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50. MUNICH FABRIC START mit "Furore" gestartet

Far Furore: Die 50. Ausgabe der MUNICH FABRIC START ist am 30. August erfolgreich gestartet - innovativ und nach vorne gerichtet. Mit rund 900 Aussteller:innen aus 40 Ländern und 1.500 Kollektionen auf einer Gesamtausstellungsfläche von 45.000 Quadratmetern sind die Messen MUNICH FABRIC START mit vier Hallen im MOC, BLUEZONE mit zwei Hallen, das KEYHOUSE sowie das neue Format THE SOURCE mit rund 2.500 Quadratmetern zusätzlicher Fläche nochmals gewachsen und erreichen Aussteller:innen-seitig das Niveau der letzten Vor-Corona-Ausgabe im September 2019.
THE SOURCE als Antwort auf die steigende Nachfrage nach Manufacturing und Nearshoring ist mit 65 Aussteller:innen in der neu erschlossenen Halle 8 direkt gegenüber vom MOC ebenfalls ausgebucht.
Das hohe Besucheraufkommen am ersten Messetag ist ein Zeichen dafür, dass die MUNICH FABRIC START mit ihrem Termin vom 30. August bis 1. September richtig liegt und bekräftigt das Standing der Münchener Veranstaltung als eine der wichtigsten europäischen Stoffmessen und Trendautorität. FURORE, das aktuelle Leitthema der MUNICH FABRIC START, hat sich bewahrheitet.

Far Furore: Die 50. Ausgabe der MUNICH FABRIC START ist am 30. August erfolgreich gestartet - innovativ und nach vorne gerichtet. Mit rund 900 Aussteller:innen aus 40 Ländern und 1.500 Kollektionen auf einer Gesamtausstellungsfläche von 45.000 Quadratmetern sind die Messen MUNICH FABRIC START mit vier Hallen im MOC, BLUEZONE mit zwei Hallen, das KEYHOUSE sowie das neue Format THE SOURCE mit rund 2.500 Quadratmetern zusätzlicher Fläche nochmals gewachsen und erreichen Aussteller:innen-seitig das Niveau der letzten Vor-Corona-Ausgabe im September 2019.
THE SOURCE als Antwort auf die steigende Nachfrage nach Manufacturing und Nearshoring ist mit 65 Aussteller:innen in der neu erschlossenen Halle 8 direkt gegenüber vom MOC ebenfalls ausgebucht.
Das hohe Besucheraufkommen am ersten Messetag ist ein Zeichen dafür, dass die MUNICH FABRIC START mit ihrem Termin vom 30. August bis 1. September richtig liegt und bekräftigt das Standing der Münchener Veranstaltung als eine der wichtigsten europäischen Stoffmessen und Trendautorität. FURORE, das aktuelle Leitthema der MUNICH FABRIC START, hat sich bewahrheitet.

More information:

Munich Fabric Start

(c) Allmann Sattler Wappner Architekten, München; Menges Scheffler Architekten, Frankfurt; Jan Knippers Ingenieure, Stuttgart

Neues Ausbildungsjahr für Textil- und Bekleidungsberufe startet

Ein Garn zu spinnen, ein Gewebe oder Gestrick zu produzieren, anschließend zu veredeln und zu einem fertigen Textil mit breiten Anwendungsfeldern zu konfektionieren, benötigt viel Know-how. Passend dazu bieten Textil- und Bekleidungsunternehmen Ausbildungsberufe an, deren Anwendungsfelder ganz nach dem Motto „Textil kann viel“ nicht vielfältiger sein könnten. Produktionsmechaniker*innen Textil können ihr Geschick im Umgang mit Maschinen unter Beweis stellen; Produktveredler*innen Textil sind direkt in das Veredeln und Färben eingebunden; Textil- und Modeschneider*innen verwandeln Stoffe in Kleidungsstücke und andere Produkte. Auch Ausbildungen im kaufmännischen Bereich, in Logistik oder IT hat die Industrie zu bieten.

Ein Garn zu spinnen, ein Gewebe oder Gestrick zu produzieren, anschließend zu veredeln und zu einem fertigen Textil mit breiten Anwendungsfeldern zu konfektionieren, benötigt viel Know-how. Passend dazu bieten Textil- und Bekleidungsunternehmen Ausbildungsberufe an, deren Anwendungsfelder ganz nach dem Motto „Textil kann viel“ nicht vielfältiger sein könnten. Produktionsmechaniker*innen Textil können ihr Geschick im Umgang mit Maschinen unter Beweis stellen; Produktveredler*innen Textil sind direkt in das Veredeln und Färben eingebunden; Textil- und Modeschneider*innen verwandeln Stoffe in Kleidungsstücke und andere Produkte. Auch Ausbildungen im kaufmännischen Bereich, in Logistik oder IT hat die Industrie zu bieten.

„Wir möchten noch mehr junge Menschen für eine Ausbildung in unserer spannenden und innovativen Branche begeistern. Deshalb investiert Südwesttextil mit dem Bau des Texoversums auf dem Campus der Hochschule Reutlingen in die Zukunft der Ausbildung. Das Texoversum ist einer der Orte, an dem die textile Aus- und Weiterbildung ihre Innovation und Attraktivität aufzeigt und vorantreibt“, so Edina Brenner, Hauptgeschäftsführerin des Wirtschafts- und Arbeitgeberver-bands Südwesttextil.

In den Nachwuchs zu investieren hat beim Verband der Südwestdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e.V. Südwesttextil Tradition: Seit 1980 sind in der Gatex, der überbetrieblichen Aus- und Weiterbildungsstätte der Branche, mehr als 1.000 Menschen erfolgreich qualifiziert worden. Auszubildenden ermöglicht die Gatex das Lernen entlang der textilen Kette, sodass sie im Anschluss im Betrieb auch vor- oder nachgelagerte Stufen der Produktion mitdenken können.
Mit dem Umzug der Gatex von Bad Säckingen nach Reutlingen setzt Südwesttextil auf einen zentralen Ort und die Verknüpfung mit dem Studienangebot der Hochschule. Schon jetzt schnuppern die Auszubildenden Campusluft, denn das überbetriebliche Ausbildungsjahr beginnt direkt in Reutlingen. Das Texoversum wird im Frühsommer des nächsten Jahres eröffnet und bietet dem textilen Nachwuchs Raum fürs Lernen, Ausprobieren und Vernetzen. Denn in den 3.000 Quadratmetern des innovativ gebauten Gebäudes befinden sich neben Schulungsräumen auch Werkstätten, Labore und Think-Tank-Flächen.


Far Furore – Furore machen: Leitthema der MUNICH FABRIC START

Aufsehen erregen. Einen außergewöhnlichen Zustand der Begeisterung erzeugen. Rasend vor Wut und gleichzeitig voller Verzückung. All diese Widersprüche beinhaltet das Wort „Furore“ – und damit das aktuelle Leitthema der 50. MUNICH FABRIC START. Die Farb- und Materialtrends für Herbst/Winter 23/24 spiegeln dies in einer Kontroverse wider – von ruhig, dezent und natürlich bis hoch-innovativ, impulsiv und provokativ; von nahezu unsichtbar bis maximal plakativ.

Mit knapp 900 Aussteller:innen und 1.500 Kollektionen auf einer Gesamtausstellungsfläche von rund 45.000 Quadratmetern umfasst die MUNICH FABRIC START inzwischen acht Bereiche: Fabrics und Additionals mit internationalen Materialinnovationen für alle Bekleidungssegmente, ReSOURCE und Sustainable Innovations für nachhaltige Innovationen, Design Studios mit Stoffdesigns und neuen Entwicklungen für Prints auf vergrößerter Fläche, den Innovationshub KEYHOUSE, das Denim Powerhouse BLUEZONE und das neue Sourcing-Areal THE SOURCE für internationale, vertikale Integration.

Aufsehen erregen. Einen außergewöhnlichen Zustand der Begeisterung erzeugen. Rasend vor Wut und gleichzeitig voller Verzückung. All diese Widersprüche beinhaltet das Wort „Furore“ – und damit das aktuelle Leitthema der 50. MUNICH FABRIC START. Die Farb- und Materialtrends für Herbst/Winter 23/24 spiegeln dies in einer Kontroverse wider – von ruhig, dezent und natürlich bis hoch-innovativ, impulsiv und provokativ; von nahezu unsichtbar bis maximal plakativ.

Mit knapp 900 Aussteller:innen und 1.500 Kollektionen auf einer Gesamtausstellungsfläche von rund 45.000 Quadratmetern umfasst die MUNICH FABRIC START inzwischen acht Bereiche: Fabrics und Additionals mit internationalen Materialinnovationen für alle Bekleidungssegmente, ReSOURCE und Sustainable Innovations für nachhaltige Innovationen, Design Studios mit Stoffdesigns und neuen Entwicklungen für Prints auf vergrößerter Fläche, den Innovationshub KEYHOUSE, das Denim Powerhouse BLUEZONE und das neue Sourcing-Areal THE SOURCE für internationale, vertikale Integration.

Seit Wochen ausgebucht, ist THE SOURCE die neue europäische One Stop Solution für ein ganzheitliches Fashion Sourcing und neu gedachte Wertschöpfungsketten. 65 ausgewählte internationale Fertigungsunternehmen präsentieren ihre Angebote von Cut-Make-Trim (CMT) bis hin zur High End Production. Durch ein Cluster der wichtigsten Beschaffungsländer wie Portugal, Türkei, Marokko, Tunesien, Bosnien und Vietnam entsteht ein businessrelevanter Mix für die Risikodiversifikation, genre- und preislagenunabhängig. Die MUNICH FABRIC START hat dafür die neue Halle 8 mit rund 2.500 Quadratmetern zusätzlicher Fläche entwickelt. Die unter Denkmalschutz stehende, jüngst fertigrestaurierte, direkt an das bisherige MUNICH FABRIC START Gelände angrenzenden Lokhalle ist dafür die perfekte Location - mit gigantischen Ausmaßen und spektakulärer Architektur eine der größten, freitragenden historischen Stahltragwerkhallen Europas.

ReSOURCE, die Sourcing Plattform für nachhaltige Materialentwicklungen, bietet bio-zertifizierte, biobasierte, recycelte, kreislauffähige oder aus regenerativen Quellen hergestellte Stoffe und Zutaten und gewinnt weiterhin an Bedeutung.

Für die DESIGN STUDIOS wurde im Atrium 3 des MOC ein neues Areal geschaffen. Mit rund 40 Studios hat sich die Ausstellerzahl verdoppelt. Neben bekannten Namen wie buntastic, Eleonora Clerici, Fusion CPH, Le Studio Copenhagen, LETI., Musticstsyle oder Zisser Textile Design, die bereits langjährig in München präsentieren, ist dieses Jahr erstmalig das CREATE-Kollektiv in München vertreten, dessen 27 kreative Studios das Print-Segment der MUNICH FABRIC START bereichern.


munich fabric start


THE ITALIAN LUSTER at Munich Fabric Start

Munich Fabric Start presents a new project-area that will take place during the next edition.
BLUEZONE with CATALYZER and KEYHOUSE will be the place to be for the blue community on 30 and 31 August. As a global key event for the denim industry, 90 international denim mills, weavers, manufacturers and suppliers will show their latest innovations and trends in the Zenithhalle, the Kohlebunker and the Kesselhaus.

"THE ITALIAN LUSTER" will offer all visitors a deep dive into the Made in Italy supply chain with companies that have turbocharged growth by focusing on quality, innovation and research. Well-known and international companies that can make an important contribution to European and global brands.

From the production of trimmings and accessories, to the creation of unique fabrics, to the inspiration of new collections and their realization to the finishing of the garments, Made in Italy still represents the reality par excellence focused on ethical and sustainable production.

Munich Fabric Start presents a new project-area that will take place during the next edition.
BLUEZONE with CATALYZER and KEYHOUSE will be the place to be for the blue community on 30 and 31 August. As a global key event for the denim industry, 90 international denim mills, weavers, manufacturers and suppliers will show their latest innovations and trends in the Zenithhalle, the Kohlebunker and the Kesselhaus.

"THE ITALIAN LUSTER" will offer all visitors a deep dive into the Made in Italy supply chain with companies that have turbocharged growth by focusing on quality, innovation and research. Well-known and international companies that can make an important contribution to European and global brands.

From the production of trimmings and accessories, to the creation of unique fabrics, to the inspiration of new collections and their realization to the finishing of the garments, Made in Italy still represents the reality par excellence focused on ethical and sustainable production.

"THE ITALIAN LUSTER" will allow all visitors an incredible journey into the Italian supply chain that has the ability to meet any demand of brands, from small to large production needs.

On the top floor of the Catalyzer Hall, it will be possible to view the individual collections of the companies in attendance and receive a beautiful gift specially created by the CADICA GROUP company from Carpi.

ACM was founded in 1982.
Since 1982, ACM has been providing the fashion world with unique, sought-after and customized details, guaranteeing prestigious and innovative workmanship. Each and every product is the result of the care we take at every stage of our production process: from the prototype, designed by putting the consumer's health first, to production with state-of-the-art machinery, which allows for fine workmanship and cutting-edge customization, while minimizing the impact on the environment (we are GRS certified) and complying with the strictest eco-toxicological regulations.

Fashionart is the brainchild of Andrea Rambaldi, who, after learning his trade from his parents, his mother a seamstress and his father the owner of a dye shop, decided to pursue a freelance career.
He began by collaborating with companies in the textile sector, where he deepened his knowledge in the field of chemistry and industrial processes, touching on the problems of processing cycles.
The real turning point came as a result of an important job for the Maison Chanel, which recognized the originality and effectiveness of his technical proposals. From that moment, this is 2008, FashionArt was born, a company focused on luxury fashion and design, expert in the design and production of garments.
From the idea to the final product, the company is able to support the client throughout the entire production process.
Since then, the company has grown and developed exponentially thanks to a team of managers, artists and experts whose experience makes them a benchmark in the high fashion industry. Fashionart operates exclusively in high fashion, a very difficult field in which to combine experience and technique with art and creativity, where our potential can be expressed to the fullest.

Advocate of an approach that combines tradition, creativity, and innovation, for over 30 years Elleti Group has defined standards of absolute excellence for the denim industry. Born in the 80s in San Bonifacio, near Verona, the company developed in a one-of-a-kind context, a hotbed of ideas that led to the defining and establishing of new professions and skills in the field of denim treatment and garment personalization. Led by Luigi Lovato, right from the start the company established itself on the denim scene thanks to an ambitious and pioneering investment in new solutions. The following ten years mark an important growth which leads to the internationalization both of brand and production. After the implementing of a new department for garment dyeing, Elleti Group was ready to welcome the ever-increasing international demand, equipping itself with the first laundry in Tunisia, a country logistically central in the Mediterranean area, and as a result, ideal for the development of a complete textile supply chain. This successful story continues to unfold in the 2000s, a decade that marks the opening to the market of garment making thanks to two new structures in Romania, and peaks with the acquisition of Martelli Lavorazioni Tessili. Today Elleti Group stands firm in the market as a result of a complete offer that preserves the company’s artisanal vocation enriched through a constant process of responsible innovation.

In addition, companies BERTO INDUSTRIA TESSILE and OLIMPIAS GROUP will participate in the project by presenting their collections within their booths in the Catalyzer hall.



(c) adidas AG

adidas Originals introduces the NMD V3 Silhouette

In 2015, adidas Originals launched the NMD silhouette – taking cues from the brand’s inimitable archive in order to create a shoe that disrupted the sneaker world at the time. Six years later and the Trefoil has returned with an updated take on the original innovator, channeling the very same independent mindset to present the  NMD V3.

Built for a life in motion, the NMD V3 reimagines its own iconic heritage with a distinctly forward thinking vision. The silhouette features a re-engineered mesh that wraps around the foot, a transparent heel clip, and BOOST cushioning that’s partially encapsulated in a TPU shell. The NMD V3 also comprises an upper made with a high-performance yarn which contains at least 50% Parley Ocean Plastic – re-imagined plastic waste, intercepted on remote islands, beaches, coastal communities and shorelines – and 50% recycled polyester.

In 2015, adidas Originals launched the NMD silhouette – taking cues from the brand’s inimitable archive in order to create a shoe that disrupted the sneaker world at the time. Six years later and the Trefoil has returned with an updated take on the original innovator, channeling the very same independent mindset to present the  NMD V3.

Built for a life in motion, the NMD V3 reimagines its own iconic heritage with a distinctly forward thinking vision. The silhouette features a re-engineered mesh that wraps around the foot, a transparent heel clip, and BOOST cushioning that’s partially encapsulated in a TPU shell. The NMD V3 also comprises an upper made with a high-performance yarn which contains at least 50% Parley Ocean Plastic – re-imagined plastic waste, intercepted on remote islands, beaches, coastal communities and shorelines – and 50% recycled polyester.

More information:
adidas Originals adidas shoes

adidas AG

Foto: Unplash

High-tech center for cotton processing and fiber-to-fiber recycling being built in Africa

IFFAC (Impact Fund for African Creatives) has revealed plans which will revolutionise West African textile and garment production at one stroke. The fund is converting a partially disused textile mill in the region into a hi-tech centre for processing local cotton and recycling waste fabric, to produce both fabric for further processing and new clothes. The mill will be equipped with modern equipment, all sustainably powered by hydroelectricity from the nearby Volta Dam.

West Africa grows about 6% of the world’s cotton but only a tiny fraction of that crop is processed on the continent, the vast majority being shipped thousands of miles to Asia before being shipped back again as finished or part-finished fabrics. The mill project will end the continent’s reliance on such an unsustainable practice with all the obvious financial and environmental benefits.

IFFAC (Impact Fund for African Creatives) has revealed plans which will revolutionise West African textile and garment production at one stroke. The fund is converting a partially disused textile mill in the region into a hi-tech centre for processing local cotton and recycling waste fabric, to produce both fabric for further processing and new clothes. The mill will be equipped with modern equipment, all sustainably powered by hydroelectricity from the nearby Volta Dam.

West Africa grows about 6% of the world’s cotton but only a tiny fraction of that crop is processed on the continent, the vast majority being shipped thousands of miles to Asia before being shipped back again as finished or part-finished fabrics. The mill project will end the continent’s reliance on such an unsustainable practice with all the obvious financial and environmental benefits.

As well as producing fabric from sustainably grown virgin cotton, a joint venture with Shandong-based WOL Textiles Ltd., a privately owned plant that has long supplied the African market, the mill will be home to a state-of-the-art shredding and recycling facility, a joint venture between IFFAC and the Dutch Circularity B.V. CEO Han Hamers of Circularity B.V. in The Netherlands, has been involved in the production of 100% circular knit and woven articles.

The mill project is expected to create over a thousand jobs. The surrounding area already boasts a significant number of experienced textile workers ready to be retrained on the new equipment. While the majority of the products created will be sold within the region, all processes will confirm to new EU Supply Chain Law to allow for the possibility of export.  

Output is forecast at six million pieces of finished clothing and twenty-five million metres of spun and woven cloth per year. In total, thirty million US$ of investment will be made in the site with operations ready to begin next year (2023).

More information:
IFFAC Africa Recycling

Circularity Germany GmbH i.G.


‘MADE IN BANGLADESH WEEK’: 12th -18th November 2022, Dhaka

  • Made in Bangladesh Week is organized by the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) in partnership with Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE)
  • A week-long event in November will showcase sustainability strides being made by Bangladesh garment makers
  • The event will host 17 physical events like - conferences, expositions, photo exhibitions, fashion runway shows, sustainable design and innovation awards, factory tours –and many more.

The Honourable Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina, will inaugurate the first ever Made in Bangladesh Week in November. The event represents a major branding exercise for Bangladesh’s burgeoning garment manufacturing industry as it looks to position itself as the first-choice apparel sourcing hub for global fashion retailers.

It is the first branding event of the Bangladesh Apparel Industry dedicated solely to celebrating and showcasing the newest innovations, compliance, and sustainable developments of the RMG sector in the global market.

  • Made in Bangladesh Week is organized by the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) in partnership with Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE)
  • A week-long event in November will showcase sustainability strides being made by Bangladesh garment makers
  • The event will host 17 physical events like - conferences, expositions, photo exhibitions, fashion runway shows, sustainable design and innovation awards, factory tours –and many more.

The Honourable Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina, will inaugurate the first ever Made in Bangladesh Week in November. The event represents a major branding exercise for Bangladesh’s burgeoning garment manufacturing industry as it looks to position itself as the first-choice apparel sourcing hub for global fashion retailers.

It is the first branding event of the Bangladesh Apparel Industry dedicated solely to celebrating and showcasing the newest innovations, compliance, and sustainable developments of the RMG sector in the global market.

The event aims to promote the apparel industry of Bangladesh locally and globally by showcasing the compelling stories of the ready-made garments sector, especially its impressive strides in the areas of workplace safety, environmental sustainability and workers’ wellbeing.

The event is expected to draw a gathering of more than a thousand people from home and abroad, including key stakeholders in the local and global fashion industry.

Bangladesh’s garment manufacturing industry has undergone a renaissance in recent times. Significant strides have been made in technological innovation, eco-friendly production, worker welfare and factory safety.

In addition to panels, seminars, awards, fashion shows and exhibitions, the week will also provide an opportunity for factory tours to give journalists and other stakeholders a chance to see for themselves innovative garment production in Bangladesh.

Made in Bangladesh Week will be organised by the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) in partnership with Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE).

More information:

Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE)


Launch of international in-store collection program at Mustang

Today’s system of «take – make – waste» needs to change. New textiles are produced used and discarded instead of putting them to a second use. The production of new textiles requires natural resources that are limited, and the current system has a significant negative impact on our planet. The transition to a circular system, where garments are kept in use for longer, is an opportunity to harness untapped potential around customer loyalty, economic growth, and ecological sustainability.

To move away from the linear system and enable products to be made out of post-consumer textile waste, TEXAID continues to expand its offering for in-store collection programs throughout Europe and the USA.

TEXAID is partnering with Mustang to offer an in-store collection program. At scale and paired with TEXAID, in-store collection of used clothing enables conservation of resources because it allows items to be directly sorted for their next and most environmentally friendly lifecycle. This service can now be found in over 70 Mustang stores across Germany, Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, Czech Republic, France, Hungary, the Netherlands, and Poland.

Today’s system of «take – make – waste» needs to change. New textiles are produced used and discarded instead of putting them to a second use. The production of new textiles requires natural resources that are limited, and the current system has a significant negative impact on our planet. The transition to a circular system, where garments are kept in use for longer, is an opportunity to harness untapped potential around customer loyalty, economic growth, and ecological sustainability.

To move away from the linear system and enable products to be made out of post-consumer textile waste, TEXAID continues to expand its offering for in-store collection programs throughout Europe and the USA.

TEXAID is partnering with Mustang to offer an in-store collection program. At scale and paired with TEXAID, in-store collection of used clothing enables conservation of resources because it allows items to be directly sorted for their next and most environmentally friendly lifecycle. This service can now be found in over 70 Mustang stores across Germany, Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, Czech Republic, France, Hungary, the Netherlands, and Poland.

More information:
Texaid Mustang circularity



adidas with strong growth in Western markets in Q2

  • Currency-neutral sales up 4%, despite more than € 300 million negative impact from macroeconomic constraints
  • Markets representing more than 85% of the business grow 14% overall
  • Gross margin down 1.5pp to 50.3% reflecting significantly higher supply chain costs
  • Operating profit reaches € 392 million
  • Net income from continuing operations amounts to € 360 million
  • FY 2022 outlook reflects double-digit growth during the second half of the year

“Our Western markets continued to show strong momentum in the second quarter amid heightened macroeconomic uncertainty. With Asia-Pacific returning to growth, markets combined representing more than 85% of our business grew at a double-digit rate,” said adidas CEO Kasper Rorsted. “With sports back at center stage this summer, revenues in our strategic growth categories Football, Running and Outdoor all increased by double digits. However, the macroeconomic environment, particularly in China, remains challenging. The recovery in this market is – due to continued covid-19-related restrictions – slower than expected.

  • Currency-neutral sales up 4%, despite more than € 300 million negative impact from macroeconomic constraints
  • Markets representing more than 85% of the business grow 14% overall
  • Gross margin down 1.5pp to 50.3% reflecting significantly higher supply chain costs
  • Operating profit reaches € 392 million
  • Net income from continuing operations amounts to € 360 million
  • FY 2022 outlook reflects double-digit growth during the second half of the year

“Our Western markets continued to show strong momentum in the second quarter amid heightened macroeconomic uncertainty. With Asia-Pacific returning to growth, markets combined representing more than 85% of our business grew at a double-digit rate,” said adidas CEO Kasper Rorsted. “With sports back at center stage this summer, revenues in our strategic growth categories Football, Running and Outdoor all increased by double digits. However, the macroeconomic environment, particularly in China, remains challenging. The recovery in this market is – due to continued covid-19-related restrictions – slower than expected. And we have to take into account a potential slowdown in consumer spending in all other markets for the remainder of the year.”

Currency-neutral revenues increase 4% despite macroeconomic constraints
In the second quarter, currency-neutral revenues increased 4% as adidas continued to see strong momentum in Western markets. This growth was achieved despite continued challenges on both supply and demand. Supply chain constraints as a result of last year’s lockdowns in Vietnam reduced top-line growth by around € 200 million in Q2 2022. In addition, the company’s decision to suspend its operations in Russia reduced revenues by more than € 100 million during the quarter. Continued covid-19-related lockdowns in Greater China also weighed on the top-line development in Q2. From a channel perspective, the top-line increase was to a similar extent driven by the company’s own direct-to-consumer (DTC) activities as well as increases in wholesale. Within DTC, e-commerce, which now represents more than 20% of the company’s total business, showed double-digit growth reflecting strong product sell-through. From a category perspective, revenue development was strongest in the company’s strategic growth categories Football, Running and Outdoor, which all grew at strong double-digit rates. In euro terms, revenues grew 10% to € 5.596 billion in the second quarter (2021: € 5.077 billion).

Strong demand in Western markets
Revenue growth in the second quarter was driven by Western markets despite last year’s lockdowns in Vietnam still reducing sales, particularly in EMEA and North America, by
€ 200 million in total. In addition, the top-line development in EMEA was also impacted by the loss of revenue in Russia/CIS of more than € 100 million. Nevertheless, currency-neutral sales grew 7% in the region. Revenues in North America increased 21% during the quarter driven by growth of more than 20% in both DTC and wholesale. Revenues in Latin America increased 37%, while Asia-Pacific returned to growth. Currency-neutral revenues increased 3% in this market despite still being impacted by limited tourism activity in the region. In contrast, the company continued to face a challenging market environment in Greater China, mainly related to the continued broad-based covid-19-related restrictions. As a result, currency-neutral revenues in the market declined 35% during the three-months period, in line with previous expectations. Excluding Greater China, currency-neutral revenues in the company’s other markets combined grew 14% in Q2.

Operating profit of € 392 million reflects operating margin of 7.0%
The company’s gross margin declined 1.5 percentage points to 50.3% (2021: 51.8%). Significantly higher supply chain costs and a less favorable market mix due to the significant sales decline in Greater China weighed on the gross margin development. This could only be partly offset by a higher share of full price sales, first price increases and the benefits from currency fluctuations. Other operating expenses were up 19% to € 2.501 billion (2021: € 2.107 billion). As a percentage of sales, other operating expenses increased 3.2 percentage points to 44.7% (2021: 41.5%). Marketing and point-of-sale expenses grew 8% to € 663 million (2021: € 616 million). The company continued to prioritize investments into the launch of new products such as adidas’ new Sportswear collection, the next iteration of its successful Supernova running franchise and first drops related to the Gucci collaboration as well as campaigns around major events like ‘Run for the Oceans.’ As a percentage of sales, marketing and point-of-sale expenses were down 0.3 percentage points to 11.8% (2021: 12.1%). Operating overhead expenses increased by 23% to a level of € 1.838 billion (2021:
€ 1.492 billion). This increase was driven by adidas’ continuous investments into DTC, its digital capabilities and the company’s logistics infrastructure as well as by unfavorable currency fluctuations. As a percentage of sales, operating overhead expenses increased 3.5 percentage points to 32.8% (2021: 29.4%). The company’s operating profit reached a level of € 392 million (2021: € 543 million), resulting in an operating margin of 7.0% (2021: 10.7%).

Net income from continuing operations reaches € 360 million
The company’s net income from continuing operations slightly declined to € 360 million (2021: € 387 million). This result was supported by a one-time tax benefit of more than € 100 million due to the reversal of a prior year provision. Consequently, basic EPS from continuing operations reached € 1.88 (2021: € 1.93) during the quarter.

Currency-neutral revenues on prior year level in the first half of 2022
In the first half of 2022, currency-neutral revenues were flat versus the prior year period. In euro terms, revenues grew 5% to € 10.897 billion in the first six months of 2022 (2021:
€ 10.345 billion). The company’s gross margin declined 1.7 percentage points to 50.1% (2021: 51.8%) during the first half of the year. While price increases as well as positive exchange rate effects benefited the gross margin, these developments were more than offset by the less favorable market mix and significantly higher supply chain costs. Other operating expenses increased to € 4.759 billion (2021: € 4.154 billion) in the first half of the year and were up 3.5 percentage points to 43.7% (2021: 40.2%) as a percentage of sales. adidas generated an operating profit of € 828 million (2021: € 1.248 billion) during the first six months of the year, resulting in an operating margin of 7.6% (2021: 12.1%). Net income from continuing operations reached € 671 million, reflecting a decline of € 219 million compared to the prior year level (2021: € 890 million). Accordingly, basic earnings per share from continuing operations declined to € 3.47 (2021: € 4.52).

Average operating working capital as a percentage of sales slightly decreases
Inventories increased 35% to € 5.483 billion (2021: € 4.054 billion) at June 30, 2022 in anticipation of strong revenue growth during the second half of the year. Longer lead times as well as the challenging market environment in Greater China also contributed to the increase. On a currency-neutral basis, inventories were up 28%. Operating working capital increased 23% to € 5.191 billion (2021: € 4.213 billion). On a currency-neutral basis, operating working capital was up 14%. Average operating working capital as a percentage of sales decreased 0.4 percentage points to 21.0% (2021: 21.4%), reflecting an overproportional increase in accounts payable due to higher sourcing volumes and product costs.

Adjusted net borrowings at € 5.301 billion
Adjusted net borrowings amounted to € 5.301 billion at June 30, 2022, representing a year-over-year increase of € 2.155 billion (June 30, 2021: € 3.146 billion). This development was mainly due to the significant decrease in cash and cash equivalents.

FY 2022 outlook reflects double-digit growth during the second half of the year
On July 26, adidas adjusted its guidance for FY 2022 due to the slower-than-expected recovery in Greater China since the start of the third quarter resulting from continued widespread covid-19-related restrictions. adidas now expects currency-neutral revenues for the total company to grow at a mid- to high-single-digit rate in 2022 (previously: at the lower end of the 11% to 13% range), reflecting a double-digit decline in Greater China (previously: significant decline). While so far the company did not experience a meaningful slowdown in the sell-through of its products or significant cancellations of wholesale orders in any market other than Greater China, the adjusted guidance also accounts for a potential slowdown of consumer spending in those markets during the second half of the year as a result of the more challenging macroeconomic conditions. Therefore, growth in EMEA is now expected to be in the low teens (previously: mid-teens growth), while revenues in Asia-Pacific are projected to grow at a high-single-digit rate (previously: mid-teens growth). Despite the more conservative view on the development of consumer spending in the second half of the year, adidas has increased its forecasts for North America and Latin America reflecting the strong momentum the brand is enjoying in these markets. In North America, currency-neutral revenues are now expected to increase in the high teens. Sales in Latin America are projected to grow between 30% and 40% (both previously: mid- to high-teens growth).   

Due to the less favorable market mix and the impacts from initiatives to clear excess inventories in Greater China until the end of the year, gross margin is now expected to reach a level of around 49.0% (previously: around 50.7%) in 2022. Consequently, the company’s operating margin is now forecast to be around 7.0% (previously: around 9.4%) and net income from continuing operations is expected to reach a level of around € 1.3 billion (previously: at the lower end of the € 1.8 billion to € 1.9 billion range).

More information:
adidas financial year 2022


Photo: munich fabric start

New Format oF MUNICH FABRIC START fully booked

THE SOURCE, the new one-stop solution for integrated fashion sourcing by Munich Fabric Start Exhibitions GmbH, is fully booked. In the Lokhalle, one of the largest cantilevered historic steel halls in Europe, THE SOURCE offers flexible sourcing services and solutions for newly conceived value chains on around 2,500 m2 in direct connection to MUNICH FABRIC START and BLUEZONE.
65 selected international manufacturing companies will present their offerings from cut-make-trim (CMT) to high-end production at the new fair from 30 August to 1 September 2022. A cluster of key sourcing countries such as Portugal, Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia, Bosnia and Vietnam will create a business-relevant mix for risk diversification, the right product mix and for every genre.
THE SOURCE will take place parallel to the MUNICH FABRIC START (30/08 – 01/09/2022) and BLUEZONE (30/08 – 31/08/2022) fairs, with a total of almost 900 exhibitors.

THE SOURCE, the new one-stop solution for integrated fashion sourcing by Munich Fabric Start Exhibitions GmbH, is fully booked. In the Lokhalle, one of the largest cantilevered historic steel halls in Europe, THE SOURCE offers flexible sourcing services and solutions for newly conceived value chains on around 2,500 m2 in direct connection to MUNICH FABRIC START and BLUEZONE.
65 selected international manufacturing companies will present their offerings from cut-make-trim (CMT) to high-end production at the new fair from 30 August to 1 September 2022. A cluster of key sourcing countries such as Portugal, Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia, Bosnia and Vietnam will create a business-relevant mix for risk diversification, the right product mix and for every genre.
THE SOURCE will take place parallel to the MUNICH FABRIC START (30/08 – 01/09/2022) and BLUEZONE (30/08 – 31/08/2022) fairs, with a total of almost 900 exhibitors.


KERN. Consulting for munich fabric start

(c) adidas AG

adidas unveils collection that celebrates community, heritage, and identity

adidas unveils the first of two drops with South African luxury designer, Thebe Magugu. The debut collection for women features the celebratory and joyful artwork of a woman dancing, designed in collaboration with artist Phathu Nembilwi, and influenced by Thebe’s mother, aunt and grandmother, and the theme of femininity, interwoven with leading adidas material technology . Each garment features an abstract selection of bright and punchy colors including, impact orange and yellow, accents of shock pink, backgrounded by pulse lilac. The collection spans across sports including running , swimming , training , tennis , football , and cycling alongside a set of casual lifestyle garments.  

United by a shared passion for inclusivity and kinship, the collection includes a three-piece modesty swimwear set made in part with recycled materials and chlorine resistant fabric that is lightweight and chlorine-resistant; swimwear in inclusive sizing (XS-4XL); and gender-neutral pieces with UNITEFIT – a fit system that is created with a spectrum of sizes, genders, and forms in mind.

adidas unveils the first of two drops with South African luxury designer, Thebe Magugu. The debut collection for women features the celebratory and joyful artwork of a woman dancing, designed in collaboration with artist Phathu Nembilwi, and influenced by Thebe’s mother, aunt and grandmother, and the theme of femininity, interwoven with leading adidas material technology . Each garment features an abstract selection of bright and punchy colors including, impact orange and yellow, accents of shock pink, backgrounded by pulse lilac. The collection spans across sports including running , swimming , training , tennis , football , and cycling alongside a set of casual lifestyle garments.  

United by a shared passion for inclusivity and kinship, the collection includes a three-piece modesty swimwear set made in part with recycled materials and chlorine resistant fabric that is lightweight and chlorine-resistant; swimwear in inclusive sizing (XS-4XL); and gender-neutral pieces with UNITEFIT – a fit system that is created with a spectrum of sizes, genders, and forms in mind.

The high-performance tennis pieces will be premiered during one of the most prominent hardcourt tournaments by adidas’ inspirational athletes Dana Mathewson, Stefanos Tsitsipas, Felix Auger Aliassime and Daria Kasatkina who are passionate about showing support for what matters and encouraging diversity and inclusivity on and off the court. The tennis collection features the Purple NY UNITEFIT Tennis Dress, delivering style and functionality, made in part with recycled materials.

Alongside the performance pieces, the statement Originals looks include the Originals Crop T-shirt, in white and semi pulse lilac, delivering classic streetwear style, and the Originals 7/8 Leggings, a go-to choice for every occasion. The collaboration also includes remixes of iconic adidas footwear silhouettes including the Stan Smith, Nizza Platform, Astir and Forum footwear, which feature design accents from Thebe Magugu's signature prints. Reflecting adidas's commitment to consciously crafting performance materials, hero styles and pieces have also been made in part with recycled materials, just one of the innovations that represent adidas' commitment to help end plastic waste. 

More information:
adidas Sportswear

adidas AG


adidas adjusts outlook for 2022: Declining revenues in Greater China expected

adidas is adjusting its outlook for the financial year 2022. While second quarter results were somewhat ahead of expectations reflecting continued strong momentum in Western markets and a return to growth in Asia-Pacific, the company has been experiencing a slower-than-expected recovery in its business in Greater China since the start of the third quarter. Previously, the company had assumed that in absence of any major lockdowns as of Q3, currency-neutral revenues in the region would be flat during the second half of the year versus the prior year level. However, given the continued widespread covid-19-related restrictions, adidas now expects revenues in Greater China to decline at a double-digit rate during the remainder of the year.

adidas is adjusting its outlook for the financial year 2022. While second quarter results were somewhat ahead of expectations reflecting continued strong momentum in Western markets and a return to growth in Asia-Pacific, the company has been experiencing a slower-than-expected recovery in its business in Greater China since the start of the third quarter. Previously, the company had assumed that in absence of any major lockdowns as of Q3, currency-neutral revenues in the region would be flat during the second half of the year versus the prior year level. However, given the continued widespread covid-19-related restrictions, adidas now expects revenues in Greater China to decline at a double-digit rate during the remainder of the year.

As a result, adidas now expects currency-neutral revenues for the total company to grow at a mid- to high-single-digit rate in 2022 (previously: at the lower end of the 11% – 13% range). Because of the less favorable market mix due to lower-than-expected revenues in Greater China as well as the impact from initiatives to clear excess inventories in this market until the end of the year, the company’s gross margin is now expected to be around 49.0% in 2022 (previously: around 50.7%). Consequently, the company’s operating margin is now forecasted to be around 7.0% in 2022 (previously: around 9.4%) and net income from continuing operations is expected to reach a level of around € 1.3 billion (previously: at the lower end of the € 1.8 billion – € 1.9 billion range).

So far, the company did not experience a meaningful slowdown in the sell-through of its products or significant cancellations of wholesale orders in any other market. Nevertheless, the adjusted guidance also accounts for a potential slowdown of consumer spending in these markets during the second half of the year as a result of the more challenging macroeconomic conditions.

Despite these headwinds, adidas continues to expect double-digit revenue growth during the second half of the year for the total company. In addition to easier prior year comparables, the acceleration will be driven by adidas’ strong product pipeline, the restocking opportunity with its wholesale customers given unconstrained supply as well as the support from major sporting events.

Based on preliminary numbers, adidas’ currency-neutral revenues grew 4% during the second quarter. This increase was driven by strong double-digit growth in North America and Latin America, high-single-digit growth in EMEA (also double-digit growth excluding negative Russia/CIS impact) as well as a return to growth in Asia-Pacific. In euro terms, sales increased 10% to € 5.596 billion. The company’s gross margin declined 1.5 percentage points to a level of 50.3% and operating margin reached 7.0% during the second quarter (2021: 10.7%). Net income from continuing operations was € 360 million in Q2 (2021: € 387 million) supported by a one-time tax benefit of more than € 100 million due to the reversal of a prior year provision.

More information:
adidas financial year 2022

adidas AG

(c) FROY

FROY wins C.L.A.S.S. ICON 2022

C.L.A.S.S. Eco Hub has selected the winner of C.L.A.S.S. ICON Award 2022, the annual contest with the aim of sponsoring a visionary creative who is able to combine design, responsibility, innovation and communication. Receiving the third edition of the eye-turning award is FROY Club, an experimental and responsible fashion project born in 2018 by designer Arman Avetikyan.

Froy is rooted in Armenian culture and by mixes high quality materials and yarns. Working with a sustainable ethic, Froy reconciles traditional know how and innovative techniques to create hybrid, versatile and speaking surfaces. The brand uses Italian certified fabrics and yarns that meet European standards, selecting natural materials to create high-quality products with a circular life. Froy also chooses GOTS, FSC and OEKO-TEX certified fabrics and yarns in order to support a clear production chain.

C.L.A.S.S. Eco Hub has selected the winner of C.L.A.S.S. ICON Award 2022, the annual contest with the aim of sponsoring a visionary creative who is able to combine design, responsibility, innovation and communication. Receiving the third edition of the eye-turning award is FROY Club, an experimental and responsible fashion project born in 2018 by designer Arman Avetikyan.

Froy is rooted in Armenian culture and by mixes high quality materials and yarns. Working with a sustainable ethic, Froy reconciles traditional know how and innovative techniques to create hybrid, versatile and speaking surfaces. The brand uses Italian certified fabrics and yarns that meet European standards, selecting natural materials to create high-quality products with a circular life. Froy also chooses GOTS, FSC and OEKO-TEX certified fabrics and yarns in order to support a clear production chain.

By receiving two thousand euros for sourcing purposes, smart consultancy support and communication aid from the C.L.A.S.S. team, plus assistance to the brand in commercial activities, a physical stand in the WHITE Show and a dedicated brand page on Renoon powered by C.L.A.S.S. partners; Froy will have the opportunity to upgrade its efforts in terms of responsibility and innovation, while sharing its conscious vision and values with a wider audience. Moreover, the Italian brand with Armenian roots will become part of the C.L.A.S.S. ICON community, joining past winners such as the high fashion Italian designer Gilberto Calzolari and the Portuguese streetwear brand Duarte



(c) Schwitzke & Partner

Schwitzke & Partner konzipiert Düsseldorfer Ausstellungsfläche von SWING

Das Occasionwear-Label SWING steht für feminine Tageskleider, elegante Cocktaildresses und festliche Abendroben. Nun hat SWING eine neue Präsenz im dichten und zentral gelegenen Showroom-Netz namhafter Fashionbrands in Düsseldorf bezogen. Die Gestaltung der 200 m² großen Ausstellungsfläche wurde vom Architektenbüro Schwitzke & Partner konzipiert. Die Umbaumaßnahmen betreute die Schwesterfirma, der Generalübernehmer Schwitzke Project.

Nicht nur die Individualität der Ware spielt heutzutage im Modebusiness eine Rolle, sondern auch der Ort, an dem die Ware präsentiert wird – er soll den Markenkern widerspiegeln und ein Erlebnis bieten. Geschäftsführer Moritz Schwack sieht sich als Gastgeber im neuen Showroom von SWING, der als Treffpunkt für Einkäuferinnen und Einkäufer dient. Sie sollen sich während der Präsentation der aktuellen Kollektion im Showroom wohlfühlen und sich in der Lounge oder an den Ordertischen zum Verweilen eingeladen fühlen. Dafür sorgen auch die harmonischen Pastelltöne, die durch schwarz-lackierte Metallelemente und Messing akzentuiert werden und die DNA der Marke vermitteln: positiv, feminin und dennoch spannungsgeladen und modern.

Das Occasionwear-Label SWING steht für feminine Tageskleider, elegante Cocktaildresses und festliche Abendroben. Nun hat SWING eine neue Präsenz im dichten und zentral gelegenen Showroom-Netz namhafter Fashionbrands in Düsseldorf bezogen. Die Gestaltung der 200 m² großen Ausstellungsfläche wurde vom Architektenbüro Schwitzke & Partner konzipiert. Die Umbaumaßnahmen betreute die Schwesterfirma, der Generalübernehmer Schwitzke Project.

Nicht nur die Individualität der Ware spielt heutzutage im Modebusiness eine Rolle, sondern auch der Ort, an dem die Ware präsentiert wird – er soll den Markenkern widerspiegeln und ein Erlebnis bieten. Geschäftsführer Moritz Schwack sieht sich als Gastgeber im neuen Showroom von SWING, der als Treffpunkt für Einkäuferinnen und Einkäufer dient. Sie sollen sich während der Präsentation der aktuellen Kollektion im Showroom wohlfühlen und sich in der Lounge oder an den Ordertischen zum Verweilen eingeladen fühlen. Dafür sorgen auch die harmonischen Pastelltöne, die durch schwarz-lackierte Metallelemente und Messing akzentuiert werden und die DNA der Marke vermitteln: positiv, feminin und dennoch spannungsgeladen und modern.

„Auch wenn die digitale Order über unser optimiertes B2B Portal in den letzten Monaten deutlich an Fahrt aufgenommen hat, bleibt der direkte Kontakt mit unseren Partnern für beide Seiten unersetzlich. Die zukünftige Rolle des Showrooms ist interaktiv: Im Rahmen von Orderrunden präsentiert sich die Marke nach außen hin, ist aber gleichzeitig auch eine lebendige Kommunikationsplattform, auf der sich die Marke im Austausch weiterentwickelt und gemeinsam gestalten lässt“, so Moritz Schwack, Geschäftsführer von SWING.


Schwitzke & Partner / PR + Presseagentur textschwester


EPIC Group and CleanKore: Plans to Advance Sustainable Denim

The partnership will aim at eliminating hazardous Potassium Permanganate Spray and most manual processes in denim finishing, while reducing Greenhouse Gas emissions, water and chemical use in the process

Hong Kong based Epic Group, a leading garment manufacturer for global brands today announced its strategic partnership with CleanKore, a denim innovation and patent licensing company. This partnership aims at scaling the CleanKore patented yarn dyeing technology that provides numerous sustainability benefits for both the denim mill and garment manufacturer.

CleanKore patented technology changes the chemistry and the process used to dyeing yarns at the denim mills by keeping intact the white core of the yarn and only dyeing the surface. This technology significantly reduces water, chemicals and process time in the denim garment finishing stage.

The partnership will aim at eliminating hazardous Potassium Permanganate Spray and most manual processes in denim finishing, while reducing Greenhouse Gas emissions, water and chemical use in the process

Hong Kong based Epic Group, a leading garment manufacturer for global brands today announced its strategic partnership with CleanKore, a denim innovation and patent licensing company. This partnership aims at scaling the CleanKore patented yarn dyeing technology that provides numerous sustainability benefits for both the denim mill and garment manufacturer.

CleanKore patented technology changes the chemistry and the process used to dyeing yarns at the denim mills by keeping intact the white core of the yarn and only dyeing the surface. This technology significantly reduces water, chemicals and process time in the denim garment finishing stage.

Denim garment finishing often involves onerous manual processes such as handsanding and hand whiskering, spraying of harmful Potassium Permanganate (PP) (done by heavily protective equipment donned personnel), and multiple washing cycles. CleanKore technology coupled with lasers enable elimination of the PP spray process, significantly improving health and wellbeing of apparel workers, as well as emissions of harmful chemicals. Manual processes are eliminated in most styles and significantly reduced in others.

CleanKore technology also enables the reduction of wash cycles – reducing water, chemical use and process time, adding to the sustainability credentials of the end products. The products currently tested by Epic Group and CleanKore demonstrate up to 44% of water savings in garment finishing and up to 60% of energy savings in the fabric dyeing stage, along with the elimination of PP spray.

Through their partnership, Epic Group and CleanKore are planning to rapidly scale up the adoption of this technology in partnership with Epic Group’s customer base. In the first year, the partnership plans to reach over 4 million pairs of denim and working towards a scale of 15 - 20 million pairs of denim per annum in the next 3 years, converting a large portion of Epic Group’s denim production to CleanKore technology.


EPIC Group & CleanKore

(c) adidas AG

adidas Basketball announces the Candace Parker Collection Part II

adidas Basketball in collaboration with basketball GOAT and legend, Candace Parker , unveils the new Candace Parker Collection Part II with retail partner DICK’S Sporting Goods. Rooted in a shared commitment to empower aspiring women athletes and hoopers – who like Parker set out to create their own legacy, the encore collection is the embodiment of Parker’s evolution on-and-off the court melding Ace’s style and performance insights for the next generation player.

adidas Basketball in collaboration with basketball GOAT and legend, Candace Parker , unveils the new Candace Parker Collection Part II with retail partner DICK’S Sporting Goods. Rooted in a shared commitment to empower aspiring women athletes and hoopers – who like Parker set out to create their own legacy, the encore collection is the embodiment of Parker’s evolution on-and-off the court melding Ace’s style and performance insights for the next generation player.

The Candace Parker Collection Part II launches with the all-new Exhibit B, arriving in three custom colorways employing Lightstrike cushioning for fluid and dynamic handling. Each iteration of Parker's Exhibit Bs are inspired by her personal journey beginning with the “For Lailaa Nicole” receiving emerald green with silver accents in honor of her daughter. As for Parker, it’s not about “wearing the crown,” but about “sharing it” resulting in “Game Royalty”, a purple and gold colorway representing African queens followed by an ash blue and shadow navy for “Windy City” version signifying the hometown hero’s 2022 league title and rounded out by three unique Exhibit B “Elevated Team” colorways emphasizing the magic of teamwork.

The Candace Parker Collection Part II is an elevation for the new generation of athletes completed with a vibrant combination of pre to post-game apparel offerings including signature Ace sweatsuits, cropped jackets and hoodies, all paired with an assortment of tees and shorts that harken back to pivotal moments in Parker’s career. The return of inclusive sizing is paramount and purposeful, allowing Parker’s vision for expanded access to female and non-binary athletes who’ve traditionally had to size down to access men’s basketball apparel and footwear.

More information:
adidas Sportswear

adidas AG


INNATEX: Countdown to 50th international trade fair for sustainable textiles

The 50th INNATEX fair opens its gates to a Green Fashion trade audience from 29 to 31 July 2022 in Hofheim-Wallau, near Frankfurt. At this anniversary fair, over 200 labels will be exhibiting, a wide range of experts and organisations will be gathering, and elaborate features and facilities are planned for the Rhein-Main exhibition centre.

According to INNATEX project manager Alexander Hitzel, one highlight is the Community Area, which brings together a range of experts. In short lounge talks, they reveal insights into what they are currently working on and a dialogue format encourages personal discussion. Mirjam Smend, whom we know well from Greenstyle Munich, introduces her recently launched sustainability magazine, Pureviu, and facilitates the morning talks.

The 50th INNATEX fair opens its gates to a Green Fashion trade audience from 29 to 31 July 2022 in Hofheim-Wallau, near Frankfurt. At this anniversary fair, over 200 labels will be exhibiting, a wide range of experts and organisations will be gathering, and elaborate features and facilities are planned for the Rhein-Main exhibition centre.

According to INNATEX project manager Alexander Hitzel, one highlight is the Community Area, which brings together a range of experts. In short lounge talks, they reveal insights into what they are currently working on and a dialogue format encourages personal discussion. Mirjam Smend, whom we know well from Greenstyle Munich, introduces her recently launched sustainability magazine, Pureviu, and facilitates the morning talks.

Alongside standard bodies such as IVN and GOTS, which have taken part in INNATEX for many years, younger projects such as Fairmodel and the digital platform Retraced will be part of this special area. Fairtrade Germany, Femnet and the VDMD are to be found there too. Almost all of them are joining in with the Ask Me Anything dialouge format. Interested attendees can pre-book a slot of up to ten minutes for a personal discussion with the expert of their choice.

The supportive activities that had to be suspended during the pandemic are enjoying a comeback at this year’s summer fair: five newcomers to INNATEX designated DesignDiscoveries will be presenting their projects in another special area. Vegtus, from Barcelona, produces sneakers and other products from cactus leather. Natural textiles such as organic cotton are used by Lounge Cherie, a yoga fashion label.

Products for kids through to seniors, classics and streetwear, footwear and accessories
Nordlicht similarly relies on recyclable, renewable natural fibres for its outerwear, bags and accessories. The field of circular fashion is also served by the remaining two Design Discoveries. Both Nature is Future, with its handmade sneakers, and Freibeutler, with its functional rucksacks, make extensive use of recycled materials, while also paying due attention to broader sustainability aspects.

Regular INNATEX exhibitors include Lana, Chapati and Didymos, all of whom are also celebrating anniversaries. Labels such as Anokho with their colourful accessories in jacquard fabrics and Danish label Angel Circle with its plus-size fashion are exhibiting for the first time.



(c) ISKO

ISKO™ presents Luxury collection by PG at Première Vision in New York

ISKO teams up with Paolo Gnutti, to break new ground in the world of premium, luxury denim. Combining ISKO’s advanced denim technologies with PG’s creative vision, the result is a special ISKO™ Luxury collection by PG, characterized by a unique high-end appeal.

The collection embodies ISKO’s most revolutionary technological innovations combined with the long-standing expertise of Paolo Gnutti, who explored aesthetics highly profiled to the unique needs of the luxury segment through 7 main moods:

ISKO teams up with Paolo Gnutti, to break new ground in the world of premium, luxury denim. Combining ISKO’s advanced denim technologies with PG’s creative vision, the result is a special ISKO™ Luxury collection by PG, characterized by a unique high-end appeal.

The collection embodies ISKO’s most revolutionary technological innovations combined with the long-standing expertise of Paolo Gnutti, who explored aesthetics highly profiled to the unique needs of the luxury segment through 7 main moods:

  1. Denim addicted, celebrating total denim looks, offering classic silhouettes mixed up with revised volumes and details;
  2. Y2k, bringing back the 2000s typical style featuring exposed skin, low waist pants, micro tops, mini skirts, shrunken garments, butterfly decorations and embellishments;
  3. Fanaticism, featuring bright, bold colors, intricate prints and logos combined with details that meet ample volume styles;
  4. Bounder glam, all about glammed-up leather effects inspired by bikers' unapologetic style and applied to oversize fits, cutouts and lace-ups styles;
  5. Moto’roll, where the iconic 60s and 70s biker style is back with a modern twist and a vast range of treatments and fabrics, offering men and women true crowdpleasers;
  6. Gingham mania, an in-depth exploration of the gingham trend which finds expression through various dimensions and techniques that cater to any silhouette;
  7. Rugged re-made, which celebrates workwear and historical garments creating a style that combines history with technologies, solutions and treatments to recreate that vintage look dear to the heart of lovers of denim heritage
More information:
Isko Paolo Gnutti Première Vision

ISKO / Menabò Group srl

(c) Checkpoint Systems GmbH

Checkpoint introduces pinless OPAL Tags

Checkpoint Systems, a provider of source to shopper solutions to the retail industry, has announced the launch of the OPAL Tag. The new pinless article surveillance solution facilitates the protection of footwear, sportswear, outdoor equipment and other hard-to-protect goods.

The one-piece OPAL Tag, developed by Checkpoint’s Alpha High Theft Solutions division, uses a unique locking mechanism that includes small rubber pads. This pinless solution is suitable for a range of goods – including footwear, sportswear, outdoor clothing as well as outdoor and athletics equipment – as it ensures that the device does not damage the items when it is attached or removed.

In addition, the OPAL Tag has two other advantages: It is easy for store associates to apply and remove with just one hand, optimising workflows - and it is unobtrusive, improving the customer experience. For example, if it is attached to a shoe, the customer can still try on the item without having to ask staff for help.

Checkpoint Systems, a provider of source to shopper solutions to the retail industry, has announced the launch of the OPAL Tag. The new pinless article surveillance solution facilitates the protection of footwear, sportswear, outdoor equipment and other hard-to-protect goods.

The one-piece OPAL Tag, developed by Checkpoint’s Alpha High Theft Solutions division, uses a unique locking mechanism that includes small rubber pads. This pinless solution is suitable for a range of goods – including footwear, sportswear, outdoor clothing as well as outdoor and athletics equipment – as it ensures that the device does not damage the items when it is attached or removed.

In addition, the OPAL Tag has two other advantages: It is easy for store associates to apply and remove with just one hand, optimising workflows - and it is unobtrusive, improving the customer experience. For example, if it is attached to a shoe, the customer can still try on the item without having to ask staff for help.

Proven security features
Besides the new, optimised handling, the OPAL Tag has a bandwidth of security features that have proven successful for retailers in preventing theft. These include flashing LED lighting to deter potential thieves, showing them that the security device is live. The OPAL solution is also equipped with Alpha 2 Alarm technology, meaning that an alarm will sound if the device passes by an EAS antenna. Attempts at tampering are also detected in this way.


Checkpoint Systems GmbH / Carta GmbH

(c) adidas AG

adidas launches its first product in collaboration with Spinnova

The adidas TERREX HS1 is one of the first knitted products to be made in part with Spinnova technology. At least 30% of the fabric in this mid-layer hiking hoodie comes from wood-based SPINNOVA® fibres (other fibres)* and 70% from cotton (organic).

Adidas is committed to helping End Plastic Waste via a three-loop strategy that consists of using recycled materials, materials that can be made to be remade and in the case of Made with Nature, products created in part with natural ingredients, such as the adidas TERREX HS1.  

The first product to emerge from this partnership, the adidas TERREX HS1 mid-layer is a piece of multi-functional gear that works on the trails and then rolls up into its hood for easy storage or to create a pillow on longer adventures. It was designed using UNITEFIT – an all-gender fit system created with a spectrum of sizes, genders, and forms in mind.

The adidas TERREX HS1 is one of the first knitted products to be made in part with Spinnova technology. At least 30% of the fabric in this mid-layer hiking hoodie comes from wood-based SPINNOVA® fibres (other fibres)* and 70% from cotton (organic).

Adidas is committed to helping End Plastic Waste via a three-loop strategy that consists of using recycled materials, materials that can be made to be remade and in the case of Made with Nature, products created in part with natural ingredients, such as the adidas TERREX HS1.  

The first product to emerge from this partnership, the adidas TERREX HS1 mid-layer is a piece of multi-functional gear that works on the trails and then rolls up into its hood for easy storage or to create a pillow on longer adventures. It was designed using UNITEFIT – an all-gender fit system created with a spectrum of sizes, genders, and forms in mind.

Made in part with Spinnova technology , a minimum of 30% of the fabric in the adidas TERREX HS1 comes from wood-based SPINNOVA® fibres (other fibres)* that are made by grinding wood pulp with water into a paste and then spun into a textile fibre.

The product also works with the material’s natural color. Since no dyeing or bleaching is applied, in turn this uses less water compared to the standard dyeing process.

* (Rayon) in US, (New type of cellulose fibre) in China

More information:
adidas Spinnova Fibers fibres Recycling

adidas AG