From the Sector

5774 results
Südwesttextil-Jahrestagung: Mut zu Zukunftsthemen (c) Joshua Lehmann für Südwesttextil
Das Präsidium von Südwesttextil (v.l.n.r.): Dr. Steffen Reinsch, Maximilian d'Huc, Arved Westerkamp, Donata Apelt-Ihling & Dr. Oliver Maetschke

Südwesttextil-Jahrestagung: Mut zu Zukunftsthemen

Der Wirtschafts- und Arbeitgeberverband tagte am 11. Juli 2024 mit abwechslungsreichem Programm und Blick in die Zukunft im CARMEN WÜRTH FORUM in Künzelsau.

Im Spannungsfeld zwischen globalen Konflikten und nachhaltiger Transformation lud der Verband Mitglieder und Gäste zur Jahrestagung in das CARMEN WÜRTH FORUM nach Künzelsau ein. In seiner Ansprache an die Mitglieder erklärte Präsident Arved Westerkamp den Bedarf, sich als Unternehmen zielgerichtet und innovativ den Herausforderungen der Zukunft zu stellen. Der Green Deal mit zahlreichen Initiativen bedeute für die Branche veränderte Rahmenbedingungen.

Der Wirtschafts- und Arbeitgeberverband tagte am 11. Juli 2024 mit abwechslungsreichem Programm und Blick in die Zukunft im CARMEN WÜRTH FORUM in Künzelsau.

Im Spannungsfeld zwischen globalen Konflikten und nachhaltiger Transformation lud der Verband Mitglieder und Gäste zur Jahrestagung in das CARMEN WÜRTH FORUM nach Künzelsau ein. In seiner Ansprache an die Mitglieder erklärte Präsident Arved Westerkamp den Bedarf, sich als Unternehmen zielgerichtet und innovativ den Herausforderungen der Zukunft zu stellen. Der Green Deal mit zahlreichen Initiativen bedeute für die Branche veränderte Rahmenbedingungen.

In seiner anschließenden Begrüßung der Gäste des öffentlichen Teils der Tagung bekräftigte Arved Westerkamp: „Hier hat Textil Zukunft – das werden wir mit nachhaltigen Produktkreisläufen und High-End-Wertschöpfungsstätten ebenso unter Beweis stellen, wie mit einer Willkommenskultur für Fach- und Nachwuchskräfte aus dem In- und Ausland.“
Im Rahmen der Mitgliederversammlung wurde Südwesttextil-Vizepräsident und Schatzmeister Mathias Eggle verabschiedet. Der langjährige OLYMP-Geschäftsführer verabschiedet sich nach 40 Jahren in der Bekleidungsindustrie in den wohlverdienten Ruhestand. Bei den Zuwahlen wurde Maximilian d’Huc, Senior Vice President Human Resources, Paul Hartmann AG, neu ins Präsidium des Verbands gewählt. Der Vorstand des Verbands wird durch Beatrice Lederer, Geschäftsführerin, Jörg Lederer GmbH, Melanie Röger, Geschäftsführerin, Würth MODYF GmbH & Co. KG, und Alexander Hoffmann, Director HR, Legal & Compliance, Olymp Bezner KG ergänzt.
Neben einer Führung durch das Würth Museum 2 oder der Logistik der Würth Gruppe, bereicherte Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. h.c. Franz Josef Radermacher mit seiner Keynote „Mit Verantwortung wachsen – Globalisierung im Textilsektor gestalten“ das Programm. Die Gäste ließen den Sommerabend bei Livemusik auf der weitläufigen Piazza umgeben vom Skulpturengarten des CARMEN WÜRTH FORUMs ausklingen.


Südwesttextil – Verband der Südwestdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e.V.

Charlotte Witts Photo FET
Charlotte Witts

New R&D appointment for FET wet spinning team

Fibre Extrusion Technology Ltd (FET) of Leeds, UK has continued the ongoing process of strengthening its Research & Development team. The latest addition is Charlotte Witts, who is currently studying for a degree in Chemistry at Nottingham University and will work at FET for a 12-month period. She will continue her studies in chemistry as distant learning modules whilst also working at FET. FET designs, develops and manufactures extrusion equipment for a wide range of high value textile material applications worldwide.

“I’m really excited to be joining the team at FET and getting stuck in to the role. Sustainability is a big passion of mine, so I’m looking forward to learning how FET develops new technologies that support the textile industry in this endeavour. I hope that my previous studies within this area will help to foster new ideas.”

Fibre Extrusion Technology Ltd (FET) of Leeds, UK has continued the ongoing process of strengthening its Research & Development team. The latest addition is Charlotte Witts, who is currently studying for a degree in Chemistry at Nottingham University and will work at FET for a 12-month period. She will continue her studies in chemistry as distant learning modules whilst also working at FET. FET designs, develops and manufactures extrusion equipment for a wide range of high value textile material applications worldwide.

“I’m really excited to be joining the team at FET and getting stuck in to the role. Sustainability is a big passion of mine, so I’m looking forward to learning how FET develops new technologies that support the textile industry in this endeavour. I hope that my previous studies within this area will help to foster new ideas.”

Furthermore, FET has a development policy of bringing young people into the industry and has invested heavily in recent years to this end, helping to address the skills gap in the UK textile industry. The company’s R&D department comprises ten scientists and engineers who work closely with customers on process development and new product trials.

Charlotte Witts will be focusing on the wet spinning process which is fortuitous as FET has just finished commissioning their own in-house low viscosity wet spinning system. Over the coming year she will focus on spinning a number of bio-sourced polymers (e.g. alginate, chitosan, gelatin, recombinant proteins). These materials require a strong scientific understanding of the underlying chemistry to successfully produce a high-quality yarn. Furthermore, FET regularly gets customer requests to conduct trial work on these materials to de-risk the equipment purchase process.


Fibre Extrusion Technology Limited

Professor Dr Chun-Shik Kim and Professor Dr Thomas Gries sign the cooperation agreement (from left to right). (c) ITA
Professor Dr Chun-Shik Kim and Professor Dr Thomas Gries sign the cooperation agreement (from left to right).

ITA and South Korean University cooperate

Dongshin University from Naju in South Korea and Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University will cooperate in the field of industrial digitalisation and renewable energies in the future. A cooperation agreement was signed on 9 July by Professor Dr Chun-Shik kim and Professor Dr Thomas Gries. Professor Dr Chun-Shik Kim is an expert on German-Korean economic cooperation, ADEKO board member and former advisor to the Deputy Prime Minister, Professor Dr Thomas Gries is ITA Director and Rectorate Representative of RWTH Aachen University for Korea. The co-operation marks the culmination of 15 years of ITA activities in Korea. The fruits of this cooperation are the SmartTextronics Centre and the city partnership between the cities of Aachen and Ansan.

Dongshin University in Naju, South Korea, is a renowned university specialising in innovative research and practice-oriented education. It specialises in engineering, information and communication technology and renewable energies. The university is known for its international co-operation and its contribution to regional and global development.

Dongshin University from Naju in South Korea and Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University will cooperate in the field of industrial digitalisation and renewable energies in the future. A cooperation agreement was signed on 9 July by Professor Dr Chun-Shik kim and Professor Dr Thomas Gries. Professor Dr Chun-Shik Kim is an expert on German-Korean economic cooperation, ADEKO board member and former advisor to the Deputy Prime Minister, Professor Dr Thomas Gries is ITA Director and Rectorate Representative of RWTH Aachen University for Korea. The co-operation marks the culmination of 15 years of ITA activities in Korea. The fruits of this cooperation are the SmartTextronics Centre and the city partnership between the cities of Aachen and Ansan.

Dongshin University in Naju, South Korea, is a renowned university specialising in innovative research and practice-oriented education. It specialises in engineering, information and communication technology and renewable energies. The university is known for its international co-operation and its contribution to regional and global development.

RWTH Aachen University is one of the leading technical universities in Europe and offers excellent research and teaching opportunities. Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University is one of the largest institutes at RWTH Aachen University and is internationally recognised for its outstanding research achievements in the field of textile technology and for its industrial cooperation. RWTH Aachen University maintains close co-operation with international partners and promotes global networking in science and research.


Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA)

THE DORF • THE MARKET: Vierte Edition des Design- und Kreativmarktes in Düsseldorf (c) THE DORF | Tina Husemann & David Holtkamp GbR

THE DORF • THE MARKET: Vierte Edition des Design- und Kreativmarktes in Düsseldorf

Der vierte THE DORF • THE MARKET wird eine besondere Edition, denn sie steht unter dem Motto „A Day in the Park“! Am Samstag, den 27. Juli 2024 findet der vom Düsseldorfer Magazin THE DORF initiierte und kuratierte Markt zum ersten Mal unter freiem Himmel und den schattigen Bäumen des Hofgartens statt. Im Rahmen der Düsseldorfer Fashion Days 2024 erhalten knapp 25 Protagonist:innen der Düsseldorfer Design-, Food- und Kreativszene einen ganzen Tag lang auf der Jägerhofallee ihre Bühne. Neben altbekannten und neuen Teilnehmer:innen wird bei der vierten Edition ein besonderes Augenmerk auf japanische Designer:innen und Labels gelegt.

Als Bewunder:innen der japanischen Kultur in Düsseldorf freuen sich die Gründer:innen Tina Husemann & David Holtkamp über die Einbindung & Teilnahme japanischer Designer:innen wie Hiroyuki Murase mit seinem Label Suzusan, sowie dem deutsch-japanischen Schmucklabel MITTSU., Schmuckdesignerin Beru Inou (Atelier DREI), Keramikkünstler Jimu Kobayashi, Künstler Takumi Ogata, dem Street Casual Brand Amesankoh und Yoshi Nama Gin.

Der vierte THE DORF • THE MARKET wird eine besondere Edition, denn sie steht unter dem Motto „A Day in the Park“! Am Samstag, den 27. Juli 2024 findet der vom Düsseldorfer Magazin THE DORF initiierte und kuratierte Markt zum ersten Mal unter freiem Himmel und den schattigen Bäumen des Hofgartens statt. Im Rahmen der Düsseldorfer Fashion Days 2024 erhalten knapp 25 Protagonist:innen der Düsseldorfer Design-, Food- und Kreativszene einen ganzen Tag lang auf der Jägerhofallee ihre Bühne. Neben altbekannten und neuen Teilnehmer:innen wird bei der vierten Edition ein besonderes Augenmerk auf japanische Designer:innen und Labels gelegt.

Als Bewunder:innen der japanischen Kultur in Düsseldorf freuen sich die Gründer:innen Tina Husemann & David Holtkamp über die Einbindung & Teilnahme japanischer Designer:innen wie Hiroyuki Murase mit seinem Label Suzusan, sowie dem deutsch-japanischen Schmucklabel MITTSU., Schmuckdesignerin Beru Inou (Atelier DREI), Keramikkünstler Jimu Kobayashi, Künstler Takumi Ogata, dem Street Casual Brand Amesankoh und Yoshi Nama Gin.

Weitere Teilnehmende sind Atelier Hinter Indien (Schmuck), Marisa Oeker (Illustration/Papeterie), Monolar (Accessories, Conscious Artisan Luxury Store Concept), Orion Qubo (Interior), related by objects (Schmuck), Gourmie Goods (Food-Spezialitäten aus ganz Europa), FLØR (Supplements), Kiyo (Interior), rikiki (Design Concept Store), Studio Rosa (Upcycled Accessories), The Clay Company (Keramik), Two Brothers Vintage (Premium Vintage Clothing), Wax Made Design (Kerzen) und mehr.


THE DORF | Tina Husemann & David Holtkamp GbR

Hochschule Niederrhein: Ehrung für Textil-Absolventinnen (c) Hochschule Niederrhein
Luisa Verbocket und Prof. Dr. Lutz Vossebein (links), stellvertretender Vorsitzender des Textile and Fashion Network e.V., und der betreuende HSNR-Professor Dr. Thomas Weide

Hochschule Niederrhein: Ehrung für Textil-Absolventinnen

Für zwei Absolventinnen des Fachbereichs Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik der Hochschule Niederrhein (HSNR) gab es während der Verabschiedungsfeier eine besondere Auszeichnung: Sie erhielten je 1500 Euro Preisgeld für ihre herausragenden Abschlussarbeiten.

Das TFN (Textile and Fashion Network e.V.) ehrt Luisa Verbocket, weitere 1500 Euro stiftet der Verband der Rheinischen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e.V. an Vivien Beckmann.

Luisa Verbocket (26), die nach ihrem Bachelorstudiengang Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik – Textile Technologien an der HSNR den Master Textile Produkte angeschlossen hat, wählte für ihre Abschlussarbeit den Titel „Analyse und Optimierung der Verarbeitung von recycelten Post-Consumer-Textilien an einer Deckelkarde“.
Dabei entwickelte sie unter anderem ein Klassifizierungsschema, mit dem sich die vielen unterschiedlichen Rohstoff-Bestandteile mechanisch recycelter Textilien systematisieren lassen.

In Versuchen an einer Deckelkarde (Kardiermaschine) untersuchte die Mönchengladbacherin die Zusammenhänge zwischen den Maschineneinstellungen, dem Verarbeitungsverhalten der Rohstoffbestandteile und den Produkteigenschaften.

Für zwei Absolventinnen des Fachbereichs Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik der Hochschule Niederrhein (HSNR) gab es während der Verabschiedungsfeier eine besondere Auszeichnung: Sie erhielten je 1500 Euro Preisgeld für ihre herausragenden Abschlussarbeiten.

Das TFN (Textile and Fashion Network e.V.) ehrt Luisa Verbocket, weitere 1500 Euro stiftet der Verband der Rheinischen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e.V. an Vivien Beckmann.

Luisa Verbocket (26), die nach ihrem Bachelorstudiengang Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik – Textile Technologien an der HSNR den Master Textile Produkte angeschlossen hat, wählte für ihre Abschlussarbeit den Titel „Analyse und Optimierung der Verarbeitung von recycelten Post-Consumer-Textilien an einer Deckelkarde“.
Dabei entwickelte sie unter anderem ein Klassifizierungsschema, mit dem sich die vielen unterschiedlichen Rohstoff-Bestandteile mechanisch recycelter Textilien systematisieren lassen.

In Versuchen an einer Deckelkarde (Kardiermaschine) untersuchte die Mönchengladbacherin die Zusammenhänge zwischen den Maschineneinstellungen, dem Verarbeitungsverhalten der Rohstoffbestandteile und den Produkteigenschaften.

Für ihre Masterarbeit kooperierte sie mit der Firma Trützschler, wo sie mittlerweile seit Januar 2024 als Textiltechnologin für den Bereich Recycling und Nachhaltigkeit tätig ist.

Vivien Beckmann aus Kirchhundem im Sauerland entwickelte im Rahmen ihrer Bachelorarbeit für das Unternehmen FALKE eine modulare Outdoor-Jacke. Die 27-Jährige, die an der HSNR den dualen Studiengang Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik mit dem Studienschwerpunkt Produktentwicklung absolviert hat, vereint in ihrem Prototyp einer Outdoor-Jacke Funktionalität mit Design. Für noch mehr Tragekomfort lassen sich je nach Geschmack und Wetterverhältnissen verschiedene Komponenten austauschen, ablegen oder hinzuzufügen.

Die modulare Outdoor-Jacke aus hochwertigen Materialien besteht aus einer Außenjacke und zwei Innenjacken für den Frühling/Sommer und Herbst/Winter. Die Innenjacken können entweder mit der Außenjacke verbunden oder separat getragen werden. Die Außenjacke lässt sich durch Entfernen der Ärmel ganz einfach in eine Weste umfunktionieren sowie die Kapuze abnehmen.

Vivien Beckmann sammelte schon während ihres Studiums im Reisetechniker-Team von FALKE Erfahrungen mit Produktions- und Herstellungsprozessen. Seit ihrem Bachelorabschluss arbeitet sie weiterhin für das Unternehmen.

RISE INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry

RISE® 2024: Registration Is Open

Registration is open for RISE® 2024 (Research, Innovation & Science for Engineered Fabrics). Industry leaders will convene to discover cutting-edge nonwoven research and advancements, October 1-2, James B. Hunt, Jr. Library, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. The theme for this year’s event is “Sustainability Solutions: Manufacturing More with Less.”

The RISE program will focus on these key topics:

  • Disruptive Innovation & Enabling Technology
  • Advancements in Natural & Bio-Based Fibers
  • Sustainability in Chemistry
  • Energy Efficiencies in Machinery
  • Advanced Recycling Techniques & Methods
  • In the News: Legislation & Regulation

Prior to RISE, continuing the program begun last year, there will be complimentary webinars featuring technology advancements and innovations. More details and topics will be announced at a later date.

The program highlights for RISE include:

Registration is open for RISE® 2024 (Research, Innovation & Science for Engineered Fabrics). Industry leaders will convene to discover cutting-edge nonwoven research and advancements, October 1-2, James B. Hunt, Jr. Library, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. The theme for this year’s event is “Sustainability Solutions: Manufacturing More with Less.”

The RISE program will focus on these key topics:

  • Disruptive Innovation & Enabling Technology
  • Advancements in Natural & Bio-Based Fibers
  • Sustainability in Chemistry
  • Energy Efficiencies in Machinery
  • Advanced Recycling Techniques & Methods
  • In the News: Legislation & Regulation

Prior to RISE, continuing the program begun last year, there will be complimentary webinars featuring technology advancements and innovations. More details and topics will be announced at a later date.

The program highlights for RISE include:

  • RISE® Innovation Award – three finalists will compete for the Award with the winner being announced Wednesday afternoon, October 2nd. Nominations may be submitted through July 29th via the INDA website:
  • The Nonwovens Institute will host a tour of their $65 million-plus, 60,000 square-foot facilities featuring state-of-the-art equipment, pilot lines, and analytical laboratories on Tuesday, October 1st. An RSVP is required and space is limited.
  • A Welcome Reception on Tuesday evening, October 1st, at the Lonnie Poole Golf Course.
  • Graduate Student Poster session with their latest research during the Welcome Reception.
  • New to RISE: Nonwoven Bonding Fundamentals course which will provide a detailed overview of the major fabric bonding processes used to make nonwovens. More details are available here:
  • 18-hole Golf Tournament, Monday, September 30th, Lonnie Poole Golf Course, with a start time of 12 pm. Space is limited and registration is required.


More information:
RISE® Award

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry

(c) CHIC, China International Fashion Fair

CHINA WAVE: Successful presentation at Pitti Uomo 106

The start to the premiere of the CHINA WAVE pavilion at Pitti Uomo 106: the first stop of the "2024 China National Garment Association Overseas Programme" was a complete success for the participating designer labels from China. The Chinese brands impressed the international fashion world with their exclusive and extraordinary collections at the Costruzioni Lorenesi in the Fortezza da Basso in Florence. The famous fashion journalist, Suzy Menkes, was also impressed by the creations.

The styles and current looks from from VALLEYOUTH, KB HONG BY K-BOXING, RAXXY, JDV, FENGGY, BLACKHEAD, KEYONE BY HATTERSHUB, TYPETAIL impressed buyers, fashionistas and media representatives alike with their design expertise, creativity and product quality. The combination of contemporary styles with traditional Chinese elements, as seen in the collections of KB HONG by BY K-BOXING, JDV and VALLEYOUTH, among others, attracted international audience from Italy, Germany, France, Great Britain, Spain, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, the USA, Mexico, Canada, Australia and many more.

The start to the premiere of the CHINA WAVE pavilion at Pitti Uomo 106: the first stop of the "2024 China National Garment Association Overseas Programme" was a complete success for the participating designer labels from China. The Chinese brands impressed the international fashion world with their exclusive and extraordinary collections at the Costruzioni Lorenesi in the Fortezza da Basso in Florence. The famous fashion journalist, Suzy Menkes, was also impressed by the creations.

The styles and current looks from from VALLEYOUTH, KB HONG BY K-BOXING, RAXXY, JDV, FENGGY, BLACKHEAD, KEYONE BY HATTERSHUB, TYPETAIL impressed buyers, fashionistas and media representatives alike with their design expertise, creativity and product quality. The combination of contemporary styles with traditional Chinese elements, as seen in the collections of KB HONG by BY K-BOXING, JDV and VALLEYOUTH, among others, attracted international audience from Italy, Germany, France, Great Britain, Spain, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, the USA, Mexico, Canada, Australia and many more.

Among those welcomed to the pavilion was Suzy Menkes, who emphasised the combination of tradition and modernity in collections such as those from KB HONG by BY K-BOXING and VALLEYOUTH in the CHINA WAVE pavilion. VALLEYOUTH's new collection was presented by fashion photographer Acielle from style du monde at Vogue World, while fashion blogger Augusto Ferretti commented on the brands' designs as "artistic sculptures". The appearance of the famous Chinese actor and singer AYUNGA as a testimonial for the new KB HONG by BY K-BOXING collection at Pitti Uomo attracted particular attention.

Further stops of the "2024 China National Garment Association Overseas Programme" are Who's Next in Paris and TheOne Milano in Milan in September.

The next CHINA WAVE presentation at Pitti Uomo is planned for January 2025.




Circular Valley Convention 2025: New Platform for the circular economy

The Circular Valley Convention is a new trade fair format organised by Messe Düsseldorf in cooperation with the non-profit Circular Valley Foundation and with scientific support from the renowned Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology called UMSICHT.

The convention looks at the circular economy from a holistic perspective: across industries and materials – and all phases of the circular economy, from smart circular design to the reuse and further utilisation of products.

As a central global platform for the circular economy, it brings together decision-makers and experts from business, academia, politics, and society in one place. Under the motto "Uniting Industries for a Circular Tomorrow", it promotes their networking in order to present and jointly develop circular solutions and processes and drive forward the transformation towards a circular economy.

The Circular Valley Convention is a new trade fair format organised by Messe Düsseldorf in cooperation with the non-profit Circular Valley Foundation and with scientific support from the renowned Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology called UMSICHT.

The convention looks at the circular economy from a holistic perspective: across industries and materials – and all phases of the circular economy, from smart circular design to the reuse and further utilisation of products.

As a central global platform for the circular economy, it brings together decision-makers and experts from business, academia, politics, and society in one place. Under the motto "Uniting Industries for a Circular Tomorrow", it promotes their networking in order to present and jointly develop circular solutions and processes and drive forward the transformation towards a circular economy.

Messe Düsseldorf is contributing its many years of expertise to the Circular Valley Convention stemming from a wide range of trade fairs such as K, interpack and drupa, which are closely related to the circular economy. The non-profit Circular Valley Foundation, the cooperation partner of the convention, has a comprehensive understanding of the circular economy and a large network. The scientific support provided by the Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology UMSICHT and the associated expertise round off the extensive professional support.

The Circular Valley Convention covers all phases of the circular economy: from the use of renewable raw materials to product design, manufacturing, logistics, and operations all the way through to collection, sorting, and recycling, featuring solutions for different material classes and value chains. The convention combines applied research and practice and is a content hub for top decision-makers and experts. With the guiding theme "Enabling Circular Economy", the focus is on three central topics that enable the transformation towards a circular economy:

  • Enabling Value Chains: the implementation of efficient, sustainable, and cross-industry circular solution strategies to maximise the use of resources and make business models fit for the future.
  • Enabling Technologies: the transfer of circular competencies such as redesign, refurbish, remanufacture & recycle. The goal is to optimise products and processes using technologies that comply with the principles of the circular economy.
  • Enabling Materials: the promotion of the efficient use and recycling of various materials, aiming for the extension of product lifespans and the integration of cross-material circular strategies for the sustainable use of resources.

the Circular Valley Convention offers a three-part event format consisting of a conference, an expo, and a networking event on the evening of 12 March 2024. Over 100 high-calibre speakers are scheduled to attend the conference. More than 130 exhibitors and partners are expected to attend the expo, the marketplace for future-oriented circular solutions, which offers insights into new trends, innovations, and best practice examples.


Messe Düsseldorf GmbH

Natural Materials Panel at Functional Fabric Fair (c) Formidable Media

Natural Materials Panel at Functional Fabric Fair

  • “Natural Materials: The Path Towards Brand Responsibility” Panel Discussion Comes to Functional Fabric Fair in NYC

As global regulations and increased customer concern drive the demand for sustainable products, forward thinking brands are increasingly turning to natural materials as a sustainable alternative.

This panel will spotlight how newer biomass-based textiles are complementing established materials like down and wool to not only enhance performance but also to meet evolving consumer demands for eco-friendly products.

Hosted by textile industry communications agency Formidable Media and scheduled for Tuesday, July 16, this panel will provide an inside look at how natural materials can be leveraged to grow brand responsibility while elevating textile performance.

  • “Natural Materials: The Path Towards Brand Responsibility” Panel Discussion Comes to Functional Fabric Fair in NYC

As global regulations and increased customer concern drive the demand for sustainable products, forward thinking brands are increasingly turning to natural materials as a sustainable alternative.

This panel will spotlight how newer biomass-based textiles are complementing established materials like down and wool to not only enhance performance but also to meet evolving consumer demands for eco-friendly products.

Hosted by textile industry communications agency Formidable Media and scheduled for Tuesday, July 16, this panel will provide an inside look at how natural materials can be leveraged to grow brand responsibility while elevating textile performance.

The discussion will feature insights from leaders in sustainability and textile innovation, exploring the opportunities and challenges in adopting natural materials within supply chains. Attendees can expect a deep dive into the latest advancements and best practices that are shaping the future of responsible sourcing and manufacturing in the textile sector.

Panelists include:

  • Matthew Betcher, Creative Director, ALLIED Feather + Down
  • Monica Ebert, Business Development and Sustainability, Manager, Woolmark
  • Sharon Perez, Senior Business Development Manager, Lenzing Group
  • Chad Kelly, President, eVent Fabrics

Formidable Media


Carrington Textiles releases Sustainability Report

Carrington Textiles announces the release of their first sustainability report, highlighting some of Carrington Textiles’ significant achievements in environmentally responsible activities.

The report, presented by RTS Textiles group, Carrington Textiles’ parent company, outlines various aspects, including their organisation’s structure, sustainability approach, social performance and future targets.

Key highlights include an investment of over €16.7 million across sites to enhance environmental performance through the purchase of equipment, such as a Combined Heat and Power (CHP) unit, biomass boilers and solar panels.

Additionally, the report sheds light on threir carbon roadmap, covering emissions under scopes 1, 2, and 3.

Carrington Textiles announces the release of their first sustainability report, highlighting some of Carrington Textiles’ significant achievements in environmentally responsible activities.

The report, presented by RTS Textiles group, Carrington Textiles’ parent company, outlines various aspects, including their organisation’s structure, sustainability approach, social performance and future targets.

Key highlights include an investment of over €16.7 million across sites to enhance environmental performance through the purchase of equipment, such as a Combined Heat and Power (CHP) unit, biomass boilers and solar panels.

Additionally, the report sheds light on threir carbon roadmap, covering emissions under scopes 1, 2, and 3.

John Vareldzis, RTS Textiles CEO, commented: “This year, we are publishing our first sustainability report to reflect the increasing importance of sustainability in everything that we do. We understand that this is a long-term journey, and publishing this report, with clear targets and performance metrics, is just one step along that journey. It will help us create transparency and accountability throughout our operations, which, in turn, will push us further along that path.”


Carrington Textiles


Devan Chemicals receives Allergy UK Accreditation

Devan Chemicals announces that its BI-OME® NTL MG technology has received the Allergy UK Seal of Approval. This recognition underscores the effectiveness of BI-OME® NTL MG in providing protection against dust mites.

Allergy UK, a leading charity dedicated to supporting people with allergies in the United Kingdom, has granted this accreditation following rigorous independent testing. The BI-OME® NTL MG technology, has been proven to be beneficial for those with allergic sensitivities to house dust mites. This has also been confirmed by an external lab according to French standard NF G 39-011.

BI-OME® NTL MG is a biobased, non-harmful anti-dust mite and antibacterial technology which guarantees optimal freshness and hygiene for all kinds of textiles, such as mattresses, mattress protectors, pillows and quilts.
It features a blend of linseed oil and margosa oil. Derived from flax seeds, linseed oil acts as an antibacterial agent, promoting sustainable freshness, while margosa oil is known for its anti-dust mite properties.

Devan Chemicals announces that its BI-OME® NTL MG technology has received the Allergy UK Seal of Approval. This recognition underscores the effectiveness of BI-OME® NTL MG in providing protection against dust mites.

Allergy UK, a leading charity dedicated to supporting people with allergies in the United Kingdom, has granted this accreditation following rigorous independent testing. The BI-OME® NTL MG technology, has been proven to be beneficial for those with allergic sensitivities to house dust mites. This has also been confirmed by an external lab according to French standard NF G 39-011.

BI-OME® NTL MG is a biobased, non-harmful anti-dust mite and antibacterial technology which guarantees optimal freshness and hygiene for all kinds of textiles, such as mattresses, mattress protectors, pillows and quilts.
It features a blend of linseed oil and margosa oil. Derived from flax seeds, linseed oil acts as an antibacterial agent, promoting sustainable freshness, while margosa oil is known for its anti-dust mite properties.

Devan’s customers will now have an opportunity to make use of the Allergy UK logo on their products that incorporate BI-OME® NTL MG technology after signing a license agreement with Allergy UK. This allows manufacturers to provide an added value to consumers seeking products that support allergy management.


Devan Chemicals NV


Italian Textile Machinery Industry ready for Green Transition

Maintaining a focus on innovation despite the uncertainties that characterize the current international scenario was emphasized during the General Assembly of ACIMIT, the Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers Association, held in Milan on July 9. ACIMIT president, Marco Salvadè, showcased the data of the Italian textile machinery industry. In 2023, production decreased by 16%, settling at a value of 2.3 billion euros, as did exports, which also fell by 16% (2 billion euros).

China, Turkey, India, and the United States remain the main destinations for Italian textile machinery manufacturers. In 2023, demand for machinery in these markets was weak, but some positive signals emerged in the first quarter of the current year, especially from the Chinese market and again from Egypt, Pakistan, Brazil, and Japan. “2024 will still be a year characterized by many uncertainties,” commented Salvadè, “mainly due to the uncertainty of the geopolitical situation and fluctuations in final demand”.

Maintaining a focus on innovation despite the uncertainties that characterize the current international scenario was emphasized during the General Assembly of ACIMIT, the Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers Association, held in Milan on July 9. ACIMIT president, Marco Salvadè, showcased the data of the Italian textile machinery industry. In 2023, production decreased by 16%, settling at a value of 2.3 billion euros, as did exports, which also fell by 16% (2 billion euros).

China, Turkey, India, and the United States remain the main destinations for Italian textile machinery manufacturers. In 2023, demand for machinery in these markets was weak, but some positive signals emerged in the first quarter of the current year, especially from the Chinese market and again from Egypt, Pakistan, Brazil, and Japan. “2024 will still be a year characterized by many uncertainties,” commented Salvadè, “mainly due to the uncertainty of the geopolitical situation and fluctuations in final demand”.

In an especially difficult international scenario and with a still sluggish market, the Italian textile machinery sector remains a leader alongside a few other Countries, such as China, Germany, and Japan. “Our sector is renowned worldwide for its reliability, know-how, and the uniquely Italian ability to combine tradition and innovation,” noted the ACIMIT president. Accelerating innovation remains crucial, particularly to meet the challenges that await Italian manufacturers in supporting textile companies on their sustainable transition journey.

To highlight the opportunities that the European green transition opens up for technology suppliers, the public section of the ACIMIT General Assembly addressed a very current issue: textile recycling. The EU’s legislative guidelines aim to accelerate the green and circular transition of the textile sector with various actions: from ecodesign to EPR, from waste export regulation to green claims. Meanwhile, there is a growing demand for recycled textile fibers driven by the sustainable policies of brands that should not be underestimated.

Thus, technologies play an important role in providing solutions to companies engaged in the new circularity supply chain: from sorting and selection of garments to preparation phases and recycling processes. During the event several speakers agreed that the experience and capabilities of the Italian textile and textile machinery sector should be fully leveraged at this crucial stage for the entire supply chain. As President Salvadè noted, “Textile machinery companies intend to increase R&D activities in this area, collaborating with their textile customers in the belief that the circular transformation of business models also represents an opportunity for technology suppliers to increase their competitiveness.”


ACIMIT – Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers

TradeBeyond: AI-Powered PO Line Risk Rating (c) TradeBeyond

TradeBeyond: AI-Powered PO Line Risk Rating

TradeBeyond, a provider of supply chain solutions, has announced its latest AI-powered innovation, its PO Line Risk Rating. This toolset revolutionizes quality management and risk assessment by leveraging artificial intelligence to analyze thousands of historical data points, providing businesses with accuracy and efficiency in managing their supply chain’s quality risks.

Part of TradeBeyond’s Pivot88 platform, its PO Line Risk Rating functionality uses advanced machine learning algorithms to continuously improve risk assessments for quality failures. By employing predictive analytics to evaluate multiple risk factors such as product type, materials used, country of origin and many others, the system assigns a percentage risk score to each purchase order line, indicating the likelihood of quality issues or delays. This allows businesses to proactively identify and address high-risk PO lines.

TradeBeyond, a provider of supply chain solutions, has announced its latest AI-powered innovation, its PO Line Risk Rating. This toolset revolutionizes quality management and risk assessment by leveraging artificial intelligence to analyze thousands of historical data points, providing businesses with accuracy and efficiency in managing their supply chain’s quality risks.

Part of TradeBeyond’s Pivot88 platform, its PO Line Risk Rating functionality uses advanced machine learning algorithms to continuously improve risk assessments for quality failures. By employing predictive analytics to evaluate multiple risk factors such as product type, materials used, country of origin and many others, the system assigns a percentage risk score to each purchase order line, indicating the likelihood of quality issues or delays. This allows businesses to proactively identify and address high-risk PO lines.

This functionality provides critical insights and reporting on the most significant risk factors affecting each PO line. Risk ratings are displayed as part of users’ existing workflows, enabling better planning and prioritization of inspections and audits. Customizable risk thresholds allow quality managers to set their own parameters for risk levels, ensuring that resources are allocated effectively and strategically.



Decathlon: Neuer Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2023 (c) DECATHLON Deutschland SE & Co. KG

Decathlon: Neuer Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2023

In seiner Nichtfinanziellen Erklärung 2023 (NFE bzw. “Non Financial Reporting Declaration”) stellt Decathlon sein Nachhaltigkeitsengagement vor, das eine der fünf strategischen Säulen des Unternehmens bildet. Das Ziel des Engagement besteht darin, die Auswirkungen seiner Geschäftstätigkeit auf Umwelt und Gesellschaft zu bewerten und zu verbessern. Damit stellt sich Decathlon den aktuellen Herausforderungen der nachhaltigen Entwicklung und verfolgt dabei seinen Unternehmenssinn “Move people through the wonders of sport”.

In vier Kapiteln, die alle unternehmerischen ESG-Themen (Environmental, Social, Governance) abdecken, bietet Decathlons Nichtfinanzielle Erklärung detaillierte Informationen über:

In seiner Nichtfinanziellen Erklärung 2023 (NFE bzw. “Non Financial Reporting Declaration”) stellt Decathlon sein Nachhaltigkeitsengagement vor, das eine der fünf strategischen Säulen des Unternehmens bildet. Das Ziel des Engagement besteht darin, die Auswirkungen seiner Geschäftstätigkeit auf Umwelt und Gesellschaft zu bewerten und zu verbessern. Damit stellt sich Decathlon den aktuellen Herausforderungen der nachhaltigen Entwicklung und verfolgt dabei seinen Unternehmenssinn “Move people through the wonders of sport”.

In vier Kapiteln, die alle unternehmerischen ESG-Themen (Environmental, Social, Governance) abdecken, bietet Decathlons Nichtfinanzielle Erklärung detaillierte Informationen über:

  • die Entwicklung des Markenportfolios
  • die neuen mittel- und langfristigen Dekarbonisierungspfade
  • das erste Ziel zur Reduzierung der Auswirkungen von Decathlon auf die Biodiversität
  • die Entwicklung von zirkulären Geschäftsmodellen (Second Use, Vermietung, Pflege und Reparatur)
  • ESG-Bewertung von Lieferanten für indirekte Einkäufe

Welche Ambitionen hinter dem Nachhaltigkeitsengagement des Unternehmens stecken, fasst Barbara Martin Coppola, CEO von Decathlon United, zusammen:
"Eine der größten Herausforderungen des gesellschaftlichen und unternehmerischen Wandels besteht darin, die planetaren Grenzen zu respektieren. Wir wollen, dass Decathlon eine führende Rolle bei der laufenden ökologischen Umstellung einnimmt und als inspirierendes Modell für eine nachhaltige Zukunft dienen kann. Im zweiten Jahr in Folge haben wir unsere absoluten CO2eq-Emissionen gesenkt (10 % weniger als 2022) und konnten gleichzeitig unseren Umsatz steigern. Wir steigern unsere Ambitionen weiter, indem wir neue mittel- und langfristige Ziele in den Scopes 1, 2 und 3 verfolgen."


DECATHLON Deutschland SE & Co. KG

Color Atlas by Archroma® with Mini Flex and Mini Palette editions Photo: Archroma

Color Atlas by Archroma® with Mini Flex and Mini Palette editions

Archromais introducing an innovative portable version of its Color Atlas by Archroma® color catalogue to help streamline textile and fashion industry workflows with convenient color comparison.

The Color Atlas by Archroma®, Mini Flex and Mini Palette editions are available as libraries of textile color swatches that set a new standard for efficient color selection and comparison while on the go, in the office, factory or in a work-from-home setting.

Color comparison is a fundamental part of the work of designers and their textile mill and brand partners. However, achieving the perfect color match or color harmony without convenient access to color library reference books has long been a challenge. Physical color libraries can be bulky and heavy with even compact editions of physical libraries are too big to fit into a backpack or shoulder bag. The new Color Atlas by Archroma® formats give designers a visual companion tool for digital color libraries may not be accurate due to the limitations of the user’s smartphone or tablet display.

Archromais introducing an innovative portable version of its Color Atlas by Archroma® color catalogue to help streamline textile and fashion industry workflows with convenient color comparison.

The Color Atlas by Archroma®, Mini Flex and Mini Palette editions are available as libraries of textile color swatches that set a new standard for efficient color selection and comparison while on the go, in the office, factory or in a work-from-home setting.

Color comparison is a fundamental part of the work of designers and their textile mill and brand partners. However, achieving the perfect color match or color harmony without convenient access to color library reference books has long been a challenge. Physical color libraries can be bulky and heavy with even compact editions of physical libraries are too big to fit into a backpack or shoulder bag. The new Color Atlas by Archroma® formats give designers a visual companion tool for digital color libraries may not be accurate due to the limitations of the user’s smartphone or tablet display.

The Color Atlas by Archroma® Mini Flex and Mini Palette editions overcome these challenges. Both formats are user friendly and travel-ready, with no mask required to isolate colors for selection and comparison.

  • The Mini Flex edition features textile color chips that allow users to quickly find and compare colors with their desired target color.
  • In the Mini Palette edition, individual color chips are inserted into slots in plastic palette sheets for ease of use and portability. Users can carry the pre-made palette sheet swatches or customize a palette sheet using chips from several swatches.

Both Color Atlas by Archroma® Mini Flex and Mini Palette formats contain 5,760 colors: 4,320 cotton colors and 1,440 polyester colors. Each of the colors are also available from Archroma as Engineered Color Standards that include achievability information on alternate fiber types, precise dyeing recipes formulated with products that comply with leading international eco-standards, digital data for recipe predictions, dye eco compliance information and access to expert technical support from Archroma around the world.




Coloreel Group AB files for bankruptcy

Coloreel Group AB, a pioneering Swedish technology company known for its instant thread dyeing technology, today announced that it has filed for bankruptcy. The decision comes after the company's inability to develop its business volume quickly enough and, related to this, secure the necessary financing.

Despite many in-depth discussions with financial investors and potential industrial partners to secure additional funding, Coloreel has been unable to overcome its financial hurdles.

Coloreel has aimed to transform the textile industry with unique coloring and design possibilities through a sustainable and efficient thread dyeing process. The company has over 90 customers in the global market, many of them well-known brands. Over 120 granted patents across 45 markets ensure robust protection of the innovative technology.

Coloreel Group AB, a pioneering Swedish technology company known for its instant thread dyeing technology, today announced that it has filed for bankruptcy. The decision comes after the company's inability to develop its business volume quickly enough and, related to this, secure the necessary financing.

Despite many in-depth discussions with financial investors and potential industrial partners to secure additional funding, Coloreel has been unable to overcome its financial hurdles.

Coloreel has aimed to transform the textile industry with unique coloring and design possibilities through a sustainable and efficient thread dyeing process. The company has over 90 customers in the global market, many of them well-known brands. Over 120 granted patents across 45 markets ensure robust protection of the innovative technology.

"It is with a heavy heart that we announce the filing for bankruptcy today. We have been working very hard to introduce a new technology and new ways of working on the global textile market. Despite relentless efforts to grow the business, minimize operational costs, and secure additional funding, the challenges are too great. The board and the management are incredibly proud of what our team has achieved, and we are grateful for the support we have received from our partners, customers, and investors”, states Anders Persson, Chairman of the Board, Coloreel Group AB.

The filing also applies for the daughter company Coloreel AB.



KARL MAYER North America: Successful Textiles Innovation Conference (c) KARL MAYER GROUP

KARL MAYER North America: Successful Textiles Innovation Conference

The 2nd Textiles Innovation Conference held by KARL MAYER North America proved to be a complete success. The trade event took place from June 25 to 27, 2024 at the headquarters of the KARL MAYER GROUP subsidiary in Greensboro, North Carolina. The conference boasted a turnout with over 200 attendees, exhibitors, and keynote speakers. While the majority hailed from many states across the USA, the event also attracted a global audience, including participants from Italy, Canada, Mexico, and other countries. The central theme: the importance of textiles made in the USA, their value and influence on global markets.

The 2nd Textiles Innovation Conference held by KARL MAYER North America proved to be a complete success. The trade event took place from June 25 to 27, 2024 at the headquarters of the KARL MAYER GROUP subsidiary in Greensboro, North Carolina. The conference boasted a turnout with over 200 attendees, exhibitors, and keynote speakers. While the majority hailed from many states across the USA, the event also attracted a global audience, including participants from Italy, Canada, Mexico, and other countries. The central theme: the importance of textiles made in the USA, their value and influence on global markets.

The conference brought together leading industry brands and academic institutions to delve into the future of product development and sustainability in textiles. KM.ON, Black Swan, Meta, and Supreme shared a convergence of ideas, challenges, and groundbreaking advancements shaping the textile landscape. NC State and Kent State universities highlighted their efforts in developing local talent and enhancing research capabilities to meet industry demand for regional supply chains. Manufacturing Solutions Center, Southern Textile Association, and AFFOA (Advanced Functional Fabrics of America) explored research capabilities and technology testing to foster funding opportunities and generate ideas for the future.

The recipe for success also included a lecture program. The conference kicked off with a keynote speech from New Balance, a brand that empowers people through sport and craftsmanship. New Balance MADE U.S., their premium collection manufactured domestically, reflects their commitment to quality and community impact. On day two Kenny Wilsey, Sourcing Director at Dillard’s, shared his expertise to ensure adherence to quality standards and social compliance requirements for private label brands. To complete the speaker series, Allison Hicks, Lead Knit Engineer at Under Armour, inspired attendees with her innovative approach to performance footwear, apparel, and accessories.

Important topics at the conference were sustainability and digitalization: Unifi showcased high-performance fibers made from recyclable materials and pre- or post-consumer waste management initiatives. KM.ON, the digital solution company of the KARL MAYER GROUP, displayed artificial intelligence applications for quality control, supply chain optimization, and predictive maintenance for warp knitting and knitwear production.

The Textile Innovation Conference program was rounded out by an exhibition of selected textile supply chain partners. These business partners supplemented the information about innovation presented in the lectures and performance demonstrations of the latest STOLL flat knitting and KARL MAYER warp knitting machines.


KARL MAYER Verwaltungsgesellschaft AG

(c) RadiciGroup

RadiciGroup: New traceability projects at Milano Unica

A navy blue nylon dress, providing elegance and comfort to the wearer while simultaneously highlighting the entire Made in Italy production chain: this is the new project RadiciGroup is presenting at Milano Unica, from July 9th to 11th at the Innovation Forum promoted by the TexClubTec section of Sistema Moda Italia.

The dress is the result of a traceability project led by RadiciGroup, involving different players in the textile sector: from the yarn producer to the fabric manufacturer to the final consumer.

A "tracer" has been inserted into the yarn, which is detectable through a scanner and allows to map the entire garment creation process - both physically and digitally - from the origin of the fibre to the item end of life. Through a QR code printed on the label, all the "stages" defining the outfit's journey can be seen, including the production of the fabric made by another company from Bergamo, Sitip. In this way, the final consumers can learn more about the production sites of what they wear, making more conscious purchasing choices.

A navy blue nylon dress, providing elegance and comfort to the wearer while simultaneously highlighting the entire Made in Italy production chain: this is the new project RadiciGroup is presenting at Milano Unica, from July 9th to 11th at the Innovation Forum promoted by the TexClubTec section of Sistema Moda Italia.

The dress is the result of a traceability project led by RadiciGroup, involving different players in the textile sector: from the yarn producer to the fabric manufacturer to the final consumer.

A "tracer" has been inserted into the yarn, which is detectable through a scanner and allows to map the entire garment creation process - both physically and digitally - from the origin of the fibre to the item end of life. Through a QR code printed on the label, all the "stages" defining the outfit's journey can be seen, including the production of the fabric made by another company from Bergamo, Sitip. In this way, the final consumers can learn more about the production sites of what they wear, making more conscious purchasing choices.

At the booth of another Italian textile company, Tessitura Vignetta, visitors will be able to touch several types of fabric made with the "traced" nylon produced by RadiciGroup.

This is another example of how important it is to work transparently and collaboratively in the textile supply chain. Through the traceability of textile products, the goal is to fight counterfeiting and enhance products made in Europe, in line with the principles of the Digital Product Passport under development at the European Union.



EURATEX: Launch of TCLF SkillBridge Project (c) EURATEX

EURATEX: Launch of TCLF SkillBridge Project

EURATEX together with COTANCE and CEC hosted the TCLF SkillBridge Stakeholder Event, an important step towards forming regional skills partnerships by bringing together various stakeholders from industry, education, and public sectors.

Co-financed by the European Commission, TCLF SkillBridge aims to establish and nurture regional partnerships between TCLF industries, regional authorities, and local universities and VET providers. The project will target up to 25 European regions with a strong concentration of textile, clothing, leather or footwear industries.  This regional focus will allow the development of specific action plans related to reskilling and upskilling, which meet the needs of each target region. The project will support the creation of such partnerships, facilitate community exchanges for knowledge sharing, and provide support to SMEs, enabling them to upskill and reskill their workforce in tune with the evolving demands of the industry.

EURATEX together with COTANCE and CEC hosted the TCLF SkillBridge Stakeholder Event, an important step towards forming regional skills partnerships by bringing together various stakeholders from industry, education, and public sectors.

Co-financed by the European Commission, TCLF SkillBridge aims to establish and nurture regional partnerships between TCLF industries, regional authorities, and local universities and VET providers. The project will target up to 25 European regions with a strong concentration of textile, clothing, leather or footwear industries.  This regional focus will allow the development of specific action plans related to reskilling and upskilling, which meet the needs of each target region. The project will support the creation of such partnerships, facilitate community exchanges for knowledge sharing, and provide support to SMEs, enabling them to upskill and reskill their workforce in tune with the evolving demands of the industry.

The TCLF SkillBridge project complements 2 other initiatives – AEQUALIS4TCLF and METASKILLS4TCLF – which have already been launched under the Erasmus+ Programme. As a result, the industry has now a coherent set of instruments across the EU to address the skills challenges.

During the event, stakeholders from the Emilia Romagna Region, ATEVAL, and Verband der Deutschen Lederindustrie e.V. gave insights in their experiences in skills collaborations in their regions. An interactive session then followed, where stakeholders discussed how to successfully establish such regional partnerships under the Pact for Skills.




Asahi Kasei presents fibrillation finishing technology and LCA study report

Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei presents its Velutine™ Evo brand, a finishing refinement technology developed by the Japanese laboratories of Asahi Kasei for Bemberg™. It offers a new way to generate fibrillation, featuring fabrics with a more “quiet-relaxed” appearance combined with a delicate and sensitive touch. VelutineTM Evo also brings environmental, global warming (CO2 emission) and water profiles for the benefit of BembergTM partners in the manufacture.

Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei presents its Velutine™ Evo brand, a finishing refinement technology developed by the Japanese laboratories of Asahi Kasei for Bemberg™. It offers a new way to generate fibrillation, featuring fabrics with a more “quiet-relaxed” appearance combined with a delicate and sensitive touch. VelutineTM Evo also brings environmental, global warming (CO2 emission) and water profiles for the benefit of BembergTM partners in the manufacture.

The roll out of the evolved VelutineTM Evo technology will start its journey and activation with Infinity, a BembergTM partner and textile manufacturer located in Rovereto, in the Trentino Alto Adige area of Italy. Research and experimentation with new materials and finishings are part of Infinity’s daily work and results are guaranteed through attention to traceability, the use of certifications, and quality control throughout the process. Each material is closely selected from a sustainability standpoint, while the chemical impact of treating textiles is something that they also take extremely seriously. Infinity guarantees the traceability of every product that they make. Every step of the working process can be traced, thanks to a network of trusted suppliers who share their ethos and values.

Asahi Kasei is also releasing the LCA study report - Life Cycle Assessment. The study evaluated and quantified the environmental impact indicators associated with the technological processes involved in the production of BembergTM dyed fabric through the application of the traditional technology of fibrillation. LCA report study made by Centro Tessile Serico Sostenibile confirms all the projected data savings:

  • Global Warming Potential: 30% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions
  • Water consumption for ennobling process: 40% reduction

Asahi Kasei / C.L.A.S.S. Eco Hub