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Sebastian Schmitz (c) Chantelle

Sebastian Schmitz neuer Sales Manager Germany und Austria bei Chantelle

Seit Juni 2022 ist Sebastian Schmitz als Sales Manager Germany und Austria für den Fachhandel sowie einen großen Teil der Key Accounts und des Verkaufspersonals in Deutschland und Österreich verantwortlich.

In der neuen Position wird der seit 16 Jahren im familiengeführten Unternehmen Chantelle tätige Schmitz die Vertriebsaktivitäten aller Marken des Chantelle Portfolios – Chantelle, Passionata by Chantelle, Femilet by Chantelle und Chantelle X – übernehmen. Er tritt damit die Nachfolge von Ilka Atzert an, die die Position als Sales Managerin knapp zwei Jahre innehatte.

Sebastian Schmitz ist seit 2006 bei Chantelle: Nach einem Einstieg als Vertriebscontroller sammelte er als Stock Manager erste Erfahrungen im Key Account Management. Anschließend übernahm er das Gebietsmanagement für die Marke Chantelle im Raum Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz und Hessen. Seit Anfang 2017 vertiefte er als Key Account Manager seine Expertise. In der Vergangenheit war Schmitz zudem bereits an der Entwicklung und Implementierung neuer Geschäftsmodelle beteiligt.

Seit Juni 2022 ist Sebastian Schmitz als Sales Manager Germany und Austria für den Fachhandel sowie einen großen Teil der Key Accounts und des Verkaufspersonals in Deutschland und Österreich verantwortlich.

In der neuen Position wird der seit 16 Jahren im familiengeführten Unternehmen Chantelle tätige Schmitz die Vertriebsaktivitäten aller Marken des Chantelle Portfolios – Chantelle, Passionata by Chantelle, Femilet by Chantelle und Chantelle X – übernehmen. Er tritt damit die Nachfolge von Ilka Atzert an, die die Position als Sales Managerin knapp zwei Jahre innehatte.

Sebastian Schmitz ist seit 2006 bei Chantelle: Nach einem Einstieg als Vertriebscontroller sammelte er als Stock Manager erste Erfahrungen im Key Account Management. Anschließend übernahm er das Gebietsmanagement für die Marke Chantelle im Raum Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz und Hessen. Seit Anfang 2017 vertiefte er als Key Account Manager seine Expertise. In der Vergangenheit war Schmitz zudem bereits an der Entwicklung und Implementierung neuer Geschäftsmodelle beteiligt.

More information:
Chantelle Sebastian Schmitz


(c) CWS International GmbH

Fahrradhersteller Diamant setzt bei Arbeitskleidung auf Serviceanbieter CWS

Bereits seit 1885 gibt es Deutschlands älteste Fahrrad-Marke Diamant. Täglich werden bis zu 1.500 der Fahrräder und E-Bikes in den Werken nähe Chemnitz produziert. Ob Montage, Logistik oder Qualität – die rund 450 Mitarbeiter:innen werden seit über 10 Jahren von dem Dienstleister CWS Workwear mit Arbeitskleidung versorgt.

Damit jedes Team in der großen Produktionshalle klar erkennbar ist, wurden die Mitarbeiter:innen der einzelnen Bereiche mit Poloshirts oder T-Shirts in einer speziellen Farbe ausgestattet. Auch Führungskräften und Azubis ist einer der insgesamt sieben Farbtöne zugeordnet. „Jedes Shirt trägt unser Diamant-Logo und den Mitarbeiternamen, sodass man jeden Kollegen immer direkt persönlich ansprechen kann“, erklärt Christin Seifert, Teamleiterin Recruiting bei Diamant Fahrradwerke GmbH, die Logik hinter dem Farbcoding.

Die individualisierte Arbeitskleidung unterstützt gleichzeitig den Zusammenhalt im Team und die Identifikation mit dem Arbeitgeber. Gleichzeitig die Mitarbeiter:innen bei ihrer Arbeitskleidung entlastet. Denn um die Bereitstellung und Pflege der Kleidung müssen sie sich nicht kümmern, das übernimmt der Dienstleister CWS.

Bereits seit 1885 gibt es Deutschlands älteste Fahrrad-Marke Diamant. Täglich werden bis zu 1.500 der Fahrräder und E-Bikes in den Werken nähe Chemnitz produziert. Ob Montage, Logistik oder Qualität – die rund 450 Mitarbeiter:innen werden seit über 10 Jahren von dem Dienstleister CWS Workwear mit Arbeitskleidung versorgt.

Damit jedes Team in der großen Produktionshalle klar erkennbar ist, wurden die Mitarbeiter:innen der einzelnen Bereiche mit Poloshirts oder T-Shirts in einer speziellen Farbe ausgestattet. Auch Führungskräften und Azubis ist einer der insgesamt sieben Farbtöne zugeordnet. „Jedes Shirt trägt unser Diamant-Logo und den Mitarbeiternamen, sodass man jeden Kollegen immer direkt persönlich ansprechen kann“, erklärt Christin Seifert, Teamleiterin Recruiting bei Diamant Fahrradwerke GmbH, die Logik hinter dem Farbcoding.

Die individualisierte Arbeitskleidung unterstützt gleichzeitig den Zusammenhalt im Team und die Identifikation mit dem Arbeitgeber. Gleichzeitig die Mitarbeiter:innen bei ihrer Arbeitskleidung entlastet. Denn um die Bereitstellung und Pflege der Kleidung müssen sie sich nicht kümmern, das übernimmt der Dienstleister CWS.

Damit alle Abläufe so geregelt und einfach wie möglich gehalten werden, wurden von CWS Schranksysteme in den Umkleiden im Unternehmen aufgestellt. Jeder Mitarbeitende hat dort ein eigenes Fach, in dem er frische Arbeitskleidung vorfindet. Diese wird von CWS Workwear gewaschen und durch einen Servicefahrer bis ins Schrankfach angeliefert.

Durch gezielte und ressourcenschonende Waschprozesse in den Wäschereien hält die langlebige CWS Kleidung länger als herkömmliche Arbeitskleidung und muss seltener ausgetauscht werden. Wenn die Kleidung bei Eingang in die CWS Wäscherei verschlissen ist, wird sie durch neue ersetzt. Mit der Repair App können Mitarbeiter:innen zudem per Handy einen Reparaturwunsch an CWS senden kann, z.B. bei losen Knöpfen.

Ob bei neuen Mitarbeiter:innen oder Fluktuation, können die Verantwortlichen bei Diamant benötigte Teile jederzeit hinzubuchen oder abmelden, damit immer alle Beschäftigten optimal ausgestattet sind.


CWS International GmbH


AkzoNobel launches sustainable biocide-free range for boaters

Recreational boaters now have an easy way to be more sustainable following the introduction of a new biocide-free (B-Free) fouling control range from AkzoNobel’s Yacht Coatings business.

The first product to be launched from the new B-Free range is B-Free Explore. It features a specially-developed, unique silicone polymer technology which produces an exceptionally smooth and slick hull – helping to reduce drag.

Fouling is controlled by preventing microorganisms such as barnacles, slime and algae from forming strong bonds with the hull of the boat. Any that do adhere can be simply wiped away by hand or water jet.

“We’ve developed high-performance technology which allows boaters to maintain a clean, smooth hull,” explains Simon Parker, Director of AkzoNobel’s Marine and Protective Coatings business. “It’s based on proven technology and exemplifies the restless spirit of innovation which has been the cornerstone of our International brand for more than 140 years.”

Recreational boaters now have an easy way to be more sustainable following the introduction of a new biocide-free (B-Free) fouling control range from AkzoNobel’s Yacht Coatings business.

The first product to be launched from the new B-Free range is B-Free Explore. It features a specially-developed, unique silicone polymer technology which produces an exceptionally smooth and slick hull – helping to reduce drag.

Fouling is controlled by preventing microorganisms such as barnacles, slime and algae from forming strong bonds with the hull of the boat. Any that do adhere can be simply wiped away by hand or water jet.

“We’ve developed high-performance technology which allows boaters to maintain a clean, smooth hull,” explains Simon Parker, Director of AkzoNobel’s Marine and Protective Coatings business. “It’s based on proven technology and exemplifies the restless spirit of innovation which has been the cornerstone of our International brand for more than 140 years.”

Adds Jemma Lampkin, Global Commercial Director for AkzoNobel’s Yacht Coatings business: “Boaters are becoming more aware of the impact they can have on the environment, but they still require technologies that deliver high-performance fouling control. B-Free Explore provides a stand-out solution for both of these challenges.”

Specially crafted for the leisure boat market, B-Free Explore is the culmination of a five-year development program. It can be applied to new hulls or directly to existing antifouling, without the need for the removal of the previous antifouling coating. This makes it simple for boaters to upgrade from their traditional coatings to the new technology.

The new product is also better for the marine ecosystem. Being biocide-free, it provides a smooth surface for improved hull efficiencies, which can lead to a reduced carbon footprint.

Currently being introduced in Northern Europe, B-Free Explore will be rolled out across Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden in January 2023.

More information:
AkzoNobel Coatings Polymere


Photo: LYCRA® naturalFX™ technology powered by HeiQ
LYCRA® naturalFX™ technology powered by HeiQ

HeiQ and The LYCRA Company: Added-value technology for cotton knitwear

  • LYCRA® naturalFX™ technology offers durable comfort stretch and fit for 100% cotton knitwear.

HeiQ and The LYCRA Company created a new and durable solution for 100% cotton fabric, adding stretch and recovery properties while keeping it fully recyclable.

HeiQ, a leader in performance finish technologies, and The LYCRA Company, a leader in developing innovative and sustainable fiber and technology solutions for the apparel and personal care industries, announced the launch of LYCRA® naturalFX™ technology, a proprietary textile finishing process for 100% cotton knit garments designed for mass market applications.

LYCRA® naturalFX™ technology, powered by HeiQ, enhances cotton knitwear, addressing critical consumer pain points, and improving the consumer’s overall wearing experience. This technology provides durable comfort stretch, fit, and soft hand-feel to 100% cotton knitwear compared to conventional finishes. Even after repeated washing and wearing, LYCRA® naturalFX™ technology helps knitwear retain its shape, which helps extend the garment’s lifespan and potentially reduce its environmental impact.



(c) Tim Bungart

Live Fast Die Young feiert neues Storekonzept in Köln

Seit dem 5. November 2022 hat das Streetwearlabel Live Fast Die Young – kurz LFDY – wieder auf der Ehrenstraße in Köln geöffnet. Die Brand ist in insgesamt fünf deutschen Metropolen vertreten: Düsseldorf, Berlin, München, Hamburg und Köln. Dazu kommt ein internationaler Standort in Amsterdam – weitere sollen folgen.

Auf 100 m² präsentiert LFDY den Besucher:innen Streetwear, die einen förmlich bis in den hinteren Teil des Stores zieht, wo sich die Umkleiden und der in jedem Store erkennbare „Aktenschrank“ für die Kollektions-Pieces befinden. Wie in den anderen Stores setzt die Brand in Köln auf die Zusammenarbeit mit den Architekten von Schwitzke & Partner, die hier ihr bewährtes Showroom-Konzept umgesetzt haben. Im gesamten Store haben Schwitzke & Partner ein monochromes all-beige Gestaltungskonzept realisiert – selbst die teilweise offengelegten Steinwände sind hell getüncht und kontrastieren zu der glatten, hellen Raumhülle, ohne dabei den einheitlichen Look des Stores aufzubrechen. Die Möblierung ist minimalistisch-pur gehalten und definiert sich durch einen Mix aus neuen Warenträgern, einem neu entwickelten Lichtsystem und ausgesuchten Vintage-Möbeln.

Seit dem 5. November 2022 hat das Streetwearlabel Live Fast Die Young – kurz LFDY – wieder auf der Ehrenstraße in Köln geöffnet. Die Brand ist in insgesamt fünf deutschen Metropolen vertreten: Düsseldorf, Berlin, München, Hamburg und Köln. Dazu kommt ein internationaler Standort in Amsterdam – weitere sollen folgen.

Auf 100 m² präsentiert LFDY den Besucher:innen Streetwear, die einen förmlich bis in den hinteren Teil des Stores zieht, wo sich die Umkleiden und der in jedem Store erkennbare „Aktenschrank“ für die Kollektions-Pieces befinden. Wie in den anderen Stores setzt die Brand in Köln auf die Zusammenarbeit mit den Architekten von Schwitzke & Partner, die hier ihr bewährtes Showroom-Konzept umgesetzt haben. Im gesamten Store haben Schwitzke & Partner ein monochromes all-beige Gestaltungskonzept realisiert – selbst die teilweise offengelegten Steinwände sind hell getüncht und kontrastieren zu der glatten, hellen Raumhülle, ohne dabei den einheitlichen Look des Stores aufzubrechen. Die Möblierung ist minimalistisch-pur gehalten und definiert sich durch einen Mix aus neuen Warenträgern, einem neu entwickelten Lichtsystem und ausgesuchten Vintage-Möbeln.


LFDY / PR + Presseagentur textschwester


Renewcell and Eastman collaborate to develop textile-to-textile recycled yarns

The Swedish textile-to-textile recycling company Renewcell has signed a Letter of Intent with Eastman, a leading US cellulosic acetate fiber producer, for a collaboration to develop Naia™ Renew ES yarns sourced from Circulose®, Renewcell’s 100% recycled textile raw material. The agreement is Renewcell’s first with a US-based fiber producer and an important step in developing the first acetate-based applications to use Circulose® feedstock.

”Eastman considering Circulose® as a feedstock in the production of a premium yarn like Naia™ Renew reflects very well on the Renewcell team’s ability to work with partners to adjust and optimize our product for new fiber applications. This agreement signals an acceleration of our joint efforts to bring Naia™ Renew ES yarns derived from Circulose® to market. I look forward to working alongside Eastman in making fashion circular.” comments Patrik Lundström, CEO of Renewcell.

The Swedish textile-to-textile recycling company Renewcell has signed a Letter of Intent with Eastman, a leading US cellulosic acetate fiber producer, for a collaboration to develop Naia™ Renew ES yarns sourced from Circulose®, Renewcell’s 100% recycled textile raw material. The agreement is Renewcell’s first with a US-based fiber producer and an important step in developing the first acetate-based applications to use Circulose® feedstock.

”Eastman considering Circulose® as a feedstock in the production of a premium yarn like Naia™ Renew reflects very well on the Renewcell team’s ability to work with partners to adjust and optimize our product for new fiber applications. This agreement signals an acceleration of our joint efforts to bring Naia™ Renew ES yarns derived from Circulose® to market. I look forward to working alongside Eastman in making fashion circular.” comments Patrik Lundström, CEO of Renewcell.

Ruth Farell, GM of Eastman Textiles says: ”we are thrilled to collaborate with a pioneeer such as Renewcell to lower our reliance on virgin feedstocks, redefine the essence of textile waste and close the loop within the textiles industry. This collaboration is at the heart of our strategy to launch a portfolio of products with increased recycled content”

(c) Hologenix, LLC

Medline and Hologenix launch new orthopedic infrared products

Medline, a medical product distributor and manufacturer, together with Hologenix® launched a new line of CURAD® Performance Series® orthopedic products powered by CELLIANT® infrared technology.

CELLIANT, the flagship innovation of Hologenix, is a proprietary blend of natural minerals that allows textiles to convert body heat into infrared energy, returning it to the body and temporarily increasing local blood flow and cellular oxygenation. This has been clinically demonstrated to support recovery from physical activity and fatigue, increase endurance and stamina, and boost overall performance in healthy individuals, among other benefits.  

Trusted by athletes, CURAD is the Official Medical Supplier of the IRONMAN® U.S. Series. The new orthopedic products powered by CELLIANT infrared technology are the latest additions to the CURAD Performance Series collection and including different infrared supports designed for the ankle, knee, back, shoulder, as well as multipurpose use.

Medline, a medical product distributor and manufacturer, together with Hologenix® launched a new line of CURAD® Performance Series® orthopedic products powered by CELLIANT® infrared technology.

CELLIANT, the flagship innovation of Hologenix, is a proprietary blend of natural minerals that allows textiles to convert body heat into infrared energy, returning it to the body and temporarily increasing local blood flow and cellular oxygenation. This has been clinically demonstrated to support recovery from physical activity and fatigue, increase endurance and stamina, and boost overall performance in healthy individuals, among other benefits.  

Trusted by athletes, CURAD is the Official Medical Supplier of the IRONMAN® U.S. Series. The new orthopedic products powered by CELLIANT infrared technology are the latest additions to the CURAD Performance Series collection and including different infrared supports designed for the ankle, knee, back, shoulder, as well as multipurpose use.

“This new CURAD Performance Series offering represents a major expansion of CELLIANT infrared (IR) bio-responsive textiles into the sports medicine field,” said Seth Casden, Hologenix Co-Founder and CEO. “We are honored to partner with Medline and look forward to future introductions.”

In addition to the inclusion of CELLIANT infrared technology, Medline has engineered the elastic supports to provide targeted compression for enhanced local circulation that helps reduce swelling, with a contoured fit that won’t slip or shift during normal activities with silicone grips that keep the product in place.

The removable hot/cold therapy supports provide adjustable compression and a gel compress that can be cooled or heated to further reduce swelling and discomfort.


Hologenix, LLC /  Sarah Fletcher Communication

(c) adidas AG
RIMOWA x adidas NMD S1

adidas Originals and RIMOWA announce collaborative partnership

adidas and RIMOWA have come together to announce their inaugural capsule collection that seeks to offer explorers of the world the perfect tools to navigate and escape the cities of today.

Exclusively made in Germany, the cross-category collection features two contemporary designs: RIMOWA’s first-ever aluminium backpack and the ADIDAS NMD_S1 sneaker.

The RIMOWA x ADIDAS NMD_BACKPACK boasts new technical solutions that makes it suitable for outdoor needs and overnight trips. Made from RIMOWA’s signature grooved aluminium, it features a number of thoughtful functionalities, from padded utility shoulder straps fitted with a carabin and thumb loops to rope weight-bearing straps and grab handle. The piece also features foam ridges inspired by ADIDAS Boost foam overlaying the backpack’s grooved surface to ensure comfort, as well as an elasticated webbing running through its middle to secure the backpack onto the suitcase’s telescopic tubes. To allow for flat packing, a detachable gusset opens the backpack to reveal two deep zipped pockets, as well as a 16-inch laptop pocket inscribed with both brands’ logos.

adidas and RIMOWA have come together to announce their inaugural capsule collection that seeks to offer explorers of the world the perfect tools to navigate and escape the cities of today.

Exclusively made in Germany, the cross-category collection features two contemporary designs: RIMOWA’s first-ever aluminium backpack and the ADIDAS NMD_S1 sneaker.

The RIMOWA x ADIDAS NMD_BACKPACK boasts new technical solutions that makes it suitable for outdoor needs and overnight trips. Made from RIMOWA’s signature grooved aluminium, it features a number of thoughtful functionalities, from padded utility shoulder straps fitted with a carabin and thumb loops to rope weight-bearing straps and grab handle. The piece also features foam ridges inspired by ADIDAS Boost foam overlaying the backpack’s grooved surface to ensure comfort, as well as an elasticated webbing running through its middle to secure the backpack onto the suitcase’s telescopic tubes. To allow for flat packing, a detachable gusset opens the backpack to reveal two deep zipped pockets, as well as a 16-inch laptop pocket inscribed with both brands’ logos.

The RIMOWA x ADIDAS NMD_S1 iteration features the futuristic sneaker’s signature Primeknit uppers in a titanium-inspired colourway, with the flexible ADIDAS Boost midsole in a light, almost translucent base colour.

More information:
adidas rimowa Sportswear

adidas AG

(c) Robin Inizan – Lucas Pavy Production
Tearing line by ANDRITZ in operation at the Renaissance Textile plant

Renaissance Textile starts up the first textile recycling line by ANDRITZ in France

Renaissance Textile in Laval, France has successfully started up a complete textile recycling line, delivered, installed, and commissioned by ANDRITZ Laroche, part of the international technology group ANDRITZ.

The ANDRITZ textile recycling equipment enabled Renaissance Textile to become the first French recycling platform dedicated to industrial end-of-life textiles. The project aims to produce new fibers from the collected post-consumer apparel, which will be used to weave new recycled fabrics in the end.

The new 12,000 m² plant is equipped with a complete tearing line whose design is the result of close collaboration between R&D specialists from ANDRITZ Laroche and Renaissance Textile, as well as customized trials carried out jointly by the two parties at the ANDRITZ technical center in Cours, France.

Renaissance Textile in Laval, France has successfully started up a complete textile recycling line, delivered, installed, and commissioned by ANDRITZ Laroche, part of the international technology group ANDRITZ.

The ANDRITZ textile recycling equipment enabled Renaissance Textile to become the first French recycling platform dedicated to industrial end-of-life textiles. The project aims to produce new fibers from the collected post-consumer apparel, which will be used to weave new recycled fabrics in the end.

The new 12,000 m² plant is equipped with a complete tearing line whose design is the result of close collaboration between R&D specialists from ANDRITZ Laroche and Renaissance Textile, as well as customized trials carried out jointly by the two parties at the ANDRITZ technical center in Cours, France.

The new clothing produced based on this type of circular economy model thus reflects the social and sustainability commitments of Renaissance Textile in terms of decarbonizing the textile industry, the fight against global warming, autonomy in raw material sourcing, and promotion of local staffing, particularly for people who have been unemployed for a long time or are seeking to enter the labor market for the first time. By 2025, for example, Renaissance Textile plans to create no less than 110 direct jobs.


adidas with robust growth in the third quarter

  • Currency-neutral sales up 4%, reflecting continued double-digit growth outside Greater China
  • Gross margin down 1.0pp to 49.1% as price increases were more than offset by increased supply chain costs, higher discounting, and an unfavorable market mix
  • Operating profit of € 564 million reflecting an operating margin of 8.8%
  • Net income from continuing operations of € 66 million negatively impacted by several one-off costs totaling almost € 300 million as well as extraordinary tax effects in Q3

“The market environment shifted at the beginning of September as consumer demand in Western markets slowed and traffic trends in Greater China further deteriorated. As a result, we saw a significant inventory buildup across the industry, leading to higher promotional activity during the remainder of the year which will increasingly weigh on our earnings,” said adidas CFO Harm Ohlmeyer. “We are encouraged by the enthusiasm for the upcoming FIFA World Cup which is already noticeable in our Football revenue growth. And in North America we are gearing up for an exciting upcoming basketball launch.”

  • Currency-neutral sales up 4%, reflecting continued double-digit growth outside Greater China
  • Gross margin down 1.0pp to 49.1% as price increases were more than offset by increased supply chain costs, higher discounting, and an unfavorable market mix
  • Operating profit of € 564 million reflecting an operating margin of 8.8%
  • Net income from continuing operations of € 66 million negatively impacted by several one-off costs totaling almost € 300 million as well as extraordinary tax effects in Q3

“The market environment shifted at the beginning of September as consumer demand in Western markets slowed and traffic trends in Greater China further deteriorated. As a result, we saw a significant inventory buildup across the industry, leading to higher promotional activity during the remainder of the year which will increasingly weigh on our earnings,” said adidas CFO Harm Ohlmeyer. “We are encouraged by the enthusiasm for the upcoming FIFA World Cup which is already noticeable in our Football revenue growth. And in North America we are gearing up for an exciting upcoming basketball launch.”

In the third quarter, adidas’ currency-neutral revenues increased 4%. While the company experienced high-single-digit top-line growth during the first two months of the period, deteriorating traffic trends in Greater China as well as slowing consumer demand in major Western markets weighed on the revenue development in September. In addition, the company’s decision to suspend its own operations in Russia at the end of Q1 significantly reduced revenues by more than € 100 million during the third quarter, particularly impacting the company’s direct-to-consumer (DTC) business. In euro terms, the company’s revenues grew 11% to € 6.408 billion in the third quarter (2021: € 5.752 billion).

From a category perspective, revenue growth was the highest in adidas’ strategic growth categories Football and Running, both growing at strong double-digit rates. In Football, the jersey launches ahead of the FIFA World Cup 2022 fueled consumer excitement prior to the tournament. Revenues in Running were driven by the latest iterations of adidas’ successful running franchises, including Adizero and Supernova, which both grew more than 50% during the quarter. On the Lifestyle side, the further scaling of the successful Forum and Ozweego franchises led to strong double-digit growth for both product families. At the same time, additional highly limited drops as part of the Gucci and Balenciaga partnerships continued to spark excitement around the adidas brand.   

From a regional perspective, revenue growth was driven by the company’s Western markets and APAC, which combined continued to grow at a double-digit rate (+12%). In EMEA, revenues grew 7% despite the loss of revenue in Russia/CIS of more than € 100 million. Revenues in North America increased 8% during the quarter driven by a double-digit increase in the company’s DTC channel. In APAC and Latin America, revenue growth accelerated compared to Q2, reaching 15% and 51% respectively, year-on-year. In contrast, the company’s top-line development in Greater China continues to be severely impacted by the challenging market environment, mainly related to the ongoing covid-19-related restrictions. While the company’s own retail revenues in Greater China increased 7% in the third quarter reflecting a robust sell-out, the significant product takebacks reduced the company’s sell-in and resulted in a revenue decline of 27% for the market as a whole during the three-month period.  

Strong bottom-line improvement in 2023  
In 2023, the company expects the non-recurrence of the one-off costs of around € 500 million occurred in 2022 to have a positive impact on the net income development in the same magnitude. In addition, in light of the challenging market environment, adidas established a business improvement program to safeguard the company’s profitability in 2023. As part of this program the company has launched several initiatives to mitigate the significant cost increases resulting from the inflationary pressure across the company’s value chain as well as unfavorable currency movements. In total, the program, which will result in one-off costs of around € 50 million in the fourth quarter of 2022, is expected to compensate cost headwinds of up to € 500 million in 2023. In addition, it is expected to deliver a positive profit contribution of around € 200 million next year. 

More information:
adidas outlook

adidas AG

Photo Phoenox Textiles

Sellers Textiles Engineers: New Shearing line for Phoenox

As part of an ongoing investment programme ensuring it remains at the forefront of advanced technology for carpet production, West Yorkshire, UK-headquartered Phoenox Textiles has recently installed a new two-metre-wide shearing line supplied by BTMA member Sellers Textiles Engineers.

Phoenox, which has been family owned since its foundation in 1954, develops original creative flooring design concepts for retail brands. Its products are sold through high street outlets, department stores and volume retailers across Europe and North America, in addition to substantial online and catalogue-driven business. All told, the company’s 24-hour parcel service dispatches some 3.2 million orders every year.

Operating from two manufacturing sites, Phoenox manufactures an annual 1.7 million metres of flooring in the UK. Over a combined area of 1,700,000 square metres, the two plants are equipped for tufting, backcoating, cloth printing and finishing along with automated cutting, sewing and packing.

As part of an ongoing investment programme ensuring it remains at the forefront of advanced technology for carpet production, West Yorkshire, UK-headquartered Phoenox Textiles has recently installed a new two-metre-wide shearing line supplied by BTMA member Sellers Textiles Engineers.

Phoenox, which has been family owned since its foundation in 1954, develops original creative flooring design concepts for retail brands. Its products are sold through high street outlets, department stores and volume retailers across Europe and North America, in addition to substantial online and catalogue-driven business. All told, the company’s 24-hour parcel service dispatches some 3.2 million orders every year.

Operating from two manufacturing sites, Phoenox manufactures an annual 1.7 million metres of flooring in the UK. Over a combined area of 1,700,000 square metres, the two plants are equipped for tufting, backcoating, cloth printing and finishing along with automated cutting, sewing and packing.

In addition to the Sellers shearing line, other recent investments for the UK operations have included three new advanced tufting machines and a high-speed Sellers backcoating line equipped to handle widths of up to two metres and coat at six metres per minute. Washable and dyeable foams and eco-friendly applications in different weights are applied for many product areas.

The company’s state-of-the-art Chromo jet printing process line is meanwhile the only one of its kind in the UK, with its 256 jets making possible designs in up eight colours per pattern. With sustainability very much at the forefront of the company’s approach, Phoenox recycles most of its paste and inks and uses organic options wherever possible, as well as recycled water.

“We operate a piece dye colour cloth programme and can dye nylon and cotton with weights of up to 500kg per load, working with direct, organic, vat and reactive dyes,” says Mosley. “We also offer computerised and weighed commission dyeing. Computerised automated cutting machines and photocell pattern recognition enable us to cut at high speed in most cloth densities. With finishing and sewing though, it’s all about the detail, and our team have years of experience and hand-finish our products on traditional high-speed machines.”

The new Sellers Hybrid Shearing Cylinder can provide a competitive edge for manufacturers which is currently being proven in the field, including at Phoenox. It’s one of a number of new innovations BTMA members are planning to showcase at next year’s ITMA exhibition in Milan.


AWOL for Phoenox Textiles

(c) Monforts

Monforts part of the VDMA Trade Delegation to Turkmenistan

Monforts will take part in a VDMA textile technology trade delegation to Turkmenistan from November 21-26, on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Economics.

Around 80% of Turkmenistan’s production of textiles and garments is currently exported, with a value of $350 million in 2020. This is now expected to rise to $450 million by 2023.

In addition to expanding in cotton yarns and fabrics, the country is also looking to enter other textile markets, including nonwovens, carpets and absorbent hygiene products, and negotiations are currently underway between the Turkmenistan Ministry of Textile Industry and the Korean Institute of Industrial Technologies to also commence manufacturing synthetic fibres from polymers.

In 2021, a new textile complex was opened by state-owned textile manufacturer Cotam in the city of Kaka, which is aiming to produce 3,650 tons of yarn, 12 million square metres of different types of fabrics and 1.2 million tons of finished products annually, with the creation of 1,300 new jobs.

Monforts will take part in a VDMA textile technology trade delegation to Turkmenistan from November 21-26, on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Economics.

Around 80% of Turkmenistan’s production of textiles and garments is currently exported, with a value of $350 million in 2020. This is now expected to rise to $450 million by 2023.

In addition to expanding in cotton yarns and fabrics, the country is also looking to enter other textile markets, including nonwovens, carpets and absorbent hygiene products, and negotiations are currently underway between the Turkmenistan Ministry of Textile Industry and the Korean Institute of Industrial Technologies to also commence manufacturing synthetic fibres from polymers.

In 2021, a new textile complex was opened by state-owned textile manufacturer Cotam in the city of Kaka, which is aiming to produce 3,650 tons of yarn, 12 million square metres of different types of fabrics and 1.2 million tons of finished products annually, with the creation of 1,300 new jobs.

Monforts has supplied seven complete finishing machine ranges to Turkmenistan company Cotam, as the Central Asian country looks to boost its production of cotton yarns and fabrics via an ambitious textile industry modernisation plan.

Cotam now has two separate manufacturing sites at Babadayhan and Kaka, both of which have now been equipped with Monforts technologies built at the company’s plant in St Stefan in Austria.

Cotam supplies finished fabrics to both the apparel and home textiles markets and at its Babadayhan plant is now operating two Montex stenter lines and a Monfortex sanforizing line. At its new Kaka plant, the company has also installed two Montex stenter lines, as well as a Thermex universal hotflue for continuous dyeing and curing.

“Turkmenistan celebrated 30 years of independence in 2021 and has made a giant leap forward in its progressive development,” said Monforts Managing Director Stefan Flöth. “A textile industry equipped with modern high-tech equipment has been created factories and equipped with the most advanced and high-performance equipment built and put into operation. We are extremely pleased that the Ministry of the Textile Industry of Turkmenistan chose Monforts machinery for its new textile complex in Kaka and together with the machines for Babadayhan and other recent projects we are proud to say that 15 Monforts machines are now established in the country.”


AWOL for Monforts


Indorama Ventures: Resilient YTD earnings in 3Q22

  • Last twelve months (LTM) Core EBITDA of US$2.5B, an increase of 60% YoY
  • Core EBITDA per ton of US$163 in LTM3Q22 and US$159 in 3Q22
  • Operating cash flow of US$1,952 in LTM3Q22, an increase of 59% YoY
  • 3Q22 Core Net Profit of THB 10.34B and Reported Net Profit of THB 8.14B

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) reported a resilient year-to-date performance and increasing earnings in a challenging macroeconomic environment.

IVL posted Core EBITDA of US$606 million in 3Q22, a 39% increase YoY and a decline of 20% QoQ as the strong tailwinds that drove record earnings into 2022 began to normalize in the third quarter.  

  • Last twelve months (LTM) Core EBITDA of US$2.5B, an increase of 60% YoY
  • Core EBITDA per ton of US$163 in LTM3Q22 and US$159 in 3Q22
  • Operating cash flow of US$1,952 in LTM3Q22, an increase of 59% YoY
  • 3Q22 Core Net Profit of THB 10.34B and Reported Net Profit of THB 8.14B

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) reported a resilient year-to-date performance and increasing earnings in a challenging macroeconomic environment.

IVL posted Core EBITDA of US$606 million in 3Q22, a 39% increase YoY and a decline of 20% QoQ as the strong tailwinds that drove record earnings into 2022 began to normalize in the third quarter.  

Strategic acquisitions, including Oxiteno, are bolstering IVL’s increasingly diverse geographic footprint and product portfolio, supporting earnings through volatile economic conditions. Revenue declined 10% QoQ in 3Q and grew 27% YoY as Combined PET, the largest business segment, saw steady volumes through the year, and new portfolio additions performed strongly, such as surfactants in the Integrated Oxides and Derivatives segment. With more than 70% of IVL’s platform catering to consumer daily necessities, demand remains stable.

Fibers segment posted YTD Core EBITDA of $189 million, a rise of 2% YoY. 3Q Core EBITDA increased 2% YoY, and decreased of 11% QoQ, to US$49 million. The Lifestyle fibers business continues to be impacted by the lockdown in China, while management in the Hygiene and Mobility verticals in Europe are effectively managing high energy costs.

Combined PET (CPET) segment achieved YTD Core EBITDA of US$1,192 million, an increase of 42% YoY. Core EBITDA in 3Q22 rose 27% YoY to US$327 million, and declined 24% QoQ, as business remained steady across operations apart from in Europe where peak energy prices continue to put pressure on demand and margins.

D K Agarwal, CEO of Indorama Ventures, said, “We are pleased with our performance across the business cycle. Our management is working hard to extract the advantages that we enjoy in terms of geographic leadership, product diversity, and an unmatched customer base of global household brands. Together with our habitual lens on cost management, these actions will help us to weather the economic challenges and continue to focus on our long-term potential.”


Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited 

(c) Iluna Group

Iluna Group back at MarediModa

Iluna Group is back at MarediModa (November 8-10), the international fair dedicated to fabrics and accessories for the beachwear, underwear and athleisure sectors, to present its latest innovations, with a focus on a new beachwear sets able to combine aesthetic research and environmental responsibility.

In terms of aesthetic innovation, exploration continues with matchy pareos and allovers, double laces with colorful charmeuses and multicolour laces enriched with iridescent effects (Lurex). A novelty of this season is the new double face printing on polyamide with a high sea fastness and iridescent effects on GRS-certified tulle.

The GRS certified Green Label collection uses Renycle® and Q-NOVA®, both GRS-certified pre-consumer recycled polyamide yarns in addition to the recycled stretch ROICA™ EF by Asahi Kasei.

Iluna Group is back at MarediModa (November 8-10), the international fair dedicated to fabrics and accessories for the beachwear, underwear and athleisure sectors, to present its latest innovations, with a focus on a new beachwear sets able to combine aesthetic research and environmental responsibility.

In terms of aesthetic innovation, exploration continues with matchy pareos and allovers, double laces with colorful charmeuses and multicolour laces enriched with iridescent effects (Lurex). A novelty of this season is the new double face printing on polyamide with a high sea fastness and iridescent effects on GRS-certified tulle.

The GRS certified Green Label collection uses Renycle® and Q-NOVA®, both GRS-certified pre-consumer recycled polyamide yarns in addition to the recycled stretch ROICA™ EF by Asahi Kasei.

The BIOLINE embraces the circular economy and presents proposals containing Amni Soul Eco® and ROICA™ V550. Moreover, the continuous path through the new dimension of responsibility continues in several directions: experiments with 16 different natural dyestuffs; and continued investment in technologies that can ensure significant savings in water and energy consumption, including GREENDROP, the new GOTS-certified digital pigment printing system.


Iluna Group / C.L.A.S.S.


Ascend buys majority stake in recycler Circular Polymers

Ascend Performance Materials has purchased a majority stake in California-based Circular Polymers, a recycler of post-consumer, high-performance polymers including polyamide 6 and 66, polypropylene and polyester (PET). The deal provides Ascend with a consistent supply of high-quality PCR materials for its ReDefyne™ sustainable polyamides, launched at K 2022.

Circular Polymers, which as part of the deal is renamed Circular Polymers by Ascend, reclaims and processes post-consumer carpet via a unique technology and has redirected approximately 85 million pounds of waste from landfills into new goods since 2018.

“We are focused on helping our customers reach their sustainability goals and Circular Polymers by Ascend provides materials that offer strong performance with a considerably smaller environmental footprint, compared to other technologies like pyrolysis,” said Phil McDivitt, president and CEO of Ascend. “Since we launched ReDefyne, the demand for our circular products has been significant across all segments of our business, including automotive, consumer, electronics and high-performance fibers and textiles.”

Ascend Performance Materials has purchased a majority stake in California-based Circular Polymers, a recycler of post-consumer, high-performance polymers including polyamide 6 and 66, polypropylene and polyester (PET). The deal provides Ascend with a consistent supply of high-quality PCR materials for its ReDefyne™ sustainable polyamides, launched at K 2022.

Circular Polymers, which as part of the deal is renamed Circular Polymers by Ascend, reclaims and processes post-consumer carpet via a unique technology and has redirected approximately 85 million pounds of waste from landfills into new goods since 2018.

“We are focused on helping our customers reach their sustainability goals and Circular Polymers by Ascend provides materials that offer strong performance with a considerably smaller environmental footprint, compared to other technologies like pyrolysis,” said Phil McDivitt, president and CEO of Ascend. “Since we launched ReDefyne, the demand for our circular products has been significant across all segments of our business, including automotive, consumer, electronics and high-performance fibers and textiles.”

Ascend has a sustainability strategy based on three pillars: empowering people, innovating solutions and operating without compromise. Ascend has committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2030 and recently announced two new efforts to reduce the carbon footprint of its products.


Ascend Performance Materials / EMG


Bjørn Gulden to become CEO of adidas AG

The Supervisory Board of adidas AG resolved upon the succession for adidas CEO Kasper Rorsted. Effective January 1, 2023, Bjørn Gulden is appointed as member of the Executive Board and CEO of adidas AG. Kasper Rorsted and the Supervisory Board mutually agreed that he will step down as CEO and leave the company upon expiry of November 11, 2022. Harm Ohlmeyer, Chief Financial Officer of adidas AG, will lead the company in the interim until December 31, 2022. The Supervisory Board had announced a CEO transition on August 22, 2022.

Bjørn Gulden is 57 years old, Norwegian and has been CEO of Puma SE since 2013. Bjørn Gulden looks back at a tenure at adidas as, amongst others, Senior Vice President of Apparel and Accessories from 1992 to 1999. Additionally, he was CEO of Danish jewelry brand Pandora, Managing Director of footwear retailer Deichmann, President of Rack Room Shoes, and held various management positions at outdoor apparel company Helly Hansen. He also holds the position of Chairman of the Board of Salling Group, Denmark’s largest food retailer.

The Supervisory Board of adidas AG resolved upon the succession for adidas CEO Kasper Rorsted. Effective January 1, 2023, Bjørn Gulden is appointed as member of the Executive Board and CEO of adidas AG. Kasper Rorsted and the Supervisory Board mutually agreed that he will step down as CEO and leave the company upon expiry of November 11, 2022. Harm Ohlmeyer, Chief Financial Officer of adidas AG, will lead the company in the interim until December 31, 2022. The Supervisory Board had announced a CEO transition on August 22, 2022.

Bjørn Gulden is 57 years old, Norwegian and has been CEO of Puma SE since 2013. Bjørn Gulden looks back at a tenure at adidas as, amongst others, Senior Vice President of Apparel and Accessories from 1992 to 1999. Additionally, he was CEO of Danish jewelry brand Pandora, Managing Director of footwear retailer Deichmann, President of Rack Room Shoes, and held various management positions at outdoor apparel company Helly Hansen. He also holds the position of Chairman of the Board of Salling Group, Denmark’s largest food retailer.

“We are very pleased to welcome Bjørn Gulden back at adidas. Bjørn Gulden brings almost 30 years of experience in the sporting goods and footwear industry. As a result, he knows the industry extremely well and draws on a rich network in sport and retail. Bjørn Gulden already served adidas successfully for seven years in the 1990s. As CEO of Puma, he re-invigorated the brand and led the company to record results. The Supervisory Board of adidas AG is convinced that Bjørn Gulden will head adidas into a new era of strength and is looking very much forward to a successful cooperation,” said Thomas Rabe, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of adidas AG. 


adidas AG

(c) ISKO

ISKO publishes 2022 Sustainability Impact Report

ISKO publishes its 2022 Sustainability Impact Report, which covers its activities and performance up to December 2021.

In this year’s report, ISKO details the results of its sustainability targets as they relate to six of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). ISKO outlines its sustainability road map through specific topics, including the elimination of first-generation materials.

See the full report here.

ISKO publishes its 2022 Sustainability Impact Report, which covers its activities and performance up to December 2021.

In this year’s report, ISKO details the results of its sustainability targets as they relate to six of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). ISKO outlines its sustainability road map through specific topics, including the elimination of first-generation materials.

See the full report here.


ISKO / Menabò Group srl


Rieter publishes Investor Update 2022

  • Sales of CHF 366.8 million in the third quarter, CHF 987.4 million after nine months
  • Order intake of CHF 226.4 million in the third quarter, CHF 1 095.8 million after nine months
  • Order backlog of around CHF 2 000 million as of September 30, 2022
  • Precautionary measures taken against potential energy crisis in Europe
  • Financing of a Professorship for Artificial Intelligence
  • Rieter site sales process on schedule
  • Outlook 2022

Rieter recorded a significant increase in sales in the third quarter of 2022, reaching a level of CHF 366.8 million (2021: CHF 257.3 million). The measures introduced to increase sales and profitability in the second half of 2022 are taking effect and will continue to be implemented in a systematic manner. These include a close cooperation with key suppliers, the development of alternative solutions to eliminate material shortages, the enforcement of price increases, and the improvement of the margin quality of the order backlog.

  • Sales of CHF 366.8 million in the third quarter, CHF 987.4 million after nine months
  • Order intake of CHF 226.4 million in the third quarter, CHF 1 095.8 million after nine months
  • Order backlog of around CHF 2 000 million as of September 30, 2022
  • Precautionary measures taken against potential energy crisis in Europe
  • Financing of a Professorship for Artificial Intelligence
  • Rieter site sales process on schedule
  • Outlook 2022

Rieter recorded a significant increase in sales in the third quarter of 2022, reaching a level of CHF 366.8 million (2021: CHF 257.3 million). The measures introduced to increase sales and profitability in the second half of 2022 are taking effect and will continue to be implemented in a systematic manner. These include a close cooperation with key suppliers, the development of alternative solutions to eliminate material shortages, the enforcement of price increases, and the improvement of the margin quality of the order backlog.

The order intake of CHF 226.4 million in the third quarter of 2022 reflects the expected normalization of demand for new equipment compared to the record year of 2021, which was characterized by catch-up effects and the regional shift in demand. In addition, the well-known uncertainties and risks and the continuing extremely long delivery times at key manufacturers had a dampening effect on demand. Due to the slowdown in capacity utilization in the spinning mills, demand for consumables, wear & tear and spare parts also declined in the third quarter of 2022. Major orders continued to be recorded from Turkey, Uzbekistan, and China.

Rieter has a high order backlog of around CHF 2 000 million as of September 30, 2022 (September 30, 2021: CHF 1 562 million), which will guarantee capacity utilization in all three business groups until well into 2023 or rather 2024. The cancellation rate in the reporting period was around 5% of the order backlog.

Outlook 2022
Rieter anticipates weakened demand for new systems in the coming months. The demand for consumables, wear & tear and spare parts will depend on the capacity utilization of spinning mills in the months ahead.

For the full year 2022, Rieter expects sales of around CHF 1 400 million. The realization of sales revenue from the order backlog continues to be associated with risks in relation to the well-known uncertainties.

Despite significantly higher sales compared to the prior-year period, Rieter expects EBIT and net result for 2022 to be below the previous year’s level. This is due to the considerable increases in the cost of materials and logistics, additional costs for compensation of material shortages as well as expenses in connection with the acquisition in the years 2021/2022.

More information:
Rieter financial year 2022

Rieter Management AG


Lectra published financial report for the first nine months of 2022

  • Revenues: 392.1 million euros (+50%)
  • EBITDA before non-recurring items: 74.9 million euros (+73%)
  • Net income: 35.4 million euros (multiplied by 2.1)
  • Free cash flow before non-recurring items: 31.6 million euros

Lectra’s Board of Directors, chaired by Daniel Harari, reviewed the consolidated financial statements for the third quarter and first nine months of 2022, which have not been reviewed by the Statutory Auditors.
To facilitate the analysis of the Group’s results, the financial statements are compared to those published in 2021 and to the 2021 pro forma financial statement ("2021 Pro forma"), prepared by integrating the three acquisitions made in 2021 – Gerber Technology (“Gerber”), Neteven, and Gemini CAD Systems (“Gemini”) – as if they had been consolidated from January 1, 2021, whereas they have been consolidated since June 1, July 28 and September 27, 2021 respectively.

See attached document for full report.

  • Revenues: 392.1 million euros (+50%)
  • EBITDA before non-recurring items: 74.9 million euros (+73%)
  • Net income: 35.4 million euros (multiplied by 2.1)
  • Free cash flow before non-recurring items: 31.6 million euros

Lectra’s Board of Directors, chaired by Daniel Harari, reviewed the consolidated financial statements for the third quarter and first nine months of 2022, which have not been reviewed by the Statutory Auditors.
To facilitate the analysis of the Group’s results, the financial statements are compared to those published in 2021 and to the 2021 pro forma financial statement ("2021 Pro forma"), prepared by integrating the three acquisitions made in 2021 – Gerber Technology (“Gerber”), Neteven, and Gemini CAD Systems (“Gemini”) – as if they had been consolidated from January 1, 2021, whereas they have been consolidated since June 1, July 28 and September 27, 2021 respectively.

See attached document for full report.




SGL Carbon: Positive business development in all business units

  • Positive business development in all four business units
  • Sales increases by 14.8% to €853.9 million
  • Adjusted EBITDA improves by 25.4% to €136.1 million
  • Successful refinancing of the 2018 convertible bonds

After €270.9 million in Q1 2022 and €278.9 million in Q2, SGL Carbon increased its consolidated sales to €304.1 million in Q3 2022. After nine months, this corresponds to a significant sales growth of 14.8% to a total of €853.9 million (9M 2021: €743.5 million). The positive business development is also reflected in the company's adjusted EBITDA, which improved by 25.4% year-on-year to €136.1 million (9M 2021: €108.5 million). All four business units contributed to the operating success.

Due to the positive business development, the management increased the forecast for the full year on 6 September 2022. For the financial year 2022, Group sales of approx. €1.2 billion (previously: approx. €1.1 billion) and adjusted EBITDA of €170 to 190 million (previously: €130 to 150 million) are expected.

  • Positive business development in all four business units
  • Sales increases by 14.8% to €853.9 million
  • Adjusted EBITDA improves by 25.4% to €136.1 million
  • Successful refinancing of the 2018 convertible bonds

After €270.9 million in Q1 2022 and €278.9 million in Q2, SGL Carbon increased its consolidated sales to €304.1 million in Q3 2022. After nine months, this corresponds to a significant sales growth of 14.8% to a total of €853.9 million (9M 2021: €743.5 million). The positive business development is also reflected in the company's adjusted EBITDA, which improved by 25.4% year-on-year to €136.1 million (9M 2021: €108.5 million). All four business units contributed to the operating success.

Due to the positive business development, the management increased the forecast for the full year on 6 September 2022. For the financial year 2022, Group sales of approx. €1.2 billion (previously: approx. €1.1 billion) and adjusted EBITDA of €170 to 190 million (previously: €130 to 150 million) are expected.

Consequently, an adjusted EBIT of €110 to 130 million (previously: €70 to 90 million) is forecasted. The expectations for return on capital employed (ROCE) of originally 7% to 9% are raised to 10% to 12% in line with the development of earnings. The estimate for free cash flow (significantly below the previous year's level of €111.5 million) remains unchanged.
