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Fraunhofer und Vereinigte Arabische Emirate unterzeichnen »Memorandum of Understanding«

In Anwesenheit des deutschen Bundesministers für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz, Robert Habeck, unterzeichnete eine Delegation der Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft und des Ministeriums für Energie und Infrastruktur der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate (MOEI) in Abu Dhabi ein »Memorandum of Understanding« (MoU).

Mit dieser Absichtserklärung bekräftigen beide Parteien ihre Pläne für eine Zusammenarbeit. Zum einen sollen dabei innovative Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekte vorangetrieben werden, unter anderem in den Bereichen integrierte Energiesysteme, nachhaltige Energien, grüne und blaue Wasserstofftechnologien und -infrastruktur, Wasserentsalzungs- und Aufbereitungstechnologien, nachhaltige Baustoffe sowie Dekarbonisierung des Verkehrs- und Gesundheitssektors, der Bioökonomie und der Lebensmittelketten. Zum anderen sollen potenzielle Forschungs- und Entwicklungsdienstleistungen, die Fraunhofer für die Einrichtung eines nachhaltigen MOEI-FuE- und Innovationszentrums in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten erbringen könnte, geprüft werden.

In Anwesenheit des deutschen Bundesministers für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz, Robert Habeck, unterzeichnete eine Delegation der Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft und des Ministeriums für Energie und Infrastruktur der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate (MOEI) in Abu Dhabi ein »Memorandum of Understanding« (MoU).

Mit dieser Absichtserklärung bekräftigen beide Parteien ihre Pläne für eine Zusammenarbeit. Zum einen sollen dabei innovative Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekte vorangetrieben werden, unter anderem in den Bereichen integrierte Energiesysteme, nachhaltige Energien, grüne und blaue Wasserstofftechnologien und -infrastruktur, Wasserentsalzungs- und Aufbereitungstechnologien, nachhaltige Baustoffe sowie Dekarbonisierung des Verkehrs- und Gesundheitssektors, der Bioökonomie und der Lebensmittelketten. Zum anderen sollen potenzielle Forschungs- und Entwicklungsdienstleistungen, die Fraunhofer für die Einrichtung eines nachhaltigen MOEI-FuE- und Innovationszentrums in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten erbringen könnte, geprüft werden.

An der Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem MOEI und Fraunhofer sind bislang vier Fraunhofer-Institute beteiligt: das Fraunhofer-Institut für Schicht- und Oberflächentechnik IST, das Fraunhofer-Institut für Silicatforschung ISC, das Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme ISE und die Fraunhofer-Einrichtung für Energieinfrastrukturen und Geothermie IEG.

Fraunhofer-Forschung weltweit gefragt
Robert Habeck, Bundesminister für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz, erklärte: »Ich begrüße die geplante Zusammenarbeit von Fraunhofer und dem Energieministerium der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate. Fraunhofer ist einer der führenden Akteure der angewandten Energieforschung. Wir sehen hier große Potenziale, im Rahmen der emiratisch-deutschen Energiepartnerschaft die Zusammenarbeit zur Entwicklung von Energiestrategien, zum Aufbau von Reallaboren und generell im Bereich Wasserstoff auf eine nächste Stufe zu bringen. Ziel ist es, gemeinsam die Dekarbonisierung des Energiesektors zeitnah zu ermöglichen und damit einen Beitrag zum Erreichen des Pariser Klimaschutzabkommens zu leisten. Insbesondere bei Erzeugung, Speicherung, Transport von grünem Wasserstoff in den VAE und dem Import und der Anwendung in Deutschland gibt es einen großen Forschungsbedarf.«

»Die Abkehr von konventionellen Energieträgern ist eine Herausforderung, die einen weltweiten Kraftakt und die Zusammenarbeit auf überstaatlicher Ebene erfordert. Gerade internationale Forschungskooperationen sind hier gefragt, Synergien zu heben und neue nachhaltige Technologien zu entwickeln, die auf eine globale Energiewende einzahlen«, erläuterte Prof. Reimund Neugebauer, Präsident der Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. »Die Unterzeichnung des MoU zwischen dem MOEI und der Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft ist ein wichtiger Schritt, künftigen Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekten zum beiderseitigen Nutzen den Weg zu bereiten. Unser Ziel ist der Aufbau eines Innovationsökosystems für ein gemeinsames nachhaltiges Wirtschaften, in dem Elemente der Energie- und Wasserstoffwirtschaft zusammenspielen – mit geschlossenen Stoff- und Materialkreisläufen im Sinne einer Circular Economy.«



(c) Messe Frankfurt

Neonyt Lab präsentiert New patterns

  • Erlebnisformate in Frankfurt am Main für die nachhaltige Cross Sector-Community

Neues Datum, neues Format, neues Umfeld: Die Neonyt, Community-Plattform für Mode, Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation, öffnet sich vom 24. bis 26. Juni 2022 auch für den Endkonsument*innen-Markt und verstärkt mit dem neuen „Neonyt Lab“ ihren mehrdimensionalen Sustainability-Ansatz: nachhaltiges Sourcing und Processing entdecken, textile Vorstufen kennenlernen, fertige Modekollektionen hautnah erleben und direkt kaufen. Unter dem Claim „New patterns“, neue Muster, entstehen in der vorletzten Juniwoche innovative Erlebnisformate für die nachhaltige Cross Sector-Community, Branchen-Newcomer*innen und alle Interessierten.

  • Erlebnisformate in Frankfurt am Main für die nachhaltige Cross Sector-Community

Neues Datum, neues Format, neues Umfeld: Die Neonyt, Community-Plattform für Mode, Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation, öffnet sich vom 24. bis 26. Juni 2022 auch für den Endkonsument*innen-Markt und verstärkt mit dem neuen „Neonyt Lab“ ihren mehrdimensionalen Sustainability-Ansatz: nachhaltiges Sourcing und Processing entdecken, textile Vorstufen kennenlernen, fertige Modekollektionen hautnah erleben und direkt kaufen. Unter dem Claim „New patterns“, neue Muster, entstehen in der vorletzten Juniwoche innovative Erlebnisformate für die nachhaltige Cross Sector-Community, Branchen-Newcomer*innen und alle Interessierten.

Als Trendplattform und Treffpunkt der nachhaltigen Textil- und Modebranche will die Neonyt im Sommer 2022 das Thema Sustainability in einer zentralen Location in Frankfurt am Main auch für Endverbraucher*innen erlebbar machen. Die Community erwartet Fashion Show, D2C-Trade Show, Konferenz und Showcases, Content Creator-Programm und Networking Space: Neonyt Lab lädt Brands, Konsument*innen, Einkäufer*innen, Designer*innen, Trendsetter*innen und Modeinteressierte ein, sich zu informieren und auszutauschen.
In derselben Woche, in der auch das Neonyt Lab stattfindet, treffen sich in Frankfurt am Main außerdem internationale Branchengrößen aus allen Bereichen entlang der globalen textilen Wertschöpfungskette: Das erstmalig parallel stattfindende Trio aus Heimtextil Summer Special, internationale Fachmesse für Wohn- und Objekttextilien, Techtextil, internationale Leitmesse für technische Textilien und Vliesstoffe, und Texprocess, internationale Leitmesse für die Verarbeitung von textilen und flexiblen Materialien, soll vom 21. bis 24. Juni 2022 Kreativität und Hightech, Anwendungsvielfalt und Know-how bündeln. Gemeinsam zeigen die Messen, etablierte Konferenzformate und die Community-Events der Neonyt die Bandbreite an textilen Möglichkeiten – von der Faser bis zum Recycling.

More information:
Neonyt Neonyt Lab

Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH

(c) DTV
Einsparpotenzial Wasser und CO2 im Jahre 2035

Marktstudie zur professionellen Wäscheversorgung 2035 vorgelegt

  • Prognose zum Krankenhaus- und Pflegemarkt
  • Großes Nachhaltigkeitspotenzial durch professionelle Wäscheversorgung in der häuslichen Pflege

Die Nachfrage nach Krankenhaus- und Pflegeleistungen wird in den kommen-den Jahren weiter ansteigen. In der häuslichen Pflege ist vom stärksten Nachfrageanstieg auszugehen. Das bietet ein großes, bisher noch wenig bedientes Potenzial für die Versorgung durch professionelle Textildienstleister. Diese Versorgung ist nicht nur aus hygienischen Gründen angebracht, sondern auch unter Nachhaltigkeitsgesichtspunkten. Durch einen geringeren Wasser- und CO2- Verbrauch ist der ökologische Fußabdruck deutlich kleiner. Zu dieser Prognose kommt die Studie Health & Care von Prof. Frank Schmitz von der Hochschule für Gesundheit in Bochum, Anne Griese, M.A. von der Hochschule Rhein-Waal sowie Andreas Fastenau von der LEO System GmbH.

  • Prognose zum Krankenhaus- und Pflegemarkt
  • Großes Nachhaltigkeitspotenzial durch professionelle Wäscheversorgung in der häuslichen Pflege

Die Nachfrage nach Krankenhaus- und Pflegeleistungen wird in den kommen-den Jahren weiter ansteigen. In der häuslichen Pflege ist vom stärksten Nachfrageanstieg auszugehen. Das bietet ein großes, bisher noch wenig bedientes Potenzial für die Versorgung durch professionelle Textildienstleister. Diese Versorgung ist nicht nur aus hygienischen Gründen angebracht, sondern auch unter Nachhaltigkeitsgesichtspunkten. Durch einen geringeren Wasser- und CO2- Verbrauch ist der ökologische Fußabdruck deutlich kleiner. Zu dieser Prognose kommt die Studie Health & Care von Prof. Frank Schmitz von der Hochschule für Gesundheit in Bochum, Anne Griese, M.A. von der Hochschule Rhein-Waal sowie Andreas Fastenau von der LEO System GmbH.

Bereits heute wird ein Großteil der Krankenhäuser in Deutschland von professionellen Textildienstleistern mit Textilien und Berufskleidung versorgt. In der häuslichen Pflege ist das bislang wenig bekannt. Durch die Nutzung bereits vorhandener Logistik zu den Haushalten der pflegebedürftigen Menschen und die Vernetzung der Beteiligten ist ein Waschen in industriellen Großwäschereien allerdings möglich, so die Ergebnisse der Studie.

Wachsender Markt
Vor dem Hintergrund einer alternden Gesellschaft nimmt die Zahl pflegebedürftiger Menschen in Deutschland zu. Basierend auf dem Prognosemodell des Deloitte Health Care Indicators wird von einem Anstieg von 28% ausgegangen. Insbesondere der Versorgungsbedarf in der eigenen Häuslichkeit werde stark ansteigen. Der Prognose zufolge werde die Anzahl pflegebedürftiger Menschen, die durch einen Pflegedienst betreut werden, um 33% zunehmen. Im gleichen Zeitraum werde die Zahl der Behandlungstage in Krankenhäusern um 2,8% ansteigen. Die Anzahl der Krankenhausfälle wird sich allerdings per anno um mehr als 2,8% erhöhen, da die Verweildauer weiter sinken werde.

In der Summe werde auch der Wäscheverbrauch zunehmen. Für die einzelnen Segmente betrachtet bedeutet dies im Bundesdurchschnitt: ein Anstieg von 2,8% für die Versorgung von Krankenhäusern bis 2035 und in der stationären Pflege von 3,8%. Im Bereich der ambulanten Pflege sind noch wesentlich größere Wachstumsraten zu erwarten. Unter der Annahme, dass der Wäscheverbrauch in der ambulanten Pflege je Pflegetag dem in der stationären Pflege entspricht, geht die Prognose von einem Anstieg der Nachfrage im Bundesdurchschnitt bis 2035 um 24,5% aus.

Die Entwicklung ist sowohl bezogen auf die unterschiedlichen Segmente als auch regional sehr heterogen. Regionen mit einem besonders großen Nachfrageanstieg sind geprägt durch Bevölkerungswachstum und ein höheres Durchschnittsalter in der Bevölkerung.

Geringerer Energieverbrauch bei professionellen Textildienstleistern
„In der Nutzung des professionellen Textilservice für die Wäscheversorgung in der häuslichen Pflege liegt ein großes Nachhaltigkeitspotenzial“, so Prof. Frank Schmitz. Datenerhebungen haben gezeigt, dass der Wasser- und Energieverbrauch je Kilogramm Wäsche in der industriellen Großwäscherei gegenüber den Haushaltsgeräten erheblich geringer ist. Die Studie skizziert mehrere Szenarien für die professionelle Textilpflege im Bereich der häuslichen Pflege. Bereits eine anteilige Zentralisierung der Wäscheaufbereitung von 25% führt demnach im Jahre 2035 zu einer Ersparnis von rund 5,17 Mio. m³ Wasser und 16,76 Tsd. Tonnen CO2.

Weitere Nachhaltigkeitspotenziale vorhanden
Nicht betrachtet wurde in der Studie der Nachhaltigkeitsvorteil der textilen Dienstleistung über die Energieeinsparungen hinaus. Nach Einschätzungen der Autoren und des DTV liegt ein großes Nachhaltigkeitspotenzial in der Lebensdauer der eingesetzten Textilien. Je länger Textilien eingesetzt werden können, umso weniger müssen neu produziert werden. Im zirkulären Geschäftsmodell der textilen Dienstleister ist dieser Aspekt systemimmanent. Die dort eingesetzten Textilien erreichen oftmals mehr als 100 Waschzyklen. Dies wird in der Regel durch Eigenwäsche nicht erreicht.

„Die Prognose zeigt, dass der Textilservice Antworten für viele aktuelle Problemstellungen im Bereich der Nachhaltigkeit hat. Nachhaltigkeit in der textilen Kette darf nicht nur in der Herstellung oder dem Recycling gedacht werden, sondern muss insbesondere auch den Nutzungszyklus berücksichtigen. Kreislaufwirtschaftsmodelle wie das unsere können zur Erreichung der gesteckten Klimaziele beitragen“, so Andreas Schumacher, Hauptgeschäftsführer des Deutschen Textilreinigungs-Verbandes. Die vollständige Studie gibt es online.


DTV - Deutscher Textilreinigungs-Verband


Sitip: Fabrics for the first 100% sustainable SCOTT Racing Team biking uniform

Sitip confirms for the third year its partnership with SCOTT Racing Team in the production of the team uniform created in collaboration with ROICA™ EF of Asahi Kasei and Rosti.

The partnership was born in 2019 and celebrated during Ispo 2020, which returns for the third consecutive year to re-propose an exclusive and special uniform, designed to be extremely performing but also, and entirely, eco-sustainable.

Starting from the performance requirements of athletes, who need highly technical fabrics extremely breathable, comfortable on the skin, resistant and with perfect shape retention able to support them in competitions, Sitip has chosen the fabrics of its Native Sustainable Textiles line - technology which applies to fabrics produced with recycled yarns and chemicals with low environmental impact, implementing the GRS (Global Recycle Standard) standard, with Asahi Kasei’s premium ROICA™ EF stretch yarn.

Sitip confirms for the third year its partnership with SCOTT Racing Team in the production of the team uniform created in collaboration with ROICA™ EF of Asahi Kasei and Rosti.

The partnership was born in 2019 and celebrated during Ispo 2020, which returns for the third consecutive year to re-propose an exclusive and special uniform, designed to be extremely performing but also, and entirely, eco-sustainable.

Starting from the performance requirements of athletes, who need highly technical fabrics extremely breathable, comfortable on the skin, resistant and with perfect shape retention able to support them in competitions, Sitip has chosen the fabrics of its Native Sustainable Textiles line - technology which applies to fabrics produced with recycled yarns and chemicals with low environmental impact, implementing the GRS (Global Recycle Standard) standard, with Asahi Kasei’s premium ROICA™ EF stretch yarn.

This line includes NATIVE-BICIMANIA and NATIVE-PIRATA, two GRS-certified recycled polyester fabrics chosen for the production of the uniform shirt, enriched by Microsense Soft Performance technology - able to guarantee the product a delicate softness and maximum comfort on the skin.

This year the absolute novelty is represented by the shorts, for a complete uniform: made with the NATIVE-THUNDERBIKE POWER fabric, designed for high performance sports, in recycled polyamide and always with the ROICA™ EF yarn by Asahi Kasei.

More information:
SITIP Asahi Kasei SCOTT Racing Team


Graphic: Global Fashion Agenda

Global Fashion Agenda and UN Climate Change Secretariat join forces

Global Fashion Agenda (GFA), the non-profit organisation that fosters collaboration on sustainability in fashion to drive impact, has forged a new alliance with UN Climate Change secretariat (UNFCCC) to accelerate the fashion industry’s climate action.
The Fashion On Climate report projects that if the fashion industry does not accelerate its response to climate change, by 2030 it will produce around twice the volume of greenhouse gas emissions required to align with the Paris Agreement global warming pathways by 2050. With the urgent need for industry transformation, the new alliance between GFA and UNFCCC will accelerate the impact of the UN Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action which aims to drive the fashion industry to net-zero emissions no later than 2050 in line with keeping global warming below 1.5 degrees.

Global Fashion Agenda (GFA), the non-profit organisation that fosters collaboration on sustainability in fashion to drive impact, has forged a new alliance with UN Climate Change secretariat (UNFCCC) to accelerate the fashion industry’s climate action.
The Fashion On Climate report projects that if the fashion industry does not accelerate its response to climate change, by 2030 it will produce around twice the volume of greenhouse gas emissions required to align with the Paris Agreement global warming pathways by 2050. With the urgent need for industry transformation, the new alliance between GFA and UNFCCC will accelerate the impact of the UN Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action which aims to drive the fashion industry to net-zero emissions no later than 2050 in line with keeping global warming below 1.5 degrees.
The collaboration will be activated around the organisations’ prestigious forums including GFA’s Global Fashion Summit and UNFCCC’s annual Conference of Parties (COP). Through these forums, the organisations will collaborate to unite fashion leaders and core stakeholders to facilitate knowledge sharing, impactful partnerships, and the implementation of bold actions needed to meet the Fashion Charter targets.
Global Fashion Summit: Copenhagen Edition 2022, the leading international forum for sustainability in fashion, will take place on 7-8 June in the grand setting of the Royal Opera House, Copenhagen, Denmark. Under the theme ‘Alliances For a New Era’ - the Summit will endeavour to form previously inconceivable alliances within the fashion industry and also examine atypical cross-industry alliances, in a bid to accelerate the transition to a net positive reality.
UNFCCC will, through the Fashion Charter, contribute to the Summit content, where they will share insights on its progress and what further solutions are needed. UNFCCC will also hold its annual Fashion Charter meeting at the Summit, where the organisations will convene relevant experts to join resources and discuss tools that can enable the sector to achieve its climate targets laid out in the charter. The alliance will also continue for future editions Global Fashion Summit in other locations, in addition to Copenhagen.
Beyond the Summit, GFA and UNFCCC will continue to work together to elevate publications and reports, such as the Fashion CEO Agenda, and inform Fashion Charter meetings during COP27 to raise awareness among leaders on the most pressing issues and priorities and urging commitments from industry leaders to drive change within social, environmental and circular dimensions.
Federica Marchionni, CEO, Global Fashion Agenda, says: “GFA is striving to create impactful alliances that can accelerate the fashion industry’s transition to a net zero reality. We are therefore thrilled to be collaborating with UNFCCC as its Fashion Charter is an essential tool to mobilise the necessary industry transformation. Through our collaboration, we hope to bring together core fashion stakeholders, foster pre-competitive collaboration and provide even deeper insights and guidance to advance progress.”
Niclas Svenningsen, Climate Action manager, UNFCCC, says, “We are excited for this opportunity to reinforce our collaboration with the Global Fashion Agenda. The climate crisis is today the paramount issue for the fashion sector to address. While the Fashion Charter brings together a wide range of stakeholders to work collaboratively on solutions, the Global Fashion Agenda is an important venue for broader sustainability discussions in the fashion sector. We see many opportunities for further strengthening and highlighting both the sustainability and the climate work through this collaboration.”

(c) EREMA Group GmbH

EREMA: Working together with Recycling Company Anviplas

The Spanish recycling company Anviplas has been involved in plastics recycling for more than 30 years, during which time it has built up extensive know-how that now benefits customers throughout Europe, in Africa and in Asia. Their cooperation with EREMA is almost as long. Since 1991, Anviplas has relied on the technology and service provided by the Austrian recycling machine manufacturer.

The Spanish recycling company Anviplas has been involved in plastics recycling for more than 30 years, during which time it has built up extensive know-how that now benefits customers throughout Europe, in Africa and in Asia. Their cooperation with EREMA is almost as long. Since 1991, Anviplas has relied on the technology and service provided by the Austrian recycling machine manufacturer.

Employing 64 people, Anviplas recycles post-industrial and post-consumer plastic waste, especially HD and LD-PE as well as PP, to make recycled pellets in all colour variations. The production capacity is 1,800 tonnes per month. An EREMA type INTAREMA® 1716 TVEplus® recycling machine with screen changer is in operation at the site in Navarcles (Barcelona) for processing the PP material stream. This patented extruder system was developed for handling difficult-to-process materials, such as heavily printed films as well as very moist waste. This machine is characterised by its optimised 3-stage degassing system; firstly by preheating and predrying the material in the preconditioning unit, secondly because the screw design allows reverse degassing, and thirdly in the degassing zone of the extruder.

Anviplas customers manufacture a huge bandwidth of products made using their recycled pellets. They range from various film products, such as stretch, shrink, mulch and silage films, to irrigation, corrugated and high-pressure pipes, as well as containers such as tubs, bottles, barrels and crates.

In February 2022 the Repeats Group, a pan-European platform for LDPE recycling, and Anviplas announced, that Repeats has made an investment in the Spanish recycling company. For Repeats this investment in Anviplas represents an important step in building a pan-European plastics recycling platform.

More information:
EREMA Recycling plastics Anviplas

EREMA Group GmbH


Sarah Borghi's Green Collection is back with a range of sustainable tights and stockings

For its 2021 Green Collection, the Italian luxury hosiery brand Sarah Borghi presents a broadened product offer in terms of colors and categories, meeting the needs of a stylish, yet sustainable consumer. By mixing fashion, quality, innovation and research, the tights and stockings powerhouse continues its development in the journey towards a conscious future.

A decisive step has been added to the brand’s history thanks to the publication of the Integrated Report by Gizeta Calze. Sarah Borghi is one of the first Italian companies in the hosiery sector to include sustainability throughout its business model. A commitment of responsibility and transparency on a path that has been carried on for years and that, today more than ever, becomes of the utmost importance, as stated by Luca Marzocchi, CEO of Gizeta Calze. The Integrated Report provides a complete view of the business strategy, operating model and governance, which combines financial information with sustainability insights, conceived as complementary to other strategies and, indeed, essential for increasing business value.

For its 2021 Green Collection, the Italian luxury hosiery brand Sarah Borghi presents a broadened product offer in terms of colors and categories, meeting the needs of a stylish, yet sustainable consumer. By mixing fashion, quality, innovation and research, the tights and stockings powerhouse continues its development in the journey towards a conscious future.

A decisive step has been added to the brand’s history thanks to the publication of the Integrated Report by Gizeta Calze. Sarah Borghi is one of the first Italian companies in the hosiery sector to include sustainability throughout its business model. A commitment of responsibility and transparency on a path that has been carried on for years and that, today more than ever, becomes of the utmost importance, as stated by Luca Marzocchi, CEO of Gizeta Calze. The Integrated Report provides a complete view of the business strategy, operating model and governance, which combines financial information with sustainability insights, conceived as complementary to other strategies and, indeed, essential for increasing business value.

The collection presents a range of versatile, colorful products combined with extra-luxury comfort and designed for every type of woman: from seductive tights to everyday socks, together with knee- highs, up to athleisure with leggings.
The collection features two new generation materials. One is Amni Soul Eco®, a biodegradable in anaerobic conditions polyamide 6.6 yarn that degrades in around 5 years* after disposing of in landfill, developed by SOLVAY and produced and distributed by FULGAR. The other is ROICA™ V550 by leading fiber manufacturer Asahi Kasei, a premium sustainable stretch yarn boasting the Gold Level Material Health Certificate by Cradle-to-Cradle Product Innovation Institute** as it has been evaluated for impact on human and environmental health. Moreover, it smartly breaks down without releasing harmful substances in the environment according to Hohenstein Environment Compatibility Certification. Key elements that makes ROICA™ V550 a precious choice when it comes to Circular Economy material approach.

*Reference System: ASTM D5511 - Standard Test Method for the Determination of Anaerobic Biodegradation of Plastics Under High-solids Anaerobic Digestion Conditions
** The Cradle-to-Cradle Product Innovation Institute, a non -profit organization, administer the Cradle-to-Cradle Certified™ Product Standard. It was created to bring about a new industrial revolution that turns the making of things into a positive force of society, economy and the planet. The Cradle-to-Cradle Certified Product Standard™ provides designers and manufacturers with criteria and requirements for continually improving what products are made of and how they are made aiming to achieve a circular economy approach.


ROICA™ / Sarah Borghi / GB Network


Epsons Engagement in nachhaltige Technologie

Epson setzt bei seinen Unternehmensprozessen schon lange auf Umwelt schonende Methoden. So hat das Unternehmen seit 2018 über eine halbe Milliarde Euro in die Entwicklung seiner PrecisionCore-Tintenstrahltechnologie investiert, die ohne Wärmeerzeugung funktioniert und somit eine nachhaltige Alternative zu konkurrierenden Drucktechnologien ist. Jüngste Investitionen von zusätzlichen 100 Mrd. Yen (790 Mio. Euro) sollen die Herstellung neuer Materialien und Technologien ermöglichen, die zu einer weiteren Verbesserung des Nachhaltigkeitsprofils der Epson IT-Technologien führen.

Trends und Erwartungen der Industrie
Ein neuer IDC Info Snapshot-Report, der in Zusammenarbeit mit Epson erstellt wurde, untersucht die Trends und Erwartungen der Unternehmenskunden im Druckmarkt und prognostiziert, dass die Nachfrage nach Laserdrucksystemen um 2,6% schrumpft, während für Tinte eine jährliche Wachstumsrate von rund 7%1 vorhergesagt wird.

Epson setzt bei seinen Unternehmensprozessen schon lange auf Umwelt schonende Methoden. So hat das Unternehmen seit 2018 über eine halbe Milliarde Euro in die Entwicklung seiner PrecisionCore-Tintenstrahltechnologie investiert, die ohne Wärmeerzeugung funktioniert und somit eine nachhaltige Alternative zu konkurrierenden Drucktechnologien ist. Jüngste Investitionen von zusätzlichen 100 Mrd. Yen (790 Mio. Euro) sollen die Herstellung neuer Materialien und Technologien ermöglichen, die zu einer weiteren Verbesserung des Nachhaltigkeitsprofils der Epson IT-Technologien führen.

Trends und Erwartungen der Industrie
Ein neuer IDC Info Snapshot-Report, der in Zusammenarbeit mit Epson erstellt wurde, untersucht die Trends und Erwartungen der Unternehmenskunden im Druckmarkt und prognostiziert, dass die Nachfrage nach Laserdrucksystemen um 2,6% schrumpft, während für Tinte eine jährliche Wachstumsrate von rund 7%1 vorhergesagt wird.

Der Report identifiziert darüber hinaus die Hauptgründe für diese Entwicklung: Untersuchungen der IDC ergaben, dass 88 % der in der Studie befragten IT-Manager bei der Auswahl neuer Drucksysteme die Punkte Energieverbrauch und Abfallproduktion (87 %) als "extrem" oder "sehr" wichtig erachten1. Die IDC-Studie zeigt auch, dass 78 % der Befragten Tintenstrahldrucker und Multifunktionsgeräte für umweltfreundlicher halten als Laserdrucker und Multifunktionsgeräte1.

"Heutzutage entfallen rund 10 % des Stromverbrauchs in einem Büro auf die Druckinfrastruktur. Durch die Umstellung auf Epson Business-Inkjet-Drucker sparen Unternehmen bis zu 83 % dieser Ausgaben ein", erklärt Leonie Sterk, Nachhaltigkeitsmanagerin der Epson Deutschland GmbH. "Der Klimawandel geht uns alle an, also müssen wir alle auch etwas dagegen unternehmen. Epson stellt sich dieser Verantwortung und hat deshalb hohe Summen investiert, um die Nachhaltigkeit sowohl unserer Geschäftsabläufe als auch unserer Produkte zu verbessern. Damit helfen wir auch unseren Kunden und Partnern, ihre Umweltbilanz zu verbessern."

Die grundsätzlich gute Einstellung zum Tintendruck wird auch in einem neuen IDC Vendor Spotlight-Bericht hervorgehoben. Aus ihm wird deutlich, dass etwa 65 % der europäischen IT-Führungskräfte planen, bis zur Hälfte ihrer Budgets ausschließlich für nachhaltige Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu verwenden. Aus dem Bericht geht ebenfalls hervor, dass das Vertrauen und die positive Einstellung zu Business-Tintenstrahldruckern hauptsächlich auf ihrem guten Nachhaltigkeitsprofil, der Sicherheit bei ihrem Einsatz und ihrer Compliance-Fähigkeiten beruhen1.

Tinte mit Vorteilen auch in hybriden Arbeitsmodellen
Auch die in hybriden Modellen arbeitende Belegschaft bevorzugt den Tintenstrahldruck und sucht für das Homeoffice und kleinere Arbeitsgruppen im Büro nachhaltige, kostengünstige Lösungen. Im Jahr 2021 feierte Epson den Verkauf seines 60-millionsten EcoTank Drucker2.  Auch die Epson EcoTanks reduzieren den Stromverbrauch sowie den durch Verbrauchsmaterial anfallenden Müll. Der IDC Spotlight-Bericht ergab, dass diese mit nachfüllbaren Tintentanks arbeitenden Drucker, erheblich weniger Abfall beispielsweise durch Verpackungsmaterial produzieren. Auch aus diesem Grund gibt es für diese Drucksysteme in Büros Europas eine starke Nachfrage. Aus dem Report ging zudem hervor, dass etwa 13 % der in Homeoffices arbeitende Mitarbeiter:innen bereits ihre Verbrauchsmaterialien über Abonnementmodelle beziehen. IDC sieht voraus, dass bis zum Jahr 2024 etwa 60 % der Unternehmen zu einem solchen Bezugsmodell für druckbezogene Dienstleistungen1 übergehen werden.

[1] IDC Info Snapshot, sponsored by Epson, Sustainability benefits fuel the growth of business inkjets, doc #EUR148802522, January 2022
[2] As of 30th September 2021. IDC, Quarterly Hardcopy Peripherals Tracker, 2010 to 2021 shipments, published Q3 2021


Epson Deutschland GmbH / LEWIS

C.L.A.S.S. ICON 2021 Winner DUARTE Returns to ModaLisboa (c) DUARTE
Duarte outfits for FW 22/23 collection - Cream Teddy Coat

C.L.A.S.S. ICON 2021 Winner DUARTE Returns to ModaLisboa

  • DUARTE  brings on the runway its SEASON 2 “Eco-Street Dance” collection

By mixing C.L.A.S.S. responsible materials, colorful prints, urban feels and artistic inspiration, the Portuguese streetwear brand creates a new style and a clear yet cool message for conscious fashion consumers.  The rewarded 2021 C.L.A.S.S. Icon Award Portuguese brand Duarte is ready to presents its Fall/Winter 2022/23 collection developed in collaboration with C.L.A.S.S. Eco Hub at ModaLisboa after a first presentation at Milan Fashion Week. From February 24th until 27th, Duarte’s creations have been featured as a special project at WSM (WHITE Sustainable Milano) platform space inside “Unveiling the fashion Backstage”, a docu-event focusing on an immersive journey into the amazing world of premium and smart supply chains that make innovative and responsible fashion wardrobes a reality.

  • DUARTE  brings on the runway its SEASON 2 “Eco-Street Dance” collection

By mixing C.L.A.S.S. responsible materials, colorful prints, urban feels and artistic inspiration, the Portuguese streetwear brand creates a new style and a clear yet cool message for conscious fashion consumers.  The rewarded 2021 C.L.A.S.S. Icon Award Portuguese brand Duarte is ready to presents its Fall/Winter 2022/23 collection developed in collaboration with C.L.A.S.S. Eco Hub at ModaLisboa after a first presentation at Milan Fashion Week. From February 24th until 27th, Duarte’s creations have been featured as a special project at WSM (WHITE Sustainable Milano) platform space inside “Unveiling the fashion Backstage”, a docu-event focusing on an immersive journey into the amazing world of premium and smart supply chains that make innovative and responsible fashion wardrobes a reality.

For its second collection Duarte still counts on C.L.A.S.S. support in sourcing materials and communication activities as part of the Icon Award yearly program. The streetwear designer Ana Duarte, with the help of the Milanese hub, is back with a renewed collection that counts 40 pieces continuing the concept and the story behind the previous World Keeper: the irresistible superhero Tadao - Ana Duarte’s dog – fighting against the environmental issues created by mankind and personified as Smog Man (air pollution), Fire Man (climate change), Deforestation Man (forests destruction) and Wave Man (water overconsumption). 

This time the inspiration is also Street Dance drawn directly from the city streets, with majorly unisex pieces (apart from some small specific details linked to sizes or ergonomics) and materials that both respect the planet and keep you warm. The prints drawn from ripped posters giving birth to a sort of new style that we can name “Eco-Street Dance”. The color palette explores the dark shades of grey, cream, blue and black, with artistic pops of color of a hopeful urban culture that tears apart posters from the past and turns them into a new brighter story. 

Talking about materials, the collection presents a selection of urban pieces for everyday superheroes, fighting against environmental issues - with a holistic approach to sustainability values thanks to the synergy with C.L.A.S.S. and its Back in the Loop area: a section dedicated to alternative and sustainable sourcing against the massive amount of materials and textiles produced that are not used and discarded by the fashion system. This is mostly powered by MAEBA International - and its ReLiveTex® fabrics - leader in selecting and repurposing premium Italian fabrics with exceptional 60 years of expertise in collecting high quality materials from leading brands and textile manufacturers, and the first company at an international level to be accredited for the UNI EN ISO 14021 certification which grants the traceability of the collected materials.

The linings complete the full sustainable picture, thanks to Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei fabrics by Gianni Crespi Foderami. Bemberg™ is a new generation material made from the smart-tech transformation of cotton linter pre-consumer material, converted through a traceable and transparent closed loop process. Entirely made in Japan, it comes with Compostability and Ecotoxicity Certifications verified by Innovhub SSI, RCS, OEKOTEX® Standard 100 and the Eco Mark certifications. The factory is ISO 14001 certified, too. 

Snuggle Implements Kornit Atlas MAX Systems to Support Sustained Growth in Sustainable, Efficient Production on Demand (c) Kornit Digital
Kornit XDi at Snuggle

Snuggle Implements Kornit Atlas MAX Systems to Support Sustained Growth in Sustainable, Efficient Production on Demand

  • “The Atlas MAX technology provides a marked improvement in quality; it gives you that edge and something different."

Kornit Digital Ltd. (NASDAQ: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in sustainable, on-demand, digital textile production technologies, announced today that Peterborough, United Kingdom-based print provider Snuggle has installed two Kornit Atlas MAX systems for superior versatility in their on-demand fulfilment production operations. A Kornit customer since 2017, the addition of Kornit’s most advanced direct-to-garment production systems reflects Snuggle’s sustained profitability and growth since that time.

  • “The Atlas MAX technology provides a marked improvement in quality; it gives you that edge and something different."

Kornit Digital Ltd. (NASDAQ: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in sustainable, on-demand, digital textile production technologies, announced today that Peterborough, United Kingdom-based print provider Snuggle has installed two Kornit Atlas MAX systems for superior versatility in their on-demand fulfilment production operations. A Kornit customer since 2017, the addition of Kornit’s most advanced direct-to-garment production systems reflects Snuggle’s sustained profitability and growth since that time.

Kornit Atlas MAX is the first digital direct-to-garment production system to feature XDi technology, which empowers users to simulate embroidery, dye sublimation, vinyl heat transfer, and 3D graphic effects with one single-step platform, using Kornit’s eco-friendly NeoPigment™ inks. Delivering superior graphic detail, consistent retail quality, and low and consistent cost per print to ensure profitability in any quantity, the system is engineered for adaptability to long-term automation needs, which helps businesses like Snuggle address the ongoing labour shortage.

With seven Kornit Digital systems in total, Snuggle is now able to produce up to 12,000 units daily, and has expanded its production space more than threefold since first investing in the technology. While the business does include an embroidery unit, Snuggle rejected screen printing due to its slow setup process, inefficient sampling for bulk orders, and the inability to generate profit from smaller custom orders. Furthermore, digitally-enabled production on demand was critical to their adapting when the pandemic economy caused many customers to cancel bulk orders suddenly.

More information:
Kornit Digital Atlas MAX

Kornit Digital

Six Carbon Capture and Utilisation technologies for a sustainable chemical and fuel production nominated for the innovation award “Best CO2 Utilisation 2022”
CCU-2022 Award-Nominees

“Best CO2 Utilisation 2022” Award Nominees

  • Six Carbon Capture and Utilisation technologies for a sustainable chemical and fuel production nominated for the innovation award “Best CO2 Utilisation 2022”
  • Conference on CO2-based Fuels and Chemicals 2022 – Cologne (Germany) and online, hybrid conference, 23-24 March 2022

Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) Innovations of the Year 2022: A lot of technologies are in place and in development to face the challenges of a sustainable chemicals and fuels production based on the utilisation of captured CO2 from industrial off-gases or directly from the atmosphere. To honor these, nova-Institute grants its annual award, “Best CO2 Utilisation”, within the framework of the “Conference on CO2-based Fuels and Chemicals” taking place in Cologne on 23-24 March 2022. Great submissions reached the nova-Institute and six nominees now get the chance to demonstrate their full potential to a wide audience in Cologne (Germany) and online.

Here are the six nominees:

  • Six Carbon Capture and Utilisation technologies for a sustainable chemical and fuel production nominated for the innovation award “Best CO2 Utilisation 2022”
  • Conference on CO2-based Fuels and Chemicals 2022 – Cologne (Germany) and online, hybrid conference, 23-24 March 2022

Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) Innovations of the Year 2022: A lot of technologies are in place and in development to face the challenges of a sustainable chemicals and fuels production based on the utilisation of captured CO2 from industrial off-gases or directly from the atmosphere. To honor these, nova-Institute grants its annual award, “Best CO2 Utilisation”, within the framework of the “Conference on CO2-based Fuels and Chemicals” taking place in Cologne on 23-24 March 2022. Great submissions reached the nova-Institute and six nominees now get the chance to demonstrate their full potential to a wide audience in Cologne (Germany) and online.

Here are the six nominees:

  • Acies Bio (SI) – OneCarbonBio
  • Air Company (US) – Air Eau de Parfum
  • Avecom (BE) – Power To Protein
  • CleanO2 Carbon Capture Technologies (CA) – CleanO2 Soap
  • Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology IGB (DE) – eBioCO2n Technology
  • Nordic Electrofuel (NO) – E-Fuel 1
© Heinrich GLAESER

Heinrich GLAESER: Zweite Chance für High-Tech-Fasern

  • Recycling von Resttextilien aus Aramiden und Polyimiden

Inhärente Hitze- und Flammschutztextilien werden aus hochpreisigen Faserrohstoffen gefertigt, die auch in den Abfällen aus Produktion und Verarbeitung stecken. Heinrich GLAESER gewinnt diese Werte zurück: Das Traditionsunternehmen recycelt in seiner Reißerei para- und meta-Aramide sowie Polyimide und verhilft auch ausgemusterten schusssicheren Westen zu einem zweiten Leben.

Aramid- und Polyimid-Fasern sind aus High-Tech-Stoffen nicht wegzudenken. Sie ermöglichen die Herstellung flexibler Textilien mit vergleichsweise geringem Gewicht und gutem Schutz gegen Flammen, Hitze, Abrasion oder Durchschuss. Da die Abschirmungseigenschaften dauerhaft in den Fasern gebunden sind, werden solche Textilien in vielen Einsatzbereichen geschätzt. Dazu zählen Hochleistungsfilter und Kabelummantelungen, Dämmvliese, Funktionsunterwäsche, Motorradkleidung, Hitze-, Flamm- Schnitt- und Störlichtbogen-Schutzkleidung oder schusssichere Westen. Ein Nachteil der hochklassigen Fasern ist jedoch ihre begrenzte Verfügbarbarkeit.

  • Recycling von Resttextilien aus Aramiden und Polyimiden

Inhärente Hitze- und Flammschutztextilien werden aus hochpreisigen Faserrohstoffen gefertigt, die auch in den Abfällen aus Produktion und Verarbeitung stecken. Heinrich GLAESER gewinnt diese Werte zurück: Das Traditionsunternehmen recycelt in seiner Reißerei para- und meta-Aramide sowie Polyimide und verhilft auch ausgemusterten schusssicheren Westen zu einem zweiten Leben.

Aramid- und Polyimid-Fasern sind aus High-Tech-Stoffen nicht wegzudenken. Sie ermöglichen die Herstellung flexibler Textilien mit vergleichsweise geringem Gewicht und gutem Schutz gegen Flammen, Hitze, Abrasion oder Durchschuss. Da die Abschirmungseigenschaften dauerhaft in den Fasern gebunden sind, werden solche Textilien in vielen Einsatzbereichen geschätzt. Dazu zählen Hochleistungsfilter und Kabelummantelungen, Dämmvliese, Funktionsunterwäsche, Motorradkleidung, Hitze-, Flamm- Schnitt- und Störlichtbogen-Schutzkleidung oder schusssichere Westen. Ein Nachteil der hochklassigen Fasern ist jedoch ihre begrenzte Verfügbarbarkeit.

Fasern sind Mangelware
„Das Marktvolumen an Flamm- und Hitzeschutzfasern mit inhärenten Eigenschaften ist aufgrund der sehr komplexen Produktion limitiert und die Preise für meta- und para-Aramide sowie Polyimide sind dementsprechend hoch. Daher stecken in jedem Rest aus der Filament- Garn, Maschenwaren- und Gewebeproduktion wertvolle Ressourcen, die in der Textilindustrie wieder eingesetzt werden können“, weiß Roland Settele, Prokurist und Abteilungsleiter der Abteilung Rohstoffhandel bei Heinrich GLAESER. „In unserer Reißerei recyceln wir sie und führen sie als Sekundärfasern in den textilen Kreislauf zurück.“

Hochleistungsanspruch für sekundäre Aramid-Fasern
Zu den High-Tech-Resttextilien, die Heinrich GLAESER verwerten kann, zählt sortenreiner Ausschuss aus allen Bereichen der Fasergewinnung und -verarbeitung von para- und meta-Aramiden sowie Polyimiden. Auch Mischgewebe aus para-Aramid-Filamenten mit einem höchstens zehnprozentigen Anteil anderer Synthesefasern werden in dem Unternehmen wieder aufbereitet. „Wir sammeln außerdem ballistische Schutzwesten ein, deren maximale Gebrauchsdauer abgelaufen ist oder die aus anderen Gründen ausgemustert wurden“, ergänzt Roland Settele. „Diese klare Fokussierung auf ausgewählte Reste hängt mit dem hohen Qualitätsanspruch zusammen, den wir an unsere Recyclingfasern stellen: Sie müssen bei der Weiterverarbeitung zu Garnen oder Vliesen optimale Leistungseigenschaften vorweisen.“

Um die Fasern aus den von Heinrich GLAESER aufgekauften Alttextilien zurückzugewinnen, werden die Abfälle zuerst in Spezialanlagen geschnitten und danach in Reißmaschinen aufbereitet. Die dadurch gewonnenen Reißfasern gehen dann in die Nadelvliesherstellung oder werden in spezialisierten Spinnereien zu Garnherstellung verwertet.


Textilberatung Hamburg für Heinrich GLAESER


Umweltfreundliche Mulchfolien für die Landwirtschaft

  • Einladung zur Abschlusskonferenz des Projektes iMulch

Während Kunststoffe in maritimen Gewässern aktuell zahlreiche gesellschaftliche Akteure beschäftigen, finden Bodenbelastungen durch Kunststoffe in Äckern und Feldern durch landwirtschaftliche Folien bisher kaum Beachtung. Besonders Mulchfolien kommen sowohl zur Ertragssteigerung als auch infolge klimatischer Ursachen, immer häufiger zum Einsatz.

Dieser Thematik widmeten sich daher die Forschenden des Projektes iMulch. Um einen Nachweis von Kunststoffen in Böden und Drainagewässern zu erbringen und mögliche Folgen aufzuzeigen, untersuchte und verglich das Forschungsteam den Einfluss konventioneller erdölbasierter Mulchfolien mit bio-abbaubaren Alternativen.

Die gesammelten Projektergebnisse präsentiert das Konsortium mit Unterstützung externer Expertinnen und Experten am 28. April von 10-17 Uhr online im Rahmen der iMulch Abschlusskonferenz. Eine Anmeldung zur kostenlosen Teilnahme sowie die Veranstaltungsagenda finden sie unter dem folgenden Link:

  • Einladung zur Abschlusskonferenz des Projektes iMulch

Während Kunststoffe in maritimen Gewässern aktuell zahlreiche gesellschaftliche Akteure beschäftigen, finden Bodenbelastungen durch Kunststoffe in Äckern und Feldern durch landwirtschaftliche Folien bisher kaum Beachtung. Besonders Mulchfolien kommen sowohl zur Ertragssteigerung als auch infolge klimatischer Ursachen, immer häufiger zum Einsatz.

Dieser Thematik widmeten sich daher die Forschenden des Projektes iMulch. Um einen Nachweis von Kunststoffen in Böden und Drainagewässern zu erbringen und mögliche Folgen aufzuzeigen, untersuchte und verglich das Forschungsteam den Einfluss konventioneller erdölbasierter Mulchfolien mit bio-abbaubaren Alternativen.

Die gesammelten Projektergebnisse präsentiert das Konsortium mit Unterstützung externer Expertinnen und Experten am 28. April von 10-17 Uhr online im Rahmen der iMulch Abschlusskonferenz. Eine Anmeldung zur kostenlosen Teilnahme sowie die Veranstaltungsagenda finden sie unter dem folgenden Link:

Kunststoffemission in Böden
Um untersuchen zu können, ob der Einsatz von Mulchfolien auf Böden kritische Kunststoffemissionen verursacht, entwickelten die Forschenden zunächst eine umfassende Teststrategie. Diese ermöglichte es, Informationen zu Menge, Typ und Größe der Kunststoffpartikel sowie zu ihrem Transportverhalten und Verbleib im Boden zu gewinnen. Der erste Schritt bestand in der Entwicklung geeigneter Test-Methoden zur Bestimmung von Polymermenge, Polymerart und Polymergröße. Einsatz fanden besonders die Thermoextraktions-Desorptions-Gaschromatographie-Massenspektrometrie (TED-GC-MS), FT-IR-Spektrometrie und die konfokale Raman-Mikroskopie (CRM).

In Laborständen untersuchten sie parallel die Verwitterung von Folien in Böden und in Drainagewasser sowie das Adsorptionsverhalten von Folien in Bezug auf Schadstoffe. Ein weiterer Untersuchungsschwerpunkt bestand in der möglichen Toxizität der Folien auf aquatische und terrestrische Organismen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Experimente boten wertvolle Rückschlüsse zum Verhalten und Verbleib landwirtschaftlicher Folien in der Umwelt.

Über mehr als 12 Monate hinweg erforschte das Team zudem den Transport der in den Folien eingesetzten Polymere in Freilandlysimetern. Hierbei analysierten sie sowohl den Transport im Boden als auch die Aufnahme in Pflanzen. Die Ergebnisse erlauben Rückschlüsse zur Frage, ob Polymerpartikel aus dem Boden ins Grundwasser eintreten oder durch eine Aufnahme in Pflanzen in die Nahrungskette gelangen können.

Mikrobielles Upcycling durch Bakterien
Eine vielversprechende Lösung zum Abbau und zur Nutzbarmachung von Mulchfolienresten scheinen mikrobielle Upcycling-Ansätze zu bieten. Diese nutzen Mikroorganismen, welche in der Lage sind, Kunststoff-Moleküle im Rahmen von Stoffwechselprozessen umzuwandeln.

Hierbei können sie Moleküle von industriellem Interesse produzieren, beispielsweise das Biopolymer PHA. Eine Optimierung der Stoffwechselwege des Mikroorganismus Cupriavidus necator demonstrierten die Forschenden erfolgreich am Beispiel von PBAT-Monomeren und realisierten dort eine effektive Umwandlung zum Biopolymer PHA. Diese stoffliche Nutzung von Mulchfolien durch mikrobielles Upcycling kann zukünftig zu einer signifikanten Verbesserung der Ökobilanz landwirtschaftlicher Folien beitragen. Das Projekt iMulch wird mit Mitteln aus dem Europäischen Fond für regionale Entwicklung (EFRE) „Investitionen in Wachstum und Beschäftigung“ gefördert.


nova-Institut GmbH

(c) FET
FET-100 Series Melt Spinning System

FET gearing up for Techtextil 2022

With just 3 months to go before Techtextil Frankfurt, UK company Fibre Extrusion Technology Limited (FET), is looking forward to exhibiting at this trade show once again. Techtextil attracts international blue-chip companies at the cutting edge of technology, seeking innovative solutions to technical challenges, so this event represents an ideal opportunity to demonstrate how FET can help achieve their goals.

FET is an acknowledged leader in laboratory and pilot meltspinning equipment for a vast range of applications, such as precursor materials used in high value technical textiles, sportswear, medical devices and specialised novel fibres from exotic and difficult to process polymers. Where melt spinning solutions are not suitable, FET provides a viable alternative with pilot and small scale production wet spinning systems.

However, FET will also showcase at Techtextil its more recent laboratory scale spunbond system, which enables client development of nonwoven fabrics in a number of formats and polymers. FET already has a number of spunbond systems in the field, including composite systems which utilise both spunbond and meltspun functions.

With just 3 months to go before Techtextil Frankfurt, UK company Fibre Extrusion Technology Limited (FET), is looking forward to exhibiting at this trade show once again. Techtextil attracts international blue-chip companies at the cutting edge of technology, seeking innovative solutions to technical challenges, so this event represents an ideal opportunity to demonstrate how FET can help achieve their goals.

FET is an acknowledged leader in laboratory and pilot meltspinning equipment for a vast range of applications, such as precursor materials used in high value technical textiles, sportswear, medical devices and specialised novel fibres from exotic and difficult to process polymers. Where melt spinning solutions are not suitable, FET provides a viable alternative with pilot and small scale production wet spinning systems.

However, FET will also showcase at Techtextil its more recent laboratory scale spunbond system, which enables client development of nonwoven fabrics in a number of formats and polymers. FET already has a number of spunbond systems in the field, including composite systems which utilise both spunbond and meltspun functions.

A major theme to be highlighted on the FET stand is Sustainability. The FET range of laboratory and pilot extrusion lines is ideally suited for both process and end product development of sustainable materials.

FET has successfully processed almost 30 different polymer types in multifilament, monofilament and non-woven formats, collaborating with specialist companies worldwide to promote greater sustainability through innovative manufacturing processes.



Photo: Pixabay

Carbios: White PET fiber from colored textile waste

  • Carbios has succeeded in producing a 100% enzymatically recycled white PET fiber from colored textile waste
  • At the same time, the company has produced the first 100% recycled PET bottles, that have successfully passed the food contact validation tests, from the same textile waste.
  • Carbios received €827,200 for the validation of this final technical stage of the project co-funded by ADEME

Carbios announced the validation of the 3rd and final technical step of the CE-PET research project, co-funded by ADEME3 (France’s Environment and Energy Management Agency), for which Carbios is the lead partner alongside its academic partner TWB. This achievement confirms, once again, the full potential and breadth of Carbios’ enzymatic recycling process, C-ZYME™. This breakthrough innovation makes it possible to produce a wide variety of products of equivalent quality to those of petro-sourced origin from any PET waste, including textiles.
The first white PET fiber recycled enzymatically from colored textile waste

  • Carbios has succeeded in producing a 100% enzymatically recycled white PET fiber from colored textile waste
  • At the same time, the company has produced the first 100% recycled PET bottles, that have successfully passed the food contact validation tests, from the same textile waste.
  • Carbios received €827,200 for the validation of this final technical stage of the project co-funded by ADEME

Carbios announced the validation of the 3rd and final technical step of the CE-PET research project, co-funded by ADEME3 (France’s Environment and Energy Management Agency), for which Carbios is the lead partner alongside its academic partner TWB. This achievement confirms, once again, the full potential and breadth of Carbios’ enzymatic recycling process, C-ZYME™. This breakthrough innovation makes it possible to produce a wide variety of products of equivalent quality to those of petro-sourced origin from any PET waste, including textiles.
The first white PET fiber recycled enzymatically from colored textile waste
Worldwide, around 90 million tons of PET are produced each year, more than 2/3 of which are used to manufacture fibers. However, only 13% of textile waste is currently recycled, mainly for downcycling, i.e. for lower quality applications (such as padding, insulators or rags). By successfully manufacturing at pilot scale a white PET fiber that is 100% enzymatically recycled from colored textile waste, Carbios is paving the way for the circular economy in the textile industry.  C-ZYME™ is now on the doorstep of industrialization and will soon enable the biggest brands to move closer to their sustainability goals.
Emmanuel Ladent, Chief Executive Officer of Carbios: « Thanks to our breakthrough process, it will soon be possible to manufacture, on a large scale, t-shirts or bottles using polyester textile waste as raw material. This is a major breakthrough that gives value to waste that currently has little or no value. It is a concrete solution that opens up a global market of 60 million tons per year of potential raw materials and will help to reduce the use of fossil resources. »
Separate collection of textile waste soon to be mandatory in Europe
From 1 January 2025 the separate collection of textile waste, which is already in place in some countries, will be mandatory for all EU Member States (European Directive 2018/851 on waste).  Carbios’ process will enable this waste to be sustainably recovered and included in a true circular economy model.
These technological validations were carried out as part of the CE-PET research project, co-funded by ADEME3. In particular, the project aimed to develop Carbios’ enzymatic PET recycling process on textile waste. The C-ZYME™ technology is complementary to thermomechanical recycling and will make it possible to process plastic and textile waste deposits that are currently not or poorly recovered. For the validation of this stage of the project, Carbios received €827,200 (€206,800 in grants and €620,400 in repayable advances).

More information:
Carbios PET textile waste


Lenzing’s pavilion makes a green debut at Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles (c) Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles
Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles

Lenzing’s pavilion makes a green debut at Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles

Sustainability has become a major trend in the global home textiles industry. It is more common nowadays to find natural and sustainable fibres in an extensive range of home furnishing products. From this angle, the Lenzing Group (Lenzing) will take led in a brand new pavilion at Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Spring Edition. Lenzing is the world’s leading manufacturer of renewable specialty fibres, and will highlight the latest eco-friendly fibres that can meet the ever-rising sourcing demand. The fair is set to take place from 14 – 16 April 2022 at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai).

Sustainability has become a major trend in the global home textiles industry. It is more common nowadays to find natural and sustainable fibres in an extensive range of home furnishing products. From this angle, the Lenzing Group (Lenzing) will take led in a brand new pavilion at Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Spring Edition. Lenzing is the world’s leading manufacturer of renewable specialty fibres, and will highlight the latest eco-friendly fibres that can meet the ever-rising sourcing demand. The fair is set to take place from 14 – 16 April 2022 at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai).

As an upswing from the growing public awareness of environmental issues, consumers are now more willing to switch to sustainable products. According to a CottonWorks’ survey, 90% of the interviewed Chinese consumers want their home textiles to be environmentally friendly[1]. It also found that more consumers are paying attention to the fibre content that can deliver safe and sustainable home textiles.
Furthermore, the Chinese government’s ‘Outline Of the Development of the Textile Industry during the 14th Five Year Plan’, also encourages the acceleration of low cost, functional and sustainable renewable fibres in the local textile industry.

The Lenzing satellite pavilion: a one-stop platform for green home textile materials
To help home textile suppliers source a variety of eco-friendly materials efficiently, one of the fair’s long-time exhibitors is set to form a new pavilion at the upcoming Spring show. Lenzing, the Austrian brand widely known for its ecologically responsible production of specialty fibres made from renewable raw material wood, gathers seven of its local downstream supply chain manufacturers to showcase their renewable products.

Mr David Dai, Senior Commercial Director Textile China of Lenzing spoked about why they decided to organise a new pavilion at the show: “As we received positive feedback from our pavilion at Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics, our business partners from the home textile supply chain were hoping for a similar arrangement in this sector. We believe all the participating manufacturers can benefit from this pavilion by finding ways to better serve their clients and consumers.”

Brands in the Lenzing satellite pavilion will include:
•    Lenzing Group will introduce the first Carbon-zero TENCEL™ fibres which are CarbonNeutral™ certified products by Natural Capital Partner.
•    Botou Jinglun Textiles Co Ltd focuses on new fibre yarns. The company develops multi-component yarns for cotton, wool, silk and linen with combinations of MODAL, TENCEL™ fibres and various functional materials.
•    Fujian Yongtai County Huaerjin Textile Co Ltd provides high-quality, natural, renewable pure and blended yarns including TENCEL™ fibres, US cotton, Australian cotton, acrylic cotton, silk and other plant-based yarns.
•    Jiangsu Dasheng Group Co Ltd has one of the largest cellulosic fibre yarn spinning mills in China and focuses on producing top-quality home textiles.
•    Qingdao Textiles Group produces natural fibres, cellulose fibres, copper antimicrobial fibres and other nature-based materials for home and contract textiles.
•    Suzhou Zhenlun Spinning Co Ltd is an advanced enterprise specialising in regenerated cellulose yarns like ECO VERO, FSC Viscose, Circulose, Carbon Zero Yarn and more.
•    Ton Design Industrial Co Ltd produces medium and high-end bedding fabrics. The brand’s TENCEL™ Lyocell fibres and TENCEL™ fibres blend cotton series products are certified by Lenzing.
•    Wuxi Tianmu Extra Width Printing Dyeing Co Ltd mainly produces extra-wide, high-count and high-density down-proof fabrics and fabrics for bedding. The technique can handle different procedures for dealing with pure cotton, bamboo fibres, TENCEL™ fibres and other fibre fabrics.

In addition to the new pavilion, a number of other featured exhibitors will also showcase their sustainable products at the fair. This includes Cotton Council International (CCI) promoting US cotton fibres and cotton products, and Zhangjiagang Coolist Life Technology Co Ltd bringing their unique bedding products made from organic and environmental-friendly materials.

C.L.A.S.S. ICON 2021 winner DUARTE returns to Milan Fashion Week launching its SEASON 2 “Eco-Street Dance” collection as a special feature at White Sustainable Milano inside the “Unveiling the fashion backstage” event (c) DUARTE
DUARTE SEASON 2 “Eco-Street Dance”

DUARTE returns to Milan Fashion Week

  • C.L.A.S.S. ICON 2021 winner DUARTE returns to Milan Fashion Week launching its SEASON 2 “Eco-Street Dance” collection as a special feature at White Sustainable Milano inside the “Unveiling the fashion backstage” event

By mixing C.L.A.S.S. responsible materials, colorful prints, urban feels and artistic inspiration, the Portuguese streetwear brand creates a new style and a clear yet cool message for conscious fashion consumers
The rewarded 2021 C.L.A.S.S. Icon Award Portuguese brand Duarte is ready to presents its Fall/Winter 2022/23 collection developed in collaboration with C.L.A.S.S. Eco Hub during Milan Fashion Week. With the support of WHITE, Duarte’s creations will be featured as a special project at WSM (WHITE Sustainable Milano) platform space inside “Unveiling the fashion Backstage”, a docu-event focusing on an immersive journey into the amazing world of premium and smart supply chains that make innovative and responsible fashion wardrobes a reality.

  • C.L.A.S.S. ICON 2021 winner DUARTE returns to Milan Fashion Week launching its SEASON 2 “Eco-Street Dance” collection as a special feature at White Sustainable Milano inside the “Unveiling the fashion backstage” event

By mixing C.L.A.S.S. responsible materials, colorful prints, urban feels and artistic inspiration, the Portuguese streetwear brand creates a new style and a clear yet cool message for conscious fashion consumers
The rewarded 2021 C.L.A.S.S. Icon Award Portuguese brand Duarte is ready to presents its Fall/Winter 2022/23 collection developed in collaboration with C.L.A.S.S. Eco Hub during Milan Fashion Week. With the support of WHITE, Duarte’s creations will be featured as a special project at WSM (WHITE Sustainable Milano) platform space inside “Unveiling the fashion Backstage”, a docu-event focusing on an immersive journey into the amazing world of premium and smart supply chains that make innovative and responsible fashion wardrobes a reality.

For its second collection Duarte still counts on C.L.A.S.S. support in sourcing materials and communication activities as part of the Icon Award yearly program. The streetwear designer Ana Duarte, with the help of the Milanese hub, is back with a renewed collection that counts 40 pieces continuing the concept and the story behind the previous World Keeper: the irresistible superhero Tadao - Ana Duarte’s dog – fighting against the environmental issues created by mankind and personified as Smog Man (air pollution), Fire Man (climate change), Deforestation Man (forests destruction) and Wave Man (water overconsumption).

This time the inspiration is also Street Dance drawn directly from the city streets, with majorly unisex pieces (apart from some small specific details linked to sizes or ergonomics) and materials that both respect the planet and keep you warm. The prints drawn from ripped posters giving birth to a sort of new style that we can name “Eco-Street Dance”. The color palette explores the dark shades of grey, cream, blue and black, with artistic pops of color of a hopeful urban culture that tears apart posters from the past and turns them into a new brighter story. 

The linings complete the full sustainable picture, thanks to Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei fabrics by Gianni Crespi Foderami. Bemberg™ is a new generation material made from the smart-tech transformation of cotton linter pre-consumer material, converted through a traceable and transparent closed loop process. Entirely made in Japan, it comes with Compostability and Ecotoxicity Certifications verified by Innovhub-SSI, RCS, OEKO-TEX® Standard 100 and the Eco Mark certifications. The factory is ISO 14001 certified, too.

The collection will mark the return of Duarte’s cool and responsible style to Milan Fashion week and White Sustainable Milano. “We are proud to support Duarte as her style, her creations, visual communication and message are so beautiful, innovative and responsible. On top of that, her message to the consumer is so clear and easy for everybody to understand. With Duarte it is very easy to make a “conscious choice” without any sacrifice, and completely in line with the C.L.A.S.S. manifesto” says Giusy Bettoni, C.L.A.S.S. CEO & founder.

RF security labels from Checkpoint Systems can be fully recycled as part of kerbside paper-based recycling collections (c) Checkpoint Systems GmbH
Checkpoint Systems PTS Sustainable Label

New RF- Security Labels von Checkpoint Systems

  • Sustainability and security combined:
  • RF security labels from Checkpoint Systems can be fully recycled as part of kerbside paper-based recycling collections

To ensure that its retail customers are not negatively affecting the recyclability of product packaging by attaching security labels,Checkpoint Systems partnered with PTS – an organisation with over 70 years’experience researching the use of fibre-based solutions – to conduct a series oftechnical tests on its range of labels. The technical report concluded that consumers can safely dispose of a Checkpoint security label in a household recycling bin, without having to separate the label from the packaging, knowing that the entire pack will be recycled.

  • Sustainability and security combined:
  • RF security labels from Checkpoint Systems can be fully recycled as part of kerbside paper-based recycling collections

To ensure that its retail customers are not negatively affecting the recyclability of product packaging by attaching security labels,Checkpoint Systems partnered with PTS – an organisation with over 70 years’experience researching the use of fibre-based solutions – to conduct a series oftechnical tests on its range of labels. The technical report concluded that consumers can safely dispose of a Checkpoint security label in a household recycling bin, without having to separate the label from the packaging, knowing that the entire pack will be recycled.

The Germany-based research consultancy PTS tested a range of Checkpoint labels. PTS analysed the labels, which were different sizes and materials, to ensure that following the standard kerbside recycling process, the recycled, fibre-based material would be of acceptable quality. Each label was applied to a piece of cartonboard to simulate a real-world scenario and the results show that all are classified as being recyclable in accordance with current regulations. All labels – including the 410 RF, 2928 RF and 4210 RF labels – achieved an excellent overall recyclability rate of over 94%.

Sustainability is essential

With brands making strong commitments to sustainability – including investing in more environmentally friendly forms of packaging like cartonboard – and consumers increasingly demonstrating their preferences for sustainable packaging it is pivotal that anything applied to an item – at any point along the supply chain or in-store – does not affect the recyclability of its packaging.

Security labels play a vital role in ensuring products remain available to purchase. Retailers have been using a diverse range of labels to protect their merchandise, working with suppliers to ‘tag’ items at source or relying on store associates to apply labels in-store. As one of the largest suppliers of RF-based Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) labels globally, Checkpoint’s labels are applied to millions of products, which are packaged in different materials. Typically, when recycled, packaging labels tend to end up in a combination of different rubbish and recycling streams, depending on the packaging material and the consumer commitment to recycling.

Until today, the recyclability of these labels has been relatively unknown. It means that retailers and consumers could inadvertently be contaminating the paper-based packaging recycling stream with millions of security labels – still attached to packaging which could have otherwise been recycled up to 25 times.

“Security labels play an important role in helping retailers protect their profits, but it is vital they don’t stop packaging from being recycled. We are delighted to have achieved this accreditation from PTS that shows our labels can be recycled through the existing kerbside collections. It means that brands and retailers can be assured they are not negatively affecting a country’s recycling rate, while also knowing their customers can conveniently dispose of the entire pack, packaging material and label, in the same household recycling bin. Our labels passed all of PTS’ stringent tests meaning they have little to no impact on the recyclability of a piece of cartonboard packaging." 

Kornit Digital and Fashion-Enter Bring Fashion and Textile Production Back to the UK with Sustainable, On-Demand Digital Manufacturing (c) Kornit
Kornit Digital & Fashion Enter Innovation Centre

Kornit Digital and Fashion-Enter Bring Fashion and Textile Production Back to the UK with Sustainable, On-Demand Digital Manufacturing

  • Unveil UK’s first-ever sustainable Fashtech Innovation Centre, displaying mass customization capabilities empowering designers, apparel brands, and other creatives

Kornit Digital Ltd. (NASDAQ: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in sustainable, on-demand digital fashionx and textile production technologies and Fashion-Enter - a social enteprise, which strives to be a centre of excellence for sampling, grading, production, and for learning and development of skills within the fashion and textiles industry – today announced a first-of-its-kind Fashtech Innovation Centre in London. Aimed at bringing on-demand fashion and textile mass customization back to the UK, and unveiled on March 3rd and 4th, 2022 at Fashion-Enter's state-of-the-art training and manufacturing site, the Centre is fully supported by Kornit Digital's revolutionary, direct-to-fabric and direct-to-garment digital production solutions.

  • Unveil UK’s first-ever sustainable Fashtech Innovation Centre, displaying mass customization capabilities empowering designers, apparel brands, and other creatives

Kornit Digital Ltd. (NASDAQ: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in sustainable, on-demand digital fashionx and textile production technologies and Fashion-Enter - a social enteprise, which strives to be a centre of excellence for sampling, grading, production, and for learning and development of skills within the fashion and textiles industry – today announced a first-of-its-kind Fashtech Innovation Centre in London. Aimed at bringing on-demand fashion and textile mass customization back to the UK, and unveiled on March 3rd and 4th, 2022 at Fashion-Enter's state-of-the-art training and manufacturing site, the Centre is fully supported by Kornit Digital's revolutionary, direct-to-fabric and direct-to-garment digital production solutions.

According to Kornit Digital’s Impact and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) report, 30 percent of textile production is overproduction, while 95 percent of water waste is created as companies globally look towards more sustainable futures with customized, creative, and real-time offerings. Using proprietary streamlined, eco-friendly digital production technologies, Kornit Digital is transforming the fashion industry with more efficient and sustainable processes. According to the same report, by 2026, the Company’s systems will use up to 95 percent less water, 94 percent less energy and produce 83 percent less greenhouse gas emissions.

In addition to highlighting production capabilities that minimize carbon footprint, the Fashtech Innovation Centre serves as a prototype for brands and fulfillers seeking to mitigate logistical complexities, time-to-market, and supply chain risks by bringing production nearer to the end consumer. Eliminating overproduction and producing on demand, this nearshoring model drives profitability even in highly regulated and high-cost markets while contributing to local economies and removing transport-related waste.

Serving as a fulfilment site and academy for training production, the Centre includes both Kornit Presto direct-to-fabric and Kornit Atlas MAX direct-to-garment systems, as well as numerous graphic design and workflow tools and systems to enable cut-and-sew operations for a comprehensive “pixel to parcel to doorstep” cycle. Consolidating the process into a single location helps maintain full visibility and control of operations and products. Taking this one step further for creators and brands, visitors can experience the KornitX Global Fulfilment Network, enabling customers to create both new sales channels and accessibility to enable production on demand. Attendees can see how Kornit’s single-step digital production technology empowers unlimited graphic expression using less floor space, resources, waste, and time—all at higher margins.

“This Innovation Centre makes it possible to capture the full, end-to-end production process in one, single location,” said Jenny Holloway, Chief Executive Officer, Fashion-Enter. “The beauty of having print on demand means there are no minimums, so we can make one garment, or we can make up to 30,000 garments a week from all locations at the same fixed cost. Here, we can also train future generations on the right way of producing garments for today, responsive to demand, with minimal waste—ethical and sustainable. This is the future of fashion and textiles.”


Lenzing opens lyocell plant in Thailand

  • Project delivered on schedule and at budget after two and a half years of construction despite challenges arising from a global pandemic
  • New state-of-the-art lyocell plant with a capacity of 100,000 tons will help serve the growing demand for sustainably produced fibers
  • Important milestone towards a carbon-free future has been set

The Lenzing Group is pleased to announce the completion of its key lyocell expansion project in Thailand. The new plant, one of the largest of its kind in the world with a nameplate capacity of 100,000 tons per year, started production on schedule and will help to even better meet the increasing customer demand for TENCEL™ branded lyocell fibers. For Lenzing, the project also represents an important step towards strengthening its leadership position in the specialty fiber market and into a carbon-free future.

  • Project delivered on schedule and at budget after two and a half years of construction despite challenges arising from a global pandemic
  • New state-of-the-art lyocell plant with a capacity of 100,000 tons will help serve the growing demand for sustainably produced fibers
  • Important milestone towards a carbon-free future has been set

The Lenzing Group is pleased to announce the completion of its key lyocell expansion project in Thailand. The new plant, one of the largest of its kind in the world with a nameplate capacity of 100,000 tons per year, started production on schedule and will help to even better meet the increasing customer demand for TENCEL™ branded lyocell fibers. For Lenzing, the project also represents an important step towards strengthening its leadership position in the specialty fiber market and into a carbon-free future.

The construction of the plant located at Industrial Park 304 in Prachinburi, around 150 kilometers northeast of Bangkok, started in the second half of 2019 and proceeded largely according to plan, despite the challenges arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. The recruiting and onboarding of new employees has been successful. Investments (CAPEX) amounted to approx. EUR 400 mn.

“The demand for our wood-based, biodegradable specialty fibers under the TENCEL™, LENZING™ ECOVERO™ and VEOCEL™ brands is growing very well. In Asia in particular, we see huge growth potential for our brands based on sustainable innovation. With the production start of the lyocell plant in Thailand, Lenzing reached an important milestone in its growth journey, supporting our ambitious goal to make the textile and nonwoven industries more sustainable”, said Robert van de Kerkhof, Member of the Managing Board.

In 2019, Lenzing made a strategic commitment to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions per ton of product by 50 percent by 2030. The target is to be climate-neutral by 2050. Due to the established infrastructure, the site in Thailand can be supplied with sustainable biogenic energy and contribute significantly to climate protection.

Together with the key project in Brazil and the substantial investments at the existing sites in Asia, Lenzing is currently implementing the largest investment program in its corporate history (with more than approx. EUR 1.5 bn). Lenzing will continue to drive the execution of its strategic projects, which are to make a significant contri-bution to earnings from 2022.


Lenzing AG