From the Sector

1618 results
CHIC Herbst 2017

CHIC 2017 AUTUMN – Schanghai

CHIC 2017 AUTUMN – Schanghai, 11.-13. Oktober 2017
Mit Blick auf die Zukunft

CHIC als die wichtigste Plattform für das Modebusiness in China hat die Zukunft im Visier

  • Mehr als 65.700 Besucher aus ganz China und dem Ausland
  • Exzellente Performance chinesischer und internationaler Marken mit Fokus auf Qualität und Akzent auf Kollektionen im Debut-Luxus-Bereich
  • Corporate Social Responsibility nimmt immens an Bedeutung zu

“Wir unterliegen keinen Konventionen und ruhen uns nicht auf vergangenen Erfolgen aus.”
Chen Dapeng, Leiter CHIC und Vize-Präsident von CNGA

Insgesamt 65.722 Fachbesucher nahmen an der CHIC 2017 Autumn teil. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt wurde auf neue und innovative Kollektion gelegt. Mehr als je zuvor suchen Händler nach hoher Qualität und exklusiven Kollektionen. Zusätzlich spielen auch Chinas Bestrebungen für einen sauberen Planeten eine wichtige Rolle im Modebusiness. Ein „grüner Faden“ zog sich durch die gesamt CHIC Autumn 2017.

CHIC 2017 AUTUMN – Schanghai, 11.-13. Oktober 2017
Mit Blick auf die Zukunft

CHIC als die wichtigste Plattform für das Modebusiness in China hat die Zukunft im Visier

  • Mehr als 65.700 Besucher aus ganz China und dem Ausland
  • Exzellente Performance chinesischer und internationaler Marken mit Fokus auf Qualität und Akzent auf Kollektionen im Debut-Luxus-Bereich
  • Corporate Social Responsibility nimmt immens an Bedeutung zu

“Wir unterliegen keinen Konventionen und ruhen uns nicht auf vergangenen Erfolgen aus.”
Chen Dapeng, Leiter CHIC und Vize-Präsident von CNGA

Insgesamt 65.722 Fachbesucher nahmen an der CHIC 2017 Autumn teil. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt wurde auf neue und innovative Kollektion gelegt. Mehr als je zuvor suchen Händler nach hoher Qualität und exklusiven Kollektionen. Zusätzlich spielen auch Chinas Bestrebungen für einen sauberen Planeten eine wichtige Rolle im Modebusiness. Ein „grüner Faden“ zog sich durch die gesamt CHIC Autumn 2017.

CHIC setzt verstärkt auf das Thema “Corporate Social Responsibility”. Das China Fashion Forum widmete die Inhalte dieser Ausgabe ganz dem Thema. Einen bahnbrechenden Impuls gab die Rede von Herrn Sun Ruizhe, Präsident von China National Textile and Apparel Council, in der er die Bedeutung von Nachhaltigkeit in der heutigen Wirtschaft betonte. „Es ist eine Pflicht“, appelliert er an die gesamte Bekleidungsindustrie.

Die florierende Marktwirtschaft in China war auch auf der Messe spürbar. Die Initiative „One Belt, One Road“ trägt zur Stimulation des Marktes bei, belebt neue Absatzregionen und unterstützt den Handel in der weltweiten Bekleidungsindustrie. Mehr als sonst nutzten die Aussteller die Messe, um technologische, ökologische und moderne Neuheiten vorzustellen.

815 Modemarken präsentieren neue Fashion Styles
783 Aussteller aus 16 Ländern und Regionen präsentierten 815 Modemarken auf der CHIC. Der Großteil der Aussteller kam aus China, aber auch viele Nationen aus Europa, wie Dänemark, Frankreich, Großbritannien, Griechenland, Italien, Polen, Schweden, aus Asien, darunter Indien, Pakistan, Südkorea, Hongkong, Japan, und aus Amerika, wie die USA und Brasilien, profitierten von dieser Modebusiness-Plattform. Klar definierte Segmente waren in 9 Ausstellungsbereiche strukturiert: URBAN VIEW, NEW LOOK, KIDS PARADISE, FASHION JOURNEY, HERITAGE, IMPULSES, SECRET STARS, SUPERIOR FACTORY, THE UNIT. Integriert als Shows-in-Show: CHIC YOUNG BLOOD, Shanghai Bag Expo und PREVIEW IN CHINA aus Südkorea.

Die Modeneuheiten
Smarte Maßanfertigungsmodelle, smarte Modeprodukte und smarte synergetische Innovationen wurden vorgestellt. Ein Highlight war der Shaoxing Pavillon der einen Schwerpunkt auf Smart Casualwear legte. Unter den Ausstellern waren 13 Unternehmen für Formalwear neben Herstellern für perfekte Maßanfertigung, die ihre Kollektionen präsentierten. Bespoke Menswear war eines der führenden Themen auf der CHIC Autumn mit Spezialisten wie CEZON, ASPOP, TAIZHOU GOLDJITAI GARMENT, LONG-SAILING und JINYUANYANG. Die Begehrlichkeit von Maßanfertigungen spiegelt die Marktnachfrage nach Individualität und Personalisierung wider. So stellte selbst die Jeanswear-Marke IN CELL ihren Bespoke-Service auf der Messe vor.

Im Bereich KIDS PARADISE zeigten die Schuluniform-Marken ETON KIDD und YUANLOU Innovationen wie Kleidungsstücke mit antibakterieller, wasserabweisender, anti-Schmutz und antiallergischer Funktion. YUANLOU präsentierte des Weiteren eine tragbare Ortungstechnologie, mit deren Hilfe Eltern den Aufenthaltsort ihres Kindes ermitteln können. Neben der Standpräsentation veranstaltete YUANLOU auch ein Seminar zur Bedeutung von sozialer Verantwortung im Bereich von Schuluniformen und deren Umsetzung durch die Verwendung von umweltfreundlichen und gesundheitsverträglichen Materialien. Eines ihrer Haupt-Exportländer ist Großbritannien. HLL TECHNOLOGY bietet Materialien und Heimtextilien mit Anti-Mücken-Schutz für Kinder und Schwangere, die 90% aller Mücken abhalten.

Im THE UNIT-Bereich nahm unter anderem TENGFEI Technology teil, die tragbare Bekleidungstechnologie mit Modeaspekten verbinden. Ihr „Body Plus First Guardian“-BH besitzt eine Chipkarte, die den Herzschlag beim Sport aufzeichnet. Zudem präsentierten sie ihre 3D-Technologie, die eine nahtlose Produktion ermöglicht.

Weiteres Highlight der Messe war ,fast fashion/fast response´.
Im Bereich Shanghai Bag Expo erfuhren Marken wie CARLTON, der UK-Spezialist für Taschen, besondere Aufmerksamkeit. Auch die Taschenkollektion von CALVIN KLEIN kam bei den Besuchern gut an. Ebenso viel Aufmerksamkeit erregte auch LOVCAT, die beliebte It-Bag vieler Prominenter.

Auf der Messe war ein immenses Upgrade sichtbar, vor allem viele Aussteller im Womenswear-Bereich boten exklusive Styles wie CARLA LOPEZ, AMANDA NAVAI, ONCITE. Zu den Damenmodeanbietern im Bereich URBAN VIEW zählt auch LYSHOWS, ein Modekonglomerat aus Shenzen, der auf der CHIC 27 Marken präsentierte, darunter Strickmode, neue chinesische Mode mit traditionellen Reminiszenzen und weitere modische Produkte. REDSHOW zeigte seine Urbanwear Parka-Kollektion sowie seine Designerkollektion Beide wurden von den Besuchern sehr positiv aufgenommen und verbuchten eine Vielzahl an Aufträgen. Ein weiterer Eyecatcher war die Haute Couture Marke LIU SHI WORKSHOP.

Elegante Womenswear, Menswear, Schuhe und Modeaccessoires wurden im italienischen Pavillon und im französischen Pavillon “Paris Forever” im internationalen Bereich FASHION JOURNEY präsentiert. Die koreanische Beteiligung PREVIEW IN CHINA fokussierte diesmal (auf) Designermarken und erfuhr damit viel Aufmerksamkeit. Einzelaussteller aus Kanada, Dänemark, Griechenland zeigten ihre neuesten Kollektionen von Kaschmir-Womenswear, Hüten und Schmuck.

Der deutliche Konsumententrend zu mehr Individualität führt zu einer steigenden Nachfrage nach Accessoires; diese Entwicklung reflektiert der Bereich SECRET STARS. Vor allem nationale Aussteller wie das hochwertige Hut-Unternehmen HASUPTAM zeigen hier die neuesten Accessoire-Trends. Aber auch ausländische Aussteller wie KAZA aus Japan und ZIIO aus Italien bedienen den immer detailverliebteren und modebewussteren Geschmack chinesischer Konsumenten.

Junge Designer-Streetwear wurde auf der CHIC YOUNG BLOOD ausgestellt, darunter AMAZONAS aus Brasilien, die mit jugendlichen Flipflops überzeugten. Die junge Damenmodekollektion von SOUP, eine koreanische Marke mit rund 300 Läden in Korea und 12 in China, erregte großes Aufsehen.

Besondere Aufmerksamkeit erhielten die jungen, aufstrebenden Designer im IMPULSES-Bereich, wie die ästhetische Kollektion von Hua Mu Shen, die frische Styles mit Elementen der traditionellen chinesischen Kultur verbindet oder der Gothic-Style von Shi Jie. Die polnische Marke Mara Gibbucci hatte im IMPULSES-Bereich ihren China-Start und überzeugte die Besucher mit ihren Leinenkleidern.

Der Umweltschwerpunkt auf der CHIC – die ‚Sustainability Zone’
Die von China National Textil and Apparel Council organisierte Sustainability Zone in Halle 2 feierte auf der CHIC ihre Premiere und zog direkt viele Besucher an. Neben Modeherstellern, die ihre neuesten Innovationen hinsichtlich umweltfreundlicher Produktionsmethoden und Social Responsibility-Initiativen vorstellten, fand hier auch das China Fashion Forum statt, das sich auf Corporate Social Responsibility konzentrierte. China setzt auf die Philosophie von Umweltschutz und sozialer Verantwortung. Umweltfreundliche Initiativen wurden von vielen Unternehmen ins Leben gerufen, wie von FRUIT DYE aus Foshan City, Guangdong Provinz, welche Textilien zu 100% ohne chemische Zusätze färben oder die Entwicklung einer Kaffee-Karbon-Faser, hergestellt aus Kaffeeresten, durch SHANGHAI DIFFERENT CHEMICAL FIBRE, Shangtex Group Shanghai. Das Thema wird auf der kommenden Märzveranstaltung aufgegriffen und erweitert, z.B. mit der Einführung des Bereichs CHIC GREEN für umweltfreundliche Mode.

Servicemotor CHIC
Die Dienstleistungen im Bereich Matchings mit Handelszusammenführungen wurden weiter ausgebaut, z.B. mit dem neuen Sevicetool “CHIC app”, das bei der diesjährigen Herbstausgabe zum ersten Mal zum Einsatz kam. Die „CHIC app“ liefert Besuchern nützliche Hinweise für ihren Messebesuch. Aussteller profitieren von der Möglichkeit, Besucher direkt kontaktieren zu können, sobald diese das Messegelände betreten haben. Die „CHIC app“ ist nur während der Messezeit und ausschließlich auf dem Messegelände aktiv. Alle Daten werden anschließend gelöscht. Besucher können sich so schneller legitimieren, eine insgesamt verbesserte Besuchserfahrung machen.

Die VIP-Besucher-Lounge begrüßte Besuchergruppen von wichtigen Onlineplattformen wie,, Tmall, netease; von Multibrand-Shops und Showrooms wie Dong Liang, tucheng, THE MIX PLACE, Fashion Stone, Water Stone Market, Agenturen wie Beijing Junsi Yi Zhuopin. Alle zeigten großes Interesse an internationalen Kollektionen.

Mit 25 Jahren Erfahrung ist CHIC eine überlegene Plattform mit umfassenden Ressourcen für Geschäftsverhandlungen, die Entwicklung von Vertriebskanälen, Ressourcenintegration, international Kooperationen, Markttests, grenzübergreifende Zusammenarbeit, Kapitalverknüpfung etc.

Die nächste Ausgabe der CHIC Shanghai March findet vom 14.-16. März 2018 statt. Sie wird den Fokus auf die Aufwertung und Entwicklung von kreativer design-orientierter Mode richten und gleichzeitig den intelligenten Service und die Unterstützung weiter ausbauen, um alle Ansprüche des neuen Handels zu erfüllen.


More information:
CHIC, Messe, Asien


Archroma has registered about 200 substances under REACH © 2017 Archroma
Archroma Logo

Archroma has registered about 200 substances under REACH

  • Registration Phases 3 & 4 of REACH well on track
  • Company is a funding member of the major consortia relevant to the textile and paper industries (Dyes, OBA, Fluorotelomer), with a role of lead registrant and expected total investment of 14.5 million USD

Reinach, Switzerland - Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals, today announced solid progress on Phases 3 and 4 of REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and restriction of Chemicals) with more than 60% of our commercial products active in EU complying already with the June 2018 requirements. In total, 369 different chemical substances are within the scope of the REACH phases 3 and 4. These include 135 dossiers where Archroma has a lead registrant position in the EU.

  • Registration Phases 3 & 4 of REACH well on track
  • Company is a funding member of the major consortia relevant to the textile and paper industries (Dyes, OBA, Fluorotelomer), with a role of lead registrant and expected total investment of 14.5 million USD

Reinach, Switzerland - Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals, today announced solid progress on Phases 3 and 4 of REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and restriction of Chemicals) with more than 60% of our commercial products active in EU complying already with the June 2018 requirements. In total, 369 different chemical substances are within the scope of the REACH phases 3 and 4. These include 135 dossiers where Archroma has a lead registrant position in the EU.

In the first two phases – completed, respectively, in November 2010 and May 2013 – the company recorded a total of 60 chemical substances that are produced in or imported to the countries of the European Union with volumes greater than 100 tons per year. In the third and fourth phase of REACH that is currently under way, all the remaining chemical substances of more than 1 ton per year must be registered by June 1, 2018.

With its expert chemical management system, Archroma, unlike many EU importers of textile and paper chemicals, controls the composition of its formulations and can therefore ensure full REACH compliance of each ingredient in its products.

With its broad product portfolio, Archroma is one major registrant of substances relevant to the textile and paper industries at the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). The company expects the total investment needed to be REACH ready to amount to 14.5 million USD.

“The REACH objective to improve the protection of human health and the environment from the risks that can be posed by chemicals is fully in line with our own belief that we can make our industry sustainable. Hence our early commitment to REACH without the slightest hesitation – because it’s our nature,” comments Carole Mislin, Global Head of Product Stewardship at Archroma.

“Everyone benefits from more sustainability – the people, the planet, our customers and even us here at Archroma,” Mislin adds. “Archroma will benefit because we will be able to reapply the invaluable expertise we have gained from the REACH registration process in the EU to other regulations under way or expected soon in countries such as South Korea or Turkey. And our customers and partners will gain because they can count on a reliable supply source and an expert partner to accompany them through the REACH preparation process.”



INVISTA at Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics ©Messe Frankfurt
INVISTA to showcase ‘Innovative Attitude’ at Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics

INVISTA at Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics

  • INVISTA to showcase ‘Innovative Attitude’ at Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics
  • Innovative INVISTA products, findings from a new textile industry IP protection survey, in-depth consumer insights and fashion trends will be revealed

INVISTA, one of the world’s largest integrated producers of polymers and fibres, will showcase the innovative attitudes enabling it to maintain a leading position in the textile industry at the upcoming Rendez-Vous 2017 at October’s Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – the world’s most influential apparel event. INVISTA Rendez-Vous will showcase innovative INVISTA products, offer consumer insights and reveal the results of a textile industry IP protection survey.

INVISTA Rendez-Vous 2017 will be held at Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics 11 – 13 October at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai, with INVISTA occupying two booths in hall 5.2 E49 and hall 7.2 E55. 

  • INVISTA to showcase ‘Innovative Attitude’ at Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics
  • Innovative INVISTA products, findings from a new textile industry IP protection survey, in-depth consumer insights and fashion trends will be revealed

INVISTA, one of the world’s largest integrated producers of polymers and fibres, will showcase the innovative attitudes enabling it to maintain a leading position in the textile industry at the upcoming Rendez-Vous 2017 at October’s Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – the world’s most influential apparel event. INVISTA Rendez-Vous will showcase innovative INVISTA products, offer consumer insights and reveal the results of a textile industry IP protection survey.

INVISTA Rendez-Vous 2017 will be held at Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics 11 – 13 October at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai, with INVISTA occupying two booths in hall 5.2 E49 and hall 7.2 E55. 

As a global authoritative trade show in textile industry, Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics has been a platform for INVISTA to communicate with players across the value chain for 23 years. This year’s event will be no exception. The rich and vivid content delivered at the show will focus on INVISTA’s Innovative Attitude to consumers, partners as well as the whole industry.

To build a healthy and sustainable marketing environment, INVISTA cooperated with a number of media organisations to conduct a survey on IP protection in the textile industry. The results will be revealed during a seminar entitled ‘Innovation and IP: An Avenue for Sustainable Textile Industry Development’, which will be held on 11 October, 2:45 – 3:45pm in the Textile Dialogue area in hall 5.2. Representatives from textile industry associations, legal firms and INVISTA will share the findings and offer insights during what will undoubtedly be one of the highlights of INVISTA Rendez-Vous 2017.

The main pavilion of the show will be located in the International Hall (hall 5.2), where three of INVISTA’s most innovative products will be on show. Visitors will experience the latest possibilities offered by LYCRA® MOVESTM BRA, LYCRA® MOVESTM LEGGINGS and LYCRA® MOVESTM HOSIERY.


According to consumer research conducted in 2016, bra products in China’s domestic market don’t match consumer demands in a host of critical areas, including support, comfort and aesthetic design. To address these concerns, streamline the industry and consolidate its leadership, INVISTA is launching LYCRA® lastingFIT technology for bra wings. In addition, INVISTA’s cutting-edge technology can contribute to meeting specific quality standards in bra wing fabrics, enabling Chinese consumers to experience higher levels of comfort and the appropriate support they expect from a bra in different occasions.


INVISTA’s longstanding commitment to legging fabrics will also be on display at Rendez-Vous. INVISTA’s LYCRA® MOVESTM LEGGINGS has already spawned LYCRA® SPORT Power-Comfort-Energy (PCE™) index-certified fabrics, which are now commercially available.

The revolutionary fabrics present excellent recovery performance for LYCRA® SPORT legging products. They also offer the industry an opportunity to develop a number of targeted segment markets – from compression and medium compress to light compression leggings.


LYCRA® MOVESTM HOSIERY is all about fabric technology innovation. Due to excellent properties, such as anti-laddering, fit and durability as well as comfortable waistbands, INVISTA’s LYCRA® FUSIONTM technology has already been widely adopted in China’s hosiery sector.

A Packed Pavilion

At the LYCRA® MOVESTM Denim pavilion in the Beyond Denim hall (7.2), visitors won’t just see the innovative denim products offered by INVISTA; they will also learn about three themes highlighted through consumer insights – fit, shape and embracing heat & cold. There will also be a special session outlining the latest woven bottom trends, hosted by INVISTA experts.

Introduced commercially in 2010, LYCRA® dualFX® dual core yarn technology provides denim with super stretch and super recovery that fits all day and every day. It effectively prevents seam slippage and uneven fabric surfaces, keeping denim looking good, feeling comfortable and fitting, which in turn creates new denim fabric applications and fashion trends in the China market.

Last But Not Least

An interactive program, that includes visitors uploading pictures they take at the INVISTA booth to the official INVISTA WeChat account, will give every visitor a chance to win a special INVISTA gift. Visit INVISTA at hall 5.2 E49 and hall 7.2 E55 from 11 – 13 October at Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics 2017.

Lectra and Faurecia renew their partnership agreement ©lectra
Faurecia Cadillac

Lectra and Faurecia renew their partnership agreement

  • Lectra contributes to Faurecia Seating Business Group Industry 4.0 readiness and “digital enterprise” transformation initiative

Paris, September 26, 2017 – Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather, technical textiles and composite materials, is pleased to announce the renewal of its partnership with Faurecia through the signing of a global agreement for its Seating Business Group.

The cutting process for the production of seat covers, headrests and interiors is an increasingly strategic part of Faurecia’s Seating activity. Faurecia Seating supplies vehicle complete seats, frames, mechanisms and trim covers to major carmakers worldwide, whose manufacturing processes are gradually evolving toward Industry 4.0.

Faurecia Seating aims to double the production of its existing manufacturing facilities by reinforcing operations with advanced manufacturing technologies. The company’s extended partnership with Lectra entails focusing on operational excellence initiatives across its automotive seating division.

  • Lectra contributes to Faurecia Seating Business Group Industry 4.0 readiness and “digital enterprise” transformation initiative

Paris, September 26, 2017 – Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather, technical textiles and composite materials, is pleased to announce the renewal of its partnership with Faurecia through the signing of a global agreement for its Seating Business Group.

The cutting process for the production of seat covers, headrests and interiors is an increasingly strategic part of Faurecia’s Seating activity. Faurecia Seating supplies vehicle complete seats, frames, mechanisms and trim covers to major carmakers worldwide, whose manufacturing processes are gradually evolving toward Industry 4.0.

Faurecia Seating aims to double the production of its existing manufacturing facilities by reinforcing operations with advanced manufacturing technologies. The company’s extended partnership with Lectra entails focusing on operational excellence initiatives across its automotive seating division.

Standardization of the Vector® fabric-cutting solution—endowed with preventive and predictive maintenance capabilities and the highest-performance cutting system available on the market to date—will be instrumental to the implementation of these initiatives throughout the division’s fabric cutting facilities. Faurecia currently has more than 60 Vector fabric cutting solutions in production worldwide.

“More than ever, we face major challenges in terms of flexibility, agility and productivity—producing more while reducing costs,” observes Hagen Wiesner, Executive Vice President, Faurecia Seating. “Our cutting processes have become strategic in reaching these goals. Faurecia’s ‘digital enterprise’ project aims to achieve operational excellence in virtually every aspect of our organization. Together with Lectra, we will make this a reality in the cutting room, with smart automation and predictive maintenance”.

“Given the profound transformations gripping manufacturing, helping our customers ready their operations for the Fourth Industrial Revolution has become without question our core mission,” remarks Daniel Harari, Lectra Chairman and CEO. “Faurecia is among the automotive suppliers at the forefront of this movement. Digital technologies and industry expertise are the business enablers that will allow manufacturers to connect inside and outside the value chain in the near future.”


Lectra Headquarters / Press Department

Diese Frühjahr-Sommer-Saison 2018 entführt uns die Kollektion von Graciela Huam auf den Gray Beach, den Strand von Lima.  ©GRACIELA HUAM
Graciela Huam Frühjahr-Sommer-Saison 2018


  • This Spring Summer Season 2018 Graciela Huam's second knit collection takes us to the Gray Beach…

Northern Europe is known for its short summer, the cool wind during the morning and evening and its unpredictable climate. Those countries are not warm even during the summer season.

Therefore, many people often travel to the south: Spain, Italy, Portugal or Asia longing for sun, sand and sea. And there is Lima, a coastal city with a good climate and a characteristic grey sky throughout the year, where the sun is hidden among the dense clouds, but despite this detail, its strong presence is still felt. If we move to Lima, we lie on the sand and cast our gaze to the sky as it teleports us to the cold northern European sky with the difference that our presence is on that warm gray beach.

Graciela Huam takes its heritage and inspiration from The Netherlands and Peru, those are the countries that influence and guide her work. The designer combines the vibrant Peruvian culture with the Dutch avant-garde design and her favorite colours are powered by the landscapes of both.

  • This Spring Summer Season 2018 Graciela Huam's second knit collection takes us to the Gray Beach…

Northern Europe is known for its short summer, the cool wind during the morning and evening and its unpredictable climate. Those countries are not warm even during the summer season.

Therefore, many people often travel to the south: Spain, Italy, Portugal or Asia longing for sun, sand and sea. And there is Lima, a coastal city with a good climate and a characteristic grey sky throughout the year, where the sun is hidden among the dense clouds, but despite this detail, its strong presence is still felt. If we move to Lima, we lie on the sand and cast our gaze to the sky as it teleports us to the cold northern European sky with the difference that our presence is on that warm gray beach.

Graciela Huam takes its heritage and inspiration from The Netherlands and Peru, those are the countries that influence and guide her work. The designer combines the vibrant Peruvian culture with the Dutch avant-garde design and her favorite colours are powered by the landscapes of both.

The products are designed in the Netherlands and created in the Andes of Peru, using only the most exclusive Peruvian materials such as the luxurious Alpaca and the famous Pima Cotton. All garments are made by passionate and skilled Peruvian craftspeople. This results in beautiful and high quality garments and a contemporary, prêt-à-porter style, creating versatile collections of knitwear.

Graciela Huam follows the principles of responsible and sustainable production, using traditional methods in order to achieve quality that is superior to industrially made products.

The brand is committed to partnering with local entrepreneur artisans and is working in association with a group certified with the principles of fair trade. Knitwear will always be a good investment and just like a work of art can create a truly iconic end result.

The choice of fabrics and production of Graciela Huam's knitted garments combined with this unique technique will reveal to you the high dedication and passion the designer feels for her work.

CHIC Autumn Shanghai vom 11. bis 13. Oktober 2017 ©JANDALI MODE.MEDIEN.MESSEN
CHIC Opening

CHIC Autumn Shanghai vom 11. bis 13. Oktober 2017

  • Sustainability Zone
  • Intelligent Bespoke
  • Aufstrebende Marken sind die neuen Stars
Vom 11.-13. Oktober 2017 werden sich bei der 3. Ausgabe der CHIC Autumn rund 850 Aussteller aus mehr als 20 Ländern und Regionen in Shanghai präsentieren.
  • Sustainability Zone
  • Intelligent Bespoke
  • Aufstrebende Marken sind die neuen Stars
Vom 11.-13. Oktober 2017 werden sich bei der 3. Ausgabe der CHIC Autumn rund 850 Aussteller aus mehr als 20 Ländern und Regionen in Shanghai präsentieren.
Die diesjährige Herbstveranstaltung wartet mit einigen Neuheiten und interessanten Themen auf:
In der neuen Sustainability Zone präsentieren internationale Marken wie C&A, Zara, Coca Cola… ihre Konzepte und Projekt im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit. Wissenschaftlichen Input geben unter anderem die deutschen Hohenstein Institute.
-Intelligent Bespoke
Um den gestiegenen Ansprüchen der Konsumenten Rechnung zu tragen, beschäftigt sich ein eigener Bereich mit Techniken zur Maßanfertigung, u.a HUAPIN Tailor und STOR Cezon.
-Neue Stars
Immer mehr aufstrebende Marken zeigen ihre Kollektionen auf der CHIC Autumn, wie SUORYY, LUYU, ZICHEN etc.
Unter den internationalen Beteiligungen findet sich auch wieder die PREWIEW IN CHINA aus Südkorea. Weitere Anziehungspunkte werden die Gemeinschaftsbeteiligungen aus Frankreich und Italien sein. Die Bandbreite der Marken von Menswear, Womenswear und Kidswear, wie HB Uomo, Giovanni Fabiani… unterstreicht den Erfolg von „Made in Italy“ in China.
Detaillierte Infos im beigefügten Dokument 

Showcase for the Industry of the Future for Lectra

The Industry of the Future Alliance (AIF) has awarded Lectra with their ‘Showcase for the Industry of the Future’ label for demonstrating the criteria exemplarity, innovation and commitment. This certification is given to companies who have concretely developed a ground-breaking project to organize their production by leveraging the potential of digital.

The AIF bestowed Lectra with this distinction for its competitiveness concerning cost, quality and delivery times, all obtained thanks to a lean approach and reflection around the design of its products. Further, Lectra received the certification for its competitiveness regarding value, achieved thanks to mastering customer use from which new associated services have flowed. Since 2013, Lectra has invested €86 million in R&D, representing 9.4% of its revenues. This Investment has enabled Lectra to undergo a metamorphosis—based on methodological advances and fundamental technologies—increasing recruitment and growing competitiveness in all of its markets and geographical sectors.

The Industry of the Future Alliance (AIF) has awarded Lectra with their ‘Showcase for the Industry of the Future’ label for demonstrating the criteria exemplarity, innovation and commitment. This certification is given to companies who have concretely developed a ground-breaking project to organize their production by leveraging the potential of digital.

The AIF bestowed Lectra with this distinction for its competitiveness concerning cost, quality and delivery times, all obtained thanks to a lean approach and reflection around the design of its products. Further, Lectra received the certification for its competitiveness regarding value, achieved thanks to mastering customer use from which new associated services have flowed. Since 2013, Lectra has invested €86 million in R&D, representing 9.4% of its revenues. This Investment has enabled Lectra to undergo a metamorphosis—based on methodological advances and fundamental technologies—increasing recruitment and growing competitiveness in all of its markets and geographical sectors.

With ten years’ experience in the industrial internet of things for cutting and expertise in software Solutions to automate and optimize design and product development, Lectra is in an unrivalled position to Support customers as they enter the ‘industry of the future’ era.

Pressure from certain shareholders to relocate manufacturing to China in 2005, triggered Lectra’s industrial project. Following risk analyses—the cost of transport for the European market, the turnover in qualified labor, uncertainty over patent rights and quality—Lectra decided to keep manufacturing in France. This choice was conditional on: disruptive innovation; upgrading; increased value to customers; and a rise in productivity.

The project was accompanied by a well-structured lean approach and organizational changes, which enabled Lectra to achieve the desired level of excellence in terms of productivity and competitiveness.

Some of the changes that took place thanks to this project are as follows: Growth in industrial performance due to an improvement in working conditions, with teams involved in the lean approach; Production engineers involved in creating awareness around factory constraints for a new offer as early as the design process. This co-design product/process optimizes global costs; Emphasis on product, process and logistics’ modularity with the latest possible integration of options (delayed differentiation). This enables logistics’ constraints to be taken into account as early as the engineering phase. Product modularity allows, for example, machines to be put in containers when they might otherwise require special heavy-goods transport.

Lectra’s factory improved its productivity rate by 18 points in three years, and has since maintained it at 89%. Costs have already reduced by 25% and the quality and level of service has improved. In terms of positioning, Lectra has confirmed its leadership in the high-end segment. Lectra has enriched its offer with end-to-end services and innovative, connected products whose embedded intelligence offers Smart Services, notably for predictive maintenance.

Business interaction Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH
Business interaction

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles attracted more trade buyers this year resulting in strong business outcomes

Overseas exhibitors found the fair an effective platform to open up the Asian market
Buyers benefited from wide range of quality exhibitors

Overseas exhibitors found the fair an effective platform to open up the Asian market
Buyers benefited from wide range of quality exhibitors

The 23rd edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles is over, with both exhibitors and buyers satisfied with the business outcomes resulting from the fair’s four days. The largest home textiles trading event in Asia was held from 23 – 26 August, attracting 1,106 exhibitors from 30 countries and regions. Given the strengthening market conditions in China the fair maintained its popularity, with the number of trade buyers increasing to 38,964 from 99 countries and regions (2016: 37,779 from 98 countries and regions). The show also attracted more international buyers this edition, with a 16% increase in those coming from abroad. “Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles has once again proven its leading position in Asia as a business and order platform for the industry. There was a noticeable positivity from both exhibitors and buyers this edition regarding the current and future situation of the domestic market, so we are optimistic about the industry for the next year,” Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd said.

Overseas exhibitors found the fair an effective platform to open up the Asian market

As the leading event of its kind in the region, the fair successfully attracts a number of Chinese and Asian buyers every year, ensuring suppliers can develop their business further in the region. This year, seven country and region pavilions including Belgium, India, Korea, Morocco, Pakistan, Taiwan and Turkey were formed, with exhibitors from all of satisfied they could meet their target buyers.

While being in the minority at the fair, European brands still managed to catch the attention of visitors due to strong interest in their products from Asia. The Italian upholstery supplier Enzo Degli Angiuoni Spa was satisfied with the number of Asian buyers, particularly Chinese, that they met at the fair. Mr Stefano Laurenzano, Export Area Manager expressed: “A lot of visitors that saw us here last year have come back again and are serious about cooperating with us. Here you can get a lot of new contacts and discover the Asian market. We’ve had mainly Chinese buyers, but have had more Asian buyers from South Korea, India, Malaysia and elsewhere to visit us this year. We are seeing more business here in recent years.”

Being a newcomer to the fair, Iceland Duvet ehf felt the potential in China. “We’ve had enough buyers including retailers and manufacturers visiting our booth to make our participation worthwhile. The interest from the buyers has been genuine. Being a European brand helps more than at fairs in Europe as we can stand out more here,” Mr Ragnar Ludvik Runarsson, representative said.

Indian exhibitor, Paramount Textile Mills Ltd has been joining the fair for three years. “Apart from meeting our existing customers, we’ve had enquiries from potential new customers from China as well as overseas including the US and South America,” Mr Ram. M., Director of Marketing & Finance said.

Also with three years’ participation, Mr Samir Tazi, General Manager of PIF Textile Emotions from Morocco affirmed the show’s effectiveness in meeting important buyers and decision makers. “It’s easier for us to meet them here compared with some smaller European fairs. Thanks to Intertextile Shanghai, we have also met the major players in China.” Talking about this year’s result, he continued: “We were very busy. We met with more people than any other fairs. There are a lot of new buyers and also returning buyers checking out our new products.”

Participating in the Korea Pavilion, Sangwon Textile Co Ltd found the fair helpful in attracting distributors and wholesalers from Southeast Asia. Mr Jeon Hyeon Tae, Sales Manager said: “We have found about five potential and quality distributors from Taiwan, India, Philippines and Singapore on the first day. We also got to meet a number of wholesalers who prefer to buy from us directly at the fair.” He added that Intertextile Shanghai is also an ideal platform to launch new products for their existing clients.

As the largest pavilion this year, the Turkey Pavilion was in the limelight of the show, with both new and veteran exhibitors finding it useful to exhibit in Intertextile Shanghai. Bezmez Ev Tekstil did not intend to receive any orders in their first show, but was surprised to obtain three in just one day. These concrete results reassured their likelihood of coming back next year. “We definitely see the potential for Turkish products here in China as Chinese companies prefer quality products nowadays,” Mr Ayhan Bezmez, representative, further commented. Mr Fahri Goksin, Vice President of Gokhan Tekstil agreed with Mr Bezmez that Chinese buyers are in favour of new things like imported goods and Western brands. His company has been in the Shanghai fair for six years and continued to get satisfactory results. “We’re looking for retailers, wholesalers and online buyers. We’ve had all of these visiting our booth already.”

Domestic exhibitors satisfied with the number of potential customers and orders received

Recently, there is strong signs suggesting that the home textiles market in China is recovering with both imports and exports rising gradually. The positive outcome that Chinese exhibitors achieved at the August’s fair have resonated with the market condition. It is no surprise to see a number of domestic booths packed with visitors throughout the days. SohoCUT is a case in point. To them, Intertextile Shanghai is the place for actual business. “Compared with other fairs we’ve been to, this is the exhibition where a huge number of international buyers gather. We met buyers from China, Mexico, Russia, the US, India and Southeast Asia. We even got large orders for the first two days.” Mr Wheatley Weng, Managing Director said.

The fabrics of Wujiang Linwang Weaving Mill is also sought after at the fair. Being a company that do both exports and domestic trade, they are happy to connect with local and overseas customers during the show. “We’ve collected around 100 leads on the first day, of which 70% are domestic and the remaining being international. The overseas visitors are from Italy, Poland, Germany, Denmark, Chile and Korea that our products precisely meet their requirement. We see high chances of cooperation after the fair.” Mr Kenny, Sales Manager said.

Given the prevailing smart home concept in China, Somfy China Co Ltd which specialised in advanced sun-protection system has become one of the highlights at the fair. Ms Nancy Nan, Chief Executive Officer mentioned: “The visitor flow has been really high that our booth is swarmed by buyers. Amongst those visitors, there is no lack of medium to high-end customers who placed orders immediately.”

Editors assembled to promote high-end products

To cater to the ascending standards of Chinese customers, Intertextile Shanghai once again brought editors together in hall 5.1 to maximise their exposure to their target buyers. As foreign brands with subsidiaries in China, JAB and Prestigious see the growing interest in their premium products in China. “We pay attention to the changing buying habits of Chinese consumers and, as such, have started promoting a series of products under a unified lifestyle trend. It’s obvious that we are gaining more awareness from buyers at the fair,” Mr William Lin, Vice President of JAB ANSTOETZ Interior (Shanghai) Co Ltd said. He also appreciated the specific display area for imported fabrics and the organisers’ attempt to attract more designers, which helped them meet more potential customers. Apart from getting onsite orders, Prestigious Textiles (Shanghai) Ltd also considers the show a promotion platform. “There is great demand for our products in China. Though we achieved similar sales compared with last year, through this fair our brand has been well introduced to the market,” Mr Lewis Liu, Sales Director expressed.

Originating from China, Euroart Co Ltd was another editor that successfully showcased their latest collection at the fair. “It is a good time to join the most influential home textiles exhibition in Asia as we have just launched new products in May. We are satisfied as some of our existing clients plus new visitors came to our booth,” Ms Guo Jianhua, Director Assistant said.

Industry players benefit from the expanded Digital Printing Zone

The demand for digital printing solutions has been growing in recent years, especially as the industry has put more emphasis on green production. As such, the Digital Printing Zone expanded in size this edition, incorporating a Seminar Area and more exhibitors.

As an Italian company, MS Printing Solutions Srl experienced the potential of the sector in China. “The fair has been busy, and we’ve had steady flow of buyers coming through. The potential in digital printing here is just beginning. The Chinese government is pushing companies to reduce their pollution, so it has a big advantage in this regard over traditional textile printing,” Mr Walter Oggioni, Regional Sales Manager stated, adding that the company has been growing very fast globally, especially in China, Turkey, India and Pakistan.

This potential holds for domestic machine manufacturers as well. Specialising in the production of digital printing machines, Guangzhou Xu Cheng Electronic Technology Co Ltd was at the fair to meet fabrics suppliers. Mr Jesse Luo, Overseas Manager explained: “Compared with exhibitions for textile machinery, Intertextile Shanghai attracts more fabrics suppliers, which are our target clients. It helps even more as we are located in this special zone. We’ve been talking to a lot customers, including overseas buyers who are also interested in our machines.”

A series of seminars also provided opportunities for the industry to share their insights on this emerging sector. As a speaker, Foshan Sanshui Yingjie Precision Machinery believed the session was mutually beneficial for them and the audience. “Attendees are from the whole sector including manufacturers and end users, so we can discuss different perspectives. It will facilitate our improvement,” Mr Peng Jichang, General Manager said. Mr Scott Bai, representative of Huntsman Textile Effects (China) Co Ltd also benefited from visiting the zone and the seminar. “Together with seminar, the Digital Printing Zone can professionally present the current situation for the industry. When suppliers and users come together, we can discover the way to enhance this technology.”

Buyers benefited from wide range of quality exhibitors

Intertextile Shanghai is the largest trading platform in Asia with the whole spectrum of home textiles and accessories on offer. Hence, visitors, be they Chinese or overseas, can access a wide range of quality suppliers that meet their sourcing needs. Australian buyer, Mr Glenn Whitchurch from Trabeth Textiles, was impressed with his sourcing journey. “The polyester quality of domestic exhibitors has been unbelievable. What’s more, we’ve found the Chinese suppliers to be very flexible in meeting our needs, they’re clearly keen to accommodate overseas buyers.” Mr Whitchurch also commented favourably on the product range at Intertextile Shanghai compared to European fairs.

One ongoing trend at the fair over recent years is the increasing quality of domestic suppliers, which attracts buyers to come back and source. Mezanin V SRL from Moldova is a long-term supporter of the show, and place orders every year. Its Vice Director, Mr Mihail Tornea remarked: “It is an important event for us to meet new suppliers from China. We are selective with the suppliers we work with, but the Chinese companies here meet our requirements. As a sourcing event, Intertextile Shanghai is the best place to be.”

The fair’s VIP buyer programme also assists buyers in meeting worldwide exhibitors at ease. Mr Bibo Lan is the co-founder of Loft Curtains in the US and he is excited to meet lots of potential suppliers here. “The arrangement for VIPs is satisfying and it helps a lot to have my target exhibitor information in advance. The largest benefit of our visit is that we met Libeco from Belgium, while we also confirmed to work with a blackout supplier at the fair,” he said.

Chinese buyers agreed that Intertextile Shanghai is the most effective sourcing platform in Asia. “Overseas suppliers like Turkey exhibitors are our main interest. So far, we have connected with four to five exhibitors in hall 4 and will place orders with them soon. In terms of exhibitor number and the product range, I feel that the fair has improved a lot. It is my favourite show with a lot of overseas products to discover,” Mr Huang Shenghua, General Manager of Ziranfeng Home Textile Co Ltd said.

Concurrent events inspired the industry

Apart from facilitating business between exhibitors and visitors, the fair also incorporated various design elements via a series of concurrent events. These included display area like Trend Area, International Fiber Art Exhibition and Home Furnishing Crossover Exhibition where participants could find innovative designs and ideas.

This was also the first time the Andrew Martin International Interior Design Summit and the fair took place concurrently. Experts from the interior design, architecture and art sectors were invited to share and discuss their views on the transformation of design in the new information era. Mr Kot Ge, founder of a domestic interior design studio, LSDCASA was delighted to join, and shared: “This show always attracts many top interior designers and it’s my pleasure to meet them here. Interior design and home textiles are closely related and new concepts can bring along improvement.”

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition was organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Home Textile Association (CHTA). The next Autumn Edition will take place in August 2018, while the Spring Edition runs from 14 – 16 March 2018.
To find out more about this fair, please visit:
For more information about Messe Frankfurt textile fairs worldwide, please visit:


Neue Outdoor-Studie von Marketmedia24 bestätigt Trendwende ©Marketmedia24
Umsatz im Outdoor-Handel 2017

Neue Outdoor-Studie von Marketmedia24 bestätigt Trendwende

Ausgaben für Outdoor-Artikel steigen um 2,1 Prozent

Die Trendwende kam fast überraschend: Nachdem auf zügelloses Wachstum harte Konsolidierungsjahre folgten, ging es für die Outdoor-Branche 2016 wieder aufwärts. Mit durchschnittlich rund 23 Euro gaben die Deutschen 2,1 Prozent mehr für Outdoor-Bekleidung, -Schuhe, -Hardware, Zelte und Schlafsäcke aus als noch 2015.

Und die Zeichen stehen gut dafür, dass die Branche, die Olaf Wittayer, Geschäftsführer der Outdoor-Profis des Händlerverbundes Sport 2000 als einen „der stabilsten Bereiche im gesamten Sportbusiness“ bezeichnet, weiter wächst. Sogar auf über 2,5 Milliarden Euro Marktvolumen könnte es die Branche bis 2025 bringen, zeigt der jetzt von Marketmedia24 neu aufgelegte „Branchen-REPORT Outdoor 2017“. Partizipieren werden aber nur jene Marktteilnehmer, die sich nicht allein auf den Trend verlassen.

Ausgaben für Outdoor-Artikel steigen um 2,1 Prozent

Die Trendwende kam fast überraschend: Nachdem auf zügelloses Wachstum harte Konsolidierungsjahre folgten, ging es für die Outdoor-Branche 2016 wieder aufwärts. Mit durchschnittlich rund 23 Euro gaben die Deutschen 2,1 Prozent mehr für Outdoor-Bekleidung, -Schuhe, -Hardware, Zelte und Schlafsäcke aus als noch 2015.

Und die Zeichen stehen gut dafür, dass die Branche, die Olaf Wittayer, Geschäftsführer der Outdoor-Profis des Händlerverbundes Sport 2000 als einen „der stabilsten Bereiche im gesamten Sportbusiness“ bezeichnet, weiter wächst. Sogar auf über 2,5 Milliarden Euro Marktvolumen könnte es die Branche bis 2025 bringen, zeigt der jetzt von Marketmedia24 neu aufgelegte „Branchen-REPORT Outdoor 2017“. Partizipieren werden aber nur jene Marktteilnehmer, die sich nicht allein auf den Trend verlassen.

Das Outdoor-Geschäft hat sich zum wichtigsten Teilmarkt im Geschäft mit Sportartikeln entwickelt. Und für 80 Prozent der Mitglieder der größten Interessensvertretung der Outdoor-Branche, European Outdoor Group (EOG), ist das Geschäftsjahr 2016 sogar besser als erwartet gelaufen. Allerdings haben zunehmende Sättigungseffekte auf dem wirtschaftlich wie auch gesellschaftlich attraktiven Markt dafür gesorgt, dass der Wettbewerbsdruck wächst und damit die Professionalisierung stetig zunehmen muss. Schwächelnde bzw. vernachlässigte Marken werden vor diesem Hintergrund gnadenlos bestraft sprich übernommen bzw. hängen am Tropf von Investoren.

Trends rocken die Branche

Es geht auch anders. Beispielsweise sind konsequente Nachhaltigkeitsstrategien an respektablen Umsatzzuwächsen ablesbar. Darüber hinaus resultieren aus dem Zusammenwachsen von Outdoor, Sport und Mode – Stichwort Athleisure – neue Chancen. Diese Fusion von Funktions- und Alltagsbekleidung, die insbesondere unter der urbanen Bevölkerung an-kommt, ruft allerdings auch neue Wettbewerber auf den Plan. Style war noch nie so wichtig wie heute, wissen Markenmacher, die sich zudem auf massive Käuferwünsche nach Individualisierung einstellen müssen. Das macht für die Hersteller den Eintritt in das Industrie 4.0-Zeitalter zwingend. Denn mit intelligenten Produktionseinheiten sind die vom Konsumenten nachgefragten Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten wesentlich größer als in der händisch gefertigten Produktion in Asien.

Handel muss digitalen Wandel schaffen

Auch auf Distributionsebene ist die Kombination von Kundennähe und Innovation das Maß der Zukunft. Denn selbst der loyale aber alternde Kundenstamm des stationären Fachhandels sichert nicht das Überleben. Verjüngung ist das Ziel, für das mit Retail 4.0 Informationen zum Verstehen des Kundenbedarfs und seines Verhaltens genutzt werden müssen. Der Online-Wettbewerb macht es vor. Das hat bei den Onlinern zu Bestmarken geführt und vor allem den Outdoor-Facheinzelhandel seit 2012 1,3 Prozentpunkte seiner Anteile am Gesamtumsatz gekostet. Allerdings nimmt im interaktiven Handel die Dynamik leicht ab und die Reifephase beginnt. Dabei ist im Online-Segment ein fortschreitender Konzentrationsprozess zu erkennen. Die großen Drei - Amazon, Otto und Zalando - beherrschen klar das Ranking der größten E-Shops, die alle Outdoor-Artikel in ihrem Portfolio anbieten.

Größter Onlineshop, der fast ausschließlich mit Outdoor-Ware handelt, ist Globetrotter mit einem geschätzten Umsatz von jährlich 50 Millionen Euro im reinen Online-Geschäft. Die beiden weiteren großen Outdoor-Portale Bergzeit und Bergfreunde dürften inzwischen eben-falls bei etwa 40 Millionen Euro Jahresumsatz liegen, so die Marketmedia24-Experten. „In kaum einer anderen Branche gab es in letzter Zeit so viele Zusammenschlüsse wie im Sportbereich“, weiß Jochen Fendt, Diplom Sportökonom und Autor des neuen „Branchen-REPORT Outdoor 2017“. „Auch Bergfreunde ging 2013 als Teil von Backcountry an den US-amerikanischen Finanzinvestor TSG. Bergzeit wurde 2012 von der Südtiroler Sportler AG geschluckt“.

Parallel nimmt der Professionalisierungsgrad im Outdoor-Handel stetig zu. Dabei fokussieren sowohl der stationäre als auch der Online-Handel im markenorientierten Mittel- bis Hochpreissegment eine immer ähnlicher werdende Zielgruppe mit sich angleichenden Bedürfnissen. Während die Hersteller selbst zunehmend in das Wettbewerbsgeschehen ein-greifen. Damit steht für die Zukunft des Facheinzelhandels – und damit der Nummer eins am Markt – fest, dass der Marktanteil dieser Spezialisten weiter sinkt. Trotzdem hält das optimistische Marktszenario im „Branchen-REPORT Outdoor 2017“ bis 2025 ein Wachstum von rund 20 Prozent für möglich.

Weitere Informationen unter



Archroma powers ‘Design Seeds’ with accurate, achievable color ©Archroma
Archroma Logo

Archroma powers ‘Design Seeds’ with accurate, achievable color

Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals, has partnered with the popular color inspiration site Design Seeds, on a series of seasonal stories featuring colors found in the Color Atlas by Archroma®. Design Seeds founder Jessica Colaluca and the site have more than 1,250,000 followers combined across social media platforms, and Design Seeds itself gets around 300,000 viewers every month.

“Archroma Color Management and Design Seeds is a match made in heaven,” said Colaluca. “I had declined partnering with brands or incorporating sponsored content on the site for over seven years until I met the incredible folks at Archroma. Beyond our obvious shared passion for color, we share a dedication to empowering designers. And as a designer, I fell in love with the Color Atlas. It is a brilliant system overflowing with modern color.”

Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals, has partnered with the popular color inspiration site Design Seeds, on a series of seasonal stories featuring colors found in the Color Atlas by Archroma®. Design Seeds founder Jessica Colaluca and the site have more than 1,250,000 followers combined across social media platforms, and Design Seeds itself gets around 300,000 viewers every month.

“Archroma Color Management and Design Seeds is a match made in heaven,” said Colaluca. “I had declined partnering with brands or incorporating sponsored content on the site for over seven years until I met the incredible folks at Archroma. Beyond our obvious shared passion for color, we share a dedication to empowering designers. And as a designer, I fell in love with the Color Atlas. It is a brilliant system overflowing with modern color.”

Through the site, Colaluca provides daily color stories, utilizing dynamic, thought-provoking images. In a new Design Seeds feature sponsored by Archroma she creates ‘seasonal atlas’ which offers storied vignettes of creative color and inspiration. Color Atlas by Archroma® codes are provided for all colors in the inspiration resource. The ‘seasonal atlas’ is catalogued on the Design Seeds site, distributed at trade shows and is available for download.

“It’s critical to designers working in today’s global fashion industry to select color that is achievable from the very start of a project,” says Chris Hipps, Global Director, Archroma Color Management. “Here at Archroma, our suite of color tools, from the Color Atlas to our online Color Search tool to our industry-renowned Engineered Color Standards, are all designed to help designers capture their inspiration, and ensure that their color choices remain consistent across global production processes.”

“We brainstormed on how to enhance what we can offer creatives through our partnership and that is when the concept of the ‘seasonal atlas’ was born. Through Archroma’s sponsorship, I am able to create the expanded inspiration resource on the site. And by featuring Color Atlas codes, folks are getting a gorgeous color match from concept to execution which I believe no other system can provide,” adds Colaluca.

When creating Design Seeds, Colaluca mixes each color swatch individually. She uses digital software much as she had gouache paint back in the early days of her career. For the seasonal atlas she then works with the Archroma team to translate her collection into selections from the 4,320 swatches in the six-volume Color Atlas. Fans of any color story can then refer to the Archroma color number which references swatches in the Color Atlas. Each color is readily available as an Engineered Color Standard and the digital reflectance data. All colors are also supported in Color Atlas Online ( with dye formulas on multiple substrates, Hex, CMYK, sRGB values and a selection of surrounding similar Colors.

More information:
Color Atlas Archroma Fashion


Business Beyond Borders, Texworld Paris 18th – 21st September 2017
Business Beyond Borders

Business Beyond Borders, Texworld Paris 18th – 21st September 2017

  • Asia comes to Paris and is ready to buy

The next Business Beyond Borders matchmaking event will take place in Paris at Texworld, the leading textile, clothing and apparel trade fair, September 2017.

After two successful matchmaking sessions at Genera (Madrid) and African Utility Week (Cape Town), the next Business Beyond Borders (BBB) matchmaking event turns its attention to one of the most renowned European trade fairs – Texworld - the leading textile, clothing and apparel trade fair. Twice a year Texworld Paris welcomes exhibitors and professional buyers from all over the world a rich variety of products from basic textiles to creative high-end fabrics of excellent quality. Hosting thousands of visitors, Texworld Paris is famous as the must-attend market for textile companies, especially from the EU and Asian side.

  • Asia comes to Paris and is ready to buy

The next Business Beyond Borders matchmaking event will take place in Paris at Texworld, the leading textile, clothing and apparel trade fair, September 2017.

After two successful matchmaking sessions at Genera (Madrid) and African Utility Week (Cape Town), the next Business Beyond Borders (BBB) matchmaking event turns its attention to one of the most renowned European trade fairs – Texworld - the leading textile, clothing and apparel trade fair. Twice a year Texworld Paris welcomes exhibitors and professional buyers from all over the world a rich variety of products from basic textiles to creative high-end fabrics of excellent quality. Hosting thousands of visitors, Texworld Paris is famous as the must-attend market for textile companies, especially from the EU and Asian side.

Business Beyond Borders supports businesses, especially Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Clusters, to operate internationally. During the fair, BBB facilitates the participation and meetings between relevant potential trading partners from Europe and abroad with the aim of assisting them in the conclusion of business deals.

Welcoming Arnaldo Abruzzini, CEO of EUROCHAMBRES, says “with over 80% international exhibitors, Texworld is the perfect marketplace for EU textile SMEs keen to do business internationally”. Takin into account the Free Trade Agreements which have been concluded by the EU in the last five years and those that are currently under negotiation, the EU is making several progresses in facilitating international trade as well as on the simplification of the Rules of Origin. “The BBB matchmaking at Texworld present itself an opportunity to increase the export rate of textile and clothing products to non-EU markets, which currently stands at 20%.”

The event will also be supprted by Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), the world’s largest support network for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with international ambitions. “With over 15 EEN partners co-organising the event – says Federica Leonetti, Chair of the Textile & Fashion EEN Sector Group – the companies taking part in the BBB matching event at Texworld will receive personalised support to be successful in their goals.”  

Companies attending the BBB Matchmaking will be able to benefit from a unique package:

• Free access to Texworld and to the connected shows: Apparel Sourcing, Avantex, Shawls and Scarves;
• Business meetings perfectly matching each BBB delegate needs and preferences taking place in a convenient matchmaking area at the heart of the trade fair;
• Access to technical sessions in the strategic conference on IPR, Market Access and the Circular Economy in the textile and clothing sector;
• Access to an international and well placed worldwide network, including several EU-funded support schemes;
• Participation in the BBB Social Media Competition for a chance to further promote your business online;
• Professional assistance on the spot and after the event to make the participation tailored to the needs of each BBB delegate;
The registration is now open at More than 200 companies are expected to attend the B2B Meetings in the dedicated BBB area.

Business Beyond Borders (BBB)

Green products to be centre stage at October’s Yarn Expo Autumn ©Messe Frankfurt
Logo Yarn Expo

Green products to be centre stage at October’s Yarn Expo Autumn

  • Debut BCI Pavilion joined by Sateri and Birla Planet Pavilions to showcase eco-friendly products
  • Six special display zones cater to latest industry trends

Green products continue to be sought after more and more by consumers nowadays, and textiles are no exception. In order to promote sustainable development throughout the industry, a number of yarn and fibre manufacturers have endeavoured to introduce green products into the early stages of textile production, and Yarn Expo, as the leading yarn and fibre business platform in Asia, serves as an ideal stage for these suppliers to gain exposure to buyers looking for such products.

Debut BCI Pavilion joined by Sateri and Birla Planet Pavilions to showcase eco-friendly products

  • Debut BCI Pavilion joined by Sateri and Birla Planet Pavilions to showcase eco-friendly products
  • Six special display zones cater to latest industry trends

Green products continue to be sought after more and more by consumers nowadays, and textiles are no exception. In order to promote sustainable development throughout the industry, a number of yarn and fibre manufacturers have endeavoured to introduce green products into the early stages of textile production, and Yarn Expo, as the leading yarn and fibre business platform in Asia, serves as an ideal stage for these suppliers to gain exposure to buyers looking for such products.

Debut BCI Pavilion joined by Sateri and Birla Planet Pavilions to showcase eco-friendly products

Amongst a record number of exhibitors at this October’s Yarn Expo Autumn, the debut BCI Pavilion as well as the Sateri Pavilion and Birla Planet Pavilion that include eco-friendly products are certainly amongst the highlights this year. Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) is a global organisation with more than 1,000 members including spinners, weavers and garment manufacturers throughout the entire cotton sector. It aims to promote sustainable cotton production, benefiting workers, customers and the environment as a whole. They will form the BCI Pavilion in Yarn Expo for the first time, with five spinners showcasing their cotton yarn manufactured with eco-friendly cotton.

Sateri is a well-known brand in China which specialises in viscose rayon. This natural and high-quality fibre is made from trees grown on renewable plantations. They are the largest producer of viscose fibre in China with three mills and an annual capacity of 550,000 tons, and also have Oeko-Tex certification. This October, nine other domestic exhibitors will form the Sateri Pavilion to demonstrate their comfortable textiles and skin-friendly hygiene products made from viscose fibre.

With over 50 years of experience in manufacturing cellulosic fibres, Birla Group strives to provide greener, purer and safer products to its customers. The Group has operated in China for three years now, and values Yarn Expo’s effectiveness in helping them to promote their brand and attract a wide range of buyers. “We managed to get connected with a number of downstream buyers at the fair. We have introduced our company and products to them that there is great chance for future cooperation.” said Mr Peter Dong, Senior Manager of Aditya Birla Group.   Coming back this year, the Birla Planet Pavilion will feature three of their highlighted fibres – Birla Viscose, Birla Modal and Birla Spunshades at the fair.

Six special display zones cater to latest industry trends

The textile industry in China is undergoing a structural change with keen competition, so domestic suppliers have to develop innovative and quality products to satisfy the ever-changing markets. To match the specific needs of various buyers, Yarn Expo has established six distinct display zones gathering the leading domestic companies, namely Colourful Chemical Zone, Natural Cotton Yarn Zone, Fancy Yarn Zone, Quality Wool Zone, Green Linen Zone and e-Commerce Zone.

Not only are a number of chemical fibre products with innovative, eco-friendly and health & comfort properties on offer from exhibitors, but visitors can also gain insights into product trends in these areas from the 2017/18 China Fibre Trend Area and Innovative Textile Material Forum, both of which feature in the Colourful Chemical Zone. The Natural Cotton Yarn Zone is another highlight of the three-day show, where exhibitors will showcase their natural cotton yarn and a range of functional products. Around 50 suppliers will also showcase their latest collections in the expanded Fancy Yarn Zone.
In response to the strong demand for fibre and yarn products in China and the Asian region, the coming autumn edition of Yarn Expo will double its exhibition space, and will accommodate around 500 global yarn suppliers from 13 countries and regions. Together with Yarn Expo Autumn 2017, three other textile trade fairs are held concurrently from 11 – 13 October in the same venue: Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – Autumn Edition, PH Value and the China International Fashion Fair (CHIC).

Yarn Expo Autumn is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; The Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; China Cotton Textile Association; China Wool Textile Association; China Chemical Fiber Association; China Bast & Leaf Fibres Textiles Association; and China Textile Information Centre.

Lenzing Group Lenzing AG
Lenzing Group

Lenzing Group achieves best half-year results in its history

  • Revenue up 11 percent to EUR 1,149.1 mn
  • EBITDA increase of 38.8 percent to EUR 270.7 mn
  • Detailed planning for new production plant for TENCEL® fibers in Thailand in Progress
  • New sales offices opened in Turkey and Korea
  • New EcoVeroTM branded viscose fibers with very favorable ecological footprint launched

The Lenzing Group generated new record highs in the first half of the 2017 financial year for both revenue and earnings. The key underlying factors were good capacity utilization, higher selling prices and an attractive product mix. Lenzing will continue to focus on the disciplined implementation of the Group strategy sCore TEN, in order to be even closer to the customer and to further expand the offering of specialty fibers.

  • Revenue up 11 percent to EUR 1,149.1 mn
  • EBITDA increase of 38.8 percent to EUR 270.7 mn
  • Detailed planning for new production plant for TENCEL® fibers in Thailand in Progress
  • New sales offices opened in Turkey and Korea
  • New EcoVeroTM branded viscose fibers with very favorable ecological footprint launched

The Lenzing Group generated new record highs in the first half of the 2017 financial year for both revenue and earnings. The key underlying factors were good capacity utilization, higher selling prices and an attractive product mix. Lenzing will continue to focus on the disciplined implementation of the Group strategy sCore TEN, in order to be even closer to the customer and to further expand the offering of specialty fibers.

Consolidated revenue increased by 11 percent from the first half of the previous financial year to EUR 1,149.1 mn. Consolidated earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) were up 38.8 percent to EUR 270.7 mn, corresponding to an EBITDA margin of 23.6 percent in comparison to 18.9 percent in the prior-year period. Earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) increased by 57.4 percent to EUR 204.2 mn, resulting in a higher EBIT margin of 17.8 percent (H1 2016: 12.5 percent). The profit for the period improved by 58.9 percent to EUR 150.3 mn, and earnings per share climbed 59 percent to EUR 5.55 per share.

“The first half-year developed very well for the Lenzing Group, and we are pleased with the best half-year period in the company’s history. We will continue our disciplined implementation of the sCore TEN strategy. The expansion of new state-of-the-art production capacities for our specialty fibers is proceeding well and will support our customers in their own expansion efforts for products made of our botanic fibers. The decision to set up a subsidiary and acquire a respective landplot in Thailand is the next step in the implementation of this strategy. On the innovation side we are proud that after the introduction of RefibraTM branded lyocell fibers, we launched now EcoVeroTM. This is a particularly high-performance fiber featuring a very favorable ecological footprint and sets the new benchmark for the entire industry – from fiber to garment”, states Stefan Doboczky, Chief Executive Officer of the Lenzing Group. “Assuming that fiber market conditions remain at current levels, we expect a substantial earnings improvement in 2017 compared to 2016.”

The wood-based cellulose fiber segment, which is relevant for Lenzing, should again outpace the overall fiber market. The demand for these cellulose fibers was very good in the first half year of 2017, with the long-term trend pointing towards further growth in viscose and, above all, wood-based cellulose specialty fibers. On the supply side, the market is not expected to see the entry of any notable new production capacity in 2017.
The Lenzing Group had an excellent first half year 2017 and registered strong demand for its fibers during the first two quarters which, in turn, led to continued very high capacity utilization in all product groups. The market price index for viscose fibers was substantially higher than in the comparable prior year period. Under the assumption of unchanged conditions in the fiber market and stable exchange rates, Lenzing expects a considerable improvement in results in the fiscal year 2017 compared to 2016.
More information:
Lenzing Group Fibers

Lenzing AG

Hygienically Clean Healthcare TRSA®
Hygienically Clean Healthcare

Up To Date Laundry Recertified Hygienically Clean Healthcare

Up To Date Laundry, Baltimore, has again achieved Hygienically Clean (HC) Healthcare certification, reflecting their commitment to best management practices (BMPs) in laundering as verified by on-site inspection and their capability to produce hygienically clean textiles as quantified by ongoing microbial testing.
Up-To-Date was first certified in 2014. Recertification confirms the organization’s continuing dedication to infection prevention, compliance with recognized industry standards and processing healthcare textiles using BMPs as described in its quality assurance documentation, a focal point for Hygienically Clean inspectors’ evaluation. The independent, third-party inspection must also confirm essential evidence that:
• Employees are properly trained and protected
• Managers understand regulatory requirements
• OSHA-compliant
• Physical plant operates effectively

Up To Date Laundry, Baltimore, has again achieved Hygienically Clean (HC) Healthcare certification, reflecting their commitment to best management practices (BMPs) in laundering as verified by on-site inspection and their capability to produce hygienically clean textiles as quantified by ongoing microbial testing.
Up-To-Date was first certified in 2014. Recertification confirms the organization’s continuing dedication to infection prevention, compliance with recognized industry standards and processing healthcare textiles using BMPs as described in its quality assurance documentation, a focal point for Hygienically Clean inspectors’ evaluation. The independent, third-party inspection must also confirm essential evidence that:
• Employees are properly trained and protected
• Managers understand regulatory requirements
• OSHA-compliant
• Physical plant operates effectively

To achieve certification initially, laundries pass three rounds of outcome-based microbial testing, indicating that their processes are producing Hygienically Clean Healthcare textiles and zero presence of yeast, mold and harmful bacteria. They also must pass a facility inspection. To maintain their certification, they must pass quarterly testing to ensure that as laundry conditions change, such as water quality, textile fabric composition and wash chemistry, laundered product quality is consistently maintained. Re-inspection occurs every two to three years.
This process eliminates subjectivity by focusing on outcomes and results that verify textiles cleaned in these facilities meet appropriate hygienically clean standards and BMPs for hospitals, surgery centers, medical offices, nursing homes and other medical facilities.

Hygienically Clean Healthcare certification acknowledges laundries’ effectiveness in protecting healthcare operations by verifying quality control procedures in linen, uniform and facility services operations related to the handling of textiles containing blood and other potentially infectious materials.
Certified laundries use processes, chemicals and BMPs acknowledged by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, American National Standards Institute and others. Introduced in 2012, Hygienically Clean Healthcare brought to North America the international cleanliness standards for healthcare linens and garments used worldwide by the Certification Association for Professional Textile Services and the European Committee for Standardization.
Objective experts in epidemiology, infection control, nursing and other healthcare professions work with Hygienically Clean launderers to ensure the certification continues to enforce the highest standards for producing clean healthcare textiles.
“Congratulations to Up To Date Laundry on their recertification,” said Joseph Ricci, TRSA president and CEO. “This achievement proves their ongoing commitment to infection prevention and that their laundry facilities take every step possible to prevent human illness.”

Marokko 2017


Die kommende MAROC IN MODE – MAROC SOURCING wird in Marrakesch auf dem Gelände der Moulay Hassan-Rennstrecke stattfinden, in direkter Nähe zu den Sehenswürdigkeiten und Hotels der weltbekannten „Ockerstadt“. Auf den 5.000 m² Ausstellungsfläche werden dieses Jahr die 15. Ausgabe der MAROC IN MODE und die 14. Ausgabe der MAROC SOURCING durchgeführt. Die kommende MAROC IN MODE – MAROC SOURCING wird dabei in spezifische Ecosysteme eingeteilt: FAST FASHION, DENIM, STRICK, PPE/SPORT/FREIZEIT, MAROKKANISCHE MARKEN.

LEDER & SCHUHE werden erstmalig mit rund 20 Ausstellern vertreten sein. Insgesamt werden 175 Aussteller ihre Kollektionen und Fähigkeiten präsentieren. Die meisten Aussteller kommen aus Marokko, aber auch internationale Aussteller aus der Türkei, Tunesien, China, Belgien, Deutschland, Spanien, Frankreich, Portugal und Ägypten zeigen ihre Produkte. Marokko ist eine Ausnahme in der Euromed-Region. Die Exporte des Landes zeigen im fünften Jahr in Folge ein anhaltend hohes Wachstum – mit einem Wachstum von 10% im Jahr 2016.

Die kommende MAROC IN MODE – MAROC SOURCING wird in Marrakesch auf dem Gelände der Moulay Hassan-Rennstrecke stattfinden, in direkter Nähe zu den Sehenswürdigkeiten und Hotels der weltbekannten „Ockerstadt“. Auf den 5.000 m² Ausstellungsfläche werden dieses Jahr die 15. Ausgabe der MAROC IN MODE und die 14. Ausgabe der MAROC SOURCING durchgeführt. Die kommende MAROC IN MODE – MAROC SOURCING wird dabei in spezifische Ecosysteme eingeteilt: FAST FASHION, DENIM, STRICK, PPE/SPORT/FREIZEIT, MAROKKANISCHE MARKEN.

LEDER & SCHUHE werden erstmalig mit rund 20 Ausstellern vertreten sein. Insgesamt werden 175 Aussteller ihre Kollektionen und Fähigkeiten präsentieren. Die meisten Aussteller kommen aus Marokko, aber auch internationale Aussteller aus der Türkei, Tunesien, China, Belgien, Deutschland, Spanien, Frankreich, Portugal und Ägypten zeigen ihre Produkte. Marokko ist eine Ausnahme in der Euromed-Region. Die Exporte des Landes zeigen im fünften Jahr in Folge ein anhaltend hohes Wachstum – mit einem Wachstum von 10% im Jahr 2016.

More information:
Marokko, Marrakesch, Mode



30 UniFirst Plants Now Hygienically Clean Food Safety Certified

With seven more laundries certified this month, UniFirst Corp. has widened its lead among multi-location uniform service companies in achieving the Hygienically Clean Food Safety designation, as 30 facilities now have reached this milestone. The July additions included the company’s first such achievements in Nevada, New York and Wisconsin after UniFirst plants were already certified in 16 states and the Canadian province of British Columbia.
This achievement reflects UniFirst’s commitment to best management practices (BMPs) in laundering as verified by third-party on-site inspection and their capability to produce hygienically clean textiles as quantified by ongoing microbial testing.

With seven more laundries certified this month, UniFirst Corp. has widened its lead among multi-location uniform service companies in achieving the Hygienically Clean Food Safety designation, as 30 facilities now have reached this milestone. The July additions included the company’s first such achievements in Nevada, New York and Wisconsin after UniFirst plants were already certified in 16 states and the Canadian province of British Columbia.
This achievement reflects UniFirst’s commitment to best management practices (BMPs) in laundering as verified by third-party on-site inspection and their capability to produce hygienically clean textiles as quantified by ongoing microbial testing.

The certification confirms a laundry’s dedication to compliance and processing garments and other textile products using BMPs as described in its quality assurance documentation, the focal point for TRSA inspectors’ evaluation of critical control points that minimize risk.
This process eliminates subjectivity by focusing on outcomes and results that verify textiles cleaned in these facilities meet appropriate hygienically clean standards and BMPs for servicing animal processing, dairies, fruit/vegetable, bakeries, grain and other food and beverage industry segments.
UniFirst facilities certified in July are in Ontario, CA; Las Vegas, NV; Buffalo, NY; Amarillo, Austin and Houston, TX; and Wisconsin Rapids, WI. States with previously Hygienically Clean Food Safety certified UniFirst laundries (one each except where noted) are CA (2) CO, CT, FL (2), GA, MA, MD, NC (4), NH (2), NJ, OK, PA, SC, TX (5), UT and VA.

More information:
TRSA, certification


Huntsman Textile Effects Huntsman
Huntsman Textile Effects


Huntsman Textile Effects has been named winner in the 2016 Dyestuff Manufacturers Association of India (DMAI) Awards. Huntsman bagged two awards in recognition of its ‘Excellent performance in exports of Dyestuffs by a large scale unit and ‘Excellent performance in Pollution Control by a Large Scale Unit’. The accolade is presented for outstanding contribution in supporting environment, health and safety and sustainability for the textile industry.
The awards were presented at the 67th Annual General Meeting of DMAI in Mumbai. Huntsman Textile Effects received the awards based on criteria such as innovation, creativity, development and quality.
“We are honored to receive the prestigious awards and are grateful to be recognized again this year,” said Nipun Soni, Site Manager for Huntsman Textile Effects’ Baroda plant. “This acknowledgement reaffirms Huntsman Textile Effects’ focus on innovation and continuous improvement in safety and hazard controls to meet industry demands. We continue to draw on the expertise of our people and established processes in product stewardship.”

Huntsman Textile Effects has been named winner in the 2016 Dyestuff Manufacturers Association of India (DMAI) Awards. Huntsman bagged two awards in recognition of its ‘Excellent performance in exports of Dyestuffs by a large scale unit and ‘Excellent performance in Pollution Control by a Large Scale Unit’. The accolade is presented for outstanding contribution in supporting environment, health and safety and sustainability for the textile industry.
The awards were presented at the 67th Annual General Meeting of DMAI in Mumbai. Huntsman Textile Effects received the awards based on criteria such as innovation, creativity, development and quality.
“We are honored to receive the prestigious awards and are grateful to be recognized again this year,” said Nipun Soni, Site Manager for Huntsman Textile Effects’ Baroda plant. “This acknowledgement reaffirms Huntsman Textile Effects’ focus on innovation and continuous improvement in safety and hazard controls to meet industry demands. We continue to draw on the expertise of our people and established processes in product stewardship.”

Winners of the DMAI awards 2016 were determined by judging panel from chemical, pharma, dyes and dye intermediates manufacturing industries, among others. The DMAI ceremony was held in Mumbai on July 7, 2017.
This is the second consecutive year Huntsman Textile Effects has been presented DMAI Awards. Last year Huntsman was presented with awards for ‘Excellent Performance in Exports of Dyestuffs by Large Scale unit. Huntsman Textile Effects also won the award in the category for ‘Excellent Performance in Safety & Hazard’s Control by a Large Scale unit’.



Product Leadership Award Lectra
Product Leadership Award

Frost & Sullivan Confers Lectra's Versalis® Digital Leather Cutting Solution with Product Leadership Award

Lectra has leveraged more than 10 years of experience in connected manufacturing to offer Versalis®, an innovative digital solution designed to cut leather without compromise on quality. Featuring a powerful automatic nesting system for overall improvements in efficiency, the fully automated solution enables automotive leather suppliers to cut costs, improve productivity and minimize waste while also establishing a pathway to value-added Industry 4.0 processes.

Lectra has leveraged more than 10 years of experience in connected manufacturing to offer Versalis®, an innovative digital solution designed to cut leather without compromise on quality. Featuring a powerful automatic nesting system for overall improvements in efficiency, the fully automated solution enables automotive leather suppliers to cut costs, improve productivity and minimize waste while also establishing a pathway to value-added Industry 4.0 processes.

Currently, almost 90% of leather used for automotive applications is cut using manual die presses, which require designers to build a physical prototype and finalize the design through trial and error. Lectra offers a fully digitalized leather solution from prototyping to cut parts—when used in combination with Lectra’s 3D prototyping and pattern-making software, Versalis digital leather cutting solution enables a 12-16 week reduction in development and launch cycles for vehicle seating models.
During the leather-cutting phase, the latest release of Versalis LeatherSuite allows automotive leather suppliers to achieve up to 15% greater productivity. Lectra’s end-to-end automotive leather offering furthermore guarantees optimal uptime through an extensive worldwide support network of field engineers and technical experts.
"Lectra focuses on a consultative approach that allows it to fully understand the customer’s needs before building a solution comprising software, hardware, consulting, training, and after-sales support,” said Frost & Sullivan Industry Analyst Kamalesh Mohanarangam. "Lectra’s equipment is fitted with more than 200 sensors that predict failure and immediately report issues to its call centres. This product feature and service has resulted in 98% uptime and very fast mean time to repair."

Although digital leather cutting solutions are an investment, leather cutters and Tier-1 suppliers have begun to recognize the value of these products. On average, Lectra’s solutions help customers achieve up to 7% savings on leather compared to manual die-press methods by minimizing human error and variability in the cutting room. A benchmark test of leather trim cutting for door panels demonstrated a 3.5% gain in material made possible by Versalis’ superior nesting capabilities compared to the customer’s yield using manual nesting with die press machines, representing potential savings of €9 million per year.
Versalis is the fruit of significant R&D investment for the company, which has always made re-investment of capital a priority. As part of a transformational plan, Lectra spent more than €50 million in investments between 2011 and 2015. With Lectra’s new strategy focusing on supporting their customers’ transition to Industry 4.0 standards, Lectra will increase the share of revenues dedicated to R&D to 10% for the period from 2017 to 2019, representing a rise of about 50% between 2016 and 2019.



MintModa and Archroma Archroma
MintModa and Archroma

Trend forecaster MintModa and color leader Archroma partner to advance the heighten impact of color in fashion

Fashion forecaster MintModa and Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals, announce a new strategic partnership leveraging the respective strengths of both companies in color creativity. Combining Archroma’s scientific color expertise with MintModa’s clear, narrative-driven color forecasts provides fashion and design-related industries with an actionable and trend-right color resource.
Launched last year, Color Atlas by Archroma offers 4320 new shades, extending their custom color business with a readily available, time-efficient color management system. MintModa’s ColoRevolution offers highly-curated color analysis and direction on its cloud-based subscription trend service. Because color plays a starring role in the visual language of social media, carefully chosen palettes are essential for capturing a new generation of connected consumers.

Fashion forecaster MintModa and Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals, announce a new strategic partnership leveraging the respective strengths of both companies in color creativity. Combining Archroma’s scientific color expertise with MintModa’s clear, narrative-driven color forecasts provides fashion and design-related industries with an actionable and trend-right color resource.
Launched last year, Color Atlas by Archroma offers 4320 new shades, extending their custom color business with a readily available, time-efficient color management system. MintModa’s ColoRevolution offers highly-curated color analysis and direction on its cloud-based subscription trend service. Because color plays a starring role in the visual language of social media, carefully chosen palettes are essential for capturing a new generation of connected consumers.

“People today are constantly exposed to a barrage of vibrant media on multiple devices. The customer is now visually sophisticated, a voracious consumer of ever-changing images depicting highly-styled products, places and people,” states MintModa founder and creative director Sharon Graubard. “The emotional draw of color, hardwired into humans, becomes an ever-more powerful marketing tool.”
“The Color Atlas by Archroma represents a true labor of love,” said Chris Hipps, Global Director, Archroma Color Management. “The idea is to offer our customers options they never dreamed of. We resonate with MintModa’s progressive, focused approach. In fact, we met because they were searching for a specific shade of blue and couldn’t find it elsewhere. This level of color curation dovetails with our passionate drive and relentless commitment towards excellence.”



Hygienically Clean Certification TRSA
Hygienically Clean Certification

Crescent Laundry Recertified Hygienically Clean Healthcare

Crescent Laundry, Davenport, Iowa, has again achieved Hygienically Clean (HC) Healthcare certification, reflecting their commitment to best management practices (BMPs) in laundering as verified by on-site inspection and their capability to produce hygienically clean textiles as quantified by ongoing microbial testing.
Crescent was first certified in 2014. Recertification confirms the organization’s continuing dedication to infection prevention, compliance with recognized industry standards and processing healthcare textiles using BMPs as described in its quality assurance documentation, a focal point for Hygienically Clean inspectors’ evaluation. The independent, third-party inspection must also confirm essential evidence that:
• Employees are properly trained and protected
• Managers understand regulatory requirements
• OSHA-compliant
• Physical plant operates effectively

Crescent Laundry, Davenport, Iowa, has again achieved Hygienically Clean (HC) Healthcare certification, reflecting their commitment to best management practices (BMPs) in laundering as verified by on-site inspection and their capability to produce hygienically clean textiles as quantified by ongoing microbial testing.
Crescent was first certified in 2014. Recertification confirms the organization’s continuing dedication to infection prevention, compliance with recognized industry standards and processing healthcare textiles using BMPs as described in its quality assurance documentation, a focal point for Hygienically Clean inspectors’ evaluation. The independent, third-party inspection must also confirm essential evidence that:
• Employees are properly trained and protected
• Managers understand regulatory requirements
• OSHA-compliant
• Physical plant operates effectively

Certified facilities pass three rounds of outcome-based microbial testing, indicating that their processes are producing Hygienically Clean Healthcare textiles and zero presence of yeast, mold and harmful bacteria. To maintain their certification, laundry plants must pass quarterly testing to ensure that as laundry conditions change, such as water quality, textile fabric composition and wash chemistry, laundered product quality is consistently maintained. This process eliminates subjectivity by focusing on outcomes and results that verify textiles cleaned in these facilities meet appropriate hygienically clean standards and BMPs for hospitals, surgery centers, medical offices, nursing homes and other medical facilities. Hygienically Clean Healthcare certification acknowledges laundries’ effectiveness in protecting healthcare operations through testing and inspections that scrutinize quality control procedures in textile services operations related to the handling of textiles containing blood and other potentially infectious materials.
