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A+A 2023 Photo: Messe Düsseldorf, Constanze Tillmann

A+A 2023: Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit im Fokus

Die A+A 2023 setzte unter dem Leitmotiv „Impulse für eine bessere Arbeitswelt" nach vier Messetagen Maßstäbe und knüpfte an den Erfolg ihrer Vorveranstaltungen an. Insgesamt 2.200 ausstellende Unternehmen aus 58 Nationen präsentierten in 12 Hallen auf mehr als 80.000 Quadratmetern ihre Produkte und Innovationen. Rund 62.000 Fachbesucherinnen und -besucher aus 140 Ländern kamen nach Düsseldorf, um auf der Leitmesse Informationen zu den relevanten Themen rund um die Arbeitswelt zu erhalten. 96,4% der Besucherinnen und Besucher bestätigten, dass ihre Erwartungen an den Messebesuch mehr als erfüllt wurden.

Die A+A 2023 setzte unter dem Leitmotiv „Impulse für eine bessere Arbeitswelt" nach vier Messetagen Maßstäbe und knüpfte an den Erfolg ihrer Vorveranstaltungen an. Insgesamt 2.200 ausstellende Unternehmen aus 58 Nationen präsentierten in 12 Hallen auf mehr als 80.000 Quadratmetern ihre Produkte und Innovationen. Rund 62.000 Fachbesucherinnen und -besucher aus 140 Ländern kamen nach Düsseldorf, um auf der Leitmesse Informationen zu den relevanten Themen rund um die Arbeitswelt zu erhalten. 96,4% der Besucherinnen und Besucher bestätigten, dass ihre Erwartungen an den Messebesuch mehr als erfüllt wurden.

Erfolgsfaktor: Hohe Themenrelevanz, Vollständigkeit des Angebots und Innovationsgehalt
Besonders hervorzuheben sind die Innovationen im Bereich der Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelt, die auf der Messe erstmalig vorgestellt wurden. Smart Wearables und PSA, Bestell-Apps für Gefahrenstoffmanagement, KI-basierte Gesundheitscoaches sowie Virtual Reality Anwendungen und Exoskelette sind Beispiele für Technologien, die die Arbeitswelt in eine digitale und nachhaltige Richtung führen. Diese Entwicklungen unterstützen nicht nur die Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz, sondern tragen auch zur Effizienzsteigerung und zur Schaffung gesünderer Arbeitsumgebungen bei.

Hochkarätige, internationale Kongresse auf der A+A 2023
Der 38. Internationale Kongress für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin der Basi mit rund 3.000 Kongressbesucherinnen und -besuchern griff Zukunftsthemen wie Künstliche Intelligenz und die Folgen des Klimawandels auf. Als international führende Fachveranstaltung präsentierte er nationale und globale politische Vorstöße und Präventionsstrategien wie die "Vision Zero" sowie arbeitswissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse anwendungsorientierter Forschung. Dr. Christian Felten, Geschäftsführer der Basi, zeigt sich zufrieden mit dem Ergebnis des 38. A+A Kongresses: „Wir freuen uns darüber, dass die qualitativ hochwertigen Beiträge unserer mehr als 320 Referierenden in den 46 Sessions so viele interessierte Zuhörerinnen und Zuhörer fanden.“

Auf der WearRAcon Europe Konferenz, der europäischen Ausgabe der WearRAcon Konferenz in den USA, die erstmalig auf der A+A 2023 stattfand, präsentierten und diskutierten Experten aus Forschung und Entwicklung sowie Unternehmen über Innovationen und Trends im Bereich der Exoskelett-Technologie.

Vielfältiges Rahmenprogramm
Foren und Events wie die Corporate Fashion Show, die viermal täglich in Halle 15 stattfand, ergänzten das Messeprogramm. Auf dem A+A Catwalk präsentierten sich namhafte Hersteller der PSA Branche mit den aktuellsten, modischen Trends, die für eine jüngere Generation von Mitarbeitenden kreiert worden sind und die neben Funktionalität und Nachhaltigkeit auch dem Wunsch nach einem persönlichen und ästhetischen Stil Rechnung tragen.

Die Start-up Zone bot jungen und innovativen Unternehmen nicht nur eine Ausstellungsfläche, sondern auch eine außergewöhnliche Networking-Plattform, um mit den Top-Entscheidern für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitssicherheit in Kontakt zu treten.

Die nächste A+A findet vom 04. bis 07. November 2025 statt.


Messe Düsseldorf

DITF: Lignin coating for Geotextiles Photo: DITF
Coating process of a cellulose-based nonwoven with the lignin compound using thermoplastic processing methods on a continuous coating line.

DITF: Lignin coating for Geotextiles

Textiles are a given in civil engineering: they stabilize water protection dams, prevent runoff containing pollutants from landfills, facilitate the revegetation of slopes at risk of erosion, and even make asphalt layers of roads thinner. Until now, textiles made of highly resistant synthetic fibers have been used for this purpose, which have a very long lifetime. For some applications, however, it would not only be sufficient but even desirable for the auxiliary textile to degrade in the soil when it has done its job. Environmentally friendly natural fibers, on the other hand, often decompose too quickly. The German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf (DITF) are developing a bio-based protective coating that extends their service life.

Textiles are a given in civil engineering: they stabilize water protection dams, prevent runoff containing pollutants from landfills, facilitate the revegetation of slopes at risk of erosion, and even make asphalt layers of roads thinner. Until now, textiles made of highly resistant synthetic fibers have been used for this purpose, which have a very long lifetime. For some applications, however, it would not only be sufficient but even desirable for the auxiliary textile to degrade in the soil when it has done its job. Environmentally friendly natural fibers, on the other hand, often decompose too quickly. The German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf (DITF) are developing a bio-based protective coating that extends their service life.

Depending on humidity and temperature, natural fiber materials can degrade in the soil in a matter of months or even a few days. In order to significantly extend the degradation time and make them suitable for geotextiles, the Denkendorf team researches a protective coating. This coating, based on lignin, is itself biodegradable and does not generate microplastics in the soil. Lignin is indeed biodegradable, but this degradation takes a very long time in nature.

Together with cellulose, Lignin forms the building materials for wood and is the "glue" in wood that holds this composite material together. In paper production, usually only the cellulose is used, so lignin is produced in large quantities as a waste material. So-called kraft lignin remains as a fusible material. Textile production can deal well with thermoplastic materials. All in all, this is a good prerequisite for taking a closer look at lignin as a protective coating for geotextiles.

Lignin is brittle by nature. Therefore, it is necessary to blend the kraft lignin with softer biomaterials. These new biopolymer compounds of brittle kraft lignin and softer biopolymers were applied to yarns and textile surfaces in the research project via adapted coating systems. For this purpose, for example, cotton yarns were coated with lignin at different application rates and evaluated. Biodegradation testing was carried out using soil burial tests both in a climatic chamber with temperature and humidity defined precisely according to the standard and outdoors under real environmental conditions. With positive results: the service life of textiles made of natural fibers can be extended by many factors with a lignin coating: The thicker the protective coating, the longer the protection lasts. In the outdoor tests, the lignin coating was still completely intact even after about 160 days of burial.

Textile materials coated with lignin enable sustainable applications. For example, they have an adjustable and sufficiently long service life for certain geotextile applications. In addition, they are still biodegradable and can replace previously used synthetic materials in some applications, such as revegetation of trench and stream banks.

Thus, lignin-coated textiles have the potential to significantly reduce the carbon footprint: They reduce dependence on petroleum-based products and avoid the formation of microplastics in the soil.

Further research is needed to establish lignin, which was previously a waste material, as a new valuable material in industrial manufacturing processes in the textile industry.

The research work was supported by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Food, Rural Areas and Consumer Protection as part of the Baden-Württemberg State Strategy for a Sustainable Bioeconomy.


Deutsche Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf (DITF)

Sitip fabrics to feature at "Sculpture by the Sea" in Australia Photo: Elena Redaelli

Sitip fabrics to feature at "Sculpture by the Sea" in Australia

On display at Sculpture by the Sea, the land art event that brings the Sydney coastline to life every year, is “Seabilia”, Elena Redaelli’s latest work created using waste fabric from Sitip’s production processes. A creation that draws attention to the environment and its fragility in the face of human activity, “Seabilia” is a reminder of how precious yet delicate this balance is, and how humans must become mindful of their actions before the effects end up being completely irreversible.

Sitip's commitment to environmental sustainability struck a chord with Elena Redaelli, and a meeting between the Bergamo-based textile company and the artist from Erba, Italy, led to “Seabilia”, a work that will be displayed as part of Sculpture by the Sea on Tamarama Beach near Bondi in Sydney.

It’s one of the most popular events to take place in this corner of Australia, attracting half a million visitors who flock to these Aussie beaches to admire more than one hundred works created by artists from all over the world.

On display at Sculpture by the Sea, the land art event that brings the Sydney coastline to life every year, is “Seabilia”, Elena Redaelli’s latest work created using waste fabric from Sitip’s production processes. A creation that draws attention to the environment and its fragility in the face of human activity, “Seabilia” is a reminder of how precious yet delicate this balance is, and how humans must become mindful of their actions before the effects end up being completely irreversible.

Sitip's commitment to environmental sustainability struck a chord with Elena Redaelli, and a meeting between the Bergamo-based textile company and the artist from Erba, Italy, led to “Seabilia”, a work that will be displayed as part of Sculpture by the Sea on Tamarama Beach near Bondi in Sydney.

It’s one of the most popular events to take place in this corner of Australia, attracting half a million visitors who flock to these Aussie beaches to admire more than one hundred works created by artists from all over the world.

Held since 1997, this event captures the imagination of its visitors for three weeks each austral spring and, thanks to the vast area it covers, has earned the title of largest annual sculpture exhibition in the world.

The 2023 edition, scheduled to take place from 20 October to 6 November, will feature Elena Redaelli's work created using waste Native-Cosmopolitan Kyoto fabric which, having failed the company's quality control tests, was donated to the artist.

A post-consumer recycled circular knit fabric composed of 89% recycled polyester (PLR), 11% elastane (EA), and weighing 240 grams, the Native-Cosmopolitan Kyoto is made from recycled yarns derived from plastic waste that’s been recovered from the environment, particularly from the sea and from recycling centres. The fabric is Bluesign, GRS (Global Recycled Standard) and OEKO-TEX certified, attesting to Sitip's commitment to environmental responsibility and protection.

During the process, the artist hand-cut the waste fabric and crocheted the pieces together using recycled cotton and other types of thread.

In the creative mind of the artist, the genesis of “Seabilia” arose from deep in the ocean where tiny creatures inhabit the darkest, least explored parts of the planet. A place where the rhythm of life for the inhabitants is marked by silence and obscurity, while waves and tides agitate the surface above. The life of the ocean, such a vast and imposing environment, is impacted every single day by human activity, slowly weakening its delicate balance. “Seabilia” is intended to act as a reminder of how precious yet extremely fragile this balance is, and how humans must become more aware of the consequences of their actions before it’s too late and such a vital asset is lost forever.

“Following Emersione, a work that was exhibited at the Ex Ateneo in Bergamo during Fiber Storming, a textile art exhibition organised by ArteMorbida Textile Arts Magazine and curated by Barbara Pavan, Seabilia is the second art project where I’ve had the opportunity to utilise SITIP's fabrics. – explains the artist, Elena Redaelli. As it was going to be displayed on the rocks at Tamarama Beach, my installation needed a durable, elastic fabric with structural characteristics capable of withstanding ocean winds and sudden changes in weather. Using waste Native-Cosmopolitan Kyoto fabric was the obvious choice, not just because of its very high quality, but also, and more importantly, because it’s made from recycled yarns derived from plastic waste that’s been recovered from the environment, often even from the sea itself. The different textures and shades of white enabled me to create a varied work that, despite the almost monochromatic tones, conjures a diverse range of tactile sensations. The biomorphic modular composition evokes skeletons of sea creatures that appear to have been deposited onto the rocks by a wave and left there to wither in the blazing Australian sun.”





STFI auf der A+A 2023 in Düsseldorf

Das STFI präsentiert sich vom 24. bis 27. Oktober 2023 mit eigenem Messestand auf der A+A vor Ort. Experten rund um Hendrik Beier, den Leiter der Zertifizierungsstelle PSA (CE 0516), informieren zu Schutzkleidung sowie Produktnormen.

Mit Erfahrung und Kompetenz in der Prüfung und Zertifizierung Persönlicher Schutzausrüstung (PSA) unterstützt das STFI einen wichtigen Bestandteil für die Marktbereitstellung von Schutzkleidung. Die Prüf- und Zertifizierungsstelle des STFI bietet ein breites Spektrum an Dienstleistungen im Bereich textiler PSA. Sowohl für Schutzkleidung gegen Hitze und Flammen gemäß EN ISO 11612 als auch für Schutzkleidung zum Schweißen und verwandte Verfahren nach EN ISO 11611 bietet das sächsische Institut alle Prüfverfahren aus einer Hand. Auch die Prüfung und Bewertung von Schutztextilien gegen die thermischen Risiken elektrischer Störlichtbogen gehört zum Portfolio der Prüf- und Zertifizierungsstelle.

Das STFI präsentiert sich vom 24. bis 27. Oktober 2023 mit eigenem Messestand auf der A+A vor Ort. Experten rund um Hendrik Beier, den Leiter der Zertifizierungsstelle PSA (CE 0516), informieren zu Schutzkleidung sowie Produktnormen.

Mit Erfahrung und Kompetenz in der Prüfung und Zertifizierung Persönlicher Schutzausrüstung (PSA) unterstützt das STFI einen wichtigen Bestandteil für die Marktbereitstellung von Schutzkleidung. Die Prüf- und Zertifizierungsstelle des STFI bietet ein breites Spektrum an Dienstleistungen im Bereich textiler PSA. Sowohl für Schutzkleidung gegen Hitze und Flammen gemäß EN ISO 11612 als auch für Schutzkleidung zum Schweißen und verwandte Verfahren nach EN ISO 11611 bietet das sächsische Institut alle Prüfverfahren aus einer Hand. Auch die Prüfung und Bewertung von Schutztextilien gegen die thermischen Risiken elektrischer Störlichtbogen gehört zum Portfolio der Prüf- und Zertifizierungsstelle.

Von der Verfahrensentwicklung bis zur internationalen Normung tragen die Fachleute dazu bei, die Arbeit im Bereich elektrischer Anlagen sicherer machen. Für die Bewertung elektrostatisch ableitfähiger Schutzkleidung beschäftigen sich die Experten des STFI neben der Prüfung und Zertifizierung intensiv mit der Erforschung elektrostatischer Phänomene und der daraus abgeleiteten Entwicklung geeigneter Prüfverfahren. Wurde bereits vor vielen Jahren die EN 1149-3 als europaweit harmonisierter Prüfstandard für Textilien mit eingebauten leitfähigen Fasersystemen maßgeblich im Institut entwickelt, arbeiten die Spezialisten heute an Methoden zur Prüfung und Bewertung kompletter Kleidungssysteme.

More information:

Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V.

Frankfurt Skyline Foto Tobias Rehbein, Pixabay

6. Symposium ADDITIVE FERTIGUNG in der Textilindustrie

Am 8. November 2023 findet das 6. Symposium ADDITIVE FERTIGUNG in der Textilindustrie in Frankfurt für Interessierte aus Textilindustrie, Kunststoffverarbeitung, Forschung und Praxis statt. Neue Materialien, innovative Fertigungstechnologien und zukunftsweisende Anwendungen sind Themen der Vorträge aus Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft.

Das Programm umfasst die neuesten Entwicklungen beim thermoplastischen Fused Layer Modeling, dem Druck mittels Dispenser oder Siebdruck sowie Materialien und Technologien für Schutzanwendungen und Architektur. Ergänzt werden die Vorträge durch eine begleitende Fachausstellung, auf der Unternehmen, die bereits mit additiven Fertigungs-verfahren arbeiten, ihre Produkte und Dienstleistungen präsentieren.

Veranstalter des Symposiums sind KARL MAYER STOLL R&D GmbH, das Textilforschungsinstitut Thüringen Vogtland e. V. (TITV Greiz) und das Sächsische Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI).

Am 8. November 2023 findet das 6. Symposium ADDITIVE FERTIGUNG in der Textilindustrie in Frankfurt für Interessierte aus Textilindustrie, Kunststoffverarbeitung, Forschung und Praxis statt. Neue Materialien, innovative Fertigungstechnologien und zukunftsweisende Anwendungen sind Themen der Vorträge aus Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft.

Das Programm umfasst die neuesten Entwicklungen beim thermoplastischen Fused Layer Modeling, dem Druck mittels Dispenser oder Siebdruck sowie Materialien und Technologien für Schutzanwendungen und Architektur. Ergänzt werden die Vorträge durch eine begleitende Fachausstellung, auf der Unternehmen, die bereits mit additiven Fertigungs-verfahren arbeiten, ihre Produkte und Dienstleistungen präsentieren.

Veranstalter des Symposiums sind KARL MAYER STOLL R&D GmbH, das Textilforschungsinstitut Thüringen Vogtland e. V. (TITV Greiz) und das Sächsische Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI).

Das Symposium ist eingebettet in die internationale Fachmesse für additive Fertigungstechnologien Formnext, der Branchenplattform für Additive Fertigung und industriellen 3D-Druck. Dank einer Vereinbarung der Veranstalter erhalten Teilnehmende des Symposiums den 4-Tage Expo Pass zur Formnext vom 7. - 10. November 2023.

Veranstaltungsort: Messe Frankfurt GmbH, Portalhaus, Ebene VIA, Raum Frequenz 2, Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1, 60327 Frankfurt am Main


Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI)

Dyneema® SB301 to Enable Weight Savings of up to 20% in Protective Body Armor Image Avient

Dyneema®: Weight Savings of up to 20% in Protective Body Armor

Dyneema® announced the launch of a next-generation unidirectional (UD) material innovation based on its third-generation fiber at the polymer level: a development poised to enhance the safety and mobility of law enforcement officers and military forces through molecular engineering.

This evolution enables a higher-tenacity fiber – resulting in increased ballistic stopping power when used in the new UD material, Dyneema® SB301, for protective armor applications. The seismic shift in performance enables body armor manufacturers to design soft armor vests 10–20% lighter than previous protective solutions.

Beyond strength, Dyneema® SB301 has the advantage of being made from bio-based Dyneema® fiber, which enables a carbon footprint up to 90% lower than generic high modulus polyethylene (HMPE) fiber.

Now available for use in law enforcement vests for the US market, Dyneema® SB301 material is manufactured in Greenville, North Carolina, in compliance with the Berry Amendment, with additional markets to follow.

Dyneema® announced the launch of a next-generation unidirectional (UD) material innovation based on its third-generation fiber at the polymer level: a development poised to enhance the safety and mobility of law enforcement officers and military forces through molecular engineering.

This evolution enables a higher-tenacity fiber – resulting in increased ballistic stopping power when used in the new UD material, Dyneema® SB301, for protective armor applications. The seismic shift in performance enables body armor manufacturers to design soft armor vests 10–20% lighter than previous protective solutions.

Beyond strength, Dyneema® SB301 has the advantage of being made from bio-based Dyneema® fiber, which enables a carbon footprint up to 90% lower than generic high modulus polyethylene (HMPE) fiber.

Now available for use in law enforcement vests for the US market, Dyneema® SB301 material is manufactured in Greenville, North Carolina, in compliance with the Berry Amendment, with additional markets to follow.

“In every situation, weight is now considered to be the top priority after ballistic stopping power,” said Marcelo van de Kamp, global business director for personal protection at Avient. “That’s because survivability is directly tied to weight savings when speed and agility determine outcomes. We’ve long been known as the ‘world’s strongest fiber™,’ but that won’t stop us from finding new opportunities to get stronger. This new product is the latest demonstration of our commitment to both innovation and protection.”


Avient Corporation

Polartec PS Photo Polartec

Polartec: Plant-based nylon resulting in a 50% lower carbon footprint vs. virgin nylon

Polartec, will upgrade two of its product platforms now using Biolon™ *, plant-based nylon fiber and membrane setting a new standard in sustainability for performance fabrics. Polartec®  Power Shield™ and Power Stretch™ Pro fabrics containing Biolon™ fibers and membranes will premiere this autumn.

Biolon™ is a renewable, non-GMO plant-based nylon with a 50% lower carbon footprint than virgin Nylon 6,6.  Biolon™ nylon properties  are closer to Nylon 6,6 than many recycled nylon alternatives currently on the market.  Biolon™ has re-worked a staple, making the best, better in terms of performance and sustainability. Its plant-based inputs account for approximately half (45-48%) of the nylon content in the fibers and membranes in new Polartec® Power Shield™ and Power Stretch™ Pro fabrics debuting this fall.

Polartec, will upgrade two of its product platforms now using Biolon™ *, plant-based nylon fiber and membrane setting a new standard in sustainability for performance fabrics. Polartec®  Power Shield™ and Power Stretch™ Pro fabrics containing Biolon™ fibers and membranes will premiere this autumn.

Biolon™ is a renewable, non-GMO plant-based nylon with a 50% lower carbon footprint than virgin Nylon 6,6.  Biolon™ nylon properties  are closer to Nylon 6,6 than many recycled nylon alternatives currently on the market.  Biolon™ has re-worked a staple, making the best, better in terms of performance and sustainability. Its plant-based inputs account for approximately half (45-48%) of the nylon content in the fibers and membranes in new Polartec® Power Shield™ and Power Stretch™ Pro fabrics debuting this fall.

Ramesh Kesh, Senior Vice President – Government & Defense and Polartec at Milliken & Company said, “For a long time, many thought that sustainable options meant a loss in performance, like durability, Polartec has proved that this is not the case. Challenging a technology already considered to be at the pinnacle of performance was a big ask yet the team at Polartec rose to that challenge and we believe we have created a new standard in sustainability for performance fabrics.” 

More information:
Polartec Biolon nylon

Abi Youcha (Akimbo Communication)

(c) Schoeller Textil AG

Schoeller Textil presents FLEX SHIELD collection at A+A

Modern lifestyles require more than just functionality. Consumers are seeking products that offer a perfect balance between protection and comfort. The FLEX SHIELD collection offers a range of textiles that provide these functions without compromising on freedom of movement to maximize the wearer’s experience.

The Flex Shield Collection reflects Schoeller’s commitment to creating textiles that empower individuals to embrace their activities with confidence, knowing their gear will not fail and is designed for challenging conditions.

Every article in the collection is equipped with at least one of Schoeller’s pioneering textile technologies. These innovations ensure breathability, thermal regulation, as well as wind and water resistance.

Modern lifestyles require more than just functionality. Consumers are seeking products that offer a perfect balance between protection and comfort. The FLEX SHIELD collection offers a range of textiles that provide these functions without compromising on freedom of movement to maximize the wearer’s experience.

The Flex Shield Collection reflects Schoeller’s commitment to creating textiles that empower individuals to embrace their activities with confidence, knowing their gear will not fail and is designed for challenging conditions.

Every article in the collection is equipped with at least one of Schoeller’s pioneering textile technologies. These innovations ensure breathability, thermal regulation, as well as wind and water resistance.

One highlight is the schoeller®-ceraspaceTM technology, which owes its outstanding protective properties to a unique composition of special ceramic particles anchored in a polymer matrix. The ceramic particles are nearly as hard as diamonds and are firmly attached as a 3-dimensional coating to the textile. A textile with schoeller®-ceraspaceTM abrasion resistance performs significantly better than high-quality leather in terms of abrasion resistance. A fabric equipped with schoeller®-ceraspaceTM can also be more engineered to fulfill the required stretch properties, and its production process results in significantly less waste material compared to leather.


Schoeller Textil AG

One-third increase in exhibitors at Cinte Techtextil China 2023 (c) Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd

One-third increase in exhibitors at Cinte Techtextil China 2023

Since the rapid growth brought about by the pandemic, the technical textiles and nonwovens markets are stabilising towards a new normal – one in which technological innovation, sustainable development, and intelligent manufacturing are the most sought-after qualities. Held from 19 – 21 September 2023 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre, the fair amplified this new industry direction, both through its fringe programme and across the booths of the 40,000 sqm show floor. With a nearly one-third increase from 2021, 467 exhibitors representing 13 countries and regions engaged a significantly international visitor flow, numbering 15,542 total visits from 52 countries and regions. Suppliers showcased up-to-date products for multiple application areas, with various equipment, technical textiles and nonwovens for agriculture, automotive, protective apparel, and medical and hygiene especially prevalent.

Since the rapid growth brought about by the pandemic, the technical textiles and nonwovens markets are stabilising towards a new normal – one in which technological innovation, sustainable development, and intelligent manufacturing are the most sought-after qualities. Held from 19 – 21 September 2023 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre, the fair amplified this new industry direction, both through its fringe programme and across the booths of the 40,000 sqm show floor. With a nearly one-third increase from 2021, 467 exhibitors representing 13 countries and regions engaged a significantly international visitor flow, numbering 15,542 total visits from 52 countries and regions. Suppliers showcased up-to-date products for multiple application areas, with various equipment, technical textiles and nonwovens for agriculture, automotive, protective apparel, and medical and hygiene especially prevalent.

Speaking at the fair’s close, Ms Wilmet Shea, General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, had an optimistic outlook for the future of the sector: “Sustainability and innovation often go hand-in-hand, and walking through the various halls, zones, and pavilions these past few days the evidence for this was widespread. With environmental protection more important than ever, and buyers across application areas increasingly sourcing eco-friendly solutions, our exhibitors were well-placed to meet that demand. This fair is consistently at the leading edge of technological progress, and with the global and domestic markets showing signs of improving further, we are already looking forward to what we can offer at next year’s edition.”  

With many overseas exhibitors making a comeback, this year’s fair was marked by the return of the Taiwan Pavilion and the 40-exhibitor strong European Zone. Beyond the international areas, domestic pavilions were organised by Beijing Guanghua, China Hang Tang Group, Funing, Jiujing, Shenda, Tiantai, Xianto, and Xiqiao, showcasing nonwovens for various sub-sectors, including filtration and medical. Valuable insights were exchanged at multiple fringe events, including the 11th China International Nonwovens Conference, the Advanced Technical Textiles Industry Chain Synergistic Innovation Development Forum, various events covering marine textiles and rope netting, and the “Kingsafe Dangs” National University Students' Nonwovens Development and Applications Showcase. Visitors, meanwhile, were pleased with the innovation on show across the entire platform.

The fair’s product categories cover 12 application areas, which comprehensively span a full range of potential uses in modern technical textiles and nonwovens. These categories also cover the entire industry, from upstream technology and raw materials providers to finished fabrics, chemicals and other solutions. This scope of product groups and application areas ensures that the fair is an effective business platform for the entire industry.

Technische Textilien und Textilien für den Möbelbau benötigen besonderen Schutz durch funktionelle Beschichtungen. In diesem Bereich einen funktionellen Ersatz für PFAS zu schaffen ist Ziel des Projekts ZeroF. © K. Dobberke, Fraunhofer ISC

EU-Projekt ZeroF: Ersatz für PFAS in Lebensmittelverpackungen und Textilien

PFAS, einige Vertreter der Chemikaliengruppe PFAS werden inzwischen als gesundheitsgefährdend oder sogar krebserregend eingestuft. Die Europäische Union will eine Reihe kritischer PFAS verbieten und fördert in vier großen Verbundprojekten die Entwicklung von Ersatzmaterialien, z. B. im EU-Projekt ZeroF. In diesem Projekt entwickelt das Fraunhofer-Institut für Silicatforschung ISC im Verbund mit Industrieunternehmen und Forschungseinrichtungen Lösungen für PFAS-freie Lebensmittelverpackungen und Textilien.

PFAS, einige Vertreter der Chemikaliengruppe PFAS werden inzwischen als gesundheitsgefährdend oder sogar krebserregend eingestuft. Die Europäische Union will eine Reihe kritischer PFAS verbieten und fördert in vier großen Verbundprojekten die Entwicklung von Ersatzmaterialien, z. B. im EU-Projekt ZeroF. In diesem Projekt entwickelt das Fraunhofer-Institut für Silicatforschung ISC im Verbund mit Industrieunternehmen und Forschungseinrichtungen Lösungen für PFAS-freie Lebensmittelverpackungen und Textilien.
Per- und Polyfluoralkylsubstanzen – kurz PFAS – sind Universaltalente in der Chemie: verhältnismäßig günstig herzustellen und überall da einsetzbar, wo es um besonders widerstandsfähige, glatte, öl- und wasserabweisende Oberflächen und Vollmaterialien geht. Sie sind temperatur- und chemikalienbeständig, werden als Hilfsmittel in der Produktion eingesetzt und sind selbst Bestandteil vieler Produkte – z. B. in Lebensmittelverpackungen, Kosmetika, Arzneimitteln, Pflanzenschutzmitteln, Textilien, Imprägnierungsmitteln und Löschschäumen. In die Umwelt gelangen sie durch Abwässer, als Abrieb oder Aerosol, sowie über die Ackerböden ins Grundwasser und in die Nahrungskette. Dort bleiben sie bestehen – als „Ewigkeits-Chemikalien“ können sie nicht auf natürlichem Wege abgebaut werden. In der EU ließen sich PFAS in mehr als 70 % der Grundwasser-Messtellen nachweisen. Der „Nordische Ministerrat“, ein Zusammenschluss v. a. skandinavischer Länder, hat 2019 eine Studie zu den sozioökonomischen Auswirkungen von PFAS vorgestellt. Die Studie schätzt die Gesundheitskosten durch PFAS-bedingte Erkrankungen auf mindestens 50 Milliarden Euro in der EU und bringt rund 12 000 Todesfälle in den direkten Zusammenhang mit PFAS.
Das Verbot von besonders kritischen Vertretern aus der PFAS-Familie, das für 2023 von der EU-Kommission geplant ist, kommt nicht unerwartet, doch es stellt die Industrie auch vor erhebliche Schwierigkeiten. So einfach lassen sich PFAS aufgrund ihrer Eigenschaftsprofile und deren Bandbreite nicht ersetzen. Für besonders relevante Bereiche (Arzneimittel, Pflanzenschutz) sind Ausnahmeregelungen vorgesehen, außerdem gelten die üblichen Übergangsfristen. Doch die Umstellung auf eine PFAS-freie Produkte ist für die Industrie nicht zuletzt deshalb notwendig, weil PFAS-Produzenten signalisieren, sich in naher Zukunft komplett vom europäischen Markt zurückziehen zu wollen. Um den umweltfreundlichen Ersatz von PFAS voranzubringen, fördert die EU derzeit in vier großen Verbundforschungsprojekten die Entwicklung von unschädlichen Alternativen in ihren jeweiligen Hauptanwendungsfeldern.
ZeroF – umweltfreundliche Beschichtungen für die Verpackungs- und Textilindustrie
Eines dieser Schlüsselprojekte ist das Projekt ZeroF, das sich mit PFAS-Alternativen für Lebensmittelverpackungen und Textilien beschäftigt. Das Fraunhofer ISC ist in ZeroF maßgeblich an der Entwicklung von omniphoben (öl- und wasserabweisenden) und abriebbeständigen Beschichtungen für Textilien beteiligt. Mit der Stoffklasse der ORMOCER®-Lacke stellt das Fraunhofer ISC ein vielseitiges Basismaterial zur Verfügung, das mit den vom Projektpartner VTT hergestellten cellulosebasierten Materialien kombiniert werden soll. „Die Herausforderung für uns besteht vor allem darin eine wasserabweisende Beschichtung für Textilien herzustellen, die gleichzeitig als wasserbasierte Lösung appliziert werden kann, da dies eine Vorgabe der Textilindustrie ist,“ so Dr. Claudia Stauch, Projektleiterin am Fraunhofer ISC. „Das ORMOCER® als hybrides Material erlaubt es uns, anorganische und organische Materialeigenschaften zu kombinieren und so unendlich viele Stellschrauben für diese komplexe Fragestellung zu generieren.
Der Einsatz der neu entwickelten ZeroF Materialien hängt auch von der Akzeptanz in der Industrie ab. Um wirtschaftlichen Schaden abzuwenden, dürfen die Unternehmen, die jetzt PFAS einsetzen, nicht mit dem Verbot und seinen Folgen allein gelassen werden. „Nicht immer wird der volle Funktionsumfang von PFAS auch wirklich benötigt. Für manche der jetzigen Anwendungsfelder, in denen es nur um ein oder zwei Schlüsseleigenschaften aus dem ganzen PFAS-Spektrum geht, gibt es bereits jetzt gute und kurzfristig einsetzbare Lösungen,“ erklärt die Wissenschaftlerin.

ZeroF – Development of verified safe and sustainable PFAS-free coatings for food packaging and upholstery textile applications
Grant agreement ID: 101092164

Fraunhofer-Institut für Silicatforschung ISC, Deutschland
E.CIMA SA, Spanien
IDEAconsult, Bulgarien
KEMIRA OYJ, Finnland
TEMAS Solutions, Schweiz
Università di Bologna, Italien
Yangi, Schweden


Fraunhofer ISC


ECHA: More than 5 600 comments on PFAS restriction proposal

More than 4 400 organisations, companies and individuals submitted comments and information on the proposal to restrict per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the European Economic Area.

At the end of the consultation on 25 September, ECHA had received more than 5 600 comments from more than 4 400 organisations, companies and individuals.

The comments will be checked by ECHA's scientific committees for Risk Assessment (RAC) and Socio-Economic Analysis (SEAC), and those providing relevant evidence-based information will be considered in the opinion making process.

The five countries who prepared the initial proposal will also review the consultation input and may update their initial proposal based on it.

Many comments submitted during the consultation are already published on ECHA’s website. Information indicated as confidential by the consultee is not made public. Comments received very close to the deadline are currently being processed and will be published shortly.

More than 4 400 organisations, companies and individuals submitted comments and information on the proposal to restrict per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the European Economic Area.

At the end of the consultation on 25 September, ECHA had received more than 5 600 comments from more than 4 400 organisations, companies and individuals.

The comments will be checked by ECHA's scientific committees for Risk Assessment (RAC) and Socio-Economic Analysis (SEAC), and those providing relevant evidence-based information will be considered in the opinion making process.

The five countries who prepared the initial proposal will also review the consultation input and may update their initial proposal based on it.

Many comments submitted during the consultation are already published on ECHA’s website. Information indicated as confidential by the consultee is not made public. Comments received very close to the deadline are currently being processed and will be published shortly.

Next steps
RAC and SEAC are evaluating the proposed restriction and considering the relevant information received through the consultation. The committees develop their independent, scientific opinions over a series of meetings, where draft opinions are discussed. Attention is given to all aspects and impacted sectors.

ECHA will deliver the final opinions to the European Commission in the shortest possible timeframe, while ensuring proper scrutiny by the scientific committees. Once the committees adopt their opinions, they will be communicated to the public.

The Commission, together with the EU Member States, will decide on the restriction.

The restriction proposal was prepared by authorities in Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden. It was submitted to ECHA on 13 January 2023. It aims to reduce PFAS emissions into the environment and make products and processes safer for people. The six-month consultation ran from 22 March to 25 September 2023.

Further information
•    Consultation comments
•    Restriction on the manufacture, placing on the market and use of PFAS
•    Topical page on PFAS
•    REACH restriction process

More information:


Die Geschäftsführer der Werner Wilhelm GmbH: Werner Wilhelm und Alexander Wilhelm (v. l.) (c) Werner Wilhelm GmbH
Die Geschäftsführer der Werner Wilhelm GmbH: Werner Wilhelm und Alexander Wilhelm (v. l.)

75 Jahre Wilhelm Textil: Hochwertige Textilien (nicht nur) für Schuhe

Das mittelständische Familienunternehmen, die Werner Wilhelm GmbH (Wilhelm Textil), feiert 75jähriges Bestehen – gegründet und ansässig in Pirmasens, mit Töchtern in Portugal und Indien. Als klassischer Zulieferer insbesondere für die Hersteller von Straßen-, Sport- und Funktionsschuhen, bietet Wilhelm Textil ein breites Portfolio an technischen Funktionsstoffen, textilen Obermaterialien, Futterstoffen und Polsterschäumen – sowohl aus eigener Entwicklung und Produktion als auch als Handelsware aus dem Partnergeschäft. Vor allem vom Standort Indien aus werden branchenübergreifende Kunden bedient, beispielsweise aus den Segmenten Automotive –Kofferraumauskleidungen und Dachhimmel aus Vliesstoffen – oder Mode und Accessoires, Futterstoffe für Taschen, Handschuhe, Mützen und Helme.

Im Jahr 1948 gegründet, bietet die Unternehmensgruppe heute mit 285 Beschäftigten ein über 500 Artikel umfassendes Sortiment mit verschiedensten Beschichtungen und in zahlreichen Varianten und Farben; das Produktionsvolumen liegt jährlich bei rund 30 Mio. Metern Textilien. Damit erwirtschaftet Wilhelm Textil allein in Deutschland stabile Umsätze im unteren zweistelligen Millionen-Euro-Bereich.

Das mittelständische Familienunternehmen, die Werner Wilhelm GmbH (Wilhelm Textil), feiert 75jähriges Bestehen – gegründet und ansässig in Pirmasens, mit Töchtern in Portugal und Indien. Als klassischer Zulieferer insbesondere für die Hersteller von Straßen-, Sport- und Funktionsschuhen, bietet Wilhelm Textil ein breites Portfolio an technischen Funktionsstoffen, textilen Obermaterialien, Futterstoffen und Polsterschäumen – sowohl aus eigener Entwicklung und Produktion als auch als Handelsware aus dem Partnergeschäft. Vor allem vom Standort Indien aus werden branchenübergreifende Kunden bedient, beispielsweise aus den Segmenten Automotive –Kofferraumauskleidungen und Dachhimmel aus Vliesstoffen – oder Mode und Accessoires, Futterstoffe für Taschen, Handschuhe, Mützen und Helme.

Im Jahr 1948 gegründet, bietet die Unternehmensgruppe heute mit 285 Beschäftigten ein über 500 Artikel umfassendes Sortiment mit verschiedensten Beschichtungen und in zahlreichen Varianten und Farben; das Produktionsvolumen liegt jährlich bei rund 30 Mio. Metern Textilien. Damit erwirtschaftet Wilhelm Textil allein in Deutschland stabile Umsätze im unteren zweistelligen Millionen-Euro-Bereich.

Wilhelm Textil engagiert sich traditionell für soziale Projekte wie Erdbebenhilfe, Tsunamiopfer-Soforthilfe, Kinderschutzbund, Ahrtal-Flutopfer, Hospize und Tafeln sowie Kinderschutzbund und -heime in Europa und Asien. Vor diesem Hintergrund verzichtete das Unternehmen auf Jubiläumsfeierlichkeiten und spendete stattdessen einen Betrag in Höhe von 75.000 Euro für soziale Zwecke. Einen wichtigen Stellenwert nimmt der Schutz von Umwelt und Natur ein. So unterhält der indische Standort seit Gründung 1994 eine betriebseigene Klär- und Wasseraufbereitungsanlage. Der für die Textilproduktion hohe Wasserbedarf wird zu 98 Prozent aus der eigenen Wiederaufbereitung gedeckt und darf von dort zertifiziert auch in den natürlichen Wasserkreislauf zurückgeleitet werden.

Firmengeschichte: Wilhelm Textil
Firmengründer Hermann Wilhelm tauschte nach dem Krieg noch Textilien gegen Lebensmittel ein. Es sollte aber nicht lange dauern, bis sich daraus ein Unternehmen mit professionellen Strukturen formierte. Zum Portfolio zählten Warmfutter und technische Textilien für die Schuhindustrie. Im Jahr 1971 erfolgte im Zuge der Expansion der Umzug aus dem Stadtzentrum an die aktuelle Adresse im Industriegebiet Erlenteich in einen großzügigen Neubau mit guter Verkehrsanbindung.

Nach Ausstieg des Gründers leitete seit 1988 sein Sohn Werner Wilhelm die Geschicke des Unternehmens. Weil sich die Kunden sukzessive in Länder mit niedrigerem Lohnniveau verlagerten, folgte Wilhelm Textil seinen Bestandskunden und entwickelte eine zunehmend internationale Ausrichtung. In diesem Zuge entstand 1988 mit der Gründung eines portugiesischen Tochterunternehmens (Wilhelm Têxteis Portuguesa Lda.) eine Brücke zum wachsenden iberischen Markt und darüber hinaus. Es folgten 1994 die Gründung der Wilhelm Textiles India Pvt. Ltd. und der Ausbau zum vollstufigen Textilveredelungsunternehmen mit moderner Punkt- und Streubeschichtungsanlage, Bleiche, Färbung, Textildruck, verschiedenen Laminier-Methoden sowie vielfältigen Veredelungstechnologien. Die zunächst auf den indischen Markt fokussierten Verkaufsaktivitäten wurden auf den kompletten asiatischen Bereich ausgeweitet. Heute zählen Hersteller aus China, Japan, Indonesien, Südostasien, Vietnam, Thailand, Kambodscha, dem Mittleren Osten und Australien zu den Bestandskunden –dies neben der Schuhindustrie in weiteren Branchen wie u. a. Automotive, Mode und Accessoires.

Auf 2003 datiert der Einstieg von Enkel Alexander Wilhelm, der seither gemeinsam mit seinem Vater die Geschäftsführung ausübt.


ars publicandi für Wilhelm Textil

Bac Mono Photo Hypetex

Hypetex: Coloured carbon fibre replacing paint coating

•    First production supercar created with Hypetex coloured carbon fibre
•    Paint-replacement technology reduces weight to enhance performance

British car manufacturer Briggs Automotive Company (BAC) has created a unique Hypetex coloured carbon fibre version of its Mono R, reducing the weight by removing the need for paint.  

The original BAC Mono R was created to be lighter and more powerful than the standard model, with 343bhp and 555kg total weight, equating to a power-to-weight ratio of 618bhp-per-tonne. By removing the need for paint coatings in this version, the net weight of the exterior is reduced compared to a painted shell, resulting in a further improved overall performance.

The car’s body was created using Hypetex’s titanium carbon fibre twill, and finished with a crystalized lacquer, offering a unique aesthetic finish. The ultra-lightweight supercar can accelerate from zero to 60mph in less than 2.5 seconds.  

•    First production supercar created with Hypetex coloured carbon fibre
•    Paint-replacement technology reduces weight to enhance performance

British car manufacturer Briggs Automotive Company (BAC) has created a unique Hypetex coloured carbon fibre version of its Mono R, reducing the weight by removing the need for paint.  

The original BAC Mono R was created to be lighter and more powerful than the standard model, with 343bhp and 555kg total weight, equating to a power-to-weight ratio of 618bhp-per-tonne. By removing the need for paint coatings in this version, the net weight of the exterior is reduced compared to a painted shell, resulting in a further improved overall performance.

The car’s body was created using Hypetex’s titanium carbon fibre twill, and finished with a crystalized lacquer, offering a unique aesthetic finish. The ultra-lightweight supercar can accelerate from zero to 60mph in less than 2.5 seconds.  

Hypetex’s paint-replacement technology retains the visible weave, allowing for a bold design and a choice of colours without technical compromises, perfectly aligning with BAC’s initiatives to maximise performance whilst creating bespoke supercars. Paint generally adds 138 grams per metre squared, whereas Hypetex adds just 17 grams for the same area, offering an 8x weight saving.
This bespoke version of BAC’s single-seater Mono R was subject to BAC’s renowned BAC Bespoke programme, which ensures that no two Monos are the same. The client, a US-based collector, worked with BAC’s design team to design the car to their personal taste.   

Born out of Formula 1 technology, Hypetex offers manufacturers sustainable aesthetic materials with technical and efficiency benefits. This collaboration is an all-British success story, with the Hypetex carbon fibre body built by Formaplex, a leading UK-based manufacturing company who manufacture lightweight engineered solutions for top tier customers in Automotive, Aerospace and Defence markets. BAC’s supply chain is 95% UK-based.  

Hypetex continues to expand its growing portfolio of the use of coloured carbon fibre to add personalisation to the automotive field, with its material recently featured on the 2024 Ford Mustang Dark Horse.  


More information:
HYPETEX® carbon fibers



INDA Partners & Waterloo Filtration Institute: Partnering for the FiltXPO™ 2023 Technical Program

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, is partnering with the Waterloo Filtration Institute to deliver the FiltXPO™ technical program on October 10-11, 2023 in Chicago, Illinois. The Waterloo Filtration Institute was instrumental in recommending program topics and world-class presenters.

Engineers, scientists, and industry professionals will gain the latest insights into the filtration and separation topics affecting the industry today and into the future. The program features presentations include: filter media technologies, advancements and opportunities in filtration machinery and equipment, innovations in clean air for homes and urban areas, standards and testing, industry trends and new developments, and filtration challenges and opportunities.

The keynote for this year’s event is “IAQ Is the New Black” presented by Suzanne Shelton, President & CEO, Shelton Group. Shelton will share the latest data around consumer views on health, safety, people, and the planet. Participants will gain an understanding of the filtration opportunities and the challenges manufacturers face in communicating the value of their products.

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, is partnering with the Waterloo Filtration Institute to deliver the FiltXPO™ technical program on October 10-11, 2023 in Chicago, Illinois. The Waterloo Filtration Institute was instrumental in recommending program topics and world-class presenters.

Engineers, scientists, and industry professionals will gain the latest insights into the filtration and separation topics affecting the industry today and into the future. The program features presentations include: filter media technologies, advancements and opportunities in filtration machinery and equipment, innovations in clean air for homes and urban areas, standards and testing, industry trends and new developments, and filtration challenges and opportunities.

The keynote for this year’s event is “IAQ Is the New Black” presented by Suzanne Shelton, President & CEO, Shelton Group. Shelton will share the latest data around consumer views on health, safety, people, and the planet. Participants will gain an understanding of the filtration opportunities and the challenges manufacturers face in communicating the value of their products.

A preview of the subject matter experts includes:

  • AAF Flanders – “Air Filter Standards Activity and What It Means for Innovation”
  • Ahlstrom – “Expanding Wetlaid Filtration Media Performance Through Innovation”
  • Air Techniques International – “Application of Automated Filter Tester in Quality Control Testing: Importance of Consistent Aerosol Particle Size Distribution”
  • American Truetzschler, Inc. – “How Really Good Filter Media Is Made”
  • CEREX Advanced Fabrics – “The Antimicrobial Nylon Advantage”
  • Elsner Engineering Works, Inc. – “When Does Automation Make Sense”
  • Hollingsworth & Vose – “Accelerating Membrane Adoption with ROI”
  • INDA – “Beyond Porter’s Five Forces – When Regulation Reshapes Markets”
  • MANN+HUMMEL GmbH – “Filtration for Cleaner Urban Mobility – Introducing Horizon Europe Innovation Action Aersolfd”
  • NatureWorks – “Optimizing Biopolymers to Improve Filter Performance – A Spectrum of Approaches and Opportunities”
  • Palas GmbH – “Influence of Temperature and Humidity to Filter Efficiency and Dust Holding Capacity”
  • Ptak Consulting – “Residential Filtration – Performance Against Infectious Aerosols”
  • The University of Georgia – “Recent Advances in Melt Blown Nonwovens and Filter Media Research”

New this year to FiltXPO are Lightning Talks. Lightning Talks are an opportunity to connect with new trends, products, innovations, and ideas with speakers rotating every eight minutes. Presenting companies include Ahlstrom, Elsner Engineering Works, Inc., Gottlieb Binder GmbH, TSI, and the Waterloo Filtration Institute.

The FiltXPO exhibition takes place October 10-12 and will run concurrently with the technical program.

More information:
INDA Filtxpo Conference

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry

AGU’s HeiQ Smart Temp cycling kits at three Grand Tours Photo: AGU
Jumbo-Visma team winning at Vuelta a España with AGU’s HeiQ Smart Temp cycling kits

AGU’s HeiQ Smart Temp cycling kits at three Grand Tours

Team Jumbo-Visma’s triumphant victories in Europe’s three Grand Tours of cycling, including the recent Vuelta a España, were supported by AGU’s cycling kits that are powered by the HeiQ Smart Temp thermoregulation technology.

HeiQ celebrates its collaboration with AGU, a high-performance sports gear manufacturer. Together, the companies integrated HeiQ Smart Temp technology into the jerseys of Jumbo-Visma, the triumphant team whose outstanding cyclists Jonas Vingegaard, Primoz Roglic, and Sepp Kuss won Europe’s three Grand Tours; the Tour de France, Giro d’Italia, and Vuelta a España.

HeiQ Smart Temp, an innovative thermoregulation solution, dynamically responds to body heat and moisture, providing cyclists with a cooling effect when they need it most. This technology enhances comfort and performance, making it ideal for next-to-skin apparel, sportswear, and activewear.

AGU's product developers harnessed the power of HeiQ Smart Temp to create jerseys with cooling properties. The Jumbo-Visma team's lightest-weight jersey, weighing 25% less than their regular aero shirt, keeps athletes up to 2.5°C cooler than other performance fabrics.

Team Jumbo-Visma’s triumphant victories in Europe’s three Grand Tours of cycling, including the recent Vuelta a España, were supported by AGU’s cycling kits that are powered by the HeiQ Smart Temp thermoregulation technology.

HeiQ celebrates its collaboration with AGU, a high-performance sports gear manufacturer. Together, the companies integrated HeiQ Smart Temp technology into the jerseys of Jumbo-Visma, the triumphant team whose outstanding cyclists Jonas Vingegaard, Primoz Roglic, and Sepp Kuss won Europe’s three Grand Tours; the Tour de France, Giro d’Italia, and Vuelta a España.

HeiQ Smart Temp, an innovative thermoregulation solution, dynamically responds to body heat and moisture, providing cyclists with a cooling effect when they need it most. This technology enhances comfort and performance, making it ideal for next-to-skin apparel, sportswear, and activewear.

AGU's product developers harnessed the power of HeiQ Smart Temp to create jerseys with cooling properties. The Jumbo-Visma team's lightest-weight jersey, weighing 25% less than their regular aero shirt, keeps athletes up to 2.5°C cooler than other performance fabrics.


HeiQ Materials AG

Flachs-Koeper-Band (c) vombaur

Technical textiles made of natural fibres: Sustainable textiles for lightweight design

The combination of high strength and rigidity with sustainability and a neutral carbon footprint makes flax the ideal raw material for natural fibre-reinforced plastics. vombaur offers composite textiles made of this natural fibre for the automotive, wind power, construction or sports industries and many other sectors.

Flax fibres are rigid and tear-proof. They have natural bactericidal properties, are virtually antistatic, stain resistant and easy to spin. Humans have taken advantage of these properties to manufacture robust, stain-resistant and lint-free textiles. Between the late 19th and late 20th centuries, cotton largely replaced natural fibres. Because flax can be grown in Europe and consumes less energy and water than cotton production, the material's importance is currently growing again, for both clothing and composites. Regional textile value added chains in Europe – flax makes them possible.

The combination of high strength and rigidity with sustainability and a neutral carbon footprint makes flax the ideal raw material for natural fibre-reinforced plastics. vombaur offers composite textiles made of this natural fibre for the automotive, wind power, construction or sports industries and many other sectors.

Flax fibres are rigid and tear-proof. They have natural bactericidal properties, are virtually antistatic, stain resistant and easy to spin. Humans have taken advantage of these properties to manufacture robust, stain-resistant and lint-free textiles. Between the late 19th and late 20th centuries, cotton largely replaced natural fibres. Because flax can be grown in Europe and consumes less energy and water than cotton production, the material's importance is currently growing again, for both clothing and composites. Regional textile value added chains in Europe – flax makes them possible.

Ideal mechanical properties
vombaur makes the mechanical properties of flax usable for lightweight design. Because flax fibres are particularly rigid and tear-resistant, they ensure great stability in natural fibre-reinforced plastics (NFRPs). And thanks to their low density of 1.50 g/cm3, the fibres weigh virtually nothing. On top of this, fibre-reinforced plastics are less prone to splintering than glass fibre-reinforced plastics.

Excellent carbon footprint
The cultivation of flax binds CO2 and the production of natural fibre-reinforced plastics (NFRPs) generates approximately one third less CO2 emissions compared with conventional fibre-reinforced plastics. Energy consumption is substantially lower. This saves resources. The use of flax fibre tapes by vombaur in lightweight design applications also improves the product's carbon footprint and contributes to a secure, regional supply chain.

Recycling without impacting on quality
Flax offers another sustainability benefit: more recycling cycles than glass- or carbon fibre-reinforced plastics – without impacting on quality. Thermoplastic fibre-matrix prepregs are melted and reused in the recycling process. The natural fibres can be used in other products such as natural fibre-reinforced injection moulded parts.

Sustainable product developments for many industries
"Orthoses for high-performance sports, high-tech skis, wind turbines, components for the automotive industry or aerospace, but also modern window profiles – the application scope for our lightweight design flax tapes is amazingly diverse", as Carl Mrusek, Chief Sales Officer at vombaur explains. "After all, wherever flax tapes are used, three key properties come together: light weight, strength and sustainability".

More information:



BVMed begrüßt Ausnahmeregelung für aufsaugende Inkontinenzprodukte

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) begrüßt die Entscheidung der EU-Kommission, Medizinprodukte wie aufsaugende Inkontinenzhilfen von den Kriterien des EU-Ökolabels für absorbierende Hygieneprodukte nach der europäischen Ökodesign-Verordnung auszunehmen. Der BVMed hatte sich in einer Stellungnahme aus April 2023 dafür ausgesprochen, Medizinprodukte vom Anwendungsbereich auszunehmen und „aufsaugende Inkontinenzprodukte“ aufgrund ihrer medizinischen Zweckbestimmung von Hygieneprodukten abzugrenzen, um die Patient:innen-Versorgung nicht zu gefährden. „Medizinprodukte unterliegen bereits einer sehr strengen sektoralen Regulierung. Es ist gut, dass die EU-Kommission bei Güterabwägungen der Versorgung von Patient:innen mit notwendigen Medizinprodukten ein hohes Gewicht einräumt“, kommentiert BVMed-Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll.

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) begrüßt die Entscheidung der EU-Kommission, Medizinprodukte wie aufsaugende Inkontinenzhilfen von den Kriterien des EU-Ökolabels für absorbierende Hygieneprodukte nach der europäischen Ökodesign-Verordnung auszunehmen. Der BVMed hatte sich in einer Stellungnahme aus April 2023 dafür ausgesprochen, Medizinprodukte vom Anwendungsbereich auszunehmen und „aufsaugende Inkontinenzprodukte“ aufgrund ihrer medizinischen Zweckbestimmung von Hygieneprodukten abzugrenzen, um die Patient:innen-Versorgung nicht zu gefährden. „Medizinprodukte unterliegen bereits einer sehr strengen sektoralen Regulierung. Es ist gut, dass die EU-Kommission bei Güterabwägungen der Versorgung von Patient:innen mit notwendigen Medizinprodukten ein hohes Gewicht einräumt“, kommentiert BVMed-Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll.

Der BVMed unterstützt die Zielsetzung der EU-Kommission, die ökologische Nachhaltigkeit von Produkten über ihren gesamten Lebenszyklus zu steigern. „Die Medizintechnik-Branche ist sich ihrer gesellschaftlichen Verantwortung bewusst und arbeitet bereits jetzt intensiv daran, die nachteiligen Auswirkungen ihrer Produkte in Bezug auf die Umwelt zu minimieren, ohne die Funktionalität und Sicherheit in der Versorgung der Patient:innen zu gefährden“, heißt es in der BVMed-Stellungnahme. Wichtig sei, dass die Versorgung und Sicherheit der Patient:innen durchgängig sowie vollumfänglich gewährleistet seien und es zu keinen Unterbrechungen der Versorgung durch Produktengpässe komme.

Das Inverkehrbringen von Medizinprodukten ist über die EU-Medizinprodukte-Verordnung (MDR) geregelt. In dieser sektorspezifischen Regelung sind umfangreiche Voraussetzungen für die Sicherheits- und Leistungsanforderungen von teilweise lebensnotwendigen Produkten für die Gesundheitsversorgung festgelegt.

Rechtsakte, wie unter anderem die Verordnung über Ökodesign, können zu Änderungen von Produkten oder deren Bestandteilen führen und somit neue und langwierige Konformitätsbewertungsverfahren nach sich ziehen, sofern Alternativmaterialien überhaupt vorhanden sind. Dafür müssen umfangreiche Tests durchgeführt und zusätzliche klinische Daten erhoben sowie die komplette Produktdokumentation überarbeitet werden. Dieser Prozess dauert erfahrungsgemäß mehrere Jahre, abhängig von der vorgenommenen Änderung. Allein die Zertifizierung eines Medizinprodukts durch eine Benannte Stelle dauert im Zuge der MDR aktuell durchschnittlich 18 Monate.

Erschwerend kommt hinzu, dass bereits jetzt aufgrund der Implementierung der MDR Kapazitätsengpässe bei den Benannten Stellen bestehen, die die Patient:innen-Versorgung mit sicheren und bewährten Medizinprodukten gefährden. „Diese Situation verschärft sich mit jeder Änderung der regulatorischen Anforderungen, die die Neubewertung von Produkten durch Benannte Stellen erforderlich macht“, so der BVMed.

BVMed-Nachhaltigkeitsexpertin Clara Allonge: „Um mit der Ökodesign-Verordnung einen robusten Rahmen für eine erfolgreiche europäische Nachhaltigkeitsinitiative zu schaffen, ist entscheidend, die branchenspezifischen Besonderheiten, die medizinischen Zweckbestimmungen und die Sicherstellung der Gesundheitsversorgung bei der Ausgestaltung auch künftig zu berücksichtigen.“

Der BVMed repräsentiert über 300 Hersteller, Händler und Zulieferer der Medizintechnik-Branche sowie Hilfsmittel-Leistungserbringer und Homecare-Versorger. Die Medizinprodukteindustrie beschäftigt in Deutschland über 250.000 Menschen und investiert rund 9 Prozent ihres Umsatzes in Forschung und Entwicklung. Der Gesamtumsatz der Branche liegt bei über 38 Milliarden Euro, die Exportquote bei 67 Prozent. Dabei sind 93 Prozent der MedTech-Unternehmen KMU. Der BVMed ist die Stimme der deutschen MedTech-Branche und vor allem des MedTech-Mittelstandes.


BVMed | Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.


Rudolf commissions Baldwin’s TexCoat™ G4 lab-scale precision spray unit

Rudolf GmbH, a provider of chemicals to the textile industry, can now offer side-by-side performance tests of the age-old “dip and squeeze” pad versus precision spray finishing with the delivery of Baldwin Technology Inc.’s TexCoat ™ G4 lab-scale unit.

Rudolf GmbH, a provider of chemicals to the textile industry, can now offer side-by-side performance tests of the age-old “dip and squeeze” pad versus precision spray finishing with the delivery of Baldwin Technology Inc.’s TexCoat ™ G4 lab-scale unit.

The new TexCoat lab-scale unit at Rudolf’s Geretsried, Germany-based Customer Solution Center, tests the sprayability of chemicals on fabrics as an additional tool to help the market transition to precision spray with confidence in the performance and sustainability of the end result.
With Baldwin’s innovative system, the chemistry is precisely distributed across the textile surface and is applied only where it is required, on one or both sides of the fabric. The non-contact technology eliminates chemistry dilution in wet-on-wet processes, allowing full control of maintaining consistent chemistry coverage rates.
Plus, pad bath contamination is eliminated, and changeovers are only required when there is a change of finish chemistry. On wet-on-dry processes, the finish is applied with 50% of the amount of water required for pad finishing. Dryer fabric entering the stenter means less water to evaporate resulting in less energy and higher production speeds.
More specifically, with Baldwin’s TexCoat G4, textile finishers can track and control the finishing process. Changeovers are quickly performed thanks to recipe management, including automated chemistry and coverage selection. Furthermore, the system takes speed information from the drying process to insure exact coverage regardless of any change in speed. TexCoat G4 measures every drop of chemical usage ensuring that the amount of chemical add-on is precise.
In addition, the TexCoat G4 system can process a wide range of low-viscosity water-based chemicals, such as durable water-repellants including PFAS-free, softeners, anti-microbials, easy care resins, flame retardants and more. Baldwin’s technology utilizes the same chemicals used in the traditional pad bath, with no special auxiliaries required.


Baldwin Technology Company Inc.

Cinte Techtextil China 2023 with different zones (c) Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd

Cinte Techtextil China 2023 with different zones

Technological progress often results from close collaboration, and industries that rely on continual improvement stand to benefit from the return to in-person business. Cinte Techtextil China’s first edition since eased pandemic measures is set to reflect a 27.9% increase in exhibitor numbers, with a rejuvenated international contingent further supplemented by the return of the European Zone. Taking place from 19 – 21 September across 40,000 sqm at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre, the platform is expected to welcome buyers from across Asia, Europe, and beyond. Pre-registrations have doubled compared to the previous edition, and international buyers account for over 20% of the total.

The new zone, Marine Textile Zone, will be comprised of multiple Chinese green marine and nautical rope netting exhibitors, while also hosting the Technology Exchange Forum, and the awards ceremony of the Top 10 Suppliers in the China Rope Net Industry. Prominent exhibitors in this zone include Ropenet Group, Hunan Xinhai, and Zhejiang Four Brothers Rope.

Technological progress often results from close collaboration, and industries that rely on continual improvement stand to benefit from the return to in-person business. Cinte Techtextil China’s first edition since eased pandemic measures is set to reflect a 27.9% increase in exhibitor numbers, with a rejuvenated international contingent further supplemented by the return of the European Zone. Taking place from 19 – 21 September across 40,000 sqm at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre, the platform is expected to welcome buyers from across Asia, Europe, and beyond. Pre-registrations have doubled compared to the previous edition, and international buyers account for over 20% of the total.

The new zone, Marine Textile Zone, will be comprised of multiple Chinese green marine and nautical rope netting exhibitors, while also hosting the Technology Exchange Forum, and the awards ceremony of the Top 10 Suppliers in the China Rope Net Industry. Prominent exhibitors in this zone include Ropenet Group, Hunan Xinhai, and Zhejiang Four Brothers Rope.

Other domestic exhibitors, such as Shanghai Shenda Kebao New Materials, SIJIA New Material (Shanghai), Zhejiang Hailide New Material, and Zhejiang Jinda New Materials, will showcase products for applications in outdoor advertising, tents, boats, vehicles, environmental engineering, and much more.

Supplementing the fairground’s wide variety of domestic suppliers will be a much-increased showing of international exhibitors, with many to be found within hall E1’s European Zone. Several global industry leaders are featured in their categories below:

Nonwovens equipment

  • Autefa Solutions, Germany: solutions provider for nonwovens lines and machines for carded-crosslapped needlepunching lines, spunlace lines and thermobonding lines.
  • Dilo, Germany: in addition to offering general services, Dilo supplies opening and blending equipment, carding and airlay machines, and crosslapping and needling machines.
  • Groz-Beckert, Germany: provider of industrial machine needles, precision parts and fine tools, as well as systems and services for the production and joining of textile fabrics.
  • Reifenhäuser Reicofil, Germany: provider of innovative technologies and components for plastics extrusion, producing blown films, cast films, sheets as well as nonwovens.

Weaving equipment

  • Itema, Italy: provider of advanced weaving machines, spare parts, and integrated services, specifically for rapier, air jet and projectile weft insertion technologies.
  • Lindauer DORNIER, Germany: the company manufactures weaving machines, film stretching lines, and composite systems, also offering technical support and spare parts supply.
  • Picanol, Belgium: producer and servicer of high-tech air jet and rapier weaving machines, with around 2,600 weaving mills utilising their systems worldwide.

Coating and lamination

  • BRÜCKNER Textile Technologies, Germany: manufacturer of machines and lines for the coating and finishing of apparel fabric, technical textiles, nonwovens, glass fabrics and floor coverings.
  • ROWA Lack, Germany: developer of high-quality materials and product solutions for the polymer industry, with applications including automotive, electrical engineering, construction, technical textiles, and medical technology.
  • Stahl, the Netherlands: the Dutch company provides high quality coatings, dyes and process chemicals for leather, flexible coated substrates, textiles, films and foils, paper, and related products.


  • Monosuisse, Switzerland: with production sites in Switzerland, Poland, Romania, Mexico, and Germany, Monosuisse manufactures various precise, high-quality polymer monofilaments from 19µm to 3.00 mm in diameter.
  • Perlon, Germany: specialised in the manufacture of synthetic filaments in diverse application areas, including paper machine clothing, dental care, and advanced technical textiles for agriculture, 3D printing, sports and leisure, home, and more.

Meanwhile, first-time exhibitors include Rökona (Germany), showcasing RE:SPACE, their range of recycled technical textiles; Testex AG (Switzerland), the official OEKO-TEX® representative in multiple countries including China; Hohenstein (Germany), the renowned testing laboratory and research institute; and zwissTEX (Germany), the knitted fabrics and lamination specialists. In addition, the returning Taiwan Pavilion is set to feature the debut of Shinih Enterprise Co Ltd (Taiwan China).

Beyond the innovation displayed at the booths, the fair’s programme is set to welcome global experts from various technical textile and nonwoven sub-sectors to offer specific insights and unveil innovations. Highlighted events include:

The 11th China International Nonwovens Conference
14 sessions cover topics such as the quality control of medical supplies; green development in technology and applications in the nonwovens industry; and the development and application of flashspun nonwovens in China.

Marine textiles and rope netting events
Events specific to this zone include the Top 10 Suppliers in the China Rope Net Industry; Conference on Textile Applications for Marine Engineering and Fisheries; and the China Nonwovens & Industrial Textiles Association (CNITA) Rope Net Branch Council Meeting

"Nonwovens, Creating a Better Life” Innovation Showcase
Product display area showcasing around 100 nonwovens products with applications in five areas: medical and health, quality of life, human habitat, sustainable development, and innovative design.

Advanced Technical Textiles Industry Chain Synergistic Innovation Development Forum
Includes presentations from multiple key players in the technical textile industry, including Mr Steven Liu, Commercial Manager of Polymer Additives Business of Sanitized (China) Ltd.


Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd

OCSiAl: New Graphene nanotube facility in Europe (c) OCSiAl Group

OCSiAl: New Graphene nanotube facility in Europe

OCSiAl, a leader in graphene nanotube technologies, has been granted a construction permit for a nanotube production facility near Belgrade, Serbia. The new nanotube synthesis plant will be launched in 2024 and will have an initial annual capacity of 60 tonnes of graphene nanotubes. Over the next two years, the capacity of this plant will be increased to 120 tonnes per year. “The project will facilitate logistics and lower supply chain costs. European-produced nanotubes and nanotube derivatives will be primarily supplied to our customers in central and western Europe, North America, and Asia,” said OCSiAl Group Senior Vice President Gregory Gurevich.

OCSiAl, a leader in graphene nanotube technologies, has been granted a construction permit for a nanotube production facility near Belgrade, Serbia. The new nanotube synthesis plant will be launched in 2024 and will have an initial annual capacity of 60 tonnes of graphene nanotubes. Over the next two years, the capacity of this plant will be increased to 120 tonnes per year. “The project will facilitate logistics and lower supply chain costs. European-produced nanotubes and nanotube derivatives will be primarily supplied to our customers in central and western Europe, North America, and Asia,” said OCSiAl Group Senior Vice President Gregory Gurevich.
In addition to synthesizing nanotubes, the facility will manufacture nanotube suspensions for lithium-ion battery manufacturers in Europe, the US, and Asia – enough to enhance the performance of more than 1 mln electric cars with an average battery capacity of 75 kWh per car. OCSiAl nanotubes create long and robust electrical networks between active material particles, improving key battery characteristics, including cycle life, lower DCR, C-rate performance, and cohesion between active battery material particles, making the battery electrodes more durable. Graphene nanotubes unlock new battery technologies, including high-silicon content anodes, thick LFP cathodes, fast-charging graphite anodes, and more. They can be applied in both conventional and emerging battery tech, such as a dry battery electrode coating process, and solid-state batteries.
As well as synthesizing nanotubes and producing suspensions, OCSiAl project includes manufacturing of nanotube concentrates for high-performance polymers. The project has passed environmental impact assessment and it is 100% powered by green energy. It enjoys support from Serbian municipal and national governments. The plant is planned to be certified in accordance with ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001, and to be compliant with the IATF 16949 automotive industry standard. The project will create more than 200 job opportunities for engineers, scientists, managers, operators, and administrative staff.
Currently, OCSiAl has an extensive manufacturing system of nanotube-based products in the regions of highest market demand, such as China, Japan, Sri Lanka, Brazil, Malaysia, and other countries. The Serbia nanotube hub will operate in conjunction with the company’s operational R&D center and planned graphene nanotube synthesis facility in Luxembourg.


OCSiAl Group