From the Sector

1547 results

Fashion for Good: Sorting for Circularity USA report

Fashion for Good launches the Sorting for Circularity USA report unveiling significant findings from the project. A first of its kind in the US, the report delves into consumer disposal behaviour, textile waste composition, and the potential for fibre-to-fibre recycling within the country. It provides insights for making informed decisions for further investments, infrastructure development and the next steps towards circularity.

The U.S. Textile Waste Landscape
The United States is a global leader in textile consumption and waste generation, positioning itself as one of the largest sources of secondary raw materials for post-consumer textile feedstock. Despite this, only 15% of the textile waste generated in the US is currently recovered, with 85% ending up in landfills or incinerators.

With the impending policies in the European Union and certain American states, alongside commitments from both public and private sectors to promote fibre-to-fibre recycling, there is a growing demand for infrastructure related to post-consumer textile collection, sorting, and recycling.

Fashion for Good launches the Sorting for Circularity USA report unveiling significant findings from the project. A first of its kind in the US, the report delves into consumer disposal behaviour, textile waste composition, and the potential for fibre-to-fibre recycling within the country. It provides insights for making informed decisions for further investments, infrastructure development and the next steps towards circularity.

The U.S. Textile Waste Landscape
The United States is a global leader in textile consumption and waste generation, positioning itself as one of the largest sources of secondary raw materials for post-consumer textile feedstock. Despite this, only 15% of the textile waste generated in the US is currently recovered, with 85% ending up in landfills or incinerators.

With the impending policies in the European Union and certain American states, alongside commitments from both public and private sectors to promote fibre-to-fibre recycling, there is a growing demand for infrastructure related to post-consumer textile collection, sorting, and recycling.

Addressing Data GPS
In the pursuit of establishing a functional reverse supply chain and the necessary infrastructure, two critical areas lack data  – consumer disposal behaviour, and material characteristics of post-consumer textiles. The Sorting for Circularity USA project addressed these gaps through a comprehensive national consumer survey and waste composition analysis.

The survey revealed that 60% of respondents divert textiles, while 4% discard them, driven primarily by factors such as condition and fit. On the other hand, the waste composition analysis unveiled that over 56% of post-consumer textiles are suitable for fibre-to-fibre recycling, with cotton and polyester being the most prevalent fibre types, indicating a substantial potential for these textiles to be used as feedstock for mechanical and chemical recycling processes.

The project revealed a $1.5 billion opportunity for fibre-to-fibre recycling by redirecting non-rewearable textiles from landfills and incinerators to recycling streams. The report outlines growth strategies for the US textile recycling industry, emphasising enhanced financial value through efficiency improvements, increased commodity valuation, and policy mechanisms like extended producer responsibility schemes. Collaboration among stakeholders is crucial, including brands, government, retailers, consumers, collectors, sorters, recyclers, and financial institutions, to promote circularity, invest in research and development, and advocate for supportive policies and incentives to drive technological innovation. This redirection of textiles towards recycling underscores the substantial economic potential of embracing circularity in the textile industry.
There is an opportunity to build on these insights and assess the feasibility of different sorting business models and (semi) automated sorting technologies to create a demo facility suitable for closed-loop textile recycling. Ultimately, evaluating the commercial and technical feasibility of a semi-automated sorting process and identifying investment opportunities to scale solutions nationwide.

TrusTrace launches Playbook for fashion industry (c) TrusTrace

TrusTrace launches Playbook for fashion industry

TrusTrace, a global SaaS company with a market-leading platform for supply chain traceability and compliance in fashion and retail, announced the launch of its third playbook entitled, “Unlocking DPP: The Why, What and How of Digital Product Passports.”

Unveiled at the Global Fashion Summit in Copenhagen, the playbook offers a guide for fashion industry professionals grappling with the data collection and implementation of the widely anticipated Digital Product Passport, which will come into force in the European Union between 2026-2030. The book busts some common myths and misconceptions about the DPP, and offers a data protocol for brands to follow to start collecting DPP data and setting up their digital systems for DPP implementation.

TrusTrace, a global SaaS company with a market-leading platform for supply chain traceability and compliance in fashion and retail, announced the launch of its third playbook entitled, “Unlocking DPP: The Why, What and How of Digital Product Passports.”

Unveiled at the Global Fashion Summit in Copenhagen, the playbook offers a guide for fashion industry professionals grappling with the data collection and implementation of the widely anticipated Digital Product Passport, which will come into force in the European Union between 2026-2030. The book busts some common myths and misconceptions about the DPP, and offers a data protocol for brands to follow to start collecting DPP data and setting up their digital systems for DPP implementation.

The guide, which has been authored by journalist Brooke Roberts-Islam, opens with ‘The Why’ of the DPP, breaking down the complex set of incoming EU legislation, and explaining why DPP is an essential tool for achieving the EU’s legally-binding commitment to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. The guide highlights the significant data gaps and how the DPP will address these by collecting and sharing circularity data.

‘The What’ section explains the three core components of the DPP: product data, unique identifiers and the required interoperable IT system (for decentralized data sharing). This section also offers a breakdown of who and what is in scope, along with the required data systems. ‘The When’ offers all brands an essential overview of the DPP timeline and requirements for textile products under the ESPR.

‘The How’ provides brands with the essential steps to successfully collect data and implement a DPP scheme. The insights in this chapter are derived from the Trace4Value project, a live DPP pilot led by TrusTrace to test an end-to-end DPP data and system infrastructure for textile products entering the EU market. The pilot cohort embedded DPP carriers with live data into selected Kappahl and Marimekko products, which launched on the market in early 2024.



Jubiläum FTB Foto Hochschule Niederrhein. Feierten das 15-jährige Bestehen des Forschungsinstituts für Textil und Bekleidung an der HSNR (von links): Markus Schmitz (Vorsitzender des Fördervereins), Felix Heinrichs (Oberbürgermeister Mönchengladbach), Dr. Thomas Grünewald (Präsident der HSNR, Dr. Christian Feiler (Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Industrie, Klimaschutz und Energie des Landes NRW), Prof. Dr. Lutz Vossebein (Dekan des Fachbereichs Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik), Detlef Braun (Textilakademie), Prof. Dr. Maike Rabe (Institutsleiterin, hier mit dem Outfit „TO APPEAR AS WE PLEASE“ der Absolventin Nadine Gottwald), Prof. Dr. Rudolf Voller (ehemaliger Dekan des Fachbereichs) und Prof. Dr. Marie-Louise Klotz (ehemalige Dekanin des Fachbereichs).

15 Jahre Textil-Institut der HSNR

Das Forschungsinstitut für Textil und Bekleidung (FTB) der Hochschule Niederrhein steht seit 2009 für Forschung: von der Kompetenzplattform mit wenigen Mitarbeitenden zum eigenständigen Institut mit rund 40 Beschäftigten.
Die Hochschule feierte das 15-jährige Jubiläum unter dem Motto „Forschung, die anzieht!“ mit rund 150 Gäste und Partner, die den Werdegang des FTB von der Gründungszeit bis heute begleitet haben.

Das Forschungsinstitut für Textil und Bekleidung (FTB) der Hochschule Niederrhein steht seit 2009 für Forschung: von der Kompetenzplattform mit wenigen Mitarbeitenden zum eigenständigen Institut mit rund 40 Beschäftigten.
Die Hochschule feierte das 15-jährige Jubiläum unter dem Motto „Forschung, die anzieht!“ mit rund 150 Gäste und Partner, die den Werdegang des FTB von der Gründungszeit bis heute begleitet haben.
Das FTB war eines der ersten gegründeten Institute an der HSNR. Hier setzen Lehrende, Studierende und Forschende ihr Wissen in die Praxis um: Mit Hilfe der modernen Ausstattung und Maschinen bietet es optimale Bedingungen für Versuchsreihen, um an Lösungen für bestimmte Fragestellungen zu arbeiten. Themen entlang der gesamten textilen Verarbeitungskette einschließlich Recycling am Produktebensende, in die alle Lehrenden des Fachbereichs eng miteinbezogen werden, können hier umgesetzt werden. Groß geschrieben wird auch die Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Instituten und Hochschulen. Davon profitieren in besonderem Maße die Studierenden der unterschiedlichen Studiengänge wie Textil- Bekleidungstechnik, Design-Ingenieur oder Textile and Clothing Management.
Studierende früh an komplexe Probleme und Forschungsaufgaben heranzuführen, war immer ein Ziel der HSNR. Einen wichtigen Meilenstein erreichte der Fachbereich Anfang der 2000er Jahre mit neuen Prüfungsordnungen für Bachelor- und Masterstudiengänge in deutscher und englischer Sprache.
Um sich von den bisherigen Diplomstudiengängen stärker abzugrenzen, sollte die Forschung mehr Gewicht bekommen. 2009 wurde schließlich aus einer Kompetenzplattform ein eigenständiges Forschungsinstitut.
Die Aufnahme des FTB in das Forschungskuratorium Textil war ein Türöffner, der die Bewerbung um Forschungsprojekte bei der Industriellen Gemeinschaftsforschung (IGF) ermöglichte. Mit den ersten IGF-Projekten kamen auch der Erfolg bei anderen Förderrichtlinien und der Ausbau der Industriekooperationen.
Seitdem hat sich das Institut zu einer festen Größe in der Textilforschung im In- und Ausland entwickelt und beschäftigt heute rund 40 Forschende sowie in jedem Semester rund 30 Studierende.


Hochschule Niederrhein

LEIBINGER gewinnt „German Innovation Award“ (c) Paul Leibinger GmbH & Co. KG
Christina Leibinger, CEO bei LEIBINGER, und Jan van het Reve, COO, nahmen den German Innovation Award persönlich entgegen.

LEIBINGER gewinnt „German Innovation Award“

Der Rat für Formgebung hat den innovativen, leistungsstarken Industriedrucker IQJET von LEIBINGER am 14. Mai in Berlin mit dem German Innovation Award in Gold prämiert. Darüber hinaus wurde der Spezialist für Kennzeichnungssysteme als Innovator des Jahres 2024 ausgezeichnet.

Die interdisziplinäre Fachjury des Rats für Formgebung zeichnete IQJET in der Kategorie „Excellence in Business to Business: Machines & Engineering“ mit dem German Innovation Award in Gold aus. Der Preis wird anhand von Kriterien wie Nachhaltigkeit, Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit für herausragende Produkte, Projekte und Pionierleistungen vergeben. An dem festlichen Event im Berliner Futurium nahmen rund 300 Gäste aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Medien teil.

Der Rat für Formgebung hat den innovativen, leistungsstarken Industriedrucker IQJET von LEIBINGER am 14. Mai in Berlin mit dem German Innovation Award in Gold prämiert. Darüber hinaus wurde der Spezialist für Kennzeichnungssysteme als Innovator des Jahres 2024 ausgezeichnet.

Die interdisziplinäre Fachjury des Rats für Formgebung zeichnete IQJET in der Kategorie „Excellence in Business to Business: Machines & Engineering“ mit dem German Innovation Award in Gold aus. Der Preis wird anhand von Kriterien wie Nachhaltigkeit, Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit für herausragende Produkte, Projekte und Pionierleistungen vergeben. An dem festlichen Event im Berliner Futurium nahmen rund 300 Gäste aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Medien teil.

Industriedrucker IQJET
Überall, wo produziert und verpackt wird, spielt Kennzeichnung eine entscheidende Rolle. Die aufgedruckten Informationen sorgen für die zuverlässige Einhaltung gesetzlicher Vorgaben, ermöglichen eine lückenlose Nachverfolgung entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette und erzeugen Transparenz sowie Interaktionsmöglichkeiten für die Verbraucher. Mit dem neuen Industriedrucker IQJET revolutioniert LEIBINGER den kontinuierlichen Tintenstrahldruck (Continuous Inkjet Printing, CIJ) und bietet Anwendern aus zahlreichen Branchen eine optimale Lösung zur Kennzeichnung ihrer Produkte.

IQJET druckt zum Beispiel Texte, Logos und Codes auf eine Vielzahl von Oberflächen wie Textilien, Kunststoff, Glas und Papier. Die Geräte sorgen für hohe Leistung, Druckqualität und Effizienz bei durchgehender Verfügbarkeit ohne Reinigungsaufwand. Anwender profitieren von der „Plug&Print“-Funktionalität, einfachen Bedienung sowie fünf Jahren wartungsfreiem Betrieb. Im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Druckern senkt IQJET die Betriebskosten um bis zu 30 Prozent. Darüber hinaus optimieren Unternehmen ihren ökologischen Fußabdruck durch den geringen Energie-, Tinten- und Lösemittelverbrauch.


Paul Leibinger GmbH & Co. KG

Re:claim project - school blazer

A circular school blazer

Vision and technology are the key ingredients of a ground-breaking school blazer that is showing how businesses can move to a circular textiles economy.  
While many brands are grappling with the complexities of inevitable legislation and engrained business models, leading school uniform producer, David Luke, has launched a fully recyclable ‘circular’ school blazer that is designed to be recycled through Project Re:claim, the world’s first commercial-scale polyester recycling plant.
Project Re:claim is a joint venture between the UK’s largest charity textile collector, The Salvation Army, and leading circularity specialists Project Plan B. The plant opened in the UK in January 2024, and presents huge opportunities for brands to transition to textile-to-textile manufacturing models.

Vision and technology are the key ingredients of a ground-breaking school blazer that is showing how businesses can move to a circular textiles economy.  
While many brands are grappling with the complexities of inevitable legislation and engrained business models, leading school uniform producer, David Luke, has launched a fully recyclable ‘circular’ school blazer that is designed to be recycled through Project Re:claim, the world’s first commercial-scale polyester recycling plant.
Project Re:claim is a joint venture between the UK’s largest charity textile collector, The Salvation Army, and leading circularity specialists Project Plan B. The plant opened in the UK in January 2024, and presents huge opportunities for brands to transition to textile-to-textile manufacturing models.
David Luke’s circular blazer has been introduced to the brand’s successful Eco-uniform range which has sold over 1.7 million Eco-blazers in the last decade. Up until 2023, David Luke’s Eco-blazer, like many recycled garments, has been made from recycled plastic bottles. But the company has been working with Tim Cross, CEO of Project Plan B and the Circular Textiles Foundation, to bring the 100% recyclable blazer to market.
Tim Cross said: “David Luke has grasped the opportunity to embed 100% recyclable and 100% recycled garments into their range, starting with the school blazer. We now have the technology to enable their blazers to be recycled without any separation of the garment, making it an efficient recycling process. The team at David Luke has worked tirelessly with their manufacturers to create a blazer that does not compromise on design or quality, and yet is much kinder to the environment.”
Every detail from the lining, buttons and zips to the inter-linings and adhesives, has been re-thought and re-designed to meet the demands of an everyday school blazer and to recycle the garment once it reaches its end-of-life. Up until now, when the blazers have eventually been handed down to siblings, or given to the local charity shop, there had been no end-of-life solution for polyester garments apart from incineration. Now, Project Re:claim can recycle the blazer to produce polyester pellets, which are then spun into yarn to be used for future David Luke circular blazers.
Cross continues: “David Luke has the vision to create a fully circular range, and we have the potential to supply recycled content. The possibilities are infinite in terms of the future of garment design and manufacturing.”
Kathryn Shuttleworth, Chief Executive of David Luke, said: “It is a natural next step for us to transition to a textile-to-textile model. We have been producing garments using recycled plastic bottles for 15 years, but we have always had an eye on developments in textile recycling and solutions for end-of-life garments.”
In 2020, David Luke was awarded the Queen’s award for Enterprise for Sustainable Development and in January 2023 the David Luke circular blazer achieved Circular Foundation Textile certification.
Shuttleworth added: “Our focus will always be on those essential ingredients for parents and children - style, durability and affordability. But we have a responsibility to change our business model to better protect children’s future and the environment. It has become our obsession to make uniforms that meet our customers’ demands. We are really excited about the future as we continue to develop our range.”
Majonne Frost, Head of Environment and Sustainability for Salvation Army Trading Company, said: “Our vision is to enable companies to produce uniforms, corporate wear, fashion garments and textile ranges using recycled polyester.  We have the infrastructure to collect donations at scale and we now need companies to step up. This is an opportunity for companies to make a commitment to significantly reduce their environmental impact, and David Luke are showing us how that is possible.”

More information:
uniforms Re:claim

wearepr / Re:claim

Südwesttextil-Hauptgeschäftsführerin Edina Brenner, Südwesttextil-Vorstand Jochen Eckhold, Ministerin der Justiz und für Migration Marion Gentges und Südwesttextil Präsident Arved H. Westerkamp. (v.l.n.r.) Foto © Ministerium der Justiz und für Migration Baden-Württemberg
Südwesttextil-Hauptgeschäftsführerin Edina Brenner, Südwesttextil-Vorstand Jochen Eckhold, Ministerin der Justiz und für Migration Marion Gentges und Südwesttextil Präsident Arved H. Westerkamp. (v.l.n.r.)

Fachkräfteeinwanderung: Südwesttextil für baldige Einrichtung einer Landesagentur

Im Gespräch mit Marion Gentges, Ministerin der Justiz und für Migration, plädierte Südwesttextil für eine zeitnahe Umsetzung der Landesagentur für Zuwanderung von Fachkräften (LZF).

Südwesttextil begrüßte im Rahmen des Austauschs mit Marion Gentges, Ministerin der Justiz und für Migration, die Einrichtung einer Landesagentur für Zuwanderung von Fachkräften.

Ministerin der Justiz und für Migration Marion Gentges: „Wir werden eine Landesagentur für die Zuwanderung von Fachkräften einrichten als Angebot an unsere Wirtschaft und Entlastung für die Ausländerbehörden, damit wir kürzere Verfahren und effizientere Prozesse bei der Fachkräfteeinwanderung kriegen. Diese Stelle wird eine landesweite Zuständigkeit haben und Unternehmen, die vor Ort keinen speziellen Ansprechpartner haben, als spezialisierte Anlaufstelle zur Verfügung stehen. Unternehmen, die bereits enge Anbindungen und gute Prozesse mit der Ausländerbehörde vor Ort etabliert haben, können sich aber natürlich auch weiterhin dorthin wenden.“  

Im Gespräch mit Marion Gentges, Ministerin der Justiz und für Migration, plädierte Südwesttextil für eine zeitnahe Umsetzung der Landesagentur für Zuwanderung von Fachkräften (LZF).

Südwesttextil begrüßte im Rahmen des Austauschs mit Marion Gentges, Ministerin der Justiz und für Migration, die Einrichtung einer Landesagentur für Zuwanderung von Fachkräften.

Ministerin der Justiz und für Migration Marion Gentges: „Wir werden eine Landesagentur für die Zuwanderung von Fachkräften einrichten als Angebot an unsere Wirtschaft und Entlastung für die Ausländerbehörden, damit wir kürzere Verfahren und effizientere Prozesse bei der Fachkräfteeinwanderung kriegen. Diese Stelle wird eine landesweite Zuständigkeit haben und Unternehmen, die vor Ort keinen speziellen Ansprechpartner haben, als spezialisierte Anlaufstelle zur Verfügung stehen. Unternehmen, die bereits enge Anbindungen und gute Prozesse mit der Ausländerbehörde vor Ort etabliert haben, können sich aber natürlich auch weiterhin dorthin wenden.“  

Arved H. Westerkamp, Präsident von Südwesttextil, unterstrich im Austausch mit der Ministerin: „Die hohe Relevanz ausländischer Fachkräfte ist für uns unbestritten. Die Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie macht bereits heute Gebrauch von den Möglichkeiten des Fachkräfteeinwanderungsgesetzes, denn der Fachkräftemangel stellt eine Herausforderung für ein verstärktes Wachstum in der Branche dar.“ Allerdings seien die gesetzlichen Vorgaben nach wie vor zu komplex für den betrieblichen Alltag, berichtet Arved H. Westerkamp. Die Industrie signalisiere Bereitschaft, in der nahen Kooperation mit den relevanten Behörden einen Beitrag zur Beschleunigung der Verfahren in der Übernahme von beratenden Aufgaben zu leisten. Wichtig ist dabei auch die Digitalisierung der Prozesse und die ausreichende Ausstattung der LZF von Beginn an.

„Die Realisierung eines koordinierenden Ansprechpartners für den gesamten Einwanderungsprozess nach dem Motto 'one face to the customer', gebündelt mit einer digitalen Plattform zur Überprüfung des Verfahrensstands bei der Fachkräfteeinwanderung, wäre für die Fachkraft und uns als Unternehmen äußerst hilfreich“, ergänzt Jochen Eckhold, Mitglied des Vorstands von Südwesttextil, die Vorstellung von einem LZF aus Unternehmensperspektive.

Die Bündelung der Kompetenzen in einer zentralen Organisation wäre ein Fortschritt gegenüber der aktuellen Situation. „Die Einbeziehung der Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie in die Gestaltung und Umsetzung der LZF ist ausdrücklich gewünscht“, betonte Südwesttextil-Hauptgeschäftsführerin Edina Brenner abschließend während des Treffens mit der Justizministerin.

Südwesttextil hat seinen Standpunkt zur Fachkräfteeinwanderung in einem Positionspapier mit zahlreichen Beispielen zum Status Quo in der baden-württembergischen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie dargelegt.


Verband der Südwestdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie Südwesttextil e.V.


Indorama Ventures: 1Q24 Performance

  • Sales Volume rose 3% QoQ and 2% YoY to 3.55MT
  • Adjusted EBITDA of $366M, a rise of 32% QoQ and a decline of 2% YoY
  • Operating cash flows of $184M
  • Net Operating Debt to Equity of 1.12
  • Reported EPS of THB0.17

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) reported an improved quarterly performance as the prolonged destocking trend showed further signs of easing. During the quarter, the company progressed its IVL 2.0 evolved strategy to enhance earnings quality and transform its business to emerge stronger from the downturn in global chemical markets.

  • Sales Volume rose 3% QoQ and 2% YoY to 3.55MT
  • Adjusted EBITDA of $366M, a rise of 32% QoQ and a decline of 2% YoY
  • Operating cash flows of $184M
  • Net Operating Debt to Equity of 1.12
  • Reported EPS of THB0.17

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) reported an improved quarterly performance as the prolonged destocking trend showed further signs of easing. During the quarter, the company progressed its IVL 2.0 evolved strategy to enhance earnings quality and transform its business to emerge stronger from the downturn in global chemical markets.

Indorama Ventures’ reported Adjusted EBITDA1  of $366 million in 1Q24, a 32% increase QoQ and a 2% decline YoY. Sales volume grew 3% QoQ as the widespread customer destocking that sapped demand through 2023 shows signs of a gradual recovery across all sectors, partially offset by a winter freeze in the U.S. The result was supported by lower utilities costs in Europe, Red Sea-related supply chain disruptions that benefited the company’s import parity advantages, and favorable shale gas economics that bolstered profitability in the U.S.

Indorama Ventures expects the recovery in volumes to continue through 2024, albeit at a gradual pace as destocking normalizes and the approaching summer supports demand. However, the overall landscape for the global chemical industry remains challenging due to excess capacity builds, as well due to persistent inflation and high interest rates which weigh on industry spreads and continue to impair profitability, especially across the polyester value chain. Our HVA segment ‘Indovinya’ is progressing well into the second quarter post the easing of destocking and anticipating a healthy 2024.

The company’s experienced management remains intensely focused on managing costs, optimizing competitiveness, and maintaining high liquidity. Indorama Ventures’ diverse geographical footprint is a key advantage in the current low-margin environment, allowing its businesses to maintain their strong market premium, supported by protection from trade and non-trade barriers.

In 1Q, the company made headway with its IVL 2.0 three-year plan to leverage its global leadership position and forge a new era of opportunity amid significant structural changes in chemical markets. Under the evolved strategy, which the company outlined at its annual Capital Markets Day in March, Indorama Ventures is optimizing assets, reducing debt, and focusing on generating free cash flow to deliver enhanced shareholder returns. Today, 70% of the company's revenue has deployed the SAPS/4HANA ERP and is using the infrastructure to enhance digital procurement, sales excellence, and integration of supply chains across the business. The company believes these AI tools will improve productivity and costs, as well as release working capital in line with its modernization strategy.

As part of IVL 2.0, the company is optimizing 7 sites, including the ongoing evaluation of its PTA/PET operation in the Netherlands. It has also made significant progress in its program to refinance $1.1 billion of debt within the first half of 2024 to ensure ample liquidity. Recent capital raisings include a $255 million ‘Ninja loan’, a THB 10 billion debenture, a $100M bi-lateral loan, and this week’s successful close of a $500 million syndicated loan – achieved at lower-than-average spreads compared to previous issuances.

To unlock value, Indorama Ventures is preparing its packaging and surfactants businesses for IPOs. From 1Q24, the Indovinya segment (previously named ‘Integrated Oxides and Derivatives’) is focused on developing its attractive downstream surfactants operations as a separate segment. The segment’s Intermediate Chemicals business, consisting of shale base integrated Ethylene MEG, MTBE and merchant Purified EO assets, have been moved under the Combined PET (CPET) segment where they are a natural fit.

Segment Performances
In 1Q24, CPET segment (including Intermediate Chemicals) posted Adjusted EBITDA of $249 million, a 34% gain QoQ and 4% YoY as supply chain disruptions and a consequent spike in global ocean freight rates supported high prices and margins, and as Western markets benefited from lower energy costs. The Indovinya segment reported a stable Adjusted EBITDA of $70 million, impacted by the winter freeze in the U.S and a mini turnaround at a PO/PG plant. The Fibers segment achieved a remarkable 73% increase in Adjusted EBITDA to $39 million QoQ, and 2% YoY, as destocking waned across all three business verticals and drove an 8% QoQ increase in volume.


Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited

Coloreel expands into sewing Industry with Juki America (c) Coloreel
Torbjörn Bäck, Coloreel and Masanori Awasaki, Juki America

Coloreel expands into sewing Industry with Juki America

Juki America and Coloreel revealed a partnership that will extend Coloreel’s thread dyeing technology to the sewing industry. With Coloreel, Juki sewing machines can now access millions of precise colors in real time.

Juki’s distributors will get exclusive rights to market and sell Coloreel for sewing machines within North and South America. The first official installation of Coloreel paired with a Juki sewing machine will be at FABRIC Incubator in Arizona, USA, a fashion incubator and garment manufacturer that supports up-and-coming designers.

Juki America and Coloreel revealed a partnership that will extend Coloreel’s thread dyeing technology to the sewing industry. With Coloreel, Juki sewing machines can now access millions of precise colors in real time.

Juki’s distributors will get exclusive rights to market and sell Coloreel for sewing machines within North and South America. The first official installation of Coloreel paired with a Juki sewing machine will be at FABRIC Incubator in Arizona, USA, a fashion incubator and garment manufacturer that supports up-and-coming designers.




15-year anniversary of Global Fashion Summit in Copenhagen

Global Fashion Summit: Copenhagen Edition 2024 will take place on 22-23 May in the Copenhagen Concert Hall. Presented by Global Fashion Agenda (GFA), a non-profit organisation that is accelerating the transition to a net positive fashion industry, the 2024 edition with mark the Summit’s 15th anniversary and will bring together  leaders to drive urgent social and environmental progress.
Her Majesty The Queen of Denmark will attend the Summit on 22 May and provide Opening Remarks. The Queen first attended the inaugural Summit in 2009 and has since spoken at every edition of the Summit, demonstrating her dedication to a more sustainable future.
Under the central theme ‘Unlocking the Next Level’, over 100 other esteemed speakers will take to the Summit’s historic stages to share action-based insights, including executives from: Kering, Patagonia, Maersk, Brioni, Conservation International, The New York Times, Ralph Lauren Corporation, H&M Group, Ganni, WWF, Re&Up, Fair Labor Association, and more.

Global Fashion Summit: Copenhagen Edition 2024 will take place on 22-23 May in the Copenhagen Concert Hall. Presented by Global Fashion Agenda (GFA), a non-profit organisation that is accelerating the transition to a net positive fashion industry, the 2024 edition with mark the Summit’s 15th anniversary and will bring together  leaders to drive urgent social and environmental progress.
Her Majesty The Queen of Denmark will attend the Summit on 22 May and provide Opening Remarks. The Queen first attended the inaugural Summit in 2009 and has since spoken at every edition of the Summit, demonstrating her dedication to a more sustainable future.
Under the central theme ‘Unlocking the Next Level’, over 100 other esteemed speakers will take to the Summit’s historic stages to share action-based insights, including executives from: Kering, Patagonia, Maersk, Brioni, Conservation International, The New York Times, Ralph Lauren Corporation, H&M Group, Ganni, WWF, Re&Up, Fair Labor Association, and more.
With a 15-year foundation as a leading forum for sustainability in fashion, the event will attract over 1000 stakeholders from the fashion sector, adjacent industries, policymakers, solution providers, and more. The Summit’s programme will be structured around unlocking solutions to fashion’s biggest sustainability barriers, no matter where an organisation is on its sustainability journey. Sessions include: ‘Fragmented Futures: Fashion’s Policy Agenda’, ‘Luxury, Leather, and Land’, ‘Towards a Binding Agreement on Wages, ‘Pathways to Indigenous Partnership’, and ‘Ending Oversupply’.
Building on the impact of previous Summits, the 2024 edition will also host more action-oriented roundtable meetings. The closed-door sessions bring together groups of stakeholders to discuss relevant barriers, share learnings, and build collaborations to support the implementation of solutions. Roundtables will address topics such as: ‘Scaling Circular Textile Systems’, ‘Pay Equity Interventions in European Value Chains’, and ‘Impactful Influence’.
The Summit will also present the Innovation Forum, a curated exhibition of leading sustainable solutions. Summit attendees can meet with exhibitors covering the entire value chain – from innovative materials to end-of-use solutions.


Global Fashion Agenda (GFA)


Lenzing: Revenue and earnings growth in first quarter of 2024

  • Revenue up 5.7 percent year-on-year to EUR 658.4 million
  • EBITDA more than doubles year-on-year to EUR 71.4 million
  • Free cash flow of EUR 87.3 million (compared with minus EUR 132.3 million in the first quarter of 2023) and thereby positive for the third consecutive quarter
  • Performance program shows positive effect on revenue, EDITDA, and free cash flow
  • Lenzing confirms EBITDA guidance for 2024

The Lenzing Group, a leading supplier of regenerated cellulose for the textile and nonwovens industries, recorded a further improvement in fiber sales volumes in the first quarter of 2024. An expected recovery in markets relevant for Lenzing has to date failed to materialize. Fiber prices remained at a low level. Although the costs of raw materials and energy continued to decrease, they remained higher than in the pre-crisis 2019 year.

  • Revenue up 5.7 percent year-on-year to EUR 658.4 million
  • EBITDA more than doubles year-on-year to EUR 71.4 million
  • Free cash flow of EUR 87.3 million (compared with minus EUR 132.3 million in the first quarter of 2023) and thereby positive for the third consecutive quarter
  • Performance program shows positive effect on revenue, EDITDA, and free cash flow
  • Lenzing confirms EBITDA guidance for 2024

The Lenzing Group, a leading supplier of regenerated cellulose for the textile and nonwovens industries, recorded a further improvement in fiber sales volumes in the first quarter of 2024. An expected recovery in markets relevant for Lenzing has to date failed to materialize. Fiber prices remained at a low level. Although the costs of raw materials and energy continued to decrease, they remained higher than in the pre-crisis 2019 year.

Even though the IMF has upgraded its growth forecast for 2024 from 3.1 percent to 3.2 percent, a number of risks remain for the global economy: potential geopolitical shocks, persistently higher inflation and key interest rates, as well as market risks emanating from the Chinese real estate market are currently considered to be the most relevant.

General inflation and falling incomes in real terms are continuing to exert a negative impact on consumer sentiment. A recovery in the consumer clothing market, which is important for Lenzing, will also depend on a further normalization of stock levels.

The currency environment is expected to remain volatile in regions relevant to Lenzing.

In the trend-setting market for cotton, a stable price trend is expected for the 2023/2024 harvest season.

Earnings visibility remains limited overall.

Revenue and earnings in the first quarter exceeded Lenzing’s expectations, despite the persistently difficult market. Lenzing is ahead of schedule with the implementation of its performance program. By appointing a separate Managing Board member, the projects identified to date are to be implemented even more rapidly, and new potentials are to be leveraged. Lenzing expects that these measures will increasingly contribute to further earnings improvement over the coming quarters compared to the first quarter of 2024.

Taking the aforementioned factors into consideration, the Lenzing Group confirms its guidance for the 2024 financial year of year-on-year higher EBITDA.

In structural terms, Lenzing continues to anticipate growth in demand for environmentally responsible fibers for the textile and clothing industry as well as the hygiene and medical sectors. As a consequence, Lenzing is well positioned with its “Better Growth” strategy and plans to continue driving growth with specialty fibers as well as its sustainability goals, including the transformation from a linear to a circular economy model.


Lenzing Group


SGL Carbon: Report on first quarter of 2024

  • Continued growth in the semiconductor business
  • Weak demand for carbon fibers further impacts Group sales and profitability
  • Group sales down slightly at €272.6 million (-3.9%), adjusted EBITDA up 5.0% to €42.1 million
  • Adjusted EBITDA margin at 15.4% after 14.1% in the same quarter of the previous year
  • Outlook for 2024 confirmed

SGL Carbon had a solid start to the first quarter of 2024. Despite the slight decline in sales of 3.9% to €272.6 million (Q1 2023: €283.7 million), adjusted EBITDA improved by 5.0% to € 42.1 million (Q1 2023: € 40.1 million). Weak demand in the Carbon Fibers business unit in particular have a negative impact on the Group's sales and earnings performance. By contrast, slightly higher sales and, especially, the increase in adjusted EBITDA in the Graphite Solutions and Process Technology business units had a positive effect on the Group's performance.

  • Continued growth in the semiconductor business
  • Weak demand for carbon fibers further impacts Group sales and profitability
  • Group sales down slightly at €272.6 million (-3.9%), adjusted EBITDA up 5.0% to €42.1 million
  • Adjusted EBITDA margin at 15.4% after 14.1% in the same quarter of the previous year
  • Outlook for 2024 confirmed

SGL Carbon had a solid start to the first quarter of 2024. Despite the slight decline in sales of 3.9% to €272.6 million (Q1 2023: €283.7 million), adjusted EBITDA improved by 5.0% to € 42.1 million (Q1 2023: € 40.1 million). Weak demand in the Carbon Fibers business unit in particular have a negative impact on the Group's sales and earnings performance. By contrast, slightly higher sales and, especially, the increase in adjusted EBITDA in the Graphite Solutions and Process Technology business units had a positive effect on the Group's performance.

In line with the course of business in the first three months of 2024, the company confirms its sales and earnings outlook for the 2024 financial year. Consolidated sales for the 2024 financial year are expected to be at the previous year's level and adjusted EBITDA between €160 million and €170 million.




GOTS releases new rules and tools

  • GOTS Version 7.0 released
  • GOTS certified entities grow by 8% and expand to 89 countries
  • GOTS releases Due Diligence Handbook for certified entities
  • Farm-Gin Registry implemented in India, creating a direct link and better evaluation of incoming data
  • GOTS collaborates with European Space Agency and Marple for AI organic cotton project
  • #Behindtheseams campaign reaches 21 million+ unique individuals

The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), managed by non-profit Global Standard, recognises 2023 as a year of significant milestones. From expansion of GOTS-certified facilities to the release of a new standard version, GOTS remained a beacon for businesses navigating changing legislation, social and environmental demands.

Coming out of one of the strongest years for GOTS, 2023 culminated with 25 GOTS-approved certification bodies reporting a noteworthy 14,676 certified facilities (an 8% growth from 2022) in 89 countries.

  • GOTS Version 7.0 released
  • GOTS certified entities grow by 8% and expand to 89 countries
  • GOTS releases Due Diligence Handbook for certified entities
  • Farm-Gin Registry implemented in India, creating a direct link and better evaluation of incoming data
  • GOTS collaborates with European Space Agency and Marple for AI organic cotton project
  • #Behindtheseams campaign reaches 21 million+ unique individuals

The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), managed by non-profit Global Standard, recognises 2023 as a year of significant milestones. From expansion of GOTS-certified facilities to the release of a new standard version, GOTS remained a beacon for businesses navigating changing legislation, social and environmental demands.

Coming out of one of the strongest years for GOTS, 2023 culminated with 25 GOTS-approved certification bodies reporting a noteworthy 14,676 certified facilities (an 8% growth from 2022) in 89 countries.

Ushering in GOTS Version 7.0
As of 1 March, facilities that become GOTS-certified will operate under the new GOTS Version 7.0, released in March 2023 with a one-year transition period. GOTS Version 7.0 and its accompanying Implementation Manual provides a comprehensive solution for companies who want to produce organic textiles and be supported to ensure compliance with environmental and human rights due diligence along the entire value chain, from field to finished product.

GOTS Version 7.0 also introduced a six-step due diligence process and handbook that equips GOTS-certified operations to proactively identify, assess and mitigate adverse impacts throughout their value chains.

Looking to the future
GOTS initiated in 2023 two major projects in India, the globe’s largest producer of organic cotton. The Farm-Gin Registry was introduced for the 2022-2023 harvest season, which acts as a link between farm and gin and is a tool to strengthen integrity by collecting organic raw seed cotton data producing farm or farm group.

GOTS, the European Space Agency (ESA) and software company Marple launched a new project that aims to show the potential for remote satellite monitoring of organic cotton cultivation systems. The project trained artificial intelligence (AI) to use ESA satellite data to detect cotton fields across India and automatically classify them according to their cultivation standard. By integrating standardised yield metrics, this innovative approach will enable GOTS to generate realistic estimates of organic cotton yields in specific areas. In addition, the project is expected to empower GOTS to recognise cotton fields that have not yet obtained organic certification but possess the potential for a transition to organic cultivation. The first results of the project will be announced in June.

Educating the consumer
GOTS, in its ongoing commitment to stakeholder education, orchestrated in November an immersive 360-degree awareness and educational campaign. Successfully engaging both consumers and industry professionals, the initiative shined a spotlight on GOTS-certified companies and their products, which empowered consumers to make more conscientious choices while shopping. With an impressive turnout of over 250 certified entities, the campaign made a significant global impact, reaching more than 21 million unique individuals worldwide.


Global Standard gGmbH


Lenzing: Outstanding results for social sustainability

The Lenzing Group has achieved outstanding results in the Higg Facility Social & Labor Module (FSLM) certification for five of its production sites. This involved measuring the social impact of production in areas such as wages, working hours, health and safety and treatment of employees.

One of Lenzing's key sustainability goals is to obtain a valid, independently audited and accredited social standard certificate for each of the Lenzing Group's production sites by 2024. This goal is pursued through the Higg Facility Social & Labor Module (Higg FSLM), which assesses social and labor-related conditions. In 2023, more than 7,200 companies worldwide underwent this audit, with Lenzing's result placing it in the top 25 percent of all verified Higg FSLM facilities.

The Lenzing Group has achieved outstanding results in the Higg Facility Social & Labor Module (FSLM) certification for five of its production sites. This involved measuring the social impact of production in areas such as wages, working hours, health and safety and treatment of employees.

One of Lenzing's key sustainability goals is to obtain a valid, independently audited and accredited social standard certificate for each of the Lenzing Group's production sites by 2024. This goal is pursued through the Higg Facility Social & Labor Module (Higg FSLM), which assesses social and labor-related conditions. In 2023, more than 7,200 companies worldwide underwent this audit, with Lenzing's result placing it in the top 25 percent of all verified Higg FSLM facilities.

A recent study by the Society for Applied Economic Research in Innsbruck (Austria)1 emphasises Lenzing's responsibility as an important employer. The Lenzing Group creates a total of 25,292 jobs in the five countries in which it operates production facilities. This figure includes not only employees, but also indirect jobs - because every direct job created creates more than two additional indirect jobs in other sectors of the economy.

1 GAW Wirtschaftsforschung: Economic and Regional Importance of the Lenzing Group in 2023; March 2024


Lenzing Group

(c) Cascale

Cascale announces new CEO

Cascale, a non-profit alliance for driving impact in consumer goods (formerly the Sustainable Apparel Coalition), announces Colin Browne as its new Chief Executive Officer, effective May 1, 2024.

Browne previously served as Interim CEO and Chief Operating Officer of Under Armour, a Cascale member. During his tenure at Under Armour, Browne oversaw sustainability efforts and, in addition, led significant transformations across supply chain, go-to-market and technology. In 2023, the company shared achievements related to its environmental footprint, product circularity, and renewable energy goals – some accomplished with Cascale’s Higg Index suite of tools.

Cascale, a non-profit alliance for driving impact in consumer goods (formerly the Sustainable Apparel Coalition), announces Colin Browne as its new Chief Executive Officer, effective May 1, 2024.

Browne previously served as Interim CEO and Chief Operating Officer of Under Armour, a Cascale member. During his tenure at Under Armour, Browne oversaw sustainability efforts and, in addition, led significant transformations across supply chain, go-to-market and technology. In 2023, the company shared achievements related to its environmental footprint, product circularity, and renewable energy goals – some accomplished with Cascale’s Higg Index suite of tools.

Prior to joining Under Armour, Browne was managing director of Asia Sourcing for VF Corporation, a Cascale member that includes The North Face, Timberland, Vans, and Smartwool brands. In addition to his experience leading brands, Browne also spent four years running manufacturing plants in Thailand and began his career at Bally Shoe factories in the UK. He has lived and worked in the UK, South Korea, mainland China, the Philippines, Thailand, Hong Kong SAR, and the USA; his international experience and localized approach underscore his commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) both in and outside of the workplace. Browne also served as the Chairman of the American Apparel and Footwear Association and was on the board of the World Federation of Sporting Goods Industries. As a member of the Worldly Board, the leader in environmental and social impact data for the apparel and footwear industry and the exclusive platform for Cascale’s Higg Index tools, Browne will ensure a unified approach to advancing sustainability initiatives across both organizations.

During his first 100 days with Cascale, Browne will connect with the organization’s 300+ members across the value chain, emphasizing manufacturer engagement and relationship building. He will also engage Cascale’s broader ecosystem of stakeholders including NGOs, governments, and academia. Browne is personally committed to Cascale’s vision to lead the consumer goods industry to combat climate change, foster decent work for all, and build a nature-positive future.



Walter Reiners Foundation awards Six Young Engineers (c) VDMA
Anna Markic, Mark Zenzinger, Lena Fink, Peter D. Dornier, Fabio Bußmann, Katharina Maria Ernst, Lennart Hellwig, Dr. Harald Weber

Walter Reiners Foundation awards Six Young Engineers

At the Techtextil trade fair in Frankfurt, the Chairman of the Walter Reiners Foundation of the VDMA, Peter D. Dornier, presented awards to six successful young engineers. Promotion and sustainability prizes were awarded in the categories bachelor/project theses and diploma/master theses. Academic theses in which, for example, solutions for resource-saving products and technologies are developed are eligible for the sustainability prizes.

The Walter Reiners Foundation awarded Anna Markic a sustainability prize worth 3,000 euros in the Bachelor's category. The topic of her thesis, written at Reutlingen University, was the recycling of carbon fibres.

Mark Zenzinger, Albstadt-Sigmaringen University, received a 3,000 euro promotion award in the Bachelor's category. His topic was the automation of the process chain for the production of welded textile hard goods.
Lena Fink from the TU Dresden received another promotion award worth 3,000 euros. Her construction engineering project work focused on a device to simplify the maintenance of braiding machines.

At the Techtextil trade fair in Frankfurt, the Chairman of the Walter Reiners Foundation of the VDMA, Peter D. Dornier, presented awards to six successful young engineers. Promotion and sustainability prizes were awarded in the categories bachelor/project theses and diploma/master theses. Academic theses in which, for example, solutions for resource-saving products and technologies are developed are eligible for the sustainability prizes.

The Walter Reiners Foundation awarded Anna Markic a sustainability prize worth 3,000 euros in the Bachelor's category. The topic of her thesis, written at Reutlingen University, was the recycling of carbon fibres.

Mark Zenzinger, Albstadt-Sigmaringen University, received a 3,000 euro promotion award in the Bachelor's category. His topic was the automation of the process chain for the production of welded textile hard goods.
Lena Fink from the TU Dresden received another promotion award worth 3,000 euros. Her construction engineering project work focused on a device to simplify the maintenance of braiding machines.

Fabio Bussmann from RWTH Aachen was awarded a promotion prize in the Master's category, worth 3,500 euros. In his thesis, he analysed the life cycle assessments of alternative semi-finished products for geotextiles.

Katharina Maria Ernst, TU Dresden, was honoured with a sustainability prize of 3,500 euros in the Master's category. Her work focused on the development of a suitable process for the treatment of chitosan fibres as an alternative starting product in the production of carbon fibres.

Lennart Hellwig, RWTH Aachen University, was awarded a 3,500 euro prize in the Master's category. He focused on the topic of machine learning using the example of a nonwovens plant.




adidas: Results for first quarter of 2024

Major developments:

Major developments:

  • Currency-neutral sales up 8% driven by growth in all regions except North America
  • Double-digit DTC growth reflects strong adidas sell-through
  • Gross margin improves 6.4pp to 51.2%, reflecting healthier inventory levels, reduced discounting, lower sourcing costs and a more favorable business mix
  • Operating profit of € 336 million compared to € 60 million in the prior-year period
  • Inventories down more than € 1.2 billion versus the prior year to € 4.4 billion
  • Top- and bottom-line guidance upgraded on April 16 due to successful start to the year

Full-year outlook
adidas expects revenues to increase at a mid- to high-single-digit rate in 2024

On April 16, adidas upgraded its full-year financial guidance as a result of the better-than-expected performance in the first quarter. adidas now expects currency-neutral revenues to increase at a mid- to high-single-digit rate in 2024 (previously: increase at a mid-single-digit rate). Within this guidance, it is assumed that the remaining Yeezy inventory will be sold on average at cost, resulting in sales of around € 200 million throughout the remainder of the year. This corresponds to a projected total amount of Yeezy-related sales of around € 350 million in FY 2024 (previously: around € 250 million), of which around € 150 million were generated in the first quarter. For its underlying business, adidas remains focused on scaling its successful franchises, introducing new ones, and leveraging its significantly better, broader, and deeper product range. Improved retailer relationships, more impactful marketing initiatives, and the company’s activities around major sports events are also expected to contribute to sales increases throughout 2024.

Outlook impacted by significant currency headwinds
Unfavorable currency effects are projected to weigh significantly on the company’s profitability in 2024. They are expected to continue to adversely impact both reported revenues and the gross margin development in the remainder of the year.

Operating profit of around € 700 million projected
Following the better-than-expected performance in the first quarter, the company also increased its full-year profit guidance on April 16. The company’s operating profit is now expected to reach a level of around € 700 million (previously: to reach a level of around € 500 million). The improved bottom-line guidance includes a contribution of around € 50 million from Yeezy (previously: no Yeezy contribution) related to the drop in Q1. The sale of the remaining Yeezy inventory is assumed to result in no further profit contribution during the remainder of the year.




adidas AG

Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris taking place in July (c) Messe Frankfurt France

Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris taking place in July

Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris opens its doors from 1 to 3 July at Paris Expo Porte de Versailles. More than a thousand exhibitors from the world's major sourcing countries will be offering inspirational sources for building collections for 2025-2026. This season's show will focus on suppliers of innovative products and solutions for high-performance and sustainable fashion.

Yarn in the spotlight
Taking us further upstream in the industry and for the first time at the Parisian trade shows, a pavilion featuring yarn producers will be found at the exhibition. Co-organised with Yarn Expo, a Shanghai show in the Messe Frankfurt galaxy, this dedicated pavilion will feature companies from China, India, Pakistan and Taiwan.

Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris opens its doors from 1 to 3 July at Paris Expo Porte de Versailles. More than a thousand exhibitors from the world's major sourcing countries will be offering inspirational sources for building collections for 2025-2026. This season's show will focus on suppliers of innovative products and solutions for high-performance and sustainable fashion.

Yarn in the spotlight
Taking us further upstream in the industry and for the first time at the Parisian trade shows, a pavilion featuring yarn producers will be found at the exhibition. Co-organised with Yarn Expo, a Shanghai show in the Messe Frankfurt galaxy, this dedicated pavilion will feature companies from China, India, Pakistan and Taiwan.

A Leather trends area at Leatherworld, partnerships at Avantex
As in previous summers, this season’s show will bring together all the different aspects of Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris. Leatherworld, the platform dedicated to leather sourcing, is announcing the return of a South African pavilion. This area will also host a Leather Trends area created and run by Italian publisher Edizioni AF, a specialist in the leather industry. Particular attention will be paid to the design processes and choice of materials used by Italian accessories and footwear manufacturers.

A number of new features are also expected in the Avantex innovations area: Partnerships with the IFA Paris fashion design school, the TCBL association and the TUV Rheinland certification body, which will showcase  solutions in sustainable fashion and textiles, and provide an opportunity to discuss these issues at expert round tables.

Furthermore, the fair will be showcasing Texpertise Econogy, the sustainable economy approach developed by the international Messe Frankfurt group to guide visitors in their sourcing choices. Following its launch in February, the upcoming event will continue to promote sustainability with a number of features and provide a platform for green pioneers.


Messe Frankfurt France


NCTO elects new Chairman and Vice Chairman

The National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO), representing the full spectrum of U.S. textiles from fiber through finished sewn products, held its officer elections for fiscal year 2024 at its annual meeting April 9-11.
NCTO has elected Charles Heilig, President of Parkdale Mills, as Chairman; and Chuck Hall, President and CEO of Barnet, as Vice Chairman.

In addition to the appointment of a new chairman and vice chairman, NCTO elected chairs for each of its five councils. NCTO is comprised of five councils to ensure a broad representation of the industry supply chain. Each council has an allotted number of members who are elected to the association’s Board of Directors, in addition to the Executive Committee.

Elected as NCTO Chairman and Vice Chairman for 2024:

The National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO), representing the full spectrum of U.S. textiles from fiber through finished sewn products, held its officer elections for fiscal year 2024 at its annual meeting April 9-11.
NCTO has elected Charles Heilig, President of Parkdale Mills, as Chairman; and Chuck Hall, President and CEO of Barnet, as Vice Chairman.

In addition to the appointment of a new chairman and vice chairman, NCTO elected chairs for each of its five councils. NCTO is comprised of five councils to ensure a broad representation of the industry supply chain. Each council has an allotted number of members who are elected to the association’s Board of Directors, in addition to the Executive Committee.

Elected as NCTO Chairman and Vice Chairman for 2024:

  • Chairman – Charles Heilig, President of Parkdale Mills based in Gastonia, North Carolina, a leading American manufacturer of yarn and cotton consumer products.
  • Vice Chairman – Chuck Hall, President and CEO of Barnet based in Spartanburg, South Carolina, a 125-year-old manufacturer of technical textiles.

Elected to the NCTO Board of Directors:

  • Fiber Council – David Adkins of Lenzing; John Freeman of Nan Ya Plastics; and Melissa Stewart of The LYCRA Company
  • Yarn Council – Justin Ferdinand of Kentwool; Peter Iliopoulos of Gildan; Eddie Ingle of Unifi; Eric Noe of Buhler Quality Yarns; Marvin Smith of Shuford Yarns; and Jay Todd of Service Thread
  • Fabric and Home Products Council – David Smith of Milliken & Company; James McKinnon of Cotswold Industries; Blake Millinor of Valdese Weavers; Leib Oehmig of Glen Raven; Dan Russian of Sage Automotive Interiors; and Walter Spiegel of Standard Textile
  • Finished Textiles and Apparel Products Council – Marisa Fumei-South of Two-One-Two New York (Alternate: Gabrielle Ferrara of Ferrara Manufacturing)
  • Industry Support Council – Todd Bassett of Fi-Tech; Greg Duncan of American Truetzschler; and Jim Reed of YKK Corp.

Elected by their respective Councils to serve on the Executive Committee:
David Adkins, Lenzing; Eddie Ingle, Unifi; Marvin Smith, Shuford Yarns; David Smith, Milliken & Company; James McKinnon, Cotswold Industries; Marisa Fumei-South, Two-One-Two New York; Gabrielle Ferrara, Ferrara Manufacturing; and Todd Bassett, Fi-Tech.

NCTO Chairman Charles Heilig has elected additional executives to serve on the Executive Committee: Anderson Warlick of Parkdale Mills; Norman Chapman of Inman Mills; John Maness of Gildan; Amy Bircher Bruyn of MMI Textiles; and Jackie Ferrari of American Fashion Network.

Elected to chair the Councils:

  • Fiber Council: David Adkins of Lenzing
  • Yarn Council: Justin Ferdinand of Kentwool
  • Fabric and Home Products Council: David Smith of Milliken & Company
  • Finished Textiles and Apparel Products Council: Marisa Fumei-South of Two-One-Two New York.
  • Industry Support Council: Todd Bassett of Fi-Tech

National Council of Textile Organizations

BW_i, Südwesttextil und AFBW zusammen auf der Techtextil (c) Südwesttextil
Aussteller*innen mit Ministerialdirektor Michael Kleiner

BW_i, Südwesttextil und AFBW zusammen auf der Techtextil

Als Vertreter der Landesregierung Baden-Württemberg besuchte Michael Kleiner, Ministerialdirektor am Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Tourismus, den von Baden-Württemberg International, Südwesttextil und AFBW organisierten Gemeinschaftsstand und informierte sich über die neuesten Entwicklungen im Bereich der technischen Textilien.

Baden-Württemberg International (BW_i) präsentierte in Zusammenarbeit mit Südwesttextil und der Allianz Faserbasierter Werkstoffe Baden-Württemberg (AFBW) einen Marktplatz für textile Innovationen auf der Techtextil. Mit 19 Vertreter*innen von Unternehmen und Forschungseinrichtungen aus der Region bot der Stand unter dem Motto „Come Together – Create Opportunities“ eine Plattform für Begegnung, Vernetzung und Austausch.

Passend zum Launch der „Textil kann viel“ Broschüre überreichte die Hauptgeschäftsführerin von Südwesttextil, Edina Brenner, Ministerialdirektor Michael Kleiner die neuste Ausgabe mit textilen Anwendungen aus THE LÄND und darüber hinaus.

Südwesttextil und AFBW begleiteten den Ministerialdirektor durch die Vielfalt branchenübergreifender textiler Lösungen am Stand.

Als Vertreter der Landesregierung Baden-Württemberg besuchte Michael Kleiner, Ministerialdirektor am Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Tourismus, den von Baden-Württemberg International, Südwesttextil und AFBW organisierten Gemeinschaftsstand und informierte sich über die neuesten Entwicklungen im Bereich der technischen Textilien.

Baden-Württemberg International (BW_i) präsentierte in Zusammenarbeit mit Südwesttextil und der Allianz Faserbasierter Werkstoffe Baden-Württemberg (AFBW) einen Marktplatz für textile Innovationen auf der Techtextil. Mit 19 Vertreter*innen von Unternehmen und Forschungseinrichtungen aus der Region bot der Stand unter dem Motto „Come Together – Create Opportunities“ eine Plattform für Begegnung, Vernetzung und Austausch.

Passend zum Launch der „Textil kann viel“ Broschüre überreichte die Hauptgeschäftsführerin von Südwesttextil, Edina Brenner, Ministerialdirektor Michael Kleiner die neuste Ausgabe mit textilen Anwendungen aus THE LÄND und darüber hinaus.

Südwesttextil und AFBW begleiteten den Ministerialdirektor durch die Vielfalt branchenübergreifender textiler Lösungen am Stand.

Sie tauschten sich mit den anwesenden Unternehmen und Forschungseinrichtungen über die Innovationskraft der Branche, aber auch über die heutigen Herausforderungen wie z.B. die Explosion der Energiekosten, den Fachkräftemangel und die Verschärfung der gesetzlichen Rahmenbedingungen aus.


Cleantech-Studie von EPA und EIB

Zwischen 1997 und 2021 wurden mehr als 750 000 Erfindungen für saubere und nachhaltige Technologien veröffentlicht. Das entspricht nahezu 12 % aller Erfindungen in diesem Zeitraum, wie der jüngste gemeinsame Bericht zur “Finanzierung und Vermarktung von sauberen und nachhaltigen Technologien” des Europäischen Patentamts (EPA) und der Europäischen Investitionsbank (EIB) zeigt. Von 2016 bis 2021 nahmen Cleantech-Erfindungen um 33 % zu. Fast 55 000 internationale Patentfamilien wurden allein im Jahr 2021 registriert. Der Bericht enthält auch eine umfassende Befragung europäischer Cleantech-Innovatoren. Sie erläutern ihre Aktivitäten im Bereich der nachhaltigen Technologien auf und verweisen auf die Unterstützung, die sie für die Vermarktung ihrer Erfindungen benötigen.

Zwischen 1997 und 2021 wurden mehr als 750 000 Erfindungen für saubere und nachhaltige Technologien veröffentlicht. Das entspricht nahezu 12 % aller Erfindungen in diesem Zeitraum, wie der jüngste gemeinsame Bericht zur “Finanzierung und Vermarktung von sauberen und nachhaltigen Technologien” des Europäischen Patentamts (EPA) und der Europäischen Investitionsbank (EIB) zeigt. Von 2016 bis 2021 nahmen Cleantech-Erfindungen um 33 % zu. Fast 55 000 internationale Patentfamilien wurden allein im Jahr 2021 registriert. Der Bericht enthält auch eine umfassende Befragung europäischer Cleantech-Innovatoren. Sie erläutern ihre Aktivitäten im Bereich der nachhaltigen Technologien auf und verweisen auf die Unterstützung, die sie für die Vermarktung ihrer Erfindungen benötigen.

Europa als einer der Hauptakteure
Gemessen an der Zahl der internationalen Patentfamilien (IPFs) lag der Anteil der EPO-Mitgliedstaaten an wertvollen Cleantech-Erfindungen zwischen 2017 und 2021 weltweit bei 27 %. Regional lagen Deutschland, Frankreich und das Vereinigte Königreich dabei an der Spitze. Japan, die Vereinigten Staaten und China sind global weiterhin wichtige Akteure, wobei China seinen Cleantech-Sektor in den letzten Jahren rasant ausgebaut hat.

Über 70 % der Unternehmen, die saubere und nachhaltige Technologien in der EU patentieren, haben weniger als 5 000 Beschäftigte. Auch wenn 29 % dieser Unternehmen derzeit den nationalen Markt bevorzugen, sehen 61 % die EU als ihren wichtigsten Zukunftsmarkt an. Hinsichtlich des Rechtsrahmens zur Förderung der Wirtschaft führen 43 % der mittelgroßen und 55 % der großen Unternehmen mit weniger als 5 000 Beschäftigten die konsistente Regulierung in der EU als die von ihnen am meisten gewünschte Form der politischen Unterstützung an. Klein- und Kleinstunternehmen im Cleantech-Bereich sehen im Zugang zu Finanzmitteln das wesentliche wirtschaftliche Hindernis.

Kohlenstoffarme Energietechnologie führt das Feld an
Saubere und nachhaltige Technologien umfassen ein breites Spektrum an Lösungen. Sie haben das Ziel, die Energieeffizienz zu verbessern, nachhaltige Ressourcen zu nutzen, Umweltverschmutzung und Abfall zu reduzieren und die negativen Auswirkungen des Klimawandels abzumildern. An der Spitze steht die kohlenstoffarme Energietechnologie, gefolgt von sauberen Mobilitätslösungen. Alternativen zu Kunststoffen folgen direkt danach mit einer beträchtlichen Anzahl von Patentanmeldungen. Eine deutliche Patentaktivität zeigt sich ebenfalls in den Bereichen saubere Produktion nebst Gebäudetechnik, Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik sowie Technologien zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel – mit unterschiedlichen Wachstumstrends in den einzelnen Sektoren.

Investoren mit Hightech-Startups zusammenbringen
Im letzten Herbst startete das EPA seinen Deep Tech Finder. Das Tool kombiniert die Unternehmensprofile von rund 9 000 investitionsbereiten europäischen Startups mit Informationen zu ihren jeweiligen Patentportfolios. Der Deep Tech Finder verfügt über ein Dutzend Filter für verschiedene nachhaltige Technologien, die mit rund 300 europäischen Startups verknüpft sind. So können Investoren leichter vielversprechende Startups finden und umgekehrt. Das Tool wurde vor Kurzem aktualisiert: Es enthält nunmehr verbesserte Funktionen zur Anzeige von Startups, die den Abfragekriterien entsprechen, eine einfache Download-Funktion sowie verfeinerte Angaben zum Patentstatus.


Europäisches Patentamt (EPA)