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Filpucci @ PITTI Filati- The journey of responsible innovation continues

FILPUCCI GROUP proceeds along the path of commitment towards an ever more responsible innovation. The group takes part in the 83rd edition of Pitti Filati (June 27-29, 2018) with unique products, high-end knitwear and creative yarns, all resulting from the authentic Smart Innovation the company has been long committed to.
Research, style and fashion are key words for the world-renown Tuscan company, which unveils an always more responsible approach both at a corporate level and in terms of offer.
Here are some key elements to prove Filpucci’s relentless commitment:

FILPUCCI GROUP proceeds along the path of commitment towards an ever more responsible innovation. The group takes part in the 83rd edition of Pitti Filati (June 27-29, 2018) with unique products, high-end knitwear and creative yarns, all resulting from the authentic Smart Innovation the company has been long committed to.
Research, style and fashion are key words for the world-renown Tuscan company, which unveils an always more responsible approach both at a corporate level and in terms of offer.
Here are some key elements to prove Filpucci’s relentless commitment:

  • The GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) and OCS (Organic Content Standard) certifications obtained by the Filpucci dyeing plant add to the Clear to Wear (CTW) standard developed by Inditex Group and achieved in 2014 and to the Detox commitment, which was signed in February, 2016.
  • Not only the best raw materials, but also an established knowhow in the fields of dyeing and finishing, always under the key concept of Responsible Innovation. This concept extends to each and every FILPUCCI collection and their ever-increasing offer, the roughly twenty innovative new items, the Woolen line of carded yarns and the real spearhead of premium fashion, the Collection. Among this season’s new offer: Baby Camel Re.Verso™, RWS- certified merino organic wool, Re.Verso™ cashmere, organic silks and FSC-certified viscose.
  • The achievement of further certifications such as the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) for viscose shows the care and respect towards the ecosystem as a whole, guaranteeing a product derived from a forest or a plantation forest in the respect of strict environmental, social and economic standards. The RWS (Responsible Wool Standard) finally guarantees the use of wool coming from livestock managed under rigorous criteria oriented towards the wellbeing of animals and the reduction of environmental impact.
  • Filpucci Group is all about a constant vocation towards new generation values and a reliable, traceable and transparent manufacturing process, as shown by the Re.Verso™ circular economy supply chain, of which the group is a unique ambassador in the field of high-end/low-impact knitwear yarns.

With absolute quality always in mind, FILPUCCI GROUP represents a corporate model that has made of sustainability a real mission, embarking on complex paths that have brought great results with fashionable textile solutions lead by ethnical and sustainable values. Thanks to this, Filpucci’s products have become part of Patagonia Collections, an important acknowledging from the brand’s part, whose managers stated: “We are always on the hunt for the highest performing, lowest impact materials. We were thrilled to find Re.Verso ™ (95/5 transformed) Cashmere yarn from Filpucci. It allowed us to create a range of products with the insulative and soft properties of cashmere while adhering to our mission statement; build the best product, cause no unnecessary harm.”
FILPUCCI GROUP’s commitment is evident and it moves forward thanks to the passion towards responsible and innovative paths that contribute to turning the group into a reliable partner, symbol of quality and excellence.

Filpucci is also a C.L.A.S.S. (Creativity Lifestyle And Sustainable Synergy) partner.


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Suite 13 (c) Greenshowroom und Ethical Fashion Show Berlin
Suite 13

Greenshowroom und Ethical Fashion Show Berlin: Trends Frühjahr / Sommer 2019

Sehnsucht nach Weite. Der Sommer ruft und weckt die Sehnsucht nach der Endlosigkeit des Meeres. Nach dem authentischen Kennenlernen ferner Kulturen. Nach ruhigen Sommerhäusern umgeben von trockenen Feldern und grenzenloser Weite. Mal erinnern natürliche Materialien und harmonische Farbpaletten an mediterrane Landschaften unter wolkenlosem Himmel, mal wecken folkloristische Details Assoziationen mit exotischen Lebensstilen. Die Kollektionen oszillieren zwischen laut und leise, zwischen kräftig und zart, zwischen subtil und markant. Sie alle verbindet jedoch eines: Die Hommage an den weiten Raum, der dort draußen außerhalb der Städte wartet, und an seine belebende Kraft. Ob beeinflusst von der engen Zusammenarbeit mit Kunsthandwerkern weltweit und dem Wunsch, ihre traditionellen Handwerkstechniken zu erhalten, oder inspiriert von der Einzigartigkeit der Natur — die SS19-Kollektionen der Aussteller des Messe-Duos Greenshowroom und Ethical Fashion Show Berlin vermitteln eines ganz bestimmt: Lust auf Sommer, auf Ferne und Freiheit.

Sehnsucht nach Weite. Der Sommer ruft und weckt die Sehnsucht nach der Endlosigkeit des Meeres. Nach dem authentischen Kennenlernen ferner Kulturen. Nach ruhigen Sommerhäusern umgeben von trockenen Feldern und grenzenloser Weite. Mal erinnern natürliche Materialien und harmonische Farbpaletten an mediterrane Landschaften unter wolkenlosem Himmel, mal wecken folkloristische Details Assoziationen mit exotischen Lebensstilen. Die Kollektionen oszillieren zwischen laut und leise, zwischen kräftig und zart, zwischen subtil und markant. Sie alle verbindet jedoch eines: Die Hommage an den weiten Raum, der dort draußen außerhalb der Städte wartet, und an seine belebende Kraft. Ob beeinflusst von der engen Zusammenarbeit mit Kunsthandwerkern weltweit und dem Wunsch, ihre traditionellen Handwerkstechniken zu erhalten, oder inspiriert von der Einzigartigkeit der Natur — die SS19-Kollektionen der Aussteller des Messe-Duos Greenshowroom und Ethical Fashion Show Berlin vermitteln eines ganz bestimmt: Lust auf Sommer, auf Ferne und Freiheit.

Ombre Claire
Delikate Details, exquisite Formen, sorgfältig ausgewählte Rohstoffe – kurzum Eleganz. Dafür steht der zeitgenössische Schmuck des Pariser Labels Ombre Claire. Für die  Designerin Aude Durou beinhaltet der Begriff Eleganz allerdings noch mehr als das: einen kooperativen Geist und den Respekt aller Beteiligten. Ihre Entwürfe setzen Tuareg-Kunsthandwerker in Niger und Mali in die Tat um. Die Designs entstehen aus der Begegnung der Sahara-Kultur und der Fantasie der Designerin. Die aktuelle Kollektion steht unter dem Motto „Eclipse“. Silbermünzen füllen sich mit dunklem Ebenholz, Ringe von Planeten und Sonnensystemen drehen sich um sich selbst und wecken Assoziationen mit den 70er Jahren.

Verspielt. Individuell. Mutig. Die beiden Designerinnen des Labels Komana, Livia und Nina Henne, verbinden in ihren Entwürfen ihre Faszination für Folklore, die visionäre Welt von Künstlern und die Wunder der Natur. Grafische Prints sind stets das Herzstück der Kollektionen. Für die kommende warme Jahreszeit interpretieren die Schweizer Schwestern unter anderem Punkte neu. Digitale Prints treffen auf Blockprints, die indische Kunsthandwerker umsetzen und so die Tradition am Leben halten. Sorgfältig ausgewählte ökologisch und fair produzierte Materialien dienen als Leinwand für die Ideen. So werden delikate, locker geschnittene Seiden-Tops und Hosen durch Utility-Westen aus handgewobener Baumwolle kontrastiert.

Jungle Folk
Trockene Heufelder, Sommerhäuser und schlichtes Landleben – hinter der SS19-Kollektion des Schweizer Labels Jungle Folk steht der Gedanke eines entschleunigten Sommers. Klassisches Beige und Schwarz wird ergänzt durch Akzente in Blau, Cassis und Eigelb. Feminin wehende Leinen-Kleider und Jumpsuits treffen auf hochgeschnittene Hosen und Oversize-Jacken aus handgewobenen Seiden-Denim-Stoffen. Auch in der kommenden Saison ist es wieder eine Mischung aus Moderne und Zeitlosigkeit gepaart mit qualitativ hochwertigen Stoffen und Fertigung in kleinen Kooperativen und Manufakturen, die die Kollektion so außergewöhnlich macht.

Suite 13
Zeitlos und originell. Clean und natürlich. Das ist die Handschrift, die das spanische Label Suite 13 ausmacht. Auch im kommenden Frühjahr und Sommer bleibt die Marke diesen Prinzipien treu. Leuchtende Farben treffen auf neutrale Töne, die an mediterrane Landschaften erinnern. Im Mittelpunkt der SS19-Kollektion steht ein Druck, der die Schönheit der Frau als künstlerische Skizzen von verschiedenen Frauenkörpern aufgreift. Die natürlichen, meist in Spanien hergestellten Materialien wie Leinen werden in kleinen Werkstätten in Barcelona zu eleganten, puristischen Styles verarbeitet.  

Einen perfekten Badeanzug zu kreieren, der Stil, Nachhaltigkeit und Funktionalität spielend vereint – mit diesem Anspruch startete Mareen Burk das Hamburger Label Mymarini. Entstanden ist eine ethische Badekollektion für Surfer und für alle, die sich für Wasser, Sport, Style und Umweltschutz interessieren. Garne und Etiketten stammen aus Deutschland, die Stoffe aus Italien und die Produktion findet in Kroatien statt. Der Clou: Die Styles sind zum Wenden und bieten dadurch zwei Designs in einem. In der SS19-Kollektion setzen goldene Kanten und starke Farbkombinationen wie Pink und Rot auffällige Highlights. Edel wird es mit Naturtönen wie Sand, Creme und Oliv.

„Because there is no Planet B“ – so lautet das Motto des spanischen Labels Ecoalf. Im kommenden Frühjahr und Sommer verbindet die für innovatives Recycling bekannte Marke die drei Themen Ocean, Habana und Studio. Inspiriert von dem kubanischen Flair, kombiniert Ecoalf für die Linie Habana heimische Stoffe wie Hanf mit strukturierten, fließenden Textilien sowie natürliche Farbtöne mit neuen Prints. Als Teil ihres „Upcycling the Oceans“-Projektes lanciert das Label zudem eine neue Swimwear-Linie aus recycelten PET-Flaschen, die in Thailand aus dem Meer gesammelt werden.


Archroma at China Interdye 2018

  • Visit Archroma at China Interdye 2018, Booth A100, April 11-13, 2018, at the ShanghaiWorld Expo Exhibition & Convention Center, Shanghai, China

Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals, will present at China Interdye 2018 its latest technologies, under the motto: “Enhanced solutions for color and performance, it's our nature”.
With a heritage of more than 130 years, Archroma provides solutions that combine performance, safety and low impact on resources. The company can draw on its extensive formulation and technical know-how to offer a constant flow of eco-advanced and innovative new in dyestuff and pigments, as well as process and functional chemicals.
Solution packages for innovation

Visitors at Archroma’s Booth A100. will be able to ‘experience’ Archroma's innovative solutions, in particular:

  • Visit Archroma at China Interdye 2018, Booth A100, April 11-13, 2018, at the ShanghaiWorld Expo Exhibition & Convention Center, Shanghai, China

Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals, will present at China Interdye 2018 its latest technologies, under the motto: “Enhanced solutions for color and performance, it's our nature”.
With a heritage of more than 130 years, Archroma provides solutions that combine performance, safety and low impact on resources. The company can draw on its extensive formulation and technical know-how to offer a constant flow of eco-advanced and innovative new in dyestuff and pigments, as well as process and functional chemicals.
Solution packages for innovation

Visitors at Archroma’s Booth A100. will be able to ‘experience’ Archroma's innovative solutions, in particular:

  • EarthColors, traceable from nature to fashion
    The EarthColors patented range of “biosynthetic” dyes for cotton and cellulose-based fabrics, which are made from waste left over by the agricultural and herbal industry after extraction, such as almond shells, saw palmetto, or rosemary leaves. The latest NFC technology used on the end-product hangtags enables transparency and traceability through the supply chain to consumers.
    The EarthColors have been adopted by brands such as Patagonia, Kathmandu and G-Star, and won an OutDoor Industry Award 2017.
  • Color Atlas, a game-changing system for fashion design
    The Color Atlas by Archroma® is a groundbreaking platform specially devised to address the needs of designers, brands, retailers, and manufacturers, enhancing creative possibilities for the industry as well as manageability and time to market through key complementary tools: The six-volume ‘Color Atlas Library’ with 4,320 color swatches and cotton poplin samples, the ‘Color Atlas Compact’ in two volumes for increased portability, and the ‘Color Atlas Online’ allowing to capture an inspiring image using a smartphone and immediately identify the closest Color Atlas shade palette, with the possibility to purchase a color sample instantly.
  • ‘Zero add-on’ formaldehyde finishing and coloring solutions
    Since January 1, 2016, formaldehyde is classified by ECHA5 as “may cause cancer” (Carc. 1B). Archroma offers a unique proposition combining: Fixapret® Resin WFF, a “zero add-on” formaldehyde anti-wrinkle finishing system and Helizarin® EcoSafe a “zero add-on”4 formaldehyde printing system. With Fixapret® Resin WFF, and Helizarin® EcoSafe, consumers can enjoy end-products that look good, whilst saving on precious resources and being gentler on the skin.
  • Sanitized® Odoractiv 10, active odor control function for polyester textiles
    Visitors at the booth will be able to experience a new unique dimension of odor control function for functional polyester textiles. The newly developed wash-resistant Sanitized® Odoractiv 10 has a dual-action effect: on the one hand it prevents the bacteria from docking on the textile, and on the other, it adsorbs odors whilst the garment is being worn.

Spotlight on automotive solutions
Having acquired a 75% stake in the M. Dohmen group, a specialist in textile dyes and chemicals for automotive, carpet and apparel, Archroma is now in the position to extend its offer in expert products and services. M. Dohmen will be present at the show at Booth A118.

Solution packages for sustainability
Brand owners and retailers around the world are taking action to evaluate the environmental impact of textile treatment, dyeing and finishing processes in response to consumer concerns.
Archroma recently introduced the ONE WAY Process Simulator, the last update of a calculation tool that supports its ONE WAY Sustainability Service introduced back in 2012. The new, online software can be used to mimic and compare products and processes, and thus calculate the ecological and economical profile of the final end-product.

More information:


Ternua Group chooses Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0 (c) Tenua Group

Ternua Group chooses Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0

  • Spanish outdoor and sportswear market leader expands international presence thanks to Lectra’s latest product lifecycle management solution

Ismaning/Paris – Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, is pleased to announce that the Ternua Group, a world-renowned Spanish outdoor clothing and sportswear group, has chosen Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0 to increase their geographical presence by improving global teamwork.

Founded in 1994, the Ternua Group has achieved worldwide success by promoting adventure through respect for nature, producing sustainable technical clothing for outdoor sports enthusiasts worldwide. The group’s strong commitment to the environment is shown through their R&D that focuses on developing their own fabric by using eco-friendly materials such as organic cotton and recycled down.

Today, the group’s portfolio includes three brands Ternua, Astore and Lorpen, currently exporting to more than 50 countries, with operations in Europe, America and Asia. Compounding this global success, the ambitious group plans to penetrate more markets across the globe.

  • Spanish outdoor and sportswear market leader expands international presence thanks to Lectra’s latest product lifecycle management solution

Ismaning/Paris – Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, is pleased to announce that the Ternua Group, a world-renowned Spanish outdoor clothing and sportswear group, has chosen Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0 to increase their geographical presence by improving global teamwork.

Founded in 1994, the Ternua Group has achieved worldwide success by promoting adventure through respect for nature, producing sustainable technical clothing for outdoor sports enthusiasts worldwide. The group’s strong commitment to the environment is shown through their R&D that focuses on developing their own fabric by using eco-friendly materials such as organic cotton and recycled down.

Today, the group’s portfolio includes three brands Ternua, Astore and Lorpen, currently exporting to more than 50 countries, with operations in Europe, America and Asia. Compounding this global success, the ambitious group plans to penetrate more markets across the globe.

The group is implementing Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0 into their entire production process. Specifically developed to help fashion companies navigate the digital era, this modular and user-friendly solution will help the Ternua Group centralize and store information coming from their brands by digitalizing their supply chain. This will connect all teams involved in the design-to-production process, regardless of geographic location. Team members will also be able to comm unicate better with external suppliers, access accurate information and keep track of every collection’s development progress. The group can hence speed up the entire production process and help their brands deliver their collections to markets all over the world on time.

“We manage our design and product development processes in-house but outsource our production in Europe, north of Africa and Asia. For our business to expand globally, we need to go fully digital. By having a system that consolidates and standardizes data coming from all supply chain actors across the world, we can respond faster to consumer demand,” explains Aitor Barinaga, Chief Operations Officer, Ternua Group. “We have assessed all other vendors—and Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0 is clearly the winner. It has the ability to fully integrate all processes and improve communication and teamwork across all departments through sound data management. We are more than happy to have a trusted partner as Lectra for such an ambitious project.”

“Ternua Group is constantly pushing the boundaries of innovation. This is shown through their desire to help customers achieve their personal best by providing them with high-performance technical wear that is also environmentally friendly. We are thrilled to embark on this new journey with the Ternua Group, and we are confident that our solution and expertise will help them get their collections out to new markets on time,” says Rodrigo Siza, Managing Director, Spain and Portugal, Lectra.





TINTEX is pleased to present its latest fabric innovations at the above salons with a new range of more than 80 qualities and styles designed for the Sportswear, Athleisure, Fashion and Underwear market sectors. The collection focusses on three jersey fabric concepts: TIMELESS, FASHIONABLE & INNOVATIVE.

TINTEX is a modern industrial company based in the Porto region since 1998, producing market savvy fabrics for global designers and brands. TINTEX makes a truly sustainable range of precision, modern hybrid jersey fabrics that offer a better, Naturally Advanced choices to all its customers.

TINTEX is pleased to present its latest fabric innovations at the above salons with a new range of more than 80 qualities and styles designed for the Sportswear, Athleisure, Fashion and Underwear market sectors. The collection focusses on three jersey fabric concepts: TIMELESS, FASHIONABLE & INNOVATIVE.

TINTEX is a modern industrial company based in the Porto region since 1998, producing market savvy fabrics for global designers and brands. TINTEX makes a truly sustainable range of precision, modern hybrid jersey fabrics that offer a better, Naturally Advanced choices to all its customers.

The new ‘Naturally Advanced’ position means “advancing beautiful, organic and natural materials to the next level combined with unique, hybrid ‘nature-tech’ smarts, with advanced, added value and creativity, thanks to dedicated investments that serve and secure our customer demands both now and in the seasons to come” says CEO Mario Jorge. New innovations, which include the ISPO Best Product Award i (SOFT EQUIPMENT category) in TexTrends for fall winter 19/20, maintain and upgrade the honest but hi-tech sustainable organics that is at the heart of the TINTEX DNA to create better, smarter eco-materials, always with new levels of performance and hi-tech smarts, thanks to its expertise in specialist dyeing and finishing techniques, coatings and applications. These are all researched, designed and made using the latest equipment and processes. This season the new TINTEX collection plays with new colour balance techniques that deploy the benefits of chromotherapy for welbeing alongside skin safe materials and finishings.

The collection uses up to 90% of new smart and sustainable materials and include: Tencel, Modal & Micromodal, Organic Cottons, Supima cottons, Seacell fibres, Natural organic linens and the new, full colour ECOTEC® yarns by Marchi & Fildi, a smarter cotton made from pre-consumer clippings that in manufacture save up to 79% water. This season TINTEX is also introducing the new ECOTEC® yarn Phoenix (50% ECOTEC®, 50% recycled polyester, NM1/50 GRS-certified) for open, light and dry textures. Wellbeing credentials are guaranteed with Tessile e Salute certifications, TINTEX also presents new developments using the ROICA™ Eco Smart family of ecosustainable stretch yarns with certificated credentials. This family of yarns claim the world-first GRS certified ROICA™ premium stretch yarn that comes at least 50% from recycled pre-consumer waste.

The newest introduction for second skin qualities and for products to the athleisure market within TINTEX collection is ROICA™ Feel Good family that promises a new level of performance with ‘feelgood comfort’ and freshness.

For colouration effects, we can use the ROICA™ Colour Perfect family of yarns to create a flawless and responsible finish to dyed performance stretch assortments. Colours to Tranquilize, to Activate the Senses, to Recharge, to Energize.

Key highlights include: changeant effects (yarn and dyeing solutions), thermosensitive (reds/ blues) coatings, UV sensitive coatings and colourful coated patterns, extra fine and semi-transparent jerseys, but also, compact and fluid qualities.