From the Sector

1524 results

Innovationsnetzwerk für innovative Filtrationstechnologien in Planung

Um zukünftig abfallfreie Industrieprozesse realisieren und vollständig geschlossene Stoffkreisläufe schaffen zu können, bedarf es leistungsstarker und anwendungsspezifischer Separationsverfahren. Vor diesem Hintergrund plant die IWS Innovations- und Wissensstrategien GmbH für den Herbst 2022 ein Innovationsnetzwerk zum Thema "Abfallfreie Industrieprozesse durch innovative Filtrationstechnologien" und stellt die Entwicklung innovativer Filtrationstechnologien zur Rückgewinnung von Ressourcen aus Industrieprozessen in den Fokus.

Mit der aktiven Anbahnung von Partnerschaften und Projektideen innerhalb des Netzwerks sowie mithilfe einer umfangreichen Unterstützung bei der Beantragung von Fördermitteln sollen Unternehmen und Forschungsinstitution auf dem Weg zu erfolgreichen Kooperationsprojekten unterstützt werden.

Um zukünftig abfallfreie Industrieprozesse realisieren und vollständig geschlossene Stoffkreisläufe schaffen zu können, bedarf es leistungsstarker und anwendungsspezifischer Separationsverfahren. Vor diesem Hintergrund plant die IWS Innovations- und Wissensstrategien GmbH für den Herbst 2022 ein Innovationsnetzwerk zum Thema "Abfallfreie Industrieprozesse durch innovative Filtrationstechnologien" und stellt die Entwicklung innovativer Filtrationstechnologien zur Rückgewinnung von Ressourcen aus Industrieprozessen in den Fokus.

Mit der aktiven Anbahnung von Partnerschaften und Projektideen innerhalb des Netzwerks sowie mithilfe einer umfangreichen Unterstützung bei der Beantragung von Fördermitteln sollen Unternehmen und Forschungsinstitution auf dem Weg zu erfolgreichen Kooperationsprojekten unterstützt werden.

Um das Potential der Kreislaufwirtschaft zu nutzen, bringt das Innovationsnetzwerk zum Thema "Abfallfreie Industrieprozesse durch innovative Filtrationstechnologien" Kompetenzen aus den Umwelt- und Nanowissenschaften mit mittelständischen Herstellern und Dienstleistern aus den Zielbranchen Chemische Industrie, Abwasseraufbereitung und Umwelttechnik zusammen. Die stark interdisziplinäre Ausrichtung soll es den Akteuren ermöglichen, Synergiepotentiale zu nutzen und gemeinsam innovative Lösungen mit hohen Marktchancen umzusetzen.

Im Rahmen gemeinsamer Forschungs- und Entwicklungsvorhaben zwischen Unternehmen und Forschungseinrichtungen sollen innovative Filtrationstechnologien entwickelt und so mittelständischen Unternehmen den Zugang zu neuen und individuellen Lösungen für eine nachhaltige Verwendung von stofflichen Ressourcen in Industrieprozessen ermöglicht werden.

Das Netzwerk fokussiert sich dabei auf die folgenden Technologiebereiche:

  • Nachhaltige Filtermaterialien und -systeme (z.B. nanopartikuläre Adsorber, bionisch inspirierte Materialien, Biokohlefilter)
  • Leistungsstarke Trennverfahren und -prozesse (z.B. Batterierecycling, optimierte Klärverfahren für spezifische Verunreinigungen)
  • Digitalisierung und Integration von Trennverfahren (z.B. Integration von Sensorik und In-Line-Analytik zur Prozessüberwachung)

IWS Innovations- und Wissensstrategien GmbH

Bild: Bremer Baumwollbörse

Cotton Decoded: Status Quo Nachhaltigkeit

  • No Planet, no Fashion
  • Nachhaltigkeit braucht Transparenz
  • Ökobilanz: T-Shirts aus US-Baumwolle
  • Bekleidung aus Baumwoll-/Chemiefasermischungen im Waschprozess
  • Biologische Abbaubarkeit: Was passiert mit gefärbter Baumwolle?

Die Bremer Baumwollbörse und das Faserinstitut Bremen e.V. laden gemeinsam am 29. und 30. September zur 36. International Cotton Conference Bremen ein. Unter dem Motto „Cotton Decoded“ wird den Tagungsteilnehmern sowohl in Bremen vor Ort als auch online über eine Tagungsplattform ein spannendes Programm mit aktuellen Vorträgen und lebhaften Diskussionsrunden geboten.
Für immer mehr Unternehmen gehören glaubhaft definierte Nachhaltigkeitskriterien bei der Beschaffung zum festen Bestandteil ihrer Unternehmenspolitik. So liegt es nahe, dass sich die internationale Baumwolltagung umfassend mit diesen Themenkomplex beschäftigt: Wie weit sind wir auf unserem Weg, was haben wir erreicht? Wie transparent ist Baumwolle heute? Wie findet sich die Naturfaser in den Nachhaltigkeitszielen der Vereinten Nationen (SDGs) wieder?

  • No Planet, no Fashion
  • Nachhaltigkeit braucht Transparenz
  • Ökobilanz: T-Shirts aus US-Baumwolle
  • Bekleidung aus Baumwoll-/Chemiefasermischungen im Waschprozess
  • Biologische Abbaubarkeit: Was passiert mit gefärbter Baumwolle?

Die Bremer Baumwollbörse und das Faserinstitut Bremen e.V. laden gemeinsam am 29. und 30. September zur 36. International Cotton Conference Bremen ein. Unter dem Motto „Cotton Decoded“ wird den Tagungsteilnehmern sowohl in Bremen vor Ort als auch online über eine Tagungsplattform ein spannendes Programm mit aktuellen Vorträgen und lebhaften Diskussionsrunden geboten.
Für immer mehr Unternehmen gehören glaubhaft definierte Nachhaltigkeitskriterien bei der Beschaffung zum festen Bestandteil ihrer Unternehmenspolitik. So liegt es nahe, dass sich die internationale Baumwolltagung umfassend mit diesen Themenkomplex beschäftigt: Wie weit sind wir auf unserem Weg, was haben wir erreicht? Wie transparent ist Baumwolle heute? Wie findet sich die Naturfaser in den Nachhaltigkeitszielen der Vereinten Nationen (SDGs) wieder?

Am 29. und 30. September wird im Rahmen von zwei Sessions über Aspekte von Nachhaltigkeit aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln diskutiert:
No Planet, no Fashion
Für den international operierenden Modekonzern HUGO BOSS stehen Nachhaltigkeit und unternehmerisches Handeln in keiner Weise im Widerspruch zueinander. Sie sind unverzichtbar miteinander verzahnt. Andreas Streubig, Senior Vice President Global Corporate Responsibility & Public Affairs, wird in seinem Vortrag deutlich machen, wie HUGO BOSS Nachhaltigkeit als wesentliches Leitprinzip seiner als „CLAIM 5“ definierten technologiegesteuerten Wachstumsstrategie implementiert hat. Den fünf Claims ‚Boost Brands‘, Product is King‘, Lead in Digital‘, Rebalance Omnichannel‘ und ‚Organize for Growth‘ liegt ein ganzheitliches und handlungsanweisendes Nachhaltigkeitsverständnis zugrunde. In diesem Sinne ist Nachhaltigkeit ein Zeichen für die Zukunftsfähigkeit des Unternehmens, verbunden mit intensiven Transformations- und Innovationsprozessen. Um gemeinsam entscheidende Verbesserungen zu erreichen, engagiert sich HUGO BOSS in unterschiedlichen Initiativen wie ZDHC, UNFCCC, FLA und beim Textilbündnis.
Nachhaltigkeit braucht Transparenz
Dr. Gary Adams ist Präsident und CEO des US-amerikanischen National Cotton Council. Seine Organisation vertritt die US-Baumwollindustrie in ihrer gesamten Bandbreite, bestehend aus Landwirten, Genossenschaften, Entkörnungsunternehmen, Dienstleistern sowie dem Handel. Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte spielen dabei eine wesentliche Rolle. In seinem Vortrag bietet Gary Adams einen Überblick über die von seiner Organisation mitinitiierte Nachhaltigkeitsinitiative U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol.
Ein wichtiges Ziel des Protocols besteht darin, eine kontinuierliche, messbare Verbesserung bedeutender Nachhaltigkeitskennzahlen zu erreichen. Diese Daten werden völlig transparent an Marken und Einzelhändler zur Information der Endkonsumenten weitergegeben. In der Präsentation werden der Gesamtumfang und die Struktur der Initiative sowie ein Überblick über die aggregierten Nachhaltigkeitsdaten der teilnehmenden Erzeuger vorgestellt.
Ökobilanz: T-Shirts aus US-Baumwolle
Roger Gilmartin ist Fachberater für Großbritannien im technischen Team von Cotton Council International (CCI). Er berichtet über die Ergebnisse eines Forschungsprojektes, in dem es darum ging, eine Umweltbilanz für die Herstellung und Vermarktung von T-Shirts aufzustellen. Bisher veröffentlichte Ökobilanzen konzentrierten sich auf das Geschehen innerhalb der Landwirtschaft. Die von ihm vorgestellte aktuelle Studie schließt ergänzend dazu alle Prozesse mit ein, die in einer Textil- und Bekleidungsfabrik in Bangladesch ablaufen. Die Studie liefert fundierte Daten über den Beitrag der Fertigungsprozesse zur globalen Erwärmung, über die Gefahren einer Schädigung der Ozonschicht, zum Entstehungspotential von Sommersmog durch fotochemische Reaktionen, der Süßwasser-Ökotoxität, der Entstehung sauren Regens sowie der übermäßigen Anreicherung der Gewässer durch Rückstände z. B. ausgelöst durch übermäßigen Einsatz von Pestiziden oder Phosphor- und Stickstoffverbindungen.
Nachhaltigkeit: Der technische Blick
Bekleidung aus Baumwoll-/Chemiefasermischungen im Waschprozess

Im Zusammenhang mit Mikroplastik textiler Herkunft befasst sich die wissenschaftliche Forschung hauptsächlich mit Produkten aus reinen Chemiefasern. Doch Baumwolle ist eine der am häufigsten verwendeten Naturfasern für Kleidungsstücke. Hinzukommen viele Mischgewebe. Im Mittelpunkt des Vortrags von Dr. Claudia Heller, ehemalige wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft in Berlin, jetzt Bosch Siemens Hausgeräte BSH, stehen die Ergebnisse einer Waschstudie. Hierbei wurde ein Hemd und ein T-Shirt mit unterschiedlicher Materialzusammensetzung und Stoffkonstruktion nach einem bestimmten Standard haushaltsnah einem wiederholten Waschprozess ausgesetzt.
Die Ergebnisse zeigen die Veränderung der Fasereigenschaften durch Einfluss von Waschmittel, Schmutz und Kalk. Anhand der Analysemethode lässt sich zeigen, dass nur ein kleiner Teil der Filterrückstände bei der Kaskadenfiltration des Grauwassers der Waschmaschine Chemiefasern sind und welche Anteile an Baumwollfasern, Waschmittel und Schmutz im Haushaltswaschprozess vorkommen.
Biologische Abbaubarkeit: Was passiert mit gefärbter Baumwolle?
Die Verschmutzung der Umwelt durch Mikrofasern ist ein großes Problem mit vielen unkalkulierbaren Folgen. Fasern, die von Textilien abgeschieden werden, tragen zum Problem bei. In den letzten vier Jahren wurde viel unternommen, um den biologischen Abbau von Baumwollfasern in der natürlichen Umwelt zu untersuchen. Mary Ankeny, Vice President Product Development and Implementation bei Cotton Incorporated, USA informiert in ihrem Vortrag über die Ergebnisse der biologischen Abbaubarkeit von gefärbten und veredelten Baumwolltextilien in unterschiedlichen natürlichen Umgebungen. Insbesondere wurden die Abbauprodukte der Chemikalien untersucht, die verwendet werden, um Baumwollkleidung Farbe und spezielle Eigenschaften zu verleihen.


Indorama Ventures committed to Science Based Targets initiative

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL), a global sustainable chemical company, announced its commitment to science-based targets by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) to help drive its ambitious sustainability programs. The company will also participate in the SBTi Expert Advisory Group for the chemicals industry.

SBTi is a collaboration between CDP, the United Nations Global Compact, the World Resources Institute, and the World Wide Fund for Nature to help businesses set emissions reduction targets based on the most recent climate science. IVL has committed to science-based targets under its purpose of “Reimagining chemistry together to create a better world” which aims to reduce global warming in line with the 1.5°C Paris Climate Agreement.

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL), a global sustainable chemical company, announced its commitment to science-based targets by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) to help drive its ambitious sustainability programs. The company will also participate in the SBTi Expert Advisory Group for the chemicals industry.

SBTi is a collaboration between CDP, the United Nations Global Compact, the World Resources Institute, and the World Wide Fund for Nature to help businesses set emissions reduction targets based on the most recent climate science. IVL has committed to science-based targets under its purpose of “Reimagining chemistry together to create a better world” which aims to reduce global warming in line with the 1.5°C Paris Climate Agreement.

Under its Vision 2030 ambition, Indorama Ventures aims to build on its global industry leadership in sustainability, including by reducing GHG intensity by 30% and increasing renewable electricity consumption to 25%. Green projects are helping the company to achieve its operational efficiency targets, increase its use of renewable energy (especially renewable electricity – both onsite generation and offsite procurement through power purchase agreements), implement new decarbonization technologies including carbon capture, introduce bio-feedstock to its petrochemical value chain, and expand its PET recycling capability.

To meet its targets, IVL recognizes the importance of collaboration between the public and private sectors to decarbonize its operations through a variety of strategies. The established targets help its customers and suppliers to achieve their own sustainability goals, particularly their science-based targets.

Yash Lohia, Chairman of ESG Council at Indorama Ventures, said, "We are pleased to make our sustainability commitment more practical and measurable through science-based targets. We are dedicated to finding new technologies that can transform our operations and products towards net-zero. The efforts are not only for our sustainable business but also to support our customers and suppliers to achieve their own sustainability goals."




Neonyt ab 2023 Lizenzveranstaltung der Igedo Company

  • B2B-Format der Neonyt findet ab Januar 2023 2x jährlich in Düsseldorf parallel zu den Fashn Rooms statt
  • Messe Frankfurt plant internationalen Roll-out der Veranstaltung

Ab Januar 2023 wird die Neonyt als B2B-Event in Düsseldorf stattfinden. Weitere Satelliten im internationalen Kontext sind geplant. Den ersten Schritt macht die Messe Frankfurt in Deutschland gemeinsam mit der Igedo Company, die ab sofort die volle operative Planung und Umsetzung der Neonyt für den Standort Düsseldorf übernimmt.

Die Neonyt wird künftig als Lizenzveranstaltung parallel zu den FASHN ROOMS in Düsseldorf stattfinden. Das streng nachhaltige Sortiment der Neonyt findet neben den Fashn Rooms-Segmenten Agencies & Premium Brands (Showroom Concept), Avantgarde, Design & Contemporary sowie Accessoires und Shoes eine neue Heimat.

  • B2B-Format der Neonyt findet ab Januar 2023 2x jährlich in Düsseldorf parallel zu den Fashn Rooms statt
  • Messe Frankfurt plant internationalen Roll-out der Veranstaltung

Ab Januar 2023 wird die Neonyt als B2B-Event in Düsseldorf stattfinden. Weitere Satelliten im internationalen Kontext sind geplant. Den ersten Schritt macht die Messe Frankfurt in Deutschland gemeinsam mit der Igedo Company, die ab sofort die volle operative Planung und Umsetzung der Neonyt für den Standort Düsseldorf übernimmt.

Die Neonyt wird künftig als Lizenzveranstaltung parallel zu den FASHN ROOMS in Düsseldorf stattfinden. Das streng nachhaltige Sortiment der Neonyt findet neben den Fashn Rooms-Segmenten Agencies & Premium Brands (Showroom Concept), Avantgarde, Design & Contemporary sowie Accessoires und Shoes eine neue Heimat.

„Wir freuen uns sehr, die Igedo Company für eine Zusammenarbeit gewonnen zu haben“, sagt Olaf Schmidt. „Die Neonyt und ihre Cross Sector-Community sind in Düsseldorf in bester Gesellschaft und die Messelandschaft sowie die nachhaltige Textil- und Modeszene werden davon profitieren – hier treffen Know-how und Professionalität auf Innovationsgeist und Beständigkeit.“

„Natürlich sind auch wir hoch erfreut, dass wir den nächsten Entwicklungsschritt der Neonyt intensiv begleiten und unterstützen dürfen. Dies bedeutet gleichzeitig auch eine zusätzliche Stärkung des Modestandortes Düsseldorf und zeigt zudem auf, welche Wertschätzung die Igedo Company auch in ihrem 73-jährigen Bestehungsjahr in der Branche unbestritten genießt. Nun heißt es Ärmel hochkrempeln und mit aller Kraft gemeinsam die nächsten Ziele der Neonyt hier in Düsseldorf erreichen“, so Ulrike Kähler (Managing Director) und Philipp Kronen (Managing Partner) von der Igedo Company in ihrem gemeinsamen Statement zu dieser spannenden Entwicklung in der Modemessenlandschaft.

Frankfurt offen für weiteres D2C-Format „Neonyt Lab“
Der Erfolg, den Besucher*innen aus 22 Ländern, dem ersten Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) Event „Neonyt Lab“ im Juni 2022 bescheinigten, stimmt die Messe Frankfurt positiv für weitere solcher Veranstaltungen an ihrem Heimatstandort. Die Internationalisierung der Marke und die künftige B2B-Präsenz der Neonyt in Düsseldorf hätten keinesfalls ein ausbleibendes Engagement in Frankfurt zur Folge: Die Millionenmetropole am Main mit ihrer lokalen Mode- und Designwirtschaft und zahlreichen Kreativzentren und Sustainability-Movements eigne sich hervorragend, um dem Metathema Nachhaltigkeit einen kollektiven Schub zu verleihen und Endkonsument*innen direkt in den Fashion-Diskurs einzubinden, so die Messegesellschaft.

Das Konferenzformat Fashionsustain soll konzeptionell weiterentwickelt und internationalisiert werden. Nächster Termin für die Fashionsustain ist parallel zu den Fashn Rooms in Düsseldorf im Januar 2023. Die Messe Frankfurt plant weitere internationale Spin-offs der Konferenz. Die Fashionsustain fand in der Vergangenheit bereits mehrmals erfolgreich im Ausland statt: 2018 auf der Texworld Paris und im darauffolgenden Jahr eröffneten die Spin-offs der Konferenz in New York zur Texworld USA & Apparel Sourcing USA, in Los Angeles, parallel zum LA Fashion Festival, und in Shanghai, während der Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics die Nachhaltigkeitsdiskussion. Aktivitäten, die aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie ausgesetzt werden musste. Nun nimmt die Messe Frankfurt die internationalen Bestrebungen der Konferenz erneut auf.


Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH

(c) INDA

INDA Announces the 2022 RISE® Innovation Award Finalists

  • Innovations in Recycling and Sustainability: Sustainable Diaper Components, Natural Fibers, and Kitty Litter from Recycled Nappies

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, announced the three finalists that will present their innovative material science solutions as they compete for the prestigious RISE® Innovation Award during the 12th edition of the Research, Innovation & Science for Engineered Fabrics Conference (RISE®) to be held in person September 27-28, 2022 at North Carolina State University.  The award recognizes novel innovations within and on the periphery of the nonwovens industry that creatively use next-level science and engineering principles to solve material challenges and expand the usage of nonwovens and engineered fabrics.

  • Innovations in Recycling and Sustainability: Sustainable Diaper Components, Natural Fibers, and Kitty Litter from Recycled Nappies

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, announced the three finalists that will present their innovative material science solutions as they compete for the prestigious RISE® Innovation Award during the 12th edition of the Research, Innovation & Science for Engineered Fabrics Conference (RISE®) to be held in person September 27-28, 2022 at North Carolina State University.  The award recognizes novel innovations within and on the periphery of the nonwovens industry that creatively use next-level science and engineering principles to solve material challenges and expand the usage of nonwovens and engineered fabrics.

Finalists for the 2022 RISE® Innovation Award:
Cat Litter Made from Recycled Nappies – DiaperRecycle
DiaperRecycle has developed technology to recycle used diapers into cat litter. The aim of the company is to make an environmental impact and decrease the climate changing emissions of diaper waste. They’re diverting used diapers (used in households and businesses such as elder care) from landfill, separating the plastic and fiber and making cat litter. The plastic is prepared for recycling by plastics recyclers. The cat litter product is made by DiaperRecycle from the super absorbent fiber of diapers; it’s highly absorbent and flushable.

Biodegradable Diaper Components – Gottlieb Binder GmbH & Co. KG
Together, Avgol and Binder take on the challenge of disposable absorbent articles for the good of future generations and came up with sustainable diaper components. The technologies used are based on biotransformation technology, which makes it possible to achieve more sustainable products by supporting recycling and providing an alternative route for non-recyclable/fugitive waste management.

sero® hemp fibers – Bast Fibre Technologies, Inc.
Bast Fibre Technologies’ sero® hemp fibers offer the nonwoven industry an all-natural substitute for plastic fibers. From dedicated European- and US-based production facilities, BFT transforms raw bast fibers into premium natural fibers for applications ranging from single-use and durable wipes to industrial applications. Suitable for minority or majority blends, sero® hemp combines easily with standard nonwoven fibers to produce fabrics that meet the industry requirements for strength, uniformity, and processing efficiency.

RISE® conference attendees, technology scouts and product developers in the nonwoven/engineered fabrics industry seeking new developments to advance their businesses, will electronically vote for the recipient of the 2022 RISE® Innovation Award. The winner will be announced Wed., Sept. 28th.

Technical experts on INDA’s Technical Advisory Board selected three finalists from among 12 nominations.  The 22-member board of technical professionals is represented by companies such as Absorbent Hygiene Insights LLC, Attindas Hygiene Partners, Berry Global, Cotton Incorporated, Crown Abbey, LLC, The DAK Group, Fi-Tech, Inc. Freudenberg Performance Materials, Glatfelter Sontara Old Hickory, Inc., Lenzing Fibers, Inc., Natureworks LLC, Nice-Pak Products, Inc./PDI, Nonwovens by Design, Norafin (Americas) Inc., The Nonwovens Institute at North Carolina State University, Poccia Consulting, LLC, The Procter & Gamble Company, RKW North America, Inc., Rockline Industries, Smith, Johnson & Associates, Suominen Corporation, and Texas Tech University.

“The RISE Conference recognizes and promotes innovation across the nonwoven and engineered material industry. Technology leaders will share invaluable information on innovative new approaches and concepts to resolve material science challenges. For any technical leader, technology scout or new product innovator, RISE is an event not to be missed,” said Tony Fragnito, INDA’s President.

The conference program will cover relevant and timely topics including: Creating a Circular Industry, Advancements in Sustainable Inputs in PLA, Developments in Natural Fibers I and II, Sustainable Inputs in Fibers and Biofibers, Sustainable Inputs from Waste Products, and Economic Insights and Market Intelligence.

More information:


Beaulieu International Group

BIG at EuroGeo7 with geotextile fibres & woven fabrics

Beaulieu International Group invites EuroGeo7 attendees to discover geotextile solutions promoting greater sustainability for future civil engineering projects. Specialists from Beaulieu Fibres International (BFI) and Beaulieu Technical Textiles (BTT) will present high-performance geosynthetics through high tenacity fibres for lightweight, nonwoven geotextiles, and a range of high durability woven geotextile solutions with an environmentally beneficial impact.

Beaulieu International Group invites EuroGeo7 attendees to discover geotextile solutions promoting greater sustainability for future civil engineering projects. Specialists from Beaulieu Fibres International (BFI) and Beaulieu Technical Textiles (BTT) will present high-performance geosynthetics through high tenacity fibres for lightweight, nonwoven geotextiles, and a range of high durability woven geotextile solutions with an environmentally beneficial impact.

“We are delighted to sponsor EuroGeo7 and to be finally on-site, following a two-year postponement of the event. EuroGeo7 is bringing the geotextile community together to further promote and develop geosynthetics in a fast changing global economy striving for growth while reducing its carbon footprint along the supply chain, " comment from Jefrem Jennard, Sales Director Fibres, and Roy Kerckhove, Sales Director Technical Textiles. “Geotextiles provide highly versatile, durable and natural resource-saving alternatives in large infrastructure works, and offer durable protection in erosion control and waste/water management projects. We are continuously developing our fibres and finished engineering textiles with proven sustainability-enhancing benefits to progress product development and customer sustainability goals on fossil carbon reduction, while taking concrete steps to reduce our own environmental footprint.”
Sustainability improvement is key to the long-term strategy of Beaulieu International Group, and it is committed to supporting the geotextile industry by targeting and accelerating change and communicating the sustainable performance of its products. The UN Sustainable Development Goals are integrated into its business and are the foundations of the new Route 2030 Sustainability Roadmap.

For manufacturers of nonwoven geotextiles, BFI’s high-tenacity HT8 staple fibres enable customers to achieve nonwovens with high mechanical performance at reduced fibre weight. The HT8 high tenacity fibres are designed in a way that customers can meet the industry durability standards for a longer service lifetime, supporting more sustainable design and resource reduction over time. BTT’s woven geotextiles are amongst the most sustainable in the industry and provide a wide range of functions, including separation, filtration, reinforcement and erosion control.

BFI and BTT have conducted lifecycle assessments to calculate their activities' carbon footprint and solutions and have received external recognition for their ongoing sustainability efforts. For example, in 2022, BFI was awarded a Silver EcoVadis sustainability rating, and BFI and BTT are proud recipients of the Voka Charter for Sustainable Entrepreneurship 2022.


Beaulieu International Group


Lenzing: Transition to green electricity in Indonesia

  • Gradual transformation of production capacities to LENZING™ ECOVERO™ and VEOCEL™ branded specialty viscose

The Lenzing Group, provider of wood-based specialty fibers, is expanding its global clean electricity portfolio and transitioning its production site in Purwakarta to green electricity. The Indonesian subsidiary PT. South Pacific Viscose (SPV) has been using electricity generated solely from renewable sources since July this year, which will reduce its specific carbon emissions by 75,000 tonnes annually.

In 2019, Lenzing became the first fiber producer to set a target of halving its carbon emissions by 2030 and becoming climate neutral by 2050. This carbon reduction target has been recognized by the Science Based Targets Initiative. In Purwakarta, Lenzing is currently investing in the reduction of carbon emissions, as well as air and water emissions. Thanks to its EUR 100 million investment in this area, Lenzing is gradually transitioning its existing capacities for standard viscose to LENZING™ ECOVERO™ and VEOCEL™ branded specialty viscose.

  • Gradual transformation of production capacities to LENZING™ ECOVERO™ and VEOCEL™ branded specialty viscose

The Lenzing Group, provider of wood-based specialty fibers, is expanding its global clean electricity portfolio and transitioning its production site in Purwakarta to green electricity. The Indonesian subsidiary PT. South Pacific Viscose (SPV) has been using electricity generated solely from renewable sources since July this year, which will reduce its specific carbon emissions by 75,000 tonnes annually.

In 2019, Lenzing became the first fiber producer to set a target of halving its carbon emissions by 2030 and becoming climate neutral by 2050. This carbon reduction target has been recognized by the Science Based Targets Initiative. In Purwakarta, Lenzing is currently investing in the reduction of carbon emissions, as well as air and water emissions. Thanks to its EUR 100 million investment in this area, Lenzing is gradually transitioning its existing capacities for standard viscose to LENZING™ ECOVERO™ and VEOCEL™ branded specialty viscose.

“Demand for our wood-based, biodegradable specialty fibers is constantly rising. We see enormous growth potential, especially in Asia. The switch to green, renewable electricity marks a huge step forward in converting our Indonesian site into a specialty fiber supplier. This makes us better positioned to meet the growing demand for sustainably produced fibers,” comments Robert van de Kerkhof, Chief Commercial Officer for Fiber at Lenzing.

The company aims to generate more than 75 percent of its fiber revenue from the wood-based, biodegradable specialty fibers business under the TENCEL™, LENZING™ ECOVERO™ and VEOCEL™ brands by 2024. With the launch of the lyocell plant in Thailand in March 2022 and the investments in existing production sites in Indonesia and China, the share of specialty fibers in Lenzing’s fiber revenue is set to exceed the 75 percent target by a significant margin as early as 2023.


Lenzing AG

(c) Freudenberg Performance Materials

Freudenberg at Lineapelle with sustainable materials for leather goods

Freudenberg Performance Materials (Freudenberg) will be presenting Evolon® eco-friendly microfiber reinforcement material for leather goods that is manufactured in Europe with no solvent and no chemical binder at the Lineapelle international trade show for the leather industry. Another sustainability highlight is binder-free strobel material made from 100% recycled PET for the shoe industry. The company will also be showing a nonwoven crimping material that meets the increasing demands of manufacturers and consumers alike in the footwear market.

Evolon® contains 80% recycled PET. It is produced at Freudenberg’s facility in Colmar, France, where the manufacturing process is highly sustainable: it is certified to STeP by OEKO-TEX® and fully complies with the DETOX TO ZERO by OEKO-TEX® criteria. In addition, shorter transport routes help to secure supply chains for players in the European leather goods industry.

Freudenberg Performance Materials (Freudenberg) will be presenting Evolon® eco-friendly microfiber reinforcement material for leather goods that is manufactured in Europe with no solvent and no chemical binder at the Lineapelle international trade show for the leather industry. Another sustainability highlight is binder-free strobel material made from 100% recycled PET for the shoe industry. The company will also be showing a nonwoven crimping material that meets the increasing demands of manufacturers and consumers alike in the footwear market.

Evolon® contains 80% recycled PET. It is produced at Freudenberg’s facility in Colmar, France, where the manufacturing process is highly sustainable: it is certified to STeP by OEKO-TEX® and fully complies with the DETOX TO ZERO by OEKO-TEX® criteria. In addition, shorter transport routes help to secure supply chains for players in the European leather goods industry.

The binder-free strobel material is made from 100% recycled PET. It is GRS-certified for reliable traceability. The GRS certification recognizes the share of recycled materials in the strobel material. This allows customers to calculate the total amount of recycled material in shoes. Moreover, the mono-component material itself is fully recyclable. In terms of performance, the material is lightweight and also demonstrates a high tensile strength.

Made from nonwoven fabric, the innovative crimping material optimally combines high permanent moldability and shape retention with flexibility and suppleness. This crimping material enables manufacturers to reduce their production costs, while consumers benefit from increased comfort. Compared to conventional knitted fabric-based crimping materials, the nonwoven crimping material offers multi-directional stretching properties, improved fitting, greater design freedom and reduced weight.


Freudenberg Performance Materials

(c) Textile Exchange

The Ryan Young Climate+ Awards: Applications open by August 31

The second annual Ryan Young Climate+ Awards will take place this November 2022 at the annual Textile Exchange conference. Nominations are open until August 31, 2022.

The late Ryan Young, Textile Exchange COO from 2017-2020, is the inspiration behind Textile Exchange’s Climate+ Strategy, which is for the organization to serve as “a driving force for urgent climate action,” with a goal of 45% reduced CO2 emissions from textile fiber and material production by 2030. Ryan’s bold and courageous spirit defined what Textile Exchange and its members must do to tackle the climate crisis.

In honor of Ryan and his vision, TE will again be awarding Ryan Young Climate+ Awards to outstanding individuals and teams who show a clear commitment to the Climate+ vision along with other leadership traits.

Winners will be announced at the 2022 Textile Exchange Conference which will take place virtually and in person in Colorado Springs, U.S. from November 14-18, 2022.

The second annual Ryan Young Climate+ Awards will take place this November 2022 at the annual Textile Exchange conference. Nominations are open until August 31, 2022.

The late Ryan Young, Textile Exchange COO from 2017-2020, is the inspiration behind Textile Exchange’s Climate+ Strategy, which is for the organization to serve as “a driving force for urgent climate action,” with a goal of 45% reduced CO2 emissions from textile fiber and material production by 2030. Ryan’s bold and courageous spirit defined what Textile Exchange and its members must do to tackle the climate crisis.

In honor of Ryan and his vision, TE will again be awarding Ryan Young Climate+ Awards to outstanding individuals and teams who show a clear commitment to the Climate+ vision along with other leadership traits.

Winners will be announced at the 2022 Textile Exchange Conference which will take place virtually and in person in Colorado Springs, U.S. from November 14-18, 2022.

The 2022 award categories and criteriaare listed below:
Nominees may be brands, retailers, farmers and/or ranchers, and raw material suppliers.
Winners will receive one free full-access pass to attend the Conference (travel not included).

Three Ryan Young Climate+ Award Categories:

  1. Overall leadership – individual
  2. Overall leadership – team
  3. Rising star – individual with less than 5 years of industry experience

Award recipients will meet the following criteria:

  • Commitment to Climate+ – involved in accelerating Climate+ action in the apparel, textile, and footwear industry.
  • Collaboration – reflective of Ryan’s vision and determination to collaboratively move the industry forward.
  • Impact – driving innovative, scalable, transparent programs with measurable impact reduction and/or beneficial impacts on climate, water, soil health, and/or biodiversity at the raw materials level. Achievements/solutions are backed by trusted data and/or reporting.
  • Leadership and Inspiration – clearly demonstrating leadership and vision for industry climate solutions over the past year and beyond

Textile Exchange

Fashion Revolution


The world’s largest fashion brands and retailers must increase transparency to tackle the climate crisis and social inequality, according to the latest Fashion Transparency Index.

The seventh edition of the Fashion Transparency Index ranks 250 of the world’s largest fashion brands and retailers based on their public disclosure of human rights and environmental policies, practices, and impacts, across their operations and supply chains.

  • Brands achieved an average score of just 24%, with nearly a third of brands scoring less than 10%
  • The majority of brands (85%) do not disclose their annual production volumes despite mounting evidence of clothing waste around the world
  • Most major brands and retailers (96%) do not publish the number of workers in their supply chain paid a living wage

The Index reveals insights into the most pressing issues facing the fashion industry, like:

The world’s largest fashion brands and retailers must increase transparency to tackle the climate crisis and social inequality, according to the latest Fashion Transparency Index.

The seventh edition of the Fashion Transparency Index ranks 250 of the world’s largest fashion brands and retailers based on their public disclosure of human rights and environmental policies, practices, and impacts, across their operations and supply chains.

  • Brands achieved an average score of just 24%, with nearly a third of brands scoring less than 10%
  • The majority of brands (85%) do not disclose their annual production volumes despite mounting evidence of clothing waste around the world
  • Most major brands and retailers (96%) do not publish the number of workers in their supply chain paid a living wage

The Index reveals insights into the most pressing issues facing the fashion industry, like:

  • As new and proposed legislation focuses on greenwashing claims, almost half of major brands (45%) publish targets on sustainable materials yet only 37% provide information on what constitutes a sustainable material.
  • Only 24% of major brands disclose how they minimise the impacts of microfibres despite textiles being the largest source of microplastics in the ocean.
  • The vast majority of major brands and retailers (94%) do not disclose the number of workers in their supply chains who are paying recruitment fees. This paints an unclear picture of the risks of forced labour as workers may be getting into crippling debt to accept jobs paying poverty wages.
  • While many brands use their channels to talk about social justice, they need to go beyond lip service. Just 8% of brands publish their actions on racial and ethnic equality in their supply chains.

Despite these results, Fashion Revolution is encouraged by increasing supply chain transparency among many major brands, primarily with first-tier manufacturers where the final stage of production occurs, e.g. cutting, sewing, finishing and packing. Nine brands have disclosed their first-tier manufacturers for the first time this year. It is encouraging to see significant progress across market segments including luxury, sportswear, footwear and accessories and across different geographies.

Fashion Revolution’s co-founder and Global Operations Director Carry Somers says: “In 2016, only 5 out of 40 major brands (12.5%) disclosed their suppliers. Seven years later, 121 out of 250 major brands (48%) disclose their suppliers. This clearly demonstrates how the Index incentivises transparency but it also shows that brands really are listening to the millions of people around the world who keep asking them #WhoMadeMyClothes? Our power is in our persistence.”

More key findings from the Fashion Transparency Index 2022:

Progress on transparency in the global fashion industry is still too slow among 250 of the world’s largest fashion brands and retailers, with brands achieving an overall average score of just 24%, up 1% from last year
For another year, the initiative has seen major brands and retailers publicly disclose the most information about their policies, commitments and processes on human rights and environmental topics and significantly less about the results, outcomes and impacts of their efforts.

Most (85%) major brands still do not disclose their annual production volumes despite mounting evidence of overproduction and clothing waste
Thousands of tonnes of clothing waste are found globally. However, brands have disclosed more information about the circular solutions they are developing (28%) than on the actual volumes of pre- (10%) and post-production waste they produce (8%). Brands have sat by as waste importing countries foot the bill, resulting in serious human rights and environmental implications.

Just 11% of brands publish a responsible purchasing code of conduct indicating that most are still reluctant to disclose how their purchasing practices could be affecting suppliers and workers
Greater transparency on how brands interact with their suppliers ought to be a first step towards eliminating harmful practices and promoting fair purchasing practices. The poor performance on transparency in this vital area is a missed opportunity for brands to demonstrate they are serious about addressing the root causes of harmful working conditions, including the instances where they themselves are the key driver.

Despite the urgency of the climate crisis, less than a third of major brands disclose a decarbonisation target covering their entire supply chain which is verified by the Science-Based Targets Initiative
Many brands and retailers rely heavily on garment producing countries that are vulnerable to the impacts of the climate crisis, yet our research shows that only 29% of major brands and retailers publish a decarbonisation target covering their operations and supply chain which is verified by the Science Based Targets Initiative.

Only 11% of brands publish their supplier wastewater test results, despite the textile industry being a leading contributor to water pollution
The fashion industry is a major contributor to water pollution and one of the most water intensive industries on the planet. Only 11% of major brands publish their wastewater test result, and only 25% of brands disclose the process of conducting water-related risk assessments in their supply chain. Transparency on wastewater test results is key to ensuring that brands are held accountable for their potentially devastating impacts on local biodiversity, garment workers and their communities.

Most major brands and retailers (96%) do not publish the number of workers in their supply chain paid a living wage nor do they disclose if they isolate labour costs
Insufficient progress is being made by most brands towards ensuring that the workers in their supply chain are paid enough to cover their basic needs and put aside some discretionary income. Just 27% of brands disclose their approach to achieving living wages for supply chain workers and 96% do not publish the number of workers in their supply chain paid a living wage. In response, we have joined forces with allies across civil society to launch Good Clothes, Fair Pay. The campaign demands groundbreaking living wage legislation across the garment, textile and footwear sector.



Fashion Revolution


RISE® – Research, Innovation & Science for Engineered Fabrics Conference in September

  • Focus on Rethinking, Reusing and Recycling Nonwovens this September
  • Industry Experts Present Material Science Innovations & Sustainability

More than 20 industry experts will present their views on how material science innovations can create a more sustainable future for the nonwovens industry at the Research, Innovation & Science for Engineered Fabrics (RISE®) Conference, Sept. 27-28 in Raleigh, at North Carolina State University, co-organized by INDA and The Nonwovens Institute at North Carolina State University.

Starting with responsible sourcing of nonwoven inputs to developing realistic end-of-life options and circularity opportunities, RISE will focus on rethinking, reusing and recycling nonwovens and engineered materials at the Talley Student Union in Raleigh.    

Participants will learn what’s coming next with sessions on the following six themes: Towards a More Circular Industry; Advancement in Sustainable Inputs; Development in Natural Fibers; Sustainable Inputs: Fibers and Biofibers; Waste Not, Want Not, Sustainable Inputs from Waste Products; and Economic Insights and Market Intelligence.

  • Focus on Rethinking, Reusing and Recycling Nonwovens this September
  • Industry Experts Present Material Science Innovations & Sustainability

More than 20 industry experts will present their views on how material science innovations can create a more sustainable future for the nonwovens industry at the Research, Innovation & Science for Engineered Fabrics (RISE®) Conference, Sept. 27-28 in Raleigh, at North Carolina State University, co-organized by INDA and The Nonwovens Institute at North Carolina State University.

Starting with responsible sourcing of nonwoven inputs to developing realistic end-of-life options and circularity opportunities, RISE will focus on rethinking, reusing and recycling nonwovens and engineered materials at the Talley Student Union in Raleigh.    

Participants will learn what’s coming next with sessions on the following six themes: Towards a More Circular Industry; Advancement in Sustainable Inputs; Development in Natural Fibers; Sustainable Inputs: Fibers and Biofibers; Waste Not, Want Not, Sustainable Inputs from Waste Products; and Economic Insights and Market Intelligence.

The 12th edition of RISE® will bring together thought leaders in product development, materials science, and new technologies to connect and convene for the industry’s premier nonwovens science and technology conference.

Expert speakers will address the latest trends and innovations around circularity – an important component of sustainability strategies that aims to return a product into the supply chain, instead of the landfill, after users are done consuming it.

RISE® session highlights include:

  • The Global Plastic Crisis: Who Will Be the Winners/Losers in The Marketplace?
    Bryan Haynes, Ph.D., Senior Technical Director, Global Nonwovens, Kimberly-Clark Corporation
  • Sustainable Fibers – Developments and the Future
    Jason Locklin, Ph.D., Director, University of Georgia, New Materials Institute and David Grewell, Ph.D., Center Director, Center for Bioplastics and Biocomposites
  • Thinking Differently: In a Changing World What’s Next for NatureWorks and Polylactic Acid Polymers (PLA)
    Liz Johnson, Ph.D., Vice President of Technology, NatureWorks LLC
  • PLA and PLA Blends: Practical Aspects of Extrusion
    Behnam Pourdeyhimi, Ph.D., William A. Klopman Distinguished Professor and Executive Director, The Nonwovens Institute, North Carolina State University
  • Hemp is Strong – Are You?
    Olaf Isele, Strategic Product Development Director, Trace Femcare, Inc.
  • Exploring Natural Fibers in Nonwovens
    Paul Latten, Director of Research and Development & New Business, Southeast Nonwovens, Inc.
  • Potential Nonwoven Applications of Tree-Free Fibers Made from Microbial Cellulose –
    Heidi Beatty, Chief Executive Officer, Crown Abbey, LLC
  • Ultra Fine Fibers Made from Recycled Materials
    Takashi Owada, General Manager, Teijin Frontier (U.S.A.), Inc.

The event also will feature the presentation of the RISE® Innovation Award, a special opportunity to tour the Nonwovens Institute’s state-of-the-art facilities with advance registration required, and poster presentations by North Carolina State University graduate students.


INDA, Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry


CHT Group publishes Sustainability Report 2021

The focus is on personnel development, energy and water consumption as well as company-wide emissions and waste behavior. CHT highlights in this report the group-wide projects for climate protection as well as the sustainable products and solutions. The report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) based on the core option.

With the "Green Deal", the EU Commission is pursuing ambitious climate targets, in the implementation of which the CHT Group is actively involved as part of the VCI initiative "chemistry4climate".
The Group's goal is to become climate-neutral by 2045. To underpin this ambitious target, at the end of 2021 the CHT Group signed up to the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) to meet the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement and committed to the 1.5°C target.
For 2021, the first carbon footprint (Scope 1+2) was prepared for the CHT Group, which now serves as the basis for greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets.

The focus is on personnel development, energy and water consumption as well as company-wide emissions and waste behavior. CHT highlights in this report the group-wide projects for climate protection as well as the sustainable products and solutions. The report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) based on the core option.

With the "Green Deal", the EU Commission is pursuing ambitious climate targets, in the implementation of which the CHT Group is actively involved as part of the VCI initiative "chemistry4climate".
The Group's goal is to become climate-neutral by 2045. To underpin this ambitious target, at the end of 2021 the CHT Group signed up to the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) to meet the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement and committed to the 1.5°C target.
For 2021, the first carbon footprint (Scope 1+2) was prepared for the CHT Group, which now serves as the basis for greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets.

65% of the CHT Group's sales in 2021 were generated with sustainable products. For this, over 88% of the strategic raw material volume was sourced from suppliers classified as sustainable.

Moreover, interesting are the concepts and optimally matched auxiliaries with which energy and resource savings can be implemented for various textile application fields. They vividly and exemplarily demonstrate the efforts to achieve the company's own sustainable and strategic goals, which are derived from the United Nations Development Goals (SDGs).


CHT Group


Remei AG: Umsatzsteigerung mit Rohstoff und Garn

  • Geschäftsbericht 2021/22 vorgelegt

Remei hat im Geschäftsjahr 2021/22 einen Jahresgewinn von 462'721 CHF erzielt und bestätigt somit die positive Entwicklung der letzten beiden Jahre. Die solide finanzielle Struktur unseres Unternehmens wurde weiter gestärkt und bietet eine sehr gute Basis für die kommenden Jahre.

Eine Prämienzahlung von CHF 418'820 von der Remei an die Bio-Baumwoll-Kleinbauern wurde im Geschäftsjahr 2021/22 abermals verlässlich geleistet. Trotz der weiterhin schwierigen Situationen im Handel im zweiten Jahr der Pandemie haben wir unsere Fertigartikelumsätze stabilisieren können. Das Novum in der Höhe der globalen Baumwollpreise hat zu einer Umsatzsteigerung im Bereich Bio-Baumwollfasern und -garne beigetragen. Um der steigenden Nachfrage nach Bio-Baumwolle gerecht zu werden, konnte die Zusammenarbeit mit den tansanischen Bauern auf drei weitere Dörfer ausgeweitet werden, die in die In-Conversion-Produktion eingestiegen sind und von Remei bereits in der dreijährigen Umstellungsphase zum biologischen Anbau mit Know-how sowie mit Abnahmegarantie und Prämie unterstützt werden.

  • Geschäftsbericht 2021/22 vorgelegt

Remei hat im Geschäftsjahr 2021/22 einen Jahresgewinn von 462'721 CHF erzielt und bestätigt somit die positive Entwicklung der letzten beiden Jahre. Die solide finanzielle Struktur unseres Unternehmens wurde weiter gestärkt und bietet eine sehr gute Basis für die kommenden Jahre.

Eine Prämienzahlung von CHF 418'820 von der Remei an die Bio-Baumwoll-Kleinbauern wurde im Geschäftsjahr 2021/22 abermals verlässlich geleistet. Trotz der weiterhin schwierigen Situationen im Handel im zweiten Jahr der Pandemie haben wir unsere Fertigartikelumsätze stabilisieren können. Das Novum in der Höhe der globalen Baumwollpreise hat zu einer Umsatzsteigerung im Bereich Bio-Baumwollfasern und -garne beigetragen. Um der steigenden Nachfrage nach Bio-Baumwolle gerecht zu werden, konnte die Zusammenarbeit mit den tansanischen Bauern auf drei weitere Dörfer ausgeweitet werden, die in die In-Conversion-Produktion eingestiegen sind und von Remei bereits in der dreijährigen Umstellungsphase zum biologischen Anbau mit Know-how sowie mit Abnahmegarantie und Prämie unterstützt werden.

Die globale Verknappung von Bio-Baumwolle bleibt aktuell bestehen, die stark steigenden Rohstoffpreise begleiten uns auch im neuen Geschäftsjahr insbesondere im Aufkauf der Bio-Baumwolle und werden die Entwicklungen der Umsätze in den Bereichen Bio-Baumwolle, Garn und Fertigartikel weiter beeinflussen


More information:
Remei Remei AG Biobaumwolle

Remei AG

Foto: Unplash

High-tech center for cotton processing and fiber-to-fiber recycling being built in Africa

IFFAC (Impact Fund for African Creatives) has revealed plans which will revolutionise West African textile and garment production at one stroke. The fund is converting a partially disused textile mill in the region into a hi-tech centre for processing local cotton and recycling waste fabric, to produce both fabric for further processing and new clothes. The mill will be equipped with modern equipment, all sustainably powered by hydroelectricity from the nearby Volta Dam.

West Africa grows about 6% of the world’s cotton but only a tiny fraction of that crop is processed on the continent, the vast majority being shipped thousands of miles to Asia before being shipped back again as finished or part-finished fabrics. The mill project will end the continent’s reliance on such an unsustainable practice with all the obvious financial and environmental benefits.

IFFAC (Impact Fund for African Creatives) has revealed plans which will revolutionise West African textile and garment production at one stroke. The fund is converting a partially disused textile mill in the region into a hi-tech centre for processing local cotton and recycling waste fabric, to produce both fabric for further processing and new clothes. The mill will be equipped with modern equipment, all sustainably powered by hydroelectricity from the nearby Volta Dam.

West Africa grows about 6% of the world’s cotton but only a tiny fraction of that crop is processed on the continent, the vast majority being shipped thousands of miles to Asia before being shipped back again as finished or part-finished fabrics. The mill project will end the continent’s reliance on such an unsustainable practice with all the obvious financial and environmental benefits.

As well as producing fabric from sustainably grown virgin cotton, a joint venture with Shandong-based WOL Textiles Ltd., a privately owned plant that has long supplied the African market, the mill will be home to a state-of-the-art shredding and recycling facility, a joint venture between IFFAC and the Dutch Circularity B.V. CEO Han Hamers of Circularity B.V. in The Netherlands, has been involved in the production of 100% circular knit and woven articles.

The mill project is expected to create over a thousand jobs. The surrounding area already boasts a significant number of experienced textile workers ready to be retrained on the new equipment. While the majority of the products created will be sold within the region, all processes will confirm to new EU Supply Chain Law to allow for the possibility of export.  

Output is forecast at six million pieces of finished clothing and twenty-five million metres of spun and woven cloth per year. In total, thirty million US$ of investment will be made in the site with operations ready to begin next year (2023).

More information:
IFFAC Africa Recycling

Circularity Germany GmbH i.G.


Launch of international in-store collection program at Mustang

Today’s system of «take – make – waste» needs to change. New textiles are produced used and discarded instead of putting them to a second use. The production of new textiles requires natural resources that are limited, and the current system has a significant negative impact on our planet. The transition to a circular system, where garments are kept in use for longer, is an opportunity to harness untapped potential around customer loyalty, economic growth, and ecological sustainability.

To move away from the linear system and enable products to be made out of post-consumer textile waste, TEXAID continues to expand its offering for in-store collection programs throughout Europe and the USA.

TEXAID is partnering with Mustang to offer an in-store collection program. At scale and paired with TEXAID, in-store collection of used clothing enables conservation of resources because it allows items to be directly sorted for their next and most environmentally friendly lifecycle. This service can now be found in over 70 Mustang stores across Germany, Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, Czech Republic, France, Hungary, the Netherlands, and Poland.

Today’s system of «take – make – waste» needs to change. New textiles are produced used and discarded instead of putting them to a second use. The production of new textiles requires natural resources that are limited, and the current system has a significant negative impact on our planet. The transition to a circular system, where garments are kept in use for longer, is an opportunity to harness untapped potential around customer loyalty, economic growth, and ecological sustainability.

To move away from the linear system and enable products to be made out of post-consumer textile waste, TEXAID continues to expand its offering for in-store collection programs throughout Europe and the USA.

TEXAID is partnering with Mustang to offer an in-store collection program. At scale and paired with TEXAID, in-store collection of used clothing enables conservation of resources because it allows items to be directly sorted for their next and most environmentally friendly lifecycle. This service can now be found in over 70 Mustang stores across Germany, Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, Czech Republic, France, Hungary, the Netherlands, and Poland.

More information:
Texaid Mustang circularity



Weitblick nutzt retraced für Lieferkettentransparenz

Die Plattform für nachhaltiges Lieferkettenmanagement in der Modeindustrie retraced dient der Erfassung, Auswertung und Verwaltung von Daten der Lieferkette. Die Plattform vernetzt die an einer Bekleidungsherstellung beteiligten Parteien und sorgt für digitalisierte und effiziente Kommunikation. Dadurch können Unternehmen zusammenarbeiten, sich einen klaren Überblick über ihre Lieferketten verschaffen und Rohstoffe bis zu ihrem Ursprung zurückverfolgen. Risiken können antizipiert und ihre Lieferketten im Hinblick auf soziale und ökologische Aspekte optimiert werden. So können beispielsweise die gesetzlichen Vorgaben wie das deutsche Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz erfüllt werden.

Die Plattform für nachhaltiges Lieferkettenmanagement in der Modeindustrie retraced dient der Erfassung, Auswertung und Verwaltung von Daten der Lieferkette. Die Plattform vernetzt die an einer Bekleidungsherstellung beteiligten Parteien und sorgt für digitalisierte und effiziente Kommunikation. Dadurch können Unternehmen zusammenarbeiten, sich einen klaren Überblick über ihre Lieferketten verschaffen und Rohstoffe bis zu ihrem Ursprung zurückverfolgen. Risiken können antizipiert und ihre Lieferketten im Hinblick auf soziale und ökologische Aspekte optimiert werden. So können beispielsweise die gesetzlichen Vorgaben wie das deutsche Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz erfüllt werden.

Um sein Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement zielgerichtet zu stärken und für maximale Transparenz zu sorgen, hat sich der Workwear-Produzent Weitblick für die Zusammenarbeit mit retraced entschieden. Die Transparenztechnologie liefert auch in Bezug auf die Kundenkommunikation Weitblick wertvolle Details und Informationen, die positiven Einfluss auf die Kaufentscheidung nehmen können. Die Bereitschaft bei Weitblick, sich aktiv für die Erfüllung der ethischen Pflichten und Nachhaltigkeitsziele einzusetzen, besteht bereits seit langem und zeigt sich auch in zahlreichen Zertifizierungen und Mitgliedschaften wie beispielsweise dem Textilbündnis und dem Grünen Knopf.




Bluesign defines “sustainable attributes” for approved chemicals

By defining “sustainable attributes” for bluesign® APPROVED chemicals registered in the bluesign® FINDER, Bluesign is furthering its ability to provide more sustainable solutions by providing specified search functions to help chemical suppliers and the textile industry make better informed decisions. The bluesign® FINDER is a web-based, advanced search engine for manufacturers. It contains a positive list of preferred chemical products. Today more than 20,000 bluesign® APPROVED chemical products are registered in the bluesign® FINDER.

Bluesign® APPROVED chemical products meet the stringent bluesign® CRITERIA for chemical assessment. That means that the approved chemicals are produced following occupational health and safety (OH&S) practices with less environmental impact and excellent Product Stewardship following the principles of Input Stream Management and sustainable chemistry.

By defining “sustainable attributes” for bluesign® APPROVED chemicals registered in the bluesign® FINDER, Bluesign is furthering its ability to provide more sustainable solutions by providing specified search functions to help chemical suppliers and the textile industry make better informed decisions. The bluesign® FINDER is a web-based, advanced search engine for manufacturers. It contains a positive list of preferred chemical products. Today more than 20,000 bluesign® APPROVED chemical products are registered in the bluesign® FINDER.

Bluesign® APPROVED chemical products meet the stringent bluesign® CRITERIA for chemical assessment. That means that the approved chemicals are produced following occupational health and safety (OH&S) practices with less environmental impact and excellent Product Stewardship following the principles of Input Stream Management and sustainable chemistry.

In addition to the existing functions within the bluesign® FINDER, bluesign® SYSTEM PARTNER chemical suppliers can claim selected sustainability attributes for their bluesign® APPROVED chemical products that will be displayed within the bluesign® FINDER. Sustainability claims will be verified by Bluesign during on-site assessments and through chemical assessments. Requirements and data provisions will be laid out in the criteria: bluesign® CRITERIA for chemical assessment ANNEX: Sustainability attributes for bluesign® APPROVED chemical products.

The bluesign® FINDER will be amended with search functions starting this year with the below first priority attributes:

  1. Renewable feedstock (biomass* or bio-based)
    The sustainability attribute ‘Renewable feedstock (biomass or bio-based)’ is intended for use with any chemical product that contains at least 20% biomass content by weight in the form of biomass-derived carbon.
  2. Sustainably sourced renewable feedstock (biomass* or bio-based)
    The sustainability attribute ‘sustainably sourced renewable feedstock (biomass or bio-based)’ is intended for use with any chemical product that contains at least 20% biomass content by weight in the form of biomass-derived carbon. The biomass content shall originate from land that is certified sustainable.
  3. Recycled content
    The sustainability attribute ‘Recycled content’ is intended for use with any chemical product that contains at least 20% recycled content by weight. For the calculation of the recycled content only the dry content of the chemical product shall be regarded, excluding water.
More information:
bluesign chemicals Sustainability



Carbios joined WhiteCycle to process and recycle plastic textile waste

  • An innovative European project to process and recycle plastic textile waste
  • A partnership to reach the objectives set by the European Union in reducing CO2 emissions by 2030
  • A unique consortium rallying 16 public and private European organizations working together for more circular economy

Carbios joined WhiteCycle, a project coordinated by Michelin, which was launched in July 2022. Its main goal is to develop a circular solution to convert complex[1] waste containing textile made of plastic into products with high added value. Co-funded by Horizon Europe, the European Union’s research and innovation program, this unprecedented public/private European partnership includes 16 organizations and will run for four years.

  • An innovative European project to process and recycle plastic textile waste
  • A partnership to reach the objectives set by the European Union in reducing CO2 emissions by 2030
  • A unique consortium rallying 16 public and private European organizations working together for more circular economy

Carbios joined WhiteCycle, a project coordinated by Michelin, which was launched in July 2022. Its main goal is to develop a circular solution to convert complex[1] waste containing textile made of plastic into products with high added value. Co-funded by Horizon Europe, the European Union’s research and innovation program, this unprecedented public/private European partnership includes 16 organizations and will run for four years.
WhiteCycle envisions that by 2030 the uptake and deployment of its circular solution will lead to the annual recycling of more than 2 million tons of the third most widely used plastic in the world, PET[2]. This project should prevent landfilling or incineration of more than 1.8 million tons of that plastic each year. Also, it should enable reduction of CO2 emissions by around 2 million tons.
Complex waste containing textile (PET) from end-of-life tyres, hoses and multilayer clothes are currently difficult to recycle, but could soon become recyclable thanks to the project outcomes. Raw material from PET plastic waste could go back into creation of high-performance products, through a circular and viable value chain.
Public and private European organizations are combining their scientific and industrial expertises:

  • industrial partners (Michelin, Mandals, KORDSA);
  • cross-sector partnership (Inditex)
  • waste management companies (Synergies TLC, ESTATO);
  • intelligent monitoring systems for sorting (IRIS);
  • biological recycling SME (Carbios);
  • product life cycle analysis company (IPOINT);
  • university, expert in FAIR data management (HVL);
  • universities, research and technology organizations (PPRIME – Université de Poitiers/CNRS, DITF, IFTH, ERASME);
  • industry cluster (Axelera);
  • project management consulting company (Dynergie).

The consortium will develop new processes required throughout the industrial value chain:

  • Innovative sorting technologies, to enable significant increase of the PET plastic content of complex waste streams in order to better process them;
  • A pre-treatment for recuperated PET plastic content, followed by a breakthrough recycling enzyme-based process to decompose it into pure monomers in a sustainable way;
  • Repolymerization of the recycled monomers into like new plastic;
  • Fabrication and quality verification of the new products made of recycled plastic materials

WhiteCycle has a global budget of nearly 9.6 million euros and receives European funding in the amount of nearly 7.1 million euros. The consortium’s partners are based in five countries (France, Spain, Germany, Norway and Turkey). Coordinated by Michelin, it has an effective governance system involving a steering committee, an advisory board and a technical support committee.

[1] Complex waste: multi materials waste (Rubber goods composites and multi-layer textile)
[2] PET: Polyethylene terephthalate




Sustainable Developments in Absorbent Hygiene & Personal Care at Hygienix™

  • INDA Announces Full Program and Opens Registration for Premier Event in New Orleans

With reusable and recyclable products and new inputs offering growth opportunities in absorbent hygiene and personal care products, Hygienix™ will provide an insightful view into the market’s future this November in New Orleans.

Industry participants from around the world and throughout the supply chain will convene and connect for the eighth edition of the premier event for the fast-growing segment on November 14-17, at The Roosevelt New Orleans Hotel.

The in-person conference will highlight the segment’s continued growth and new opportunities with presentations by more than 20 industry experts on sustainable inputs, natural fibers, product transparency, reusable menstrual products, recyclable diapers and more as well as the latest market forecasts and insights into consumer buying trends.

  • INDA Announces Full Program and Opens Registration for Premier Event in New Orleans

With reusable and recyclable products and new inputs offering growth opportunities in absorbent hygiene and personal care products, Hygienix™ will provide an insightful view into the market’s future this November in New Orleans.

Industry participants from around the world and throughout the supply chain will convene and connect for the eighth edition of the premier event for the fast-growing segment on November 14-17, at The Roosevelt New Orleans Hotel.

The in-person conference will highlight the segment’s continued growth and new opportunities with presentations by more than 20 industry experts on sustainable inputs, natural fibers, product transparency, reusable menstrual products, recyclable diapers and more as well as the latest market forecasts and insights into consumer buying trends.

Hygienix also will offer two specialized workshops, and a myriad of business connection opportunities including a welcome reception on Nov. 14 and a first-time attendee mentorship program.
Participants will discover innovative products in absorbent hygiene and personal care at tabletop exhibits with evening receptions on Nov. 15-16, providing opportunities for 60 companies to showcase their unique offerings.

Three finalists will each present their innovative and technically sophisticated disposable absorbent hygiene products as they vie for the prestigious Hygienix Innovation Award™. Nominations are open until August 29. Demonstrating the interest in sustainability, last year’s award recipient was Kudos Diaper Subscription featuring its 100% cotton disposable diaper.

Hygienix Highlights
Absorbent hygiene – the single largest nonwoven end‐use category (by square meters) – is expected to continue its strong growth over the next four years, creating market opportunities in this thriving area driven by growing consumer interest for environmentally-friendly options in material inputs and end-of-life options.

Participants will hear the latest data and forecasts from analysts during presentations by Robert Fry, Jr., Ph.D., Principal of Robert Fry Economics LLC on the Global Economy – What we Can Expect in 2023; Pricie Hanna, Managing Partner, and Colin Hanna, Director of Market Research, Price Hanna Consultants on Disposables versus Reusables; and Simon Preisler, Vice President of Logistics, Central National Gottesman delivering a Logistic Market Update.

A panel of entrepreneurs will discuss the challenges, biases and taboos to bringing innovations into the marketplace. Experts sharing their insights will be Mia Abbruzzese and Alexandra Fennell, co-founders of Grace; Amrita Saigal, founder and CEO, Kudos; and Cindy Santa Cruz, President of ParaPatch.

A session on Next-Generation Menstrual Products and their Users will feature Liying Qian, Research Analyst, Euromonitor International providing market data on disposable and reusable period products; Frantisek Riha-Scott, Founder, Confitex discussing reusable products; and Greta Meyer, Co-Founder and CEO, Sequel on Reengineering the Tampon.
Also focusing on period products will be a presentation by Danielle Keiser, Managing Director, Impact, Madami on Changing the Conversation with Consumersmoderated by Heidi Beatty, Chief Executive Officer, Crown Abbey, LLC.

Other intriguing not-to-be-missed presentations centered on sustainability trends include:

  • Assessing Sustainable Fiber Options in the Context of Disposable Hygienic Products – Richard Knowlson, Principal, RPK Consulting LLC
  • Five Generations of Hygiene + Sustainability – Matt Schiering, Professor of Marketing, Dominican University
  • Recycling Approaches for Disposable Diaper Waste – Jeannine Cardin, Quality and R&D, RecycPHP Inc.

Hygienix will provide additional focused learning opportunities with two essential short courses (with separation registration fees) on Nov. 14 focused on Absorption Systems for Absorbent Hygiene Products, from 1 to 3:30 p.m. and Global Diaper Trends from 3:45 to 6 p.m.

More information:
Hygienix INDA



17. Chemnitzer Textiltechnik-Tagung (CTT) am 28. + 29. September

Unter dem Motto „Textiltechnik als Schlüsseltechnologie der Zukunft“ informieren sich Maschinenproduzenten, Anwender, Textilfachleute und Forschende über neueste Entwicklungen in den Themenbereichen:

  • Ressourceneffiziente und nachhaltige Prozesse
  • Textiltechnologien für den Leichtbau
  • Digitalisierung in der textilen Produktion
  • Additive Fertigung mit Fasern und Textilien

Das Format bietet neben klassischen Vorträgen im Plenarteil und vier Themenkomplexen auch Pitches sowie studentische und wissenschaftliche Projektvorstellungen bzw. Exponate-Präsentationen.

Im Plenarteil der Veranstaltung werden der europäische GFK-Markt vorgestellt und die Bedeutung des Mittelstandes für die deutsche Volkswirtschaft näher beleuchtet.

Ausgewählte technologische Highlights der Fachvorträge in diesem Jahr sind neuartige Verfahren zum 3D-Druck, innovative Carbon-Textilien für die Betonarmierung sowie neue Digitalisierungsstrategien für den Maschinenbau und die Textilindustrie.

Kooperationspartner der diesjährigen Veranstaltung sind das tschechische Generalkonsulat und tschechische Branchenverbände.

Unter dem Motto „Textiltechnik als Schlüsseltechnologie der Zukunft“ informieren sich Maschinenproduzenten, Anwender, Textilfachleute und Forschende über neueste Entwicklungen in den Themenbereichen:

  • Ressourceneffiziente und nachhaltige Prozesse
  • Textiltechnologien für den Leichtbau
  • Digitalisierung in der textilen Produktion
  • Additive Fertigung mit Fasern und Textilien

Das Format bietet neben klassischen Vorträgen im Plenarteil und vier Themenkomplexen auch Pitches sowie studentische und wissenschaftliche Projektvorstellungen bzw. Exponate-Präsentationen.

Im Plenarteil der Veranstaltung werden der europäische GFK-Markt vorgestellt und die Bedeutung des Mittelstandes für die deutsche Volkswirtschaft näher beleuchtet.

Ausgewählte technologische Highlights der Fachvorträge in diesem Jahr sind neuartige Verfahren zum 3D-Druck, innovative Carbon-Textilien für die Betonarmierung sowie neue Digitalisierungsstrategien für den Maschinenbau und die Textilindustrie.

Kooperationspartner der diesjährigen Veranstaltung sind das tschechische Generalkonsulat und tschechische Branchenverbände.


Förderverein Cetex Chemnitzer Textilmaschinenentwicklung e.V.