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CHT Group: Sustainability Report 2023 (c) CHT Germany GmbH

CHT Group: Sustainability Report 2023

The Sustainability Report 2023, which is now digitally available, provides insights into the past financial year and summarizes the main ecological, economic and social developments. Sustainability is an integral part of the corporate strategy of the CHT Group.

The Sustainability Report 2023, which is now digitally available, provides insights into the past financial year and summarizes the main ecological, economic and social developments. Sustainability is an integral part of the corporate strategy of the CHT Group.

  • The CHT Group uses the terms PEOPLE, PLANET and PERFORMANCE to emphasize its commitment to the 3 dimensions of sustainability worldwide and sets itself further goals. The CHT Group consistently aligns its sustainability strategy with all three ESG dimensions
  • Responsibility for sustainability lies with the Chief Sustainability Officer
  • Climate protection plays a central role worldwide - the corporate carbon footprint (Scope 1-3) 2023 adds up to 456 kt CO2(e)
  • The Group is pursuing the goal of becoming climate-neutral by 2045
  • At the end of 2021, the CHT Group signed up to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) to meet the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement and committed to the 1.5 °C target
  • SBTi has validated the CHT Group's reduction targets - by 2030, Scope 1+2 emissions will be reduced by - 42 % and Scope 3 emissions by - 25 %. 82 % of sales were achieved with sustainably classified products
  • In 2024 EcoVadis awards the CHT Group's sustainability management with the Gold level for the first time
More information:
CHT Gruppe Sustainability Report

CHT Germany GmbH


Circ Launches Circ-Ready Community

Circ®, a US-based textile-to-textile recycling innovator, announced the launch of Circ®-Ready, an exclusive community of global supply-chain partners who have demonstrated their ability to make high-quality, better-for-the-planet solutions for fashion brands using Circ materials. The inaugural Circ-Ready partners include AGI Denim, Foshan Chicley Textile Co., Ltd., Giotex, Marubeni Corporation, MAS Holdings, PYRATEX®, Selenis, SHINJINTEX, Soorty Denimkind, Tainan Spinning Co., Ltd., and Taiwan Textile Research Institute (TTRI).

The Circ-Ready community is a selected group of partners who have a proven positive track record and commitment to working with Circ recycled products and have been individually evaluated for industry success. Circ-Ready partners work alongside the Circ team of experts to adequately test and utilize Circ fibers, exceeding quality standards from end to end. To promote transparency and ensure the integrity of Circ products, each Circ-Ready partner provides a commitment to relevant best-in-class certifications for recycled products.

Circ®, a US-based textile-to-textile recycling innovator, announced the launch of Circ®-Ready, an exclusive community of global supply-chain partners who have demonstrated their ability to make high-quality, better-for-the-planet solutions for fashion brands using Circ materials. The inaugural Circ-Ready partners include AGI Denim, Foshan Chicley Textile Co., Ltd., Giotex, Marubeni Corporation, MAS Holdings, PYRATEX®, Selenis, SHINJINTEX, Soorty Denimkind, Tainan Spinning Co., Ltd., and Taiwan Textile Research Institute (TTRI).

The Circ-Ready community is a selected group of partners who have a proven positive track record and commitment to working with Circ recycled products and have been individually evaluated for industry success. Circ-Ready partners work alongside the Circ team of experts to adequately test and utilize Circ fibers, exceeding quality standards from end to end. To promote transparency and ensure the integrity of Circ products, each Circ-Ready partner provides a commitment to relevant best-in-class certifications for recycled products.

Consisting of processors, manufacturers, and other vital industry players across tiers 1-4, each Circ-Ready partner has undergone a testing process to replace virgin inputs with Circ’s products, proving the ability to utilize Circ products in their existing operations and produce premium materials as a result. Being a member of the Circ-Ready community provides partners the opportunity to work with pilot-stage Circ products, receive ongoing support from Circ’s technical experts, and be among the first recommended by Circ when brands and partners seek to utilize Circ material.

Circ is a leader in blended textile-to-textile recycling, a known challenge for the industry. Each year, tens of millions of tons of polycotton textile waste is landfilled or burned because existing recycling solutions cannot separate the plastic from the natural fiber and recover both materials. Circ’s innovative recycling technology is the only platform to successfully separate polycotton blended textile waste and recover both cellulosic and synthetic fibers. Circ’s primary fiber outputs are regenerated Circ Lyocell and Circ Polyester from textile waste.




Konsum Foto Angela Roma, Pexels

HDE-Konsumbarometer im Juli: Verbraucherstimmung lässt nach

Nach mehrmonatigem Aufwärtstrend gerät die Erholung der Verbraucherstimmung im Juli ins Stocken. Das geht aus dem aktuellen Konsumbarometer des Handelsverbandes Deutschland (HDE) hervor. Nachdem es für den Index zuletzt fünf Monate in Folge bergauf ging, fällt er nun wieder. Obwohl die Verbraucherinnen und Verbraucher somit etwas pessimistischer auf die kommenden Wochen und Monate blicken, sind sie weiterhin optimistischer gestimmt als noch vor einem Jahr.

Noch im vergangenen Monat war eine leichte Verschiebung vom Sparen hin zum Konsum zu beobachten. Zwar planen die Verbraucherinnen und Verbraucher weiter keine Ausweitung ihrer Sparanstrengungen, die Sparquote bleibt voraussichtlich jedoch recht hoch. Im Vergleich zum Vormonat verringert sich die für den Einzelhandel besonders relevante Anschaffungsneigung. Das deutet auf eine voraussichtlich eher verhaltene Entwicklung des privaten Konsums im weiteren Jahresverlauf hin und dämpft die Erwartung einer baldigen Erholung.

Nach mehrmonatigem Aufwärtstrend gerät die Erholung der Verbraucherstimmung im Juli ins Stocken. Das geht aus dem aktuellen Konsumbarometer des Handelsverbandes Deutschland (HDE) hervor. Nachdem es für den Index zuletzt fünf Monate in Folge bergauf ging, fällt er nun wieder. Obwohl die Verbraucherinnen und Verbraucher somit etwas pessimistischer auf die kommenden Wochen und Monate blicken, sind sie weiterhin optimistischer gestimmt als noch vor einem Jahr.

Noch im vergangenen Monat war eine leichte Verschiebung vom Sparen hin zum Konsum zu beobachten. Zwar planen die Verbraucherinnen und Verbraucher weiter keine Ausweitung ihrer Sparanstrengungen, die Sparquote bleibt voraussichtlich jedoch recht hoch. Im Vergleich zum Vormonat verringert sich die für den Einzelhandel besonders relevante Anschaffungsneigung. Das deutet auf eine voraussichtlich eher verhaltene Entwicklung des privaten Konsums im weiteren Jahresverlauf hin und dämpft die Erwartung einer baldigen Erholung.

Eingetrübt hat sich auch der Blick der Verbraucherinnen und Verbraucher auf die weitere konjunkturelle Entwicklung. Den zunehmenden Optimismus der jüngsten Konjunkturprognosen teilen sie nicht. Vielmehr zeigen sie sich etwas pessimistischer als im Vormonat. Die eigenen Einkommenserwartungen der Verbraucher verringern sich ebenfalls. Dass sie nicht von einer Stärkung ihrer Einkommenssituation ausgehen, ist vermutlich ein Grund für den Rückgang der Anschaffungsneigung.

Die Erholung der Verbraucherstimmung erfährt im Juli erstmals seit Monaten wieder einen Rücksetzer. Dieser Rückgang kann der Beginn eines negativen Trends sein oder auch nur eine kurzzeitige Pause in einem nachhaltigen Aufwärtstrend. Das lässt sich Stand heute nicht eindeutig einordnen. Deutlich wird allerdings, dass der Optimismus bei den Verbraucherinnen und Verbrauchern in Deutschland noch wackelt. Daher könnte bis zu einer spürbaren Erholung des privaten Konsums etwas mehr Zeit vergehen als bisher angenommen. Vom Konsum geht somit weiterhin wohl kein Wachstumsimpuls für die Gesamtwirtschaft aus.

Das jeweils am ersten Montag eines Monats erscheinende HDE-Konsumbarometer basiert auf einer monatlichen Umfrage unter 1.600 Personen zur Anschaffungsneigung, Sparneigung, finanziellen Situation und zu anderen konsumrelevanten Faktoren. Das Konsumbarometer, das vom Handelsblatt Research Institute (HRI) im Auftrag des HDE erstellt wird, hat eine Indikatorfunktion für den privaten Konsum. Es bildet nicht das aktuelle Verbraucherverhalten ab, sondern die erwartete Stimmung in den kommenden drei Monaten.

20 Studierende haben ein Semester lang an der Workwear der Zukunft gearbeitet. Foto Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen/Corinna Korinth
20 Studierende haben ein Semester lang an der Workwear der Zukunft gearbeitet.

Studierende entwickeln zukunftsweisende Arbeitskleidung

20 Studierende des Studiengangs Textil- und Bekleidungstechnologie an der Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen haben im zu Ende gehenden Sommersemester eine innovative Workwear-Kollektion für das Jahr 2035 entwickelt. Ideengeber und Kooperationspartner für das Industrieprojekt war die Firma HAIX, die sich derzeit mit einer neu erschienenen Workwear-Kollektion am Markt präsentiert.

Die Studierenden bekamen die Aufgabe, einen Wettbewerbsvergleich zu machen, das Alleinstellungsmerkmal der neuen Kollektion herauszuarbeiten sowie Workwear der Zukunft zu entwerfen und Prototypen anzufertigen. Auch Normen, Patentfragen und eine Kostenkalkulation standen auf der Liste. Betreut wurden die Studierenden bei alledem von Prof. Manuela Bräuning und Prof. Sven Gerhards; vergangene Woche fand die Präsentation der Ergebnisse in Anwesenheit mehrerer Unternehmensvertreter am Campus in Albstadt statt.

20 Studierende des Studiengangs Textil- und Bekleidungstechnologie an der Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen haben im zu Ende gehenden Sommersemester eine innovative Workwear-Kollektion für das Jahr 2035 entwickelt. Ideengeber und Kooperationspartner für das Industrieprojekt war die Firma HAIX, die sich derzeit mit einer neu erschienenen Workwear-Kollektion am Markt präsentiert.

Die Studierenden bekamen die Aufgabe, einen Wettbewerbsvergleich zu machen, das Alleinstellungsmerkmal der neuen Kollektion herauszuarbeiten sowie Workwear der Zukunft zu entwerfen und Prototypen anzufertigen. Auch Normen, Patentfragen und eine Kostenkalkulation standen auf der Liste. Betreut wurden die Studierenden bei alledem von Prof. Manuela Bräuning und Prof. Sven Gerhards; vergangene Woche fand die Präsentation der Ergebnisse in Anwesenheit mehrerer Unternehmensvertreter am Campus in Albstadt statt.

Zunächst hatten die Studierenden für ihr Projekt eine umfassende Marktrecherche durchgeführt und die Leitmesse für technische Textilien - Techtextil - in Frankfurt besucht, um innovative Materialen und Zukunftstrends zu entdecken. Darauf aufbauend entwarfen sie eine neue Kollektion, die eine Latzhose, eine 2-in-1-Jacke, eine 2-in-1-Hose, eine Fleece- und eine Regenjacke sowie einen Sonnenhut umfasste. Von mehreren Teilen fertigten sie außerdem Prototypen an. Insgesamt berücksichtigten die Studierenden nicht nur ästhetische, sondern auch eine Vielzahl praktischer Aspekte – von Knieschonern über Handytaschen und Platz für Werkzeug bis zur Mehrfachnutzung: So kann die Latzhose auch als kurze Hose und die Jacke auch als Weste genutzt werden.


Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen

BioTurf Bild TFI - Institut für Bodensysteme an der RWTH Aachen e.V.

Aachen researchers develop sustainable artificial turf

The current European Football Championships 2024 in Germany will be played on natural turf, which is very costly to maintain, does not tolerate high frequency of use and has a limited service life of only 6 months in some cases. Artificial turf is easier to maintain and correspondingly popular. In Germany, there are estimated to be more than 5,000 artificial turf pitches and as many as 25,500 across the EU. The drawback: the enormous annual emission of microplastics in the form of infill material, the high CO2 impact and the not environmentally friendly disposal. Researchers in Aachen presented a sustainable alternative: BioTurf is a new artificial turf system made from bio-based polymers that no longer requires polymer infill material!

The current European Football Championships 2024 in Germany will be played on natural turf, which is very costly to maintain, does not tolerate high frequency of use and has a limited service life of only 6 months in some cases. Artificial turf is easier to maintain and correspondingly popular. In Germany, there are estimated to be more than 5,000 artificial turf pitches and as many as 25,500 across the EU. The drawback: the enormous annual emission of microplastics in the form of infill material, the high CO2 impact and the not environmentally friendly disposal. Researchers in Aachen presented a sustainable alternative: BioTurf is a new artificial turf system made from bio-based polymers that no longer requires polymer infill material!

"Every year, around 500 kilograms of plastic granules are produced per artificial turf pitch, which have to be refilled as infill. This also corresponds to the amount that potentially enters the environment as microplastics per sports pitch," explains Dr Claudia Post from TFI. With an estimated 25,000 artificial turf pitches in the EU, artificial turf in Europe alone produces 12,750 tonnes of microplastics that end up in the environment every year! The TFI - Institut für Bodensysteme an der RWTH Aachen e.V., Institute for Research, Testing and Certification in Europe for Indoor Building Products, has developed the innovative artificial turf system together with the ITA (Institute for Textile Technology at RWTH Aachen University) and in collaboration with the company Morton Extrusionstechnik (MET), a specialist in artificial turf fibres.

"New artificial turf pitches will be phased out by 2031 at the latest due to the ban on plastic granules. Even now, artificial turf pitches with infill material are no longer being subsidised," says Dr Claudia Post. For grassroots sports, clubs, cities and local authorities, converting their existing artificial turf pitches will be a mammoth task in the coming years, as artificial turf pitches have to be replaced every 10-15 years. With BioTurf, an environmentally friendly alternative is now available! The surface can be played on like any other, whether running, passing or kicking. Short, heavily crimped blades support longer blades and this simple approach increases playing comfort. BioTurf fulfils all quality requirements and standards for the highest footballing demands.

"BioTurf is an innovative, holistic solution," emphasises Dirk Hanuschik from TFI. "We use rapeseed oil and agricultural waste that does not compete with food production. BioTurf is also almost completely recyclable".
This is in stark contrast to conventional artificial turf, which can currently only be thermally utilised, i.e. burned to generate heat.

As BioTurf does not require the traditional latex process at all, the energy-intensive drying process can be dispensed with, which has a positive effect on the price. Latex is also difficult to recycle. In contrast, BioTurf uses the new thermobonding technology. Here, the thermoplastic pile yarns are thermally fused to the backing. Further development steps still need to be taken in the endeavour to develop a 100% mono-material artificial turf, as a few percent polypropylene still needs to be processed in the backing in addition to the polyethylene fibre material in order to protect it during thermobonding. However, this does not hinder its recyclability.


TFI - Institut für Bodensysteme an der RWTH Aachen e.V.

PET Bottles Bales Stock Photo by Indorama Ventures Limited
PET Bottles Bales Stock

Indorama Ventures: $200 million loan to drive sustainability program

Indorama Ventures secured a new 7-year loan totaling $200 million from the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to help fund the continued growth of the company’s strategic sustainability programs in India, Thailand and Indonesia, and promote a circular economy as the world’s leading PET recycler.

The loan from the IFC, which is a member of the World Bank Group focused on private sector development in emerging markets, provides a long tenor and flexibility to convert into a sustainability-linked facility based on mutually agreed sustainability targets in the future. The funds will be used to finance sustainability initiatives that bolster Indorama Ventures’ leading strategic footprint in PET recycling. These also include enhancing efficiency at the company’s existing recycling facilities at Nakhon Pathom and Rayong in Thailand, launching a state-of-the-art plant in Karawang in Indonesia, and establishing new recycling plants in India. Additionally, the financing will reimburse costs incurred in 2023 and 2024 for sustainability projects.

Indorama Ventures secured a new 7-year loan totaling $200 million from the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to help fund the continued growth of the company’s strategic sustainability programs in India, Thailand and Indonesia, and promote a circular economy as the world’s leading PET recycler.

The loan from the IFC, which is a member of the World Bank Group focused on private sector development in emerging markets, provides a long tenor and flexibility to convert into a sustainability-linked facility based on mutually agreed sustainability targets in the future. The funds will be used to finance sustainability initiatives that bolster Indorama Ventures’ leading strategic footprint in PET recycling. These also include enhancing efficiency at the company’s existing recycling facilities at Nakhon Pathom and Rayong in Thailand, launching a state-of-the-art plant in Karawang in Indonesia, and establishing new recycling plants in India. Additionally, the financing will reimburse costs incurred in 2023 and 2024 for sustainability projects.


Indorama Ventures Limited

The partners at the BioFibreLoop kick-off event. Photo: DITF
The partners at the BioFibreLoop kick-off event.

BioFibreLoop has been started

The German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf (DITF) are coordinating the research project, which is funded as part of the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation program. The aim of BioFibreLoop is to develop recyclable outdoor and work clothing made from renewable bio-based materials. The kick-off event took place in Denkendorf on June 26 and 27, 2024.

The textile industry is facing two challenges: on the one hand, production must become more sustainable and environmentally friendly and, on the other, consumers are expecting more and more smart functions from clothing.

In addition, the production of functional textiles often involves the use of chemicals that are harmful to the environment and health and make subsequent recycling more difficult.

Intelligent innovations must therefore ensure that harmful chemicals are replaced, water is saved and more durable, recyclable bio-based materials are used, thereby reducing the usually considerable carbon footprint of textile products. Digitalized processes are intended to ensure greater efficiency and a closed cycle.

The German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf (DITF) are coordinating the research project, which is funded as part of the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation program. The aim of BioFibreLoop is to develop recyclable outdoor and work clothing made from renewable bio-based materials. The kick-off event took place in Denkendorf on June 26 and 27, 2024.

The textile industry is facing two challenges: on the one hand, production must become more sustainable and environmentally friendly and, on the other, consumers are expecting more and more smart functions from clothing.

In addition, the production of functional textiles often involves the use of chemicals that are harmful to the environment and health and make subsequent recycling more difficult.

Intelligent innovations must therefore ensure that harmful chemicals are replaced, water is saved and more durable, recyclable bio-based materials are used, thereby reducing the usually considerable carbon footprint of textile products. Digitalized processes are intended to ensure greater efficiency and a closed cycle.

For example, the BioFibreLoop project uses laser technology to imitate natural structures in order to produce garments with water and oil-repellent, self-cleaning and antibacterial properties. At the end result of the research work will be affordable, resource and environmentally friendly, yet high-performance and durable fibers and textiles made from renewable sources such as lignin, cellulose and polylactic acid will be available. All processes are aimed at a circular economy with comprehensive recycling and virtually waste-free functionalization based on nature's example. In this way, greenhouse gas emissions could be reduced by 20 percent by 2035.

The technology for the functionalization and recycling of bio-based materials is being developed in three industrial demonstration projects in Austria, the Czech Republic and Germany. At the end of the project, a patented circular, sustainable and reliable process for the production of recyclable functional textiles will be established.

The BioFibreLoop project has a duration of 42 months and a total budget of almost 7 million euros, with 1.5 million going to the coordinator DITF.

The consortium consists of 13 partners from nine countries who contribute expertise and resources from science and industry:

  • German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf (DITF), Coordinator, Germany
  • Next Technology Tecnotessile Società nazionale di ricerca R. L., Italy
  • Centre Technologique ALPhANOV, France
  • G. Knopf’s Sohn GmbH & Co. KG, Germany
  • FreyZein Urban Outdoor GmbH, Austria
  • BEES - BE Engineers for Society, Italy
  • BAT Graphics Vernitech, France
  • Interuniversitair Micro-Electronica Centrum, Belgium
  • Idener Research & Development Agrupacion de Interes Economico, Spain
  • Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT Oy, Finland
  • Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Arbejdsmiljø, Denmark
  • Steinbeis Innovation gGmbH, Germany
  • NIL Textile SRO, Czech Republic

Deutsche Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung


VDI ZRE: Neuer Leitfaden „Design für Industrie 4.0“ für KMU

Die Digitalisierung und Vernetzung von Maschinen und Anlagen sind maßgeblich für die Zukunftsfähigkeit von fertigenden Unternehmen. Eine Voraussetzung hierfür ist der Einsatz geeigneter Technologien. Um KMU dabei zu unterstützen, die Möglichkeiten von Industrie 4.0 zielorientiert zu nutzen, bietet der Leitfaden „Design für Industrie 4.0“ des VDI Zentrum Ressourceneffizienz (VDI ZRE) praxisrelevante Umsetzungsimpulse.

Die Digitalisierung und Vernetzung von Maschinen und Anlagen sind maßgeblich für die Zukunftsfähigkeit von fertigenden Unternehmen. Eine Voraussetzung hierfür ist der Einsatz geeigneter Technologien. Um KMU dabei zu unterstützen, die Möglichkeiten von Industrie 4.0 zielorientiert zu nutzen, bietet der Leitfaden „Design für Industrie 4.0“ des VDI Zentrum Ressourceneffizienz (VDI ZRE) praxisrelevante Umsetzungsimpulse.

Industrie 4.0 dominiert derzeit die Diskussionen über die Zukunft der Industrie – auch am Industriestandort Deutschland. Schließlich erweist sich die vierte industrielle Revolution, für die der Begriff steht, als äußerst bedeutsam für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (KMU) des verarbeitenden Gewerbes. Denn die digitale Transformation, die damit einhergeht, eröffnet immer mehr KMU die Möglichkeit, ihre Produktionsprozesse, Produkte und Geschäftsmodelle zu optimieren oder sie sogar gänzlich neu zu gestalten – und auf diese Weise ihre Zukunft zu sichern.
Die Umsetzung der damit zusammenhängenden Digitalisierungsmaßnahmen geht dabei nicht nur mit ökonomischen Investments und administrativen Veränderungen für das gesamte Unternehmen einher. Insbesondere für KMU, die Maßnahmen umsetzen wollen, ist es entscheidend, eine ganzheitliche und in das Unternehmen integrierte Digitalisierungsstrategie zu entwickeln – von der Planung, Umsetzung bis hin zur kontinuierlichen Weiterentwicklung.

Der neue Leitfaden „Design für Industrie 4.0“ des VDI ZRE adressiert genau diese Herausforderung und bietet praxisrelevante Umsetzungsimpulse für KMU.

Der Leitfaden „Design für Industrie 4.0“ bietet einen kompakten Einblick für KMU und zeigt, wie Unternehmen durch den Einsatz geeigneter Technologien ihre betriebliche Ressourceneffizienz entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette steigern können. Ausgewählte Methoden verdeutlichen, auf welche Weise Betriebe die sich bietenden Chancen der digitalen Transformation gezielt nutzen können, um ihre Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu stärken. Anhand eines praktischen Beispiels wird zudem in drei Schritten („Analyse“, „Ideenpool“ und „Implementierung“) illustriert, wie KMU mittels verschiedener Möglichkeiten erste Schritte zur Integration von Industrie 4.0-Konzepten und Technologien gehen können, um die digitale Transformation zu ermöglichen.


VDI Zentrum Ressourceneffizienz


VIEW: Gelungener Auftakt für die Autumn.Winter 25/26 Saison

Der VIEW Premium Selection gelingt ein erfolgreicher Saisonauftakt: Am 26. und 27. Juni präsentierten rund 260 internationale Lieferanten ihre neuesten Trends und Materialinnovationen für die Autumn.Winter 25/26 Saison aus den Segmenten FABRICS, ADDITIONALS, DENIM und SPORTSWEAR in München. Die hohe Besucherfrequenz übertraf die Erwartungen der Veranstalter und bestätigt die Bedeutung des Termins. In diesem Jahr fand das exklusive Preview-Konzept der MUNICH FABRIC START einmalig im b-tween, dem ehemaligen Department Store des Kaufhof am Karlsplatz Stachus in der Münchner City statt.

Der VIEW Premium Selection gelingt ein erfolgreicher Saisonauftakt: Am 26. und 27. Juni präsentierten rund 260 internationale Lieferanten ihre neuesten Trends und Materialinnovationen für die Autumn.Winter 25/26 Saison aus den Segmenten FABRICS, ADDITIONALS, DENIM und SPORTSWEAR in München. Die hohe Besucherfrequenz übertraf die Erwartungen der Veranstalter und bestätigt die Bedeutung des Termins. In diesem Jahr fand das exklusive Preview-Konzept der MUNICH FABRIC START einmalig im b-tween, dem ehemaligen Department Store des Kaufhof am Karlsplatz Stachus in der Münchner City statt.

Beide Messetage waren vor allem geprägt von der Suche nach neuen Trends, Materialien sowie technologischen und nachhaltigen Innovationen. Der aufgrund der Terminkollision mit der UEFA-Fußballeuropameisterschaft notwendig gewordene Umzug in die Interim-location im b-tween im ehemaligen Kaufhof am Stachus erwies sich als Glücksgriff. Die Location der einmalig als Pop-Up-Tradeshow konzipierten VIEW direkt in der Münchner Innenstadt entpuppte sich als optimaler Platz für Austausch und Kreativität. Der ehemalige Department Store am Karlsplatz Stachus vereint Mode, Kunst und Kultur an einem Ort und liegt in direkter Nähe zahlreicher Hotels, Restaurants und Parkplätze.

International relevante Hersteller wie Achille Pinto, Balli Rafanelli, Barth & Könenkamp Seiden, Davaris Textiles, Dutel Creation, Eton Textile, Fitecom, Lisa, Malhia Kent, Mario Bellucci, Nova Fides, Texapel oder We Nordic Label Studios präsentierten auf der VIEW ihre Neuheiten. Besucher kamen von so namhaften Firmen wie Adidas, Aigner, Alberto, Baldessarini, Betty Barclay, Bogner, Brax und Bugatti über Cambio, Comma, Drykorn, Engelhorn, Hannes Roether, Hanro, Herrlicher, HSE, Hugo Boss, Iris von Arnim und Joop! bis hin zu Lagerfeld, Leineweber, MAC, Marc Cain, Marc O’Polo, More & More, OUI, Riani, Schumacher, SET, s.Oliver, Sportalm oder Strellson.

More information:
VIEW Premium Selection VIEW


Foto: Manor Lux

Hochschule Niederrhein: Zweiter Platz für Textilien aus Algen

Leon Blanckart, Gründer und wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Hochschule Niederrhein, hat bei der „From Lab to Market Challenge“ (FLTMC) im Henkel Inspiration Center in Düsseldorf den zweiten Platz in der Gesamtwertung belegt. Zudem entschied der Absolvent des Fachbereichs Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik die Publikumswertung für sich.

Mit seiner innovativen Idee, nachhaltige Textilien aus Algen zu erzeugen und einem überzeugenden Pitch im Finale, sicherte sich Blanckart eine Förderung von 1.500 Euro. Seine angestrebte Gründung AlgaCore basiert auf dem aktuell vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) geförderten Forschungsprojekt AlgaTex. Organisiert wurde die Challenge von und der Kooperationsplattform Ausgründungspotenziale Nachhaltige Chemie (KOALA).

Die FLTMC ist ein niedrigschwelliger Ideenwettbewerb für Produkt- und Geschäftsideen aus den Bereichen Chemie, industrielle Biotechnologie, Materialwissenschaften oder Digitales mit Anknüpfungspunkten zur Chemie. Der Wettbewerb richtet sich an Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler, die sich erste Gedanken über die Kommerzialisierung ihrer Forschung machen wollen.

Leon Blanckart, Gründer und wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Hochschule Niederrhein, hat bei der „From Lab to Market Challenge“ (FLTMC) im Henkel Inspiration Center in Düsseldorf den zweiten Platz in der Gesamtwertung belegt. Zudem entschied der Absolvent des Fachbereichs Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik die Publikumswertung für sich.

Mit seiner innovativen Idee, nachhaltige Textilien aus Algen zu erzeugen und einem überzeugenden Pitch im Finale, sicherte sich Blanckart eine Förderung von 1.500 Euro. Seine angestrebte Gründung AlgaCore basiert auf dem aktuell vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) geförderten Forschungsprojekt AlgaTex. Organisiert wurde die Challenge von und der Kooperationsplattform Ausgründungspotenziale Nachhaltige Chemie (KOALA).

Die FLTMC ist ein niedrigschwelliger Ideenwettbewerb für Produkt- und Geschäftsideen aus den Bereichen Chemie, industrielle Biotechnologie, Materialwissenschaften oder Digitales mit Anknüpfungspunkten zur Chemie. Der Wettbewerb richtet sich an Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler, die sich erste Gedanken über die Kommerzialisierung ihrer Forschung machen wollen.


Hochschule Niederrhein

INDA: Winner of World of Wipes Innovation Award® (c) INDA

INDA: Winner of World of Wipes Innovation Award®

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, announced that wipes leaders across the supply chain convened for new connections, intelligence, sustainability strategies, and business at the World of Wipes® (WOW) International Conference, June 17-20 in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

The winner of the World of Wipes Innovation Award® was Rockline Industries for their Facial Care Wipe with Glycine Amino Acid Complex. This new Skin Care Wipe contains a unique multifunctional complex of two medium chain glycine, a phospholipid and a blend of special glycol ingredients that provides for a multitude of skin care benefits as well as providing a unique preservation system for nonwovens. The Skin Care Wipe provides substantiated improved skin smoothness, elasticity, and hydration alongside an anti-ageing claim. This innovation is amongst the first to use these glycine ingredients in a Skin Care Wipe formulation.

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, announced that wipes leaders across the supply chain convened for new connections, intelligence, sustainability strategies, and business at the World of Wipes® (WOW) International Conference, June 17-20 in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

The winner of the World of Wipes Innovation Award® was Rockline Industries for their Facial Care Wipe with Glycine Amino Acid Complex. This new Skin Care Wipe contains a unique multifunctional complex of two medium chain glycine, a phospholipid and a blend of special glycol ingredients that provides for a multitude of skin care benefits as well as providing a unique preservation system for nonwovens. The Skin Care Wipe provides substantiated improved skin smoothness, elasticity, and hydration alongside an anti-ageing claim. This innovation is amongst the first to use these glycine ingredients in a Skin Care Wipe formulation.

In a special recognition, INDA presented the 2024 Lifetime Service Award to David Powling, Technical Leader, Kimberly-Clark Corporation (retired), and the 2024 Lifetime Technical Achievement Award to Paul Latten, Director of Research & Development & New Business, Southeast Nonwovens, Inc. INDA honors both Powling and Latten for their decades of contributions to the nonwovens industry as well as being strong advocates for INDA.

The 1.5-day WIPES Academy, led by Heidi Beatty, Chief Executive Officer, Crown Abbey, LLC, and Paul Davies, Ph.D., Consultant, Crown Abbey, LLC, preceded the WOW Conference June 17-18. This course focused on the essentials of wet wipes construction and ingredients. Participants learned how to bring nonwovens, lotions, and packaging together to launch a successful product. The next WIPES Academy will be held July 21-22, 2025 at the Hilton Columbus Downtown, Columbus, Ohio in conjunction with WOW 2025.

The WOW conference program featured experts discussing these key topics:

  • Sparkle & Shine: How Wipes Became WOW
  • Wiping Smart: The Rise of Sustainable Practices in the Institutional and Industrial Wipe Markets
  • Transformative Trends in Wet Wipe Formulations: A Dual Focus on Skin Health and Sustainability
  • Leading Alternatives to Traditional Plastics Used in Wipes
  • Panel Discussion: Leading Alternatives to Traditional Plastics Used in Wipes
  • Eclectic Perspectives: Unraveling the Threads of I&I Wipes and Scaling Strategies
  • Putting $$ in Your Pocket
  • Recycling & Regulations

In addition to the premium content in the conference program, WOW featured four pre-conference webinars (with recordings available for full conference attendees), tabletop exhibits, Lightning Talks, a Skin Care Formulation Workshop 101, and a mentorship program for participants who are new to the wipes industry.

WOW 2025 will be held July 21-25, at the Hilton Columbus Downtown in Columbus, Ohio.


INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry


VIATT 2025: Multifaceted fair poised to aid rejuvenation of Vietnam's textile industry

After navigating the challenges of 2023, Vietnam's textile and garment exports have been gradually recovering. Additionally, foreign direct investment (FDI) into Vietnam during the first five months of this year reached USD 11 billion, a 2% year-on-year increase, according to the Foreign Investment Agency under the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI). To cater to Vietnam’s renewed business opportunities, the Vietnam International Trade Fair for Apparel, Textiles and Textile Technologies (VIATT) will return from 26 – 28 February 2025 at the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center (SECC).

After navigating the challenges of 2023, Vietnam's textile and garment exports have been gradually recovering. Additionally, foreign direct investment (FDI) into Vietnam during the first five months of this year reached USD 11 billion, a 2% year-on-year increase, according to the Foreign Investment Agency under the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI). To cater to Vietnam’s renewed business opportunities, the Vietnam International Trade Fair for Apparel, Textiles and Textile Technologies (VIATT) will return from 26 – 28 February 2025 at the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center (SECC).

The fair’s inaugural edition attracted 409 exhibitors and 17,262 visits from 17 and 55 countries and regions respectively. Building on this solid foundation, VIATT 2025 will continue to showcase the latest industry trends, and expand its focus on various pertinent areas. This will include the fair’s new Econogy Hub, a dedicated zone to advance the topic of sustainability in the textile industry, and to relate it closely to the demands of economic and social change. Together with the evolving environmental landscape, the fair will also help industry players adapt to the rapid adoption of new technology in the business world with the debut of the Innovation & Digital Solutions Zone. This zone will allow exhibitors to unveil the latest technology and solutions such as AI design, digital manufacturing, big data analytics, and more.

Concurrently, VIATT 2025 will continue to present a diverse range of exhibitors across the apparel, home textile and technical textile sectors, with positive feedback received from many quarters at the fair’s inaugural edition.

Apparel Fabrics & Fashion
In the first four months of 2024, textile and garment exports grew 6.3% year-on-year to over USD 10 billion. The US remains Vietnam’s top export market, followed by the EU, South Korea, China, and Japan. To meet this demand, Vietnam's textile industry continues to import a significant amount of raw materials. At VIATT 2024, yarns, fibres and fabrics for casualwear, sportswear and uniforms, as well as garment accessories, were in high demand.

Home & Contract Textiles
Vietnam’s home textile market is projected to undergo a steady CAGR of 2.4% from 2024 – 2032, driven by the rising need for modern and stylish home textiles, e-commerce expansion, and favourable government initiatives. At the fair’s previous edition, product groups included bedding, loungewear and bathroom textiles, curtains and curtain fabrics, upholstery and sofa fabrics, and home textile accessories.

At VIATT 2025, exhibitors can additionally present their latest offerings in the Home Textiles Display Zone or at dedicated product presentations, to maximise their visibility to potential buyers.

Technical Textiles & Technologies
Across the textile industry, investors are now focusing on optimising production capacity, streamlining supply chains, and enhancing product quality to maintain competitiveness in both domestic and international markets. With the new Innovation & Digital Solutions Zone to supplement the textile technology category, VIATT 2025 is set to play host to providers of textile and nonwoven machinery, CAD/CAM, CMT, and technology for embroidery, knitting, sewing, printing, and more. Exhibitors can draw more attention to their latest solutions by participating in the fair's new innovation showcase area.

The Vietnam International Trade Fair for Apparel, Textiles and Textile Technologies (VIATT) is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd and the Vietnam Trade Promotion Agency (VIETRADE), covering the entire textile industry value chain. The second edition will be held from 26 – 28 February 2025.

More information:
VIATT Vietnam

Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd

Christina Horlacher Foto Findeisen
Christina Horlacher

FINDEISEN: Mitarbeiterstamm wächst weiter

Im Rahmen seiner Zukunftsstrategie baut der Nadelvlieshersteller FINDEISEN in Ettlingen seinen Mitarbeiterstamm weiter aus.

Ab dem 15.8.2024 verstärkt Christina Horlacher die Anwendungstechnik. Die 26-Jährige hat vor kurzem die Meisterschule für Raumausstatter in Stuttgart erfolgreich abgeschlossen und zuvor schon mehrere Jahre als Raumausstatterin gearbeitet.  

Der Leiter der Anwendungstechnik Marco Fischer kann damit das Angebot an anwendungsnahen Dienstleistungen wie Schulungen, Baustellenbetreuungen und technischer Beratung weiter ausbauen.

Fabian Becker ist ein weiterer qualifizierter Neuzugang: Der gelernte Elektroniker und Technische Fachwirt übernimmt ab 1.8.2024 die Leitung Produktionsplanung und wird Stellvertreter des Produktionsleiters Ulrich Krauß.

Im Rahmen seiner Zukunftsstrategie baut der Nadelvlieshersteller FINDEISEN in Ettlingen seinen Mitarbeiterstamm weiter aus.

Ab dem 15.8.2024 verstärkt Christina Horlacher die Anwendungstechnik. Die 26-Jährige hat vor kurzem die Meisterschule für Raumausstatter in Stuttgart erfolgreich abgeschlossen und zuvor schon mehrere Jahre als Raumausstatterin gearbeitet.  

Der Leiter der Anwendungstechnik Marco Fischer kann damit das Angebot an anwendungsnahen Dienstleistungen wie Schulungen, Baustellenbetreuungen und technischer Beratung weiter ausbauen.

Fabian Becker ist ein weiterer qualifizierter Neuzugang: Der gelernte Elektroniker und Technische Fachwirt übernimmt ab 1.8.2024 die Leitung Produktionsplanung und wird Stellvertreter des Produktionsleiters Ulrich Krauß.


Findeisen GmbH


Lenzing AG: Stephan Sielaff leaves, Rohit Aggarwal joins

The Supervisory Board of Lenzing Group has appointed Rohit Aggarwal as a new member of the Management Board of Lenzing Group. He will assume responsibility for the fiber division during the third quarter. After the departure of Stephan Sielaff, Aggarwal will take over the position of CEO of Lenzing Group.

Rohit Aggarwal has a sound understanding of the strategic development of international markets and the establishment of efficient management teams through global management positions in Europe, the USA and Asia. Thanks to his experience in the global textile and fiber market, he is well versed with Lenzing's core business in all its facets, both in terms of content and geography.

Stephan Sielaff, CEO of Lenzing Group, will leave the company at the latest when his contract expires at the end of March 2025 and devote himself to new tasks.

The Supervisory Board of Lenzing Group has appointed Rohit Aggarwal as a new member of the Management Board of Lenzing Group. He will assume responsibility for the fiber division during the third quarter. After the departure of Stephan Sielaff, Aggarwal will take over the position of CEO of Lenzing Group.

Rohit Aggarwal has a sound understanding of the strategic development of international markets and the establishment of efficient management teams through global management positions in Europe, the USA and Asia. Thanks to his experience in the global textile and fiber market, he is well versed with Lenzing's core business in all its facets, both in terms of content and geography.

Stephan Sielaff, CEO of Lenzing Group, will leave the company at the latest when his contract expires at the end of March 2025 and devote himself to new tasks.

More information:
Lenzing AG CEO

Lenzing AG

China in-store 2024 with Special Areas (c) China in-store

China in-store 2024 with Special Areas

China in-store, which was established under the name C-Star as an official satellite of EuroShop in Shanghai in 2015, will be held in Hall N1 of the Shanghai New International Expo Center from 3 to 5 September 2024. In consumer-friendly and tech-savvy China innovative store design plays a prominent role, which is why the trade fair specifically focuses on instore design and high-end solutions for brands. On display will be solutions for store design, fittings, but also retail technologies that help to selectively shape stores as spaces for interacting with shoppers as well as stage their brand messages.

China in-store, which was established under the name C-Star as an official satellite of EuroShop in Shanghai in 2015, will be held in Hall N1 of the Shanghai New International Expo Center from 3 to 5 September 2024. In consumer-friendly and tech-savvy China innovative store design plays a prominent role, which is why the trade fair specifically focuses on instore design and high-end solutions for brands. On display will be solutions for store design, fittings, but also retail technologies that help to selectively shape stores as spaces for interacting with shoppers as well as stage their brand messages.

After the success of last year’s event attracting over 100 exhibitors and almost 14,000 trade visitors, China in-store 2024 will offer over 200 providers of retail design and retail-relevant solutions the opportunity to showcase their latest instore design, retail technology and retail solutions while inviting industry professionals to explore, learn and network. The exhibited products and solutions for shopfitting and the retail industry will include store design, materials as well as surfaces and furnishings for shops – ranging from displays fixtures and mannequins to visual merchandising services and omnichannel technologies.

Since personalisation in retail is increasing in importance, the Designer Village will present design companies with trail-blazing stand designs and visual merchandising solutions. The special area will inspire visitors with innovative store concepts that improve both the brand image and customer journey. At the Retail Technology Village the latest advances in AI, VR and data analytics will be presented. These technologies enable an omnichannel experience for shoppers and convert physical stores into third places. On the Retail Stage and the Design Stage experts, retailers and brands will present the latest retail trends, shopfitting strategies and innovations that drive the retail market. A themed exhibition is dedicated to changing trends in retail area design.  

Once again proving a highlight of China in-store will be the presentation of the ERDA China (EuroShop RetailDesign Award China) on 4 September 2024; this award recognises store designs and extraordinary store concepts from the Chinese market. This year the categories were extended. 

More information:
China in-store China Shanghai Retail

Messe Düsseldorf GmbH


TradeBeyond collaborates with Walgreens Boots Alliance (WBA) Global Sourcing

Supply chain management solution provider TradeBeyond announced that Walgreens Boots Alliance (WBA) Global Sourcing has selected its industry-leading multi-enterprise platform to optimize and standardize the company’s operations across its retail brands and to leverage more innovative and agile sourcing practices.

The TradeBeyond platform will be used to manage numerous processes within WBA’s Global Sourcing function, as well as overall sourcing and order management follow up. It will also replace several legacy and redundant systems to create digital efficiencies, unify processes, and facilitate data transparency and integrity.

Implementation has begun on an iterative schedule that will allow WBA Global Sourcing to begin utilizing TradeBeyond’s platform in Fall 2024.

Supply chain management solution provider TradeBeyond announced that Walgreens Boots Alliance (WBA) Global Sourcing has selected its industry-leading multi-enterprise platform to optimize and standardize the company’s operations across its retail brands and to leverage more innovative and agile sourcing practices.

The TradeBeyond platform will be used to manage numerous processes within WBA’s Global Sourcing function, as well as overall sourcing and order management follow up. It will also replace several legacy and redundant systems to create digital efficiencies, unify processes, and facilitate data transparency and integrity.

Implementation has begun on an iterative schedule that will allow WBA Global Sourcing to begin utilizing TradeBeyond’s platform in Fall 2024.




Archroma awarded for Sustainability Innovation and Community Engagement

Archroma has won awards in two categories at the Just Style 2024 Excellence Awards. It took home two coveted Innovation Excellence awards for its SUPER SYSTEMS+ solutions and AVICUERO® leather tanning process, as well as a Social Excellence award for its longstanding and holistic commitment to community engagement in Baroda, India.

The awards recognize how Archroma is driving change with innovations that advance sustainability and through initiatives that contribute to the socio-economic progress of communities near to its Baroda manufacturing plant.

Innovation Awards
Archroma was recognized for advancing sustainable manufacturing in two Just Style Excellence Awards for Innovation.

SUPER SYSTEMS+ is a comprehensive suite of solutions that addresses the textile industry's key challenges, including water consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, circularity, chemical management and compliance.

Archroma has won awards in two categories at the Just Style 2024 Excellence Awards. It took home two coveted Innovation Excellence awards for its SUPER SYSTEMS+ solutions and AVICUERO® leather tanning process, as well as a Social Excellence award for its longstanding and holistic commitment to community engagement in Baroda, India.

The awards recognize how Archroma is driving change with innovations that advance sustainability and through initiatives that contribute to the socio-economic progress of communities near to its Baroda manufacturing plant.

Innovation Awards
Archroma was recognized for advancing sustainable manufacturing in two Just Style Excellence Awards for Innovation.

SUPER SYSTEMS+ is a comprehensive suite of solutions that addresses the textile industry's key challenges, including water consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, circularity, chemical management and compliance.

By providing end-to-end, fiber-specific solutions that enhance process efficiency and offer intelligent effects, SUPER SYSTEMS+ enables mills and brands to meet their sustainability targets as well as consumer demand for durable products with enhanced functionality and sustainability. With end-to-end solutions from pre-treatment to finishing, SUPER SYSTEMS+ can be deployed without additional investment. With future compliance in mind, the solutions also go beyond current regulations and industry standards to anticipate upcoming restrictions.

Archroma’s AVICUERO® is a system for sustainable leather tanning and dyeing. Developed in collaboration with UK-based leather technology expert Dr Leather, it is both chrome- and metal-free and yet maintains the quality and performance of traditional tanning methods. Tanners enjoy shorter processing times, eliminate the pickling process and reduce salt usage, leading to lower pollution effluent discharge loads. In addition, AVICUERO® can offer energy savings of up to 25% and CO2 emissions reductions of up to 23% compared to traditional chrome tanning.

Social Award for Community Engagement
Archroma has also been recognized for the positive impact it is having on communities in the vicinity of Baroda through multifaceted initiatives that span early childhood development, student scholarships, agricultural education and the empowerment of women.

Archroma recently set up an Anganwadi Centre to provide a range of services in the community, including nutrition and health education and pre-school learning. It also runs a scholarship program for students in vocational training, helping to create a skilled talent pool for the region. Archroma is also collaborating with a local NGO to empower farmers with modern agricultural methods and insights.

The building of a Household Biogas Plant in Umraya village is another example of Archroma's sustainable initiatives. The conversion of manure into clean renewable energy by the plant tackles several issues, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions and enhancing soil health. It also liberates rural women from the burden of sourcing conventional fuel sources and the health risks associated with burning dung cakes for fuel.



GoodTextiles and CmiA: Community project for drinking water (c) Aid by Trade Foundation

GoodTextiles and CmiA: Community project for drinking water

For the third time, the GoodTextiles Foundation is realising a WASH community project together with Cotton made in Africa (CmiA). In cooperation with the CmiA-verified cotton company Sofitex, hand-operated pumps were installed in two villages in Burkina Faso/Africa to improve the drinking water supply. The three partners have also trained the villagers in the use of water, particularly with regard to disease prevention, hygiene and healthcare.

For the people in the villages of Sidi and Moukouma, daily life was a challenge: they had to walk between four and ten kilometres to get access to clean drinking water. They were often forced to resort to unsafe water sources such as rivers, which resulted in significant hygiene and health problems.

Following a comprehensive assessment of water scarcity at the project sites, two boreholes were drilled and hand-operated pumps installed. These are located in communal areas that are freely accessible to all and free of any private property and rights. Now the 3,000 inhabitants of both villages have unrestricted access to clean drinking water at all times - a real lifeline for the communities.

For the third time, the GoodTextiles Foundation is realising a WASH community project together with Cotton made in Africa (CmiA). In cooperation with the CmiA-verified cotton company Sofitex, hand-operated pumps were installed in two villages in Burkina Faso/Africa to improve the drinking water supply. The three partners have also trained the villagers in the use of water, particularly with regard to disease prevention, hygiene and healthcare.

For the people in the villages of Sidi and Moukouma, daily life was a challenge: they had to walk between four and ten kilometres to get access to clean drinking water. They were often forced to resort to unsafe water sources such as rivers, which resulted in significant hygiene and health problems.

Following a comprehensive assessment of water scarcity at the project sites, two boreholes were drilled and hand-operated pumps installed. These are located in communal areas that are freely accessible to all and free of any private property and rights. Now the 3,000 inhabitants of both villages have unrestricted access to clean drinking water at all times - a real lifeline for the communities.

A water management committee was set up in each village. In the WASH training sessions, the participants were familiarised with the tasks and functions of the water committee. In addition, the villagers were given a better understanding of WASH practices and principles. They were also taught how to promote hygiene at the water points to ensure water quality. Finally, they were given the necessary maintenance tools for their work.

A total of 115 committed people, including 61 men and 54 women, took part in the training courses. They will now act as multipliers for WASH initiatives, water, sanitation and hygiene measures in their communities and pass on their knowledge. Each committee also received a toolkit for the maintenance of boreholes - so that this project is not just short-term help, but a sustainable improvement in living conditions.

The GoodTextiles Foundation is supporting the project with around €17,000.00.


GoodTextiles Stiftung

New Bcomp Materials for Italdesign Quintessenza™ Concept Car (c) Italdesign-Giugiaro S.p.A.

New Bcomp Materials for Italdesign Quintessenza™ Concept Car

Bcomp announces its support on the new Italdesign Quintessenza™, a concept car unveiled at the 2024 Auto China in Beijing. Reflecting the harmonious relationship between nature and technology, the all-electric Quintessenza™ offers a blend of the functionality of a load-bearing pick-up and the dynamism of a GT-inspired family sports vehicle. The architectural concept breaks new ground in the automotive industry, as does its focus on the use of sustainable materials and finishes with the integration of Bcomp’s natural fibre composites across both its interior finishes and exterior body parts.

The Quintessenza™ is the world’s first vehicle to feature black-tinted NF (natural fibre) as a visual layer, showcasing Bcomp’s commitment to innovation. The interior design includes a foundational layer of ampliTex™ biaxial fabric combined with a layer of black-tinted NF. This advanced natural fibre composite, developed through a customised process that infuses the ampliTex™ fabric with a custom black resin, not only offers a durable and visually appealing surface finish but also facilitates the recycling process through its monomaterial composition.

Bcomp announces its support on the new Italdesign Quintessenza™, a concept car unveiled at the 2024 Auto China in Beijing. Reflecting the harmonious relationship between nature and technology, the all-electric Quintessenza™ offers a blend of the functionality of a load-bearing pick-up and the dynamism of a GT-inspired family sports vehicle. The architectural concept breaks new ground in the automotive industry, as does its focus on the use of sustainable materials and finishes with the integration of Bcomp’s natural fibre composites across both its interior finishes and exterior body parts.

The Quintessenza™ is the world’s first vehicle to feature black-tinted NF (natural fibre) as a visual layer, showcasing Bcomp’s commitment to innovation. The interior design includes a foundational layer of ampliTex™ biaxial fabric combined with a layer of black-tinted NF. This advanced natural fibre composite, developed through a customised process that infuses the ampliTex™ fabric with a custom black resin, not only offers a durable and visually appealing surface finish but also facilitates the recycling process through its monomaterial composition.

The concept car also uses ampliTex™ material for several exterior parts, the front and back bumpers, the side rocker covers and the wheel arches. Not only does this enhance the vehicle’s appearance and cut CO2 emissions by up to 85%, compared to carbon fibre, but as parts reach their end-of-life, natural fibre components can be processed through waste-to-energy plants, serving as a renewable energy source and avoiding the landfill route of carbon and glass fibres.


Bcomp Ltd

adidas and New Zealand Rugby celebrate 25 Years of Partnership with new Kit (c) adidas AG

adidas and New Zealand Rugby celebrate 25 Years of Partnership with new Kit

adidas and New Zealand Rugby reveal their latest jersey designs due to be worn for the 2024 international season. Going back through the archive to the roots of the partnership, adidas designers revisited design elements synonymous with New Zealand Rugby, to craft a shirt 25 years in the making for both the All Blacks and Black Ferns.

Bold in its simplicity, the jersey offers a traditional block-black base adorned with unique silver detailing - selected for its traditional use to mark a 25th anniversary - on an enlarged fern emblem, the adidas logo, and the iconic three stripes which run down both shoulders for the first time. The jersey is punctuated by the return of an all-white collar design; a popular feature seen on some of the most loved New Zealand Rugby jerseys, including the design that saw All Blacks win the 2011 Rugby World CupTM.

Developed based on specific player feedback, the All Blacks version features a double-knit fold over design, while the Black Ferns jersey incorporates a round neck design. For the first time, the Black Ferns and All Blacks are united under a single design, creating a special link between two of the sport’s best teams.

adidas and New Zealand Rugby reveal their latest jersey designs due to be worn for the 2024 international season. Going back through the archive to the roots of the partnership, adidas designers revisited design elements synonymous with New Zealand Rugby, to craft a shirt 25 years in the making for both the All Blacks and Black Ferns.

Bold in its simplicity, the jersey offers a traditional block-black base adorned with unique silver detailing - selected for its traditional use to mark a 25th anniversary - on an enlarged fern emblem, the adidas logo, and the iconic three stripes which run down both shoulders for the first time. The jersey is punctuated by the return of an all-white collar design; a popular feature seen on some of the most loved New Zealand Rugby jerseys, including the design that saw All Blacks win the 2011 Rugby World CupTM.

Developed based on specific player feedback, the All Blacks version features a double-knit fold over design, while the Black Ferns jersey incorporates a round neck design. For the first time, the Black Ferns and All Blacks are united under a single design, creating a special link between two of the sport’s best teams.

The on-pitch jersey is made with a high-performance yarn which contains at least 89% recycled polyester, while the replica jersey is made using 100% recycled polyester. 

More information:
adidas AG Sportswear

adidas AG