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584 results

Lenzing AG: Early termination of contract with Stefan Doboczky

  • CEO Stefan Doboczky will not extend contract and will step down at end of third quarter 2021

The Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG, a world’s leading producer of wood-based cellulosic fibers, has come to a mutual agreement with its longstanding Chief Executive Officer Stefan Doboczky to end his contract. Doboczky has informed the Supervisory Board that he will not be available for another extension of his contract. With great regret the Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG accepts his resignation and the parties mutually agreed to end the contract effective September 30, 2021.

  • CEO Stefan Doboczky will not extend contract and will step down at end of third quarter 2021

The Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG, a world’s leading producer of wood-based cellulosic fibers, has come to a mutual agreement with its longstanding Chief Executive Officer Stefan Doboczky to end his contract. Doboczky has informed the Supervisory Board that he will not be available for another extension of his contract. With great regret the Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG accepts his resignation and the parties mutually agreed to end the contract effective September 30, 2021.

“My sincere thanks go to Stefan Doboczky for his exceptional achievements at Lenzing. The design and implementation of the transformation of Lenzing AG into a global specialty fiber leader and the positioning of the company as a recognized sustainability champion have been major accomplishments of Stefan Doboczky over the last years”, said Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Peter Edelmann. “Thanks to his leadership, Lenzing AG finds itself today on a stable and profitable growth track with a clear commitment to become climate-neutral by 2050. And all of that in spite of the challenging environment of the COVID-19 pandemic”, said Edelmann.

Stefan Doboczky: “Developing and consistently implementing the Lenzing strategy has been the cornerstone of my work in recent years. After extensive consideration, I have decided that this is the right time for a personal change. The strategy is in place, the company is well on track – now is the ideal moment to pass on the baton. And one thing is certain: Lenzing will always have a very special place in my heart.”

Lenzing AG remains on track with its guidance for the full year 2021 as announced with the half-year results. Cord Prinzhorn has been appointed interim CEO. Prinzhorn is Member of the Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG and will be available until a successor is found. The Supervisory Board will immediately start the search process.

More information:
Lenzing AG Stefan Doboczky

Lenzing AG

Veröffentlichung des EECC UHF RFID Almanach 2021 (c)EECC

Veröffentlichung des EECC UHF RFID Almanach 2021

  • Das große Kompendium bezieht erstmalig auch Reader in seine Studien ein und zeigt Lösungen zu den Verwerfungen am Chipmarkt auf.

Die neueste Ausgabe der bisher als UHF Tag Performance Survey (UTPS) bekannten Studie stellt die Performance von 550 Tags erstmalig in Beziehung zu 36 Readertypen. Im RFID Markt steht der technisch und wirtschaftlich dynamischen Entwicklung auf Chip- und Transponderseite eine Konsolidierung auf Readerherstellerseite gegenüber. Immer öfter sind RFID-Reader der limitierende Faktor in Bezug auf Performance, Zuverlässigkeit und Funktionalität des Gesamtsystems. Der Almanach zeigt die vielen Stellschrauben auf, um RFID-Systeme zu optimieren.

Nam Tran, Leiter des EECC Messlabors erklärt: „Die Backlink-Matrizen des Almanachs können Fragestellungen dabei nach mehreren Einflussgrößen gleichzeitig auflösen. Ob Tags z.B. in großen Populationen eingesetzt werden können oder auch in sehr unterschiedlichen Lese-Situationen funktionieren; ohne den Almanach könnte der Anwender meist nur in einer dieser Dimensionen optimieren.“

  • Das große Kompendium bezieht erstmalig auch Reader in seine Studien ein und zeigt Lösungen zu den Verwerfungen am Chipmarkt auf.

Die neueste Ausgabe der bisher als UHF Tag Performance Survey (UTPS) bekannten Studie stellt die Performance von 550 Tags erstmalig in Beziehung zu 36 Readertypen. Im RFID Markt steht der technisch und wirtschaftlich dynamischen Entwicklung auf Chip- und Transponderseite eine Konsolidierung auf Readerherstellerseite gegenüber. Immer öfter sind RFID-Reader der limitierende Faktor in Bezug auf Performance, Zuverlässigkeit und Funktionalität des Gesamtsystems. Der Almanach zeigt die vielen Stellschrauben auf, um RFID-Systeme zu optimieren.

Nam Tran, Leiter des EECC Messlabors erklärt: „Die Backlink-Matrizen des Almanachs können Fragestellungen dabei nach mehreren Einflussgrößen gleichzeitig auflösen. Ob Tags z.B. in großen Populationen eingesetzt werden können oder auch in sehr unterschiedlichen Lese-Situationen funktionieren; ohne den Almanach könnte der Anwender meist nur in einer dieser Dimensionen optimieren.“

Auch ohne Chip-Krise; in zunehmender Maße betreffen viele der genannten Fragestellungen vor allem ältere Chipgenerationen und die darauf optimierten Anwendungen. Beispielsweise wenn Chips nicht mehr produziert werden oder Hersteller vom Markt verschwinden. Für diese Bestandslösungen, die auf älteren, weniger sensitiven Chiptypen beruhen, deuten sich für die Zukunft Ausweichmöglichkeiten auch auf chinesische Chiptypen an; eine Entwicklung aus dem amerikanisch - chinesischen Handels-Wettstreit der letzten Jahre.

Der Nutzen des EECC UHF RFID Almanach 2021 liegt nunmehr auf beiden Seiten des RFID-Gesamtsystems. Wird ein System neu installiert oder aber die Reader-Infrastruktur verändert, kann der Effekt auf der Transponderseite direkt abgeschätzt werden. Andersrum aber kann ein optimaler Reader mit den Ergebnissen aus dem EECC Almanach ausgewählt und parametriert werden. Auch beim Einsatz von gemischten Transponder-Populationen.

Mit dem EECC UHF RFID Almanach 2021 möchte das EECC im größtmöglichen Umfang alle relevanten Situationen des UHF-RFID-Einsatzes messtechnisch nachbilden. Er liefert Antworten auf alle Fragen, vor die wir aus technischen, aber auch politischen und wirtschaftlichen Gründen gestellt werden.

More information:
EECC RFID Transponder

European EPC Competence Center GmbH (EECC)

Photo: Sateri

EU-BAT Compliance Confirmed for all Sateri Viscose Fibre Mills

  • Achievement Ahead of Schedule

All of Sateri’s five viscose mills in China are now fully compliant with the emission limits set out in the European Union Best Available Techniques Reference Document (EU-BAT BREF) on Polymers, following recent verification of Sateri Jiangsu and Sateri China mills.

Verified by independent consultant Sustainable Textile Solutions (STS), a division of BluWin Limited (UK), the parameters assessed included resource utility efficiency, wastewater discharge and air emission.

  • Achievement Ahead of Schedule

All of Sateri’s five viscose mills in China are now fully compliant with the emission limits set out in the European Union Best Available Techniques Reference Document (EU-BAT BREF) on Polymers, following recent verification of Sateri Jiangsu and Sateri China mills.

Verified by independent consultant Sustainable Textile Solutions (STS), a division of BluWin Limited (UK), the parameters assessed included resource utility efficiency, wastewater discharge and air emission.

Allen Zhang, President of Sateri said, “Sateri Jiangsu was established in 2019 following an acquisition while Sateri China was built in the same year. We had aimed to have both mills meet EU-BAT’s recommended emission levels by 2023. To achieve this two years ahead of schedule underscores our continuous efforts in process improvement and control of pollutant emissions, and resource utilization efficiency. We will continue to pursue manufacturing excellence and invest in best-in-class technologies for all our mills – existing, acquired, and newly constructed ones – as part of our Vision 2030 commitment towards closed-loop and cleaner production.”

Chen Xinwei, Chairman of China Chemical Fiber Industry Association, said, "China's regenerated cellulose fibre industry has been progressing steadily in recent years. As a major viscose manufacturer, Sateri has demonstrated leadership in benchmarking itself against advanced domestic and international standards, focusing on low-carbon development, energy-saving and emission-reduction technology, and cleaner production to advance sustainable development, as well as enhance the company’s competitiveness. All other players in the industry should be encouraged to follow suit."

Sateri is a member of the RGE group of companies; Sateri’s other three mills - Sateri Fujian, Sateri Jiujiang and Sateri China (Jiangxi) - had attained EU-BAT compliance in 2020.


Omnicom Public Relations Group

(c) Autefa

Swiss Textile Machinery: Top Technology for Nonwovens

Originally conceived as a low-cost, high-volume alternative to knitting and weaving, nonwovens was already expanding its market boundaries by the 1970s with new applications in ‘disposables’ such as diapers, hygiene and teabags.

In the past five decades, the nonwovens business has exploded in all directions, reaching a global market worth USD 40.5 billion in 2020, projected to grow to USD 53.5 billion by 2025. This annual growth rate of 5.7% (MarketsandMarkets, Nonwoven Fabric Market Report) is based on countless new applications and expansion into durable, as well as additional disposable, products.

Major growth drivers include the hygiene sector, and filtration media for power plants and air conditioning systems. Especially during the peak of the COVID pandemic in 2020 and 2021, demand in the hygiene sector multiplied. Worldwide capacities for both meltblown and spunlace production rocketed compared to a normal business year. Swiss Autefa Solutions, for example, significantly benefited from this trend, notably with the launch of a fully-automatic machine for producing face masks.

Originally conceived as a low-cost, high-volume alternative to knitting and weaving, nonwovens was already expanding its market boundaries by the 1970s with new applications in ‘disposables’ such as diapers, hygiene and teabags.

In the past five decades, the nonwovens business has exploded in all directions, reaching a global market worth USD 40.5 billion in 2020, projected to grow to USD 53.5 billion by 2025. This annual growth rate of 5.7% (MarketsandMarkets, Nonwoven Fabric Market Report) is based on countless new applications and expansion into durable, as well as additional disposable, products.

Major growth drivers include the hygiene sector, and filtration media for power plants and air conditioning systems. Especially during the peak of the COVID pandemic in 2020 and 2021, demand in the hygiene sector multiplied. Worldwide capacities for both meltblown and spunlace production rocketed compared to a normal business year. Swiss Autefa Solutions, for example, significantly benefited from this trend, notably with the launch of a fully-automatic machine for producing face masks.

The automotive industry is the second big growth area, with many new applications being pioneered. The trend to electric and hybrid vehicles has helped this, as nonwovens reinforced with carbon fibres are widely used as battery housings.

Swiss nonwovens competence
Innovative applications across all sectors have driven the rapid evolution of sophisticated nonwovens machinery. Today’s trends demand higher productivity, sustainability and Industry 4.0 compatibility – demonstrated by the full equipment portfolio of Swiss Textile Machinery member Autefa Solutions. With V-Jet Futura, the company recently sealed the link in its product range between web forming and drying technology. This latest Hydroentanglement Machine, together with the SQ-V Square Drum Dryer, embodies advanced technology combined with significant reductions in energy consumption compared to other process solutions.

A vital contribution to nonwovens production is offered by Rieter subsidiary Graf, a leading supplier of clothing and combs for carding and combing processes in spinning and nonwovens. Graf's Hipro card clothings – suitable for any man-made fibres in the nonwovens sector – are focussing on higher productivity. Their superior performance delivers up to 10% higher throughput and greater carding efficiency compared to conventional clothings. These reliable card clothing elements also ensure a consistently reproducible high web quality, as well as 20% fewer failures in the web, thanks to the precise fibre transfer to and from the cylinder.

Another constant trend in nonwovens today is the drive for better quality. Manufacturers want to take charge of contamination levels in their processes, as well as eradicating defects which may arise during production. Uster Technologies, a leading provider of quality management solutions from fibre to fabric, offers a combined solution to achieve both these required quality standards. At the fibre preparation stage, Uster Jossi Vision Shield N ensures the best possible initial inspection and removal of contamination. Then, at the end of the production sequence, Uster EVS Fabriq Vision N handles automated detection and marking of all the main defects caused during production. This combined solution avoids material waste and takes full advantage of the potential for process optimization.


Swiss Textile Machinery Association


GKD auf der INDEX mit neuen Gewebetypen und Weiterentwicklungen

Zur INDEX in Genf, vom 19. bis zum 22. Oktober 2021, präsentiert die GKD Gruppe (GKD) ihre Vliesstoffformierung, -trocknung und -verfestigung sowie Polymerfiltration. Im Mittelpunkt des Messeauftritts zur einer der größten globalen Vliesstoffmessenm stehen neue Produkte für Meltblown-, Airlay- und Spunbond-Vliesformierung. Außerdem stellt die technische Weberei dem Fachpublikum die Weiterentwicklung der in anspruchsvollen Thermobonding-Prozessen seit 2016 bewährten Glashybrid-Gewebebänder vor. Auch maßgeschneiderte Filtermedien aus Metallgewebe für Zentralfilter, Spinnbalken und Anblassiebe für die Polymerfiltration werden auf der Messe präsentiert.

Airlay- und Meltblown
Mit dem neuen Prozessbandgewebe CONDUCTIVE 2215 ergänzt GKD das Spektrum an Bändern für die Vliesformierung. Diesen Gewebetyp kennzeichnet eine Kreuzköperbindung aus speziellen Polyester-Filamenten. Durch ein Zusammenspiel von Materialwahl, Filamentdurchmesser, Bindungstechnologie und Luftdurchlässigkeit entsteht eine optimale Gewebeoberflächentopografie für die Vliesablage.

Zur INDEX in Genf, vom 19. bis zum 22. Oktober 2021, präsentiert die GKD Gruppe (GKD) ihre Vliesstoffformierung, -trocknung und -verfestigung sowie Polymerfiltration. Im Mittelpunkt des Messeauftritts zur einer der größten globalen Vliesstoffmessenm stehen neue Produkte für Meltblown-, Airlay- und Spunbond-Vliesformierung. Außerdem stellt die technische Weberei dem Fachpublikum die Weiterentwicklung der in anspruchsvollen Thermobonding-Prozessen seit 2016 bewährten Glashybrid-Gewebebänder vor. Auch maßgeschneiderte Filtermedien aus Metallgewebe für Zentralfilter, Spinnbalken und Anblassiebe für die Polymerfiltration werden auf der Messe präsentiert.

Airlay- und Meltblown
Mit dem neuen Prozessbandgewebe CONDUCTIVE 2215 ergänzt GKD das Spektrum an Bändern für die Vliesformierung. Diesen Gewebetyp kennzeichnet eine Kreuzköperbindung aus speziellen Polyester-Filamenten. Durch ein Zusammenspiel von Materialwahl, Filamentdurchmesser, Bindungstechnologie und Luftdurchlässigkeit entsteht eine optimale Gewebeoberflächentopografie für die Vliesablage.

Mit CONDUCTO® 7690 präsentiert GKD auf der INDEX eine Gewebekonstruktion aus Polyester-Monofilen und metallischen Multifilen. Die webtechnisch auf der Bandrückseite eingebrachten Metallfasern haben keinen Kontakt zum Produkt. Das qualifiziert diesen Gewebetyp auch für die risikofreie Produktion anspruchsvoller Medizin- oder Hygieneprodukte. Gleichzeitig gewährleistet das ebenso robuste wie flexible Garn aus Edelstahlfasern eine bis zu zehn Mal höhere Ableitung elektrostatischer Aufladung als herkömmliche Bänder.

Converting: Spiralbänder
Mit Spiralbändern aus eigener Fertigung bietet GKD eine Lösung für Anwendungen, die beispielsweise  für breite oder schnelllaufende Anlagen der Hygienevliesindustrie geeignet sind.

Thermobonding: Antihaftbeschichtetes Glashybrid-Gewebe
In Doppelbandöfen sind die Glashybrid-Gewebebänder bei der thermischen Verfestigung von hoch voluminösen oder stark verdichteten Produkten geeignet. Querstabilität und vollständige PFA-Beschichtung qualifizieren sie für stark klebende Produkte ebenso wie für Anlagen mit großer Arbeitsbreite oder Produkte mit starken Schrumpfkräften. Als einlagige Gewebekonstruktion mit Edelstahldrähten in Schussrichtung und Kettseilen aus Glasfaserlitzen sind sie außerdem energieeffiziente Leichtgewichte - wahlweise magnetisch oder nichtmagnetisch ausgelegt.

Polymerfiltration: Lange Standzeiten durch Metallgewebekonstruktionen
Die prozessabhängige Gewebeauslegung gewährleistet hohe Schmutzaufnahmekapazität, feine Abscheideraten und geringe Verblockungsneigung. Langfilter oder Ronden aus anwendungsindividuell abgestimmten Gewebelagen optimieren im Spinnbalken die Filtration des Schmelzflusses.


GKD / impetus.PR

(c) lululemon

Genomatica partners with lululemon bring bio-nylon to apparel

  • Renewably Sourced Materials to Help Replace Petrochemicals in Apparel for a Healthier Planet

lululemon athletica inc. (NASDAQ:LULU) announced a multi-year collaboration with sustainable materials leader Genomatica to bring renewably-sourced, bio-based materials into lululemon’s products. This represents lululemon’s first-ever equity investment in a sustainable materials company and Genomatica’s largest partnership within the retail industry. Together, the two companies will create a lower-impact, plant-based nylon to replace conventional nylon, which is the largest volume of synthetic material currently used to make lululemon products.

Genomatica uses biotechnology and fermentation to convert plant-based ingredients into widely used chemical building blocks, like those used to make nylon. These building blocks are converted to pellets and yarns, and the companies will be working closely with lululemon’s fabric supply chain to incorporate this material into future products. Through this collaboration, the companies seek to create positive change within the $22B global nylon market by building more sustainable supply chains.  

  • Renewably Sourced Materials to Help Replace Petrochemicals in Apparel for a Healthier Planet

lululemon athletica inc. (NASDAQ:LULU) announced a multi-year collaboration with sustainable materials leader Genomatica to bring renewably-sourced, bio-based materials into lululemon’s products. This represents lululemon’s first-ever equity investment in a sustainable materials company and Genomatica’s largest partnership within the retail industry. Together, the two companies will create a lower-impact, plant-based nylon to replace conventional nylon, which is the largest volume of synthetic material currently used to make lululemon products.

Genomatica uses biotechnology and fermentation to convert plant-based ingredients into widely used chemical building blocks, like those used to make nylon. These building blocks are converted to pellets and yarns, and the companies will be working closely with lululemon’s fabric supply chain to incorporate this material into future products. Through this collaboration, the companies seek to create positive change within the $22B global nylon market by building more sustainable supply chains.  

More information:
lululemon Genomatica bio-based nylon

Method Communications

TMAS: Swedish Group ACG turns 100 (c) Ismail Abdelkareem, ACG Goup
ACG’s Reimar Westerlind and Thomas Arvidsson at the company’s head office in Borås, Sweden

TMAS: Swedish Group ACG turns 100

It is exactly 100 years ago on August 17th this year that Carl Axel Gustafsson returned from the USA to Sweden with a significant agency agreement from the Boston-based sewing machine leader Reece.

Back in 1921, Reece, along with its competitor Singer, entirely dominated the buttonhole machine market and were the world’s only manufacturers of these machines for jackets, trousers and coats.

Gustafsson’s license enabled his new company A C Gustafsson to become one of Europe’s first leasing organisations, hiring out Reece buttonhole machines and receiving payment per sewn buttonhole stitch.

This business thrived for many decades and formed the basis for the entire ACG Group as it exists today.

Forty years later, on September 2nd 1961 to be precise, Reimar Westerlind walked out of a restaurant after a long and enjoyable lunch with someone he’d never met before, having signed his intention to buy a company he knew nothing about on an improvised contract written on the back of a menu.

It is exactly 100 years ago on August 17th this year that Carl Axel Gustafsson returned from the USA to Sweden with a significant agency agreement from the Boston-based sewing machine leader Reece.

Back in 1921, Reece, along with its competitor Singer, entirely dominated the buttonhole machine market and were the world’s only manufacturers of these machines for jackets, trousers and coats.

Gustafsson’s license enabled his new company A C Gustafsson to become one of Europe’s first leasing organisations, hiring out Reece buttonhole machines and receiving payment per sewn buttonhole stitch.

This business thrived for many decades and formed the basis for the entire ACG Group as it exists today.

Forty years later, on September 2nd 1961 to be precise, Reimar Westerlind walked out of a restaurant after a long and enjoyable lunch with someone he’d never met before, having signed his intention to buy a company he knew nothing about on an improvised contract written on the back of a menu.

“What I didn’t know then was that my dining partner was the family lawyer of Carl Axel Gustafsson,” Reimar explains. “I had no money and knew nothing about the textile industry and I also quickly discovered the business was not doing so well at that time and tried to get out of the agreement, but he insisted I honour it. He told me he had money and would back me, but I’d have to work hard and pay him back in full.”

Reimar certainly took that advice, and at the age of 92 still travels to his office every day to oversee the operations of the diverse companies now operating under the ACG umbrella.

Although textiles remain the bedrock of the business, under Reimar Westerlind’s management, ACG Group has branched out into many other fields of activity over the past 60 years, and its diversity has also led to some highly unexpected developments.

Like many other European manufacturers, ACG also began to expand beyond its traditional borders from the 1970s onwards – initially into the former Soviet Union and subsequently establishing subsidiaries in Estonia, Lithuania, Finland, the Ukraine and Denmark.


Rieter Board of Directors: Dismissals and Criminal Complaint

As the Rieter Holding Ltd. Announced, during the course of the acquisition of three Saurer businesses’, it came to serious violations of the statutory duty of loyalty, the obligation to maintain business secrets and the Rieter Code of Conduct by two members of the Board of Directors. They are said to have misused information internal to the Board of Directors in order to compete with Rieter through an offer of their own.

The Board of Directors considers this to be a strong violation of Rieter’s interests, to the detriment of all of its stakeholders, and a sustained breach of the relationship of trust within the Board of Directors which makes further cooperation impossible.

Therefore, the Board of Directors of Rieter Holding Ltd. intends to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting to dismiss these members. Furthermore, to protect Rieter’s interests, the Board of Directors will file a criminal complaint against them.

As the Rieter Holding Ltd. Announced, during the course of the acquisition of three Saurer businesses’, it came to serious violations of the statutory duty of loyalty, the obligation to maintain business secrets and the Rieter Code of Conduct by two members of the Board of Directors. They are said to have misused information internal to the Board of Directors in order to compete with Rieter through an offer of their own.

The Board of Directors considers this to be a strong violation of Rieter’s interests, to the detriment of all of its stakeholders, and a sustained breach of the relationship of trust within the Board of Directors which makes further cooperation impossible.

Therefore, the Board of Directors of Rieter Holding Ltd. intends to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting to dismiss these members. Furthermore, to protect Rieter’s interests, the Board of Directors will file a criminal complaint against them.


Rieter Holding AG

(c) Brückner Trockentechnik GmbH & Co. KG

BRÜCKNER successful in Turkey with stenters

The Turkish company ARIKAN Mensucat Industry and Trade Inc. was founded in 1993 and is located in Kahramanmaraş, one of the southernmost cities of the country. Today, the family-owned company employs around 1,500 people and finishes around 55 tons of knitwear every day. In addition to many well-known Turkish fashion manufacturers, ARIKAN also supplies international manufacturers in Europe, Russia, the Gulf States and other leading international markets.

The Turkish company ARIKAN Mensucat Industry and Trade Inc. was founded in 1993 and is located in Kahramanmaraş, one of the southernmost cities of the country. Today, the family-owned company employs around 1,500 people and finishes around 55 tons of knitwear every day. In addition to many well-known Turkish fashion manufacturers, ARIKAN also supplies international manufacturers in Europe, Russia, the Gulf States and other leading international markets.

The German machinery manufacturer BRÜCKNER supported the Turkish company from the very beginning. From the foundation of the dyeing and finishing plant, BRÜCKNER supplied three stenters for the finishing of the high-quality knitted fabric in 2014. Two more lines followed in 2016. For decades, BRÜCKNER has been the market leader for the finishing of knitted fabric. Especially for very fine and elastic fabric, special line configurations and technological know-how are necessary to be able to produce a high-quality end product. During the drying and heat-setting process, for example, extremely accurate and uniform temperature distribution over the entire length and width of the dryer is essential. In the BRÜCKNER stenter this is achieved, among other things, by the alternating arrangement of the thermal zones every 1.5 meters and by the proven split-flow air system.

The machine operators at ARIKAN appreciate the easy control of BRÜCKNER lines. The visualization is intuitively designed and offers many auxiliary systems for an optimized production process. In addition, significant energy savings can be achieved with just a few changes to the machine parameters.

The management at ARIKAN attaches great importance to energy saving, especially in the fabric finishing department. The drying process is one of the most energy-intensive in the entire process chain, therefore the biggest savings can be made here. These have a direct impact on the manufacturing costs of the textiles and thus on competitiveness in the market. In the meantime, talks are already in progress for another BRÜCKNER line which will include a very special feature: a combined heating system for the dryer. For many customers - and so also for ARIKAN in Turkey - e.g. steam energy is available free or very cheap. With the combined heating system developed by BRÜCKNER it is possible to use this steam energy for heating up the dryer and thus to achieve significant savings. If the available steam is not sufficient for a running process, it is automatically switched over to gas heating. This mode of operation does not only have an effect on the energy costs, but also makes a considerable contribution to environmental protection.

MS establishes new business unit "Nonwovens" (c) MS Ultraschall Technologie GmbH
MS UTG Kampagnenmotiv

MS establishes new business unit "Nonwovens"

The MS Ultrasonic Technology Group is a globally recognized technology and innovation leader in ultrasonic joining technology and develops and builds flexible special machines, pioneering series machines, modular systems and efficient components for high-performance complete solutions.

This enables optimal welding, punching, sealing, cut-off welding and riveting of thermoplastics, textiles and nonwovens as well as cutting of food and other products.

To ensure sustainable growth, MS is focusing on expanding its application portfolio and entering new market segments. MS Ultrasonic Technology Group is part of the listed MS Industrie AG with internationally active companies.

In addition to the company's previous activities, MS is now placing a new focus on the continuous welding of nonwovens and other materials.

The MS Ultrasonic Technology Group is a globally recognized technology and innovation leader in ultrasonic joining technology and develops and builds flexible special machines, pioneering series machines, modular systems and efficient components for high-performance complete solutions.

This enables optimal welding, punching, sealing, cut-off welding and riveting of thermoplastics, textiles and nonwovens as well as cutting of food and other products.

To ensure sustainable growth, MS is focusing on expanding its application portfolio and entering new market segments. MS Ultrasonic Technology Group is part of the listed MS Industrie AG with internationally active companies.

In addition to the company's previous activities, MS is now placing a new focus on the continuous welding of nonwovens and other materials.

More than 30 years of experience in the development and production of high-quality and innovative ultrasonic components, coupled with know-how in drive and control technology, will be incorporated into the new business segment. This means that customers receive ready-to-integrate systems with maximum precision from a single source. With the new MS Competence Center in Ettlingen (Germany), MS is fulfilling the wish of many customers to expand its application portfolio to include continuous joining, embossing and perforating of nonwovens and sealing of packaging.

MS is thus adding an innovative and specialized site, while maintaining a high level of vertical integration and support for all specialist areas through its main site in Spaichingen (Germany). In two application laboratories and a measurement and analysis laboratory, tests, evaluations and optimizations of various welding tasks are just as much a part of the service as the in-house production of engraving rollers through to complete systems.

  • Application engineering consulting for your welding task
  • Support in the design of the engraving roll
  • Execution of feasibility studies
  • Welding tests to determine the process parameters
  • Individualized process optimization
  • Finding solutions for problematic welding applications
  • Testing of quality-describing characteristics (tightness, porosity, strength)
  • Microscopic analysis of the welded joint in 3D
  • Sample creation and pre-series production

MS Ultraschall Technologie GmbH


Indorama Ventures: Record Core EBITDA in second quarter

  • Forecasts continued growth as global markets recover from pandemic

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL), a global chemical producer, announced its second quarter 2021 financial results, reporting a record Core EBITDA of US$477 million as major economies recovered from the COVID-19 pandemic and drove demand for products across IVL’s businesses. IVL is forecasting similar strong growth in the second half of 2021 and in 2022 as global vaccination programs spur positive sentiment.

2Q2021 Performance Summary:

  • Forecasts continued growth as global markets recover from pandemic

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL), a global chemical producer, announced its second quarter 2021 financial results, reporting a record Core EBITDA of US$477 million as major economies recovered from the COVID-19 pandemic and drove demand for products across IVL’s businesses. IVL is forecasting similar strong growth in the second half of 2021 and in 2022 as global vaccination programs spur positive sentiment.

2Q2021 Performance Summary:

  • Consolidated Revenue of US $3,559M, an increase of 10% QoQ and up 52% YoY
  • EBITDA of US$ 552M and Core EBITDA of US$ 477M
  • Net profit of THB 8,340M, a growth of 39% QoQ, and compared to THB 154M a year earlier
  • Core ROCE of 12.9%, up 443 basis points (bps)  QoQ and up 715 bps YoY
  • Project Olympus, the company’s cost saving and business transformation project, yielded US$ 116M in efficiency gains in 1H21, on track to our 2021 target of US$ 287M
  • Acquisition of CarbonLite’s recycled PET asset in USA, making IVL the largest global producer of rPET resin

IVL delivered standout results in 2Q21 and a record Core EBITDA of US$477 million, bolstered by their global franchise, scale and leadership across three business segments. The record quarterly results include solid performance across regions. Americas and EMEA yielded a record, performing 59% higher Core EBITDA in 1H21 as compared to 1H20, while Asia grew by 15%.

The remainder of 2021 is expected to parallel the first half on the back of continued strong demand in IVL's products from opening of travel with widespread vaccination and immunity.


Indorama Ventures


GKD erweitert Angebot für die Glasvliesindustrie

  • Prozessbänder für Imprägnierung und Trocknung aus einer Hand

In der Glasvliesproduktion setzen Trocknerbänder der GKD Gruppe weltweit Maßstäbe. Nahezu alle Hersteller vertrauen auf die Ebenheit und Querstabilität dieser Metallbänder. Mit der Erweiterung des Portfolios um Imprägnierbänder liefert GKD jetzt aus einer Hand Bänder für Kernprozesse in der Glasvliesfertigung.

  • Prozessbänder für Imprägnierung und Trocknung aus einer Hand

In der Glasvliesproduktion setzen Trocknerbänder der GKD Gruppe weltweit Maßstäbe. Nahezu alle Hersteller vertrauen auf die Ebenheit und Querstabilität dieser Metallbänder. Mit der Erweiterung des Portfolios um Imprägnierbänder liefert GKD jetzt aus einer Hand Bänder für Kernprozesse in der Glasvliesfertigung.

Imprägnierbänder haben entscheidenden Einfluss auf die Effizienz des Produktionsprozesses und die Qualität des Endprodukts. Parameter wie Größe der Maschenöffnung, Anzahl der Auflagepunkte und Art der Gewebebindung tragen maßgeblich zum Prozesserfolg bei. Auf Basis von Marktumfragen entwickelte GKD für Imprägnierprozesse drei verschiedene Bandtypen. Mit ihren unterschiedlich großen Maschenöffnungen decken sie das gesamte Anforderungsspektrum ab: Type 1780 (8/6,1 Fäden pro Zentimeter), Type 1830 (9,2/7,5 Fäden pro Zentimeter) und Type 1865 (11/9 Fäden pro Zentimeter). In Abhängigkeit von der Kundenspezifikation bezüglich Länge und Stärke der eingesetzten Glasfasern, individueller Binderzusammensetzung, Prozess und Endprodukt wählt GKD aus diesem Spektrum gemeinsam mit dem Kunden das optimale Band aus.

Als geschätzter Lieferant von zuverlässigen Produkten und Services sowie kompetenter Ansprechpartner in Fragen der Anlagentechnik kennt GKD die Prozesse, Anlagen und Produkte nahezu aller Hersteller von Glasvliesen. Das hierdurch über Jahre gewachsene Vertrauensverhältnis paart der Weltmarktführer für technische Gewebe für Industrie und Architektur mit jahrzehntelang bewiesener Kompetenz im Bereich Kunststoff-Prozessbänder. Insbesondere in der anspruchsvollen Nonwovens-Fertigung gelten Kunststoffbänder von GKD als Garant für Effizienz und Produktqualität. Die neuen Imprägnierbänder von GKD für die Glasvliesherstellung aus prozessspezifisch modifiziertem Linear-Screen - auch als Leinenbindung bekannt - zeichnen sich durch exakt auf die jeweilige Anwendung abgestimmte Porengrößen und Luftdurchlässigkeit sowie durch eine stabile Kantenstruktur für eine sichere Randabtastung aus. Dank spezieller, prozessabhängiger thermischer Veredelung überzeugt ihre Gewebekonstruktion durch exzellente Laufeigenschaften. Die glatte Oberfläche gewährleistet überdies eine ebenso leichte wie schonende Produktablösung.

Lieferbar in allen gängigen Breitenklassen für Glasvliesanlagen mit Produktionsgeschwindigkeiten bis zu 450 Metern/Minute sind sie eine attraktive Alternative zu herkömmlich eingesetzten Bändern. Da GKD die Prozesse, Anlagen und Produkte der meisten Hersteller seit Jahren kennt und durch das Tochterunternehmen GKD USA auch auf dem Kernmarkt für Glasvliese in den USA kurze Lieferzeiten sicherstellt, haben Glasvlieshersteller weltweit nun eine attraktive Option: Bezug der erfolgskritischen Prozessbänder für Imprägnierung und Trocknung aus einer jahrelang bewährten Hand.

More information:
GKD Gruppe Glasvliesindustrie

impetus.PR Agentur fuer Corporate Communications GmbH für GKD Gruppe

(c) EconCore

Basaltex & EconCore: New composite of basalt fibres for rail carriage interiors

  • Testing and development achieve rigidity and safety milestone

Basaltex, pioneers in innovative uses of basalt fibres, has achieved a significant milestone in developing and testing a new composite material solution comprising fibres of basalt combined with EconCore’s patented honeycomb technology.

This new material development has greatly improved fire resistance and is highly rigid, as well as the usual honeycomb properties of light-weighting.

The company has tested the composite of basalt fibres, a bio resin and rPET honeycomb.

Filaments of only stone fibres are extruded at a temperature of 1450°C, similar to glass but with a number of advantages, not least the absence of boric acid in the process.

Combining this ecological fibre with EconCore’s sustainable technology using rPET, and the bioresin polyfurfuryl alcohol - 100% derived from a waste stream of sugar cane - make this a very sustainable and environmentally friendly product, unlike the majority of thermoset solutions in this type of application.

  • Testing and development achieve rigidity and safety milestone

Basaltex, pioneers in innovative uses of basalt fibres, has achieved a significant milestone in developing and testing a new composite material solution comprising fibres of basalt combined with EconCore’s patented honeycomb technology.

This new material development has greatly improved fire resistance and is highly rigid, as well as the usual honeycomb properties of light-weighting.

The company has tested the composite of basalt fibres, a bio resin and rPET honeycomb.

Filaments of only stone fibres are extruded at a temperature of 1450°C, similar to glass but with a number of advantages, not least the absence of boric acid in the process.

Combining this ecological fibre with EconCore’s sustainable technology using rPET, and the bioresin polyfurfuryl alcohol - 100% derived from a waste stream of sugar cane - make this a very sustainable and environmentally friendly product, unlike the majority of thermoset solutions in this type of application.

Railway applications require materials with enhanced fire resistance and the testing has shown that the EconCore-Basaltex solution fits these needs well, at the same time offering the perspective of drastic weight reduction against traditional monolithic GRPs used rather widely in train interiors.

Such sandwich panel could be deployed in applications such as cladding panels, partitions, tables and flooring. The thermoset skin layers give a fast cure at elevated temperature, meaning short cycle time and enabling automated production’.

As well as the railway interior application, this new material combination could be used in any application that requires fire performance combined with a low weight.

More information:
Basaltex basalt fibers EconCore


Freudenberg: Protection and Flexibility for Workwear (c) Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding SE & Co. KG

Freudenberg: Protection and Flexibility for Workwear

Freudenberg Performance Materials (Freudenberg) offers a range of efficient interlinings, tapes and thermal insulation materials for workwear and protective clothing. The materials not only withstand diverse kinds of strain they are exposed to in everyday work and washing procedures but also offer great comfort.

Innovative materials and manufacturing technology
The nonwoven and woven interlinings and tapes stand out due to a number of features, such as increased stability, elasticity, abrasion resistance and wind-blocking properties. Thanks to the sophisticated adhesive technology used by the manufacturer of technical textiles, some products are especially resistant and durable.

Highly flexible and resilient interlinings as well as Freudenberg comfortemp® thermal insulation materials are used for protective clothing, and they do not only protect the wearer from danger but also ensure the wearer’s comfort in any kind of weather. Furthermore, hem and edge stabilisation tapes ensure optimal fit and reflective tapes provide additional safety.  

Freudenberg Performance Materials (Freudenberg) offers a range of efficient interlinings, tapes and thermal insulation materials for workwear and protective clothing. The materials not only withstand diverse kinds of strain they are exposed to in everyday work and washing procedures but also offer great comfort.

Innovative materials and manufacturing technology
The nonwoven and woven interlinings and tapes stand out due to a number of features, such as increased stability, elasticity, abrasion resistance and wind-blocking properties. Thanks to the sophisticated adhesive technology used by the manufacturer of technical textiles, some products are especially resistant and durable.

Highly flexible and resilient interlinings as well as Freudenberg comfortemp® thermal insulation materials are used for protective clothing, and they do not only protect the wearer from danger but also ensure the wearer’s comfort in any kind of weather. Furthermore, hem and edge stabilisation tapes ensure optimal fit and reflective tapes provide additional safety.  

Active contribution to sustainability
Many products of the Freudenberg Workwear Range consist of a high percentage of recycled polyester coming from post-consumer PET bottles.


Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding SE & Co. KG


Nastrificio di Cassano: Responsible and certified labels and tags

100% sustainability lives in the smallest detail, starting with the label, the element that can tell the story of responsibility. This is why Nastrificio di Cassano has created NDC Green, Made in Italy and fully traceable range that guarantees high quality standards while respecting the planet.
NDC Green comprises 4 categories:

100% sustainability lives in the smallest detail, starting with the label, the element that can tell the story of responsibility. This is why Nastrificio di Cassano has created NDC Green, Made in Italy and fully traceable range that guarantees high quality standards while respecting the planet.
NDC Green comprises 4 categories:

  • LABìO ECO-SOFT®: made using TENCEL™ lyocell  yarn which is compostable and biodegradable (as attested by TUV Austria), this product boasts performances and is resistant up to 10 domestic washings at 30°. The reference is produced with fifteen times less water consumption than cotton production and the resins used are GOTS certified.
  • LABìO HANGreen is the smart solution for the creation of hard tags, hangtags, shopping bags and garment covers and, as LABIO ECO-SOFT® range, it’s made with  compostable and biodegradable TENCEL™ lyocell yarn and the resin is compostable, too. These peculiarities make this product unique.
  • ACETATE NAIA™, the 'smart satin' that respects forests and oceans, is the NAIA™ single-ingredient solution produced by Eastman: the 100% traceable, compostable and biodegradable cellulose yarn in both soil and sea respects the natural growth rate of forests.
  • RECYCLED POLYESTER: is made from post-consumer yarn recycled from GRS-certified PET bottles. Available in both satin and resinated taffeta versions, it guarantees excellent printability for an elegant and sophisticated look

WEKO has taken over RotaSpray GmbH

Weko Holding GmbH has taken over RotaSpray GmbH from Oehringen with retroactive effect from January 1st, 2021 and further expands its textile segment.

With the merger of the two companies, the competencies in the field of functional wet finishing, digital printing pre-treatment and spray dyeing processes will be bundled for the textile segment. Both companies believe that these segments offer good future opportunities, because the demand for a resource-saving, CO2-reduced dyeing and finishing process for textile yarns and fabrics is increasing rapidly. Likewise the market trend of ever smaller production lot sizes per order.

RotaSpray GmbH will continue to be managed as an independent unit within the WEKO Holding Group and will focus purely on the high-quality textile sector.
WEKO has been developing and producing non-contact application systems for product optimization and surface finishing with different types of liquids and powdery substances since 1953. The areas of application are broad and the nonwovens, paper, tissue, printing, wood fiber boards, foils and metal industries are successfully supported with WEKO solutions.

Weko Holding GmbH has taken over RotaSpray GmbH from Oehringen with retroactive effect from January 1st, 2021 and further expands its textile segment.

With the merger of the two companies, the competencies in the field of functional wet finishing, digital printing pre-treatment and spray dyeing processes will be bundled for the textile segment. Both companies believe that these segments offer good future opportunities, because the demand for a resource-saving, CO2-reduced dyeing and finishing process for textile yarns and fabrics is increasing rapidly. Likewise the market trend of ever smaller production lot sizes per order.

RotaSpray GmbH will continue to be managed as an independent unit within the WEKO Holding Group and will focus purely on the high-quality textile sector.
WEKO has been developing and producing non-contact application systems for product optimization and surface finishing with different types of liquids and powdery substances since 1953. The areas of application are broad and the nonwovens, paper, tissue, printing, wood fiber boards, foils and metal industries are successfully supported with WEKO solutions.


Weitmann & Konrad GmbH & Co. KG


DyStar’s Commitment to the Protection of its Global Intellectual Property Portfolio

DyStar, a specialty chemical company with a heritage of more than a century in product development and innovation, is pleased to announce their continued commitment to the protection of their global intellectual property portfolio.

As an innovative global chemical organisation, DyStar’s intellectual property portfolio is an important part of their DNA. To date, their innovation encompasses more than 1,000 patents, trademarks and patent applications worldwide.

Eric Hopmann, Chief Executive Officer of DyStar Group explains: “As DyStar continues to focus on managing challenges of the rapid global business recovery and exploring exciting growth opportunities across the emerging markets, our team needs to stay vigilant and vigorously protect our global intellectual property portfolio. This has again been demonstrated in a recent incident, where DyStar had to charge three former employees who had neglected to protect DyStar’s intellectual property, and were also under suspicion of having shared DyStar’s proprietary information with the competition.”

DyStar, a specialty chemical company with a heritage of more than a century in product development and innovation, is pleased to announce their continued commitment to the protection of their global intellectual property portfolio.

As an innovative global chemical organisation, DyStar’s intellectual property portfolio is an important part of their DNA. To date, their innovation encompasses more than 1,000 patents, trademarks and patent applications worldwide.

Eric Hopmann, Chief Executive Officer of DyStar Group explains: “As DyStar continues to focus on managing challenges of the rapid global business recovery and exploring exciting growth opportunities across the emerging markets, our team needs to stay vigilant and vigorously protect our global intellectual property portfolio. This has again been demonstrated in a recent incident, where DyStar had to charge three former employees who had neglected to protect DyStar’s intellectual property, and were also under suspicion of having shared DyStar’s proprietary information with the competition.”


DyStar Singapore Pte Ltd

(c) Autoneum

Autoneum: Carpets even more eco-friendly

Autoneum carpet systems already meet high standards of sustainable mobility due to their high content of recycled fibers. Thanks to an alternative backcoating (ABC) process, Autoneum carpets are now becoming even more environmentally friendly: By replacing the latex commonly used in standard backcoatings with thermoplastic material, the recyclability of carpets at the end of product life is further  improved. In addition, the innovative manufacturing process greatly reduces water and energy consumption and thus CO2 emissions in production.

Autoneum carpet systems already meet high standards of sustainable mobility due to their high content of recycled fibers. Thanks to an alternative backcoating (ABC) process, Autoneum carpets are now becoming even more environmentally friendly: By replacing the latex commonly used in standard backcoatings with thermoplastic material, the recyclability of carpets at the end of product life is further  improved. In addition, the innovative manufacturing process greatly reduces water and energy consumption and thus CO2 emissions in production.

Lightweight, textile-based carpet technologies such as Di-Light or Relive-1 significantly improve the environmental performance of carpets. For example, Di-Light-based carpets consist of up to 97% recycled PET; aside from that, they are around 20% lighter than conventional needlepunch carpets, thus contributing to lower fuel consumption and CO2 emissions from vehicles. In addition, Autoneum needlepunch carpets are now even more sustainable thanks to the innovative ABC process, which uses a thermoplastic adhesive instead of latex in the backcoating: Unlike latex, thermoplastic adhesives can be heated and melted down together with the carpet components made of pure PET at the end of the product life cycle, which facilitates recycling considerably. Furthermore, since the fibers of the thermoplastic mono-material are easier to open, carpet cut-outs can be reclaimed more easily, thereby reducing the consumption of natural resources as well as waste volumes and thus CO2 emissions. The environmental  performance of Autoneum’s needlepunch carpets, which already contain a high proportion of recycled PET, is thus further improved.

Moreover, backcoatings without latex improve the sustainability of carpets not only thanks to better recyclability at the end of the product life cycle. Since the application of the thermoplastic adhesive using the innovative ABC process consumes significantly less energy than the production of latexbased backcoatings and does not require any water at all, the environmental impact can already be minimized in the manufacturing process. Additionally, thermoplastic adhesives developed in-house by Autoneum will open up new possibilities in the future for adapting backcoatings to the individual needs of vehicle manufacturers in terms of their acoustic performance, stiffness and abrasion resistance.

Models from various customers in Europe and North America are already equipped with latex-free needlepunch carpets from Autoneum. In the near future, backcoatings with thermoplastic adhesives will also be used for Autoneum’s tufted carpets. Production of the new, even more sustainable generation of tufted carpets is scheduled to start in early 2022.


NDC Green by Nastrificio di Cassano: Responsible and certified labels and tags

100% sustainability lives in the smallest detail, starting with the label, the only element that can tell the story of responsibility. This is exactly why, to be a truly credible 'ambassador', the label or tag must itself be responsible. This is why Nastrificio di Cassano has created NDC Green, the premium, Made in Italy and fully traceable range that guarantees the highest quality standards while respecting the planet.

NDC Green comprises 4 categories, all with influential international certifications that attest to Nastrificio di Cassano's responsible imprinting. Many new sustainability values are woven into the collection. Particular attention is given to end-of-life, but also to the choice of natural and high-tech materials with a low environmental impact.

100% sustainability lives in the smallest detail, starting with the label, the only element that can tell the story of responsibility. This is exactly why, to be a truly credible 'ambassador', the label or tag must itself be responsible. This is why Nastrificio di Cassano has created NDC Green, the premium, Made in Italy and fully traceable range that guarantees the highest quality standards while respecting the planet.

NDC Green comprises 4 categories, all with influential international certifications that attest to Nastrificio di Cassano's responsible imprinting. Many new sustainability values are woven into the collection. Particular attention is given to end-of-life, but also to the choice of natural and high-tech materials with a low environmental impact.

A wide choice that speaks of responsible innovation, beauty and functionality: characteristics that have led C.L.A.S.S. ( to integrate NDC Green into its Material Hub which "contains a selection of fibres, materials and fabrics that share a DNA linked to research that since 2007 has been raising the bar of standards in order to offer innovations in step with the demands of the contemporary consumer" says Giusy Bettoni CEO of C.L.A.S.S.
NDC Green includes:

  • LABìO ECO-SOFT®: made using compostable and biodegradable ingredients (as attested by TUV Austria), this product boasts performances and is resistant up to 10 domestic washings at 30°. The reference is produced with fifteen times less water consumption than cotton production and the resins used are GOTS certified.
  • LABìO HANGreen is the smart solution for the creation of hard tags, hangtags, shopping bags and garment covers and, as LABIO ECO-SOFT® range, it made with  compostable and biodegradable ingredients as certified by TUV Austria and the resin is compostable, too. These peculiarities make this product unique.
  • ACETATE NAIA™, the 'smart satin' that respects forests and oceans, is the NAIA™ single-ingredient solution produced by Eastman: the 100% traceable, compostable and biodegradable cellulose yarn in both soil and sea respects the natural growth rate of forests.
  • RECYCLED POLYESTER: is made from post-consumer yarn recycled from GRS-certified PET bottles. Available in both satin and resinated taffeta versions, it guarantees excellent printability for an elegant and sophisticated look.

GB Network Marketing & Communication for C.L.A.S.S.

Hexcel showcases Carbon Fiber Prepreg Capability for UAV Applications (c) Hexcel Corporation

Hexcel showcases Carbon Fiber Prepreg Capability for UAV Applications

Hexcel, a global leader in advanced composites technologies, announces the successful maiden flight of a lightweight camera drone, developed using Hexcel HexPly® carbon fiber prepregs. The composite drone was developed by a team of students from the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria in Wels with composite materials supplied by Hexcel Neumarkt in Austria.

A team of six students in the university’s lightweight construction and composite materials course was responsible for the complete design, engineering, and manufacture of the camera drone over a period of 18 months. Hexcel materials and optimization of the composite engineering enabled the team to reduce the composite structural mass by an impressive 42% compared to similar drones.

Hexcel, a global leader in advanced composites technologies, announces the successful maiden flight of a lightweight camera drone, developed using Hexcel HexPly® carbon fiber prepregs. The composite drone was developed by a team of students from the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria in Wels with composite materials supplied by Hexcel Neumarkt in Austria.

A team of six students in the university’s lightweight construction and composite materials course was responsible for the complete design, engineering, and manufacture of the camera drone over a period of 18 months. Hexcel materials and optimization of the composite engineering enabled the team to reduce the composite structural mass by an impressive 42% compared to similar drones.

Hexcel Neumarkt was one of eight industrial partners supporting the university team throughout the project, providing all carbon fiber prepreg materials used for the drone’s landing gear as well as the fuselage. The ultra-lightweight 32g landing gear was laid up and cured in the press, whereas the fuselage was autoclave cured by the student team using Hexcel HexPly M901 and HexPly M78.1 prepreg resin systems with a combination of woven and unidirectional carbon fiber reinforcements.

With the development of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) as a key emerging market and innovation space in the transportation sector, Hexcel’s collaboration with the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria team not only creates an important link with the next generation of lightweight composite engineers but also highlights the weight saving and structural benefits of Hexcel composite material solutions.

"The massive weight saving achieved with their updated version of the camera drone is a fantastic achievement by the student team," said Michael Rabl, Dean of FH Wels of the Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences. "The joint study not only illustrates the wide range of complex and innovative composite techniques present in the drone sector but also presents the opportunities that exist for further development in the wider Urban Air Mobility (UAM) and aerospace composites markets.”

Hexcel congratulates the project team which includes Lukas Weninger, Karl-Heinz Schneider, Jakob Schlosser, Matthias Thon, Marla Unter, and Simone Hartl on an exceptional piece of lightweight composite design and thanks them for showcasing the contribution of Hexcel materials with a presentation and drone flight. Johanna Arndt, research and technology group leader at Hexcel Neumarkt, said, “It was a great pleasure to work with the team who were very cooperative and self-motivated to succeed. Watching the drone just fly around the Neumarkt plant was just great.”

Hexcel manufactures a complete range of carbon fibers, dry carbon UD tapes, specialty reinforcements, prepregs, and honeycomb core materials, providing customized manufacturing options for new UAM applications that combine aerospace reliability with the high-rate production required. Hexcel composite materials are the ideal solution for the lightest and most efficient cost-competitive transportation vehicles of the future.


Hexcel Corporation / 100% Marketing