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(c) AkzoNobel

AkzoNobel launches tool to drive bodyshop sustainability

Bodyshops can now take advantage of the vehicle refinish industry’s first repair calculator to measure, manage and reduce carbon emissions, which has been developed by AkzoNobel.

Designed to help customers improve their carbon footprint when using the company’s premium refinish products, the CO2eRepairCalculator* is part of a new initiative which aims to encourage bodyshops to become more sustainable.

The tool is the latest digital innovation from AkzoNobel focused on making a long-lasting difference to customers. It identifies the carbon levels associated with the painting and drying process – including the energy consumed – and is linked directly to the vehicle refinishing products being used. It also provides data relating to the emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), therefore helping customers to understand where improvements can be made.

When using the tool, the emissions and energy consumed are calculated based on a controlled two-panel repair in a spray booth to Greenhouse Gas Protocol accounting standards. The results are presented in an online dashboard, which allows local energy prices to be factored in.

Bodyshops can now take advantage of the vehicle refinish industry’s first repair calculator to measure, manage and reduce carbon emissions, which has been developed by AkzoNobel.

Designed to help customers improve their carbon footprint when using the company’s premium refinish products, the CO2eRepairCalculator* is part of a new initiative which aims to encourage bodyshops to become more sustainable.

The tool is the latest digital innovation from AkzoNobel focused on making a long-lasting difference to customers. It identifies the carbon levels associated with the painting and drying process – including the energy consumed – and is linked directly to the vehicle refinishing products being used. It also provides data relating to the emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), therefore helping customers to understand where improvements can be made.

When using the tool, the emissions and energy consumed are calculated based on a controlled two-panel repair in a spray booth to Greenhouse Gas Protocol accounting standards. The results are presented in an online dashboard, which allows local energy prices to be factored in.

The launch means it will now be easier for bodyshops to take positive action in an effort to meet their sustainability and carbon reduction targets. This is becoming increasingly important, as insurance companies are putting greater pressure on preferred bodyshop partners to cut their emissions in line with supply chain ambitions that meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

The CO2eRepairCalculator is currently being introduced in the UK market to Sikkens customers (with Lesonal to follow shortly). It will be rolled out across markets in Europe during the next few months.

*CO2e stands for carbon dioxide and equivalent gases. The tool measures carbon dioxide (CO2) and equivalent gases such as methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), which all fall under the term greenhouse gases (GHGs).

More information:
AkzoNobel Coatings Automotive


(c) CWS International GmbH

CWS veröffentlicht Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2021/22

  • CWS trägt mit zirkulärem Geschäftsmodell zu einer enkelfähigen Zukunft bei
  • Produkte bleiben getreu dem Handlungsgrundsatz Think Circular so lange es möglich ist im Kreislauf, um Ressourcen zu schonen
  • Das Unternehmensziel: 90 Prozent des Neugeschäfts bis 2025 nur noch mit nachhaltigen Produkten und 50 Prozent Reduktion der Emissionen bis 2030

Das Unternehmen kontrolliert in den Bereichen Hygiene, Matten, Berufskleidung, Brandschutz, Reinraum sowie Gesundheit und Pflege seine verwendeten Materialien und Produkte entlang des gesamten Lebenszyklus. CWS folgt dem eigenen Leitprinzip Think Circular und ist damit Teil der übergreifenden Enkelfähig-Initiative der Haniel Gruppe. Grundlage dieser Initiative ist die Überzeugung, dass Nachhaltigkeit und wirtschaftlicher Erfolg eng zusammengehören.
Nachhaltige Produkte sind der Hebel für eine gute Zukunft

  • CWS trägt mit zirkulärem Geschäftsmodell zu einer enkelfähigen Zukunft bei
  • Produkte bleiben getreu dem Handlungsgrundsatz Think Circular so lange es möglich ist im Kreislauf, um Ressourcen zu schonen
  • Das Unternehmensziel: 90 Prozent des Neugeschäfts bis 2025 nur noch mit nachhaltigen Produkten und 50 Prozent Reduktion der Emissionen bis 2030

Das Unternehmen kontrolliert in den Bereichen Hygiene, Matten, Berufskleidung, Brandschutz, Reinraum sowie Gesundheit und Pflege seine verwendeten Materialien und Produkte entlang des gesamten Lebenszyklus. CWS folgt dem eigenen Leitprinzip Think Circular und ist damit Teil der übergreifenden Enkelfähig-Initiative der Haniel Gruppe. Grundlage dieser Initiative ist die Überzeugung, dass Nachhaltigkeit und wirtschaftlicher Erfolg eng zusammengehören.
Nachhaltige Produkte sind der Hebel für eine gute Zukunft
Bei CWS wird das gesamte Produktangebot in einem mehrstufigen Prozess auf seine Nachhaltigkeit hin überprüft und dem sogenannten enkelfähig-Rating unterzogen. Neben der Lieferkette, den Rohmaterialien und Recycling-Konzepten wird dabei ebenfalls berücksichtigt, wie lange ein Produkt oder Rohstoff im Kreislauf gehalten werden kann. Die Erkenntnisse aus dem internen Scoring sind in neuen Produktlinien wie der CWS PureLine für Waschräume oder in der Berufsbekleidungskollektion Scandic Line entsprechend reflektiert und berücksichtigt. Weitere Projekte und Details zu dem Rating führt CWS in seinem Report auf.
„Wir wollen bis 2025 mehr als 90 Prozent unseres Neugeschäfts mit nachhaltigen Produkten realisieren. Eine lange Produktlebensdauer ist der Kern unseres Geschäftsmodells. Deshalb prüfen wir im Vorfeld, wie nachhaltig die Produkte sind, die wir in unsere Zyklen aufnehmen“, ergänzt Jürgen Höfling.
Effiziente Kreisläufe durch langlebige Materialien
Im Rahmen seines Servicemodells setzt CWS auf nachhaltige und langlebige Produkte und Materialien, um diese so lange wie möglich im Servicekreislauf halten zu können und so Ressourcen zu sparen. Dabei zählt Nachhaltigkeit nicht nur im Endprodukt, sondern betrifft auch die Lieferketten. Entsprechend sorgfältig wählt CWS seine Partner und Lieferanten aus, damit alle Nachhaltigkeitskriterien erfüllt werden.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – Think Circular!
Produkte werden wo möglich professionell repariert, um die Lebensspanne zu maximieren. Beispielsweise wurden im Jahr 2021 über 21.000 Matten, über 26.000 Handtuchrollenspender sowie über 5 Millionen Kleidungsstücke von CWS repariert. Das zeigt deutlich, wie viele Produkte hierdurch länger im Einsatz bleiben können.
Nachhaltige Materialien und Recycling-Konzepte spielen in den Kreisläufen von CWS eine tragende Rolle. Die GreenMats sind beispielsweise aus recyceltem Polyester und trocknen bis zu 25 Prozent schneller, was wiederum den Energieverbrauch senkt. Aktuell arbeitet CWS im Rahmen eines europäischen Forschungsprojekts namens Circular Sustainable Flooring (CISUFLO) mit daran, Materialien für Böden recycelbar zu machen.  
Dekarbonisierung ist wichtiges Zukunftsthema
Auch die Reduktion von CO2-Emissionen spielt für CWS eine große Rolle. Im diesjährigen Report stellt CWS erstmals seinen vollständigen Corporate Carbon Footprint vor und bietet damit vollständige Transparenz über Emissionen, die innerhalb des eigenen Geschäfts sowie der vorgelagerten Lieferkette entstehen (Scopes 1-3). Auf Basis dieser Erkenntnisse entwickelt CWS nun eine unternehmensweite Klimastrategie. Ziel ist es, den derzeitigen Fußabdruck um 50 Prozent bis 2030 zu reduzieren. Außerdem wird ein Klimamanagement-System erarbeitet, das die besten Maßnahmen dynamisch in die laufenden Prozesse einfließen lässt und auf aktuelle regulatorische Änderungen reagiert.


CWS International GmbH


BTE: Bekleidungsangebot in Deutschland aktuell grundsätzlich nicht überdimensioniert

  • Bekleidungsangebot in Deutschland schrumpft

In den letzten Jahren ist das Angebot an Bekleidung in Deutschland - u.a. Corona-bedingt - deutlich geschrumpft. Das zeigen die kürzlich veröffentlichte Produktions-, Import- und Exportstatistiken für 2021. Danach lag die sog. Inlandsverfügbarkeit (Produktion plus Import minus Export) bei 3,75 Mrd. Bekleidungsteilen. Zum Vergleich: 2018 lag dieser Wert noch bei 4,40 Mrd. Teilen. Innerhalb von drei Jahren ist damit die Inlandsverfügbarkeit um rund 15 Prozent gesunken.
Rein statistisch entfiel damit im letzten Jahr auf jeden der rund 83,2 Mio. Einwohner Deutschlands ein Angebot von 45 neuen Bekleidungsstücken, und zwar inkl. Sport- und Berufsbekleidung, aber ohne Schuhe und Haustextilien. 2018 lag dieser Wert noch bei rund 50 Teilen, und zwar inkl. Sport- und Berufsbekleidung, aber ohne Schuhe und Haustextilien.

  • Bekleidungsangebot in Deutschland schrumpft

In den letzten Jahren ist das Angebot an Bekleidung in Deutschland - u.a. Corona-bedingt - deutlich geschrumpft. Das zeigen die kürzlich veröffentlichte Produktions-, Import- und Exportstatistiken für 2021. Danach lag die sog. Inlandsverfügbarkeit (Produktion plus Import minus Export) bei 3,75 Mrd. Bekleidungsteilen. Zum Vergleich: 2018 lag dieser Wert noch bei 4,40 Mrd. Teilen. Innerhalb von drei Jahren ist damit die Inlandsverfügbarkeit um rund 15 Prozent gesunken.
Rein statistisch entfiel damit im letzten Jahr auf jeden der rund 83,2 Mio. Einwohner Deutschlands ein Angebot von 45 neuen Bekleidungsstücken, und zwar inkl. Sport- und Berufsbekleidung, aber ohne Schuhe und Haustextilien. 2018 lag dieser Wert noch bei rund 50 Teilen, und zwar inkl. Sport- und Berufsbekleidung, aber ohne Schuhe und Haustextilien.
Aber auch 45 Bekleidungsteile muten auf den ersten Blick sehr viel an, so dass sich die Modebranche immer wieder dem Vorwurf der Überproduktion oder Verschwendung von Ressourcen stellen muss. Bei der Bewertung muss man aber wissen, dass ein Großteil des Angebots auf Kleinteile wie Strumpfwaren/Strumpfhosen, Wäsche/Dessous, Handschuhe, Schals, Mützen sowie T-Shirts/Unterhemden entfällt. Das waren in 2021 insgesamt rund 2,3 Mrd. Bekleidungsstücke, also rund 28 Teile pro Person. Und viele dieser Artikel unterliegen einem schnellen Verschleiß oder sollten aus hygienischen Gründen regelmäßig erneuert werden.
Auf Großteile entfällt dagegen mit 17 Artikeln pro Person und Jahr nur ein deutlich kleinerer Teil des Bekleidungsangebots. Bei Mänteln, Anoraks und Jacken lag 2021 die Inlandsverfügbarkeit für Damen, Herren und Kindern z.B. bei 122 Mio. Teilen, so dass jeder Einwohner statistisch betrachtet 1,47 Teile kaufen konnte. Bei Pullovern/Strickjacken waren es 326 Mio. Teile (3,9 Teile pro Person) und bei Blusen/Hemden 168 Mio. Teile (2 Teile pro Person). Auch bei diesen Artikeln kommt es zu Verschleiß oder - vor allem bei Kinderbekleidung - zu Bedarfsveränderungen beim Träger, die einen Neukauf erforderlich machen.
Ein Gutteil des geringeren Angebots in 2021 dürften zwar Folge von Lieferproblemen und -ausfällen sein, aber auch das Bewusstsein in der Modebranche in punkto Nachhaltigkeit hat sich in den letzten Jahren gewandelt. Handel und Industrie sind sensibilisiert und haben in den letzten Jahren große Anstrengungen unternommen, damit möglichst kein vermeidbares Überangebot auf dem deutschen Markt entsteht. Nach Ansicht des BTE ist das Bekleidungsangebot in Deutschland derzeit daher grundsätzlich nicht überdimensioniert. Ehrlicherweise muss man aber einräumen, dass es in der Modebranche mit seinen vielfachen Unsicherheiten und besonderen Gegebenheiten (Akzeptanz der Mode, Größenproblematik/Passform, Wetter, langer Vorlauf zwischen Bestellung und Auslieferung) kaum zu einer vollständigen Deckung von Angebot und Nachfrage kommen kann. Dass das komplette Marktangebot vom Kunden nachgefragt wird, dürfte sich primär in einer Plan-/Mangelwirtschaft realisieren lassen.


BTE Handelsverband Textil Schuhe Lederwaren

Foto Feuerwear

Feuerwear: nachhaltig und kundenorientiert

Seit über 15 Jahren fertigt Feuerwear Rucksäcke, Taschen und Accessoires aus gebrauchtem Feuerwehrschlauch und ist damit einer der Vorreiter des Upcyclings in Deutschland. Doch nicht nur Nachhaltigkeit, auch Service setzt das Kultlabel oben auf seine Prioritätenliste: persönliche Kundenbetreuung, Ersatzteilbeschaffung, verlängerte, kostenlose Reparatur – und auf alle Feuerwear-Produkte gibt es eine auf drei Jahre erweiterte Garantie.

Durch eine sorgfältige Materialauswahl – jeder Feuerwehrschlauch unterliegt einer strengen Qualitätskontrolle – sind Unikate von Feuerwear besonders langlebig. Für den Hersteller ist es wichtig, Produkte zu reparieren, statt sie übereilt zu ersetzen. Zum Einschicken der Produkte stellt Feuerwear innerhalb der EU ein kostenloses Versandlabel zur Verfügung und auch der Rückversand ist kostenlos.

Passende Ersatzteile und Zubehör können auf der Feuerwear-Homepage direkt geordert werden. Alle Teile können einzeln bestellt und ausgetauscht werden. Wer lieber selbst zu Hause Hand anlegen möchte, kann sich so Reparatur und Wartezeit sparen.

Seit über 15 Jahren fertigt Feuerwear Rucksäcke, Taschen und Accessoires aus gebrauchtem Feuerwehrschlauch und ist damit einer der Vorreiter des Upcyclings in Deutschland. Doch nicht nur Nachhaltigkeit, auch Service setzt das Kultlabel oben auf seine Prioritätenliste: persönliche Kundenbetreuung, Ersatzteilbeschaffung, verlängerte, kostenlose Reparatur – und auf alle Feuerwear-Produkte gibt es eine auf drei Jahre erweiterte Garantie.

Durch eine sorgfältige Materialauswahl – jeder Feuerwehrschlauch unterliegt einer strengen Qualitätskontrolle – sind Unikate von Feuerwear besonders langlebig. Für den Hersteller ist es wichtig, Produkte zu reparieren, statt sie übereilt zu ersetzen. Zum Einschicken der Produkte stellt Feuerwear innerhalb der EU ein kostenloses Versandlabel zur Verfügung und auch der Rückversand ist kostenlos.

Passende Ersatzteile und Zubehör können auf der Feuerwear-Homepage direkt geordert werden. Alle Teile können einzeln bestellt und ausgetauscht werden. Wer lieber selbst zu Hause Hand anlegen möchte, kann sich so Reparatur und Wartezeit sparen.

Bei Fragen zur Reklamation, zur Reparatur, zur Funktion der Produkte und allen weiteren Fragen stehen Kollegen aus dem Feuerwear-Team als persönliche Ansprechpartner zur Verfügung.

More information:

Feuerwear GmbH & Co. KG.

© panthermedia / Gorodenkoff

Simulation statt Prototyp: Digitale Entwicklung von Produkten und Services

Digitale Technologien können natürliche Ressourcen in der Produktentwicklung und -nutzung sparen. Die aktuelle Kurzanalyse „Digitale Technologien für die Entwicklung ressourceneffizienter Produkte und Services“ des VDI Zentrums Ressourceneffizienz (VDI ZRE) zeigt, wie die Möglichkeiten der Digitalisierung für eine ressourceneffiziente Entwicklung von Produkten und Services genutzt werden können.

Digitale Technologien können natürliche Ressourcen in der Produktentwicklung und -nutzung sparen. Die aktuelle Kurzanalyse „Digitale Technologien für die Entwicklung ressourceneffizienter Produkte und Services“ des VDI Zentrums Ressourceneffizienz (VDI ZRE) zeigt, wie die Möglichkeiten der Digitalisierung für eine ressourceneffiziente Entwicklung von Produkten und Services genutzt werden können.

Digitale Technologien machen die Entwicklung von Produkten in vieler Hinsicht effizienter. Grundlagen sind ein kontinuierliches Datenmanagement und die Kommunikation von Maschinen untereinander. Zum Beispiel begleiten digitale Zwillinge Produkte im Idealfall über den kompletten Lebensweg und erfassen dabei u.a. das Nutzungsverhalten. Bei der Neu- und Weiterentwicklung von Produkten können diese Daten dann genutzt werden, um Testschleifen digital zu simulieren. Dank weniger physischer Prototypen wird Zeit und Material bis zur Herstellung des gewünschten Produkts eingespart.
Basis für die Entwicklung neuer Produkte und Dienstleistungen mit Hilfe von digitalen Technologien sind Daten. Diese entstehen durch die Vernetzung von Objekten und Menschen im Umfeld der Industrie 4.0. Informationen, z.B. aus der Nutzungsphase oder der Produktion, ermöglichen Rückschlüsse, die u.a. auch für die Neu- oder Weiterentwicklung von Produkten und Dienstleistungen nützlich sind. Gleichzeitig gilt es aber, mit der großen Komplexität der Daten und Optimierungsmöglichkeiten umzugehen.
Bei der Implementierung digitaler Technologien in der Produkt- und Serviceentwicklung ist eine schrittweise Herangehensweise für Unternehmen empfehlenswert. Zunächst müssen sämtliche in der Wertschöpfung anfallenden Daten möglichst präzise gesammelt und verwaltet werden. Erst im Zusammenspiel zwischen einer zur Datenerfassung und Weiterverarbeitung notwendigen Infrastruktur und den dadurch zur Verfügung stehenden Informationen können digitale Technologien Entwicklerteams bei der ressourceneffizienten Entwicklung von Produkten und Dienstleistungen unterstützen.

Die Kurzanalyse „Digitale Technologien für die Entwicklung ressourceneffizienter Produkte und Services“ zeigt verschiedene zur Verfügung stehende digitale Technologien und damit verbundene Methoden in der Produktentwicklung auf und bewertet diese im Sinne der Ressourceneffizienz. Praktische Beispiele zeigen außerdem, wie Unternehmen bereits heute natürliche Ressourcen dank Innovationen in der Produktentwicklung einsparen können. Erstellt wurde die kostenlose Kurzanalyse im Auftrag des Bundesumweltministeriums. Sie steht zum Download zur Verfügung.


VDI Zentrum Ressourceneffizienz GmbH


Bluesign announces expanded services

  • Goal: to further reduce the textile value chain’s impact on people and planet      

As the textile industry continues to grapple with evolving regulations, increased consumer and stakeholder pressure to meet sustainability goals, and the lack of verified data, bluesign® has updated its service offerings to help brands, manufacturers and chemical companies to better understand and manage their value chains.

The new initiatives expand Bluesign’s core competencies of reducing impact across the supply chain, providing reliable, third-party verified data, mitigating the use of hazardous chemicals through input stream management and replacing substances with bluesign® APPROVED chemistry (a positive list of chemical products with less impact on people and planet). Bluesign’s high value services are available for all companies willing to reduce the impact of their value chain without compromising on quality.     

  • Goal: to further reduce the textile value chain’s impact on people and planet      

As the textile industry continues to grapple with evolving regulations, increased consumer and stakeholder pressure to meet sustainability goals, and the lack of verified data, bluesign® has updated its service offerings to help brands, manufacturers and chemical companies to better understand and manage their value chains.

The new initiatives expand Bluesign’s core competencies of reducing impact across the supply chain, providing reliable, third-party verified data, mitigating the use of hazardous chemicals through input stream management and replacing substances with bluesign® APPROVED chemistry (a positive list of chemical products with less impact on people and planet). Bluesign’s high value services are available for all companies willing to reduce the impact of their value chain without compromising on quality.     

Bluesign is extending its System Partnership services and launching DATA SERVICES and IMPACT SERVICES for brands and manufacturers. These tiered service packages provide expanded capabilities that enable brands to actively monitor and manage their supply chain through Bluesign verified impact data, covering the critical measures of water consumption, energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, chemical consumption, and waste.

DATA SERVICES allow brands and manufacturers to access data from its unique supply chain and give a snapshot of their impact. Through the IMPACT SERVICE package, companies are provided this data plus a foundational assessment of its overall performance and detailed analysis of its suppliers.

The new IMPACT SERVICE enables manufacturers to present their achievements in impact reduction and their excellence in resource management.  The new tiered packages will allow companies to incrementally implement Bluesign’s services with the ultimate goal of attaining full SYSTEM PARTNERSHIP which includes company-specific action plans. At all service levels, a yearly impact report or dashboard is provided; access to this data enables accurate analysis for decision-making and reporting both internally and externally.

More information:
bluesign® bluesign



Carbios, On, Patagonia, PUMA and Salomon team up to advance circularity

Carbios has signed an agreement with On, Patagonia, PUMA, and Salomon, to develop solutions that will enhance the recyclability and circularity of their products.
An important element of the two-year deal will be to speed up the introduction of Carbios’ biorecycling technology, which constitutes a breakthrough for the textile industry. Carbios and the four companies will also research how products can be recycled, develop solutions to take-back worn polyester items, including sorting and dismantling technologies, and gather data on fiber-to-fiber recycling as well as circularity models.
The challenge the four brands share, is that their ambitious sustainable development goals can only partially be met by conventional recycling technologies which mostly target bottle-to-fiber recycling. Future regulations will require more circularity in packaging and textile. Yet the market consensus is that there will soon be a shortage of PET bottles, as they will be used for circular production methods in the Food & Beverage Industry.   

Carbios has signed an agreement with On, Patagonia, PUMA, and Salomon, to develop solutions that will enhance the recyclability and circularity of their products.
An important element of the two-year deal will be to speed up the introduction of Carbios’ biorecycling technology, which constitutes a breakthrough for the textile industry. Carbios and the four companies will also research how products can be recycled, develop solutions to take-back worn polyester items, including sorting and dismantling technologies, and gather data on fiber-to-fiber recycling as well as circularity models.
The challenge the four brands share, is that their ambitious sustainable development goals can only partially be met by conventional recycling technologies which mostly target bottle-to-fiber recycling. Future regulations will require more circularity in packaging and textile. Yet the market consensus is that there will soon be a shortage of PET bottles, as they will be used for circular production methods in the Food & Beverage Industry.   
Carbios’ innovative process constitutes a technological breakthrough for the recycling of polyester (PET) fibers, which are widely used in apparel, footwear and sportswear, on their own or together with other fibers. PET polyester is the most important fiber for the textile industry with 52 MT produced, even surpassing cotton at 23MT. The biorecycling process uses an enzyme capable of selectively extracting the polyester, recovering it to recreate a virgin fiber. This revolutionary technology makes it possible to recover the PET polyester present in all textile waste that cannot be recycled using traditional technologies.
PET plastics and fibers are used to make everyday consumer goods such as bottles, packaging and textiles. Today, most PET is produced from fossil resources, then used and discarded according to a wasteful linear model. By creating a circular economy from used plastics and fibers, Carbios’ biorecycling technology offers a sustainable and more responsible solution.

More information:
Carbios PET circularity


(c) Enapter

Fraunhofer UMSICHT: Start for Life Cycle Impact Zero Project

The electrolyser producer Enapter has set itself the goal of developing its entire production process to run without negative impacts on the environment. As an important step on this journey, it is building the Enapter Campus production facility, which will be powered entirely from renewable energy produced on-site and in the neighbouring Bioenergiepark. The site in in Saerbeck, North Rhine-Westphalia combines electrolyser production, an R&D building, administration and office space, as well as a cantine over 82,000 square metres. Now the company wants to investigate what other measures can be implemented to achieve its “Life Cycle Impact Zero” aspirations – together with researchers from Fraunhofer UMSICHT, the Wuppertal Institute and the Institute of Sustainable Nutrition (iSuN) of FH Münster.

The electrolyser producer Enapter has set itself the goal of developing its entire production process to run without negative impacts on the environment. As an important step on this journey, it is building the Enapter Campus production facility, which will be powered entirely from renewable energy produced on-site and in the neighbouring Bioenergiepark. The site in in Saerbeck, North Rhine-Westphalia combines electrolyser production, an R&D building, administration and office space, as well as a cantine over 82,000 square metres. Now the company wants to investigate what other measures can be implemented to achieve its “Life Cycle Impact Zero” aspirations – together with researchers from Fraunhofer UMSICHT, the Wuppertal Institute and the Institute of Sustainable Nutrition (iSuN) of FH Münster.

With the Life Cycle Impact Zero project, started on April 15, 2022, the parties want to develop and apply an especially comprehensive and holistic approach to environmental assessment. This includes chemical manufacturing and electrolyser production, as well as matters like the use of energy and water resources, the generation of waste or the human factor in general. This is intended to cover all interactions between business and people. That includes, in particular, Enapter’s employees, but also people in upstream and downstream value chains, users of the technology or residents close to the production site. A concept for sustainable employee catering is also being developed.

The basis for all environmental assessment that will be carried out is ISO 14040. The recognised international standard divides the research into four phases: Aim and scope of the study, inventory analaysis, impact assessment, as well as interpretation. Sensitivity analyses and scenario techniques are also used as further methods.

On the basis of these analyses, the 18-month project should derive concrete measures to avoid negative environmental impacts completely, if possible, for example in production, employee mobility or in energy supply. Furthermore, it will examine whether these measures are transferable to Enapter’s other locations – such as in Italy. Following on from the project, the steps defined should be implemented by Enapter in the next phase. In the subsequent Phase 3, a renewed analysis is planned. This will determine if the technological innovations achieved by then in the production and use of Enapter’s electrolysers can enable additional ecological improvements.

The Life Cycle Impact Zero project is supported by the State of NRW.


Fraunhofer UMSICHT

(c) INDA

INDA: Highlights of the World of Wipes® International Conference

More than 450 participants from 18 countries made in-person connections and gained innovative insights into the segment’s future at the World of Wipes® (WOW) International Conference at the Marriott Marquis in Chicago.

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, reported strong attendance and activity at its 16th WOW conference, June 27-30. Highlights included a conference, award presentations, a separate 1.5-day WIPES Academy training course, and a new mentorship program.  

WOW speakers focused on the future of the $17 billion wipes sector amid changing consumer trends, supply chain complexities, sustainable packaging demands, and medical disinfection challenges. Program sessions included Circular and Sustainable Wipes, Supply Chain Challenges, Sustainable Substrates, Disinfection Concerns, Sustainable Packaging Trends, and Flushability Developments.

Tony Fragnito welcomed participants in his new role as INDA President for the first time since succeeding Dave Rousse, now President Emeritus and advisor.

More than 450 participants from 18 countries made in-person connections and gained innovative insights into the segment’s future at the World of Wipes® (WOW) International Conference at the Marriott Marquis in Chicago.

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, reported strong attendance and activity at its 16th WOW conference, June 27-30. Highlights included a conference, award presentations, a separate 1.5-day WIPES Academy training course, and a new mentorship program.  

WOW speakers focused on the future of the $17 billion wipes sector amid changing consumer trends, supply chain complexities, sustainable packaging demands, and medical disinfection challenges. Program sessions included Circular and Sustainable Wipes, Supply Chain Challenges, Sustainable Substrates, Disinfection Concerns, Sustainable Packaging Trends, and Flushability Developments.

Tony Fragnito welcomed participants in his new role as INDA President for the first time since succeeding Dave Rousse, now President Emeritus and advisor.

WOW highlights included the announcement of Nice’ N CLEAN® SecureFLUSH™ Technology Flushable Wipes from Nice-Pak as the winner of this year’s World of Wipes Innovation Award® for their flushable wipes made of 100 percent cellulose nonwoven. A specialty “lock and key” design of plant-based fibers and formula leverages patent-pending technology to ensure responsible care of plumbing and wastewater.

Other highlights included the presentation of the 2022 INDA Lifetime Technical Award to Richard Knowlson, Principal, RPK Consulting. The award honors an individual with a long-established nonwovens career that advance technology and the commercial success of the North American nonwovens industry. Knowlson pioneered the use of powder super absorbents in airlaid forming systems creating new period product designs for ultra-thin products. He co-founded Airformed Composites, co-invented the first commercial multi-bonded airlaid products in North America that were used in characters for Sesame Street and served in leadership positions with Rayonier, Ciba/Huntsman and Jacob Holm.


Stahl: Reduction of Scope 3 upstream emissions by at least 25%

Stahl, a proponent of responsible chemistry, is submitting a greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction target that is aligned with the most recent guidance provided by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). The new target marks a key milestone on the company’s journey toward carbon neutrality.

Stahl’s SBTi submission includes a specific commitment regarding the company’s Scope 3 upstream emissions, which Stahl aims to reduce by at least 25% over the next 10 years, compared with the base year (2021). This reduction would primarily be achieved by Stahl replacing its fossil-based raw materials with lower-carbon alternatives. The target is a major step towards the objective of limiting global warming temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels by 2050, as agreed at the 2015 Paris Climate Accords.
Stahl’s extended commitment builds on the company’s existing targets to reduce its emission for Scopes 1 and 2, which were set shortly after the Paris Agreement in 2015. Stahl has since reduced its Scope 1 and 2 (direct) GHG emissions by more than 30%, thanks to operational efficiency gains and by decarbonizing its energy supply.

Stahl, a proponent of responsible chemistry, is submitting a greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction target that is aligned with the most recent guidance provided by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). The new target marks a key milestone on the company’s journey toward carbon neutrality.

Stahl’s SBTi submission includes a specific commitment regarding the company’s Scope 3 upstream emissions, which Stahl aims to reduce by at least 25% over the next 10 years, compared with the base year (2021). This reduction would primarily be achieved by Stahl replacing its fossil-based raw materials with lower-carbon alternatives. The target is a major step towards the objective of limiting global warming temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels by 2050, as agreed at the 2015 Paris Climate Accords.
Stahl’s extended commitment builds on the company’s existing targets to reduce its emission for Scopes 1 and 2, which were set shortly after the Paris Agreement in 2015. Stahl has since reduced its Scope 1 and 2 (direct) GHG emissions by more than 30%, thanks to operational efficiency gains and by decarbonizing its energy supply.

Scope 3 GHG emissions cover all the additional indirect emissions that can occur in the value chain, including those associated with purchased raw materials, packaging, business travel, and transportation. Stahl’s Scope 3 emissions currently represent over 90% of its carbon footprint.


Stahl Holdings B.V.


Call for Papers »BIO-raffiniert XII« 2023

The process industry today still relies primarily on fossil raw materials. A transformation towards regenerative resources, in particular renewable raw materials, is under way. In addition, circular economy, recycling and resilience play important roles in existing and new value chains. The congress "BIO-raffiniert XII", March 7 and 8, 2023 at the Fraunhofer UMSICHT in Oberhausen, takes up these topics and focuses on innovative technologies, sustainability strategies as well as logistics and supply chains. Its thematic focal points will be: Bioeconomy - Strategy and Implementation, Transformation Pathways and New Value Chains. Regional as well as international developments will be addressed.

The institute invites interested experts to present their innovations, concepts, or industrial practice solutions around the bioeconomy transformation in the context of short presentations in English (10 min presentation). The deadline for proposals outlined in a one-page abstract is: Tuesday, September 16, 2022.

Further information online.

The process industry today still relies primarily on fossil raw materials. A transformation towards regenerative resources, in particular renewable raw materials, is under way. In addition, circular economy, recycling and resilience play important roles in existing and new value chains. The congress "BIO-raffiniert XII", March 7 and 8, 2023 at the Fraunhofer UMSICHT in Oberhausen, takes up these topics and focuses on innovative technologies, sustainability strategies as well as logistics and supply chains. Its thematic focal points will be: Bioeconomy - Strategy and Implementation, Transformation Pathways and New Value Chains. Regional as well as international developments will be addressed.

The institute invites interested experts to present their innovations, concepts, or industrial practice solutions around the bioeconomy transformation in the context of short presentations in English (10 min presentation). The deadline for proposals outlined in a one-page abstract is: Tuesday, September 16, 2022.

Further information online.


Fraunhofer-Institut für Umwelt-, Sicherheits- und Energietechnik UMSICHT


EREMA Gruppe and Borealis: K 2022 preview

On June 13, EREMA Group and Borealis invited representatives of the international plastics and recycling trade press to Upper Austria for a sneak preview of the technological developments and lighthouse projects that the companies will present at K 2022, the plastics industry's international meeting place. The venue for the pre-K event was EREMA Group headquarters in Ansfelden.

On June 13, EREMA Group and Borealis invited representatives of the international plastics and recycling trade press to Upper Austria for a sneak preview of the technological developments and lighthouse projects that the companies will present at K 2022, the plastics industry's international meeting place. The venue for the pre-K event was EREMA Group headquarters in Ansfelden.

EREMA Group K 2022 preview
In Düsseldorf, the subsidiaries of the EREMA Group - which are EREMA, PURE LOOP, UMAC, 3S, KEYCYCLE and PLASMAC - will present their technological innovations, services and support together at a Group trade fair stand for the first time. Seven new recycling systems and components will be presented that enable large-scale plants with a production capacity of up to 6 t/h while setting a milestone in recyclate quality and process stability. This is made possible by technological innovations in the plasticizing unit that have been specially developed for high throughputs with low specific energy consumption, the new EREMA 406 laser filter with a 50 percent larger screening area, and new digital assistance systems that will be launched at K 2022 and made available on the BluPort® customer platform. These include, for example, the PredictOn app, which helps to anticipate and eliminate imminent malfunctions based on continuous measurement and evaluation of machine data.

New series of machines for new target groups
For customers looking for rapidly available recycling systems for simple applications, EREMA Group subsidiary UMAC has an innovation in store for K 2022. The company, which has so far specialised in refurbishing and trading in previously owned equipment, is expanding its business area and in Düsseldorf will launch READYMAC, a standardised, prefabricated recycling solution that can be produced from stock, based on proven EREMA TVE technology.

Finally, in the inhouse recycling segment, PURE LOOP and PLASMAC will round off the wide range of machines offered by the group of companies with their product portfolio.

Live recycling and lighthouse projects at the Circonomic Center
In the outdoor area of the K show, EREMA will bring plastics recycling to life with live demonstrations in conjunction with cooperation partners. Different waste streams are processed for this purpose. The wide variety of high-quality applications for recyclate will be showcased in the "products made of recyclate" exhibition, ranging from technical components to consumer goods and food packaging.

Borealis – accelerating the transition towards a more circular future
Borealis is committed to using their expertise and global reach to advance the circular economy of plastics. At the joint Pre-K 2022 kick-off on June 13, Borealis provided a preview of their integrated way of circular thinking and featured topics and activities at the K Fair 2022 in October. The preview covered new technologies and innovations including new packaging and infrastructure applications of the Bornewables™ portfolio of circular polyolefin products, manufactured with renewable feedstocks. New applications for Design for Recyclability, Re-Use, chemical recycling and advanced mechanical recycling were also on display.


EREMA Group GmbH

(c) Borealis

Borealis introduces portfolio of circular base chemicals

  • The Borvida™ portfolio introduces sustainable base chemicals to Borealis’ range of product offering
  • The range will initially be based on non-food waste biomass, and chemically-recycled waste; in the future it will also draw from atmospheric carbon capture
  • The traceability of the content will be based on Mass Balance, which is ISCC PLUS certified
  • This is the next step in an ambitious sustainability journey, which will see Borealis move away from traditional fossil-based feed

Borealis is strengthening its EverMinds™ circular product offering with Borvida™, a range of sustainable base chemicals.

The Borvida portfolio will offer base chemicals or cracker products (such as ethylene, propylene, butene and phenol) with ISCC Plus-certified sustainable content from Borealis sites in Finland, Sweden and Belgium. The move is part of Borealis’ broader commitment to a Future-Positive Revolution, in which the unrivalled benefits of base chemicals and polymers can be enjoyed at minimal impact to the planet.   

  • The Borvida™ portfolio introduces sustainable base chemicals to Borealis’ range of product offering
  • The range will initially be based on non-food waste biomass, and chemically-recycled waste; in the future it will also draw from atmospheric carbon capture
  • The traceability of the content will be based on Mass Balance, which is ISCC PLUS certified
  • This is the next step in an ambitious sustainability journey, which will see Borealis move away from traditional fossil-based feed

Borealis is strengthening its EverMinds™ circular product offering with Borvida™, a range of sustainable base chemicals.

The Borvida portfolio will offer base chemicals or cracker products (such as ethylene, propylene, butene and phenol) with ISCC Plus-certified sustainable content from Borealis sites in Finland, Sweden and Belgium. The move is part of Borealis’ broader commitment to a Future-Positive Revolution, in which the unrivalled benefits of base chemicals and polymers can be enjoyed at minimal impact to the planet.   

The portfolio will initially comprise Borvida B, from non-food waste biomass, and Borvida C, from chemically-recycled waste. In the future, the range will evolve to include Borvida A, sourced from atmospheric carbon capture. Borvida is complementary and is the building block to Bornewables™, a portfolio of polyolefins based on renewably-sourced second generation feedstocks, and Borcycle™, which offers circular polyolefins produced from mechanically- and chemically-recycled plastic waste.

Borealis produces a wide range of base chemicals for use in numerous industries based on various feedstock, such as naphtha, butane, propane and ethane. Through its olefin units (steam cracker and propane dehydrogenation), it converts these into the building blocks of the chemical industry: ethylene, propylene and C4 hydrocarbons (butylenes, ethyl tertiary-butyl ether (ETBE) and butadiene), and C5-6 hydrocarbons (pygas, phenol) among others.

The basis of the Borvida portfolio is Mass Balance, a Chain of Custody model that enables sustainable content to be tracked, traced, and verified through the entire value chain, offering sustainability-assured products from feedstock to end product. Using this model, circular alternatives can be offered in a cost-effective and environmentally-conscious way, which can be scaled up quickly without compromising on quality or efficiency.

Borvida can be used for a wide range of different polymer and chemical applications, also beyond polyolefins (PO). Non-PO polymers, such as polycarbonates, acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), super absorbant polymer (SAP) and other chemicals, are utilised for various end applications including coatings, plasticizers, adhesives, automotive, electronics, lubricants, detergents, appliances and sports equipment.

Together with key strategic partners, including Neste and Covestro, Borealis strives to provide a long-term solution in order to allow value-chain partners to meet their sustainability goals. Borvida will enable our customers to increase the sustainability of their products, keeping them ahead of forthcoming legislative changes, and meeting their customers’ demands for climate-conscious products.

Introduced on a smaller scale in early 2020, early renewable base chemicals customers include Covestro. “The use of alternative sustainable raw materials is one important pillar of our strategic ambition to become fully circular”, comments Frank Dörner, Managing Director Covestro Procurement Services GmbH & Co. KG. “The new product line is a good example for joint solutions, another strategic pillar, in order to establish new and reliable supply chains creating benefits for our customers.”



ANDRITZ Nonwoven Wetlace CP-Linie Photo: Andritz

ANDRITZ: First nonwovens pilot line for wipes with integrated wetlaid pulp process

International technology group ANDRITZ has established a new inline Wetlace™ CP pilot line with an original design at its center of competence in Montbonnot, France. The line combines both spunlace and wetlaid technologies.

From now on, partners will be able to conduct trials and test all options available for wipes production – from carded staple fibers to pulp and various combinations thereof. The combination of both spunlace and wetlaid technologies offers to move forward to more sustainable options while maintaining a high level of product quality, in particular by achieving high CD strength and good linting properties.

Over the past few decades, ANDRITZ has continued to innovate with various nonwoven processes, like spunlace, WetlaceTM and Wetlace™ CP, with the aim of optimizing the use of raw materials and focusing on sustainability by reducing the synthetic fiber content. Facing the growing demand for bio-wipes in parallel with enforcement of the EU’s single-use plastics directive last year, ANDRITZ has decided to support its customers making their investment decisions.

International technology group ANDRITZ has established a new inline Wetlace™ CP pilot line with an original design at its center of competence in Montbonnot, France. The line combines both spunlace and wetlaid technologies.

From now on, partners will be able to conduct trials and test all options available for wipes production – from carded staple fibers to pulp and various combinations thereof. The combination of both spunlace and wetlaid technologies offers to move forward to more sustainable options while maintaining a high level of product quality, in particular by achieving high CD strength and good linting properties.

Over the past few decades, ANDRITZ has continued to innovate with various nonwoven processes, like spunlace, WetlaceTM and Wetlace™ CP, with the aim of optimizing the use of raw materials and focusing on sustainability by reducing the synthetic fiber content. Facing the growing demand for bio-wipes in parallel with enforcement of the EU’s single-use plastics directive last year, ANDRITZ has decided to support its customers making their investment decisions.

The Montbonnot pilot line has been rebuilt to integrate the new headbox inside the spunlace line. Pulp can be fed in directly and entangled with carded staple fibers to produce unique nonwoven fabrics designed for end uses as bio-wipes.




Transforming textile waste into feedstock

Europe has a 7-7.5-million-ton waste problem, of which only 30-35% is collected today. The ReHubs initiative launched in 2020 has now completed a Techno Economic Master Study (TES) and it sheds light on key figures and options to collaborate to solve the European waste problem.

In two and a half year all EU member states are obliged to separately collect textile waste. Currently there are no large-scaled plans to use that waste.  The largest portion of the waste (around 85%) comes from households.

Europe has a 7-7.5-million-ton waste problem, of which only 30-35% is collected today. The ReHubs initiative launched in 2020 has now completed a Techno Economic Master Study (TES) and it sheds light on key figures and options to collaborate to solve the European waste problem.

In two and a half year all EU member states are obliged to separately collect textile waste. Currently there are no large-scaled plans to use that waste.  The largest portion of the waste (around 85%) comes from households.

The ReHubs initiative brings together key European and world players to solve the textile waste problem by transforming “waste” into a resource and to boost textile circular business models at large scale. The completed TES has accessed critical information on solving the European waste problem. It is estimated that to reach a collection rate from 18 to 26 percent by 2030, 7 billion euro will be needed. Once matured and scaled, the textile recycling industry could become a profitable industry with a total market size of 6-8 billion € and around 15,000 direct new jobs by 2030. As a first step the ReHubs Initiative announces different actions forwards, including projects on this pathway, which one is to transform textile waste into feedstock.

TEXAID has been supporting ReHubs since the start and contributed significantly involved to the Business Council and the Steering Committee of the initiative. As strongly committed industry leader TEXAID is taking the lead on the project to transform textile waste into feedstock for recycling processes. In order to handle the increasing quantities of post-consumer textile waste a massive scale up of sorting and preparation for recycling of used textiles is needed. TEXAID is committed to lead the work on developing new technologies and building up additional capacities for the handling and preparing of textile waste for textile recycling in Europe. In a first phase this involves the built up of a new sorting and pre-processing facility with the capacity of 50’00 tons p.a. by 2024.

More information:
ReHubs Texaid


Photo: Filidea Technical Yarns

Filidea Technical Yarns: New products and markets under the banner of sustainable evolution

  • New yarns for the contract furnishing world, for industrial sewing threads and the challenge of biodegradable polyester

At the product level, big impulse has been given to the range of industrial sewing threads for various uses, with new references both in the polyester + polyester compositions as well as in cotton + polyester. The industrial threads, marketed as raw material, allow the company to consolidate its position on some strategic markets, such as in Germany.

As a result of the partnership with Trevira® for the spinning of the flame-retardant Trevira®CS fibre, Filidea Technical Yarns reinforces its offer of non-dyed performant yarns aimed at the world of contract furnishings. The sector of hospitality, of furnishings for public and work spaces, fairs and areas for social-cultural gatherings will find a comprehensive answer to its demands in the Trevira®CS-based yarns: with regard to fireproof standards, versatility, resistance to wear and tear, excellent colour rendering, and last but not least, the component of fibre sustainability, an essential value for the design of spaces for collective use.

  • New yarns for the contract furnishing world, for industrial sewing threads and the challenge of biodegradable polyester

At the product level, big impulse has been given to the range of industrial sewing threads for various uses, with new references both in the polyester + polyester compositions as well as in cotton + polyester. The industrial threads, marketed as raw material, allow the company to consolidate its position on some strategic markets, such as in Germany.

As a result of the partnership with Trevira® for the spinning of the flame-retardant Trevira®CS fibre, Filidea Technical Yarns reinforces its offer of non-dyed performant yarns aimed at the world of contract furnishings. The sector of hospitality, of furnishings for public and work spaces, fairs and areas for social-cultural gatherings will find a comprehensive answer to its demands in the Trevira®CS-based yarns: with regard to fireproof standards, versatility, resistance to wear and tear, excellent colour rendering, and last but not least, the component of fibre sustainability, an essential value for the design of spaces for collective use.

Continuing in the development of sustainable production across the sector, the company has undertaken two important initiatives with other actors in the textile supply chain. Filidea participates in Trick, the European blockchain project – part of the European Horizon 2020 programme – involving 29 partners from six different nations to reinforce the circular economy thanks to the development of a digital platform which is complete, traceable and available to operators in the textile sector.

MagnoLab, the network of enterprises in the textile supply chain, and of which Filidea is one of the founding members, gives the impulse to constant R&D activities. MagnoLab was established in 2022 in order to develop tangible solutions for the sector, to create values and to collaborate with regard to current and future demands.

MagnoLab brings together textile companies which are active at various stages of and with complementary roles in the supply chain, and which work in synergy and share objectives, resourcefulness and long-sightedness, with the aim of developing innovation in a structured way. MagnoLab is also open to welcome new partners.


Filidea Technical Yarns

Neonyt Lab, 24. bis 26. Juni 2022, Union Halle, Frankfurt am Main Foto: Messe Frankfurt

Neonyt Lab: Gemeinsam für eine nachhaltigere Fashion-Industrie

„Nachhaltige Mode macht einen Unterschied. Wir machen einen Unterschied!“ – das waren zwei der wichtigsten Botschaften, die die Community des Neonyt Lab nach drei bunten Veranstaltungstagen unter dem Motto „New Patterns“ in der Union Halle in Frankfurt am Main mitgenommen hat. Die Premiere des Direct to Consumer-Formats besuchten Designer*innen, Aktivist*innen, Konsument*innen und Content Creator*innen sowie Vertreter*innen aus der Modeindustrie aus 22 Ländern.

„Nachhaltige Mode macht einen Unterschied. Wir machen einen Unterschied!“ – das waren zwei der wichtigsten Botschaften, die die Community des Neonyt Lab nach drei bunten Veranstaltungstagen unter dem Motto „New Patterns“ in der Union Halle in Frankfurt am Main mitgenommen hat. Die Premiere des Direct to Consumer-Formats besuchten Designer*innen, Aktivist*innen, Konsument*innen und Content Creator*innen sowie Vertreter*innen aus der Modeindustrie aus 22 Ländern.

Am 26. Juni ging das erste Neonyt Lab in Frankfurt am Main zu Ende. Wie in einem Labor konnte man von Freitag, den 24. Juni bis Sonntag in der Union Halle in Frankfurt am Main mit nachhaltiger Mode experimentieren: Sustainable Fashion Styles zusammenstellen und direkt kaufen, in die Nachhaltigkeitsdiskussion eintauchen, sich informieren und vernetzen oder mitmachen und sich mit vielen guten Ideen einbringen. Das Konzept des Neonyt Lab, sich auch für Verbraucher*innen zu öffnen, war neu: Die nachhaltige Fashion-Szene aus insgesamt 22 Ländern, u.a. Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz, Spanien, Polen, Dänemark, war anwesend. Auf einer Ausstellungs- und Shopping-Fläche von 1.000 m² mit mehr als 30 nachhaltigen Fashion-, Beauty- und Lifestyle-Brands sowie einem umfassenden Event- und Talkprogramm wurde an den drei Veranstaltungstagen viel geboten. Unterstützt wurde des Neonyt Lab von Engagement Global und Oeko-Tex.

Wichtiger Impulsgeber und von den Besucher*innen stark frequentiert waren die zahlreichen Diskussionsrunden, Interviews und Workshops der Fashionsustain, das Konferenzformat des Neonyt Lab. Ein Höhepunkt war die Auszeichnung von Michael Spitzbarth, Founder & CEO von Bleed, als Designer des Jahres für nachhaltige Kollektionen. Der Nachhaltigkeitsaward wird vom VDMD – Netzwerk Deutscher Mode- und Textil-Designer – an Designer*innen verliehen, die sich mit ihren Entwürfen und Kollektionen dem Thema Nachhaltigkeit ganzheitlich verschrieben haben.

More information:
Neonyt Lab

Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH

(c) Coperion GmbH

Coperion: New Development for Plastic Fiber and Flake Recycling

With the goal of making recycling of lightweight, high-volume fiber and flake recyclate much more economical and, in some cases even possible, Coperion has developed a new version of its ZS-B side feeder. Using the innovative ZS-B MEGAfeed, plastic recyclate with a bulk density under 200 kg/m³, long considered intake-limited and thus not worth recycling, can be reliably fed in large quantities into Coperion’s ZSK twin screw extruder and be concurrently recycled and compounded.

The ZS-B side feeder’s novel design makes it possible to feed very high rates of fiber and flakes, such as PA, PE, PET, and PP. As a result, the ZSK twin screw extruder’s high capacity can be fully exploited when the ZS-B MEGAfeed is used. Very high throughputs in both mechanical and chemical recycling of post-industrial and post-consumer waste are achieved.

With the goal of making recycling of lightweight, high-volume fiber and flake recyclate much more economical and, in some cases even possible, Coperion has developed a new version of its ZS-B side feeder. Using the innovative ZS-B MEGAfeed, plastic recyclate with a bulk density under 200 kg/m³, long considered intake-limited and thus not worth recycling, can be reliably fed in large quantities into Coperion’s ZSK twin screw extruder and be concurrently recycled and compounded.

The ZS-B side feeder’s novel design makes it possible to feed very high rates of fiber and flakes, such as PA, PE, PET, and PP. As a result, the ZSK twin screw extruder’s high capacity can be fully exploited when the ZS-B MEGAfeed is used. Very high throughputs in both mechanical and chemical recycling of post-industrial and post-consumer waste are achieved.

Increased Throughput in Numbers
With a ZSK 58 Mc18 twin screw extruder, the throughput increase and thus the potential of the new ZS-B MEGAfeed becomes very clear. When recycling PA fibers with a bulk density of ~40-50 kg/m3, throughputs of 70 kg/h were previously achieved using conventional equipment. When the PA fibers were fed into the ZSK extruder using the ZS-B MEGAfeed, throughputs increased about fourteenfold to 1,000 kg/h. Similar results were achieved recycling carbon fibers with a bulk density of ~50-70 kg/m3; in this case, throughputs increased from 50 kg/h to 2,500 kg/h using the ZS-B MEGAfeed. When recycling PCR (Post-Consumer Recycled) flakes, throughputs increased from 50 kg/h to 700 kg/h, and from 80 kg/h to 1,300 kg/h with multilayer film flakes.

Key to Economical Recycling of A Wide Variety of Plastics
Plastics previously considered not recyclable are becoming a valuable raw material using the new Coperion ZS-B MEGAfeed. For example, PCR flakes or recyclate from carbon fiber-reinforced plastics can now be fed into the ZSK extruder at high feed rates and recycled economically.

In the case of mechanical upcycling, upstream processes necessary for compounding, such as compacting, melting and agglomeration, are completely eliminated using the ZS-B MEGAfeed technology. In this recycling process, flakes and fibers can be fed directly into the ZSK extruder, where they are melted, compounded, devolatilized, and filtered in a single step. In so doing, both investment costs and energy consumption drop. The production process becomes significantly more efficient. Moreover, the thermal product stress is reduced and recyclate quality increases.

Even when recycling PET, the feed rate is no longer a limiting factor. With the ZS-B MEGAfeed, PET flakes and fibers can be fed into the ZSK twin screw extruder in large quantities with no pre-drying or crystallizing, where they can be processed with the highest degree of profitability.

The ZS-B MEGAfeed can also feed large quantities of post-consumer waste, adding appreciable value to the chemical recycling process with the ZSKs. ZSK throughput rates are very high with the ZS-B MEGAfeed. Preheating of the recyclate via mechanical energy input of the twin screws thus becomes even more economical for further processing in the reactor.

Existing Coperion extruders can be retrofitted with ZS-B MEGAfeed technology to greatly expand their spectrum of applications and increase their throughput rates.


Coperion GmbH / Konsens Public Relations GmbH & Co. KG


Speidel präsentiert neue Basic-Wäscheserie

Speidel macht bei der neuen Basic-Serie „Be natural - clean & comfy cotton” keine Kompromisse. Hergestellt aus hochwertiger Bio-Baumwolle bietet die Wohlfühlwäsche Nachhaltigkeit und Komfort: Be natural begeistert mit Natur pur und ist mit einem Bio-Baumwollanteil von 93 Prozent auch GOTS zertifiziert.

Farbe Natur: nur gewaschen, nicht gebleicht oder gefärbt
Besonders nachhaltig sind alle Wäscheteile in der Farbe Natur, die nur gewaschen sind und nicht chemisch behandelt werden. Sie werden farbstofffrei und ohne optische Aufheller hergestellt – der Umwelt und den Trägerinnen zuliebe. Neben Natur gibt es die neue Serie aber auch in den Farben Weiß und Grün. Alle drei Nuancen spiegeln die Verbundenheit mit der Natur wider und erinnern an das Farbenspiel der Schwäbischen Alb.

Speidel macht bei der neuen Basic-Serie „Be natural - clean & comfy cotton” keine Kompromisse. Hergestellt aus hochwertiger Bio-Baumwolle bietet die Wohlfühlwäsche Nachhaltigkeit und Komfort: Be natural begeistert mit Natur pur und ist mit einem Bio-Baumwollanteil von 93 Prozent auch GOTS zertifiziert.

Farbe Natur: nur gewaschen, nicht gebleicht oder gefärbt
Besonders nachhaltig sind alle Wäscheteile in der Farbe Natur, die nur gewaschen sind und nicht chemisch behandelt werden. Sie werden farbstofffrei und ohne optische Aufheller hergestellt – der Umwelt und den Trägerinnen zuliebe. Neben Natur gibt es die neue Serie aber auch in den Farben Weiß und Grün. Alle drei Nuancen spiegeln die Verbundenheit mit der Natur wider und erinnern an das Farbenspiel der Schwäbischen Alb.

Liefertermin Februar 2023
Die bequem sitzenden Wäscheteile aus umweltfreundlichem und natürlichem Material – 93 Prozent Bio-Baumwolle und 7 Prozent Elasthan – begleiten wunderbar durch den Alltag. Die drei Slipformen Bikinislip, Midislip und Hipster werden durch Soft BH, Bügel BH und Schalen BH Triangle ergänzt. So findet jede Frau ihre persönlichen Lieblingsteile. Das Achselhemd rundet die Serie ab und kann auch wunderbar lässig zur Jeans oder einem Sommerrock getragen werden. Die Kollektion ist ab Februar 2023 erhältlich.



SPEIDEL GmbH / Panama PR GmbH


EURATEX’s ReHubs initiative: Fiber-to-fiber recycling

The ReHubs initiative brings together key European and world players to solve the European textile waste problem by transforming “waste” into a resource, and to boost textile circular business model at large scale.

This collaboration is set to turn the societal textile waste issue into a business opportunity and to fulfil the EU ambitions of the Green Deal, of the mandatory texile waste collection by end 2024 and the transition into Circular Economy.

In 2020 EURATEX launched the ReHubs initiative to promote collaboration across the extended textile value chain and considering all perspectives on chemicals, fibers making, textiles making, garments production, retail and distribution, textiles waste collection, sorting and recycling.

In June 2022 ReHubs completes a Techno Economic master Study (TES) which researches critical information on the feedstock (textile waste) data, on technology, organizational and financial needs to recycle 2.5 million tons of textile waste by 2030 and to effectively launch the ReHubs.

The ReHubs initiative brings together key European and world players to solve the European textile waste problem by transforming “waste” into a resource, and to boost textile circular business model at large scale.

This collaboration is set to turn the societal textile waste issue into a business opportunity and to fulfil the EU ambitions of the Green Deal, of the mandatory texile waste collection by end 2024 and the transition into Circular Economy.

In 2020 EURATEX launched the ReHubs initiative to promote collaboration across the extended textile value chain and considering all perspectives on chemicals, fibers making, textiles making, garments production, retail and distribution, textiles waste collection, sorting and recycling.

In June 2022 ReHubs completes a Techno Economic master Study (TES) which researches critical information on the feedstock (textile waste) data, on technology, organizational and financial needs to recycle 2.5 million tons of textile waste by 2030 and to effectively launch the ReHubs.

EURATEX’s ReHubs initiative plans to pursue fiber-to-fiber recycling for 2.5 million tons of textile waste by 2030
According ReHubs Techno Economic Master Study (TES), the textile recycling industry could generate in Europe around 15,000 direct new jobs by 2030, and increase need for nearshoring and reshoring of textile manufacturing.

The textile recycling industry in Europe could reach economic, social and environmental benefits for €3.5 billion to €4.5 billion by 2030
“Transform Waste into Feedstock” announced as first project supported by the ReHubs, and aiming at building up a first 50,000 tons capacity facility by 2024.

Europe has a 7-7.5 million tons textile waste problem, of which only 30-35% is collected today.  

Based on the ambitious European Waste law, all EU Member States must separately collect the textile waste in 2 years and half. While some countries are designing schemes to face the waste collection challenge, currently no large-scale plan exist to process the waste.

The largest source of textile waste (85%) comes from private households and approximately 99% of the textile waste was made using virgin fibers.

Euratex  assesses that to reach a fiber-to-fiber recycling rate of around 18 to 26 percent by 2030, a capital expenditure investment in the range of 6 billion € to 7 billion € will be needed, particularly to scale up sufficient sorting and processing infrastructure. The economic, social, and environmental value which could be realized, potentially total an annual impact of €3.5-4.5 billion by 2030.

Once matured and scaled, the textile recycling industry could become a profitable industry with a total market size of 6-8 billion € and around 15,000 direct new jobs by 2030.

Next steps of the ReHubs initiative

  • A European textile recycling roadmap proposing Objectives and Key Results to recycle fiber-to-fiber 2.5 million of textile waste by 2030
  • A leading collaboration hub with large players and SMEs from across an extended European textile recycling value chain
  • A first concrete portfolio of 4 launching projects:
    - Transform textile waste into feedstock
    - Increase the adoption of mechanically recycled fibers in the value chain
    - Expand capacity by solving technical challenges for thermo-mechanical textiles recycling
    - Create capsule collection with post-consumer recycled products

The 1st project addresses current sorting technologies which have limits to identify materials with sufficient accuracy for the subsequent circular recycling processes. The “Transform Waste into Feedstock” project will focus on further developing and scaling such sorting technologies. The project group led by Texaid AG aims on building up a first 50,000 tons facility by the end 2024.

