From the Sector

613 results

Price increase for MERACRYL™ MMA (methyl methacrylate) and other methacrylate monomer products

Due to soaring natural gas and ammonia prices, Röhm GmbH announces a price increase for MERACRYL™ MMA (methyl methacrylate) and other methacrylate monomer products in Europe with immediate effect.

As agreements allow, the increase is:


Due to soaring natural gas and ammonia prices, Röhm GmbH announces a price increase for MERACRYL™ MMA (methyl methacrylate) and other methacrylate monomer products in Europe with immediate effect.

As agreements allow, the increase is:



Röhm GmbH

Zuse-Gemeinschaft: Biogene Schäume und Fasern für den Auto-Innenraum (c) Zuse-Gemeinschaft

Zuse-Gemeinschaft: Biogene Schäume und Fasern für den Auto-Innenraum

Vom Biomasseanbau und der energetischen Nutzung über das Herstellen von Zwischenprodukten bis hin zum Verwenden biogener Ressourcen in langlebigen Verbraucherprodukten: die Bioökonomie umgibt uns schon heute tagtäglich. Doch welche Innovationen zeichnen sich ab, um die Wirkung biogener Ressourcen im Sinne des Klimaschutzes zu maximieren? Das war Thema beim Online-Werkstattgespräch Bioökonomie der Zuse-Gemeinschaft am 6. Oktober.

CO2 einsparen durch biogene Schäume und Fasern für den Auto-Innenraum
Wie textile Anwendungen aus der Bioökonomie verstärkt in einem Schlüsselbereich der Energiewende - der Mobilität - zum Zuge kommen können, berichtete Dr. Frank Meister, Abteilungsleiter Chemische Forschung beim Thüringischen Institut für Textil- und Kunststoff-Forschung (TITK) anhand des von der Europäischen Union geförderten Projekts BioMotive.

Vom Biomasseanbau und der energetischen Nutzung über das Herstellen von Zwischenprodukten bis hin zum Verwenden biogener Ressourcen in langlebigen Verbraucherprodukten: die Bioökonomie umgibt uns schon heute tagtäglich. Doch welche Innovationen zeichnen sich ab, um die Wirkung biogener Ressourcen im Sinne des Klimaschutzes zu maximieren? Das war Thema beim Online-Werkstattgespräch Bioökonomie der Zuse-Gemeinschaft am 6. Oktober.

CO2 einsparen durch biogene Schäume und Fasern für den Auto-Innenraum
Wie textile Anwendungen aus der Bioökonomie verstärkt in einem Schlüsselbereich der Energiewende - der Mobilität - zum Zuge kommen können, berichtete Dr. Frank Meister, Abteilungsleiter Chemische Forschung beim Thüringischen Institut für Textil- und Kunststoff-Forschung (TITK) anhand des von der Europäischen Union geförderten Projekts BioMotive.

Das TITK ist dort eingebunden in die Entwicklung biogener Fasern und neuer Leichtbauwerkstoffe für den Auto-Innenraum, wo sie z.B. für Sitze, Armaturenbrett oder Türinnenverkleidung gebraucht werden. Unter anderem entwickelten die Forschenden neue sogenannte Lyocellfasern aus modifizierten Papierzellstoffen. Der besondere Vorzug am TITK: An dem Thüringer Institut konnten die neu entwickelten Fasern in einer kleintechnischen Versuchsanlage im Maßstab von mehreren 100 kg hergestellt werden. Das erhöht die Vergleichbarkeit mit den Realitäten der Industrie und war Design-Basis für eine unlängst errichtete Demo-Anlage der Metsä-Tochter MI Demo im finnischen Äänekoski. „Lyocellfasern als biogener Werkstoff vermeiden Umweltbelastungen wie sie bei anderen Materialien durch die Risiken von Mikroplastik entstehen. Hinzu kommt als Klima-Plus: Durch die von uns mit entwickelten und bewerteten Fasern und Verfahrensprinzipien lässt sich der CO2-Fußabdruck bei der Produktion von Fahrzeugen spürbar verringern“, erklärt Meister.

Kombination von CO2-Elektrolyse und Biotech-Wertstoffsynthese
Dass mithilfe von Bioökonomie-Lösungen CO2 nicht nur eingespart werden kann, sondern auch negative Emissionen des Klimagases erreichbar sind, deutete Dr. Markus Stöckl vom DECHEMA-Forschungsinstitut (DFI) an. In seinem Vortrag „Mit Strom und CO2 zum Biokunststoff“ zeigte er auf, wie die Elektrolyse dazu genutzt werden kann, Erneuerbare Energien „lagerbar“ zu machen. Der Ansatz: Aus Kohlendioxyd so genanntes Formiat zu produzieren, das als Feststoff lagerbare Salz der Ameisensäure, das Mikroorganismen als Energie- und Kohlenstoffquelle dienen kann, die wiederum daraus den Biokunststoff Polyhydroxybutyrat (PHB) herstellen. Durch die elektrochemische Herstellung des Zwischenprodukts Formiat können unterschiedliche Mikroorganismen eingesetzt werden.




Lenzing rated “sustainability champion” by MSCI ESG

The Lenzing Group, leading supplier of wood-based specialty fibers, has received further recognition of its performance in sustainability. The prestigious rating agency MSCI has upgraded its rating for the Lenzing Group from “A” to “AA” as at September 2021. As a result, Lenzing ranks among the top 6 percent of companies rated in its peer group.

The upgrade to the MSCI ESG rating will also lead to a reduction in Lenzing’s interest expense. Lenzing placed a bonded loan worth EUR 500 mn in November 2019, which is linked to its sustainability performance. In accordance with its commitment under the bonded loan placement, the company will donate the full amount of the interest expense saved thanks to the rating revision to a project it supports.

The rating agency MSCI, whose rating determines the interest rate for the bonded loan, cited the company's ambitious climate targets, its approach to promoting a circular economy and exceptionally good governance structure as the main reasons for the upgrade.

The Lenzing Group, leading supplier of wood-based specialty fibers, has received further recognition of its performance in sustainability. The prestigious rating agency MSCI has upgraded its rating for the Lenzing Group from “A” to “AA” as at September 2021. As a result, Lenzing ranks among the top 6 percent of companies rated in its peer group.

The upgrade to the MSCI ESG rating will also lead to a reduction in Lenzing’s interest expense. Lenzing placed a bonded loan worth EUR 500 mn in November 2019, which is linked to its sustainability performance. In accordance with its commitment under the bonded loan placement, the company will donate the full amount of the interest expense saved thanks to the rating revision to a project it supports.

The rating agency MSCI, whose rating determines the interest rate for the bonded loan, cited the company's ambitious climate targets, its approach to promoting a circular economy and exceptionally good governance structure as the main reasons for the upgrade.

More information:
Lenzing Sustainability

Lenzing AG

CU Bau: Klimaschonendes Sanieren und Bauen (c) IMA Dresden
Faserverbundwerkstoffe im Hochbau

CU Bau: Klimaschonendes Sanieren und Bauen

Stark steigende Baustoffpreise, immer knapper werdende Rohstoffe sowie steigende Preise für CO2-Zertifkate und Strom erhöhen den Druck, klimafreundliche und doch wettbewerbsfähige Produkte zu verwenden und innovative Produkte, Verfahren und Prozesse dafür zu entwickeln.

Für diese Herausforderungen im Bauwesen bietet der Leichtbau mit Faserverbundwerkstoffen neue Lösungen und ein enormes Anwendungspotential. Bisher sind diese Werkstoffe im Bauwesen noch nicht in ausreichendem Umfang etabliert und bei vielen Entscheidern noch nicht Teil der Lösung. Deshalb treibt das Fachnetzwerk CU Bau des Composites United e.V. (CU) als nationale und internationale Plattform dieses Thema für seine Mitglieder aus Industrie und Wissenschaft voran.

Stark steigende Baustoffpreise, immer knapper werdende Rohstoffe sowie steigende Preise für CO2-Zertifkate und Strom erhöhen den Druck, klimafreundliche und doch wettbewerbsfähige Produkte zu verwenden und innovative Produkte, Verfahren und Prozesse dafür zu entwickeln.

Für diese Herausforderungen im Bauwesen bietet der Leichtbau mit Faserverbundwerkstoffen neue Lösungen und ein enormes Anwendungspotential. Bisher sind diese Werkstoffe im Bauwesen noch nicht in ausreichendem Umfang etabliert und bei vielen Entscheidern noch nicht Teil der Lösung. Deshalb treibt das Fachnetzwerk CU Bau des Composites United e.V. (CU) als nationale und internationale Plattform dieses Thema für seine Mitglieder aus Industrie und Wissenschaft voran.

Hybride Bauweisen
Roy Thyroff, im Netzwerk Composites United e.V. Geschäftsführer CU Bau: „Unser Ziel ist, dass die gesamte Bauwirtschaft – Architekten, Planer, Bauingenieure, Zulassungsstellen sowie Bauunternehmen – Bauprodukte mit faserverstärkter Beton- und Polymermatrix mit entsprechenden Zulassungen einsetzen kann.“ Dabei geht es nicht nur um Bauweisen mit faserverstärkten Kunststoffen und textilbewehrtem Beton, sondern darüber hinaus auch um hybride Bauweisen, wie z.B. Hybridbauwerke aus Holz und Carbonbeton. Denn faserbasierter, hybrider Leichtbau führt die besten Eigenschaften verschiedener Materialien klimafreundlich zusammen, bietet somit gegenüber herkömmlichen Baustoffen große Vorteile für den Klimaschutz und ermöglicht völlig neue Bauweisen.

Vorteile von Faserverbundwerkstoffen
Faserverbundwerkstoffe sind sowohl im Neubau als auch in der Sanierung dank ihrer umwelt- und ressourcenschonenden Eigenschaften im Vorteil. Neben der CO2-Reduktion liegen die wesentlichen Vorteil:

  • in der Geschwindigkeit der Ausführung,
  • dem geringeren Materialeinsatz,
  • der Kostenreduktion,
  • der Leistungsfähigkeit wie hoher Druck- und Biegezugfestigkeit,
  • dem einfacheren Handling
  • den geringeren Transportlasten,
  • der Beständigkeit gegen Korrosion,
  • der Flexibilität bei unterschiedlichen Schädigungsgraden eines Sanierungsfalls und
  • der deutlich verlängerten Nutzungsdauer.

Composites United e.V. (CU) / bm CONSULTING

Virtual RISE Conference Highlights (c) INDA
RISE 2021 Award Winner Canopy

Virtual RISE Conference Highlights

  • Next-Gen Technologies for Nonwovens/Engineered Materials
  • Canopy Respirator from Canopy Wins Innovation Award

145 professionals in product development, material science, and new technologies convened for the 11th conference edition of RISE®—Research, Innovation & Science for Engineered Fabrics, held virtually, Sept. 28-30. The event was co-organized by INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, The Nonwovens Institute, and North Carolina State University.

The program focused on Nonwoven Material Science Developments, Sustainability, Increasing Circularity, Promising Innovations, Process Innovations, Material Innovations, Government/NGO Challenges to Single-Use Plastics, Machine-Assisted-Learning Development of Biopolymers, and Market Intelligence and Economic Insights.

Participants praised the high-quality program content, in-depth round table discussions, networking and Q&A’s where participants ask expert speakers questions pertaining to their focused presentations.

Highlights among the 26 presentations included

  • Next-Gen Technologies for Nonwovens/Engineered Materials
  • Canopy Respirator from Canopy Wins Innovation Award

145 professionals in product development, material science, and new technologies convened for the 11th conference edition of RISE®—Research, Innovation & Science for Engineered Fabrics, held virtually, Sept. 28-30. The event was co-organized by INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, The Nonwovens Institute, and North Carolina State University.

The program focused on Nonwoven Material Science Developments, Sustainability, Increasing Circularity, Promising Innovations, Process Innovations, Material Innovations, Government/NGO Challenges to Single-Use Plastics, Machine-Assisted-Learning Development of Biopolymers, and Market Intelligence and Economic Insights.

Participants praised the high-quality program content, in-depth round table discussions, networking and Q&A’s where participants ask expert speakers questions pertaining to their focused presentations.

Highlights among the 26 presentations included

  • Sustainable Solutions for our Plastic Planet Predicament, by Marc A. Hillmyer, Ph.D., McKnight Presidential Endowed Chair, University of Minnesota;
  • Closed-Loop Recycling Pilot of Single-Use Face Masks by Peter Dziezok, Ph.D., Director of Open Innovation, Proctor & Gamble;
  • Innovating a Sustainable Future for Nonwovens: A European Perspective, by Matt Tipper, Ph.D., CEO, Nonwovens Innovation & Research Institute (NIRI);
  • Phantom Platform: The Polyolefin-cellulose Coformed Substrates Technology, by Fabio Zampollo, CEO and Founder of Teknoweb Materials; 
  • Guiding Environmentally Sustainable Innovations – From Reactive to Proactive Life Cycle Management, by Valentina Prado, Ph.D., Senior Sustainability Analyst, EarthShift Global LLC;  
  • High-Loft, Ultra-Soft Hygiene Solutions, Paul E. Rollin, Ph.D., Senior Principal Scientist – Global Hygiene, Propylene-Vistamaxx-Adhesion (PVA) Global Technology, ExxonMobil Chemical Company;
  • Canadian Plastic Policy Update, by Karyn M. Schmidt, Senior Director, Regulatory & Technical Affairs, American Chemistry Council (ACC).

Other highlights included the announcement of Canopy Respirator as the winner of this year’s RISE® Innovation Award winner. The annual award recognizes innovation in areas within and on the periphery of the nonwovens industry which use advanced science and engineering principles to develop unique or intricate solutions to problems and advance the usage of nonwovens.

RISE® Innovation Award Winner
The RISE® Innovation Award was presented to Canopy for their Canopy Respirator. The productis an innovative respirator that is fully mechanical, non-electrostatic, with a filter designed for superior breathability while offering the wearer facial transparency. The breakthrough respirator features 5.5mm water column resistance at 85 liters (3 cubic feet) per minute, 2-way filtration, and a pleated filter that contains over 500 square centimeters of surface area. The patented Canopy respirator resists fluids, and eliminates fogging of eyeglasses.


INDA, Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry


Lenzing presented its sustainable processes at FILO

Lenzing presented at FILO its sustainable approach and on a selection of key innovations such as TENCEL™-branded specialty fibers.

As part of the space dedicated to Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto and Fashion B.E.S.T., the first Italian collective of responsible fashion designers, a selection of TENCEL™’s key technologies were under the spotlight:

Lenzing presented at FILO its sustainable approach and on a selection of key innovations such as TENCEL™-branded specialty fibers.

As part of the space dedicated to Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto and Fashion B.E.S.T., the first Italian collective of responsible fashion designers, a selection of TENCEL™’s key technologies were under the spotlight:

  • TENCEL™ x REFIBRA™, using cotton textile waste and wood pulp as the feedstock for cellulosic fibers, creating a circular solution;
  • TENCEL™ x Indigo Color, infusing pigment into fibers directly during the spinning process;
  • TENCEL™ Luxe, providing superior aesthetics, performance and comfort to be the perfect partner of other noble fibers such as silk, cashmere or wool;
  • TENCEL™ Carbon Zero, offering carbon-zero CarbonNeutral®-certified products by Natural Capital Partners;
  • TENCEL™ x Eco Clean, bringing totally chlorine-free-bleached TENCEL™ Modal fibers to the textile industry.

Lenzing's priority has been to produce fibers for many sectors (fashion, beauty care, cleaning, hygiene and home textiles) in a sustainable way. Each Lenzing product is made of cellulose from wood, a renewable natural resource, coming only from certified sustainable sources.
The Lenzing Group operates two commercial-scale biorefineries with 100% wood utilization, which ensure that the totality of wood constituents are used to produce fibers, biobased chemicals, and bioenergy, thus maximizing value creation from an economic and environmental perspective. This concept was illustrated by Carlo Covini, Lenzing Business Development Manager Italy & Switzerland, in his presentation “Lenzing’s biorefinery concept”.


Menabò Group

JUMBO-Textil: Innovative braiding technology. Innovative products (c) JUMBO-Textil

JUMBO-Textil: Innovative braiding technology. Innovative products

  • JUMBO-Textil offers elastic high-tech braids – produced on high-tech systems

Developing narrow textile solutions for our customers – quickly, flexibly and precisely – that is our claim. For us and for our technology. Because first-class industrial solutions require first-class technology. Highly automated and digitally controlled. Technology like that found in our variation braider from Herzog – the high-performer among modern braiding machines. JUMBO-Textil is the first narrow textile manufacturer ever to produce elastic hole cords on the special system.

  • JUMBO-Textil offers elastic high-tech braids – produced on high-tech systems

Developing narrow textile solutions for our customers – quickly, flexibly and precisely – that is our claim. For us and for our technology. Because first-class industrial solutions require first-class technology. Highly automated and digitally controlled. Technology like that found in our variation braider from Herzog – the high-performer among modern braiding machines. JUMBO-Textil is the first narrow textile manufacturer ever to produce elastic hole cords on the special system.

High-performance system for extremely stable textile components
The special system combines sophisticated bobbin lace technology with digital control and thus enables the production of highly complex, individually specifiable braided structures. The variation braider's technology ensures an uninterrupted fibre course across all branches. This not only allows individual, idiosyncratic geometries, it also and above all helps with the stability of the components. This is because where other methods create branching points that are susceptible to breakage due to laser cutting, seams or knots, the variation braider simply braids through the branched strands. As the fibre course is not interrupted in braided branches, the resilience of the textiles is significantly increased. And individual braids are created for very different applications.

Bobbin lace technology for highly complex structures
Unlike in classical braiding systems, the impellers of the variation braider are arranged in a square. Up to eight different strands can be braided and interlaced with the textile all-rounder. All bobbins can be programmed separately and thus the bobbin lanes can be combined variably and individually. JUMBO-Textil also produces tubular braids with precisely defined braided openings, triaxial braids and highly complex preforms with the variation braider. The geometries of the narrow textiles range all the way to net structures. For braided cables, we create stable connections in the core-sheath braiding by weaving the core and the protective sheathing, which provides protection especially at the turns: there is no longer any undesired core and sheath slippage.

Individual braid architectures – for automotive, outdoor and more
Complex non-elastic cords from the variation braider have been in operation at JUMBO-Textil for a long time. For hole cords – or bifurcation cords (from the Latin: furca, the fork) – the bobbin points are individually programmed so that the arrangement and length of the branching precisely meet the requirements. It is used, among others, in the automotive sector, in the construction industry and in the outdoor sector to hang or unhang elements without using metal.

Elastic hole cord from the elastics specialist
The elastic hole braids by JUMBO-Textil are new on the market. "The variation braider offers us fantastic possibilities: we can pre-configure what we want to braid and are completely free to do so. The repeat is computer-controlled," explains Holger Vehring, Project Engineer at JUMBO-Textil. "A seamless braided cable harness tubular that organises the cable mess (for automotive), braided hoses with defined openings for conductive elements in smart textiles or rehab applications, as tensioning elements in backpacks or functional clothing – the possible applications are vast. Thanks to this technology, textile – i.e. lighter, quieter and more flexible – components can be used for numerous applications in which metallic materials were previously used due to the fragile branching points."



Suominen launches HYDRASPUN® Aquaflo

Suominen has successfully developed HYDRASPUN® Aquaflo, a moist toilet tissue with even better dispersibility. HYDRASPUN® Aquaflo offers near parity dispersion with dry toilet tissue but with premium thickness for a better consumer experience in use.

Suominen’s new flushable nonwovens substrate, HYDRASPUN® Aquaflo passed the stringent standards for dispersibility set by both the International Water Services Flushability Group (IWSFG) and INDA/EDANA (GD4) in independent testing.

“We are extremely proud to launch HYDRASPUN® Aquaflo. Its 100% cellulosic fiber composition is evidence of sustainable origins and its capability to fully and rapidly break down in wastewater provides biodegradability in disposal, giving consumers an end-to-end eco-friendly solution for personal care. Dry toilet tissue is recognized as the material most capable of breaking down in sewer systems and HYDRASPUN® Aquaflo was developed with this result in mind, “says Andrew Charleston, Manager, Category Management, Americas.

Suominen has successfully developed HYDRASPUN® Aquaflo, a moist toilet tissue with even better dispersibility. HYDRASPUN® Aquaflo offers near parity dispersion with dry toilet tissue but with premium thickness for a better consumer experience in use.

Suominen’s new flushable nonwovens substrate, HYDRASPUN® Aquaflo passed the stringent standards for dispersibility set by both the International Water Services Flushability Group (IWSFG) and INDA/EDANA (GD4) in independent testing.

“We are extremely proud to launch HYDRASPUN® Aquaflo. Its 100% cellulosic fiber composition is evidence of sustainable origins and its capability to fully and rapidly break down in wastewater provides biodegradability in disposal, giving consumers an end-to-end eco-friendly solution for personal care. Dry toilet tissue is recognized as the material most capable of breaking down in sewer systems and HYDRASPUN® Aquaflo was developed with this result in mind, “says Andrew Charleston, Manager, Category Management, Americas.




Suominen’s HYDRASPUN® Regal receives Fine to Flush certification

Suominen has launched a second nonwoven product, HYDRASPUN® Regal, that has received the Fine to Flush Manufacturer’s Generic Certificate from Water UK. HYDRASPUN® Regal was developed to meet the increasing need for flushable wipes that are dispersible according to the Water UK’s flushability standard.

HYDRASPUN® Regal is made of plastic free and biodegradable raw materials, containing only cellulosic fibers. It also has a low-level carbon footprint due to its high pulp content.

Suominen was one of the first nonwoven substrate manufacturers to receive the Fine to Flush Manufacturer’s Generic Certificate from Water UK. The first certification was granted for HYDRASPUN® Royal in Spring 2020.


Suominen has launched a second nonwoven product, HYDRASPUN® Regal, that has received the Fine to Flush Manufacturer’s Generic Certificate from Water UK. HYDRASPUN® Regal was developed to meet the increasing need for flushable wipes that are dispersible according to the Water UK’s flushability standard.

HYDRASPUN® Regal is made of plastic free and biodegradable raw materials, containing only cellulosic fibers. It also has a low-level carbon footprint due to its high pulp content.

Suominen was one of the first nonwoven substrate manufacturers to receive the Fine to Flush Manufacturer’s Generic Certificate from Water UK. The first certification was granted for HYDRASPUN® Royal in Spring 2020.




(c) Trützschler
Ralf Helbig, R & D Engineer for Air Technology (left) and Christian Freitag, Head of Air Technology at Trützschler (right).

Trützschler: TC 19i sets the benchmark for energy-efficient carding

Global energy consumption reached a record high in 2019, following a 40-year trend for rapidly increasing energy demand that was only halted by the Coronavirus pandemic. It’s estimated that more than 80 % of this energy is still generated from fossil fuels that produce CO2 emissions and contribute to climate change. Renewable energy offers a solution to this problem, but saving energy whenever possible is an even more effective approach. That are the motives for Trützschler to develop the intelligent card TC 19i, which sets a new benchmark for energy-efficient carding.

The intelligent Trützschler card TC 19i features the unique T-GO gap optimizer, which continuously and automatically monitors and adjusts the carding gap to an ideal position during production. Innovative drive- and air technology further reduce energy consumption of the TC 19i.

Global energy consumption reached a record high in 2019, following a 40-year trend for rapidly increasing energy demand that was only halted by the Coronavirus pandemic. It’s estimated that more than 80 % of this energy is still generated from fossil fuels that produce CO2 emissions and contribute to climate change. Renewable energy offers a solution to this problem, but saving energy whenever possible is an even more effective approach. That are the motives for Trützschler to develop the intelligent card TC 19i, which sets a new benchmark for energy-efficient carding.

The intelligent Trützschler card TC 19i features the unique T-GO gap optimizer, which continuously and automatically monitors and adjusts the carding gap to an ideal position during production. Innovative drive- and air technology further reduce energy consumption of the TC 19i.

The most energy-intensive elements in a carding machine are the drive, the dust suction process and the compressed air system. Permanent suction is needed to remove dust and cotton waste in key places. Smart optimization of these areas has made the intelligent card TC 19i a benchmark for energy efficiency in carding because it uses less electricity, lower suction pressure and less compressed air than other machines, while providing the highest production rates currently available on the market.

In a head-to-head comparison between the TC 19i and a high-performance card from a competitor, the TC 19i consumed at least 10 % less energy per kilogram of material produced when manufacturing rotor yarn from a cotton and cotton waste mix. The compared energy values included electric power consumption and energy required for suction and compressed air and were measured in both cards at the same production of 180 kg/h. A 10 % reduction in energy per kilogram of sliver produced, as proven here by TC 19i, can have a significant impact on a spinning mill’s profitability; annual savings worth a five-digit sum are frequently possible, depending on factors such as the output of the mill. The customer trial also showed TC 19i’s excellent reliability at the customer’s usual production rate of 180 kg/h, and even demonstrated stable performance at 300 kg/h in the same application. Because the TC 19i with T-GO gap optimizer realizes maximum production rates at no compromise in quality, manufacturers can reduce their energy demand and investment costs drastically: Less machines are needed to achieve the desired output, and energy consumption per production is reduced.

This improvement was made possible by a long and sometimes challenging innovation process involving mathematical models of air flows, as well as flow simulations and prototypes. By combining the final flowoptimized parts in the TC 19i, Trützschler’s experts have developed a card that operates with suction pressure of just -740 Pa and with an air requirement of only 4200 m³/h. This translates into 40 % less energy demand for air technology compared to the latest high-performance competitor model.

More information:
Trützschler carding technology


(c) FET by AWOL Media

FET at INDEX 2020 with new lab-scale spunbond system

The UK’s Fibre Extrusion Technology (FET) will introduce its new lab-scale spunbond system at the forthcoming INDEX 2020 nonwovens exhibition taking place in Geneva, Switzerland, from October 19-22.

The new spunbond range provides unprecedented opportunities for the scaled development of new nonwoven fabrics based on a wide range of fibres and polymers, including bicomponents.

FET has already supplied one of these new spunbond lines to University of Leeds in the UK, and a second, in combination with a metlblown line, to the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in Germany.

“Our new spunbond technology is unique in providing the ability to process a wide range of polymers, including those normally not considered appropriate for the spunbond process, at the scale required to fully explore material combinations and bring new products to market,” says FET Managing Director Richard Slack. “FET has built on its melt spinning expertise to develop a true laboratory scale spunbond system.”

The UK’s Fibre Extrusion Technology (FET) will introduce its new lab-scale spunbond system at the forthcoming INDEX 2020 nonwovens exhibition taking place in Geneva, Switzerland, from October 19-22.

The new spunbond range provides unprecedented opportunities for the scaled development of new nonwoven fabrics based on a wide range of fibres and polymers, including bicomponents.

FET has already supplied one of these new spunbond lines to University of Leeds in the UK, and a second, in combination with a metlblown line, to the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in Germany.

“Our new spunbond technology is unique in providing the ability to process a wide range of polymers, including those normally not considered appropriate for the spunbond process, at the scale required to fully explore material combinations and bring new products to market,” says FET Managing Director Richard Slack. “FET has built on its melt spinning expertise to develop a true laboratory scale spunbond system.”


FET / AWOL Media


Lenzing at FILO with TENCEL™ fiber

Lenzing will be at the 56th edition of FILO, taking place on September 29 and 30, in Milan, with its TENCEL™ fiber. Sustainability and ethical values will be the main focus of the event.

Furthermore, to delve deeper in the sustainable approach that drives Lenzing's production processes, on September 30, at 3.00 PM, a presentation with the title "Lenzing's biorefinery concept" will be held by Carlo Covini, Lenzing – Business Development Manager Italy & Switzerland. This will be part of the Dialoghi di Confronto segment set near the Networking Area.

Lenzing will be at the 56th edition of FILO, taking place on September 29 and 30, in Milan, with its TENCEL™ fiber. Sustainability and ethical values will be the main focus of the event.

Furthermore, to delve deeper in the sustainable approach that drives Lenzing's production processes, on September 30, at 3.00 PM, a presentation with the title "Lenzing's biorefinery concept" will be held by Carlo Covini, Lenzing – Business Development Manager Italy & Switzerland. This will be part of the Dialoghi di Confronto segment set near the Networking Area.

More information:
Lenzing FILO Milano Tencel Fibers fibres

Menabò Group

Truetzschler-Voith CP Line (c)Truetzschler
On display at INDEX: composite nonwovens from the first CP line world-wide

Truetzschler: Towards sustainable nonwovens

  • At this year’s INDEX from October 19th to October 22nd, Truetzschler Nonwovens, Truetzschler Card Clothing and Voith introduce new solutions for manufacturing a broad range of sustainable nonwovens for wipes, hygiene or medical textiles at booth 2327.

Plastic-free initiatives worldwide affect everyone: consumers, product developers, nonwoven producers and finally nonwoven machinery suppliers.

Truetzschler Nonwovens and Voith address the quest for more sustainable and affordable nonwovens in the wipes segment by two proven technologies for manufacturing pulp-based nonwovens. Firstly, WLS (Wet-Laid/Spunlaced) lines. More than a handful are in service worldwide and mainly target the flushable wipes market. At INDEX we’ll introduce our latest nextLevel/WLS baby and body wipes, a joint development by Voith and Truetzschler.

  • At this year’s INDEX from October 19th to October 22nd, Truetzschler Nonwovens, Truetzschler Card Clothing and Voith introduce new solutions for manufacturing a broad range of sustainable nonwovens for wipes, hygiene or medical textiles at booth 2327.

Plastic-free initiatives worldwide affect everyone: consumers, product developers, nonwoven producers and finally nonwoven machinery suppliers.

Truetzschler Nonwovens and Voith address the quest for more sustainable and affordable nonwovens in the wipes segment by two proven technologies for manufacturing pulp-based nonwovens. Firstly, WLS (Wet-Laid/Spunlaced) lines. More than a handful are in service worldwide and mainly target the flushable wipes market. At INDEX we’ll introduce our latest nextLevel/WLS baby and body wipes, a joint development by Voith and Truetzschler.

The second focus is on carded/pulp (CP) products. A CP line – including a TWF-NCT card placed between the HydroFormer and the AquaJet is already running to full capacity at customer site. Various CP materials, including innovative nextLevel/CP wipes, will be on display at the booth and invite visitors to discuss characteristics, benefits, line concepts and equipment.

When talking sustainable nonwovens, solutions for efficiently manufacturing biodegradable nonwovens from virgin cotton fibers, comber noils and viscose/lyocell fibers must not be missing. Visitors can look forward to directly comparing cotton nonwovens to a broad range of cellulose-based material.

Truetzschler Card Clothing, our in-house competence center with respect to card clothings and comprehensive service, presents its latest development, the Z wire for high-speed roller cards. A new geometry minimizes fiber fly and allows for better carding and more stable web forming.


Trützschler Nonwovens & Man Made Fibers GmbH

Asahi Kasei to reshape its ROICA™ premium stretch fiber business global production strategy (c)ROICA™
ROICA™ premium stretch fiber

Asahi Kasei to reshape its ROICA™ premium stretch fiber business global production strategy

  • Asahi Kasei Corporation markets premium stretch fiber under the brand of ROICA™, with superior performance features enabled by integrated production from raw material to yarn based on its advanced technology.
  • The specialized global holding operates its global ROICA™ business having production sites in Japan, Thailand, Taiwan, China, and Germany with strategic sales facilities around the world.

With deep regret, Asahi Kasei has taken the decision to restructure its production strategy in order to face the new, unexpected and critical market situation. As part of this process, the production and sales of ROICA™ at its German subsidiary, Asahi Kasei Spandex Europe GmbH in Dormagen, will be discontinued by March 31, 2022.

  • Asahi Kasei Corporation markets premium stretch fiber under the brand of ROICA™, with superior performance features enabled by integrated production from raw material to yarn based on its advanced technology.
  • The specialized global holding operates its global ROICA™ business having production sites in Japan, Thailand, Taiwan, China, and Germany with strategic sales facilities around the world.

With deep regret, Asahi Kasei has taken the decision to restructure its production strategy in order to face the new, unexpected and critical market situation. As part of this process, the production and sales of ROICA™ at its German subsidiary, Asahi Kasei Spandex Europe GmbH in Dormagen, will be discontinued by March 31, 2022.
Recognizing the paramount importance of the European market, especially when it comes to smart innovation where ROICA™ is a leader, and with the goal of continuing the excellent longtime work with valued partners, customers and supply chains, Asahi Kasei will continue to develop sales, technical and marketing services in Europe through Asahi Kasei Europe, the European regional headquarters of the Asahi Kasei Group. It will especially focus on ROICA™ added value products manufactured at its ROICA™ production sites in Asia.
Through this process, Asahi Kasei will reshape the efficiency and productivity of its global ROICA™ operation by keeping a strong focus on responsible innovation and sustainability in close communication, and safeguarding its business partners.
As a manufacturer of superior quality, highly functional and sustainable ROICA™ products, Asahi Kasei will continue its journey of responsible innovation aiming to provide solutions to the textile industry and to contemporary consumers, by enhancing production capabilities and expertise at the global sites supported by an expert, wise and efficient company.

More information:
ROICA™ Asahi Kasei Fibers

GB Network

16th World Pultrusion Conference - CALL FOR PAPERS

16th World Pultrusion Conference - CALL FOR PAPERS

The EPTA – European Pultrusion Technology Association organizes in cooperation with the ACMA – American Composites Manufacturers Association - the 16th World Pultrusion Conference on 03 – 04 March 2022 in Paris, France (as a “hybrid event”, this conference will also have the option of online access). The conference is one of the leading pultrusion events in the world. The event takes place just before the JEC World 2022 in Paris (08 – 10 March 2022).

The presentations are to document innovations in the following subject areas of pultruded reinforced plastics:

● Market development in Europe, USA, Asia
● Innovative applications
● New Markets: Ideas for potential new applications with pultruded shapes or systems
● Sustainability: Technical possibilities, recycling, etc.
● Raw materials
   ○ Development of fibres
   ○ Development of resins
● Construction / Testing / Calculation
● Processes

The EPTA – European Pultrusion Technology Association organizes in cooperation with the ACMA – American Composites Manufacturers Association - the 16th World Pultrusion Conference on 03 – 04 March 2022 in Paris, France (as a “hybrid event”, this conference will also have the option of online access). The conference is one of the leading pultrusion events in the world. The event takes place just before the JEC World 2022 in Paris (08 – 10 March 2022).

The presentations are to document innovations in the following subject areas of pultruded reinforced plastics:

● Market development in Europe, USA, Asia
● Innovative applications
● New Markets: Ideas for potential new applications with pultruded shapes or systems
● Sustainability: Technical possibilities, recycling, etc.
● Raw materials
   ○ Development of fibres
   ○ Development of resins
● Construction / Testing / Calculation
● Processes

The presentation language will be English. Deadline for paper submission (title, short abstract, speaker name and address) until 15th October 2021 to
The European Pultrusion Technology Association was created in 1989 by a group of leading European pultruders with the mission of supporting the growth of the pultrusion industry by maximising external communication efforts and encouraging knowledge sharing between members. Since 2006, the association has existed under the umbrella of the AVK – Federation of Reinforced Plastics in Frankfurt, Germany. Membership of EPTA is open to all companies and individuals worldwide wishing to further the application of pultruded profiles. For further information visit

(c) ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei

Bemberg™ and ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei will showcase at Filo

ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei, specialized in sustainable premium stretch fibers, and Bemberg™, a fiber made from the smart-tech transformation of cotton linters pre-consumer materials and converted through a traceable and transparent closed loop process, have been invited to showcase at Filo, the international fair of orthogonal weaving yarns for clothing and furnishings, circular knitwear and technical textiles from the 29-30th of September.

ROICA™ will show its main innovations and four key pieces of the modern and sustainable contemporary wardrobe able to enhance the versatility of the fibers, applied to fashion, sportswear, legwear and underwear.
The brand will also be the protagonist of “The contemporary consumer: Stretch your imagination with ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei smart innovation” speech on September 30th, 11am, organized by the fair to tell its sustainable story.

ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei, specialized in sustainable premium stretch fibers, and Bemberg™, a fiber made from the smart-tech transformation of cotton linters pre-consumer materials and converted through a traceable and transparent closed loop process, have been invited to showcase at Filo, the international fair of orthogonal weaving yarns for clothing and furnishings, circular knitwear and technical textiles from the 29-30th of September.

ROICA™ will show its main innovations and four key pieces of the modern and sustainable contemporary wardrobe able to enhance the versatility of the fibers, applied to fashion, sportswear, legwear and underwear.
The brand will also be the protagonist of “The contemporary consumer: Stretch your imagination with ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei smart innovation” speech on September 30th, 11am, organized by the fair to tell its sustainable story.

Bemberg™ will be at Filo showing some selected fabric innovation, and three responsible-driven designers representing different and complementary part of contemporary consumer wardrobe: ZEROBARRACENTO, Maurizio Miri and WAXEWUL.
Bemberg™ will be also involved in two speeches – entitled “Il viaggio di Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei verso una moda contemporanea, premium e responsabile” - organized by the fair (Sept. 29th and 30th at 4pm), where it will share its story made of creation, production and process, as well as product performance, aspects related to sustainability and circular economy approach.


Asahi Kasei / GB Network / C.L.A.S.S.


Tufropes is partnering with Truetzschler Nonwovens and Voith for pentamerous technology

Indian Tufropes is partnering with Truetzschler Nonwovens and Voith to install its unique pentamerous technology. The company’s first nonwovens production line will be capable to produce 5 different eco-friendly, hydroentangled products.

Truetzschler Nonwovens and Voith are thrilled to be the technology partner for Tufropes’ (patent pending) unique nonwoven line based on pentamerous technology. The new installation relies heavily on Truetzschler/Voith core components for wet-laying, carding and hydroentangling. Proprietary refinements will allow Tufropes to produce any possible hydroentangled nonwoven material, including bio-degradable, natural fibre, eco-friendly high-performance nonwovens. Globally this would be a first industrial-scale pentamerous technology-based nonwoven project. Based in Gujarat, India, the line is expected to be commissioned next year.

Indian Tufropes is partnering with Truetzschler Nonwovens and Voith to install its unique pentamerous technology. The company’s first nonwovens production line will be capable to produce 5 different eco-friendly, hydroentangled products.

Truetzschler Nonwovens and Voith are thrilled to be the technology partner for Tufropes’ (patent pending) unique nonwoven line based on pentamerous technology. The new installation relies heavily on Truetzschler/Voith core components for wet-laying, carding and hydroentangling. Proprietary refinements will allow Tufropes to produce any possible hydroentangled nonwoven material, including bio-degradable, natural fibre, eco-friendly high-performance nonwovens. Globally this would be a first industrial-scale pentamerous technology-based nonwoven project. Based in Gujarat, India, the line is expected to be commissioned next year.


Truetzschler Nonwovens & Man Made Fibers GmbH


Kelheim Fibres Innovative Viscose Specialities at INDEX20

Not only since 2021 has sustainability been a topic high on society’s agenda. And yet the importance of sustainability for consumers and companies has once again increased sharply as a result of the Corona pandemic, as numerous studies confirm. Then why is it often so difficult to implement this conviction in everyday life? One of the biggest obstacles to sustainable consumer behaviour is the lack of availability of alternatives.

In addition to changing consumer demands, the EU Commission's recent decision on the single-use plastics directive is also prompting many nonwovens manufacturers to look at alternative solutions. Kelheim Fibres is exhibiting at this year's INDEX in Geneva and online with bio-based fibers that offer an alternative to synthetic materials in a wide range of applications. The Bavarians have decades of experience in the nonwovens and hygiene sectors and work on individual customer-specific innovations.

Not only since 2021 has sustainability been a topic high on society’s agenda. And yet the importance of sustainability for consumers and companies has once again increased sharply as a result of the Corona pandemic, as numerous studies confirm. Then why is it often so difficult to implement this conviction in everyday life? One of the biggest obstacles to sustainable consumer behaviour is the lack of availability of alternatives.

In addition to changing consumer demands, the EU Commission's recent decision on the single-use plastics directive is also prompting many nonwovens manufacturers to look at alternative solutions. Kelheim Fibres is exhibiting at this year's INDEX in Geneva and online with bio-based fibers that offer an alternative to synthetic materials in a wide range of applications. The Bavarians have decades of experience in the nonwovens and hygiene sectors and work on individual customer-specific innovations.

"We want to make it easy for consumers to choose an environmentally friendly option. That’s the case when bio-based solutions offer the same performance as synthetic products," said Matthew North, Commercial Director at Kelheim Fibres." Our fibre technology allows us to create just that: unlike natural fibres, which are available already in fibre form and can only be treated on the surface, we can engineer the properties of our fibres they need for specific applications by specifically intervening in the production process. That way we combine nature - our fibres are made of wood pulp - with performance."

Kelheim's special fibres are made of wood pulp from sustainably managed sources, are produced in Kelheim in an environmentally friendly way and are fully biodegradable at the end of their product life. Kelheim Fibres is the first viscose fibre manufacturer in the world with an EMAS validated Environmental Management System and was awarded a dark green/light green shirt in the most recent Canopy HotButton-Ranking.

More information:
Kelheim Fibres viscose fibers

Kelheim Fibres GmbH

(c) Notus Composites. Notus NE7 low temperature curing prepreg

Notus Composites Launches New Low Temperature Curing NE7 Epoxy Prepreg

Notus Composites (UAE), the award-winning producer of epoxy prepreg materials, announces the latest addition to its high-performance epoxy range with the launch of its new NE7 low temperature curing prepreg system. The Notus NE7 formulation allows composite manufacturers to cure components at temperatures as low as 70˚C, reducing energy consumption and enabling more cost-effective tooling options.

Notus Composites has developed the new NE7 prepreg systems for applications across the Marine, Architecture, Industrial and Wind Energy sectors, with the novel low temperature curing chemistry delivery significant cost benefits. Existing prepreg manufacturers can now use more cost-effective composite tooling, with new prepreg users able to switch easily from existing infusion or wet laminating processes without creating expensive new high temperature tooling.

Notus Composites (UAE), the award-winning producer of epoxy prepreg materials, announces the latest addition to its high-performance epoxy range with the launch of its new NE7 low temperature curing prepreg system. The Notus NE7 formulation allows composite manufacturers to cure components at temperatures as low as 70˚C, reducing energy consumption and enabling more cost-effective tooling options.

Notus Composites has developed the new NE7 prepreg systems for applications across the Marine, Architecture, Industrial and Wind Energy sectors, with the novel low temperature curing chemistry delivery significant cost benefits. Existing prepreg manufacturers can now use more cost-effective composite tooling, with new prepreg users able to switch easily from existing infusion or wet laminating processes without creating expensive new high temperature tooling.

NE7 prepregs can be cured at temperatures as low as 70˚C, with the standard cure cycle being 12 hours at 70˚C, matching the typical cycle time for an infused part with a component Tg of 85˚C. NE7 materials have a good outlife of 30 days at 20˚C and are available in all prepreg and Notus single sided N1-Preg formats with unidirectional, multiaxial, and woven reinforcements. NE7 can also be supplied as a resin film.

Notus has recently supplied NE7 low temperature prepregs to Dubai based Aeolos Composites for the production of their new Aeolos P30 racing yacht. The P30 is a futuristic new craft created by top German sailor and designer, Hans Genthe, with a super light carbon fibre construction and large sail area that promises spectacular on the water performance for a thirty foot yacht. Notus delivered a range NE7 prepregs for the build, including woven, multiaxial, and unidirectional carbon fibre reinforcements as well as adhesive films for core bonding.

More information:
Notus prepreg material

Notus Composites.

Starlinger recoSTAR universal 165 H-VAC iV+ (c) Starlinger & Co Gesellschaft m.b.H.

Recycled polyester filament yarn made in Turkey

Korteks, one of the world’s biggest yarn producers based in Bursa, Turkey, has started the production of recycled polyester filament yarn in its production facility using a Starlinger recycling line.

With the new recycling facility, which comprises a total closed area of 17,000 m² and has a monthly production capacity of 600 tons, Korteks was able to reduce the production waste at its virgin PES yarn site to zero.

The Starlinger recoSTAR universal 165 H-VAC iV+, which is part of Korteks’ 10 million dollars investment in a new polymer recycling facility, took up operation in May 2021. It has a production capacity of 7,200 tons per year and currently processes clean in-house polyester fibers from production scrap together with washed post-consumer PET flakes at a ratio of 50/50. Korteks uses the polyester regranulate at a share of 100 % for its new polyester filament yarn line it is going to market under the name “TAÇ Reborn”. With this investment, the company has made an important step towards establishing a circular economy in the Turkish textile industry.

Korteks, one of the world’s biggest yarn producers based in Bursa, Turkey, has started the production of recycled polyester filament yarn in its production facility using a Starlinger recycling line.

With the new recycling facility, which comprises a total closed area of 17,000 m² and has a monthly production capacity of 600 tons, Korteks was able to reduce the production waste at its virgin PES yarn site to zero.

The Starlinger recoSTAR universal 165 H-VAC iV+, which is part of Korteks’ 10 million dollars investment in a new polymer recycling facility, took up operation in May 2021. It has a production capacity of 7,200 tons per year and currently processes clean in-house polyester fibers from production scrap together with washed post-consumer PET flakes at a ratio of 50/50. Korteks uses the polyester regranulate at a share of 100 % for its new polyester filament yarn line it is going to market under the name “TAÇ Reborn”. With this investment, the company has made an important step towards establishing a circular economy in the Turkish textile industry.

The Starlinger recycling line is the first of its kind in Turkey and is equipped with special components for filament yarn recycling. A RSC (Rapid Sleeve Changer) candle filter developed by Starlinger ensures finest melt filtration down to 15 μm. It has been specially designed for polyester recycling and reaches an output of 1000 kg/h. For continuous operation the filter elements are changed “on the fly” without interrupting production, which significantly limits melt loss.

The viscoSTAR SSP unit at the end of the recycling process guarantees consistent IV increase according to the first-in-first-out principle. This makes sure that the produced regranulate has the ideal properties required for filament yarn production. The technical configuration of the line does not only allow the processing of a polyester fiber/PET flake mix as input materials, but also 100 % polyester filament scrap or 100 % PET bottle flakes.

Korteks expects the recycling market in general to grow as there is increased acceptance for recycled products in the society, and predicts the need for recycling solutions also for other synthetic and natural fibers.


Starlinger & Co Gesellschaft m.b.H.