From the Sector

1572 results
(c) BVMed / VVHC

BVMed nimmt VVHC als assoziiertes Mitglied auf

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) hat den Verband Versorgungsqualität Homecare (VVHC) als neues assoziiertes Mitglied aufgenommen. Es ist das erste Mal, dass mit dem VVHC ein Verband die Möglichkeit der assoziierten Mitgliedschaft im BVMed nutzt. „Wir wollen damit unsere Kräfte bündeln und die Aktivitäten der Homecare-Branche gegenüber Politik und Krankenkassen stärker abstimmen“, so BVMed-Geschäftsführer Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll und VVHC-Geschäftsführer Norbert Bertram. BVMed und VVHC setzen sich gemeinsam für die Stärkung der Qualität in der Hilfsmittel- und Homecare-Versorgung ein. Außerdem möchten beide Verbände das Bewusstsein für die Bedeutung der Homecare-Versorgung für die ambulanten Versorgungsstrukturen in Deutschland stärken.

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) hat den Verband Versorgungsqualität Homecare (VVHC) als neues assoziiertes Mitglied aufgenommen. Es ist das erste Mal, dass mit dem VVHC ein Verband die Möglichkeit der assoziierten Mitgliedschaft im BVMed nutzt. „Wir wollen damit unsere Kräfte bündeln und die Aktivitäten der Homecare-Branche gegenüber Politik und Krankenkassen stärker abstimmen“, so BVMed-Geschäftsführer Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll und VVHC-Geschäftsführer Norbert Bertram. BVMed und VVHC setzen sich gemeinsam für die Stärkung der Qualität in der Hilfsmittel- und Homecare-Versorgung ein. Außerdem möchten beide Verbände das Bewusstsein für die Bedeutung der Homecare-Versorgung für die ambulanten Versorgungsstrukturen in Deutschland stärken.

Homecare steht für die Versorgung von Patient:innen mit medizinischen Hilfsmitteln, Verbandmitteln und medizinischer Ernährung zu Hause und in Pflege- oder Altenheimen. Homecare unterstützt die ambulante Versorgung von Menschen mit Bedarf an medizinischen Hilfsmitteln durch spezialisierte Fachkräfte. Homecare ermöglicht somit vielen Patient:innen, selbstständig zu leben, in den eigenen vier Wänden therapiert und gesund zu werden.

Homecare-Leistungen umfassen unter anderem enterale und parenterale Ernährungstherapien, Infusionstherapien, Stomaversorgung, aufsaugende und ableitende Inkontinenzversorgung, moderne Wundversorgung, Dekubitusprophylaxe, Tracheostoma- und Laryngektomie-Therapie, Sauerstofflangzeit-Therapie, Beatmung, Kompressionstherapie sowie Hilfsmittel, die die Mobilität der Patient:innen zu unterstützen.

Der BVMed repräsentiert über 240 Hersteller, Händler und Zulieferer der Medizintechnik-Branche sowie Hilfsmittel-Leistungserbringer und Homecare-Versorger. Der BVMed ist als maßgeblicher Verband der Hilfsmittel-Leistungserbringer auf Bundesebene anerkannt.

Dem VVHC gehören über 80 Mitgliedsunternehmen an, die insgesamt über 900 Homecare-Unternehmen in der gesamten Bundesrepublik repräsentieren. Die vom VVHC vertretenen Mitglieder versorgen über eine Million Patient:innen in sieben Therapiefeldern


Physical ClusterXchange - Discovering smart materials in Czech Republic

Under the ClusterXchange pilot scheme, the EXTRATEX partnership organised a 5-day exchange in Czech Republic, hosted by CLUTEX (cluster for technical textile).

15 participants visited strategic and innovative companies in the field of smart materials and advances technologies, as well as research centres and the Liberec University.

During the exchange, 92 B2B meetings were organized between local companies and the exchange participants, with 75% of the contacts established leading to follow-ups after the conclusion of the exchange. This collaboration laid the foundation for potential cross-border and cross-sector business collaboration, and participants of the physical exchange improved their competences in the field of smart materials and advanced technologies.

Under the ClusterXchange pilot scheme, the EXTRATEX partnership organised a 5-day exchange in Czech Republic, hosted by CLUTEX (cluster for technical textile).

15 participants visited strategic and innovative companies in the field of smart materials and advances technologies, as well as research centres and the Liberec University.

During the exchange, 92 B2B meetings were organized between local companies and the exchange participants, with 75% of the contacts established leading to follow-ups after the conclusion of the exchange. This collaboration laid the foundation for potential cross-border and cross-sector business collaboration, and participants of the physical exchange improved their competences in the field of smart materials and advanced technologies.

According to a testimony from the company Bipier Srl, their participation in the exchange allowed the establishment of two important working relationships with Bcb Informatica Y Control and Vyskummy Ustav Chemickych (Research Institute for Man-Made Fibers). This cooperation wil allow Bipier Srl to equip their machines with quality temperature control, and to expand the distribution of their products.

More information:
EXTRATEX Smart textiles


photo: pixabay

Launch of the European project EU-ALLIANCE for advanced materials

EU-ALLIANCE aims to support SMEs internationalisation in the fields of technical textile, connectivity and advanced materials to address dual use markets in four targeted countries: The United States, Canada, Japan and Indonesia. The EU-ALLIANCE project is funded by the European Union's COSME programme. It brings together 6 key clusters representing nearly 900 companies: Techtera (France); Systematic (France); PO.IN.TEX - Textile innovation cluster (Italy); NTT - Next Technology Tecnotessile (Italy); NIDV - Industries for Defence and Security (Netherlands); SIIT - Intelligent System Integrated Technologies (Italy).

EU-ALLIANCE aims to support SMEs internationalisation in the fields of technical textile, connectivity and advanced materials to address dual use markets in four targeted countries: The United States, Canada, Japan and Indonesia. The EU-ALLIANCE project is funded by the European Union's COSME programme. It brings together 6 key clusters representing nearly 900 companies: Techtera (France); Systematic (France); PO.IN.TEX - Textile innovation cluster (Italy); NTT - Next Technology Tecnotessile (Italy); NIDV - Industries for Defence and Security (Netherlands); SIIT - Intelligent System Integrated Technologies (Italy).

On November 25, the partners hosted a webinar to present the project and the opportunities it will generate. This webinar was also an opportunity to position the participants to benefit from the services generated by the project (market research, commercial missions, B2B meetings, etc.), communicate your needs and thus join the selection of companies that will be able to benefit from European support for these actions. Beyond this internationalisation objective, the project also aims to encourage intra-European collaboration and synergies between the various members of the partner clusters.



© Recyda GmbH

Fraunhofer UMSICHT testet Verpackungstool

Wie kreislauffähig sind alltägliche Verpackungen?
Verpackungen sind komplex: eine Umverpackung aus Karton, Einzelteile zusätzlich in PET-Folie verpackt, ein wasserlösliches Label oder vielleicht eine Klebefolie. Um die Rezyklierbarkeit alltäglicher Verpackungen zu bewerten, müssen Verpackungsart, -komponenten und -materialien berücksichtigt werden. Zudem sind umfangreiche Kenntnisse über (multi-)nationale Vorgaben notwendig. Die Recyda GmbH hat ein flexibles Bewertungstool entwickelt, welches verschiedene Vorgaben (»Regelwerke«) der Recyclingfähigkeit modellieren kann. Fraunhofer UMSICHT hat die digitale Umsetzung der Vorgaben des MstSZSVr (Mindeststandard der Zentralen Stelle Verpackungsregister) als eines der in Recyda abgebildeten Regelwerke geprüft. Das Ergebnis: Recyda ist ein nutzerfreundliches Bewertungstool, das die Rezyklierbarkeit von Verpackungen analysiert. Es kann auch als Hilfestellung herangezogen werden, um zukünftige Verpackungen so zu gestalten, dass sie auf Recyclingfähigkeit optimiert sind.

Wie kreislauffähig sind alltägliche Verpackungen?
Verpackungen sind komplex: eine Umverpackung aus Karton, Einzelteile zusätzlich in PET-Folie verpackt, ein wasserlösliches Label oder vielleicht eine Klebefolie. Um die Rezyklierbarkeit alltäglicher Verpackungen zu bewerten, müssen Verpackungsart, -komponenten und -materialien berücksichtigt werden. Zudem sind umfangreiche Kenntnisse über (multi-)nationale Vorgaben notwendig. Die Recyda GmbH hat ein flexibles Bewertungstool entwickelt, welches verschiedene Vorgaben (»Regelwerke«) der Recyclingfähigkeit modellieren kann. Fraunhofer UMSICHT hat die digitale Umsetzung der Vorgaben des MstSZSVr (Mindeststandard der Zentralen Stelle Verpackungsregister) als eines der in Recyda abgebildeten Regelwerke geprüft. Das Ergebnis: Recyda ist ein nutzerfreundliches Bewertungstool, das die Rezyklierbarkeit von Verpackungen analysiert. Es kann auch als Hilfestellung herangezogen werden, um zukünftige Verpackungen so zu gestalten, dass sie auf Recyclingfähigkeit optimiert sind.

Das webbasierte Tool zeichnet sich durch einen klar strukturierten Aufbau aus, der es neuen Anwendern nach einer halb- bis einstündigen Einarbeitungszeit ermöglicht, eigene Verpackungsprojekte einzupflegen und ihre Recyclingfähigkeit digital zu bewerten. Unterschieden nach Verpackungsart, Verpackungskomponenten und Verpackungsmaterialien können Anwendende ihre Verpackung in wenigen Prozessschritten — dargestellt in einzelnen Eingabemasken — bewerten. Innerhalb der Masken vereinfachen vordefinierte Verpackungsarten die Eingabe; neben der Art werden auch Gewicht und Volumen der Verpackung abgefragt ebenso wie Fragen zu Farbe und Ablösbarkeit der Verpackungskomponenten. Das Ergebnis wird — je nach verwendetem Regelwerk — skaliert in Prozent bzw. farbig dargestellt und mit Hinweisen zur Einordnung im Vergleich zu den jeweiligen (trans)nationalen Regelungen versehen. Fraunhofer UMSICHT testete das Tool anhand verschiedener Musterverpackungen.

Das Recyda Tool wird stetig weiterentwickelt und mit neuesten Daten zu länderspezifischen Recyclingvorgaben aktualisiert. Fraunhofer UMSICHT empfiehlt als weitere Ergänzung, zusätzlich ein Glossar zu den Begrifflichkeiten des MstSZSVr zur Verfügung zu stellen und regelmäßig zu aktualisieren, damit auch Fachfremde das Tool nutzen können. Zudem halten die Forschenden es für sinnvoll, Handlungsempfehlungen für unterschiedliche Entsorgungsmöglichkeiten oder Trennbarkeiten zu erstellen.


Fraunhofer-Institut für Umwelt-, Sicherheits- und Energietechnik UMSICHT

Political Tailwind for Alternative Carbon Sources (c) Renewable Carbon Initiative
European Policy under the new green deal

Political Tailwind for Alternative Carbon Sources

  • More than 30 leading pioneers of the chemical and material sector welcome the latest political papers from Brussels, Berlin and Düsseldorf

The political situation for renewable carbon from biomass, CO2 and recycling for the defossilisation of the chemical and materials industry has begun to shift fundamentally in Europe. For the first time, important policy papers from Brussels and Germany take into consideration that the term decarbonisation alone is not sufficient, and that there are important industrial sectors with a permanent and even growing carbon demand. Finally, the need for a sustainable coverage of this carbon demand and the realisation of sustainable carbon cycles have been identified on the political stage. They are elemental to the realisation of a sustainable chemical and derived materials industry.

  • More than 30 leading pioneers of the chemical and material sector welcome the latest political papers from Brussels, Berlin and Düsseldorf

The political situation for renewable carbon from biomass, CO2 and recycling for the defossilisation of the chemical and materials industry has begun to shift fundamentally in Europe. For the first time, important policy papers from Brussels and Germany take into consideration that the term decarbonisation alone is not sufficient, and that there are important industrial sectors with a permanent and even growing carbon demand. Finally, the need for a sustainable coverage of this carbon demand and the realisation of sustainable carbon cycles have been identified on the political stage. They are elemental to the realisation of a sustainable chemical and derived materials industry.

The goal is to create sustainable carbon cycles. This requires comprehensive carbon management of renewable sources, which includes carbon from biomass, carbon from Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) – the industrial use of CO2 as an integral part – as well as mechanical and chemical recycling. And only the use of all alternative carbon streams enables a true decoupling of the chemical and materials sector from additional fossil carbon from the ground. Only in this way can the chemical industry stay the backbone of modern society and transform into a sustainable sector that enables the achievement of global climate goals. The Renewable Carbon Initiative’s (RCI) major aim is to support the smart transition from fossil to renewable carbon: utilising carbon from biomass, CO2 and recycling instead of additional fossil carbon from the ground. This is crucial because 72% of the human-made greenhouse gas emissions are directly linked to additional fossil carbon. The RCI supports all renewable carbon sources available, but the political support is fragmented and differs between carbon from biomass, recycling or carbon capture and utilisation (CCU). Especially CCU has so far not been a strategic objective in the Green Deal and Fit-for-55.

This will change fundamentally with the European Commission's communication paper on “Sustainable Carbon Cycles” published on 15 December. The position in the paper represents an essential step forward that shows embedded carbon has reached the political mainstream – supported by recent opinions from members of the European parliament and also, apparently, by the upcoming IPCC assessment report 6. Now, CCU becomes a recognised and credible solution for sustainable carbon cycles and a potentially sustainable option for the chemical and  material industries. Also, in the political discussions in Brussels, the term “defossilation” is appearing more and more often, complementing or replacing the term decarbonisation in those areas where carbon is indispensable. MEP Maria da Graça Carvahlo is among a number of politicians in Brussels who perceive CCU as an important future industry, putting it on the political map and creating momentum for CCU. This includes the integration of CCU into the new Carbon Removal Regime and the Emission Trading System (ETS).

As the new policy documents are fully in line with the strategy of the RCI, the more than 30 member companies of the initiative are highly supportive of this new development and are ready to support policy-maker with data and detailed suggestions for active support and the realisation of sustainable carbon cycles and a sound carbon management. The recent political papers of relevance are highlighted in the following.

Brussels: Communication paper on “Sustainable Carbon Cycles”
On 15 December, the European Commission has published the communication paper “Sustainable Carbon Cycles” . For the first time, the importance of carbon in different industrial sectors is clearly stated. One of the key statements in the paper is the full recognition of CCU for the first time as a solution for the circular economy, which includes CCU-based fuels as well. The communication paper distinguishes between bio-based CO2, fossil CO2 and CO2 from direct air capture when addressing carbon removal and it also announces detailed monitoring of the different CO2 streams. Not only CCU, but also carbon from the bioeconomy is registered as an important pillar for the future. Here, the term carbon farming has been newly introduced, which refers to improved land management practices that result in an increase of carbon sequestration in living biomass, dead organic matter or soils by enhancing carbon capture or reducing the release of carbon. Even though the list of nature-based carbon storage technologies is non-exhaustive in our view, we strongly support the paper’s idea to deem sustainable land and forest management as a basis for the bioeconomy more important than solely considering land use as a carbon sink. Surprisingly, chemical recycling, which is also an alternative carbon source that substitutes additional fossil carbon from the ground (i.e. carbon from crude oil, natural gas or from coal), is completely absent from the communication paper.

Berlin: Coalition paper of the new German Government: “Dare more progress – alliance for freedom, justice and sustainability”
The whole of Europe is waiting to see how the new German government of Social Democrats, Greens and Liberals will shape the German climate policy. The new reform agenda focuses in particular on solar and wind energy as well as especially hydrogen. Solar energy is to be expanded to 200 GW by 2030 and two percent of the country's land is to be designated for onshore wind energy. A hydrogen grid infrastructure is to be created for green hydrogen, which will form the backbone of the energy system of the future – and is also needed for e-fuels and sustainable chemical industry, a clear commitment to CCU. There is a further focus on the topic of circular economy and recycling. A higher recycling quota and a product-specific minimum quota for the use of recyclates and secondary raw materials should be established at European level. In the coalition paper, there is also a clear commitment to chemical recycling to be found. A significant change for the industry is planned to occur in regards to the so-called “plastic tax” of 80 cents per kilogram of non-recycled plastic packaging. This tax has been implemented by the EU, but most countries are not passing on this tax to the manufacturers and distributors, or only to a limited extent. The new German government now plans to fully transfer this tax over to the industry.

Düsseldorf: Carbon can protect the climate – Carbon Management Strategy North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW)
Lastly, the RCI highly welcomes North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW, Germany) as the first region worldwide to adopt a comprehensive carbon management strategy, a foundation for the transformation from using additional fossil carbon from the ground to the utilisation of renewable carbon from biomass, CO2 and recycling. For all three alternative carbon streams, separate detailed strategies are being developed to achieve the defossilisation of the industry. This is all the more remarkable as North Rhine-Westphalia is the federal state with the strongest industry in Germany, in particular the chemical industry. And it is here, of all places, that a first master plan for the conversion of industry from fossil carbon to biomass, CO2 and recycling is implemented. If successful, NRW could become a global leader in sustainable carbon
management and the region could become a blueprint for many industrial regions.

(c) riri Group

DMC joins Riri Group

The year 2021 is expected to end on an extremely positive note for the Swiss Group, with an organic turnover record (significantly higher than pre-pandemic levels) and an acceleration of the product range completion strategy: after the addition of Amom, in June, Riri is proud to share the closing of the acquisition and integration into the Group of DMC, a company specialized in the metal components sector for haute couture, more specifically leatherwear. This is another step towards creating a single hub dedicated to luxury accessories, whose goal is to develop a balanced portfolio including zips, buttons, metal hardware, and fashion jewels.

DMC, established in 1976 in Scarperia e San Piero a Sieve, near Florence, has a consolidated experience with major luxury brands and a strategic position, being located close to the Tuscan leatherwear district. Originally a family-run business, today it is a company which combines highly skilled Italian artisan tradition, which has a strong connection in the region, with the use of cutting-edge technologies. Its comprehensive vertical integration system allows for in-house management of all production process phases.

The year 2021 is expected to end on an extremely positive note for the Swiss Group, with an organic turnover record (significantly higher than pre-pandemic levels) and an acceleration of the product range completion strategy: after the addition of Amom, in June, Riri is proud to share the closing of the acquisition and integration into the Group of DMC, a company specialized in the metal components sector for haute couture, more specifically leatherwear. This is another step towards creating a single hub dedicated to luxury accessories, whose goal is to develop a balanced portfolio including zips, buttons, metal hardware, and fashion jewels.

DMC, established in 1976 in Scarperia e San Piero a Sieve, near Florence, has a consolidated experience with major luxury brands and a strategic position, being located close to the Tuscan leatherwear district. Originally a family-run business, today it is a company which combines highly skilled Italian artisan tradition, which has a strong connection in the region, with the use of cutting-edge technologies. Its comprehensive vertical integration system allows for in-house management of all production process phases.

“The addition of DMC to the family” – explains Renato Usoni, CEO of the Riri Group – “is not just a bonus for our offer in terms of product range. It means also a fundamental milestone in the creation strategy of a fully integrated business model”. As a matter of fact, the operation is a further improvement in the Group’s designing potential, increasingly able to provide tailor-made accessories, as requested by each client, achieving very high levels of customization while keeping up massive investments in new technologies, organization systems and sustainability projects with a cross-cutting impact.

“Our Group” – Usoni adds – “is, to all intents and purposes, a leader in terms of innovation, thanks to its state-of-the-art plants, which are located in seven production factories, and thanks to its constant search on emerging technologies and materials”. More specifically, DMC’s proposal – in line with Riri’s – is increasingly focused on the use of sustainable products and on processes with a low environmental impact.

Furthermore, the new company in the Group is committed to integrating the economic development of its business with the ensuing social accountability. Evidence of this attention is shown by its having been awarded the certifications ISO 9001, due to the quality of its processes, products and services, and SA 8000, for its ethical management of human resource. Moreover, every year DMC produces a social report which, in line with what have always been distinctive values of Riri, bears witness to its intent of communicating its achievements clearly and transparently.

More information:
Riri Group

riri Group


Freudenberg Performance Materials increases prices for nonwoven performance materials

Freudenberg Performance Materials announces a general upward adjustment of their prices for nonwoven performance materials for flooring and filtration applications in EMEA. This revision, effective January 1, 2022, has become necessary because of sustained and unprecedented surge in cost for raw materials, packaging, freight, consumables and energy combined with disruptions in their inbound supply chain.

Prices across all categories have by far outpaced their expectations and are forecasted to remain on high levels throughout 2022. This historic price trend has placed significant pressure on Freudenberg Performance Materials, and they understand in a similar way on their customers.

At this stage their business can no longer absorb the effects of such high price levels. Freudenberg Performance Materials will therefore adjust our prices for all their Colback® and Lutradur branded nonwoven products for flooring and filtration application by double-digit increases depending on product types.

Freudenberg Performance Materials announces a general upward adjustment of their prices for nonwoven performance materials for flooring and filtration applications in EMEA. This revision, effective January 1, 2022, has become necessary because of sustained and unprecedented surge in cost for raw materials, packaging, freight, consumables and energy combined with disruptions in their inbound supply chain.

Prices across all categories have by far outpaced their expectations and are forecasted to remain on high levels throughout 2022. This historic price trend has placed significant pressure on Freudenberg Performance Materials, and they understand in a similar way on their customers.

At this stage their business can no longer absorb the effects of such high price levels. Freudenberg Performance Materials will therefore adjust our prices for all their Colback® and Lutradur branded nonwoven products for flooring and filtration application by double-digit increases depending on product types.

Freudenberg Performance Materials will continue to work on improving productivity to offset inflationary pressure to keep attractive price levels and to avoid further price adjustments. They will continue to monitor the market development and in case of sustained and unexpected downward trends they will adjust our prices accordingly.


Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding SE & Co. KG


Kelheim Fibres: Severe Impact of Natural Gas Price Increases

Over the past 14 days, the wholesale cost of natural gas in Germany has risen by more than 50%. This increase presents an extraordinary challenge for industry, and there is no sign of support or intervention from the Government. Indeed, recent statements are destined to provoke a worsening of the situation.

Kelheim Fibres is entirely dependent on natural gas for the generation of electrical energy and steam and has no viable short-term alternatives. In addition, the raw materials used by the company often consume high levels of energy in their production and are also increasing significantly in cost. These increases in cost jeopardise the future of the business if they cannot be passed on though the supply chain.

Kelheim Fibres is calling on the Government of Germany to take immediate steps to mitigate the impact of the cost increases for natural gas and is committed to work to implement alternative sources of energy in the medium term.

Over the past 14 days, the wholesale cost of natural gas in Germany has risen by more than 50%. This increase presents an extraordinary challenge for industry, and there is no sign of support or intervention from the Government. Indeed, recent statements are destined to provoke a worsening of the situation.

Kelheim Fibres is entirely dependent on natural gas for the generation of electrical energy and steam and has no viable short-term alternatives. In addition, the raw materials used by the company often consume high levels of energy in their production and are also increasing significantly in cost. These increases in cost jeopardise the future of the business if they cannot be passed on though the supply chain.

Kelheim Fibres is calling on the Government of Germany to take immediate steps to mitigate the impact of the cost increases for natural gas and is committed to work to implement alternative sources of energy in the medium term.

In parallel, the disruption to global logistic networks that has been seen throughout 2021 is now expected to continue throughout 2022. Massive increases in shipping rates – in some cases in excess of 80% – are being imposed without notice and with no opportunity for negotiation. These costs must also be passed on though the supply chain if businesses are to remain viable.

To address these issues, Kelheim Fibres is implementing the following measures with immediate effect:

  • The increased cost of energy and freight will be passed on in prices to customers at the soonest opportunity;
  • If necessary, changes or adjustments to existing agreements will be negotiated to reflect the increased cost levels;
  • If the necessary increase in fibre prices cannot be secured, cuts to production will be implemented with the objective of minimising losses until the cost increases can be mitigated.

As the drivers for the increases in natural gas prices appear to be temporary in nature, we will maintain any price adjustments under review and pass on any relief to customers.

Craig Barker, CEO of Kelheim Fibres, describes the current situation as critical. “The cost increases we are facing are unprecedented and call for swift and decisive action. We are determined to take the necessary steps to preserve the future of our business and provide security of supply for our customers. At the same time, we are relying on the support of our customers to help us conquer the challenges our business is facing.”


Kelheim Fibres GmbH


EFI: New Innovations in Digital Textile at EFI Reggiani Open House

During an expansive, three-day Electronics For Imaging, Inc. open house this month at the company’s EFI™ Reggiani industrial textile printer facility, textile and apparel manufacturers witnessed first-hand the market-leading innovations that provide users with new opportunities. The December open house, which drew more than 70 attendees from over 23 different European, South American, and Middle Eastern countries, featured informative sessions with product experts on a diverse range of topics, covering new and trending market applications for textile manufacturers.

Attendees witnessed live demonstrations of eight advanced digital printers during the open house, including the new EFI Reggiani HYPER, EFI Reggiani TERRA Silver scanning/multi-pass printer, and EFI Reggiani BLAZE as well as the EFI Reggiani BOLT – the award-winning single-pass offering that is the one of the fastest digital textile printers.

During an expansive, three-day Electronics For Imaging, Inc. open house this month at the company’s EFI™ Reggiani industrial textile printer facility, textile and apparel manufacturers witnessed first-hand the market-leading innovations that provide users with new opportunities. The December open house, which drew more than 70 attendees from over 23 different European, South American, and Middle Eastern countries, featured informative sessions with product experts on a diverse range of topics, covering new and trending market applications for textile manufacturers.

Attendees witnessed live demonstrations of eight advanced digital printers during the open house, including the new EFI Reggiani HYPER, EFI Reggiani TERRA Silver scanning/multi-pass printer, and EFI Reggiani BLAZE as well as the EFI Reggiani BOLT – the award-winning single-pass offering that is the one of the fastest digital textile printers.

EFI Reggiani HYPER – a fast scanning digital printer
The new EFI Reggiani HYPER is a scanning printer available in 1.8-metre, 2.4-metre or 3.4-metre widths. The Reggiani HYPER model targets the industrial high-speed segment of the multi-pass textile printing sector.

With an up to eight-colour configuration, it prints at speeds up to 13 linear metres per minute in two-pass production mode. The new printer is suitable for high-quality production on knitted or woven fabrics and is designed with smart technology that enables it to be integrated into Industry 4.0 projects.

Sustainable direct-to-textile printing with the EFI Reggiani TERRA Silver
The new-version TERRA Silver printer is part of EFI’s complete TERRA line-up of pigment ink printer solutions. It allows print service providers to enter the world of industrial textile with a short, smart and green production process.
The printer also features:

  • A new recirculating ink system for superior reliability and minimum maintenance
  • Several printing modes to ensure maximum flexibility in terms of design capability
  • New, real-time image processing that eliminates time spent in image pre-calculations
  • A user friendly, intuitive interface
  • A more-efficient polymerisation process that takes place as printed textile goes through the printer’s on-board dryer.

EFI Reggiani BLAZE, an ideal entry solution for industrial textile printing
The EFI Reggiani BLAZE printer is designed to give textile companies the opportunity to enter the digital textile printing market with a compact solution. The new, 1.8-metre-wide printer offers an innovative, low-maintenance, continuous recirculation ink system equipped with a level sensor and degassing as well as a print head crash protective system for longer printhead life and superior uptime.

The upgraded EFI Reggiani BOLT – one of the fastest digital textile printers
In 2021, the EFI Reggiani BOLT received a combination of hardware and software enhancements that minimise artifacts, compensating for missing nozzles that may occur over time and enhancing uniformity to deliver smoother solid colours. The upgrade also delivers improved quality and smoother gradients, plus it enables faster printhead replacement and drastically increases file processing speed by up to 200% for large, complex files.



(c) Hochschule Niederrhein

Künstliche Intelligenz an der Hochschule Niederrhein

Zum 1. Dezember startete die Hochschule Niederrhein ein vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung gefördertes Vorhaben, das den Erwerb von Kompetenzen zur Künstlichen Intelligenz zum Ziel hat. Das auf vier Jahre angelegte Förderprojekt „Public Understanding von KI durch transdisziplinäre Lehre“ wird mit rund zwei Millionen Euro gefördert und ist transdisziplinär ausgerichtet. Lehrende der fünf Fachbereiche Sozialwesen, Oecotrophologie, Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik, Gesundheitswesen sowie Elektrotechnik und Informatik konzipieren Lehrangebote, die Studierende befähigen, anwendungsorientierte KI-Kompetenzen und somit wichtige Future Skills für ihren beruflichen Weg zu erwerben.

Im Fokus steht das gemeinschaftliche Lernen über die Fachbereichsgrenzen hinaus. „So machen sich die Studierenden von heute in zweierlei Hinsicht fit für das, was sie als Fachkräfte von morgen erwartet,“ erklärt der Projektleiter Professor Dr.-Ing. Jens Brandt. „Die Studierenden erarbeiten sich nicht nur zukunftsweisende Fähigkeiten und Methoden im Bereich der KI. Sie lernen auch, über den eigenen fachlichen Tellerrand zu schauen, indem sie in multidisziplinären Teams zusammenarbeiten.“

Zum 1. Dezember startete die Hochschule Niederrhein ein vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung gefördertes Vorhaben, das den Erwerb von Kompetenzen zur Künstlichen Intelligenz zum Ziel hat. Das auf vier Jahre angelegte Förderprojekt „Public Understanding von KI durch transdisziplinäre Lehre“ wird mit rund zwei Millionen Euro gefördert und ist transdisziplinär ausgerichtet. Lehrende der fünf Fachbereiche Sozialwesen, Oecotrophologie, Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik, Gesundheitswesen sowie Elektrotechnik und Informatik konzipieren Lehrangebote, die Studierende befähigen, anwendungsorientierte KI-Kompetenzen und somit wichtige Future Skills für ihren beruflichen Weg zu erwerben.

Im Fokus steht das gemeinschaftliche Lernen über die Fachbereichsgrenzen hinaus. „So machen sich die Studierenden von heute in zweierlei Hinsicht fit für das, was sie als Fachkräfte von morgen erwartet,“ erklärt der Projektleiter Professor Dr.-Ing. Jens Brandt. „Die Studierenden erarbeiten sich nicht nur zukunftsweisende Fähigkeiten und Methoden im Bereich der KI. Sie lernen auch, über den eigenen fachlichen Tellerrand zu schauen, indem sie in multidisziplinären Teams zusammenarbeiten.“

Der didaktischen Herangehensweise im Projekt kommt ein hoher Stellenwert zu. Hierfür zeichnet der Arbeitsbereich Hochschuldidaktik verantwortlich. „Wir streben an, dass die Studierenden in fachbereichsübergreifenden Gruppen gemeinsam praxisrelevante Fragestellungen lösen indem sie gezielt KI-Methoden einsetzen, die sie sich zuvor erschlossen haben,“ sagt Frau Dr. Sylvia Ruschin, Leiterin des Arbeitsbereichs Hochschuldidaktik an der Hochschule Niederrhein.

Das Projekt unterstreicht eines der wesentlichen Ziele, die die Hochschule Niederrhein als Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften verfolgt: Ihren Absolventinnen und Absolventen Kompetenzen mit auf den Weg zu geben, die sie befähigen, die Bedeutung und Dynamik gesellschaftlicher Wandlungsprozesse zu verstehen und diese Prozesse aktiv und positiv mitzugestalten.


Hochschule Niederrhein


Atelier Emé collaborates with mending for good for Upcyling Project

An exclusive collection of archival wedding dresses by Atelier Emé artfully reworked in collaboration with mending for good, the consulting firm offering luxury brands creative and ethical solutions for design-driven upcycling.

Re-Love is the capsule collection composed of sixteen wedding dresses - 10 developed in collaboration with mending for good, 6 created in-house by the company's style office. Sixteen iconic garments of the brand selected among the most significant in the history of the maison, reworked with love through a transformation project based on the principles of circularity. Harmonious and enchanted fusion of past and present, an effort that makes clear and possible innovation strategies following sustainability paths.

An exclusive collection of archival wedding dresses by Atelier Emé artfully reworked in collaboration with mending for good, the consulting firm offering luxury brands creative and ethical solutions for design-driven upcycling.

Re-Love is the capsule collection composed of sixteen wedding dresses - 10 developed in collaboration with mending for good, 6 created in-house by the company's style office. Sixteen iconic garments of the brand selected among the most significant in the history of the maison, reworked with love through a transformation project based on the principles of circularity. Harmonious and enchanted fusion of past and present, an effort that makes clear and possible innovation strategies following sustainability paths.

Atelier Emé has decided to collaborate with mending for good by developing a series of pieces based  on craftsmanship techniques, creativity, romance and fun, starting from the archive dresses. A work carried out by the style office in the sartorial laboratories of the Maison Atelier Emé deconstructing and reconstructing the chosen garments, while mending for good, on the other hand, has provided repurposing solutions through painting on fabric by Karl Joerns of La Serra MK textile Atelier in Florence, hand embroidery by Donatella de Bonis and hand decorations. A fairy-tale upcycling, achieved through a synergistic work that has combined highly specialized skills and craftsmanship for ten creations, full of colorful designs, watercolor bouquets, three-dimensional applications and ton-sur-ton embroidery.


C.L.A.S.S. / GB Network


FFW: Drei Tage Konferenzen für einen nachhaltigen Wandel

Die Frankfurt Fashion Week geht im Januar mit Konferenzformaten, Panels, Diskussionsforen und dem digitalen FFW Studio an den Start. Im Fokus: der Wandel in Richtung Nachhaltigkeit und Digitalisierung der Branche. Vom 17. bis 21. Januar 2022 zeigt die FFW, wie dieser Wandel gelingen kann. Einen umfangreichen Einblick in den State of the Art der Industrie geben die dreitägigen Leit-Konferenzen Fashionsustain und Fashiontech sowie das Programm des digitalen FFW Studios.

Die Frankfurt Fashion Week geht im Januar mit Konferenzformaten, Panels, Diskussionsforen und dem digitalen FFW Studio an den Start. Im Fokus: der Wandel in Richtung Nachhaltigkeit und Digitalisierung der Branche. Vom 17. bis 21. Januar 2022 zeigt die FFW, wie dieser Wandel gelingen kann. Einen umfangreichen Einblick in den State of the Art der Industrie geben die dreitägigen Leit-Konferenzen Fashionsustain und Fashiontech sowie das Programm des digitalen FFW Studios.

Der Content der multidisziplinären Konferenzen, Panels und Diskussionsrunden der Frankfurt Fashion Week richtet sich komplett an den Leitthemen der FFW – Sustainability und Digitisation – aus. Die beiden Konferenzformate Fashionsustain, veranstaltet von der Messe Frankfurt, und Fashiontech, organisiert von der Premium Group, zeigen drei Tage lang, wie die Branche den notwendigen Wandel in Richtung Nachhaltigkeit und technologischer Innovation bestreiten kann. Vom 18. bis 20. Januar 2022 treffen Branchenexpert*innen, Modeenthusiast*innen, Brands sowie Vertreter und Vertreterinnen aus Wissenschaft und Politik für die beiden Konferenzen auf dem Gelände der Messe Frankfurt aufeinander, um sich gegenseitig zu inspirieren und auszutauschen.

Wir freuen uns unglaublich darauf, die Branche nach so einer langen Zeit bei uns in Frankurt zu begrüßen, um gemeinsam nachhaltige Alternativen für die Fashion- und Textilbranche zu erarbeiten und neue Impulse zu setzen. Unser Programm ist inspirierend – Vertreterinnen und Vertreter der Politik, Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft nehmen ebenso teil wie Gründer*innen nachhaltiger Start-Ups. Die FFW wird zur Plattform des Austauschs, zugänglich für die gesamte Branche“, sagt Olaf Schmidt, Vice President Textiles & Textile Technologies der Messe Frankfurt.

Fashionsustain – Digitale Lösungen für einen nachhaltigen Transformationsprozess
Change the set-up – unter diesem Motto vereint die Fashionsustain, das internationale und multidisziplinäre Konferenzformat der Neonyt, die Mode- und Lifestylebranche vom 18. bis 20. Januar 2022 in Halle 3.0 des Frankfurter Messegeländes. Technologische Innovationen, neue Geschäftsmodelle, Ansätze für den Modehandel, Konsumverhalten, Gaming und Nudging for Good stehen auf der Agenda. Der erste Konferenztag nimmt die Konsument*innen in den Fokus. Neurowissenschaftlerin und Professorin für Medienpsychologie Prof. Dr. Maren Urner spricht unter anderem mit NGO-Vertreter*innen und Branchenexpert*innen darüber, wie die Lücke zwischen Einstellungen und Kaufverhalten geschlossen werden kann und welche Verantwortung dabei Brands und Vertreter*innen der Industrie tragen.

Tag zwei der Konferenz steht ganz im Namen der Digitalisierung. Unter dem Titel „Digitization. How to make use of it to create sustainable fashion“ tauscht sich eine diverse Runde darüber aus, wie digitale Tools dabei helfen, nachhaltige Mode zu kreieren. Mit dabei sind das dänische Kreativnetzwerk Creative Denmark, das Label Son of a tailor und die Circularity App Create2stay. Der letzte Tag der Fashionsustain thematisiert den Handel. Unter anderem vertiefen die Startups Yook und Keepoala in einem Interview, wie sie ihre Konsument*innen über Apps mit positiven Anreizen dazu motivieren, nachhaltiger zu shoppen.

Fashiontech – Die Content-Plattform für Mode, Technologie und Lifestyle
Am Puls der Zeit: Auf der Bühne der Fashiontech werden im Januar die Themen in den Fokus gerückt, die nicht nur die Modeindustrie, sondern die gesamte Gesellschaft bewegen. Sustainability, Diversity & Inclusion, Digital Fashion & Metaverse – das sind die Themen der Konferenz, die vom 18. bis 20. Januar 2022 von der Premium Group in Halle 3.1 ausgerichtet wird. Edutainment at its best: Keynotes und Paneltalks führender Branchenepert*innen geben Einblicke in die Zukunft der Branche. Den Start der Konferenz macht am Dienstag um 12 Uhr die Textilwirtschaft Trend-Info Womens- & Menswear. Als Highlight gibt die Premium Group eine Preview auf das neue Fashion Festival THE GROUND, das erstmalig im Sommer stattfinden wird.

FFW Studio – gebündelter Content, zugänglich für alle
Im FFW Studio dreht sich in der kommenden Saison alles um digitale Lösungen für nachhaltige Innovationen. Virtuelle Anproben, ressourcenschonenderer Handel, digitale Ausstellungen: Das Kölner Unternehmen 3MBASSY erschafft virtuelle Bekleidungskonstruktionen und erstellt 3DDesigns. In der Kategorie Game Changer des FFW Studios zeigt die Brand, wie die digitale Modewelt sich zukünftig entwickeln wird und welche Chancen daraus abzuleiten sind. Ebenfalls mit dabei ist die Digital Fashion Brand Republique. Das Label kreiert virtuelle Mode, die Kund*innen über ihren eigenen Avatar anprobieren und perfekt auf sich zuschneiden lassen können. Erst nach der Bestellung beginnt die Produktion – ressourcenschonend und fair. Im FFW Studio gibt die Brand aus England Insights in die Prozesse hinter der digitalen Revolution. Das britische Label Broken Planet Market präsentiert im FFW Studio seine neue Kollektion und beweist, wie gut Mode und Nachhaltigkeit zusammenpassen.

Montalvo names new Director of Engineering (c) Montalvo
Steve Franklin, Director of Engineering

Montalvo names new Director of Engineering

Montalvo, international specialist in web Tension Control, has hired Steve Franklin as their new Director of Engineering. Mr. Franklin will be overseeing Montalvo’s Electrical, Mechanical, and Automation Engineering teams, directing the development of new products, customized products, and larger-scale projects, while improving processes and expanding the company’s overall Engineer capabilities.

Chief Executive Officer, Bryon Williams says “Steve is an incredible asset to the team. We are continuously pushing ourselves as a company, creating new products, expanding into new markets, and providing additional offerings to our customers as a total web handling and web tension control solutions provider. Steve’s background and experience are only going to accelerate these objectives and our overall growth. Mr. Franklin brings new ideas, innovations, and leadership to the team, and I am very excited to see what the future brings.”

Montalvo, international specialist in web Tension Control, has hired Steve Franklin as their new Director of Engineering. Mr. Franklin will be overseeing Montalvo’s Electrical, Mechanical, and Automation Engineering teams, directing the development of new products, customized products, and larger-scale projects, while improving processes and expanding the company’s overall Engineer capabilities.

Chief Executive Officer, Bryon Williams says “Steve is an incredible asset to the team. We are continuously pushing ourselves as a company, creating new products, expanding into new markets, and providing additional offerings to our customers as a total web handling and web tension control solutions provider. Steve’s background and experience are only going to accelerate these objectives and our overall growth. Mr. Franklin brings new ideas, innovations, and leadership to the team, and I am very excited to see what the future brings.”

Mr. Franklin has over 25 years of experience as an engineer and 14 years as an Engineering Manager for a global automation supplier, where Mr. Franklin monitored the execution of procedures and processes that Engineering is involved with, and encourage changes that make the company more flexible, competitive, and quality conscious. Mr. Franklin holds a Bachelor of Science in Physics from Worcester Polytechnic Institute.



Iluna Group and Maglificio Ripa announce Partnership (c) Iluna Group / Maglificio Ripa

Iluna Group and Maglificio Ripa announce Partnership

Iluna Group and Maglificio Ripa announce a strategic collaboration, each maintaining its own identity and independence, based on the complementarity of the proposal and the convergence of intentions for a new and more functional way of partnership.

Iluna Group, a leader in the production of smart lace, and Maglificio Ripa, internationally recognized for the production of premium and responsible jersey, both established in common sectors - from underwear to beachwear and sportswear - formally launched this collaboration during the MarediModa show in Cannes with a joint double stand where visitors could discover the latest collections of the two companies and also imagine new designs and solutions for sustainable fashion.

Iluna Group and Maglificio Ripa announce a strategic collaboration, each maintaining its own identity and independence, based on the complementarity of the proposal and the convergence of intentions for a new and more functional way of partnership.

Iluna Group, a leader in the production of smart lace, and Maglificio Ripa, internationally recognized for the production of premium and responsible jersey, both established in common sectors - from underwear to beachwear and sportswear - formally launched this collaboration during the MarediModa show in Cannes with a joint double stand where visitors could discover the latest collections of the two companies and also imagine new designs and solutions for sustainable fashion.

"We are living in a moment of strong change, from the wave of sustainability that is finally sweeping the fashion world to new market scenarios. And we are convinced that collaboration is the key to face these new challenges. In Maglificio Ripa we saw a complementary and unique partner with whom we can reach partners, customers and suppliers in a more complete way." comments Furio Annovazzi, CEO of Iluna Group. "Ours is not a union between companies but a new model of partnership, a sort of strategic symbiosis aimed at developing together new paths that can lead the both of us both to growth. Our collections, presented in the same context, can nurture the creativity of customers at a time when the stylistic contaminations are increasingly pronounced," adds Luca Bianco, CEO of Maglificio Ripa.
Furthermore, Iluna Group and Maglificio Ripa jointly created their new campaign with a photo shoot and video clip as well as jointly developed a trend scenario that allowed both companies to better embrace the evolving market by sharing information, perspectives and ideas.


GB Network


Launch of the TCLF Pact for Skills: People at the heart of the industry’s competitiveness

118 organisations signed today the TCLF (= Textiles, Clothing, Leather and Footwear) Pact for Skills, an initiative promoted by the European Commission and coordinated by EURATEX. The signatories acknowledge the skills challenge in the textiles ecosystem, and commit to invest in reskilling and upskilling workers, integrating green and digital skills and improving the attractiveness of the sector. Members of the Pact will benefit from networking, guidance and resources offered by the EC to implement the targets which are proposed in the Pact.

118 organisations signed today the TCLF (= Textiles, Clothing, Leather and Footwear) Pact for Skills, an initiative promoted by the European Commission and coordinated by EURATEX. The signatories acknowledge the skills challenge in the textiles ecosystem, and commit to invest in reskilling and upskilling workers, integrating green and digital skills and improving the attractiveness of the sector. Members of the Pact will benefit from networking, guidance and resources offered by the EC to implement the targets which are proposed in the Pact.

The Pact for Skills is part of the EU Industrial Strategy, addressing the competitiveness of 14 critical ecosystems, including textiles. The main aim of the Pact is maximising the impact of investments in improving existing skills (upskilling) and training in new skills (reskilling). To reach such an ambitious goal, the Pact gathers various actors in the TCLF sectors: industry, employers, social partners, national and regional authorities, education and training providers. These actors should work together and invest in large-scale skills partnerships, guarantee exchange of best practices and increase the attractiveness of the sector.

Specifically, the TCLF Pact for Skills focuses on 5 objectives and for each of them, the signatories identified a certain number of target actions:

  1. Promoting a culture of lifelong learning for all: one of the actions is to design and roll out courses promoting latest technologies and digital tools such as VR and AI (digital skills) and promoting durability, repair and waste management activities (green skills), in particular circular design skills.
  2. Building a strong skills partnership with relevant stakeholders: signatories foresee to build regional and cross-sectoral partnerships between industry, education providers and authorities, which are adapted to their specific needs. .
  3. Monitoring skills supply/demand and anticipating skills needs: to reach it, industry, policy and education stakeholders will establish the TCLF Skills Observatory.
  4. Working against discrimination and for gender equality and equal opportunities: signatories will launch a TCLF manifesto of diversity and a supporting initiatives to improve the gender balance and ensure equal opportunities for all.
  5. Raising awareness & attractiveness on the TCLF industries, i.a. though dedicated information campaigns, showcasing the opportunities in the sector and promoting mobility for young workers.

As of early 2022, the European Commission will offer signatories of the Pact for Skills to benefit from collaboration at EU, national and regional levels and in particular gain access to networking, knowledge and guidance & resource hubs.

“EURATEX is proud to coordinate this initiative” says Alberto Paccanelli, EURATEX President. “Our companies’ success is based on finding the right people with the right set of skills. This becomes increasingly difficult, so this Pact is a wake-up call to work together and develop a forward looking strategy, where people are put at the heart of our sector.”

(c) ITA

International Sustainable Aviation and Energy Society Award for Professor Thomas Gries

On 27 November 2021, the Scientific Award for International Sustainable Aviation and Energy Society (SARES Award) was awarded to Professor Dr Thomas Gries from the Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University. The award ceremony took place during the closing ceremony of the International Symposium on Sustainable Aviation (ISSA) in a hybrid format online and simultaneously at Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand.
With the award, the committee recognised the ongoing contribution of Pro-fessor Gries and the Institut für Textiltechnik to the digitisation and bio-transformation of the textile sector, as well as the Institute as a place of innovation for sustainable aviation.

On 27 November 2021, the Scientific Award for International Sustainable Aviation and Energy Society (SARES Award) was awarded to Professor Dr Thomas Gries from the Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University. The award ceremony took place during the closing ceremony of the International Symposium on Sustainable Aviation (ISSA) in a hybrid format online and simultaneously at Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand.
With the award, the committee recognised the ongoing contribution of Pro-fessor Gries and the Institut für Textiltechnik to the digitisation and bio-transformation of the textile sector, as well as the Institute as a place of innovation for sustainable aviation.

Examples of this include the development of 3D braided ceramic matrix composite components for aircraft engines, which were researched together with partners in a Horizon 2020 project (EU project AllOxITD). The ongoing Chrysomallos research project as another example, funded under the national aeronautics research programme in Germany, aims to develop a completely new and sustainable high-performance insulator for aircraft cabins based on aerogels. These have a significantly lower weight than the glass fibre mats used up to now, while providing the same insulation performance, and solve the problem of the previously high manufacturing costs of aerogels. The aim of the project is to develop an insulation material with reduced density (reduction of more than 20 percent). To this end, a new type of insulation material based on aerogel is to be developed. The basis is an aerogel fleece (0.06 W/mK at 28 kg/m³), which has already been developed as part of a dissertation at the Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University (Mroszczok, J.: 2019).

The aviation industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Due to this fact and its importance for society and the global economy, it needs to make special efforts towards sustainability. The ISSA, an international multi-disciplinary symposium, aims to address current issues in aviation such as improving aircraft fuel efficiency, promoting the use of biofuels, minimising environmental impact, mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and reducing engine and aircraft noise. ^

Through the award, SARES honours scientists and researchers whose work on sustainable aviation issues has made an important contribution at the international level. The selection is based on the scientific publications of the applicant or nominee, the h-index, i.e. the key figure for the worldwide perception of a scientist in professional circles, the project topics and the project results.

Trützschler introduces new Comber Machine (c) Trützschler
TCO 21

Trützschler introduces new Comber Machine

Comber machines from Trützschler are already trusted by customers across the textiles industry and around the globe. The TCO 21 is the latest addition to their portfolio and was built to boost productivity,  ensure quality and support increased automation.

High productivity and raw material savings
One of the key benefits of the TCO 21 is its advanced processing speed. This next-generation combing machine is able to produce at a rate of up to 600 nips per minute. the TCO 21 can also be coordinated with Trützschler’s JUMBO CANS (Ø 1.200 mm). They not only reduce yarn defects due to fewer piecings which leads to quality improvements, but also offer a higher efficiency because of their larger dimensions. This, for example, has positive effects on the number of necessary cans and can transports – and results in lower personnel costs.

Comber machines from Trützschler are already trusted by customers across the textiles industry and around the globe. The TCO 21 is the latest addition to their portfolio and was built to boost productivity,  ensure quality and support increased automation.

High productivity and raw material savings
One of the key benefits of the TCO 21 is its advanced processing speed. This next-generation combing machine is able to produce at a rate of up to 600 nips per minute. the TCO 21 can also be coordinated with Trützschler’s JUMBO CANS (Ø 1.200 mm). They not only reduce yarn defects due to fewer piecings which leads to quality improvements, but also offer a higher efficiency because of their larger dimensions. This, for example, has positive effects on the number of necessary cans and can transports – and results in lower personnel costs.

Excellent yarn quality
The TCO 21 comes with COUNT MONITORING as standard. This feature makes it possible for the machine operator to define limits for count variations via an easy-to-use display. Trützschler’s DISC MONITOR system of sensors measures the count continuously, and the machine alerts the operator and switches off if the limit is exceeded. In addition, the COUNT MONITORING function also includes spectrogram analysis.

Customers can further strengthen their focus on quality by choosing to add the COUNT CONTROL function to the TCO 21. It is managed via the same easy-to-use display, and offers automatic sliver count measurement, as well as spectrogram analysis. It also automatically regulates the main draft during production to balance count variations and ensure the desired sliver count. This feature is particularly attractive for customers who manufacture blends of cotton and synthetic, as it can also be used to avoid variations in the overall yarn composition.

Automatic optimization
The TCO 21 joins the TCO 12 from Trützschler as an combing machine that offers automatic PIECING OPTIMIZER technology, and that finds the right piecing setting without a single laboratory test, because of two functions: First by adjusting the piecing time in the combing cycle (timing function). Whereas the resetting of the detaching point (piecing time) is usually a very time-consuming task, it now takes only a few minutes and is performed automatically at a push on a button. Second the customer is helped to select specific detaching curve types (curve function) for their unique requirements.

Easy operation
The TCO 21 is simple to operate and maintain. The SMART TOUCH display is fast and intuitive, and a Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) sensor quickly identifies each user and adapts the information on the display to their individual needs. The multi-colored T-LED display provides visual indications of the machine’s status or quality parameters over large distances which enables the operator recognizing them at a glance in the entire spinning mill. The TCO 21 is built with original Trützschler electronics that ensure high performance and durability: Their intelligent cooling system, that has already proven itself in the draw frame TD 10, contributes to a longer service life by reducing the operating temperature of electronic power components. Even if components have to be replaced at some point, the customer can keep their spare parts inventory small, because they can switch also electronics spare parts flexibly between different machine types, e.g. cards and draw frames. The option to add an automatic greasing function completes the easy operation of the TCO 21.




(c) INDA

Deadline for IDEA® Achievement Awards has been extended

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, and Nonwovens Industry Magazine have extended the due date for nominations for the IDEA® Achievement Awards. IDEA® is the preeminent event for the nonwovens and engineered fabrics conference and exposition and will be held at the Miami Beach Convention Center in Miami Beach, Florida USA, March 28-31, 2022.

The IDEA® Achievement Awards recognize leading companies and new innovations (since IDEA® in 2019) in the global engineered fabrics industry in six categories. Companies can nominate their products, or their customers’ products in as many categories as applicable, which are:

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, and Nonwovens Industry Magazine have extended the due date for nominations for the IDEA® Achievement Awards. IDEA® is the preeminent event for the nonwovens and engineered fabrics conference and exposition and will be held at the Miami Beach Convention Center in Miami Beach, Florida USA, March 28-31, 2022.

The IDEA® Achievement Awards recognize leading companies and new innovations (since IDEA® in 2019) in the global engineered fabrics industry in six categories. Companies can nominate their products, or their customers’ products in as many categories as applicable, which are:

  • Sustainability Advancement (advances one or more elements of sustainability or circularity since 2019)
  • Equipment (best new equipment introduction since 2019)
  • Raw Materials (best new raw materials introduction since 2019)
  • Short-Life (best new disposable product introduction since 2019)
  • Long-Life (best new durable product introduction since 2019)
  • Nonwoven Product (best new nonwoven product introduction since 2019)

The submission deadline is now extended to February 1, 2022.  Selections will be made by members of the industry voting through Nonwovens Industry Magazine. Selection of the Entrepreneur Award will be made by Nonwovens Industry Magazine.




FFW lanciert erste physische Shows und Präsentationen

Frankfurt plant den Laufsteg: Die Frankfurt Fashion Week wird trotz massiver Einschränkungen durch die Corona-Pandemie erstmals ausgewählte Veranstaltungen physisch durchführen – unter Berücksichtigung der aktuellen Hygiene- und Sicherheitsbestimmungen (2G+). Zu den Event-Highlights zählen auch physische Showcases und Installationen vor Ort. Vom 17. bis 21. Januar 2022 wird eine vielfältige Auswahl an Marken und Formaten ihre Kollektionen präsentieren, die auf den strategischen Säulen der Nachhaltigkeit und Digitalisierung basieren.

Frankfurt plant den Laufsteg: Die Frankfurt Fashion Week wird trotz massiver Einschränkungen durch die Corona-Pandemie erstmals ausgewählte Veranstaltungen physisch durchführen – unter Berücksichtigung der aktuellen Hygiene- und Sicherheitsbestimmungen (2G+). Zu den Event-Highlights zählen auch physische Showcases und Installationen vor Ort. Vom 17. bis 21. Januar 2022 wird eine vielfältige Auswahl an Marken und Formaten ihre Kollektionen präsentieren, die auf den strategischen Säulen der Nachhaltigkeit und Digitalisierung basieren.

Als globale Business-Plattform für Mode, Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation startet die NEONYT, mit einer Multi-Brand-Installation. Die NEONYT INSTALLATION präsentiert am 18. Januar, in der Off-Site Location Danzig am Platz im Frankfurter Ostend, einen kuratierten Mix aus nationalen und internationalen nachhaltigen Modemarken. Sie gilt als Synonym für den grundlegenden Transformationsprozess der Textil- und Modeindustrie. Daher werden die teilnehmenden Marken vier Schlüsselthemen aufzeigen: Während „Luft“ die CO2e-Emissionen widerspiegelt, konzentriert sich das zweite Thema auf Wasser und das dritte auf das Thema "Zirkularität", einschließlich Re- und Upcycling sowie Cradle2Cradle. Das vierte Thema basiert auf unseren sich ständig weiterentwickelnden „sozialen Themen“ entlang der textilen Wertschöpfungsketten – unter Einbeziehung der Themen (traditionelles) Handwerk, Fairtrade, soziale Projekte und deren soziale Auswirkungen.

Im Anschluss an die NEONYT INSTALLATION veranstaltet der Fashion Council Germany, zusammen mit der Frankfurt Fashion Week, am selben Tag die FRANKFURT STAGE mit einer gemeinsamen Modenschau. Die Show ist das Ergebnis eines Wettbewerbs, bei dem sich die Mitglieder des Fashion Council Germany für ein ganzes Showformat bewerben konnten, das die Marken des Gewinnerkonzepts vereint. Der Preis beinhaltet eine komplette Produktion, einschließlich der Kosten für Location, Aufbau, Technik, Models, Haare & Make-up und mehr. Die Konzepte werden von den Juroren Christiane Arp (Fashion Council Germany), Claudia Franz (Messe Frankfurt), Herbert Hofmann (Highsnobiety), Magdalena Schaffrin (studio MM04), Scott Lipinski (Fashion Council Germany) und W Springorum (Alhambra Berlin) nach ihrem Fokus auf Nachhaltigkeit, Inklusion und Innovation bewertet.

Zu den Präsentationen sind ausschließlich Mitglieder des Fashion Council Germany sowie Gäste eingeladen, die nur über eine Einladung verfügen (Teilnahmebedingungen: 2G+).

Weitere deutsche und internationale Marken werden an der Frankfurt Fashion Week teilnehmen und ihre neuesten Kollektionen präsentieren. BALDESSARINI wird seine aktuelle Herrenkollektion präsentieren, die in Deutschland entworfen wurde, vom Lebensgefühl Hollywoods inspiriert ist und sich durch den internationalen Erfolg etabliert hat. BALDESSARINI wird ein außergewöhnliches Offsite-Show-Format in einem der renommiertesten und preisgekrönten Frankfurter Nacht- und Musikclubs, The Gibson, veranstalten. Unter dem Motto „L.A. Nights on Sunset Strips" wird die Modemarke zeitlose Luxusartikel präsentieren, die den aktuellen Zeitgeist mit traditioneller Handwerkskunst verbinden und höchsten Ansprüchen an Qualität, Passform und Innovation gerecht werden.

Die Frankfurt Fashion Week versteht sich als Initiatorin einer nachhaltigen Bewegung mit dem Ziel, die Fashionwelt zu verändern. Die teilnehmenden Marken werden ihre Visionen und Ambitionen widerspiegeln, um ein Zeichen des Umdenkens in der deutschen Modeindustrie zu setzen und die Modeindustrie als Impulsgeber für eine nachhaltigere, zukunftsorientierte Transformation ihres Geschäfts zu ermutigen.


Messe Frankfurt GmbH / KERN

(c) Epson

Epson Europa unterstützt Usain Bolt-Foundation

Die Usain Bolt Foundation hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt durch Bildung und kulturelle Entwicklung Chancen zu schaffen. Epson Europa hilft und stiftet 100 EcoTank-Drucker und 20 Laserprojektoren für den Unterricht. Die Drucker und Projektoren im Wert von über 100.000 € wurden bei einer besonderen Zeremonie in der ehemaligen Grundschule von Usain Bolt in Jamaika, der Waldensia Primary übergeben. Waldensia ist nur eine von mehreren Schulen in ganz Jamaika, die von der neuen Ausrüstung profitieren werden. Andere sind Salt Marsh, Duanvale und Kinloss Primary Schools.

Usain Bolt, der Anfang des Jahres der europäische Botschafter von Epson und das Gesicht einer großen Sensibilisierungskampagne für die EcoTank-Drucker von Epson wurde, nahm an der offiziellen Zeremonie teil und ermutigte die anwesenden Schüler, hart zu arbeiten, engagiert zu sein, an sich selbst zu glauben und große Träume zu haben, um das Beste zu sein, was sie sein können.

Die Usain Bolt Foundation hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt durch Bildung und kulturelle Entwicklung Chancen zu schaffen. Epson Europa hilft und stiftet 100 EcoTank-Drucker und 20 Laserprojektoren für den Unterricht. Die Drucker und Projektoren im Wert von über 100.000 € wurden bei einer besonderen Zeremonie in der ehemaligen Grundschule von Usain Bolt in Jamaika, der Waldensia Primary übergeben. Waldensia ist nur eine von mehreren Schulen in ganz Jamaika, die von der neuen Ausrüstung profitieren werden. Andere sind Salt Marsh, Duanvale und Kinloss Primary Schools.

Usain Bolt, der Anfang des Jahres der europäische Botschafter von Epson und das Gesicht einer großen Sensibilisierungskampagne für die EcoTank-Drucker von Epson wurde, nahm an der offiziellen Zeremonie teil und ermutigte die anwesenden Schüler, hart zu arbeiten, engagiert zu sein, an sich selbst zu glauben und große Träume zu haben, um das Beste zu sein, was sie sein können.

More information:
Epson Bildung

Epson Deutschland GmbH