From the Sector

2401 results

Hohenstein future part of the AI hotspot IPAI

The testing service provider and research partner Hohenstein is joining the Innovation Park for Artificial Intelligence (IPAI) in Heilbronn. There are already points of contact with AI applications in some interdisciplinary research projects. In addition, there is the cooperation with the Munich-based start-up Sizekick and its AI-based technology for size recommendations, which aims to reduce size-related returns in online fashion retail.

"We expect the connection to the IPAI AI network to provide us with valuable impulses to remain fit for the future," explains Hohenstein CEO Dr. Timo Hammer, "This unique platform brings together a wide variety of players with their experience and knowledge. New ideas, projects and even products can be generated with great dynamism in the network as an intelligent response to future requirements. Because one thing is clear - artificial intelligence is THE key technology of the future".

The testing service provider and research partner Hohenstein is joining the Innovation Park for Artificial Intelligence (IPAI) in Heilbronn. There are already points of contact with AI applications in some interdisciplinary research projects. In addition, there is the cooperation with the Munich-based start-up Sizekick and its AI-based technology for size recommendations, which aims to reduce size-related returns in online fashion retail.

"We expect the connection to the IPAI AI network to provide us with valuable impulses to remain fit for the future," explains Hohenstein CEO Dr. Timo Hammer, "This unique platform brings together a wide variety of players with their experience and knowledge. New ideas, projects and even products can be generated with great dynamism in the network as an intelligent response to future requirements. Because one thing is clear - artificial intelligence is THE key technology of the future".

The Innovation Park for Artificial Intelligence (IPAI) in Heilbronn ( sees itself as an innovation platform for applied AI and a German lighthouse project with international appeal. The center is intended to map the entire AI value chain, from the qualification of specialists to the application of ethically responsible AI. The aim is to use the AI ecosystem to bring together companies, start-ups, research institutions, scientists, and public institutions and to secure Germany's digital independence and competitiveness in a key future technology.


Hohenstein Laboratories GmbH & Co. KG

EMPEL Green Theme Technologies

PFAS-free and water-free textile finishing enters Japanese market

Green Theme Technologies (GTT), creators of the PFAS-free and water-free EMPEL® textile finishing platform, delivers advanced performance and a long term sustainability solution to the Japanese market. Green Theme Technologies, Inc. (GTT) is a US-based textile innovation company with a global vision to increase performance and eliminate pollution.

EMPEL® is a solution for textile mills looking to provide clean, high-performance finishes, and GTT actively promotes this innovative technology to all relevant Japanese companies, including mills, manufacturers, and brands. YKK, the Japanese global leader in zipper manufacturing, has already adopted the EMPEL® technology into their manufacturing process and promotes the technology globally in their new DynaPel™ collection.

Green Theme Technologies (GTT), creators of the PFAS-free and water-free EMPEL® textile finishing platform, delivers advanced performance and a long term sustainability solution to the Japanese market. Green Theme Technologies, Inc. (GTT) is a US-based textile innovation company with a global vision to increase performance and eliminate pollution.

EMPEL® is a solution for textile mills looking to provide clean, high-performance finishes, and GTT actively promotes this innovative technology to all relevant Japanese companies, including mills, manufacturers, and brands. YKK, the Japanese global leader in zipper manufacturing, has already adopted the EMPEL® technology into their manufacturing process and promotes the technology globally in their new DynaPel™ collection.

GTT’s activities in Japan are supported by the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), a government-related organization that works to promote mutual trade and investment between Japan and the rest of the world. GTT has been approved for JETRO’s Invest Japan Support Program, which allows GTT to leverage its resources to set up an office in Japan in the future and for J-Bridge Program to forge relationships with prospective Japanese partners.


Green Theme Technologies

Fraunhofer CCPE Positionspapier »Challenges and requirements in comparative life cycle assessment of plastics recycling« Fraunhofer Cluster of Excellence Circular Plastics Economy CCPE
Fraunhofer CCPE Positionspapier »Challenges and requirements in comparative life cycle assessment of plastics recycling«

Transparente Ökobilanzierung des Kunststoffrecyclings

Ökobilanzierungen dienen oftmals als Entscheidungsgrundlage für die Auswahl von umweltfreundlichen Verfahren, Einsatzstoffen oder Dienstleistungen beim Kunststoffrecycling. Doch wie sieht eine vergleichbare und transparente ökologische Bewertung aus, die unterschiedlichen Ansprüchen gerecht wird? Fraunhofer CCPE Forschende haben zehn Herausforderungen und zehn Anforderungen herausgearbeitet, die Vergleichbarkeit und Transparenz bei der ökologischen Bewertung des Kunststoffrecycling erhöhen.

Ökobilanzierungen dienen oftmals als Entscheidungsgrundlage für die Auswahl von umweltfreundlichen Verfahren, Einsatzstoffen oder Dienstleistungen beim Kunststoffrecycling. Doch wie sieht eine vergleichbare und transparente ökologische Bewertung aus, die unterschiedlichen Ansprüchen gerecht wird? Fraunhofer CCPE Forschende haben zehn Herausforderungen und zehn Anforderungen herausgearbeitet, die Vergleichbarkeit und Transparenz bei der ökologischen Bewertung des Kunststoffrecycling erhöhen.

Mit Ökobilanzstudien lassen sich nicht nur Produkte und Dienstleistungen über ihren gesamten Lebenszyklus hinweg bewerten, sondern es können auch verschiedene Recyclingverfahren und recycelter Kunststoff mit Neuware verglichen werden. Die Ergebnisse dienen als Entscheidungsgrundlage bei der Auswahl der Optionen mit den geringsten Umweltwirkungen. Die grundlegende Vergleichsgröße in jeder Ökobilanz ist die funktionelle Einheit. Alle Umweltwirkungen werden auf diese Größe bezogen. Das Recycling von Kunststoffen erfüllt immer mehrere Funktionen wie die ordnungsgemäße Behandlung von Abfällen und die Bereitstellung neuer Ressourcen für weitere Produkte. Der Umgang mit dieser Multifunktionalität in der Ökobilanzierung des Recyclings wird seit langem ohne Konsens diskutiert.

Die Fraunhofer CCPE-Forschenden möchten mit ihrem gerade erschienenen Positionspapier diese Herausforderungen und Anforderungen verdeutlichen, die bei der Bewertung und dem Vergleich von Kunststoffrecyclingaktivitäten bestehen. Der Fokus liegt auf der Unterscheidung zwischen den Funktionalitäten der Abfallbehandlung und Materialbereitstellung. »Wir wollen mit dem Positionspapier Raum für einen offenen und transparenten Austausch zwischen Wissenschaft, Industrie und Politik eröffnen, um Entscheidungen auf Basis des ökologischen Vergleichs verständlich und belastbar zu gestalten«, so Anna Kerps, Initiatorin des Positionspapiers und wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin des Fraunhofer CCPE.

Die Autor*innen weisen darauf hin, dass vergleichende Ökobilanzen zudem von verschiedenen Randbedingungen und Annahmen abhängen. Die Prüfung logischer Widersprüche in den Annahmen ist eine Hauptanforderung für aussagekräftige Vergleiche. Inkonsistente Ökobilanzstudien führen oft zu Fehlinterpretationen. Weitere Herausforderungen sehen sie im Umgang mit den verschiedenen Technologierouten und -skalen sowie der Komplexität von Recyclingrouten gemischter Abfälle. Unterschiedliche Abfallherkünfte und mitgesammelte Störstoffe beeinflussen die Qualität der Rezyklate – und müssen in der Bilanzierung berücksichtigt werden.

Weiterhin ist es auf methodischer Ebene wichtig, Modellierungsansätze in Bezug auf Multifunktionalität und Systemgrenzen zu verbessern. Der Vergleich verschiedener Recyclingverfahren und von Neuware mit Rezyklat ist herausfordernd, da sie unterschiedliche Funktionalitäten haben. Insgesamt fehlt es bisher an einem methodischen Konsens, um robuste und vergleichbare Ökobilanz-Ergebnisse zu erhalten.


Fraunhofer Cluster of Excellence Circular Plastics Economy CCPE

AkzoNobel participates in research program with SusInkCoat project (c) The Dutch Research Council (NWO)

AkzoNobel participates in research program with SusInkCoat project

More than 82 companies, businesses and social organizations – including AkzoNobel – are involved in a major Dutch research program focused on developing new technologies that will help solve some of today’s societal challenges.
Seven broad consortia have been established as part of the government-funded “Perspectief” program, with AkzoNobel set to play a leading role in the SusInkCoat project, which will explore how to make inks and coatings more sustainable.

The company will work together with private partners and other societal stakeholders to develop new materials, processes and applications to improve the durability, functionality and recyclability of coatings, thin films and inks. The program, which will run for the next five years, is backed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy and the Dutch Research Council (NWO).

More than 82 companies, businesses and social organizations – including AkzoNobel – are involved in a major Dutch research program focused on developing new technologies that will help solve some of today’s societal challenges.
Seven broad consortia have been established as part of the government-funded “Perspectief” program, with AkzoNobel set to play a leading role in the SusInkCoat project, which will explore how to make inks and coatings more sustainable.

The company will work together with private partners and other societal stakeholders to develop new materials, processes and applications to improve the durability, functionality and recyclability of coatings, thin films and inks. The program, which will run for the next five years, is backed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy and the Dutch Research Council (NWO).

“Our discussions about collaborating with our SusInkCoat partners have been very positive,” says AkzoNobel’s R&D Director of Scientific Academic Programs, André van Linden, who is also the co-lead of SusInkCoat. “We’re all facing the same societal challenges – how to become more circular – and we’re looking for the same solutions in different application areas. But we’ve never done that together for this specific research topic, so we need an ecosystem to help us solve these challenges.
Van Linden adds that the program – one of many R&D projects the company is involved with – will also support AkzoNobel’s ambition to achieve 50% less carbon emissions in its own operations – and across the value chain – by 2030.
 “We want to make the recyclability of materials - such as furniture, building materials and steel constructions - easier by introducing functionalities like self-healing, higher durability and triggered release,” he continues. “The more you can leave the materials in their original state, the more sustainably you can operate.”

AkzoNobel will be collaborating with Canon, Evonik, GFB, PTG and RUG Ventures, who together possess extensive knowledge of market demands, supply chains and production processes. All the SusInkCoat partners will also work with academic researchers at several Dutch universities in an effort to identify promising developments that can be commercialized, used for education purposes or for outreach to the public.

Research being conducted by the other six consortia includes investigating methods to make tastier plant-based food; flat optics for more sustainable hi-tech equipment; and cheaper and more accessible medical imaging technology.

More information:
AkzoNobel Coatings Sustainability



Launch of ERCA Textile Chemical Solutions

In January 2024, ERCA Textile Chemical Solutions TCS was launched as an independent entity within the ERCA Group.

The decision to make ERCA TCS a separate company stems from the desire to focus exclusively on solutions for the textile industry and to build an agile entity oriented towards responsible research and production, while continuing to leverage a solid productive and financial background from ERCA S.p.A.

ERCA TCS aims to be the unique and innovative point of reference for textile companies in terms of products and services specifically designed for the needs of a sector that is currently facing challenges and opportunities related to sustainability and responsible production.

In January 2024, ERCA Textile Chemical Solutions TCS was launched as an independent entity within the ERCA Group.

The decision to make ERCA TCS a separate company stems from the desire to focus exclusively on solutions for the textile industry and to build an agile entity oriented towards responsible research and production, while continuing to leverage a solid productive and financial background from ERCA S.p.A.

ERCA TCS aims to be the unique and innovative point of reference for textile companies in terms of products and services specifically designed for the needs of a sector that is currently facing challenges and opportunities related to sustainability and responsible production.

ERCA TCS bases its activity on the principles of "green chemistry" to offer the textile industry chemical solutions that make concrete the concepts of safety, performance, and circularity. Its flagship product - REVECOL® - is born from critical waste materials (used vegetable oils) and present in abundance, which through a process attentive to environmental compatibility and safety, are transformed into a line of innovative, certified, high-performance chemical auxiliaries usable by the entire textile industry.

ERCA Group has six plants in three macro-regions: Europe, Latin America, and Asia and produces chemical specialties and auxiliaries with an approach of responsible innovation. Its production covers several markets: textile, cosmetics, polyurethanes, concrete. It has a turnover of 150 million euros and employs 350 people worldwide, 100 of whom are in the sole Grassobbio plant.


ERCA Textile Chemical Solutions (ERCA Group)

IHKIB: Green Transformation Journey of the Turkish Apparel Industry (c) Istanbul Apparel Exporters' Association (IHKIB)
TIM and IHKIB President Mustafa Gültepe

IHKIB: Green Transformation Journey of the Turkish Apparel Industry

The fashion industry, which has strategic importance for the Turkish economy with its value-added production, employment, and exports, came together with representatives of global brands and Laison offices at the 'Green transformation' summit. At the meeting hosted by the Istanbul Apparel Exporters' Association (IHKIB), the studies carried out in the process of adaptation to the Green Deal were put under the spotlight, and the expectations of the Turkish fashion industry from the stakeholders were also expressed.

The opening of the meeting, attended by representatives of relevant ministries and foreign representations, national and international fund providers, as well as brands and buying groups were brought together, was made by Türkiye Exporters Assembly (TIM) and IHKIB President Mustafa Gültepe. In his speech, Gültepe underlined Türkiye's importance in the global apparel industry, by realizing approximately 3.5 percent of world apparel exports. Gültepe continued as follows:

The fashion industry, which has strategic importance for the Turkish economy with its value-added production, employment, and exports, came together with representatives of global brands and Laison offices at the 'Green transformation' summit. At the meeting hosted by the Istanbul Apparel Exporters' Association (IHKIB), the studies carried out in the process of adaptation to the Green Deal were put under the spotlight, and the expectations of the Turkish fashion industry from the stakeholders were also expressed.

The opening of the meeting, attended by representatives of relevant ministries and foreign representations, national and international fund providers, as well as brands and buying groups were brought together, was made by Türkiye Exporters Assembly (TIM) and IHKIB President Mustafa Gültepe. In his speech, Gültepe underlined Türkiye's importance in the global apparel industry, by realizing approximately 3.5 percent of world apparel exports. Gültepe continued as follows:

"As IHKIB, we aim to increase our current annual exports, which are around $20 billion, to $40 billion. The road to the goal goes through Europe and America because the European Union is our largest market in apparel. We export 60 percent of our total apparel exports to EU countries. When we add other European countries and the USA, the ratio approaches 75 percent. While working on alternatives for the $40 billion in exports, we need to focus more on the European and U.S. markets because, as the data shows, the path to $40 billion in apparel exports goes through Europe and the U.S. We already have long-standing collaborations with brands centered in Europe and America. With our knowledge, speed, production quality, design power, and geographical proximity to Europe, we distinguish ourselves from competitors. We took a very important step in the transformation process exactly one year ago. We shared our action plan, which is a road map for our fashion industry's compliance with the Green Deal, with the public on January 30, 2023."

After Mustafa Gültepe's opening speech, Euratex Director General Dirk Vantyghem, Deputy Director General of the Ministry of Trade Bahar Güçlü, and Deputy Secretary General of ITKIB Özlem Güneş made presentations regarding the ongoing efforts in the Green Deal process.

Dirk Vantyghem discussed the sustainability strategy of the textile and apparel industry and the expectations from the EU administration, while Bahar Güçlü provided information about the reflections of legal regulations related to the Green Deal on Türkiye.

Deputy Secretary General of ITKIB Özlem Güneş emphasized the significant opportunity that the Green Deal represents for the Turkish apparel industry, providing comprehensive insights into the efforts conducted by IHKIB regarding the Green Deal adaptation process.


Istanbul Apparel Exporters' Association (IHKIB)


Solvay: Educational alliance with MIT and Fermi High School

Solvay awarded a scholarship to facilitate an educational alliance between the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Fermi High School in Cecina. The initiative unfolded during an event held at Solvay's Rosignano site in Italy, providing a platform for students and faculty. Through this partnership, 200 Fermi High School students participated in STEM* and digital lessons from MIT's Global Teaching Labs project, emphasizing the teaching of scientific disciplines by the American university.

Beyond the scholarship award ceremony, students received a tour of Solvay's factory in Rosignano. The tour highlighted the company's dedication to safety, sustainability, and bridging the gap between academia and industry challenges. The experience illustrated the practical application of academic studies in an industrial context, showcasing Solvay's advanced control procedures, safety protocols, technological innovations, digital transformation efforts, and sustainability measures.

Solvay awarded a scholarship to facilitate an educational alliance between the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Fermi High School in Cecina. The initiative unfolded during an event held at Solvay's Rosignano site in Italy, providing a platform for students and faculty. Through this partnership, 200 Fermi High School students participated in STEM* and digital lessons from MIT's Global Teaching Labs project, emphasizing the teaching of scientific disciplines by the American university.

Beyond the scholarship award ceremony, students received a tour of Solvay's factory in Rosignano. The tour highlighted the company's dedication to safety, sustainability, and bridging the gap between academia and industry challenges. The experience illustrated the practical application of academic studies in an industrial context, showcasing Solvay's advanced control procedures, safety protocols, technological innovations, digital transformation efforts, and sustainability measures.

Discussions during the event included key sustainability topics such as water conservation, energy efficiency, waste management, and Solvay's commitment to promoting a balanced work-life culture and diversity within the workplace.

This collaboration aligns with Solvay's global Corporate Citizenship program. Through this program, Solvay supports individuals and communities, channeling efforts to tackle worldwide societal challenges through strategic investments in education, sustainability, and local community initiatives.

*STEM stands for science, technology, engineering and mathematics

Indorama Ventures awarded by EcoVadis Sustainability Assessment (c) Indorama Ventures

Indorama Ventures awarded by EcoVadis Sustainability Assessment

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited has been awarded the 'Platinum Medal' by EcoVadis Sustainability Assessment, underscoring the company's commitment to sustainability.

Indorama Ventures actively participates in the annual EcoVadis assessment to measure its sustainable practices, ensuring alignment with the diverse requirements of key customers across various business segments and operations. In the latest evaluation for 2024, the company achieved a Platinum Medal with a score of 80, surpassing last year’s score of 77. Indorama Ventures is ranked in the top 1% of all companies assessed within the primary industries of basic chemicals. The company demonstrated above industry-average performance in all four assessment areas: environment, labor human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement.

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited has been awarded the 'Platinum Medal' by EcoVadis Sustainability Assessment, underscoring the company's commitment to sustainability.

Indorama Ventures actively participates in the annual EcoVadis assessment to measure its sustainable practices, ensuring alignment with the diverse requirements of key customers across various business segments and operations. In the latest evaluation for 2024, the company achieved a Platinum Medal with a score of 80, surpassing last year’s score of 77. Indorama Ventures is ranked in the top 1% of all companies assessed within the primary industries of basic chemicals. The company demonstrated above industry-average performance in all four assessment areas: environment, labor human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement.


Indorama Ventures

KARL MAYER TURKEY appoints General Manager (c) KARL MAYER GROUP
Toros Greenhalgh, General Manager of KARL MAYER TURKEY

KARL MAYER TURKEY appoints General Manager

Toros Greenhalgh becomes General Manager of the new KARL MAYER subsidiary in Türkiye

In October 2023, the KARL MAYER GROUP established its own site in Bursa, Türkiye, thus increasing its presence in one of its most important markets. KARL MAYER TURKEY will meet increasing customer demands for after-sales service, spare parts (Care Solutions), and academy, in the sectors of warp knitting and warp preparation, while KARL MAYER’s long-standing regional representative ERKO focuses on machine sales.

Toros Greenhalgh was appointed General Manager of KARL MAYER TURKEY on February 1st of this year. Holding a degree in mechanical engineering and materials science from the University of Birmingham, he comes with experience in the fields of industrial plant construction management, renewable energy technologies, and the distribution of medical devices. For the past seven years he has been active in the sector of textile machinery through ERKO with particular focus on KARL MAYER machine sales, service, and spare parts.

Toros Greenhalgh becomes General Manager of the new KARL MAYER subsidiary in Türkiye

In October 2023, the KARL MAYER GROUP established its own site in Bursa, Türkiye, thus increasing its presence in one of its most important markets. KARL MAYER TURKEY will meet increasing customer demands for after-sales service, spare parts (Care Solutions), and academy, in the sectors of warp knitting and warp preparation, while KARL MAYER’s long-standing regional representative ERKO focuses on machine sales.

Toros Greenhalgh was appointed General Manager of KARL MAYER TURKEY on February 1st of this year. Holding a degree in mechanical engineering and materials science from the University of Birmingham, he comes with experience in the fields of industrial plant construction management, renewable energy technologies, and the distribution of medical devices. For the past seven years he has been active in the sector of textile machinery through ERKO with particular focus on KARL MAYER machine sales, service, and spare parts.

More information:
Karl Mayer Manager Turkey


Operning ceremony Perlon Goa Foto Perlon

Perlon: New plant in Goa

Perlon® – The Filament Company, a manufacturer of synthetic filaments headquartered in Munderkingen, Germany, celebrated the opening of its new plant in Goa, India. The event marked a significant milestone in Perlon®‘s global expansion strategy and underlines the company’s commitment to growth and innovation.

The plant in Goa was made possible by the recent acquisition of Shaun Filaments, a renowned Indian manufacturer of filaments. The integration of the Shaun Filaments production facility into the Perlon® Group not only offers the opportunity to strengthen market presence, but also to expand capacities and improve production processes.

The Perlon® plant in Goa will play a key role in the production of synthetic filaments for various industries, including paper, technical textiles, brushes, cosmetics and dental care. The acquisition of Shaun Filaments brings not only experienced professionals but also established production lines and technologies to the company.

Perlon® – The Filament Company, a manufacturer of synthetic filaments headquartered in Munderkingen, Germany, celebrated the opening of its new plant in Goa, India. The event marked a significant milestone in Perlon®‘s global expansion strategy and underlines the company’s commitment to growth and innovation.

The plant in Goa was made possible by the recent acquisition of Shaun Filaments, a renowned Indian manufacturer of filaments. The integration of the Shaun Filaments production facility into the Perlon® Group not only offers the opportunity to strengthen market presence, but also to expand capacities and improve production processes.

The Perlon® plant in Goa will play a key role in the production of synthetic filaments for various industries, including paper, technical textiles, brushes, cosmetics and dental care. The acquisition of Shaun Filaments brings not only experienced professionals but also established production lines and technologies to the company.

Florian Kisling, CEO of Perlon®, expressed his enthusiasm about the successful purchase: “The opening of this plant in Goa is a crucial step in our global growth strategy. We are proud to strengthen our presence in Asia while delivering the quality and innovation that Perlon® is known for worldwide.”




ECHA: New chemicals database

ECHA CHEM is a new solution for publishing information on chemicals. The first release, available now, includes information from all REACH registrations.

ECHA’s current Information on chemicals platform, launched in 2016, grew rapidly and contains today information on over 360 000 chemicals. In 2022, ECHA announced that it would create a new system for publishing chemicals data. ECHA CHEM allows the Agency to better handle the growing diversity and quantity of data, while taking advantage of technological advancements.

ECHA maintains the largest chemicals database in the European Union (EU), combining industry-submitted data with information generated in the EU’s regulatory processes. ECHA CHEM is the new solution to share with the public the growing amount of information hosted by the Agency.

In the first version of ECHA CHEM, the information from all the over 100 000 REACH registrations are included that companies have submitted to ECHA. Later this year, the database will be expanded with the redesigned Classification and Labelling Inventory, followed by the first set of regulatory lists.

ECHA CHEM is a new solution for publishing information on chemicals. The first release, available now, includes information from all REACH registrations.

ECHA’s current Information on chemicals platform, launched in 2016, grew rapidly and contains today information on over 360 000 chemicals. In 2022, ECHA announced that it would create a new system for publishing chemicals data. ECHA CHEM allows the Agency to better handle the growing diversity and quantity of data, while taking advantage of technological advancements.

ECHA maintains the largest chemicals database in the European Union (EU), combining industry-submitted data with information generated in the EU’s regulatory processes. ECHA CHEM is the new solution to share with the public the growing amount of information hosted by the Agency.

In the first version of ECHA CHEM, the information from all the over 100 000 REACH registrations are included that companies have submitted to ECHA. Later this year, the database will be expanded with the redesigned Classification and Labelling Inventory, followed by the first set of regulatory lists.

More information:
ECHA database REACH chemicals

European Chemicals Agency

Stefano Pigozzi Photo RadiciGroup
Stefano Pigozzi

Stefano Pigozzi: New member at Board of Directors of Radici Partecipazioni SpA

RadiciGroup announced the appointment of Stefano Pigozzi to the Board of Directors of Radici Partecipazioni SpA, the parent company overseeing all the Group's business activities in the chemicals, engineering polymers and advanced textile solutions sectors.
A professional with proven experience in the chemical industry, Mr. Pigozzi will complement the Board with his strategic vision acquired in international organizations.
Stefano Pigozzi graduated from the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland with a degree in Business Administration and started his work experience in the finance division of BASF in the late 1980s. Since then, chemistry has remained at the centre of his career: over the years, he has held marketing and sales positions of increasing responsibility in various business sectors (plastics and inorganics), moving up to more strategic and managerial roles within BASF, including president of the Monomers Division and, most recently, head of the Group Global Purchasing Division at the Ludwigshafen headquarters.

RadiciGroup announced the appointment of Stefano Pigozzi to the Board of Directors of Radici Partecipazioni SpA, the parent company overseeing all the Group's business activities in the chemicals, engineering polymers and advanced textile solutions sectors.
A professional with proven experience in the chemical industry, Mr. Pigozzi will complement the Board with his strategic vision acquired in international organizations.
Stefano Pigozzi graduated from the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland with a degree in Business Administration and started his work experience in the finance division of BASF in the late 1980s. Since then, chemistry has remained at the centre of his career: over the years, he has held marketing and sales positions of increasing responsibility in various business sectors (plastics and inorganics), moving up to more strategic and managerial roles within BASF, including president of the Monomers Division and, most recently, head of the Group Global Purchasing Division at the Ludwigshafen headquarters.
During his more than 30-year career at BASF, Mr. Pigozzi has consistently demonstrated his leadership capability, his financial analysis skills and his dedication to corporate business success. He has also contributed significantly to the positioning of BASF as a global leader in the chemical industry.
Mr. Pigozzi’s appointment to the Board of Directors of Radici Partecipazioni is aimed at strengthening RadiciGroup's presence in the market and helping to guide the company towards new goals.





Refashion: Renewal of accreditation for 2023-2028

Refashion, a textile industry’s eco-organisation, has renewed its authority approval until 2028. 6 years during which it will continue to transform the industry in keeping with the objectives set by the French Ministry of Ecological Transition and the French Ministry of the Economy, including the objective to collect 60% of CHF (clothing, household linen and footwear textiles) placed on the market by 2028. This new period is reflected in an ambitious road map and significantly increased investment. Nearly 1.2 billion euros, financed by the marketers, will be spent on transforming the industry during this new period of authority approval.

Refashion, a textile industry’s eco-organisation, has renewed its authority approval until 2028. 6 years during which it will continue to transform the industry in keeping with the objectives set by the French Ministry of Ecological Transition and the French Ministry of the Economy, including the objective to collect 60% of CHF (clothing, household linen and footwear textiles) placed on the market by 2028. This new period is reflected in an ambitious road map and significantly increased investment. Nearly 1.2 billion euros, financed by the marketers, will be spent on transforming the industry during this new period of authority approval.

Determined to achieve the objectives set out in the ambitious specifications set down by the Secretary of State at the Ministry of Ecological Transition, Berangère Couillard, Refashion has worked on a road map with all of its stakeholders involved in the transformation that is underway. Maud Hardy, nominated as the eco-organisation’s CEO in January 2022, started a collaborative working method that will continue throughout this new period to support areas that are key in this transformation. In the next few months, projects will begin and will visibly highlight the progress made in the three phases of a product’s life cycle: production consumption, regeneration.


  • Recognising eco-design initiatives through the eco-modulation of the fees paid by marketers (durability, environmental information labelling, integration of recycled materials). For marketers, these initiatives should represent the scheme’s cornerstone. The aim is to involve all stakeholders in reducing the environmental impact of products.


  • As from 2023, Refashion will spend 5 million euros minimum per year in awareness-raising activities and on information to the general public by supporting an array of local authority initiatives.
  • The launch of a repair fund in 2023, in particular to prolong the usage of textiles and footwear products. More than 150 million euros will be invested between 2023 and 2028 to change the habits of the French population to increase repairs by 35% (guideline target by the ADEME 2019).


  • Accelerating clothing, household linen and footwear collection, in particular thanks to an operational mix in the sector. Funding traditional sorting operators will remain central, but Refashion will also develop an additional operational system in order to achieve the collection target of 60% of products placed onto the market (versus 34% in 2021).
  • 5% of fees paid to Refashion will go towards the redeployment/reuse funds to provide support for reuse within the remit of stakeholders in the Social and Solidarity Economy. In addition to this funding, additional funding arrangements open to all stakeholders will be established. The total budget throughout the authority approval period represents 135 million euros.
  • 5% of fees, i.e., 58 million euros in 6 years, will be spent on R&D to help achieve these milestones in order to industrialise the recycling of used CHF: recyclability that is considered during the design stage; automated sorting and recycling.



SHIMA SEIKI at Dhaka International Textile & Garment Machinery Exhibition 2024

Operating in Bangladesh since 1996, this is the fourteenth time the Japanese manufacturer is participating in DTG.

As the Bangladeshi textile industry calls for sustainable production through innovation and digitalization, the market is keen to establish effective business models that support such production. In response, for the first time in its DTG exhibition history, SHIMA SEIKI's lineup consists entirely of WHOLEGARMENT® knitting machines. Capable of knitting an entire garment in one piece without the need for linking or sewing while using only the material required to knit one garment at a time, WHOLEGARMENT® knitting is famous for promoting sustainability in the knit factory.

Operating in Bangladesh since 1996, this is the fourteenth time the Japanese manufacturer is participating in DTG.

As the Bangladeshi textile industry calls for sustainable production through innovation and digitalization, the market is keen to establish effective business models that support such production. In response, for the first time in its DTG exhibition history, SHIMA SEIKI's lineup consists entirely of WHOLEGARMENT® knitting machines. Capable of knitting an entire garment in one piece without the need for linking or sewing while using only the material required to knit one garment at a time, WHOLEGARMENT® knitting is famous for promoting sustainability in the knit factory.

The company is showing its MACH2®XS153 WHOLEGARMENT® knitting machine in 15L gauge, as well as its SWG®091N2 "Mini" WHOLEGARMENT® knitting machine in 15 gauge. MACH2®XS features 4 needle beds and SHIMA SEIKI's original SlideNeedle™, capable of producing high-quality fine gauge WHOLEGARMENT® knitwear in all needles. SWG®091N2 provides opportunities in WHOLEGARMENT® knitting across a wide range of items in a compact, economical package. A different approach to WHOLEGARMENT knitting is also shown in the form of the N.SVR®183 machine. SHIMA SEIKI's global standard in shaped knitting, the N.SVR® series now features a model for producing WHOLEGARMENT® knitwear using every other needle in fine gauge. Shown in 18 gauge at DTG, N.SVR®183 is the ideal machine for flexible, entry-level WHOLEGARMENT® production, with the versatility to respond to fluctuating market demand.

Demonstrations are performed on SHIMA SEIKI's SDS®-ONE APEX4 design system. At the core of the company’s "Total Fashion System" concept, it provides comprehensive support throughout the supply chain, integrating production into one smooth and efficient workflow from yarn development, product planning and design, to machine programming, production and even sales promotion.




Lenzing: Impairment requirements (EBIT) for the financial year 2023

  • EBITDA of around EUR 300 million expected for 2023
  • Non-cash impairment losses of up to EUR 480 million
  • Implementation of the performance program fully on track

The annual valuation of assets in accordance with IFRS for the entire Lenzing Group both nationally in Austria and internationally, has resulted in a projected asset impairment of up to EUR 480 million for the 2023 financial year.1 The reasons for the impairment requirements are, on the one hand, continued uncertainties in the economic environment and, on the other hand, still increased raw material and energy costs as well as a higher interest rate environment.

The impairment losses are non-cash effective and have no impact on the full-year EBITDA for 2023, but do affect EBIT for the 2023 financial year. The Managing Board is specifying the previous earnings forecast for the 2023 financial year (EBITDA: EUR 270 – 330 million) and expects an EBITDA of around EUR 300 million.

  • EBITDA of around EUR 300 million expected for 2023
  • Non-cash impairment losses of up to EUR 480 million
  • Implementation of the performance program fully on track

The annual valuation of assets in accordance with IFRS for the entire Lenzing Group both nationally in Austria and internationally, has resulted in a projected asset impairment of up to EUR 480 million for the 2023 financial year.1 The reasons for the impairment requirements are, on the one hand, continued uncertainties in the economic environment and, on the other hand, still increased raw material and energy costs as well as a higher interest rate environment.

The impairment losses are non-cash effective and have no impact on the full-year EBITDA for 2023, but do affect EBIT for the 2023 financial year. The Managing Board is specifying the previous earnings forecast for the 2023 financial year (EBITDA: EUR 270 – 330 million) and expects an EBITDA of around EUR 300 million.

Stephan Sielaff, Chief Executive Officer of the Lenzing Group: “In the third quarter of 2023, we responded to the persistently difficult market environment and launched a comprehensive performance program, which we have been consistently implementing since then with a focus on positive free cash flow and stronger sales and margin growth. We can therefore confirm our earnings forecast with an EBITDA of around EUR 300 million. The valuation adjustment in accordance with IFRS does not change the strategic orientation of the Lenzing Group.”

Nico Reiner, Chief Financial Officer, adds: “The implementation of the performance program is going according to plan. In the future, cost measures alone are expected to contribute more than EUR 100 million to earnings annually, of which more than EUR 50 million will already be effective for the 2024 financial year. We are on target, particularly in terms of strengthening free cash flow, and we also achieved positive free cash flow in the fourth quarter. The revaluation of assets is now consistent and the right step for the future direction.”

The 2023 annual results will be presented on March 15, 2024.

1 Subject to potential changes resulting from the ongoing financial audit


Lenzing AG

Presentation of the certificate for 1st place in the business plan competition KEUR.NRW 2023 to the RWTH start-up SA-Dynamics; from left to right: Oliver Krischer (Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Transport of the State of NRW), Sascha Schriever (SA-Dynamics); Maximilian Mohr (SA-Dynamics); Jens Hofer (SA-Dynamics); Christian Schwotzer (SA-Dynamics) © Business Angels Deutschland e. V. (BAND)
Presentation of the certificate for 1st place in the business plan competition KEUR.NRW 2023 to the RWTH start-up SA-Dynamics; from left to right: Oliver Krischer (Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Transport of the State of NRW), Sascha Schriever (SA-Dynamics); Maximilian Mohr (SA-Dynamics); Jens Hofer (SA-Dynamics); Christian Schwotzer (SA-Dynamics)

Start-up: Bio-based aerogel fibres replace synthetic insulation materials

The Aachen-based start-up SA-Dynamics is developing sustainable, bio-based and biodegradable insulation materials made from aerogel fibres, thereby setting new standards in resource-saving construction. Dr Sascha Schriever (Institut für Textiltechnik ITA), Maximilian Mohr (ITA), Dr Jens Hofer (ITA Postdoc) and Dr Christian Schwotzer (Department for Industrial Furnaces and Heat Engineering IOB), who trained at RWTH Aachen University, were awarded first place in the KUER.NRW Business Plan Competition 2023 and prize money of €6,000.

SA-Dynamics relies on the impressive properties of aerogel fibres: they have excellent insulating properties, are lightweight, durable, robust, versatile and can be processed very well on conventional textile machines thanks to their flexibility. This makes them comparable to polystyrene, but still sustainable, as SA Dynamics uses bio-based and biodegradable raw materials.

The Aachen-based start-up SA-Dynamics is developing sustainable, bio-based and biodegradable insulation materials made from aerogel fibres, thereby setting new standards in resource-saving construction. Dr Sascha Schriever (Institut für Textiltechnik ITA), Maximilian Mohr (ITA), Dr Jens Hofer (ITA Postdoc) and Dr Christian Schwotzer (Department for Industrial Furnaces and Heat Engineering IOB), who trained at RWTH Aachen University, were awarded first place in the KUER.NRW Business Plan Competition 2023 and prize money of €6,000.

SA-Dynamics relies on the impressive properties of aerogel fibres: they have excellent insulating properties, are lightweight, durable, robust, versatile and can be processed very well on conventional textile machines thanks to their flexibility. This makes them comparable to polystyrene, but still sustainable, as SA Dynamics uses bio-based and biodegradable raw materials.

"We can revolutionise the construction world with bio-based aerogel fibres," explains ITA founder Dr Sascha Schriever proudly. "If all insulation materials in construction are converted to bio-based aerogel fibres, all builders can realise their dream of a sustainable house."

SA Dynamics has come a good deal closer to its founding goal by winning the KUER.NRW 2023 business plan competition. The spin-off from Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) and Department for Industrial Furnaces and Heat Engineering (IOB) at RWTH Aachen University is scheduled for spring 2025.


ITA – Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University

Statusbericht der deutschen Kreislaufwirtschaft 2024 (c) Prognos AG

Statusbericht der deutschen Kreislaufwirtschaft 2024

Der Statusbericht der deutschen Kreislaufwirtschaft 2024 beleuchtet zum dritten Mal nach 2018 und 2020 die Situation der deutschen Kreislaufwirtschaft. Seit der ersten Veröffentlichung im Mai des Jahres 2018 sind fast sechs Jahre vergangen. In diesem Zeitraum haben in Deutschland zwei Ereignisse für eine veränderte Sichtweise auf die Branche geführt: Zunächst die Corona-Krise, die nicht nur die Leistungs- und Anpassungsfähigkeit der Branche, sondern auch ihre Systemrelevanz für die Funktionsfähigkeit des gesellschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen Lebens unter Beweis gestellt hat. In diesem Zusammenhang ist seit Anfang des Jahres 2020 auch das Ansehen der Abfallentsorgung und vor allem der beteiligten Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter in der Bevölkerung deutlich gestiegen.

Der Statusbericht der deutschen Kreislaufwirtschaft 2024 beleuchtet zum dritten Mal nach 2018 und 2020 die Situation der deutschen Kreislaufwirtschaft. Seit der ersten Veröffentlichung im Mai des Jahres 2018 sind fast sechs Jahre vergangen. In diesem Zeitraum haben in Deutschland zwei Ereignisse für eine veränderte Sichtweise auf die Branche geführt: Zunächst die Corona-Krise, die nicht nur die Leistungs- und Anpassungsfähigkeit der Branche, sondern auch ihre Systemrelevanz für die Funktionsfähigkeit des gesellschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen Lebens unter Beweis gestellt hat. In diesem Zusammenhang ist seit Anfang des Jahres 2020 auch das Ansehen der Abfallentsorgung und vor allem der beteiligten Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter in der Bevölkerung deutlich gestiegen.

Der Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine hat vor Augen geführt, wie stark Deutschland von Energie- und Rohstoffimporten abhängig ist und wie schnell Störungen in den Lieferketten zu Problemen bei der Versorgung mit wichtigen Gütern führen können. Die Abfallwirtschaft kann sowohl durch die Kreislaufführung von Rohstoffen als auch durch die energetische Verwertung wichtige Beiträge zur Reduzierung dieser Abhängigkeiten leisten.

Die Kernthesen des Statusberichtes 2024

  • Das gesamte Abfallaufkommen in Deutschland bleibt seit vielen Jahren stabil bei rund 400 Millionen Tonnen, die Abfallmengen aus privaten Haushalten steigen sowohl absolut als auch pro Kopf weiter leicht an
  • Die Kreislaufwirtschaft wächst weiter: Mehr Recycling, mehr Beschäftigung und ein Umsatzsprung durch höhere Rohstoffpreise.
  • Kreislaufwirtschaft international: Wachsende Märkte für Technik und Güter bei zunehmendem Wettbewerbsdruck für die deutschen Unternehmen
  • Kreislaufwirtschaft vernetzt: Bedeutende Beiträge zum Klimaschutz, zur Rohstoffversorgung und zur Energiewende.
  • Die Wertschätzung der Branche und ihrer Beschäftigung nimmt zu, gleiches gilt allerdings nicht für die Akzeptanz der für die stoffliche und energetische Verwertung notwendigen Anlagen.
  • Kreislaufwirtschaft digital und innovativ: Die Digitalisierung unterstützt Sammlung und Transport, innovative Verfahren verbessern die Recyclingergebnisse, Startups mit neuen Ideen
  • Produzenten und Recycler rücken immer enger zusammen, gleichwohl sind für den Wiedereinsatz von Recyclingrohstoffen die Absatzmärkte sicherzustellen
  • Brüssel gibt mittlerweile in vielen Feldern der Kreislaufwirtschaft die Zielrichtung und die Geschwindigkeit vor. Das Ziel: Die Transformation von einer linearen Wirtschaft zu einer Circular Economy
  • Für den Transformationsprozess zur Circular Economy ist eine funktionierende Kreislaufwirtschaft die wichtigste Basis, gleiches gilt für den Green Deal


Selection of looks of the What Goes Around Comes Around exhibition Photographer: Elzo Bonam
Selection of looks of the What Goes Around Comes Around exhibition

Fashion for Good Museum: Final exhibition “What goes around comes around”

The Fashion for Good museum in Amsterdam marks its 6 year journey with a special fashion exhibition focused on circularity, called What Goes Around Comes Around. Honing in on how circularity plays out in different circles of influence, the exhibition showcases inspirational displays that make tangible what a circular fashion industry will look like.

What Goes Around Comes Around pays homage to the extraordinary work of pioneering artists, innovators and designers working to shift the fashion industry with new solutions. The exhibition opens January 27, 2024 and will be open to the public for 5 months. It is the grand finale, as the Museum is closing its doors. As such it will be the Museum’s final call to collective action, which the fashion industry still so highly needs.

The Fashion for Good museum in Amsterdam marks its 6 year journey with a special fashion exhibition focused on circularity, called What Goes Around Comes Around. Honing in on how circularity plays out in different circles of influence, the exhibition showcases inspirational displays that make tangible what a circular fashion industry will look like.

What Goes Around Comes Around pays homage to the extraordinary work of pioneering artists, innovators and designers working to shift the fashion industry with new solutions. The exhibition opens January 27, 2024 and will be open to the public for 5 months. It is the grand finale, as the Museum is closing its doors. As such it will be the Museum’s final call to collective action, which the fashion industry still so highly needs.

“We are highlighting three areas in What Goes Around Comes Around", explains curator Sophie Jager-van Duren at the Fashion for Good Museum. “First: new work by local artists Atelier Reservé and The Patchwork Family, design collectives working towards circularity, demonstrating what is happening right now. We are also showing looks from established designers BOTTER, Ronald van der Kemp and Marga Weimans, Yuima Nakazato and Nicole McLaughlin. Second, the community, with an installation for visitors to participate in, planting the seed that we need each other to change the fashion system. Lastly, the industry - honing in on examples of innovations and technologies. We invited designers to create new work with circular materials including Living Ink, MIRUM, Altmat and Biophilica.”

Today’s fashion industry is caught in a vicious cycle of ‘take-make-waste’ and this system has a growing negative impact on people and the planet. For instance, in Europe, the average consumer is responsible for 15 kilos of textile waste per year and these numbers are increasing. To address this, we need action from individuals, the industry and society alike to go from a linear take-make-waste model into one that is circular by design.

The Fashion for Good Museum is inviting anybody to come visit its final exhibition and learn from concrete examples, to understand the current state of the fashion industry, gain the tools for taking individual or collective action and be inspired by circular fashion available today.

Designing for circularity means designing without creating waste or pollution, as all materials are continually reused instead of discarded. A circular system is restorative and regenerative and reduces pressure on natural resources. The ultimate goal of the exhibition is to put circularity into practice, help people envision a circular economy based on community practices and empower visitors to take collective action, starting in the museum but extending to their homes and daily lives.

Through the exhibition and its public programme, which consists of interactive workshops and educational events, the museum functions as a community space where visitors are invited to learn, gain new perspectives and are exposed to inspiring examples, building the skills and knowledge to create positive change. The upcoming few months there are multiple events, educational toolkits and other opportunities to join us, all open for the public, keep an eye out on our website and social media channels for the latest updates.

The exhibition is open for the public from Saturday 27th of January until June 5th 2024, marking World Environment Day on June 5th as the final closing day of the museum.


Fashion for Good 

KARL MAYER: Launch of new tricot machine TM 4 EL (c) KARL MAYER GROUP

KARL MAYER: Launch of new tricot machine TM 4 EL

At the end of last year, KARL MAYER launched the TM 4 EL – a new, highly flexible machine for the mid-range segment in the four-bar tricot machine sector. The machine produces fabrics for upholstery, automotive interiors and outerwear, as well as sportswear items and home textiles.

Featuring KARL MAYER’s proven CFRP technology, the TM 4 EL is up to 30% faster than the previous four-bar tricot machine designed for the commodity sector.

The new TM 4 EL is offered in gauges E 28 and E 32. The available working widths are 210” and 280”, with a working width extension also available. Further width varieties are also planned. Equipment highlights include an integrated Laser Stop to detect yarn breakages early, and functional LED lighting, which illuminates the warp knitting area for easy handling and signals unplanned machine stops using the corresponding colour. The machine can be networked with KM.ON’s secure cloud via the k.ey device to utilise the KARL MAYER GROUP’s digital solutions. This includes, for example, the web-based lapping editor CORE LITE.

At the end of last year, KARL MAYER launched the TM 4 EL – a new, highly flexible machine for the mid-range segment in the four-bar tricot machine sector. The machine produces fabrics for upholstery, automotive interiors and outerwear, as well as sportswear items and home textiles.

Featuring KARL MAYER’s proven CFRP technology, the TM 4 EL is up to 30% faster than the previous four-bar tricot machine designed for the commodity sector.

The new TM 4 EL is offered in gauges E 28 and E 32. The available working widths are 210” and 280”, with a working width extension also available. Further width varieties are also planned. Equipment highlights include an integrated Laser Stop to detect yarn breakages early, and functional LED lighting, which illuminates the warp knitting area for easy handling and signals unplanned machine stops using the corresponding colour. The machine can be networked with KM.ON’s secure cloud via the k.ey device to utilise the KARL MAYER GROUP’s digital solutions. This includes, for example, the web-based lapping editor CORE LITE.




Manchester United partners with SCAYLE for e-commerce platform

Manchester United has announced it has chosen SCAYLE as its official e-commerce platform partner. The club’s new e-commerce experience will launch later this year and continue to be evolved in alignment with the club’s ambition of delivering a best in class direct-to-consumer experience for its global fan base.

SCAYLE provides the technical backbone for more than 140 online stores and was specifically designed for B2C use cases with a focus on the fashion, lifestyle and sports sectors.

Manchester United have appointed SCAYLE to operate a new direct-to-consumer platform that is based on and powered by the SCAYLE commerce engine, dedicated to providing a compelling and customised experience that can quickly adapt to fastchanging requirements.

Manchester United has announced it has chosen SCAYLE as its official e-commerce platform partner. The club’s new e-commerce experience will launch later this year and continue to be evolved in alignment with the club’s ambition of delivering a best in class direct-to-consumer experience for its global fan base.

SCAYLE provides the technical backbone for more than 140 online stores and was specifically designed for B2C use cases with a focus on the fashion, lifestyle and sports sectors.

Manchester United have appointed SCAYLE to operate a new direct-to-consumer platform that is based on and powered by the SCAYLE commerce engine, dedicated to providing a compelling and customised experience that can quickly adapt to fastchanging requirements.


SCAYLE / Vaubel Medienberatung GmbH