From the Sector

34 results

Blue of a kind and Officina+39 introduce their sustainable collaboration

Two Italian companies committed to the transition to an ecological industry and presented the results of their collaboration at the Blue of a Kind shop in Milan. A union of intent that has led to a partnership initially born remotely, in the middle of the difficulties of recent years, finally set off through the live painting performance by Erik Varusio. The artist from Vicenza, well-known in the world of fashion and illustration, has customized a selection of Blue of a kind’s t-shirts using the sustainable Officina+39's Recycrom™ dyestuff.

Revolution of existing
Blue of a kind is meant to be not just a fashion company, rather a community built around an idea: to combine uncompromised style, contemporary fit and products with a valuable heritage, and a sustainable production process. The products are made exclusively from vintage products handcrafted with the use of scrap fabrics and surplus, thanks to a network of suppliers all over Europe, which makes it possible to find the best vintage garments and stock, ultimately becoming the raw material to lead a luxury revolution, chic yet sustainable.

Two Italian companies committed to the transition to an ecological industry and presented the results of their collaboration at the Blue of a Kind shop in Milan. A union of intent that has led to a partnership initially born remotely, in the middle of the difficulties of recent years, finally set off through the live painting performance by Erik Varusio. The artist from Vicenza, well-known in the world of fashion and illustration, has customized a selection of Blue of a kind’s t-shirts using the sustainable Officina+39's Recycrom™ dyestuff.

Revolution of existing
Blue of a kind is meant to be not just a fashion company, rather a community built around an idea: to combine uncompromised style, contemporary fit and products with a valuable heritage, and a sustainable production process. The products are made exclusively from vintage products handcrafted with the use of scrap fabrics and surplus, thanks to a network of suppliers all over Europe, which makes it possible to find the best vintage garments and stock, ultimately becoming the raw material to lead a luxury revolution, chic yet sustainable.

Fashion and sustainable chemicals
The mission of Blue of a kind perfectly matches with the technologies of Officina+39, a Biella-based company for which the word “waste” becomes synonymous with opportunity, a source for creating something new, encouraging circularity and reducing environmental impact. From this vision comes to be Recycrom™, a revolutionary and sustainable dyestuffs range, patented, which employs recycled used clothing, fibrous material, and textile scraps: its full range of pigment powders is obtained through a cutting-edge upcycling process that involves textile fibers from used clothing and manufacturing waste for dyeing and printing on cotton, wool, nylon or any cellulosic and natural fiber or blend.

Shared goals
Both companies firmly believe that the present and future of the fashion industry lies in circularity and upcycling without compromise. The sector has been hit hard in recent years by the pandemic and the difficulty in finding raw materials, but opportunities have been generated to think about new partnerships and initiatives, to focus on available resources and real needs, and to invest in sustainable technologies for change.
Being part of this change is the goal shared by Blue of a kind and Officina+39, starting with concrete contributions and more transparent, sustainable, durable and quality products.


Officina+39 / Menabò Group


Atelier Emé collaborates with mending for good for Upcyling Project

An exclusive collection of archival wedding dresses by Atelier Emé artfully reworked in collaboration with mending for good, the consulting firm offering luxury brands creative and ethical solutions for design-driven upcycling.

Re-Love is the capsule collection composed of sixteen wedding dresses - 10 developed in collaboration with mending for good, 6 created in-house by the company's style office. Sixteen iconic garments of the brand selected among the most significant in the history of the maison, reworked with love through a transformation project based on the principles of circularity. Harmonious and enchanted fusion of past and present, an effort that makes clear and possible innovation strategies following sustainability paths.

An exclusive collection of archival wedding dresses by Atelier Emé artfully reworked in collaboration with mending for good, the consulting firm offering luxury brands creative and ethical solutions for design-driven upcycling.

Re-Love is the capsule collection composed of sixteen wedding dresses - 10 developed in collaboration with mending for good, 6 created in-house by the company's style office. Sixteen iconic garments of the brand selected among the most significant in the history of the maison, reworked with love through a transformation project based on the principles of circularity. Harmonious and enchanted fusion of past and present, an effort that makes clear and possible innovation strategies following sustainability paths.

Atelier Emé has decided to collaborate with mending for good by developing a series of pieces based  on craftsmanship techniques, creativity, romance and fun, starting from the archive dresses. A work carried out by the style office in the sartorial laboratories of the Maison Atelier Emé deconstructing and reconstructing the chosen garments, while mending for good, on the other hand, has provided repurposing solutions through painting on fabric by Karl Joerns of La Serra MK textile Atelier in Florence, hand embroidery by Donatella de Bonis and hand decorations. A fairy-tale upcycling, achieved through a synergistic work that has combined highly specialized skills and craftsmanship for ten creations, full of colorful designs, watercolor bouquets, three-dimensional applications and ton-sur-ton embroidery.


C.L.A.S.S. / GB Network


FFW lanciert erste physische Shows und Präsentationen

Frankfurt plant den Laufsteg: Die Frankfurt Fashion Week wird trotz massiver Einschränkungen durch die Corona-Pandemie erstmals ausgewählte Veranstaltungen physisch durchführen – unter Berücksichtigung der aktuellen Hygiene- und Sicherheitsbestimmungen (2G+). Zu den Event-Highlights zählen auch physische Showcases und Installationen vor Ort. Vom 17. bis 21. Januar 2022 wird eine vielfältige Auswahl an Marken und Formaten ihre Kollektionen präsentieren, die auf den strategischen Säulen der Nachhaltigkeit und Digitalisierung basieren.

Frankfurt plant den Laufsteg: Die Frankfurt Fashion Week wird trotz massiver Einschränkungen durch die Corona-Pandemie erstmals ausgewählte Veranstaltungen physisch durchführen – unter Berücksichtigung der aktuellen Hygiene- und Sicherheitsbestimmungen (2G+). Zu den Event-Highlights zählen auch physische Showcases und Installationen vor Ort. Vom 17. bis 21. Januar 2022 wird eine vielfältige Auswahl an Marken und Formaten ihre Kollektionen präsentieren, die auf den strategischen Säulen der Nachhaltigkeit und Digitalisierung basieren.

Als globale Business-Plattform für Mode, Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation startet die NEONYT, mit einer Multi-Brand-Installation. Die NEONYT INSTALLATION präsentiert am 18. Januar, in der Off-Site Location Danzig am Platz im Frankfurter Ostend, einen kuratierten Mix aus nationalen und internationalen nachhaltigen Modemarken. Sie gilt als Synonym für den grundlegenden Transformationsprozess der Textil- und Modeindustrie. Daher werden die teilnehmenden Marken vier Schlüsselthemen aufzeigen: Während „Luft“ die CO2e-Emissionen widerspiegelt, konzentriert sich das zweite Thema auf Wasser und das dritte auf das Thema "Zirkularität", einschließlich Re- und Upcycling sowie Cradle2Cradle. Das vierte Thema basiert auf unseren sich ständig weiterentwickelnden „sozialen Themen“ entlang der textilen Wertschöpfungsketten – unter Einbeziehung der Themen (traditionelles) Handwerk, Fairtrade, soziale Projekte und deren soziale Auswirkungen.

Im Anschluss an die NEONYT INSTALLATION veranstaltet der Fashion Council Germany, zusammen mit der Frankfurt Fashion Week, am selben Tag die FRANKFURT STAGE mit einer gemeinsamen Modenschau. Die Show ist das Ergebnis eines Wettbewerbs, bei dem sich die Mitglieder des Fashion Council Germany für ein ganzes Showformat bewerben konnten, das die Marken des Gewinnerkonzepts vereint. Der Preis beinhaltet eine komplette Produktion, einschließlich der Kosten für Location, Aufbau, Technik, Models, Haare & Make-up und mehr. Die Konzepte werden von den Juroren Christiane Arp (Fashion Council Germany), Claudia Franz (Messe Frankfurt), Herbert Hofmann (Highsnobiety), Magdalena Schaffrin (studio MM04), Scott Lipinski (Fashion Council Germany) und W Springorum (Alhambra Berlin) nach ihrem Fokus auf Nachhaltigkeit, Inklusion und Innovation bewertet.

Zu den Präsentationen sind ausschließlich Mitglieder des Fashion Council Germany sowie Gäste eingeladen, die nur über eine Einladung verfügen (Teilnahmebedingungen: 2G+).

Weitere deutsche und internationale Marken werden an der Frankfurt Fashion Week teilnehmen und ihre neuesten Kollektionen präsentieren. BALDESSARINI wird seine aktuelle Herrenkollektion präsentieren, die in Deutschland entworfen wurde, vom Lebensgefühl Hollywoods inspiriert ist und sich durch den internationalen Erfolg etabliert hat. BALDESSARINI wird ein außergewöhnliches Offsite-Show-Format in einem der renommiertesten und preisgekrönten Frankfurter Nacht- und Musikclubs, The Gibson, veranstalten. Unter dem Motto „L.A. Nights on Sunset Strips" wird die Modemarke zeitlose Luxusartikel präsentieren, die den aktuellen Zeitgeist mit traditioneller Handwerkskunst verbinden und höchsten Ansprüchen an Qualität, Passform und Innovation gerecht werden.

Die Frankfurt Fashion Week versteht sich als Initiatorin einer nachhaltigen Bewegung mit dem Ziel, die Fashionwelt zu verändern. Die teilnehmenden Marken werden ihre Visionen und Ambitionen widerspiegeln, um ein Zeichen des Umdenkens in der deutschen Modeindustrie zu setzen und die Modeindustrie als Impulsgeber für eine nachhaltigere, zukunftsorientierte Transformation ihres Geschäfts zu ermutigen.


Messe Frankfurt GmbH / KERN

Modelabel Brunello Cucinelli setzt nachhaltiges PaperLab von Epson ein (c) Epson / Brunello Cucinelli

Modelabel Brunello Cucinelli setzt nachhaltiges PaperLab von Epson ein

Das Technologieunternehmen Epson hat mit der italienischen Luxusmodemarke Brunello Cucinelli eine Partnerschaft geschlossen, um das PaperLab von Epson einzusetzen. Das PaperLab ist ein innovatives und nachhaltiges Papierrecyclingsystem, das es Unternehmen ermöglicht, den Ressourcenkreislauf zu schließen und die Kreislaufpapierwirtschaft auf ihrem Weg zur Nachhaltigkeit vollständig zu nutzen.  

Mit dem PaperLab von Epson können Unternehmen Papier in einem Prozess recyceln und upcyceln – eine zirkuläre Lösung, die Papier, Abfall und Energieverschwendung erheblich reduziert. So kann Brunello Cucinelli sein Papier in einem einzigen Prozess nicht nur recyceln, sondern auch upcyceln.

Das Technologieunternehmen Epson hat mit der italienischen Luxusmodemarke Brunello Cucinelli eine Partnerschaft geschlossen, um das PaperLab von Epson einzusetzen. Das PaperLab ist ein innovatives und nachhaltiges Papierrecyclingsystem, das es Unternehmen ermöglicht, den Ressourcenkreislauf zu schließen und die Kreislaufpapierwirtschaft auf ihrem Weg zur Nachhaltigkeit vollständig zu nutzen.  

Mit dem PaperLab von Epson können Unternehmen Papier in einem Prozess recyceln und upcyceln – eine zirkuläre Lösung, die Papier, Abfall und Energieverschwendung erheblich reduziert. So kann Brunello Cucinelli sein Papier in einem einzigen Prozess nicht nur recyceln, sondern auch upcyceln.

Epson hat sich im Rahmen seiner Unternehmensvision „Epson 25“ verpflichtet, die Emissionen in der Lieferkette bis 2030 um mehr als zwei Millionen Tonnen zu reduzieren. Die Strategie ebnet Unternehmen den Weg, ihre Geschäftsmodelle anzupassen. Ein Beispiel hierfür ist ein funktionierender Recyclingkreislauf in Büros. Etwa die Hälfte des gesamten Abfallaufkommens im Büro ist Papier, mit entsprechenden CO2-Fußabdruck. Es wird geschätzt, dass Papier mehr als ein Viertel des gesamten Abfalls auf Deponien ausmacht und ursächlich für rund 42 Prozent der weltweiten Holzernte ist.

Das PaperLab fungiert als Katalysator für ein zirkuläres Büro-Ökosystem, indem es gleichzeitig Wasser und Holz spart und CO2-Emissionen reduziert. Basierend auf der innovativen Dry Fiber-Technologie von Epson kann das PaperLab stündlich bis zu 720 A4- oder 360 A3-Blatt Papier produzieren. Neben Umweltaspekten ist das PaperLab auch unter Sicherheitsgesichtspunkten interessant, denn das Papier wird so zerstört, dass sensible Inhalte nicht wiederhergestellt werden können.


Epson Deutschland GmbH

(c) Dibella GmbH

Dibella launches 2nd upcycling project: napkins become jeans

After starting the first "Dibella up" circular-flow concept in August 2020, thousands of high-quality bags have already been made from used hotel textiles. Now the company is presenting another upcycling project: As part of a feasibility study, organic Fairtrade napkins that could no longer be rented out by the company were turned into jeans.

The second "Dibella up" project promises successful recycling of used object textiles. Within the framework of a feasibility study, almost 5,000 discarded napkins were used for jeans production in Pakistan. The special feature of the process is the traceability of the raw materials through all processing stages.

The napkins made of pure organic Fairtrade cotton originated in India. There, the fibres were grown and harvested by micro-farmers of the Chetna cooperative and then processed into durable textiles by a certified company. From Dibella, the napkins went to Lamme Textile Management, where they went through the use process in laundry and catering for many years. All stages were traceable by means of a "Respect Code" with which each piece was marked.

After starting the first "Dibella up" circular-flow concept in August 2020, thousands of high-quality bags have already been made from used hotel textiles. Now the company is presenting another upcycling project: As part of a feasibility study, organic Fairtrade napkins that could no longer be rented out by the company were turned into jeans.

The second "Dibella up" project promises successful recycling of used object textiles. Within the framework of a feasibility study, almost 5,000 discarded napkins were used for jeans production in Pakistan. The special feature of the process is the traceability of the raw materials through all processing stages.

The napkins made of pure organic Fairtrade cotton originated in India. There, the fibres were grown and harvested by micro-farmers of the Chetna cooperative and then processed into durable textiles by a certified company. From Dibella, the napkins went to Lamme Textile Management, where they went through the use process in laundry and catering for many years. All stages were traceable by means of a "Respect Code" with which each piece was marked.

In the recycling project, the original supply chain was reversed: Dibella transported the organic Fairtrade napkins discarded by Lamme Textile Management to Pakistan. There, the goods were shredded and the organic Fairtrade cotton fibres recovered in a full-scale textile plant specialising in sustainability. In the next step, they were mixed with "fresh fibres", spun into yarns for denim production, woven, finished with sustainable processes, subjected to quality tests and then made up into jeans.

More information:

Dibella GmbH

Iluna: Sustainability in the lace manufacturing industry (c) Iluna Group

Iluna: Sustainability in the lace manufacturing industry

Since 2014, Iluna Group Srl stands out for braiding together the values of beauty, innovation and responsibility.
The company achieved this with Iluna Lab, a cutting-edge research and development centre where laces are conceived and engineered to become sustainable ingredients for the contemporary wardrobe.
The smart values are attested by the STeP - Sustainable Textile Production by Oeko – Tex® certification for its ethic approach. “We are also the first lace producer to have gained the GRS - Global Recycled Standard for transformed products, and whose products are all certified OEKO-TEX® Standard 100.” Comments Walter Colombo, Technical Director at Iluna Group Srl.
 Moreover, in recognition of the great value of responsible innovation, Iluna Group is now officially a partner of C.L.A.S.S., the international ecohub founded in 2007 by Giusy Bettoni, a reference point in the fashion and textile sector for all those who want to make fashion smarter.

Since 2014, Iluna Group Srl stands out for braiding together the values of beauty, innovation and responsibility.
The company achieved this with Iluna Lab, a cutting-edge research and development centre where laces are conceived and engineered to become sustainable ingredients for the contemporary wardrobe.
The smart values are attested by the STeP - Sustainable Textile Production by Oeko – Tex® certification for its ethic approach. “We are also the first lace producer to have gained the GRS - Global Recycled Standard for transformed products, and whose products are all certified OEKO-TEX® Standard 100.” Comments Walter Colombo, Technical Director at Iluna Group Srl.
 Moreover, in recognition of the great value of responsible innovation, Iluna Group is now officially a partner of C.L.A.S.S., the international ecohub founded in 2007 by Giusy Bettoni, a reference point in the fashion and textile sector for all those who want to make fashion smarter.

Now the company announces two important collaborations with Néné Paris and NOO, “two booming French brands which have intercepted and share our values and vision for sustainability where beauty and innovation are key”.

Néné focuses on preserving natural resources using only upcycled fabrics or fabrics made with recycled fibers. Each and every step of the production is entirely made in Europe.

French independent designer brand NOO creates exquisite lingerie, timeless ready-to-wear garments and bold cut swimwear and bodysuit for women. The brand pays extreme care to aesthetics and details at every step of the production process, from sourcing materials to waste reduction, choosing factories and using recyclable packagings.


GB Network

Lamme Textielbeheer supports "Dibella up" with tons of laundry. (c) Lamme Textile Management
Six tons of bed linen, towels and napkins on the way to a new "life". Owner Jan Lamme (left) and Assistant Operations Manager Frank David are collecting for more sustainability in the textile service.

Lamme Textielbeheer supports "Dibella up" with tons of laundry.

  • "Dibella up" records its first big success

Aalten, "Dibella up" is bearing its first fruits. Since the launch of the recycling concept initiated in August 2020, six tons of sorted laundry items have already been returned to Dibella and converted into new ones by the company in farsighted reuse projects. The customer who has been involved in the project from the very beginning is Lamme Textielbeheer from Nederhorst den Berg. The Dutch textile service provider sees the initiative as an important measure for more appreciation of resources.

  • "Dibella up" records its first big success

Aalten, "Dibella up" is bearing its first fruits. Since the launch of the recycling concept initiated in August 2020, six tons of sorted laundry items have already been returned to Dibella and converted into new ones by the company in farsighted reuse projects. The customer who has been involved in the project from the very beginning is Lamme Textielbeheer from Nederhorst den Berg. The Dutch textile service provider sees the initiative as an important measure for more appreciation of resources.

Dibella has taken the closed-loop approach of the textile service as a model and has taken a step towards a completely closed cycle with the "Dibella up" project. The system includes unlimited reuse and recycling of the fibre raw materials bound in the textiles. To this end, the company's own textile qualities, which are selected from laundries, are taken back and passed on to selected upcycling projects. Polyester-cotton blended fabrics are processed there into high-quality bags. Pure natural fibre textiles as well as blended fabrics with at least 50 percent cotton are chemically converted into an important raw material for cellulose fibre production, while the remaining polyester is still being thermally recycled for technical reasons.

Six tons of laundry from the Netherlands

Lamme Textielbeheer was immediately enthusiastic about the "Dibella up" initiative. The committed company has been involved in various Dibella sustainability projects for many years and recognises the future-oriented character of the new project. "Our will to cooperate was immediately clear after Dibella's managing director Ralf Hellmann presented the upcycling project, because we see it as an important measure for the prudent use of resources," reports Jan Lamme, managing director of the company of the same name. "Within a very short period of time, we therefore jointly started to take back our discarded, no longer usable old textiles. In this way, we have already been able to return six tonnes of laundry for a new product cycle. This corresponds exactly to our idea of upcycling!". "Dibella provides stable, reusable cartons for shipping," says a delighted Frank David, Lamme's Assistant Operations Manager. "This makes collection much easier for us and we don't have to take any means of transport out of our laundry".

Prepared for the mega-trend of recycling management

Dibella would like to build on the initial joint success and further expand the initiative for a closed textile cycle in the industry. "The awareness of sustainability is high in the textile rental service. But the next mega-trend is already emerging. The future lies in closed-loop recycling. With "Dibella up", we are offering our customers the opportunity to get involved now and make resources usable in the long term. We are happy about every new cooperation partner who appreciates the value of textiles as much as we do".


Dibella b.v.

RUDOLF HUB1922 : Innovation rooted into Aspirational Chemistry (c) RUDOLF Group

RUDOLF HUB1922 : Innovation rooted into Aspirational Chemistry

The textile industry, one of the major industrial sectors worldwide, is going through a significant revolution, with changes taking place in various sections of textile processing. Biotechnology and biomimicry, for example, are continuously playing an important role in redefining the influence of the textile industry on society, and so is progress made in auxiliary chemistry, with advances investigated and then applied in almost every section of textile processing.  The outcome is amazingly promising.

Modern, real science is inextricably intertwined with environmental consciousness and they are definitely not mutually exclusive.

The textile industry, one of the major industrial sectors worldwide, is going through a significant revolution, with changes taking place in various sections of textile processing. Biotechnology and biomimicry, for example, are continuously playing an important role in redefining the influence of the textile industry on society, and so is progress made in auxiliary chemistry, with advances investigated and then applied in almost every section of textile processing.  The outcome is amazingly promising.

Modern, real science is inextricably intertwined with environmental consciousness and they are definitely not mutually exclusive.

At RUDOLF GROUP modern, real science means pushing R&D so to constantly explore new technology and innovations that help transform the textile and fashion industries. We work to reduce the overall dependency on traditional and virgin resources.  Getting textile manufacturers as well as brand and retailers on board is key to achieve real change. By 2030 we aim for a significant fraction of our products to be either sourced through paths alternative to the traditional petrochemicals, or by upcycling waste and/or byproducts from other industries.

“This is the kind of genuine, tangible, environmental consciousness that truly defines us and that entails that RUDOLF GROUP has a responsibility for the needs of society as a whole.” Said Alberto De Conti, Head of Rudolf Fashion Division “We have a maniacal attention to the environmental impact of our operations and products. We have truly embedded in ourselves the notion that “sustainability” is a key issue and critical to the long-term survival of our company and of society at large. “

The combination of modern, real science and environmental consciousness leads to what RUDOLF GROUP call aspirational chemistry something unique and something that positions us as shining example and guiding light throughout the industry. That is, in fact, BETTER CHEMISTRY.

Two are the innovations rooted in aspirational chemistry that RUDOLF HUB1922 presents. The first one is our WASHLESS technology and the second one is a brand new launch: LASER SMOOTHER, which supports laser technology and helps creating much better denim looks.


HUB1922 WASHLESS, which can be applied to both denim and non-denim, is the simultaneous application of
-    proprietary fluorine-free DWR (Durable Water Resistance) based on biomimicry to repel dirt
-    anti-microbial, anti-bacteria and anti-viral, non-migrating chemistry to stop body odour.
The combination of the 2 translates into garments that don’t require to be washed as much.

Life cycle assessment studies on clothes, detergents and washing machines show that home laundering is always the most energy‐demanding period during these products' life cycle, even higher than production or transportation phases.

“WASHLESS aims at changing consumer habits in clothing maintenance to a more environmentally friendly direction and represents a change that is the most feasible and efficient. Making washing machines obsolete is impossible, but even though the technologies in clothes cleaning have improved greatly, the washing frequency has not been reduced. We own more and more clothing and wash it more frequently. This increased amount of washing counteracts the technological improvements in home laundry. “ said De Conti.

It is only by understanding the climate change impact associated with home laundering that product innovations and consumer education can be explored. Studies consistently show that a carbon dioxide reduction of 105 MT and electricity savings of 142 thousand GWh can be obtained by reducing home laundering, on average, by 1/3. This is roughly equivalent to removing 12% of the 140 M passenger cars in the US, or taking 23 coal power plants off the grid. In addition, more than 60% of water consumed while laundering (2,000 billion liters) can be reduced through these strategies.


Laser denim is the current dominant technology available to the denim industry to create locally abraded areas, vintage effects, whiskers, patterns, patches, and even intentional holes and tears in a garment. Laser technology uses less water, harmful chemicals (such as potassium permanganate) and energy to create a wide variety of denim looks.

However, laser is not always able to produce the desired look, on the desired fabric, in the desired time. Therefore, chemical companies have been developing laser boosters that can be pre-applied to the garments in order to intensify the effect of the laser to mimic heavier bleaching applications. Unfortunately, laser boosters can create blurred images where the definition is lower and the overall image less natural.

The brand new RUDOLF HUB1922 LASER SMOOTHER is an all-in-one formulation, very easy to pre-apply to garments before laser burning and that return a very natural image which is very similar to the highly desirable hand scraping. Laser smoother can be applied by traditional exhaust or through nebulization and it dries at normal temperature in normal tumble driers.  Advantages of LASER PRIMER are:

•    Remarkable enhancement of the fabric’s characteristics (heightening of material)
•    Overall effect much more natural and similar to manual scraping (craftsmanship dimension)
•    Reduced required laser power to achieve the wanted effect (conspicuous energy saving)
•    A faster laser burning process (significant time saving, depending on the final effect)
•    Any other chemical spray is not required (environmental friendliness)
•    Reduced cost compared to other solution (financial viability)

More information:
Rudolf Group HUB1922 Denim


Oerlikon (c) Oerlikon
f.l.t.r Jochen Adler, Ralf Morgenroth, Markus Reichwein, Matthias Schmitz

Oerlikon Experts share their know-how online

In order to ensure the transfer of know-how and technology in times of the pandemic, the Manmade Fibers segment of the Swiss Oerlikon Group will start its new webinar series in November. Four interesting technology lectures are planned until the end of 2020 which will be held in English. Current trends in the production of manmade fibers as well as Oerlikons technology solutions will be presented and discussed with the participants. A continuation of the webinar series is already planned for 2021.

In order to ensure the transfer of know-how and technology in times of the pandemic, the Manmade Fibers segment of the Swiss Oerlikon Group will start its new webinar series in November. Four interesting technology lectures are planned until the end of 2020 which will be held in English. Current trends in the production of manmade fibers as well as Oerlikons technology solutions will be presented and discussed with the participants. A continuation of the webinar series is already planned for 2021.

  • Factory know-how from a single source – A boost for your efficiency
    4. November 2020: 11:00-11:45h CET
    Speaker: Jochen Adler, Oerlikon Manmade Fibers CTO*
  • VarioFil – Your compact spinning solution
    11. November 2020: 11:00-11:45h CET
    Speaker: Ralf Morgenroth, Head of Engineering Textile Machinery BB Engineering (BBE)*
  • Green Technologies – Join us on the road to a sustainable fiber industry
    2. December 2020: 11:00-11:45h CET
    Speaker: Markus Reichwein, Head of Product Management Oerlikon Manmade Fibers*
  • VacuFil – Your future upcycling plant, from waste to value
    9. December 2020: 11:00-11:45h CET
    Speaker: Matthias Schmitz, Head of Engineering Recycling Technology, BB Engineering (BBE)*


*Please read the attached document for more information


Oerlikon Textile GmbH & Co. KG

Andreas Beirholm, Business Development Manager Beirholm (c) Beirholms Væverier/Reused Remade/Dibella: Andreas Beirholm, Business Development Manager Beirholm
Andreas Beirholm, Business Development Manager Beirholm

Beirholms Væverier/Dibella/Reused Remade: Partnership to enable circular textile flows

Leading suppliers of hotel textiles in Europe, the Danish company Beirholms Væverier and the German/Dutch company Dibella, begin circular collaboration with Swedish Reused Remade, known for its climate-smart textile bags made of reused hotel bedlinen. Together, they will extend the life cycle of hotel textiles and contribute to the circular economy by upcycling discarded textiles from laundries turning them into new textile bags for the retail market.

In Europe, millions of tons of hotel bed linen are discarded each year and can no longer be used in the hotel’s operations due to wear and tear. Thanks to Reused Remade's patent-pending method of up-cycling hotel bed linen into climate-smart textile bags, enormous amounts of natural resources are saved. Because the textiles are reused, as opposed to being downcycled, as is usually the case today, this partnership offers a climate-friendly alternative to today’s disposal of discarded textiles.

Leading suppliers of hotel textiles in Europe, the Danish company Beirholms Væverier and the German/Dutch company Dibella, begin circular collaboration with Swedish Reused Remade, known for its climate-smart textile bags made of reused hotel bedlinen. Together, they will extend the life cycle of hotel textiles and contribute to the circular economy by upcycling discarded textiles from laundries turning them into new textile bags for the retail market.

In Europe, millions of tons of hotel bed linen are discarded each year and can no longer be used in the hotel’s operations due to wear and tear. Thanks to Reused Remade's patent-pending method of up-cycling hotel bed linen into climate-smart textile bags, enormous amounts of natural resources are saved. Because the textiles are reused, as opposed to being downcycled, as is usually the case today, this partnership offers a climate-friendly alternative to today’s disposal of discarded textiles.

By 2025, all EU member states will have introduced an extended producer responsibility for textiles (EPR for textiles). This will place demands on the industries concerned to jointly find smart solutions and contribute to the transition to a circular economy. Beirholm and Dibella both have a strong focus on sustainability and are constantly looking for new and smart solutions for their customers' discarded textiles. The purpose of this partnership is to enable more laundries in Europe to join Reused Remade's circular solution with climate - smart textile bags made of reused hotel bed linen.

With an impressive growth journey since its inception in 2016, Reused Remade’s climate-smart textile bags for everyday use can now be found at prominent Nordic and European retailers such as Edeka, Clas Ohlson, Ica, and Systembolaget.

"The goal for 2021 is to collect 300 tones of hotel bed linen in order to meet our customers demand. It feels fantastic to be able to collaborate with Beirholm and Dibella, whose values about sustainability we share. We see that together we can make a big difference to our environment, our climate and our common future", say Pia Walter and Josephine Alhanko, founders of Reused Remade.

Please read the attached document for more information

ndré Rehn, Head of Sales for Trade Fairs & Congresses at C³ GmbH (c) C³ GmbH
ndré Rehn, Head of Sales for Trade Fairs & Congresses at C³ GmbH

2020 “mtex+” cancelled because of the corona crisis

  • The “Newcomer Award” will still be presented at the 8th Convention & Fair for Hightech Textiles
  • Chemnitz organisers considering forward-looking forums using the “mtex+” brand

The 8th mtex+ Convention & Fair for Hightech Textiles, which was scheduled to be held on 9-10 June 2020, will not take place because of the corona crisis. “We’ve made this decision following in-depth consultations with the members of the advisory board who are working in the textile sector; they were also opposed to moving the date to the autumn because of the unforeseeable consequences arising from the crisis,” says  André Rehn, Head of Sales for Trade Fairs & Congresses at the organiser, C³ GmbH, Chemnitz.

  • The “Newcomer Award” will still be presented at the 8th Convention & Fair for Hightech Textiles
  • Chemnitz organisers considering forward-looking forums using the “mtex+” brand

The 8th mtex+ Convention & Fair for Hightech Textiles, which was scheduled to be held on 9-10 June 2020, will not take place because of the corona crisis. “We’ve made this decision following in-depth consultations with the members of the advisory board who are working in the textile sector; they were also opposed to moving the date to the autumn because of the unforeseeable consequences arising from the crisis,” says  André Rehn, Head of Sales for Trade Fairs & Congresses at the organiser, C³ GmbH, Chemnitz.

“Cancelling the event is a particularly severe blow for us, as the “mtex+” was supposed to be held with a modernised concept and a very attractive programme at our new Carlowitz Congresscenter at the heart of Chemnitz for the first time. The considerable economic loss associated with this is naturally painful for us too. However, we will be presenting our “mtex+” “Newcomer Award” to the prize-winners at the next possible, suitable opportunity. 15 students and graduates from all over Germany have taken part in the young people’s competition with creative ideas for recycling, upcycling and downcycling textiles. We’re also now considering special events, which could operate using our well-known “mtex+” brand in future. Sustainability in the textile value-added chain as well as health and protective textiles made by the domestic market are obvious, forward-looking topics in this field.”

More information:

C³ GmbH

(c) Devan Chemicals NV


With the recent launch of Acabada ProActiveWear, the first CBD-infused textiles are officially hitting the market. The fabric treatment behind the CBD-infused textiles was developed by Devan Chemicals, a Belgian company specialized in functional finishes for the worldwide textile markets.

Devan launched its CBD (Cannabidiol) fabric treatment at Heimtextil 2019 in Frankfurt as part of their R-Vital® range of microencapsulated active ingredients. The range contains active substances like Aloe Vera, Q10, Vitamin E, … with CBD being its latest addition. Now, only 8 months later, the first CBD-infused products are hitting the market.

With the recent launch of Acabada ProActiveWear, the first CBD-infused textiles are officially hitting the market. The fabric treatment behind the CBD-infused textiles was developed by Devan Chemicals, a Belgian company specialized in functional finishes for the worldwide textile markets.

Devan launched its CBD (Cannabidiol) fabric treatment at Heimtextil 2019 in Frankfurt as part of their R-Vital® range of microencapsulated active ingredients. The range contains active substances like Aloe Vera, Q10, Vitamin E, … with CBD being its latest addition. Now, only 8 months later, the first CBD-infused products are hitting the market.

High-quality organic CBD
Born in 2019, Acabada ProActiveWear is the world's first and only CBD-infused activewear brand, committed to creating innovative, luxury apparel for the proactive woman. Conceptualized in New York and produced in Portugal, Acabada infuses luxury fabric with the highest quality organic CBD, to ensure that women will look, feel and perform at their best. Thanks to the close and intense cooperation between Acabada, Devan and the Portuguese production partner, goods were in store in less than five months starting from initial contact.

With over 30 years in the apparel industry, Acabada CEO and Co-Founder Seth Baum recognized the positive effects of CBD on pain and inflammation and the fact that top athletes embrace the active ingredient as a part of their training and recovery ritual. Baum assembled a team of experienced fashion designers, including Co-Founder and CCO Katrina Petrillo, and together they created a high fashion yet innovative product that is primed to disrupt the market. "While typical CBD products such as tinctures and edibles are growing exponentially in popularity, we began to envision a product that addressed health and wellness through a different lens. By physically infusing CBD into our garments, our product live at the intersection of fashion, fitness, and wellness," says Baum. With Acabada ProActiveWear, recovery starts from the moment you get dressed by helping to fight soreness and promote healing before the first squat, lunge or crunch.

Each garment from Acabada ProActiveWear contains up to 25 grams of zero-THC, lab-certified, 99.9% pure CBD, which will allow the benefits to last through 40 high-intensity wear and wash cycles. As customers approach 40 wears and washes, they can choose to sustainably recycle their CBD-infused garments through Acabada's upcycling program, where the recycled, synthetic fabrics will be repurposed where needed as commercial materials.

More information:
Devan Chemicals NV

Marketing Solutions NV

Award-winning TINTEX Textiles shows water saving solutions at Performance Days (c) TINTEX Textiles
80% Lenzing Modal® + 20% European Hemp rib by TINTEX Textiles

Award-winning TINTEX Textiles shows water saving solutions at Performance Days

  • Performance Days - November 28 and 29, 2018 – Hall C1 Booth B18
  • Two of TINTEX’s fabrics have made it into the PERFORMANCE FORUM Jury’s Pick Category that represents fabrics which are a valuable contribution to this season Performance Days Focus Topic “WATER – OUR RESPONSIBILITY”

See, touch and experience the latest collection from TINTEX as they reveal a wonderful range of innovative fabrics that redefine fashion, inspire creativity, spark emotion and optimize responsible solutions. TINTEX, being an ingenious leader in textile and research innovation for over twenty years, transforms a new generation of cotton and other natural based materials. Established in the Porto region as authorities in superior dyeing and finishing techniques making TINTEX Textiles the perfect choice for fashion.

  • Performance Days - November 28 and 29, 2018 – Hall C1 Booth B18
  • Two of TINTEX’s fabrics have made it into the PERFORMANCE FORUM Jury’s Pick Category that represents fabrics which are a valuable contribution to this season Performance Days Focus Topic “WATER – OUR RESPONSIBILITY”

See, touch and experience the latest collection from TINTEX as they reveal a wonderful range of innovative fabrics that redefine fashion, inspire creativity, spark emotion and optimize responsible solutions. TINTEX, being an ingenious leader in textile and research innovation for over twenty years, transforms a new generation of cotton and other natural based materials. Established in the Porto region as authorities in superior dyeing and finishing techniques making TINTEX Textiles the perfect choice for fashion.

All the recent awards bestowed, demonstrate TINTEX continue research and commitment. They have been awarded for the Best product of the Base Layer Category by ISPO jury, moreover they have just received the prestigious German Design Awards 2019 and last but not least, they are selected as finalists for the Future Textile Awards in the category Best Innovation for Sustainable Textiles.
TINTEX continues to lead the way, as they proudly take part in the Make Fashion Circular initiative, by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and activate change industry wide. This initiative aims to collaborate and innovate towards a new textile economy based on the principles of a Circular Economy.

In addition, since this November, TINTEX is a bluesign® system partner, thus means that they are responsibly acting parties of the textile value chain committed to applying the bluesign® system, continuously improving their environmental performance and always been focused on a sustainable future.

A milestone for TINTEX and fashion, as they launch Naturally Clean - an exceptional smart finishing process that is uniquely responsible. Naturally Clean enhances the natural beauty of cotton, takes a cost effective modern approach to eliminate aggressive treatments and optimizes clean surfaces, vivid colors, providing an exquisitely smooth handfeel. Naturally Clean achieves this by using Novozymes technology, a company that is indeed the world leader in biological solutions. Second, using textile chemicals with the lowest possible environmental impact, without compromising performance, from Beyond Surface Technologies AG. Naturally Clean maintains the original characteristics for an extended period of time. All materials are Oeko-Tex and soon bluesign® certified, thus eliminating harmful substances.
TINTEX’ Autumn/Winter 2019/2020 collection includes vibrant tones, refreshing turquoise and electric green, light and warm copper with chocolate browns that connect the natural and spiritual in an extra-sensorial universe. Infused with a stunning palette of nostalgic and multicultural colors - warm yellow with darkened reds, dynamic purple with urban greys - that express globalization and human connection.
Key smart ingredients of the season are:

  • A New Generation of Cotton: GOTS certified organic cotton, Supima® cotton, and ECOTEC® by Marchi & Fildi the smart cotton that saves up to 77.9% water consumption and introduces the concept of a circular economy.
  • SeaCell™ and Smartcel™: produced using the Lyocell process in a closed loop with no chemicals released as waste. The patented process of SeaCell™ allows that the positive properties of the seaweed are permanently preserved within the fiber, even after multiple washing cycles. Smartcel™ includes the essential trace element zinc providing anti-inflammatory capabilities.
  • REFIBRA™ by Lenzing technology involves upcycling a substantial proportion of cotton scraps e.g. from garment production, in addition to wood pulp, where the raw material is transformed to produce new TENCEL™ Lyocell fiber to make fabrics and garments.
  • Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei: A new generation GRS Certified material, made from cotton linters, with a biodegradability certification by Innovhub. A matchless, high tech natural material, with a special handfeel and aesthetics.
  • ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei
    - ROICA™ EF has a percentage of pre-consumer recycled content that is more than 50%, and thanks to this it has been GRS (Global Recycled Standard) certified.
    - ROICA™ V550 a premium stretch innovative yarn boasting the Cradle to Cradle Certified™ Gold Level for Material Health product and ingredients as it was evaluated throughout the supply chain for lower impacts on human and environmental health. Striving toward eliminating all toxic and unidentified chemicals for a safe continuous cycle. Hohenstein Environment Compatibility Certificate - ROICA™ proudly breaks down without releasing harmful substances.

Of special interest this season, the two TINTEX’s fabrics that made it into the PERFORMANCE FORUM Jury’s Pick Category for their contribution to this season Topic “WATER – OUR RESPONSIBILITY”.

A smart rib developed to reduce the water usage as most as possible, from cultivation of raw materials until fabric finishing. A blend of TENCEL™ Modal, cellulosic & biodegradable material treated with no hazardous chemicals, pesticides nor fertilizers, and European hemp, a fast-growing plant that requires very little water and no herbicides, pesticides, synthetic fertilizers or GMO seeds. Both fibres are biodegradable.

The second selected article is a 100% Merino Wool jersey made unique thanks to Colorau® by TINTEX, a patented natural dyeing process technique that uses vegetable herbs and extracts. A great amount of water was saved by avoiding subsequent washing steps. Also, lower water pollution is achieved by avoiding synthetic dyestuffs.

More information:
TINTEX ROICA™ Performance Days

GB Network

Für ein Leben danach: FOND OF entwickelt Upcycling-Lösung für Rucksäcke (c) Fond of
Nachhaltigkeitsexperten von Fond of: Hannes Weber (li), Julian Conrads (re)

Für ein Leben danach: FOND OF entwickelt Upcycling-Lösung für Rucksäcke

  •  Kölner Jungunternehmen startet Pilotprojekt mit Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum eStandards
  •  Neues Geschäftsmodell soll Produkte nachhaltiger machen und Kundenbindung stärken

Köln, 9. April 2018. Der Kölner Rucksack-Hersteller Fond of, bekannt durch Marken wie Ergobag und Satch, will eine Lösung finden, um die Nutzung von Rucksäcken zu verlängern oder die verwendeten Rohstoffe nochmal neu zu nutzen. Dazu startete das Unternehmen eine Zusammenarbeit mit dem Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum eStandards.

  •  Kölner Jungunternehmen startet Pilotprojekt mit Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum eStandards
  •  Neues Geschäftsmodell soll Produkte nachhaltiger machen und Kundenbindung stärken

Köln, 9. April 2018. Der Kölner Rucksack-Hersteller Fond of, bekannt durch Marken wie Ergobag und Satch, will eine Lösung finden, um die Nutzung von Rucksäcken zu verlängern oder die verwendeten Rohstoffe nochmal neu zu nutzen. Dazu startete das Unternehmen eine Zusammenarbeit mit dem Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum eStandards.

„Bereits seit der Gründung in 2010 legt Fond of großen Wert auf eine verantwortungsvolle Produktion. So wird ein Großteil der für die Rucksäcke und Taschen verwendeten Stoffe aus recycelten PET-Flaschen hergestellt“, erklärt Hannes Weber, verantwortlich für Corporate Responsibility bei Fond of.
„Was geschieht aber mit Rucksäcken, die nicht mehr genutzt werden? Viele Rucksäcke landen irgendwann auf der Müllkippe oder in der Verbrennung, manche werden in passablem Zustand im Kleiderschrank oder auf dem Dachboden vergessen. Dadurch gehen wertvolle Ressourcen verloren“, so sein Kollege Julian Conrads weiter.
Eine Herausforderung, die Fond of in einem Pilotprojekt mit dem Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum eStandards angehen möchte.

Nachhaltiges Geschäftsmodell für bessere Kundenbeziehungen
In diesem Projekt hat Fond of sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die Lebenszeit von Rucksäcken oder den genutzten Rohstoffen zu verlängern. Dabei soll speziell auf digitale Lösungen und eStandards zurückgegriffen werden. Gemeinsam mit dem Kompetenzzentrum eStandards entwickelt Fond of ein Circular Economy Geschäftsmodell, welches dem Kunden einen zusätzlichen Mehrwert bietet und somit die Kundenbindung und -kommunikation stärkt. Mittels des Modells sollen außerdem Ressourcen effektiver eingesetzt werden.
„Unser Ziel ist es, durch das Projekt eine Weiterentwicklung unseres Geschäftsmodells zu bewirken, welche dazu führt, dass Materialien und Rohstoffe länger im Wirtschaftskreislauf gehalten werden und somit zu weiterer Wertschöpfung beitragen. Gleichzeitig entwickeln wir neue After-Sales Services und stärken die Kundenbindung“, sagt Nachhaltigkeits-Experte Hannes Weber.

Warum sollen Rucksäcke weiterleben?
„Ein Circular Economy Geschäftsmodell zu entwickeln hat viele Vorteile. Die Materialien und Rohstoffe werden im Wirtschaftskreislauf gehalten und tragen somit zu weiterer Wertschöpfung bei. Zusätzlich wird die Kommunikation über die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette hinweg optimiert und Innovationen ermöglicht“, sagt Thomas Wagner, der als Experte am Kompetenzzentrum eStandards Fond of bei dem Projekt begleitet. Fond of setzt auf die Unterstützung des Kompetenzzentrums, da die unterschiedlichen Ansätze Auswirkungen auf das Geschäftsmodell, auf die Logistik, auf die Interaktion mit dem Handel, als auch auf die Beziehung zum Kunden haben.


Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum eStandards c/o GS1 Germany GmbH