From the Sector

7 results

ACI: Launch of Bio-Based Textiles in Clothing: Europe 2025 Conference

ACI announces the launch of its conference, Bio-Based Textiles in Clothing: Europe 2025.

Following in the footsteps of the successful Biobased Coatings Europe series with latest edition bringing together over 160 senior level attendees in Valencia in June 2024, this inaugural conference will explore the latest advancements in sustainable clothing made from renewable resources.

Taking place on the 15th & 16th January 2025 in Helsinki, Finland, just after the EU's pivotal Textile EPR Directive comes into force, this event will provide a deep dive into the world of bio-based textiles, examining how plants, microbes, and other novel organic feedstock are being revolutionised into sustainable, stylish garments.

ACI announces the launch of its conference, Bio-Based Textiles in Clothing: Europe 2025.

Following in the footsteps of the successful Biobased Coatings Europe series with latest edition bringing together over 160 senior level attendees in Valencia in June 2024, this inaugural conference will explore the latest advancements in sustainable clothing made from renewable resources.

Taking place on the 15th & 16th January 2025 in Helsinki, Finland, just after the EU's pivotal Textile EPR Directive comes into force, this event will provide a deep dive into the world of bio-based textiles, examining how plants, microbes, and other novel organic feedstock are being revolutionised into sustainable, stylish garments.


ACI (Europe)

Textilballen Foto Fa. Wenkhaus

Zentrales Thema für EPR: Eigentum an den Textilien

Die Eigentumsfrage, die sich bereits wie ein roter Faden durch die Verpackungsgesetzgebung zieht, wird auch im Zusammenhang mit der geplanten Errichtung eines EPR-Systems für Textilien höchste Priorität für die Branche haben, hob bvse-Hauptgeschäftsführer Eric Rehbock vor rund 100 Teilnehmer:innen auf dem 11. Internationalen Alttextiltag in Dresden hervor.

„Die Einführung eines geeigneten EPR-Systems ist ein äußerst komplexes Thema, das der bvse mit seinem Fachverband Textilrecycling und über seinen europäischen Branchendachverband EuRIC nach Kräften begleiten wird. Es dürfen sich auf keinen Fall die Fehler wiederholen, die bereits in der Vergangenheit begangen wurden“, so Rehbock.

Ein zentrales Kriterium sei die Festlegung des Eigentums an den Textilien, machte Rehbock deutlich. Das Interesse, gute und nachhaltige Qualität zu generieren, sei entscheidend damit gekoppelt, dass die Unternehmen eigene Verantwortung tragen und den Output selber vermarkten können. Dies habe man ganz klar aus den Erfahrungen mit dem Verpackungsbereich lernen können: „Wenn nur nach Tonnage bezahlt wird, ist die Qualität, die hinten herauskommt, egal“, so der Verbandschef.  

Die Eigentumsfrage, die sich bereits wie ein roter Faden durch die Verpackungsgesetzgebung zieht, wird auch im Zusammenhang mit der geplanten Errichtung eines EPR-Systems für Textilien höchste Priorität für die Branche haben, hob bvse-Hauptgeschäftsführer Eric Rehbock vor rund 100 Teilnehmer:innen auf dem 11. Internationalen Alttextiltag in Dresden hervor.

„Die Einführung eines geeigneten EPR-Systems ist ein äußerst komplexes Thema, das der bvse mit seinem Fachverband Textilrecycling und über seinen europäischen Branchendachverband EuRIC nach Kräften begleiten wird. Es dürfen sich auf keinen Fall die Fehler wiederholen, die bereits in der Vergangenheit begangen wurden“, so Rehbock.

Ein zentrales Kriterium sei die Festlegung des Eigentums an den Textilien, machte Rehbock deutlich. Das Interesse, gute und nachhaltige Qualität zu generieren, sei entscheidend damit gekoppelt, dass die Unternehmen eigene Verantwortung tragen und den Output selber vermarkten können. Dies habe man ganz klar aus den Erfahrungen mit dem Verpackungsbereich lernen können: „Wenn nur nach Tonnage bezahlt wird, ist die Qualität, die hinten herauskommt, egal“, so der Verbandschef.  

In Deutschland wurden bereits über Jahre gut funktionierende Strukturen in der textilen Sammlung, Sortierung und Verwertung aufgebaut.

„Wir haben in Deutschland ein Sammel- und Verwertungssystem für Alttextilien, das in Europa seinesgleichen sucht. Im Hinblick auf die EU-weite Diskussion um die verpflichtende Getrenntsammlung von Textilien ab Januar 2025 können wir sagen: In Deutschland ist bereits alles da!

An dem bestehenden Gemeinwerk von gewerblichen, caritativen und kommunalen Sammlern, Sortierern und Verwertern muss auch nichts verändert werden", hob der bvse-Vizepräsident und Vorsitzende des Fachverbandes Textilrecycling, Stefan Voigt, hervor.

„Allerdings kommen wir nicht mehr umhin, ein EPR-System zu errichten, dass der Branche Unterstützung bei der Gewinnung von Finanzmitteln für die Aufrechterhaltung ihres bewährten Systems leistet“, machte Voigt deutlich, denn diese habe mittlerweile ein immer größer werdendes Finanzproblem:
„Unsere Branche verrichtet eine Dienstleistung an der Bevölkerung und muss, im Gegensatz zu anderen Stoffströmen, dafür bezahlen – und das sofort oder sogar vorab. Die Finanzmittel für die Aufrechterhaltung des Systems durch den Verkauf der Alttextilien erhalten die Unternehmen der Alttextilbranche oft jedoch Monate, im Exportgeschäft sogar teilweise erst ein ganzes Jahr später“, so Voigt. „Die Alttextilbranche benötigt dringend ein EPR-System, das frische Gelder in das System bringt und deren Wirken im Sinne der Kreislaufwirtschaft unterstützt."

Bei der Implementierung eines geeigneten Systems ginge es allerdings nicht ohne eine Organisation, in der alle Daten zusammenfließen, hob Hauptgeschäftsführer Eric Rehbock hervor. Nur so könne man das Problem mit nicht registrierten Trittbrettfahrern vermeiden, die Produkte auf den Markt werfen, ohne sich an der Finanzierung für Sammlung, Sortierung und Recycling zu beteiligen. „Der bvse wird weiterhin alles dafür tun, den Textilmarkt zu erhalten und dafür zu sorgen, dass unsere privatwirtschaftlichen Unternehmen weiterhin in der Wertschöpfungskette vertreten sein werden“, betonte Rehbock.

EPR-Umsetzung: Alttextilmarkt wird komplexer – Umsetzungsaufwand steigt
Auf die Frage, wie die operative Umsetzung eines EPR-Systems aussehen könnte, ging André Rückert vom Unternehmen ECOLOGICON ein, das sich auf die Beratung für Unternehmen der Kreislauf- und Abfallwirtschaft spezialisiert hat. „Die Regierung und der Gesetzgeber müssen die bestehende Struktur miteinbeziehen, um auch Arbeitsplätze und Geschäftsmodelle zu schützen“, bestätigte Rückert.

Allerdings werde mit den kommenden gesetzlichen Regelungen der Alttextilmarkt komplexer und insbesondere der bürokratische Umsetzungsaufwand steigen, prophezeite der Projektingenieur. Er machte deutlich, dass unter Einbeziehung der Interessen und Rollen aller Akteure in der zukünftigen Umsetzungskette Qualitätssicherung und Standards sowie Kostenmodelle und Incentivierung in Abhängigkeit von Materialzusammensetzung und Verwertungswegen wichtige Eckpunkte darstellen.

„Zudem muss es eine international klar abgestimmte Intention für ein End of Waste und auch für die Materialströme der Rezyklate geben“, so Rückert. Auch sei eine Unterstützung des Einsatzes von Rezyklaten sinnvoll. Dazu müsse natürlich auch ein Markt für Rezyklate erarbeitet und vorhandene Verwaltungs- und Vollzugsstrukturen genutzt werden, um weitere Bürokratisierung zu vermeiden.

EPR national – und die Hersteller?
Das Thema EPR für Textilien ist für einige Inverkehrbringer noch recht abstrakt, erklärte Jonas Stracke vom Gesamtverband Textil und Mode.

„Es stehen noch viele Fragen im Raum. Beispielsweise, wie die künftigen Anforderungen für eine Produktverantwortung nach der Konsumeigenschaft für Hersteller aussehen könnten und vor allem, wie eine gleichberechtigte Teilnahme in einem künftigen EPR-System von der Herstellerindustrie aussehen kann. Hersteller wollen über ein mögliches Dokumentieren und Bezahlen hinaus aktiv werden, das zeichnet sich auch im Verband deutlich ab“, verdeutlichte Stracke.

Zur Untersuchung und Ausgestaltung eines möglichen EPR-Systems, dass sich an den Bedürfnissen der Herstellerindustrie orientiert, hat der Dachverband der Textil- und Modeindustrie Anfang Juni ein gemeinsames Projekt mit der Stiftung GRS-Batterien und der Gemeinsamen Rückgabesystem Servicegesellschaft sowie dem Forschungskuratorium Textil e.V. gestartet.


bvse-Bundesverband Sekundärrohstoffe und Entsorgung

Re:claim project - school blazer

A circular school blazer

Vision and technology are the key ingredients of a ground-breaking school blazer that is showing how businesses can move to a circular textiles economy.  
While many brands are grappling with the complexities of inevitable legislation and engrained business models, leading school uniform producer, David Luke, has launched a fully recyclable ‘circular’ school blazer that is designed to be recycled through Project Re:claim, the world’s first commercial-scale polyester recycling plant.
Project Re:claim is a joint venture between the UK’s largest charity textile collector, The Salvation Army, and leading circularity specialists Project Plan B. The plant opened in the UK in January 2024, and presents huge opportunities for brands to transition to textile-to-textile manufacturing models.

Vision and technology are the key ingredients of a ground-breaking school blazer that is showing how businesses can move to a circular textiles economy.  
While many brands are grappling with the complexities of inevitable legislation and engrained business models, leading school uniform producer, David Luke, has launched a fully recyclable ‘circular’ school blazer that is designed to be recycled through Project Re:claim, the world’s first commercial-scale polyester recycling plant.
Project Re:claim is a joint venture between the UK’s largest charity textile collector, The Salvation Army, and leading circularity specialists Project Plan B. The plant opened in the UK in January 2024, and presents huge opportunities for brands to transition to textile-to-textile manufacturing models.
David Luke’s circular blazer has been introduced to the brand’s successful Eco-uniform range which has sold over 1.7 million Eco-blazers in the last decade. Up until 2023, David Luke’s Eco-blazer, like many recycled garments, has been made from recycled plastic bottles. But the company has been working with Tim Cross, CEO of Project Plan B and the Circular Textiles Foundation, to bring the 100% recyclable blazer to market.
Tim Cross said: “David Luke has grasped the opportunity to embed 100% recyclable and 100% recycled garments into their range, starting with the school blazer. We now have the technology to enable their blazers to be recycled without any separation of the garment, making it an efficient recycling process. The team at David Luke has worked tirelessly with their manufacturers to create a blazer that does not compromise on design or quality, and yet is much kinder to the environment.”
Every detail from the lining, buttons and zips to the inter-linings and adhesives, has been re-thought and re-designed to meet the demands of an everyday school blazer and to recycle the garment once it reaches its end-of-life. Up until now, when the blazers have eventually been handed down to siblings, or given to the local charity shop, there had been no end-of-life solution for polyester garments apart from incineration. Now, Project Re:claim can recycle the blazer to produce polyester pellets, which are then spun into yarn to be used for future David Luke circular blazers.
Cross continues: “David Luke has the vision to create a fully circular range, and we have the potential to supply recycled content. The possibilities are infinite in terms of the future of garment design and manufacturing.”
Kathryn Shuttleworth, Chief Executive of David Luke, said: “It is a natural next step for us to transition to a textile-to-textile model. We have been producing garments using recycled plastic bottles for 15 years, but we have always had an eye on developments in textile recycling and solutions for end-of-life garments.”
In 2020, David Luke was awarded the Queen’s award for Enterprise for Sustainable Development and in January 2023 the David Luke circular blazer achieved Circular Foundation Textile certification.
Shuttleworth added: “Our focus will always be on those essential ingredients for parents and children - style, durability and affordability. But we have a responsibility to change our business model to better protect children’s future and the environment. It has become our obsession to make uniforms that meet our customers’ demands. We are really excited about the future as we continue to develop our range.”
Majonne Frost, Head of Environment and Sustainability for Salvation Army Trading Company, said: “Our vision is to enable companies to produce uniforms, corporate wear, fashion garments and textile ranges using recycled polyester.  We have the infrastructure to collect donations at scale and we now need companies to step up. This is an opportunity for companies to make a commitment to significantly reduce their environmental impact, and David Luke are showing us how that is possible.”

More information:
uniforms Re:claim

wearepr / Re:claim

Fußballstadion Bild von Pexels auf Pixabay

University of Manchester academics criticising UK government

Sustainable fashion and sportswear must be high on the political agenda:
Three University of Manchester academics who specialise in fashion and textiles have criticised the Government for failing to take action to boost sustainability in the UK fashion and sportswear industries.

In an article published by the University’s policy engagement unit Policy@Manchester to coincide with the 20th annual Recycle Week, Lindsay Pressdee, Dr Amy Benstead and Dr Jo Conlon highlight that, of the one million tonnes of textiles disposed of every year in this country, 300,000 tonnes end up in landfill or incineration with figures suggesting 10 per cent of global CO2 emissions may come from the fashion industry.

And they warn that the damage inflicted by discarded sportswear is often overlooked, “despite an over-reliance on polyester garments, which are harmful to the environment as the fabric releases microfibres and takes hundreds of years to fully biodegrade.”

Sustainable fashion and sportswear must be high on the political agenda:
Three University of Manchester academics who specialise in fashion and textiles have criticised the Government for failing to take action to boost sustainability in the UK fashion and sportswear industries.

In an article published by the University’s policy engagement unit Policy@Manchester to coincide with the 20th annual Recycle Week, Lindsay Pressdee, Dr Amy Benstead and Dr Jo Conlon highlight that, of the one million tonnes of textiles disposed of every year in this country, 300,000 tonnes end up in landfill or incineration with figures suggesting 10 per cent of global CO2 emissions may come from the fashion industry.

And they warn that the damage inflicted by discarded sportswear is often overlooked, “despite an over-reliance on polyester garments, which are harmful to the environment as the fabric releases microfibres and takes hundreds of years to fully biodegrade.”

Pressdee, Benstead and Conlon stress the importance of establishing “sustainable behaviour throughout the supply chain” and praise the European Commission for proposing an “extended producer responsibility (EPR)” for textiles in the EU which “aims to create appropriate incentives to encourage producers to design products that have a reduced environmental impact at the end of their life.”

This contrasts with the UK where, they argue, “tackling sustainability in the fashion industry has lost its place on the political agenda.”

"We are calling on the Government to reintroduce textiles as part of the school curriculum to engage young people in sustainable materials and equip them with the basic skills required to repair clothes.”
Lindsay Pressdee, Dr Amy Benstead and Dr Jo Conlon

The University of Manchester academics contend that there has been “disappointing lack of progress from the UK Government” following the House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee’s Fixing Fashion report in 2019.

They continue: “This report included a call for the use of EPR as well as other important recommendations such as a ban on incinerating or landfilling unsold stock that can be reused or recycled and a tax system that shifts the balance of incentives in favour of reuse, repair and recycling to support responsible companies. We urge the Government to think again and drive forward the Committee’s recommendations in order to put sustainable fashion back on the political agenda.”

Pressdee, Benstead and Conlon also criticise Ministers for abolishing the standalone GCSE in textiles which provided many young people with the ability to mend clothing such as football kits instead of throwing them away.

They write: “We are therefore calling on the Government to reintroduce textiles as part of the school curriculum to engage young people in sustainable materials and equip them with the basic skills required to repair clothes.”

The University of Manchester has launched a new project dedicated to tackling the impact of textile waste in the football industry through the provision of workshops tasked with transforming surplus football shirts into unique reusable tote bags, whilst educating local communities on the environmental impacts of textile waste and how to extend the life of garments. The initiative aims to provide a fun, responsible way to keep kits in circulation while shining a light on the problem.

More information:
United Kingdom politics

University of Manchester

Photo: Pixabay

EURATEX comments “Strategy for Sustainable Textile” calling for a realistic implementation

Today, March 30, the European Commission released its long-awaited Strategy for Sustainable Textile, with the ambition to move the sector towards the path of sustainability. EURATEX welcomes the EU ambitions to act on sustainable textiles and investments, in order to change how textiles are made, chosen and recovered, but calls for a smart and realistic implementation. Many European companies have already chosen this path, therefore the strategy should support them in this process, especially considering today’s energy crisis.

The strategy recognises the strategic importance of textiles, which are not only used as apparel or furniture, but applied in cars, medical equipment, agriculture, etc. It acknowledges the European Industry pro-active initiatives to tackle microplastics, to solve challenges of market surveillance and the skills needs. More cooperation is needed for re-use and recycling of textiles and to set up an EU market for secondary raw materials. On this last point, EURATEX ReHubs initiative is developing proposals to size EPR potential, to transform waste into value, and create a new capacity and jobs.

Today, March 30, the European Commission released its long-awaited Strategy for Sustainable Textile, with the ambition to move the sector towards the path of sustainability. EURATEX welcomes the EU ambitions to act on sustainable textiles and investments, in order to change how textiles are made, chosen and recovered, but calls for a smart and realistic implementation. Many European companies have already chosen this path, therefore the strategy should support them in this process, especially considering today’s energy crisis.

The strategy recognises the strategic importance of textiles, which are not only used as apparel or furniture, but applied in cars, medical equipment, agriculture, etc. It acknowledges the European Industry pro-active initiatives to tackle microplastics, to solve challenges of market surveillance and the skills needs. More cooperation is needed for re-use and recycling of textiles and to set up an EU market for secondary raw materials. On this last point, EURATEX ReHubs initiative is developing proposals to size EPR potential, to transform waste into value, and create a new capacity and jobs.

The proposed “transition pathways”, which will translate the strategy into action, will be critical in this respect: how will these sustainability targets be reached, what will the cost for SMEs be, how can companies be supported in that green transition, what about the impact on global competitiveness? These are essential questions to be addressed in the coming months.
The Textile strategy is part of much broader package, including as many as 16 new legislative actions and other policies which will directly impact on textile value chain. In particular the Sustainable Product Initiative Regulation released on March, 30 includes game-changing provisions on Digital Product Passport, Eco-Design, SMEs and Green Public Procurement.  The Regulation has an overwhelming ambition and, to be realistic, it would require a new way of joint working between institutions and business, and which builds on lessons learned on data flow across value chains, interoperability, conformity assessment and effective measures to support SMEs.

If wrongly implemented, such an unprecedented wave may cause a complete collapse of the European textile value chain under the burden of restrictions, requirements, costs and unlevel playing field. On the contrary, the changes ahead can boom the entire textile ecosystem and create a model of successful green and digital transition in manufacturing, which starts in Europe and expands globally.

Already in 2019, EURATEX asked policy makers to work together and remove barriers to circular economy, solve the market surveillance paradox in which laws are made but not checked, and to help create scale economies to make sustainable textiles affordable, hence the norm.

For example, there are 28 billion products circulating per year in EU, which is an impressive task for market surveillance authorities including customs. EURATEX has been stressing non-sufficient market surveillance and it is actively working on solutions for a fair and effective market surveillance of textile products through Reach4Textiles. EURATEX very much welcomes that the European Commission recognizes our work and the need for market surveillance by establishing more harmonised efforts in the EU.

EURATEX also welcomes the establishment of the Digital Product Passport. It has a high potential to improve every step in the textile value chain, from design and manufacturing to recycling and purchasing. At the same time, EURATEX calls the co-legislators to take into account the role of SME’s in this transition and to put forward pragmatic initiatives, supporting SME’s across the EU in a systematic approach.

Alberto Paccanelli, EURATEX President, concludes: EURATEX calls for true cooperation with all policy makers and other stakeholders across the value chains to advise, pressure-test and use this opportunity for a successful transition. Our ambition must be to reconcile sustainability, resilience and competitiveness; we know it can be done”.




TMAS members showcase sustainable finishing technologies

Members of TMAS – the Swedish textile machinery association – are proving instrumental in pioneering new sustainable processes for the dyeing, finishing and decoration of textiles.

The wasteful processes involved in these manufacturing stages are only one component in the development of viable circular supply chains for textiles that are now being established in Sweden.

At the recent Conference on Sustainable Finishing of Textiles, held across three separate afternoons on September 30th, October 1st and October 7th, delegates heard that Sweden will introduce extended producer responsibility (EPR) for waste textiles and clothing at the beginning of 2022, ahead of the adoption of a similar European Union-wide EPR system in 2025.

New fibers
Swedish companies are also active in the development of new fibers derived from waste clothing, building on the country’s legacy leadership in pulp and paper production.

Members of TMAS – the Swedish textile machinery association – are proving instrumental in pioneering new sustainable processes for the dyeing, finishing and decoration of textiles.

The wasteful processes involved in these manufacturing stages are only one component in the development of viable circular supply chains for textiles that are now being established in Sweden.

At the recent Conference on Sustainable Finishing of Textiles, held across three separate afternoons on September 30th, October 1st and October 7th, delegates heard that Sweden will introduce extended producer responsibility (EPR) for waste textiles and clothing at the beginning of 2022, ahead of the adoption of a similar European Union-wide EPR system in 2025.

New fibers
Swedish companies are also active in the development of new fibers derived from waste clothing, building on the country’s legacy leadership in pulp and paper production.

At the Sustainable Finishing of Textiles Conference, however, it was said that all of the environmental gains made by such sustainable new fibers can potentially be cancelled out in the further processing they are subjected to – and especially in resource-intensive conventional dyeing, finishing and decoration.

TMAS members Baldwin Technology and Coloreel have both developed solutions to address this issue.

TexCoat G4
During the conference, Baldwin’s VP of Global Business Development Rick Stanford explained that his company’s TexCoat G4 non-contact spray technology significantly reduces water, chemistry and energy consumption in the finishing process. It consistently and uniformly sprays chemistry across a fabric surface and applies it only where needed, on one or both sides.

Instant coloring
Coloreel’s CEO Mattias Nordin outlined the benefits of his company’s technology which enables the high-quality and instant coloring of a textile thread on-demand and can be paired with any existing embroidery machine without modification. This enables unique effects like shades and gradient to be achieved in an embroidery for the first time.

Andreas Beirholm, Business Development Manager Beirholm (c) Beirholms Væverier/Reused Remade/Dibella: Andreas Beirholm, Business Development Manager Beirholm
Andreas Beirholm, Business Development Manager Beirholm

Beirholms Væverier/Dibella/Reused Remade: Partnership to enable circular textile flows

Leading suppliers of hotel textiles in Europe, the Danish company Beirholms Væverier and the German/Dutch company Dibella, begin circular collaboration with Swedish Reused Remade, known for its climate-smart textile bags made of reused hotel bedlinen. Together, they will extend the life cycle of hotel textiles and contribute to the circular economy by upcycling discarded textiles from laundries turning them into new textile bags for the retail market.

In Europe, millions of tons of hotel bed linen are discarded each year and can no longer be used in the hotel’s operations due to wear and tear. Thanks to Reused Remade's patent-pending method of up-cycling hotel bed linen into climate-smart textile bags, enormous amounts of natural resources are saved. Because the textiles are reused, as opposed to being downcycled, as is usually the case today, this partnership offers a climate-friendly alternative to today’s disposal of discarded textiles.

Leading suppliers of hotel textiles in Europe, the Danish company Beirholms Væverier and the German/Dutch company Dibella, begin circular collaboration with Swedish Reused Remade, known for its climate-smart textile bags made of reused hotel bedlinen. Together, they will extend the life cycle of hotel textiles and contribute to the circular economy by upcycling discarded textiles from laundries turning them into new textile bags for the retail market.

In Europe, millions of tons of hotel bed linen are discarded each year and can no longer be used in the hotel’s operations due to wear and tear. Thanks to Reused Remade's patent-pending method of up-cycling hotel bed linen into climate-smart textile bags, enormous amounts of natural resources are saved. Because the textiles are reused, as opposed to being downcycled, as is usually the case today, this partnership offers a climate-friendly alternative to today’s disposal of discarded textiles.

By 2025, all EU member states will have introduced an extended producer responsibility for textiles (EPR for textiles). This will place demands on the industries concerned to jointly find smart solutions and contribute to the transition to a circular economy. Beirholm and Dibella both have a strong focus on sustainability and are constantly looking for new and smart solutions for their customers' discarded textiles. The purpose of this partnership is to enable more laundries in Europe to join Reused Remade's circular solution with climate - smart textile bags made of reused hotel bed linen.

With an impressive growth journey since its inception in 2016, Reused Remade’s climate-smart textile bags for everyday use can now be found at prominent Nordic and European retailers such as Edeka, Clas Ohlson, Ica, and Systembolaget.

"The goal for 2021 is to collect 300 tones of hotel bed linen in order to meet our customers demand. It feels fantastic to be able to collaborate with Beirholm and Dibella, whose values about sustainability we share. We see that together we can make a big difference to our environment, our climate and our common future", say Pia Walter and Josephine Alhanko, founders of Reused Remade.

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