From the Sector

1619 results

Autoneum realigns financing sustainably

Due to the COVID 19 crisis and its significant impact on the automotive industry and Autoneum's course of business, the Company and a bank consortium have amended the existing long-term credit agreement in the amount of CHF 350 million, amongst others with regard to the financial covenants.

At the same time, the two major shareholders Michael Pieper and Peter Spuhler have  agreed to extend the term of the subordinated loans of CHF 20 million each, granted in December 2019, subject to the financial performance of Autoneum Group and aligned with the credit agreement with the bank syndicate. As a result, Autoneum's liquidity and long-term financing continue to be secured on a sustainable basis.

Due to the COVID 19 crisis and its significant impact on the automotive industry and Autoneum's course of business, the Company and a bank consortium have amended the existing long-term credit agreement in the amount of CHF 350 million, amongst others with regard to the financial covenants.

At the same time, the two major shareholders Michael Pieper and Peter Spuhler have  agreed to extend the term of the subordinated loans of CHF 20 million each, granted in December 2019, subject to the financial performance of Autoneum Group and aligned with the credit agreement with the bank syndicate. As a result, Autoneum's liquidity and long-term financing continue to be secured on a sustainable basis.

More information:
Covid-19 Autoneum

Autoneum Management AG

Monforts denim mills move hemp into the mainstream © Cone Denim
Cone Denim Sweet Leaf jeans.

Monforts denim mills move hemp into the mainstream

  • There is an urban legend that hemp canvas was used to make the very first pair of Levi’s jeans.
  • While this is a myth that originated in the counterculture of the 1960s, hemp is without doubt the fibre of the moment for the denim industry.

At the second Kingpins24 virtual denim show that was broadcast from New York on June 23rd and 24th, the sustainable benefits of hemp fibre were referenced by many Monforts customers who are now including it in their collections, including AGI Denim, Artistic Milliners, Black Peony, Calik, Cone Denim, Naveena Denim Mills (NDM) and Orta.

“Hemp is an easy to grow fibre which requires no irrigation, no fertilizers, no herbicides and no chemicals,” says Allan Little, Director of Product Development for Cone Denim, which has recently launched its Sweet Leaf collection featuring the fibre. “Significantly, it also uses fifty per cent or even less water than cotton in cultivation.”

It can also bring some new aesthetics to denim too, he adds.

  • There is an urban legend that hemp canvas was used to make the very first pair of Levi’s jeans.
  • While this is a myth that originated in the counterculture of the 1960s, hemp is without doubt the fibre of the moment for the denim industry.

At the second Kingpins24 virtual denim show that was broadcast from New York on June 23rd and 24th, the sustainable benefits of hemp fibre were referenced by many Monforts customers who are now including it in their collections, including AGI Denim, Artistic Milliners, Black Peony, Calik, Cone Denim, Naveena Denim Mills (NDM) and Orta.

“Hemp is an easy to grow fibre which requires no irrigation, no fertilizers, no herbicides and no chemicals,” says Allan Little, Director of Product Development for Cone Denim, which has recently launched its Sweet Leaf collection featuring the fibre. “Significantly, it also uses fifty per cent or even less water than cotton in cultivation.”

It can also bring some new aesthetics to denim too, he adds.

“Hemp has a unique colour and adds a different cast to our indigo, the drape and texture of the fabrics is different and it even adds  a bit of a unique hand, so combined with its sustainable credentials we are proud to be bringing the Sweet Leaf collection to the market.”

US supply chain

Cone is currently sourcing its hemp from France, but with much of its manufacturing now in Mexico – and with the introduction of the US Farm Bill in 2018 which has legalised the growing of legal hemp – is exploring the possibility of investing in the US supply chain.

“With US hemp we’re really at the R&D phase,” Little emphasises. “It’s a unique crop, so coming up with the right stalk to provide the right fibre is challenging. We’ve experimented with different types of seed and various methods of decortication.”

Decortication, he explains, is the mechanical removal of the outside layer of the hemp stalk to useable fibre on the inside. A second process, cottonization, is necessary to make the fibre suitable for spinning, because compared to cotton, hemp is longer, stiffer, and less flexible.

100% success

At the end of 2019, Naveena (NDM), headquartered in Karachi, introduced fabrics featuring up to 51% hemp content in blends with Tencel and recycled polyester and this year has developed the first 100% hemp denims.

“The response to the fabrics we showed last year was incredible and we were looking forward to the response to this latest development – which everyone was asking for – at the Kingpins show in Amsterdam, which unfortunately was unable to go ahead,” says NDM’s Director of Marketing Rashid Iqbal. “We produced initial samples in an undyed state because we were not sure how the wet spun yarn would react in the dyeing, but I’m happy to say we have had success in this respect and are now able to provide one hundred per cent indigo dyed hemp denim.”

Environmental benefits

“Differentiation is the key in the highly-competitive denim industry and we have assisted our customers with trials and optimised processing parameters for a range of different fibres, including hemp, both at our Advanced Technology Centre in Germany and at their own mills around the world,” says Hans Wroblowski, Monforts Head of Denim. “Given the environmental benefits of hemp, and the liberalisation of its cultivation in many parts of the world, the interest in it now comes as no surprise. We have the technologies and know-how to help our customers to fully maximise their hemp denims at all post-weaving stages of production.”

Monforts has a dominant position in the field of denim finishing with its well proven Montex stenters. It has been enjoying further recent success with its Eco Line concept based on two key technology advances – the Eco Applicator and the Thermo Stretch.

The latest Monforts innovation for denim is the CYD yarn dyeing system. This technology is based on the effective and established dyeing process for denim fabrics that is now being applied for yarn dyeing.

The CYD system also integrates new functions and processes into the weaving preparation processes – spinning, direct beaming, warping and assembly beaming, followed by sizing and dyeing – to increase quality, flexibility, economic viability and productivity. A full CYD line is now available for trials at the company’s Advanced Technology Centre.


ISKO partners with Bluesign

  • ISKO and Bluesign announce their partnership for the creation of a cleaner, safer, and transparent world of denim. ISKO just released its landmark
  • Sustainability Report, setting the target of achieving bluesign® APPROVED accreditation by the end of 2020.

Denim is a timeless staple in wardrobes around the world. ISKO, the leading denim ingredient brand, and Bluesign, the architects of a sustainable and responsible textile supply chain, are joining forces in a partnership. Alliances like this are the source of effective improvements.

ISKO has a long-standing commitment to ensure the integrity of its ingredients and the traceability of the fibers and materials used in its denim apparel. By releasing the Sustainability Report, ISKO again demonstrates its commitment to creating and designing denim apparel that has a positive connection with the planet. In this report, a primary target of ISKO is to achieve bluesign® APPROVED accreditation for its denim textiles, attaining the strictest industry standard for consumers and environment alike.

  • ISKO and Bluesign announce their partnership for the creation of a cleaner, safer, and transparent world of denim. ISKO just released its landmark
  • Sustainability Report, setting the target of achieving bluesign® APPROVED accreditation by the end of 2020.

Denim is a timeless staple in wardrobes around the world. ISKO, the leading denim ingredient brand, and Bluesign, the architects of a sustainable and responsible textile supply chain, are joining forces in a partnership. Alliances like this are the source of effective improvements.

ISKO has a long-standing commitment to ensure the integrity of its ingredients and the traceability of the fibers and materials used in its denim apparel. By releasing the Sustainability Report, ISKO again demonstrates its commitment to creating and designing denim apparel that has a positive connection with the planet. In this report, a primary target of ISKO is to achieve bluesign® APPROVED accreditation for its denim textiles, attaining the strictest industry standard for consumers and environment alike.

With the goal of completing this process by the end of 2020, the company has already performed bluesign® COMPANY ASSESSMENT at an above-average level. This shows how ISKO anticipates changes rather than simply reacting to legal or stakeholder requirements, pursuing an approach that has a huge potential and includes several actions for further improvements. Through this partnership, ISKO and Bluesign continue the movement of the textile and fashion industry into a future that pays more attention to people and the environment, because only when both are considered can the industry truly make a positive long-lasting impact.

“ISKO, as the soul of jeans, has a vision for denim that is creative in design and innovative in the use of technologies. These distinct qualities in combination with a determined commitment to a sustainable supply chain makes ISKO a true leader in the textile industry. We look forward to the next impactful steps we will take together.” Jill Dumain, CEO, bluesign technologies. “As the leader of this industry, we feel it is our responsibility to be and act as a force for good. We have always prioritized transparency and accountability, highly valuing every improvement that can be achieved by sharing values and goals through partnerships. This one makes us particularly proud, as it raises the bar of our efforts and challenges us to maintain our improvement efforts.” Ebru Ozkucuk Guler, Senior Sustainability & CSR Executive.

More information:
Isko Sustainability bluesign Denim

BVMed: Unterstützung zum Aufbau strategischer Medizinprodukte-Reserve

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) hat der Bundesregierung und der Europäischen Kommission im Rahmen der deutschen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft eine enge Zusammenarbeit beim Aufbau einer europaweiten strategischen Reserve für Medizinprodukte angeboten.

"Wir stehen für smarte Lösungen bereit. Wir können die Herausforderung durch die intelligente Nutzung bestehender Lagerkapazitäten mit einem rotierenden System meistern", so BVMed-Geschäftsführer Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll. Die vorhandenen Lagerkapazitäten unter anderem der Hersteller könnten online vernetzt und intelligent gesteuert werden. "Das System ist kostengünstig, schnell umsetzbar und für den Katastrophenschutz sehr effizient." Zudem spricht sich der BVMed für einen "europäischen Pandemieplan" aus, um innerhalb Europas eine erneute Schließung der Grenzen zu verhindern.

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) hat der Bundesregierung und der Europäischen Kommission im Rahmen der deutschen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft eine enge Zusammenarbeit beim Aufbau einer europaweiten strategischen Reserve für Medizinprodukte angeboten.

"Wir stehen für smarte Lösungen bereit. Wir können die Herausforderung durch die intelligente Nutzung bestehender Lagerkapazitäten mit einem rotierenden System meistern", so BVMed-Geschäftsführer Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll. Die vorhandenen Lagerkapazitäten unter anderem der Hersteller könnten online vernetzt und intelligent gesteuert werden. "Das System ist kostengünstig, schnell umsetzbar und für den Katastrophenschutz sehr effizient." Zudem spricht sich der BVMed für einen "europäischen Pandemieplan" aus, um innerhalb Europas eine erneute Schließung der Grenzen zu verhindern.

Hintergrund der BVMed-Initiative ist, dass in der Sitzung des Koalitionsausschusses vom 3. Juni 2020, in der Besprechung der Bundeskanzlerin mit den Ländern am 17. Juni 2020 und auch auf europäischer Ebene das Thema Aufbau einer strategischen Reserve von persönlicher Schutzausrüstung und Medizinprodukten für die Intensivmedizin auf der Tagesordnung steht.

Aus Sicht des deutschen MedTech-Verbandes hat die COVID-19-Krise gezeigt, dass Deutschland und die EU Gefahr laufen, sich abhängig zu machen, wenn sich die Produktion wichtiger Güter des medizinischen Bedarfs auf nur wenige außereuropäische Länder konzentriert. "Um dies anzugehen, muss die EU zunächst zusammen mit den Herstellern etwaige Schwachstellen in den Lieferketten untersuchen. Um zukünftige Engpässe zu vermeiden, sollte die EU zudem ihren Vorrat an medizinischer Ausrüstung erweitern und den Mitgliedsstaaten zur Verfügung stellen, die ihn benötigen", so Möll. Der BVMed-Vorschlag: Eine europäische strategische Reserve von Medizinprodukten kann durch eine intelligente Nutzung und eine Onlinesteuerung der bestehenden Lagerkapazitäten aufgebaut werden. "Probleme mit der Haltbarkeit der Produkte gibt es dann nicht, weil die Lager regelmäßig umgeschlagen werden", so der BVMed.

Während der Corona-Pandemie kam es zudem zu zahlreichen Lieferengpässen bei Rohstoffen, die für die Herstellung vieler Medizinprodukte und Arzneimittel zwingend erforderlich sind. Ein Aufbau einer strategischen Rohstoff-Reserve durch Medizinprodukte- und Arzneimittelhersteller für mehrere Monate bedeute aus BVMed-Sicht einen vergleichsweise geringen Aufwand und überschaubare Lagerkosten. Für die einmaligen Zusatzkosten, die durch den initialen Aufbau der Reserven entstehen, könnte ein Ausgleichsmechanismus gefunden werden.

Erforderlich hält der BVMed auch die Bereithaltung eines intensivmedizinischen Produktportfolios für mehrere Monate. "Von staatlicher Seite muss in Abstimmung mit medizinischen Fachgesellschaften und den Herstellern ein intensivmedizinisches Produktportfolio definiert und für einen zu bestimmenden Zeitraum bereitgehalten werden, das über persönliche Schutzausrüstung hinausgeht", fordert der BVMed. Dabei könnte in Verträgen zwischen Bund und Herstellern vereinbart werden, vorab definierte Produkte und Mengen für eine bestimmte Reichweite dauerhaft im Bestand der jeweiligen Hersteller vorzuhalten.

BVMed-Geschäftsführer Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll: "Die Unternehmen verfügen über Kompetenz und etablierte Logistikprozesse, um Gesundheitseinrichtungen kontinuierlich und zuverlässig mit benötigten Medizinprodukten und Arzneimitteln zu beliefern. Darüber hinaus findet damit nach dem Prinzip first-in-first-out eine nachhaltige und ressourcenschonende Umwälzung der Bestände statt, ohne dass eine Vernichtung nach Ablauf von Verfallsdaten bei einigen Produkten notwendig würde."

More information:

BVMed - Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.


BVMed-Mitgliederversammlung: "MedTech-Branche ist mittelständisch geprägt, flexibel und innovationsstark"

Die Medizinprodukte-Branche ist "mittelständisch geprägt, flexibel und innovationsstark, was alleine dadurch zum Ausdruck kommt, dass 9 Prozent des Umsatzes wieder in Forschung und Entwicklung investiert werden." Das sagte der Mittelstandsbeauftragte der Bundesregierung, Staatssekretär Thomas Bareiß MdB auf der Mitgliederversammlung des Bundesverbandes Medizintechnologie, BVMed, am 19. Juni 2020 in Berlin. "Der Mittelstand ist unser starker Anker in der Wirtschaft, auch weil die Unternehmen oftmals familiengeführt sind und langfristig Verantwortung übernehmen", so der Wirtschaftspolitiker vor rund 100 MedTech-Unternehmen in Berlin und am Computer per Livestream.

Thomas Bareiß ist seit dem 1. April 2020 der neue Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für den Mittelstand, Bundestagsabgeordneter aus Baden-Württemberg und Mitglied im CDU-Bundesvorstand.

Die Medizinprodukte-Branche ist "mittelständisch geprägt, flexibel und innovationsstark, was alleine dadurch zum Ausdruck kommt, dass 9 Prozent des Umsatzes wieder in Forschung und Entwicklung investiert werden." Das sagte der Mittelstandsbeauftragte der Bundesregierung, Staatssekretär Thomas Bareiß MdB auf der Mitgliederversammlung des Bundesverbandes Medizintechnologie, BVMed, am 19. Juni 2020 in Berlin. "Der Mittelstand ist unser starker Anker in der Wirtschaft, auch weil die Unternehmen oftmals familiengeführt sind und langfristig Verantwortung übernehmen", so der Wirtschaftspolitiker vor rund 100 MedTech-Unternehmen in Berlin und am Computer per Livestream.

Thomas Bareiß ist seit dem 1. April 2020 der neue Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für den Mittelstand, Bundestagsabgeordneter aus Baden-Württemberg und Mitglied im CDU-Bundesvorstand.

Nach der COVID-19-Krise sei es wichtig, wieder zu marktwirtschaftlichen Prinzipien zurückzukehren und den staatlichen Einfluss zurückzuschrauben. "Wir müssen längerfristig denken, um aus der Krise gestärkt hervorgehen zu können", mahnte Bareiß. Dazu gehöre es, die steuerlichen Rahmenbedingungen zu verbessern, die Energiekosten zu stabilisieren und Entbürokratisierung und Vereinfachung voranzutreiben. Bareiß verwies vor den MedTech-Unternehmen zudem darauf, dass ein Drittel des Gesamtpakets der Bundesregierung zur Bewältigung der Corona-Krise in neue Technologien, in künstliche Intelligenz und in das Gesundheitssystem investiert werde. Bei der notwendigen Digitalisierung müsse man "mehr tun für Infrastruktur und Anwendung".

Der BVMed-Vorstandsvorsitzende Dr. Meinrad Lugan hatte auf die besondere Bedeutung des MedTech-Mittelstands hingewiesen. "93 Prozent der Unternehmen unserer Branche haben weniger als 250 Mitarbeiter. Die KMUs sind also bei uns der Normalfall. Es gibt alleine 13.000 Kleinstunternehmen mit rund 60.000 Beschäftigten. Die Branche beschäftigt in Deutschland insgesamt über 215.000 Menschen. Alleine in den letzten 5 Jahren sind über 12.000 neue Stellen geschaffen worden." Lugan forderte vor allem innovationsfreundliche Rahmenbedingungen ein. "Dazu gehören schlanke und schnelle Prozesse und ein konsequenter Abbau an bürokratischen Hemmnissen."

More information:

BVMed - Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.

Photo: Shutterstock

VDMA starts technology webtalks for the textile industry

On June 22, the VDMA starts a series of Textile Machinery Webtalks. In the first edition experts from the companies Oerlikon Manmade Fibers, Mahlo and Nanoval will present technologies for the production of melt-blown nonwovens for respiratory protection masks (FFP masks and surgical masks). After the presentations, the experts will be available to answer the participants' questions. The webtalk will run from 2 – 4 pm (German time). Participation is free of charge. Interested persons can register here

Further technology webtalks on other topics are in preparation. Please check for updates.

On June 22, the VDMA starts a series of Textile Machinery Webtalks. In the first edition experts from the companies Oerlikon Manmade Fibers, Mahlo and Nanoval will present technologies for the production of melt-blown nonwovens for respiratory protection masks (FFP masks and surgical masks). After the presentations, the experts will be available to answer the participants' questions. The webtalk will run from 2 – 4 pm (German time). Participation is free of charge. Interested persons can register here

Further technology webtalks on other topics are in preparation. Please check for updates.

More information:

Textile Machinery


Befristete USt-Reduzierung: BVMed fordert Klarheit für Hilfsmittelversorgung

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie, BVMed, hat den GKV-Spitzenverband aufgefordert, den bürokratischen Aufwand der zeitlich befristeten Umsatzsteuer-Absenkung für die Hilfsmittel-Leistungserbringer zu reduzieren.

"Die kurzfristige und zeitlich befristete Umsatzsteuerabsenkung ab dem 1. Juli 2020 bedeutet für die MedTech-Unternehmen einen erheblichen Umstellungs- und Mehraufwand", so BVMed-Geschäftsführer Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll. Der BVMed spricht sich deshalb für begleitende Maßnahmen aus, um die Umsetzung möglichst unbürokratisch zu vollziehen. "Für den Bereich der Hilfsmittel-Versorgungen und -Abrechnungen sehen wir den GKV-Spitzenverband in der Verantwortung, handhabbare Umsetzungsregelungen zu schaffen", sagt BVMed-Hilfsmittelexpertin Juliane Pohl.

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie, BVMed, hat den GKV-Spitzenverband aufgefordert, den bürokratischen Aufwand der zeitlich befristeten Umsatzsteuer-Absenkung für die Hilfsmittel-Leistungserbringer zu reduzieren.

"Die kurzfristige und zeitlich befristete Umsatzsteuerabsenkung ab dem 1. Juli 2020 bedeutet für die MedTech-Unternehmen einen erheblichen Umstellungs- und Mehraufwand", so BVMed-Geschäftsführer Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll. Der BVMed spricht sich deshalb für begleitende Maßnahmen aus, um die Umsetzung möglichst unbürokratisch zu vollziehen. "Für den Bereich der Hilfsmittel-Versorgungen und -Abrechnungen sehen wir den GKV-Spitzenverband in der Verantwortung, handhabbare Umsetzungsregelungen zu schaffen", sagt BVMed-Hilfsmittelexpertin Juliane Pohl.

Die vorübergehende Senkung der Mehrwertsteuer wird von den in der Interessengemeinschaft Hilfsmittelversorgung (IGHV) zusammengeschlossenen Hersteller- und Leistungserbringerverbänden, wie dem BVMed, grundsätzlich begrüßt. Allerdings sorgt die ab 1. Juli bis 31. Dezember 2020 geltende Maßnahme im Rahmen der Hilfsmittelversorgung und -abrechnung für immense Aufwände auf Seiten der Leistungserbringer. "Die befristete Umsatzsteuerabsenkung bedeutet für die Hilfsmittel-Leistungserbringer und Homecare-Unternehmen einen enormen bürokratischen und finanziellen Mehraufwand. Sämtliche Verträge und insbesondere die Abrechnungssysteme müssen vorübergehend angepasst werden", so Pohl. "Vor allem aber braucht es Klarheit, wie sich die Steueranpassungen in den Genehmigungs- und Abrechnungsprozessen abbilden lassen." Die Krankenkassenseite müsse deshalb gemeinsame Regeln schaffen, die die bestehenden Unklarheiten beheben und dabei den Aufwand für alle Beteiligten möglichst gering halten.

Insbesondere sei aus Sicht der Hilfsmittel-Unternehmen sicherzustellen, dass ungeklärte, diffuse oder variierende technische oder administrative Umsetzungs-Anforderungen nicht zu Absetzungen der Versorgung führen – "beispielsweise wenn aufgrund abweichender Steuersätze der genehmigte Kostenvoranschlag von der Abrechnung abweicht. Oder wenn mehrmonatige Abrechnungen aufgrund variierender Steuersätze gesplittet durchgeführt werden müssten, obwohl sie eventuell vertraglich anders vereinbart sind", erklärt Pohl. Für derlei Fälle sind aus Sicht des BVMed einheitliche Umsetzungshinweise durch den GKV-Spitzenverband erforderlich. Regelungsbedarf sieht der BVMed zudem bei der Umsetzung monatsübergreifender Versorgungen, die sich über einen Zeitraum erstrecken, in denen unterschiedliche Steuersätze gelten.

More information:
BVMed Umsatzsteuer

BVMed - Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.

Esprit selects EarthColors® by Archroma for its newest ‘I AM SUSTAINABLE’ capsule collection © Esprit
Esprit EarthColors®

Esprit selects EarthColors® by Archroma for its newest ‘I AM SUSTAINABLE’ capsule collection

Reinach, Switzerland - Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, today announced a new collaboration with Esprit, the global fashion clothing brand, who selected the EarthColors® range for its ‘I AM SUSTAINABLE’ capsule collection.

Esprit was founded in California by couple Susie and Doug Tompkins in 1968, and is now headquartered in Germany and Hong Kong, with a presence in 40 countries around the globe. Esprit creates laid-back, high-quality essentials that reflect its core values of sustainability, equality and freedom of choice. The brand developed its first eco-conscious collection made of 100% organic cotton, back in the early 90’s.

Reinach, Switzerland - Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, today announced a new collaboration with Esprit, the global fashion clothing brand, who selected the EarthColors® range for its ‘I AM SUSTAINABLE’ capsule collection.

Esprit was founded in California by couple Susie and Doug Tompkins in 1968, and is now headquartered in Germany and Hong Kong, with a presence in 40 countries around the globe. Esprit creates laid-back, high-quality essentials that reflect its core values of sustainability, equality and freedom of choice. The brand developed its first eco-conscious collection made of 100% organic cotton, back in the early 90’s.

Archroma’s EarthColors® range came to public attention for being the Gold Winner of the OutDoor Industry Award 2017, Sustainable Innovations category. The range is regularly featured by brands such as Kathmandu, G-Star and Ternua, who are willing to explore truly innovative and authentic color options for more eco-conscious casual wear collections. Archroma’s EarthColors® is a line of patented plant-based dyes, sourced from up to 100 percent renewable resources. Archroma developed EarthColors® using non-edible waste products, from agriculture and herbal industries, to replace petroleum derived raw materials; which are the conventional raw materials used to synthesize dyes currently. This gives brands an alternative when looking for more natural ways of dyeing garments.

The colors available in the capsule collection created by Esprit: mauve, beige, blue, khaki, pink and blush hues, are made from the non-edible parts of nutshells, almond shells, rosemary, saw palmetto, bitter orange and beetroot, left over from agriculture industry or herbal extraction.

The brand is working on future fall/winter and spring/summer collections with more exciting articles to discover for nature-inspired consumers.

“Colors traditionally made with plants come with some limitations in terms of color reproducibility, fastness and they require huge amounts of plants to produce the quantities needed at industrial scale”, comments Kristina Seidler-Lynders, Manager Social & Environmental Sustainability at Esprit. “So when Archroma presented us their EarthColors®, we were excited to have found a technology that would allow us to explore authentic colors synthesized from plants rather than petroleum.”

“The whole team at Esprit really embraced the possibilities of EarthColors®”, says Dion Cragg, Brand Solutions Europe, Brand & Performance Textile Specialties at Archroma. “They truly pushed the boundaries in adopting the concept across every possible article, from t-shirts and scarves to canvas sandals and bags. The end result simply looks amazing, and we are so incredibly proud to be able to support such creativity with our nature-based innovation - because it’s our nature!”

More information:
Esprit Archroma Fashion Mode



Archroma announces a new collaboration with Esprit

  • Esprit selects EarthColors® by Archroma for its newest ‘I AM SUSTAINABLE’ capsule collection

Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, today announced a new collaboration with Esprit, the global fashion clothing brand, who selected the EarthColors® range for its ‘I AM SUSTAINABLE’ capsule collection.

Esprit creates laid-back, high-quality essentials that reflect its core values of sustainability, equality and freedom of choice. The brand developed its first eco-conscious collection made of 100% organic cotton, back in the early 90’s.

Archroma’s EarthColors® range came to public attention for being the Gold Winner of the OutDoor Industry Award 2017, Sustainable Innovations category.

The range is regularly featured by brands such as Kathmandu, G-Star and Ternua, who are willing to explore truly innovative and authentic color options for more eco-conscious casual wear collections.
Archroma’s EarthColors® is a line of patented plant-based dyes, sourced from up to 100 percent renewable resources.

  • Esprit selects EarthColors® by Archroma for its newest ‘I AM SUSTAINABLE’ capsule collection

Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, today announced a new collaboration with Esprit, the global fashion clothing brand, who selected the EarthColors® range for its ‘I AM SUSTAINABLE’ capsule collection.

Esprit creates laid-back, high-quality essentials that reflect its core values of sustainability, equality and freedom of choice. The brand developed its first eco-conscious collection made of 100% organic cotton, back in the early 90’s.

Archroma’s EarthColors® range came to public attention for being the Gold Winner of the OutDoor Industry Award 2017, Sustainable Innovations category.

The range is regularly featured by brands such as Kathmandu, G-Star and Ternua, who are willing to explore truly innovative and authentic color options for more eco-conscious casual wear collections.
Archroma’s EarthColors® is a line of patented plant-based dyes, sourced from up to 100 percent renewable resources.

Archroma developed EarthColors® using non-edible waste products, from agriculture and herbal industries, to replace petroleum derived raw materials; which are the conventional raw materials used to synthesize dyes currently. This gives brands an alternative when looking for more natural ways of dyeing garments.
The collection is available online:




Marketmedia24 stellt „Home Look Book 2020+“ vor

  • Die neuesten Living-Trends für 2020+

COVID-19 hat viel verändert und wird es weiterhin tun – auch und vor allem zu Hause. Hier brauchen Menschen ein gutes Setting. Die neuesten Living-Trends hat das Forschungsinstitut Marketmedia24, Köln, in Kooperation mit der Trendagentur Gabriela Kaiser, Landsberg am Lech, für das neue „Home Look Book 2020+“ analysiert. Bereist wurden 11 internationale Fachmessen sowie die Mailänder Showrooms.

Das „Home Look Book 2020+“ zeigt in 175 Bildinspirationen eine „Home-Tour“ durch alle Räume: aktuelle und künftige Wohntrends aus den Bereichen „Möbel und Beleuchtung“, „Boden und Wände“, „Heimtextilien“ sowie „Homeaccessoires“. Weiter widmet sich das Buch dem Trendthema „umweltfreundlich + nachhaltig“ mit zahlreichen Bildmaterialien und Expertenstatements.

  • Die neuesten Living-Trends für 2020+

COVID-19 hat viel verändert und wird es weiterhin tun – auch und vor allem zu Hause. Hier brauchen Menschen ein gutes Setting. Die neuesten Living-Trends hat das Forschungsinstitut Marketmedia24, Köln, in Kooperation mit der Trendagentur Gabriela Kaiser, Landsberg am Lech, für das neue „Home Look Book 2020+“ analysiert. Bereist wurden 11 internationale Fachmessen sowie die Mailänder Showrooms.

Das „Home Look Book 2020+“ zeigt in 175 Bildinspirationen eine „Home-Tour“ durch alle Räume: aktuelle und künftige Wohntrends aus den Bereichen „Möbel und Beleuchtung“, „Boden und Wände“, „Heimtextilien“ sowie „Homeaccessoires“. Weiter widmet sich das Buch dem Trendthema „umweltfreundlich + nachhaltig“ mit zahlreichen Bildmaterialien und Expertenstatements.

„Was das Sichten von Trends betraf, so hatten wir Glück im Unglück. Wir konnten im Januar und Februar 2020 die Heimtextil, die imm cologne und die Ambiente noch physisch erleben. Der Salone Internazionale del Mobile 2020 fand zwar schon nicht mehr statt. Aber wir haben den umfangreichen Live-Input der letzten stattgefundenen internationalen Living-Messen ebenso auf dem Tisch wie aktuelle Trend-Mailings aus Italien“, so Gabriela Kaiser.

„Der größte Lifestyle-Trend passiert sowieso gerade jetzt, in diesem Moment. Das Leben hat sich etwas verlangsamt und wird in einigen Facetten natürlicher. Wie sehr dieser Lebensstil bereits vor COVID-19 in der Luft lag, zeigt unser neues „Home Look Book 2020+“ auf verblüffende Weise“, erläutert Sonja Koschel, Geschäftsführerin von Marketmedia24. Überall Grün, Holz, Gewürztöne, Blatt-, Blumen- und Waldmuster, robuste Materialien, Handwerk, Flechtwerk, klassische, historische, optisch langlebige Formen und Möbel sowie viele schöne und hochwertige Objekte, die ganz bewusst zelebriert werden.

Das „Home Look Book 2020+“ ist in gebundener Version zum Preis von 1.750,00 Euro zzgl. MwSt. erhältlich.




USt-Absenkung: BVMed für unbürokratische Umsetzung

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie, BVMed, sieht in seiner Stellungnahme zum "Zweiten Corona-Steuerhilfegesetz" Änderungsbedarf bei der geplanten Absenkung der Umsatzsteuersätze. Da die kurzfristige und temporäre Absenkung einen enormen Umsetzungsaufwand bedeutet, spricht sich der BVMed für ein entsprechendes Begleitschreiben des Bundesfinanzministeriums "zur unbürokratischen Umsetzung und Nichtbeanstandungsregelungen" aus. "Wir müssen die kurzfristige Umsetzung der Umsatzsteuerabsenkung praktikabel und wirklichkeitsnah gestalten", so BVMed-Geschäftsführer Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll.

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie, BVMed, sieht in seiner Stellungnahme zum "Zweiten Corona-Steuerhilfegesetz" Änderungsbedarf bei der geplanten Absenkung der Umsatzsteuersätze. Da die kurzfristige und temporäre Absenkung einen enormen Umsetzungsaufwand bedeutet, spricht sich der BVMed für ein entsprechendes Begleitschreiben des Bundesfinanzministeriums "zur unbürokratischen Umsetzung und Nichtbeanstandungsregelungen" aus. "Wir müssen die kurzfristige Umsetzung der Umsatzsteuerabsenkung praktikabel und wirklichkeitsnah gestalten", so BVMed-Geschäftsführer Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll.

Der deutsche MedTech-Verband begrüßt grundsätzlich die vom Koalitionsausschuss beschlossenen Maßnahmen zur Förderung der Wirtschaft und von Innovationen. Dies betreffe insbesondere die Maßnahmen zur Bevorratung von Schutzausrüstung, zur größeren strategischen Unabhängigkeit der Produktion von Medizinprodukten und das "Zukunftsprogramm Krankenhäuser", das in die Verbesserung der Notfallkapazitäten und der digitalen Infrastruktur investiere. Auch die Wiedereinführung einer degressiven Abschreibungsmöglichkeit für Neuinvestitionen und die Ausweitung der steuerlichen Forschungszulage bewertet der BVMed positiv.

Grundsätzlich spricht sich der BVMed dafür aus, Medizinprodukte bzw. Hilfsmittel einheitlich und dauerhaft mit dem ermäßigten Steuersatz zu besteuern – und damit Ärzte, Kliniken, Krankenkassen und Patienten zu entlasten. Das Problem: "Aktuell werden Medizinprodukte unterschiedlich besteuert. Das führt in der Praxis immer wieder zu Abgrenzungsschwierigkeiten und Wertungswidersprüchen", so der BVMed. Ein weiteres Anliegen des Verbandes sind praxistaugliche Regeln bei der temporären Absenkung der Mehrwertsteuer für die Versorgung von gesetzlich Krankenversicherten mit Hilfsmitteln, Verbandmitteln zur Versorgung chronischer Wunden und speziellen Lebensmitteln zur medizinischen Ernährung.

More information:

BVMed - Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.

 New Recycled Fibre FinexTM in Stores; Sateri Partners Fashion Brands to Unveil Product (c) Finex
Finex Circularity Model

New Recycled Fibre FinexTM in Stores; Sateri Partners Fashion Brands to Unveil Product

Shanghai – Sateri has unveiled FinexTM as its new product brand for recycled fibre. FinexTM, short for ‘Fibre Next’, is an innovative next-generation cellulosic fibre containing recycled content. Internationally known outdoor brand Lafuma has produced FinexTM apparel ahead of 618, China’s major mid-year online shopping festival, while independent China designer Rico Lee will launch his FinexTM apparel next month.

Since its announcement in March this year of a breakthrough in commercial production of viscose using recycled textile waste, Sateri has worked closely with its downstream yarn and garment manufacturing partners to bring the recycled fibre product to the consumer market.

Shanghai – Sateri has unveiled FinexTM as its new product brand for recycled fibre. FinexTM, short for ‘Fibre Next’, is an innovative next-generation cellulosic fibre containing recycled content. Internationally known outdoor brand Lafuma has produced FinexTM apparel ahead of 618, China’s major mid-year online shopping festival, while independent China designer Rico Lee will launch his FinexTM apparel next month.

Since its announcement in March this year of a breakthrough in commercial production of viscose using recycled textile waste, Sateri has worked closely with its downstream yarn and garment manufacturing partners to bring the recycled fibre product to the consumer market.

“We’re pleased to collaborate with Sateri as one of their first brand partners for FinexTM. Sateri’s dedication to this partnership made it possible for Lafuma to produce T-shirts with this fine quality fibre in a short time. T-shirts made with FinexTM will be among the offerings Lafuma has in store for the 618 festival as we look to support environmentally-friendly and excellent performance solutions to strengthen our position as a leading outdoor apparel brand,” said Wu Qian, General Manager of Lafuma China.

Echoing similar sentiments is Rico Lee who established his own independent label in 2014, “I jumped at the opportunity to collaborate with Sateri when they approached me because FinexTM encapsulates what my brand stands for – Beautiful Technology that combines function and fashion.”

Tom Liu, Sateri’s Commercial Vice President said, “Like our flagship brand EcoCosy®, FinexTM is made from bio-based natural fibres. Innovation and technology has made cellulosic textile fibre recycling possible and FinexTM represents how nature not only renews itself but that products made from nature can also be regenerated. This, at its heart, is what circular fashion looks like. Our brand promise to customers remains constant– Sateri’s products are sustainable, high quality, efficient, and cost-effective. The FinexTM tagline ‘Together For A Better Next’ expresses our aspiration to be the partner of choice for next-generation fibre - we thank Lafuma and Rico Lee for pioneering with us on this quest.”

Last month, Sateri announced its entry into China’s Lyocell fibre market. The recent string of product portfolio expansion announcements is underpinned by Sateri’s business strategy to capture value. Allen Zhang, President of Sateri said, “Being the world’s largest viscose producer gives us the advantages that come with volume, but value is what we hope differentiates us. By this, we don’t only mean higher value products like Lyocell or FinexTM but also the value we bring to communities, country, climate and customers.”

Globally, less than 1% of material used to produce clothing is recycled into new clothing. This presents a big opportunity for textile fibre recycling, particularly in China which is the largest textile producing country in the world. Last month, Sateri became a council member of the China Association of Circular Economy (CACE). The company will work closely with CACE’s Textile Waste Comprehensive Utilisation Committee to establish standards and promote industrial-scale textile waste recycling. Sateri is part of the Singapore-based RGE group of companies which has committed USD200 million into next-generation textile fibre innovation and technology.

Cifra, Iluna Group, Rosti and Sitip launch fashionable masks with ROICA™ (c) Sitip-Rosti
Sitip Rosti Mask

Cifra, Iluna Group, Rosti and Sitip launch fashionable masks with ROICA™

Masks yes, but with comfort, safety and also style: Cifra, Iluna Group, Rosti and Sitip launch masks with a fashion touch with the premium stretch fiber ROICA™
Big companies are updating their productions with high-performance and high technical characteristics masks, result of their historical experience and thanks to an exceptional partner in common: the premium stretch fiber ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei. And the solidarity race continues to donate them to hospitals and to the Red Cross
Forced to keep most of the face covered and often for a long time during the day, solutions that are above all performing and comfortable become increasingly necessary.

Masks yes, but with comfort, safety and also style: Cifra, Iluna Group, Rosti and Sitip launch masks with a fashion touch with the premium stretch fiber ROICA™
Big companies are updating their productions with high-performance and high technical characteristics masks, result of their historical experience and thanks to an exceptional partner in common: the premium stretch fiber ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei. And the solidarity race continues to donate them to hospitals and to the Red Cross
Forced to keep most of the face covered and often for a long time during the day, solutions that are above all performing and comfortable become increasingly necessary.

And solutions that are also a manifestation of our personality, which remains hidden and entrusted to the mere expression of the eyes. Walking on the streets we sometimes even don’t even recognize each other, since we are so hidden; and the desire to minimize the situation often takes over, together with that desire to make us recognizable, to possess and express an identity anyway. For fans of escaping homologation (now more than ever mandatory and for this reason even more difficult) “rescue comes” - and this is the case to say it - from illuminated companies who have thought about creative solutions for those with masks has to do all day, at home, at work, during sports and in leisure time. To feel more comfortable, there are many proposals: more “street style” for sports addicted and young people - inside and outside -, more elegant and sophisticated for women.

Textiles companies have joined the fight against Covid-19 engaging a strong and decisive personal and productive battle, which has seen many of them transform and convert their production units for the production of masks and gowns intended for medical personnel and the community.

Some of the most established excellences of the textile sector as Cifra, Iluna Group, Rosti and Sitip have made use of the precious collaboration of ROICA™, the premium stretch fiber by Asahi Kasei. ROICA™ is the innovative and smart premium ingredient chosen by these companies to guarantee even more comfort, thanks to an exceptional top-level component that gives elasticity for perfect adherence to the skin. Each of the companies then declined its production according to its specificity. And this is their important contribution.

Cifra presents the eco-sustainable version of the mask, the ECO-MASK™, which combines the high performance of Cifra knitting technology with the sustainability of the materials used. The 100% regenerated yarns create a 100% sustainable mask with 83% ECONYL and 17% ROICA™ V550 elastomer, the stretch fiber certified Cradle to Cradle Gold Health Level which allows excellent and lasting printability, as well as advantages regarding the circular economy as it does not release harmful substances into the test environment according to the Hohenstein Environmental Compatibility certification.

Iluna Group, European leader in the production of lace, has recently donated 400 protective “smart”  made with ROICA™ EF, the world first GRS - Global Recycled Standard – certified elastomer and which uses 58% of pre-consumer recycled content, mixed with Q-NOVA® by Fulgar. Multi-use, washable, bacteriostatic, breathable and water-repellent prevention masks gave to San Gerardo Hospital in Monza to answer to the Call to action launched on March 19th by the green journalist Diana De Marsanich, with the responsible and innovative materials expert Giusy Bettoni of C.L.A.S.S. Eco Hub, the fashion designer Marina Spadafora of Fashion Revolution Italia and the entrepreneur Simona Roveda of LifeGate. Iluna Group also announces the launch of the website dedicated to the direct sale of the different kind of masks all made with three layers, antibacterial and anti-drip treatment and washable up to 10 times. Iluna Group has also created the “smart” masks made with ROICA™ EF, the world first GRS - Global Recycled Standard – certified elastomer and which uses 58% of pre-consumer recycled content, mixed with Q-NOVA® by Fulgar.

In addition to the “smart” masks, available for women, men and children, Iluna Group has created two special versions of Lace Masks, covered with refined lace. One embroidered on a cotton base and one with soft microfiber.

Rosti, historic knitwear factory based in Brembate specialized in the design and production of cycling clothing with the best technical fabrics and the most advanced technologies, has put its experience at the service of the production of protective masks washable up to 20 times, made with Sitip fabric and with the anti-drop treatment Ecoacquazero®. Fascinating and protective like a second skin, the masks are sold in a pack of 10 pieces with captivating, colorful, geometric and original graphics, designed for every personality.

Rosti masks contain the premium stretch fiber ROICA™ Resistance, a family of premium stretch yarn with particular performances of resistance and durability.


Oerlikon commissions new logistics center in Neumünster

  • Digital processes also speed up the manufacture of meltblown systems

in order to further optimize the material provision for the Oerlikon Neumag and Oerlikon Nonwoven business units and to strengthen internal processes at the German site in Neumünster, the Manmade Fibers segment of the Swiss Oerlikon Group decided last year to invest in a state-of-the-art logistics center with a new lift center. It has already been fully operational for a few weeks. This is tremendously helpful for speeding up the processing of the numerous orders for meltblown systems for manufacturing high-quality nonwovens for protective masks and apparel that Oerlikon Nonwoven has received over the past months alone

  • Digital processes also speed up the manufacture of meltblown systems

in order to further optimize the material provision for the Oerlikon Neumag and Oerlikon Nonwoven business units and to strengthen internal processes at the German site in Neumünster, the Manmade Fibers segment of the Swiss Oerlikon Group decided last year to invest in a state-of-the-art logistics center with a new lift center. It has already been fully operational for a few weeks. This is tremendously helpful for speeding up the processing of the numerous orders for meltblown systems for manufacturing high-quality nonwovens for protective masks and apparel that Oerlikon Nonwoven has received over the past months alone

Investing in a new Oerlikon Neumag and Oerlikon Nonwoven logistics center is paying dividends: the processing speed when manufacturing new systems – very much to the benefit of customers – considerably improved in the first week after the center started operating, not least as a result of the optimized processes and the material handling. After 25 years, the time had finally come to break new ground and to better equip ourselves for the future requirements of the markets. The paternoster storage facility to date not only needed to have regular repairs carried out due to its age, it was also too small for the projects increasingly being carried out today. The only 90 m² were capable of storing around 12,000 parts. In contrast, the new logistics center now offers more than 250 m² of storage space for in excess of 25,000 parts. As a result, this now also houses all small parts, which used to be stored in the high-rack facility due to lack of space.

New hardware, new software
Coinciding with the opening of the new logistics center, Oerlikon also introduced new digital processes that will also help cope with the increasing production volumes. To this end, consistently maintained master data and photos for all parts ensure safe, paper-free storage and handling of the material from now on. In order to minimize mistakes, a laser pointer now indicates from which or to which space the goods are moved. Furthermore, a photo of the material, sorted to type, is displayed on the screen. The digitalization of the warehousing facilities secures the pick and put-away process so that checking material numbers becomes superfluous when removing items from the warehouse.





Rieter: Business Situation facing COVID-19 Pandemic

  • Since the end of March 2020, COVID-19 has led to very low demand in all Business Groups
  • Comprehensive crisis management implemented
  • Loss in the mid double-digit million range expected in the first half of 2020
  • Plans to introduce short-time working to adjust capacity in Switzerland and Germany
  • Strategy will continue to be implemented

Due to COVID-19, a large number of spinning mills have stopped production worldwide. Since the end of March 2020, this has led to low demand for spare parts and wear & tear parts and delays in testing programs during the development of new machines. Customers are postponing investment projects or unable to implement them due to restrictions imposed by national governments. This results in low demand for new machines.

  • Since the end of March 2020, COVID-19 has led to very low demand in all Business Groups
  • Comprehensive crisis management implemented
  • Loss in the mid double-digit million range expected in the first half of 2020
  • Plans to introduce short-time working to adjust capacity in Switzerland and Germany
  • Strategy will continue to be implemented

Due to COVID-19, a large number of spinning mills have stopped production worldwide. Since the end of March 2020, this has led to low demand for spare parts and wear & tear parts and delays in testing programs during the development of new machines. Customers are postponing investment projects or unable to implement them due to restrictions imposed by national governments. This results in low demand for new machines.

Comprehensive crisis management
Rieter has implemented comprehensive crisis management. Priorities are being given to protecting employees, fulfilling customer commitments and ensuring liquidity. The necessary measures to protect employees have been implemented worldwide.
The order backlog of well in excess of CHF 500 million is being processed largely according to plan, despite the existing bottlenecks in the supply chains. Less than 5% of the orders in the order backlog have been canceled.
Rieter has already implemented measures to ensure liquidity and reduce costs. The company has good net liquidity and undrawn credit lines in the mid three-digit million range.
Loss expected in the first half of 2020
As already reported, Rieter expects sales and earnings in the first half of 2020 to be significantly below the prior year level.

Loss expected in the first half of 2020
As already reported, Rieter expects sales and earnings in the first half of 2020 to be significantly below the prior year level. The effects of COVID-19 will place an additional burden on the first half of 2020. Rieter therefore expects sales in the first half of 2020 to be less than CHF 300 million. Despite the countermeasures implemented at the net profit level, this will lead to a loss in the mid double-digit million range.

Plans to introduce short-time working to adjust capacity
Rieter plans to apply for short-time working for the areas with forecasted low capacity utilization at the locations in Switzerland and Germany. The application will be for 40% short-time working in the third quarter of 2020. Talks with staff representatives will begin next week.
As a sign of solidarity, Rieter’s Board of Directors, Group Executive Committee and the senior management will waive 10%-20% of their salaries temporarily.

Implementation of the strategy
In recent years, Rieter has consistently implemented the strategy based on innovation leadership, strengthening the business in components, spare parts and services and the adjustment of cost structures. The company intends to forge ahead with the implementation of the strategy in the coming months, thus strengthening its market position for the time after the COVID-19 pandemic.
The next information on the course of business is planned with the publication of the half-year results on July 16, 2020

More information:
Coronavirus Rieter

Rieter Holding AG


Huntsman Textile Effects and Bao Minh Textile collaborating

  • Producing fabric for medical gowns: Advanced barrier effect solutions support COVID-19 efforts

Huntsman Textile Effects and Bao Minh Textile, one of the largest and most modern woven fabric producers in Vietnam, are collaborating to produce fabric that meets the stringent performance standards required of isolation gowns. High-quality medical gowns are essential protective wear for healthcare workers combatting the global COVID-19 pandemic, but these are in short supply worldwide.

Bao Minh Textile will initially treat 760,000 meters of woven fabric with a carefully curated combination of Huntsman Textile Effects barrier effect solutions and auxiliaries. This fabric is sufficient to produce 345,000 high-grade isolation gowns.

  • Producing fabric for medical gowns: Advanced barrier effect solutions support COVID-19 efforts

Huntsman Textile Effects and Bao Minh Textile, one of the largest and most modern woven fabric producers in Vietnam, are collaborating to produce fabric that meets the stringent performance standards required of isolation gowns. High-quality medical gowns are essential protective wear for healthcare workers combatting the global COVID-19 pandemic, but these are in short supply worldwide.

Bao Minh Textile will initially treat 760,000 meters of woven fabric with a carefully curated combination of Huntsman Textile Effects barrier effect solutions and auxiliaries. This fabric is sufficient to produce 345,000 high-grade isolation gowns.

Bao Minh Textile’s isolation gown fabric relies on a range of Huntsman pretreatment, dyeing and finishing solutions. These include CLARITE® ONE, an all-in-one pretreatment for peroxide bleaching; NOVACRON® and TERASIL® dyes; PHOBOL® CP-C, an excellent oil-, water- and stain-repellent finish; and PHOBOTEX® RSY, a non-fluorinated durable water repellent with extremely high washing resistance. PHOBOL® EXTENDER XAN is also applied to further increase wash durability.



Huntsman Textile Effects


DW relies on ISKOs denim

The two brands have been working together to develop unique concepts for FW2019 and SS2020 collection, starting from premium ISKO™ denim.

Each garment is sartorially and carefully thought out to result in a beautiful product that is respectful of people and the planet.Excellence is in the detail and DW knows it well. The Italian brand always focused on quality standards and craftmanship to develope its collections.
From fabrics to stitching to accessories, every small element is carefully envisioned and developed to create garments are safe for the planet and its people. With cutting-edge technologies and forefront treatments being part of the process, the partnership with ISKO, one of the leading denim ingredient brands, came naturally – the next step forward in a journey toward distinction.

The two brands have been working together to develop unique concepts for FW2019 and SS2020 collection, starting from premium ISKO™ denim.

Each garment is sartorially and carefully thought out to result in a beautiful product that is respectful of people and the planet.Excellence is in the detail and DW knows it well. The Italian brand always focused on quality standards and craftmanship to develope its collections.
From fabrics to stitching to accessories, every small element is carefully envisioned and developed to create garments are safe for the planet and its people. With cutting-edge technologies and forefront treatments being part of the process, the partnership with ISKO, one of the leading denim ingredient brands, came naturally – the next step forward in a journey toward distinction.

Being the first mill in the world to be awarded both Nordic Swan Ecolabel and EU Ecolabel, the company provided responsible solutions to better define DW’s vision. Combined with the brand’s tradition and expertise, the fabrics developed by ISKO the denim pieces are unite responsibility and quality, according to the mill’s Responsible Innovation™ approach.
The result is the five pockets Milano model and the American pocket Enea pant, both available in different washes and colors.

More information:
Isko Denim

Menabò Group, Global Press and PR Support


AMAC cooperates with Alpha Executive Advisory

In these difficult times of the worldwide COVID-19 crisis, flexible reactions and fast decisions can be of imminent importance, particularly in the fragmented composite industry with its back-bone of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

In response, the Industrial and Business Consulting company AMAC under the lead of Dr. Michael Effing has signed today a cooperation agreement with Alpha Executive Advisory to jointly offer advisory services in Business Coaching, Acquisitions & Divestitures as well as Business Transformation and Crisis Management, also ad interim.

In detail, this cooperation is to identify the right fit in terms of capabilities and financial strength for companies looking for expansion or divestiture, to deliver support to innovative young start-up firms in order to faster penetrate the market and to smoothen the transition to the next owner in interim management or to make the next appropriate strategic step.

In these difficult times of the worldwide COVID-19 crisis, flexible reactions and fast decisions can be of imminent importance, particularly in the fragmented composite industry with its back-bone of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

In response, the Industrial and Business Consulting company AMAC under the lead of Dr. Michael Effing has signed today a cooperation agreement with Alpha Executive Advisory to jointly offer advisory services in Business Coaching, Acquisitions & Divestitures as well as Business Transformation and Crisis Management, also ad interim.

In detail, this cooperation is to identify the right fit in terms of capabilities and financial strength for companies looking for expansion or divestiture, to deliver support to innovative young start-up firms in order to faster penetrate the market and to smoothen the transition to the next owner in interim management or to make the next appropriate strategic step.

More information:



PINKO launches Concierge Program

Pinko has finally re-open its stores inthis occasion will launch a special project dedicated to its loyal customers. Pinkoi s glad to announce the official launcho f the Concierge project, which includes a series of exclusive services to make the shopping experience even more exciting and which at the same time guarantees an innovative, functional integration between physical andd digital retail.

Pinko has finally re-open its stores inthis occasion will launch a special project dedicated to its loyal customers. Pinkoi s glad to announce the official launcho f the Concierge project, which includes a series of exclusive services to make the shopping experience even more exciting and which at the same time guarantees an innovative, functional integration between physical andd digital retail.

To meet the customers needs ,the Concierge program includes three main services.
In particular, those who love to shop at home but cannot renounce the charm of brick- and mortastore, Pinko offers a personal shopper, who will live from the boutique follow the wishes of the customer, who will have the opportunity to see the clothes worn by a model.
Those who want indulge in an exclusive instore shopping session will be able to enjoy their time with a driver.
Last but not least Pinko also unveils the Surprise Box service, available only on invite to the Pinkoclub. The brands fashion stylists will make a specialised selection of ready to wear pieces and accesoires based on the customers preferences. When the Surprise Box arrives, the customers has three days to decide what to keep and what to send back.

In these actions Pinko tries new innovative and creative ideas, breaking the rules of traditional retail. Pinko wants to focus on a unique shopping experience based on the individual needs.

More information:
PINKO Retail corona virus clothing


The Oerlikon Nonwoven meltblown technology (c) Oerlikon
The Oerlikon Nonwoven meltblown technology

Oerlikon Nonwoven deliveringmeltblown technology to FleeceforEurope

Protective masks for Europe
With FleeceforEurope and Lindenpartner, Düsseldorf-based Kloepfel Group purchasing consultancy and Berlin-based industrial consultancy Bechinger & Heymann Holding plan to manufacture and distribute up to 50 million protection class FFP1 through FFP3 respiratory masks a month exclusively for the European market from the beginning of fall. And the primary focus will be on quality.
With protective masks – including those used in operating rooms – this quality is provided above all by  virus-absorbing nonwovens. And these will be manufactured by ‘FleeceforEurope’ using an Oerlikon Nonwoven meltblown system.
But masks effectively protecting against infections can only be guaranteed with the right quality. A crucial factor in this is the inside of the mask. Because the nonwoven used in protection class FFP1 through FFP3 respiratory masks plays a decisive role.

Protective masks for Europe
With FleeceforEurope and Lindenpartner, Düsseldorf-based Kloepfel Group purchasing consultancy and Berlin-based industrial consultancy Bechinger & Heymann Holding plan to manufacture and distribute up to 50 million protection class FFP1 through FFP3 respiratory masks a month exclusively for the European market from the beginning of fall. And the primary focus will be on quality.
With protective masks – including those used in operating rooms – this quality is provided above all by  virus-absorbing nonwovens. And these will be manufactured by ‘FleeceforEurope’ using an Oerlikon Nonwoven meltblown system.
But masks effectively protecting against infections can only be guaranteed with the right quality. A crucial factor in this is the inside of the mask. Because the nonwoven used in protection class FFP1 through FFP3 respiratory masks plays a decisive role.
Here, the meltblown technology from Oerlikon Nonwoven will be deployed. In a special, patented process, the fibers laid into a nonwoven fabric during manufacture are subsequently electrostatically-charged, before the material is further processed downstream.

European market for protective masks with a promising future
Those responsible at Oerlikon Nonwoven and FleeceforEurope, which will primarily focus on producing high-end nonwovens, and Lindenpartner, which will manufacture and distribute the protective masks, are certain of one thing: the market for protective masks has a very promising long-term future in Europe.
What has been commonplace in Asia for many years now will also become normal in Europe. People will be increasingly wearing face masks when venturing out, in order to better protect themselves against health risks such as the current pandemic and also against increasing environmental pollution in the form of  fine particles and exhaust fumes in the future. A

Medical face masks from a vending machine
Mask producer Lindenpartner has already secured supplies of nonwovens and will be producing face masks for the European healthcare sector over the coming weeks. To fight the coronavirus pandemic, Lindenpartner is planning to install 100 self-service face mask vending machines in Germany over the next four weeks, positioning them in publicly-accessible places such as shopping centers and airports, for example.


Marketing, Corporate Communications & Public Affairs