From the Sector

1619 results

Lenzing: Outlook for 2023

  • Revenue grows to EUR 623.1 mn – fiber sales recovered over the course of the quarter
  • EBITDA and net result for the period down compared with the first quarter of 2022
  • Cost reduction program of more than EUR 70 mn being implemented according to plan
  • Production of TENCEL™ brand modal fibers successfully launched in China
  • Lenzing confirms guidance for 2023

The business performance of the Lenzing Group during the first quarter of 2023 largely reflected market trends. However, after the market environment had deteriorated significantly in the third and fourth quarters of the previous year, signs of recovery emerged during the first quarter in terms of demand as well as raw material and energy costs. Textile fibers recorded moderate but steadily improving demand. Business with fibers for nonwovens and with dissolving wood pulp performed better than expected. Raw material and energy costs were still at an elevated albeit decreasing level.

  • Revenue grows to EUR 623.1 mn – fiber sales recovered over the course of the quarter
  • EBITDA and net result for the period down compared with the first quarter of 2022
  • Cost reduction program of more than EUR 70 mn being implemented according to plan
  • Production of TENCEL™ brand modal fibers successfully launched in China
  • Lenzing confirms guidance for 2023

The business performance of the Lenzing Group during the first quarter of 2023 largely reflected market trends. However, after the market environment had deteriorated significantly in the third and fourth quarters of the previous year, signs of recovery emerged during the first quarter in terms of demand as well as raw material and energy costs. Textile fibers recorded moderate but steadily improving demand. Business with fibers for nonwovens and with dissolving wood pulp performed better than expected. Raw material and energy costs were still at an elevated albeit decreasing level.

The war in Ukraine and the more restrictive monetary policy pursued by many central banks in order to combat inflation are expected to continue to influence global economic activity. The IMF warns that risks remain elevated overall and forecasts growth of 2.8 and 3 percent for 2023 and 2024 respectively. The currency environment is expected to remain volatile in the regions relevant to Lenzing.

This market environment continues to weigh on the consumer climate and on sentiment in the industries relevant to Lenzing. However, the outlook has brightened somewhat recently.

Demand picked up tangibly after the Chinese New Year. As a consequence, capacity utilization improved and stocks were further reduced both at viscose producers and at downstream stages of the value chain.

In the trend-setting market for cotton, signs are emerging of a further buildup of stocks in the current 2022/23 crop season. Initial forecasts for 2023/24 anticipate a more balanced relationship between supply and demand.

However, despite signs of recovery in both demand and raw material and energy costs, earnings visibility remains limited overall.

Lenzing is fully on track with the implementation of the reorganization and cost reduction program. These and other measures are aimed at positioning Lenzing in the best possible way for the expected market recovery.

Structurally, Lenzing continues to anticipate growth in demand for environmentally responsible fibers for the textile and clothing industry as well as for the hygiene and medical sectors. As a consequence, Lenzing is very well positioned with its “Better Growth” strategy and plans to continue driving growth with specialty fibers as well as its sustainability goals, including the transformation from a linear to a circular economy model.

The successful implementation of the key projects in Thailand and Brazil as well as the investment projects in China and Indonesia will further strengthen Lenzing’s positioning in this respect.

Taking into account the aforementioned factors and assuming a further market recovery in the current financial year, the Lenzing Group continues to expect EBITDA in a range between EUR 320 mn and EUR 420 mn for 2023.


Lenzing AG

(c) A. Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG
Members and associates of the WasserSTOFF consortium from Monforts, Pleva, NTB Nova Textil, TU Freiberg, Hochschule Niederrhein and Honeywell Thermal Solutions, at the launch meeting of the new project at the Monforts ATC in Mönchengladbach.

Monforts presents green hydrogen project WasserSTOFF at ITMA 2023

At ITMA 2023 in Milan from June 8-14 this year, Monforts is organising two free-to-attend seminars and discussions on the potential of green hydrogen as a new energy source for textile finishing, drying and related processes.

Monforts is currently leading a consortium of industrial partners and universities in the three-year WasserSTOFF project, launched in November 2022, that is exploring all aspects of this exciting and fast-rising new industrial energy option.
The target of the government-funded project is to establish to what extent hydrogen can be used in the future as an alternative heating source for textile finishing processes. This will first involve tests on laboratory equipment together with associated partners and the results will then be transferred to a stenter frame at the Monforts Advanced Technology Center (ATC).

At ITMA 2023 in Milan from June 8-14 this year, Monforts is organising two free-to-attend seminars and discussions on the potential of green hydrogen as a new energy source for textile finishing, drying and related processes.

Monforts is currently leading a consortium of industrial partners and universities in the three-year WasserSTOFF project, launched in November 2022, that is exploring all aspects of this exciting and fast-rising new industrial energy option.
The target of the government-funded project is to establish to what extent hydrogen can be used in the future as an alternative heating source for textile finishing processes. This will first involve tests on laboratory equipment together with associated partners and the results will then be transferred to a stenter frame at the Monforts Advanced Technology Center (ATC).

To be considered “green”, hydrogen must be produced using a zero-carbon process that is powered by renewable energy sources such as wind or solar. Currently, the cleanest method of hydrogen production is electrolysis, using an electrically-powered electrolyzer to separate water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. The purity of the hydrogen is also important, and impurities must be removed via a separation process.

“Despite all its advantages, there are obstacles to overcome on the way to widespread, economically-feasible green hydrogen use,” explains Monforts Textile Technologies Engineer Jonas Beisel. “Until there are widely available, reliable and economical sources of this clean power, the cost of producing it will remain prohibitive. The infrastructure is not yet there, and hydrogen also has a tendency to make steel brittle and subject to fracture, which is something that requires further investigation in both its transportation and use in industrial processing.
“Green energy’s potential as a clean fuel source is tremendous, but there is much we need to explore when considering its use in the textile finishing processes carried out globally on our industry-leading Montex stenter dryers and other machines.”

At its Advanced Technology Center (ATC) in Mönchengladbach, Monforts will be carrying out intensive tests and trials to assess the reliability of both processes and final products when different natural gas and hydrogen mixtures – up to 100% green hydrogen – are employed. The results will be closely analysed by the consortium partners because there are many parameters that at this stage remain unknown.

The aim, Beisel adds, is to both reduce CO2 emissions and – following the rising prices and industry turbulence experienced by manufacturers over the past year or so – to further reduce a dependency on natural gas.

The three-year WasserSTOFF project is sponsored by Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, and with Monforts at the helm brings together industrial partners Pleva and NTB Nova Textil, with academic input from the Hochschule Niederrhein and the Technical University of Freiberg.


BVMed kritisiert GKV-Vertragsentwurf zu Pflegehilfsmitteln

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) kritisiert den neuen Vertragsentwurf des GKV-Spitzenverbandes für zum Verbrauch bestimmte Pflegehilfsmittel als rückwärtsgerichtet und überbürokratisch. „Keine Spur von Entbürokratisierung, Digitalisierung oder Nachhaltigkeit. Der GKV-Verband hat die Zeichen der Zeit nicht erkannt und macht das Gegenteil von dem, was notwendig wäre“, so BVMed-Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll.

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) kritisiert den neuen Vertragsentwurf des GKV-Spitzenverbandes für zum Verbrauch bestimmte Pflegehilfsmittel als rückwärtsgerichtet und überbürokratisch. „Keine Spur von Entbürokratisierung, Digitalisierung oder Nachhaltigkeit. Der GKV-Verband hat die Zeichen der Zeit nicht erkannt und macht das Gegenteil von dem, was notwendig wäre“, so BVMed-Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll.

Gesetzlich Pflegeversicherte haben bei entsprechender Erfordernis Anspruch auf Pflegehilfsmittel (PHM) in Höhe von bis zu 40 Euro monatlich. Dazu gehören beispielsweise Einmalhandschuhe, Bettschutzeinlagen oder Desinfektionsmittel. Einzelheiten werden in Verträgen der Hilfsmittel-Leistungserbringer mit dem GKV-Spitzenverband geregelt. Zu den Mitgliedern des BVMed gehören neben Herstellern von Medizinprodukten auch Hilfsmittel-Leistungserbringer und Homecare-Versorger, die Patient:innen ambulant unter anderem mit Pflegehilfsmitteln versorgen. Diese Pflegeleistung ist im Gegensatz zu anderen Leistungen unbürokratisch und leicht beantragbar. Die eigentlichen Hürden ergeben sich aus dem Rahmenvertrag des GKV-Spitzenverbandes zur Versorgung und Abrechnung dieser Produkte.

Der BVMed hatte der Krankenkassenseite im August 2022 daher „umfangreiche Handlungsoptionen für Bürokratieabbau, Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit beim Pflegehilfsmittel-Vertrag vorgeschlagen“, erläutert BVMed-Hilfsmittelexpertin Juliane Pohl.

  • Zur administrativen Verschlankung schlug der BVMed beispielsweise eine allgemeine Genehmigung der individuellen Versorgung mit Pflegehilfsmitteln über alle Produkte hinweg vor. Einzelne Kassen praktizieren dies bereits und reduzieren damit den Abstimmungsaufwand. Gleiches gilt für die Aufhebung zeitlicher Genehmigungsfristen zur Vermeidung von aufwendigen Folgeprozessen Diese Maßnahmen führen zudem zur Senkung der Verwaltungskosten bei den Pflegekassen.
  • Für eine stärkere Digitalisierung und Automatisierung von Prozessen sprach sich der BVMed für eine verpflichtende Einführung eines elektronischen Kostenvoranschlagsverfahrens und die Einführung der papierlosen Abrechnung aus. Aktuell müssen nach Informationen der BVMed-Mitglieder noch rund 50 Prozent der Genehmigungen gegenüber der Pflegekasse in Papierform erfolgen. Ein großer Anteil der Genehmigungen ist zudem befristet, sodass der Aufwand wiederholt anfällt. Dies ist weder nachhaltig noch passt es in die Digitalstrategie der Bundesregierung

Der am 5. April 2023 vom GKV-Spitzenverband vorgelegte Pflegehilfsmittel-Vertragsentwurf ist aus Sicht der BVMed-Expertin vor dem Hintergrund einer notwendigen Entbürokratisierung und Digitalisierung dagegen eine einzige Enttäuschung. „Er erhöht die teilweise analogen Dokumentationspflichten, hält an analogen Prozessen zum Kostenvoranschlag und zur Abrechnung fest oder fordert sogar neue Dokumente in Papierform, bläht Prozesse damit auf und verursacht damit vermeidbare Aufwände und ökologische Kosten auf Seiten der Leistungserbringer und der Pflegekassen“, so Pohl. „Wir brauchen endlich auch bei den Pflegehilfsmitteln schlankere, digitale und nachhaltige Prozesse, die eine zeitnahe Versorgung der Betroffenen ermöglichen und einen optimierten Ressourceneinsatz gewährleisten“, fordert der BVMed



BVMed | Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.

(c) IVAM

IVAM und BVMed fordern:„Bessere Vernetzung von MedTech und Mikrotechnik“

Medizinisch-technischer Fortschritt beruht auf einer engen technologischen Partnerschaft zwischen Komponentenherstellern, Medizinprodukte-Unternehmen und Anwendern. „Wir brauchen eine enge Zusammenarbeit und bessere Vernetzung der Technologiepartner und Expert:innen“, sagten der Geschäftsführer des Bundesverbandes Medizintechnologie (BVMed), Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll, und der Geschäftsführer des Fachverbands für Mikrotechnik (IVAM), Dr. Thomas Dietrich auf der ersten gemeinsamen Konferenz „MedTech Business Connect – A Matchmaking Event“ in Berlin.

Medizinisch-technischer Fortschritt beruht auf einer engen technologischen Partnerschaft zwischen Komponentenherstellern, Medizinprodukte-Unternehmen und Anwendern. „Wir brauchen eine enge Zusammenarbeit und bessere Vernetzung der Technologiepartner und Expert:innen“, sagten der Geschäftsführer des Bundesverbandes Medizintechnologie (BVMed), Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll, und der Geschäftsführer des Fachverbands für Mikrotechnik (IVAM), Dr. Thomas Dietrich auf der ersten gemeinsamen Konferenz „MedTech Business Connect – A Matchmaking Event“ in Berlin.

Der Fokus der Veranstaltung lag auf der Förderung der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Komponentenherstellern und Medizinprodukte-Unternehmen sowie auf persönlichem „Matchmaking“ zu Themen wie Supply Chain Management, Fördermöglichkeiten, aber auch zu technologischen Themen wie Robotik in der Gesundheitsversorgung oder medizinische Wearables. Fachvorträge kamen unter anderem vom BVMed-Vorsitzenden Dr. Meinrad Lugan, VDI-Technologieberaterin Dr. Monika Weinhold, Robotik-Experte Prof. Dr. Ralf-Joachim Schulz vom St. Marien-Hospital Köln sowie Wearables-Experte Erik Jung vom Fraunhofer IZM. Im "Matchmaking" hatten die Teilnehmenden der beiden Verbände die Möglichkeit, sich in Einzelgesprächen zu spezifischen Themen auszutauschen.

Der BVMed-Vorstandsvorsitzende Dr. Meinrad Lugan betonte in seinem Einführungsvortrag, dass neben einer besseren Vernetzung der Expert:innen und Technologiepartner auch eine bessere Vernetzung der vorhandenen Daten und Versorgungsprozesse ermöglicht werden muss, um die Versorgungssicherheit im Gesundheitssystem zu verbessern: „Für bessere Resilienz und Versorgungssicherheit brauchen wir mehr Transparenz im System – mit Hilfe von Daten auf der Basis internationaler Standards“, so Lugan.

Er berichtete aus einer wertvollen Erkenntnis aus dem Beginn der Corona-Pandemie: Für über 80 Prozent aller versorgungskritischen Medizinprodukte gab es keinen Mangel, sondern ein Verteilungsproblem. Nur für weniger als 20 Prozent relevanter Produkte wäre ein Krisenlager oder eine Krisen-Produktionskapazität erforderlich gewesen. „Den Großteil hätten wir durch smarte digitale Lösungen in den Griff bekommen. Deshalb hat der BVMed als Lösungsangebot an die Politik das Konzept einer Digitalen Bestandsplattform versorgungskritischer Medizinprodukte erarbeitet. Damit hätte die Politik im Krisenfall Transparenz in Echtzeit“, so Lugan. Das Konzept beruhe auf einheitlichen Standards in der elektronischen Kommunikation.


BVMed | Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.

(c) INDEX™ | Palexpo SA

INDEX™23 concludes successfully with over 610 exhibitors

The international nonwovens community came together once again in Geneva this week for INDEX™23, with with 12,017 attendees from over 100 countries and 610 exhibitors from 43 countries joining the event.

Exhibitors made the most of the four intensive days to meet potential new customers and extend business with existing clients. As one of the world’s leading nonwovens exhibitions, INDEX™ demonstrated the latest breakthroughs and innovative developments across all nonwovens’ applications.

The INDEX™ Lab, an exchange hub displaying samples from innovations and new developments, also showcased the winners and runners up from each of the five categories of the INDEX™ Innovation Award. Open to any EDANA member company or exhibitor at INDEX™23, the winners were announced on the first day of the exhibition during a dedicated ceremony at the EDANA stand.

The winners (more infomation):

The international nonwovens community came together once again in Geneva this week for INDEX™23, with with 12,017 attendees from over 100 countries and 610 exhibitors from 43 countries joining the event.

Exhibitors made the most of the four intensive days to meet potential new customers and extend business with existing clients. As one of the world’s leading nonwovens exhibitions, INDEX™ demonstrated the latest breakthroughs and innovative developments across all nonwovens’ applications.

The INDEX™ Lab, an exchange hub displaying samples from innovations and new developments, also showcased the winners and runners up from each of the five categories of the INDEX™ Innovation Award. Open to any EDANA member company or exhibitor at INDEX™23, the winners were announced on the first day of the exhibition during a dedicated ceremony at the EDANA stand.

The winners (more infomation):

  1. Nonwoven roll goods
    Winner: Suominen – HYDRASPUN® Circula Nonwoven
  2. Finished products made from, or incorporating nonwovens
    Winner: Henkel – Smart Adult Care
  3. Raw materials or components (e.g., fibre, binder, polymer, tape), of special relevance to the nonwovens industry and related converted products
    Winner: Fiberpartner – BicoBio
  4. Innovation in machinery of special relevance to the nonwovens industry
    Winner: Curt G. Joa, Inc. – ESC-8™
  5. Sustainable Product
    Winner: Sparkle Innovations – SugaFluff™

The "Nonwovens Journey", an immersive experience that takes a look at the innovative role of nonwovens, as well as how innovation has progressed in time around both sustainability, and how nonwovens are used in everyday life, also allowed visitors to discover the versatility of nonwovens.

Running alongside the exhibition itself, there was also a full programme of side events that were enjoyed by participants: Exhibitor Product Presentations from 33 exhibitors; a series of informative seminars covering a myriad of topics including medical nonwovens, sustainability, circular economy, geosynthetics, textiles, mobility, fair trade, gender equity, innovation, and market trends; country-specific briefings offering insights into the nonwovens market in various regions around the world; and a nonwovens tutorial intended as an induction to nonwovens for those new to the industry. These topics were all presented by leading industry experts and guest speakers, including among others, the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Concern for the environment has in recent years become increasingly important, and once again remained a key topic at INDEX™23, with companies pushing to achieve further CO2 reductions and circularity across the supply chain.

Continuing on from its success during COVID-19, the INDEX™23 Mobile App and Virtual Platform was back. This tool offered participants – both in Geneva and those following from home – the chance to watch presentations live and interact with speakers, exhibitors, and other participants. Attendees were able to plan their visit and organize meetings, which was highly appreciated. Video recordings from the sessions will remain available online in the app and platform for the coming weeks.

The next INDEX™ will take place in three years from 21-24 April 2026.


INDEX™ | Palexpo SA

(c) BVMed | Manfred Beeres
Prof. Josef Hecken, Vorsitzender des Gemeinsamen Bundesausschusses (G-BA)

BVMed-Mitgliederversammlung: Beratungsrecht bei Wundversorgungs-Studien

Der Vorsitzende des Gemeinsamen Bundesausschusses (G-BA), Prof. Josef Hecken, hat sich auf der BVMed-Mitgliederversammlung am 18. April 2023 in Berlin für ein Beratungsrecht der Medizinprodukte-Hersteller für die anstehenden Studien zum Nutzennachweis für die Erstattungsfähigkeit der „sonstigen Produkte zur Wundbehandlung“ und für die Verlängerung der Übergangsfrist ausgesprochen. „Wir müssen gemeinsam für das Beratungsrecht kämpfen. Dann haben wir die Basis für die Entwicklung von geeigneten Studienkriterien und müssen solange die Übergangsregelung verlängern“, so Heckens Appell an den Gesetzgeber.

Der BVMed hatte sich wiederholt für ein Beratungsrecht beim G-BA analog zum Arzneimittelbereich ausgesprochen, „um Klarheit und Sicherheit beim Antragsprozess, aber insbesondere zu den Anforderungen an Evidenz und Nutzennachweise zu schaffen“, so BVMed-Ambulant-Expertin Juliane Pohl.

Der Vorsitzende des Gemeinsamen Bundesausschusses (G-BA), Prof. Josef Hecken, hat sich auf der BVMed-Mitgliederversammlung am 18. April 2023 in Berlin für ein Beratungsrecht der Medizinprodukte-Hersteller für die anstehenden Studien zum Nutzennachweis für die Erstattungsfähigkeit der „sonstigen Produkte zur Wundbehandlung“ und für die Verlängerung der Übergangsfrist ausgesprochen. „Wir müssen gemeinsam für das Beratungsrecht kämpfen. Dann haben wir die Basis für die Entwicklung von geeigneten Studienkriterien und müssen solange die Übergangsregelung verlängern“, so Heckens Appell an den Gesetzgeber.

Der BVMed hatte sich wiederholt für ein Beratungsrecht beim G-BA analog zum Arzneimittelbereich ausgesprochen, „um Klarheit und Sicherheit beim Antragsprozess, aber insbesondere zu den Anforderungen an Evidenz und Nutzennachweise zu schaffen“, so BVMed-Ambulant-Expertin Juliane Pohl.

Hintergrund ist, dass für jedes einzelne sogenannte „sonstige Produkt zur Wundbehandlung“ künftig der Nachweis der medizinischen Notwendigkeit im Rahmen eines Antragsverfahrens durch den Hersteller beim G-BA durchgeführt werden muss, bevor das jeweilige Produkt durch die Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung (GKV) erstattet wird. Der G-BA hat bislang jedoch keine Klarheit geschaffen, welche Evidenzkriterien in der Wundversorgung für die erstattungsrelevanten Nutzennachweise Anwendung finden. Im Gesetz fehlt ein entsprechender Beratungsanspruch der Hersteller beim G-BA, der Klarheit in diesen komplexen Fragestellungen schaffen könnte. Betroffen von der neuen Regelung ist eine Vielzahl von Produkten wie etwa silber- oder PHMB-haltigen Wundauflagen, die bislang erstattungsfähig waren. Nach Einschätzung des BVMed sind rund 400 Produkte betroffen, für die – bis Dezember 2023 - ein erfolgreiches Nutzenbewertungsverfahren zur Aufnahme in die Anlage V der geänderten Arzneimittel-Richtlinie erforderlich wird.

Hecken machte bei der BVMed-Mitgliederversammlung deutlich, dass der Gesetzgeber kurzfristig ein Beratungsverfahren für Verbandmittel wie bei den Arzneimitteln einführen müsse – zumal der Komplexitätsgrad bei Studien für Wundversorgungsprodukte höher und die Studien-Endpunkte komplexer seien als bei Arzneimitteln. Beispielsweise sei die Frage, wie die Verringerung der Wundgröße dargestellt werden könne, methodisch noch nicht geklärt. „Es ist nicht nur im Interesse der Unternehmen, sondern auch im Interesse des G-BA, wenn möglich schon vor dem Beginn von Studien ein Austausch über das Setting und die Endpunkte solcher Studien stattfindet, damit diese am Ende auch tatsächlich verwertbare Evidenz liefern können“, so Hecken. Auch müsste dann noch die Übergangsfrist entsprechend verlängert werden, damit die Hersteller eine Studie auf Basis des mit dem G-BA besprochenen Studiendesigns durchführen können, um schließlich auf dieser Basis den Antrag zur Aufnahme des Produkts in die Anlage V der Arzneimittel-Richtlinie zu stellen. Nach Hecken müssten Verfahren und Regelungsrahmen zudem geeignet sein, um Innovationen den Zugang in die Versorgung zu ermöglichen.

Der BVMed hatte Anfang April 2023 in einem Brandbrief an Bundesgesundheitsminister Karl Lauterbach „dringenden gesetzlichen Handlungsbedarf bei der Wundversorgung im GKV-System“ angemahnt.

Handele der Gesetzgeber nicht, sei absehbar, dass anerkannte, bewährte sowie auf randomisierten kontrollierten Studien basierende Wundauflagen ab dem 2. Dezember 2023 nicht mehr für die Versorgung der chronisch kranken Wundpatient:innen zur Verfügung stehen. Dies werde nach Angaben der BVMed-Expert:innen dramatische Folgen haben:

  • Durch den Wegfall entsprechender antimikrobieller Wundversorgungsprodukte werden durch den absehbar höheren Einsatz oraler Antibiotikatherapien die entsprechenden Resistenzen deutlich steigen.
  • Ohne den zukünftigen Einsatz der etablierten Wundauflagen mit antimikrobieller Wirkung wird die Anzahl von stationären Aufenthalten unvermeidlich steigen.
  • Außerdem wird der Wegfall insbesondere von antimikrobiellen Wundauflagen zu einer zusätzlichen Belastung der Pflege führen.

BVMed | Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.

(c) adidas AG

adidas TERREX and National Geographic launch hiking collection

adidas TERREX announces a multi-season collaboration with National Geographic, consisting of high-performance outdoor wear. The inaugural collection is built to celebrate the role of photography in the culture of outdoor sport - as well-equipped hikers turn their ability to explore more places, and spirit of adventure, into stunning content.

To celebrate this relationship, designers at adidas TERREX combed the National Geographic photography archives for stunning stills of some of the most remote yet moving locations on earth, integrated in unique all over prints in a bold new hiking collection. All pieces are unified by National Geographic’s iconic yellow icon.

Places celebrated in the collection include a snow-covered sandstone monocline in Comb Ridge, Utah, a 120-mile-long, north to south stretch that defines the State’s red rock landscape, as well as textured portraits of shale, - captured on the coast of Norway’s northernmost county - highlighting the sedimentary rock’s distinctive formations.

adidas TERREX announces a multi-season collaboration with National Geographic, consisting of high-performance outdoor wear. The inaugural collection is built to celebrate the role of photography in the culture of outdoor sport - as well-equipped hikers turn their ability to explore more places, and spirit of adventure, into stunning content.

To celebrate this relationship, designers at adidas TERREX combed the National Geographic photography archives for stunning stills of some of the most remote yet moving locations on earth, integrated in unique all over prints in a bold new hiking collection. All pieces are unified by National Geographic’s iconic yellow icon.

Places celebrated in the collection include a snow-covered sandstone monocline in Comb Ridge, Utah, a 120-mile-long, north to south stretch that defines the State’s red rock landscape, as well as textured portraits of shale, - captured on the coast of Norway’s northernmost county - highlighting the sedimentary rock’s distinctive formations.

The 51-piece collection includes women’s, men’s, and gender-neutral offerings – all built to equip the wearer in multi-terrain environments:

  • A part of the collection is the RAIN.RDY Jacket; a 2.5L waterproof and seam-sealed outer garment built to facilitate epic adventures. The men’s jacket features a bold print of the shell formations in the Porsanger Peninsula, Norway, while the women’s is inspired by stills of White Sands National Park in New Mexico.
  • A long sleeve shirt is finished with the bold National Geographic yellow icon and reflective details.
  • The TERREX Swift R3 GORE-TEX Hiking shoes offer the peak combination of a lightweight construction and cushioning as seen in trail running shoes with the stability of a hiking boot. Finished in a print inspired by a stunning aerial shot of Earth, the hiking shoes come with a GORE-TEX lining and membrane seal so water is kept out, and a Continental™ Rubber outsole for optimal grip in wet or dry conditions.
  • The WIND.RDY: GET SHELTERED Jacket, with wind-resistant technology and a water repellent ripstop fabric, allows explorers to feel protected and confident in many weather conditions. The men’s and women’s versions come with bold prints inspired by photography including that of sandstone and snow at Comb Ridge, Utah. Smart design features including a bungee-cord enabled adjustable hem, a lightweight fabric and reflective details. Additionally, it features a bold new lenticular logo design that alternates between Terrex and National Geographic from different perspectives – and is made in part with recycled materials.
More information:
adidas Outdoor outdoor apparel

adidas AG

(c) Premium Exhibitions GmbH

PREMIUM and SEEK redefine "trade fairs" - FEEL CONNECTED AGAIN

With its new Trend and Event Platform, the Premium Group presents a new concept for a progressive community. According to Premium Group classic trade fair formats are over - this summer it's all about (re)connection, real emotions and new perspectives. The emphasis lies on the most relevant trends and the power of networking, but in a more personalised and intimate way.

With its new Trend and Event Platform, the Premium Group presents a new concept for a progressive community. According to Premium Group classic trade fair formats are over - this summer it's all about (re)connection, real emotions and new perspectives. The emphasis lies on the most relevant trends and the power of networking, but in a more personalised and intimate way.

PREMIUM and SEEK are focusing on a more rigorous curation of promising brands and collections as well as various opportunities to connect. An extensive content programme of keynotes, round tables, live interviews, study presentations and panels on the most important trends will offer two diverse and time-efficient days. The areas of concentration encompass sustainability, technology, fashion, business, lifestyle, and beauty. The repertoire of topics include marketing themes such as LinkedIn and Tik Tok, new tech tools such as ChatGPT or Virtual Dressing as well as news from the metaverse. Sustainability topics such as denim, circularity, re-commerce, vintage and the new Green Deal laws will be discussed as well as cross-industry topics such as female empowerment, Gen Z and modern leadership.
PREMIUM marks the first event of the season for womenswear. New silhouettes, design trends, provocation and the current zeitgeist are brought to the forefront with a carefully curated selection of brands. The fashion scene and visitors can look forward to the best of denim, hyper-femininity, beauty, well-being, future Berlin icons and innovations from the tech and lifestyle sphere. New talents will also have the opportunity to pitch their labels to a professional audience. SEEK focuses on heritage, Y2K, modern sportswear, outdoor and sustainable brands, which will be shown in the CONSCIOUS CLUB. Other highlights will include talks and inspiring activations from the community.

"We listen, research and curate the most important trends for the industry. To do this, our team of experts travels across Europe and exchange ideas with representatives from the entire industry. The results of months of work can be discovered in two days," says Maren Wiebus, Creative Director of the Premium Group.

Today, attention is the most important currency for the fashion industry. This is also why, for the very first time ever, the Premium Group events will take place over only two days instead of three. At the same time, generally accepted norms and rules are questioned, taken apart, and put back together again. The organisers of Premium Group invite fashion professionals to discuss the rules and redefine them together.
The summer editions of PREMIUM and SEEK will take place on 11 and 12 July at the new old location Station-Berlin in the heart of Berlin.


Premium Exhibitions GmbH


Archroma announces CEO Transition

Archroma, a global leader in sustainable specialty chemicals and solutions for the textiles, packaging & paper, paints and coatings industries, announced its transition plan for the role of Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Heike van de Kerkhof, CEO of Archroma since January 2020, will step down effective April 30, 2023, to focus on other career opportunities. Mark Garrett, a seasoned industry executive, will assume the role of interim CEO.

Miguel Kohlmann, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Archroma, said “On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to thank Heike for her leadership and tireless dedication to Archroma. Heike joined the company in January 2020 as CEO and has meaningfully advanced the company’s sustainability, innovation, and customer-focused business model, while also successfully closing the transformational acquisition of Huntsman’s Textile Effects business, which will substantially enhance Archroma’s capabilities in serving its customers and markets. We would like to thank Heike for her great contributions through this substantial period of growth and wish her continued success in her next endeavors.”

Archroma, a global leader in sustainable specialty chemicals and solutions for the textiles, packaging & paper, paints and coatings industries, announced its transition plan for the role of Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Heike van de Kerkhof, CEO of Archroma since January 2020, will step down effective April 30, 2023, to focus on other career opportunities. Mark Garrett, a seasoned industry executive, will assume the role of interim CEO.

Miguel Kohlmann, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Archroma, said “On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to thank Heike for her leadership and tireless dedication to Archroma. Heike joined the company in January 2020 as CEO and has meaningfully advanced the company’s sustainability, innovation, and customer-focused business model, while also successfully closing the transformational acquisition of Huntsman’s Textile Effects business, which will substantially enhance Archroma’s capabilities in serving its customers and markets. We would like to thank Heike for her great contributions through this substantial period of growth and wish her continued success in her next endeavors.”

Kohlmann continued, “The Board remains committed to accelerating the growth of Archroma and to continuing to provide our customers with the systems, solutions, innovation and technical support that they have come to expect from us, while providing enhanced opportunities for Archroma’s employees. We are enthusiastic about Mark Garrett joining Archroma as interim CEO, a seasoned executive who brings substantial industry experience which encompasses directly relevant knowledge of Archroma’s product portfolio and end markets. Mark has served in the capacity of Chairman and CEO and in senior executive leadership roles with companies such as OMV/Borealis, Marquard & Bahls, Ciba Specialty Chemicals and DuPont. He is a proven leader and the perfect choice to serve as Archroma’s interim CEO. The Board has strong confidence in Archroma’s leadership team and is focused on continuity during this period of transition.”

More information:
Archroma CEO specialty chemicals


Radici's booth at Index Graphic Radici

RadiciGroup presents high-resistance sustainable nonwovens at Index

  • Spunbond, meltblown and composite structures for new market opportunities

RadiciGroup is participating with its Advanced Textile Solutions business area at Index in Geneva from 18 to 21 April 2023. Among the Group’s products showcased are spunbond and meltblown for different application sectors, such as roofing, construction, automotive, HO.RE.CA. and filtration.

“The key message we are bringing to the fair is sustainability,” noted Enrico Buriani, CEO of the Nonwovens division of RadiciGroup Advanced Textile Solutions. “Those who already know us know that, for many years, the Group has been focused on proposing low environmental impact products and processes where sustainability is scientifically measured or certified by independent third parties. Our company is dedicated to nonwovens, which, by the way, are produced using 100% renewable energy. We have expanded our portfolio of innovative solutions for customers interested in realizing projects with sustainability as an essential requirement.”

  • Spunbond, meltblown and composite structures for new market opportunities

RadiciGroup is participating with its Advanced Textile Solutions business area at Index in Geneva from 18 to 21 April 2023. Among the Group’s products showcased are spunbond and meltblown for different application sectors, such as roofing, construction, automotive, HO.RE.CA. and filtration.

“The key message we are bringing to the fair is sustainability,” noted Enrico Buriani, CEO of the Nonwovens division of RadiciGroup Advanced Textile Solutions. “Those who already know us know that, for many years, the Group has been focused on proposing low environmental impact products and processes where sustainability is scientifically measured or certified by independent third parties. Our company is dedicated to nonwovens, which, by the way, are produced using 100% renewable energy. We have expanded our portfolio of innovative solutions for customers interested in realizing projects with sustainability as an essential requirement.”

Respunsible® is a spunbond brand manufactured from recycled polypropylene. A preliminary Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) study was carried out by RadiciGroup to demonstrate the correlation between the reduction in environmental impact and the percentage increase in recycled material. The final results demonstrate that a variable percentage of from 50 to 70% recycled material leads to a reduction in CO2 emissions of from 30 to 40%, compared to a fabric made of 100% virgin material, without comprising high technical performance.

Additionally, since RadiciGroup has achieved ISCC PLUS certification (International Sustainability and Carbon Certification), it can offer bio, biocircular or circular polypropylene spunbond and meltblown nonwovens, in which the sustainable polypropylene is biomass balanced. This certification signifies traceability along the supply chain and verifies that the certified companies meet high environmental and social standards.

“Since 2020, we have had a technologically advanced meltblown production line,” Mr. Buriani concluded. “This allows us to make composite structures, sold under the brand name Radimelt®. Now our goal is to expand our filtration applications, diversifying and developing new business, for instance vacuum cleaner bags or HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) system filters, where we can meet the high efficiency and mechanical resistance demanded, thanks to our latest generation technology.”

More information:
nonwovens RadiciGroup INDEX

Radici Group


BVMed: Drohende Engpässe in der Wundversorgung

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) sieht in einem Schreiben an Bundesgesundheitsminister Karl Lauterbach „dringenden gesetzlichen Handlungsbedarf bei der Wundversorgung im GKV-System“. Beim Nutzennachweis für „sonstige Produkte zur Wundbehandlung“ müsse kurzfristig im Versorgungsgesetz I eine Fristverlängerung sowie konkrete Vorgaben an den Gemeinsamen Bundesausschuss (G-BA) zu den Verfahrens- und Evidenzforderungen getroffen werden. So sollen negative Folgen für Menschen mit chronischen Wunden nach dem aktuellen Stichtag 2. Dezember 2023 verhindert werden. Den „Brandbrief“ an den Minister haben neben dem BVMed-Vorstandsvorsitzenden Dr. Meinrad Lugan und BVMed-Geschäftsführer Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll auch neun CEOs der im BVMed organisierten Hersteller von Verbandmitteln und Wundauflagen unterschrieben.

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) sieht in einem Schreiben an Bundesgesundheitsminister Karl Lauterbach „dringenden gesetzlichen Handlungsbedarf bei der Wundversorgung im GKV-System“. Beim Nutzennachweis für „sonstige Produkte zur Wundbehandlung“ müsse kurzfristig im Versorgungsgesetz I eine Fristverlängerung sowie konkrete Vorgaben an den Gemeinsamen Bundesausschuss (G-BA) zu den Verfahrens- und Evidenzforderungen getroffen werden. So sollen negative Folgen für Menschen mit chronischen Wunden nach dem aktuellen Stichtag 2. Dezember 2023 verhindert werden. Den „Brandbrief“ an den Minister haben neben dem BVMed-Vorstandsvorsitzenden Dr. Meinrad Lugan und BVMed-Geschäftsführer Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll auch neun CEOs der im BVMed organisierten Hersteller von Verbandmitteln und Wundauflagen unterschrieben.

Hintergrund ist, das für sogenannte „sonstige Produkte zur Wundbehandlung“ künftig ein Bewertungsverfahren durchgeführt werden muss, bevor sie durch die Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung (GKV) erstattet werden. Der G-BA hat bislang jedoch keine auf die Wundversorgung angepassten Evidenzkriterien für die erstattungsrelevanten Nutzennachweise definiert. Ebenso fehlt im Gesetz ein verbindlicher Beratungsanspruch der Hersteller beim G-BA. Betroffen von der neuen Regelung ist eine Vielzahl von Produkten wie etwa silber- oder PHMB-haltigen Wundauflagen, die bislang erstattungsfähig waren. Nach Einschätzung des BVMed sind rund 400 Produkte betroffen, für die ein Bewertungsverfahren zur Aufnahme in die Anlage V der geänderten Arzneimittel-Richtlinie erforderlich wird.

Handele der Gesetzgeber nicht, sei absehbar, dass anerkannte, bewährte sowie auf randomisierten kontrollierten Studien basierende Wundauflagen ab dem 2. Dezember 2023 nicht mehr für die Versorgung der chronisch kranken Wundpatient:innen zur Verfügung stehen. Dies werde nach Angaben der BVMed-Expert:innen dramatische Folgen haben:

  • Durch den Wegfall entsprechender antimikrobieller Wundversorgungsprodukte werden durch den absehbar höheren Einsatz oraler Antibiotikatherapien die entsprechenden Resistenzen deutlich steigen.
  • Ohne den zukünftigen Einsatz der etablierten Wundauflagen mit antimikrobieller Wirkung wird die Anzahl von stationären Aufenthalten unvermeidlich steigen.
  • Außerdem wird der Wegfall insbesondere von antimikrobiellen Wundauflagen zu einer zusätzlichen Belastung der Pflege führen

Der BVMed fordert folgende Schritte, um das zu erwartende Defizit in der Wundversorgung zu vermeiden:

  1. Konkrete und für den Versorgungsbereich adäquate Vorgaben an den G-BA hinsichtlich der Verfahrens- und Evidenzanforderungen, um die großen Unsicherheiten aller Betroffenen über die Erstattungsfähigkeit einer Vielzahl von Produkten zu klären.
  2. Verlängerung der Übergangsfrist und Stichtagsregelung für Bestandsprodukte, damit der G-BA innerhalb dieser Zeitspanne die ausstehenden Vorgaben zum Verfahren und zu den Evidenzanforderungen definieren sowie ein verlässliches, praxistaugliches System etablieren kann.
  3. Politische Umsetzung im Versorgungsgesetz I, um Maßnahmen kurzfristig und rasch einbringen zu können.

BVMed | Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.

(c) BVMed | Michelle Klee

BVMed: Neue Infoblätter zum Umweltrecht

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) hat weitere Infoblätter zu umweltrechtlichen Vorgaben veröffentlicht. Mit den Blättern zu beispielsweise dem Batteriegesetz oder dem Elektrogeräte-Recht unterstützt der Verband Medizintechnik-Unternehmen bei der Umsetzung des Umweltrechts. Der kostenfreie BVMed-Service gibt einen Überblick zu den Anwendungsbereichen und entstehenden Pflichten aus aktuell 14 unterschiedlichen Gesetzen und Verordnungen.

Europa soll der erste klimaneutrale Kontinent werden. Hierfür sind von der EU-Kommission rund 80 Initiativen geplant. Viele davon betreffen direkt oder indirekt die Medizintechnik-Branche. Als Unterstützung für die Einordnung des umfassenden Umweltrechts bietet der BVMed in Zusammenarbeit mit der Produktkanzlei eine Reihe an Infoblättern an. Neu hinzugekommen sind folgende Themen:

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) hat weitere Infoblätter zu umweltrechtlichen Vorgaben veröffentlicht. Mit den Blättern zu beispielsweise dem Batteriegesetz oder dem Elektrogeräte-Recht unterstützt der Verband Medizintechnik-Unternehmen bei der Umsetzung des Umweltrechts. Der kostenfreie BVMed-Service gibt einen Überblick zu den Anwendungsbereichen und entstehenden Pflichten aus aktuell 14 unterschiedlichen Gesetzen und Verordnungen.

Europa soll der erste klimaneutrale Kontinent werden. Hierfür sind von der EU-Kommission rund 80 Initiativen geplant. Viele davon betreffen direkt oder indirekt die Medizintechnik-Branche. Als Unterstützung für die Einordnung des umfassenden Umweltrechts bietet der BVMed in Zusammenarbeit mit der Produktkanzlei eine Reihe an Infoblättern an. Neu hinzugekommen sind folgende Themen:

  • Batteriegesetz (BattG)
  • Einwegkunststoff-Kennzeichnungs-Verordnung & -Verbotsverordnung (EWKKennzV & EWKVerbotsV)
  • Elektro- und Elektronikgerätegesetz (ElektroG)
  • Elektro- und Elektronikgeräte-Stoff-Verordnung (ElektroStoffV)
  • Energieverbrauchskennzeichnungs-Verordnung
  • F-Gas-Verordnung
  • Verordnung über persistente organische Schadstoffe (POP-VO)
  • Verordnung zur Registrierung, Bewertung, Zulassung und Beschränkung chemischer Stoffe (REACH-VO)

Die Infoblätter decken folgende Inhalte ab:

  • Name und Verkündungsstand des Rechtsaktes
  • Hintergrundinformationen (beispielsweise die Umsetzung des europäischen Rechts durch nationale Rechtsakte)
  • Beschreibung von Anwendungsbereich und Ausnahmen
  • Beschreibung von Betroffenheit/Rollen
  • Stichpunkte zu den Pflichten
  • Aktuelle Entwicklungen (beispielsweise laufende Gesetzgebungsverfahren oder Ankündigungen in Arbeitsprogrammen)

BVMed | Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.


Comeback of CIOSH trade fair in Shanghai

As a trade fair for safety and occupational health in China, the 104th China International Occupational Safety & Health Goods Expo (CIOSH 2023), organized by China Textile Commerce Association (CTCA) and Messe Düsseldorf (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (MDS), will be grandly held at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC) Hall E1-E7 from 13-15 April 2023. Following three years of epidemic prevention and control measures, the situation has stabilized in China, allowing the labor protection market to enter a phase of rapid recovery and rebound. CIOSH 2023 will attract over 1,500 exhibitors from 14 countries, showcasing their latest protective equipment and technology in an exhibition area exceeding 80,000 square meters.

As a trade fair for safety and occupational health in China, the 104th China International Occupational Safety & Health Goods Expo (CIOSH 2023), organized by China Textile Commerce Association (CTCA) and Messe Düsseldorf (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (MDS), will be grandly held at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC) Hall E1-E7 from 13-15 April 2023. Following three years of epidemic prevention and control measures, the situation has stabilized in China, allowing the labor protection market to enter a phase of rapid recovery and rebound. CIOSH 2023 will attract over 1,500 exhibitors from 14 countries, showcasing their latest protective equipment and technology in an exhibition area exceeding 80,000 square meters.

Integrating Online and Offline Platforms
CIOSH 2023 encompasses four major sectors: Safety at Work, Security at Work, Health at Work, and Emergency Rescue Management. Renowned domestic and international exhibitors, including 3M, Honeywell, Ansell, SATA, JSP, MSA, DELTAPLUS, Lakeland, Cortina, UVEX, CM Chaomei, Xing Yu Gloves, DS, East Asia Glove, Hanvo, SOMO Zhongmai Safety, SAFETY-INXS, and TELPS, will assemble on site. At the same time, CIOSH 2023 has introduced an innovative online platform - CIOSH VIRTUAL. By offering online displays, live streaming, interactive features, and real-time communications, it breaks time and space constraints, facilitating exhibitors and visitors to continue their business exchanges and cooperations beyond the physical exhibition. So far, nearly 1,300 companies have joined the CIOSH VIRTUAL, showcasing more than 3,000 products online and attracting over 70,000 views.

CIOSH Industry Technical Seminar, Sustainable Development Emerges as the Key Focus
The annual Industry Technical Seminar, held concurrently with CIOSH, serves as a platform for professionals to discuss product solutions, share industry insights, and exchange ideas on relevant policies. In 2021, China integrated climate change mitigation measures into its 14th Five-Year Plan, established a 2030 carbon peaking action plan, and proactively pursued the goal of carbon neutrality by 2060. Under the development objectives of "carbon peaking" and "carbon neutrality," the sustainable development of the personal protective equipment (PPE) industry has become the primary theme of this year's seminar. Experts from China Carbon Low-carbon Certification (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd., China Certification Centre, Inc., and SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd., will examine related policies, the effects of "carbon neutrality" on the PPE industry chain and the industries using PPE from different angles. They will also explore the future direction of PPE and offer professional guidance for the transformation of relevant enterprises.

Fall Protection Zone
Falls from height are one of the most common accidents that cause serious injury or death to workers. Effective fall protection requires not only protective equipment, but also professional instructions and training. Therefore, CIOSH set up a new Fall Protection Zone in 2021, which received unanimous acclaim. CIOSH 2023 has continued to invite SKYLOTEC, rothoblaas, JECH, Mode and NTR Safety, five companies that specialize in protection at height, to conduct on-site demonstrations on fall testing, fall protection solutions and aerial rescue, and provide visitors with the most professional fall protection guidance and training.

Occupational Health
CIOSH has always implemented the strategy of expanding the business scope in a diversified way, which devotes itself to providing innovative opportunities and new driving forces for the sustainability of the occupational safety and health industry. This year, focusing on the "occupational health" sector, the exhibition will launch an Ergonomics Zone and an Exoskeleton Technology Zone for the first time.

(c) M. Vorhof, ITM/TU Dresden

ITM at JEC 2023

From April 25th to 27th, 2023, the Institute of Textile Machinery and High Performance Material Technology (ITM) of TU Dresden will be exhibiting at the pavilion SAXONY! at JEC World 2023.

The ITM will provide a comprehensive overview of its current research in the field of machine and product development along the entire textile process chain.

The upcoming JEC 2023 exhibition will highlight innovative Customised Connective Cores (CCC), which are custom-made core-insert structures additively manufactured using cellular metal and a form-fit integrated insert. These CCCs can be seamless integrated either as patches or as full-surface core material into lightweight panels, offering significantly improved load-bearing behavior (especially 4 times the load-bearing capacity and fail-safe behavior) compared to existing technologies. This breakthrough opens up new possibilities for fastening lightweight panels.

From April 25th to 27th, 2023, the Institute of Textile Machinery and High Performance Material Technology (ITM) of TU Dresden will be exhibiting at the pavilion SAXONY! at JEC World 2023.

The ITM will provide a comprehensive overview of its current research in the field of machine and product development along the entire textile process chain.

The upcoming JEC 2023 exhibition will highlight innovative Customised Connective Cores (CCC), which are custom-made core-insert structures additively manufactured using cellular metal and a form-fit integrated insert. These CCCs can be seamless integrated either as patches or as full-surface core material into lightweight panels, offering significantly improved load-bearing behavior (especially 4 times the load-bearing capacity and fail-safe behavior) compared to existing technologies. This breakthrough opens up new possibilities for fastening lightweight panels.

Another highlight at the exhibition is the repair process for fibre-reinforced composites (FRP) developed at the ITM. Instead of mechanically grinding the damaged area, the matrix in the repair area is locally dissolved using a UV-rays-induced depolymerisation process. Damaged fibres can thus be replaced by a customized repair patch. Free yarn ends on the textile repair patches are spliced with the UV-exposed yarn ends in the repair area using an adapted splicing process. In this way, a very clean, simplified and mechanically improved repair area can be achieved compared to the state of the art.

The diverse possibilities offered by the structure and process simulation of textile high-performance materials and textile manufacturing processes will also be presented. By means of multi-scale modelling and simulation, a profound understanding of materials and processes is achieved at the ITM. Finite element models on the micro, meso and macro scale have been developed and validated for this purpose. Examples from current ITM research projects demonstrate the various possibilities and areas of application of modern simulation methods in the field of textile technology.

Moreover, an innovative process for the integral manufacturing of 3D rib-stiffened preforms with complexly arranged stiffeners in 0°, 90° and ± 45° orientation was developed and successfully implemented at the ITM. Due to the process-integrated structure fixation and the continuous fibre reinforcement between shell and rib structure, the 3D preforms are perfectly suited for the production of highly load-bearing FRP components with increased bending stiffness, which will be exhibited at JEC. Hence, the lightweight construction potential of high-performance fibres can be fully exploited.

A successfully established development are partially flowable 2D textile reinforcement fabrics that are continuously manufactured in one single process step. For this purpose, the entire process chain was developed at the ITM, which allows a cost-effective and high-volume production of load-bearing thermoplastic 3D FRP components with continuous fibre reinforcement between shell and stiffeners.

At JEC 2023, the ITM will also present a partially embedded textile latice girder as reinforcement for carbon concrete applications, which was produced by means of an innovative textile manufacturing process based on the multiaxial warp knitting technology. Through the development of a customized warp insertion, manipulation and take-off system as well as appropriate shaping methods, it is now possible to produce tailored textile semi-finished products, e.g. for use in wall and ceiling panels. These textile latice girders represent a resource-saving alternative to conventional steel girders due to the reduced among of concrete required and the additional cavity for media and cable guidance.

The integration of textile actuators and sensors in FRP provides structures with additional functionalities. The research and application of such interactive FRP with different matrix materials (e.g. with thermoset, elastomer or concrete matrix systems) for structural health monitoring or adaptive systems is one of the key research areas of the ITM.

Moreover, the development and implementation of innovative yarn constructions based on recycled high-performance fibres (e.g. rCF, rGF, rAR) for sustainable FRPs is successfully promoted at ITM. By use of a special carding machine, recycled fibres are opened up, separated and joined to form a wide, uniform ribbon. Subsequently, innovative hybrid yarn constructions made of evenly mixed recycled high-performance and thermoplastic fibres with variable fibre volume fractions can be manufactured by means of various spinning technologies. Selected yarn constructions and components will be showcased at JEC.

More information:
ITM TU Dresden JEC World
(c) Michael Kretzschmar
Awards Honorary Doctorate to Professor Dr. Paul Kiekens by Professor Dr. Ursula M. Staudinger, Rector of the TU Dresden

TU Dresden awards Honorary Doctorate to Professor Paul Kiekens

In recognition of his extraordinary engineering achievements in the fields of textile mechanical engineering, textile technology as well as textile chemistry and surface modification of textile semi-finished products, Prof. Paul Kiekens was awarded the title of Doctor honoris causa (Dr.-Ing. h.c.) on April 5, 2023.
Prof. Kiekens was a university professor at Ghent University, Belgium, for almost 35 years and thus responsible for textile-oriented education and research. Intensive interaction with European business and science was always particularly important to him.

In recognition of his extraordinary engineering achievements in the fields of textile mechanical engineering, textile technology as well as textile chemistry and surface modification of textile semi-finished products, Prof. Paul Kiekens was awarded the title of Doctor honoris causa (Dr.-Ing. h.c.) on April 5, 2023.
Prof. Kiekens was a university professor at Ghent University, Belgium, for almost 35 years and thus responsible for textile-oriented education and research. Intensive interaction with European business and science was always particularly important to him.
Immediately after the fall of the Berlin Wall, he opened the way for international cooperation in teaching and research in the field of textile mechanical engineering, textile technologies, and textile chemistry for the only Eastern European university research institution with a textile orientation, the ITM (formerly ITB) at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of TU Dresden, and provided great and uncomplicated support. A close, lasting and intensive relationship developed, which had a trend-setting influence on the scientific career of Professor Paul Kiekens. This was reflected above all in the expert advice given for major projects.
These include, for example, the funded junior research group "Holistic approach to the development and modelling of a new generation of multiaxial fabrics for fibre composites to strengthen Saxon, French and Flemish industry in the high-performance sector" (SAXOMAX) and jointly acquiring the EU project "Large scale manufacturing technology for high performance lightweight 3D multifunctional composites" (3D-LightTrans). Especially in these large-scale projects, intensive cooperation with industrial partners was essential for success.
As early as the 1990s, Professor Paul Kiekens had the vision of creating a European network for universities in textile teaching and research. In 1994, the Association of Universities for Textiles (AUTEX) was founded with the aim of establishing teaching and research in the field of textile technology at an internationally respected level through joint concepts. Due to the prevailing cooperation at that time between Professor Dr. Paul Kiekens and Professor Dr. Peter Offermann, the TU Dresden, represented by the ITM (formerly ITB), has been a full member and decisively integrated in the network since its foundation on July 1, 1994. Thus Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Paul Kiekens has significantly promoted the international cooperation of the TU Dresden, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering with international university textile research institutions.
Professor Paul Kiekens was executive coordinator of AUTEX until his retirement. The internationally renowned symposium takes place annually as a part of AUTEX.


Technische Universität Dresden - Institute of Textile Machinery and High Performance Material Technology

Celliant -how it works (c) Hologenix

Hologenix: Infrared technology with potentially positive impact on diabetic patients

The diabetic community has always been a priority for Hologenix, creators of CELLIANT® infrared technology, so the company embarked on an initial study to test the hypothesis that the technology can positively impact diabetic patients with vascular impairment, now published in Journal of Textile Science & Engineering. Another study is underway as well with more research on the horizon.

The diabetic community has always been a priority for Hologenix, creators of CELLIANT® infrared technology, so the company embarked on an initial study to test the hypothesis that the technology can positively impact diabetic patients with vascular impairment, now published in Journal of Textile Science & Engineering. Another study is underway as well with more research on the horizon.

According to statistics cited in the International Diabetes Federation Diabetes Atlas, 9th edition, globally, close to a half billion people are living with diabetes and that number is expected to increase by more than 50 percent in the next 25 years.
The introduction of the study in the Journal of Textile Science & Engineering also reports that diabetic patients frequently suffer from a combination of peripheral neuropathy and peripheral artery disease, which particularly affects their feet. It further states that it has been estimated that the lifetime risk for the development of foot ulcers in diabetic patients can be as high as 25 percent and that the risk of amputation is 10 to 20 times higher than in non-diabetic subjects.
The study was performed by Lawrence A. Lavery, D.P.M., M.P.H., a Professor in the Department of Plastic Surgery at UT Southwestern Medical Center. His clinic and research interests involve diabetic foot complications, infections and wound healing, and he participated in the conception, design, implementation and authorship of the Journal of Textile Science & Engineering study.  

CELLIANT technology is a patented process for adding micron-sized thermo-responsive mineral particles to fibers, in this case polyethylene terephthalate (PET) fibers. The resulting CELLIANT yarns were woven into stockings and gloves containing either 82% CELLIANT polyester, 13% nylon and 5% spandex or for the placebo, 82% polyester with no CELLIANT, 13% nylon and 5% spandex. CELLIANT products absorb body heat and re-emit the energy back to the body as infrared energy, which is non-invasive and increases temporary blood flow and cell oxygenation levels in the body.

The objective of the study was to “evaluate changes in transcutaneous oxygen (TcPO2) and peripheral blood flow (laser Doppler, LD) in the hands and feet of diabetic patients with vascular impairment when CELLIANT gloves and stockings are worn.” While there was not a statistically significant result across all subjects, the study did show that some patients wearing CELLIANT stockings for 60 minutes had an increase of as much as 20% in tissue oxygenation and 30% in localized blood flow. According to the study’s conclusion, “the trends that were observed in favor of CELLIANT stockings suggest that a larger well-designed clinical trial should be undertaken and may provide evidence of clinical efficacy in treatment of the diabetic foot.”
The study also notes that “There have been no documented or observed side effects of wearing CELLIANT stockings, and they are relatively inexpensive compared to conventional pharmaceutical interventions.”

Hologenix has embarked on a more comprehensive trial, “Study to Evaluate CELLIANT Diabetic Medical Socks to Increase Tissue Oxygenation and Incidence of Complete Wound Closure in Diabetic Foot Wounds” – NCT04709419, which focuses on the impact of CELLIANT technology to potentially improve tissue oxygenation and wound healing outcomes.
“We are excited to explore whether future studies of infrared, with its most common biological effects of increased localized blood flow and cellular oxygenation, could result in a breakthrough in diabetic patients with vascular impairment,” said Seth Casden, Hologenix Co-founder and CEO. “We see a huge potential opportunity with this research for helping to fulfill our core mission of improving people’s health and well-being by potentially reducing the impact of diabetes, and we are actively seeking partners to expand our research efforts.”




SABIC presents portfolio for healthcare and hygiene market at INDEX™23

SABIC will present its portfolio of PURECARES™ and TRUCIRCLE™ materials for the healthcare and hygiene market at INDEX™23 from April 18 to 21 in Geneva, Switzerland, under the theme of ‘Collaborating for sustainability and innovative solutions’.

At INDEX, SABIC will highlight a joint project with two market leaders, using certified circular polymers from the TRUCIRCLE portfolio in recyclable films for feminine hygiene, baby care and disposable medical applications. In all of these cases from diapers to surgical drapes and medical gowns, the sustainable materials can serve as direct drop-in alternatives with no compromise in production efficiency and product performance.

Further examples on display at the company’s booth will feature TRUCIRCLE solutions for facemasks, including an N95 design that localizes the value chain with SABIC® PURECARES PP spunbond and meltblown polymers in Saudi Arabia. SABIC provides complete solutions for facemask production as part of its localization strategy and has been a key enabler of the Saudi Made initiative. Also shown will be a closed-loop facemask developed in collaboration with industrial and research partners in Europe.

SABIC will present its portfolio of PURECARES™ and TRUCIRCLE™ materials for the healthcare and hygiene market at INDEX™23 from April 18 to 21 in Geneva, Switzerland, under the theme of ‘Collaborating for sustainability and innovative solutions’.

At INDEX, SABIC will highlight a joint project with two market leaders, using certified circular polymers from the TRUCIRCLE portfolio in recyclable films for feminine hygiene, baby care and disposable medical applications. In all of these cases from diapers to surgical drapes and medical gowns, the sustainable materials can serve as direct drop-in alternatives with no compromise in production efficiency and product performance.

Further examples on display at the company’s booth will feature TRUCIRCLE solutions for facemasks, including an N95 design that localizes the value chain with SABIC® PURECARES PP spunbond and meltblown polymers in Saudi Arabia. SABIC provides complete solutions for facemask production as part of its localization strategy and has been a key enabler of the Saudi Made initiative. Also shown will be a closed-loop facemask developed in collaboration with industrial and research partners in Europe.

The company’s PURECARES polyolefin products are based on technologies free of both tris (nonylphenyl) phosphite (TNPP) and phthalates. Consumer comfort is achieved by using SABIC polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) polymers for bi-component fibers to answer multiple needs for soft and loft handfeel nonwovens, enabling easy lamination to other building blocks on medical nonwovens or absorbent hygiene applications.

In addition, SABIC produces TRUCIRCLE certified circular polymers for its PURECARES PP and PE portfolio with feedstock based on advanced recycling of mixed and used plastic that would otherwise typically not be suitable for mechanical recycling processes. These more sustainable solutions can be adopted in downstream processes as direct drop-in alternatives to incumbent materials with no compromise in production efficiency, purity and product performance.




EURATEX at 1 year EU Textile Strategy – Yes, but …

On 30 March 2022, the European Commission presented its vision for the future of the textile industry. The strategy mainly focuses on reducing the environmental footprint and promote sustainability and transparency in the value chain.

EURATEX has welcomed the publication of the strategy, as it recognises the strategic importance of the European textile industry, and its core competitive values of quality and creativity. At the same time, the association has warned that translating that vision into reality is a delicate process, as the industry needs to reconcile sustainability with competitiveness. Making the green (and digital) transition should make companies stronger; the benefits should outweigh the costs.

On 30 March 2022, the European Commission presented its vision for the future of the textile industry. The strategy mainly focuses on reducing the environmental footprint and promote sustainability and transparency in the value chain.

EURATEX has welcomed the publication of the strategy, as it recognises the strategic importance of the European textile industry, and its core competitive values of quality and creativity. At the same time, the association has warned that translating that vision into reality is a delicate process, as the industry needs to reconcile sustainability with competitiveness. Making the green (and digital) transition should make companies stronger; the benefits should outweigh the costs.

This premise had a serious blow by the Russian war in Ukraine, which erupted at almost the same time when the strategy was launched, and has dramatically changed the economic context. Energy prices increased by a factor of 10 (!), putting the European industry at a significant disadvantage with its global competitors, leading to company shutdowns or relocations. Extended lock downs in China and defensive trade policies in the US and elsewhere have further generated uncertainty on the market and disrupted supply chains.

Today, one year after its publication, EURATEX remains carefully optimistic about the implementation of the strategy, but needs to warn against some important pitfalls on the road ahead.

  1. Despite these turbulent times, the Commission is moving ahead “swiftly” in translating their EU Textile Strategy into (draft) legislation. At present, at least 16 pieces of legislation are on the table, which will turn the textile industry into a strictly regulated sector. The quality of this new regulatory framework is critical to the success of the strategy: upcoming rules need to be coherent, technically feasible and enforceable, and have a minimal cost for SMEs. EURATEX calls for a realistic timetable and “competitiveness test” for each piece of legislation before it is adopted.
  2. Textile companies need to be informed and supported to comply with this new framework. This requires substantial funding which should be earmarked exclusively to the sector, covering areas of innovation and digitalisation, skills development, support to start ups and internationalisation, as well as access to affordable energy. In this regard, EURATEX calls on the Commission to translate the current “good intentions” into concrete decisions.
  3. The EU strategy will not work if there is no demand for sustainable textiles, both from individual consumers and public authorities (procurement). Concrete measures need to be taken to offer a competitive advantage to sustainable and high quality textile products, e.g. through a different VAT rate, strict procurement rules, closer cooperation between the brands/retailers, producers and consumers.
  4. The EU strategy could also fail, if the global dimension of the textile industry is ignored. Up to 80% of clothing products are produced outside the EU; these products need to comply with the new framework, but it remains unclear how to ensure that level playing field. Market surveillance needs to be stepped up massively – also targeting on line sales – but this would require significant efforts from member states, which are not available as of today.

Despite these important challenges, EURATEX remains committed to the successful implementation of the EU Textile Strategy. Director General Dirk Vantyghem commented: “We want to be a global leader in sustainable textiles, building on the entrepreneurship, quality and creativity of nearly 150,000 European textile companies. Creating this new framework is an incredible challenge, requiring a close dialogue between the industry and the regulator. But if well designed and carefully implemented, it can set a new era for the European textile industry”.




Sanyou and Renewcell: Viscose fibers made from 100% recycled textiles

On the sidelines of the Intertextile Shanghai fair, the Swedish textile-to-textile recycling innovator Renewcell and the leading Chinese viscose manufacturer Tangshan Sanyou announced the next step in their partnership to make fashion circular that stretches back to 2018.

The two companies’ new shared ambition is to offer manufacturers and brands Circulose® viscose fibers made from 100% recycled textiles in commercial quantities starting in 2024. The collaboration has been facilitated by Ekman Group, Renewcell’s exclusive global trading partner.

“I am very happy to announce this acceleration of our long-standing partnership with Tangshan Sanyou. They were the first commercial producer of Circulose®-based fibers in the world, and the first to commit to sourcing significant volumes from us. Now, they aim to also be the first to commercialize 100% Circulose® content fibers” said Patrik Lundström, CEO of Renewcell, adding "I applaud Tangshan Sanyou’s vision and support to scaling next gen raw materials like Circulose®.”

On the sidelines of the Intertextile Shanghai fair, the Swedish textile-to-textile recycling innovator Renewcell and the leading Chinese viscose manufacturer Tangshan Sanyou announced the next step in their partnership to make fashion circular that stretches back to 2018.

The two companies’ new shared ambition is to offer manufacturers and brands Circulose® viscose fibers made from 100% recycled textiles in commercial quantities starting in 2024. The collaboration has been facilitated by Ekman Group, Renewcell’s exclusive global trading partner.

“I am very happy to announce this acceleration of our long-standing partnership with Tangshan Sanyou. They were the first commercial producer of Circulose®-based fibers in the world, and the first to commit to sourcing significant volumes from us. Now, they aim to also be the first to commercialize 100% Circulose® content fibers” said Patrik Lundström, CEO of Renewcell, adding "I applaud Tangshan Sanyou’s vision and support to scaling next gen raw materials like Circulose®.”

The announcement, which follows the recent start of deliveries of 100% recycled textile Circulose® pulp from Renewcell’s newly opened Renewcell 1 recycling plant, is the result of successful validation of Circulose®’s quality in production at Tangshan Sanyou’s commercial-scale manufacturing lines. Tangshan Sanyou would strive to finish the mission of producing commercial volumes of 50% Circulose® content fibers during 2023 and work towards achieving the delivery of 100% Circulose® content branded viscose fibers to selected fashion brands and manufacturers starting in 2024. The two companies will cooperate to market the fibers globally using Renewcell’s Circulose® ingredient brand name.

Mr. Zhang Dongbin, Executive Vice General Manager of Tangshan Sanyou Chemical Fiber, says, "Through the collaboration with Renewcell, we have achieved to use Circulose® made from recycled cotton in the production of our viscose fibers, which is great beneficial to improving resource utilization efficiency and lowering carbon footprint of the industry. It has brought a huge impact in the sustainable fashion industry. We will continue putting efforts in forming good interaction between consumers, brands and enterprises, convey the concept of circular sustainable fashion, promote the greening of textile industry, and ensure a more sustainable way to ensure the sustainable development of the textile industry. Protecting the global ecological environment by applying sustainable solutions is our common goal."



Dr Ioana Slabu and Benedict Bauer with the nanomodified stent. Photo Peter Winandy

Nanomodified polymerstent: Novel technology for tumour therapy

  • Electromagnetically heatable nanomodified stent for the treatment of hollow organ tumours wins second place at the RWTH Innovation Award

Almost every fourth person who dies of cancer has a hollow organ tumour, for example in the bile duct or in the oesophagus. Such a tumour cannot usually be removed surgically. It is only possible to open the hollow organ for a short time using a stent, i.e. a tubeshaped prosthesis. However, the tumour grows back and penetrates the hollow organ through the stent. Ioana Slabu from the Institute of Applied Medical Technology and Benedict Bauer from the Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University have now developed a novel technology for the therapy of hollow organ tumours, which was awarded second place in the RWTH Innovation Award. This involves a polymerstent that contains magnetic nanoparticles. When electromagnetic fields are applied, these nanoparticles lead to a controlled heating of the stent material and thus of the tumour. Because the tumour reacts much more sensitively to heat than healthy tissue, it is destroyed and the hollow organ remains open. Thus, the stent develops a self-cleaning effect.  

  • Electromagnetically heatable nanomodified stent for the treatment of hollow organ tumours wins second place at the RWTH Innovation Award

Almost every fourth person who dies of cancer has a hollow organ tumour, for example in the bile duct or in the oesophagus. Such a tumour cannot usually be removed surgically. It is only possible to open the hollow organ for a short time using a stent, i.e. a tubeshaped prosthesis. However, the tumour grows back and penetrates the hollow organ through the stent. Ioana Slabu from the Institute of Applied Medical Technology and Benedict Bauer from the Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University have now developed a novel technology for the therapy of hollow organ tumours, which was awarded second place in the RWTH Innovation Award. This involves a polymerstent that contains magnetic nanoparticles. When electromagnetic fields are applied, these nanoparticles lead to a controlled heating of the stent material and thus of the tumour. Because the tumour reacts much more sensitively to heat than healthy tissue, it is destroyed and the hollow organ remains open. Thus, the stent develops a self-cleaning effect.  

Ioana Slabu of the AME explains: "Not only can we drastically reduce treatment costs, but above all we can provide relief for millions of patients worldwide.
A manufacturing process and proof of concept for magnetic hyperthermia are already in place. This novel technology has a very high development potential because it can also be used for tumours in other parts of the body such as the prostate, stomach, intestine or urinary bladder or for cardiovascular diseases.  

The AiF/IGF project started under the project title "ProNano" funded by BMWK. Now the approval for the follow-up project "ProNano2" has also been received. The approved project is called: "Validation of the innovation potential of heatable stents for heat-induced treatment of cavity tumours" and is funded by BMBF in course of the VIP+ program. With the Clinic for General, Visceral and Transplantation Surgery of the University Hospital Aachen and the Institute for Technology and Innovation Management at RWTH Aachen University, the consortium is enriched by clinical and economic expertise. Every year, RWTH Aachen University honours particularly innovative university projects with the Innovation Award. Professor Malte Brettel, Prorector for Business and Industry, presented the certificates to four outstanding projects as part of RWTHtransparent.


ITA – Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University