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(c) Messe Frankfurt India

Messe Frankfurt India and MEX Exhibitions enter into a strategic alliance

With portfolio expansion and future development of the industry in sight, the organisers of Texprocess India and Gartex India have entered into a strategic alliance to form a unified industry platform ‘Gartex Texprocess India’. The event will be part of Messe Frankfurt’s Texpertise Network leveraging on the group’s strong global network and expertise in the sector.
Leading in both apparel consumption and exports, India holds the second largest textile manufacturing capacity globally with the textile machinery sector witnessing a growth of 8-10 percent year on year. As the world's second largest exporter of textiles and clothing projected to reach USD 300 billion by 2024, Indian apparel manufacturers are moving towards increasing their manufacturing capacities and upgrading technology, giving rise to automation garmenting processes to enter the Indian market. Having made its debut in 2016, both Texprocess India and Gartex India received tremendous response from the industry with leading associations and companies in the garment and textile machinery sector coming forward to support the shows.

With portfolio expansion and future development of the industry in sight, the organisers of Texprocess India and Gartex India have entered into a strategic alliance to form a unified industry platform ‘Gartex Texprocess India’. The event will be part of Messe Frankfurt’s Texpertise Network leveraging on the group’s strong global network and expertise in the sector.
Leading in both apparel consumption and exports, India holds the second largest textile manufacturing capacity globally with the textile machinery sector witnessing a growth of 8-10 percent year on year. As the world's second largest exporter of textiles and clothing projected to reach USD 300 billion by 2024, Indian apparel manufacturers are moving towards increasing their manufacturing capacities and upgrading technology, giving rise to automation garmenting processes to enter the Indian market. Having made its debut in 2016, both Texprocess India and Gartex India received tremendous response from the industry with leading associations and companies in the garment and textile machinery sector coming forward to support the shows.
At the internationally renowned Texprocess, exhibitors from around the world converge to present the latest machines, plants, processes and services for the manufacture of garments and textile and flexible materials. While Texprocess India was launched as a pavilion to create an innovation platform for garment-manufacturing and textile processing at Techtextil India tradeshow in Mumbai, Gartex India exhibition was held annually in New Delhi and has grown wider in scope covering not just garment and textile manufacturing value chain but has also added segments like innerwear manufacturing zone, Laundry & Denim show along the way in addition to digital textile printing, embroidery and other existing verticals. With the merger of the two strong textile trade fair brands, the organisers, Messe Frankfurt Trade Fairs India Pvt Ltd and MEX Exhibitions, aspire to work in collaboration for India’s textile industry development, facilitating global sourcing and networking in the textile value chains.

More information:
Messe Frankfurt

Messe Frankfurt


China International Nonwovens Expo & Forum returns for third edition this June

China is the world's largest producer and exporter of nonwoven fabrics, as well as having the largest consumer market for products made from nonwovens, making the upcoming biennial China International Nonwovens Expo & Forum (CINE – supported by Techtextil) the place to be for industry players from 3 – 5 June. This year’s event will relocate to a different venue, the Shanghai Convention & Exhibition Center of International Sourcing, located conveniently between Hongqiao airport and downtown Shanghai.

“The nonwovens market has been one of the fastest growing sectors of the Chinese textile industry over the last decade, and we expect this to continue in the coming years,” Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of the fair’s co-organiser, Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, commented. “The demographic changes, evolution of the manufacturing sector and greater awareness of environmental protection that have driven growth in China, among other factors, are also evident in a number of markets in the region, particularly Southeast Asia, so we anticipate production growth will remain strong to meet export demand, even if the Chinese economy slows further.”

China is the world's largest producer and exporter of nonwoven fabrics, as well as having the largest consumer market for products made from nonwovens, making the upcoming biennial China International Nonwovens Expo & Forum (CINE – supported by Techtextil) the place to be for industry players from 3 – 5 June. This year’s event will relocate to a different venue, the Shanghai Convention & Exhibition Center of International Sourcing, located conveniently between Hongqiao airport and downtown Shanghai.

“The nonwovens market has been one of the fastest growing sectors of the Chinese textile industry over the last decade, and we expect this to continue in the coming years,” Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of the fair’s co-organiser, Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, commented. “The demographic changes, evolution of the manufacturing sector and greater awareness of environmental protection that have driven growth in China, among other factors, are also evident in a number of markets in the region, particularly Southeast Asia, so we anticipate production growth will remain strong to meet export demand, even if the Chinese economy slows further.”

Reports by the China Nonwovens & Industrial Textiles Association (CNITA), the Freedonia Group and Smithers Pira support this. Nonwovens output in China grew year-on-year by 9.67% for the first 11 months of 2018, exceeding the corresponding figure for 2017 of 8.71%, while demand for nonwovens is predicted to reach 4.9 million metric tons in 2022, a 6.9% per year increase over this period.

Turning to the region, in 2015 Asia occupied 43.1% of the global nonwovens market – with China alone accounting for more than half of the share – with this figure expected to increase to 47.1% in 2020. The Freedonia report also notes that healthy growth in markets nearby to China such as India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam will also fuel nonwovens output in the country to meet export demand.

Globally, nonwovens demand is expected to increase 4.4% per year to 12.2 million metric tons in 2022, with developing regions being the main driver of this, in particular within Asia-Pacific. In the PP nonwovens sector, output is predicted to nearly double between 2013 and 2020, with the major drivers of this growth being baby diaper, adult incontinence and feminine hygiene products. In the durable nonwovens sector, annual growth of 6 to 7% for the period 2017 – 2023 is also anticipated for filtration, engineering construction and packaging uses.


More information:
nonwovens Techtextil CINE

Messe Frankfurt

Messe Düsseldorf feiert Richtfest der Neuen Messe Süd (c) Messe Düsseldorf, Ansgar M. van Treeck; Im Bild von links nach rechts: Holger Meyer, Polier Köster GmbH, Thomas Kleine-Kalmer, Prokurist und Bereichsleitung Großprojekte Köster GmbH, Werner Matthias Dornscheidt, Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung Messe Düsseldorf GmbH, Jurek Slapa, Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter slapa oberholz pszczulny architekten, Thomas Geisel, Oberbürgermeister der Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf und Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats der Messe Düsseldorf GmbH, Thomas Schulte, Polier Köster GmbH
Messe Düsseldorf feiert Richtfest der Neuen Messe Süd

Messe Düsseldorf feiert Richtfest der Neuen Messe Süd

Halbzeit bei einem der ambitioniertesten Bauprojekte in der Geschichte der Messe Düsseldorf: Auf der Großbaustelle am Rhein wurde das Richtfest der neuen Halle 1 gefeiert. Das beeindruckende Gebäudeensemble aus der neuen Halle 1 und dem modernen Eingang Süd stärkt die Messe Düsseldorf als internationalen Industrietreffpunkt sowie als Wirtschaftsfaktor für die Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf.

Auf der Baustelle der Neuen Messe Süd brachten am 14. September 2018, die Poliere Thomas Schulte und Holger Meyer der Osnabrücker Köster GmbH den traditionellen Richtspruch aus. Zu ihren Zuhörern zählten neben der Geschäftsleitung der Messe Düsseldorf und den am Bau beteiligten Handwerkern, Bauarbeitern und Messemitarbeitern auch Vertreter von Politik und Verwaltung, die Aufsichtsräte der Messe Düsseldorf und Düsseldorf Congress und die Architekten des Düsseldorfer Büros slapa oberholz pszczulny | sop.

Halbzeit bei einem der ambitioniertesten Bauprojekte in der Geschichte der Messe Düsseldorf: Auf der Großbaustelle am Rhein wurde das Richtfest der neuen Halle 1 gefeiert. Das beeindruckende Gebäudeensemble aus der neuen Halle 1 und dem modernen Eingang Süd stärkt die Messe Düsseldorf als internationalen Industrietreffpunkt sowie als Wirtschaftsfaktor für die Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf.

Auf der Baustelle der Neuen Messe Süd brachten am 14. September 2018, die Poliere Thomas Schulte und Holger Meyer der Osnabrücker Köster GmbH den traditionellen Richtspruch aus. Zu ihren Zuhörern zählten neben der Geschäftsleitung der Messe Düsseldorf und den am Bau beteiligten Handwerkern, Bauarbeitern und Messemitarbeitern auch Vertreter von Politik und Verwaltung, die Aufsichtsräte der Messe Düsseldorf und Düsseldorf Congress und die Architekten des Düsseldorfer Büros slapa oberholz pszczulny | sop.

Bis zum Herbst 2019 entsteht neben der neuen multifunktionalen Halle 1 mit Konferenzräumen auch der komplett verglaste neue Eingang Süd mit einem transluzenten beleuchteten Vordach und angeschlossener Tiefgarage. Die 12.027 Quadratmeter große Halle 1 wird bis zu 10.000 Menschen Platz bieten. Hinzu kommen im ersten Obergeschoss sechs verglaste Konferenzräume à 200 Quadratmeter für je 198 Personen. Einer dieser Räume ragt ins Foyer des neuen Eingangs Süd, das 2.112 Quadratmeter an Veranstaltungsfläche bietet. Davor wird sich in 20 Metern Höhe das 7.800 Quadratmeter große Vordach über einen Platz mit Taxivorfahrten, Haltestellen für den öffentlichen Personennahverkehr und den Eingang zur neuen Tiefgarage erstrecken. Dieser Vorplatz eignet sich ebenfalls für Veranstaltungen. „Das Gebäudeensemble wird die internationale Anziehungskraft der Messe Düsseldorf weiter erhöhen und ihre Funktion als zentralen Treffpunkt für verschiedenste Industrien stärken“, so Werner M. Dornscheidt, Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung der Messe Düsseldorf. „Damit sind wir optimal aufgestellt.“

Auch das CCD Congress Center Düsseldorf, das mit einem Übergang direkt an die Halle 1 angebunden ist, erhält dank des Bauprojekts ein neues Gesicht und erweitert seine Kapazität auf 16.000 Personen. Hilmar Guckert, Geschäftsführer von Düsseldorf Congress, zeigt sich erfreut: „Mit dem Neubau, der erhöhten Kapazität und der besseren Aufenthaltsqualität rüstet sich das CCD Congress Center Düsseldorf noch besser für die Anforderungen großer Kongresse, Tagungen und Firmenevents. Das ist ein wichtiger Schritt in die Zukunft des internationalen Kongressgeschäfts in der Landeshauptstadt.“ Der Düsseldorfer Oberbürgermeister Thomas Geisel, Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender der Messe Düsseldorf GmbH, hebt darüber hinaus die Vorteile für die Landeshauptstadt hervor: „Das ist nicht nur ein Gewinn für Messe und Congress Center, sondern auch ein Gewinn für die Stadt Düsseldorf. Die internationalen Kunden der Düsseldorfer Messen und Kongresse geben im Jahr schließlich mehr als eine Milliarde Euro in der Stadt aus, sie sichern mehr als 16.600 Arbeitsplätze in Düsseldorf und sorgen für knapp ein Drittel aller Übernachtungen in der Stadt. All das führt zu einem jährlichen Steueraufkommen von mehr als 36 Millionen Euro. Die Neue Messe Süd wird dazu beitragen, diesen Erfolg zu sichern und auszubauen.“

Mit dem Bauwerk erhält die Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf zudem ein neues architektonisches Highlight. Es wird das neue Gesicht der Messe hin zur Stadt und bildet zukünftig den Abschlusspunkt der städtischen Rheinsilhouette im Norden Düsseldorfs. Jurek M. Slapa, Gründer und geschäftsführender Gesellschafter des beauftragten Architekturbüros slapa oberholz pszczulny | sop zeigte sich begeistert vom Baufortschritt: „Es ist großartig zu sehen, wie unsere Ideen, die auf Papier entstanden sind, in die Realität umgesetzt werden. Es freut uns sehr, dass wir mit dem Projekt zwischen Rhein und Nordpark einen neuen, architektonischen Akzent für die Messe und die Stadt Düsseldorf setzen dürfen.“ Thomas Kleine-Kalmer, Prokurist und Bereichsleiter Großprojekte der Köster GmbH, die als Generalunternehmen das Bauwerk umsetzt: „Das Dach und die Gebäudehülle der neuen Halle 1 und des Konferenzriegels stehen – nun folgen der Innenausbau, die Tiefgarage und das Vordach. Es ist schön, dass der Baufortschritt für so viele staunende und freudige Gesichter sorgt. Das motiviert uns umso mehr, das zukünftige Aushängeschild der Messe Düsseldorf zu bauen.“

Die Neue Messe Süd ist Teil des Masterplans Messe Düsseldorf 2030, der das Gelände mit zahlreichen Bau- und Sanierungsmaßnahmen attraktiv und wettbewerbsfähig hält. Dazu gehören bereits fertiggestellte Projekte wie der Neubau der Hallen 6, 7 und 8, der Neubau des Eingangs Nord und die Komplettmodernisierung von sieben Hallen. Werner M. Dornscheidt sieht darin eine entscheidende Investition in die Zukunft: „So passen wir unser Gelände weiter der Nachfrage und den Anforderungen unserer Kunden an und erhöhen weiter den Servicefaktor“, so Dornscheidt. Insgesamt investiert die Messe Düsseldorf 650 Millionen Euro in die Umsetzung ihres Masterplans. Allein in die Neue Messe Süd fließen 140 Millionen Euro. „Und das alles geschieht ohne Subventionen“, macht Dornscheidt deutlich. So bereitet sich die Messe Düsseldorf optimal für die Zukunft vor.


Messe Düsseldorf GmbH


480 international exhibitors ready for Cinte Techtextil 2018

Cinte Techtextil China opens its doors next week, with around 480 exhibitors from 22 countries and regions preparing for another successful showcase of the world’s leading textile innovations. Leading international and domestic brands will feature in halls N1 – N3 at Shanghai New International Expo Centre from 4 – 6 September, making Cinte Techtextil the ideal place to make connections and gain insight into Chinese and Asian market trends.

The technical textile industry in the Asia region, and China in particular, has been growing steadily and is predicted to continue doing so. China’s total output of technical textiles and nonwoven products is estimated to account for 30% of global production by 2020, and double that of 2013. This high potential for growth, achieved through investments worth billions of dollars, has drawn attention from European exhibitors, who are set to travel to the region for Cinte Techtextil.

Cinte Techtextil China opens its doors next week, with around 480 exhibitors from 22 countries and regions preparing for another successful showcase of the world’s leading textile innovations. Leading international and domestic brands will feature in halls N1 – N3 at Shanghai New International Expo Centre from 4 – 6 September, making Cinte Techtextil the ideal place to make connections and gain insight into Chinese and Asian market trends.

The technical textile industry in the Asia region, and China in particular, has been growing steadily and is predicted to continue doing so. China’s total output of technical textiles and nonwoven products is estimated to account for 30% of global production by 2020, and double that of 2013. This high potential for growth, achieved through investments worth billions of dollars, has drawn attention from European exhibitors, who are set to travel to the region for Cinte Techtextil.

This year’s European Zone will feature around 30 exhibitors from countries including Austria, France, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK, while further exhibitors can be found in national pavilions from Belgium, Germany and Italy. In addition to this, the Czech Republic will present its debut pavilion, showcasing exhibitors with solutions for technical yarn, fabric processing and nonwoven fabrics.

In addition to this, exhibitors from 12 more countries and regions will present their latest innovations to the market. These include domestic and international exhibitors from China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Korea, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey and the US.

Belt and Road: a success story for Buildtech
Following higher regulations and quality standards that aim to exceed Western levels, demand is high in China for production machinery. What’s more, with the national nonwovens market displaying particularly fast growth, Cinte Techtextil has attracted some of the world’s leading nonwoven and weaving machinery brands.

The fair will showcase leading global exhibitors across 12 application areas. Two areas to watch out for include Buildtech and Mobiltech, which are both performing well in Asia and specifically in China. The Belt and Road initiative brings Buildtech a great deal of benefits through China’s enormous investments in global infrastructure. Adding to this, China’s automobile production has been increasing 3% year-on-year, with particularly high growth seen in new-energy vehicles, SUVs and commercial vehicles. China has become the world’s largest auto producer, and this has been boosting progress in the Mobiltech category.

Cinte Techtextil fringe programme a hub of industry insight
A comprehensive fringe programme will keep Cinte Techtextil fairgoers up to date with industry news, with standout events including the 7th China International Nonwovens Conference. Focusing on the global nonwovens industry, topic highlights include the latest innovations in China’s nonwovens industry, an insight into the North American nonwovens market, future trends in the global hygiene product market, and more. The conference will also discuss innovations and developments in filter materials and the wipe industry.

The first day of the fringe programme will see a panel discussion in hall N1, moderated by the Taiwan Technical Textiles Association (TTTA), with confirmed panellists including DuPont, IBENA Textilwerke and SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services. The panel will focus on current trends, developments and standards in the protective textile industry.

Other fringe programme events will include seminars and product presentations led by industry leaders on the latest global technologies and market trends, and an Innovation Showcase Area in a variety of application categories. 

More information:
Cinte Techtextil China

Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd


Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles: Home textile industry represented by around 1,040 exhibitors and a diverse fringe programme this August

The Autumn Edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles will open today, returning as a major event for big-name players in the domestic and international home textile industry. Covering six halls, it will accommodate around 1,040 suppliers from around 30 countries & regions. With 40,000 visitors expected to attend, including import & export corporations, wholesalers, distributors, chain stores and home product manufacturers, the fair is anticipated to be an ideal platform for suppliers to introduce new products to the market.

The Autumn Edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles will open today, returning as a major event for big-name players in the domestic and international home textile industry. Covering six halls, it will accommodate around 1,040 suppliers from around 30 countries & regions. With 40,000 visitors expected to attend, including import & export corporations, wholesalers, distributors, chain stores and home product manufacturers, the fair is anticipated to be an ideal platform for suppliers to introduce new products to the market.

Suppliers set to seize market shares in China’s revitalised home textile market
China’s home textile market has been growing steadily, with both domestic and overseas suppliers determined to take advantage of Intertextile Shanghai as a platform to gain market share. This year, premium editors from China, including Beijing Xinyada, Beijing Euroart, Jasonite, SATI and Hangzhou Antex, will be showcasing their high-end collections while international contract business suppliers, such as JAB Anstoetz and Morphrow, are also present to cater to the growing demand for their quality products.
In addition to a majority of local brands and four domestic pavilions from Shaoxing, Tongxiang, Haining and Yuhang regions, there will also be international country & region pavilions from Belgium, India, Pakistan, Taiwan and Turkey, showcasing their specialised products.

Around 1,040 exhibitors covering every home textile sourcing need
Growing middle and upper classes in China have seen consumers’ buying trends expand to buying combinations of items with particular design trends. Matching this trend, a number of whole home exhibitors that provide one-stop services, from selecting home textile products to giving home decoration ideas, have been reaping the benefits in recent editions of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – and 2018 is set to continue reflecting this trend.

Around 1,040 exhibitors at Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles will showcase a wide variety of home textile products, including bedding, bath, table & kitchen, curtains & upholstery, textile designs & technology, whole home, sun protection, wall coverings and carpets & rugs. This diverse range of offerings establishes the reason why Intertextile Shanghai attracts genuine, high-quality buyers – across the spectrum, there’s something for every buyer at this fair.  

Fringe programme events to provide insight and inspiration
Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles aims to provide inspiration for the next season at the same time as providing a platform for business interactions. At this edition’s fringe programme, key events include the InterDesign – Trend Area, displaying three key trend themes for A/W19 in collaboration with the international trendsetter NellyRodiTM Agency. Trend tours and forums will also take place, giving visitors the opportunity to learn and discuss lifestyle trends with designers and trend experts.

At Contract Business 360o, the fair will feature a showcase area at hall 5.1 displaying quality contract upholstery from leading exhibitors, and seminars on current design and market insights of the contract business sector. Catering to popular demand is the return of the Digital Printing Micro Factory, demonstrating a complete production process onsite, alongside forums on the benefits of digital printing & latest production technics. The Andrew Martin International Interior Design Summit will see a forum of experts share their design insights in the new information era, whilst the 2018 Home Furnishing Crossover Exhibition will demonstrate design talent and creativity of interior designers, and present new home living styles.

The show will be held from 27 – 30 August in the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai. Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Home Textile Association (CHTA).

Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany and Taiwan Pavilions to join Cinte Techtextil China (c) Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd

Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany and Taiwan Pavilions to join Cinte Techtextil China

From 4 – 6 September, leading innovations and technologies from around the world will feature in the Shanghai New International Expo Centre for Cinte Techtextil China 2018. With a growing technical textile market in China and Asia, big industry names will come to showcase new products. The Belgium, Germany and Taiwan Pavilions are predicted to draw a crowd with their return, while the Czech Republic Pavilion makes its debut appearance.

From 4 – 6 September, leading innovations and technologies from around the world will feature in the Shanghai New International Expo Centre for Cinte Techtextil China 2018. With a growing technical textile market in China and Asia, big industry names will come to showcase new products. The Belgium, Germany and Taiwan Pavilions are predicted to draw a crowd with their return, while the Czech Republic Pavilion makes its debut appearance.

Fresh innovation from the Taiwan Pavilion
The Taiwan Pavilion lives up to its reputation as one of the leading sources of industry innovation. Ten exhibitors in the Taiwan Pavilion will showcase a variety of innovations ideal for a number of industries. With advances in medical and hygiene product technologies, exhibitors Web-Pro Corporation will offer protective cover-all materials that resist pathogens and micro-organisms and multi-layered PE films for hygiene products, while Kae Hwa Industrial will introduce their developments in materials that protect against viruses. Four Elements Energy Biotechnology will showcase their multi-functional Masterbatch product, a unique FDA-qualified, anti-mildew and transparent plastic additive that repels bacteria.

Other exhibitors to watch out for in the Taiwan Pavilion include Ritex Machinery, who will display their Air Through machinery which can be applied to nonwoven fabrics for hygienic, medical and filtration uses. Everlight Chemical Industrial’s Evereco® adhesives introduce an eco-friendly solution with heat-resistance and other resilient properties. Also offering eco-friendly alternatives is TomLong Techstile and their TPU coated fabrics, ideal for waterproof and inflatable products.

Productivity and efficiency at the German Pavilion
Following high demand in the Chinese market, the German Pavilion returns with around 30 exhibitors, showcasing their expertise in efficiency in textile production. Highlights include Baumüller Nürnberg’s modular concepts and intelligent automations which allow flexible reactions to changeable market requirements. Edelmann Technology brings new high speed winder systems for increased production rates and new concepts for reducing contamination in products. ISRA Surface Vision will present 100% inline optical surface inspection methods for quality control and process optimisations. Another product to watch out for is Kufner’s xShield®, a lightweight, soft textile with 99% shielding efficiency against electromagnetic radiation.

Other big names in the German Pavilion include Autefa Solutions, Brückner Textile Technologies, Dornier Lindauer, IBENA, J.H. Ziegler, Kufner, Perlon and more.

Belgium Pavilion returns along with a Czech Republic debut
Organised by Fedustria (Belgian Textile, Woodworking and Furniture Industry Federation), the Belgium Pavilion will include textile recycling company Belrey Fibres, engineered fabrics by Pennel & Flipo for marine and rescue industries, as well as leading coating specialists Vetex who will feature a variety of functional tapes, and R&D institute Centexbel who carry out research projects across the entire textile and polymer production chain.

The new Czech Republic Pavilion organised by ATOK, the Association of Textile-Clothing–Leather Industry, will showcase three exhibitors who will provide solutions for technical yarn, fabric processing and nonwoven fabrics. These include: GF Machinery, showcasing R&D and production of special machines and lines for glass / basalt yarn and fabric processing; Retex’s nonwoven needle-punched and air laid textiles; and STAP, Europe’s biggest manufacturer of narrow fabrics.

The Cinte Techtextil China fair is recognised by European manufacturers as a gateway to the Asian market. With investment from China boosting the technical textile industry, and more Asian countries than ever developing their technical markets, Cinte Techtextil China 2018 is set to be a hub of business potential.



More information:
Cinte Techtextil China

Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd

© Techtextil, Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH

Strong potential in Buildtech and Mobiltech sectors to be displayed at Cinte Techtextil China

This September’s Cinte Techtextil China will once again provide a strong barometer of the state of the global technical textiles industry, and in particular which sectors in Asia as a whole, and China specifically, are performing well. Two of these for certain are Buildtech and Mobiltech, with a number of leading global and Chinese brands exhibiting to eager buyers from these sectors.

Cinte Techtextil China is Asia’s leading biennial fair for the technical textiles and nonwovens sector, and will feature an expected 500-plus total exhibitors from around 20 countries & regions from 4 – 6 September. The fair offers products and technologies for 12 application areas* which cover the entire industry.

Buildtech benefits from Belt & Road and other infrastructure investment

This September’s Cinte Techtextil China will once again provide a strong barometer of the state of the global technical textiles industry, and in particular which sectors in Asia as a whole, and China specifically, are performing well. Two of these for certain are Buildtech and Mobiltech, with a number of leading global and Chinese brands exhibiting to eager buyers from these sectors.

Cinte Techtextil China is Asia’s leading biennial fair for the technical textiles and nonwovens sector, and will feature an expected 500-plus total exhibitors from around 20 countries & regions from 4 – 6 September. The fair offers products and technologies for 12 application areas* which cover the entire industry.

Buildtech benefits from Belt & Road and other infrastructure investment

With a huge boom in national and regional infrastructure projects, the market for Buildtech products, especially geotextiles and construction textiles, is rapidly expanding. In particular, the government’s global Belt & Road project, as well as continued investment at home in highways, high-speed rail and more, is fuelling this expansion. According to CNITA, in 2017 China started 35 new railway projects, with additional private capital investment in this sector totalling some USD 53 billion that year. The same investment in highway construction increased 17.7%, while water conservation project investment by private firms reached a new record of USD 105 billion.

With this potential in the Asian market, it’s no surprise a number of new exhibitors will feature in the Buildtech sector at the fair, including FPC Technical Textile from Saudi Arabia, Kobe-cz from the Czech Republic, as well as Lenzing Plastics, while Johns Manville are one of the returning exhibitors this year.

  • FPC Technical Textile (Saudi Arabia) produce high-end specialty fabrics including PVC coated fabrics and fibre glass PTFE fabrics, and will focus on the latter at the fair.
  • Kobe-cz (Czech Republic) will showcase their nonwoven fabrics, mainly from glass fibre with temperature resistance up to 800°C.
  • Exhibiting for the first time at the fair with their Plastics division, Lenzing (Austria) will feature their technical laminates for building industries, roofing membranes, vapour barriers, isolation facings and barrier packaging, as well as PROFILEN® PTFE yarns, films and fibres at Cinte Techtextil.
  • Johns Manville’s (US) products on offer include polyester spunbond, PP & PBT meltblown, glass fibre nonwovens, micro glass fibre nonwovens, hybrid nonwovens, glass fibre needle mat and glass microfibers.

Mobiltech benefits from huge increases in automobile production in China

With new textile innovations and application possibilities spreading throughout the automobile industry, coupled with the fact China is the world’s largest auto producer, Cinte Techtextil is the place to see the latest products and technologies for this sector this September. Automobile production in China reached 29 million units in 2017, an increase of 3% year-on-year. Staggeringly, new-energy vehicle production grew by 53% last year, while SUVs and commercial vehicles increased 13.81% and 13.95% respectively.

With such strong growth in China, a number of leading international Mobiltech producers, as well as top domestic suppliers, will be at Cinte Techtextil this year, including:

  • Abifor (Switzerland): their focus at the fair is on products designed for automotive, construction and other technical applications, in particular their specialty hot-melt powders. The company has its own production unit in Shanghai, and reports that an increasing number of domestic customers are starting to focus on more sophisticated products.
  • SKS Group (Sweden): will showcase high performance single end yarn for automotive and industrial hoses, and single end cord for automotive and industrial belts.
  • Swisstulle (Switzerland): will have a range of products on offer for automotive, rail and aviation uses, including sunshade materials, nets, tube reinforcements and new possibilities for luggage compartment covers.
  • Windel Textile Far East (Germany): with production undertaken in China, this German firm offers textile greige, half-done and finished materials. They offer nonwoven, knitted and woven fabrics (substrates), and glass fibre solutions. At the fair, they will showcase substrates for adhesive tapes / wire harnessing tapes, and Maliwatt- and coagulated microfibre fleece for covering vehicle interiors.
  • Protechnic (France): they will feature hot melt thermoadhesive nets, webs and films, as well as laminating process in automotive and other industrial applications at Cinte 2018.
  • Kuangda Technology Group (China): having supplied products for global brands such as Volkswagen and Audi, this Chinese supplier will offer automotive interiors, including interior fabrics, seat covers and cushions at the fair.
  • Shanghai Shenda (ShanghaiTex Group) (China): specialising in automotive interior textiles, they manufacture a full range of products including grey car carpet, moulding car carpet, head liners (warp-knitting and nonwoven), seat belt, seat fabrics and more, and have supplied the likes of Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Volkswagen and GM.

Cinte Techtextil China is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Nonwovens & Industrial Textiles Association (CNITA). To find out more about the fair, please visit:


Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH

Market and trend developments at Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles (c) Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd

Market and trend developments at Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles has always been at the forefront of the China and Asia markets for participants to find the latest products from around the world and learn about the current market trends. This year, a series of fringe programme events together with some new show features will inspire fairgoers throughout the four-day fair.

New features for contract business

Given the growing demand for textile solutions for architecture, interior design and the hotel industry, the coming August fair will highlight leading contract upholstery suppliers with distinctive labels. In addition, the show will feature a showcase area at hall 5.1 which displays quality contract upholstery from exhibitors. The area will be decorated by interior designers, demonstrating the functionalities of different contract textile products.

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles has always been at the forefront of the China and Asia markets for participants to find the latest products from around the world and learn about the current market trends. This year, a series of fringe programme events together with some new show features will inspire fairgoers throughout the four-day fair.

New features for contract business

Given the growing demand for textile solutions for architecture, interior design and the hotel industry, the coming August fair will highlight leading contract upholstery suppliers with distinctive labels. In addition, the show will feature a showcase area at hall 5.1 which displays quality contract upholstery from exhibitors. The area will be decorated by interior designers, demonstrating the functionalities of different contract textile products.

To introduce the opportunities that the textile industry can capture from contract business, both domestic and international architects, hoteliers, interior designers and industry experts have been invited to share their insights about design, market, materials and project management on the Contract Business Days, on 28 & 29 August.

Naima A Khan, founder and interior designer from The Green Design in UAE, for instance, will be speaking on The Art of Sustainable Interior Design. She has worked with many international home fashion retail store developers, as well as textile and interior companies, and is experienced in using therapeutic colour schemes, sustainable materials and sunlight in different design projects. Another guest, Esra Lemmens, who is also a designer and active speaker at design events, will talk about the expanding importance of design throughout Dubai as well as her suggestions for doing business in Dubai.

Other speakers also include Martin Oliu from the international design company, Harmony World Consultant and Design (HWCD). He has participated in a broad area of design such as architectural construction & interior design and is responsible for various luxury residential and hotel design projects. Professor Thomas Charles, who has been working on industrial product design and research for user experience & consumer behaviour study, business strategy and branding designs will give a talk on ‘The Power of Innovative Design’. Trevira CS will also participate in the Contract Business Day through their Chinese representative, Jenny Zhang, who will share how the permanently flame retardant Trevira CS textiles can fit into contract business.

Digital printing and technics remain a focal point

The Digital Printing Micro Factory concept was first introduced in the 2017 edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles, and received much attention and positive feedback. To cater to the growing demand for efficient, one-step textile solutions, Global Fortune Limited from Hong Kong will work jointly with Kornit Digital and Bullmer to set up a Micro Factory at this August’s fair. An advanced digital printing system – Allegro & Cut by Kornit Allegro – will be introduced. The system streamlines the entire production process by combining printing and drying together so multiple machinery is not needed. It is also eco-friendly as one single ink set suits various fabric types, and designs will be printed in shapes and sizes that are ready for cutting. Visitors can learn more about the complete production process from printing and cutting to sewing via the onsite demonstration.

In addition to forums discussing how digital printing helps flexible production, there will also be an array of forums where some top domestic industry players will share their experience in resolving  technical problems in productions and satisfying requirements in different product tests.

Forward-looking events to ignite inspiration

The trend committee formed by international trendsetter the NellyRodiTM Agency has developed three themes, namely Caring Future, Crazy Future and Emo Future for the 2019 International Lifestyle Trends. Apart from the trend area where product displays are located, visitors can get a better understanding about the future living styles from the panel discussion and trend area tour. The agency’s creative director, Vincent Grégoire, will guide tours to explain the trend concept. He will also join other industry experts in the panel discussion on consumer lifestyle trends.

Another inspiring event during the show is the Future Talk in which representatives from different industries including fashion brand Shiatzy Chen, home appliance giant Haier, gourmets and lifestyle experts will share their perspectives on the future trends.

The show will be held from 27 – 30 August in the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai. Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Home Textile Association (CHTA).

To find out more about this fair, please visit:


Industry-leading brands confirmed for September’s Cinte Techtextil China

As the countdown to the 2018 edition of Cinte Techtextil China enters its last two months, the final exhibitor line-up is starting to take shape. A number of leading international and Chinese brands across the fair’s 12 product application areas will feature at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre from 4 – 6 September, with an expected 500-plus total exhibitors from around 20 countries & regions set to feature.

Nonwovens exhibitor highlights

As the fair’s largest product category, buyers have a wide range of domestic and overseas brands to source from, including:

As the countdown to the 2018 edition of Cinte Techtextil China enters its last two months, the final exhibitor line-up is starting to take shape. A number of leading international and Chinese brands across the fair’s 12 product application areas will feature at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre from 4 – 6 September, with an expected 500-plus total exhibitors from around 20 countries & regions set to feature.

Nonwovens exhibitor highlights

As the fair’s largest product category, buyers have a wide range of domestic and overseas brands to source from, including:

  • Johns Manville (US): who will showcase their polyester spunbond, PP & PBT meltblown, glass fibre nonwoven, micro glass fibre nonwoven, hybrid nonwoven, glass fibre needle mat and glass microfibre product lines among others at the fair.
  •  J.H. Ziegler (Germany): with over 150 years’ expertise and their own production plant in China, they offer products for acoustic absorption in automotive interiors and exteriors, nonwoven foam composites for leather lamination, needle-punched nonwovens, foam nonwoven composites, laminated nonwovens and natural-fibre nonwovens.
  • KOBE-cz (Czech Republic): a new exhibitor to the fair, their nonwoven fabrics, mainly made from glass fibre with temperature resistance up to 800°C, are used for high-temperature isolation in the automotive, marine, energy and building industries. They also have isolation materials made from natural fibres including hemp, wool, cotton and flax.
  • TDF Nonwovens (China): one of the leading domestic brands, their specialties are polyester spunbond geotextiles, polyester filament roofing carriers, filter nonwovens, high-strength coarse denier polypropylene spunbond geotextiles and medical & health nonwovens.
  • Kingsafe (China): they specialise in the production of fusible interlining and nonwoven fabrics for high-end garments.

Yarn & fibre exhibitor highlights

  • Perlon (Germany): has developed a PET based monofilament, HighGrip, which guarantees long-lasting efficiency of conveyor belts, and is available in various types with different tribological characteristics, which they will feature at the fair.
  • Sateri (China): is a global leader in viscose rayon made from 100% dissolving wood pulp, and the largest maker of viscose fibre in China. Their natural and high-quality fibre, made from trees grown on renewable plantations, can be found in textiles and skin-friendly hygiene products.
  • Cordenka (Germany): producers of industrial rayon, their product range covers rayon tire cord, yarn, single-end dipped cord, short-cut fibre and more.
  • EMS-Griltech (Switzerland): will showcase a range of technical fibres & yarns and thermoplastic adhesives at the fair.
  • Barnet (Germany): several finished products (nonwovens, spun yarns and fabrics) made with their specialty fibre will be on display at the fair, including OPAN, para-aramid and carbon filament fibres. The application of their specialty fibre in flame retardant and anti-cut gloves and felts will be shown at their booth for the first time.

Coated textiles & solutions exhibitor highlights

  • Stahl (the Netherlands): the Dutch company will present new products from their water repellent and flame retardant ranges at this year’s fair. According to the company, as the Chinese government continues its efforts to clean up the environment, eco-friendly chemicals remain in strong demand in the country.
  • Sioen (Belgium): will showcase sign materials, truck tarpaulins, tents, membrane fabrics, apparel products, chemicals and specialty products such as inflatable boat fabrics, pool liners and more at Cinte 2018.
  • ROWA Lack (Germany): a new exhibitor at this year’s fair, they will present their special lacquer systems and top coatings.
  • Trelleborg (Sweden): also a new exhibitor, they will display engineered textiles, especially in the fields of outdoor, medical, protective and automotive.
  • FPC Technical Textile (Saudi Arabia): another first-time participant at the fair, they will showcase a range of high-end specialty fabrics including PVC coated fabrics and fibre glass PTFE fabrics.
  • Zhejiang Jinda New Materials (China): this supplier is known for its coated textiles for industrial, transportation and building uses, as well as warp knitted geo-synthetic materials and printable coated materials for advertisements.

Lenzing to showcase its new VEOCEL nonwovens specialty brand at the fair

First announced in June this year, and featuring at Cinte Techtextil, Lenzing’s new VEOCEL brand is billed as a premium range of nonwovens fibres for daily care, which “provides the nonwovens industry with fibres that are certified clean and safe, biodegradable, from botanic origin and produced in an environmentally responsible production process.” Products in this range can be applied to a multitude of uses including baby care, beauty and body care, intimate care and surface cleaning, under the VEOCEL Beauty, VEOCEL Body, VEOCEL Intimate and VEOCEL Surface brands.


More information:
Cinte Techtextil China

Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd


Leading nonwovens & weaving machinery brands sign up for Cinte Techtextil China

Asia’s largest biennial event for the entire technical textiles and nonwovens sector will feature some of the industry’s biggest overseas machinery brands. Held on the earlier date of 4 – 6 September this year, the fair will feature an expected 500-plus total exhibitors from around 20 countries & regions.

As the world’s largest producer of technical textiles and nonwovens, China’s demand for production machinery is insatiable. As such, this September’s Cinte Techtextil China has attracted some of the world’s leading machinery brands, particularly in the nonwovens and sewing machinery sectors, ensuring a wide range of sourcing options for both domestic and international buyers.

Asia’s largest biennial event for the entire technical textiles and nonwovens sector will feature some of the industry’s biggest overseas machinery brands. Held on the earlier date of 4 – 6 September this year, the fair will feature an expected 500-plus total exhibitors from around 20 countries & regions.

As the world’s largest producer of technical textiles and nonwovens, China’s demand for production machinery is insatiable. As such, this September’s Cinte Techtextil China has attracted some of the world’s leading machinery brands, particularly in the nonwovens and sewing machinery sectors, ensuring a wide range of sourcing options for both domestic and international buyers.

Overseas producers respond to strong Chinese demand
As the Chinese domestic and export markets’ demand for quality technical textiles and nonwovens products continues to increase, overseas machinery brands continue to enter the country, using Cinte Techtextil China as their starting-out platform. ANDRITZ Nonwoven is just one of those who see the growing potential. “Chinese nonwovens manufacturers are increasingly requiring higher capacities and top-class quality for their nonwovens products for local and export markets,” Mr Laurent Jallat explained. “China is the biggest market in terms of installed capacity, and shows quite promising potential for the future. In the past years, we’ve seen rapid growth in products such as disposable face masks.” ANDRITZ responds to this demand with their neXline spunlace eXcelle line which features state-of-the-art TT card web forming and JetlaceEssentiel hydro entanglement units for high capacity and speed.

The DiloGroup also report an increase in demand for their products in China. “China is one of our biggest markets,” explains Mr Dominik Foshag. “We have procured huge orders from China, as Chinese customers are considering German technology more frequently nowadays. The visitor quality of Cinte Techtextil has been very good in this past, and we think this year’s fair will be also successful as we know many of our customers are going to visit.”

Oerlikon will introduce its spunbond technology to the Chinese market this year, and is expecting to conclude initial contracts at the fair due to increased demand for overseas products. “The Chinese market for nonwovens products is by far the largest and fastest growing national market. Chinese manufacturers are no longer satisfied with lower product quality, but want to exceed Western quality levels, for example. The products must now meet stricter customer requirements and legal standards, some of which are significantly higher than other international standards,” Ms Lena Kachelmaier said.

Truetzschler Nonwovens has also noticed this trend. Ms Jutta Stehr commented: “In the last two or three years, China became one of the pacemakers in the field of nonwovens used in beauty, skin care and hygiene applications. Asian markets have set new standards concerning quality in nonwovens. For instance, making disposable wipes from cotton fibres is a trend originating in Asia. The luxurious feeling of cotton combined with the requirement for eco-friendly products will further drive demand in China and elsewhere. Accordingly, Truetzschler Nonwovens anticipates more inquiries at Cinte Techtextil for its proven carding and spunlacing solutions for cotton nonwovens.”

Weaving machine supplier Itema has also noticed strong demand in China for products made in Italy. “Generally speaking, and especially for technical fabrics, imported machinery is highly evaluated and appreciated by Chinese customers. In recent years, Itema experienced significant growth in the sale of its Made-in-Italy weaving machines in China, and in other APAC countries. Imported machines are synonymous with quality and reliability, and we believe this positive trend will be constant in the future,” Mr Matteo De Micheli outlined.

Weaving machinery exhibitor highlights

  • ANDRITZ Nonwoven: their specialty is technologies for drylaid, wetlaid, spunbond, spunlace, needlepunch and textile calendering. At Cinte Techtextil, they will highlight their aXcess product portfolio, which has been especially designed for medium-capacity production. ANDRITZ has developed this range to fit the demands of producers with medium-capacity requirements, particularly in emerging markets. It includes lines and individual machines for needlepunch, spunlace, wetlaid and calendering processes.
  • Autefa Solutions: visitors to their booth will experience the company’s expertise as a full line supplier for carded- crosslapped needlepunch lines, aerodynamic web forming technology, spunlace and thermobonding lines. Their nonwovens lines meet customers’ requirements for quality web formation, bonding, active weight regulation and minimal maintenance.
  • DILO Systems: a leader in the field of staple fibre nonwoven production lines, DiloGroup will present their latest developments at the fair, including staple fibre production lines, card feeding and cards and crosslappers & needlelooms.
  • Oerlikon: they will showcase spunbond solution lines for the production of polypropylene geotextiles. According to the company, spunbond geotextile applications are on the rise as the market is increasingly demanding more efficient processes and products, which means the product requirements are often the same or greater, but with a lower raw material input. Spunbonds are progressively replacing classical carded nonwovens due to their technical and commercial benefits.
  • Truetzschler Nonwovens: concentrating on solutions for producing a broad range of hygiene nonwovens including wipes at the fair, they will focus on thermobonding & spunlacing processes and the respective machinery, from fibre preparation down to winding.

Sewing machinery exhibitor highlights

  • Itema: making their debut at Cinte Techtextil, they are a leading supplier of weaving machines for technical fabrics production. According to the company, they are the only weaving machine producer to offer technical textile manufacturers the top three technologies for weft insertion: Rapier, Projectile and Airjet.
  • Picanol: they use their leading position as producers of weaving machines for other textile products to expand into machines for woven technical textiles by investing heavily in state-of-the-art technology, as well through the modular design of their machine platforms which allow them to serve different industry sectors effectively.
  • Lindauer Dornier: featuring in the German Pavilion this edition, they offer a number of weaving machine varieties including rapier, air-jet, open reed weave (ORW) and more. Their rapier weaving machines have set the technological standard in the high quality wool textiles market for decades, and this quality will be on display at their booth with the DORNIER P1 rapier weaving machine.

Domestic brands to watch out for

In addition to these leading overseas brands, a strong line-up of Chinese machinery producers will also feature at the fair, including Changshu Weicheng Non-Woven Equipment and Shijiazhuang Textile Machinery.


More information:
Cinte Techtextil China

Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd


Demand for European technical textiles attracts leading companies to Cinte Techtextil China

Exhibitors from eight countries have already confirmed to participate in the fair’s European Zone. They join an expected 500-plus total exhibitors from around the world. The 2018 edition of this biennial fair takes place from 4 – 6 September in halls N1 – N3 of the Shanghai New International Expo Centre.

While China retains its edge in terms of technical textiles and nonwovens production capabilities, in the eyes of Chinese buyers, European suppliers are still the leaders when it comes to technology and innovation. This was widely reported by European exhibitors at the previous edition in 2016 of Asia’s leading biennial trade event for the industry: Cinte Techtextil China.

Exhibitors from eight countries have already confirmed to participate in the fair’s European Zone. They join an expected 500-plus total exhibitors from around the world. The 2018 edition of this biennial fair takes place from 4 – 6 September in halls N1 – N3 of the Shanghai New International Expo Centre.

While China retains its edge in terms of technical textiles and nonwovens production capabilities, in the eyes of Chinese buyers, European suppliers are still the leaders when it comes to technology and innovation. This was widely reported by European exhibitors at the previous edition in 2016 of Asia’s leading biennial trade event for the industry: Cinte Techtextil China.

“In the Chinese market, buyers want good quality products, so overseas companies, and products with recognised quality certifications, have a lot of potential,” Ms Ping Chen, General Manager of IBENA Shanghai Technical Textiles commented. “As a leading German company in the industry, our products are welcomed by many buyers at this fair. It is also important to be in the German Pavilion as this signals to buyers that we have quality products, and it attracts more attention.” Swiss firm Sanitized AG had the same experience. “As a Swiss company in the European Zone I believe it’s an advantage, as some local buyers have more confidence towards imported products,” Mr Steven Liu, Sales Manager said.

Other exhibitors commented on the long-term trends in the Chinese market. “There’s a definite shift to more high-quality machinery in China that isn’t affected by what’s happening in the overall economy. Moreover, there are opportunities for overseas suppliers as there is still a gap between us and what Chinese companies produce,” Dr Joachim Binnig, Vice President, Head of Development & Technology, Autefa Solutions Germany GmbH explained.

Mr Roger Zhang, Sales Manager for German firm J.H. Ziegler Nonwovens and New Materials commented: “Our products are mainly for high-end Chinese customers, such as BMW and Audi. The Chinese market has gradually matured, but the production capability for high-performance products which are energy efficient and eco-friendly is still developing, so there is a lot of space for overseas brands to develop here.”

European Zone highlights
This year’s European Zone will feature around 30 exhibitors from eight countries, including Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK, while further exhibitors can be found in national pavilions from Belgium, the Czech Republic, Germany and Italy. Some of the exhibitor highlights in the European Zone include:

  • Arkema (France): with brands including PMMA Altuglas, Rilsan, Pebax, Kynar PVDF and Bostik, they will present polymer resin for fibres and yarns, which apply to a wide range of applications, at the fair.
  • Dakota Coating (Belgium): specialists in thermoplastic and thermosetting adhesives, their polymer products, based on polyethylene, polyolefin or mixtures, ethylene vinyl acetates, co-polyamides, polyurethanes and co-polyesters, are suitable for automotive, building, heat transfer and sound insulation uses.
  • Lenzing Plastics (Austria): a new exhibitor at the fair, they are a leading manufacturer of polyolefin and fluoropolymer products, such as Thermoplast and PTFE products. One of their core competencies lies in the monoaxial stretching of films and filaments, and they offer special solutions in the fields of construction & insulation, medicine & hygiene, packaging and cables, as well as automotive and technical textiles. They will highlight their PROFILEN® PTFE product at the fair, and with its extreme durability and very smooth surface, it is highly valued in many niche applications in the technical and medical sectors.
  • Protechnic (France): leading manufacturers of hot-melt adhesives and plastic printed films, they will showcase hot melt thermo-adhesive nets, webs and films at the fair.
  • Trelleborg Coated Systems (Italy): another new exhibitor this edition, they produce high-performance, engineered coated fabrics. They offer a wide variety of substrates – from Kevlar® to silk – with a choice of weaving methods.
Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition 2018 (c) 'Messe Frankfurt / Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles'

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition 2018

August’s Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles embraces the revitalised home textile market in China
As China’s economy is getting back on track with the GDP growth rate standing at 6.9% in 2017, the home textile market is also showing strong signs of recovery before Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles returns this August.

With 23 years’ history, the show is well regarded as the most influential home textile trade fair in Asia. Over 1,000 suppliers from around 30 countries and regions will showcase a wide variety of home textile products ranging from bedding, bath, table & kitchen, curtains & upholstery and textile designs & technology to editors, whole home, sun protection, wallcoverings and carpets & rugs. In turn, over 38,000 trade buyers are expected to source at the fair.

August’s Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles embraces the revitalised home textile market in China
As China’s economy is getting back on track with the GDP growth rate standing at 6.9% in 2017, the home textile market is also showing strong signs of recovery before Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles returns this August.

With 23 years’ history, the show is well regarded as the most influential home textile trade fair in Asia. Over 1,000 suppliers from around 30 countries and regions will showcase a wide variety of home textile products ranging from bedding, bath, table & kitchen, curtains & upholstery and textile designs & technology to editors, whole home, sun protection, wallcoverings and carpets & rugs. In turn, over 38,000 trade buyers are expected to source at the fair.

According to Askci Consulting, one of the leading Chinese industry research institutions, China’s home textile market has been growing steadily with an average rate of around 10% between 2010 and 2015. The overall size has increased from USD 18.4 billion in 2010 to USD 29.5 billion in 2015, and is expected to reach USD 38.3 billion in 2020. What’s more, the consumption of home textiles only accounts for about 29% of the total textile consumption of the country. Given the fact that the relevant ratio in developed countries such as the US and Japan is between 33 to 38%, there still lies huge room for the Chinese market to expand. Foreign analysts share this optimism, with Euromonitor expecting an annual increase of 5.3% and 5.9% for China’s entire home textile and bedding product markets respectively.

Thanks to the improving quality and competitive price, there is also growing demand for China’s home textile products from buyers around the world. Customs statistics show that the export value for home textile products increased 2.25% to USD 39.5 billion in 2017. Among all China’s export countries and regions, the US has the largest share, followed by the EU, ASEAN and Japan.
With all these favourable conditions in place, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles, to be held from 27 – 30 August, serves as an ideal platform for industry players to capture these business opportunities. “The rapid urbanisation and the consumption upgrade is unleashing unprecedented purchasing power in China. Participants can expect to benefit from this huge potential at our show,” Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd added.

Contract business sees big potential in Chinese market
The constant growth of Chinese consumers’ disposable income not only results in increased spending on home textile products, but also stimulates the development of tourism. A report from the General Office of the State Council of China stated that the annual number of domestic trips has nearly doubled, from 2.1 billion in 2010 to 4.4 billion in 2016. It is expected that domestic travel-related consumption will reach USD 869 billion in 2020 and contribute to over 5% of GDP.

The hotel industry in particular has benefited from this development, with the number of limited service hotels increasing 30% in the past seven years. This also implies remarkable opportunities for the home textile industry players doing contract business since quality products including furnishing fabrics, bedding & towelling and more will be sought after by the hotels.
Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Home Textile Association (CHTA).

To find out more about this fair, please visit:
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Cinte Techtextil (c) Messe Frankfurt / Cinte Techtextil China edition

New date for Cinte Techtextil China 2018 as exhibitor registration opens

Exhibitor registration is open for Cinte Techtextil China, which will take place with an earlier date of 4 – 6 September this year. Asia’s largest biennial event for the entire technical textiles and nonwovens sector, the fair is held in a region that not only continues to grow strongly but is expected to do so for the foreseeable future, not least due to major government initiatives in China that are injecting billions of dollars of investment into the industry.

Exhibitor registration is open for Cinte Techtextil China, which will take place with an earlier date of 4 – 6 September this year. Asia’s largest biennial event for the entire technical textiles and nonwovens sector, the fair is held in a region that not only continues to grow strongly but is expected to do so for the foreseeable future, not least due to major government initiatives in China that are injecting billions of dollars of investment into the industry.

“It is due to the increasing opportunities in the Asian market that we are expecting more European exhibitors to feature at Cinte Techtextil China this year,” Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd outlined. “As the fair attracts a diverse range of trade buyers, including from 12 different application areas such as Buildtech, Clothtech, Geotech, Medtech, Mobiltech and Protech, it is a unique opportunity within Asia for suppliers to meet with the entire industry and maximise the potential of their products across various end-uses and sectors.” While many new European companies are expected this year, some of the returning big brands already confirmed include Trützschler, Dilo and Barnet from Germany, Andritz from France, Stahl from the Netherlands, Itema from Italy and Picanol from Belgium.

Chinese and Asian technical textiles and nonwovens markets continue their upward trajectory
When it comes to technical textiles and nonwovens, the Asian region, and China in particular, is displaying impressive growth, which will remain the case in the coming years.

China overall

  •  The total output of technical textiles and nonwoven products is estimated to reach over 22 million tons in 2020, accounting for 30% of global production, and double that of 2013.
  •  In 2016, China’s technical textile exports were worth USD 23.61 billion. Nine major products surpassed USD 1.5 billion worth of exports each: medical & hygiene textiles, coated textiles, nonwovens, canvas & tarp textiles, ropes, synthetic leather substrates and package textiles.
  • Growth will be seen especially in the following sectors in the coming five years               

                  Filtration & separation textiles
                  Medical & hygiene textiles
                  Geotechnical textil
                  Structural reinforcement textiles
                  Transportation textiles
                  Protective textiles


  • China accounted for 10.5% of global nonwovens imports in 2015.
  • China alone will account for around 57% of the Asian consumption of nonwovens from 2016 to 2020.
  • According to the China Nonwovens & Industrial Textiles Association (CNITA), the following nonwoven sectors will experience the highest growth in this period:

                 Environmental protection
                 Medical, healthcare and elderly care
                 Emergency services and public security
                 New-energy automotive
                ‘Belt and Road’ supporting industries

Man-made fibres

  • China currently accounts for 65% of world market share of man-made fibres, with demand in the wider Asian region expected to remain strong in coming years thanks to growing populations and rising living standards in China and emerging Asian countries.
  • The driving force is not only clothing, but also new applications such as the filtration, construction, protection and transportation industries.

Hexcel’s Product Innovations for Aerospace, Automotive, Wind Energy and Marine at JEC WORLD 2018

STAMFORD, February 26, 2018 - at JEC World 2018, taking place in Paris March 6-8, Hexcel will display an array of product innovations for customer applications in aerospace, automotive, wind energy and marine markets.
Hexcel’s banner at the exhibit hall entrance features the Airbus H160 helicopter and A350 XWB aircraft, both with carbon fiber livery to acknowledge the high Hexcel composites content in both programs. Hexcel’s reinforcements, prepregs, adhesives and honeycomb materials were selected for the H160’s composite fuselage structures and main rotor blades, contributing to the lightweight fuel-saving design and performance optimization. Airbus has loaned Hexcel an H160 BLUE EDGE blade to display on the booth.

STAMFORD, February 26, 2018 - at JEC World 2018, taking place in Paris March 6-8, Hexcel will display an array of product innovations for customer applications in aerospace, automotive, wind energy and marine markets.
Hexcel’s banner at the exhibit hall entrance features the Airbus H160 helicopter and A350 XWB aircraft, both with carbon fiber livery to acknowledge the high Hexcel composites content in both programs. Hexcel’s reinforcements, prepregs, adhesives and honeycomb materials were selected for the H160’s composite fuselage structures and main rotor blades, contributing to the lightweight fuel-saving design and performance optimization. Airbus has loaned Hexcel an H160 BLUE EDGE blade to display on the booth.

Among the Aerospace promotions at Hexcel’s booth are carbon-reinforced 3D printed parts, made from Hexcel’s HexAM™ additive manufacturing technology that uses PEKK ultra-high performance polymers. Hexcel acquired this technology from Oxford Performance Materials in December 2017 to provide a weight-saving solution for intricate parts in highly demanding aerospace, satellite and defense applications. HexPEKK™ structures offer significant weight, cost and time-to-market reductions, replacing traditional cast or machined metallic parts with a new technology.

Aircraft engines benefit from a number of Hexcel technologies that will be promoted at JEC 2018, including HexShield™ honeycomb that provides high temperature resistance in aircraft engine nacelles. By inserting a thermally resistant material into honeycomb cells, Hexcel provides a core product with unique heat-shielding capabilities that allows for the potential re-use of material after a fire event.
Another honeycomb innovation from Hexcel is Acousti-Cap® broadband noise-reducing honeycomb that significantly improves acoustic absorption in aircraft engine nacelles. The acoustic treatment may be positioned at a consistent depth and resistance within the core, or can be placed in a pattern of varying depths and/or resistances (Multi-Degrees of Freedom and 3 Degrees Of Freedom), offering an acoustic liner that is precisely tuned to the engine operating conditions. These technologies have been tested at NASA on a full engine test rig and meet all 16 design conditions without trade-offs. An example of this technology will be on display at JEC 2018.

Rounding off the aircraft engine exhibits is a CTi fan blade for new generation lightweight turbofan engines from Rolls-Royce, manufactured from Hexcel’s HexPly® M91 high toughness and impact-resistant epoxy prepreg. Hexcel supplies HexPly® M91 as slit tape for the automated lay-up of the complex aerodynamic shape, with a constantly changing thickness across the blade length. The blade which is thinner and lighter than titanium fan blades is currently undergoing flight tests.
Hexcel’s HiTape® and HiMax™ dry carbon reinforcements that were developed for the automated lay-up of preforms for resin-infused aerospace structures will be promoted at the show. Two demonstrator parts, one made with HiMax™ and one with HiTape®, were both infused with HexFlow® RTM6 resin to demonstrate the potential benefits of an integrated design for aircraft skins, spars and stiffeners that meets OEM requirements for production rate increases and cost effectiveness.

Hexcel is also introducing its new range of HiFlow™ advanced liquid resins for aerospace structures manufactured by liquid molding technologies. Based on novel proprietary chemistry, the new resin family will enhance the performance of composites and ease processing when combined with HiTape® and HiMax™ dry carbon reinforcements. HiFlow™ HF610 is the first resin in the range.
Hexcel’s range of high performance adhesives has expanded considerably following the company’s acquisition of Structil last October. Hexcel is relaunching the acquired products under the new HexBond™ brand name at JEC World. This fast-growing range of pastes, liquid shim and film adhesives has a wide spectrum of operating temperatures and is in qualification with a large number of aerospace and industrial OEMs.
In the Planet Aerospace area at JEC, Daher and Hexcel will jointly display an aircraft spar manufactured from HexPly® M56 prepreg. Hexcel’s Neil Parker and Daher R&T Director Dominique Bailly will give a joint presentation focusing on the materials used and the benefits for the finished part. The aircraft spar was designed and manufactured by Daher using Hexcel’s HexPly® M56 prepreg, in slit tape format, that was developed for automated deposition and out-of-autoclave curing. The spar was manufactured using only the vacuum bag process and demonstrates very low porosity levels. It is currently undergoing testing and validation through CORAC funding.

Hexcel’s Automotive promotions at JEC World 2018 include a new prepreg for composite leaf springs, HexPly® M901. In contrast to steel leaf springs used for suspension on vans, trucks and SUVs, newer composite versions offer many advantages including weight savings of up to 70%, high corrosion resistance, optimized system integration and superior performance. Hexcel’s HexPly® M901 prepreg raises the bar further, reducing mold cure time below 15 minutes, a 50% reduction compared to standard industrial prepregs. HexPly® M901 provides 15% higher mechanical performance, with enhanced fatigue properties. It also operates at high temperatures, providing a Tg of up to 200°C following a post cure. Hexcel’s expertise in manufacturing heavy weight glass UD prepregs, with fiber areal weights of up to 1600gsm, allows the company to offer a highly cost-competitive solution for the rapid manufacture of these safety critical components.

Hexcel is constantly seeking ways to ensure that customers obtain the maximum benefit from composites and has recently acquired state-of-the-art simulation technology that accurately predicts how HiMax™ non-crimp fabrics will drape in a mold. Working in collaboration with Nottingham University Hexcel has created a car seat shell, for which the material selection was optimized using this new drape simulation technology. Visitors to Hexcel’s stand at JEC will see an on-screen demonstration that illustrates how the simulation tool operates, predicting process and performance and ensuring that the optimum fabric architecture is quickly identified, reducing the need for expensive trial programs.
Hexcel’s HexMC®-i 2000 carbon fiber/epoxy molding compound has been successfully used by Audi to manufacture a high-performance engine cross brace. HexMC®-i is a fast curing high-performance molding material, suitable for the series production of complex shaped parts and providing excellent mechanical properties. The Audi cross brace covers the engine, providing torsional stiffness for enhanced drive dynamics.

Hexcel’s product offering for customers in the Marine industry has expanded following the acquisition of Formax in 2016 and Structil in 2017. At JEC World, Hexcel will promote its enhanced portfolio of carbon fibers, prepregs, woven reinforcements and multiaxial fabrics for builders of racing catamarans and luxury yachts.
Marine customers have supplied a number of parts for display to illustrate their expertise in manufacturing composite structures from Hexcel materials. These include part of a Diam 24 yacht mast made by ADH Inotec from Hexcel’s HexPly® M79 fast curing, low temperature cure prepreg. ADH Inotec purchased the prepreg from Composites Distribution, a Hexcel Official Distributor that also supplied HexPly® M9.6 prepreg to Lorima for the Outremer 5X catamaran mast section on display. Part of Lorima’s 42m wing mast for a multihull racing boat made with HexPly® prepreg from Vert-Le-Petit (formerly Structil) will complete the marine display.

Hexcel’s innovations for Wind Energy include Polyspeed® pultruded laminates for load-carrying elements in wind blades. These continuous cross-section profiles, made from a polyurethane matrix reinforced with unidirectional carbon fiber, provide consistently high mechanical properties, including high stiffness, fracture toughness and shear strength, combined with low weight and durability. Visitors to Hexcel’s stand will see a 2m diameter coil of pultruded carbon laminate that contains 255m of material in a single roll. This technology offers an economical way of reinforcing large-scale composite structures such as wind turbine blades. Hexcel will also launch its surface finishing prepreg for wind turbine blades and components. This provides a tough, durable and ready-to-paint blade surface without the use of gel coat and results in faster blade manufacture, saving time in production and reducing material costs. The benefits of the new surfacing prepreg will be demonstrated via a wind blade exhibit that has been given four different treatments across the blade surface. These include a section with gel coat, a section of standard prepreg without gel coat, and a section where a fleece has been added to improve surface quality but still requires preparation before painting due to pin holes. The final section made with new HexPly® XF2P surfacing prepreg has a ready-to-paint surface, straight from the mold, without any requirement for gel coat, fleece or finishing operations.

More information:
Hexcel JEC World 2018 Aircraft


Business interaction Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH
Business interaction

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles attracted more trade buyers this year resulting in strong business outcomes

Overseas exhibitors found the fair an effective platform to open up the Asian market
Buyers benefited from wide range of quality exhibitors

Overseas exhibitors found the fair an effective platform to open up the Asian market
Buyers benefited from wide range of quality exhibitors

The 23rd edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles is over, with both exhibitors and buyers satisfied with the business outcomes resulting from the fair’s four days. The largest home textiles trading event in Asia was held from 23 – 26 August, attracting 1,106 exhibitors from 30 countries and regions. Given the strengthening market conditions in China the fair maintained its popularity, with the number of trade buyers increasing to 38,964 from 99 countries and regions (2016: 37,779 from 98 countries and regions). The show also attracted more international buyers this edition, with a 16% increase in those coming from abroad. “Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles has once again proven its leading position in Asia as a business and order platform for the industry. There was a noticeable positivity from both exhibitors and buyers this edition regarding the current and future situation of the domestic market, so we are optimistic about the industry for the next year,” Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd said.

Overseas exhibitors found the fair an effective platform to open up the Asian market

As the leading event of its kind in the region, the fair successfully attracts a number of Chinese and Asian buyers every year, ensuring suppliers can develop their business further in the region. This year, seven country and region pavilions including Belgium, India, Korea, Morocco, Pakistan, Taiwan and Turkey were formed, with exhibitors from all of satisfied they could meet their target buyers.

While being in the minority at the fair, European brands still managed to catch the attention of visitors due to strong interest in their products from Asia. The Italian upholstery supplier Enzo Degli Angiuoni Spa was satisfied with the number of Asian buyers, particularly Chinese, that they met at the fair. Mr Stefano Laurenzano, Export Area Manager expressed: “A lot of visitors that saw us here last year have come back again and are serious about cooperating with us. Here you can get a lot of new contacts and discover the Asian market. We’ve had mainly Chinese buyers, but have had more Asian buyers from South Korea, India, Malaysia and elsewhere to visit us this year. We are seeing more business here in recent years.”

Being a newcomer to the fair, Iceland Duvet ehf felt the potential in China. “We’ve had enough buyers including retailers and manufacturers visiting our booth to make our participation worthwhile. The interest from the buyers has been genuine. Being a European brand helps more than at fairs in Europe as we can stand out more here,” Mr Ragnar Ludvik Runarsson, representative said.

Indian exhibitor, Paramount Textile Mills Ltd has been joining the fair for three years. “Apart from meeting our existing customers, we’ve had enquiries from potential new customers from China as well as overseas including the US and South America,” Mr Ram. M., Director of Marketing & Finance said.

Also with three years’ participation, Mr Samir Tazi, General Manager of PIF Textile Emotions from Morocco affirmed the show’s effectiveness in meeting important buyers and decision makers. “It’s easier for us to meet them here compared with some smaller European fairs. Thanks to Intertextile Shanghai, we have also met the major players in China.” Talking about this year’s result, he continued: “We were very busy. We met with more people than any other fairs. There are a lot of new buyers and also returning buyers checking out our new products.”

Participating in the Korea Pavilion, Sangwon Textile Co Ltd found the fair helpful in attracting distributors and wholesalers from Southeast Asia. Mr Jeon Hyeon Tae, Sales Manager said: “We have found about five potential and quality distributors from Taiwan, India, Philippines and Singapore on the first day. We also got to meet a number of wholesalers who prefer to buy from us directly at the fair.” He added that Intertextile Shanghai is also an ideal platform to launch new products for their existing clients.

As the largest pavilion this year, the Turkey Pavilion was in the limelight of the show, with both new and veteran exhibitors finding it useful to exhibit in Intertextile Shanghai. Bezmez Ev Tekstil did not intend to receive any orders in their first show, but was surprised to obtain three in just one day. These concrete results reassured their likelihood of coming back next year. “We definitely see the potential for Turkish products here in China as Chinese companies prefer quality products nowadays,” Mr Ayhan Bezmez, representative, further commented. Mr Fahri Goksin, Vice President of Gokhan Tekstil agreed with Mr Bezmez that Chinese buyers are in favour of new things like imported goods and Western brands. His company has been in the Shanghai fair for six years and continued to get satisfactory results. “We’re looking for retailers, wholesalers and online buyers. We’ve had all of these visiting our booth already.”

Domestic exhibitors satisfied with the number of potential customers and orders received

Recently, there is strong signs suggesting that the home textiles market in China is recovering with both imports and exports rising gradually. The positive outcome that Chinese exhibitors achieved at the August’s fair have resonated with the market condition. It is no surprise to see a number of domestic booths packed with visitors throughout the days. SohoCUT is a case in point. To them, Intertextile Shanghai is the place for actual business. “Compared with other fairs we’ve been to, this is the exhibition where a huge number of international buyers gather. We met buyers from China, Mexico, Russia, the US, India and Southeast Asia. We even got large orders for the first two days.” Mr Wheatley Weng, Managing Director said.

The fabrics of Wujiang Linwang Weaving Mill is also sought after at the fair. Being a company that do both exports and domestic trade, they are happy to connect with local and overseas customers during the show. “We’ve collected around 100 leads on the first day, of which 70% are domestic and the remaining being international. The overseas visitors are from Italy, Poland, Germany, Denmark, Chile and Korea that our products precisely meet their requirement. We see high chances of cooperation after the fair.” Mr Kenny, Sales Manager said.

Given the prevailing smart home concept in China, Somfy China Co Ltd which specialised in advanced sun-protection system has become one of the highlights at the fair. Ms Nancy Nan, Chief Executive Officer mentioned: “The visitor flow has been really high that our booth is swarmed by buyers. Amongst those visitors, there is no lack of medium to high-end customers who placed orders immediately.”

Editors assembled to promote high-end products

To cater to the ascending standards of Chinese customers, Intertextile Shanghai once again brought editors together in hall 5.1 to maximise their exposure to their target buyers. As foreign brands with subsidiaries in China, JAB and Prestigious see the growing interest in their premium products in China. “We pay attention to the changing buying habits of Chinese consumers and, as such, have started promoting a series of products under a unified lifestyle trend. It’s obvious that we are gaining more awareness from buyers at the fair,” Mr William Lin, Vice President of JAB ANSTOETZ Interior (Shanghai) Co Ltd said. He also appreciated the specific display area for imported fabrics and the organisers’ attempt to attract more designers, which helped them meet more potential customers. Apart from getting onsite orders, Prestigious Textiles (Shanghai) Ltd also considers the show a promotion platform. “There is great demand for our products in China. Though we achieved similar sales compared with last year, through this fair our brand has been well introduced to the market,” Mr Lewis Liu, Sales Director expressed.

Originating from China, Euroart Co Ltd was another editor that successfully showcased their latest collection at the fair. “It is a good time to join the most influential home textiles exhibition in Asia as we have just launched new products in May. We are satisfied as some of our existing clients plus new visitors came to our booth,” Ms Guo Jianhua, Director Assistant said.

Industry players benefit from the expanded Digital Printing Zone

The demand for digital printing solutions has been growing in recent years, especially as the industry has put more emphasis on green production. As such, the Digital Printing Zone expanded in size this edition, incorporating a Seminar Area and more exhibitors.

As an Italian company, MS Printing Solutions Srl experienced the potential of the sector in China. “The fair has been busy, and we’ve had steady flow of buyers coming through. The potential in digital printing here is just beginning. The Chinese government is pushing companies to reduce their pollution, so it has a big advantage in this regard over traditional textile printing,” Mr Walter Oggioni, Regional Sales Manager stated, adding that the company has been growing very fast globally, especially in China, Turkey, India and Pakistan.

This potential holds for domestic machine manufacturers as well. Specialising in the production of digital printing machines, Guangzhou Xu Cheng Electronic Technology Co Ltd was at the fair to meet fabrics suppliers. Mr Jesse Luo, Overseas Manager explained: “Compared with exhibitions for textile machinery, Intertextile Shanghai attracts more fabrics suppliers, which are our target clients. It helps even more as we are located in this special zone. We’ve been talking to a lot customers, including overseas buyers who are also interested in our machines.”

A series of seminars also provided opportunities for the industry to share their insights on this emerging sector. As a speaker, Foshan Sanshui Yingjie Precision Machinery believed the session was mutually beneficial for them and the audience. “Attendees are from the whole sector including manufacturers and end users, so we can discuss different perspectives. It will facilitate our improvement,” Mr Peng Jichang, General Manager said. Mr Scott Bai, representative of Huntsman Textile Effects (China) Co Ltd also benefited from visiting the zone and the seminar. “Together with seminar, the Digital Printing Zone can professionally present the current situation for the industry. When suppliers and users come together, we can discover the way to enhance this technology.”

Buyers benefited from wide range of quality exhibitors

Intertextile Shanghai is the largest trading platform in Asia with the whole spectrum of home textiles and accessories on offer. Hence, visitors, be they Chinese or overseas, can access a wide range of quality suppliers that meet their sourcing needs. Australian buyer, Mr Glenn Whitchurch from Trabeth Textiles, was impressed with his sourcing journey. “The polyester quality of domestic exhibitors has been unbelievable. What’s more, we’ve found the Chinese suppliers to be very flexible in meeting our needs, they’re clearly keen to accommodate overseas buyers.” Mr Whitchurch also commented favourably on the product range at Intertextile Shanghai compared to European fairs.

One ongoing trend at the fair over recent years is the increasing quality of domestic suppliers, which attracts buyers to come back and source. Mezanin V SRL from Moldova is a long-term supporter of the show, and place orders every year. Its Vice Director, Mr Mihail Tornea remarked: “It is an important event for us to meet new suppliers from China. We are selective with the suppliers we work with, but the Chinese companies here meet our requirements. As a sourcing event, Intertextile Shanghai is the best place to be.”

The fair’s VIP buyer programme also assists buyers in meeting worldwide exhibitors at ease. Mr Bibo Lan is the co-founder of Loft Curtains in the US and he is excited to meet lots of potential suppliers here. “The arrangement for VIPs is satisfying and it helps a lot to have my target exhibitor information in advance. The largest benefit of our visit is that we met Libeco from Belgium, while we also confirmed to work with a blackout supplier at the fair,” he said.

Chinese buyers agreed that Intertextile Shanghai is the most effective sourcing platform in Asia. “Overseas suppliers like Turkey exhibitors are our main interest. So far, we have connected with four to five exhibitors in hall 4 and will place orders with them soon. In terms of exhibitor number and the product range, I feel that the fair has improved a lot. It is my favourite show with a lot of overseas products to discover,” Mr Huang Shenghua, General Manager of Ziranfeng Home Textile Co Ltd said.

Concurrent events inspired the industry

Apart from facilitating business between exhibitors and visitors, the fair also incorporated various design elements via a series of concurrent events. These included display area like Trend Area, International Fiber Art Exhibition and Home Furnishing Crossover Exhibition where participants could find innovative designs and ideas.

This was also the first time the Andrew Martin International Interior Design Summit and the fair took place concurrently. Experts from the interior design, architecture and art sectors were invited to share and discuss their views on the transformation of design in the new information era. Mr Kot Ge, founder of a domestic interior design studio, LSDCASA was delighted to join, and shared: “This show always attracts many top interior designers and it’s my pleasure to meet them here. Interior design and home textiles are closely related and new concepts can bring along improvement.”

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition was organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Home Textile Association (CHTA). The next Autumn Edition will take place in August 2018, while the Spring Edition runs from 14 – 16 March 2018.
To find out more about this fair, please visit:
For more information about Messe Frankfurt textile fairs worldwide, please visit:


Pop- up Shop Pop-up Shop
Pop-up Shop


Vom 4. bis 8. Juli 2017 bringt die SEEK zur Fashion Week einen Pop-up-Shop auf die Straße. Die SEEK transformiert den Hotspot Fechtner Delikatessen – bekannt für ein umfassend gesundes Food-Angebot bestehend aus regionalen Produkten höchster Qualität – in ein Retail-Konzept. Fashion In- und Outsider finden hier zusammen, um zu inspirieren und sich inspirieren zu lassen. Die Berliner Torstraße, wo das erste Pop-up-Format der SEEK aufschlägt, ist ein Zentrum der Offenheit, Inspiration und Individualität. Die SEEK als offizielle ‚voice of street culture’ begibt sich mitten hinein ins Leben.
Marke, Einkäufer, Presse, Konsumenten – die Grenzen verschwimmen von Saison zu Saison mehr. Als zeitgemäße Antwort auf die Herausforderungen des Handels präsentiert der Shop eine kuratierte Auswahl von Mode, Food und Lifestyle. Mehr noch: Der Einkauf wird zum Erlebnis, indem ein Konzept entsteht, an dem jeder teilhaben will, und das jeder teilen möchte.

Vom 4. bis 8. Juli 2017 bringt die SEEK zur Fashion Week einen Pop-up-Shop auf die Straße. Die SEEK transformiert den Hotspot Fechtner Delikatessen – bekannt für ein umfassend gesundes Food-Angebot bestehend aus regionalen Produkten höchster Qualität – in ein Retail-Konzept. Fashion In- und Outsider finden hier zusammen, um zu inspirieren und sich inspirieren zu lassen. Die Berliner Torstraße, wo das erste Pop-up-Format der SEEK aufschlägt, ist ein Zentrum der Offenheit, Inspiration und Individualität. Die SEEK als offizielle ‚voice of street culture’ begibt sich mitten hinein ins Leben.
Marke, Einkäufer, Presse, Konsumenten – die Grenzen verschwimmen von Saison zu Saison mehr. Als zeitgemäße Antwort auf die Herausforderungen des Handels präsentiert der Shop eine kuratierte Auswahl von Mode, Food und Lifestyle. Mehr noch: Der Einkauf wird zum Erlebnis, indem ein Konzept entsteht, an dem jeder teilhaben will, und das jeder teilen möchte.
Das Konzept Super Natural ist gleichermaßen das Dachthema der sechsten Ausgabe des SEEK Magazines. Im Pop-up-Shop werden ausschließlich weiße Produkte angeboten, in einem klaren und auf das Wesentliche reduzierten Umfeld. Am 3. Juli wird dann zum Launch der aktuellen Printausgabe in den Pop-up-Shop eingeladen.
Super Natural ist in Zusammenarbeit mit Daniel Padilla Werner (Brand & Retail Consultant/Buyer Denim & Urban bei der KaDeWe Group) entstanden.

More information:
Fashion Week, Pop-up, Natur

PREMIUM Exhibitions GmbH

Techtextil 2017 Techtextil 2017
Techtextil 2017

Techtextil stellt neuen Besucher- und Ausstellerrekord auf

Dank ihm war der Weg zur Techtextil nicht zu verfehlen. Allein an dem 10 Meter hohen Astronauten am Eingang des Frankfurter Messegeländes kann es aber nicht gelegen haben, dass vom 9. bis 12. Mai über 33.670 Besucher aus 104 Ländern (2015: 28.491 Besucher aus 102 Ländern[1]) zur Techtextil strömten. Auch die Ausstellerbeteiligung erreichte mit 1.477 Ausstellern aus 55 Ländern (2015: 1.393 aus 52 Ländern) einen neuen Rekordwert.
„Auf der Techtextil und Texprocess zeigte die technische Textilindustrie, welche enorme Innovationskraft und Zukunftsfähigkeit in ihr steckt. Hier treffen Autobauer auf Modedesigner und Medizintechniker auf Industriespezialisten. Mit ihrer Bandbreite an textilen Materialien und Technologien sucht die Techtextil ihresgleichen. Rund 60 Prozent der Fachbesucher sind Führungskräfte, 57 Prozent wirken entscheidend am Einkauf neuer Materialien im eigenen Unternehmen mit“, so Detlef Braun, Geschäftsführer der Messe Frankfurt.

Dank ihm war der Weg zur Techtextil nicht zu verfehlen. Allein an dem 10 Meter hohen Astronauten am Eingang des Frankfurter Messegeländes kann es aber nicht gelegen haben, dass vom 9. bis 12. Mai über 33.670 Besucher aus 104 Ländern (2015: 28.491 Besucher aus 102 Ländern[1]) zur Techtextil strömten. Auch die Ausstellerbeteiligung erreichte mit 1.477 Ausstellern aus 55 Ländern (2015: 1.393 aus 52 Ländern) einen neuen Rekordwert.
„Auf der Techtextil und Texprocess zeigte die technische Textilindustrie, welche enorme Innovationskraft und Zukunftsfähigkeit in ihr steckt. Hier treffen Autobauer auf Modedesigner und Medizintechniker auf Industriespezialisten. Mit ihrer Bandbreite an textilen Materialien und Technologien sucht die Techtextil ihresgleichen. Rund 60 Prozent der Fachbesucher sind Führungskräfte, 57 Prozent wirken entscheidend am Einkauf neuer Materialien im eigenen Unternehmen mit“, so Detlef Braun, Geschäftsführer der Messe Frankfurt.


Messe Frankfurt

Mobiltex auf der Techtextil schönknecht : kommunikation
Mobiltex auf der Techtextil

Schmitz-Werke: Erfolgreicher Auftakt der neuen Marke mobiltex auf Techtextil

Auf der Techtextil 2017 in Frankfurt a. M. präsentierten die Schmitz-Werke erstmalig ihre Marke für technische Textilien mobiltex ( mobiltex ist auf die textile Ausstattung in den Bereichen Automotive, Aircraft und Rail spezialisiert. Das Interesse war groß, da es sich bei mobiltex um einen vollstufigen „made in Germany“-Lösungsanbieter handelt. Als Produkt-Highlight stellte die Marke ein auf dem Markt bislang einzigartiges Blackout-Gewebe für im Bahnbereich eingesetzte Sonnenschutz-Rollos vor. Es entspricht dem „Hazard Level 3“ (HL3).

Auf der Techtextil 2017 in Frankfurt a. M. präsentierten die Schmitz-Werke erstmalig ihre Marke für technische Textilien mobiltex ( mobiltex ist auf die textile Ausstattung in den Bereichen Automotive, Aircraft und Rail spezialisiert. Das Interesse war groß, da es sich bei mobiltex um einen vollstufigen „made in Germany“-Lösungsanbieter handelt. Als Produkt-Highlight stellte die Marke ein auf dem Markt bislang einzigartiges Blackout-Gewebe für im Bahnbereich eingesetzte Sonnenschutz-Rollos vor. Es entspricht dem „Hazard Level 3“ (HL3).

„Es hat sich bestätigt, dass die Techtextil der Anlaufpunkt für die Bereiche Automotive, Aircraft, Rail ist – wir haben hier sehr interessante Gespräche führen und Kontakte knüpfen können“, resümiert Torsten Weißhaar, Sales Manager Automotive bei mobiltex. Von führenden Herstellern und Zulieferern erhielt die neue Marke durchweg positive Resonanz. Viele Besucher kannten die Schmitz-Werke durch die etablierten Marken swela und drapilux und deren qualitativ hochwertigen Produkte bereits sehr gut. Das Emsdettener Unternehmen gilt in der Textil-Branche als Innovationsführer. Fortan können die Schmitz-Werke nun der hohen Nachfrage nach technischen Textilien mit einem eigenen Lösungsfinder begegnen. mobiltex bietet Stoffe made in Germany, die in den Bereichen Automobil, Nutzfahrzeuge, Eisenbahn, Luftfahrt, Industrie und Verkehr benötigt werden. Besonderheit der qualitativ hochwertigen Textilien sind ihre mechanischen und „intelligenten“ Funktionen sowie ihre Schutzeigenschaften.


 schönknecht : kommunikation

Beaulieu International Group Beaulieu International Group
Beaulieu International Group

Beaulieu Technical Textiles turns spotlight on extrusion coating & laminating capabilities at Techtextil 2017

 Technical textile producers are invited to discover the diverse finishing and innovative customisation opportunities possible with BTT’s advanced, fully automated line for Polypropylene (PP), Polyethylene (PE) and Polyester (PES) woven fabrics and nonwovens.
BTT’s extrusion coating process can apply a wide range of polymers as a liquid layer – one-sided, two-sided or multi-layer – to make a fabric printable and/or achieve specific protective and functional performance, including waterproofing, flame resistance and antistatic properties. Optional UV stabilisation is also offered. Transparent and white transparent, standard white and black, and coloured coating options are available. Coatings range from minimum 25-30 g/m² up to 450 g/m². As well as standard widths, BTT offers extensive possibilities to customise lengths and widths, with supplementary cutting provided on a separate line with up to 6 cutters in width.

 Technical textile producers are invited to discover the diverse finishing and innovative customisation opportunities possible with BTT’s advanced, fully automated line for Polypropylene (PP), Polyethylene (PE) and Polyester (PES) woven fabrics and nonwovens.
BTT’s extrusion coating process can apply a wide range of polymers as a liquid layer – one-sided, two-sided or multi-layer – to make a fabric printable and/or achieve specific protective and functional performance, including waterproofing, flame resistance and antistatic properties. Optional UV stabilisation is also offered. Transparent and white transparent, standard white and black, and coloured coating options are available. Coatings range from minimum 25-30 g/m² up to 450 g/m². As well as standard widths, BTT offers extensive possibilities to customise lengths and widths, with supplementary cutting provided on a separate line with up to 6 cutters in width.

In addition to extrusion coating, BTT is also equipped for extrusion laminating to support the production of composite structures.
Franky Viaene, Global Sales Manager Beaulieu Technical Textiles, comments: “As an established leader and driving force in technical textiles, Beaulieu Technical Textiles supports a wide range of customers in varied markets, and our expertise extends right through to the finishing process. Our in-house extrusion capabilities are available to external customers and we offer close technical collaboration to ensure the optimal treatment for the desired result for their application. We’re looking forward to discussing new possibilities for the industry to benefit from our support, starting at Techtextil.”


Beaulieu International Group

imat-uve GmbH imat-uve gmbh
imat-uve GmbH

imat-uve at Techtextil 2017 in Frankfurt

The world's leading trade fair for technical textiles, techtextil, will be held in Frankfurt from 9 to 12 May 2017. It is regarded as one of the leading international trade fairs for technical textiles and nonwovens, where decision-makers, developers and purchasers of the textile industry meet for exchange.
imat-uve will once again be exhibiting with its services around the design, development and testing of materials and textiles. At the booth G80 in hall 3.0, the visitors will find themselves in the middle of the imat-uve creative lab where the company presents itself with current projects. Among other things, this is a selection of innovative textile materials from the company's material library, which are developed further for specific requirements. Research projects show how textile innovations, for example at the car seat, ensure sustainable production and improved seating comfort.

The world's leading trade fair for technical textiles, techtextil, will be held in Frankfurt from 9 to 12 May 2017. It is regarded as one of the leading international trade fairs for technical textiles and nonwovens, where decision-makers, developers and purchasers of the textile industry meet for exchange.
imat-uve will once again be exhibiting with its services around the design, development and testing of materials and textiles. At the booth G80 in hall 3.0, the visitors will find themselves in the middle of the imat-uve creative lab where the company presents itself with current projects. Among other things, this is a selection of innovative textile materials from the company's material library, which are developed further for specific requirements. Research projects show how textile innovations, for example at the car seat, ensure sustainable production and improved seating comfort.


imat-uve gmbh