From the Sector

370 results
(c) ChemSec, report Not Quite 100%

ChemSec' Study: Consumer brands demand clarity on recycled plastics

A new interview study from NGO ChemSec shows that there is a gap between supply and demand when it comes to recycled materials, causing confusion and bottlenecks. Among other things, suppliers go out of their way using elaborate trade schemes to reach the coveted ”100% recycled” tag, which – it turns out – is not that important to consumer product brands. Far more crucial aspects, according to several major B2C companies, are:

  • Honest communication towards customers
  • Comprehensive information from suppliers
  • Clear standards for recycled material

These are some of the conclusions from NGO ChemSec’s survey and interview study with 26 highly well-known consumer product brands. All brands responded to a survey concerning their current plastic use, as well as their needs, expectations and challenges regarding using more recycled material, to enable the shift to a circular economy for plastics.

Ten of the brands then participated in in-depth interviews on the same topics:, Essity, H&M, IKEA, Inditex , Lego, Mars,  SC Johnson, Tarkett, Unilever and Walgreens Boots Alliance.

A new interview study from NGO ChemSec shows that there is a gap between supply and demand when it comes to recycled materials, causing confusion and bottlenecks. Among other things, suppliers go out of their way using elaborate trade schemes to reach the coveted ”100% recycled” tag, which – it turns out – is not that important to consumer product brands. Far more crucial aspects, according to several major B2C companies, are:

  • Honest communication towards customers
  • Comprehensive information from suppliers
  • Clear standards for recycled material

These are some of the conclusions from NGO ChemSec’s survey and interview study with 26 highly well-known consumer product brands. All brands responded to a survey concerning their current plastic use, as well as their needs, expectations and challenges regarding using more recycled material, to enable the shift to a circular economy for plastics.

Ten of the brands then participated in in-depth interviews on the same topics:, Essity, H&M, IKEA, Inditex , Lego, Mars,  SC Johnson, Tarkett, Unilever and Walgreens Boots Alliance.

Is non-mechanical recycling the answer?
Only about ten percent of all discarded plastics is recycled today, which is of course not nearly enough to achieve a circular plastics economy. Despite ambitions and initiatives to reduce plastics use – replacing the materials with other, more sustainable ones – the “plastic tap” is not expected to be turned off anytime soon. Quite the opposite, which makes raising the recycling rates more important than ever.

Although commercially viable, traditional (mechanical) recycling is afflicted with severe flaws, such as legacy chemicals, quality and functionality issues, as well as the lack of clean and sorted waste streams. The brands cited quality and functionality issues as the main obstacles for using more recycled material in their products.

This opens up for non-mechanical recycling, sometimes referred to as chemical recycling, where the plastic is either dissolved or broken down into smaller building blocks. Harmful additives and other hazardous chemicals can be removed in the process, and a material comparable to virgin plastic can be achieved – at least in theory.

So far, however, non-mechanical recycling technologies are costly, energy-intensive, and often require the addition of a great deal of virgin plastic to work – the very material that needs to be phased out.

The chain of custody models needs to be detangled
Apart from these production issues, there is a wide range of chain of custody models surrounding non-mechanical recycling, including mass balance and book & claim, which enable trade of credits or certificates for recycled material.

This cuts the physical connection between input and output, making it possible for a supplier to sell a material as “100% recycled”, when the actual recycled content could be zero.

This is a major issue for the brands ChemSec has spoken to, who value honest and correct communication towards customers. It turns out, perhaps somewhat surprisingly, that being able to slap a “made from 100% recycled plastic” label on a product is not all that important to brands.

To the brands, a physical connection between input (the discarded plastic waste headed for recycling) and output (the product at least partially made from recycled plastics) is far more important.

A physical connection, along with correct and adequate information from suppliers, as well as clearer standards and guidelines than what is available today, is what brands require to increase the use of recycled material and move us closer to a circular economy for plastics.

More information:
ChemSec plastics Recycling


(c) Sappi Europe

Sappi's Blue Couch Series: “Packvertising” as an effective marketing strategy

Packaging not only protects the product, it is also a powerful marketing and advertising tool that influences customers’ purchasing decisions. In the upcoming episode of Sappi’s Blue Couch series, viewers will find out what is meant by “packvertising” and how brand manufacturers can best showcase their products at the point of sale.

  • “Packvertising and the power of brand at the point of sale”
  • Lars Scheidweiler, Head of Packaging Solutions at Sappi, and Olaf Hartmann, Managing Director of the Multisense Institute for Sensory Marketing
  • Tuesday, 26 April at 10:00 (CET)

The way people make purchase decisions in the face of overwhelming choice is very complex. Subconsciously, the brain is constantly at work making judgements about sensory signals such as touch, smell and sound. To attract customer attention, manufacturers should not only pay attention to functionality when selecting packaging material, but also never lose sight of the tactile experience.

Packaging not only protects the product, it is also a powerful marketing and advertising tool that influences customers’ purchasing decisions. In the upcoming episode of Sappi’s Blue Couch series, viewers will find out what is meant by “packvertising” and how brand manufacturers can best showcase their products at the point of sale.

  • “Packvertising and the power of brand at the point of sale”
  • Lars Scheidweiler, Head of Packaging Solutions at Sappi, and Olaf Hartmann, Managing Director of the Multisense Institute for Sensory Marketing
  • Tuesday, 26 April at 10:00 (CET)

The way people make purchase decisions in the face of overwhelming choice is very complex. Subconsciously, the brain is constantly at work making judgements about sensory signals such as touch, smell and sound. To attract customer attention, manufacturers should not only pay attention to functionality when selecting packaging material, but also never lose sight of the tactile experience.

So how do brand manufacturers go about selecting the right packaging material? How can packaging trigger emotions with consumers? And what role does environmental awareness play here? Lars Scheidweiler, Head of Packaging Solutions at Sappi, and Olaf Hartmann, Managing Director of the Multisense Institute for Sensory Marketing, will discuss this in the upcoming episode of the Blue Couch Series. Among other things, Hartmann will report on an interesting experiment that illustrates the impact various surface structures have on consumer behaviour.
The “Packvertising and the power of brand at the point of sale” episode will be broadcast on 26 April.


Sappi Europe / Ruess Group

(c) AUMA

Aktion der Messewirtschaft: MesseMonatMai

  • 150 der kommenden 250 Messen finden zwischen Mai und September statt
  • Verbands-Chef Harting: Wir erwarten Konzepte der Politik fürs Winterhalbjahr

Die deutsche Messewirtschaft macht den Mai zum Messemonat, um auf die angespannte Lage der Branche durch die Corona-Pandemie hinzuweisen. 31 Aktionstage sollen auf den beginnenden heißen Messesommer aufmerksam machen, den es so noch nicht gegeben hat. Erstmalig findet mehr als die Hälfte der noch gut 250 Messen 2022 im Sommer statt. Grund dafür ist der Nachholbedarf nach Verboten, Absagen und Verschiebungen von Messen in den vergangenen beiden Jahren. Üblicherweise findet der Großteil der Messen im Winterhalbjahr statt. Allein der Mai wird nun mit rund 50 Messen ein sehr starker Monat werden. Mehr als die Hälfte sind international geprägt, etliche davon Leitmessen der Weltwirtschaft – typisch für das Messeland Deutschland.

Von gut 150 geplanten Messen konnten im ersten Quartal 2022 nur knapp 20 durchgeführt werden - dies fast ausschließlich im März. Im April finden immer noch nur die Hälfte der rund 50 geplanten Messen statt.

  • 150 der kommenden 250 Messen finden zwischen Mai und September statt
  • Verbands-Chef Harting: Wir erwarten Konzepte der Politik fürs Winterhalbjahr

Die deutsche Messewirtschaft macht den Mai zum Messemonat, um auf die angespannte Lage der Branche durch die Corona-Pandemie hinzuweisen. 31 Aktionstage sollen auf den beginnenden heißen Messesommer aufmerksam machen, den es so noch nicht gegeben hat. Erstmalig findet mehr als die Hälfte der noch gut 250 Messen 2022 im Sommer statt. Grund dafür ist der Nachholbedarf nach Verboten, Absagen und Verschiebungen von Messen in den vergangenen beiden Jahren. Üblicherweise findet der Großteil der Messen im Winterhalbjahr statt. Allein der Mai wird nun mit rund 50 Messen ein sehr starker Monat werden. Mehr als die Hälfte sind international geprägt, etliche davon Leitmessen der Weltwirtschaft – typisch für das Messeland Deutschland.

Von gut 150 geplanten Messen konnten im ersten Quartal 2022 nur knapp 20 durchgeführt werden - dies fast ausschließlich im März. Im April finden immer noch nur die Hälfte der rund 50 geplanten Messen statt.

Im MesseMonatMai sind deutschlandweit Aktionen an den Messeplätzen geplant, die über den Standort und die eigene Veranstaltung hinausreichen. Damit soll gezeigt werden, welch weitreichende Bedeutung die deutsche Messewirtschaft für die gesamte Volkswirtschaft hat. Während der kommenden 31 Tage wird ein Staffelstab von Messeakteuren an Messeakteure weitergereicht, um die Branche in ihrer Vielfalt sichtbar zu machen. Am Ende des Messemonats Mai steht der weltweite Messetag Global Exhibition Day am 1. Juni. Während an den meisten Messeplätzen der Welt der Betrieb schon länger laufen kann, wird die deutsche Messewirtschaft sich dann erst kraftvoll zurückmelden können.

More information:
messewirtschaft AUMA


EDUARD DRESSLER eröffnet drei neu gestaltete Shop-in-Shops bei Peek & Cloppenburg in Wien und Frankfurt. (c) P&C

Peek & Cloppenburg präsentiert EDUARD DRESSLER

EDUARD DRESSLER eröffnet drei neu gestaltete Shop-in-Shops bei Peek & Cloppenburg in Wien und Frankfurt.

Die exklusive Herrenmodemarke EDUARD DRESSLER weitet die konzeptionelle Neuausrichtung ihrer Shop-in-Shop-Flächen auf drei weitere Standorte aus: Mitte April findet die Eröffnung der neuen Flächen bei Peek & Cloppenburg auf der Frankfurter Zeil sowie in den Wiener Filialen Kärntnerstraße und Mariahilferstraße statt.

Auf den neu gestalteten Flächen zeigt EDUARD DRESSLER die komplette Produktrange von Anzügen, Sakkos, Chinos sowie Strick und Wirk bis hin zu Jacken und Mänteln. Auch die saisonalen  Kollektionsthemen werden im Rahmen des neuen Shop-in-Shop-Konzepts attraktiv in Szene gesetzt. Für Frühjahr/Sommer 2022 steht das Thema „Come Together“ und die sommerliche Unbeschwertheit in Materialien, Schnitten und Farben im Mittelpunkt.

EDUARD DRESSLER eröffnet drei neu gestaltete Shop-in-Shops bei Peek & Cloppenburg in Wien und Frankfurt.

Die exklusive Herrenmodemarke EDUARD DRESSLER weitet die konzeptionelle Neuausrichtung ihrer Shop-in-Shop-Flächen auf drei weitere Standorte aus: Mitte April findet die Eröffnung der neuen Flächen bei Peek & Cloppenburg auf der Frankfurter Zeil sowie in den Wiener Filialen Kärntnerstraße und Mariahilferstraße statt.

Auf den neu gestalteten Flächen zeigt EDUARD DRESSLER die komplette Produktrange von Anzügen, Sakkos, Chinos sowie Strick und Wirk bis hin zu Jacken und Mänteln. Auch die saisonalen  Kollektionsthemen werden im Rahmen des neuen Shop-in-Shop-Konzepts attraktiv in Szene gesetzt. Für Frühjahr/Sommer 2022 steht das Thema „Come Together“ und die sommerliche Unbeschwertheit in Materialien, Schnitten und Farben im Mittelpunkt.

Das Shop-in-Shop-Konzept wurde von den renommierten Architekten Blocher+Blocher verwirklicht, denen es gelungen ist, die Internationalität und Modernität der Marke in einem stimmigen Raumkonzept zu kommunizieren. Materialien wie Holz, Glas und Messing stehen für die Wertigkeit und die traditionelle Handwerkskunst der Marke. In Kombination mit leichten und flexiblen Möbeln wurde ein helles und ansprechendes Ambiente geschaffen, in dem die Produkte im Total Look schlüssig präsentiert werden. Ein integrierter Loungebereich mit Flatscreen lädt zum Verweilen ein und lässt den Käufer das Markenerlebnis hautnah erfahren.

„Nach zwei Jahren, die von den Auswirkungen der Pandemie bestimmt waren, freuen wir uns, mit den Shop-in-Shops bei Peek & Cloppenburg in Wien und Frankfurt wieder neue positive Impulse für den stationären Handel zu setzen. Wir glauben an diese starke Partnerschaft und blicken optimistisch in die Zukunft,“ sagt Matthias Rudowicz, Head of Sales bei EDUARD DRESSLER.


Sustainable fashion platform Manufy: Upgraded version with more functionalities

Manufy, a marketplace for sustainable fashion production, has launched a new version of their platform. The platform connects conscious brands with sustainable manufacturers in hopes to create a cleaner future for the clothing industry. Now decked out with many more functionalities, Manufy aims to facilitate sustainable business between both parties from start to finish.  

Over the course of the last year the Manufy team has been busy gathering feedback from its growing user base. The platform started out as a place where manufacturers and brands from Europe could connect and chat with each other, but the team found out both parties wanted more. “We constantly reached out to our users to listen to their needs. We’ve compiled all those ideas and implemented them in version two!” says Michiel Dicker, co-founder of Manufy.

Not only a full visual transformation, but many functionalities were added: “Users can now easily start a sampling process, organise projects from start to finish and get sustainability insights” Dicker says. “Manufy is becoming your one-stop-shop for all your sourcing needs!”

Manufy, a marketplace for sustainable fashion production, has launched a new version of their platform. The platform connects conscious brands with sustainable manufacturers in hopes to create a cleaner future for the clothing industry. Now decked out with many more functionalities, Manufy aims to facilitate sustainable business between both parties from start to finish.  

Over the course of the last year the Manufy team has been busy gathering feedback from its growing user base. The platform started out as a place where manufacturers and brands from Europe could connect and chat with each other, but the team found out both parties wanted more. “We constantly reached out to our users to listen to their needs. We’ve compiled all those ideas and implemented them in version two!” says Michiel Dicker, co-founder of Manufy.

Not only a full visual transformation, but many functionalities were added: “Users can now easily start a sampling process, organise projects from start to finish and get sustainability insights” Dicker says. “Manufy is becoming your one-stop-shop for all your sourcing needs!”

The start-up, which launched in december of 2020, has seen a sharp increase in user activity over the last year. With trade shows being canceled due to covid, lots of manufacturers and brands were looking for new ways to do business. Going digital was one of the logical steps.

The production requests being placed on the platform cover a wide range of garments. Hoodies and t-shirts are popular, but the Manufy team also sees lots of shoes, caps, bags, dresses, swimwear and lingerie requests coming in.

Another notable trend in the industry is the ever growing demand for sustainable clothing production. With reports on climate change coming out and more and more consumers asking for sustainable alternatives, brands are making an effort to source their products more responsibly. The fashion industry, being the second largest polluting industry, needs a sort of paradigm shift. “We should focus more on making lower quantity, higher quality products. Making it on demand would be best” says Dicker.

More information:
Manufy Sustainability


(c) Denim Expert Ltd

Bangladesh Denim Expo re-opens its doors with theme “Beyond Business”

  • Renowned global denim event goes live again after two years
  • Bangladesh Denim Expo brings together the global denim supply chain
  • The show has a sustainability focus, and a central theme of ‘Beyond Business’
  • Bangladesh is the 2nd largest denim exporter to the EU and the third largest to the United States

After a two-year break, Bangladesh Denim Expo will once again open its doors in the international Convention City, Bashundhara (ICCB) in Dhaka on May 10th & 11th 2022. The event is now firmly established as one of the world’s leading denim trade shows, and its live return is a huge boost to the global denim manufacturing sector.

“Beyond Business” is the theme of the 12th edition of the show. Bangladesh Denim Expo addresses the new opportunities for successful & sustainable business, in a world that now demands that industry leaders to go “Beyond Business.”

79 Exhibitors are set to attend the event, consisting of both local and international participants.

  • Renowned global denim event goes live again after two years
  • Bangladesh Denim Expo brings together the global denim supply chain
  • The show has a sustainability focus, and a central theme of ‘Beyond Business’
  • Bangladesh is the 2nd largest denim exporter to the EU and the third largest to the United States

After a two-year break, Bangladesh Denim Expo will once again open its doors in the international Convention City, Bashundhara (ICCB) in Dhaka on May 10th & 11th 2022. The event is now firmly established as one of the world’s leading denim trade shows, and its live return is a huge boost to the global denim manufacturing sector.

“Beyond Business” is the theme of the 12th edition of the show. Bangladesh Denim Expo addresses the new opportunities for successful & sustainable business, in a world that now demands that industry leaders to go “Beyond Business.”

79 Exhibitors are set to attend the event, consisting of both local and international participants.

In this edition exhibitors will display fabrics, garments, threads, machinery, finishing equipment and accessories, positioning the show as a true representation of Bangladesh’s denim industry - the second largest denim exporter to the EU and third largest to the United States.

Through a series of product displays, seminar sessions & panel discussions, the Expo will encourage robust debate and interaction among exhibitors and visitors.

8 seminar sessions conducted by exhibitors at the two days event, and two panel discussions, reflecting the overriding sustainability theme of this edition of the Expo.

Industry experts will gather to discuss how the denim industry can improve, not only from a business perspective, but also considering social and environmental impacts and goals.


Denim Expert Ltd


EuroShop präsentiert für 2023 acht Retail-Dimensionen

Trotz bewegter Umstände war die EuroShop 2020 ein großer Erfolg. 94.339 Besucher aus 142 Ländern kamen an den Rhein, um sich bei 2.287 Ausstellern aus 56 Nationen über alle Facetten, Innovationen und Trends der globalen Retailwelt zu informieren.

Auch für 2023 stehen die Vorzeichen gut, denn gerade jetzt nach zwei Jahren harter Restriktionen durch die Pandemie, von denen die weltweite Handelsbranche schwer getroffen wurde, erweist sich die EuroShop, The World´s No.1 Retail Trade Fair, in Düsseldorf, vom 26. Feburar bis 02. März 2023, als wichtiger denn je. Denn die Covid-Krise ist auch zum Beschleuniger für die Digitalisierung und reibungslose Vernetzung aller Retail-Kanäle im Handel geworden, treibt den Bedarf an neuen Lösungen zur Energieeinsparung und Nachhaltigkeit voran. Darüber hinaus setzt sie eine ungeahnte Kreativität frei, die vor allem dazu dient, der Kundschaft das Einkaufen so bequem wie möglich zu machen, auf veränderte Gewohnheiten zu reagieren, neuen Bedürfnissen zu entsprechen und mit erlebnisorientierten, ganzheitlichen Konzepten die Kundenbindung zu optimieren.

Trotz bewegter Umstände war die EuroShop 2020 ein großer Erfolg. 94.339 Besucher aus 142 Ländern kamen an den Rhein, um sich bei 2.287 Ausstellern aus 56 Nationen über alle Facetten, Innovationen und Trends der globalen Retailwelt zu informieren.

Auch für 2023 stehen die Vorzeichen gut, denn gerade jetzt nach zwei Jahren harter Restriktionen durch die Pandemie, von denen die weltweite Handelsbranche schwer getroffen wurde, erweist sich die EuroShop, The World´s No.1 Retail Trade Fair, in Düsseldorf, vom 26. Feburar bis 02. März 2023, als wichtiger denn je. Denn die Covid-Krise ist auch zum Beschleuniger für die Digitalisierung und reibungslose Vernetzung aller Retail-Kanäle im Handel geworden, treibt den Bedarf an neuen Lösungen zur Energieeinsparung und Nachhaltigkeit voran. Darüber hinaus setzt sie eine ungeahnte Kreativität frei, die vor allem dazu dient, der Kundschaft das Einkaufen so bequem wie möglich zu machen, auf veränderte Gewohnheiten zu reagieren, neuen Bedürfnissen zu entsprechen und mit erlebnisorientierten, ganzheitlichen Konzepten die Kundenbindung zu optimieren.

Die EuroShop 2023 greift nicht nur die weltweiten Entwicklungen auf, sondern bildet auch das gesamte Spektrum an aktuellen Trends und zukunftsweisenden Lösungen ab. Dabei fokussiert sie momentan besonders wichtige Themen, die verschiedenste Bereiche des Handels betreffen.

Die Topics der EuroShop 2023:

  • Connected Retail
  • Sustainability
  • Smart Store
  • Energy Management
  • Third Places
  • Customer Centricity
  • Experience
  • Vitale Innenstädte

Die Struktur der EuroShop 2023 wurde den Bedürfnissen der Branche entsprechend weiterentwickelt. Sie umfasst acht klar definierte Erlebnisdimensionen:

  • Dimension Shop Fitting, Store Design & Visual Merchandising
  • Dimension Lighting: Smart Lighting bis IoT
  • Dimension Materials & Surfaces: Beläge, Verkleidunge und Beschläge
  • Dimension Retail Technology: Seamless Store, Analytics, AI, Mobile Payment, Connected Retail
  • Dimension Retail Marketing: Customer Engagement & Experience, Markenerlebnis im stationären und digitalen Store, Personalisierung via Mobile, künstliche Intelligenz, Digital Signage
  • Dimension Expo & Event Marketing: Live-Kommunikation
  • Dimension Food Service Equipment: Cooking & Baking, Convenience Systems, Food Technology und To-Go Solutions
  • Dimension Refrigeration & Energy Management: Kühlmöbel, Kältesysteme und Anlagen für Indoor Farmin über Klimatechnik, Wärmerückgewinnung und Gebäudemanagement bis hin zum Ausbau der Elektromobilität

Messe Düsseldorf GmbH

Material Change Index von Textile Exchange: Cotonea führende deutsche Marke für biologische und faire Baumwolle im Nachhaltigkeitsranking ©COTONEA_Klaus Mellenthin
Stolz auf die strahlende Biobaumwoll-Ernte im Anbauprojekt Kirgistan

Cotonea steht für biologische und faire Baumwolle

  • Material Change Index von Textile Exchange: Cotonea führende deutsche Marke für biologische und faire Baumwolle im Nachhaltigkeitsranking

Im aktuellen Firmenranking Material Change Index von Textile Exchange erreicht Cotonea einen ersten Platz unter den deutschen Textilmarken. Die Spitzenposition des Schwäbischen Herstellers von hundertprozentigen Biobaumwoll-Textilen gilt für biologisch und fair erzeugte Baumwolle und bemisst sich am Produktionsvolumen.

Im weltweiten Vergleich der Unternehmen, die beide Kriterien erfüllen, belegt Cotonea den dritten Platz. Für die konsequente Umsetzung erreicht der Anbieter von Stoffen, Heimtextilien sowie Kleidung mit vier die höchste Punktzahl. Der Branchendurchschnitt liegt bei drei Punkten.

Cotonea hat Baumwollprojekte in Uganda und Kirgistan mit aufgebaut „Der Markt für Textilen, die sowohl den biologischen als auch fairen Anspruch erfüllen, ist sehr klein“, sagt Cotonea Geschäftsführer Roland Stelzer. „Eine derart saubere Produktion erfordert viel Engagement und ist natürlich kostenintensiver, aber wir machen da einfach keine Kompromisse.“

  • Material Change Index von Textile Exchange: Cotonea führende deutsche Marke für biologische und faire Baumwolle im Nachhaltigkeitsranking

Im aktuellen Firmenranking Material Change Index von Textile Exchange erreicht Cotonea einen ersten Platz unter den deutschen Textilmarken. Die Spitzenposition des Schwäbischen Herstellers von hundertprozentigen Biobaumwoll-Textilen gilt für biologisch und fair erzeugte Baumwolle und bemisst sich am Produktionsvolumen.

Im weltweiten Vergleich der Unternehmen, die beide Kriterien erfüllen, belegt Cotonea den dritten Platz. Für die konsequente Umsetzung erreicht der Anbieter von Stoffen, Heimtextilien sowie Kleidung mit vier die höchste Punktzahl. Der Branchendurchschnitt liegt bei drei Punkten.

Cotonea hat Baumwollprojekte in Uganda und Kirgistan mit aufgebaut „Der Markt für Textilen, die sowohl den biologischen als auch fairen Anspruch erfüllen, ist sehr klein“, sagt Cotonea Geschäftsführer Roland Stelzer. „Eine derart saubere Produktion erfordert viel Engagement und ist natürlich kostenintensiver, aber wir machen da einfach keine Kompromisse.“

Cotonea baut Biobaumwolle bei eigenen Projekten in Uganda und Kirgistan an. Den hohen Nachhaltigkeitsstandard erreicht Cotonea unter anderem mit mehrjährigen Schulungen, bei denen Farmerinnen sowie Farmer lernen, wie sie die Gesundheit des Bodens erhalten, hohe Erträge sowie Einkommen erzielen und dabei die Umwelt schonen.

Textile Exchange widmet sich vor allem der Nachhaltigkeit in der Textilindustrie von der Faser bis zum Endprodukt. Ihren Material Change Index aktualisiert die weltweit aktive Non-Profit Organisation jährlich aufgrund freiwilliger Angaben von namhaften Marken.

(c) Mainetti

Mainetti startet globale Nachhaltigkeitstrategie Full Circle

Mainetti, ein globaler Anbieter von Retail Solutions, startet seine globale Nachhaltigkeits- und Verfahrensstrategie Full Circle und präsentiert seine Ziele bis 2025 und darüber hinaus. Die branchenführende Initiative baut auf dem Erfolg des 2012 gestarteten Plan M auf, mit dem sich Mainetti als "Sustainability First"-Unternehmen etabliert hat.

Full Circle von Mainetti bringt seine globalen Teams zusammen, um einen Teil dazu beizutragen, den Klimanotstand anzugehen. Full Circle wird den zukünftigen Kurs des Unternehmens prägen, einschließlich einer Dekarbonisierung der Tätigkeiten, der Förderung einer Kreislaufwirtschaft und der Garantie auf sichere und effiziente Arbeitsprozesse für die gesamte Belegschaft.

Mainetti, ein globaler Anbieter von Retail Solutions, startet seine globale Nachhaltigkeits- und Verfahrensstrategie Full Circle und präsentiert seine Ziele bis 2025 und darüber hinaus. Die branchenführende Initiative baut auf dem Erfolg des 2012 gestarteten Plan M auf, mit dem sich Mainetti als "Sustainability First"-Unternehmen etabliert hat.

Full Circle von Mainetti bringt seine globalen Teams zusammen, um einen Teil dazu beizutragen, den Klimanotstand anzugehen. Full Circle wird den zukünftigen Kurs des Unternehmens prägen, einschließlich einer Dekarbonisierung der Tätigkeiten, der Förderung einer Kreislaufwirtschaft und der Garantie auf sichere und effiziente Arbeitsprozesse für die gesamte Belegschaft.

Die Dekarbonisierung der Tätigkeiten bedeutet, dass der Geschäftsbetrieb mit so wenig Energie wie möglich aus nicht-erneuerbaren Energiequellen bestritten wird. Mainetti wird kontinuierlich seine Energieeffizienz steigern, wo immer es möglich ist auf erneuerbare Energien umsteigen und den Rest seines CO2-Fußabdrucks entsprechend ausgleichen. Aktuell entfallen 61 % des Energieverbrauchs der Unternehmensgruppe auf erneuerbare Energien. Die Zielsetzung bis 2025 beträgt 80 %, bis zum Jahr 2030 soll 100 % des Energieverbrauchs aus erneuerbaren Energien stammen.

Mit dem Vertrieb der Kreislaufwirtschaft wird Mainetti neue Produktlinien einführen, die aus erneuerbaren Rohstoffen wie Papier, Karton oder kompostierfähigem Material bestehen. Zudem wird die Wiederverwendung von Kleiderbügeln auf mehr Kunden ausgeweitet und die Verwendung von neuen Kunststoffen so weit wie möglich reduziert. All das baut auf dem letztjährigen, erfolgreichen Start des Mainetti Polyloop auf, der weltweit ersten geschlossenen Recyclinginitiative, welche Mainettis Netzwerk von 47 Produktions- und Recyclingstandorten auf der ganzen Welt nutzt. Bislang zählen bereits einige der größten Namen im Retail-Bereich zu den Nutzern des Mainetti Polyloop™, darunter S.Oliver und Superdry, da es eine konstante Versorgung an qualitativ hochwertigen und zuverlässig recycelten Produkten bietet.


Mainetti / Finn Partners Germany GmbH

Photo: FRAME

FRAME Deploys NewStore Omnichannel Platform to Power the Brand’s Modern Retail Experience

  • American fashion brand launches NewStore to unify mobile point of sale, order management, inventory, store fulfillment, and clienteling

NewStore, a modular, mobile-first omnichannel cloud platform for retail brands worldwide, announced that American fashion brand FRAME has launched the NewStore Omnichannel Platform across its retail business. By powering the brand’s mobile point-of-sale (mPOS), order management, inventory, and store fulfillment solutions, NewStore is now the backbone of FRAME’s retail operations.
FRAME is known for its collections in denim, cotton, leather, and cashmere, and it strives to design a modern versatile wardrobe with the finest natural materials. The fashion brand sells its products through e-commerce, wholesale, and in 15 retail stores today. Most recently, FRAME opened its first international store in London, expanding its global footprint. As it continues to grow its retail presence, FRAME is reinvigorating its customer experience and prioritizing technology’s role in creating a seamless shopping journey.

  • American fashion brand launches NewStore to unify mobile point of sale, order management, inventory, store fulfillment, and clienteling

NewStore, a modular, mobile-first omnichannel cloud platform for retail brands worldwide, announced that American fashion brand FRAME has launched the NewStore Omnichannel Platform across its retail business. By powering the brand’s mobile point-of-sale (mPOS), order management, inventory, and store fulfillment solutions, NewStore is now the backbone of FRAME’s retail operations.
FRAME is known for its collections in denim, cotton, leather, and cashmere, and it strives to design a modern versatile wardrobe with the finest natural materials. The fashion brand sells its products through e-commerce, wholesale, and in 15 retail stores today. Most recently, FRAME opened its first international store in London, expanding its global footprint. As it continues to grow its retail presence, FRAME is reinvigorating its customer experience and prioritizing technology’s role in creating a seamless shopping journey.

Through its partnership with NewStore, FRAME is enabling its employees with the tools and data required to provide the best shopping experience possible. Store associates can view sales, gauge product inventory across store locations, and complete mobile checkouts to improve customer convenience and maximize profitability. Now that all of FRAME’s store locations are live on the platform, the brand will work with NewStore to further enhance the customer journey by rolling out features that allow employees to better guide shoppers and create more meaningful relationships.

More information:
FRAME NewStore


RF security labels from Checkpoint Systems can be fully recycled as part of kerbside paper-based recycling collections (c) Checkpoint Systems GmbH
Checkpoint Systems PTS Sustainable Label

New RF- Security Labels von Checkpoint Systems

  • Sustainability and security combined:
  • RF security labels from Checkpoint Systems can be fully recycled as part of kerbside paper-based recycling collections

To ensure that its retail customers are not negatively affecting the recyclability of product packaging by attaching security labels,Checkpoint Systems partnered with PTS – an organisation with over 70 years’experience researching the use of fibre-based solutions – to conduct a series oftechnical tests on its range of labels. The technical report concluded that consumers can safely dispose of a Checkpoint security label in a household recycling bin, without having to separate the label from the packaging, knowing that the entire pack will be recycled.

  • Sustainability and security combined:
  • RF security labels from Checkpoint Systems can be fully recycled as part of kerbside paper-based recycling collections

To ensure that its retail customers are not negatively affecting the recyclability of product packaging by attaching security labels,Checkpoint Systems partnered with PTS – an organisation with over 70 years’experience researching the use of fibre-based solutions – to conduct a series oftechnical tests on its range of labels. The technical report concluded that consumers can safely dispose of a Checkpoint security label in a household recycling bin, without having to separate the label from the packaging, knowing that the entire pack will be recycled.

The Germany-based research consultancy PTS tested a range of Checkpoint labels. PTS analysed the labels, which were different sizes and materials, to ensure that following the standard kerbside recycling process, the recycled, fibre-based material would be of acceptable quality. Each label was applied to a piece of cartonboard to simulate a real-world scenario and the results show that all are classified as being recyclable in accordance with current regulations. All labels – including the 410 RF, 2928 RF and 4210 RF labels – achieved an excellent overall recyclability rate of over 94%.

Sustainability is essential

With brands making strong commitments to sustainability – including investing in more environmentally friendly forms of packaging like cartonboard – and consumers increasingly demonstrating their preferences for sustainable packaging it is pivotal that anything applied to an item – at any point along the supply chain or in-store – does not affect the recyclability of its packaging.

Security labels play a vital role in ensuring products remain available to purchase. Retailers have been using a diverse range of labels to protect their merchandise, working with suppliers to ‘tag’ items at source or relying on store associates to apply labels in-store. As one of the largest suppliers of RF-based Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) labels globally, Checkpoint’s labels are applied to millions of products, which are packaged in different materials. Typically, when recycled, packaging labels tend to end up in a combination of different rubbish and recycling streams, depending on the packaging material and the consumer commitment to recycling.

Until today, the recyclability of these labels has been relatively unknown. It means that retailers and consumers could inadvertently be contaminating the paper-based packaging recycling stream with millions of security labels – still attached to packaging which could have otherwise been recycled up to 25 times.

“Security labels play an important role in helping retailers protect their profits, but it is vital they don’t stop packaging from being recycled. We are delighted to have achieved this accreditation from PTS that shows our labels can be recycled through the existing kerbside collections. It means that brands and retailers can be assured they are not negatively affecting a country’s recycling rate, while also knowing their customers can conveniently dispose of the entire pack, packaging material and label, in the same household recycling bin. Our labels passed all of PTS’ stringent tests meaning they have little to no impact on the recyclability of a piece of cartonboard packaging." 

(c) Manufy

Sustainable fashion platform Manufy reaches first 1000 production requests

Manufy, a marketplace for sustainable fashion production has reached its thousandth production request. The platform connects conscious brands with sustainable manufacturers in hopes to create a cleaner future for the clothing industry.

The right conditions
The start-up, which launched in december of 2020, has seen a sharp increase in production requests the last couple of months. With trade shows being cancelled due to covid, lots of manufacturers and brands are looking for new ways to do business. Going digital was one of the logical steps. “We’ve seen many users that were used to more traditional ways of working join Manufy,” says co-founder Michiel Dicker. “Some of them didn’t have a website, so our platform helps them become visible online.”

An increase was also noticed on the brand side of Manufy. With most new brands being digital natives that have a strong focus on sustainability, the platform helps them to get started.

Manufy, a marketplace for sustainable fashion production has reached its thousandth production request. The platform connects conscious brands with sustainable manufacturers in hopes to create a cleaner future for the clothing industry.

The right conditions
The start-up, which launched in december of 2020, has seen a sharp increase in production requests the last couple of months. With trade shows being cancelled due to covid, lots of manufacturers and brands are looking for new ways to do business. Going digital was one of the logical steps. “We’ve seen many users that were used to more traditional ways of working join Manufy,” says co-founder Michiel Dicker. “Some of them didn’t have a website, so our platform helps them become visible online.”

An increase was also noticed on the brand side of Manufy. With most new brands being digital natives that have a strong focus on sustainability, the platform helps them to get started.

The production requests being placed on the platform cover a wide range of garments. Hoodies and t-shirts are popular, but the Manufy team also sees lots of shoes, caps, bags, dresses, swimwear and lingerie requests coming in. “This sometimes leads us to having to find manufacturers specifically for the job, but it helps us to create a better user experience!” explains Dicker.

Manufy uses feedback from its users to keep improving the platform. Aside from finding new manufacturers to fill production requests the team has been working on a lot of new functionalities based on input from users. A new version of the platform will be released very soon. “With Manufy 2.0 it will become easier to organise your projects, place re-orders and have all your production details in one place. Manufy will be your one-stop-shop for all your sourcing needs!” says Dicker.

More information:
Manufy Sustainability digital



NCTO: Coalition are urging Support for De Minimis Provision in House America COMPETES Act

A broad coalition of industry and labor groups has sent a letter to House and Senate leadership urging support for the Import Security and Fairness Act (included in the broader House America COMPETES Act), which aims to stop China from exploiting the de minimis threshold that allows imports valued under $800 to come into the United States without paying duties and taxes, bypassing U.S. Customs inspections and providing a backdoor to Chinese goods produced with forced labor.

The coalition sent the letter to Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY), Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), urging the leaders to strongly support and prioritize the provision in the underlying China bill.

The letter was signed by the following organizations:

A broad coalition of industry and labor groups has sent a letter to House and Senate leadership urging support for the Import Security and Fairness Act (included in the broader House America COMPETES Act), which aims to stop China from exploiting the de minimis threshold that allows imports valued under $800 to come into the United States without paying duties and taxes, bypassing U.S. Customs inspections and providing a backdoor to Chinese goods produced with forced labor.

The coalition sent the letter to Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY), Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), urging the leaders to strongly support and prioritize the provision in the underlying China bill.

The letter was signed by the following organizations:

  • Alliance for American Manufacturing
  • Coalition for a Prosperous America
  • International Brotherhood of Teamsters
  • Narrow Fabrics Institute
  • National Council of Textile Organizations
  • Service Employees International Union
  • U.S. Footwear Manufacturers Association
  • U.S. Industrial Fabrics Institute
  • United Steelworkers
  • Workers United/SEIU

See the full letter here.

More information:
NCTO U.S. textile industry Import


(c) Presize

Hohenstein and Presize partner for more sustainability for online shopping

Hohenstein, a leading specialist in fit and pattern engineering, has joined forces with digital size pioneer, Presize. The partnership now offers a variety of business services, including reliable size tables and digital scaling, that empower online retailers to automatically recommend appropriate garment sizes.

Merging traditional size tables, reliable garment fits and digital body measurements with smartphone technology reduces the number of returned online purchases. Proper fit also reduces waste, lowers footprint and bolsters customer loyalty.

“The better a brand understands sizes, fits and target groups, the more accurately they can automate size recommendations. We help brands meet the different requirements of various sizes, so the fit is comfortable across customer ranges, collections and suppliers,” states Simone Morlock, Head of Hohenstein’s Digital Fitting Lab.

Hohenstein, a leading specialist in fit and pattern engineering, has joined forces with digital size pioneer, Presize. The partnership now offers a variety of business services, including reliable size tables and digital scaling, that empower online retailers to automatically recommend appropriate garment sizes.

Merging traditional size tables, reliable garment fits and digital body measurements with smartphone technology reduces the number of returned online purchases. Proper fit also reduces waste, lowers footprint and bolsters customer loyalty.

“The better a brand understands sizes, fits and target groups, the more accurately they can automate size recommendations. We help brands meet the different requirements of various sizes, so the fit is comfortable across customer ranges, collections and suppliers,” states Simone Morlock, Head of Hohenstein’s Digital Fitting Lab.

This size and grading advice is now underpinned by digital measurement services and technology based on artificial intelligence. “All it takes to work out the right size, based on a user’s individual body measurements, are some quick questions regarding their age, height and weight, plus an optional video to take measurements. We use an algorithm that learns as it goes along, and this improves the advice given on sizes with each order or return,” states Presize co-founder and CEO, Leon Szeli.

Join the free webinar on “Hohenstein Meets Presize - How sizing fundamentals and reliable fit can increase the effectiveness of smartphone body measurements and reduce eCommerce returns” on March 24, 2022.*

*Click here for more information.



(c) Checkpoint Systems

Checkpoint Systems: Retourenmanagement im Einzelhandel

Weihnachten ist die Zeit des Gebens – und der Januar traditionell der Monat des Zurückgebens. Ob der zu große Pullover oder das T-Shirt in einer Farbe, die man seit Jahren nicht mehr getragen hat: Das im Januar traditionell erhöhte Retourenaufkommen stellt Einzelhändler jährlich vor Herausforderungen. Mit Omnichannel-Lösungen und dem R-Turn-Tag von Checkpoint Systems können Einzelhändler ihr Retourenmanagement verbessern und betrügerische Retourenversuche reduzieren.

Weihnachten ist die Zeit des Gebens – und der Januar traditionell der Monat des Zurückgebens. Ob der zu große Pullover oder das T-Shirt in einer Farbe, die man seit Jahren nicht mehr getragen hat: Das im Januar traditionell erhöhte Retourenaufkommen stellt Einzelhändler jährlich vor Herausforderungen. Mit Omnichannel-Lösungen und dem R-Turn-Tag von Checkpoint Systems können Einzelhändler ihr Retourenmanagement verbessern und betrügerische Retourenversuche reduzieren.

Produktrückgaben sind kein neues Phänomen. Sie sind ein unausweichlicher Aspekt des Verkaufs von Waren. Eine klare und faire Rückgabepolitik ist nicht nur gesetzlich vorgeschrieben, sondern trägt auch wesentlich zu einem kundenfreundlichen Einkaufserlebnis bei. Da jedoch die Online-Verkäufe allgemein und auch pandemiebedingt in die Höhe schnellen, fungieren die physischen Geschäfte zunehmend als Sortierzentren für Rücksendungen. Im ersten Pandemiejahr 2020 wurden im Online-Weihnachtsgeschäft 1,1 Billionen Dollar weltweit umgesetzt. [1] Für 2021 liegen noch keine Zahlen vor, der Verdacht liegt jedoch nahe, dass die Zahlen weiter gestiegen sind. Nach Angaben des Beratungsunternehmens Invesp werden mindestens 30 % aller online bestellten Produkte zurückgegeben, im Vergleich zu 8,89 % bei Käufen in stationären Geschäften. [2] Dies führt zu Kostenproblemen und zusätzlicher Komplexität für die Einzelhändler.

Sobald ein Artikel zurückgegeben wird, wird er nicht einfach wieder ausgestellt. Jeden Tag treten Tausende von Artikeln ihre kostspielige Reise zwischen Verarbeitungszentren und Lagerhäusern an, wo sie gereinigt, neu verpackt und für neue Besitzer vorbereitet werden. Das ist zum einen zeitaufwendig, zum anderen stellt es Einzelhändler auch bezüglich der Bestandsübersicht vor Herausforderungen. Und wenn der Artikel dann wieder in die Läden kommt, sind die Produkte oft nicht mehr in der Saison und müssen mit einem Preisnachlass verkauft werden.

Effiziente Verwaltung von Retouren durch RFID
Wie kann dieser Rückgabeprozess effizienter gehandhabt werden? Wie kann die Bestandsübersicht aktuell gehalten werden und wie wird sichergestellt, dass die Artikel so schnell wie möglich wieder verkauft werden, bevor sie aus der Mode kommen?

Der Schlüssel für eine effiziente Retourenverwaltung liegt in der RFID-Technologie. Gerade im Januar mit seinem erhöhten Retourenaufkommen sparen Einzelhändler durch den Einsatz von RFID wertvolle Zeit, da durch das Einscannen der Produkte gleichzeitig der Bestand aktualisiert wird. Einzelhändler können so sicher sein, jederzeit einen Bestandsüberblick in Echtzeit zu haben und wissen jederzeit, welche Ware sich aktuell wo befindet – im Geschäft, im Lager oder im Versandzentrum. Das spart personlaufwendige händische Inventurzählungen und sorgt dafür, dass die Artikel schneller wieder auf die Fläche zurückgelangen – und dort wieder verkauft werden können.

Wardrobing: Betrügerische Rückgaben reduzieren
Seit einigen Jahren leiden Einzelhändler unter einem besonderen Rückgabephänomen: Wardrobing. Kunden kaufen Kleidung, Schuhe und andere Artikel mit der Absicht, sie zu bestimmten Anlässen zu nutzen oder zu tragen und sie anschließend wieder an den Einzelhändler zurückzugeben. Gerade für Weihnachten oder Silvester wünscht sich der eine oder andere ein besonderes Outfit – und gibt dies im Januar als ungetragen zurück. Wardrobing wird von 85 % der Einzelhändler bestätigt [3] und sie geben zu, dass betrügerische Rücksendungen „erhebliche“ oder „sehr erhebliche“ Auswirkungen auf ihr Geschäft haben. Wie können Einzelhändler mit solch betrügerischen Retouren umgehen und deren Zahl verringern?

Die Lösung ist der R-Turn-Tag von Checkpoint Systems. Dieses Etikett verhindert wirksam, dass Kunden Waren kaufen, benutzen und gegen volle Rückerstattung zurückgeben, ohne ehrliche Kunden zu beeinträchtigen. Denn der Tag ist so am Kleidungsstück platziert, dass er beim Tragen jederzeit sichtbar wäre und wirkt so visuell abschreckend auf potenzielle Wardrober. Die Kunden können den Tag zu Hause mit ein paar einfachen Handgriffen sicher entfernen, da sie dank des innovativen Verriegelungsmechanismus nie mit dem Pin des Tags in Berührung kommen. Einmal entfernt, kann er jedoch nicht wieder angebracht werden und kennzeichnet das Kleidungsstück daher als getragen.

Das Etikett kann an jeder beliebigen Stelle des Kleidungsstücks, auch am Saum, angebracht werden. Einzelhändler können den Tag an der Quelle anbringen, um eine präzise Platzierung zu gewährleisten, oder im Geschäft, indem sie eine vertikale Anbringung verwenden, die den Stoff nicht beschädigt oder markiert. Die Personalisierung des R-Turn-Tags mit Branding, Logo, Farben und/oder Botschaften des Einzelhändlers sorgt für ein ansprechendes Design




Checkpoint Systems GmbH / Carta GmbH


EURATEX: BREXIT has been a “lose-lose” deal for the textile industry

Latest trade data (January-September 2021) show a dramatic drop of imports and exports of textile goods between the EU and UK, with significant losses for companies on both sides. The situation is likely to get worse, as the full customs regime between UK and EU has entered into force on 1 January 2022. EURATEX calls on the European Union and the United Kingdom to effectively cooperate to remove the issues in the EU-UK Trade agreement that prevent smooth trade flows.  

Latest trade data (January-September 2021) show a dramatic drop of imports and exports of textile goods between the EU and UK, with significant losses for companies on both sides. The situation is likely to get worse, as the full customs regime between UK and EU has entered into force on 1 January 2022. EURATEX calls on the European Union and the United Kingdom to effectively cooperate to remove the issues in the EU-UK Trade agreement that prevent smooth trade flows.  

All the sectors have been already suffering a significant loss in the past year and textiles has been no exception. Compared to the same period in 2020, between January and September the EU recorded a dramatic fall in imports (-44%, corresponding to almost € 2 billion) and in exports (-22%, corresponding to € 1.6 billion). The data show that the most impacted EU countries on the export side are Italy, Netherlands, Belgium and Germany while on the import side the most impacted countries are Germany, Ireland and France. Among the T&C sectors, clothing articles are facing the most severe drop in both imports and exports, corresponding to a total trade loss of more than € 3.4 billion over the 9 months period. Despite these alarming figures, the UK continues to be the most important export market for EU textiles and clothing.

Concerning the impact on the UK textiles sector, in May 2021 the UK Fashion and Textile Association’s (UKFT) surveyed 138 businesses, including leading UK fashion brands, UK textile manufacturers, wholesalers, fashion agencies, garment manufacturers and retailers.

The results of the survey showed that:

  • 71% currently rely on imports from the EU
  • 92% are experiencing increased freight costs  
  • 83% are experiencing increased costs and bureaucracy for customs clearance
  • 53% are experiencing cancelled orders as a result of how the EU-UK agreement is being implemented
  • 41% had been hit by double duties  
  • The vast majority of the surveyed companies declared they are looking to pass the increased costs on to consumer in the next  6-12 months

The above situation is expected to get worse. Since 1 January, full customs controls are being implemented. It means that export and import rules have become stricter: products should already have a valid declaration in place and have received customs clearance. Export from Britain to the EU must now have supplier declarations and the commodities codes changed.  

EURATEX calls on the European Union and the United Kingdom to effectively cooperate to address, solve and remove the issues in the EU-UK Trade agreement that currently prevent smooth trade flows between the two sides of the Channel. It is causing considerable losses for textile companies both in the EU as well as in the UK. 


More information:
Euratex textile industry Brexit



Mobile Omnichannel Retail Plattform: Aus Highstreet Mobile wird NewStore

  • Native Mobile Apps erweitern den Weg in die Zukunft des Einzelhandels

NewStore, globale Mobile Omnichannel-Cloud-Plattform für Einzelhandelsmarken, gibt die Verfügbarkeit der NewStore Mobile Consumer Apps bekannt. Die Übernahme von Highstreet Mobile ermöglicht Einzelhändlern, Einkaufserlebnisse zu schaffen und Geschäfte, Verbraucher und Partner miteinander zu verbinden.
Die native App-Lösung von NewStore ermöglicht es Einzelhändlern, mobile Markenerlebnisse zu schaffen, in denen Online-Kanäle mit stationären Geschäften vereint werden. Dieses Angebot ist eine Erweiterung der bestehenden Strategie des Unternehmens, das stationäre Einkaufen in ein App-gestütztes, digital vernetztes Einzelhandelserlebnis zu verwandeln.

Die erweiterte Funktionalität der NewStore Omnichannel-Plattform ist das Ergebnis der Übernahme von Highstreet Mobile, einem innovativen Consumer App Anbieter für Mode- und Lifestyle-Marken. Ab sofort wird Highstreet unter der Marke NewStore firmieren. Wie die gesamte NewStore-Plattform werden auch die NewStore Consumer Apps als SaaS- Lösung regelmäßig als Updates bereitgestellt.

  • Native Mobile Apps erweitern den Weg in die Zukunft des Einzelhandels

NewStore, globale Mobile Omnichannel-Cloud-Plattform für Einzelhandelsmarken, gibt die Verfügbarkeit der NewStore Mobile Consumer Apps bekannt. Die Übernahme von Highstreet Mobile ermöglicht Einzelhändlern, Einkaufserlebnisse zu schaffen und Geschäfte, Verbraucher und Partner miteinander zu verbinden.
Die native App-Lösung von NewStore ermöglicht es Einzelhändlern, mobile Markenerlebnisse zu schaffen, in denen Online-Kanäle mit stationären Geschäften vereint werden. Dieses Angebot ist eine Erweiterung der bestehenden Strategie des Unternehmens, das stationäre Einkaufen in ein App-gestütztes, digital vernetztes Einzelhandelserlebnis zu verwandeln.

Die erweiterte Funktionalität der NewStore Omnichannel-Plattform ist das Ergebnis der Übernahme von Highstreet Mobile, einem innovativen Consumer App Anbieter für Mode- und Lifestyle-Marken. Ab sofort wird Highstreet unter der Marke NewStore firmieren. Wie die gesamte NewStore-Plattform werden auch die NewStore Consumer Apps als SaaS- Lösung regelmäßig als Updates bereitgestellt.

Einzelhändler können so die gesamte Customer Journey digitalisieren. Dazu gehören E-Commerce, Geschäfte, Partner und Kunden. Durch die Kombination von mobilen Einkaufsfunktionen und In-Store-Tools sowie Loyalty-Programmen mit Funktionen wie Kundenbindung, Push-Benachrichtigungen und benutzerdefinierten Inhalten kann NewStore reichhaltige, kuratierte Marken-App-Erlebnisse bieten – auch auf dem Smartphone der Endkunden.

NewStore ist eine umfassende Omnichannel-Lösung, einschließlich Point-of-Sale, Auftragsverwaltung, Bestandsverwaltung, Kundenbindung und native Kunden-Apps. Je nach Omnichannel-Reifegrad der Marke kann die Plattform komplett oder modular eingesetzt werden. Heute unterstützt NewStore weltweit mehr als 50 Einzelhandelsmarken, darunter jüngste Neuzugänge wie Jack & Jones, G-Star RAW, Scotch & Soda, Vince, Tom Tailor und Boardriders. ROXY wird der erste Einzelhändler aus dem Boardriders-Markenportfolio sein, der eine NewStore Consumer App einsetzt.

More information:
Omnichannel Einkaufserlebnis

NewStore GmbH

Sappi product portfolio of face stock papers ist being expanded with Parade Label SG from its Gratkorn site (c) Sappi Europe
Sappi Label Papers Parade Label SG

Sappi expands its product portfolio

  • High performing face stock paper delivers convincing results for multiple applications
  • Sappi product portfolio of face stock papers ist being expanded with Parade Label SG from its Gratkorn site

Sappi, manufacturer of numerous packaging and speciality papers for a wide range of markets, is launching the Parade Label SG, a one-side coated face stock label paper that excels in terms of properties such as printability, opacity and stiffness, as well as with its many options for further processing.

  • High performing face stock paper delivers convincing results for multiple applications
  • Sappi product portfolio of face stock papers ist being expanded with Parade Label SG from its Gratkorn site

Sappi, manufacturer of numerous packaging and speciality papers for a wide range of markets, is launching the Parade Label SG, a one-side coated face stock label paper that excels in terms of properties such as printability, opacity and stiffness, as well as with its many options for further processing.

  • Semi-gloss face stock paper with high-quality performance characteristics
  • Suitable for a wide range of applications, e.g. labels for food, non-food, HABA and VIP
  • Available in 77, 78 and 80 gsm
  • Manufactured in Gratkorn, one of the largest and ultra-modern paper mills in Europe

Sappi offers an extensive range of base papers for wet-glue and self-adhesive labels. With its new Parade Label SG, the company is now introducing a one-side coated, semi-gloss face stock label paper that is approved for direct contact with food and that complies with DIN EN 71 for toy safety. The range of applications includes labels for food, non-food, beverages and health and beauty aids (HABA), as well as for logistics and variable information printing (VIP) due to its excellent thermal transfer printability.

The fibre-based face stock solution guarantees high-quality results in printing and finishing, through the entire production and converting chain. It features high stiffness and resilience, so the label will not be damaged and will fit accurately even after labelling.

Sappi invests in customer proximity
To ensure 100 percent availability and fast delivery of its label papers, Sappi has proactively positioned itself for the future and set the course for reliable production and seamless supply chains – with its plants in Alfeld, Carmignano and Condino. The plant in Gratkorn, where Sappi has invested in new technical equipment, has now been added to the list. With modern production facilities, from paper machines to finishing technology, as well as extensive expertise in the production of coated papers, the site has everything in place to ensure top-class products. Available capacity is being expanded gradually to include the production of Parade Label papers alongside existing graphical grades.

Because of the central location of Sappi’s production site in Gratkorn, Parade Label SG can be supplied quickly throughout Europe and beyond. The short transportation distances save greenhouse emissions and protect the environment; shorter production cycles then enable good availability and fast supply. Parade Label SG is certified for direct food contact and available in grammages of 77, 78 and 80 g/m². Sappi can provide Parade Label SG with FSC or PEFC certificates on request.

Sappi will be presenting its new developments in the field of label papers, among others, at the upcoming LabelExpo Europe in Brussels in April 2022.

(c) CHIC

Postponement of CHIC SPRING Shanghai

Asia's largest fashion fair, CHIC SPRING SHANGHAI, will postpone the event planned for March to April 14-16, 2022. The latest worldwide pandemic developments due to the new virus variant Omicron prompted the CHIC organizers to take this step.

With this relocation, the organizers are also taking into account the interests of international exhibitors and visitors. In addition to various international joint stands, Germany will also be represented with a GERMAN PAVILION. The trade fair team is working on innovations at the trade fair with the highest priorities and will now focus the entire marketing on the new date.

CHIC SPRING is the showcase for the latest trend developments in fashion and offers trade visitors a concentrated overview. CHIC SPRING as a fashion and lifestyle fair shows the areas of womenswear, menswear, kidswear, denim, shoes and bags, accessories, designers and streetwear in clear segments at the National Convention & Exhibition Center in Shanghai.

Asia's largest fashion fair, CHIC SPRING SHANGHAI, will postpone the event planned for March to April 14-16, 2022. The latest worldwide pandemic developments due to the new virus variant Omicron prompted the CHIC organizers to take this step.

With this relocation, the organizers are also taking into account the interests of international exhibitors and visitors. In addition to various international joint stands, Germany will also be represented with a GERMAN PAVILION. The trade fair team is working on innovations at the trade fair with the highest priorities and will now focus the entire marketing on the new date.

CHIC SPRING is the showcase for the latest trend developments in fashion and offers trade visitors a concentrated overview. CHIC SPRING as a fashion and lifestyle fair shows the areas of womenswear, menswear, kidswear, denim, shoes and bags, accessories, designers and streetwear in clear segments at the National Convention & Exhibition Center in Shanghai.

CHIC is organized by Beijing Fashion Expo Co. Ltd. and China World Exhibitions, supported by the China National Garment Association, the China World Trade Center and the Sub-Council of the Textile Industry (CCPIT).

More information:
CHIC Fair CHIC Shanghai



Messe Frankfurt cancels consumer goods fairs in January and February 2022

In view of the exponential worsening of the pandemic situation worldwide and the accompanying tightened travel and contact regulations, the consumer goods fairs Christmasworld, Paperworld, and Creativeworld are cancelled for January 2022 and Ambiente for mid-February 2022. The regionally-oriented trade fair Nordstil from 15 to 17 January 2022 in Hamburg will take place at the present time.

The easing of the pandemic situation that was still hoped for in December is no longer in sight. Instead, the situation is deteriorating worldwide with an enormous, unforeseeable dynamic. This extreme deterioration due to the spread of the Omicron virus in Europe and Germany currently makes it impossible for Messe Frankfurt, as organiser of the leading international trade fairs Christmasworld, Paperworld, and Creativeworld, as well as Ambiente, to keep their dates in Frankfurt at the end of January and in mid-February 2022.

In view of the exponential worsening of the pandemic situation worldwide and the accompanying tightened travel and contact regulations, the consumer goods fairs Christmasworld, Paperworld, and Creativeworld are cancelled for January 2022 and Ambiente for mid-February 2022. The regionally-oriented trade fair Nordstil from 15 to 17 January 2022 in Hamburg will take place at the present time.

The easing of the pandemic situation that was still hoped for in December is no longer in sight. Instead, the situation is deteriorating worldwide with an enormous, unforeseeable dynamic. This extreme deterioration due to the spread of the Omicron virus in Europe and Germany currently makes it impossible for Messe Frankfurt, as organiser of the leading international trade fairs Christmasworld, Paperworld, and Creativeworld, as well as Ambiente, to keep their dates in Frankfurt at the end of January and in mid-February 2022.

The four events, consisting of Christmasworld with its focus on seasonal and festive decorations, Paperworld and Creativeworld with their product ranges for paper, office supplies, stationery and hobby, craft and artists' requisites and Ambiente with its cross-sector range of products for the table, kitchen and housewares, furnishing and decorative accessories, home furnishing concepts, gifts and fashion accessories, are the recognised leading trade fairs in their sectors and open the trading year in their respective segments. Even in a reduced numerical form, the four trade fairs would still have been the leading events worldwide for their respective product segments.

However, the exponential increase in the number of infections worldwide in a very short period of time and the accompanying multitude of developments and decisions that are clearly outside the organiser's sphere of influence have led to a significant deterioration in the general conditions and necessary prerequisites for holding the four leading trade fairs as major events of international relevance at the end of January and in mid-February 2022 respectively. These developments include the classification of Germany as a high-risk area and the associated travel warnings and international and intercontinental travel restrictions in countries such as India, Japan and the United States, as well as the corresponding quarantine obligations. Equally important are the steadily rising infection figures and the accompanying urgent appeal, among others by the Robert Koch Institute and the expert council of the German Federal Government, to continue to reduce contacts to a minimum and to cancel all major events. At present, there are even further international fears that the critical infrastructure will not be maintained due to the highly contagious Omicron variant. The majority of exhibiting and visiting companies at Christmasworld, Paperworld, and Creativeworld as well as Ambiente are currently reacting to this overall situation with travel and trade fair attendance bans for reasons of duty of care towards their employees to protect them from health risks. The global willingness to travel is dropping enormously at the moment.

There are no plans to postpone the event. Detlef Braun, Member of the Executive Board of Messe Frankfurt, explains: "Since the trend-oriented order cycles of the international consumer goods industry require an annual event at the beginning of the year, a shift to the second half of the year would not meet the needs of the exhibiting companies and visitors."

Nordstil to be held in Hamburg from 15 to 17 January 2022
In the interests of the sectors involved, the planning and implementation of Nordstil from 15 to 17 January 2022 is not affected. This trade fair will take place in the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg at this time due to other general conditions for local implementation. However, the extremely volatile situation is continuously reviewed and assessed in close exchange with the relevant local authorities and industry partners.

Messe Frankfurt's digital platforms for business success
Messe Frankfurt has already been actively helping retailers to help themselves since 2019 with Nextrade, the first order and data management platform for the home and living sector, and Conzoom Solutions, an information platform for the global consumer goods sector. "A second year without appropriate ordering, inspiration and networking formats poses considerable and in some cases existentially threatening challenges for retailers worldwide," Braun explains. "With our digital offers, we are specifically supporting our partners in industry and trade in this volatile situation. In addition, we will continue to put all our energy and optimism into safe and promising trade fairs. Because there is no substitute for meeting in real life."

Information on the planning of the Frankfurt consumer goods fairs for 2023 will be announced at the beginning of February 2022.


Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH