From the Sector

399 results
Photo: (c) Premium Group Berlin

The Art of connecting the fashion industry

"The atmosphere at all four shows and also the #FASHIONTECH BERLIN Conference was more successful than last summer. The exhibitors repeatedly praised the range of visitors – international buyers, well-founded fashion experts, people that love experiencing new trends and with a high level of awareness for our beautiful world. All of them took the chance to exchange and get inspired by the shows and events. Our strength is the concept of creating content, commerce and community – we connect the right people at the right time and at the right touchpoints. The entire network benefits from that. Furthermore the new digital b2b platform was featured on the PREMIUM and SEEK and received a very positive feedback."
– Anita Tillmann, Managing Partner PREMIUM GROUP

"The atmosphere at all four shows and also the #FASHIONTECH BERLIN Conference was more successful than last summer. The exhibitors repeatedly praised the range of visitors – international buyers, well-founded fashion experts, people that love experiencing new trends and with a high level of awareness for our beautiful world. All of them took the chance to exchange and get inspired by the shows and events. Our strength is the concept of creating content, commerce and community – we connect the right people at the right time and at the right touchpoints. The entire network benefits from that. Furthermore the new digital b2b platform was featured on the PREMIUM and SEEK and received a very positive feedback."
– Anita Tillmann, Managing Partner PREMIUM GROUP

On three days the PREMIUM GROUP once again showed and linked the most important international brands with buyers, influencers and other media representatives. Outcome: The real face-to-face exchange 2.0 is and remains important.
A total of 1,038 brands exhibited on the four formats. On top the #FASHIONTECH BERLIN offered the group's extensive and varied program as a conference. In addition to networking and trend scouting, the main focus was also on points of experience – an important aspect for the fashion industry, to which the PREMIUM GROUP increasingly relies. The halls of STATION Berlin, the Kühlhaus and the Arena Berlin were filled accordingly throughout the three days. The terrific summer weather contributed to the constantly positive atmosphere and invited all guests to enjoy all outdoor offers.



Premium Group Berlin



11. und 12. Oktober 2018 in Marrakesch
Der konzentrierte Überblick über Marokkos Textilproduktionen

11. und 12. Oktober 2018 in Marrakesch
Der konzentrierte Überblick über Marokkos Textilproduktionen

  • Marokkos wichtigster und wachsender Produktionszweig mit den meisten Arbeitsplätzen auf einen Blick
  • Höchste Kompetenz für schnelle Lieferungen und perfekte Plattform zur Optimierung der Lieferkette
  • Spezialisten für Fast Fashion in allen Bekleidungsbereichen und Jeanswear
  • Austragungsort Marrakesch: ‚The Most Lovely Spot in the Whole World’ (Winston Churchill)

Auf der nächsten MAROC IN MODE - MAROC SOURCING in Marrakesch vom 11. bis 12. Oktober 2018 präsentieren sich auf ca. 5.000 qm ca. 175 ausgewählten Top-Lieferanten, Komplettanbieter und CMT-Hersteller sowie innovative Anbieter von Garnen, Stoffen, Accessoires, Technologien und Dienstleistungen aus dem Mittelmeerraum auf dem Gelände der Autorennstrecke Moulay Hassan. Der Fokus der Messe liegt auf Fashion, Fast Fashion und nachhaltigen Eco-Systemen.

Marokko schafft Perspektiven, forciert den Ausbau der Bekleidungsindustrie, wird grüner
Marokko, das wirtschaftliche Ausnahmeland in der Euromed-Region, auf Platz 8 der textilexportierenden Länder bei der Ausfuhr von Bekleidung nach Europa (+5% im Vergleich zum Vorjahr) bietet aufgrund seiner politischen und sozialen Stabilität, der günstigen geostrategischen Lage, der modernen Infrastruktur und der freien Zugänge zu den europäischen Märkten äußerst vorteilhafte Produktions-bedingungen.
Seitens der Regierung wird massiv in die Entwicklung des Landes zum wichtigsten HUB Nordafrikas investiert.
Die Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie ist der größte Arbeitgeber des Landes und schafft Perspektiven für die Bevölkerung:

  • Marokko verzeichnet mehr als 1.600 Hersteller mit einer Produktionskapazität von über 1 Milliarde Teilen pro Jahr.
  • Über 180.000 Leute arbeiten in diesem Sektor, bis 2020 sollen noch weitere 100.000 hinzukommen.
  • Ein Viertel der marokkanischen Exporte (3 Milliarden € in 2016) entfallen auf die Bekleidungsindustrie.
  • 15% des Bruttosozialproduktes Marokkos wird im Bekleidungssektor generiert.
  • In die Ausbildung der Mitarbeiter wird investiert, spezielle Ausbildungsprogramme und Trainingskurse werden in großem Umfang durchgeführt.

Eine wichtige Rolle spielt die Förderung der sogenannten Eco-Systeme, Cluster, die die moderne Produktion, das Design und die Einhaltung internationaler Standards
vorantreiben. Mithilfe von besonders erfolgreichen Unternehmen, den sogenannten "Lokomotiven", wird die gesamte Bekleidungsindustrie effizient strukturiert und geführt.
Ein wichtiges Cluster in diesem Zusammenhang ist das Denim-Cluster, das ebenfalls auf der Messe präsentiert wird. Nachhaltige Denimproduktion zählt zu den Stärken marokkanischer Anbieter und wird im Rahmen der Industrieförderung stark unterstützt. Ein Beispiel ist das Label "Koala" der New Wash Group, das in der gesamten Produktionskette nachhaltig hergestellt wird. Marokko hat ehrgeizige Ziele, bis zum Jahr 2030 sollen 52% des Energiebedarfs des Landes, als erstes Land in Afrika, durch erneuerbare Energien wie Sonnenenergie, Wasser- und Windkraft gewonnen werden.

Produktion in Marokko bietet viele Vorteile

  • Fast Fashion
  • Schnelle Lieferung mit kurzfristigen Auslieferungsterminen
  • Sehr gutes Preis-/Leistungsverhältnis
  • Zollfreiheit durch EU-Abkommen

Im Bereich Fast Fashion ist Marokko bereits Champion unter den weltweiten Produktionsstandorten. Die Nähe zu Europa ermöglicht schnelle Auslieferung auf dem Landweg und die hochprofessionelle Bekleidungsindustrie setzt schnell neue Themen mit kurzfristigen Auslieferungsterminen um. Zudem punktet Marokko mit einem hervorragenden Preis-/Leistungsverhältnis, durch EU-Abkommen bietet eine Produktion in Marokko Zollfreiheit.

Fünf Eco-Systeme werden auf der kommenden MAROC IN MODE - MAROC SOURCING präsentiert:

  • Fast Fashion
  • Denim
  • Jersey, Strick und Lingerie
  • Technische Bekleidung / Sportswear und Freizeitbekleidung
  • Marken

175 vorwiegend marokkanische Aussteller geben einen Überblick über die Leistungsfähigkeit und Kollektionen. Etwa 1.500 Besucher aus Afrika, Europa und Amerika erwartet.

Inspirationsquelle Marrakesch
Schon 1943 sagte Winston Churchill zu Franklin D. Roosevelt: „Marrakech is the nicest place on Earth“. Das haben auch in den 60er Jahren viele Stars erkannt. Yves Saint Laurent hat dort ebenfalls mit dem traumhaften Jardin Majorelle ein Wahrzeichen gesetzt. Ob Fashion Blogger oder Designer, Marrakesch begeistert. Für internationale Fashion Blogger wie Camille Charrière, Anna Vitiello oder Alithea Castillo ist Marrakesch die "Must-Visit-City" 2018, nicht zuletzt wegen der einzigartigen Atmosphäre der Stadt, die den Orient fühlbar macht, des Jardin Majorelle und des im letzten Jahr eröffneten Yves Saint Laurent Museums, das das Leben und Werk dieses einzigartigen Designers zeigt. Eine lebendige Boutique-Szene macht Marrakesch zu einem Einkaufsparadies. In der ganzen Stadt finden sich Boutiquen mit einer Auswahl an hochwertigen Designerkollektionen,

Accessoires, etc., die die Besucher anlocken wie "33 Rue Majorelle", die Designer wie Les Maures, Salma Abdel-Wahab oder Atelier Nihal führen. Marrakesch ist eine Reise wert.

21st Kenya International Trade Exhibition 2018 (KITE)
21st Kenya International Trade Exhibition 2018 (KITE)

21st Kenya International Trade Exhibition 2018 (KITE)

Exhibitors from over 30 countries participating at Kenya's Biggest Int'l. Multi-Sector Trade Exhibition

The largest international trade exhibition in Africa for multi-sector products, equipment and machinery will take place at KICC, Nairobi, Kenya from 04 - 06 September with record breaking numbers. Exhibitors and trade visitors are said to increase by 27% and 24% respectively at the 21st edition of the Kenya International Trade Exhibition (KITE). The exhibition has grown in stature from its inception 22 years ago, as the key networking and sourcing platform for the industries. As the largest event of its kind, it ensures direct access to over 150 exhibitors from 30 countries and more than 12,000 trade visitors.

With an amazing array of products and services from all over the world, it gives visitors the opportunity to source cutting edge products and services as well as learn about and discuss the latest market trends. There is no other related trade exhibition in East Africa that delivers the same quality, quantity and variety of buyers and distributors.

Exhibitors from over 30 countries participating at Kenya's Biggest Int'l. Multi-Sector Trade Exhibition

The largest international trade exhibition in Africa for multi-sector products, equipment and machinery will take place at KICC, Nairobi, Kenya from 04 - 06 September with record breaking numbers. Exhibitors and trade visitors are said to increase by 27% and 24% respectively at the 21st edition of the Kenya International Trade Exhibition (KITE). The exhibition has grown in stature from its inception 22 years ago, as the key networking and sourcing platform for the industries. As the largest event of its kind, it ensures direct access to over 150 exhibitors from 30 countries and more than 12,000 trade visitors.

With an amazing array of products and services from all over the world, it gives visitors the opportunity to source cutting edge products and services as well as learn about and discuss the latest market trends. There is no other related trade exhibition in East Africa that delivers the same quality, quantity and variety of buyers and distributors.

Concentrating on some of the largest growth categories within the multi sector industry, Kenya International Trade Exhibition (KITE) 2018 has five distinct sub categories, namely: FOODAGRO, MEDEXPO, PPPEXPO & INDUSMACH which will cover the food, hotel & agricultural sectors, medical & pharmaceuticals, plastic, printing & packaging sector, the industrial and finally the consumer sector. Being centrally located, Kenya emerges as one of the largest importers in Africa. Kenya also has the largest economy in east Africa and is a regional financial and transportation hub.

Call for Papers, International Conference on Textile Coating and Laminating
Call for Papers, International Conference on Textile Coating and Laminating

Call for Papers, International Conference on Textile Coating and Laminating

The conference will focus on areas of high impact and growth potential, for example smart and intelligent textile coatings and laminates, digital printing and coatings, substrates and coated nonwovens.
Now in its 27th year, this will be the 19th in this established conference series which has become one of the most important meeting places for the global textiles coating and laminating industry.  Previously attending companies can be found on the conference website, where other details can also be located.

The core of the conference programme will be presentations by invited experts, but in order to give an opportunity for anyone with exciting and relevant ideas to present to a high-level international audience, a call for papers is being issued for contributions in the following areas, with emphasis on work that will impact the industry, now and in the future.  Suggested topics include the following:

The conference will focus on areas of high impact and growth potential, for example smart and intelligent textile coatings and laminates, digital printing and coatings, substrates and coated nonwovens.
Now in its 27th year, this will be the 19th in this established conference series which has become one of the most important meeting places for the global textiles coating and laminating industry.  Previously attending companies can be found on the conference website, where other details can also be located.

The core of the conference programme will be presentations by invited experts, but in order to give an opportunity for anyone with exciting and relevant ideas to present to a high-level international audience, a call for papers is being issued for contributions in the following areas, with emphasis on work that will impact the industry, now and in the future.  Suggested topics include the following:

  • new developments in machinery and techniques such as bonding systems, developments in polymers, surface modifications, techniques for extreme properties etc.
  • smart textile coatings and laminates
  • technology for growth, eg nanotechnology, antimicrobial/antibacterial, green technology, developments in self-decontaminating etc.
  • growth markets and applications such as solar/thermal, fuel cells, composites, medical/biotechnology, extreme materials etc.
  • environmental issues
  • disruptive technology - new developments that will potentially change the industry, such as digital printing, graphene and nanotechnology in membranes, and alternatives for PVC etc.



Filpucci @ PITTI Filati- The journey of responsible innovation continues

FILPUCCI GROUP proceeds along the path of commitment towards an ever more responsible innovation. The group takes part in the 83rd edition of Pitti Filati (June 27-29, 2018) with unique products, high-end knitwear and creative yarns, all resulting from the authentic Smart Innovation the company has been long committed to.
Research, style and fashion are key words for the world-renown Tuscan company, which unveils an always more responsible approach both at a corporate level and in terms of offer.
Here are some key elements to prove Filpucci’s relentless commitment:

FILPUCCI GROUP proceeds along the path of commitment towards an ever more responsible innovation. The group takes part in the 83rd edition of Pitti Filati (June 27-29, 2018) with unique products, high-end knitwear and creative yarns, all resulting from the authentic Smart Innovation the company has been long committed to.
Research, style and fashion are key words for the world-renown Tuscan company, which unveils an always more responsible approach both at a corporate level and in terms of offer.
Here are some key elements to prove Filpucci’s relentless commitment:

  • The GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) and OCS (Organic Content Standard) certifications obtained by the Filpucci dyeing plant add to the Clear to Wear (CTW) standard developed by Inditex Group and achieved in 2014 and to the Detox commitment, which was signed in February, 2016.
  • Not only the best raw materials, but also an established knowhow in the fields of dyeing and finishing, always under the key concept of Responsible Innovation. This concept extends to each and every FILPUCCI collection and their ever-increasing offer, the roughly twenty innovative new items, the Woolen line of carded yarns and the real spearhead of premium fashion, the Collection. Among this season’s new offer: Baby Camel Re.Verso™, RWS- certified merino organic wool, Re.Verso™ cashmere, organic silks and FSC-certified viscose.
  • The achievement of further certifications such as the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) for viscose shows the care and respect towards the ecosystem as a whole, guaranteeing a product derived from a forest or a plantation forest in the respect of strict environmental, social and economic standards. The RWS (Responsible Wool Standard) finally guarantees the use of wool coming from livestock managed under rigorous criteria oriented towards the wellbeing of animals and the reduction of environmental impact.
  • Filpucci Group is all about a constant vocation towards new generation values and a reliable, traceable and transparent manufacturing process, as shown by the Re.Verso™ circular economy supply chain, of which the group is a unique ambassador in the field of high-end/low-impact knitwear yarns.

With absolute quality always in mind, FILPUCCI GROUP represents a corporate model that has made of sustainability a real mission, embarking on complex paths that have brought great results with fashionable textile solutions lead by ethnical and sustainable values. Thanks to this, Filpucci’s products have become part of Patagonia Collections, an important acknowledging from the brand’s part, whose managers stated: “We are always on the hunt for the highest performing, lowest impact materials. We were thrilled to find Re.Verso ™ (95/5 transformed) Cashmere yarn from Filpucci. It allowed us to create a range of products with the insulative and soft properties of cashmere while adhering to our mission statement; build the best product, cause no unnecessary harm.”
FILPUCCI GROUP’s commitment is evident and it moves forward thanks to the passion towards responsible and innovative paths that contribute to turning the group into a reliable partner, symbol of quality and excellence.

Filpucci is also a C.L.A.S.S. (Creativity Lifestyle And Sustainable Synergy) partner.


GB Network Marketing & Communication



From 3-5 July BRIGHT welcomes big names, young talents and influential media from the skateboarding community, to share old tales and tell exciting new stories. From b2b2c: the whole skate universe is invited to explore the latest streetwear, hero brands, entertaining skate action and the energy of a big 3-day celebration – all for the love of skateboarding. Here‘s a round-up:

To celebrate the blending of culture and community, this summer adidas Skateboarding and Skatedeluxe are joining forces. At BRIGHT the collaboration will be celebrated on a specifically designed street course open to the public! The whole community is invited to experience the latest product release surrounded by special activities such as skate sessions at the skate course, art installations and brand experiences.

BRIGHT is more than happy to welcome LLSB with an incredible exhibition from Southbank‘s five decades of history, with pieces of art donated to the campaign by the likes of the Gonz, Ed Templeton, Pontus and many more expected.

From 3-5 July BRIGHT welcomes big names, young talents and influential media from the skateboarding community, to share old tales and tell exciting new stories. From b2b2c: the whole skate universe is invited to explore the latest streetwear, hero brands, entertaining skate action and the energy of a big 3-day celebration – all for the love of skateboarding. Here‘s a round-up:

To celebrate the blending of culture and community, this summer adidas Skateboarding and Skatedeluxe are joining forces. At BRIGHT the collaboration will be celebrated on a specifically designed street course open to the public! The whole community is invited to experience the latest product release surrounded by special activities such as skate sessions at the skate course, art installations and brand experiences.

BRIGHT is more than happy to welcome LLSB with an incredible exhibition from Southbank‘s five decades of history, with pieces of art donated to the campaign by the likes of the Gonz, Ed Templeton, Pontus and many more expected.

LLSB is a community group set up to campaign for the world-famous Southbank Skate Spot in the centre of London, UK. Having saved the space from destruction in 2014, LLSB is now fundraising €900,000 to restore legendary sections of the space special to skateboarders around the world.

Contemporary culture cannot exist solely through the sharing go digital “lifestyles”: in collaboration with Berlin-based photographer Johannes Böttge‘s own project NATIVE TEENAGE and contributors from the art, music and photography scene, NATIVE TEENAGE STUDIO showcases an all-day workshop format (3-5 July) at BRIGHT’s b2c area. While it focuses on transforming a broad spectrum of visual stimulation, information and communication into physical space, it aims to bridge gaps in generations and groups, translating them into curiosities.

Meet Clara Knör & Laura Kaczmarek who will exhibit their latest work at BRIGHT!

DC Shoes proudly presents BRIGHT´s official Opening Party at Wilde Renate. Including highly entertaining skate action by global heads and local top dogs. Supported by notorious hip-hop DJs, a sizzling BBQ, cold beers and drinks, bright sunshine and – of course – the guests themselves, who are in town during Berlin Fashion Week – you and your friends are invited! 3 JULY | 5:30 PM | WILDE RENATE

The winner takes it all with a juicy cash reward, at the contest for the highest wallride brought to you by Berlin‘s own IRIEDAILY. Free booze and fun for free minds.

CPH Open is taking the show on the road – to Berlin! CPH-BER is going down this August, and to heat the city up a bit, CPH Open is spreading the vibes at BRIGHT – you’re invited!

More information:
BRIGHT Skateboard-Kultur Berlin CPH

PREMIUM Exhibitions GmbH



This July at Interfilière, discover responsible innovation and well-being at the ROICA™ booth.

ROICA™ partners create innovative fabrics for the Modern Wardrobe. See, feel, imagine and learn why brands are choosing ROICA™, view the collection of superior functional fabrics that revolutionize the premium stretch market, thanks to advanced yarn solutions dedicated to specific needs of the contemporary consumer.

Spearheading the stretch market, ROICA™ elevates new standards for intelligent contemporary consumers. ROICA™ representatives will excite you as they demonstrate functionality, their advanced color technology system, and show you a fantastic range of stretch innovations from smart shapewear to soft compression that can enhance designs. Come visit the ROICA™ booth to learn about the ongoing commitment to responsible innovation and creativity. As you enter, you will experience 3 Modern Wardrobe concept zones that showcase:

1. ROICA™ Lifestyle – a beautiful selection of commercial lingerie, swimwear and nightwear items from leading brands that include ROICA™, embracing the ROICA™ Eco Smart family of yarns.

This July at Interfilière, discover responsible innovation and well-being at the ROICA™ booth.

ROICA™ partners create innovative fabrics for the Modern Wardrobe. See, feel, imagine and learn why brands are choosing ROICA™, view the collection of superior functional fabrics that revolutionize the premium stretch market, thanks to advanced yarn solutions dedicated to specific needs of the contemporary consumer.

Spearheading the stretch market, ROICA™ elevates new standards for intelligent contemporary consumers. ROICA™ representatives will excite you as they demonstrate functionality, their advanced color technology system, and show you a fantastic range of stretch innovations from smart shapewear to soft compression that can enhance designs. Come visit the ROICA™ booth to learn about the ongoing commitment to responsible innovation and creativity. As you enter, you will experience 3 Modern Wardrobe concept zones that showcase:

1. ROICA™ Lifestyle – a beautiful selection of commercial lingerie, swimwear and nightwear items from leading brands that include ROICA™, embracing the ROICA™ Eco Smart family of yarns.

2. ROICA™ Innovation – an exciting area that shares our textile partners’ innovations to inspire endless possibilities. This area will showcase lingerie concept garments for brands that will spark ideas for AW 19/20.

3. ROICA™ Lab – the zone that navigates you toward the latest hi-tech Modern Wardrobe solutions. This zone hosts unmatched premium stretch performance designed to exceed contemporary business and consumer desires belonging to ROICA™ Eco-Smart family and ROICA™ Feel Good family .

ROICA™ Eco-Smart family, the world's first range of responsibly made premium stretch fibers creating ROICA™ smart yarns that offer sustainable solutions with prestigious certifications:

  • Global Recycling Standard (GRS) Version 3.0 certified by Textile Exchange - ROICA™ Version 3.0 yarn constructed with more than 50% pre-consumer recycled content.
  • Cradle to Cradle Certified™ Gold for product and ingredients - ROICA™ yarn evaluated throughout the supply chain for lower impacts on human and environmental health. Striving toward eliminating all toxic and unidentified chemicals for a safe continuous cycle. Hohenstein Environment Compatibility Certificate - ROICA™ proudly breaks down without releasing harmful substances.

ROICA™ partners featuring ROICA™ Eco-Smart family include:
Giemme, Iluna Group S.p.A, Maglificio Ripa S.p.A, M.I.T.I. Spa, Penn Textile Solutions, Sofileta, Tessitura Colombo Antonio Tintex Textiles

ROICA™ Feel Good family, a brilliant range of advanced stretch fibers that deliver personal performance and measurable wellness. Thus, providing freshness and comfort metrics perfect for travel, sport, leisure and more. The family now offers a premium innovation:

  • ROICA™ CF, an innovative yarn that neutralizes odors thanks to an active ingredient interlocked within the yarn. This durable stretch yarn offers a fantastic property to every wearer.

ROICA™ partners featuring ROICA™ CF include: Maglificio Ripa S.p.A., TINTEX Textiles.

ROICA™ also presents the following families through our textile partners’ innovations within the ROICA™ Innovation area:

  • ROICA™ Color Perfect family - advanced color technology system that delivers a perfect color match finish with an undetectable matte look for the stretch materials.
  • ROICA™ Contour family - high performance stretch yarn control that delivers a calibrated form optimizing power, softness and comfort.
  • ROICA™ Resistance family - innovations linked to durability and functions to match particular applications including heat and chemical resistance in make and wear.

GB Network

Pasadena Laundry Recertified for Clean Green
Pasadena Laundry Recertified for Clean Green

Pasadena Laundry Recertified for Clean Green

California Linen Services of Pasadena, Calif. has been recertified Clean Green, reflecting the company’s dedication to standards for operational efficiency and sustainability. The certification quantifies linen, uniform and facility services’ environmentally friendly performance by confirming an operation launders within TRSA-designated water and energy use thresholds; and verifies use of best management practices (BMPs) in line with the ASTM International environmental laundering standard.
California Linen Service’s customers can be assured their reusable healthcare textiles are washed, dried and finished with processes that maximize sustainability and reduce greenhouse emissions. Clean Green certified operations demonstrate significant commitment to conservation and green operations through these BMPs:

California Linen Services of Pasadena, Calif. has been recertified Clean Green, reflecting the company’s dedication to standards for operational efficiency and sustainability. The certification quantifies linen, uniform and facility services’ environmentally friendly performance by confirming an operation launders within TRSA-designated water and energy use thresholds; and verifies use of best management practices (BMPs) in line with the ASTM International environmental laundering standard.
California Linen Service’s customers can be assured their reusable healthcare textiles are washed, dried and finished with processes that maximize sustainability and reduce greenhouse emissions. Clean Green certified operations demonstrate significant commitment to conservation and green operations through these BMPs:

  • Recovering heat from drained hot water and heat dispersed from the process of warming water
  • Recapturing drained water from rinses for reuse
  • Using environmentally friendly detergents
  • Removing solids and liquids from wastewater
  • Solar energy and energy-efficient lighting
  • Recycling programs
  • Re-routing trucks to save vehicle fuel
  • Spill prevention plans

California Linen Service earned the Clean Green certification initially in 2015. The designation is valid for three years at a time. TRSA inspects laundry facilities seeking certification and approves documentation of their water and energy use and BMP deployment through production reports they submit to auditors during the inspections. TRSA’s certification management protocol includes auditor training by the association’s inspection program administrator.
Clean Green aligns with the ASTM International standard, Guide for Sustainable Laundry Practices, which recognizes key criteria for the certification as universal indicators of maximum sustainability in commercial laundry work. ASTM’s review of TRSA BMPs verified these as the most effective and practical techniques for a laundry to achieve green objectives.
TRSA members prompted development of the standard, which was vetted in the sustainability subcommittee of the ASTM Committee on Textiles. Top technical experts, scientists and environmental professionals from outside the linen, uniform and facility services industry reviewed the BMPs. ASTM is the global leader in developing and delivering voluntary consensus standards unparalleled in building consumer confidence in product and service quality.
“I applaud California Linen Services for their ongoing sustainability efforts and maintaining the highest standards in their production and delivery operations,” said Joseph Ricci, TRSA president and CEO. “Meeting all the criteria for certification is not easy, but the company is committed to industry-leading processes and technologies.”


Lenzing invests in new capacities for TENCEL Luxe (c) Lenzing

Lenzing invests in new capacities for TENCEL Luxe

  • Market success above expectations
  • Product and market development accelerated
  • Investment up to EUR 30 mn

Lenzing – The Lenzing Group is setting another milestone as a specialist for extremely high-quality products made of the renewable raw material wood. Capacities will be significantly expanded due to strong demand for Lenzing’s TENCELTM Luxe filament yarn which was first launched on the market just a few months ago. Lenzing will invest up to EUR 30 mn in a further pilot line at the Lenzing site. Basic engineering for construction of the new facility has already been initiated.

  • Market success above expectations
  • Product and market development accelerated
  • Investment up to EUR 30 mn

Lenzing – The Lenzing Group is setting another milestone as a specialist for extremely high-quality products made of the renewable raw material wood. Capacities will be significantly expanded due to strong demand for Lenzing’s TENCELTM Luxe filament yarn which was first launched on the market just a few months ago. Lenzing will invest up to EUR 30 mn in a further pilot line at the Lenzing site. Basic engineering for construction of the new facility has already been initiated.

“Thanks to TENCELTM Luxe, Lenzing is currently positioning itself in the premium luxury market and is embedding the issue of sustainability there in combination with superior aesthetics”, says Robert van de Kerkhof, Chief Commercial Officer of the Lenzing Group. “The fine filament yarn is comparable to natural silk due to its airy feeling on the skin and the matte finish. It is perfectly suited for very fine fabrics made exclusively from this yarn and as a blending partner with silk, cashmere and wool”, he adds.

“On the occasion of the launch of TENCELTM Luxe filaments, the luxury brands already realized what opportunities they would have by using this yarn made of the renewable raw material wood. For this reason, demand is already so high that we have decided to take an intermediate step to expand capacities before building a large commercial production plant. The decision to construct a new line will serve as the basis for generating a three-fold increase in capacity compared to the previous volume. The additional capacity will be available to customers at the end of next year”, states Stefan Doboczky, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Management Board of the Lenzing Group. “The Lenzing site was selected because research and technological know-how in plant construction are connected in a special way, which will in turn enable us to further develop this special product”, Doboczky adds.

The new capacities will enable Lenzing to more effectively fulfil the needs of customers for TENCELTM Luxe filament yarn than in the past. At the same time, Lenzing will press ahead with technical planning for a large-scale commercial line at the Lenzing site.

This strong level of demand is further evidence of the Lenzing Group’s innovative strength. The yarn is opening up new markets for the company in the eco-couture segment, thus contributing to the successful implementation of the sCore TEN strategy.

(c) Marketmedia24

Auf dem Weg in ein neues Zeitalter: Deutsche Berufskleidungsbranche

Der Arbeitsmarkt gerät in Bewegung. Eine zunehmende Digitalisierung der Industrie soll in absehbarer Zukunft viele Arbeitsplätze vernichten. Gleichzeitig werden aber auch neue Berufsbilder entstehen. Einige zeichnen sich heute schon ab, andere müssen erst noch erschaffen werden.

Wie aber wird sich die Industrie 4.0 auf die bei der Arbeit getragene Kleidung und Persönliche Schutzausrüstung (PSA) auswirken?

Der Arbeitsmarkt gerät in Bewegung. Eine zunehmende Digitalisierung der Industrie soll in absehbarer Zukunft viele Arbeitsplätze vernichten. Gleichzeitig werden aber auch neue Berufsbilder entstehen. Einige zeichnen sich heute schon ab, andere müssen erst noch erschaffen werden.

Wie aber wird sich die Industrie 4.0 auf die bei der Arbeit getragene Kleidung und Persönliche Schutzausrüstung (PSA) auswirken?

Bisher müssen sich Hersteller und Distributeure keine Sorgen machen. Seit vier Jahren steigen die Umsätze in diesem Markt. Der Erfolg geht vor allem auf das Konto der zunehmenden „Fashionisierung“ und Funktionalisierung, die sich die Verbraucher etwas kosten lassen. Dessen ungeachtet werden neue Konzepte notwendig sein, die den Wandel begleiten. Die ersten Anbieter sind bereits mit Lösungen am Markt: Sie entwickeln smarte Berufskleidung und vernetzte Sicherheitssysteme. Diese sind hochpreisiger als klassische Berufskleidung und können dem Markt frische, positive Impulse geben. Auf lange Sicht ist ein weiteres Wachstum daher möglich. Die Branchen-Insider von Marketmedia24 halten eine Zunahme um bis zu 7 Prozent bis zum Jahr 2025 für machbar, wie die jetzt veröffentlichte Studie „Branchen-REPORT Berufs- und Schutzkleidung 2018“ zeigt. Besonderen Grund zur Freude haben Online-Handel und Mietservice: beiden wird ein weiter ansteigender Vertriebsanteil prognostiziert.

Die seit vier Jahren anhaltend gute Branchenentwicklung hat verschiedene Ursachen. „Dazu zählen in erster Linie ein zunehmendes Sicherheitsbewusstsein, die optische und funktionelle Aufwertung der Kollektionen, die unausweichliche Auseinandersetzung mit Nachhaltigkeit und die vermehrte Gleichberechtigung des Angebots für Männer und Frauen. Jeder dieser Trends führt unweigerlich zu einer Verteuerung der Bekleidung“, fasst Textilingenieurin, Fachjournalistin und Studienautorin Sabine Anton-Katzenbach (Textilberatung Hamburg) die Entwicklung der Branche zusammen. Abzulesen ist diese Entwicklung an den einzelnen Warengruppen: Herren- und Damenhosen haben deutlich zugelegt. Herrenlatzhosen gehen hingegen langsam zurück, wie die neue Marketmedia24-Studie zeigt. „Arbeitshosen sind inzwischen auch in Damenschnitten erhältlich. Frauen in zahlreichen Berufen sind also nicht mehr auf das für ihre männlichen Kollegen entwickelte Kleidungsangebot angewiesen und können sich getrost von dem „Notnagel Latzhose“ verabschieden. Dadurch verändert sich die Nachfrage: Weg von der Herrenlatzhose hin zur Damenbundhose“, weiß Sabine Anton-Katzenbach.

Neue Impulse setzt auch das Trend-Thema Nachhaltigkeit.

Händler wie Hersteller engagieren sich mit Produkten aus umweltverträglichen Materialien, mit besonders haltbarer, langlebiger Kleidung oder mit sozialen und fairen Fertigungsbedingungen für Ressourcenschonung und Menschenrechte. Der Branchenreport präsentiert erstmals die Aktivitäten verschiedener Anbieter auf ökologischem und sozialem Terrain. Starke Impulse der Bewegung kommen aus den Niederlanden, aber verschiedene deutsche Anbieter ziehen nach. Auf dem Gebiet der ethischen Nachhaltigkeit sind auch viele skandinavische Hersteller aktiv.

Die Distribution von Berufskleidung läuft über diverse Kanäle, von denen der Mietservice der wichtigste ist und zukünftig bleibt. Gewinner ist jedoch der Online-Handel, der inzwischen fast ein Zehntel der Gesamtumsätze auf sich vereint. Insbesondere in ländlichen Regionen überzeugt die 24-stündige Verfügbarkeit der Anbieter. Allerdings kann weder ein Katalog noch ein Onlineshop die Beratungsfunktion eines Fachhändlers übernehmen, weshalb der Kunde diesen Vertriebskanal für die Beschaffung von Berufs- und Schutzbekleidung sowie PSA nach wie vor schätzt. Der Einzelhandel hingegen geht weiter zurück. Die bewährt fundierte Szenarioforschung von Marketmedia24 sieht ein weiteres Wegbrechen von Einzelhändlern: Bis zum Jahr 2025 wird ihr Distributionsanteil unter 4 Prozent sinken. Der Mietservice wird seine Position weiter behaupten und ausbauen. Dabei dürfte auch der Trend der Sharing-Ökonomie eine Rolle spielen: „Das Konsumverhalten hat sich durch die Vernetzung grundlegend verändert“, beschreibt das Frankfurter Zukunftsinstitut. „Man geht nicht mehr Einkaufen und besitzt danach ein Produkt, sondern man nutzt, teilt, bekommt, tauscht. Handeln ist kein linearer Akt mehr. Erfolgreiche Konzepte orientieren sich immer stärker an der Kreislaufökonomie.“



Lectra: “Fashion Goes Digital” takes the Lead in Fashion Technology (c) Lectra

Lectra: “Fashion Goes Digital”

  • “Fashion Goes Digital” takes the Lead in Fashion Technology
  • Customers get Industry 4.0-ready as Lectra unveiled latest product offerings and shared insights at annual fashion VIP event

Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, put theory into practice at its recent fashion event by unveiling their latest 4.0 Cutting Room to more than 100 privileged industry professionals.

“Fashion Goes Digital” drew industry stakeholders and market experts from 20 countries, who gathered at Lectra’s International Advanced Technology Center (IATC) in Bordeaux-Cestas, France, to examine the real-life application of digitalization in fashion.

  • “Fashion Goes Digital” takes the Lead in Fashion Technology
  • Customers get Industry 4.0-ready as Lectra unveiled latest product offerings and shared insights at annual fashion VIP event

Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, put theory into practice at its recent fashion event by unveiling their latest 4.0 Cutting Room to more than 100 privileged industry professionals.

“Fashion Goes Digital” drew industry stakeholders and market experts from 20 countries, who gathered at Lectra’s International Advanced Technology Center (IATC) in Bordeaux-Cestas, France, to examine the real-life application of digitalization in fashion.

While the topic of digitalization served as a backdrop for the event, there was a recurring theme at the forefront: fashion companies need Industry 4.0 technology and support in order to be more precise in meeting the evolving needs of their digitally savvy consumers.
Nick Chiarelli, Client Partner of Foresight Factory, shed light on new business opportunities for fashion, Nora Kühner, founder of Nora Kühner Fashion Design Consulting, used her designer perspective to decode the digital future of product development, and Fabrizio Fantini, founder of Evo Pricing, showed participants how machine learning could help fashion companies predict consumer demand and avoid waste.

“While speaking about the future challenges and trends in fashion and luxury, the trend now is to use analytics to drive the entire production process,” highlighted Stephen Taylor, Principal Director of Kurt Salmon.

Waruna Tennakoon, General Manager of Group Cutting, Brandix, and Ajith Perera General Manager of Mathliya Plant, MAS Kreeda, also shared their Lectra customer experience. Based in Sri Lanka, both companies have established themselves as the country’s largest apparel exporters, with Brandix specializing in producing intimate and activewear, and MAS Kreeda in sportswear.

“Thanks to the digital revolution, consumers are now more specific in their demands. This will cause a shift in mass manufacturing where there will be smaller-volume orders coming in at a faster rate. As a result, manufacturing models have to be more agile in the immediate future,” explained Ajith Perera, “I am happy to see that Lectra is already spearheading this change by providing us with the necessary technology to help us meet market demand.”

There was no better time to put digitalization into context than during “Fashion Goes Digital”.
VIP guests got a sneak preview of the brand new, fully automated cutting room solution for fashion and apparel. Lectra’s Cutting Room 4.0 is an embodiment of Lectra’s commitment to empowering its customers with the best solutions to thrive in this new digital era. This avant-garde technology leverages industry 4.0 principles to provide greater agility, throughput, cost efficiency and in particular scalability in order to respond seamlessly to small batches orders and shorter lead times.

Jean-Yves Collet, CEO of Treize Roches Couture, a high-end French womenswear manufacturer, provided a testimonial on why his company chose to be one of the first to adopt this new solution. He explained how Lectra’s latest technology would help Treize Roches speed up their artisanal production process to bring products faster to market.

“When we discussed the possibility of a made-to-order production project, we could really foresee the benefits both in terms of quality and productivity. Industry 4.0 solutions do not yet exist in garment manufacturing. This is why we have decided to develop an Industry 4.0 cutting room. This will allow us, in the preparatory stages to automate the processes as much as possible and improve quality, productivity and training time.”

“We have unveiled our strategy last year where we have identified Industry 4.0 and digitalization as our key drivers. Our goal for this event is to show that we are, indeed, living and breathing Industry 4.0 and we do have what it takes to help our customers succeed in this era. Our latest cutting room 4.0 shows that we are not just talking about the future of fashion anymore, we are living in it right now as we speak,” concluded Céline Choussy Bedouet, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer, Lectra.

More information:
Industry 4.0 Lectra


An Evening of Smart Innovation that Showcased New Standards for Fashion (c) Rodin Banica
Textile installation by Cécile Feilchenfeldt

An Evening of Smart Innovation that Showcased New Standards for Fashion

On Thursday, March 22nd, C.L.A.S.S., with support from the Council of Fashion  Designers  of  America  (CFDA),  hosted  an  intimate  gathering  of  fashion’s  industry  leaders, educators, designers and members of the press to celebrate An Evening of Smart Innovation.

The event was beautifully orchestrated by Ginger Design, an exceptional team of Italian creatives, filmmakers, food and  textile  designers  as  a  way  to  create  a  unique  immersive  experience  telling  the  story  of  C.L.A.S.S.’ visionary journey. Thus, providing guests with an awareness and chance to embrace knowledge related to four key areas that set new standards for fashion vital to C.L.A.S.S.’ business philosophy:  Heritage, Smart Innovation, Circular Economy and Design Responsibility.

Imagination and responsibility at the forefront of the event, guests entered to view a film by Cristina Picchi that  represented harmony  between the various  phases  of  the  textile  process  and  the  cycles  of  natural elements.

On Thursday, March 22nd, C.L.A.S.S., with support from the Council of Fashion  Designers  of  America  (CFDA),  hosted  an  intimate  gathering  of  fashion’s  industry  leaders, educators, designers and members of the press to celebrate An Evening of Smart Innovation.

The event was beautifully orchestrated by Ginger Design, an exceptional team of Italian creatives, filmmakers, food and  textile  designers  as  a  way  to  create  a  unique  immersive  experience  telling  the  story  of  C.L.A.S.S.’ visionary journey. Thus, providing guests with an awareness and chance to embrace knowledge related to four key areas that set new standards for fashion vital to C.L.A.S.S.’ business philosophy:  Heritage, Smart Innovation, Circular Economy and Design Responsibility.

Imagination and responsibility at the forefront of the event, guests entered to view a film by Cristina Picchi that  represented harmony  between the various  phases  of  the  textile  process  and  the  cycles  of  natural elements.

The piece de resistance was a three-dimensional installation designed by Cécile Feilchenfeldt that  contained  exquisite  knits  allowing  guests  to  walk  through  the area to  inspire creativity and explore the  limitless possibilities using innovative  smart  materials.  So,  with  responsible  design  in  mind  the guests  were  able  to  touch  and  feel  the  luxurious  smart  textiles supported  by  sustainable  credentials  from  Bacx  by  Centro  Seta, Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei, ECOTEC® by Marchi & Fildi, Organic Cotton  Colours,  Re.VerSo™,  ROICA™  by  Asahi  Kasei,  TINTEX Textiles, and Zignone. The new generation of beautiful cottons, rich silks, lush wools and opulent cashmeres showcased throughout the C.L.A.S.S. event currently available to the market.

Giusy Bettoni and the C.L.A.S.S. team from Milan and New  York, as well as several of their partner representatives from around the globe  were  on  hand  to  engage  designers  and  educators  and answer   questions   related   to   smart   materials   and   processes. Designers  and  educators  were  pleased  to  learn  about  the  new C.L.A.S.S. e-commerce site dedicated to emerging designers and fashion  startups,  as  well as  new  details  regarding  C.L.A.S.S. Education  as  a  university   learning  resource,  co-founded   with James  Mendolia,  FIT  Professor,  MFA  Fashion  Design  and  FIT Sustainability Council Member.

Attendees included: Julien Labat, president of Edun and Marilyn Balkaransingh Director of  Fabric  R&D of  Edun, J.R.  Campbell  and  Young  Kim  Thanos of Kent State’s School of Design and Merchandising, Lisa Smilor and Stephanie  Soto of  CFDA,  Nomi  Dale  Kleinman of  FIT,  Susan Easton, founder   of   From   the   Road,   Nicole   Fischelis,   Heron Preston, Luciana Scrutchen of Parsons School of Design and Kay Unger, chair of the Board of Governors for Parsons, among others.

(c) Lectra

Teamwork Reimagined: Lectra Connected Design and Lectra Connected Development

  • Connect people, data and processes with Lectra’s latest solutions to power up design and development teams

Paris – Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, introduces collaborative solutions specifically developed for design and product development teams, enabling fashion companies to affront tighter deadlines and handle wider product mixes with speed and serenity.

With the rise of e-commerce, digitally dependent consumers expect personalized, innovative fashion delivered to their doorstep at the click of a mouse.

Fashion companies are struggling to keep up with consumer demands and looking for new ways to speed up design and development without compromising quality. Design teams work faster than ever to deliver fresh, eye-catching collections. Product development teams rush to transform new designs into consumer-ready products. Given the accelerated pace of the fashion marketplace, information sharing has become vital for these teams.

  • Connect people, data and processes with Lectra’s latest solutions to power up design and development teams

Paris – Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, introduces collaborative solutions specifically developed for design and product development teams, enabling fashion companies to affront tighter deadlines and handle wider product mixes with speed and serenity.

With the rise of e-commerce, digitally dependent consumers expect personalized, innovative fashion delivered to their doorstep at the click of a mouse.

Fashion companies are struggling to keep up with consumer demands and looking for new ways to speed up design and development without compromising quality. Design teams work faster than ever to deliver fresh, eye-catching collections. Product development teams rush to transform new designs into consumer-ready products. Given the accelerated pace of the fashion marketplace, information sharing has become vital for these teams.

Lectra has developed two new solutions to fulfill the specific needs of these teams, Lectra Connected Design and Lectra Connected Development. These solutions deliver collaborative environments that integrate business applications to aggregate, standardize and store data from all design and product development stages. These innovative solutions make every-day working life less stressful by allowing criteria-based searches, inciting users to capitalize on data links, and providing them with innovative tools and services to speed up their processes.

Lectra Connected Design facilitates collaboration between textile and fashion designers, colorists, graphic designers, technical designers and their managers by providing design teams with a connected environment. Team members can access the platform via their Lectra Kaledo® design software and Adobe® Creative Cloud, share inspiration and review collections together or upload inspirations via dedicated mobile apps. This solution gives users the visibility needed to streamline, automate and monitor the entire design process to ensure that they remain creative under severe time constraints.

In the same way, Lectra Connected Development connects patternmakers, graders, technical design teams, managers, cost and margin specialists, marker makers and sample teams through data. It allows team members to connect through Lectra Modaris® 2D and 3D patternmaking software and Lectra Diamino® Fashion marker-making software. Thanks to the wide range of standard libraries and mobile applications provided, teams will improve the efficiency of technical specifications creation. The automation of business processes and real-time communication allow product development teams to avoid errors and deliver the right product quality and fit.

“We recognize first and foremost that today’s fashion industry professionals need to feel well-equipped and at ease in order to perform well under tight deadlines,” explains Céline Choussy Bedouet, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer, Lectra. “We are confident that by introducing a new and easy way of collaborating through sound data management, both offers will help design and product development teams work faster and more easily to build quality into the products they design and develop. That way, they can reach their fullest potential as key contributors to their companies’ success.”

More information:
Lectra, PLM Design


Intertextile Shanghai, Taiwan Pavillion (c) Messe Frankfurt

Largest range of exhibitors from Asia awaits at Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics

For buyers that prioritise having the widest range of sourcing options in one place, their best bet is March’s Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics. Boasting pavilions from Japan, Korea, Pakistan and Taiwan, individual exhibitors from Hong Kong, India, Indonesia and Vietnam, not to mention 2,800-plus Chinese exhibitors, the fair is the largest gathering of Asian suppliers under one roof for the spring / summer sourcing season. To ensure convenience for buyers, international exhibitors are grouped by country or region, while Chinese exhibitors are located in product halls including fabrics for casualwear, functional wear / sportswear, ladieswear, lingerie & swimwear, shirting and suiting, as well as for accessories and denim.

In total, around 3,300 exhibitors will showcase their apparel fabrics and accessories at the fair, with the SalonEurope zone hosting premium suppliers from Europe – including pavilions and zones from France, Germany, Italy and Turkey – while the International Hall also houses other overseas exhibitors from the likes of Argentina, Australia, Peru the US and elsewhere.

For buyers that prioritise having the widest range of sourcing options in one place, their best bet is March’s Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics. Boasting pavilions from Japan, Korea, Pakistan and Taiwan, individual exhibitors from Hong Kong, India, Indonesia and Vietnam, not to mention 2,800-plus Chinese exhibitors, the fair is the largest gathering of Asian suppliers under one roof for the spring / summer sourcing season. To ensure convenience for buyers, international exhibitors are grouped by country or region, while Chinese exhibitors are located in product halls including fabrics for casualwear, functional wear / sportswear, ladieswear, lingerie & swimwear, shirting and suiting, as well as for accessories and denim.

In total, around 3,300 exhibitors will showcase their apparel fabrics and accessories at the fair, with the SalonEurope zone hosting premium suppliers from Europe – including pavilions and zones from France, Germany, Italy and Turkey – while the International Hall also houses other overseas exhibitors from the likes of Argentina, Australia, Peru the US and elsewhere.

Japan Pavilion keeps ‘Banshu-Ori’ tradition alive
Organised by the Japan Fashion Week Organization (JFW), the Japan Pavilion will house 22 exhibitors and also feature a Japan Trend Corner. After the immense popularity of this pavilion with buyers in previous editions, the organisers are in a good position to comment on the trends in the local market. “The now mature Chinese market tends to seek out very different types of products and purchase in smaller batches, which is a world away from the mass-production focus of the past,” JFW commented.

Included in this edition’s Japan Pavilion are three companies from the Nishiwaki region, which is famous for its ‘Banshu-Ori’, or Banshu weave. Banshu-Ori is a yarn-dyed fabric, woven into various patterns, such as checks and stripes, with yarns that are dyed before being woven by weaving machines. This tradition dates back to 1792, and will be showcased by Bon Co Ltd, Ueyama Orimono Corp and Kuwamura Co Ltd at the fair. Bon will showcase a range of new products using this traditional technique, including organic cotton fabrics, paper yarn fabrics and indigo items. Ueyama Orimono, which boasts Japan’s largest dyeing factory in Nishiwaki, designs its own fabrics in Tokyo, and will present cotton, cotton / linen and medium-thin yarn-dyed fabrics at the fair. Kuwamura will showcase fabrics based on 100% yarn-dyed cotton, as well as cotton and cotton-blend materials.

Taiwan Pavilion the place to find innovation
The Taiwan Pavilion, with over 40 participating companies, is a guaranteed source of innovation at the fair, with a number of exhibitors also offering eco-friendly options. Some of the highlights include:

  • Keen Ching Industrial: they will have a number of their patented KCC-branded zippers at the fair including a durable double-coil zipper, an invisible zipper with a movable retainer box, a track type water-repellent zipper, a curved metal zipper and more.
  • Handseltex Industrial: will showcase a wide range of products including lace, jacquard and mesh, made with the likes of organic cotton and recycled polyester with an eco-friendly production process.
  • Paltex: the company’s ‘From Waste to Yarn’ regeneration system involves turning waste fishing nets and plastic bottles from the ocean into polyester and nylon fabrics, membranes and trimmings.
  • Superwill: their unique gradient fabric combines specialty yarns and a special knitting process, and features a thickness that decreases from top to bottom. This design allows the fabric to be tailored to different garments.
  • Tri Ocean Textile: will feature its own DreamFel® high-performance filament polypropylene yarn which is lightweight, durable and environmentally friendly, and used in sports & outdoor apparel and outdoor furniture.

The Taiwan Pavilion will be full of innovative textile solutions again this edition
The Korea and Pakistan Pavilions round out the Asian offerings. Nearly 60 Korean exhibitors will showcase predominantly manmade, fancy, knitted, acetate woven, tricot, jacquard, faux leather and printed fabrics, as well as lace and embroidery, for ladieswear, while other members will feature fabrics for sportswear and outdoor wear. Those from Pakistan, meanwhile, will feature in the Beyond Denim hall and offer a wide range of denim products.  

In addition to Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics, four other textile fairs also take place at the National Exhibition and Convention Center: Yarn Expo Spring, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Spring Edition, fashion garment fair CHIC and knitting fair PH Value.


Messe Frankfurt


Dual and Lectra enter into long-term partnership

Paris, February 20, 2018 – Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, is pleased to announce its partnership with Dual through the signing of a global agreement covering the Korean automotive supplier’s fabric seating and airbag businesses.

Backed by world-class research and development, Dual strives to meet evolving customer needs by offering innovative new automotive interior materials and advanced safety textiles. The supplier’s automotive trim and airbag divisions serve Hyundai-Kia Automotive Group, the fourth largest automaker in the world. Currently undergoing rapid expansion, Hyundai-Kia is counting on Dual to increase its manufacturing capabilities in the high-growth regions where the group operates, including China, Eastern Europe, Turkey and South America.

Paris, February 20, 2018 – Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, is pleased to announce its partnership with Dual through the signing of a global agreement covering the Korean automotive supplier’s fabric seating and airbag businesses.

Backed by world-class research and development, Dual strives to meet evolving customer needs by offering innovative new automotive interior materials and advanced safety textiles. The supplier’s automotive trim and airbag divisions serve Hyundai-Kia Automotive Group, the fourth largest automaker in the world. Currently undergoing rapid expansion, Hyundai-Kia is counting on Dual to increase its manufacturing capabilities in the high-growth regions where the group operates, including China, Eastern Europe, Turkey and South America.

A key feature of the global agreement is Lectra’s commitment to help Dual optimize its manufacturing processes with the aim of improving its cost structure. Lectra’s most advanced technologies—Vector® for vehicle seating and FocusQuantum® for airbags—and unique expertise in cutting room processes are crucial to helping Dual reach its operational excellence objectives.

The agreement designates Lectra as sole supplier for high-ply cutting equipment and services for Dual’s seating and interiors business, and laser cutting equipment and services for the company’s airbag cushion business at six plants located in Korea and China.
For its operations in Korea and China, Dual will gain access to the full array of expertise, customer support and field services that Lectra provides worldwide. Lectra’s complete customer support structure enables maximum uptime through remote diagnostics and predictive maintenance.

“Dual will benefit most from this agreement by containing costs in the cutting room,” remarks Ong Jae-Yeol, Fabric and Seat BU Executive Managing Director, Dual. “This is precisely where Lectra’s expertise can help us gain a competitive advantage.”
“We are pleased to enter into this global partnership with Dual, to support them—not only with our best-in-class cutting technology, but also with Lectra’s expertise in cutting processes,” states Javier Garcia, Senior VP Automotive Sales, Lectra. “Our unique know-how contributes to Dual’s pursuit of operational excellence—the source of sustainable competitive advantage for car seat cover and airbag cushion suppliers.”

More information:
Lectra Vector® FocusQuantum®

Nathalie Fournier-Christol, Responsable des Relations Presse Groupe, press department, communications

intertextile, Shanghai (c) Messe Frankfurt GmbH

Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – Spring Edition 2018, 14 – 16 March 2018

As the global textile industry’s most comprehensive sourcing summit for the spring / summer season, Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics is naturally the ideal place to find the latest developments in product innovation and sustainability. This is especially true in the fair’s Beyond Denim zone, which this edition will feature over 110 exhibitors from China, Japan, Pakistan, Turkey and elsewhere. Adding to a total of some 3,300 exhibitors from around 22 countries and regions, they provide sourcing options for the entire industry, from fabrics for ladieswear, menswear, suiting, shirting, lingerie and swimwear to high-end wool fabrics, original pattern designs, functional & performance fabrics, sustainability products & services, digital printing technologies, garment & fashion accessories and more.

As the global textile industry’s most comprehensive sourcing summit for the spring / summer season, Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics is naturally the ideal place to find the latest developments in product innovation and sustainability. This is especially true in the fair’s Beyond Denim zone, which this edition will feature over 110 exhibitors from China, Japan, Pakistan, Turkey and elsewhere. Adding to a total of some 3,300 exhibitors from around 22 countries and regions, they provide sourcing options for the entire industry, from fabrics for ladieswear, menswear, suiting, shirting, lingerie and swimwear to high-end wool fabrics, original pattern designs, functional & performance fabrics, sustainability products & services, digital printing technologies, garment & fashion accessories and more.

Denim enriched with volcanic ash: the latest innovation from Orta Anadolu
Volcanic ash is not uncommon in beauty products – it is known as Mother Nature’s skin purifier after all, and used as an exfoliator for example – but it is far less common in the textile industry. Orta Anadolu are set to change that with their BIOWARE denim which is enriched with mineralised volcanic ash to create an odour absorbing effect. This technology captures and absorbs odour compounds that would normally pass through the fabric, neutralising bad bacteria while retaining the helpful bacteria that common deodorisers, which contain harsh substances, normally eliminate. This leads to a more environmentally friendly product that is better for the user’s skin.

Orta will also be presenting BIOCHARGE at Intertextile, which, according to the company, is the world’s first denim fabric for muscle wellness. Infused with minerals, Orta state that BIOCHARGE is medically proven to refresh muscles, relieve muscle tension and optimise body balance. They will also present their BOUNCE stretch range, with high elasticity and a ‘street’ style, while CHRONICLE, another in their S/S 19 range, is a blend of heritage and future styles.

US Denim Mills blend tomorrow’s technology with yesterday’s style
Another innovative denim firm exhibiting at Intertextile Shanghai, and another blending old and new, is US Denim Mills. According to the company, their collection at the fair will “harness tomorrow’s textile advances to revitalise the great style visions of the past by adding fashion, comfort, performance and sustainability advantages to authentic denim looks.” This collection includes:

• Selvedge: using the company’s legacy selvedge looms to produce bi-stretch ‘SelvedgeX’ while experimenting with blends of natural yarns and high-tech fibre blends in its ‘HeritEdge+’ range
• Stretch: including ‘Flex 360’ bi-stretch denim with a slight cross-bias freedom, and ‘Modern Stretches’ with a higher stretch range for intense comfort
• SoftWear: advanced finishing treatments for superior soft touch from natural fibre blended yarns and softness-selected weaves
• Sustainable: new additions to the range of recycled and natural ‘GreenEgo’ denims

Kipas Denim step up their sustainability efforts
Well aware of the effect denim production has on the environment, Kipas Denim’s multi-faceted programme to address this is one of the most comprehensive in the denim sector. Their recycled yarn initiative includes recycling waste yarn from the production process, while it also takes waste cotton yarn and blends it with REPREVE® fibres to create an eco-friendly denim fabric. Kipas also uses BCI cotton and organic cotton, and targets each to be 15% and 5% of total consumption, respectively. Furthermore, their Conservablue technology aims to reduce the environmental impact of the dyeing process by eliminating the use of rinsing overflow boxes before and after the indigo dye boxes, as well as ensuring 100% of applied dyestuff remains on the yarn in the rinsing bath.

As well as the overseas offerings, a wide range of domestic denim exhibitors covering all price and quality points will also feature in Beyond Denim. Some of the more notable brands participating include Advance Denim, Black Peony, Guangzhou Foison and Prosperity Textile.

Denim’s ‘next move’ to be debated in INVISTA panel discussion
The market is changing and so must apparel and textile manufacturers. Low prices and discounts are no longer driving sales the way they used to. Today’s consumer wants better quality, appreciates new technology and is evolving their casualwear style. This is the premise behind the INVISTA-sponsored panel discussion which will take place on day 1 of the fair. Titled ‘Denim’s Next Move – New Opportunities to Keep Growing Sales of Jeans and Casualwear at Retail’, participants will learn what consumers really want in jeans and casualwear, the return of chinos and new fabric technologies that are energising casualwear.

The panel will be moderated by Jane Singer, Director and Head of Market Development at Inside Fashion. Panellists will include representatives from Advance Denim, Guangzhou Conshing Clothing Group, Prosperity Textile and Texhong who will share their latest innovations that will help brands and retailers drive sales and profits.

In addition to Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics, four other textile fairs also take place at the National Exhibition and Convention Center: Yarn Expo Spring, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Spring Edition, fashion garment fair CHIC and knitting fair PH Value.


Superior Linen Supply Recertified Hygienically Clean

  • Emphasis on Process, Third-party Validation and Outcome-based Testing

ALEXANDRIA, Va., February 16, 2018 —Kansas City, Mo.-based Superior Linen Supply has again achieved Hygienically Clean Healthcare certification, reflecting their commitment to best management practices (BMPs) in laundering as verified by on-site inspection and their capability to produce hygienically clean textiles as quantified by ongoing microbial testing.

The laundry was first certified in 2014. Recertification confirms the organization’s continuing dedication to infection prevention, compliance with recognized industry standards and processing healthcare textiles using BMPs as described in its quality assurance documentation, a focal point for Hygienically Clean inspectors’ evaluation. The independent, third-party inspection must also confirm essential evidence that:

• Employees are properly trained and protected
• Managers understand regulatory requirements
• OSHA-compliant
• Physical plant operates effectively

  • Emphasis on Process, Third-party Validation and Outcome-based Testing

ALEXANDRIA, Va., February 16, 2018 —Kansas City, Mo.-based Superior Linen Supply has again achieved Hygienically Clean Healthcare certification, reflecting their commitment to best management practices (BMPs) in laundering as verified by on-site inspection and their capability to produce hygienically clean textiles as quantified by ongoing microbial testing.

The laundry was first certified in 2014. Recertification confirms the organization’s continuing dedication to infection prevention, compliance with recognized industry standards and processing healthcare textiles using BMPs as described in its quality assurance documentation, a focal point for Hygienically Clean inspectors’ evaluation. The independent, third-party inspection must also confirm essential evidence that:

• Employees are properly trained and protected
• Managers understand regulatory requirements
• OSHA-compliant
• Physical plant operates effectively

To achieve certification initially, laundries pass three rounds of outcome-based microbial testing, indicating that their processes are producing Hygienically Clean Healthcare textiles and diminished presence of yeast, mold and harmful bacteria. They also must pass a facility inspection. To maintain their certification, they must pass quarterly testing to ensure that as laundry conditions change, such as water quality, textile fabric composition and wash chemistry, laundered product quality is consistently maintained. Re-inspection occurs every two to three years.

This process eliminates subjectivity by focusing on outcomes and results that verify textiles cleaned in these facilities meet appropriate hygienically clean standards and BMPs for hospitals, surgery centers, medical offices, nursing homes and other medical facilities.

Hygienically Clean Healthcare certification acknowledges laundries’ effectiveness in protecting healthcare operations by verifying quality control procedures in linen, uniform and facility services operations related to the handling of textiles containing blood and other potentially infectious materials.

Certified laundries use processes, chemicals and BMPs acknowledged by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, American National Standards Institute and others. Introduced in 2012, Hygienically Clean Healthcare brought to North America the international cleanliness standards for healthcare linens and garments used worldwide by the Certification Association for Professional Textile Services and the European Committee for Standardization.

Objective experts in epidemiology, infection control, nursing and other healthcare professions work with Hygienically Clean launderers to ensure the certification continues to enforce the highest standards for producing clean healthcare textiles.

“Congratulations to Superior Linen Supply on their recertification,” said Joseph Ricci, TRSA president and CEO. “This achievement proves their ongoing commitment to infection prevention and that their laundry takes every step possible to prevent human illness.”

More information:
Hygienically Clean Healthcare

Ken Koepper, TRSA®


Chinas größte Mode- und Lifestylemesse: CHIC March 2018

China ist zurück auf Wachstumskurs: ein Wirtschaftswachstum von rund 7%, gesunkene Zölle auf Kleidung und Schuhe, deutliche Konsumlaune, Anstieg der Multi-Brand Stores, starke Nachfrage nach Individualität, Authentizität und internationalen Brands.

Dem entspricht die kommende CHIC March 2018 – Chinas größte Mode- und Lifestylemesse. CHIC March wird vom 14.-16. März 2018 auf mehr als 100.000 m² Ausstellungsfläche im weltgrößten Messecenter in Shanghai stattfinden. 1.200 Aussteller aus 21 Ländern nutzen CHIC als Plattform für den chinesischen Markt.

Premiere auf der Messe feiern die Polish Investment and Trade Agency, die die polnische Modeindustrie präsentiert und die International Fur Federation.

China ist zurück auf Wachstumskurs: ein Wirtschaftswachstum von rund 7%, gesunkene Zölle auf Kleidung und Schuhe, deutliche Konsumlaune, Anstieg der Multi-Brand Stores, starke Nachfrage nach Individualität, Authentizität und internationalen Brands.

Dem entspricht die kommende CHIC March 2018 – Chinas größte Mode- und Lifestylemesse. CHIC March wird vom 14.-16. März 2018 auf mehr als 100.000 m² Ausstellungsfläche im weltgrößten Messecenter in Shanghai stattfinden. 1.200 Aussteller aus 21 Ländern nutzen CHIC als Plattform für den chinesischen Markt.

Premiere auf der Messe feiern die Polish Investment and Trade Agency, die die polnische Modeindustrie präsentiert und die International Fur Federation.

Im neugestalteten IMPULSES Bereich zeigt das „Who is who“ der jungen chinesischen Designtalente sein Können, darunter ELLE-Stilbotschafter Wang Yutao und der international aufstrebende Shi Jie. Das neue Areadesign bietet der urbanen Modeklientel in Shanghai ein auf- und anregendes Ambiente.
Branchengrößen wie Shandong Ruyi stellen u.a. im Menswear Bereich URBAN VIEW aus, im Bereich FASHION JOURNEY präsentieren sich internationale Aussteller aus Frankreich, Italien, Deutschland, Polen, Korea, Peru, China Hongkong, China Taiwan, Brasilien, Dänemark, Indien, Japan, Schweden und UK mit eigenen Ständen oder in Länderpavillons.

Ihre internationalen Aussteller unterstützt die CHIC durch ein fokussiertes Besuchermarketing. Die selektierte CHIC-Datenbank mit rund 50.000 Businesskontakten, digitale Servicetools und das enge Netzwerk zu Multi-Brand Stores im ganzen Land werden zielgerichtet eingesetzt.

Mit faszinieren Modeschauen, dem neuen CHIC TALK-Konzept und einem WGSN-Vortrag bietet CHIC wieder einen tiefen Einblick in den Markt und ein umfassendes Rahmenprogramm. Der erste China International Healthy T-Shirt Summit wird das Thema ökologische Mode aufgreifen.


More information:
CHIC, Messe, Asien



METALBOTTONI’s new goals for 2018

METALBOTTONI has drawn up its new strategy for the year 2018, based on a targeted trade fair
schedule and on many product innovations. These innovations are part of a marketing approach
which is more and more branding ingredient-oriented, in order to highlight the added value
of the accessory as a component characterising and enhancing product recognition, as well as
strengthening its consulting activities for customers, thus offering true excellence in service.
There are three main elements pointing to a positive moment for METALBOTTONI: its recent
outstanding performance in double-digit on foreign markets (most notably in the northern
European region), the consolidation of consulting and support services aimed at redesigning the
perspective on the world of accessories, and its product range extension. The fourth pillar, actually
a fixture at METALBOTTONI, is sustainable innovation with the protocol called NO IMPACT which has
made a huge step forward thanks to new technologies which halved water consumption compared

METALBOTTONI has drawn up its new strategy for the year 2018, based on a targeted trade fair
schedule and on many product innovations. These innovations are part of a marketing approach
which is more and more branding ingredient-oriented, in order to highlight the added value
of the accessory as a component characterising and enhancing product recognition, as well as
strengthening its consulting activities for customers, thus offering true excellence in service.
There are three main elements pointing to a positive moment for METALBOTTONI: its recent
outstanding performance in double-digit on foreign markets (most notably in the northern
European region), the consolidation of consulting and support services aimed at redesigning the
perspective on the world of accessories, and its product range extension. The fourth pillar, actually
a fixture at METALBOTTONI, is sustainable innovation with the protocol called NO IMPACT which has
made a huge step forward thanks to new technologies which halved water consumption compared
to previous performances of the system, obtaining also better results in a shorter processing time,
saving electricity as well.

An ongoing pathway
There are many novelties to be displayed by METALBOTTONI at three of the most important events
in the industry early in the new year. The company from Bergamo will be present at Munich Fabric
Start (30 January – 1 February), then at Milano Unica (6-8 February), and finally in Paris for the new
edition of Première Vision Accessories (13-15 February).

More information:

Francesco Farinelli / METALBOTTONI


Union Knopf Menswear kicks off the new season with optimism

After a successful start to the trade show season for Spring/Summer 2019 at View in Munich this December, the company, which is set to exit insolvency proceedings in spring 2018, is presenting its new collection to the industry. The management team is banking on continuity.

As in previous years, Union Knopf Menswear will be present at all relevant trade shows in Europe: at the Textile Fashion Show in London from 10 to 11 January 2018 at The Business Design Centre, London; at Preview Fabrics & Accessories from 24 to 25 January at Showroom, Nacka strand, Stockholm; at Munich Fabric Start from 30 January to 01 February 2018 at MOC, Lilienthalallee 40 in Munich (Stand H1 A02) as well as at the end-of-season Première Vision from 13 to 15 February 2018 (Stand 4F03/4G04) at the Parc des Expositions in Paris.

Union Knopf Menswear expects to exit insolvency proceedings strengthened and clearly positioned and sincerely appreciates its customers and their continued loyalty through uncertain times.


After a successful start to the trade show season for Spring/Summer 2019 at View in Munich this December, the company, which is set to exit insolvency proceedings in spring 2018, is presenting its new collection to the industry. The management team is banking on continuity.

As in previous years, Union Knopf Menswear will be present at all relevant trade shows in Europe: at the Textile Fashion Show in London from 10 to 11 January 2018 at The Business Design Centre, London; at Preview Fabrics & Accessories from 24 to 25 January at Showroom, Nacka strand, Stockholm; at Munich Fabric Start from 30 January to 01 February 2018 at MOC, Lilienthalallee 40 in Munich (Stand H1 A02) as well as at the end-of-season Première Vision from 13 to 15 February 2018 (Stand 4F03/4G04) at the Parc des Expositions in Paris.

Union Knopf Menswear expects to exit insolvency proceedings strengthened and clearly positioned and sincerely appreciates its customers and their continued loyalty through uncertain times.