From the Sector

5951 results
HEREWEAR is winner of the Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year Photo: DITF
The Flexidress in its various forms

HEREWEAR is winner of the Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year

At the "International Conference on Cellulose Fibers 2024" in Cologne, Germany, the Nova Institute for Ecology and Innovation awarded first place in the Innovation Prize to the project partners of the EU-funded HEREWEAR project. They presented a dress made of cellulose fibers, which is entirely made of straw pulp.

HEREWEAR is an EU-wide research project that brings together partners from research and industry. They are working to establish a European circular economy for locally produced textiles and clothing made from bio-based raw materials.
The HEREWEAR consortium consists of small and medium-sized enterprises and research institutions. HEREWEAR covers all the necessary expertise and infrastructure from academic and applied research and industry from nine EU countries.

The HEREWEAR approach includes technical and ecological innovations in the production of fibers, yarns, fabrics, knitwear and garments, as well as the use of regional value chains and the circular development of fashion items.

At the "International Conference on Cellulose Fibers 2024" in Cologne, Germany, the Nova Institute for Ecology and Innovation awarded first place in the Innovation Prize to the project partners of the EU-funded HEREWEAR project. They presented a dress made of cellulose fibers, which is entirely made of straw pulp.

HEREWEAR is an EU-wide research project that brings together partners from research and industry. They are working to establish a European circular economy for locally produced textiles and clothing made from bio-based raw materials.
The HEREWEAR consortium consists of small and medium-sized enterprises and research institutions. HEREWEAR covers all the necessary expertise and infrastructure from academic and applied research and industry from nine EU countries.

The HEREWEAR approach includes technical and ecological innovations in the production of fibers, yarns, fabrics, knitwear and garments, as well as the use of regional value chains and the circular development of fashion items.

New technologies for wet and melt spinning of cellulose and bio-based polyesters, e.g. PLA, from which yarns and fabrics are produced, form the technical basis. Coating and dyeing processes have been developed and tested as part of the project. In addition to reducing the carbon footprint of the product, another environmental goal is to reduce the release of microfibers throughout the textile manufacturing process and life cycle.

Improving the sustainability and recyclability of the developed garments is ensured by design for circularity and digitally networked production means. On-demand production is realized in so-called "microfactories", which are individualized and produce only for actual demand. This production method can be achieved through regional, networked value chains and enables the traceability of materials and manufacturing processes.

The dress presented at the award ceremony is an example of the cooperation and the different qualifications of the project partners: TNO (Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research) provided sustainably produced pulp. The HighPerCell fibers were produced in DITF's spinning facilities. At the same time, designers from the fashion label Vretena created the design for the flexible, two-piece dress, which can be knitted without cutting waste. DITF textile experts worked with the designers to develop the knitting pattern. DITF textile engineers and technicians produced the knitted fabric and assembled the dress at the institutes’ technical center. DITF computer scientists and engineers created the "value chain" and "digital twins" for digital traceability of the production processes.

The innovation prize was awarded to the HEREWEAR consortiu for their joint achievement. Representatives of DITF Denkendorf and Vretena accepted the award on behalf of the EU project partners.


Deutsche Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung (DITF)


GOTS applauds European Parliament’s vote on Green Claims Directive

The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) applauds the European Parliament's vote to ban unverified 'green' product labels by enforcing stricter rules to back green claims and labels. By obligating companies to submit evidence about environmental marketing claims – including advertising and labelling products as ‘biodegradable’, ‘less polluting’, ‘water saving’, or having ‘bio-based content’ – consumers will be able to make better informed decisions about the sustainability of their purchases.

Consumers need protection from greenwashing and false claims about a product’s environmental impact. GOTS provides rules and tools for fostering responsible business practices and to support businesses to comply with domestic and international laws and beyond. The current GOTS Version 7.0 includes rigorous criteria for the protection of human, employment and social rights, as well as the environment and climate. By being certified to GOTS 7.0 and selling GOTS-labelled goods, companies are demonstrating their commitment to sustainability and human rights.

The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) applauds the European Parliament's vote to ban unverified 'green' product labels by enforcing stricter rules to back green claims and labels. By obligating companies to submit evidence about environmental marketing claims – including advertising and labelling products as ‘biodegradable’, ‘less polluting’, ‘water saving’, or having ‘bio-based content’ – consumers will be able to make better informed decisions about the sustainability of their purchases.

Consumers need protection from greenwashing and false claims about a product’s environmental impact. GOTS provides rules and tools for fostering responsible business practices and to support businesses to comply with domestic and international laws and beyond. The current GOTS Version 7.0 includes rigorous criteria for the protection of human, employment and social rights, as well as the environment and climate. By being certified to GOTS 7.0 and selling GOTS-labelled goods, companies are demonstrating their commitment to sustainability and human rights.


GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard)

DITF: CO2-negative construction with new composite material Photo: DITF
Structure of the wall element

DITF: CO2-negative construction with new composite material

The DITF is leading the joint project "DACCUS-Pre*". The basic idea of the project is to develop a new building material that stores carbon in the long term and removes more CO2 from the atmosphere than is emitted during its production.       

In collaboration with the company TechnoCarbon Technologies, the project is now well advanced - a first demonstrator in the form of a house wall element has been realized. It consists of three materials: Natural stone, carbon fibers and biochar. Each component contributes in a different way to the negative CO2 balance of the material:

Two slabs of natural stone form the exposed walls of the wall element. The mechanical processing of the material, i.e. sawing in stone cutting machines, produces significant quantities of stone dust. This is very reactive due to its large specific surface area. Silicate weathering of the rock dust permanently binds a large amount of CO2 from the atmosphere.

The DITF is leading the joint project "DACCUS-Pre*". The basic idea of the project is to develop a new building material that stores carbon in the long term and removes more CO2 from the atmosphere than is emitted during its production.       

In collaboration with the company TechnoCarbon Technologies, the project is now well advanced - a first demonstrator in the form of a house wall element has been realized. It consists of three materials: Natural stone, carbon fibers and biochar. Each component contributes in a different way to the negative CO2 balance of the material:

Two slabs of natural stone form the exposed walls of the wall element. The mechanical processing of the material, i.e. sawing in stone cutting machines, produces significant quantities of stone dust. This is very reactive due to its large specific surface area. Silicate weathering of the rock dust permanently binds a large amount of CO2 from the atmosphere.

Carbon fibers in the form of technical fabrics reinforce the side walls of the wall elements. They absorb tensile forces and are intended to stabilize the building material in the same way as reinforcing steel in concrete. The carbon fibers used are bio-based, produced from biomass. Lignin-based carbon fibers, which have long been technically optimized at DITF Denkendorf, are particularly suitable for this application: They are inexpensive due to low raw material costs and have a high carbon yield. In addition, unlike reinforcing steel, they are not susceptible to oxidation and therefore last much longer. Although carbon fibers are more energy-intensive to produce than steel, as used in reinforced concrete, only a small amount is needed for use in building materials. As a result, the energy and CO2 balance is much better than for reinforced concrete. By using solar heat and biomass to produce the carbon fibers and the weathering of the stone dust, the CO2 balance of the new building material is actually negative, making it possible to construct CO2-negative buildings.

The third component of the new building material is biochar. This is used as a filler between the two rock slabs. The char acts as an effective insulating material. It is also a permanent source of CO2 storage, which plays a significant role in the CO2 balance of the entire wall element.

From a technical point of view, the already realized demonstrator, a wall element for structural engineering, is well developed. The natural stone used is a gabbro from India, which has a high-quality appearance and is suitable for high loads. This has been proven in load tests.  Bio-based carbon fibers serve as the top layer of the stone slabs. The biochar from Convoris GmbH is characterized by particularly good thermal insulation values.

The CO2 balance of a house wall made of the new material has been calculated and compared with that of conventional reinforced concrete. This results in a difference in the CO2 balance of 157 CO2 equivalents per square meter of house wall. A significant saving!

* (Methods for removing atmospheric carbon dioxide (Carbon Dioxide Removal) by Direct Air Carbon Capture, Utilization and Sustainable Storage after Use (DACCUS).


Deutsche Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung

Konzept Recycling Center Grafik: Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI)

Abschlussmeeting im SmartERZ-Projekt TRICYCLE

Im Februar fand im Sächsischen Textilforschungsinstitut e. V. (STFI) in Chemnitz das Abschlussmeeting des Verbundprojekts „TRICYCLE – Entwicklung und Konzeptionierung eines SmartERZ Smart Composites Recycling Centers“ statt. TRICYCLE ist ein Projekt des disziplinübergreifenden Innovationsvorhaben SmartERZ aus dem Erzgebirge, welches durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) im Programm „WIR! – Wandel durch Innovation in der Region“ gefördert wird. SmartERZ ist ein branchenübergreifendes Technologiebündnis zur Entwicklung von funktionsintegrierten Faserverbundwerkstoffen.

Im Februar fand im Sächsischen Textilforschungsinstitut e. V. (STFI) in Chemnitz das Abschlussmeeting des Verbundprojekts „TRICYCLE – Entwicklung und Konzeptionierung eines SmartERZ Smart Composites Recycling Centers“ statt. TRICYCLE ist ein Projekt des disziplinübergreifenden Innovationsvorhaben SmartERZ aus dem Erzgebirge, welches durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) im Programm „WIR! – Wandel durch Innovation in der Region“ gefördert wird. SmartERZ ist ein branchenübergreifendes Technologiebündnis zur Entwicklung von funktionsintegrierten Faserverbundwerkstoffen.

Im Vorhaben wurde ein technologisches Recyclingkonzept für die zukünftig entstehenden smarten Produkte sowie die in der Produktion entstehenden Abfälle in der Region entwickelt. Ziel war die Entwicklung standardisierter, skalierbarer Verfahren, mit größtmöglichem Automatisierungsgrad unter Einhaltung der geltenden Gesetze, Verordnungen und Normen. Das Projekt lief vom 01.09.2021 bis 31.12.2023. Im Abschlussmeeting einer 28-monatigen Projektarbeit wurden den Teilnehmenden die Ergebnisse vorgestellt. Die Arbeit beinhaltet das Centerkonzept sowie eine Datenerhebung zu potenziell regional verfügbaren Mengen und anschließenden Verwertungsoptionen sowie die Entwicklung gewisser Designrichtlinien für das Recycling.

Eingegossen in die bestehenden Strukturen der SmartERZ Region und darüber hinaus, ist das Konzept für ein Center entstanden, welches als eine Art Drehkreuz für regionale Abfälle rund um diese Thematik fungieren soll. Darüber können Abfallströme gesammelt, erstbehandelt und für das rohstoffliche Recycling vorbereitet werden. Die Erstbehandlung schließt Technologien der Qualitätskontrolle/Qualitätsmanagement, Zerkleinerung, Pelletierung und Kompaktierung ein. Über dieses Drehkreuz sollen auch Kleinstmengen wirtschaftlich attraktiven Verwertungswegen und einer Weiterverwendung zugänglich gemacht werden.

Neben der stofflichen Vernetzung beinhaltet das Konzept für das Recycling Center die Voraussetzungen um als Vernetzungsstelle rund um die Thematik (textiler) Kreislaufwirtschaft zu fungieren. Unternehmen, Forschung, Lehre und öffentliche Einrichtungen können und sollen in Diskurs treten, um die bestmöglichen Verwertungsoptionen für entsprechende Abfälle zu finden, aber auch die Vermeidung und Wiederverwendung von Abfällen voranzutreiben, langlebige Produkte zu schaffen und Wissen zu teilen.

Die Projektpartner stimmen überein, dass nun nach Wegen gesucht werden muss, um das entstandene Konzept umzusetzen. Zusätzlich bahnen sich bereits Kooperationen mit anderen Forschungsvorhaben an. Johannes Leis als Projektleiter TRICYCLE und Dr. Stefan Minar seitens des Projekts WIRreFa sehen nun die Chance, gar die Notwendigkeit, die offensichtlichen Schnittstellen beider Projekte so schnell wie möglich zusammenzubringen. Vielleicht noch während der zweiten Phase des Projektes WIReFa.

More information:


Polartec: New High-Performance fabric with recycled materials (c) Polartec

Polartec: New High-Performance fabric with recycled materials

Polartec® introduces Polartec® Power Shield™ RPM, made from recycled polyester materials and the Polartec® 200, and Micro Series recycled fleeces featuring Polartec® Shed Less™ technology.

Polartec® Power Shield™ RPM is a recycled polyester fabric that offers waterproofness, wind-proofness and breathability, and also ensures high-stretch comfort and resilience. With its high range of motion and highly durable 100% recycled polyester membrane designed for high intensity activities, Power Shield™ RPM elevates end use comfort and is made for runners, cyclists and golfers who refuse to trade performance for sustainability.

Polartec® Shed Less™ technology is an innovative process that decreases fiber fragment shedding during home laundering up to 85%* without compromising the performance or durability of the fabrics it’s applied to. Less shedding means fewer microfiber fragments end up in the oceans and waterways.

Polartec® introduces Polartec® Power Shield™ RPM, made from recycled polyester materials and the Polartec® 200, and Micro Series recycled fleeces featuring Polartec® Shed Less™ technology.

Polartec® Power Shield™ RPM is a recycled polyester fabric that offers waterproofness, wind-proofness and breathability, and also ensures high-stretch comfort and resilience. With its high range of motion and highly durable 100% recycled polyester membrane designed for high intensity activities, Power Shield™ RPM elevates end use comfort and is made for runners, cyclists and golfers who refuse to trade performance for sustainability.

Polartec® Shed Less™ technology is an innovative process that decreases fiber fragment shedding during home laundering up to 85%* without compromising the performance or durability of the fabrics it’s applied to. Less shedding means fewer microfiber fragments end up in the oceans and waterways.

Polartec® Micro™ Series is engineered to provide long-lasting comfort in a vast range of conditions and activity levels. This recycled fleece with Polartec® Shed Less™ technology is made from a lofted structure with thermal air pockets to retain warmth without inhibiting breathability. Polartec® Micro™ Series is both hydrophobic and fast drying.

Polartec® 200 Series is the modern version of the original PolarFleece®, which in 1993 became the first performance fleece knit from yarn made from recycled plastic bottles. It has a great resiliency, lightweight warmth and a fast drying time.

More information:
Polartec Shed Less Fleece polyester


Robot system (c) STFI

STFI: Highlights of textile research at Techtextil 2024

STFI will be presenting high-end textile products and solutions at Techtextil 2024. The highlights from current research results and innovations provide an insight into the digitalisation of textile production, show applications for 3D printing and smart technical textiles and provide examples of particularly sustainably designed products as well as innovative approaches for protective and medical textiles.

The central highlight of STFI's presence at Techtextil is a robot system that demonstrates the automated processing of a bobbin frame on a small scale. The pick-and-place application demonstrates camera-supported gripping of the bobbins. The robot is part of the STFI's “Textile Factory of the Future” which demonstrates automation solutions for the textile industry in a laboratory environment.

STFI will be presenting high-end textile products and solutions at Techtextil 2024. The highlights from current research results and innovations provide an insight into the digitalisation of textile production, show applications for 3D printing and smart technical textiles and provide examples of particularly sustainably designed products as well as innovative approaches for protective and medical textiles.

The central highlight of STFI's presence at Techtextil is a robot system that demonstrates the automated processing of a bobbin frame on a small scale. The pick-and-place application demonstrates camera-supported gripping of the bobbins. The robot is part of the STFI's “Textile Factory of the Future” which demonstrates automation solutions for the textile industry in a laboratory environment.

From the field of sustainable products and solutions, a sleeping bag with bio-based and therefore vegan filling material and a natural fibre-based composite element for furniture construction, in which LEDs and capacitive proximity sensors for contactless function control have been applied using embroidery technology, will be on show. Printed heating conductor structures demonstrate current research work for the e-mobility of the future, as the individually controllable seat and interior heating should ultimately reduce weight and save energy compared to conventional heating systems.

While a protective suit for special task forces protects against the dangers of a Molotov cocktail attack, a shin guard and a knee brace with patellar ring illustrate the process combination of 3D printing and UV LED cross-linking. Other highlights from lightweight textile construction include the rib of a vertical rudder of an Airbus A320 and a green snowboard made from recycled carbon fibres.

More information:
STFI Techtextil Smart textiles

Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI)

Deutschland: anmeldestärkste Bereiche Grafik Europäisches Patentamt 2024

Europäischer Patent Index 2023: Wieder mehr Anmeldungen aus Deutschland

Der am 19. März veröffentlichte Patent Index 2023 zeigt eine neue Höchstmarke: Beim Europäischen Patentamt (EPA) wurden im vergangenen Jahr insgesamt 199.275 Patentanmeldungen eingereicht, was einem Anstieg von +2,9 % gegenüber dem Vorjahr entspricht. Der positive Trend aus den Jahren 2021 (+4,7 %) und 2022 (+2,6 %) hat sich weiter fortgesetzt. Patentanmeldungen stehen als wichtiger Frühindikator für Investitionen der Unternehmen in Forschung und Entwicklung. Zugleich unterstützen sie die Vermarktung von Erfindungen.

Der am 19. März veröffentlichte Patent Index 2023 zeigt eine neue Höchstmarke: Beim Europäischen Patentamt (EPA) wurden im vergangenen Jahr insgesamt 199.275 Patentanmeldungen eingereicht, was einem Anstieg von +2,9 % gegenüber dem Vorjahr entspricht. Der positive Trend aus den Jahren 2021 (+4,7 %) und 2022 (+2,6 %) hat sich weiter fortgesetzt. Patentanmeldungen stehen als wichtiger Frühindikator für Investitionen der Unternehmen in Forschung und Entwicklung. Zugleich unterstützen sie die Vermarktung von Erfindungen.

Aus Deutschland wurden beim EPA im vergangenen Jahr 24.966 Patentanmeldungen eingereicht, +1,4% mehr als im Vorjahr, die erste Zunahme nach drei Jahren mit stagnierendem Anmeldeaufkommen. Deutschland bleibt an der Spitze der europäischen Staaten und steht im weltweiten Ranking der europäischen Patentanmeldungen weiterhin auf dem zweiten Platz hinter den USA. 2023 stammten rund 12,5% aller beim EPA eingereichten Anmeldungen aus Deutschland.  
Starkes Wachstum aus China und Korea
Die fünf Länder mit den meisten europäischen Patentanmeldungen im letzten Jahr waren die USA, auf die 24% des gesamten Anmeldeaufkommens entfielen, Deutschland, Japan (11%), China (10%) und die Republik Korea (6%). Der Anstieg der Patentanmeldungen im vergangenen Jahr beruht vor allem auf der weiterhin starken Zunahme aus Korea (+21% zum Vorjahr) und China (+8,8% gegenüber 2022). Damit rückt das Land auf den 5. Platz im Länderranking vor.
Technologietrends: Deutschland weiterhin in der Mobilität führend – starkes Wachstum bei Elektrische Maschinen/Energie, in der Computertechnik und Biotechnologie
Die zahlenmäßig stärksten Technologiefelder bei den Patentanmeldungen aus Deutschland waren erneut die traditionell patentintensiven Bereiche Elektrische Maschinen/Geräte/Energie, Transport (einschließlich der Fahrzeugtechnologien) sowie Messtechnik. Daneben wurden insbesondere in zukunftsträchtigen Segmenten wie der Computertechnik (+13,5%) und der Biotechnologie (+13,4%) wieder deutlich mehr Patente angemeldet. Im Länder-Ranking für die Biotechnologie ist Deutschland die Nummer zwei hinter den USA. Unter den 25 anmeldestärksten Unternehmen in diesem Bereich finden sich fünf deutsche Firmen, angeführt von BASF, das auf dem achten Platz rangiert. In der Computertechnik liegt Deutschland auf Rang 3 hinter den USA und China. Unter den Top 25 in Computertechnik befinden sich mit Siemens und der Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft ebenfalls zwei deutsche Anmelder.  
In seinen traditionell anmeldestarken Technologiesegmenten hat das „Autoland Deutschland“, im Jahr 2023 seinen Spitzenplatz verteidigt, besonders im Bereich Transport: Mehr als 20% aller im vergangenen Jahr eingereichten europäischen Patentanmeldungen in diesem Sektor stammten aus Deutschland. In der Messtechnik, die auch die für die 4. Industrielle Revolution wichtigen Sensoren umfasst, meldeten nur US-amerikanische Unternehmen mehr Patente an als die deutschen Firmen (+6,5% im Jahresvergleich). Auf dem Gebiet Elektrische Maschinen, Geräte, Energie steht Deutschland weltweit an dritter Stelle beim EPA, hinter den Spitzenreitern China und der Republik Korea. Hier stiegen die Patentanmeldungen aus Deutschland um +7,7% gegenüber dem Vorjahr. Die Firma Robert Bosch liegt im internationalen Vergleich auf Rang 12 der Patentanmelder beim EPA für Erfindungen in der Batterietechnik, einem Teilgebiet von Elektrische Maschinen / Geräte / Energie. 

More information:
Europäisches Patentamt Patents

Europäisches Patentamt

Professor Dr.-Ing. Markus Milwich Photo: DITF
Professor Dr.-Ing. Markus Milwich.

Markus Milwich represents "Lightweight Design Agency for Baden-Württemberg"

Lightweight design is a key enabler for addressing the energy transition and sustainable economy. Following the liquidation of the state agency Leichtbau BW GmbH, a consortium consisting of the Allianz Faserbasierter Werkstoffe Baden-Württtemberg (AFBW), the Leichtbauzentrum Baden-Württemberg (LBZ e.V. -BW) and Composites United Baden-Württemberg (CU BW) now represents the interests of the lightweight construction community in the State.

The Lightweight Design Agency for Baden-Württemberg is set up for this purpose on behalf of and with the support of the State. The Lightweight Construction Alliance BW is the central point of contact for all players in the field of lightweight construction in the State and acts in their interests at national and international level. Professor Markus Milwich from the German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf (DITF) represents the agency.

Lightweight design is a key enabler for addressing the energy transition and sustainable economy. Following the liquidation of the state agency Leichtbau BW GmbH, a consortium consisting of the Allianz Faserbasierter Werkstoffe Baden-Württtemberg (AFBW), the Leichtbauzentrum Baden-Württemberg (LBZ e.V. -BW) and Composites United Baden-Württemberg (CU BW) now represents the interests of the lightweight construction community in the State.

The Lightweight Design Agency for Baden-Württemberg is set up for this purpose on behalf of and with the support of the State. The Lightweight Construction Alliance BW is the central point of contact for all players in the field of lightweight construction in the State and acts in their interests at national and international level. Professor Markus Milwich from the German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf (DITF) represents the agency.

The use of lightweight materials in combination with new production technologies will significantly reduce energy consumption in transportation, the manufacturing industry and the construction sector. Resources can be saved through the use of new materials. As a cross-functional technology, lightweight construction covers entire value chain from production and use to recycling and reuse.

The aim of the state government is to establish Baden-Württemberg as a leading provider of innovative lightweight construction technologies in order to strengthen the local economy and secure high-quality jobs.

Among others, the "Lightweight Construction Alliance Baden-Württemberg" will continue the nationally renowned "Lightweight Construction Day", which acts as an important source of inspiration for a wide range of lightweight construction topics among business and scientific community.

Professor Milwich, an expert with many years of experience and an excellent network beyond the State's borders, has been recruited for this task. In his role, Milwich also represents the state of Baden-Württemberg on the Strategy Advisory Board of the Lightweight Construction Initiative of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, which supports the cross functional-technology and efficient transfer of knowledge between the various nationwide players in lightweight construction and serves as a central point of contact for entrepreneurs nationwide for all relevant questions.

From 2005 to 2020, Professor Milwich headed the Composite Technology research at the DITF, which was integrated into the Competence Center Polymers and Fiber Composites in 2020. He is also an honorary professor at Reutlingen University, where he teaches hybrid materials and composites. "Lightweight design is an essential aspect for sustainability, environmental and resource conservation. I always showcase this in research and teaching and now also as a representative of the lightweight construction community in Baden-Württemberg," emphasizes Professor Milwich.


Deutsche Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung

Das Team des FTB der Hochschule Niederrhein zu Besuch bei der Firma Bache Innovative, mit der es im Rahmen von „KnitCycle“ Recycling-Versuche durchführt. Dazu wurden erste textile Produktionsabfälle klassifiziert und sortiert. Foto Hochschule Niederrhein
Das Team des FTB der Hochschule Niederrhein zu Besuch bei der Firma Bache Innovative, mit der es im Rahmen von „KnitCycle“ Recycling-Versuche durchführt. Dazu wurden erste textile Produktionsabfälle klassifiziert und sortiert.

KnitCycle: Forschungsprojekt für kreislaufgerechte Flachstrick-Textilien

87 Prozent des weltweiten Textilabfalls in der Bekleidungsindustrie landen auf Deponien oder werden verbrannt. Von den 13 Prozent, die noch mechanisch weiterverarbeitet werden, enden die meisten Alttextilien als Dämmmaterial (Downcycling). Nicht einmal ein Prozent werden zu hochwertigen Fasern aufbereitet, aus denen wieder neue Kleidung entsteht.
Gemeinsam mit Bache Innovative als Antragstellerin hat die Hochschule Niederrhein (HSNR) ein großes Forschungsprojekt gestartet: „KnitCycle – kreislaufgerechte Produktentwicklung für Flachstricktextilien“. Die Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU) fördert das Vorhaben für zwei Jahre mit insgesamt rund 290.000 Euro, davon fließen 225.000 Euro an die HSNR.
Wo Textilabfall recycelt und damit in den Kreislauf zurückgeführt werden kann, muss auch weniger entsorgt werden. Werden Produktionsabfälle und -überhänge vernichtet, ist das nicht nur teuer für die Unternehmen. Für die Herstellung neuer Kleidung müssen auch wieder neue Fasern erzeugt werden. Je nach Faserstoff kommt es dabei zu großem Wasserverbrauch, starkem Pestizid- und Düngemitteleinsatz sowie langen Transportwegen mit hohen CO2-Emissionen.  

87 Prozent des weltweiten Textilabfalls in der Bekleidungsindustrie landen auf Deponien oder werden verbrannt. Von den 13 Prozent, die noch mechanisch weiterverarbeitet werden, enden die meisten Alttextilien als Dämmmaterial (Downcycling). Nicht einmal ein Prozent werden zu hochwertigen Fasern aufbereitet, aus denen wieder neue Kleidung entsteht.
Gemeinsam mit Bache Innovative als Antragstellerin hat die Hochschule Niederrhein (HSNR) ein großes Forschungsprojekt gestartet: „KnitCycle – kreislaufgerechte Produktentwicklung für Flachstricktextilien“. Die Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU) fördert das Vorhaben für zwei Jahre mit insgesamt rund 290.000 Euro, davon fließen 225.000 Euro an die HSNR.
Wo Textilabfall recycelt und damit in den Kreislauf zurückgeführt werden kann, muss auch weniger entsorgt werden. Werden Produktionsabfälle und -überhänge vernichtet, ist das nicht nur teuer für die Unternehmen. Für die Herstellung neuer Kleidung müssen auch wieder neue Fasern erzeugt werden. Je nach Faserstoff kommt es dabei zu großem Wasserverbrauch, starkem Pestizid- und Düngemitteleinsatz sowie langen Transportwegen mit hohen CO2-Emissionen.  
Die Projektpartner erarbeiten ein Konzept, mit dem gestrickte Produkte so entwickelt werden können, dass sie sich am Produktlebensende durch ein Faser-zu-Faser-Recycling zu hochwertigen Fasern neu aufbereiten lassen. Aus diesen Fasern kann anschließend neues, industriell verarbeitbares Garn für Bekleidung hergestellt werden, das im Idealfall später abermals recycelt werden kann.
Unter dem Motto „Design for Recycling“ analysieren die Partner, welche Faktoren und Verfahren am besten geeignet sind, Textilien schon bei ihrer Entstehung so zu planen, dass sie am Produktlebensende optimal recyclingfähig sind. Gleichzeitig dürfen sich Ästhetik, Qualität und Langlebigkeit der Produkte nicht verschlechtern. Die Frage ist also: Welche Parameter im mechanischen Recycling werden benötigt und welche Produkteigenschaften erzielen das beste kreislauffähige Ergebnis?
„KnitCycle“ konzentriert sich auf Pulloverwaren und Produkte, die auf Flachstrickmaschinen endformgerecht in Deutschland produziert werden. Dafür liefert und produziert die auf 3D-Strickwaren spezialisierte Firma Bache Innovative eigenes Abfall- und Forschungsmaterial.
Unterstützung mit Experten-Knowhow gibt es auch von TURNS Faserkreisläufe. Dieses Unternehmen stellt recycelte Garne aus verschiedenen gebrauchten, ausrangierten Alttextilien her.
Die Faser-zu-Faser-Recycling-Versuche finden am hochschuleigenen Forschungsinstitut für Textil und Bekleidung (FTB) statt. Dazu schafft die HSNR von dem Fördergeld eine Reißmaschine für das Textilrecycling an. Hiermit werden vor Ort die optimalen Prozessparameter für das Recycling der jeweiligen Produkttypen ermittelt. Die in diesem Prozess gewonnenen Reißfasern werden dann u.a. mit Unterstützung der Firma Textechno H. Stein GmbH & Co. KG aus Mönchengladbach analysiert und bewertet.

Mittels unterschiedlicher Aufbereitungs- und Spinnverfahren werden aus den Reißfasern anschließend neue Garne hergestellt. Die Forschenden testen, wie sich die Fasern wiederverspinnen lassen – auch in Kombination mit anderen Naturfasern, um mit möglichst hochwertigen neuen Produkten den Produktkreislauf zu schließen.

An Labor-Strickmaschinen erzeugt das FTB-Team erste 2D-Strickproben. Die finalen Strickprodukte aus den recycelten Garnen stellt der Kooperationspartner Bache Innovative her. 


Hochschule Niederrhein

slide needle Photo: Groz-Beckert

Groz-Beckert/ Vanguard Pailung: Innovative slider needle for circular knitting machines

Groz-Beckert offers interested machine builders various cooperation opportunities to jointly develop new products or improve existing ones. In collaboration with Vanguard Pailung, a manufacturer of ultra-high-speed knitting machines for body-size products, Groz-Beckert has developed an innovative slider needle for a new generation of machines. Groz-Beckert's Technology and Development Center (TEZ) provides the appropriate framework for so-called co-development projects.

In June 2022, Vanguard Pailung approached Groz-Beckert with a cooperation request. Together with Groz-Beckert, the company wanted to develop a new needle solution for an innovative ultra-high-speed machine. Together with an innovative slide needle, the new machine was to exceed the speed and productivity of known knitting systems of large circular knitting machines.

Machine and needle development ran in parallel and were closely coordinated. The first field tests took place in the Vanguard Pailung laboratory in Monroe/NC, USA in February 2023. The successful development was presented to a wide audience for the first time at ITMA 2023 in June.

Groz-Beckert offers interested machine builders various cooperation opportunities to jointly develop new products or improve existing ones. In collaboration with Vanguard Pailung, a manufacturer of ultra-high-speed knitting machines for body-size products, Groz-Beckert has developed an innovative slider needle for a new generation of machines. Groz-Beckert's Technology and Development Center (TEZ) provides the appropriate framework for so-called co-development projects.

In June 2022, Vanguard Pailung approached Groz-Beckert with a cooperation request. Together with Groz-Beckert, the company wanted to develop a new needle solution for an innovative ultra-high-speed machine. Together with an innovative slide needle, the new machine was to exceed the speed and productivity of known knitting systems of large circular knitting machines.

Machine and needle development ran in parallel and were closely coordinated. The first field tests took place in the Vanguard Pailung laboratory in Monroe/NC, USA in February 2023. The successful development was presented to a wide audience for the first time at ITMA 2023 in June.

Unlike latch needles, slide needles do not form the stitch via a needle latch, but via a slide that is controlled by its own channel. The advantage of this is that the needle can withstand high speeds, as there is no latch impact, which in turn increases productivity.

The use of the new slide needle in ultra-high-speed machines ensures a particularly high level of process reliability. With the new needle variant, the closer is guided safely and precisely in the groove in the needle shank. At the same time, the base of the needle shank is closed, which ensures maximum stability. The slider needle reliably prevents the so-called latch impact and thus makes a decisive contribution to process reliability. Its use ensures a uniform and speed-independent loop structure, even at maximum speeds.




Autoneum: Increase in revenue and profit in 2023

Autoneum significantly improved revenue in local currencies by 34.8% in 2023 compared to the previous year, supported by inorganic growth and a positive market environment. Consolidated in Swiss francs, revenue increased by 27.6% to CHF 2 302.3 million. The acquisition of Borgers Automotive already made a positive contribution to earnings and value in the first year and Business Group North America achieved a turnaround. EBIT adjusted for one-time effects more than doubled year-on-year to CHF 99.2 million and, with an EBIT margin of 4.3%, was at the upper end of the guidance. Net profit for the full year 2023 increased by an impressive CHF 50.2 million to CHF 61.1 million. Based on the positive net results, the Board of Directors is proposing a dividend of CHF 2.50 per share.

Autoneum significantly improved revenue in local currencies by 34.8% in 2023 compared to the previous year, supported by inorganic growth and a positive market environment. Consolidated in Swiss francs, revenue increased by 27.6% to CHF 2 302.3 million. The acquisition of Borgers Automotive already made a positive contribution to earnings and value in the first year and Business Group North America achieved a turnaround. EBIT adjusted for one-time effects more than doubled year-on-year to CHF 99.2 million and, with an EBIT margin of 4.3%, was at the upper end of the guidance. Net profit for the full year 2023 increased by an impressive CHF 50.2 million to CHF 61.1 million. Based on the positive net results, the Board of Directors is proposing a dividend of CHF 2.50 per share.

According to forecasts, worldwide automobile production will be somewhat restrained in 2024 and may even decline slightly compared with 2023. Based on these market forecasts1, Autoneum expects revenue in 2024 of CHF 2.3 billion to 2.5 billion. The Company anticipates an EBIT margin of 4.5–5.5% and free cash flow in the high upper double-digit million range for 2024.

1 Source: S&P Global Light Vehicle Production Forecast of February 16, 2024.

More information:
Autoneum financial year 2023

Autoneum Management AG


Solvay: Full-year 2023 results

  • Solvay’s FY 2023 financial statements reflect the Partial Demerger completed on December 9, 2023, with the Specialty businesses transferred to Syensqo classified as discontinued operations for 2023.
  • New Solvay leadership team committed to drive the transformation of the company.
  • Net sales for the full year 2023 at €4,880 million were down -12.6% organically versus 2022, driven primarily by volume declines. In Q4, net sales decreased organically by -18.9% from both lower volumes and prices.
  • Underlying EBITDA of €1,246 million for the full year 2023 was stable (+0.2%) on an organic basis compared to a record 2022, with positive Net Pricing and lower fixed costs offsetting the drop in volumes. EBITDA in the fourth quarter was down -24.5% organically vs Q4 2022, fully driven by lower volumes, with variable costs reduction offsetting price erosion, while fixed costs decreased slightly.
  • Underlying net profit from continuing operations was €588 million in 2023 compared to €740 million in 2022.
  • Free Cash Flow of €561 million in 2023 (+17.3% vs.
  • Solvay’s FY 2023 financial statements reflect the Partial Demerger completed on December 9, 2023, with the Specialty businesses transferred to Syensqo classified as discontinued operations for 2023.
  • New Solvay leadership team committed to drive the transformation of the company.
  • Net sales for the full year 2023 at €4,880 million were down -12.6% organically versus 2022, driven primarily by volume declines. In Q4, net sales decreased organically by -18.9% from both lower volumes and prices.
  • Underlying EBITDA of €1,246 million for the full year 2023 was stable (+0.2%) on an organic basis compared to a record 2022, with positive Net Pricing and lower fixed costs offsetting the drop in volumes. EBITDA in the fourth quarter was down -24.5% organically vs Q4 2022, fully driven by lower volumes, with variable costs reduction offsetting price erosion, while fixed costs decreased slightly.
  • Underlying net profit from continuing operations was €588 million in 2023 compared to €740 million in 2022.
  • Free Cash Flow of €561 million in 2023 (+17.3% vs. €479 million in 2022) resulting in a record FCF conversion ratio of 45.4%, thanks to the strong EBITDA performance and to the positive impact from working capital variation.
  • ROCE was 20.4% in 2023, -2.5pp compared to 2022 as a result of lower profit.
  • Solid balance sheet at the end of December 2023, in line with the target capital structure announced in November 2023, with an underlying net debt of €1.5 billion, which translates into a leverage ratio of 1.2x.
  • Total proposed gross dividend of €2.43 per share, subject to shareholders’ approval during the next Ordinary General Meeting of May 28, 2024.
  • Solvay continues to reduce its GHG emissions (-19% vs 2021, scope 1 and 2).
  • 2024 Outlook: Organic growth of the underlying EBITDA of -10% to -20% compared to restated 2023; Free cash flow of minimum €260 million

2024 outlook
Across its product portfolio, Solvay expects current demand levels to continue over the next few months and, as such, expects H1 2024 volumes to be broadly in line with H2 2023. At this point, there is little visibility on the second half of the year, however there are signs that the trend in the second half could improve. Solvay expects Soda Ash prices over FY 2024 to be lower than FY 2023, consistent with the current market environment, which will affect the business margin in 2024. Pricing trends across Solvay’s other businesses are forecasted to be more resilient year on year.

Lower energy and raw materials prices should offset some of the negative pressure on the topline. More importantly, Solvay has started to implement cost savings initiatives that will start to deliver results in 2024.

For full year 2024, Solvay expects an organic growth of the underlying EBITDA by -10% to -20% versus a high comparison base in 2023, especially in H1. This translates into a range of €925 million to €1,040 million at a 1.10 EUR/USD exchange rate.

The organic growth of the underlying EBITDA is calculated from a 2023 restated figure of €1,154 million (vs a reported figure of €1,246 million).

Free cash flow to Solvay shareholders from continuing operations is expected to be greater than €260 million, in line with the cash usage prioritization presented during the Capital Market Day in November 2023. It is supported by Solvay’s ability to manage its capex and working capital to ensure the financing of its businesses and the payment of dividends while keeping the strength of its balance sheet intact.

Solvay remains committed to implement its strategic roadmap and reconfirms its 2028 targets as communicated at the Capital Markets Day of November 2023.




Lenzing: Combined annual and sustainability report 2023

  • Combination of financial and non-financial reporting as evidence of the central role of sustainability
  • Measurable progress in achieving sustainability and climate targets
  • Recognized for sustainability and prepares for the European Green Deal

The Lenzing Group has published a combined annual and sustainability report for the first time, reaffirming the strategic importance of social and environmental responsibility for the company. With the title “Ready to join?”, Lenzing would like to extend an invitation to all customers and partners to join forces to renew the textile and nonwovens industries and bring about positive change.

“This annual and sustainability report is also an invitation to find answers together. Lenzing is working tirelessly to make the industries in which it operates even more sustainable and to drive the transformation of the textile business model from linear to circular. For this transformation to be successful, further efforts by the entire industry and a policy designed to ensure a level playing field for sustainability pioneers are needed,” says Stephan Sielaff, CEO of the Lenzing Group.

  • Combination of financial and non-financial reporting as evidence of the central role of sustainability
  • Measurable progress in achieving sustainability and climate targets
  • Recognized for sustainability and prepares for the European Green Deal

The Lenzing Group has published a combined annual and sustainability report for the first time, reaffirming the strategic importance of social and environmental responsibility for the company. With the title “Ready to join?”, Lenzing would like to extend an invitation to all customers and partners to join forces to renew the textile and nonwovens industries and bring about positive change.

“This annual and sustainability report is also an invitation to find answers together. Lenzing is working tirelessly to make the industries in which it operates even more sustainable and to drive the transformation of the textile business model from linear to circular. For this transformation to be successful, further efforts by the entire industry and a policy designed to ensure a level playing field for sustainability pioneers are needed,” says Stephan Sielaff, CEO of the Lenzing Group.

The results for the 2023 financial year were already published. The report was once again prepared in digital form and is now available.


Lenzing AG

adidas and Yohji Yamamoto: Second Y-3 Atelier Collection (c) adidas AG

adidas and Yohji Yamamoto: Second Y-3 Atelier Collection

  • adidas and Yohji Yamamoto return to present their second Y-3 Atelier collection.

For its second collection, Y-3 Atelier introduces a suite of tailored pieces which blend adidas’ performance heritage with Yohji Yamamoto’s design vision. The collection takes original Yohji Yamamoto and Yohji Yamamoto POUR HOMME designs that are from the runway show and recreates them in fully seam sealed waterproof 3-layer GORE-TEX® material constructions, while maintaining the signature silhouette of the original designs. Featuring extended seams and flap pockets, the selection of monochromatic black vests, coats, parkas, blousons, jackets, and blazers comes replete with reflective logos.

Accompanying the launch of the collection is a series of still images captured by photographer Thue Nørgaard which convey the dynamism of each piece.

  • adidas and Yohji Yamamoto return to present their second Y-3 Atelier collection.

For its second collection, Y-3 Atelier introduces a suite of tailored pieces which blend adidas’ performance heritage with Yohji Yamamoto’s design vision. The collection takes original Yohji Yamamoto and Yohji Yamamoto POUR HOMME designs that are from the runway show and recreates them in fully seam sealed waterproof 3-layer GORE-TEX® material constructions, while maintaining the signature silhouette of the original designs. Featuring extended seams and flap pockets, the selection of monochromatic black vests, coats, parkas, blousons, jackets, and blazers comes replete with reflective logos.

Accompanying the launch of the collection is a series of still images captured by photographer Thue Nørgaard which convey the dynamism of each piece.

More information:
adidas Yohji Yamamoto Y-3

adidas AG

Collaboration between IHKIB and WRAP (c) IHKIB

Collaboration between IHKIB and WRAP

In a move to enhance the global competitiveness of the Turkish apparel industry, the Istanbul Apparel Exporters' Association (IHKIB) has entered into a collaborative agreement with the Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP).

IHKIB, representing 80% of Türkiye's apparel exports, aims to facilitate and guide its members in navigating new markets and staying abreast of sectoral developments.
WRAP, a US-based non-profit organization, focuses on promoting safe, lawful, humane, and ethical working conditions within the textile and apparel industry.

In a move to enhance the global competitiveness of the Turkish apparel industry, the Istanbul Apparel Exporters' Association (IHKIB) has entered into a collaborative agreement with the Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP).

IHKIB, representing 80% of Türkiye's apparel exports, aims to facilitate and guide its members in navigating new markets and staying abreast of sectoral developments.
WRAP, a US-based non-profit organization, focuses on promoting safe, lawful, humane, and ethical working conditions within the textile and apparel industry.

Mr. Selcuk Mehmet Kaya, Chairman of the International Relations and Sustainability Committee of IHKIB, and Mr. Avedis Seferian, President and CEO of WRAP, officially inked a collaboration agreement on March 8, 2024, marking a significant step towards fostering business relations between Türkiye and the USA. The agreement focuses on a pilot project developed by IHKIB and WRAP, aiming to identify leading Turkish apparel companies exporting to the USA and encouraging these facilities to attain WRAP certification. In return, WRAP will provide in-person and virtual training at no charge to guide these facilities through the certification process. The project seeks to strengthen business ties between Türkiye and the USA, creating additional opportunities for mutual cooperation between the parties in both countries.


IHKIB - Istanbul Apparel Exporters’ Association

Optima: Studierende beim Smart Green Island Makeathon (c) Optima
Haller Tüftler auf Gran Canaria (vlnr): Luca Mitrenga (DH-Student Elektrotechnik), Jannick Besler (DH-Student Elektrotechnik), Luisa Mebert (HR-Managerin bei Optima), Jeremy Wolf (DH-Student Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen), Shafira Andhinin Tiyan (Praktikantin Sustainable Solutions)

Optima: Studierende beim Smart Green Island Makeathon

Vier Studierende von Optima haben vom 28. Februar bis 2. März 2024 beim Smart Green Island Makeathon auf Gran Canaria teilgenommen. Gemeinsam haben sie Prototypen für intelligente Landwirtschaft, automatisierte Systeme für die Lagerhaltung sowie einen nachhaltigen Umgang mit Batterien entwickelt. Bei dem Makeathon konnten die jungen Talente ihr Wissen ausbauen und neue Kontakte knüpfen. Bei der jährlich stattfindenden Veranstaltung waren in diesem Jahr 587 Teilnehmende aus 47 Nationen dabei.

Die beiden Studenten Jannick Besler und Luca Mitrenga haben sich für die Challenge „Smart Home Farming“ entschieden, also intelligente Landwirtschaft für zu Hause. Ein Teil der Challenge bestand daraus, eine automatische Bewässerungsanlage für Pflanzen mit Hilfe von PET-Flaschen zu installieren. Wer in der Großstadt wohnt und keinen eigenen Garten hat, soll sich mit der automatischen Bewässerung ein Hochbeet in den eigenen vier Wänden schaffen können. Dafür hat das Team ein vertikales System entwickelt, in dem PET-Flaschen mit den Pflanzen befüllt und an der Wand befestigt werden. Die Pflanzen werden durch Leitungen von unten mit Wasser besprüht.

Vier Studierende von Optima haben vom 28. Februar bis 2. März 2024 beim Smart Green Island Makeathon auf Gran Canaria teilgenommen. Gemeinsam haben sie Prototypen für intelligente Landwirtschaft, automatisierte Systeme für die Lagerhaltung sowie einen nachhaltigen Umgang mit Batterien entwickelt. Bei dem Makeathon konnten die jungen Talente ihr Wissen ausbauen und neue Kontakte knüpfen. Bei der jährlich stattfindenden Veranstaltung waren in diesem Jahr 587 Teilnehmende aus 47 Nationen dabei.

Die beiden Studenten Jannick Besler und Luca Mitrenga haben sich für die Challenge „Smart Home Farming“ entschieden, also intelligente Landwirtschaft für zu Hause. Ein Teil der Challenge bestand daraus, eine automatische Bewässerungsanlage für Pflanzen mit Hilfe von PET-Flaschen zu installieren. Wer in der Großstadt wohnt und keinen eigenen Garten hat, soll sich mit der automatischen Bewässerung ein Hochbeet in den eigenen vier Wänden schaffen können. Dafür hat das Team ein vertikales System entwickelt, in dem PET-Flaschen mit den Pflanzen befüllt und an der Wand befestigt werden. Die Pflanzen werden durch Leitungen von unten mit Wasser besprüht.

Der zweite Teil ihrer Challenge war die Entwicklung einer automatisierten Zustandsanalyse. Dafür entnimmt ein Roboter die Pflanze aus der PET-Flasche und führt sie auf ein lineares Transportsystem mit Magnetantrieb. Eine installierte Kamera erkennt dann die Art der Pflanze, ob und welche Früchte sie trägt und ob sie von Schädlingen befallen ist. So eignet sich das automatisierte System auch für landwirtschaftliche Prozesse.

Student Jeremy Wolf entwickelte mit seinem Team ein automatisiertes System für intelligente Lagerhaltung mit Hilfe von einem 6-Achs-Roboter. „Im Vergleich zu den anderen Teams haben wir unsere Chancen auf eine herausstechende Lösung eher gering eingeschätzt. Trotzdem haben wir uns nicht unterkriegen lassen“, erzählt er. „Die Sponsoren waren am Ende so stark von unserer Idee und Entwicklung begeistert, dass sie uns empfohlen haben, an einem weiteren Contest ihres Unternehmens teilzunehmen. Sie meinten, unsere Chancen auf den Hauptpreis stehen hoch.“

Shafira Andhinin Tiyan studiert nachhaltige Energiesysteme und absolviert ein Praktikum in der Nachhaltigkeitsabteilung von Optima. Beim Makeathon wählte sie die Challenge zu einem nachhaltigen Thema aus: Recycling von Batterien für die Kreislaufwirtschaft. Shafira und ihr Team entwickelten einen Prototyp, der die Restenergie von verbrauchten Batterien in einer Wasserstoffstation wiederverwendet und daraus Wasserstoffenergie erzeugt.


OPTIMA packaging group GmbH

Thermore: Stretch-Wattierung Freedom (c) Thermore
Thermore® Freedom

Thermore: Launch von Stretch-Wattierung Freedom

Die Thermore-Gruppe kündigte das Debüt ihrer dynamischsten Stretch-Wattierung "Freedom" an. Diese Wattierung besteht zu 50 % aus recyceltem Post-Consumer-Polyester und bietet Dehnbarkeit und Wärme für eine Vielzahl von Einsatzzwecken, darunter Bergsport, Laufen, Golf, Pendeln, Angeln und Jagen, Radfahren und anderer Aktivitäten.

Dynamometertests zeigen, dass diese Wattierung – die in vier Gewichtungen von 60 bis 150 Gramm/qm erhältlich ist – eine gute Elastizität aufweist und immer wieder auf 100 % ihrer Größe vor der Dehnung zurückspringt.

Die neue Freedom-Wattierung bietet ein hohes Maß an Komfort und Funktionalität. Sie ist maschinenwaschbar, kann chemisch gereinigt werden und ist somit für den Verbraucher pflegeleicht. Aufgrund der hohen Beständigkeit gegen Fasermigration ist sie für Produktentwickler designfreundlich. Außerdem ist sie GRS-zertifiziert.

Die Thermore-Gruppe kündigte das Debüt ihrer dynamischsten Stretch-Wattierung "Freedom" an. Diese Wattierung besteht zu 50 % aus recyceltem Post-Consumer-Polyester und bietet Dehnbarkeit und Wärme für eine Vielzahl von Einsatzzwecken, darunter Bergsport, Laufen, Golf, Pendeln, Angeln und Jagen, Radfahren und anderer Aktivitäten.

Dynamometertests zeigen, dass diese Wattierung – die in vier Gewichtungen von 60 bis 150 Gramm/qm erhältlich ist – eine gute Elastizität aufweist und immer wieder auf 100 % ihrer Größe vor der Dehnung zurückspringt.

Die neue Freedom-Wattierung bietet ein hohes Maß an Komfort und Funktionalität. Sie ist maschinenwaschbar, kann chemisch gereinigt werden und ist somit für den Verbraucher pflegeleicht. Aufgrund der hohen Beständigkeit gegen Fasermigration ist sie für Produktentwickler designfreundlich. Außerdem ist sie GRS-zertifiziert.

More information:
Thermore Wattierung Stretchstoff


GoodTextiles Foundation: Improving drinking water supply in Uganda (c) Aid by Trade Foundation

GoodTextiles Foundation: Improving drinking water supply in Uganda

Together with Cotton made in Africa (CmiA) and the cotton company MMP Agro, the GoodTextiles Foundation is realising a project to improve the drinking water supply in Uganda, Africa. Bio-sand-waterfilters are being installed to gently purify the water from existing sources. In addition, the partners are training the community's farmers and craftsmen in how to operate the water filters. They then learn how to build new water filters.

In 2016, the textile company Dibella established the GoodTextiles Foundation with the aim of making textile value chains more sustainable. It raises donations and implements its own funding projects to benefit people at all stages of the textile industry.

As part of a joint project between the GoodTextiles Foundation, the Aid by Trade Foundation (AbTF) (owner of the CmiA standard) and MMP Agro, farmers who grow CmiA cotton in the districts of Abim, Kaplebyong, Dokolo and Kaberamaido in north-east Uganda are now receiving a total of around 1,000 bio-sand-waterfilters. Around 1,000 CmiA farmers, mainly women and the members of their households (an estimated 10,000 community members) benefit from this.

Together with Cotton made in Africa (CmiA) and the cotton company MMP Agro, the GoodTextiles Foundation is realising a project to improve the drinking water supply in Uganda, Africa. Bio-sand-waterfilters are being installed to gently purify the water from existing sources. In addition, the partners are training the community's farmers and craftsmen in how to operate the water filters. They then learn how to build new water filters.

In 2016, the textile company Dibella established the GoodTextiles Foundation with the aim of making textile value chains more sustainable. It raises donations and implements its own funding projects to benefit people at all stages of the textile industry.

As part of a joint project between the GoodTextiles Foundation, the Aid by Trade Foundation (AbTF) (owner of the CmiA standard) and MMP Agro, farmers who grow CmiA cotton in the districts of Abim, Kaplebyong, Dokolo and Kaberamaido in north-east Uganda are now receiving a total of around 1,000 bio-sand-waterfilters. Around 1,000 CmiA farmers, mainly women and the members of their households (an estimated 10,000 community members) benefit from this.


GoodTextiles Foundation


Renewcell: Expanded Timeline for Bids

Renewcell bankruptcy trustee announces new deadline for receiving purchase offers. The deadline has been extended to 28 March at 12:00 pm CET in order to accommodate bids from several companies. The trustee anticipates a new owner will be secured in early April and will be announced shortly thereafter.

Interested parties should contact Lars-Henrik Andersson at Cirio Advokatbyrå.

Renewcell bankruptcy trustee announces new deadline for receiving purchase offers. The deadline has been extended to 28 March at 12:00 pm CET in order to accommodate bids from several companies. The trustee anticipates a new owner will be secured in early April and will be announced shortly thereafter.

Interested parties should contact Lars-Henrik Andersson at Cirio Advokatbyrå.

More information:
Renewcell bankruptcy



TMAS: Digitised solutions at Techtextil and Texprocess

Members of TMAS – the Swedish textile machinery association – will display technologies in alignment with the theme of digitalisation at the forthcoming Techtextil and Texprocess 2024 exhibitions, taking place in Frankfurt from April 23-26th.

Automatic handling
The fully automated and digitised handling solutions for finished garments, home textiles and furniture of Eton Systems, for example, will be demonstrated at Texprocess.

Designed to increase value-added time in production by eliminating manual transportation and minimising handling, the individually addressable product carriers are fully managed and controlled by the latest ETONingenious™ software. This web based real-time data collection and information system continuously accumulates, processes and makes all production information instantly available to supervisors, quality control personnel and management.

Members of TMAS – the Swedish textile machinery association – will display technologies in alignment with the theme of digitalisation at the forthcoming Techtextil and Texprocess 2024 exhibitions, taking place in Frankfurt from April 23-26th.

Automatic handling
The fully automated and digitised handling solutions for finished garments, home textiles and furniture of Eton Systems, for example, will be demonstrated at Texprocess.

Designed to increase value-added time in production by eliminating manual transportation and minimising handling, the individually addressable product carriers are fully managed and controlled by the latest ETONingenious™ software. This web based real-time data collection and information system continuously accumulates, processes and makes all production information instantly available to supervisors, quality control personnel and management.

Bespoke seams
Svegea will demonstrate its EC 300-XS colarette technology, which is used by garment manufacturers around the world for the production of tubular apparel components such as cuff and neck tapes and other seam reinforcements.

The EC 300-XS collarette cutter on show in Frankfurt is equipped with the latest E-Drive II system providing the operator with a very user-friendly touchscreen, providing full control of the cutting process. An accompanying FA 350 fully automatic roll slitting machine will also be demonstrated.

Digital finishing
At Techtextil meanwhile, Baldwin Technology Co. will provide full details of how its highly digitised TexCoat G4 non-contact spray technology for textile finishing and remoistening not only reduces water, chemicals and energy consumption, but also provides the flexibility to adapt to customer requirements in terms of single and double-sided finishing applications.

TexCoat G4 can reduce water consumption and chemical usage by as much as 50% compared to traditional padding application processes.

Yarn tension
Celebrating its 60th anniversary this year, Eltex will display the latest Eltex EyETM system for the continuous monitoring of yarn tension on warp beams.

The Eltex EyETM eliminates problems when warping, and also in subsequent weaving or tufting processes, monitoring the yarn tension on all positions in real-time and enabling a minimum and maximum allowable tension value it be set. If any yarn’s tension falls outside these values the operator can be warned or the machine stopped.

The Eltex ACT and ACT-R units meanwhile go beyond yarn tension monitoring to actually control yarn tension. This extends the application range greatly. The plug and play system automatically compensates for any differences in yarn tension that arise, for example from irregularities in yarn packages.

Accumulated know-how
Vandewiele Sweden AB benefits from all of the synergies and accumulated know-how of Vandewiele Group, supplying weft yarn feeding and tension control units for weaving looms to the majority of weaving machine manufacturers. It also retrofits its latest technologies to working mills to enable instant benefits in terms of productivity and control.

The company will present its latest X4 yarn feeders with integrated accessory displays (TED) as a new standard, as well as launching its own e-commerce platform –

The TED function enables weft tension settings to be transferred from one machine to another, enabling a fast start-up the next time the same article is woven. The position of the S-Flex Tensioner is constantly monitored by an internal sensor – even if adjustment is made during power off.

X4 feeders are also available with integrated active tension control (ATC-W) as an option. With the ATC-W active tension control, the required tension is easily set and monitored on the integrated display. Once set, the system constantly regulates itself, ensuring consistent yarn tension during the weaving process which is constantly and accurately measured by the ATC sensor unit, sending a signal to the ATC operator unit resulting in consistently stable yarn tension at the required level.


TMAS - Swedish textile machinery association