From the Sector

19 results
Helinox Creative Center Paris (HCC Paris) Foto Helinox
Helinox Creative Center Paris (HCC Paris)

Helinox eröffnet ersten europäischen Flagship Store in Paris

Helinox hat am 19. Juni 2024 seinen ersten europäischen Flagship-Store, das "Helinox Creative Center Paris (HCC Paris)", eröffnet und expandiert damit nach Europa, nachdem es bereits Helinox Creative Center in Seoul, Busan und Tokio gibt.

Das HCC Paris befindet sich in der Rue du Perche 10, 75003, in einem historischen Gebäude aus dem Jahr 1830. Bei der Renovierung wurden viele der ursprünglichen architektonischen Merkmale des Gebäudes aus dieser Zeit erhalten. Die Besucher können diese historischen Elemente im gesamten Geschäft erleben.

In Zukunft wird das HCC Paris wie eine Galerie funktionieren, die ihre Kollektionen ständig verändert und an die lokalen Gegebenheiten anpasst. Dieser Ansatz zielt darauf ab, ein Ladengeschäft zu schaffen, das für die Besucher interessant und fesselnd bleibt, da es immer wieder Neues zu sehen gibt.

Helinox hat am 19. Juni 2024 seinen ersten europäischen Flagship-Store, das "Helinox Creative Center Paris (HCC Paris)", eröffnet und expandiert damit nach Europa, nachdem es bereits Helinox Creative Center in Seoul, Busan und Tokio gibt.

Das HCC Paris befindet sich in der Rue du Perche 10, 75003, in einem historischen Gebäude aus dem Jahr 1830. Bei der Renovierung wurden viele der ursprünglichen architektonischen Merkmale des Gebäudes aus dieser Zeit erhalten. Die Besucher können diese historischen Elemente im gesamten Geschäft erleben.

In Zukunft wird das HCC Paris wie eine Galerie funktionieren, die ihre Kollektionen ständig verändert und an die lokalen Gegebenheiten anpasst. Dieser Ansatz zielt darauf ab, ein Ladengeschäft zu schaffen, das für die Besucher interessant und fesselnd bleibt, da es immer wieder Neues zu sehen gibt.

Darüber hinaus plant das HCC Paris eine Vielzahl von künstlerischen und kulturellen Veranstaltungen, die auf die lokale Umgebung abgestimmt sind. Als traditionelle Outdoor-Marke wird Helinox nicht nur seine eigenen Produkte vorstellen, sondern auch mit verschiedenen anderen Marken und Produkten zusammenarbeiten. Ziel ist es, ein kulturelles Zentrum rund um Outdoor-Aktivitäten zu schaffen, das sowohl Helinox als auch die Outdoor-Kultur im Allgemeinen in den Vordergrund stellt.
Anlässlich der Eröffnung des HCC Paris plant Helinox eine besondere Zusammenarbeit mit Fragment Design des bekannten japanischen Designers Hiroshi Fujiwara. Die Kollektion umfasst ausgewählte Möbel und Accessoires von Helinox.


crystal communications GmbH

Unisport eröffnet erstes Geschäft in Deutschland (c) Unisport

Unisport eröffnet erstes Geschäft in Deutschland

Unisport, ein Fachhändler für Fußballausrüstung, eröffnet seinen ersten physischen Store in Deutschland. Das neue Geschäft befindet sich im Münchner Stadtzentrum und öffnete seine Türen kurz vor der mit Spannung erwarteten Fußball-Europameisterschaft am 14. Juni. Die Eröffnung dieses Flagship-Stores markiert einen bedeutenden Meilenstein für Unisport, das seit 2016 eine erfolgreiche E-Commerce-Plattform in Deutschland betreibt.

Das Münchner Geschäft ist strategisch günstig in der Innenstadt zwischen Stachus und Marienplatz gelegen. Mit dem Fokus auf ein immersives Fußballerlebnis bietet der neue Flagship-Store:

  • Ein breites Sortiment an Fußballtrikots, einschließlich das der deutschen Nationalmannschaft (DFB) und weiterer, bei der EM teilnehmender Nationen (Italien, Frankreich, Spanien, England usw.).
  • Den offiziellen EM 2024 Fußball von adidas
  • Die neuesten Fußballschuhe.
  • Personalisierte Bedruckung von Trikots mit eigenem Namen und Nummer oder dem des Lieblingsspielers.
  • Das Spiel “Subsoccer”.

Unisport, ein Fachhändler für Fußballausrüstung, eröffnet seinen ersten physischen Store in Deutschland. Das neue Geschäft befindet sich im Münchner Stadtzentrum und öffnete seine Türen kurz vor der mit Spannung erwarteten Fußball-Europameisterschaft am 14. Juni. Die Eröffnung dieses Flagship-Stores markiert einen bedeutenden Meilenstein für Unisport, das seit 2016 eine erfolgreiche E-Commerce-Plattform in Deutschland betreibt.

Das Münchner Geschäft ist strategisch günstig in der Innenstadt zwischen Stachus und Marienplatz gelegen. Mit dem Fokus auf ein immersives Fußballerlebnis bietet der neue Flagship-Store:

  • Ein breites Sortiment an Fußballtrikots, einschließlich das der deutschen Nationalmannschaft (DFB) und weiterer, bei der EM teilnehmender Nationen (Italien, Frankreich, Spanien, England usw.).
  • Den offiziellen EM 2024 Fußball von adidas
  • Die neuesten Fußballschuhe.
  • Personalisierte Bedruckung von Trikots mit eigenem Namen und Nummer oder dem des Lieblingsspielers.
  • Das Spiel “Subsoccer”.

Unisport / crystal communications GmbH


Traceability New Front Line for Sustainable Retail

Multiple global regulations set to take effect in the coming years have made traceability an imperative for retailers and brands. These include the Digital Product Passport, the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, and the New York Fashion Sustainability and Social Accountability Act, to name a few.

While companies are aware of the importance of traceability, research indicates that they are not prepared to comply with upcoming legislation. A recent KPMG survey highlighted that 43% of executives at major enterprises had no visibility or were “largely unclear” about the performance of their Tier 1 suppliers. At the same time, only 28% of companies had clear visibility into Tier 2 suppliers.

TradeBeyond’s recently published Supply Chain Traceability Guide, the latest installment of its Retail Sourcing Report series, highlights the myriad challenges that companies face in implementing effective traceability programs. This report is relevant for all industries, and is especially topical for the apparel and footwear sectors, which are under increasing scrutiny to enhance traceability to ensure sustainability.

Multiple global regulations set to take effect in the coming years have made traceability an imperative for retailers and brands. These include the Digital Product Passport, the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, and the New York Fashion Sustainability and Social Accountability Act, to name a few.

While companies are aware of the importance of traceability, research indicates that they are not prepared to comply with upcoming legislation. A recent KPMG survey highlighted that 43% of executives at major enterprises had no visibility or were “largely unclear” about the performance of their Tier 1 suppliers. At the same time, only 28% of companies had clear visibility into Tier 2 suppliers.

TradeBeyond’s recently published Supply Chain Traceability Guide, the latest installment of its Retail Sourcing Report series, highlights the myriad challenges that companies face in implementing effective traceability programs. This report is relevant for all industries, and is especially topical for the apparel and footwear sectors, which are under increasing scrutiny to enhance traceability to ensure sustainability.

The report highlights retail’s slow progress in achieving transparency, as evidenced by the Fashion Transparency Index, which found that the average transparency score across 250 of the world’s largest brands and retailers was just 23%. That suggests that progress on transparent disclosure of social and environmental data is still lagging.
The report shows that brands fall short on most key measures of sustainability and traceability, including publishing a responsible code of conduct and providing visibility into their Scope 3 carbon footprint. The United Nations Economics Commission found that only a third of the top one hundred global clothing companies track their own supply chains. One of the obstacles is complexity. More than two-thirds (69%) of fashion companies report that complexity of their global business networks is an obstacle to visibility.

In addition to a lack of visibility, false sustainability claims are also rampant. Greenpeace found that in the apparel and footwear sector, 39% of sustainability claims are false or deceptive. Lack of third-party verification of ESG measures is also rampant.

The highest scoring brands in the 2023 Fashion Transparency Index included luxury brands such as Gucci and retailers such Target Australia, Kmart Australia, OVS, and Benetton. These companies back up their commitment with solid action on multiple measures of traceability.

Along with legislative requirements, consumers are a key driving force pushing companies to improve their traceability initiatives. McKinsey research found that 66% of consumers consider transparency to be a key factor when making a purchase decision and 73% of consumers would pay more for products with transparency into production and sourcing.

The report also highlights key challenges to overcome in the journey to traceability, including effective communication between stakeholders, compliance with new regulations, technology barriers, and data complexity.

On the positive side, the industry is responding with sophisticated technology, including software systems that incorporate artificial intelligence and blockchain-enabled traceability, which provide the required visibility and compliance.

Traceable fiber technology, which allows for traceability from the material origin of a product until its end-life, provides the option of a “fiber-forward” rather than a “product backward” approach to achieving traceability.

Aside from the regulatory and consumer drivers, there is a strong business case for implementing traceability, which includes cost savings, operational efficiency, brand protection and reducing supply chain risk. As such, TradeBeyond expects a rapid evolution in traceability programs across industries, especially in those that lag in best-practices.

While there has been considerable progress in recent years toward accurately tracing the complete origins of products, much more needs to be done. Brands and retailers must intensify their efforts to stay compliant with escalating regulations and align with evolving consumer preferences.




Wünsche Group: Shipping Visibility Enhancements with TradeBeyond’s platform

Wünsche Group, a global trading company, has announced enhancements to its supply chain operations through its ongoing partnership with TradeBeyond and adoption of the platform’s shipping visibility features. Before integrating TradeBeyond’s multi-enterprise supply chain platform in 2019, Wünsche Group faced challenges managing its complex supply chain, which spans more than 15 trading companies worldwide.

Building on its initial implementation, Wünsche is now deriving more value from TradeBeyond by implementing the platform’s advanced shipping visibility functionalities. Integrated with leading shipping information company Vizion, these enhancements offer comprehensive, real-time tracking of shipments from departure to arrival, covering all intermediary handling stages.

Wünsche Group, a global trading company, has announced enhancements to its supply chain operations through its ongoing partnership with TradeBeyond and adoption of the platform’s shipping visibility features. Before integrating TradeBeyond’s multi-enterprise supply chain platform in 2019, Wünsche Group faced challenges managing its complex supply chain, which spans more than 15 trading companies worldwide.

Building on its initial implementation, Wünsche is now deriving more value from TradeBeyond by implementing the platform’s advanced shipping visibility functionalities. Integrated with leading shipping information company Vizion, these enhancements offer comprehensive, real-time tracking of shipments from departure to arrival, covering all intermediary handling stages.

With shipment updates now available within dashboard views on TradeBeyond platform, all departments have access to the latest ETA updates, enabling them to adjust their strategies and activities based on real-time information. TradeBeyond’s shipping visibility enhancements allow the company to better manage delays by providing timely updates and enabling proactive management of transit times. The platform also streamlines communication across internal departments and with external partners, reducing the need for manual updates and check-ins.




imm cologne’s new story: Spring Edition in June 2023, no trade fair in January

For 2023, imm cologne is adapting its concept. The trade fair has been given a new schedule, which will see the international Interior Business Event host a new, one-off spring edition in 2023. The dates have been chosen in close consultation with its market partners.

“Today the imm cologne advisory board gave the concept proposed by Koelnmesse for the imm spring edition in June 2023 the green light unanimously. Our thanks go to the advisory board and in particular to the German industry, the retail sector and the purchasing associations for their support. This concept will ensure that imm cologne can take place again after a two-year break. The industry has given its backing to a strong interior design trade fair in Germany, the biggest market in Europe,” says Gerald Böse, Chief Executive Officer of Koelnmesse. “I firmly believe in face-to-face exchanges. In my view, they are immensely important for the industry’s development, especially in challenging times. The sector needs an in-person platform in Germany, an event with international appeal and a strong communication reach like imm cologne,” he adds.

For 2023, imm cologne is adapting its concept. The trade fair has been given a new schedule, which will see the international Interior Business Event host a new, one-off spring edition in 2023. The dates have been chosen in close consultation with its market partners.

“Today the imm cologne advisory board gave the concept proposed by Koelnmesse for the imm spring edition in June 2023 the green light unanimously. Our thanks go to the advisory board and in particular to the German industry, the retail sector and the purchasing associations for their support. This concept will ensure that imm cologne can take place again after a two-year break. The industry has given its backing to a strong interior design trade fair in Germany, the biggest market in Europe,” says Gerald Böse, Chief Executive Officer of Koelnmesse. “I firmly believe in face-to-face exchanges. In my view, they are immensely important for the industry’s development, especially in challenging times. The sector needs an in-person platform in Germany, an event with international appeal and a strong communication reach like imm cologne,” he adds.

imm cologne’s new story will take shape in two steps
The imm cologne team presented its vision for a new concept at the start of June 2022. The new story for imm cologne will unfold in two steps. The first step will be the imm spring edition from 4 to 7 June 2023. “The spring edition is synonymous with a new beginning. imm cologne wants to use it to motivate and to show how it is experimenting with new ideas and leaving well-trodden paths behind,” explains Oliver Frese, Chief Operating Officer of Koelnmesse. “What’s more, the event in June gives our partners planning certainty.”

Four-day with a trade audience focus
The cornerstones of the new concept are clear: The imm spring edition will take place over four days, running from Sunday to Wednesday, and will be geared towards trade visitors. End consumers will be able to visit the trade fair by invitation, giving the spring event a clear business focus. “It’s also our goal to create new participation formats in the market,” says Matthias Pollmann, Vice President Trade Fair Management at Koelnmesse. The kitchen segment will also be included in the imm 2023 spring edition. At the same time, the plan is to incorporate the city more closely into the spring edition as an event location.

Vision 2024+: imm cologne as the forum for future issues facing the industry
The second step will then follow in the summer of 2023. In close consultation with the industry and the associations involved in the event, the future dates for imm cologne and LivingKitchen will be set. The future vision for imm cologne conceives the interior event as more than just a key business platform. As a catalyst for the sector’s development, it addresses both industry and external issues of relevance to the imm cologne community.

More information:
imm cologne

Koelnmesse GmbH

(c) ChemSec, report Not Quite 100%

ChemSec' Study: Consumer brands demand clarity on recycled plastics

A new interview study from NGO ChemSec shows that there is a gap between supply and demand when it comes to recycled materials, causing confusion and bottlenecks. Among other things, suppliers go out of their way using elaborate trade schemes to reach the coveted ”100% recycled” tag, which – it turns out – is not that important to consumer product brands. Far more crucial aspects, according to several major B2C companies, are:

  • Honest communication towards customers
  • Comprehensive information from suppliers
  • Clear standards for recycled material

These are some of the conclusions from NGO ChemSec’s survey and interview study with 26 highly well-known consumer product brands. All brands responded to a survey concerning their current plastic use, as well as their needs, expectations and challenges regarding using more recycled material, to enable the shift to a circular economy for plastics.

Ten of the brands then participated in in-depth interviews on the same topics:, Essity, H&M, IKEA, Inditex , Lego, Mars,  SC Johnson, Tarkett, Unilever and Walgreens Boots Alliance.

A new interview study from NGO ChemSec shows that there is a gap between supply and demand when it comes to recycled materials, causing confusion and bottlenecks. Among other things, suppliers go out of their way using elaborate trade schemes to reach the coveted ”100% recycled” tag, which – it turns out – is not that important to consumer product brands. Far more crucial aspects, according to several major B2C companies, are:

  • Honest communication towards customers
  • Comprehensive information from suppliers
  • Clear standards for recycled material

These are some of the conclusions from NGO ChemSec’s survey and interview study with 26 highly well-known consumer product brands. All brands responded to a survey concerning their current plastic use, as well as their needs, expectations and challenges regarding using more recycled material, to enable the shift to a circular economy for plastics.

Ten of the brands then participated in in-depth interviews on the same topics:, Essity, H&M, IKEA, Inditex , Lego, Mars,  SC Johnson, Tarkett, Unilever and Walgreens Boots Alliance.

Is non-mechanical recycling the answer?
Only about ten percent of all discarded plastics is recycled today, which is of course not nearly enough to achieve a circular plastics economy. Despite ambitions and initiatives to reduce plastics use – replacing the materials with other, more sustainable ones – the “plastic tap” is not expected to be turned off anytime soon. Quite the opposite, which makes raising the recycling rates more important than ever.

Although commercially viable, traditional (mechanical) recycling is afflicted with severe flaws, such as legacy chemicals, quality and functionality issues, as well as the lack of clean and sorted waste streams. The brands cited quality and functionality issues as the main obstacles for using more recycled material in their products.

This opens up for non-mechanical recycling, sometimes referred to as chemical recycling, where the plastic is either dissolved or broken down into smaller building blocks. Harmful additives and other hazardous chemicals can be removed in the process, and a material comparable to virgin plastic can be achieved – at least in theory.

So far, however, non-mechanical recycling technologies are costly, energy-intensive, and often require the addition of a great deal of virgin plastic to work – the very material that needs to be phased out.

The chain of custody models needs to be detangled
Apart from these production issues, there is a wide range of chain of custody models surrounding non-mechanical recycling, including mass balance and book & claim, which enable trade of credits or certificates for recycled material.

This cuts the physical connection between input and output, making it possible for a supplier to sell a material as “100% recycled”, when the actual recycled content could be zero.

This is a major issue for the brands ChemSec has spoken to, who value honest and correct communication towards customers. It turns out, perhaps somewhat surprisingly, that being able to slap a “made from 100% recycled plastic” label on a product is not all that important to brands.

To the brands, a physical connection between input (the discarded plastic waste headed for recycling) and output (the product at least partially made from recycled plastics) is far more important.

A physical connection, along with correct and adequate information from suppliers, as well as clearer standards and guidelines than what is available today, is what brands require to increase the use of recycled material and move us closer to a circular economy for plastics.

More information:
ChemSec plastics Recycling


Political Tailwind for Alternative Carbon Sources (c) Renewable Carbon Initiative
European Policy under the new green deal

Political Tailwind for Alternative Carbon Sources

  • More than 30 leading pioneers of the chemical and material sector welcome the latest political papers from Brussels, Berlin and Düsseldorf

The political situation for renewable carbon from biomass, CO2 and recycling for the defossilisation of the chemical and materials industry has begun to shift fundamentally in Europe. For the first time, important policy papers from Brussels and Germany take into consideration that the term decarbonisation alone is not sufficient, and that there are important industrial sectors with a permanent and even growing carbon demand. Finally, the need for a sustainable coverage of this carbon demand and the realisation of sustainable carbon cycles have been identified on the political stage. They are elemental to the realisation of a sustainable chemical and derived materials industry.

  • More than 30 leading pioneers of the chemical and material sector welcome the latest political papers from Brussels, Berlin and Düsseldorf

The political situation for renewable carbon from biomass, CO2 and recycling for the defossilisation of the chemical and materials industry has begun to shift fundamentally in Europe. For the first time, important policy papers from Brussels and Germany take into consideration that the term decarbonisation alone is not sufficient, and that there are important industrial sectors with a permanent and even growing carbon demand. Finally, the need for a sustainable coverage of this carbon demand and the realisation of sustainable carbon cycles have been identified on the political stage. They are elemental to the realisation of a sustainable chemical and derived materials industry.

The goal is to create sustainable carbon cycles. This requires comprehensive carbon management of renewable sources, which includes carbon from biomass, carbon from Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) – the industrial use of CO2 as an integral part – as well as mechanical and chemical recycling. And only the use of all alternative carbon streams enables a true decoupling of the chemical and materials sector from additional fossil carbon from the ground. Only in this way can the chemical industry stay the backbone of modern society and transform into a sustainable sector that enables the achievement of global climate goals. The Renewable Carbon Initiative’s (RCI) major aim is to support the smart transition from fossil to renewable carbon: utilising carbon from biomass, CO2 and recycling instead of additional fossil carbon from the ground. This is crucial because 72% of the human-made greenhouse gas emissions are directly linked to additional fossil carbon. The RCI supports all renewable carbon sources available, but the political support is fragmented and differs between carbon from biomass, recycling or carbon capture and utilisation (CCU). Especially CCU has so far not been a strategic objective in the Green Deal and Fit-for-55.

This will change fundamentally with the European Commission's communication paper on “Sustainable Carbon Cycles” published on 15 December. The position in the paper represents an essential step forward that shows embedded carbon has reached the political mainstream – supported by recent opinions from members of the European parliament and also, apparently, by the upcoming IPCC assessment report 6. Now, CCU becomes a recognised and credible solution for sustainable carbon cycles and a potentially sustainable option for the chemical and  material industries. Also, in the political discussions in Brussels, the term “defossilation” is appearing more and more often, complementing or replacing the term decarbonisation in those areas where carbon is indispensable. MEP Maria da Graça Carvahlo is among a number of politicians in Brussels who perceive CCU as an important future industry, putting it on the political map and creating momentum for CCU. This includes the integration of CCU into the new Carbon Removal Regime and the Emission Trading System (ETS).

As the new policy documents are fully in line with the strategy of the RCI, the more than 30 member companies of the initiative are highly supportive of this new development and are ready to support policy-maker with data and detailed suggestions for active support and the realisation of sustainable carbon cycles and a sound carbon management. The recent political papers of relevance are highlighted in the following.

Brussels: Communication paper on “Sustainable Carbon Cycles”
On 15 December, the European Commission has published the communication paper “Sustainable Carbon Cycles” . For the first time, the importance of carbon in different industrial sectors is clearly stated. One of the key statements in the paper is the full recognition of CCU for the first time as a solution for the circular economy, which includes CCU-based fuels as well. The communication paper distinguishes between bio-based CO2, fossil CO2 and CO2 from direct air capture when addressing carbon removal and it also announces detailed monitoring of the different CO2 streams. Not only CCU, but also carbon from the bioeconomy is registered as an important pillar for the future. Here, the term carbon farming has been newly introduced, which refers to improved land management practices that result in an increase of carbon sequestration in living biomass, dead organic matter or soils by enhancing carbon capture or reducing the release of carbon. Even though the list of nature-based carbon storage technologies is non-exhaustive in our view, we strongly support the paper’s idea to deem sustainable land and forest management as a basis for the bioeconomy more important than solely considering land use as a carbon sink. Surprisingly, chemical recycling, which is also an alternative carbon source that substitutes additional fossil carbon from the ground (i.e. carbon from crude oil, natural gas or from coal), is completely absent from the communication paper.

Berlin: Coalition paper of the new German Government: “Dare more progress – alliance for freedom, justice and sustainability”
The whole of Europe is waiting to see how the new German government of Social Democrats, Greens and Liberals will shape the German climate policy. The new reform agenda focuses in particular on solar and wind energy as well as especially hydrogen. Solar energy is to be expanded to 200 GW by 2030 and two percent of the country's land is to be designated for onshore wind energy. A hydrogen grid infrastructure is to be created for green hydrogen, which will form the backbone of the energy system of the future – and is also needed for e-fuels and sustainable chemical industry, a clear commitment to CCU. There is a further focus on the topic of circular economy and recycling. A higher recycling quota and a product-specific minimum quota for the use of recyclates and secondary raw materials should be established at European level. In the coalition paper, there is also a clear commitment to chemical recycling to be found. A significant change for the industry is planned to occur in regards to the so-called “plastic tax” of 80 cents per kilogram of non-recycled plastic packaging. This tax has been implemented by the EU, but most countries are not passing on this tax to the manufacturers and distributors, or only to a limited extent. The new German government now plans to fully transfer this tax over to the industry.

Düsseldorf: Carbon can protect the climate – Carbon Management Strategy North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW)
Lastly, the RCI highly welcomes North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW, Germany) as the first region worldwide to adopt a comprehensive carbon management strategy, a foundation for the transformation from using additional fossil carbon from the ground to the utilisation of renewable carbon from biomass, CO2 and recycling. For all three alternative carbon streams, separate detailed strategies are being developed to achieve the defossilisation of the industry. This is all the more remarkable as North Rhine-Westphalia is the federal state with the strongest industry in Germany, in particular the chemical industry. And it is here, of all places, that a first master plan for the conversion of industry from fossil carbon to biomass, CO2 and recycling is implemented. If successful, NRW could become a global leader in sustainable carbon
management and the region could become a blueprint for many industrial regions.

Anschlussfertig: TFT-Displays von KOE jetzt als Kitlösung (c) KOE
Leonhard Spiegl ist Product Manager Components der Distec GmbH

Anschlussfertig: TFT-Displays von KOE jetzt als Kitlösung

  • Distec bietet Komplettprogramm in robuster Industriequalität für Automation, Industrie 4.0, Digital Signage, Infrastruktur und Bauwesen

Die Distec GmbH – einer der führenden deutschen Spezialisten für TFT-Flachbildschirme und Systemlösungen für industrielle und multimediale Applikationen – ist seit November 2020 offizieller Distributor für die robusten, industriellen TFT-Displays des Herstellers Kaohsiung Opto-Electronics (KOE). „Die qualitativ hochwertigen TFT-Displays lassen sich perfekt mit unseren eigenentwickelten, robusten Prisma TFT Controllern ansteuern“, erläutert Leonhard Spiegl, Product Manager Components bei Distec. „Für eine einfache Inbetriebnahme bieten wir deshalb komplett anschlussfertige, industrielle Kitlösungen mit allem nötigen Zubehör an. Die lange Verfügbarkeit der Displays passt dabei perfekt in unser Konzept, das Kundenzufriedenheit und eine hohe Produktqualität priorisiert.“ Die absolut robusten Displays eignen sich besonders für extreme Einsatzbedingungen wie beispielsweise Automation, Industrie 4.0, Digital Signage, öffentlicher Verkehr, Landwirtschaft und Bauwesen.

  • Distec bietet Komplettprogramm in robuster Industriequalität für Automation, Industrie 4.0, Digital Signage, Infrastruktur und Bauwesen

Die Distec GmbH – einer der führenden deutschen Spezialisten für TFT-Flachbildschirme und Systemlösungen für industrielle und multimediale Applikationen – ist seit November 2020 offizieller Distributor für die robusten, industriellen TFT-Displays des Herstellers Kaohsiung Opto-Electronics (KOE). „Die qualitativ hochwertigen TFT-Displays lassen sich perfekt mit unseren eigenentwickelten, robusten Prisma TFT Controllern ansteuern“, erläutert Leonhard Spiegl, Product Manager Components bei Distec. „Für eine einfache Inbetriebnahme bieten wir deshalb komplett anschlussfertige, industrielle Kitlösungen mit allem nötigen Zubehör an. Die lange Verfügbarkeit der Displays passt dabei perfekt in unser Konzept, das Kundenzufriedenheit und eine hohe Produktqualität priorisiert.“ Die absolut robusten Displays eignen sich besonders für extreme Einsatzbedingungen wie beispielsweise Automation, Industrie 4.0, Digital Signage, öffentlicher Verkehr, Landwirtschaft und Bauwesen.

Rugged-Serie von KOE überzeugt auf ganzer Linie: gewohnt zuverlässige Industriequalität

Die TFT-Displays der Rugged-Serie von KOE sind sehr widerstandsfähig gegen Vibration und Schock. Der ausgesprochen weite Arbeitstemperaturbereich von -40 bis +85 °C erlaubt den unproblematischen Betrieb der Displays auch bei starker Kälte oder Hitze. Außerdem bieten die Displays eine hohe Helligkeit und einen weiten Winkel mit IPS-Technologie für perfekte Ablesbarkeit in hellem Umgebungslicht und bei seitlicher Betrachtung. Zero Bright Dot ist bei der Rugged-Serie Standard und ergänzt die hervorragenden optischen Eigenschaften. Die Testkriterien für KOEs Zuverlässigkeitstests übertreffen den Industriestandard um den Faktor 2. Einige KOE-Displays sind bereits mit LTPS-Technologie gefertigt und haben dadurch einen besonders geringen Energieverbrauch, der einen problemlosen Einsatz in Mobilgeräten ermöglicht. Mit Distecs VacuBond Optical-Bonding-Verfahren kann auf Wunsch ein Schutzglas auf das Display aufgebracht werden. Es schützt das Display vor Verschmutzung und Beschädigungen durch raue Einsatzbedingungen und erleichtert das Reinigen des Displays. Das dabei eingesetzte Hightech-OPTα-GEL® erhöht die Vibrations- und Schockfestigkeit der gebondeten Einheit zusätzlich. Touchscreens können ebenso optisch auf das Display gebondet werden.  

Distec hat ständig eine Auswahl an KOE-TFT-Displays auf Lager und kann Kundenprojekte schnell bedienen. Auf Anfrage ist das gesamte KOE-Produktprogramm lieferbar. Sowohl Plug-and-play-Kitlösungen als auch kundenspezifische Systemintegrationen sind möglich.

CALL TO ACTION of C.L.A.S.S. ICON 2021 (c) C.L.A.S.S.
C.L.A.S.S. Manifesto


  • C.L.A.S.S. launches the Manifesto for Responsible Fashion and kicks off the CALL TO ACTION of C.L.A.S.S. ICON 2021
  • What does it mean to be a “game changer” in green fashion?
  • What are the false myths of eco-fashion and what are the guidelines for innovating while safeguarding the planet? And how do you tell the story behind a sustainable fashion collection?

An annual competition to reward a visionary creative who combines design, responsible innovation and communication, capable of raising contemporary consumer awareness of the new values of sustainable fashion. This is the Call to Action launched to find the C.L.A.S.S. ICON 2021 by Giusy Bettoni of C.L.A.S.S. in the Smart Voices panel "C.L.A.S.S. ICON: Award and Manifesto for Responsible Fashion", moderated by the green journalist Diana de Marsanich, and starring, on the 10th February, the fashion designer Gilberto Calzolari, recipient of the international award for creative visionaries in the world of fashion C.L.A.S.S. ICON Award 2020, and Federico Poletti, Marketing and Communication Director of WHITE SHOW.

  • C.L.A.S.S. launches the Manifesto for Responsible Fashion and kicks off the CALL TO ACTION of C.L.A.S.S. ICON 2021
  • What does it mean to be a “game changer” in green fashion?
  • What are the false myths of eco-fashion and what are the guidelines for innovating while safeguarding the planet? And how do you tell the story behind a sustainable fashion collection?

An annual competition to reward a visionary creative who combines design, responsible innovation and communication, capable of raising contemporary consumer awareness of the new values of sustainable fashion. This is the Call to Action launched to find the C.L.A.S.S. ICON 2021 by Giusy Bettoni of C.L.A.S.S. in the Smart Voices panel "C.L.A.S.S. ICON: Award and Manifesto for Responsible Fashion", moderated by the green journalist Diana de Marsanich, and starring, on the 10th February, the fashion designer Gilberto Calzolari, recipient of the international award for creative visionaries in the world of fashion C.L.A.S.S. ICON Award 2020, and Federico Poletti, Marketing and Communication Director of WHITE SHOW.

C.L.A.S.S. Manifesto  

During the Smart Voice, the C.L.A.S.S. Manifesto for Responsible Fashion, the 2021 edition of the C.L.A.S.S. ICON competition and the Sustainability Formula were presented.

C.L.A.S.S. ICON Award is an international award for visionary creatives in the fashion world who are able to convey the values of sustainability not only to fashion professionals, but also to the wider public: consumers. "We created C.L.A.S.S. ICON to reward visionary designers who create their collections by combining design, innovation and responsibility and who are able to communicate the values behind their garments authentically and effectively to consumers. It's time for storymaking and storytelling to align, otherwise it's just greenwashing" says Giusy Bettoni.

From 15th of February to 15th of April it will be possible to apply by sending an email to, with a description and objectives of the brand, the sustainability values adopted and the strategy, the designer's profile, a photo-video story of the latest collection, and any previous awards won (all info on

During the panel, designer Gilberto Calzolari, the first winner of the first C.L.A.S.S. ICON Award, shared his vision for responsible fashion and his current projects. "My brand is a laboratory of experimentation. I create fashion to open conversations and change the way people behave and think. My creativity, from the choice of fabrics and processes to the image I decide to communicate, are the weapons at my disposal. Since the beginning, I have been really excited to team up with C.L.A.S.S. in order to share a common and challenging journey, with the perspective to be part of a constantly growing network activating mutual support. I have always thought at my collections as a call to action for a better future and now more than ever my mission as C.L.A.S.S. ICON is to make people understand that commitment and sustainability can and must go hand in hand with beauty and elegance. The adage 'kalòs kai agathòs' is one of the classical teachings that should never be forgotten: aesthetics, in my opinion, is inseparable from ethics. That's why I don't just target professionals, but also the end consumer, fashionistas and beyond" says Gilberto.

"For the first edition of C.L.A.S.S. ICON in 2020 Gilberto was decreed as our chosen one, and the path together was sanctioned at that moment: the sharing of values and visions is an indissoluble bond that keeps us united over time. Like Gilberto, each ICON will be part of a community where together with C.L.A.S.S. will try to make a real smart fashion and above all create an important voice," says Giusy Bettoni.

In support of the C.L.A.S.S. ICON award, C.L.A.S.S. presented its Manifesto for Responsible Fashion, which summarises the values that C.L.A.S.S. has been researching, communicating and developing since 2007: the role of the ethical company and its transparent production, the importance of traceable and healthy products, with total respect for people and the environment. A commitment to a circular economy with a positive impact that also means safeguarding the seas, the ocean, the use of water, energy and resources.

"A Manifesto for fashion with the lowest possible impact on the planet and on people and animals’ health thanks to responsible innovation, perfectly up to the challenges of contemporary lifestyle. This is why I created the Sustainability Formula, which only exists when there is design, responsible innovation and we are able to track and measure the impact of products and processes and communicate the new values in an appropriate way. In a word, when there is knowledge" concludes Giusy Bettoni.
F = D x I x S x C
F= Fashion

Amazing Connections: SFASHION NET & C.L.A.S.S. © GB Network Marketing & Communication
Marina Savarese, SFASHION NET founder

Amazing Connections: SFASHION NET & C.L.A.S.S.

  • A new partnership is born in the name of responsible innovation, relationships and a new twist in the fashion system

C.L.A.S.S., the international hub for responsible innovation founded by Giusy Bettoni, and SFASHION NET, the portal dedicated to micro critical fashion companies created by Guya Manzoni and Marina Savarese, join forces to give active support to micro enterprises and bring a wave of fresh air in the fashion system.

When you speak the same language and are moved by the same values, it is easy to meet on a common path. You can decide to walk alone, or to continue together in the same direction. This is what has happened since the meeting of C.L.A.S.S. and SFASHION NET, two realities, the first consolidated over time and the second recently born, which speak of responsible innovation, beauty, design, tradition, ethics and smart communication.

And who have decided to combine skills and ideas in the name of a revolutionary vision of fashion.

  • A new partnership is born in the name of responsible innovation, relationships and a new twist in the fashion system

C.L.A.S.S., the international hub for responsible innovation founded by Giusy Bettoni, and SFASHION NET, the portal dedicated to micro critical fashion companies created by Guya Manzoni and Marina Savarese, join forces to give active support to micro enterprises and bring a wave of fresh air in the fashion system.

When you speak the same language and are moved by the same values, it is easy to meet on a common path. You can decide to walk alone, or to continue together in the same direction. This is what has happened since the meeting of C.L.A.S.S. and SFASHION NET, two realities, the first consolidated over time and the second recently born, which speak of responsible innovation, beauty, design, tradition, ethics and smart communication.

And who have decided to combine skills and ideas in the name of a revolutionary vision of fashion.

Micro companies and independent designers, the daily bread of SFASHION NET, will become the final addressees of a series of specialized services and courses developed by C.L.A.S.S. and will benefit from special conditions for finding materials in small quantities available on the Smart Source and ad hoc consultancy. All this to support the growth of these brands that have always moved on the wave of sustainability and ethical production, but often encountering many problems.

Online activities will alternate with offline meetings, because relationship is what makes the difference, even in the world of fashion.

“The spirit and values of the new generation of designers are what makes us optimistic about tomorrow’s fashion system. For this reason, together with SFASHION NET “every year” we will choose 1 or 2 creatives that are more in line with our common values and we will promote them at 360°, on all our channels and with a targeted communication activity starting from the collections that will be presented in February”.


As expected, SGL Carbon’s second quarter impacted by Corona pandemic

  • Sales and recurring EBIT significantly decreased in first half of 2020

As expected, the second quarter of SGL Carbon was impacted by the Corona pandemic, but not to the extent predicted in May when the quarterly statement for the period ended March 31, 2020 was published. Sales in the three months as per end of June decreased approximately 23 percent year-on-year, whereas Group recurring EBIT was at around 2 million euros and thus higher than anticipated. In total, SGL Carbon reached Group sales of 457 million euros in the first half year. This corresponds to a decrease of around 19 percent year-on-year. The decline is due to a pandemic-related overall weaker business development as well as expected declining developments in the market segments Battery & other Energy (GMS) and Textile Fibers (CFM) due to capacity adjustments. Group recurring EBIT was down approximately 71 percent to 11 million euros.

At a glance*:

  • Sales and recurring EBIT significantly decreased in first half of 2020

As expected, the second quarter of SGL Carbon was impacted by the Corona pandemic, but not to the extent predicted in May when the quarterly statement for the period ended March 31, 2020 was published. Sales in the three months as per end of June decreased approximately 23 percent year-on-year, whereas Group recurring EBIT was at around 2 million euros and thus higher than anticipated. In total, SGL Carbon reached Group sales of 457 million euros in the first half year. This corresponds to a decrease of around 19 percent year-on-year. The decline is due to a pandemic-related overall weaker business development as well as expected declining developments in the market segments Battery & other Energy (GMS) and Textile Fibers (CFM) due to capacity adjustments. Group recurring EBIT was down approximately 71 percent to 11 million euros.

At a glance*:

  • Sales in the second quarter approximately 23 percent below prior-year period; Group recurring EBIT of around 2 million euros was slightly better than anticipated at the presentation of the results of the first quarter 2020
  • Group sales in the first half year 2020 at almost 457 million euros and thus around 19 percent below the prior-year period; decrease in sales due to pandemic-related overall weaker business development as well as expected declining developments in the market segments Battery & other Energy (GMS) and Textile Fibers (CFM)
  • Group recurring EBIT down approximately 71 percent to 11 million euros
  • As a result of measures taken at an early stage and contrary to the normal seasonal trend, cash and cash equivalents at nearly 154 million euros as of June 30, 2020 developed very positively compared to the end of 2019
  • According to the full year forecast published on July 28, 2020, SGL Carbon expects Group sales to decline by 15 to 20 percent and a slightly positive operating recurring EBIT
  • Dr. Torsten Derr, CEO of SGL Carbon: "My ambition is to achieve lasting success with SGL Carbon. Over the past two months, we have been conducting a comprehensive analysis of our processes, structures and markets. Based on this, we will identify the options that will enable us to sustainably increase our profitability. The Corona pandemic is forcing us to act even faster."

*Please read the attached document for more information

More information:
SGL Carbon Coronakrise Umsatz

SGL CARBON SE Corporate Communications

Logo Domotex
DOMOTEX: Cover new ground!

DOMOTEX 2021: Perspektivwechsel und neuer Blickwinkel für Bodenbeläg

Cover New Ground!
Innovative Techniken für das Handwerk, moderne Ansätze im Handel, mehr Inspiration für das Objektgeschäft, dazu neue Materialien sowie zukunftsweisende Trends – das und vor allem einen Perspektivwechsel soll die nächste DOMOTEX bieten, die vom 15. bis zum 18. Januar 2021 in Hannover stattfindet.
Momentan sind Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft stärker denn je gefordert, das bisherige Leben in all seinen Facetten zu überdenken. In jeder Krise liegt auch eine Chance – die Chance, neue Wege zu erschließen und zu beschreiten. Die Macher der DOMOTEX haben diese Herausforderung angenommen. Mit dem neuen Leitthema „Cover New Ground!“ wollen sie dazu motivieren, bei der Gestaltung und Anwendung von Bodenbelägen über bisherige Strategien, Visionen und Erfahrungen hinauszudenken und in die Zukunft zu blicken.
Trotz der Corona-Pandemie sprach die Global Flooring Alliance ein Zusammenschluss internationaler Bodenbelagsgroßhändler, von einem positiven Verlauf des ersten Quartals 2020. Einige Aussteller berichten sogar von unerwartete Zuwächse generiert, da öffentliche Objekte vorgezogen worden seien.

Cover New Ground!
Innovative Techniken für das Handwerk, moderne Ansätze im Handel, mehr Inspiration für das Objektgeschäft, dazu neue Materialien sowie zukunftsweisende Trends – das und vor allem einen Perspektivwechsel soll die nächste DOMOTEX bieten, die vom 15. bis zum 18. Januar 2021 in Hannover stattfindet.
Momentan sind Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft stärker denn je gefordert, das bisherige Leben in all seinen Facetten zu überdenken. In jeder Krise liegt auch eine Chance – die Chance, neue Wege zu erschließen und zu beschreiten. Die Macher der DOMOTEX haben diese Herausforderung angenommen. Mit dem neuen Leitthema „Cover New Ground!“ wollen sie dazu motivieren, bei der Gestaltung und Anwendung von Bodenbelägen über bisherige Strategien, Visionen und Erfahrungen hinauszudenken und in die Zukunft zu blicken.
Trotz der Corona-Pandemie sprach die Global Flooring Alliance ein Zusammenschluss internationaler Bodenbelagsgroßhändler, von einem positiven Verlauf des ersten Quartals 2020. Einige Aussteller berichten sogar von unerwartete Zuwächse generiert, da öffentliche Objekte vorgezogen worden seien.

Weltleitmesse für Bodenbeläge
Im Januar 2020 informierten sich auf ihr rund 35.000 Besucher, 70 % davon aus dem Ausland. Der Entscheideranteil lag bei 90 %, bei 1.400 Ausstellern aus mehr als 60 Nationen. Solche Kennziffern zeigen die Internationalität der Messe, wo nicht nur neue Kontakte geknüpft, sondern auch konkrete Geschäfte abgeschlossen werden, so die Veranstalter

Highlights und Business Hubs in allen Angebotsbereichen – kostenfreie Beteiligungsmöglichkeiten für Aussteller
Schon auf der DOMOTEX 2020 führte der Austausch im Vorfeld unter den Branchenteilnehmern zu einer Veränderung der Hallenbelegung: Die verschiedenen Produktgruppen wurden – und  werden auch 2021– noch systematischer zusammengeführt, um den Besuchern den bestmöglichen Marktüberblick zu verschaffen.

Auf der DOMOTEX 2021 entstehen nun in den einzelnen Angebotsbereichen  eigene Kreativspots unter dem Motto „Cover New Ground!“.
In diesen sogenannten „Flooring Parks“ erhalten die Segmente Teppichböden, Fasern & Garne in Halle 11 sowie Elastische Bodenbeläge &  Designbeläge, Parkett und Laminat wie auch Anwendungs- und Verlegetechniken in Halle 12 jeweils eine eigene Bühne: Produkthighlights werden in einer konkreten Raumanwendung inszeniert und fungieren  als Trendschau.
Mit diesen inspirierenden Räumen soll, passend zum Leitthema der Messe, ein optimistischer, nach vorn gewandter Blickwinkel auf das Thema Bodenbelag eröffnet werden. Aussteller, die ihre Produkte gezielt in diesem Kontext zeigen möchten, können ihren Raumentwurf bei der Messe einreichen und erhalten eine kostenfreie Fläche. So werden sie als Taktgeber der Branche sichtbar, ganz im Sinne  von „Cover New Ground!“.
Inmitten der Sonderflächen bietet die DOMOTEX ihren Ausstellern exklusive Business Hubs an. In bewirteten Kommunikationszonen können sich Hersteller und Kunden in Ruhe zurückziehen und Geschäfte abschließen.

Ab sofort können sich Unternehmen mit ihren innovativen Ideen für die „Flooring Parks“ anmelden.

Als besonderes Highlight für die Handgefertigten Teppiche werden auch in 2021 die „Carpet DesignAwards“ in Halle 3 verliehen und die besten Nominierungen sowie Gewinner in einer Sonderausstellung präsentiert. Zusätzlich wird das  begleitende Forumprogramm mit spannenden Themen rund um die kostbaren Stücke auf drei Messetage ausgeweitet.

Die DOMOTEX 2021 findet unter dem Motto „Cover New Ground!“ vom 15. bis 18. Januar 2021 in Hannover statt.

More information:
Bodenbeläge Messe

neumann communication

ROICA™ presents new developments for contemporary consumers © Collezioni SRL
COSABELLA produced by Collezioni SRL’s set with Tessitura Colombo Antonio lace with ROICA™ V550

ROICA™ presents new developments for contemporary consumers

As the role of lingerie in fashion and athleisure continues to augment, the desire for garments that will meet a new set of values for contemporary consumer lifestyles will flourish.  

ROICA™ - the pioneer of innovative stretch fibres, took this year’s Interfilière visitors on an inspirational journey, aimed at encouraging weavers, designers and brands to “engineer” their portfolio of products in new and exciting ways. The company sets a whole new standard in how creativity and responsibility can come together for a new generation of wardrobe solutions dedicated to the contemporary consumer, carving out a new kind of fashion future.

Below some unique developments born from the collaboration among ROICA™ and key premium brands:

COSABELLA produced by Collezioni SRL: The brand sells in over 100 countries, with a premium collection of 2000 styles for every sector of lingerie and leisurewear. Latest styles use a delicate floral lace by Tessitura Colombo Antonio made with ROICA™ V550 belonging to the ROICA Eco-Smart™ family for their more luxurious upscaled lines.

As the role of lingerie in fashion and athleisure continues to augment, the desire for garments that will meet a new set of values for contemporary consumer lifestyles will flourish.  

ROICA™ - the pioneer of innovative stretch fibres, took this year’s Interfilière visitors on an inspirational journey, aimed at encouraging weavers, designers and brands to “engineer” their portfolio of products in new and exciting ways. The company sets a whole new standard in how creativity and responsibility can come together for a new generation of wardrobe solutions dedicated to the contemporary consumer, carving out a new kind of fashion future.

Below some unique developments born from the collaboration among ROICA™ and key premium brands:

COSABELLA produced by Collezioni SRL: The brand sells in over 100 countries, with a premium collection of 2000 styles for every sector of lingerie and leisurewear. Latest styles use a delicate floral lace by Tessitura Colombo Antonio made with ROICA™ V550 belonging to the ROICA Eco-Smart™ family for their more luxurious upscaled lines.

Livy selects Iluna Group’s contemporary graphic stretch lace with ROICA™ EF for the precious “BELLAGIO” line that includes a soft triangle bralette, a padded bra, a brief and a body for optimal comfort. The must-have range has a stunning aesthetic which represents the unique appeal of this lifestyle brand.

Sarah Borghi: the worldwide known brand of luxury Italian fashion hosiery, tights, and socks. They've dedicated more than 40 years scrutinizing the finest yarns and evolving technologies and breathing flawless life into their unique range of luxurious fashion. Today, Gizeta Calze S.r.l., owner of this brand, has developed the first line made out of sustainable ingredients that will be launched at the ROICA™ booth during Interfilière. The collection, developed in Italy by Almatex, blends together key smart fibers such as ROICA™ EF and Q-Nova®, and ROICA™ V550 with  AMNI SOUL ECO®. 

Vitamin A: the Californian brand offers a unique swimwear line rooted in female empowerment. Vitamin A’s beachwear is made with the finest materials and finishes, ensuring a product that will fit and wear beautifully for years to come. Among the  incorporated more sustainable high-performance fabrics shines a unique jacquard development by Maglificio Ripa with a 3D texture made with the GRS certified premium responsible stretch ROICA™ EF and Q-NOVA® by Fulgar. Vitamin A is a member of 1% For The Planet and  donate to environmental organizations who work to protect our oceans.

Wolford was one of the first brands to explore the real value of ROICA™. Known for its exceptional European Skinwear including legwear, lingerie and bodywear, the company has been striving to develop fully degradable items at the end of the product lifecycle. On top of last year’s award for being Cradle to Cradle Certified™ at GOLD Level certification for the biological cycle, Wolford was also recognised for its technical cycle using Econyl® yarn made by Aquafil (always blended with ROICA™ V550).

Each brand Partner brings a different yarn story firmly into the limelight, and all feature ingredients from the ROICA™ portfolio of yarns respecting the company’s commitment to ‘responsible innovation’, and which all boast important sustainable certifications.


ROICA™ Infuses Eco-Smart Technology into High Performance Stretch at EUROBIKE on July 9th 2018

EUROBIKE, the world’s leading trade fair for the cycling industry, will include ROICA™ smart innovations into the race. Cycle retailers, brands and manufacturers will discover ROICA™ premium stretch that provides comfort and movement as it energizes.

ROICA™ will go the distance as they join this year’s EUROBIKE Academy line-up and host an interactive panel focused on sustainability as an added value for the cycling market. Whether an expert or newcomer, the must attend panel titled; What is Smart Innovation in the Biking Market? will be held on Monday, July 9th from 12:00-12:45 in Conference Center East, Room London. Moderated by Giusy Bettoni, CEO, C.L.A.S.S. (Creativity Lifestyle And Sustainable Synergy), a Milan based company generating global strategies and identifying new values essential for today’s knowledgeable conscious consumer. The panel will lead the way, as they share their expertise and discuss what they are doing to push the boundaries of innovation. They will highlight responsible dimensions and processes currently available. The all-star lineup includes:

EUROBIKE, the world’s leading trade fair for the cycling industry, will include ROICA™ smart innovations into the race. Cycle retailers, brands and manufacturers will discover ROICA™ premium stretch that provides comfort and movement as it energizes.

ROICA™ will go the distance as they join this year’s EUROBIKE Academy line-up and host an interactive panel focused on sustainability as an added value for the cycling market. Whether an expert or newcomer, the must attend panel titled; What is Smart Innovation in the Biking Market? will be held on Monday, July 9th from 12:00-12:45 in Conference Center East, Room London. Moderated by Giusy Bettoni, CEO, C.L.A.S.S. (Creativity Lifestyle And Sustainable Synergy), a Milan based company generating global strategies and identifying new values essential for today’s knowledgeable conscious consumer. The panel will lead the way, as they share their expertise and discuss what they are doing to push the boundaries of innovation. They will highlight responsible dimensions and processes currently available. The all-star lineup includes:

Uwe Schmidt, Asahi Kasei’s ROICA™, Managing Director introduces cycle enthusiasts, brands, retailers and manufacturers to the world’s first premium sustainable stretch yarn: ROICA™ Eco-Smart and the ROICA™ Feel Good family dedicated to well-being.
Laura Gambarini, marketing and communication manager at M.I.T.I. S.p.A.: M.I.T.I. Since 1931, M.I.T.I. develops and creates premium and innovative stretch warp knitted fabrics for all the high performance sports. Cycling brands recognize M.I.T.I. as the market leader for the outstanding features of their innovative fabrics. Green soul is their ultimate creation, the first fully sustainable stretch warp knitted range of fabrics in the world, created with ROICA™ Eco-Smart family for the new generation sustainable performance garments.
Sven Koehler, Head of production Maloja Clothing GmbH: Maloja, an outdoor specialty brand with its roots in nature and wellbeing have developed new amazing biking sets constructed of M.I.T.I. SpA fabrics using certified yarns belonging to ROICA™ Eco-Smart family.
Sergio Alibrandi, Executive Marketing Director Sitip S.p.A.: SITIP creates high-tech innovative sports fabrics that are made in Italy and optimize the latest technology. Committed to smart innovation, learn how they developed their ground-breaking multi-panel thermal bib tights able to generate heat for riders that want to conquer cold winter training. Made from BeHOT fabric constructed with ROICA™ StretchEnergy™, the next level of well-being providing a new dimension to active performance.  The audience will learn how leading international cycling brand Santini is using BeHOT with ROICA™ on select products to generate additional heat – up to 2 degrees C as the cyclist moves their body, thanks to ground-breaking heat generating technology as certified by CeRism, Outdoor Sport Research Centre at Verona University.
Spearheading the premium stretch market, ROICA™ partners’ materials elevate new standards for high-tech performance that can enhance cycling products to compete responsibly. ROICA™ partners excite you as they show a fantastic range of stretch essentials for cycling clothing, gear, and apparel that offer solid performance perks. Most importantly, visit ROICA™ partners at EUROBIKE to learn about their ongoing commitment to responsible innovation and creativity.

More information:
EUROBIKE cycling industry ROICA™

GB Network

Fresh Relevance and Contactlab Connect the Dots Between In-Store and Online Shopping Behaviour

Fresh Relevance and Contactlab Connect the Dots Between In-Store and Online Shopping Behaviour

Partnership Provides Retail Brands with Omni-Channel Personalisation Platform

Partnership Provides Retail Brands with Omni-Channel Personalisation Platform

Fresh Relevance, the real-time personalisation platform for email, mobile and web, today announced its partnership with Contactlab, the leading engagement marketing platform for commerce-focused companies and fashion & luxury brands. The partnership provides retail brands with true omni-channel marketing by allowing to fully integrate insights from online and in-store customer behaviour.
Retailers now not only benefit from the rich insights regarding the online behaviour of a customer whilst on the website (what pages they looked at, the products they placed in the cart and the items purchased) and whilst engaging with marketing emails, but also when and how often they visited a store and the purchases they made whilst there. This is made possible by the close integration of the Fresh Relevance real-time personalisation platform and Contactlab’s engagement marketing cloud platform.

Eddy Swindell, co-founder and CRO at Fresh Relevance, states: “The ability to accurately join the dots of the customer journey as they move between offline and online has been the missing piece in the retail puzzle. Retailers using Fresh Relevance fully integrated with Contactlab can harness this valuable insight in real-time, to improve how they engage with every customer across all touch points.”
How Fresh Relevance and Contactlab deliver true omni-channel marketing:

  • Personalise the web experience using both online and offline transactional data.
  • Engage with in-store shoppers by sending them well-timed personalised emails that include the products they were interested in as well as relevant product recommendations.
  • Drive customers in-store or online with personalised incentives and promotions based on the shopper’s behaviour.

Swindell adds: “True omni-channel marketing in this way not only improves overall sales. It enables you to better understand the journey your customers take, and in doing so engage them with personalised 1-2-1 communications and improve their experience of shopping with your brand.”

Stefano Lena, Chief Strategy Officer and VP Business Development at Contactlab comments: “This partnership is the coming together of two powerful real-time platforms that enable every retailer to have a clear and up-to-date view of how people are interacting and transacting with their brand online and in-store. The breadth of data capabilities makes it one of the most compelling propositions available on the market today.”

Fresh Relevance is sponsoring Contactlab's Conference”, which takes place in Milan, Italy, on June 19, where the company will exhibit its real-time personalisation platform and Eddy Swindell will present "Personalisation in an omni-channel world".

About Fresh Relevance
Fresh Relevance is the real-time personalization platform for email, mobile and web. We increase sales with personalized customer experiences and real-time marketing tactics across email, mobile and web. Our marketing hub unifies siloed systems without the need for an integration project. We deliver full control of real-time marketing tactics such as triggered emails and cross-channel personalization. Organizations using Fresh Relevance include: Rip Curl, Homebase, M&M Direct, Harvey Nichols, Thorntons, and White Stuff.



Graham Thatcher           

Der neue Freeride-Handschuh Ergo Grip Incline von Hestra ©Hestra
HESTRA HW1718 Ergo Grip Incline

Hestra Alpine Pro, Frau Holle`s Liebling

  • Der neue Freeride-Handschuh Ergo Grip Incline von Hestra

München – Der Wintergott Ullr und Frau Holle scheinen in diesem Frühwinter gemeinsame Sache zu machen und versorgen Freunde des gepflegten Tiefschneepflügens mit massenhaft Powder. Kälte, Schnee und Stürme verlangen allerdings auch nach Top-Equipment. Hier kommt der neue Freeride-Handschuh Ergo Grip Incline von Hestra ins Spiel. Der Handschuh aus Bergziegen und Rindsleder kommt mit dem patentierten Ergo Grip-Design, das mit leicht vorgeformten Fingern eine optimale Passform verspricht.

  • Der neue Freeride-Handschuh Ergo Grip Incline von Hestra

München – Der Wintergott Ullr und Frau Holle scheinen in diesem Frühwinter gemeinsame Sache zu machen und versorgen Freunde des gepflegten Tiefschneepflügens mit massenhaft Powder. Kälte, Schnee und Stürme verlangen allerdings auch nach Top-Equipment. Hier kommt der neue Freeride-Handschuh Ergo Grip Incline von Hestra ins Spiel. Der Handschuh aus Bergziegen und Rindsleder kommt mit dem patentierten Ergo Grip-Design, das mit leicht vorgeformten Fingern eine optimale Passform verspricht.

Der neue Freeride Handschuh Ergo Grip Incline von Hestra vereint edle Materialien mit optimaler Passform und Robustheit. Die Handinnenfläche wird aus einem speziellen Bergziegenleder geformt. Das wird auf Grund seiner enormen Haltbarkeit auch für die Handschuhe des schwedischen Militärs benutzt und daher Army Leather genannt. Der Handrücken besteht aus imprägniertem und ebenfalls sehr robustem Rindsleder. Seine exzellente Passform verdankt der Handschuh dem patentierten Ergo Grip-Design. Bei dieser Konstruktion werden verschiedene Ebenen überlappend vernäht und verleihen dem Handschuh so eine der natürlichen Handhaltung angepasste, vorgeformte Passform. Am Handgelenk schließt der Handschuh mit einer Kombination aus Neoprenbündchen und Klettverschluss ab.

Tindex GB Network Marketing & Communication

Delivering naturally advanced innovations @ MunichFabricStart

TINTEX presents a new and fresh campaign with contemporary images that signal the launch of the Autumn Winter 2019 Jersey collections presented by CEO Mario Jorge, who describes the new ‘Naturally Advanced’ position as moving on from making beautiful organics and natural materials to the next level with advanced hybrid nature/hi-tech smarts, with added value creativity, thanks to focused investments that will serve and secure our customer demands both now and in the seasons to come.

THE COLLECTION. Come and see the autumn range of more than 80 new qualities and style and discuss your own tailor made needs designed to fit the Fashion, Sportswear, Athleisure and Underwear sectors. The TINTEX Collection uses at least 60% of more sustainable materials, such as Tencel, Organic cotton, Naturally organic linen, recycled and recovered smart materials including polyesters, nylons and now a new recycled stretch elastane too. Out of preference, and in keeping with its ethos of creating low impact fabrics, the major part of the collection eschews the use of animal based fibers, with the limited exception of some organic wool, silk and cashmere blend qualities.

TINTEX presents a new and fresh campaign with contemporary images that signal the launch of the Autumn Winter 2019 Jersey collections presented by CEO Mario Jorge, who describes the new ‘Naturally Advanced’ position as moving on from making beautiful organics and natural materials to the next level with advanced hybrid nature/hi-tech smarts, with added value creativity, thanks to focused investments that will serve and secure our customer demands both now and in the seasons to come.

THE COLLECTION. Come and see the autumn range of more than 80 new qualities and style and discuss your own tailor made needs designed to fit the Fashion, Sportswear, Athleisure and Underwear sectors. The TINTEX Collection uses at least 60% of more sustainable materials, such as Tencel, Organic cotton, Naturally organic linen, recycled and recovered smart materials including polyesters, nylons and now a new recycled stretch elastane too. Out of preference, and in keeping with its ethos of creating low impact fabrics, the major part of the collection eschews the use of animal based fibers, with the limited exception of some organic wool, silk and cashmere blend qualities.

More information:
Tintex, campaign, Fashion

GB Network Marketing & Communication

PrimaLoft- Nachhaltigkeit PrimaLoft
PrimaLoft- Nachhaltigkeit


PrimaLoft, Inc., geht seinen Weg in Sachen Umweltschutz und Nachhaltigkeit konsequent weiter. Der weltweit führende Anbieter von Komfortlösungen aus leistungsstarken Isolationsmaterialien, Funktionstextilien und Garnen, hat seinen ehrgeizigen 5-Jahres-Nachhaltigkeitsplan aktualisiert. Demnach sollen innerhalb der nächsten drei Jahren 90% der gesamten Isolationspalette einen Anteil von mindestens 50% an recycelten Fasern beinhalten – bisher war das Ziel 35% – ohne Kompromisse in Performance oder Komfort zu machen.

PrimaLoft, Inc., geht seinen Weg in Sachen Umweltschutz und Nachhaltigkeit konsequent weiter. Der weltweit führende Anbieter von Komfortlösungen aus leistungsstarken Isolationsmaterialien, Funktionstextilien und Garnen, hat seinen ehrgeizigen 5-Jahres-Nachhaltigkeitsplan aktualisiert. Demnach sollen innerhalb der nächsten drei Jahren 90% der gesamten Isolationspalette einen Anteil von mindestens 50% an recycelten Fasern beinhalten – bisher war das Ziel 35% – ohne Kompromisse in Performance oder Komfort zu machen.

Jochen Lagemann, Managing Director Europe & Asia von PrimaLoft dazu: „Nachhaltigkeit und soziale Verantwortung sind fest in unseren Unternehmenswerten verwurzelt. Wir versuchen bestmögliche Produkt-Performance mit möglichst minimalen Umwelteinwirkungen und gleichzeitiger Wirtschaftlichkeit zu verbinden. Das beginnt mit dem konsequenten Fokussieren auf leistungsstarke und haltbare Produkte mit langem Lebenszyklus, hört aber noch lange nicht bei einem möglichst hohen Anteil an recycelten Fasern bei mindestens gleichbleibender Leistung auf. Denn wir setzen unter anderem auf einen effizienten und verantwortungsvollen Produktionsprozess über die gesamte Lieferkette hinweg, der sich nach führenden Industrie- Zertifizierungsstandards richtet.“


crystal communications

#gibdirstoff segmenta communications GmbH

Gib Dir Stoff

Vorhänge können weit mehr als nur cool abhängen. Ganz unbemerkt wirken sie sich positiv auf das eigene Zuhause aus und erweisen sich als nützliche Helfer im Haushalt. #GibDirStoff wirft einen Blick hinter die schöne Fassade der Textilien und bringt ihre funktionale, teils außergewöhnliche Seite zum Vorschein. Ob flammenhemmende Eigenschaften, die Fähigkeit zur Luftreinigung oder ihre Auswirkungen auf die Energieeffizienz – #GibDirStoff erklärt die wichtigsten Funktionen im Überblick.

Vorhänge können weit mehr als nur cool abhängen. Ganz unbemerkt wirken sie sich positiv auf das eigene Zuhause aus und erweisen sich als nützliche Helfer im Haushalt. #GibDirStoff wirft einen Blick hinter die schöne Fassade der Textilien und bringt ihre funktionale, teils außergewöhnliche Seite zum Vorschein. Ob flammenhemmende Eigenschaften, die Fähigkeit zur Luftreinigung oder ihre Auswirkungen auf die Energieeffizienz – #GibDirStoff erklärt die wichtigsten Funktionen im Überblick.

More information:
#GibDirStoff, Textilien

segmenta communications GmbH