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Oerlikon (c) Oerlikon

Oerlikon: Less waste with the Smart Factory

A typical manmade fiber system produces well over 600 tons of yarn a day. This equals in around 700 winders in filament yarn production or 3 systems in staple fiber production. These figures show just how important smooth production processes are.

If an error creeps into the process at any point, the daily waste increases dramatically. It is obvious that all yarn manufacturers want to prevent this happening to ensure their production facilities operate efficiently. Here, digitalization provides invaluable support. A Smart Factory that networks all steps within the production chain – including all auxiliary processes – identifies and reports quality deviations at an early stage. Yarn manufacturers can quickly intervene in the production process and hence avoid generating waste.

A typical manmade fiber system produces well over 600 tons of yarn a day. This equals in around 700 winders in filament yarn production or 3 systems in staple fiber production. These figures show just how important smooth production processes are.

If an error creeps into the process at any point, the daily waste increases dramatically. It is obvious that all yarn manufacturers want to prevent this happening to ensure their production facilities operate efficiently. Here, digitalization provides invaluable support. A Smart Factory that networks all steps within the production chain – including all auxiliary processes – identifies and reports quality deviations at an early stage. Yarn manufacturers can quickly intervene in the production process and hence avoid generating waste.

Digital solutions ensures process reliability
And the Smart Factory is also the focus of Oerlikon Manmade Fibers. Here, it comprises considerably more than the Plant Operation Center, a system that has been well-established within the market for many years now. “This is about absolute transparency and traceability. At the end of the process, yarn manufacturers are able to track at which position its finished textured yarn packages were spun and even have information on the processed granulate and the specific production conditions”, comments Ivan Gallo, responsible for digital products at Oerlikon Manmade Fiber. In this way, the Smart Factory ensures process reliability, above all. The data are automatically entered into the system and the product assessed at each stage of yarn production at which values and data are recorded – such as during visual inspection and when weighing. In the event of anomalies in the intermediate laboratory and quality checks, this allows yarn producers to intervene in the production process and correct these anomalies.

Information on the chip feeding, on the drying and on the masterbatch are available, as are data on the climate control, on the compressed air supply and on further auxiliary systems. With this, yarn manufacturers have at all times a complete overview of the ongoing production process, including comprehensive information on quality and production costs.



Fraunhofer UMSICHT: Auf dem Weg zu einem geschlossenen Kohlenstoffkreislauf © Fraunhofer UMSICHT
Ein Blick auf den Hochdruckreaktor, der bei der elektrochemischen Reduktion zum Einsatz kam.

Fraunhofer UMSICHT: Auf dem Weg zu einem geschlossenen Kohlenstoffkreislauf

  • Wie überkritisches Kohlendioxid die elektrochemische Reduktion von CO2 beeinflusst

Auf dem Weg zu einer klimaneutralen Industrie spielt die elektrochemische Reduktion von Kohlendioxid eine wichtige Rolle: Mit ihrer Hilfe lässt sich unter Einsatz erneuerbarer Energien CO2 in Brennstoffe oder Grundchemikalien umwandeln. Der Haken an der Sache: Bislang funktioniert diese Katalyse lediglich im Labor. Bei der Übertragung auf den industriellen Maßstab treten immer noch Schwierigkeiten auf – von der begrenzten Haltbarkeit der Katalysatorsysteme bis zur unerwünschten Entwicklung von Wasserstoff. Forschende der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, des Fritz-Haber-Instituts und des Fraunhofer UMSICHT haben sich auf die Suche nach Lösungen gemacht und dabei den Einfluss von überkritischem Kohlendioxid auf die elektrochemische Reduktion von CO2 untersucht.

  • Wie überkritisches Kohlendioxid die elektrochemische Reduktion von CO2 beeinflusst

Auf dem Weg zu einer klimaneutralen Industrie spielt die elektrochemische Reduktion von Kohlendioxid eine wichtige Rolle: Mit ihrer Hilfe lässt sich unter Einsatz erneuerbarer Energien CO2 in Brennstoffe oder Grundchemikalien umwandeln. Der Haken an der Sache: Bislang funktioniert diese Katalyse lediglich im Labor. Bei der Übertragung auf den industriellen Maßstab treten immer noch Schwierigkeiten auf – von der begrenzten Haltbarkeit der Katalysatorsysteme bis zur unerwünschten Entwicklung von Wasserstoff. Forschende der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, des Fritz-Haber-Instituts und des Fraunhofer UMSICHT haben sich auf die Suche nach Lösungen gemacht und dabei den Einfluss von überkritischem Kohlendioxid auf die elektrochemische Reduktion von CO2 untersucht.

Im Zentrum ihrer Überlegungen stand sogenanntes überkritisches Kohlendioxid. Kurz: scCO2. Dabei handelt es sich um Kohlenstoffdioxid in einem fluiden Zustand – sowohl über seiner kritischen Temperatur als auch über seinem kritischen Druck. »Jüngste Berichte haben gezeigt, dass die Entwicklung von Wasserstoff bei der elektrochemischen Reaktion signifikant unterdrückt werden kann, wenn aprotische Lösungsmittel mit wohldefiniertem Wassergehalt als Elektrolyt verwendet werden«, erläutert Ulf-Peter Apfel, Professor an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum und Wissenschaftler am Fraunhofer UMSICHT. »Da eine Erhöhung des CO2-Drucks zu einer höheren CO2-Konzentration in aprotischen Lösungsmitteln führt, schien die Verwendung von überkritischem Kohlendioxid als Lösungsmittel eine elegante Möglichkeit.«

In der Folge führten die Forschenden eine Vergleichsstudie durch: Sie beleuchteten die Katalyse sowohl unter normalen als auch unter überkritischen Bedingungen und setzten dabei auf kohlenstoffgeträgerte Kupferkatalysatoren als Benchmark-Systeme. »Wir konnten u.a. zeigen, dass die Verwendung von überkritischem Kohlendioxid zu einer Unterdrückung der Entwicklung von Wasserstoff und zur Bildung von Ameisensäure führt«, so Ulf-Peter Apfel. »Um die vorteilhaften Eigenschaften von scCO2 für die elektrochemische Reduktion von Kohlendioxid zu nutzen, wird sich die zukünftige Forschung auf die Untersuchung weiterer Katalysatoren für den Einsatz mit scCO2-Gemischen, alternativen Co-Lösungsmitteln und die Verbesserung der Elektrodenstabilität konzentrieren.«


Fraunhofer UMSICHT

Change in the Executive Board of Dr. Zwissler Holding AG (c) Dr. Zwissler Holding AG
Marc W. Lorch

Change in the Executive Board of Dr. Zwissler Holding AG

Mr. Lorch has decided to leave the Executive Board of Dr. Zwissler Holding AG and take up new challenges outside the Group.

Dr. Zwissler Holding AG would like to thank Marc W. Lorch for his work as Spokesman of the Executive Board and wish him all the best for his future.

Mr. Lorch has decided to leave the Executive Board of Dr. Zwissler Holding AG and take up new challenges outside the Group.

Dr. Zwissler Holding AG would like to thank Marc W. Lorch for his work as Spokesman of the Executive Board and wish him all the best for his future.


zwissTEX GmbH


APR: Blockchain-Based ‘Follow Our Fibre’ Refreshed

  • Conservation and Biodiversity Information Now Available

Asia Pacific Rayon’s (APR) Follow Our Fibre is a blockchain-based tool that allows users access to information in real-time on the source of the raw materials in their garments and the origination of the fibre.

Launched in May 2019, the platform is now refreshed to include information of its suppliers’ conservation and biodiversity efforts, taking information transparency and richness to a new level. The refresh comes at a time when the fashion industry, through the Fashion Pact, is beginning to embrace biodiversity as a core focus on its agenda.

Follow Our Fibre now maps APR’s supply chain right down to locations of forest plantation concessions and conservation areas. The textile fibre producer’s suppliers are collectively responsible for the conservation of more than 3.12 million hectares of forests around the world, including boreal and peat swamp forests. These protected forests have rich biodiversity like the elusive Sumatran Tiger and Canadian Boreal Caribou, and provide ecosystem services, including 22 rivers and tributaries totalling over 900km.

  • Conservation and Biodiversity Information Now Available

Asia Pacific Rayon’s (APR) Follow Our Fibre is a blockchain-based tool that allows users access to information in real-time on the source of the raw materials in their garments and the origination of the fibre.

Launched in May 2019, the platform is now refreshed to include information of its suppliers’ conservation and biodiversity efforts, taking information transparency and richness to a new level. The refresh comes at a time when the fashion industry, through the Fashion Pact, is beginning to embrace biodiversity as a core focus on its agenda.

Follow Our Fibre now maps APR’s supply chain right down to locations of forest plantation concessions and conservation areas. The textile fibre producer’s suppliers are collectively responsible for the conservation of more than 3.12 million hectares of forests around the world, including boreal and peat swamp forests. These protected forests have rich biodiversity like the elusive Sumatran Tiger and Canadian Boreal Caribou, and provide ecosystem services, including 22 rivers and tributaries totalling over 900km.

“It is vital that we work with our supply partners to protect and strengthen forest landscape conservation areas rich in flora and fauna, and home to threatened and endangered species for today and future generations. These efforts are part of APR’s commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) 13 on Climate Action, and 15 on Life on Land,” said Cherie Tan, Vice President of Sustainability and Communications.

By providing a snapshot of the forest landscapes and biodiversity, APR hopes to quantify its ecological footprint and, as a next step, seek opportunities to partner its stakeholders to further strengthen forest conservation and enhance biodiversity in areas it sources from. Follow Our Fibre reflects the company’s long-term objectives for sustainable pulp sourcing and responsible manufacturing, and is a tool for its customers and stakeholders to trace finished products back to forest plantation origins, as well as monitor the environmental performance of APR’s supply chain.


Asia Pacific Rayon

Anlagentechnik zum Carbonfaser-Recycling im Zentrum für Textilen Leichtbau am STFI, Foto: Dirk Hanus.

Innovationen beim Recycling von Carbonfasern

  • Kohlenstoff mit mehreren Leben

Geht es um die Zukunft der motorisierten Mobilität, reden alle vom Antrieb: Wie viel E-Auto, wie viel Verbrenner verträgt die Umwelt und braucht der Mensch? Zugleich stellen neue Antriebe erhöhte Anforderungen nicht nur an den Motor, sondern auch an dessen Gehäuse und die Karosse: Für solch anspruchsvolle Anwendungen kommen häufig Carbonfasern zum Einsatz. Wie der Antrieb der Zukunft, sollten auch die Werkstoffe am Fahrzeug umweltfreundlich sein. Deshalb ist Recycling von Carbonfasern gefragt. Lösungen dafür haben Institute der Zuse-Gemeinschaft entwickelt.

  • Kohlenstoff mit mehreren Leben

Geht es um die Zukunft der motorisierten Mobilität, reden alle vom Antrieb: Wie viel E-Auto, wie viel Verbrenner verträgt die Umwelt und braucht der Mensch? Zugleich stellen neue Antriebe erhöhte Anforderungen nicht nur an den Motor, sondern auch an dessen Gehäuse und die Karosse: Für solch anspruchsvolle Anwendungen kommen häufig Carbonfasern zum Einsatz. Wie der Antrieb der Zukunft, sollten auch die Werkstoffe am Fahrzeug umweltfreundlich sein. Deshalb ist Recycling von Carbonfasern gefragt. Lösungen dafür haben Institute der Zuse-Gemeinschaft entwickelt.

Carbonfasern, auch als Kohlenstofffasern oder verkürzt als Kohlefasern bekannt, bestehen fast vollständig aus reinem Kohlenstoff. Sehr energieaufwändig wird er bei 1.300 Grad Celsius aus dem Kunststoff Polyacrylnitril gewonnen. Die Vorteile der Carbonfasern: Sie haben kaum Eigengewicht, sind enorm bruchfest und stabil. Solche Eigenschaften benötigt man z.B. am Batteriekasten von E-Mobilen oder in Strukturbauteilen der Karosserie. So arbeitet das Sächsische Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI) aktuell gemeinsam mit Industriepartnern daran, statisch-mechanische Stärken der Carbonfasern mit Eigenschaften zur Schwingungsdämpfung zu verknüpfen, um die Gehäuse von E-Motoren im Auto zu verbessern. Angedacht ist in dem vom Bundeswirtschaftsministerium geförderten Projekt die Entwicklung sogenannter Hybridvliesstoffe, die neben der Carbonfaser als Verstärkung weitere Faserstoffe enthalten. „Wir wollen, die Vorteile unterschiedlicher Faserstoffe verbinden und so ein optimal auf die Anforderungen abgestimmtes Produkt entwickeln“, erläutert Marcel Hofmann, STFI-Abteilungsleiter Textiler Leichtbau.

Damit würden die Chemnitzer Forschenden bisherige Vliesstoff-Lösungen ergänzen. Sie blicken auf eine 15-jährige Geschichte in der Arbeit mit recycelten Carbonfasern zurück. Der globale Jahresbedarf der hochwertigen Fasern hat sich im vergangenen Jahrzehnt fast vervierfacht, laut Angaben der Industrievereinigung AVK auf zuletzt rd. 142.000 t. „Die steigende Nachfrage hat das Recycling immer stärker in den Fokus gerückt“, betont Hofmann. Carbonfaserabfälle sind ihm zufolge für etwa ein Zehntel bis ein Fünftel des Preises von Primärfasern erhältlich, müssen aber noch aufbereitet werden. Dreh- und Angelpunkt für den Forschungserfolg der recycelten Fasern sind konkurrenzfähige Anwendungen. Die hat das STFI nicht nur am Auto, sondern auch im Sport-Freizeitsektor sowie in der Medizintechnik gefunden, so in Komponenten für Computertomographen. "Während Metalle oder Glasfasern als potenzielle Konkurrenzprodukte Schatten werfen, stört Carbon die Bilddarstellung nicht und kann seine Vorteile voll ausspielen“, erläutert Hofmann.

Papier-Knowhow nutzen
Können recycelte Carbonfasern nochmals den Produktkreislauf durchlaufen, verbessert das ihre CO2-Bilanz deutlich. Zugleich gilt: Je kürzer die Carbonfasern, desto unattraktiver sind sie für die weitere Verwertung. Vor diesem Hintergrund entwickelten das Forschungsinstitut Cetex und die Papiertechnische Stiftung (PTS), beide Mitglieder der Zuse-Gemeinschaft, im Rahmen eines Forschungsvorhabens ein neues Verfahren, das bislang wenig geeignet erscheinende Recycling-Carbonfasern ein zweites Produktleben gibt. „Während klassische Textilverfahren die ohnehin sehr spröden Recycling-Carbonfasern in Faserlängen von mind. 80 mm trocken verarbeiten, beschäftigten wir uns mit einem Verfahren aus der Papierindustrie, welches die Materialien nass verarbeitet. Am Ende des Prozesses erhielten wir, stark vereinfacht gesprochen, eine flächige Matte aus recycelten Carbonfasern und Kunststofffasern“, erläutert Cetex-Projektingenieur Johannes Tietze das Verfahren, mit dem auch 40 mm kurze Carbonfasern zu attraktiven Zwischenprodukten recycelt werden können. Das danach in einem Heißpressprozess entstandene Erzeugnis dient als Grundmaterial für hochbelastbare Strukturbauteile. Zusätzlich wurden die mechanischen Eigenschaften der Halbzeuge durch die Kombination mit endlosfaserverstärkten Tapes verbessert. Das Recyclingprodukt soll, so die Erwartung der Forschenden, glasfaserverstärkten Kunststoffen, Konkurrenz machen, z.B. bei Anwendungen im Schienen- und Fahrzeugbau. Die Ergebnisse fließen nun in weiterführende Forschung und Entwicklung im Kooperationsnetzwerk Ressourcetex ein, einem geförderten Verbund von 18 Partnern aus Industrie und Wissenschaft.

Erfolgreiche Umsetzung in der Autoindustrie
Industriereife Lösungen für die Verwertung von Carbonfaser-Produktionsabfällen werden im Thüringischen Institut für Textil- und Kunststoff-Forschung Rudolstadt (TITK) entwickelt. Mehrere dieser Entwicklungen wurden mit Partnern beim Unternehmen SGL Composites in Wackersdorf industriell umgesetzt. Die Aufbereitung der so genannten trockenen Abfälle, hauptsächlich aus Verschnittresten, erfolgt nach einem eigenen Verfahren. „Dabei führen wir die geöffneten Fasern verschiedenen Prozessen zur Vliesherstellung zu“, sagt die zuständige Abteilungsleiterin im TITK, Dr. Renate Lützkendorf. Neben den Entwicklungen für den Einsatz z.B. im BMW i3 in Dach oder Hintersitzschale wurden im TITK spezielle Vliesstoffe und Verfahren für die Herstellung von Sheet Molding Compounds (SMC) etabliert, das sind duroplastische Werkstoffe, die aus Reaktionsharzen und Verstärkungsfasern bestehen und zum Pressen von Faser-Kunststoff-Verbunden verwendet werden. Eingang fand dies z.B. in einem Bauteil für die C-Säule des 7er BMW. „In seinen Projekten setzt das TITK vor allem auf die Entwicklung leistungsfähigerer Prozesse und kombinierter Verfahren, um den Carbonfaser-Recyclingmaterialien auch von den Kosten her bessere Chancen in Leichtbauanwendungen einzuräumen“, betont Lützkendorf. So liege der Fokus gegenwärtig auf dem Einsatz von CF-Recyclingfasern in thermoplastischen Prozessen zur Platten- und Profilextrusion. „Ziel ist es, die Kombination von Kurz- und Endlosfaserverstärkung in einem einzigen, leistungsfähigen Prozess-Schritt zu realisieren.“


Deutsche Industrieforschungsgemeinschaft Konrad Zuse e.V.

Epson erhält EcoVadis Platin-Status (c) Epson
Gold-Status für Unternehmensverantwortung. Epson konnte sich im Vergleich zum Vorjahr wiederum steigern und erhält nun den EcoVadis Platin-Status.

Epson erhält EcoVadis Platin-Status

  • Bestmögliche Standards für Nachhaltigkeit - Top 1 Prozent seiner Branche

Meerbusch - Epson erhält von der unabhängigen Organisation EcoVadis den Platin-Status für soziale Verantwortung von Unternehmen. Das Platin-Rating, das im Jahr 2020 eingeführt wurde, zeigt, dass Epson zu den besten ein Prozent der Unternehmen in seiner Branche gehört und der Konzern sowohl im Bereich Umwelt als auch in den Bereichen nachhaltiger Beschaffung, Arbeits- und Menschenrechte sowie Ethik auf höchstem Niveau agiert. Drei Jahre in Folge hatte Epson einen Gold-Status erhalten. Gold wird an Unternehmen vergeben, die zu den besten fünf Prozent der bewerteten Unternehmen gehören.

  • Bestmögliche Standards für Nachhaltigkeit - Top 1 Prozent seiner Branche

Meerbusch - Epson erhält von der unabhängigen Organisation EcoVadis den Platin-Status für soziale Verantwortung von Unternehmen. Das Platin-Rating, das im Jahr 2020 eingeführt wurde, zeigt, dass Epson zu den besten ein Prozent der Unternehmen in seiner Branche gehört und der Konzern sowohl im Bereich Umwelt als auch in den Bereichen nachhaltiger Beschaffung, Arbeits- und Menschenrechte sowie Ethik auf höchstem Niveau agiert. Drei Jahre in Folge hatte Epson einen Gold-Status erhalten. Gold wird an Unternehmen vergeben, die zu den besten fünf Prozent der bewerteten Unternehmen gehören.

Kazuyoshi Yamamoto, Präsident von Epson Europa: „Die Platin-Auszeichnung durch EcoVadis gibt unseren Kunden die Gewissheit, dass Epson alle verfügbaren Maßnahmen ergreift, um in allen Geschäftsbereichen Nachhaltigkeit zu beweisen. Nachhaltigkeit liegt in unserer DNA und steht im Mittelpunkt aller unserer Handlungen. Mit dem Platin-Status können unsere Kunden sicher sein, dass jede Facette unseres Geschäftsbetriebs unabhängig geprüft und zertifiziert wird und dass wir uns voll und ganz dazu verpflichten, die höchsten Nachhaltigkeitsstandards zu erfüllen.“

EcoVadis ist eine unabhängige Plattform, die mittels Standards die Unternehmenspolitik und CSR-Aktivitäten von Unternehmen bewertet. Dazu gehören unter anderem Maßnahmen in den Bereichen Umwelt, Arbeits- und Menschenrechte, Ethik und nachhaltige Beschaffung. Die Bewertungsmethoden von EcoVadis decken knapp 200 Einkaufskategorien, 160 Länder und über 20 Nachhaltigkeits-Indikatoren ab. Über 55.000 Unternehmen nutzen EcoVadis für ihre Bewertungen.

Der Platinstatus wird in diesem Jahr zum ersten Mal vergeben. Epson erhielt ein "Hervorragend" (die höchste Punktzahl) für den Bereich Umwelt sowie hohe Punktzahlen für die Kategorien nachhaltige Beschaffung, Arbeits- und Menschenrechte und Ethik, womit das Unternehmen zu den besten ein Prozent in der Computer- und Peripheriegeräte-Herstellungsindustrie gehört. Es ist der bestmögliche internationale Standard für Nachhaltigkeit.

More information:
Epson EcoVadis Nachhaltigkeit

Epson Deutschland GmbH

Bemberg™: Nilufer Bracco launches niLuu collection (c) Bemberg™
Women’s Sand kimono, matching sleep mask and pillowcase made of Bemberg™

Bemberg™: Nilufer Bracco launches niLuu collection

  • The stunning niLuu collection by former professional volleyball player Nilufer Bracco features smart Bemberg™ fabrics by Ipeker
  • Wonderful kimonos for women and men, sleep and face masks are the key pieces of the PETA certified and cruelty-free collection, 100% Bemberg™ and vegan

Former professional volleyball player Nilufer Bracco recently launched niLuu, a PETA approved cruelty-free loungewear brand using 100% Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei that combines the iconic elegance of traditional silk with a socially and environmentally ethical production process.

  • The stunning niLuu collection by former professional volleyball player Nilufer Bracco features smart Bemberg™ fabrics by Ipeker
  • Wonderful kimonos for women and men, sleep and face masks are the key pieces of the PETA certified and cruelty-free collection, 100% Bemberg™ and vegan

Former professional volleyball player Nilufer Bracco recently launched niLuu, a PETA approved cruelty-free loungewear brand using 100% Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei that combines the iconic elegance of traditional silk with a socially and environmentally ethical production process.

Bemberg™ is a fiber made from the smart-tech transformation of cotton linters bio-utility materials that are converted through a traceable and transparent closed loop process; the Bemberg™ Ipeker Textile  fabric’s uniqueness comes from the exceptional quality characteristics achieved in design. The end result is a luxurious fabric so soft and smooth that it is almost like a second skin, breathes like cotton, drapes beautifully like silk, and reflects the cultural tradition of luxury textiles from founder Nilufer Bracco’s native country, Turkey. The first collection released by Miami based niLuu features premium quality kimono robes, sleep masks, face masks, and pillowcases that are available in a variety of deep and vibrant colors, and with a soft-brushed finish typical of premium sand-washed silk.

Designed to not only feel and look amazing but the entire niLuu collection is sustainable, biodegradable and 100% vegan.  Ipeker Textile, one of the major Bemberg™ fabric producers in Europe, proudly holds the title as the first vegan fabric producer in the world, receiving Vegan V-Label certificate on around 150 different products that adhere to the guidelines of the European Vegetarian Label, most of them developed with Bemberg™ yarn.

niLuu’s innovative Bemberg™ collection is hypoallergenic, antistatic, easy to care for, and it is also known to have several benefits for the skin. The breathability of the fabric helps to maintain body temperature; excellent moisture control means the fabric doesn’t dry out the skin or hair in the ways that cotton would and minimal friction against the skin means it is also known to have anti-aging benefits.  Speaking of niLuu’s high-quality Bemberg™ fabric, Founder, Nilufer Bracco adds, “Our innovative Bemberg™ vegan silk delivers the best of both worlds. Not only does our luxury fabric feel amazing when you use it, but you can also feel good knowing that it caused minimum harm to the planet when it was produced and that it will leave only the slightest trace when it reaches the end of its lifecycle.”

The luxury textiles brand has also shown its commitment to responsible practices, by partnering with 1% for the Planet pledging to donate 1% of their annual revenue to environmental organizations that work hard to protect our planet.

RUDOLF HUB1922 : Innovation rooted into Aspirational Chemistry (c) RUDOLF Group

RUDOLF HUB1922 : Innovation rooted into Aspirational Chemistry

The textile industry, one of the major industrial sectors worldwide, is going through a significant revolution, with changes taking place in various sections of textile processing. Biotechnology and biomimicry, for example, are continuously playing an important role in redefining the influence of the textile industry on society, and so is progress made in auxiliary chemistry, with advances investigated and then applied in almost every section of textile processing.  The outcome is amazingly promising.

Modern, real science is inextricably intertwined with environmental consciousness and they are definitely not mutually exclusive.

The textile industry, one of the major industrial sectors worldwide, is going through a significant revolution, with changes taking place in various sections of textile processing. Biotechnology and biomimicry, for example, are continuously playing an important role in redefining the influence of the textile industry on society, and so is progress made in auxiliary chemistry, with advances investigated and then applied in almost every section of textile processing.  The outcome is amazingly promising.

Modern, real science is inextricably intertwined with environmental consciousness and they are definitely not mutually exclusive.

At RUDOLF GROUP modern, real science means pushing R&D so to constantly explore new technology and innovations that help transform the textile and fashion industries. We work to reduce the overall dependency on traditional and virgin resources.  Getting textile manufacturers as well as brand and retailers on board is key to achieve real change. By 2030 we aim for a significant fraction of our products to be either sourced through paths alternative to the traditional petrochemicals, or by upcycling waste and/or byproducts from other industries.

“This is the kind of genuine, tangible, environmental consciousness that truly defines us and that entails that RUDOLF GROUP has a responsibility for the needs of society as a whole.” Said Alberto De Conti, Head of Rudolf Fashion Division “We have a maniacal attention to the environmental impact of our operations and products. We have truly embedded in ourselves the notion that “sustainability” is a key issue and critical to the long-term survival of our company and of society at large. “

The combination of modern, real science and environmental consciousness leads to what RUDOLF GROUP call aspirational chemistry something unique and something that positions us as shining example and guiding light throughout the industry. That is, in fact, BETTER CHEMISTRY.

Two are the innovations rooted in aspirational chemistry that RUDOLF HUB1922 presents. The first one is our WASHLESS technology and the second one is a brand new launch: LASER SMOOTHER, which supports laser technology and helps creating much better denim looks.


HUB1922 WASHLESS, which can be applied to both denim and non-denim, is the simultaneous application of
-    proprietary fluorine-free DWR (Durable Water Resistance) based on biomimicry to repel dirt
-    anti-microbial, anti-bacteria and anti-viral, non-migrating chemistry to stop body odour.
The combination of the 2 translates into garments that don’t require to be washed as much.

Life cycle assessment studies on clothes, detergents and washing machines show that home laundering is always the most energy‐demanding period during these products' life cycle, even higher than production or transportation phases.

“WASHLESS aims at changing consumer habits in clothing maintenance to a more environmentally friendly direction and represents a change that is the most feasible and efficient. Making washing machines obsolete is impossible, but even though the technologies in clothes cleaning have improved greatly, the washing frequency has not been reduced. We own more and more clothing and wash it more frequently. This increased amount of washing counteracts the technological improvements in home laundry. “ said De Conti.

It is only by understanding the climate change impact associated with home laundering that product innovations and consumer education can be explored. Studies consistently show that a carbon dioxide reduction of 105 MT and electricity savings of 142 thousand GWh can be obtained by reducing home laundering, on average, by 1/3. This is roughly equivalent to removing 12% of the 140 M passenger cars in the US, or taking 23 coal power plants off the grid. In addition, more than 60% of water consumed while laundering (2,000 billion liters) can be reduced through these strategies.


Laser denim is the current dominant technology available to the denim industry to create locally abraded areas, vintage effects, whiskers, patterns, patches, and even intentional holes and tears in a garment. Laser technology uses less water, harmful chemicals (such as potassium permanganate) and energy to create a wide variety of denim looks.

However, laser is not always able to produce the desired look, on the desired fabric, in the desired time. Therefore, chemical companies have been developing laser boosters that can be pre-applied to the garments in order to intensify the effect of the laser to mimic heavier bleaching applications. Unfortunately, laser boosters can create blurred images where the definition is lower and the overall image less natural.

The brand new RUDOLF HUB1922 LASER SMOOTHER is an all-in-one formulation, very easy to pre-apply to garments before laser burning and that return a very natural image which is very similar to the highly desirable hand scraping. Laser smoother can be applied by traditional exhaust or through nebulization and it dries at normal temperature in normal tumble driers.  Advantages of LASER PRIMER are:

•    Remarkable enhancement of the fabric’s characteristics (heightening of material)
•    Overall effect much more natural and similar to manual scraping (craftsmanship dimension)
•    Reduced required laser power to achieve the wanted effect (conspicuous energy saving)
•    A faster laser burning process (significant time saving, depending on the final effect)
•    Any other chemical spray is not required (environmental friendliness)
•    Reduced cost compared to other solution (financial viability)

More information:
Rudolf Group HUB1922 Denim


Tonello presents collection designed by Piero Turk © Tonello
Sustainable denim collection by Piero Turk

Tonello presents collection designed by Piero Turk

The collaboration between Tonello and denim designer Piero Turk gave birth to a sustainable denim collection, result of a combination of the latest responsible technologies, and created with the most eco-friendly fabrics selected by The Kingpins Show.

“When it comes to working on new developments, we always start from new ideas and the constant research that starts from a concept that becomes reality, by increasingly raising the bar of sustainability,” said Alice Tonello, R&D and Marketing Director of Tonello.

18 exclusive and contemporary denim pieces, result of the premium experience of Piero Turk, and Tonello with its new brand-new finishing process: The Laundry (R )Evolution.

This is a radically new conception thought to simplify and optimize the entire garment finishing process.

It involves only 2 technologies in the entire finishing cycle, reducing waste and optimizing resources: LaserBlaze, and The All-in-One-System. Finally we use Metro, our software that processes real data, in real time to check all laundry consumption, optimizing processing times and improving performance.

The collaboration between Tonello and denim designer Piero Turk gave birth to a sustainable denim collection, result of a combination of the latest responsible technologies, and created with the most eco-friendly fabrics selected by The Kingpins Show.

“When it comes to working on new developments, we always start from new ideas and the constant research that starts from a concept that becomes reality, by increasingly raising the bar of sustainability,” said Alice Tonello, R&D and Marketing Director of Tonello.

18 exclusive and contemporary denim pieces, result of the premium experience of Piero Turk, and Tonello with its new brand-new finishing process: The Laundry (R )Evolution.

This is a radically new conception thought to simplify and optimize the entire garment finishing process.

It involves only 2 technologies in the entire finishing cycle, reducing waste and optimizing resources: LaserBlaze, and The All-in-One-System. Finally we use Metro, our software that processes real data, in real time to check all laundry consumption, optimizing processing times and improving performance.

The All-in-One System performs all washing operations by integrating 4 sustainable technologies into a single machine: ECOfree 2, which uses ozone in both the water and air; NoStone® for authentic and pumice-free stone-wash effects; UP, for washing processes with at least 50% less water; Core, a nebulizing system improving performance and reducing water consumption.

As a result of The Laundry (R )Evolution, Tonello developed two innovative and patent-pending processes: OBleach and Wake.

OBleach is the new Tonello process, which, by using only ozone, “returns to the future” with an authentic, sustainable and cool Bleach. Without chemicals.
This is possible thanks to a combination of the technologies part of our All-In-One System.
In short, the real Bleach without Bleach has finally arrived. And this in the year of the total ban of permanganate too.

Wake is the first totally natural dyeing system that uses only plants and biodegradable vegetable waste like flowers, berries and roots, without harmful chemicals additives.

The capsule collection will be displayed at KINGPINS24 on October 27th during the seminar held by Alice Tonello and Piero Turk.


VDMA continues technology webtalks

  • Technology webtalk on production and packaging technologies for respiratory protection masks

Frankfurt – The next VDMA technology webtalk on 29th October 2020 (2 pm - 4 pm CEST) will focus on production and packaging technologies for respiratory protection masks (FFP- and surgical masks).

The presenters and their topics at a glance:

Heiko Irlbacher, Schott& Meissner Maschinen- und Anlagenbau: “Our new mask production line for foldable masks - completely Made in Germany - is becoming your new key player to produce FFP1 and FFP2 face masks as well as N95 or KN95 standards."
Title of the presentation: “Sophisticated production line for FFP folding masks – Made in Germany”

Timo Kollmann: Hugo Beck Maschinenbau shows different styles and possibilities for packaging masks in film, singlewise or in stacks. Timo will present best practices and delivered machines as well as future concepts.
Title of the presentation: “How to pack respiratory masks in film”

  • Technology webtalk on production and packaging technologies for respiratory protection masks

Frankfurt – The next VDMA technology webtalk on 29th October 2020 (2 pm - 4 pm CEST) will focus on production and packaging technologies for respiratory protection masks (FFP- and surgical masks).

The presenters and their topics at a glance:

Heiko Irlbacher, Schott& Meissner Maschinen- und Anlagenbau: “Our new mask production line for foldable masks - completely Made in Germany - is becoming your new key player to produce FFP1 and FFP2 face masks as well as N95 or KN95 standards."
Title of the presentation: “Sophisticated production line for FFP folding masks – Made in Germany”

Timo Kollmann: Hugo Beck Maschinenbau shows different styles and possibilities for packaging masks in film, singlewise or in stacks. Timo will present best practices and delivered machines as well as future concepts.
Title of the presentation: “How to pack respiratory masks in film”

Fabrice Ferretti, ANDRITZ Nonwoven and Textile: "Disposable face masks are now important more than ever. ANDRITZ Diatec has developed a fully automatic, high-speed production line for surgical and FFP disposable face masks. Production speed can reach up to 600 pcs per minute."
Title of the presentation: “Fully-automatic, high-speed-production lines for surgical and FFP masks” 

After the presentations, the three experts will be available to answer the participants' questions. Free registration is still possible.

Rieter Investor Update 2020 (c) Rieter Management AG
Rieter Investor Update 2020

Rieter Investor Update 2020

  • Significant recovery in order intake in third quarter 2020
  • Order intake of CHF 425.1 million after nine months
  • COVID crisis management in place
  • Continuous implementation of the strategy
  • Outlook 2020

The market recovery, which Rieter reported in June 2020, has continued. This is reflected in capacity utilization at spinning mills worldwide, which Rieter monitors. In April 2020, the proportion of producing spinning mills was around 40% while at the end of September 2020 this was around 90%. Against this backdrop, the Rieter Group increased order intake in the third quarter of 2020 to CHF 174.4 million (2nd quarter 2020: CHF 45.7 million). In the first nine months of 2020, the Rieter Group achieved a cumulative order intake of CHF 425.1 million (2019: CHF 524.5 million). Compared to the previous year period, this represents a decline of 19%.

Order Intake by Business Group

  • Significant recovery in order intake in third quarter 2020
  • Order intake of CHF 425.1 million after nine months
  • COVID crisis management in place
  • Continuous implementation of the strategy
  • Outlook 2020

The market recovery, which Rieter reported in June 2020, has continued. This is reflected in capacity utilization at spinning mills worldwide, which Rieter monitors. In April 2020, the proportion of producing spinning mills was around 40% while at the end of September 2020 this was around 90%. Against this backdrop, the Rieter Group increased order intake in the third quarter of 2020 to CHF 174.4 million (2nd quarter 2020: CHF 45.7 million). In the first nine months of 2020, the Rieter Group achieved a cumulative order intake of CHF 425.1 million (2019: CHF 524.5 million). Compared to the previous year period, this represents a decline of 19%.

Order Intake by Business Group

Due to the positive development in the third quarter of 2020, order intake at the Business Group Machines & Systems reached a total of CHF 234.5 million in the first nine months. The reason for the relatively small decline of 8% compared to the previous year is that the new machinery business was already characterized by investment restraint in the first three quarters of the year 2019. The Business Group Components recorded a reduction of 33% to CHF 116.6 million while the Business Group After Sales posted an order intake of CHF 74.0 million, a decrease of 23%. This illustrates the effects of low capacity utilization at the spinning mills, especially in the second quarter of 2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The order backlog as of September 30, 2020, was around CHF 515 million (September 30, 2019: CHF 285 million). Cancellations were in the normal range of around 5%.

COVID Crisis Management in Place

Rieter has quickly implemented comprehensive COVID crisis management. Priority is being given to protecting employees, fulfilling customer commitments and ensuring liquidity. The necessary measures to protect employees have been implemented worldwide and the order backlog is being processed largely as planned. Rieter has introduced 40% short-time working in Switzerland and Germany for the second half of 2020. Similar measures were implemented worldwide within the scope of the available legal options. As of September 30, 2020, Rieter had liquid funds of CHF 216.7 million and unused credit lines in the mid three-digit million range in order to ensure liquidity. At the end of September 2020, net debt of CHF 1.2 million was disclosed.

Continuous Implementation of the Strategy

In recent years, Rieter has consistently implemented the strategy with the focus on innovation leadership, strengthening the business on the installed base and optimization of the costs. The company intends to forge ahead with the strategy in the coming months in order to strengthen the market position for the time after the COVID-19 pandemic. The Rieter CAMPUS is an important element of Rieter’s innovation strategy. Depending on the business situation, construction work is due to begin in the first half of 2021.

Outlook 2020

As already announced, in terms of sales and profitability Rieter expects a stronger second half of the year compared to the first half of 2020. Nevertheless, due to the deferral of deliveries by customers, Rieter will also conclude the second half of the year − and thus the full year 2020 − with a net loss. Due to the existing uncertainties, it continues to be difficult to forecast sales and profitability for the second half of 2020. For this reason, Rieter refrains from providing more specific information for the full year 2020.

More information:
Rieter Holding Ltd. Covid-19

Rieter Management AG

Neue Vorstandsvorsitzende der Dr. Zwissler Holding AG (c) Dr. Zwissler Holding AG
Frau Dr. Ulrike Neubauer

Neue Vorstandsvorsitzende der Dr. Zwissler Holding AG

Die Konsolidierung der Werke 2 und 3 am Standort Heldenfingen, der Umzug der Verwaltung an die-sen Standort sowie die gravierenden Auswirkungen der Corona-Pandemie auf die Nachfrage nach technischen Textilien stellt die Dr. Zwissler Holding AG vor besondere Herausforderungen im Hinblick auf Prozessoptimierung, Effizienzsteigerung und Digitalisierung.

Aus diesem Grund hat der Aufsichtsrat der Dr. Zwissler Holding AG mit sofortiger Wirkung Frau Dr. Ulrike Neubauer zur Vorsitzenden des Vorstands der Dr. Zwissler Holding AG berufen.
Frau Dr. Neubauer, die im Vorstand bereits das Finanzressort verantwortet, hat über das eigentliche Finanzressort hinaus ihre Kompetenz in diesen Bereichen in verschiedenen beruflichen Stationen unter Beweis gestellt.

Dr. Zwissler Holding AG wünscht Frau Dr. Neubauer für Ihre zusätzlich zum Finanzressort übernommene Aufgabe viel Erfolg!

Die Konsolidierung der Werke 2 und 3 am Standort Heldenfingen, der Umzug der Verwaltung an die-sen Standort sowie die gravierenden Auswirkungen der Corona-Pandemie auf die Nachfrage nach technischen Textilien stellt die Dr. Zwissler Holding AG vor besondere Herausforderungen im Hinblick auf Prozessoptimierung, Effizienzsteigerung und Digitalisierung.

Aus diesem Grund hat der Aufsichtsrat der Dr. Zwissler Holding AG mit sofortiger Wirkung Frau Dr. Ulrike Neubauer zur Vorsitzenden des Vorstands der Dr. Zwissler Holding AG berufen.
Frau Dr. Neubauer, die im Vorstand bereits das Finanzressort verantwortet, hat über das eigentliche Finanzressort hinaus ihre Kompetenz in diesen Bereichen in verschiedenen beruflichen Stationen unter Beweis gestellt.

Dr. Zwissler Holding AG wünscht Frau Dr. Neubauer für Ihre zusätzlich zum Finanzressort übernommene Aufgabe viel Erfolg!


Dr. Zwissler Holding AG

Erstklassige Wischtücher mit Phantom-Technologie (c) Oerlikon Manmade Fibers
Phantom technology enables greater freedom for formulating continuous and discrete fibers allows for more flexible and absorbent structures and highly textured materials.

First class wipes with Phantom technology

Neumünster – Success is built by connecting the right people with the right product. In a global marketplace, this means collaboration is just as important as competition. Companies need to focus on their strengths, while finding practical ways to innovate and expand upon their capabilities.

An exclusive license from Procter & Gamble offers the best for nonwovens

In order to do so, working together often makes the most sense. This is what motivated Procter & Gamble and Oerlikon Nonwoven – Teknoweb Materials to agree on an exclusive license agreement to market and sell the Phantom platform worldwide.

Neumünster – Success is built by connecting the right people with the right product. In a global marketplace, this means collaboration is just as important as competition. Companies need to focus on their strengths, while finding practical ways to innovate and expand upon their capabilities.

An exclusive license from Procter & Gamble offers the best for nonwovens

In order to do so, working together often makes the most sense. This is what motivated Procter & Gamble and Oerlikon Nonwoven – Teknoweb Materials to agree on an exclusive license agreement to market and sell the Phantom platform worldwide.

The patented process for hybrid nonwovens combines the best of both airlaid and spunmelt technologies to deliver new, flexible ways of creating wet and dry wipes. Phantom technology offers additional benefits by reducing resources and cost, while increasing overall performance. The exclusive license gives Oerlikon Nonwoven – Teknoweb Materials distribute this technology worldwide. In addition, Oerlikon Nonwoven – Teknoweb Materials have further refined the process into their own Levra technology – an entry-level option which offers tailored production volumes with lower investment costs but is still suitable to be upgraded to the premium Phantom model in the future.

Quality products that cost less

Essentially, Phantom technology was developed to produce hybrid substrates. The spunmelt and airlaid processes are merged into one step to combine cellulose fibers, long fibers such as cotton, or even powders with polymer fibers in unprecedented ways. This technology has clear advantages in terms of resources, performance, and cost compared to the previous processes on the market. By removing hydroentanglement, it is no longer necessary to dry the material. Adjusting the process can optimize relevant product characteristics such as softness, strength, dirt absorption, and liquid absorption. In the end, this even increases the quality of the product itself.

The greater freedom for formulating continuous and discrete fibers allows for more flexible and absorbent structures and highly textured materials. Wipes feel softer to the touch while providing more protection for the hands. Up to 90% of the material can consist of pulp fibers, although natural alternatives like cotton or synthetic fibers can be added to the mix.

Phantom technology has not only found a practical application in a variety of wipes – such as hygiene wipes, anti-bacterial wipes, surgical wipes, or industrial wipes – but also in absorbent cores, for instance indiapers or fempro products. With so many applications, Oerlikon Nonwoven – Teknoweb Materials are fully prepared to deliver Procter & Gamble’s innovative Phantom technology to the global nonwovens market.


Oerlikon Manmade Fibers

Tonello presents denim installation by Ian Berry (c) Tonello
Secret Denim Garden

Tonello presents denim installation by Ian Berry

  • The fruit of the collaboration between Ian Bery and Tonello lands in San Francisco

The Secret Garden was the subject of first project between Ian Berry and Tonello in 2017 exhibited in New York at the Children's Museum of the Art’s and now the installation also arrives at the Flower Mart in San Francisco, another fantastic location that will host the work in denim permanently.

A hanging trellis with flowers, leaves, vines, wisteria and chrysanthemums welcomes visitors, but it is no ordinary flora but a dense structure that blooms in blue, indigo blue. Each piece cut from jeans and denim.
Cascading high across the wide-paned windows as a floral curtain, this piece is a solemn and bold reminder of the industrial history of the United States. The denim from this piece was sourced from the last denim mill in the United States, Cone Denim’s, White Oak in Greensboro, North Carolina.

  • The fruit of the collaboration between Ian Bery and Tonello lands in San Francisco

The Secret Garden was the subject of first project between Ian Berry and Tonello in 2017 exhibited in New York at the Children's Museum of the Art’s and now the installation also arrives at the Flower Mart in San Francisco, another fantastic location that will host the work in denim permanently.

A hanging trellis with flowers, leaves, vines, wisteria and chrysanthemums welcomes visitors, but it is no ordinary flora but a dense structure that blooms in blue, indigo blue. Each piece cut from jeans and denim.
Cascading high across the wide-paned windows as a floral curtain, this piece is a solemn and bold reminder of the industrial history of the United States. The denim from this piece was sourced from the last denim mill in the United States, Cone Denim’s, White Oak in Greensboro, North Carolina.

“Denim has been a medium for me over 15 years and one thing I love the most about it, is the history though time and its symbolism but also its origins. Representing the Flower Mart in the material famed in the city dating back to the 1870s and the official fabric of California will show that the great new building respects and embraces the city’s heritage.” Said Ian Berry

Ian Berry is currently exhibiting in the birth home of Levi in Bavaria starting a tour of his work that takes in many cities across the world.

“The democratic nature of this famed material is also a mark of this project’s preservation of blue-collared jobs and a bridge between the old and the new in this innovation. And of course, denim transcends all boundaries all over the world and ever since the 1800’s the Flower Mart has been ethnically diverse, and this history should be celebrated.” Conclude Ian Berry.

A trademark for Ian Berry as well as an exciting result of a sincere collaboration for Tonello, who has been working side by side with the artist for several years.

Today Tonello is the international benchmark for the garment-processing industry developing innovative equipment for the apparel industry. Not only, also known as the inspiring company, it boasts numerous projects and collaborations with international artists including Ian Berry, an artist that shows around the world in galleries, museums, and art.

Tonello has created the Secret Denim Garden using only innovative and totally responsible technologies.

We are talking about Laser Blaze and The All-In-One System, pillars of Tonello Laundry (R)Evolution, the sophisticated fruit of a radically new conception in garment finishing processes.
A 100% sustainable effect on leaves and flowers, thanks also to the ECOfree2 technology - part of The All-In-One System - that through the use of ozone in water and ozone in air, reproduces an extremely natural bleach effect on denim, all in a completely responsible way.

With the installation for the new San Francisco Flower Mart, Tonello helped was (with ozone) dozens upon dozens of yards of the Cone denim and laser cut the vines to make the Trellis. Ian travelled to Italy to work with the specialist team in the region also famed for its denim industry

Alice Tonello, head of Tonello marketing and R&D said: "Having the opportunity to work with Ian Berry is always amazing. We are using denim in a different and inspiring way, and it's something that in the industry usually doesn't happen. When he asked us about this new project, we were so happy and so proud to be part of it. The installation in the San Francisco Flower Mart is an example of how collaborations and friendships can lead to unexpected and surprising results as well as portraying a message in a beautiful way."

Ian Berry permanent installation in San Francisco Flower Mart

Moti Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd. Moves to Digital Production with Mimaki Tiger (c) Mimaki
The Tiger-1800B MkII, Mimaki’s flagship industrial volume textile printer

Moti Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd. Moves to Digital Production with Mimaki Tiger

  •   Mimaki Tiger-1800B MkII Printers for Faster, High-Quality Textile Printing

Amsterdam - Mimaki Europe, a leading manufacturer of inkjet printers and cutting systems, announces today that Pakistani textile company, Moti Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd., is leveraging multiple Mimaki Tiger industrial textile printing units to take its business to the next level. As a result of on the outstanding performance and process optimisation delivered by the Mimaki digital printing equipment, the company has been able to adapt to changes in the textile industry and is now projected to reinforce its market position and expand its capabilities in high-quality textile production.

  •   Mimaki Tiger-1800B MkII Printers for Faster, High-Quality Textile Printing

Amsterdam - Mimaki Europe, a leading manufacturer of inkjet printers and cutting systems, announces today that Pakistani textile company, Moti Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd., is leveraging multiple Mimaki Tiger industrial textile printing units to take its business to the next level. As a result of on the outstanding performance and process optimisation delivered by the Mimaki digital printing equipment, the company has been able to adapt to changes in the textile industry and is now projected to reinforce its market position and expand its capabilities in high-quality textile production.

Headquartered in Faisalabad, Punjab province – the second largest textile hub in Pakistan –, Moti Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd. mainly serves the high fashion industry and uses its cutting-edge technology to print about 100,000 metres daily. Faced with recent challenges in the global textile market, management at Moti Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd. embarked on innovating the company’s business model, shifting from conventional to digital printing. In doing so, the company invested in Mimaki’s advanced industrial textile technology and installed three Mimaki Tiger-1800B MkII units. “We were – and still are – experiencing a massive transformation in the printing segment, with brands demanding high quality products delivered within short deadlines. This change in our customers’ requirements urged us to move to digital printing,” says Muhammad Asif, CEO at Moti Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd. “Our choice has already proved sound as our brand-new Tiger-1800B MkII printing systems have enabled us to cope with the high standards of the fashion industry in terms of both quality and delivery times. In addition, we have been able to gradually enhance our production processes in a cost-effective way.”

The Tiger-1800B MkII is Mimaki’s flagship industrial volume textile printer, available either in dye sublimation configuration for transfer printing or with reactive ink for direct-to-textile printing. Of the three Mimaki Tiger-1800B MkII solutions operating at Moti Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd., two are equipped with reactive inks, enabling the company to directly print onto natural fibres such as cotton and linen, as well as onto manufactured cellulose fibres, including rayon and nylon. The third Mimaki Tiger-1800B MkII features sublimation inks serves the ever-growing printed polyester market, allowing the company to strategically diversify its product portfolio.

“There are several features of the Tiger-1800B MkII that benefit our production and our business at large. The MAPS (Mimaki Advanced Pass System), just to name one, prevents banding and colour-shifting to deliver a higher standard of quality, while the NRS (Nozzle Recovery System) provides uninterrupted production, minimising downtime and ensuring superior results. The sticky belt system together with the large-size ink tanks (with a capacity of 10kg) and the high-performance software RIP TxLink3 are some of the other features that make these printers efficient, user-friendly and reliable,” says Asif.

Asif concludes, “Looking at the future, our aim is to set up a print department featuring only Mimaki’s technologies. We are already considering the next steps to make this possible, knowing that we can count on the support of Signtrade, Mimaki’s dealer in the region and our trustworthy partner.”

Moti Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd. was founded in 1992 by Muhammad Asif’s father Haji Muhammad Yousaf and his partner Haji Rasheed Ahmad. Established as a dyeing company, Moti Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd. was able to gradually diversify the business over the years to become an advanced textile printing specialist. Today, the company is an established provider to the high fashion industry in Pakistan and on an international level.

“The story of Moti Fabrics is incredibly inspiring. Belonging to a region with such rooted textile printing heritage, the company has been able to embrace a new, challenging business model in order to stay at pace with the changing demand from the textile industry and has succeeded,” comments Ronald van den Broek, General Sales Manager at Mimaki Europe. “Customers like Moti Fabrics make us proud as they demonstrate how our advanced Mimaki Tiger industrial textile series can be the enabling technology for those textile companies planning the shift from conventional to digital printing.”

Antiviral and antibacterial zwissCLEAN masks® of zwissTEX (c) zwissTex

Antiviral and antibacterial zwissCLEAN masks® of zwissTEX

With zwissCLEAN® masks, zwissTEX is a pioneer among manufacturers of antiviral and antibacterial oronasal masks. Unlike conventional models they actively and highly effectively eliminate viruses and bacteria thanks to the latest textile technologies. This is made possible by an environmentally friendly finishing that foregoes the use of silver and zinc. "The formula physically interrupts the cell membrane of the viruses and bacteria - so no development of resistance is possible. In this way 99.9 percent of viruses and bacteria are eliminated within a very short time," says Maximilian Schönfließ - Business Development Manager of zwissTEX.

The zwissCLEAN MASK BASIC is particularly suitable when a mask is to be worn over a longer period of time - whether for school, concerts, trade fair visits or air travel. "The special feature of our zwissCLEAN MASK BASIC is that it can be worn for up to 12 hours without any problems due to the breathable material", says Schönfließ. "With it even sleeping is possible. And unlike disposable masks it can be washed up to 10 times at 30 degrees. Disposal by type is also possible".

With zwissCLEAN® masks, zwissTEX is a pioneer among manufacturers of antiviral and antibacterial oronasal masks. Unlike conventional models they actively and highly effectively eliminate viruses and bacteria thanks to the latest textile technologies. This is made possible by an environmentally friendly finishing that foregoes the use of silver and zinc. "The formula physically interrupts the cell membrane of the viruses and bacteria - so no development of resistance is possible. In this way 99.9 percent of viruses and bacteria are eliminated within a very short time," says Maximilian Schönfließ - Business Development Manager of zwissTEX.

The zwissCLEAN MASK BASIC is particularly suitable when a mask is to be worn over a longer period of time - whether for school, concerts, trade fair visits or air travel. "The special feature of our zwissCLEAN MASK BASIC is that it can be worn for up to 12 hours without any problems due to the breathable material", says Schönfließ. "With it even sleeping is possible. And unlike disposable masks it can be washed up to 10 times at 30 degrees. Disposal by type is also possible".

The zwissCLEAN MASK COMFORT is recommended for daily protection at shopping, on public transport, at business appointments or similar events. It consists of a three-layer structure and combines efficient antiviral protection with long-term wearing comfort. The outer material and the integrated fleece promote protection against viruses and bacteria. The lower material made of organic cotton guarantees a lasting pleasant feeling on the skin. The mask can be washed up to 30 times, thus replacing up to 210 disposable masks and saving resources sustainably.



Lenzing wins State Prize for Innovation with sustainable nonwovens technology (c) Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft
Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft

Lenzing: State Prize for Innovation with sustainable nonwovens technology

  • On October, 20th, 2020, the State Prize for Innovation was awarded to the Lenzing Group for their LENZING™ Web Technology.
  • Lenzing thus received the highest award for particularly innovative achievements in Austria.

Lenzing – On Tuesday, October 20, 2020, the Lenzing Group was awarded the coveted “State Prize for Innovation”. Lenzing emerged as the winner with its project LENZING™ Web Technology and thus received the highest recognition for particularly innovative achievements in Austria. The novel process combines fiber and nonwovens production in only one step, setting new standards in terms of efficiency, circularity and ecological sustainability. Margarete Schramböck, Federal Minister for Digital and Economic Affairs, presented the award to Gert Kroner, Vice President Global Research & Development.

  • On October, 20th, 2020, the State Prize for Innovation was awarded to the Lenzing Group for their LENZING™ Web Technology.
  • Lenzing thus received the highest award for particularly innovative achievements in Austria.

Lenzing – On Tuesday, October 20, 2020, the Lenzing Group was awarded the coveted “State Prize for Innovation”. Lenzing emerged as the winner with its project LENZING™ Web Technology and thus received the highest recognition for particularly innovative achievements in Austria. The novel process combines fiber and nonwovens production in only one step, setting new standards in terms of efficiency, circularity and ecological sustainability. Margarete Schramböck, Federal Minister for Digital and Economic Affairs, presented the award to Gert Kroner, Vice President Global Research & Development.

“This award is a great recognition of our work. Our goal is to grow continuously with sustainable innovations and to look beyond our fibers, to the needs of our customers and partners and to the needs of consumers worldwide. With the LENZING™ Web Technology we have created an exciting and promising solution for eco-friendly products in line with our corporate strategy sCore TEN and support consumers in their daily needs in a sustainable way”, says Stefan Doboczky, Chief Executive Officer of the Lenzing Group.

Biodegradable nonwovens for a clean environment

The pollution of the environment by plastics is one of the most urgent problems of our time. Every day, millions of hygiene products and wipes around the globe end up in garbage and sewage. Most of them consist of up to 80 percent polyester or other fossil, non-biodegradable materials and therefore pollute the environment. With the LENZING™ Web Technology, Lenzing has developed a patented technology to counter this problem: Sustainable and eco-friendly nonwovens are produced from the renewable raw material wood. These are not only plastic-free, they also score points for their particularly high environmental friendliness. “Thanks to a unique self-bonding mechanism, in which the filaments bond with each other during the spinning process, binders, which are found in many nonwovens, are no longer needed. As a result, the nonwovens produced with LENZING™ Web Technology are 100 percent biodegradable and do not pollute either humans or the environment”, says Gert Kroner, Vice President Global Research & Development of the Lenzing Group.

The Austrian State Prize for Innovation is awarded annually by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs to the most innovative Austrian company. In 2020, the competition took place for the 40th time.



  • New strategic sales partnership for the Sanitized® antimicrobial polymer additives in Italy

Italy and Switzerland - SANITIZED customers in the polymer industry in Italy will profit from FERRO-PLAST’s expertise and established sales network. The Sanitized® antimicrobial additives for hygiene function and material protection for polymers will be marketed in Italy by our new sales partner.

SANITIZED and FERRO-PLAST, two experts in their fields with similar understanding of values, have joined forces; both deal in high-performance products for the Polymer industry combined with the best possible service, which begins with the conception of value-added products and their optimum use. This collaboration with SANITIZED is a good fit for the portfolio as both companies focus on innovative, customer-specific solutions.

  • New strategic sales partnership for the Sanitized® antimicrobial polymer additives in Italy

Italy and Switzerland - SANITIZED customers in the polymer industry in Italy will profit from FERRO-PLAST’s expertise and established sales network. The Sanitized® antimicrobial additives for hygiene function and material protection for polymers will be marketed in Italy by our new sales partner.

SANITIZED and FERRO-PLAST, two experts in their fields with similar understanding of values, have joined forces; both deal in high-performance products for the Polymer industry combined with the best possible service, which begins with the conception of value-added products and their optimum use. This collaboration with SANITIZED is a good fit for the portfolio as both companies focus on innovative, customer-specific solutions.

With the addition of the antimicrobial Sanitized® additives at FERRO-PLAST, the Polymer industry gets an overall package, offering more than just products for hygiene function and material protection. As an addition to the core product services, SANITIZED supports development and production, regulatory queries and marketing through the use of the Sanitized® Ingredient Brand, which characterizes the end products within their differentiation and emphasis on quality.

The antimicrobial additives for Polymers from SANITIZED protect end products from bacterial infestation, growth of algae and mildew, material degradation, biofilms, pink stain, and odors caused by microbes. The Polymer industry uses the antimicrobial additive in flooring, industrial coatings, artificial leather, roof membranes, pool liners, tarpaulins, and all extruded products.

“FERRO-PLAST is proud to represent the prestigious and important brand Sanitized® in Italy. We are confident to have the necessary experience and skills to successfully promote these products which are leaders in the hygiene field. We are sure that especially in this particular moment, they bring a substantial support to the Italian plastic market”, says FERRO-PLAST’s Managing Director, Rodolfo Di Nardo. “The technical competence and the strong customer focus impress me about FERRO-PLAST”, confirms Michael Lüthi, Head of BU Polymer at SANITIZED AG.



Ungewöhnliche Jahrestagung in außergewöhnlichen Zeiten (c) Gütegemeinschaft sachgemäße Wäschepflege e.V.
Ehrenurkunde Karl-Rainer Dauer

Ungewöhnliche Jahrestagung in außergewöhnlichen Zeiten

  • Die Gütegemeinschaft sachgemäße Wäschepflege e.V. bleibt mit digitalem Format auf Kurs
  • Karl-Rainer Dauer zum Ehrenvorsitzenden ernannt

Bönnigheim - So gut wie jede geplante größere Veranstaltung fiel in den letzten Monaten der Pandemie zum Opfer. Auch die in Leipzig geplante Jahrestagung der Gütegemeinschaft sachgemäße Wäschepflege e.V. konnte nicht in der üblichen Form stattfinden. Kurzerhand schwenkte die Geschäftsführung auf die Durchführung eines Live-Streamings um, das den Mitgliedern trotz der aktuellen Situation ein Gefühl der persönlichen Begegnung vermitteln konnte.

  • Die Gütegemeinschaft sachgemäße Wäschepflege e.V. bleibt mit digitalem Format auf Kurs
  • Karl-Rainer Dauer zum Ehrenvorsitzenden ernannt

Bönnigheim - So gut wie jede geplante größere Veranstaltung fiel in den letzten Monaten der Pandemie zum Opfer. Auch die in Leipzig geplante Jahrestagung der Gütegemeinschaft sachgemäße Wäschepflege e.V. konnte nicht in der üblichen Form stattfinden. Kurzerhand schwenkte die Geschäftsführung auf die Durchführung eines Live-Streamings um, das den Mitgliedern trotz der aktuellen Situation ein Gefühl der persönlichen Begegnung vermitteln konnte.

„Wichtig war es uns, alle unsere Mitglieder bei wichtigen Entwicklungen und Entscheidungen mitzunehmen,“, so Geschäftsführer Dr. Timo Hammer, „das Live-Streaming mit allen seinen organisatorischen und technischen Herausforderungen war dennoch für uns alle eine völlig neue und überwältigende Erfahrung. Und: Das bisherige Feedback der Teilnehmer ist durchweg positiv!“ Baden-Württembergs Minister der Justiz und für Europa Guido Wolf bedankte sich bei der Branche in seinem Grußwort für ihr Durchhaltevermögen und machte den Teilnehmern Mut für die kommende Zeit. Schwerpunkte der Veranstaltung selbst waren neben Erfahrungsberichten zur Situation während der Corona-Pandemie die Rechenschaftsberichte gemäß Vereinsrecht. Der Erste Vorsitzende Holger Großmann erläuterte seine Vision für das Strategieprojekt Gütegemeinschaft 2025 und Geschäftsführer Dr. Timo Hammer legte dar, wie er sich die operative Umsetzung der Zukunftsthemen vorstellt. Höhepunkt der Veranstaltung war die Ernennung des langjährigen Ersten Vorsitzenden Karl-Rainer Dauer zum Ehrenvorsitzenden der Gütegemeinschaft. „Sein unermüdlicher Einsatz und sein langjähriges Engagement hat die Gütegemeinschaft entscheidend geprägt,“, so Holger Großmann, „wir hoffen, dass Karl-Rainer Dauer uns auf diese Weise noch lange verbunden bleibt.“ 

Im geschützten Mitgliederbereich der Webseite steht ab sofort  eine Aufzeichnung der Live-Veranstaltung zur Verfügung.

Die Gremien der Gütegemeinschaft sachgemäße Wäschepflege e.V.
Holger Großmann, 1. Vorsitzender (T-TEX Textile Dienste & Mietwäscheservice GmbH, Torgelow)
Andreas Popp, 2. Vorsitzender (Textilpflege Mayer GmbH, Offenburg)
Ellen Petow (Hesse GmbH, Dransfeld)
Wolfgang Kabus (Textilpflege Kabus e.K., Bad Saulgau)
René Dauer (Busch Textilservice GmbH & Co. KG, Bärenbach)
Carsten Börs (Meyer GmbH & Co. KG Wäscherei, Bad Iburg)
Jürgen Hoffmann, Obmann Güteausschuss (Ahrens Textil-Service, Elmshorn)
Kirsten Kaage, Hospitantin (Bardusch GmbH & Co.KG, Landsberg)

Holger Großmann, 1. Vorsitzender Vorstand (T-TEX Textile Dienste & Mietwäscheservice GmbH, Torgelow)
Andreas Popp, 2. Vorsitzender Vorstand (Textilpflege Mayer GmbH, Offenburg)
Sabrina Schumann (Ahrens Textil-Service GmbH, Elmshorn)
Jürgen Hoffmann, Obmann (Ahrens Textil-Service, Elmshorn)
Andreas Janning, stellvertretender Geschäftsführer Gütegemeinschaft sachgemäße Wäschepflege e.V. (Hohenstein, Bönnigheim)
Dr. Igor Kogut, (Hohenstein, Bönnigheim)

Bandagenband (c) JUMBO Textil

JUMBO-Textil: Narrow textiles with a function

Technical textiles fulfil many functions: they hold, they lift, they fixate, they stretch – and they tension. In this function narrow textiles fulfil an important task in product development. And they offer significant advantages over metal or plastic tensioning devices such as springs, clamps or cable ties.

Textiles are light: a property that plays a central role in modern mobility. Textiles are flexible: from extremely high to extremely low elasticity: the force-elongation behaviour of elasticated narrow textiles can be precisely defined. Depending on the tensioning task to be performed. Textiles tension in tight packaging spaces: elastics can also be used where space is too tight for springs and clasps. Textiles are energy efficient: lightweight, with high tensioning force. Textiles are easy to handle: replace a connector spontaneously and without tools, quickly change the length or roll up and store a supply. And textiles are sustainable: natural fibres and rubber are natural and ecologically degradable raw materials; synthetic fibres can be completely produced from recycled materials.

Technical textiles fulfil many functions: they hold, they lift, they fixate, they stretch – and they tension. In this function narrow textiles fulfil an important task in product development. And they offer significant advantages over metal or plastic tensioning devices such as springs, clamps or cable ties.

Textiles are light: a property that plays a central role in modern mobility. Textiles are flexible: from extremely high to extremely low elasticity: the force-elongation behaviour of elasticated narrow textiles can be precisely defined. Depending on the tensioning task to be performed. Textiles tension in tight packaging spaces: elastics can also be used where space is too tight for springs and clasps. Textiles are energy efficient: lightweight, with high tensioning force. Textiles are easy to handle: replace a connector spontaneously and without tools, quickly change the length or roll up and store a supply. And textiles are sustainable: natural fibres and rubber are natural and ecologically degradable raw materials; synthetic fibres can be completely produced from recycled materials.

Development teams in numerous industries leverage these properties for their products. For example, for flexible machine parts in mechanical engineering, for switch contacts in electrical engineering, for oscillation-capable locking systems in the construction industry, for noise- and vibration-free seating systems in the automotive sector or for grip rings in the toys industry.

Particularly en vogue today, when we are spending more time than usual in our own homes: applications for narrow textiles in the furniture industry. They go far beyond the area of legacy home textiles: as tensioning elements in armchairs, sofas and chairs, as hinge solutions in cupboards, as fixation elements in extendable or folding tables. Narrow textiles are used for gripping tasks almost everywhere in the living room.

"JUMBO-Textil specialises in precisely implementing the individual requirements for defined force-elongation values of elasticated narrow textiles: we adapt the technical properties of our products precisely to the specific task and the respective raw materials," explains Werner Thiex, Sales Director Automotive. "Precise technical specification plus sustainable raw materials – this is a crucial combination in the 21st century".
