From the Sector

578 results

Ionofibres a new track for smart and functional textiles

Electronically conductive fibres are already in use in smart textiles, but in a recently published research article, ionically conductive fibres have proven to be of increasing interest. The so-called ionofibres achieve higher flexibility and durability and match the type of conduction our body uses. In the future, they may be used for such items as textile batteries, textile displays, and textile muscles.

The research project is being carried out by doctoral student Claude Huniade at the University of Borås and is a track within a larger project, Weafing, the goal of which is to develop novel, unprecedented garments for haptic stimulation comprising flexible and wearable textile actuators and sensors.

In Claude Huniade’s project, the goal is to produce conductive yarns without conductive metals.
"My research is about producing electrically conductive textile fibres, and ultimately yarns, by coating non-metals sustainably on commercial yarns. The biggest challenge is in the balance between keeping the textile properties and adding the conductive feature," said Claude Huniade.

Electronically conductive fibres are already in use in smart textiles, but in a recently published research article, ionically conductive fibres have proven to be of increasing interest. The so-called ionofibres achieve higher flexibility and durability and match the type of conduction our body uses. In the future, they may be used for such items as textile batteries, textile displays, and textile muscles.

The research project is being carried out by doctoral student Claude Huniade at the University of Borås and is a track within a larger project, Weafing, the goal of which is to develop novel, unprecedented garments for haptic stimulation comprising flexible and wearable textile actuators and sensors.

In Claude Huniade’s project, the goal is to produce conductive yarns without conductive metals.
"My research is about producing electrically conductive textile fibres, and ultimately yarns, by coating non-metals sustainably on commercial yarns. The biggest challenge is in the balance between keeping the textile properties and adding the conductive feature," said Claude Huniade.

Currenty, the uniqueness of his research leans towards the strategies employed when coating. These strategies expand to the processes and the materials used.

Uses ionic liquid
One of the tracks he investigates is about a new kind of material as textile coating, ionic liquids in combination with commercial textile fibres. Just like salt water, they conduct electricity but without water. Ionic liquid is a more stable electrolyte than salt water as nothing evaporates.

"The processable aspect is an important requirement since textile manufacturing can be harsh on textile fibres, especially when upscaling their use. The fibres can also be manufactured into woven or knitted without damaging them mechanically while retaining their conductivity. Surprisingly, they were even smoother to process into fabrics than the commercial yarns they are made from," explained Claude Huniade.

Ionofibres could be used as sensors since ionic liquids are sensitive to their environment. For example, humidity change can be sensed by the ionofibers, but also any stretch or pressure they are subjected to.

"Ionofibres could truly shine when they are combined with other materials or devices that require electrolytes. Ionofibres enable certain phenomena currently limited to happen in liquids to be feasible in air in a lightweight fashion. The applications are multiple and unique, for example for textile batteries, textile displays or textile muscles," said Claude Huniade.

Needs further research
Yet more research is needed to combine the ionofibres with other functional fibres and to produce the unique textile devices.

How do they stand out compared to common electronically conductive fibres?
"In comparison to electronically conductive fibres, ionofibers are different in how they conduct electricity. They are less conductive, but they bring other properties that electronically conductive fibers often lack. Ionofibres achieve higher flexibility and durability and match the type of conduction that our body uses. They actually match better than electronically conductive fibres with how electricity is present in nature," he concluded.


University of Borås - The Swedish School of Textiles


Wollfaserverbundwerkstoffe im Spritzguss und im 3-D-Druck

Prof. Dr. -Ing. Jörg Müssig und Vincent Röhl von der Hochschule Bremen trugen mit einem Kapitel über Wollfaserverbundwerkstoffe im Spritzguss und im 3-D-Druck zum Buch "Wool Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites" bei.

Pflanzliche Naturfasern gewinnen als Verstärkungselemente in Verbundwerkstoffen zunehmend an Bedeutung. Wolle hingegen ist in derartigen Werkstoffen bisher eher selten zu finden, hat allerdings ein überaus spannendes Potenzial.

Das aktuell erschienene Buch zu wollfaserverstärkten Polymerverbundwerkstoffen stellt eine eingehende und praktische Analyse von Verbundwerkstoffen auf der Basis von Wolle dar und deckt alle Bereiche von der Morphologie der Wollfaser bis zu den industriellen Anwendungen von Wollfaserverbundwerkstoffen ab. Untersucht werden unterschiedlichste Formen von Wollfaserverbundwerkstoffen, Beschreibungen umfassen Morphologie, Struktur und Eigenschaften von Wolle, Methoden zur chemischen Modifizierung von Wolle, verschiedene Formen von Woll-Polymer-Verbundwerkstoffen und weitere neue Anwendungen.

Prof. Dr. -Ing. Jörg Müssig und Vincent Röhl von der Hochschule Bremen trugen mit einem Kapitel über Wollfaserverbundwerkstoffe im Spritzguss und im 3-D-Druck zum Buch "Wool Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites" bei.

Pflanzliche Naturfasern gewinnen als Verstärkungselemente in Verbundwerkstoffen zunehmend an Bedeutung. Wolle hingegen ist in derartigen Werkstoffen bisher eher selten zu finden, hat allerdings ein überaus spannendes Potenzial.

Das aktuell erschienene Buch zu wollfaserverstärkten Polymerverbundwerkstoffen stellt eine eingehende und praktische Analyse von Verbundwerkstoffen auf der Basis von Wolle dar und deckt alle Bereiche von der Morphologie der Wollfaser bis zu den industriellen Anwendungen von Wollfaserverbundwerkstoffen ab. Untersucht werden unterschiedlichste Formen von Wollfaserverbundwerkstoffen, Beschreibungen umfassen Morphologie, Struktur und Eigenschaften von Wolle, Methoden zur chemischen Modifizierung von Wolle, verschiedene Formen von Woll-Polymer-Verbundwerkstoffen und weitere neue Anwendungen.

Unter dem Titel „Wool fiber-reinforced thermoplastic polymers for injection molding and 3D-printing“ bekommen die Leser:innen einen Überblick vom Aufbau natürlicher keratin-basierter Strukturen, deren Eigenschaften bis hin zur Verwendung von Wolle in Verbundwerkstoffen. Neben Anwendungsmöglichkeiten im 3-D-Druck gehen die Autoren auch auf das bionische Potenzial keratin-basierter Strukturen ein. Vor dem Hintergrund der Diskussionen über den unerwünschten Eintrag von Kunststoffen in Gewässer und Böden sehen Vincent Röhl und Jörg Müssig einen besonderen Vorteil von Wollfasern zur Verstärkung von abbaubaren Kunststoffen. Ihre aktuellen Forschungen zeigen, dass wollfaserverstärkte, biobasierte Kunststoffe sich sehr schnell im Boden abbauen und von Bodenorganismen verstoffwechselt werden können.


Hochschule Bremen


Baumwolle: Herausforderungen Traceability und Rohstoffqualität

  • Digitale Ökosysteme
  • Effektivität lokal vernetzter Wertschöpfungsketten
  • Aus welcher Baumwolle besteht mein T-Shirt?
  • Recycling und Faserqualität
  • 15 Jahre CSITC- Rundest: Ergebnisse und Nutzen

Die Bremer Baumwollbörse und das Faserinstitut Bremen e.V. laden gemeinsam am 29. und 30. September zur 36. International Cotton Conference Bremen ein. Unter dem Motto „Cotton Decoded“ wird den Tagungsteilnehmern sowohl in Bremen vor Ort als auch online über eine Tagungsplattform ein anspruchsvolles Programm mit aktuellen Vorträgen und lebhaften Diskussionsrunden geboten.

  • Digitale Ökosysteme
  • Effektivität lokal vernetzter Wertschöpfungsketten
  • Aus welcher Baumwolle besteht mein T-Shirt?
  • Recycling und Faserqualität
  • 15 Jahre CSITC- Rundest: Ergebnisse und Nutzen

Die Bremer Baumwollbörse und das Faserinstitut Bremen e.V. laden gemeinsam am 29. und 30. September zur 36. International Cotton Conference Bremen ein. Unter dem Motto „Cotton Decoded“ wird den Tagungsteilnehmern sowohl in Bremen vor Ort als auch online über eine Tagungsplattform ein anspruchsvolles Programm mit aktuellen Vorträgen und lebhaften Diskussionsrunden geboten.

Die Europäische Union nimmt Textilunternehmen mit ihrem geplanten Lieferkettengesetz in die Verantwortung. Dies erfordert ein Umdenken im Lieferkettenmanagement. Zusätzliche Herausforderungen entstehen durch Fast Fashion, kürzere Zykluszeiten der Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie sowie Forderungen nach Transparenz und mehr Nachhaltigkeit. Hierbei spielen auch Fragen der für ein Produkt notwendigen Baumwollqualität eine wesentliche Rolle. Mit Methoden der Rückverfolgbarkeit und der Transparenz in Lieferketten sowie den Möglichkeiten zu Beurteilung von Baumwollqualität beschäftigt sich die Internationale Baumwolltagung in ihren Sessions ‚Traceability‘ und ‚Cotton Quality und Testing‘.

Digitale Ökosysteme – was in Zukunft möglich ist!
Gesine Köppe, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen lässt die Konferenzteilnehmer in das Modell eines komplett digital vernetzten Ökosystems eintauchen. Es bietet völlige Transparenz mit der Möglichkeit der Rückverfolgbarkeit innerhalb der gesamten textilen Produktions- und Lieferkette vom Baumwollfeld bis zum Textil- und Bekleidungseinzelhandel. Die Lösung liegt laut Gesine Köppe in der Anwendung einer ‚Distributed Ledger-Technologie‘ mit der Möglichkeit einer gezielten Dokumentation von ausgewählten Transaktionen, wie man sie in ähnlicher Form auch von Blockchains kennt. Jeder Teilnehmer der Supply Chain gibt für das gesamte Netzwerk sichtbar relevante Informationen in ein dezentral geführtes digitales ‚Hauptbuch‘, wie man es aus der Buchführung kennt, ein. Während des Projekts wird ein ständiges Dokumentations- und Informationssystem eingerichtet, um die vertikale und horizontale Integration der Technologien zu gewährleisten. Somit soll der Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie ein Anreiz durch Kooperation geboten werden.

Baumwolle Usbekistan: Rückverfolgbarkeit von Feld bis zur Spinnerei
Dr. Rinat Gulyaev, Direktor beim Cotton Science-Innovation Center, Tashkent in Usbekistan, stellt in seinem Vortrag ein Projekt vor, das darauf abzielt, Baumwolle und Baumwollprodukte durch digitale Technologie zu identifizieren und zu kennzeichnen. Damit soll eine Rückverfolgbarkeit für die Teilnehmer der Lieferkette von der Baumwollfarm bis zur Textilfabrik geschaffen werden. Dabei kommen moderne internationale Standards und bewährte Verfahren zum Einsatz. Besonderer Wert wird hierbei auf das Zusammenspiel der Digitaltechnologie mit anderen Plattformen im Kontext der digitalen Transformation der usbekischen Wirtschaft gelegt.

Effektivität lokal vernetzter Wertschöpfungsketten
Miriam Paris, Bayer Crop Science, USA, stellt in ihrem Vortrag ein spezielles ‚Field to Closet‘ -Projekt vor, bei dem in Georgia angebaute Baumwolle in Produkten im Medizinbereich Verwendung fand. Die Besonderheit: Die Stoffe für die Berufsbekleidung sind mit dem PROTX2® AV-Schutz des US-Unternehmens Intelligent Fabric Technologies N.A. ausgerüstet. Es handelt sich hierbei um eine antimikrobielle Technologie, die das Wachstum von Bakterien hemmt. Ein Thema, das für den Medizinbereich von hoher Bedeutung ist.

Textil-Tracker: Aus welcher Baumwolle besteht mein T-Shirt?
Gesicherte Herkunftsnachweise sind in der textilen Kette von wesentlicher Bedeutung. Karin Ratovo, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin der Hochschule Niederrhein, Mönchengladbach sowie Markus Bonner, Agroisolab GmbH, Jülich, werden zur Tagung die Untersuchungsergebnisse des Projektes "Textile-Tracker" vorstellen. Agroisolab ist eines der führenden europäischen Laboratorien im Bereich Isotopenanalytik. Im Rahmen der Forschungsarbeit am Projekt wurde analysiert, ob chemische Signaturen von Baumwollfasern in den üblichen Textilverarbeitungsschritten erhalten bleiben. Bei erfolgreicher Validierung besteht die Möglichkeit, eine georeferenzierte Herkunftsdatenbank für Baumwolle und Textilien aufzubauen.

15 Jahre CSITC-Rundtest: Ergebnisse und Nutzen
Seit 2007 organisiert das Faserinstitut Bremen e.V. in Kooperation mit dem International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC) und dem US-Landwirtschaftsministerium (USDA) Rundtests zur Standardisierung von Instrumenten-Tests für Baumwolle im Rahmen des Committee on Standardized Instrument Testing of Cotton (CSITC). Es geht um die Überprüfung und Harmonisierung von High Volume-Instrumenten (HVI). Die Ergebnisse von mit HVI-Technik durchgeführten Baumwolltests sind u. a. im Baumwollhandel oder bei Spinnereien gefragt. Deshalb sollte die Prüfung einer bestimmten Baumwollqualität in zertifizierten Laboren international annähernd gleiche Ergebnisse aufweisen. Axel Drieling, Senior Manager Cotton und Mitglied des Vorstands beim Faserinstitut, sowie der neue Leiter der CSITC Task Force und Chefberater für das australische Unternehmen Textile Technical Services, Geelong, Marinus van der Sluijs, stellen die erzielten Fortschritte bei den Tests der letzten 15 Jahre vor. Van der Sluijs strebt an, die Anzahl der Teilnehmer am Rundtest gerade auch auf Seiten der Baumwollverarbeiter zu erhöhen. Dazu werden die Vorteile der Harmonisierung und Überprüfung für die Baumwollproduktion, für den Handel und für die Spinnereien genannt und faktisch untermauert.

Recycling und Faserqualität
Stephan Baz, Leiter des Bereichs Stapelfaser-Technologie am Deutschen Institut für Textil- und Faserforschung, Denkendorf (DIFT) stellt zur Tagung Zwischenergebnisse eines Projekts vor, das Lösungen für die Bewertung von für Reyclingzwecke zerrissene Materialien aus Baumwolle oder synthetischen Fasern mittels bewährter Rohstoffklassifizierung bietet. Im Zuge der Nachhaltigkeitsdebatte ist die Wiederverwertung von Textilien im Rahmen einer Kreislaufwirtschaft inzwischen ein viel diskutiertes Thema. Ziel des Projektes ist es, durch die Optimierung notwendiger Reißprozesse ein für den Spinnprozess qualitativ brauchbares Garn mit möglichst geringem Eigenschaftsverlust herzustellen.

Faserqualität und Entkörnung
Marinus van der Sluijs wirft mit seinem zweiten Vortrag einen Blick auf die Effektivität verschiedener Entkörnungsverfahren bzw. einzelner Prozessstufen bei der Reinigung von Saatbaumwolle. Parallel dazu wurde überprüft, welche Auswirkungen diese konkret auf die Faserqualität haben.
Laut Studie beträgt der durchschnittliche Schmutzanteil von angelieferter Saatbaumwolle in der Regel weniger als 10 Prozent. Im Reinigungsprozess können 20 bis 40 Prozent der Verunreinigungen entfernt werden. Je nach Verfahren fallen aber wesentliche Qualitätsmerkmale wie Längengleichheit, Kurzfaseranteil, Nissenanteil, Dehnfähigkeit, Festigkeit, Feinheit und Reife durchaus unterschiedlich aus. Bei der Auswahl von Baumwolle lohnt es sich, einen Blick darauf zu werfen.


Bremer Baumwollbörse


Lenzing invests in renewable energy expansion

  • Partnership with green power producer Enery and Energie Steiermark realizes construction of a photovoltaic plant with 5.5 MWpeak capacity
  • Strategic investments in renewables boost energy independence and reduce carbon footprint

The Lenzing Group has signed an electricity supply contract with green power producer Enery and Energie Steiermark to finance a photovoltaic plant in the Deutschlandsberg region (Styria). The electricity generated will supply the fiber and pulp plant at the Lenzing site after commissioning from the fourth quarter of 2023. The electricity supply contract is limited to 20 years.

The plant’s output will amount to 5.5 MWpeak. This corresponds to the average annual electricity demand of more than 1,700 households. Several photovoltaic systems are already being installed at the Lenzing site, including the largest ground-mounted plant in the province of Upper Austria, whose commissioning is imminent.

  • Partnership with green power producer Enery and Energie Steiermark realizes construction of a photovoltaic plant with 5.5 MWpeak capacity
  • Strategic investments in renewables boost energy independence and reduce carbon footprint

The Lenzing Group has signed an electricity supply contract with green power producer Enery and Energie Steiermark to finance a photovoltaic plant in the Deutschlandsberg region (Styria). The electricity generated will supply the fiber and pulp plant at the Lenzing site after commissioning from the fourth quarter of 2023. The electricity supply contract is limited to 20 years.

The plant’s output will amount to 5.5 MWpeak. This corresponds to the average annual electricity demand of more than 1,700 households. Several photovoltaic systems are already being installed at the Lenzing site, including the largest ground-mounted plant in the province of Upper Austria, whose commissioning is imminent.

In 2019, Lenzing became the first fiber manufacturer to set a target to reduce its carbon emissions by 50 percent by 2030 and to be climate neutral by 2050. This carbon reduction target has been confirmed by the Science Based Targets Initiative. Lenzing is also currently investing in reducing carbon emissions at other sites worldwide. Only recently, the Lenzing Group announced that its Indonesian site will also be relying on green energy in the future.


Lenzing AG


Kelheim Fibres at the Global Fiber Congress 2022 in Dornbirn

Shorter product life cycles and rapid technological progress are changing the product landscape at an ever-faster pace. The ability to anticipate future changes and to proactively shape the change is therefore an increasingly decisive competitive factor for modern companies. Trends are considered to be important indicators of impending

Kelheim Fibres, a leading manufacturer of viscose speciality fibres, stands out in the industry not least for its innovative strength, as evidenced by numerous awards such as the Techtextil Innovation Award 2022 in the “New Concept” category. At this year’s Global Fiber Congress Dornbirn, Innovation Manager Ilka Kaczmarek will give an insight into the innovation management of the Bavarian fibre experts in her presentation “Trend Management meets Open Innovation: Best Practice Examples from Kelheim”. Ilka Kaczmarek will show how successful product solutions were developed in a short time by focusing on customer needs and working closely with partners along the value chain.

Shorter product life cycles and rapid technological progress are changing the product landscape at an ever-faster pace. The ability to anticipate future changes and to proactively shape the change is therefore an increasingly decisive competitive factor for modern companies. Trends are considered to be important indicators of impending

Kelheim Fibres, a leading manufacturer of viscose speciality fibres, stands out in the industry not least for its innovative strength, as evidenced by numerous awards such as the Techtextil Innovation Award 2022 in the “New Concept” category. At this year’s Global Fiber Congress Dornbirn, Innovation Manager Ilka Kaczmarek will give an insight into the innovation management of the Bavarian fibre experts in her presentation “Trend Management meets Open Innovation: Best Practice Examples from Kelheim”. Ilka Kaczmarek will show how successful product solutions were developed in a short time by focusing on customer needs and working closely with partners along the value chain.

Natalie Wunder, Project Manager at Kelheim Fibres, will explain one of these examples in detail in her presentation “Development of Menstruation Pants using Speciality Viscose Fibres”. Based on the current trend and the desire of end customers for reusable products, Kelheim Fibres was able to develop a washable and thus reusable, yet bio-based solution for feminine hygiene products.


Kelheim Fibres

(c) adidas AG

adidas introduces FW22 Made with Nature Capsule Collection

adidas has unveiled the latest in its Made with Nature Capsule Collection with a new Ultraboost 22 Made with Nature and Made with Nature apparel joining the range as the brand continues its mission to call time on conventional materials and design out finite resources.

Designed in balance with the planet, the women’s Ultraboost 22 Made with Nature takes the forward-thinking elements of the Ultraboost 22 and amplifies them with natural materials. The shoe is made in part with natural materials – 40% of the knitted upper is made with lyocell, a material created with cellulosic fibers made from sustainably grown wood.

Launching alongside the Ultraboost 22 Made with Nature is a new Made with Nature apparel range, including a performance running wear look for men and women. The apparel range is made with at least 50% organic cotton.

adidas has unveiled the latest in its Made with Nature Capsule Collection with a new Ultraboost 22 Made with Nature and Made with Nature apparel joining the range as the brand continues its mission to call time on conventional materials and design out finite resources.

Designed in balance with the planet, the women’s Ultraboost 22 Made with Nature takes the forward-thinking elements of the Ultraboost 22 and amplifies them with natural materials. The shoe is made in part with natural materials – 40% of the knitted upper is made with lyocell, a material created with cellulosic fibers made from sustainably grown wood.

Launching alongside the Ultraboost 22 Made with Nature is a new Made with Nature apparel range, including a performance running wear look for men and women. The apparel range is made with at least 50% organic cotton.

Christopher Wheat, Global Category Director Running Footwear said: “At adidas, we understand that change is not only possible, it’s an urgent necessity. With Made with Nature, we are on a journey to a world beyond plastic. We’re calling time on conventional materials and methods of make. Once depleted, there’s no coming back for fossil resources. But when we design in synergy with natural processes, when we make with nature, we can use materials that regrow or regenerate – and change the way products are made."


SGL Carbon increases sales and earnings guidance again for 2022

Due to the continued good business development, especially in the Carbon Fibers Business Unit, SGL Carbon SE is increasing its Group sales and earnings guidance for the current fiscal year and now expects Group sales of approximately €1.2 billion (previously: approximately €1.1 billion). The company expects to achieve adjusted EBITDA (EBITDA pre = earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization before one-off effects and non-recurring items) of €170 - €190 million (previously: €130 - €150 million) in 2022.

Based on lower prices for acrylonitrile as main raw material of the Business Unit Carbon Fibers as well as higher than expected customer demand for acrylic and carbon fibers combined with consistently good production capacity utilization and capability, the management of SGL Carbon SE assumes an improved earnings development of this Business Unit.

Due to the continued good business development, especially in the Carbon Fibers Business Unit, SGL Carbon SE is increasing its Group sales and earnings guidance for the current fiscal year and now expects Group sales of approximately €1.2 billion (previously: approximately €1.1 billion). The company expects to achieve adjusted EBITDA (EBITDA pre = earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization before one-off effects and non-recurring items) of €170 - €190 million (previously: €130 - €150 million) in 2022.

Based on lower prices for acrylonitrile as main raw material of the Business Unit Carbon Fibers as well as higher than expected customer demand for acrylic and carbon fibers combined with consistently good production capacity utilization and capability, the management of SGL Carbon SE assumes an improved earnings development of this Business Unit.

SGL Carbon assumes that the factors mentioned will continue at least until the end of the year and that the earnings situation of the Business Unit Carbon Fibers will exceed previous expectations. Combined with the continued good business development of the other three Business Units (Graphite Solutions, Process Technology and Composite Solutions), an improvement in the sales and earnings situation at Group level is expected.

In line with the forecast increase for adjusted EBITDA (EBITDA pre) to between €170 and €190 million (previously: €130 - €150 million), the company is forecasting adjusted EBIT (earnings before interest and taxes and before one-off effects and non-recurring items) of between €110 and €130 million (previously: €70 - €90 million). The forecast for return on capital employed (ROCE) of originally 7% - 9% has been raised to 10% to 12% corresponding to the development of earnings. The expectations for free cash flow (significantly below previous year's level of €111.5 million) remain unaffected by the expected improvement in sales and earnings.

The updated forecast for fiscal 2022 has been prepared on the basis of the currently prevailing market environment and assumes no deterioration in the general conditions, in particular due to the war in Ukraine and its consequences for the global economy.
The definition of key figures used in this release is aligned to the Annual Report 2021. There were no changes in the scope of consolidation or accounting methods compared with the previous guidance.



(c) AZL. Comparison of battery casing in modular design and “cell-to-pack” design
Comparison of battery casing in modular design and “cell-to-pack” design

AZL: Plastic-based multi-material solutions for cell-to-pack battery enclosures

The future of e-mobility will be determined in particular by safe battery enclosures. As batteries for electric vehicles become more performant, higher volumetric energy density plays a crucial role. If more energy is to be stored in less installation space, new material and design solutions are required. The development of suitable enclosures made of safe and highly robust lightweight materials is also required. This is a case for the Aachen Centre for Integrative Lightweight Production (AZL). A project on cell-to-pack battery enclosures for battery-electric vehicles, which has been eagerly awaited in the industry, will start in October this year there.

The future of e-mobility will be determined in particular by safe battery enclosures. As batteries for electric vehicles become more performant, higher volumetric energy density plays a crucial role. If more energy is to be stored in less installation space, new material and design solutions are required. The development of suitable enclosures made of safe and highly robust lightweight materials is also required. This is a case for the Aachen Centre for Integrative Lightweight Production (AZL). A project on cell-to-pack battery enclosures for battery-electric vehicles, which has been eagerly awaited in the industry, will start in October this year there.

The design of battery housings is crucial for safety, capacity, performance, and economics. The Cell-to-Pack project, which is starting now, will focus on developing concepts for structural components and for producing them based on a variety of materials and design approaches. The concepts will be compared in terms of performance, weight and production costs, creating new know-how for OEMs, producers and their suppliers throughout the battery vehicle value chain. Companies are now invited to participate in this new cross-industry project to develop battery enclosure concepts for the promising and trend-setting cell-to-pack technology.

The basis for the project is the lightweight engineering expertise of the AZL experts, which they have already demonstrated in previous projects for multi-material solutions for module-based battery housings. Together with 46 industry partners, including Audi, Asahi Kasei, Covestro, DSM, EconCore, Faurecia, Hutchinson, Johns Manville, Magna, Marelli and Teijin, 20 different multi-material concepts were optimized in terms of weight and cost and compared with a reference component made from aluminum. All production steps were modelled in detail to obtain reliable cost estimates for each variant. Result: depending on the concept, 20% weight or 36% cost savings potential could be identified by using multi-material composites compared to the established aluminum reference.

It is expected that the design concept of battery enclosures will develop in the direction of a more efficient layout. In this case, the cells are no longer combined in modules in additional production steps, but are integrated directly into the battery housing. The elimination of battery modules and the improved, weight-saving use of space will allow for higher packing density, reduced overall height and cost saving. In addition, various levels of structural integration of the battery housing into the body structure are expected. These new designs bring specific challenges, including ensuring protection of the battery cells from external damage and fire protection. In addition, different recyclability and repair requirements may significantly impact future designs. How the different material and structural options for future generations of battery enclosures for the cell-to-pack technology might look like and how they compare in terms of cost and environmental impact will be investigated in the new AZL project. In addition to the material and production concepts from the concept study for module-based battery enclosures, results from a currently ongoing benchmarking of different materials for the impact protection plate and a new method for determining mechanical properties during a fire test will also be incorporated.

The project will start on October 27, 2022 with a kick-off meeting of the consortium, interested companies can still apply for participation until then.


RGE: Closed-loop urban-fit textile-to-textile recycling solutions in Singapore

  • Aims to tackle the immense textile waste generated in urban environments, on the back of import bans of waste materials
  • Addresses the shortcomings of current textile recycling technologies, which are unsuitable for urban settings due to the use of heavy chemicals
  • Technologies developed by the newly-formed RGE-NTU Sustainable Textile Research Centre will be test-bedded in RGE’s pilot urban-fit textile recycling plant, projected for completion as early as 2024

Royal Golden Eagle (“RGE”), a global group of resource-based manufacturing companies, which includes a world-leading viscose fibre producers Sateri and Asia Pacific Rayon (APR), is developing urban-fit, closed-loop textile-to-textile recycling solutions, through the newly-formed RGE-NTU Sustainable Textile Research Centre (RGE-NTU SusTex). This is a five-year research collaboration between RGE and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (“NTU”), to accelerate innovation in textile recycling that can be deployed in urban settings.

  • Aims to tackle the immense textile waste generated in urban environments, on the back of import bans of waste materials
  • Addresses the shortcomings of current textile recycling technologies, which are unsuitable for urban settings due to the use of heavy chemicals
  • Technologies developed by the newly-formed RGE-NTU Sustainable Textile Research Centre will be test-bedded in RGE’s pilot urban-fit textile recycling plant, projected for completion as early as 2024

Royal Golden Eagle (“RGE”), a global group of resource-based manufacturing companies, which includes a world-leading viscose fibre producers Sateri and Asia Pacific Rayon (APR), is developing urban-fit, closed-loop textile-to-textile recycling solutions, through the newly-formed RGE-NTU Sustainable Textile Research Centre (RGE-NTU SusTex). This is a five-year research collaboration between RGE and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (“NTU”), to accelerate innovation in textile recycling that can be deployed in urban settings. The research centre will develop new technologies to recycle textile waste into fibre and create new, next-generation eco-friendly and sustainable textiles.

This move comes on the back of the tightening of waste import bans in countries such as China, India and Indonesia, which are among the world’s largest waste processors. The stricter import bans have left cities in need of viable local textile recycling solutions to tackle the immense textile waste generated.

RGE Executive Director, Mr Perry Lim, said, “Current textile recycling technologies, which rely primarily on a bleaching and separation process using heavy chemicals, cannot be implemented due to environmental laws. At the same time, there is an urgent need to keep textiles out of the brimming landfills.” He added, “As the world’s largest viscose producer, we aim to catalyse closed-loop, textile-to-textile recycling by developing optimal urban-fit solutions that can bring the world closer to a circular textile economy.”

Globally, an estimated 90 million tonnes of textile waste is generated and disposed of every year, with less than 1% being upcycled into new clothing or other textile materials. By 2030, the amount of global textile waste, which currently accounts for almost 10% of municipal solid waste, is expected to reach more than 134 million tonnes. The textile industry is also responsible for 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions – more than international flights and maritime shipping combined.

At present, most of the available textile recycling technologies are open-loop, where textile waste is typically downcycled to lower-quality products (insulating materials, cleaning cloths, etc.) or be used in waste-to-heat recycling.

“Closed-loop textile-to-textile recycling processes, particularly chemical recycling, are still under development. Scaling up the technologies to industrial scale remains a challenge. A key bottleneck is that refabricating textile waste into fibre needs purity standards for feedstock. However, most of the clothes that we wear are made of a mixture of different synthetic and natural fibres, which makes separating the complex blends of materials challenging for effective recycling.

“Our aim is to address this industry pain point by developing viable solutions that use less energy, fewer chemicals and produces harmless and less effluents, and then potentially scale up across our global operations,” Mr Lim said.

To tackle the key challenges in closed-loop textile recycling, RGE-NTU SusTex is looking into four key research areas, namely cleaner and more energy efficient methods of recycling into new raw materials, automated sorting of textile waste, eco-friendly dye removal, and development of a new class of sustainable textiles that is durable for wear and, at the same time, lends itself to easier recycling.

Technologies developed by RGE-NTU SusTex will be test bedded at RGE’s pilot urban-fit textile recycling plant in Singapore, which is projected for completion as early as 2024. If successful, RGE has plans to replicate the plant in other urban cities within its footprint.



Royal Golden Eagle

Bild: Bremer Baumwollbörse

Cotton Decoded: Status Quo Nachhaltigkeit

  • No Planet, no Fashion
  • Nachhaltigkeit braucht Transparenz
  • Ökobilanz: T-Shirts aus US-Baumwolle
  • Bekleidung aus Baumwoll-/Chemiefasermischungen im Waschprozess
  • Biologische Abbaubarkeit: Was passiert mit gefärbter Baumwolle?

Die Bremer Baumwollbörse und das Faserinstitut Bremen e.V. laden gemeinsam am 29. und 30. September zur 36. International Cotton Conference Bremen ein. Unter dem Motto „Cotton Decoded“ wird den Tagungsteilnehmern sowohl in Bremen vor Ort als auch online über eine Tagungsplattform ein spannendes Programm mit aktuellen Vorträgen und lebhaften Diskussionsrunden geboten.
Für immer mehr Unternehmen gehören glaubhaft definierte Nachhaltigkeitskriterien bei der Beschaffung zum festen Bestandteil ihrer Unternehmenspolitik. So liegt es nahe, dass sich die internationale Baumwolltagung umfassend mit diesen Themenkomplex beschäftigt: Wie weit sind wir auf unserem Weg, was haben wir erreicht? Wie transparent ist Baumwolle heute? Wie findet sich die Naturfaser in den Nachhaltigkeitszielen der Vereinten Nationen (SDGs) wieder?

  • No Planet, no Fashion
  • Nachhaltigkeit braucht Transparenz
  • Ökobilanz: T-Shirts aus US-Baumwolle
  • Bekleidung aus Baumwoll-/Chemiefasermischungen im Waschprozess
  • Biologische Abbaubarkeit: Was passiert mit gefärbter Baumwolle?

Die Bremer Baumwollbörse und das Faserinstitut Bremen e.V. laden gemeinsam am 29. und 30. September zur 36. International Cotton Conference Bremen ein. Unter dem Motto „Cotton Decoded“ wird den Tagungsteilnehmern sowohl in Bremen vor Ort als auch online über eine Tagungsplattform ein spannendes Programm mit aktuellen Vorträgen und lebhaften Diskussionsrunden geboten.
Für immer mehr Unternehmen gehören glaubhaft definierte Nachhaltigkeitskriterien bei der Beschaffung zum festen Bestandteil ihrer Unternehmenspolitik. So liegt es nahe, dass sich die internationale Baumwolltagung umfassend mit diesen Themenkomplex beschäftigt: Wie weit sind wir auf unserem Weg, was haben wir erreicht? Wie transparent ist Baumwolle heute? Wie findet sich die Naturfaser in den Nachhaltigkeitszielen der Vereinten Nationen (SDGs) wieder?

Am 29. und 30. September wird im Rahmen von zwei Sessions über Aspekte von Nachhaltigkeit aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln diskutiert:
No Planet, no Fashion
Für den international operierenden Modekonzern HUGO BOSS stehen Nachhaltigkeit und unternehmerisches Handeln in keiner Weise im Widerspruch zueinander. Sie sind unverzichtbar miteinander verzahnt. Andreas Streubig, Senior Vice President Global Corporate Responsibility & Public Affairs, wird in seinem Vortrag deutlich machen, wie HUGO BOSS Nachhaltigkeit als wesentliches Leitprinzip seiner als „CLAIM 5“ definierten technologiegesteuerten Wachstumsstrategie implementiert hat. Den fünf Claims ‚Boost Brands‘, Product is King‘, Lead in Digital‘, Rebalance Omnichannel‘ und ‚Organize for Growth‘ liegt ein ganzheitliches und handlungsanweisendes Nachhaltigkeitsverständnis zugrunde. In diesem Sinne ist Nachhaltigkeit ein Zeichen für die Zukunftsfähigkeit des Unternehmens, verbunden mit intensiven Transformations- und Innovationsprozessen. Um gemeinsam entscheidende Verbesserungen zu erreichen, engagiert sich HUGO BOSS in unterschiedlichen Initiativen wie ZDHC, UNFCCC, FLA und beim Textilbündnis.
Nachhaltigkeit braucht Transparenz
Dr. Gary Adams ist Präsident und CEO des US-amerikanischen National Cotton Council. Seine Organisation vertritt die US-Baumwollindustrie in ihrer gesamten Bandbreite, bestehend aus Landwirten, Genossenschaften, Entkörnungsunternehmen, Dienstleistern sowie dem Handel. Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte spielen dabei eine wesentliche Rolle. In seinem Vortrag bietet Gary Adams einen Überblick über die von seiner Organisation mitinitiierte Nachhaltigkeitsinitiative U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol.
Ein wichtiges Ziel des Protocols besteht darin, eine kontinuierliche, messbare Verbesserung bedeutender Nachhaltigkeitskennzahlen zu erreichen. Diese Daten werden völlig transparent an Marken und Einzelhändler zur Information der Endkonsumenten weitergegeben. In der Präsentation werden der Gesamtumfang und die Struktur der Initiative sowie ein Überblick über die aggregierten Nachhaltigkeitsdaten der teilnehmenden Erzeuger vorgestellt.
Ökobilanz: T-Shirts aus US-Baumwolle
Roger Gilmartin ist Fachberater für Großbritannien im technischen Team von Cotton Council International (CCI). Er berichtet über die Ergebnisse eines Forschungsprojektes, in dem es darum ging, eine Umweltbilanz für die Herstellung und Vermarktung von T-Shirts aufzustellen. Bisher veröffentlichte Ökobilanzen konzentrierten sich auf das Geschehen innerhalb der Landwirtschaft. Die von ihm vorgestellte aktuelle Studie schließt ergänzend dazu alle Prozesse mit ein, die in einer Textil- und Bekleidungsfabrik in Bangladesch ablaufen. Die Studie liefert fundierte Daten über den Beitrag der Fertigungsprozesse zur globalen Erwärmung, über die Gefahren einer Schädigung der Ozonschicht, zum Entstehungspotential von Sommersmog durch fotochemische Reaktionen, der Süßwasser-Ökotoxität, der Entstehung sauren Regens sowie der übermäßigen Anreicherung der Gewässer durch Rückstände z. B. ausgelöst durch übermäßigen Einsatz von Pestiziden oder Phosphor- und Stickstoffverbindungen.
Nachhaltigkeit: Der technische Blick
Bekleidung aus Baumwoll-/Chemiefasermischungen im Waschprozess

Im Zusammenhang mit Mikroplastik textiler Herkunft befasst sich die wissenschaftliche Forschung hauptsächlich mit Produkten aus reinen Chemiefasern. Doch Baumwolle ist eine der am häufigsten verwendeten Naturfasern für Kleidungsstücke. Hinzukommen viele Mischgewebe. Im Mittelpunkt des Vortrags von Dr. Claudia Heller, ehemalige wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft in Berlin, jetzt Bosch Siemens Hausgeräte BSH, stehen die Ergebnisse einer Waschstudie. Hierbei wurde ein Hemd und ein T-Shirt mit unterschiedlicher Materialzusammensetzung und Stoffkonstruktion nach einem bestimmten Standard haushaltsnah einem wiederholten Waschprozess ausgesetzt.
Die Ergebnisse zeigen die Veränderung der Fasereigenschaften durch Einfluss von Waschmittel, Schmutz und Kalk. Anhand der Analysemethode lässt sich zeigen, dass nur ein kleiner Teil der Filterrückstände bei der Kaskadenfiltration des Grauwassers der Waschmaschine Chemiefasern sind und welche Anteile an Baumwollfasern, Waschmittel und Schmutz im Haushaltswaschprozess vorkommen.
Biologische Abbaubarkeit: Was passiert mit gefärbter Baumwolle?
Die Verschmutzung der Umwelt durch Mikrofasern ist ein großes Problem mit vielen unkalkulierbaren Folgen. Fasern, die von Textilien abgeschieden werden, tragen zum Problem bei. In den letzten vier Jahren wurde viel unternommen, um den biologischen Abbau von Baumwollfasern in der natürlichen Umwelt zu untersuchen. Mary Ankeny, Vice President Product Development and Implementation bei Cotton Incorporated, USA informiert in ihrem Vortrag über die Ergebnisse der biologischen Abbaubarkeit von gefärbten und veredelten Baumwolltextilien in unterschiedlichen natürlichen Umgebungen. Insbesondere wurden die Abbauprodukte der Chemikalien untersucht, die verwendet werden, um Baumwollkleidung Farbe und spezielle Eigenschaften zu verleihen.


DNFI Award 2022 – Deadline 9 Sept

As every year, in 2022 the Discover Natural Fibers Initiative (DNFI) called on individuals, universities, textile researchers and companies to submit their products, projects, processes and ideas in the field of Natural Fibres from the following categories:

  • Innovative products, components or applications
  • Innovative processes and procedures
  • Innovative research and science

The DNFI Innovation in Natural Fibres Award aims to promote the development of new products/components and applications using natural fibres as well as new processes for manufacturing of environmental friendly products. Universities, institutes, industry and individuals working in the area of scientific research are invited to participate. “Sustainability” should be just one important aspect of each submission considered by the judges.

The DNFI Innovation in Natural Fibres Award aims to recognise the innovations as well as the people and institutions responsible for them with the goal of raising public awareness of the achievements of the natural fibre sector as a whole.

As every year, in 2022 the Discover Natural Fibers Initiative (DNFI) called on individuals, universities, textile researchers and companies to submit their products, projects, processes and ideas in the field of Natural Fibres from the following categories:

  • Innovative products, components or applications
  • Innovative processes and procedures
  • Innovative research and science

The DNFI Innovation in Natural Fibres Award aims to promote the development of new products/components and applications using natural fibres as well as new processes for manufacturing of environmental friendly products. Universities, institutes, industry and individuals working in the area of scientific research are invited to participate. “Sustainability” should be just one important aspect of each submission considered by the judges.

The DNFI Innovation in Natural Fibres Award aims to recognise the innovations as well as the people and institutions responsible for them with the goal of raising public awareness of the achievements of the natural fibre sector as a whole.

Get the details online.

More information:

European Industry and Research Exchange on Technical Textiles

(c) Allmann Sattler Wappner Architekten, München; Menges Scheffler Architekten, Frankfurt; Jan Knippers Ingenieure, Stuttgart

Neues Ausbildungsjahr für Textil- und Bekleidungsberufe startet

Ein Garn zu spinnen, ein Gewebe oder Gestrick zu produzieren, anschließend zu veredeln und zu einem fertigen Textil mit breiten Anwendungsfeldern zu konfektionieren, benötigt viel Know-how. Passend dazu bieten Textil- und Bekleidungsunternehmen Ausbildungsberufe an, deren Anwendungsfelder ganz nach dem Motto „Textil kann viel“ nicht vielfältiger sein könnten. Produktionsmechaniker*innen Textil können ihr Geschick im Umgang mit Maschinen unter Beweis stellen; Produktveredler*innen Textil sind direkt in das Veredeln und Färben eingebunden; Textil- und Modeschneider*innen verwandeln Stoffe in Kleidungsstücke und andere Produkte. Auch Ausbildungen im kaufmännischen Bereich, in Logistik oder IT hat die Industrie zu bieten.

Ein Garn zu spinnen, ein Gewebe oder Gestrick zu produzieren, anschließend zu veredeln und zu einem fertigen Textil mit breiten Anwendungsfeldern zu konfektionieren, benötigt viel Know-how. Passend dazu bieten Textil- und Bekleidungsunternehmen Ausbildungsberufe an, deren Anwendungsfelder ganz nach dem Motto „Textil kann viel“ nicht vielfältiger sein könnten. Produktionsmechaniker*innen Textil können ihr Geschick im Umgang mit Maschinen unter Beweis stellen; Produktveredler*innen Textil sind direkt in das Veredeln und Färben eingebunden; Textil- und Modeschneider*innen verwandeln Stoffe in Kleidungsstücke und andere Produkte. Auch Ausbildungen im kaufmännischen Bereich, in Logistik oder IT hat die Industrie zu bieten.

„Wir möchten noch mehr junge Menschen für eine Ausbildung in unserer spannenden und innovativen Branche begeistern. Deshalb investiert Südwesttextil mit dem Bau des Texoversums auf dem Campus der Hochschule Reutlingen in die Zukunft der Ausbildung. Das Texoversum ist einer der Orte, an dem die textile Aus- und Weiterbildung ihre Innovation und Attraktivität aufzeigt und vorantreibt“, so Edina Brenner, Hauptgeschäftsführerin des Wirtschafts- und Arbeitgeberver-bands Südwesttextil.

In den Nachwuchs zu investieren hat beim Verband der Südwestdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e.V. Südwesttextil Tradition: Seit 1980 sind in der Gatex, der überbetrieblichen Aus- und Weiterbildungsstätte der Branche, mehr als 1.000 Menschen erfolgreich qualifiziert worden. Auszubildenden ermöglicht die Gatex das Lernen entlang der textilen Kette, sodass sie im Anschluss im Betrieb auch vor- oder nachgelagerte Stufen der Produktion mitdenken können.
Mit dem Umzug der Gatex von Bad Säckingen nach Reutlingen setzt Südwesttextil auf einen zentralen Ort und die Verknüpfung mit dem Studienangebot der Hochschule. Schon jetzt schnuppern die Auszubildenden Campusluft, denn das überbetriebliche Ausbildungsjahr beginnt direkt in Reutlingen. Das Texoversum wird im Frühsommer des nächsten Jahres eröffnet und bietet dem textilen Nachwuchs Raum fürs Lernen, Ausprobieren und Vernetzen. Denn in den 3.000 Quadratmetern des innovativ gebauten Gebäudes befinden sich neben Schulungsräumen auch Werkstätten, Labore und Think-Tank-Flächen.


Indorama Ventures committed to Science Based Targets initiative

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL), a global sustainable chemical company, announced its commitment to science-based targets by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) to help drive its ambitious sustainability programs. The company will also participate in the SBTi Expert Advisory Group for the chemicals industry.

SBTi is a collaboration between CDP, the United Nations Global Compact, the World Resources Institute, and the World Wide Fund for Nature to help businesses set emissions reduction targets based on the most recent climate science. IVL has committed to science-based targets under its purpose of “Reimagining chemistry together to create a better world” which aims to reduce global warming in line with the 1.5°C Paris Climate Agreement.

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL), a global sustainable chemical company, announced its commitment to science-based targets by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) to help drive its ambitious sustainability programs. The company will also participate in the SBTi Expert Advisory Group for the chemicals industry.

SBTi is a collaboration between CDP, the United Nations Global Compact, the World Resources Institute, and the World Wide Fund for Nature to help businesses set emissions reduction targets based on the most recent climate science. IVL has committed to science-based targets under its purpose of “Reimagining chemistry together to create a better world” which aims to reduce global warming in line with the 1.5°C Paris Climate Agreement.

Under its Vision 2030 ambition, Indorama Ventures aims to build on its global industry leadership in sustainability, including by reducing GHG intensity by 30% and increasing renewable electricity consumption to 25%. Green projects are helping the company to achieve its operational efficiency targets, increase its use of renewable energy (especially renewable electricity – both onsite generation and offsite procurement through power purchase agreements), implement new decarbonization technologies including carbon capture, introduce bio-feedstock to its petrochemical value chain, and expand its PET recycling capability.

To meet its targets, IVL recognizes the importance of collaboration between the public and private sectors to decarbonize its operations through a variety of strategies. The established targets help its customers and suppliers to achieve their own sustainability goals, particularly their science-based targets.

Yash Lohia, Chairman of ESG Council at Indorama Ventures, said, "We are pleased to make our sustainability commitment more practical and measurable through science-based targets. We are dedicated to finding new technologies that can transform our operations and products towards net-zero. The efforts are not only for our sustainable business but also to support our customers and suppliers to achieve their own sustainability goals."



Beaulieu International Group

BIG at EuroGeo7 with geotextile fibres & woven fabrics

Beaulieu International Group invites EuroGeo7 attendees to discover geotextile solutions promoting greater sustainability for future civil engineering projects. Specialists from Beaulieu Fibres International (BFI) and Beaulieu Technical Textiles (BTT) will present high-performance geosynthetics through high tenacity fibres for lightweight, nonwoven geotextiles, and a range of high durability woven geotextile solutions with an environmentally beneficial impact.

Beaulieu International Group invites EuroGeo7 attendees to discover geotextile solutions promoting greater sustainability for future civil engineering projects. Specialists from Beaulieu Fibres International (BFI) and Beaulieu Technical Textiles (BTT) will present high-performance geosynthetics through high tenacity fibres for lightweight, nonwoven geotextiles, and a range of high durability woven geotextile solutions with an environmentally beneficial impact.

“We are delighted to sponsor EuroGeo7 and to be finally on-site, following a two-year postponement of the event. EuroGeo7 is bringing the geotextile community together to further promote and develop geosynthetics in a fast changing global economy striving for growth while reducing its carbon footprint along the supply chain, " comment from Jefrem Jennard, Sales Director Fibres, and Roy Kerckhove, Sales Director Technical Textiles. “Geotextiles provide highly versatile, durable and natural resource-saving alternatives in large infrastructure works, and offer durable protection in erosion control and waste/water management projects. We are continuously developing our fibres and finished engineering textiles with proven sustainability-enhancing benefits to progress product development and customer sustainability goals on fossil carbon reduction, while taking concrete steps to reduce our own environmental footprint.”
Sustainability improvement is key to the long-term strategy of Beaulieu International Group, and it is committed to supporting the geotextile industry by targeting and accelerating change and communicating the sustainable performance of its products. The UN Sustainable Development Goals are integrated into its business and are the foundations of the new Route 2030 Sustainability Roadmap.

For manufacturers of nonwoven geotextiles, BFI’s high-tenacity HT8 staple fibres enable customers to achieve nonwovens with high mechanical performance at reduced fibre weight. The HT8 high tenacity fibres are designed in a way that customers can meet the industry durability standards for a longer service lifetime, supporting more sustainable design and resource reduction over time. BTT’s woven geotextiles are amongst the most sustainable in the industry and provide a wide range of functions, including separation, filtration, reinforcement and erosion control.

BFI and BTT have conducted lifecycle assessments to calculate their activities' carbon footprint and solutions and have received external recognition for their ongoing sustainability efforts. For example, in 2022, BFI was awarded a Silver EcoVadis sustainability rating, and BFI and BTT are proud recipients of the Voka Charter for Sustainable Entrepreneurship 2022.


Beaulieu International Group


Lenzing: Transition to green electricity in Indonesia

  • Gradual transformation of production capacities to LENZING™ ECOVERO™ and VEOCEL™ branded specialty viscose

The Lenzing Group, provider of wood-based specialty fibers, is expanding its global clean electricity portfolio and transitioning its production site in Purwakarta to green electricity. The Indonesian subsidiary PT. South Pacific Viscose (SPV) has been using electricity generated solely from renewable sources since July this year, which will reduce its specific carbon emissions by 75,000 tonnes annually.

In 2019, Lenzing became the first fiber producer to set a target of halving its carbon emissions by 2030 and becoming climate neutral by 2050. This carbon reduction target has been recognized by the Science Based Targets Initiative. In Purwakarta, Lenzing is currently investing in the reduction of carbon emissions, as well as air and water emissions. Thanks to its EUR 100 million investment in this area, Lenzing is gradually transitioning its existing capacities for standard viscose to LENZING™ ECOVERO™ and VEOCEL™ branded specialty viscose.

  • Gradual transformation of production capacities to LENZING™ ECOVERO™ and VEOCEL™ branded specialty viscose

The Lenzing Group, provider of wood-based specialty fibers, is expanding its global clean electricity portfolio and transitioning its production site in Purwakarta to green electricity. The Indonesian subsidiary PT. South Pacific Viscose (SPV) has been using electricity generated solely from renewable sources since July this year, which will reduce its specific carbon emissions by 75,000 tonnes annually.

In 2019, Lenzing became the first fiber producer to set a target of halving its carbon emissions by 2030 and becoming climate neutral by 2050. This carbon reduction target has been recognized by the Science Based Targets Initiative. In Purwakarta, Lenzing is currently investing in the reduction of carbon emissions, as well as air and water emissions. Thanks to its EUR 100 million investment in this area, Lenzing is gradually transitioning its existing capacities for standard viscose to LENZING™ ECOVERO™ and VEOCEL™ branded specialty viscose.

“Demand for our wood-based, biodegradable specialty fibers is constantly rising. We see enormous growth potential, especially in Asia. The switch to green, renewable electricity marks a huge step forward in converting our Indonesian site into a specialty fiber supplier. This makes us better positioned to meet the growing demand for sustainably produced fibers,” comments Robert van de Kerkhof, Chief Commercial Officer for Fiber at Lenzing.

The company aims to generate more than 75 percent of its fiber revenue from the wood-based, biodegradable specialty fibers business under the TENCEL™, LENZING™ ECOVERO™ and VEOCEL™ brands by 2024. With the launch of the lyocell plant in Thailand in March 2022 and the investments in existing production sites in Indonesia and China, the share of specialty fibers in Lenzing’s fiber revenue is set to exceed the 75 percent target by a significant margin as early as 2023.


Lenzing AG

Bremer Baumwollbörse

Chancen der EU-Baumwolltextilwirtschaft im internationalen Wettbewerb

  • Cotton Decoded: 36. International Cotton Conference Bremen 29. und 30. September

Die Bremer Baumwollbörse und das Faserinstitut Bremen e.V. laden gemeinsam am 29. und 30. September zur 36. International Cotton Conference Bremen ein. Unter dem Motto „Cotton Decoded“ werden den Tagungsteilnehmern sowohl in Bremen vor Ort als auch online über eine Tagungsplattform aktuelle Vorträge und lebhafte Diskussionsrunden geboten. Die Tagesveranstaltungen werden durch ein spannendes Abendprogramm abgerundet.

Premiere: EU-Baumwolltextilwirtschaft im Fokus
Am 30. September wirft die Tagung unter der Headline ‚Region in Focus‘ ein Schlaglicht auf die von hoher Qualität getragene Baumwollproduktion innerhalb der Europäischen Union im Netzwerk der nachgelagerten, hochspezialisierten Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie. „In der dreiteiligen Session werden Chancen für eine stärkere Positionierung und Durchsetzungsfähigkeit im internationalen Wettbewerb aufgezeigt und diskutiert“, erläutert Axel Drieling (FIBRE e.V.) vom Planungsteam der Tagung.

  • Cotton Decoded: 36. International Cotton Conference Bremen 29. und 30. September

Die Bremer Baumwollbörse und das Faserinstitut Bremen e.V. laden gemeinsam am 29. und 30. September zur 36. International Cotton Conference Bremen ein. Unter dem Motto „Cotton Decoded“ werden den Tagungsteilnehmern sowohl in Bremen vor Ort als auch online über eine Tagungsplattform aktuelle Vorträge und lebhafte Diskussionsrunden geboten. Die Tagesveranstaltungen werden durch ein spannendes Abendprogramm abgerundet.

Premiere: EU-Baumwolltextilwirtschaft im Fokus
Am 30. September wirft die Tagung unter der Headline ‚Region in Focus‘ ein Schlaglicht auf die von hoher Qualität getragene Baumwollproduktion innerhalb der Europäischen Union im Netzwerk der nachgelagerten, hochspezialisierten Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie. „In der dreiteiligen Session werden Chancen für eine stärkere Positionierung und Durchsetzungsfähigkeit im internationalen Wettbewerb aufgezeigt und diskutiert“, erläutert Axel Drieling (FIBRE e.V.) vom Planungsteam der Tagung.

Länder der Europäischen Union wie Griechenland und Spanien gehören zu den großen Baumwollexporteuren der Welt. Europa ist der international zweitgrößte Importeur von Textilien und Bekleidung. Der Rohstoff Baumwolle ist dabei mit einem Anteil um die 50 Prozent enthalten, stammt aber nur zu einem geringen Teil aus Europa. Zudem ist Europa ein weltweit marktführender Anbieter von innovativen technischen Textilien, die z. B. auch im Gesundheitsbereich, im Automobilbau, in der Innenarchitektur zum Einsatz kommen. Auch hier finden Naturfasern wie Baumwolle als nachwachsende Rohstoffe und wegen ihrer biologischen Abbaubarkeit im Rahmen einer angestrebten Kreislaufwirtschaft verstärkt Einsatz.

Im ersten Teil der Session soll die europäische Baumwolltextilwirtschaft nicht nur anhand von Zahlen und Fakten vorgestellt werden, auch ihre Stärken und Schwächen werden diskutiert. Hierbei werden vorherrschende Marktstrukturen im Rahmen der EU-Landwirtschaftspolitik transparent gemacht.

Es folgt eine Diskussion über neue Möglichkeiten der EU-Textilkette, eingebettet in die Strategie der Europäischen Kommission zum Aufbau einer ressourcenschonenden Kreislaufwirtschaft. Der Hintergrund ist ein sich veränderndes Verbraucherverhalten hin zu nachhaltig gefertigten Textilien. Dabei soll deutlich werden, was vor diesem Hintergrund die Wettbewerbsvorteile der EU-Textilkette sind, mit denen die anspruchsvollen Wünsche der europäischen Verbraucher schneller und flexibler befriedigt werden können. Hieraus können sich Chancen für den Aufbau lokal oder regional strukturierter Wertschöpfungsketten ergeben.

Abschließend wird die ‘EU- Cotton’-Initiative der European Cotton Alliance, der Vereinigung europäischer Baumwollorganisationen, vorgestellt. Sie ermöglicht europäischen Baumwollfarmern und ihnen angeschlossenen Unternehmen, ihre Baumwolle mit einem EU-Baumwolllabel auszustatten, das auch in weiterverarbeiteten Baumwolltextilprodukten zu finden ist. Das damit verbundene Lizensierungsprogramm könnte durch Transparenz und Rückverfolgbarkeit eine marktnahe Textilproduktion in Europa lukrativer machen.


Bremer Baumwollbörse


Suominen to implement surcharges in North America

Suominen announces general surcharges on all its products in North America effective immediately. These surcharges are a response to significant unexpected increases in raw materials, energy and freight costs.

“We have done all we can to mitigate these increases on behalf of our customers. Suominen can no longer absorb the full extent of these increases. We are living in an unusual time in the nonwovens industry with unprecedented and unexpected cost increases accompanied by volatility in demand patterns and supply chain disruptions. We understand circumstances are extremely challenging and we remain committed to serving our customers during this difficult period,” says Lynda A. Kelly, SVP, Americas.

Suominen announces general surcharges on all its products in North America effective immediately. These surcharges are a response to significant unexpected increases in raw materials, energy and freight costs.

“We have done all we can to mitigate these increases on behalf of our customers. Suominen can no longer absorb the full extent of these increases. We are living in an unusual time in the nonwovens industry with unprecedented and unexpected cost increases accompanied by volatility in demand patterns and supply chain disruptions. We understand circumstances are extremely challenging and we remain committed to serving our customers during this difficult period,” says Lynda A. Kelly, SVP, Americas.



Photo: Mark Stebnicki, pexels

USDA presents new study of Chinese Cotton Textile Industry

  • Growing geographic separation between cotton production and textile manufacturing since the 1990s

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) released a comprehensive study about Chinese cotton in August 2022. The authors, Fred Gale and Eric Davis, concentrate on textiles, imports and Xinjiang.

China is the world’s largest textile manufacturer and the largest cotton consumer, but changes in China’s economy are reshaping the geography of its cotton-textile sector. Nearly all of China’s cotton is produced in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR), also known more simply as Xinjiang.

  • Growing geographic separation between cotton production and textile manufacturing since the 1990s

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) released a comprehensive study about Chinese cotton in August 2022. The authors, Fred Gale and Eric Davis, concentrate on textiles, imports and Xinjiang.

China is the world’s largest textile manufacturer and the largest cotton consumer, but changes in China’s economy are reshaping the geography of its cotton-textile sector. Nearly all of China’s cotton is produced in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR), also known more simply as Xinjiang.

Their study reviewed the regional patterns of China’s cotton textile industry development and identified growing geographic separation between cotton production and textile manufacturing since the 1990s using data from Chinese sources. The study investigated spatial patterns of demand for imported cotton by analyzing lists of Chinese companies applying for a share of the import quota from 2016 to 2022. Multiple regression analysis was used to control for potentially confounding influences when investigating whether companies in coastal provinces were more likely to use imported cotton than similarly sized companies in other regions.

Textile manufacturers — the main consumers of cotton — are concentrated in coastal and central regions where the share of China’s cotton production fell from over 50 percent to 10 percent during 2011–21. These geographic changes are a factor influencing global trade in cotton and textiles. Additionally, the use of forced labor in Xinjiang attracted more attention to the industry, prompting the United States and other countries to ban products produced in the region.

This study reviews the economic, geographic, and policy factors reshaping the industry and influencing the global trade of cotton and textile products. The study also examines data on Chinese companies applying for a share of China’s cotton import quota to gain insight about the demand for imported cotton.

China became the world’s largest producer, consumer, and importer of cotton soon after joining the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001. Despite adopting a tariff-rate quota (TRQ) system for cotton imports and issuing supplemental quotas in most years, the large number of cotton goods manufacturers that request shares of the quota suggests demand for imported cotton exceeds  the quota.

While the TRQ was intended to protect China’s cotton farmers, many farmers abandoned the labor-intensive crop as wages rose rapidly in many other industries and other crops produced higher returns. In response, officials encouraged cotton production in the relatively remote region of Xinjiang to prevent China from becoming reliant on imported cotton. Xinjiang growers receive a subsidy payment for cotton, and subsidies for machinery and seeds. A transportation subsidy induces textile manufacturers in eastern and central regions to purchase cotton from Xinjiang, which is about 2,200 to 2,900 miles from most of the country’s textile manufacturers. Financial support and other incentives encourage manufacturers to shift operations to Xinjiang.

Textile manufacturers in China are highly interested in importing cotton due to its lower price and quality. China imports about 20 percent of its cotton, and the United States is a chief exporter of cotton to China. While imported cotton is used in all provinces, manufacturers near the eastern seaboard show a greater propensity for imports. Nevertheless, in all regions, domestic cotton has the largest share of mill use.

Between 2016 and 2022, 1,581 companies applied for a share of the TRQ, and 265 companies applied in all 7 years. Most of these companies also applied for supplemental quotas issued with slightly higher tariffs. This large number of applicants suggests that imports could be even greater if quotas did not limit them. The operation of the quota application process is not public information, but data submitted by applicants suggests access to imported cotton is uneven. About 14 percent of applicants said imported cotton comprised over half of the cotton they used. Another 20 percent of companies requesting import quota did not use any imported cotton, suggesting that many applicants are unable to import. Textile manufacturers coped with limits on cotton imports by increasing their use of synthetic, chemical-based fibers or by importing cotton yarn. From 2000 to 2020, China’s yarn imports doubled from under 1 million metric tons to around 2 million metric tons with Vietnam supplying about 45 percent of that total in 2020.

The number of textile manufacturers in Xinjiang applying for a share of the cotton import quota rose from 37 to 68 between 2016 and 2022. However, imports constituted less than 2 percent of  the cotton Xinjiang applicants reported using—and 66 percent of them reported using no imported cotton—suggesting that applications from Xinjiang textile companies were often denied.
Analysis found that applicants in coastal provinces used more imported cotton than similarly sized applicants in other regions. Each location of a multi-plant company must apply separately for tariff-rate quotas. Textile manufacturers in Xinjiang that requested a share of the import quota included branches of some of China’s largest textile companies, but the analysis found that Xinjiang applicants used less imported cotton than similar manufacturing plants located in other regions. China’s role as a cotton importer appears to have peaked, while other countries are increasing their share of imports.

USDA baseline projections suggest that by 2030 Vietnam, Pakistan, Indonesia, Bangladesh, and Turkey will together account for 47 percent of the world’s cotton imports while China will only account for 24 percent. The study cam be downloaded from the USDA website.

More information:
cotton Cotton USA China Xinjiang
(c) DNFI

DNFI: Cotton prices the highest in a decade during 2021/22

The Discover Natural Fibres Initiative DNFI published their statistical World Natural Fibre Update this month. The world production of natural fibres is estimated at 33.7 million tonnes in 2022, a slight increase compared with a preliminary 33.3 million tonnes in 2021 and 31.6 million in 2020.

The DNFI Natural Fibre Composite Price dropped 2% in July 2022 to US 219 cents/kg, compared with US 223 cents the previous month. The DNFI Composite is an average of prices in major markets for cotton, wool, jute, silk, coir fibre, and sisal, converted to US$ per kilogram and weighted by shares of world production.

The Discover Natural Fibres Initiative DNFI published their statistical World Natural Fibre Update this month. The world production of natural fibres is estimated at 33.7 million tonnes in 2022, a slight increase compared with a preliminary 33.3 million tonnes in 2021 and 31.6 million in 2020.

The DNFI Natural Fibre Composite Price dropped 2% in July 2022 to US 219 cents/kg, compared with US 223 cents the previous month. The DNFI Composite is an average of prices in major markets for cotton, wool, jute, silk, coir fibre, and sisal, converted to US$ per kilogram and weighted by shares of world production.

  • The DNFI Composite was pulled downward primarily by a 9% decline in the Eastern Market Indicator of wool prices in Australia, which fell from US$ 10.27 per kilogram in June to US$9.38 in July.
  • October cotton ICE futures (the nearby contract) finished July marginally lower, closing at 228 US cents per kilogram, compared with 229 at the end of June.
  • Prices of jute fibre in India quoted by the Jute Balers Association (JBA) at the end of July were unchanged from a month earlier, but with depreciation of the Rupee versus the dollar, calculated prices fell from 84 cents to 82 cents per kilogram.
  • Prices of silk in China equalled US$29.5 per kilogram in July 2022, coconut coir fibre in India held at US cents 21 per kilogram, and sisal in Brazil finished July at US cents 41 per kilogram.

Cotton prices were the highest in a decade during 2021/22, and world cotton production is estimated by the International Cotton Advisory Committee at 25.8 million tonnes during the 2022/23 season which began August 1, up from 25.4 million in the season just completed. Extreme drought in Texas, the largest producing state in the United States, is limiting the rise in world production that would otherwise be occurring.

World production of jute and allied fibres is estimated unchanged at 3.2 million tonnes in 2022 compared with 2021. High market prices in 2021 motivated farmers to expand planted area in both Bangladesh and India, but dry weather in jute-growing areas during June and July has undermined earlier optimistic hopes for yields. Rainfall was approximately half of normal in the city of Kolkata from early June to mid-July.

Production of coir fibre rose by an average of 18,000 tonnes per year during the past decade, and production was record high at 1.12 million tonnes in 2021. Production is expected to remain high in 2022.

Flax has also been trending upward, rising by an average of 27,000 tonnes per year, and production in 2022 is estimated to remain above one million tonnes.
World wool production is forecast up by 5% in 2022 to 1.09 million tonnes (clean), the highest since 2018. Wetter weather in the Southern Hemisphere, following eight years of drought, is allowing farmers to rebuild herds.

More information:
natural fibers DNFI


Photo: Pixabay

Cotton prices outlook

Cotton Incorporated published its monthly economic letter of August and shared new insights of the cotton prices:

Cotton prices continue to be caught between the two competing storylines that have been in play for the past several months.
On one side, there is the deteriorating global macroeconomic situation.  The International Monetary Fund (IMF) lowered its projection for global economic growth in both 2022 (3.2%) and 2023 (2.9%) in the updates released in late July.  Current IMF forecasts are significantly beneath those from January (called for 4.4% growth in 2022 and 3.8% growth in 2023) and April (called for 3.6% growth in 2022 and 3.6% growth in 2023).  The evolution in the macroeconomy was a likely factor contributing to the shift in investors’ outlook on the commodity sector, which led to a collapse in prices for cotton and a range of other commodities in June and July.

Cotton Incorporated published its monthly economic letter of August and shared new insights of the cotton prices:

Cotton prices continue to be caught between the two competing storylines that have been in play for the past several months.
On one side, there is the deteriorating global macroeconomic situation.  The International Monetary Fund (IMF) lowered its projection for global economic growth in both 2022 (3.2%) and 2023 (2.9%) in the updates released in late July.  Current IMF forecasts are significantly beneath those from January (called for 4.4% growth in 2022 and 3.8% growth in 2023) and April (called for 3.6% growth in 2022 and 3.6% growth in 2023).  The evolution in the macroeconomy was a likely factor contributing to the shift in investors’ outlook on the commodity sector, which led to a collapse in prices for cotton and a range of other commodities in June and July.

Beyond the weakening macroeconomic environment, there also may be factors associated with cotton supply chains that could affect demand during the 2022/23 crop year.  Downstream consumer markets for cotton can be viewed as more discretionary than other spending categories, such as food, energy, and lodging, that experienced some of the sharpest effects of inflation.  Given price increases for necessities, consumers may have less income to devote to apparel and home furnishings.

In the U.S., consumer spending on clothing has been flat for the past year.  However, it has been holding at levels that are 25% higher than they were in 2019.  If U.S. consumers pull back on clothing purchases, it may hit the market just as retailers have caught up with consumer demand after the onset of the shipping crisis.  In weight volume, the cotton contained in U.S. apparel imports was up 22% year-over-year in the first half of 2022.  Relative to 2019 (pre-COVID and pre-shipping crisis), the volume in the first half of 2022 was up 23%.  Given strong import volumes, if there is a dip in consumer demand, inventory could build both at retail and upstream in supply chains.  This could lead to cancelations, potentially all the way back to the fiber level, where contracts signed at prices higher than current values could be particularly susceptible.

Tight U.S. supply is on the other side of price direction arguments.  Cotton is drought tolerant, and that is why it can be viably grown in perennially dry locations like West Texas.  However, cotton requires some moisture to germinate and generate healthy yields.  West Texas has had very little rain over the past year, and drought conditions have been extreme.  As a result, abandonment is forecast to be widespread.  It remains to be seen exactly how small the U.S. crop will be, but the current USDA forecast predicts only 12.6 million bales in 2022/23 (-5.0 million fewer bales than in 2021/22).

Meanwhile, demand for U.S. cotton has been relatively consistent, near 18 million bales over the past five crop years (an average of 15.5 million bales of exports and 2.7 million bales of domestic mill-use).  A harvest of only 12.6 million falls well short of the recent average for exports alone, and U.S. stocks were near multi-decade lows coming into 2022/23.  All these statistics suggest shipments from the world’s largest exporter may have to be rationed in 2022/23.  If cotton is not readily available from other sources, the scarcity of supply from the U.S. could support prices globally.

Simultaneously, there is weakness from the demand side.  The market has struggled to find the balance between the weakened demand environment and limited exportable supply in recent months.  The conflict between these two influences makes it difficult to discern a clear direction for prices and suggests continued volatility.

More information:
Cotton Inc. cotton

Cotton Inc.