From the Sector

1606 results

PIP Global Safety selected TrusTrace platform for traceability needs

TrusTrace, a SaaS (Software as a Service) company with a platform for supply chain traceability and compliance data management, announced that PIP Global Safety, a supplier of protective workwear equipment with over 30 brands globally, has selected the TrusTrace platform to support its traceability needs, including evidence collection to prove compliance for the UFLPA (Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act).

PIP Global Safety will now leverage verified, real-time data on the TrusTrace platform to provide deeper visibility into the cotton used within the Company’s PPE and workwear products. The partnership will also improve the efficiency of chain of custody data collection for UFLPA compliance – a U.S. regulation that is compelling companies to assess risks in their supply chain and implement processes to ensure that suppliers are not using forced labor.

TrusTrace, a SaaS (Software as a Service) company with a platform for supply chain traceability and compliance data management, announced that PIP Global Safety, a supplier of protective workwear equipment with over 30 brands globally, has selected the TrusTrace platform to support its traceability needs, including evidence collection to prove compliance for the UFLPA (Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act).

PIP Global Safety will now leverage verified, real-time data on the TrusTrace platform to provide deeper visibility into the cotton used within the Company’s PPE and workwear products. The partnership will also improve the efficiency of chain of custody data collection for UFLPA compliance – a U.S. regulation that is compelling companies to assess risks in their supply chain and implement processes to ensure that suppliers are not using forced labor.

PIP Global Safety previously managed their supply chain traceability manually; now, TrusTrace will automate the process, changing how data is collected, digitized and shared. “After an extensive vetting process, we selected TrusTrace as our traceability platform because of their ability to provide us with detailed, product-level data that enables us to thoroughly and accurately map our supply chains,” said Nathan McCormick, Senior VP of Operations & Integrated Supply Chain at PIP Global Safety. “While a lot of laws and regulations around due diligence have not yet come into force, we are taking a proactive approach to ensure that we’re ahead of the curve to support our customers’ needs while proactively monitoring for risk of forced labor in our supply chain.”

In addition to supporting regulatory compliance, TrusTrace supports PIP Global Safety’s long-standing sustainability and social responsibility initiatives. PIP Global Safety has pledged to continually identify opportunities to minimize their environmental footprint while still maximizing protection against occupational hazards. This commitment extends to multiple aspects of the business, including Manufacturing Processes, Sustainability-Driven Programs, Recycled Products, Social Sustainability and Future Initiatives.

Vorstellung der KI-Initiative „Green-AI Hub Mittelstand“ beim bvse-Juniorenkreis Bild: bvse
Juniorenkreistreffen zur bvse-Jahrestagung 2023

Vorstellung der KI-Initiative „Green-AI Hub Mittelstand“ beim bvse-Juniorenkreis

Am 27. September 2023 tagte der bvse-Juniorenkreis mit rund 40 Teilnehmer:innen zum dritten Mal in diesem Jahr. Die Sitzung fand im Rahmen der bvse-Jahrestagung statt und erfreute sich eines regen Interesses.

Als Gäste waren neben dem Gastreferenten, Dr. Jannis Vogel, Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH (DFKI GmbH), bvse-Präsident Henry Forster, bvse-Hauptgeschäftsführer Eric Rehbock und auch bvse-Vizepräsident und Vorsitzender des Fachverband Papierrecycling, Werner Steingaß, anwesend.

Zu Beginn der Sitzung gab der Vorsitzende, Leander Leins, einen Überblick über die Aktivitäten des Juniorenkreises im aktuellen Jahr. Er ging auf die im Juli stattgefundene Strategiesitzung der Sprechergruppe und der Beisitzer:innen ein, die darauf abzielte, eine Verstetigung von Themen und der Teilnahme der Mitglieder zu erreichen. Er hob hervor, dass der Juniorenkreis inzwischen ein starkes bvse-Gremium zum Austausch und zur Vernetzung darstellt. Darüber hinaus stellen insbesondere die Treffen, die auf Einladung bei Mitgliedsunternehmen stattfinden, einen echten Mehrwert dar, so Leander Leins.

Am 27. September 2023 tagte der bvse-Juniorenkreis mit rund 40 Teilnehmer:innen zum dritten Mal in diesem Jahr. Die Sitzung fand im Rahmen der bvse-Jahrestagung statt und erfreute sich eines regen Interesses.

Als Gäste waren neben dem Gastreferenten, Dr. Jannis Vogel, Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH (DFKI GmbH), bvse-Präsident Henry Forster, bvse-Hauptgeschäftsführer Eric Rehbock und auch bvse-Vizepräsident und Vorsitzender des Fachverband Papierrecycling, Werner Steingaß, anwesend.

Zu Beginn der Sitzung gab der Vorsitzende, Leander Leins, einen Überblick über die Aktivitäten des Juniorenkreises im aktuellen Jahr. Er ging auf die im Juli stattgefundene Strategiesitzung der Sprechergruppe und der Beisitzer:innen ein, die darauf abzielte, eine Verstetigung von Themen und der Teilnahme der Mitglieder zu erreichen. Er hob hervor, dass der Juniorenkreis inzwischen ein starkes bvse-Gremium zum Austausch und zur Vernetzung darstellt. Darüber hinaus stellen insbesondere die Treffen, die auf Einladung bei Mitgliedsunternehmen stattfinden, einen echten Mehrwert dar, so Leander Leins.

bvse-Präsident Henry Foster trat danach in einen kurzen Austausch mit den Junioren und betonte noch einmal die besondere Rolle der Junioren für den Verband, nicht zuletzt auch vor dem Hintergrund des wachsenden demografischen Wandels und des Fachkräftemangels. Weitere Themen der Sitzung waren aktuelle Entwicklungen in der Branche und Berichte aus den Gremien des Verbandes durch die Beisitzer:innen.

Im Anschluss hielt Dr. Jannis Vogel, DFKI GmbH, einen Vortrag zum Thema „Künstliche Intelligenz und stellte die KI-Initiative „Green-AI Hub Mittelstand“ vor. Diese unterstützt ausgewählte KMU aus ganz Deutschland bei der Umsetzung von KI-Projekten zur Ressourceneinsparung und entwickelt, im Rahmen eines Pilotprojektes über den Zeitraum von sechs Monaten, kostenlos nachhaltige KI-Lösungen gemeinsam mit und für das jeweilige Unternehmen.

Bis Ende 2025 wird der Green-AI Hub Mittelstand so bis zu 20 praktische Pilotanwendungen umsetzen.
Ab sofort können sich Unternehmen für die zweite Runde der KI-Pilotprojekte bewerben. Alle Informationen zur Bewerbung finden sich hier.


bvse-Bundesverband Sekundärrohstoffe und Entsorgung e.V.


adidas: Revenue increase in third quarter



  • Currency-neutral revenues up 1% driven by growth in all regions except North America
  • Top-line development reflects focus on conservative sell-in and full-price business
  • Gross margin up 0.2pp to 49.3% driven by reduced freight costs, a more favorable business mix, and lower inventory allowances; discounting levels continue to improve  
  • Operating profit of € 409 million includes extraordinary expenses of around € 110 million
  • Conservative sell-in strategy paying off as inventory position improves substantially versus Q2 level to € 4.8 billion; now down 23% year-over-year

adidas expects revenues to decline at a low-single-digit rate
On October 17, adidas had adjusted its full year financial guidance to reflect both the positive impact of the second drop of some of its Yeezy inventory and the better-than-expected development of the underlying business. At the same time, macroeconomic challenges and geopolitical tensions persist. Elevated recession risks in North America and Europe as well as uncertainty around the recovery in Greater China continue to exist. In addition, the company’s revenue development will continue to be impacted by the initiatives to significantly reduce high inventory levels in North America and the company’s focus on full-price sales across its own channels. As a result, adidas now expects currency-neutral revenues to decline at a low-single-digit rate in 2023 (previously: decline at a mid-single-digit rate).

Underlying operating profit anticipated to reach a level of around € 100 million
The company’s underlying operating profit – excluding any one-offs related to Yeezy and the ongoing strategic review – is now anticipated to reach a level of around € 100 million in 2023 (previously: around break-even level). Including the positive impact from the two Yeezy drops in Q2 and Q3 of around € 300 million (previously: € 150 million), the potential write-off of the remaining Yeezy inventory of now around € 300 million (previously: € 400 million) and one-off costs related to the strategic review of up to € 200 million (unchanged), adidas now expects a reported operating loss of around € 100 million in 2023 (previously: loss of € 450 million).


adidas AG

German Design Award 2024: Newcomer Finalist*innen (c) Rat für Formgebung Service GmbH

German Design Award 2024: Newcomer Finalist*innen

Die Jury des German Design Award 2024 hat die fünf Finalist*innen für die Auszeichnung „Newcomer“ ausgewählt: Leonie Burkhardt, Justus Hilfenhaus, Nicolas König, das studio formagora (Finn Blankenberg, Esra Heuermann, Nick Potter) und Sebastian Winter haben die Jury mit ihren Portfolios aus den Disziplinen Textildesign, Produktdesign, Architektur, Partizipatives Design und Digital Design überzeugt. Mit innovativen Lösungen für aktuelle soziale wie ökologische Fragestellungen und zukunftsweisenden Ideen, Projekten und Produkten auf hohem Niveau beweisen sie, welch entscheidende Rolle jungen Designtalenten für die erfolgreichen Transformationsprozesse unserer Zeit zukommt.

Die Jury des German Design Award 2024 hat die fünf Finalist*innen für die Auszeichnung „Newcomer“ ausgewählt: Leonie Burkhardt, Justus Hilfenhaus, Nicolas König, das studio formagora (Finn Blankenberg, Esra Heuermann, Nick Potter) und Sebastian Winter haben die Jury mit ihren Portfolios aus den Disziplinen Textildesign, Produktdesign, Architektur, Partizipatives Design und Digital Design überzeugt. Mit innovativen Lösungen für aktuelle soziale wie ökologische Fragestellungen und zukunftsweisenden Ideen, Projekten und Produkten auf hohem Niveau beweisen sie, welch entscheidende Rolle jungen Designtalenten für die erfolgreichen Transformationsprozesse unserer Zeit zukommt.

Der Award belegt damit die Bedeutung von jungem Design für die Wettbewerbs- und Zukunftsfähigkeit mittelständischer Unternehmen und der (deutschen) Wirtschaft – als Motoren der Weiterentwicklung sind Jungdesigner*innen mit ihren Future Skills für deren Innovationskompetenz maßgeblich. Kollaboratives Arbeiten, interdisziplinärer Austausch, Offenheit, Experimentierfreude und Forschergeist ziehen sich durch die Portfolios der Finalist*innen. Sie alle setzen sich mit Chancen von Veränderungen auseinander, reagieren auf eine sich immer schneller wandelnde Welt, arbeiten sowohl konzeptionell als auch experimentell und wagen sich an spielerische Lösungen für komplexe Herausforderungen. Die große inhaltliche Bandbreite, Diversität an Perspektiven und deren jeweilige Umsetzung in die Praxis hat die Jury des German Design Award 2024 überzeugt. Sie erhalten die Chance auf die mit 15.000 Euro dotierte Auszeichnung des German Design Award, die am 26. Januar 2024 in Frankfurt am Main vergeben wird.

Mit der Auszeichnung stärkt die Stiftung Rat für Formgebung die Sichtbarkeit junger Designer*innen durch die Möglichkeit, sich und ihre Arbeiten der internationalen Design-Community, Industrie und Wirtschaft sowie der Öffentlichkeit zu präsentieren. In einer Reihe von exklusiven Anlässen des Rat für Formgebung haben die Finalist*innen zudem Gelegenheit, Mitglieder der Stiftung Rat für Formgebung kennenzulernen und wichtige Wirtschaftskontakte zu knüpfen. Zu den ehemaligen Preisträger*innen gehören zahlreiche heute namhafte Designer*innen wie Eva Marguerre, Marcel Besau, Sebastian Herkner und Christian Zanzotti.

More information:
German Design Award Design

Rat für Formgebung Service GmbH / German Design Council

Illustration Pixabay

Textiler Mittelstand braucht planbare Energiepreise

Südwesttextil begrüßt den Kabinettsbeschluss der „Preisbremsenverlängerungsverordnung“ in der letzten Woche, sieht aber für die Sicherung der Wertschöpfung kurzfristig und langfristig politisch dringenden Handlungsbedarf.

Mitte Oktober hat die Bundesregierung die Formulierungshilfe zur Änderung des Wachstumschancengesetztes verabschiedet und damit in die Wege geleitet, dass die Ende des Jahres auslaufenden Preisbremsen für Gas, Fernwärme und Strom bis Ende April 2024 verlängert werden können. Gleichzeitig beschloss sie die Sonderregelung zur Senkung der Mehrwertsteuer auf Gas früher als geplant bereits zum Ende des Jahres auslaufen zu lassen.

Südwesttextil begrüßt den Kabinettsbeschluss der „Preisbremsenverlängerungsverordnung“ in der letzten Woche, sieht aber für die Sicherung der Wertschöpfung kurzfristig und langfristig politisch dringenden Handlungsbedarf.

Mitte Oktober hat die Bundesregierung die Formulierungshilfe zur Änderung des Wachstumschancengesetztes verabschiedet und damit in die Wege geleitet, dass die Ende des Jahres auslaufenden Preisbremsen für Gas, Fernwärme und Strom bis Ende April 2024 verlängert werden können. Gleichzeitig beschloss sie die Sonderregelung zur Senkung der Mehrwertsteuer auf Gas früher als geplant bereits zum Ende des Jahres auslaufen zu lassen.

Südwesttextil sieht in der vorzeitigen Beendigung der Entlastung bei der Mehrwertsteuer ein falsches Signal in der anhaltend herausfordernden Lage, begrüßt aber den Kabinettsbeschluss in der letzten Woche zur Verlängerung der Preisbremsen als Schritt in die richtige Richtung. Kritisch sieht der Wirtschafts- und Arbeitgeberverband, dass nicht nur die Zustimmung des Bundestags für die Umsetzung aussteht, sondern auch eine Verlängerung der gelockerten Beihilferegelungen auf EU-Ebene. Südwesttextil-Hauptgeschäftsführerin Edina Brenner: „Wettbewerbsfähige Energiepreise sind ebenso essentiell für die Sicherung der Wertschöpfung wie Planungssicherheit für die Zukunft. Wir brauchen daher kurz-, mittel- und langfristig Lösungen, mit denen unsere Unternehmerinnen und Unternehmer rechnen können.“

Die Bundesregierung müsse daher dringend handeln und sich nicht nur für eine schnelle Klarheit bis April einsetzen, die auch eine Umsetzbarkeit für Versorger über den Jahreswechsel möglich macht, sondern auch eine Einigung zugunsten des Industriestrompreises. „Unsere Mitgliedsunternehmen planen langfristig und brauchen daher nachhaltige Lösungen“, fasst Edina Brenner zusammen.


Verband der Südwestdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie Südwesttextil e.V.


AkzoNobel publishes results for Q3 2023

Highlights Q3 2023 (compared with Q3 2022)

  • Revenue in constant currencies up 5% on pricing, despite flat volumes; reported revenue 4% down on unfavorable exchange rates
  • Operating income improved to €354 million (2022: €168 million)
  • Adjusted operating income at €324 million (2022: €184 million); ROS 11.8% (2022: 6.4%)
  • Net cash from operating activities positive €297 million (2022: €126 million)
  • Net debt to EBITDA leverage ratio improved sequentially to 3.2x

2023 Outlook
AkzoNobel expects the ongoing macro-economic uncertainties to continue and weigh on organic volume growth. The company will focus on margin management, cost reduction, working capital normalization and de-leveraging.

Cost reduction programs are expected to partly mitigate higher than expected inflationary pressure on operating expenses for 2023. AkzoNobel expects declining raw material costs to have a favorable impact on profitability.

Based on current market conditions, AkzoNobel targets to deliver around €1.45 billion adjusted EBITDA.

Highlights Q3 2023 (compared with Q3 2022)

  • Revenue in constant currencies up 5% on pricing, despite flat volumes; reported revenue 4% down on unfavorable exchange rates
  • Operating income improved to €354 million (2022: €168 million)
  • Adjusted operating income at €324 million (2022: €184 million); ROS 11.8% (2022: 6.4%)
  • Net cash from operating activities positive €297 million (2022: €126 million)
  • Net debt to EBITDA leverage ratio improved sequentially to 3.2x

2023 Outlook
AkzoNobel expects the ongoing macro-economic uncertainties to continue and weigh on organic volume growth. The company will focus on margin management, cost reduction, working capital normalization and de-leveraging.

Cost reduction programs are expected to partly mitigate higher than expected inflationary pressure on operating expenses for 2023. AkzoNobel expects declining raw material costs to have a favorable impact on profitability.

Based on current market conditions, AkzoNobel targets to deliver around €1.45 billion adjusted EBITDA.

Leverage guidance remains unchanged at less than 3 times net debt/EBITDA by the end of 2023, excluding the Kansai Paint Africa acquisition which is not expected to close before year end.

More information:
AkzoNobel financial year 2023


Trumpler and Archroma launch tanning process for leather production Photo: Archroma

Trumpler and Archroma launch tanning process for leather production

Trumpler has teamed up with Archroma to offer a leather production process that can be used to produce high-performance leather in a more eco-friendly and cost-efficient way.

The new process DyTan®combines offers an alternative to existing metal-free and chrome-tanned leather. It enables the reliable production of leather with great shavability, color depth and migration and abrasion resistance. Free from metal salts and reactive aldehydes, DyTan® is suitable for a wide range of leather applications, from garment and footwear to automotive and furniture upholstery, for today’s eco-conscious leather producers and consumers.

At the core of the DyTan® process is Archroma’s patented AVICUERO® System, which is based on novel molecules that enable more sustainable leather tanning and dyeing, developed by Archroma in cooperation with leather technology consultant Dr Leather. It enables collagen fibers in the leather to be covalently cross-linked through a simplified process at low temperatures. As a result, the system shows strong potential to save energy and water, while also reducing process time and CO2 emissions by up to 23%.*

Trumpler has teamed up with Archroma to offer a leather production process that can be used to produce high-performance leather in a more eco-friendly and cost-efficient way.

The new process DyTan®combines offers an alternative to existing metal-free and chrome-tanned leather. It enables the reliable production of leather with great shavability, color depth and migration and abrasion resistance. Free from metal salts and reactive aldehydes, DyTan® is suitable for a wide range of leather applications, from garment and footwear to automotive and furniture upholstery, for today’s eco-conscious leather producers and consumers.

At the core of the DyTan® process is Archroma’s patented AVICUERO® System, which is based on novel molecules that enable more sustainable leather tanning and dyeing, developed by Archroma in cooperation with leather technology consultant Dr Leather. It enables collagen fibers in the leather to be covalently cross-linked through a simplified process at low temperatures. As a result, the system shows strong potential to save energy and water, while also reducing process time and CO2 emissions by up to 23%.*

The DyTan® process combines the AVICUERO® System with Trumpler’s bio-based fatliquors and retanning agents based on functional biopolymers produced from hydrolyzed shavings – resource-saving technology that Trumpler has been refining for 15 years.

As a global partner of Archroma, the Trumpler Group is responsible for the distribution of the AVICUERO® System worldwide. Delivering technical support and first-class customer care, Trumpler will help leather manufacturers and brands to implement sustainable tanning and draw on its comprehensive product portfolio and process knowledge of tanning, retanning and fatliquoring processes.

* Estimations carried out with the Archroma ONE WAY Impact Calculator show energy savings of up to 25% and reduced process time leading to a reduction in CO2 emissions of up to 23%, compared to traditional chrome tanning. They also show significant water savings compared to other metal-free tanning systems1. With the ONE WAY Impact Calculator, customers will be offered personalized calculations for their specific processes.

1 Trials made at Trumpler GmbH application lab.




Solvay: 2023 third quarter results



  • Net sales in the third quarter of 2023 were down by -20.3% organically versus a record Q3 2022 as expected due to -15% lower volumes (€-512 million) in a weaker macro environment and -5% lower prices (€-188 million) in a context of lower raw material costs and energy prices. On a sequential basis, net sales were down -11% versus Q2. The volume reduction was broad based across regions and businesses.
  • Structural cost savings for the first nine months of 2023 amounted to €63 million, bringing the total savings since 2019 to €530 million.
  • Underlying EBITDA of €702 million in Q3 2023 was down by -18.5% organically compared to a record Q3 2022 driven by lower volumes, partly offset by €36 million in positive net pricing and €41 million in lower fixed costs. Nine months EBITDA at €2,331 million is only down -1% organically versus 2022, a clear indication that strong historic pricing and cost discipline momentum is being maintained.
  • The underlying EBITDA margin of 25.6% in Q3 2023 was sustained relative to Q3 2022 despite lower volumes, while nine months EBITDA margin of 25.9% is +1.3pp higher, mainly as a result of positive net pricing and cost discipline.
  • Underlying Net Profit was €340 million in Q3 2023 compared to €509 million in Q3 2022.
  • Free Cash Flow of €346 million in Q3 2023 resulted in a nine-month 2023 total of €1,027 million and a FCF conversion ratio of 39.4%.
  • ROCE was 15.2%, broadly in line with Q3 2022.
  • Continued strengthening of the balance sheet with underlying net debt at €2.8 billion, which translated to a historic low leverage of 0.9x.
  • As explained on page 2, an interim dividend of €1.62 gross per share has been validated by the Board of Directors, in line with historical interim dividend policy to be paid by Solvay SA on January 17, 2024.

2023 Outlook
Given the current volume momentum, Solvay reconfirm their full year guidance, at the lower end of the prior EBITDA guidance range.

More information:
Solvay financial year 2023


DITF: Pleated textile tube for ventilation of surgical fields Photo: Wandres GmbH micro-cleaning

DITF: Pleated textile tube for ventilation of surgical fields

The German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf (DITF) will be exhibiting at the MEDICA medical technology trade fair in Düsseldorf from November 13 to 16, 2023. At the joint stand of Baden-Württemberg International, a new development will be shown, that can reduce infections during operations.

These nosocomial infections occur when surgical wounds are contaminated by microbes. They can lead to serious complications. The task of the contract development was to create a porous ring tube that reduces the risk of contamination during operations. Germ-free air is introduced into the operating field via the so-called airflow ring, thereby shielding pathogenic germs.

The tube is knitted from polyester and folded. This pleating ensures that the circular shape remains stable, but the tube is still flexible. The outside of the tube is coated so that the air is directed into the inner area of the airflow ring. The ring is attached to the skin with a biocompatible adhesive so that it fits tightly on curved areas of the body such as the face or around joints. The position of the ring can be easily changed.

The German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf (DITF) will be exhibiting at the MEDICA medical technology trade fair in Düsseldorf from November 13 to 16, 2023. At the joint stand of Baden-Württemberg International, a new development will be shown, that can reduce infections during operations.

These nosocomial infections occur when surgical wounds are contaminated by microbes. They can lead to serious complications. The task of the contract development was to create a porous ring tube that reduces the risk of contamination during operations. Germ-free air is introduced into the operating field via the so-called airflow ring, thereby shielding pathogenic germs.

The tube is knitted from polyester and folded. This pleating ensures that the circular shape remains stable, but the tube is still flexible. The outside of the tube is coated so that the air is directed into the inner area of the airflow ring. The ring is attached to the skin with a biocompatible adhesive so that it fits tightly on curved areas of the body such as the face or around joints. The position of the ring can be easily changed.

The functionality of the airflow ring was successfully demonstrated in tests with nebulized colony-forming bacteria.

The tests showed that the ring also withstands significantly worse conditions than in an operating theater, e.g. in doctors' surgeries and in situations with lower hygiene standards.


Lectra: Financial statements for first nine months of 2023

  • Revenues: 358.3 million euros (-7%)
  • EBITDA before non-recurring items: 59.2 million euros (-17%)
  • Net income: 24.9 million euros (-30%)
  • Free cash flow before non-recurring items: 32.1 million euros
  • 2023 outlook: revised revenues – confirmation of EBITDA before non-recurring items

Lectra’s Board of Directors, chaired by Daniel Harari, reviewed the consolidated financial statements for the third quarter and first nine months of 2023, which have not been reviewed by the Statutory Auditors.

Currency changes between 2022 and 2023 mechanically decreased revenues and EBITDA before non-recurring items by 6.4 million euros (-5%) and 2.8 million euros (-10%) respectively in Q3, and by 7.3 million euros (-2%) and 3.0 million euros (-5%) respectively in the first nine months of the year, at actual exchange rates compared to like-for-like figures.

  • Revenues: 358.3 million euros (-7%)
  • EBITDA before non-recurring items: 59.2 million euros (-17%)
  • Net income: 24.9 million euros (-30%)
  • Free cash flow before non-recurring items: 32.1 million euros
  • 2023 outlook: revised revenues – confirmation of EBITDA before non-recurring items

Lectra’s Board of Directors, chaired by Daniel Harari, reviewed the consolidated financial statements for the third quarter and first nine months of 2023, which have not been reviewed by the Statutory Auditors.

Currency changes between 2022 and 2023 mechanically decreased revenues and EBITDA before non-recurring items by 6.4 million euros (-5%) and 2.8 million euros (-10%) respectively in Q3, and by 7.3 million euros (-2%) and 3.0 million euros (-5%) respectively in the first nine months of the year, at actual exchange rates compared to like-for-like figures.

Business Trends and Outlook
In its 2022 Financial Report, published February 8, 2023, Lectra presented its new roadmap for 2023-2025. The Group also specified that 2023 remained unpredictable given the degraded macroeconomic and geopolitical environment, which resulted in many uncertainties that could continue to weigh on its customers’ investment decisions.

At the beginning of the year, the Group set itself objectives of achieving, in 2023, revenues in the range of 522 to 576 million euros and EBITDA before non-recurring items in the range of 90 to 113 million euros. It subsequently reported on April 27 that it then anticipated revenues in the range of 485 to 525 million euros and EBITDA before non-recurring items in the range of 78 to 95 million euros.

In what continues to be a highly degraded environment in macroeconomic and geopolitical terms, orders and revenues from new systems in Q3 were lower than anticipated by the Group. Recurring revenues, on the other hand, which should account for over 65% of total revenues in 2023, continued to grow in Q3, and provide good visibility. In addition, the initial measures to reduce overhead costs have begun to bear fruit.

In light of these factors, full-year revenues are now anticipated in the range of 474 to 481 million euros, thus slightly lower than anticipated on April 27, and EBITDA before non-recurring items in the range of 78 to 82 million euros, in the lower part of the range indicated on April 27. These scenarios are based on September 30 exchange rates for Q4, including $1.06 to the euro.

Because the Group's customers operate in a highly competitive environment that demands they continue to improve performance, their investments will pick up as soon as the macroeconomic situation improves. Lectra's roadmap for 2023-2025, which was launched on January 1, 2023, will enable the Group to take full advantage of the upturn and accelerate its growth.

CHT USA celebrates expansion of its headquarters in Michigan (c) CHT Group

CHT USA celebrates expansion of its headquarters in Michigan

With a ribbon cutting ceremony on October 24, 2023 CHT USA celebrated the $ 25 million expansion at its US headquarters in Cassopolis, Michigan. More than 100 attendees came to the celebrations, among others officials from local, county and state governments, neighbors, and area business leaders, CHT employees, CTO Dr. Bernhard Hettich as representative of CHT’s Global management team, and members of the press.

In his speech, Dr. Bernhard Hettich, CTO of CHT Group, thanked the local authorities for their business-friendly policies and stated that a development towards sustainability in many areas would not be possible without CHT's silicone products: "With CHT's largest single investment outside Europe, CHT is taking a big step and doubling its silicone production capacity. We intend to use this expansion not only to support our customers in the Americas, but also to leverage the capacity for our global growth. In line with the motto "CHT first", further steps in this direction will follow."

With a ribbon cutting ceremony on October 24, 2023 CHT USA celebrated the $ 25 million expansion at its US headquarters in Cassopolis, Michigan. More than 100 attendees came to the celebrations, among others officials from local, county and state governments, neighbors, and area business leaders, CHT employees, CTO Dr. Bernhard Hettich as representative of CHT’s Global management team, and members of the press.

In his speech, Dr. Bernhard Hettich, CTO of CHT Group, thanked the local authorities for their business-friendly policies and stated that a development towards sustainability in many areas would not be possible without CHT's silicone products: "With CHT's largest single investment outside Europe, CHT is taking a big step and doubling its silicone production capacity. We intend to use this expansion not only to support our customers in the Americas, but also to leverage the capacity for our global growth. In line with the motto "CHT first", further steps in this direction will follow."

For the Cass County site, the approximately 45,000 square feet new facility with 5 reactors and distillation units resulted in an increase in the total area of the company's site to 120,000 square feet. This will then allow sufficient space for additional reactors and downstream processes. The CHT USA site expansion has created approximately 30 highly skilled jobs in the community.

CHT USA’s Regional Sales and Marketing Director NORAM, Matthew Loman hosted the Ribbon Cutting ceremony.

More information:
CHT Group USA silicone

CHT Group

3rd edition of Source Home & Gift taking place in February 2024 Photo: Hyve Group

3rd edition of Source Home & Gift in February 2024

Source Home & Gift continues to go from strength to strength with over 430 exhibitors expected to be at its third edition from 4th – 7th February 2024 at NEC Birmingham.

Uniting global manufacturers and artisan makers who all pride themselves on responsible manufacturing and sustainable production, with key retailers, brands, and contractors, Source Home & Gift increases in size by 25% with producers from UK, China, India, Philippines, Nepal and many more showcasing their wares. Debuting at the show will be pavilions from Senegal and Ghana.

All exhibitors are required to have had a recent audit from Sedex or a recognisable audit institution giving buyers the confidence that they will meet suppliers that have responsible business practices. The show features eight sectors including Homewares, Toys, Packaging, Stationery & Greetings, Gifts, Furniture, Textiles, and Technology & Services.

Source Home & Gift includes a content stage dedicated to presenting and discussing the latest trends and topics in responsible and sustainable manufacturing from internationally renowned industry professionals.

Source Home & Gift continues to go from strength to strength with over 430 exhibitors expected to be at its third edition from 4th – 7th February 2024 at NEC Birmingham.

Uniting global manufacturers and artisan makers who all pride themselves on responsible manufacturing and sustainable production, with key retailers, brands, and contractors, Source Home & Gift increases in size by 25% with producers from UK, China, India, Philippines, Nepal and many more showcasing their wares. Debuting at the show will be pavilions from Senegal and Ghana.

All exhibitors are required to have had a recent audit from Sedex or a recognisable audit institution giving buyers the confidence that they will meet suppliers that have responsible business practices. The show features eight sectors including Homewares, Toys, Packaging, Stationery & Greetings, Gifts, Furniture, Textiles, and Technology & Services.

Source Home & Gift includes a content stage dedicated to presenting and discussing the latest trends and topics in responsible and sustainable manufacturing from internationally renowned industry professionals.

The last show in September was attended by leading retailers and brands including Sainsburys, Dunelm, Haskins Garden Centre, Blue Diamond, Funky Pigeon, M&M, Matalan, Disney, Morrisons, M&S, Next, Costcutter, AIS, Alzheimers Society, Amazon, B&Q, and Card Factory.


Source Home & Gift by Hyve Group


Solvay announces Board of Directors for standalone SYENSQO

Solvay announced the future Board of Directors of SYENSQO, effective upon completion of the planned separation of Solvay into two companies – SOLVAY and SYENSQO – which is on track to be completed in December 2023.

SYENSQO’s Board will be composed of 10 members, including 6 independent members, 3 members representing the reference shareholder, Solvac, and the company CEO. They have deep expertise in specialty industries, international business operations, risk management, corporate governance, finance and clean technology.

Solvay announced the future Board of Directors of SYENSQO, effective upon completion of the planned separation of Solvay into two companies – SOLVAY and SYENSQO – which is on track to be completed in December 2023.

SYENSQO’s Board will be composed of 10 members, including 6 independent members, 3 members representing the reference shareholder, Solvac, and the company CEO. They have deep expertise in specialty industries, international business operations, risk management, corporate governance, finance and clean technology.

The following individuals will serve on the SYENSQO Board of Directors:
Rosemary Thorne will serve as independent Director and Chair of the SYENSQO Board, as well as Chair of the Board’s Finance Committee. She is currently an Independent Director on the Solvay Board of Directors, appointed in 2014, and Chair of the Board’s Audit Committee. She is also an Independent Director on the Board of Merrill Lynch International (UK), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bank of America, serving as Chair of the Audit Committee. Ms. Thorne has decades of financial leadership experience across a wide range of industries. She previously served as Chief Financial Officer at J. Sainsbury, the UK’s largest supermarket chain at the time; Bradford & Bingley; and Ladbrokes. Ms. Thorne previously sat as an Independent Director on the Boards of Royal Mail Group, Cadbury Schweppes, Santander UK, First Global Trust Bank and Smurfit Kappa Group.

Dr. Ilham Kadri will serve as Chief Executive Officer and member of the Board of Directors of SYENSQO. She is currently CEO and President of the Executive Committee at Solvay. Ms. Kadri has successfully led the turnaround of Solvay, delivering double-digit EBITDA growth and 18 consecutive quarters of positive free cash flow, deleveraging the balance sheet and promoting superior people engagement. She is an independent Board member at A.O. Smith and L’Oréal. She is active in non-profit organizations, as Chair of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), member of the steering committee of the European Round Table of Industrialists (ERT) as well as a permanent member of the World Economic Forum’s International Business Council (WEF). Ms. Kadri has extensive leadership experience across a variety of industries in four continents and with leading industrial multinationals, including Shell, UCB, Huntsman, Dow, Sealed Air. Prior to Solvay, she was CEO and President of Diversey in the USA, led the company’s return to profitability and resulting spin off and divestiture to Bain Capital. She founded two non-Profit foundations: the Solvay Solidarity Fund in Belgium in 2020 which supported more than 7000 families affected by Covid-19 and natural disasters; and founded the ISSA Hygieia Network in 2015 in the USA, to help women in the cleaning industry. She received two Doctor Honoris Clausa from EWHA University in Korea and Université de Namur in Belgium.

Julian Waldron will serve as independent Director and Chair of the Audit Committee. He currently serves as Deputy Executive Chairman of privately-held Albea Group, a global beauty and personal care packaging company which operates 35 facilities in Europe, Asia and the Americas. Mr. Waldron has held senior leadership roles at several leading listed companies in the industrial, technology and services sectors and brings a wealth of expertise in finance and business operations. Prior to joining Albea in 2022, he was Chief Financial Officer of Suez for three years after serving as Chief Financial Officer and subsequently Chief Operating Officer of Technip. He started his career at UBS Warburg where he spent 14 years. Mr. Waldron also served as an independent Board member and Chairman of finance, risk and investments at Carbon Clean, a privately-owned carbon capture company dedicated to achieving net zero.

Heike Van de Kerkhof will serve as independent Director and Chair of the Nomination Committee. She currently sits on the Board of OCI N.V.. Ms. Van de Kerkhof brings more than 30 years of experience in the chemicals, oil & gas and materials industries, having served in numerous leadership roles around the globe. From 2020 to 2023, she was Chief Executive Officer of Archroma Management, a global specialty chemicals company. During her tenure, she successfully completed the transformational acquisition of Huntsman’s Textile Effects business. Prior to her role at Archroma, Ms. Van de Kerkhof served as Vice President of Lubricants, Western Hemisphere at BP, and held positions at Castrol, The Chemours Company, and Neste Corporation. She also held many leading roles within DuPont over 18 years.

Matti Lievonen will serve as independent Director and Chair of the Compensation Committee. He is currently an independent director on the Solvay Board, appointed in 2017. Mr. Lievonen is a proven executive in the energy, forestry, power and automation industries with an extensive track record of leading businesses through climate transition. For over ten years until 2018, he served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Neste Corporation, a global leader in next-generation renewable fuels and chemicals. During his time at Neste, Mr. Lievonen successfully promoted the development of clean fuels as well as Finland’s bioeconomy strategy in advancing renewable transportation fuels. He has also been involved with organizations such as Fortum Board, SSAB, Nynäs AB, Ilmarinen, and the HE Finnish Fair Foundation. Until 2021, Mr. Lievonen was also Chairman of the Board of Directors at Fortum. He has been recognized for his admirable leadership and expertise, and in 2016 was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Technology by the Aalto University Schools of Technology.

Dr. Françoise de Viron will serve as non-independent Director, Chair of the ESG Committee and Vice-Chair of the Board. She is currently a director of the Solvay Board, appointed in 2013. Ms. de Viron is a regarded academic leader and has extensive experience in innovation, R&D and qualitative research. She is a Professor Emeritus at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences and Louvain School of Management at UCLouvain in Belgium where she has been an Academic Member of various groups at UCLouvain. Ms. de Viron previously served as the president of AISBL EUCEN – the European Universities Continuing Education Network. Prior to her university position, from 1985 to 2000, she was in charge of developing Artificial Intelligence applications at Tractebel S.A. (now Tractebel-Engie).

Roeland Baan will serve as independent Director. He currently serves as President and Chief Executive Officer of Topsoe, a privately-held leading provider of clean energy and petrochemical technologies. He is also Chairman of the Supervisory Board of SBM Offshore NV. Roeland Baan has extensive experience in supply chain management, M&A, business development and operations management. Prior to joining Topsoe in 2020, he was President and CEO of Outokumpu and has held several executive roles at global organizations such as Aleris International, ArcelorMittal and SHV NV. He spent over 16 years in various roles across the globe at Shell, living in South America, in Africa and in the United Kingdom.

Edouard Janssen will serve as non-independent Director. He is currently a Director on the Solvay Board, appointed in 2021. Earlier this year, he was appointed Chief Financial Officer of D’Ieteren Group, a European leader in automotive distribution services. Mr. Janssen is also a Board member of privately-held Financière de Tubize and Union Financière Boël, as well as Co-Founder and Chair of Trusted Family. Mr. Janssen is active in academics, as Vice-Chair of the International Advisory Board of the Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management and on the advisory board of the INSEAD HGIBS. He brings expertise in finance, strategy, entrepreneurship, business management, planning and marketing. He has served as Solvay’s Vice President in strategy and M&A between 2019 and 2021, and prior to that, he was the US-based General Manager for North- and Latin America at Solvay’s Aroma Performance Global Business Unit.
Dr. Mary Meaney will serve as non-independent Director. She is currently a member of the Board of Directors and of the Audit Committee of Groupe Bruxelles Lambert SA. She also sits on the Board of Directors and the Remuneration Committee of Beamery, the privately-held talent management company. She is a member of the Board of Directors and of the Finance Committee of Imperial College, London.Dr. Meaney will bring expertise in Strategy, M&A, and change management, which she acquired over a 24-year career at McKinsey. She was a Senior Partner, served on the McKinsey Shareholders Council and led McKinsey’s global Organization practice.

Nadine Leslie will serve as independent Director and is based in the United States of America. She is currently a member of the Board of Directors of Provident Financial Services , as well as a Non-Executive Director of Seven Seas Water Corporation, a water and wastewater treatment multinational company. She also sits on the Board of Trustees of Hackensack Meridian Health Network and is active as strategic consultant for civil engineering firm T&M Associates. Over a 22-year career at Suez, Ms. Leslie held several leadership positions, the last one being Chief Executive Officer of Suez North America, until 2022. Previously she served as Executive Vice President Health & Safety.

More information:
Solvay Board of Directors



Lenzing implements performance program in response to lack of market recovery

  • Revenue of EUR 1.87 bn and EBITDA of EUR 219.1 mn in the first three quarters of 2023
  • Positive free cash flow of EUR 27.3 mn in the third quarter
  • Implementation of performance program focusing on positive free cash flow, strengthened sales and margin growth and sustainable cost excellence
  • Modernization and conversion of Indonesian site successfully completed – EU Ecolabel received

The anticipated recovery in markets relevant for the Lenzing Group has to date failed to materialize. The continued sharp increase in raw material and energy costs on the one hand and very subdued demand on the other had a negative impact on Lenzing’s business trends as well as on industry as a whole during the reporting period.

  • Revenue of EUR 1.87 bn and EBITDA of EUR 219.1 mn in the first three quarters of 2023
  • Positive free cash flow of EUR 27.3 mn in the third quarter
  • Implementation of performance program focusing on positive free cash flow, strengthened sales and margin growth and sustainable cost excellence
  • Modernization and conversion of Indonesian site successfully completed – EU Ecolabel received

The anticipated recovery in markets relevant for the Lenzing Group has to date failed to materialize. The continued sharp increase in raw material and energy costs on the one hand and very subdued demand on the other had a negative impact on Lenzing’s business trends as well as on industry as a whole during the reporting period.

Revenue in the first three quarters of 2023 decreased by 5.3 percent year-on-year to EUR 1.87 bn. This reduction was primarily due to lower fiber revenues, while pulp revenues were up. The earnings trend was mainly influenced by the market environment. As a consequence, earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) in the reporting period decreased by 16.7 percent year-on-year to EUR 219.1 mn. The net result after tax amounted to minus EUR 96.7 mn (compared with EUR 74.9 mn in the first three quarters of 2022), while earnings per share amounted to minus EUR 4.90 (compared with EUR 2.16 in the first three quarters of 2022).

According to the IMF, a full return of the global economy to pre-pandemic growth rates appears increasingly out of reach in the coming quarters. In addition to the consequences of the pandemic and the ongoing war in Ukraine, growth is also being influenced by restrictive monetary policy and extreme weather events. The consequences of the renewed military confrontation in the Middle East are not yet foreseeable. Overall, the IMF warns of greater risks to global financial stability, and expects the growth rate to decrease to 3 percent this year and to 2.9 percent next year.

The currency environment is expected to remain volatile in the regions of relevance to Lenzing.

The general market environment is continuing to weigh on the consumer climate and on sentiment in the industries relevant to Lenzing.

In the trend-setting market for cotton, the current 2023/24 crop season is emerging as a further 1.7 mn tonnes of inventory build-up, following 1.8 mn tonnes of inventory build-up in the previous season.

Earnings visibility remains severely limited overall.

Lenzing is fully on track with the implementation of the reorganization and cost reduction program and on this basis is implementing a comprehensive performance program focused on positive free cash flow, strengthened sales and margin growth as well as sustainable cost excellence. The overarching goal is to position Lenzing even more strongly and to further increase its crisis resilience.

In structural terms, Lenzing continues to anticipate growth in demand for environmentally responsible fibers for the textile and clothing industry as well as the hygiene and medical sectors. As a consequence, Lenzing is very well positioned with its “Better Growth” strategy and plans to continue driving growth with specialty fibers as well as its sustainability goals, including the trans-formation from a linear to a circular economy model.

The successful implementation of the key projects in Thailand and Brazil as well as the investment projects in China and Indonesia will further strengthen Lenzing’s positioning in this respect.

Taking the aforementioned factors into consideration, the Lenzing Group continues to expect that EBITDA for the 2023 financial year will lie in a range between EUR 270 mn and EUR 330 mn.


Lenzing AG

A+A 2023 Photo: Messe Düsseldorf, Constanze Tillmann

A+A 2023: Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit im Fokus

Die A+A 2023 setzte unter dem Leitmotiv „Impulse für eine bessere Arbeitswelt" nach vier Messetagen Maßstäbe und knüpfte an den Erfolg ihrer Vorveranstaltungen an. Insgesamt 2.200 ausstellende Unternehmen aus 58 Nationen präsentierten in 12 Hallen auf mehr als 80.000 Quadratmetern ihre Produkte und Innovationen. Rund 62.000 Fachbesucherinnen und -besucher aus 140 Ländern kamen nach Düsseldorf, um auf der Leitmesse Informationen zu den relevanten Themen rund um die Arbeitswelt zu erhalten. 96,4% der Besucherinnen und Besucher bestätigten, dass ihre Erwartungen an den Messebesuch mehr als erfüllt wurden.

Die A+A 2023 setzte unter dem Leitmotiv „Impulse für eine bessere Arbeitswelt" nach vier Messetagen Maßstäbe und knüpfte an den Erfolg ihrer Vorveranstaltungen an. Insgesamt 2.200 ausstellende Unternehmen aus 58 Nationen präsentierten in 12 Hallen auf mehr als 80.000 Quadratmetern ihre Produkte und Innovationen. Rund 62.000 Fachbesucherinnen und -besucher aus 140 Ländern kamen nach Düsseldorf, um auf der Leitmesse Informationen zu den relevanten Themen rund um die Arbeitswelt zu erhalten. 96,4% der Besucherinnen und Besucher bestätigten, dass ihre Erwartungen an den Messebesuch mehr als erfüllt wurden.

Erfolgsfaktor: Hohe Themenrelevanz, Vollständigkeit des Angebots und Innovationsgehalt
Besonders hervorzuheben sind die Innovationen im Bereich der Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelt, die auf der Messe erstmalig vorgestellt wurden. Smart Wearables und PSA, Bestell-Apps für Gefahrenstoffmanagement, KI-basierte Gesundheitscoaches sowie Virtual Reality Anwendungen und Exoskelette sind Beispiele für Technologien, die die Arbeitswelt in eine digitale und nachhaltige Richtung führen. Diese Entwicklungen unterstützen nicht nur die Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz, sondern tragen auch zur Effizienzsteigerung und zur Schaffung gesünderer Arbeitsumgebungen bei.

Hochkarätige, internationale Kongresse auf der A+A 2023
Der 38. Internationale Kongress für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin der Basi mit rund 3.000 Kongressbesucherinnen und -besuchern griff Zukunftsthemen wie Künstliche Intelligenz und die Folgen des Klimawandels auf. Als international führende Fachveranstaltung präsentierte er nationale und globale politische Vorstöße und Präventionsstrategien wie die "Vision Zero" sowie arbeitswissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse anwendungsorientierter Forschung. Dr. Christian Felten, Geschäftsführer der Basi, zeigt sich zufrieden mit dem Ergebnis des 38. A+A Kongresses: „Wir freuen uns darüber, dass die qualitativ hochwertigen Beiträge unserer mehr als 320 Referierenden in den 46 Sessions so viele interessierte Zuhörerinnen und Zuhörer fanden.“

Auf der WearRAcon Europe Konferenz, der europäischen Ausgabe der WearRAcon Konferenz in den USA, die erstmalig auf der A+A 2023 stattfand, präsentierten und diskutierten Experten aus Forschung und Entwicklung sowie Unternehmen über Innovationen und Trends im Bereich der Exoskelett-Technologie.

Vielfältiges Rahmenprogramm
Foren und Events wie die Corporate Fashion Show, die viermal täglich in Halle 15 stattfand, ergänzten das Messeprogramm. Auf dem A+A Catwalk präsentierten sich namhafte Hersteller der PSA Branche mit den aktuellsten, modischen Trends, die für eine jüngere Generation von Mitarbeitenden kreiert worden sind und die neben Funktionalität und Nachhaltigkeit auch dem Wunsch nach einem persönlichen und ästhetischen Stil Rechnung tragen.

Die Start-up Zone bot jungen und innovativen Unternehmen nicht nur eine Ausstellungsfläche, sondern auch eine außergewöhnliche Networking-Plattform, um mit den Top-Entscheidern für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitssicherheit in Kontakt zu treten.

Die nächste A+A findet vom 04. bis 07. November 2025 statt.


Messe Düsseldorf

Albstadt ID Foto: Robin Friedrich

Erstes Branchen-Event „Albstadt ID“ voller Erfolg

Zum ersten Mal haben die textilen Studiengänge der Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen das Branchenevent „Albstadt ID“ veranstaltet. „Mit rund 800 Teilnehmenden, darunter mehrere Hundert Schülerinnen und Schüler aus ganz Deutschland sowie etliche Unternehmen, war das Ganze ein herausragender Erfolg“, so die Einschätzung von Prof. Dr. Christian Kaiser, der die „Albstadt ID“ konzipiert hat.
In Vorträgen und Laborführungen konnten sich Interessierte einen Eindruck über Innovationsthemen in der Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie verschaffen. Zahlreiche Unternehmen der Branche stellten sich dem Fachpublikum vor.

Viele Gäste und Beteiligte zeigten sich von der Veranstaltung begeistert und bezeichneten die „Albstadt ID“ als einen Tag voller Innovation und Inspiration. Hörsäle und Labore waren häufig bis auf den letzten Platz gefüllt. Bereits jetzt liegen für 2024 Anmeldungen von Schulen, Unternehmen und Sponsoren vor, obwohl der konkrete Termin noch nicht feststeht.

Zum ersten Mal haben die textilen Studiengänge der Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen das Branchenevent „Albstadt ID“ veranstaltet. „Mit rund 800 Teilnehmenden, darunter mehrere Hundert Schülerinnen und Schüler aus ganz Deutschland sowie etliche Unternehmen, war das Ganze ein herausragender Erfolg“, so die Einschätzung von Prof. Dr. Christian Kaiser, der die „Albstadt ID“ konzipiert hat.
In Vorträgen und Laborführungen konnten sich Interessierte einen Eindruck über Innovationsthemen in der Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie verschaffen. Zahlreiche Unternehmen der Branche stellten sich dem Fachpublikum vor.

Viele Gäste und Beteiligte zeigten sich von der Veranstaltung begeistert und bezeichneten die „Albstadt ID“ als einen Tag voller Innovation und Inspiration. Hörsäle und Labore waren häufig bis auf den letzten Platz gefüllt. Bereits jetzt liegen für 2024 Anmeldungen von Schulen, Unternehmen und Sponsoren vor, obwohl der konkrete Termin noch nicht feststeht.


Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen


Edina Brenner Beiratsvorsitzende der TEXOVERSUM Experts & Training Hub gGmbH

Als Plattform für Aus- und Weiterbildung in der Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie, wird die TEXOVERSUM Experts & Training Hub gGmbH auch in Zukunft eng mit der Branche in der Entwicklung ihrer Angebote zusammenarbeiten. Um diese Verbindung engmaschig zu gestalten, hat der fünfköpfige Beirat des Hubs im Oktober erstmalig getagt. Dabei wurde Südwesttextil-Hauptgeschäftsführerin Edina Brenner zur Vorsitzenden gewählt, Stewllvertreter ist Holger Bache.

Mitglieder des Beirats sind:

Als Plattform für Aus- und Weiterbildung in der Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie, wird die TEXOVERSUM Experts & Training Hub gGmbH auch in Zukunft eng mit der Branche in der Entwicklung ihrer Angebote zusammenarbeiten. Um diese Verbindung engmaschig zu gestalten, hat der fünfköpfige Beirat des Hubs im Oktober erstmalig getagt. Dabei wurde Südwesttextil-Hauptgeschäftsführerin Edina Brenner zur Vorsitzenden gewählt, Stewllvertreter ist Holger Bache.

Mitglieder des Beirats sind:

  • Holger Bache, Vice President Technical Product Development Tailoring Men & Women, Hugo Boss AG
  • Edina Brenner, Hauptgeschäftsführerin, Südwesttextil e.V.
  • Maximilian d'Huc, Senior Vice President Human Resources, CHRO HARTMANN Group, Paul Hartmann AG
  • Jochen Digel, Vorstand, Digel AG
  • Beatrice Lederer, Geschäftsführerin, Jörg Lederer GmbH

Der Beirat wird die langfristige Vision der TEXOVERSUM Experts & Training Hub gGmbH aktiv mitgestalten. Insbesondere die Schwerpunkte der Aus- und Weiterbildungsinhalte und dadurch die Akquisition und Festigung von Fachkräften für Unternehmen begleiten. Die TEXOVERSUM Experts & Training Hub gGmbH strebt eine umfassende ganzheitliche Fachkräftesicherung an, indem sie überregionale Kooperationen fördert und Maßnahmen zur Steigerung der Attraktivität von Unternehmen der Textilverarbeitung entwickelt. Gleichzeitig engagiert sie sich für die Integration von Personen, die auf dem regulären Arbeitsmarkt benachteiligt sind oder Schwierigkeiten beim Zugang zu Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten haben.


TEXOVERSUM Experts & Training Hub gGmbH

DITF: Lignin coating for Geotextiles Photo: DITF
Coating process of a cellulose-based nonwoven with the lignin compound using thermoplastic processing methods on a continuous coating line.

DITF: Lignin coating for Geotextiles

Textiles are a given in civil engineering: they stabilize water protection dams, prevent runoff containing pollutants from landfills, facilitate the revegetation of slopes at risk of erosion, and even make asphalt layers of roads thinner. Until now, textiles made of highly resistant synthetic fibers have been used for this purpose, which have a very long lifetime. For some applications, however, it would not only be sufficient but even desirable for the auxiliary textile to degrade in the soil when it has done its job. Environmentally friendly natural fibers, on the other hand, often decompose too quickly. The German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf (DITF) are developing a bio-based protective coating that extends their service life.

Textiles are a given in civil engineering: they stabilize water protection dams, prevent runoff containing pollutants from landfills, facilitate the revegetation of slopes at risk of erosion, and even make asphalt layers of roads thinner. Until now, textiles made of highly resistant synthetic fibers have been used for this purpose, which have a very long lifetime. For some applications, however, it would not only be sufficient but even desirable for the auxiliary textile to degrade in the soil when it has done its job. Environmentally friendly natural fibers, on the other hand, often decompose too quickly. The German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf (DITF) are developing a bio-based protective coating that extends their service life.

Depending on humidity and temperature, natural fiber materials can degrade in the soil in a matter of months or even a few days. In order to significantly extend the degradation time and make them suitable for geotextiles, the Denkendorf team researches a protective coating. This coating, based on lignin, is itself biodegradable and does not generate microplastics in the soil. Lignin is indeed biodegradable, but this degradation takes a very long time in nature.

Together with cellulose, Lignin forms the building materials for wood and is the "glue" in wood that holds this composite material together. In paper production, usually only the cellulose is used, so lignin is produced in large quantities as a waste material. So-called kraft lignin remains as a fusible material. Textile production can deal well with thermoplastic materials. All in all, this is a good prerequisite for taking a closer look at lignin as a protective coating for geotextiles.

Lignin is brittle by nature. Therefore, it is necessary to blend the kraft lignin with softer biomaterials. These new biopolymer compounds of brittle kraft lignin and softer biopolymers were applied to yarns and textile surfaces in the research project via adapted coating systems. For this purpose, for example, cotton yarns were coated with lignin at different application rates and evaluated. Biodegradation testing was carried out using soil burial tests both in a climatic chamber with temperature and humidity defined precisely according to the standard and outdoors under real environmental conditions. With positive results: the service life of textiles made of natural fibers can be extended by many factors with a lignin coating: The thicker the protective coating, the longer the protection lasts. In the outdoor tests, the lignin coating was still completely intact even after about 160 days of burial.

Textile materials coated with lignin enable sustainable applications. For example, they have an adjustable and sufficiently long service life for certain geotextile applications. In addition, they are still biodegradable and can replace previously used synthetic materials in some applications, such as revegetation of trench and stream banks.

Thus, lignin-coated textiles have the potential to significantly reduce the carbon footprint: They reduce dependence on petroleum-based products and avoid the formation of microplastics in the soil.

Further research is needed to establish lignin, which was previously a waste material, as a new valuable material in industrial manufacturing processes in the textile industry.

The research work was supported by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Food, Rural Areas and Consumer Protection as part of the Baden-Württemberg State Strategy for a Sustainable Bioeconomy.


Deutsche Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf (DITF)

bvse: Sammelstruktur für Alttextilien gilt zu erhalten (c) NABU

bvse: Sammelstruktur für Alttextilien gilt zu erhalten

Auf dem Dialogforum Kreislaufwirtschaft des NABU stellte bvse-Rechtsreferentin Deliana Bungard in einer Diskussionsrunde klar, dass in Deutschland bereits gut funktionierende Strukturen einer bürgernahen und getrennten Sammlung von Alttextilien existieren, die es insbesondere bei einem einzuführenden System der erweiterten Herstellerverantwortung zu erhalten gilt.

Als Sprachrohr von rund 100 Mitgliedsunternehmen im Fachverband Textilrecycling nahm bvse-Rechtsreferentin Deliana Bungard am 19.10.2023 an dem von NABU veranstalteten „Dialogforum Kreislaufwirtschaft“ teil.

Das Forum fand unter dem Motto „Von vorne denken: Produktpolitik im Fokus“ in Berlin statt und beleuchtete Aspekte der europäischen Verordnung für nachhaltige Produkte (ESPR) und wie Langlebigkeit, Reparierbarkeit und auch die Recyclingfähigkeit von Textilien schon bei Prozessen der Produktion erreicht werden können.

Vor dem Hintergrund der Überarbeitung der EU-Abfallrahmenrichtlinie stand auch die Einführung eines Systems der erweiterten Herstellerverantwortung für Textilien zur Diskussion.

Auf dem Dialogforum Kreislaufwirtschaft des NABU stellte bvse-Rechtsreferentin Deliana Bungard in einer Diskussionsrunde klar, dass in Deutschland bereits gut funktionierende Strukturen einer bürgernahen und getrennten Sammlung von Alttextilien existieren, die es insbesondere bei einem einzuführenden System der erweiterten Herstellerverantwortung zu erhalten gilt.

Als Sprachrohr von rund 100 Mitgliedsunternehmen im Fachverband Textilrecycling nahm bvse-Rechtsreferentin Deliana Bungard am 19.10.2023 an dem von NABU veranstalteten „Dialogforum Kreislaufwirtschaft“ teil.

Das Forum fand unter dem Motto „Von vorne denken: Produktpolitik im Fokus“ in Berlin statt und beleuchtete Aspekte der europäischen Verordnung für nachhaltige Produkte (ESPR) und wie Langlebigkeit, Reparierbarkeit und auch die Recyclingfähigkeit von Textilien schon bei Prozessen der Produktion erreicht werden können.

Vor dem Hintergrund der Überarbeitung der EU-Abfallrahmenrichtlinie stand auch die Einführung eines Systems der erweiterten Herstellerverantwortung für Textilien zur Diskussion.

Hierin hob bvse-Rechtsreferentin Deliana Bungard die besondere Bedeutung der in Deutschland bereits jetzt bestehenden und gut funktionierenden Strukturen der bürgernahen und getrennten Sammlung von Alttextilien hervor. „Diese gilt es insbesondere bei einem einzuführenden System der erweiterten Herstellerverantwortung zu erhalten“, so Bungard.

„Die gewerblichen Unternehmen, die auch im bvse Alttextilien sammeln und sortieren, spielen für dieses System eine wichtige Rolle und sind kompetente Ansprechpartner:innen für Kommunen, Institutionen und Organisationen. Wir appellieren daher an die Politik, diese entsprechend auch als wichtige Akteur:innen der textilen Wertschöpfungskette im Gesetzgebungsprozess anzuerkennen“, forderte die bvse-Rechtsreferentin.


bvse-Bundesverband Sekundärrohstoffe und Entsorgung


adidas: Preliminary third quarter results and increases full year guidance

adidas announced preliminary results for the third quarter of 2023. In Q3, currency-neutral revenues increased 1% versus the prior year level. In euro terms, the company’s revenues declined 6% to € 5.999 billion (2022: € 6.408 billion). The company’s gross margin improved 0.2 percentage points to 49.3% in Q3 (2022: 49.1%). Operating profit reached € 409 million during the quarter (2022: € 564 million), reflecting an operating margin of 6.8% (2022: 8.8%). While the company’s performance in the quarter was again positively impacted by the sale of parts of its remaining Yeezy inventory, the underlying adidas business also developed better than expected.

Consequently, the company has updated its full year guidance: adidas now expects currency-neutral revenues to decline at a low-single-digit rate in 2023 (previously: decline at a mid-single-digit rate). At the same time, the company’s underlying operating profit – excluding any one-offs related to Yeezy and the ongoing strategic review – is now anticipated to reach a level of around €100 million in 2023 (previously: around break-even level).

adidas announced preliminary results for the third quarter of 2023. In Q3, currency-neutral revenues increased 1% versus the prior year level. In euro terms, the company’s revenues declined 6% to € 5.999 billion (2022: € 6.408 billion). The company’s gross margin improved 0.2 percentage points to 49.3% in Q3 (2022: 49.1%). Operating profit reached € 409 million during the quarter (2022: € 564 million), reflecting an operating margin of 6.8% (2022: 8.8%). While the company’s performance in the quarter was again positively impacted by the sale of parts of its remaining Yeezy inventory, the underlying adidas business also developed better than expected.

Consequently, the company has updated its full year guidance: adidas now expects currency-neutral revenues to decline at a low-single-digit rate in 2023 (previously: decline at a mid-single-digit rate). At the same time, the company’s underlying operating profit – excluding any one-offs related to Yeezy and the ongoing strategic review – is now anticipated to reach a level of around €100 million in 2023 (previously: around break-even level).

Including the positive impact from the two Yeezy drops in Q2 and Q3, the potential write-off of the remaining Yeezy inventory of now around € 300 million (previously: € 400 million) and one-off costs related to the strategic review of up to € 200 million (unchanged), adidas now expects to report an operating loss of around € 100 million in 2023 (previously: loss of € 450 million).


adidas AG