department of Economic Affairs and therefore also responsible for its creative industry. “To implement such a future-oriented, all-encompassing overall concept, Frankfurt’s business and creative scenes offer an almost unique concentration of different expertise with its internationally networked agencies, universities and museums. The city’s multifaceted, high-end club, bar and restaurant scene, diverse hotel industry and internationally renowned retail landscape will become the stage for this. This network will be a key factor in the successful implementation of Frankfurt Fashion Week and the way in which it will expand into the public space as a cultural and social happening.”
A number of major publishing houses are also showing their commitment to the new Fashion Week in Frankfurt with conferences, events and awards: Textilwirtschaft, the leading professional fashion journal by the Deutscher Fachverlag publishing house, is moving its traditional meeting of the industry’s top decision-makers – the TW Forum, the presentation of the renowned Forum Award, as well as its subsequent conference – from Heidelberg to Frankfurt’s Palmengarten botanical gardens, and will therefore be kicking off Frankfurt Fashion Week on Sunday evening and Monday morning. The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung will be hosting its traditional fashion party for the first time in Frankfurt and publishing a special edition of its FAZ Magazin on Frankfurt Fashion Week. And the ZEIT publishing group is holding its ‘UNLOCK Style by ZEITmagazin’ conference, which was established in 2014, and the ZEITmagazin Fashion Week party in Frankfurt for the first time and will dedicate the whole new issue of ZEITmagazin Frankfurt to Frankfurt Fashion Week. Condé Nast will also be involved in next summer’s Frankfurt Fashion Week with an exclusive event by GQ. And the Burda publishing house will also be represented with various event formats from its lifestyle and fashion brands.There will also be talks with SHINE  Conventions, the organiser of GLOW, about what a mutual collaboration could look like.
Frankfurt Fashion Week is also delighted to have the Fashion Council Germany (FCG) on board.  The FCG is theinstitution when it comes to German fashion design. It promotes designers, is committed to gaining more political relevance and strengthens the international visibility and awareness of German fashion. At Frankfurt Fashion Week, the FCG will contribute selected formats, such as its already established Fireside Chat, and a future-oriented accelerator format to support German designers.
“What really impresses me about Fashion Week is the whole networking aspect: the creative industries will meet the financial world and sustainability is the common denominator. The Green Finance Cluster is another project that we could link with Frankfurt Fashion Week in the future. This will provide new inspiration in the fashion industry, which will certainly extend way beyond its own horizon of Frankfurt and Hesse. After a very difficult year for the trade fair industry, the concept is an encouraging breath of fresh air,” sums up Tarek Al-Wazir, Hesse’s Minister of Economics, Energy, Transport and Regional Development and Deputy Minister-President of the state of Hessen.

Grup Transilvae moves into textile printing sector with Kornit partnership (c) Kornit
Kornit Digital by Kfir Ziv

Grup Transilvae moves into textile printing sector with Kornit partnership

  • "We only promote products that we like and Kornit is offering a line up of technologically advanced equipment that can take our selected customers into the future of textile print on demand.”
  • Responding to market needs for textile print on demand

Kornit Digital (Nasdaq: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in digital textile printing technology, continues to expand its market reach through Grup Transilvae partnership.

Founded in 1993 in Cluj, Grup Transilvae later expanded its reach nationally with a move to Bucharest. It has since developed into a complete solutions and services provider following partnerships with key industry manufacturers such as HP, MGI Digital Graphic Technology, Canon, Esko, Caldera, Efi, X-Rite - Pantone and Fotoba International etc. It has also more recently agree to support Matic, Highcon, Xlam, Sefa, Chemica and PlastGrommet. Now the company is increasingly focusing on the textile industry which is why it is partnering with Kornit.

  • "We only promote products that we like and Kornit is offering a line up of technologically advanced equipment that can take our selected customers into the future of textile print on demand.”
  • Responding to market needs for textile print on demand

Kornit Digital (Nasdaq: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in digital textile printing technology, continues to expand its market reach through Grup Transilvae partnership.

Founded in 1993 in Cluj, Grup Transilvae later expanded its reach nationally with a move to Bucharest. It has since developed into a complete solutions and services provider following partnerships with key industry manufacturers such as HP, MGI Digital Graphic Technology, Canon, Esko, Caldera, Efi, X-Rite - Pantone and Fotoba International etc. It has also more recently agree to support Matic, Highcon, Xlam, Sefa, Chemica and PlastGrommet. Now the company is increasingly focusing on the textile industry which is why it is partnering with Kornit.

CEO Bogdan Vasilescu explains: "We started with color management solutions, working on demand for Fogra with digitally printed DMI colors on textiles. We have also worked with Mimaki, Roland, Epson and Vutek on various projects including Eurotex Iasi, Zara and Rofobit in Bucharest. Eager to continue our growth spurt in the textile printing industry, we were looking for a trusted partner and Kornit was the obvious choice.”

"The collaboration with Kornit began officially in September and is a natural progression,” Vasilescu adds. “For a number of years, we have been considering ways to improve our offering by moving into textiles in the same way that we did for sign and display, home decor or packaging. We were just waiting for the right partner. We are always looking to collaborate with market leaders and we wanted to work with Kornit to tap into the potential of the print on demand textile market with an extensive textile printing portfolio.”

Grup Transilvae will represent all Kornit’s textile solutions, including Direct to Garment and Direct to Fabric, particularly for T-shirts, activewear, denim, fashion, beachwear, home textiles and fabrics.

Vasilescu continues: “We are looking forward to showing our existing customers how they can take advantage of the Covid 19 accelerated trends in digital print-on-demand and short-run print jobs. We will signpost how they can expand their application range, grow volumes and experience better ROI.”

Vasilescu concludes: “We only promote products that we like and Kornit is offering a line up of technologically advanced equipment that can take our valued customers into the future of textile print on demand.”

Omer Kulka, CMO at Kornit Digital states: “We are delighted to announce another great partnership with a distributor that is as passionate about our products and the textile printing industry as we are. Grup Transilvae has a long history of successfully entering new markets with leading manufacturers. We look forward to a long and happy partnership.”

_blaenk eröffnet digitalen Erlebnisstore in der Kölner Innenstadt (c) _blaenk / Oliver Güth
Der digitale Erlebnisstore von _blaenk Store in der Schildergasse Köln

_blaenk eröffnet digitalen Erlebnisstore in der Kölner Innenstadt

Das Startup _blaenk eröffnet heute um 15:00 Uhr in der Kölner Innenstadt seinen neuartigen Erlebnisstore auf 450m2 mit rund 40 Marken und raffinierten digitalen Features. Die stationäre Fläche, die einem Apartment nachempfunden ist, will Konsumenten eine Inspiration für den modernen Lifestyle bieten. Besucher des Stores können via QR Code Produktinformationen digital aufrufen sowie eine Self-Checkout-Funktion nutzen – ganz im Sinne der aktuellen COVID-19 Situation. Die Ware kann kontaktlos, ob im Laden oder zuhause auf der Couch, über _blaenk Online-Shop in den Warenkorb gelegt und bezahlt werden. _blaenk Mitarbeiter stellen den Einkauf direkt zur Abholung zusammen oder liefern die Ware dem Kunden nach Hause. _blaenk gilt mit seinem Konzept nicht nur in Deutschland als Vorreiter: das Startup wurde Anfang des Jahres mit dem Europäischen Innovationspreis für Handel ausgezeichnet.

Das Startup _blaenk eröffnet heute um 15:00 Uhr in der Kölner Innenstadt seinen neuartigen Erlebnisstore auf 450m2 mit rund 40 Marken und raffinierten digitalen Features. Die stationäre Fläche, die einem Apartment nachempfunden ist, will Konsumenten eine Inspiration für den modernen Lifestyle bieten. Besucher des Stores können via QR Code Produktinformationen digital aufrufen sowie eine Self-Checkout-Funktion nutzen – ganz im Sinne der aktuellen COVID-19 Situation. Die Ware kann kontaktlos, ob im Laden oder zuhause auf der Couch, über _blaenk Online-Shop in den Warenkorb gelegt und bezahlt werden. _blaenk Mitarbeiter stellen den Einkauf direkt zur Abholung zusammen oder liefern die Ware dem Kunden nach Hause. _blaenk gilt mit seinem Konzept nicht nur in Deutschland als Vorreiter: das Startup wurde Anfang des Jahres mit dem Europäischen Innovationspreis für Handel ausgezeichnet.

Der _blaenk Store eröffnet in Toplage auf der Kölner Schildergasse 31-37 mit ausgewählten Marken aus dem Consumer-Lifestyle-Bereich: von Elektromobilität über Fashion, Möbel, Food-Trends bis hin zu Sport-Accessoires. All das, was einen modernen Lebensstil komplementiert. Die Brands wurden nach Kriterien wie „Innovationscharakter“, „Nachhaltigkeit“ und „Urbanität“ kuratiert. Darunter finden sich etablierte Marken wieder wie Melitta, Congstar, Mercedes-Benz und Zwilling; aber auch begehrte Jungunternehmen wie Blackroll®, Stryve oder Just Spices sind dabei. In der sogenannten „Startup Zone“, die von KölnBusiness gefördert wird, präsentieren drei lokale Gründerteams ihre neuartigen Produkte von Aloe Vera Pflege über Vegane Sneaker bis hin zu Kork-Accessoires.

„Die Shopper von heute sind übersättigt von Produktangeboten- und Informationen. Marken müssen um die Aufmerksamkeit der Kunden regelrecht kämpfen. Nur ein gutes Produkt zu haben, ist dabei heute nicht mehr genug. Es bedarf einer umfassenden Inszenierung mit größtmöglicher Erlebnisqualität und individueller Beratung bzw. Empfehlung. Das rein über das Internet zu vermitteln, ist schwierig. Wir gehen daher einen Schritt weiter und bieten die stationäre Erlebnisfläche mit der entsprechenden Beratung und ergänzen dies durch digitalen Content, Produktempfehlungen und Self-Checkout-Funktion“, so Martin Bressem, Gründer & CEO von _blaenk.

Um den Besuch im _blaenk Store so sicher wie möglich zu gestalten, sind die Besucherzahlen streng reguliert. Dazu hat _blaenk ein smartes Tracking-System installiert, welches das Besucherverhalten im Store anonym analysiert. Kunden sollen in Zukunft auch gezielt Zeitfenster für ihren Besuch und die Beratung buchen können. Auf kann man sich aktuell für Community-Vorteile kostenlos registrieren.

_blaenk bietet den partizipierenden Marken unter dem Angebot „_blaenk Business“ die umfassende Retail as a Service Lösung, indem Marken nur die Produkte liefern müssen und _blaenk dabei den Rest übernimmt: von der Markeninszenierung und dem operativen Store-Betrieb inkl. _blaenk Mitarbeiter über den Verkauf und Versand der Produkte bis hin zur sensor- und kamerabasierten Performance-Analyse. Zuletzt konnte _blaenk für diesen innovativen Ansatz eine siebenstellige Finanzierungsrunde mit internationalen Investoren abschließen.

2021 will _blaenk sein innovatives Storekonzept an weiteren Standorten eröffnen.


PR + Presseagentur textschwester

Denim Expert (c) Denim Expert Ltd.

Bangladesh’s Denim Expert becomes Sustainability New Champion

Denim Expert Limited, a denim manufacturing and washing plant of Bangladesh, has recognized as ‘New Champion’ by World Economic Forum. It’s the only apparel and textile entity in the world that received this recognition this year.

The New Champions Awards of World Economic Forum recognize excellence in sustainability, digital disruption and agile business governance. Denim Expert has been selected as ‘Honorable Mention’ in excellence in sustainability category.

The declaration was made by World Economic Forum in an official announcement published on their website on 16 November.

“From their impact on the planet and society to how they can participate in building a better future, the World Economic Forum’s New Champion companies are doing just that – exploring the new business models, emerging technologies and sustainable growth strategies that will be vital in the Fourth Industrial Revolution” was said in the World Economic Forum announcement.

Denim Expert Limited, a denim manufacturing and washing plant of Bangladesh, has recognized as ‘New Champion’ by World Economic Forum. It’s the only apparel and textile entity in the world that received this recognition this year.

The New Champions Awards of World Economic Forum recognize excellence in sustainability, digital disruption and agile business governance. Denim Expert has been selected as ‘Honorable Mention’ in excellence in sustainability category.

The declaration was made by World Economic Forum in an official announcement published on their website on 16 November.

“From their impact on the planet and society to how they can participate in building a better future, the World Economic Forum’s New Champion companies are doing just that – exploring the new business models, emerging technologies and sustainable growth strategies that will be vital in the Fourth Industrial Revolution” was said in the World Economic Forum announcement.


Denim Expert Ltd.