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751 results
INDA: World of Wipes® Conference attracts Professionals Live and In-Person (c) INDA

INDA: World of Wipes® Conference attracts Professionals Live and In-Person

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, wrapped up its 15th annual World of Wipes® International Conference, July 12-15, with a presentation of the World of Wipes Innovation Award® to Kimberly-Clark Corporation and the highest attendance record in six years.

This year’s WOW conference welcomed 475 enthusiastic professionals from 14 countries to its in-person World of Wipes® (WOW) International Conference to advance their wipes business. Held in Atlanta, GA, the conference was notable as the first in-person conference in the nonwovens and engineered fabrics industry in 500 days due to the pandemic.

Industry professionals from 33 global companies delivered presentations and answered questions in sessions that included Wipes and the Growing Plastics Debate, Regulatory Requirements for Disinfecting and Sanitizing Wipes, Trends in the Wipes Markets and Among Consumers, Wet Wipe Preservative Innovations, Covid-19 Impacts on Wipes Consumption and Cleaning Habits, Sustainable Wipes Packaging and Dispensing, Nonwoven Substrates for More Sustainable Wipes, and Flushable Wipes: Loved by Consumers, Wrongly Accused by Utilities.

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, wrapped up its 15th annual World of Wipes® International Conference, July 12-15, with a presentation of the World of Wipes Innovation Award® to Kimberly-Clark Corporation and the highest attendance record in six years.

This year’s WOW conference welcomed 475 enthusiastic professionals from 14 countries to its in-person World of Wipes® (WOW) International Conference to advance their wipes business. Held in Atlanta, GA, the conference was notable as the first in-person conference in the nonwovens and engineered fabrics industry in 500 days due to the pandemic.

Industry professionals from 33 global companies delivered presentations and answered questions in sessions that included Wipes and the Growing Plastics Debate, Regulatory Requirements for Disinfecting and Sanitizing Wipes, Trends in the Wipes Markets and Among Consumers, Wet Wipe Preservative Innovations, Covid-19 Impacts on Wipes Consumption and Cleaning Habits, Sustainable Wipes Packaging and Dispensing, Nonwoven Substrates for More Sustainable Wipes, and Flushable Wipes: Loved by Consumers, Wrongly Accused by Utilities.

Highlights included the announcement of Kimberly-Clark Scott® 24-Hour Sanitizing Wipes as the winner of this year’s World of Wipes Innovation Award®. The annual award recognizes the product that most expands the use of nonwovens and demonstrates creativity, novelty, uniqueness, and technical sophistication within the entire nonwovens wipes value chain.

Other highlights included the presentation of the 2021 INDA Lifetime Technical Achievement Award to John Poccia. The annual award is nominated by INDA’s Technical Advisory Board and presented to an individual whose technical achievements over a long-standing career have significantly contributed to the technical advancement, success, and growth of the nonwovens industry.

Other presentation highlights included:

  • Recent Developments Under the EU Green Deal and Plastics Strategy – Pandemic Update – Gyongyi David, Attorney at Law, V V G B Advocaten-Avocats, Director- EHS Regulatory, Steptoe & Johnson LLP
  • FDA & EPA Framework of Regulations: Dry Wipes Claims – Tony Herber, Principal Regulatory Consultant/Assistant Federal Team Manager, Scientific & Regulatory Consultants, Inc. (SRC. Inc.)
  • Consumer Wipes Usage During Covid-19 and Future Use – Chris Dresselhuys, Business Director-North American Retail Wipes, Rockline Industries
  • Sustainable Solutions for Wipes – Vishal Bansai, Vice President, Innovation, and Silke Brand-Kirsch, VP, Marketing and Business Development, Glatfelter Gernsbach GmbH
  • Sustainability Impacts Across the Value Chain of Wipes Packaging – Vicky Chang, Marketing Manager, Consumer & Industrial Products, Amcor Flexibles
  • Unveiling Wet Wipes Preservation: New Findings on Microbial Risks and Preservative Solution – Paul Salama, Ph.D., CTO& Head of Innovation, Sharon Laboratories
INDA: IDEA® Achievement Awards for 2022 (c) INDA

INDA: IDEA® Achievement Awards for 2022

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, and Nonwovens Industry Magazine announced the opening of nominations for the prestigious IDEA® Achievement Awards. IDEA® is the preeminent event for the nonwovens and engineered fabrics conference and exposition and will be held at the Miami Beach Convention Center in Miami Beach, Florida USA, March 28-31, 2022.

The IDEA® Achievement Awards recognize leading companies and new innovations (since IDEA® in 2019) in the global engineered fabrics industry in six categories. Companies may now nominate their products, or their customers’ products, in the following categories:

  • Sustainability Advancement (advances one or more elements of sustainability or circularity since 2019)
  • Equipment (best new equipment introduction since 2019)
  • Raw Materials (best new raw materials introduction since 2019)
  • Short-Life (best new disposable product introduction since 2019)
  • Long-Life (best new durable product introduction since 2019)
  • Nonwoven Product (best new nonwoven product introduction since 2019)

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, and Nonwovens Industry Magazine announced the opening of nominations for the prestigious IDEA® Achievement Awards. IDEA® is the preeminent event for the nonwovens and engineered fabrics conference and exposition and will be held at the Miami Beach Convention Center in Miami Beach, Florida USA, March 28-31, 2022.

The IDEA® Achievement Awards recognize leading companies and new innovations (since IDEA® in 2019) in the global engineered fabrics industry in six categories. Companies may now nominate their products, or their customers’ products, in the following categories:

  • Sustainability Advancement (advances one or more elements of sustainability or circularity since 2019)
  • Equipment (best new equipment introduction since 2019)
  • Raw Materials (best new raw materials introduction since 2019)
  • Short-Life (best new disposable product introduction since 2019)
  • Long-Life (best new durable product introduction since 2019)
  • Nonwoven Product (best new nonwoven product introduction since 2019)

ECHA: Candidate List updated with eight hazardous chemicals

Some of the newly added substances are used in consumer products such as cosmetics, scented articles, rubber and textiles. Others are used as solvents, flame retardants or to manufacture plastics products. Most have been added to the Candidate List because they are hazardous to human health as they are toxic for reproduction, carcinogenic, respiratory sensitisers or endocrine disruptors.

Companies must follow their legal obligations and ensure the safe use of these chemicals. They also have to notify ECHA under the Waste Framework Directive if their products contain substances of very high concern. This notification is submitted to ECHA’s SCIP database and the information will later be published on the Agency’s website.

Some of the newly added substances are used in consumer products such as cosmetics, scented articles, rubber and textiles. Others are used as solvents, flame retardants or to manufacture plastics products. Most have been added to the Candidate List because they are hazardous to human health as they are toxic for reproduction, carcinogenic, respiratory sensitisers or endocrine disruptors.

Companies must follow their legal obligations and ensure the safe use of these chemicals. They also have to notify ECHA under the Waste Framework Directive if their products contain substances of very high concern. This notification is submitted to ECHA’s SCIP database and the information will later be published on the Agency’s website.

The Candidate List includes substances of very high concern that may have serious effects on our health or the environment. These substances may be placed on the Authorisation List in the future, which means that companies would need to apply for permission to continue using them. The Candidate List has now 219 entries – some of these cover groups of chemicals so the overall number of impacted chemicals is higher.
Under the REACH Regulation, companies may have legal obligations when their substance is included – either on its own, in mixtures or in articles – in the Candidate List. Any supplier of articles containing a Candidate List substance above a concentration of 0.1 % weight by weight has to give sufficient information to their customers and consumers to allow safe use.
Importers and producers of articles containing a Candidate List substance have six months from the date of its inclusion in the list (8 July 2021) to notify ECHA. Suppliers of substances on the Candidate List (supplied either on their own or in mixtures) have to provide their customers with a safety data sheet.
As of 5 January 2021, suppliers of articles on the EU market containing Candidate List substances in a concentration above 0.1% weight by weight must notify these articles to ECHA’s SCIP database. This duty comes from the Waste Framework Directive.
More information on these obligations and related tools are available here.


European Chemicals Agency


Umweltzeichen Blauer Engel für Textilien nimmt an Frankfurter Modemesse Neonyt teil

  • Blauer Engel gibt verlässliche Orientierung für den Konsum nachhaltiger Textilien
  • Neonyt erneut digital vom 5. bis 9. Juli 2021

Das staatliche Umweltzeichen Blauer Engel für Textilien (DE-UZ 154) ist dieses Jahr erneut mit einem virtuellen Stand auf der Frankfurter Modemesse Neonyt vertreten, die digital vom 5. bis zum 9. Juli stattfinden wird. Das Ziel der Messe lautet, einen Transformationsprozess der Textil- und Modebranche einzuleiten und die Industrie zu wandeln: Modethemen wie Ästhetik, Trends, Lifestyle sollen mit Nachhaltigkeit, Digitalisierung und Innovation verschmelzen. Der Blaue Engel unterstützt dieses Anliegen: Produkte, die mit dem Umweltzeichen für Textilien zertifiziert sind, erfüllen hohe Umweltstandards. Sie wurden ohne gesundheitsgefährdende Chemikalien hergestellt und weisen gute Gebrauchseigenschaften auf.

  • Blauer Engel gibt verlässliche Orientierung für den Konsum nachhaltiger Textilien
  • Neonyt erneut digital vom 5. bis 9. Juli 2021

Das staatliche Umweltzeichen Blauer Engel für Textilien (DE-UZ 154) ist dieses Jahr erneut mit einem virtuellen Stand auf der Frankfurter Modemesse Neonyt vertreten, die digital vom 5. bis zum 9. Juli stattfinden wird. Das Ziel der Messe lautet, einen Transformationsprozess der Textil- und Modebranche einzuleiten und die Industrie zu wandeln: Modethemen wie Ästhetik, Trends, Lifestyle sollen mit Nachhaltigkeit, Digitalisierung und Innovation verschmelzen. Der Blaue Engel unterstützt dieses Anliegen: Produkte, die mit dem Umweltzeichen für Textilien zertifiziert sind, erfüllen hohe Umweltstandards. Sie wurden ohne gesundheitsgefährdende Chemikalien hergestellt und weisen gute Gebrauchseigenschaften auf.

Hersteller, Unternehmen und Marken, die ihre Produkte mit dem Blauen Engel zertifizieren, leisten damit nicht nur einen Beitrag für eine nachhaltigere Gestaltung der Modeindustrie, sondern erleichtern auch Verbraucher*innen eine ökologische Kaufentscheidung. Das Siegel stellt Anforderungen an den gesamten Produktionsweg und deckt sowohl Natur- als auch Kunstfasertextilien ab.

Die Teilnahme des Umweltzeichens Blauer Engel für Textilien bedeutet somit nicht nur die Möglichkeit das eigene Zeichen zu bewerben, sondern auch mit Textil- und Modeexpert*innen, Kreativen, Labels und Fashion Week-Neulingen in Diskurs zu treten. Als Vertreterin des Blauen Engels nimmt Frau Dr. Kristin Stechemesser vom Umweltbundesamt an einer Gesprächsrunde zum Thema Siegel und Zertifizierung teil. Diskutiert werden hier unter anderem Fragen zur Zielgruppe des Blauen Engels für Textilen, zu aktuellen und künftigen Herausforderungen für Labels im Textilbereich sowie zu Wachstumschancen und Hemmnissen für nachhaltige Mode.

Die Veranstaltung ist interdisziplinär angelegt, Partner*innen aus Politik, Handel, Industrie und Medien haben ihr Programm gemeinsam entworfen. Pandemiebedingt wird es auch dieses Jahr digital durchgeführt und per Stream übertragen. Nach Beendigung der Messe werden alle Talks, Master Classes, Keynotes und Präsentationen online zur Verfügung stehen.

Bremer Baumwollbörse: Kontinuität in Vorstand und Präsidium (c) Bremer Baumwollbörse

Bremer Baumwollbörse: Kontinuität in Vorstand und Präsidium

Satzungsgemäß fand am 24. Juni 2021 die 147. ordentliche Generalversammlung der Bremer Baumwollbörse statt. Das alte Präsidium ist auch das neue und wurde in bisheriger Zusammensetzung vom Vorstand wiedergewählt.

Stephanie Silber, Geschäftsführerin der Otto Stadtlander GmbH, bleibt als Präsidentin weiter im Amt, ebenso die Vizepräsidenten Jens D. Lukaczik, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter des Serviceunternehmens Cargo Control Germany GmbH & Co. KG in Bremen, Ernst Grimmelt, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Spinnerei und Weberei Velener Textil GmbH in Velen, Nordrhein-Westfalen und Fritz A. Grobien, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Albrecht, Müller-Pearse & Co. Trade (GmbH & Co.) KG, Bremen.

Neuwahlen des Vorstands
Während der Generalversammlung fanden die Neuwahlen des Vorstandes statt.
Vizepräsident Fritz A. Grobien, Albrecht, Müller-Pearse & Co. Trade (GmbH & Co.) KG, Bremen, schied turnusgemäß aus dem Vorstand aus und wurde neu in das Gremium gewählt. Auch Jean-Paul Haessig, Asian Cotton Traders PTE Ltd, Singapur, wurde erneut in den Vorstand berufen.

Satzungsgemäß fand am 24. Juni 2021 die 147. ordentliche Generalversammlung der Bremer Baumwollbörse statt. Das alte Präsidium ist auch das neue und wurde in bisheriger Zusammensetzung vom Vorstand wiedergewählt.

Stephanie Silber, Geschäftsführerin der Otto Stadtlander GmbH, bleibt als Präsidentin weiter im Amt, ebenso die Vizepräsidenten Jens D. Lukaczik, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter des Serviceunternehmens Cargo Control Germany GmbH & Co. KG in Bremen, Ernst Grimmelt, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Spinnerei und Weberei Velener Textil GmbH in Velen, Nordrhein-Westfalen und Fritz A. Grobien, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Albrecht, Müller-Pearse & Co. Trade (GmbH & Co.) KG, Bremen.

Neuwahlen des Vorstands
Während der Generalversammlung fanden die Neuwahlen des Vorstandes statt.
Vizepräsident Fritz A. Grobien, Albrecht, Müller-Pearse & Co. Trade (GmbH & Co.) KG, Bremen, schied turnusgemäß aus dem Vorstand aus und wurde neu in das Gremium gewählt. Auch Jean-Paul Haessig, Asian Cotton Traders PTE Ltd, Singapur, wurde erneut in den Vorstand berufen.

Weitere Mitglieder im Vorstand sind Hannes Drolle, Getzner Textil AG, Bludenz/Österreich, Henning Hammer, Otto Stadtlander GmbH, Bremen, in Shanghai verantwortlich für das Asiengeschäft, Jan Kettelhack, Hch. Kettelhack GmbH + Co. KG, Rheine, Konrad Schröer, Setex-Textil GmbH, Hamminkeln-Dingden, Peter Spoerry, Spoerry 1886 AG, Flums, auch in der Funktion als Vertreter der Schweizer Textilindustrie, Roland Stelzer, Gebr. Elmer & Zweifel GmbH & Co. KG, Bempflingen sowie Axel Trede, Cotton Service International GmbH, Bremen. Als beratendes Mitglied ist Manfred Kern als Repräsentant der Vereinigung Textilindustrie Österreich im Vorstand vertreten.

Präsidentin Stephanie Silber sagte anlässlich der Generalversammlung: „Nach mehr als einem Jahr in der Pandemie zeigt sich: Baumwolle hat sich als resilient erwiesen. Natürlich sind die Auswirkungen der Covid-19 Pandemie nicht spurlos an der Branche vorbei gegangen. Aufträge wurden storniert, Unternehmen kämpfen mit der Insolvenz. Aber durch die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette hindurch haben Menschen an Lösungen gearbeitet und die Innovationskraft der Baumwollindustrie demonstriert. Die Nachfrage hat sich relativ schnell wieder erholt. Dies ist eine gute Basis für die kommende Saison, die hoffentlich unter normaleren Bedingungen stattfinden kann. Aktuell hat die Branche mit der logistischen Situation eine große Herausforderung. Knappe Containerverfügbarkeit und ausgebuchte Schiffsrouten verzögern die globalen Lieferketten weltweit.“


Swiss Textile Machinery companies at ITMA Asia + CITME (c) 2021, Swissmem
Impression from ITMA Asia + CITME 2020

Swiss Textile Machinery companies at ITMA Asia + CITME

The recent ITMA Asia + CITME exhibition was marked by a strong showing from Swiss Textile Machinery members, in what was the sector’s first major face-to-face showcase since the pandemic restrictions.

With an attendance comprised of 99% visitors, the show still proved a satisfactory venture, the Swiss companies reported. There was real product innovation, and meaningful customer interest, prompting a genuine mood of optimism among exhibitors. The event was held from June 12-16 in Shanghai, with 18 Swiss exhibitors, of whom 13 were Swiss Textile Machinery member companies.

The Swiss Textile Machinery member firms exhibiting at ITMA Asia + CITME 2020 were:

  • Bräcker
  • Graf
  • Hunziker
  • Loepfe
  • Luwa
  • Polytex
  • Rieter
  • Santex Rimar
  • Sedo Engineering
  • SSM
  • Stäubli
  • Uster
  • Willy Grob

The recent ITMA Asia + CITME exhibition was marked by a strong showing from Swiss Textile Machinery members, in what was the sector’s first major face-to-face showcase since the pandemic restrictions.

With an attendance comprised of 99% visitors, the show still proved a satisfactory venture, the Swiss companies reported. There was real product innovation, and meaningful customer interest, prompting a genuine mood of optimism among exhibitors. The event was held from June 12-16 in Shanghai, with 18 Swiss exhibitors, of whom 13 were Swiss Textile Machinery member companies.

The Swiss Textile Machinery member firms exhibiting at ITMA Asia + CITME 2020 were:

  • Bräcker
  • Graf
  • Hunziker
  • Loepfe
  • Luwa
  • Polytex
  • Rieter
  • Santex Rimar
  • Sedo Engineering
  • SSM
  • Stäubli
  • Uster
  • Willy Grob

EURATEX Statement on the EU-US Summit

The European textile and apparel industry welcomes the organisation of the EU-US Summit in Brussels, and hopes that political leaders will launch a new era of closer cooperation across the Atlantic. Both the Covid19 pandemic and recent geopolitical tensions call for global solutions; the EU and the US should take a leadership role in developing that new global framework.

EU-US trade in textiles and apparel have dropped by nearly 20% in 2020 (just under €6 bln), while imports from other countries, in particular China, have increased spectacularly (+45% into the EU). At the same time, global supply chains came under pressure, and access to certain raw materials for the industry became difficult and costly.

Against this background, EURATEX does not call for protectionism, but a better functioning of global supply chains, with common rules which are applied by all. The EU and US authorities should put their full influence to establish a level playing field for our industry across the globe, promoting environmental and social standards. Sustainable and circular textiles should become the norm, thus contributing to a greener planet and creating high quality jobs.  

The European textile and apparel industry welcomes the organisation of the EU-US Summit in Brussels, and hopes that political leaders will launch a new era of closer cooperation across the Atlantic. Both the Covid19 pandemic and recent geopolitical tensions call for global solutions; the EU and the US should take a leadership role in developing that new global framework.

EU-US trade in textiles and apparel have dropped by nearly 20% in 2020 (just under €6 bln), while imports from other countries, in particular China, have increased spectacularly (+45% into the EU). At the same time, global supply chains came under pressure, and access to certain raw materials for the industry became difficult and costly.

Against this background, EURATEX does not call for protectionism, but a better functioning of global supply chains, with common rules which are applied by all. The EU and US authorities should put their full influence to establish a level playing field for our industry across the globe, promoting environmental and social standards. Sustainable and circular textiles should become the norm, thus contributing to a greener planet and creating high quality jobs.  

At bilateral level, the EU and US should resume their work on mutual recognition of standards and certification procedures, thus saving considerable costs for our companies while maintaining the highest safety standards. Custom procedures can be simplified on both sides, and joint research, e.g. in smart textiles, should be promoted.

EURATEX welcomes the recent progress in provisionally eliminating additional duties on several American and European products due to the Airbus-Boeing trade dispute. It is a very positive sign that EURATEX would like to highlight in a particularly difficult context for the textile and clothing industry at European, American and even global levels. EURATEX calls on both US and EU institutions to eliminate such duties permanently and build on a common positive agenda for the benefit of EU and US companies and consumers.

EURATEX Director General Dirk Vantyghem commented: "Both the EU and US are developing a new business model for their industry. We should make sure these models can complement and reinforce each other. If not, we risk losing global leadership, not just in terms of market share but also in terms of values and standards."

Digital Pioneer Awards ceremony at the digitalCHURCH (c) digitalHUB Aachen e.V.; photo: Thomas Langens
Digital Pioneer Awards ceremony at the digitalCHURCH

ITA Academy GmbH wins Digital Pioneer Award 2021

  • Digital Pioneer Awards ceremony at the digitalCHURCH
  • ITA Academy GmbH was honoured to receive the Digital Pioneer Award at the Digital Summit Event in Aachen on June 09, 2021.

The Digital Pioneer Award is given to companies that drive digitalisation with digital business models, processes or digital products. ITA Academy GmbH was honoured with the Digital Capability Center (DCC) Aachen and its support of companies in their digital transformation.

  • Digital Pioneer Awards ceremony at the digitalCHURCH
  • ITA Academy GmbH was honoured to receive the Digital Pioneer Award at the Digital Summit Event in Aachen on June 09, 2021.

The Digital Pioneer Award is given to companies that drive digitalisation with digital business models, processes or digital products. ITA Academy GmbH was honoured with the Digital Capability Center (DCC) Aachen and its support of companies in their digital transformation.

Using the latest didactic methods, sophisticated solution concepts and state-of-the-art technologies, the DCC Aachen supports people in keeping up with the digital future and becoming pioneers in digital transformation. In order to make innovative solutions such as AI and digital assistance systems tangible, the ITA Academy founded the Digital Capability Center (DCC) Aachen together with McKinsey & Company in 2017. The DCC is a model factory 4.0 in which digital applications are demonstrated and taught using the example of a realistic factory. The DCC thus offers a learning environment for companies in which participants are supported in building up competencies in the field of digital transformation in the form of practical work-shops.

The digital pioneers are to be publicised as best-practice examples in order to sensitize regional SMEs to the topic of digitisation. Around the award of the digital pioneers, the digitalHUB Aachen e.V. rolls out effective marketing activities. The pioneers achieve high visibility through the various planned campaigns and advertising opportunities.


Swedish automation boosts Tritex sewing operations

Founded in 1952, Svegea of Sweden – a member of TMAS, the Swedish textile machinery association – has over 60 years of experience in exclusively designing, manufacturing and installing high quality collarette band cutting machines worldwide.

These are used by garment manufacturers around the world for the production of tubular apparel components such as waistbands, cuff and neck tapes and other seam reinforcements, such as Triteks Trejd.

Founded in 1994, this family-owned business employs over 280 people at its plant in Prilep, North Macedonia, where high quality cotton fabrics are expertly converted into the products of the Tritex Underwear brand.

The Prilep operation encompasses the processing of fabrics, design, cutting, sewing, quality control and packing in a fully integrated workflow.

With around 200 sewing machinists, the Tritex product range encompasses briefs, boxers, slips, t-shirts, pyjamas and body slips which are primarily sold to countries within the European Union, as well as the domestic market.

Founded in 1952, Svegea of Sweden – a member of TMAS, the Swedish textile machinery association – has over 60 years of experience in exclusively designing, manufacturing and installing high quality collarette band cutting machines worldwide.

These are used by garment manufacturers around the world for the production of tubular apparel components such as waistbands, cuff and neck tapes and other seam reinforcements, such as Triteks Trejd.

Founded in 1994, this family-owned business employs over 280 people at its plant in Prilep, North Macedonia, where high quality cotton fabrics are expertly converted into the products of the Tritex Underwear brand.

The Prilep operation encompasses the processing of fabrics, design, cutting, sewing, quality control and packing in a fully integrated workflow.

With around 200 sewing machinists, the Tritex product range encompasses briefs, boxers, slips, t-shirts, pyjamas and body slips which are primarily sold to countries within the European Union, as well as the domestic market.

The company has also just completed the digitalisation of its full production via the in-house DPC-SYS system, installing around 200 industrial PCs linking each of its workstations and departments.

Triteks Trejd currently operates three of the latest Svegea collarette cutting machines and is highly satisfied with their performance, as well as the service provided by the Swedish company.


EURATEX calls for an effective EU Industrial strategy

On the occasion of releasing its 2021 Spring Report, EURATEX calls the European Institutions to implement a new Industrial Strategy which will effectively support the European textiles industry. EURATEX welcomes the fact that Textile and Clothing industry is recognised as one of the 14 essential ecosystems of the European economy, but we need to take effective measures to support these sectors, and take into consideration the global dimension.

On the occasion of releasing its 2021 Spring Report, EURATEX calls the European Institutions to implement a new Industrial Strategy which will effectively support the European textiles industry. EURATEX welcomes the fact that Textile and Clothing industry is recognised as one of the 14 essential ecosystems of the European economy, but we need to take effective measures to support these sectors, and take into consideration the global dimension.

Economic data for 2020 in EURATEX Spring Report show preoccupying trends. Figures reflect a dramatic contraction in demand and production: EU turnover contracted by -9.3% in textiles (which is in line with the general manufacturing average) and by -17.7% in clothing, compared with 2019. Furthermore, supply chain disruptions and substantial price increases of some raw materials are putting significant pressure on the T&C industries across Europe. The trade deficit for European textiles and clothing jumped from € -47 bln in 2019 to € -62 bln in 2020, an increase of more than 30%, which is almost entirely due to the import of Chinese face masks and related products. Fortunately, more recent figures from the 1st quarter of 2021 indicate some signs of recovery.

That figure illustrates very well today’s political discussions on the future of the European industry. Many European companies have made considerable efforts to adapt their production to the pandemic, but clearly this was not enough. Whether the production cost in Europe is too high or the EU should adapt its procurement rules, the industry needs have a coherent long-term plan to become more competitive and conquer new markets.

EURATEX General Assembly highlighted the critical role of the new EU Industrial Strategy. The inclusion of textiles and clothing in the fourteen ecosystems is a step in the right direction to consolidate the industrial base but we should look also at the global challenges. European companies should continue investing in innovation, design and quality, in combination with a structural move towards more sustainable textiles. At the same time, the EU should create an environment - both inside the Single Market and globally - where everybody plays by the same rules.



VDMA member companies at ITMA ASIA + CITME (c) ITMA

VDMA member companies at ITMA ASIA + CITME

Although affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, ITMA ASIA + CITME, which takes place mid-June in Shanghai, will see a convincing participation of VDMA member companies. 56 exhibitors from Germany will exhibit at this year’s edition of Asia’s major fair for textile machinery. Due to the pandemic and travel restrictions, this is much less than in 2018, when 99 exhibitors from Germany were present. The booked space of German companies has almost halved compared to 2018. Nevertheless, Germany is still the second largest exhibitor nation after China.

At a virtual VDMA press conference early June, these renowned VDMA member companies* presented their highlights for the Asian market:

Although affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, ITMA ASIA + CITME, which takes place mid-June in Shanghai, will see a convincing participation of VDMA member companies. 56 exhibitors from Germany will exhibit at this year’s edition of Asia’s major fair for textile machinery. Due to the pandemic and travel restrictions, this is much less than in 2018, when 99 exhibitors from Germany were present. The booked space of German companies has almost halved compared to 2018. Nevertheless, Germany is still the second largest exhibitor nation after China.

At a virtual VDMA press conference early June, these renowned VDMA member companies* presented their highlights for the Asian market:

  • Oerlikon Polymer Processing Solutions Division
  • Truetzschler Group
  • Neuenhauser
  • Saurer
  • Karl Mayer
  • Groz-Beckert
  • Herzog
  • Lenze
  • Mahlo
  • Sedo Treepoint
  • Thies

Instead of visiting the show personally, the VDMA offers a virtual trip to Asia. The established "Textile Machinery Webtalk" series via the newsroom IndustryArena will focus on ITMA ASIA in the run-up to the fair: VDMA Webtalks meet ITMA ASIA.

*See attached document for more information.


Election of a new EPTA Board

During its members meeting of June 2nd, 2021, the European Pultrusion Technology Association (EPTA) elected a new board. All EPTA board members who stood for re-election have been confirmed again. Dr. Elmar Witten, Secretary of the EPTA, is happy about the continuity in the line-up of the EPTA board. "We will continue the current marketing activities to promote the pultrusion process," said Witten.

Thus, the board members for the next 4 years are:
Dr. Luigi Giamundo, ATP srl., Italy (Chairman)
Alfonso Branca, TOP GLASS, Italy
Dietmar Kühne, Ernst Kühne Kunststoffwerk, Germany
Sebastian Mehrtens, Fibrolux, Germany
Eric Moussiaux, Exel Composites, Belgium
Martin Zelinka, Owens Corning, France

Pultrusion is an important and continuously growing segment in the composites industry. It is a continuous manufacturing process of linear composite profiles made of polymeric resins such as polyesters and fiber reinforcement such as glass fibers. Automated Pultrusion Production Technology facilitates today's High Quality and Low-Cost demands by the market.

During its members meeting of June 2nd, 2021, the European Pultrusion Technology Association (EPTA) elected a new board. All EPTA board members who stood for re-election have been confirmed again. Dr. Elmar Witten, Secretary of the EPTA, is happy about the continuity in the line-up of the EPTA board. "We will continue the current marketing activities to promote the pultrusion process," said Witten.

Thus, the board members for the next 4 years are:
Dr. Luigi Giamundo, ATP srl., Italy (Chairman)
Alfonso Branca, TOP GLASS, Italy
Dietmar Kühne, Ernst Kühne Kunststoffwerk, Germany
Sebastian Mehrtens, Fibrolux, Germany
Eric Moussiaux, Exel Composites, Belgium
Martin Zelinka, Owens Corning, France

Pultrusion is an important and continuously growing segment in the composites industry. It is a continuous manufacturing process of linear composite profiles made of polymeric resins such as polyesters and fiber reinforcement such as glass fibers. Automated Pultrusion Production Technology facilitates today's High Quality and Low-Cost demands by the market.


Fashion Net Düsseldorf/Fashion Square: DFD als zentrale Dachmarke

  • Fashion Net Düsseldorf und Fashion Square einigen sich auf einheitliche Marke
  • „DFD“ erfasst zukünftig als zentrale Dachmarke alle Aktivitäten des Fashion Square

Fashion Net Düsseldorf und Fashion Square verfolgen fortan eine gemeinsame Mission: Die Stärkung des Modestandorts Düsseldorf durch die einheitliche Nutzung der Dachmarke DFD.

„DFD erfasst zukünftig als zentrale Dachmarke nun auch sämtliche Aktivitäten des Fashion Square die bisher unter dem Titel Düsseldorf Fashion Week liefen“, sagt Angelika Firnrohr, Geschäftsführerin des Fashion Net Düsseldorf. Durch ihr kontinuierliches Engagement am Standort ist Firnrohr maßgeblich an der Weiterentwicklung des DFD Konzeptes, sämtlichen Aktivitäten der Showroom- und Messeorder sowie ganzjährig relevanten Maßnahmen am Modestandort beteiligt. „Die DFD Dachmarke zielt drauf ab, verschiedene Einzelinteressen in Düsseldorf innerhalb der Orderwoche abzubilden. Im Sinne einer konsequenten Standortförderung ist es daher notwendig, dass alle relevanten Player der Branche den DFD-Begriff für ihre Kommunikation nutzen“, erklärt sie.

  • Fashion Net Düsseldorf und Fashion Square einigen sich auf einheitliche Marke
  • „DFD“ erfasst zukünftig als zentrale Dachmarke alle Aktivitäten des Fashion Square

Fashion Net Düsseldorf und Fashion Square verfolgen fortan eine gemeinsame Mission: Die Stärkung des Modestandorts Düsseldorf durch die einheitliche Nutzung der Dachmarke DFD.

„DFD erfasst zukünftig als zentrale Dachmarke nun auch sämtliche Aktivitäten des Fashion Square die bisher unter dem Titel Düsseldorf Fashion Week liefen“, sagt Angelika Firnrohr, Geschäftsführerin des Fashion Net Düsseldorf. Durch ihr kontinuierliches Engagement am Standort ist Firnrohr maßgeblich an der Weiterentwicklung des DFD Konzeptes, sämtlichen Aktivitäten der Showroom- und Messeorder sowie ganzjährig relevanten Maßnahmen am Modestandort beteiligt. „Die DFD Dachmarke zielt drauf ab, verschiedene Einzelinteressen in Düsseldorf innerhalb der Orderwoche abzubilden. Im Sinne einer konsequenten Standortförderung ist es daher notwendig, dass alle relevanten Player der Branche den DFD-Begriff für ihre Kommunikation nutzen“, erklärt sie.

Auch Klaus Kroeger, Geschäftsführer der Fashion Square Marketing GmbH sieht der Bündelung der Einzelinteressen von Fashion Net und Fashion Square positiv entgegen. Er freut sich darauf zukünftig Synergien aus dieser Kooperation zu ziehen und die Zusammenarbeit mit der Igedo und der Gallery FASHION & Shoes weiter zu intensivieren. „Seit mehr als zehn Jahren existieren die Begriffe DFD – ehemals CPD – und Fashion Week Düsseldorf parallel zueinander. Um Düsseldorf weiterhin als wichtigste Modestadt Deutschlands zu positionieren, ein emotionalisiertes Order- und Einkaufserlebnis zu schaffen und Fashion-Buyer weiterhin langfristig an den Modestandort Düsseldorf zu binden, ist eine gemeinsame Kommunikation zu den Ordertagen unabdingbar“, so Kroeger weiter


PR + Presseagentur textschwester


NCTO: Industry and Union Coalition releases Statement about PPE

A broad coalition of industry organizations and labor unions, representing a broad spectrum of manufacturers and workers who stepped up to make essential personal protective equipment (PPE) throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) expressing strong support for the inclusion of robust domestic procurement policies for PPE in the U.S. Innovation and Competition Act (USICA) currently being considered by the Senate.

See the coalition’s full letter here.

A broad coalition of industry organizations and labor unions, representing a broad spectrum of manufacturers and workers who stepped up to make essential personal protective equipment (PPE) throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) expressing strong support for the inclusion of robust domestic procurement policies for PPE in the U.S. Innovation and Competition Act (USICA) currently being considered by the Senate.

See the coalition’s full letter here.


NCTO testifies on the Medical Supply Chain and Pandemic Response Gaps

NCTO President and CEO Kim Glas testifies on “COVID-19 Part II: Evaluating the Medical Supply Chain and Pandemic Response Gaps, before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.

In written testimony submitted to the committee, Glas provides an overview of: the U.S. market prior to the pandemic and the root causes of America’s dependence on offshore sources for medical PPE; the heroic response of the U.S. textile industry; the federal government’s response to the crisis; and a series of policy recommendations to incentivize the establishment of a permanent domestic PPE supply chain.

Glas details key policy recommendations designed to establish a permanent domestic PPE supply chain, including:

NCTO President and CEO Kim Glas testifies on “COVID-19 Part II: Evaluating the Medical Supply Chain and Pandemic Response Gaps, before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.

In written testimony submitted to the committee, Glas provides an overview of: the U.S. market prior to the pandemic and the root causes of America’s dependence on offshore sources for medical PPE; the heroic response of the U.S. textile industry; the federal government’s response to the crisis; and a series of policy recommendations to incentivize the establishment of a permanent domestic PPE supply chain.

Glas details key policy recommendations designed to establish a permanent domestic PPE supply chain, including:

  • Create strong domestic procurement rules for federal PPE purchases and other essential products--substantially similar to the Berry Amendment and the Kissell Amendment which require 100% US content from fiber production forward
  • Implement forward-looking policies to shore up the Strategic National Stockpile and issue long-term contracts to incentivize investment in the domestic PPE manufacturing base
  • Create federal incentives for private sector hospitals and large provider networks to purchase domestically-produced PPE
  • Continue to deploy the Defense Production Act to shore up the textile industrial base from raw materials to end products for all essential products

View the full written testimony here.

Wissenschaftskommunikation Energiewende: Für Energieforschung begeistern und Innovationen für das Energiesystem von morgen zeigen. © Fraunhofer UMSICHT
Wissenschaftskommunikation Energiewende: Für Energieforschung begeistern und Innovationen für das Energiesystem von morgen zeigen.

Fraunhofer UMSICHT Ausstellungsprojekt

  • Energiewende – gemeinsam für eine klimaneutrale Zukunft
  • Wissenschaftskommunikation Energiewende: Für Energieforschung begeistern und Innovationen für das Energiesystem von morgen zeigen.

Wie können wir die Energiewende gemeinsam umsetzen? Dieser Frage widmet sich ab 2022 eine Ausstellung, die das gesamte Bundesgebiet bereist und durch zahlreiche Veranstaltungen und partizipative Angebote begleitet wird. In dem gemeinsamen Projekt präsentieren Forschungseinrichtungen, Hochschulen, Ausstellungshäuser sowie Akteure der Wissenschaftskommunikation Lösungen für eine sichere, wirtschaftliche und klimaneutrale Energieversorgung und nehmen Ideen und Meinungen der Bürgerinnen und Bürger dazu auf. Parallel werden die Wahrnehmung des Themas Energiewende in der Öffentlichkeit und die Wirkung des Projekts selbst erforscht.

Ausstellung ab April 2022

  • Energiewende – gemeinsam für eine klimaneutrale Zukunft
  • Wissenschaftskommunikation Energiewende: Für Energieforschung begeistern und Innovationen für das Energiesystem von morgen zeigen.

Wie können wir die Energiewende gemeinsam umsetzen? Dieser Frage widmet sich ab 2022 eine Ausstellung, die das gesamte Bundesgebiet bereist und durch zahlreiche Veranstaltungen und partizipative Angebote begleitet wird. In dem gemeinsamen Projekt präsentieren Forschungseinrichtungen, Hochschulen, Ausstellungshäuser sowie Akteure der Wissenschaftskommunikation Lösungen für eine sichere, wirtschaftliche und klimaneutrale Energieversorgung und nehmen Ideen und Meinungen der Bürgerinnen und Bürger dazu auf. Parallel werden die Wahrnehmung des Themas Energiewende in der Öffentlichkeit und die Wirkung des Projekts selbst erforscht.

Ausstellung ab April 2022

Im Mittelpunkt steht eine Ausstellung, die vom Industriemuseum des Landschaftsverbandes Westfalen-Lippe (LWL) und dem Klimahaus Bremerhaven 8° Ost entwickelt wird. Erste Station ist ab April 2022 die Henrichshütte Hattingen im Ruhrgebiet, ab Oktober 2022 ist die Ausstellung im Klimahaus zu sehen. Sie stellt mit Hilfe interaktiver und partizipativer Elemente Konzepte und Ideen der Energiewende sowie innovative Forschungsprojekte vor. Dabei werden auch die regionalen Besonderheiten im Umfeld der beiden Ausstellungshäuser aufgegriffen. Im Anschluss an die Präsentation in Hattingen und Bremerhaven tourt eine daraus entwickelte Wanderausstellung durch das Bundesgebiet.

Die Konzeption der Ausstellung und ihre Rezeption werden von der TU Ilmenau kommunikationswissenschaftlich begleitet. Erkenntnisse aus der Begleitforschung können dadurch direkt in die Ausstellung und das Rahmenprogramm zurückfließen. Im Zentrum des Projekts steht dabei die Frage, wie erfolgreiche Wissenschaftskommunikation zur Energiewende vor allem mit Blick auf regionale Aspekte gelingen kann und welchen Einfluss standortspezifische Faktoren auf die Rezeption haben.


    Industriemuseum des Landschaftsverbandes Westfalen-Lippe (LWL)
    Klimahaus Bremerhaven 8° Ost
    Technische Universität Ilmenau, Fachgebiet Empirische Medienforschung und politische Kommunikation
    DECHEMA Gesellschaft für chemische Technik und Biotechnologie e. V.
    Fraunhofer UMSICHT
    Fraunhofer-Cluster CINES
    Wissenschaft im Dialog


    Kopernikus Projekte für die Energiewende


Fraunhofer-Institut für Umwelt-, Sicherheits- und Energietechnik UMSICHT

Virtuelle Verleihung des UMSICHT-Wissenschaftspreises 2021 © Shutterstock
UMSICHT-Wissenschaftspreis 2021

Virtuelle Verleihung des UMSICHT-Wissenschaftspreises 2021

Das letzte Jahr und insbesondere die mediale Aufmerksamkeit rund um die Corona-Pandemie zeigen, wie wichtig eine verständliche und zielgruppenorientierte Kommunikation wissenschaftlicher Themen ist und welchen hohen Stellenwert die Wissenschaft einnimmt. Den Dialog zwischen Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft zu fördern, ist das Ziel des UMSICHT-Wissenschaftspreises, der 2021 zum zwölften Mal vom UMSICHT-Förderverein verliehen wird. Erfahren Sie im Rahmen der Preisverleihung mehr über die spannenden Beiträge der Preisträgerinnen und Preisträger in den Kategorien Wissenschaft und Journalismus.

Die diesjährige Bekanntgabe der Preisträger*innen und Preisverleihung findet am Donnerstag, den 24. Juni 2021 aufgrund der aktuellen Situation virtuell statt. Auf der Veranstaltung kann man sich über aktuelle Themen und Trends in der Wissenschaft und Wissenschaftskommunikation informieren. Nähere Informationen und auch bereits den Link zur Veranstaltung finden sie hier.

Das letzte Jahr und insbesondere die mediale Aufmerksamkeit rund um die Corona-Pandemie zeigen, wie wichtig eine verständliche und zielgruppenorientierte Kommunikation wissenschaftlicher Themen ist und welchen hohen Stellenwert die Wissenschaft einnimmt. Den Dialog zwischen Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft zu fördern, ist das Ziel des UMSICHT-Wissenschaftspreises, der 2021 zum zwölften Mal vom UMSICHT-Förderverein verliehen wird. Erfahren Sie im Rahmen der Preisverleihung mehr über die spannenden Beiträge der Preisträgerinnen und Preisträger in den Kategorien Wissenschaft und Journalismus.

Die diesjährige Bekanntgabe der Preisträger*innen und Preisverleihung findet am Donnerstag, den 24. Juni 2021 aufgrund der aktuellen Situation virtuell statt. Auf der Veranstaltung kann man sich über aktuelle Themen und Trends in der Wissenschaft und Wissenschaftskommunikation informieren. Nähere Informationen und auch bereits den Link zur Veranstaltung finden sie hier.


Fraunhofer-Institut für Umwelt-, Sicherheits- und Energietechnik UMSICHT


Gesamtmasche erweitert das Präsidium

  • Ulrike Neubauer und Gerald Rosner einstimmig kooptiert

Die Mitgliederversammlung von Gesamtmasche hat Dr. Ulrike Neubauer, CFO und Vorstandsvorsitzende der Dr. Zwissler Holding AG (Gerstetten), und Gerald Rosner, Geschäftsführer der strickchic GmbH (Apolda), einstimmig ins Präsidium kooptiert.

Der Beschluss der Mitgliederversammlung, die bereits im April online tagte, wurde nun auch im schriftlichen Verfahren bestätigt: Das Präsidium des Gesamtverbandes der deutschen Maschenindustrie wird um zwei Mitglieder erweitert.

Dr. Ulrike Neubauer ist Vorstandsvorsitzende und Finanzvorstand der Dr. Zwissler Holding AG. Die promovierte Betriebswirtin und gebürtige Berlinerin kam nach Stationen in der Unternehmensberatung, der Chemie-, Maschinenbau und der Automobilzulieferindustrie zur Zwissler-Gruppe.

Gerald Rosner ist Geschäftsführer der strickchic GmbH. Er studierte technische Kybernetik und stieg nach der Reprivatisierung des elterlichen Traditionsbetriebes in Apolda ins Textilgeschäft ein. Neben Mode entwickelt der technikaffine Stricker smarte Textilien.

  • Ulrike Neubauer und Gerald Rosner einstimmig kooptiert

Die Mitgliederversammlung von Gesamtmasche hat Dr. Ulrike Neubauer, CFO und Vorstandsvorsitzende der Dr. Zwissler Holding AG (Gerstetten), und Gerald Rosner, Geschäftsführer der strickchic GmbH (Apolda), einstimmig ins Präsidium kooptiert.

Der Beschluss der Mitgliederversammlung, die bereits im April online tagte, wurde nun auch im schriftlichen Verfahren bestätigt: Das Präsidium des Gesamtverbandes der deutschen Maschenindustrie wird um zwei Mitglieder erweitert.

Dr. Ulrike Neubauer ist Vorstandsvorsitzende und Finanzvorstand der Dr. Zwissler Holding AG. Die promovierte Betriebswirtin und gebürtige Berlinerin kam nach Stationen in der Unternehmensberatung, der Chemie-, Maschinenbau und der Automobilzulieferindustrie zur Zwissler-Gruppe.

Gerald Rosner ist Geschäftsführer der strickchic GmbH. Er studierte technische Kybernetik und stieg nach der Reprivatisierung des elterlichen Traditionsbetriebes in Apolda ins Textilgeschäft ein. Neben Mode entwickelt der technikaffine Stricker smarte Textilien.

Gesamtmasche-Präsidentin Martina Bandte freut sich über die Unterstützung im Präsidium: „Frau Dr. Neubauer und Herrn Rosner bereichern unser Gremium hervorragend. Sie vertreten ganz unterschiedliche Bereiche der Maschenbranche und repräsentieren doch gleichermaßen textile Innovationskraft, Qualität und Wertschöpfung am Standort Deutschland.“


EURATEX comments on revised EU Industry Strategy

  • European Apparel and Textile Confederation EURATEX welcomes revamped EU Industry Strategy, but calls for consistency across EU policies

Europe’s industry is going through turbulent times as a result of the corona-pandemic; turnover in textiles and clothing sector dropped between 10 and 20%. However, even bigger challenges lie ahead: serious disruptions in supply chains, soaring energy prices and protective tendencies are threatening the competitiveness of our industry.

Against that background, the revised EU Industry Strategy – launched on May, 5 - is addressing very relevant issues, and underlines the need to think carefully about Europe’s industrial base. EURATEX welcomes the initiative, including the focus on 14 “eco-systems” and the proposal to develop privileged partnerships with trusted partners.

  • European Apparel and Textile Confederation EURATEX welcomes revamped EU Industry Strategy, but calls for consistency across EU policies

Europe’s industry is going through turbulent times as a result of the corona-pandemic; turnover in textiles and clothing sector dropped between 10 and 20%. However, even bigger challenges lie ahead: serious disruptions in supply chains, soaring energy prices and protective tendencies are threatening the competitiveness of our industry.

Against that background, the revised EU Industry Strategy – launched on May, 5 - is addressing very relevant issues, and underlines the need to think carefully about Europe’s industrial base. EURATEX welcomes the initiative, including the focus on 14 “eco-systems” and the proposal to develop privileged partnerships with trusted partners.

At the same time, EURATEX calls for more consistency by the EU across its different policy areas. Director General Dirk Vantyghem commented: “We welcome the recognition that we need a strong industrial base in Europe, but at the same time are struggling to maintain that base, as our companies face significant challenges related to over-regulation and raising energy and supply costs. It feels like one hand offering you help, while the other hand squeezes you tight”.

Looking at the global perspective, EURATEX is not calling to close the European borders; our industrial model relies on accessing global markets. But clearly, there is a need to establish global rules to ensure fair competition, and make sure these rules are properly implemented and controlled. Also today’s proposal to address distortions caused by foreign subsidies in the Single Market, should be welcomed in this context.

Dirk Vantyghem concluded: “European textiles and clothing industry went through turbulent times. Today, as part of this new EU Industry Strategy, we have an opportunity to build a new business model, based on innovation, quality, sustainability and fairness. We look forward to develop that new EU Textile strategy with all stakeholders involved.”


More information:



NCTO: Kim Glas testifies on Supply Chain Resiliency

National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) President and CEO Kim Glas is testifying on “Supply Chain Resiliency and the Role of Small Manufacturers” before the Small Business Committee’s Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Tax, and Capital Access.
In written testimony submitted to the committee, Glas provides an overview of the incredible resiliency of the U.S. textile industry during the COVID-19 pandemic, the impact of the ensuing economic crisis, existing options available to small manufacturers to access capital, and policy recommendations to strengthen the entire industry domestic supply chain.

National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) President and CEO Kim Glas is testifying on “Supply Chain Resiliency and the Role of Small Manufacturers” before the Small Business Committee’s Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Tax, and Capital Access.
In written testimony submitted to the committee, Glas provides an overview of the incredible resiliency of the U.S. textile industry during the COVID-19 pandemic, the impact of the ensuing economic crisis, existing options available to small manufacturers to access capital, and policy recommendations to strengthen the entire industry domestic supply chain.

“One silver lining associated with the immense challenges posed by the COVID-19 crisis is that it afforded the domestic textile industry an opportunity to demonstrate its enormous resiliency, flexibility, and overall value to the U.S. economy,” Glas says in the testimony. “Despite the fact that there was virtually no [full] U.S. production of textile-based PPE prior to the pandemic, the heroic actions of domestic textile manufacturers resulted in the ability to supply homegrown PPE at the height of the greatest healthcare emergency our country has faced in the past 100 years.”

“As we exit the current crisis, rational federal policies are once again needed to ensure a stable overall environment where small businesses can compete and thrive, and targeted initiatives are required to ensure that domestic supply chains for critical materials, such as PPE, exist in the United States,” Glas notes.

Glas details five key policy recommendations supported by 20 trade associations and labor groups, representing the entire domestic supply chain aimed at strengthening the integrated U.S. textile sector:

  • Strengthen Buy American procurement rules
  • Provide funding assistance for companies to reconstitute domestic supply chains important to U.S. national and healthcare security
  • Key contracting reforms
  • Streamline the SBA loan application process
  • Provide additional funding for workforce training

Please view the full written testimony by NCTO President and CEO Kim Glas here.